Sasha Arhant – The Blessed Soul

February 21, 2016

Padmini Arhant

Padmini Arhant

Sasha Arhant – The Blessed Soul

From:  Padmini Arhnat

With grief and sorrow, I share the news on the demise of our beloved Sasha Arhant – family pet this morning.

Sasha personified true love and endearment.  They are called human’s best friend in life not without a reason.

I dedicate the poem to my Sweet Angel. 

Sasha Arhant – Our Guardian Angel!

Our lives blossomed upon your arrival

Your presence resembled day at carnival

Elegance, beauty and charm your assets

Unconditional love and loyalty your domain

A gift wrapped in a bundle

Sash you are our Guardian Angel! 


You are our inspiration beyond imagination

Your determination to strive exceeded realization

Sweet, adorable and strong willed demeanor

Made every moment pleasant and brighter

May your soul rest in peace

Sash – You are our Guardian Angel!


Now you are the brilliant star

In eternal bliss and endless happiness

Heavenly abode with paradise as home  

With no pain and only gain

May you guard us in spirit

Sash – You are our Guardian Angel!

Farewell! Sasha Arhant my beloved daughter.

Peace to all!

Padmini Arhant








World – Current Affairs

January 9, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

Highlights Preview:

Project for New American Century – Facts and events related to the mission will continue to dominate the topic of discussion. 

The rise of sleeping giantGermany as the new addition in the P5+1, the  exclusive unipolar decision making body – UNSC authorizing economic sanctions and military intervention against non-western nations will be the focus in the upcoming article.

GermanyEU chief representative in collusion with monetary authorities – ECB, IMF and leading financial institutions behind austerity imposition in Europe serve financiers vested interests at ordinary citizens’ expense contributing to deepening income disparity and economic problems. 

Germany deployment of troops in Iraq, Syria and now Libya under the pretext of training local armed forces besides lucrative defense contracts with Saudi Arabia regardless of latter established as terror facilitator in funding, arming and training terror networks throughout middle east confirms hegemony operation. 


The foes and friends in disguise.  

The quest for conquest persists despite catastrophic outcome.

A glance at failures and devastating results in the pursuit for global dominance premised on the end justifying the means would provide insight to fait accompli.

The reality check would clarify the destination. 

Topics to resume in due course.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Face the Truth – Featuring Hegemony

November 7, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Welcome to Face the Truth program.

Hegemony, incognito power represented by myriad forces in diverse background.

Hegemony in control of politics, economy, social issues, communication media, entertainment, environment and religion.

Hegemony policies and strategies are responsible for status quo.

Accordingly, I pose the following questions to hegemony.

  1. Is there democracy today?
  1. The unlimited financing from different sources near and far in election campaigns deprive electorate from representation – In these conditions could elections be considered free and fair?
  1. Do political dynasty, royalty, constitutional monarchy and theocracy rule constitute democracy?
  1. Are governments representing the people or incognito power?
  1. Hegemony rule through proxy governance promoting incognito power agenda. How does it serve the nation or the people?
  1. Hegemony reliance on subversion and deception to prolong authority confirms desperate times seeking desperate measures despite fait accompli. What is the purpose behind continuation of fallacious dogma?
  1. Why should taxpayers fund feudalism, imperialism and elitism premised on parasitic tradition?
  1. Hegemony policies and strategies proved recipe for disasters. Why should the world remain hostage to destructive course?
  1. Hegemony deployment of terror for vested interests resulting in death and decimation of lives and nations worldwide. The incessant violence benefitting military industrial complex stakeholders target innocent citizens and states for destabilization. Are they not valid reasons to end hegemony dominance?
  1. Hegemony representatives are granted immunity from crimes essentially authorizing lawlessness and criminality not to mention abuse of power. How could such representation become legitimate leadership in the so-called democracy?
  1. Last but not the least – Hegemony intolerance to truth, free speech, equal rights and opportunity besides illegal intrusive surveillance, selective profiling and prejudice verify authoritarianism. Is it not appropriate to reject hegemony and hypocrisy in disguise as democracy?

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant





Thank you my visitors and supporters – Padmini Arhant

November 4, 2015

By and From: Padmini Arhant

Dear Visitors,

Your time and effort to share your thoughts on the articles and interviews featured in is acknowledged with respect. 

I take the opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation to visitors, supporters and critics alike for my hard work and contributions since inception and earlier throughout 2008 United States Presidential election and subsequently thus far. 

The discussion, articles publication and presentation of events will resume to educate, inform and create public awareness.

Any delay or pause experienced is due to considerations in format variation and other techniques involved in the process. 

Your patience and interest is always welcome. 

Thank you.

Best Wishes.

Padmini Arhant


United States – Presidential Race

September 20, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

United States Presidential race is nothing more than a charade.  The political event is now an entertainment to resurrect lack luster main stream media rating besides deflecting public attention from core national and international issues concerning humanity at large.

Since the forces such as Wall Street, AIPAC, NRA, religious zealots and institutions representing imperial agenda – operating behind the scenes govern the political system,

United States electorate could be spared from huge liability with elections costing taxpayers enormous amount to legitimize illegitimate authority.

Office of Presidency is a mere formality for campaign bidders holding exclusive rights on candidacies depriving the nation of republic status.

Accordingly, the Presidential election organizers could save money and instead purchase rubber stamp bearing the designation – President of the United States considering name and political affiliations are irrelevant in the contemporary trend.

The seriousness of political governance would matter upon terminating incognito.power.

More on this to follow in due course.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant








World Affairs: Hegemony Backed Regimes Fate

September 17, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

On public request – snapshot on hegemony backed regimes fate.

The question posed to me was to briefly state the outcome on hegemony created, supported and promoted regimes worldwide thus far.

Answer.  Unfortunately for the regimes and sponsors the marriage resulted in dissolution and regimes suffered imprisonment not barring fatal consequences upon public disillusionment.

Few examples clarify the fact.

IranKing Mohammad Reza Pahlavi deposed by Islamic Revolution in 1979.  A year later died in exile in Egypt in 1980. 

IraqEx- President Saddam Hussein.  Hegemony ally hanged in public view via world telecast.

LibyaColonel Muammar Gaddafi.  Assassinated in public.

EgyptFormer President Hosni Mubarak. Ousted by Egypt revolution currently evading legal repercussions with impending final judgment upon departure from earth.

Tunisia – Western and Saudi Arabia favored former head of the government Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali removed from power through popular uprising.

YemenFormer President Ali Abdhullah Saleh expelled by the people following four decades of oppression.

Africa – deserves exclusive mention considering high statistics across the continent. Accordingly scheduled for later discussion.

South East Asia:

IndonesiaEx-President Suharto dictatorial governance brought to an end with the Premier’s resignation. The government gained notoriety for corruption and iron fist rule.

PhilippinesFormer ruler Ferdinand Marcos forced to flee the nation with people revolt against corruption, collusion in foreign subjugation and rising poverty.

ThailandEx-Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva term (2008-2011) was rocked by violence, corruption and misuse of authority leading to government dismissal.

Pakistan General Zia Ul Haq executed western ally Former President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto.  General Muhammad Zia Ul Haq experienced the same and was assassinated in 1988. 

Later, western approved former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in 2007.

Western endorsed General Pervez Musharraf – the ex- President of Pakistan imposed emergency rule, imprisoned supreme court justices and declined election. 

The General resigned from office to avert impeachment proceedings and remained in exile in London.  General Musharraf retuned to Pakistan with the hope to seize power amid strong opposition and various charges on abuse of authority and complicity including investigations in ex-Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto’s assassination.

Latin America:

Panama United States intelligence agency CIA asset Panamanian General turned President Manuel Noriega was ousted by United States former President George H.W.Bush administration and sentenced to 25 years in the U.S. federal prison. The 77 year old former Panamanian leader recently returned home to face legal proceedings on money laundering and murder.

Chile – The military General turned head of the state Augusto Pinochet dictatorship and repressive rule remembered until now. 

The Chilean leader dodged extraditions to face trial on human rights violations with assistance from certain influential figures in western political sphere. 

However, the authoritarian leader having unleashed death on thousands of innocent citizens feared own death knowing well about his destination following final decree.

ArgentinaArmy commander and former President Jorge Rafael Videla known as dictator for running death squads died in prison.

Regardless of military, political, economic and social status – the violations, misuse of power, deception and defiance of humanitarian and natural law held accountable by karma – the inescapable destiny.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant






India – Eulogizing Late President APJ Abdul Kalam

July 28, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

India mourns the nuclear scientist and former President APJ Abdul Kalam’s demise.

Presidential post in Indian Parliamentary system is ceremonial limiting the role to presiding over diverse events and cultural affairs besides being a functionary upon Presidential governance in states without government due to electoral disputes or situation leading to emergency rule allowing governor as caretaker reporting developments to the President.

President presumed commander-in-chief of defense forces essentially endorse ruling government policy and consistently follows the powerful executive branch headed by Prime Minister’s office.

The President is elected through Parliamentary process with lower and upper house members’ approval of the incumbent administration nominee.

The former President Abdul Kalam appointment extended the tradition of choosing Muslim candidate to the position joining predecessors in Indian politics. The trend maintained to demonstrate secular India.

Ex-President Abdul Kalam nuclear background was an asset to Indian governments in many respect promoting controversial nuclear energy programs in particular.

The former President Abdul Kalam was a strong advocate for nuclear projects representing the government.

The ex-President was prominently engaged to sway public opinion especially on the citizens contested KudanKulam nuclear plant in Indian southern state, Tamil Nadu facilitating political authorities decision override local residents legitimate concerns on the risks involved in nuclear reactors and site operation in the wake of Fukushima disaster that is far from over.

Thereafter the former President designated in retrofit activities conforming to prevalent custom creating para-phenomenon in the increasingly illusive environment.

Dr. Abdul Kalam service in nuclear field and commitment to government as political member acknowledged amongst diverse faction.

The former President APJ Abdul Kalam retains identity in accordance with respective DNA specific to individuals that cannot be modified to suit indoctrination.

Life is an opportunity to emerge, experience and evolve in original state that verifies authenticity.

Sincere condolences to bereaved family and nation on the former President APJ Abdul Kalam’s departure.

Peace to all!

Padmini Arhant














Politics Smear Campaign and Personal Attacks – Segment 1

June 27, 2015

Indian Village WomenMannequin with Hijab

The pictures of Gujarati women in the village with their heads covered similar to the photo with muslim women wearing hijab or the head scarf.

The pictures depict Hindu society in North, East and Western India adaptation of Islamic custom i.e. (women covering their head) imposed during the Mogul period.  The tradition maintained until today by Hindus in Northern, Eastern and Western India although not part of original Hindu religion and culture.


By Padmini Arhant

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to impromptu interaction with focus on Politics Smear Campaign and Personal Attacks to deflect public attention on real issues.

Please click on the audio link for the content.

Thank you for your interest.

Padmini Arhant

World – Straight Talk With Hegemony

June 22, 2015

Dear Citizens,

I present the audio version of my thoughts and analysis on Hegemony controlled politics and world affairs.

Please click on the audio link for the content.

Thank you for your participation.

Padmini Arhant

Conversation with Ruling Class Member

June 11, 2015

By Padmini Arhant.

Please click on the audio link for the extemporaneous dialogue with the ruling class member presented for public information and knowledge.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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