Politics – Paranoia with Self-Reflection

February 16, 2024





Padmini Arhant

The power mongering politics paranoia with own reflection – systemic corruption, core criminality and abuse of power is behind silencing and eliminating voice against poison politics.

The deeply insecure pathological criminal politics imprisonment and murder of formidable opponent trending in contemporary politics is suicidal for clique individually and collectively, the pseudo power cowardice is characteristic of decadent gluttonous guilty politics.

The trait shunning resolute opposition to incorrigible status quo is mirror reflection of rejecting own image citing mirror as the problem and not the object and subject.

Anything beyond salvation is unsustainable expediting imminent expiration of such political era.

History and reality are testament to the fact.

Padmini Arhant 

Political Quiz

January 26, 2024

Political Quiz

Padmini Arhant

World Court Rejects Demand for Gaza Cease-Fire

World Court (?) – International Court of Justice evidently INJUSTICE?

The bizarre and insane ruling by the so-called World court ruling against the overwhelming majority of the world on Gaza Ceasefire is the open shut case on criminality and genocidal predators in control of world population.

The time and resources wasted regarding such institution worthy of any respect and purpose is clarified succinctly in this ruling favoring crimes against humanity.

Alas, the wolves aren’t in sheep clothing anymore.

However, everyone without exception in this willful malignant GENOCIDE authorizing continuation of the murder of innocent civilians not barring infants in incubators in Palestine are also due for their judgment accordingly by the Supreme Authority in the Kingdom of God.

What more?

There is a silver lining even in the darkest clouds after all.

International Court of Justice (ICJ) rather Injustice ruling has no legality as the action is merely a catharsis maintained thus far and poignantly the state viz. Israel in whose extraordinary favor the ICJ has issued this decree is not a member and therefore the ICJ exercise at whomsoever behest and instigation reached this abominable decision is null and void.

Padmini Arhant

Emphatic TRUTH:

Those assuming and defiantly remaining in power on the delusion they are indispensable and that the nation and the world would collapse upon their exit or removal from power are enlightened with emphatic truth. 

Any leadership as the head of the state claim and believe they are irreplaceable and hence lifetime position is justifiable admittedly declare their individual incompetence and colossal failure to generate talent, leadership qualities, thinkers, visionaries and diverse contributions towards collective progress, development and prosperity.

The status quo is synonymous to a teacher with students failing to meet standard requirements to survive and succeed in life in the former objective to retain the job for lifetime. The paradoxical scenario obstructs new enrollment by detaining / failing entire class for personal interest.

The condition then attributed to the one heading the class as the only one capable and suitable for the position despite results revealing otherwise. 

Padmini Arhant 


1. Who should be helped anytime in life?

A. Dog in difficulty. ☑️

B. Sleazy uncouth ungrateful exploitative politics seeking power only turn around and show true colors regardless.👎

2. What is the indicator of poor economic growth?

A. Export domestic labor force overseas with unemployment at 8 – 10% or more in national economy.

B. Imports at all time high. Inflation, Interest and Income tax at peak.

C. Per capita income is all time low.

D. Significantly behind in the global poverty index than other developing nations in the region.

E. All of the above. ☑️

3. What is fake glory?

A. The quid pro quo bribe with economic and monetary transactions for glorification in public. ☑️

B. Performance exemplified with modesty.

4. What kind of politics endanger national interests?

A. Coup d’é·tat, corruption, criminality, lack of transparency and accountability, extension of power by any means and at all costs jeopardizing republic status and democracy.☑️

B. Acknowledge own failure and aid able and reliable replacement.

5. What is true leadership?

A. Create leaders among general population on merit barring cronyism.☑️

B. Respect term limits in office and facilitate peaceful efficient succession of power.☑️

C. Deny opportunity to talented and potential prospects.

D. Promote violence, exploit social and religious aspects, polarization of society for political gains.

E. Never seize or claim anything that does not belong or apply to self i.e. hijack identity.☑️

F. Servile to oligarchy, special interests and obedient to evil diktat.

G. Tolerance to free speech and basic constitutional rights. ☑️

H. Accept constructive criticism gracefully without acrimony and political vendetta.☑️

Padmini Arhant 

Publication of 2500 Articles in primary and sub-domain

October 28, 2023

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Publication of 2500 Articles in Primary and sub-domain

Padmini Arhant

Proudly mark the publication of 2500 posts / articles in the primary and sub domain completing since 2008 till date and more to come.

The service to humanity barring preference and prejudice began in childhood and maintained throughout life towards enlightenment of the ignorant minds and empowerment of the voiceless, weak and vulnerable in the hegemonic hierarchical supremacy dominant era.

The upcoming presentation commemorating the extraordinary feat enduring arduous, misogynistic, contentious and contemptuous ordeal would also encompass Gaza and Ukraine war – the western dichotomy in the justification of paradoxical paradigm.

The bruised ramshackled forces waging persistent personal attacks and vicious smear campaigns against me since my emergence and thus far deploying diverse tactics and strategy not even sparing innocent children in their nuanced innuendoes insinuations continue to experience self-inflicted ramifications affecting them – the sources and catalysts to the contrary.

Notwithstanding the presumptuous mighty saber rattling defining and determine the existence of others not in their league as persona non grata aka unwelcome forgetting the world is neither created by them nor revolve around them.

As an individual pledged to truth, peace, courage and integrity in absolute commitment to Almighty never deter from the divine mission like the Sun and the moon dispelling darkness with the bright sunshine and dazzling moonlight.

Padmini Arhant



Credibility Jeopardy

October 13, 2023

Credibility Jeopardy

Padmini Arhant

The so-called world’s largest democracy politics retreating from earlier position on international affair with the earlier tweet from the political helm emphatically echoing personal and the government’s actual sentiments on the Israeli – Palestine conflict,

Subsequently, upon publication of message on the matter in the parent website viz. this domain, the incumbent administration’s Foreign ministry adapting copycat trait mimicking position in 360 degrees turn only amplify the lack of integrity and sincerity in the ongoing serious warfare.

Notwithstanding, the deviations within short span highlighting duplicity and credibility jeopardy.

There is nothing like original delineating from fake and imitation not barring fraudulence.

Being true to oneself enables truthfulness in general.

Padmini Arhant 

Point of No Return is Dead End

April 11, 2023

Point of No Return


Dead End

Padmini Arhant

Anything incorrigibly corrupt, criminal and vulgar in misogyny invoking and provoking identity politics exemplifying ill-treatment and abuse of women in their own family and society – the narcissism and chauvinism evolved into fascism reaching the point of no return wreaking havoc is harbinger of self-annihilation.

The decadence with no desire to deviate from destruction is a dead end reflected in status quo with democracy on sale attached to price tag and upended to suit the faulty fake fraudulent might rather than righteous right.

The goon gutter politics, the variety crony minion media and entertainment industry…in Indian society servile and subservient to Satans’ shenanigans running the gamut in global arena are reminded of Indian epics conclusions in the prevalence of misogynist culture. The male and female sycophants eagerly surrendered to satanic dominance met their fate accordingly in the end justifying the means reality.

Considering the culture and identity appropriation mania and obsession trending right now, the following aptly represent the imminent justification leading to termination.

When chosen by evil to serve as proxy, puppet and pawn, the choice in any position, capacity and act is and belong to evil league and destiny. No second guessing there.

The pseudo posturing and presentation with mimicry such as fist and other gestures only reveal the conspicuous falsehood i.e. impostors. 

Indian epics from Ramayana to Mahabharata and various legendary events had women – goddess Adi Sakti as Sita, Draupati, Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ganga and alike…representing valor, honor, justice, beauty, fertility, prosperity, kindness, compassion, benevolence, wit, knowledge and intellect, above all purity, sanctity and virtues…comprehensively the composite Mother Nature and Mother Earth appropriated the demons and their obsequious male and female recruits to an apocalyptic end for their evil actions and mass voluntary collusion lured by power, fame, fortune and publicity in semblance with contemporary events.

Regardless of world transition since creation, the evil and wicked together with their groveling contingency never prevail and ultimately perish succumbing to their malevolence. 

It would be foolish and presumptuous of evil and representatives to assume anything otherwise this time.

Padmini Arhant

New Year 2022 Speech Presentation

January 13, 2022

New Year 2022 Speech Presentation

Padmini Arhant

The New Year 2022 speech will be presented shortly with facts and details on issues relevant to humanity.

Padmini Arhant 

India – India Defense Force Personnel Tragedy

December 8, 2021

India – India Defense Force Personnel Tragedy

Padmini Arhant

I convey my sincere condolences to the combined Indian Defense Force and India on the latest tragic demise of the Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat, spouse Madhulika Rawat, the senior most officer Brigadier L.S.Lidder and other defense personnel killed in the chopper crash reportedly in TamilNadu, India.

The loss of top brass and army personnel in the line of defense force is regrettable.

I express my thoughts and prayers for the victims’ families and survivors in this moment of grief and mourning.

Padmini Arhant 

Afghanistan – Turmoil in Talibanization

August 17, 2021

Afghanistan – Turmoil in Talibanization

Padmini Arhant 

Afghanistan siege prolonged with Talibanization forcing native Afghans and foreign occupants to flee the nation.

Could this by any definition – Mission Accomplished in accordance with then crafted Project for New American Century (PNAC) built-in with 9/11 terror attack followed by decimation of nations in symmetry?

Imperialism insignia is turmoil, tumult and treachery since the dawn of dominance far and wide.

What else is new in the Superpower game?

Please stay tuned to find out more on the enthralling adventure involving illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter




Hello America and World!

February 17, 2021

Hello America and World! 

Padmini Arhant


The live presentation will be posted shortly.

In view of all issues and developments as well as to update, inform and share concerns on ongoing events in the United States and across the globe, 

There will be an address on matter related to citizens and different aspects affecting lives and livelihoods in the United States and global economy.

Your patience is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Best Wishes

Padmini Arhant 

Biden Administration – Unity Discord

January 24, 2021

Biden Administration – Unity Discord

Padmini Arhant

The so-called Black President Barack Obama installed and run Biden-Emhoff administration axes the African American Surgeon General Jerome Adams position, the first target upon the administration assuming power.

The crony media propagated Barack Obama’s 3.0 is in action.

Surgeon General Jerome Adams – the second only African American to be appointed for this post by President Donald Trump was the first appointee to be removed from office. The Trump appointee African American Surgeon General Jerome Adams term was not due for expiry until September of this year i.e. 2021.

The other African American designated to this position was Joycelyn Elders – a Bill Clinton appointee, subsequently fired for controversial public statement on sex education. Then Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders’ Boss, the former President Bill Clinton ironically distanced from the SG’s statement claiming that was a personal and not administration’s view. 

Joe Biden emphasis on unity and opportunity to minority along side Kamala Emhoff touting blackness during public appearance targeting the African American as the first casualty in the administration is reminiscent of Barack Obama, the so-called first Black President wrongfully firing the female African American Shirley Sherrod, then public official from the agriculture department.

The fawning mainstream media over the current Biden-Emhoff administration would have been ballistic upon Trump administration carrying out such action at the administration onset regardless of any reason.

The MSM hypocrisy ad nauseam is barely the beginning of the tortuous media bias in the offing. 

Padmini Arhant 

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