United States – Demystify the Myth
November 28, 2023
United States
Demystify the Myth
National Security
Padmini Arhant
The notion among the academia such as members contributing to United States foreign policy from institutions viz. the University of Chicago acquainted from the controversial disastrous Project for New American Century (PNAC) – the brainchild of Leo Strauss, the Jewish American (immigrant from Germany not Palestine or anywhere in the Middle East) Professor, University of Chicago influencing the Zionist neoconservative minds set the corner stone.
The Strauss Zionist political ideology later led to founding PNAC by neoconservative and Fox News former political pundit William Kristol and Robert Keagan, the neocon Republican spouse of the neoliberal Victoria Nuland (Democrat party) – pivotal in violent insurrection against Ukraine democratically elected government in Kiev in 2014.
The other members of the PNAC subscribing to Zionist neocon policy at that time were Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, R. James Woolsey, Elliott Abrams, Donald Rumsfeld, Robert Zoellick, and John Bolton…were among prominent contributors behind PNAC.
The PNAC recommended catastrophic event citing December 1941 Pearl Harbor situation set the stage for 9/11 terror attack on American soil.
The 9/11 terror masterminded and executed (the insider operation scapegoated to outsider intervention) per PNAC agenda.
The event then facilitated targeting Afghanistan, Iraq and the rest in the Middle East for invasion and illegal occupation purely for economic interests and strategic dominance besides using these nations as experimental ground to test (WMD) weapons of mass destruction similar to present Gaza war by the United States politics, western allies like Britain, Germany etc., through NATO and the military industrial complex.
Accordingly, the foreign policy advocate from the academia – University of Chicago claim that United States is extremely fortunate for not being vulnerable to foreign invasions unlike Russia, China and other U.S. adversaries concerns over NATO incursion near their borders and Quad in Indo-Pacific maritime boundary is myopic view ignoring the terror onslaught against America via 9/11 terrorism orchestrated by PNAC albeit enemy within the United States.
Notwithstanding the United States political collusion from both left and right with Beijing, Russia, Iran…ranging from politics to economics forging deals with oligarchs in Russia and Beijing controlled corporate sector are serious contacts for personal and vested interests having little or nothing to do with the United States national or the republic benefit.
As a result, the United States has not only suffered PNAC oriented terror on 9/11 in 2001. The politics with certain members having close ties and economic contracts with United States determined adversaries enabling espionage activities unraveled in the exposure of members in democrat party viz. Eric Swalwell – the member of the House intelligence committee liaison with Beijing represented spy and the current President Biden administration’s family member Hunter Biden corruption scandal involving Beijing controlled corporation.
Furthermore, the Vice President Kamala Emhoff Harris spouse Douglas Emhoff law firm in Washington D.C. comprising former members of the People’s liberation Army (PLA) as partners are major compromises on national security and territorial integrity hosting adversary presence within country.
United States is definitely not immune to threats and direct assault as experienced in 9/11/2001 and series of foreign agents activities via cyber attack and diverse intrusions paralyzing economic and government infrastructure are significant in the evaluation of national security matter.
United States security risks are from within political ambit and institutional based foreign policy deviations proved catastrophic and continue to remain existential danger to American sovereignty and the republic.
In comparison, the United States adversaries did not encounter 9/11 terror attack in the heart of their mainland, like the Capitol Washington D.C., the military headquarter – the Pentagon and the commercial capital New York City with iconic twin towers collapsing on world view.
The omission in this respect from the academic perspective necessitate re-evaluation of United States national security that are anything but formidable considering politics’ executive and congressional members alliance with adversaries for personal economic interests are increasingly insular that tantamount to treason with no desire to disavow such engagement despite revelation.
Padmini Arhant
Israel – Victimhood
November 27, 2023
Israel – Victimhood
Padmini Arhant
Is this TRUCE from Israel?
The Israeli IDF crimes against Palestinians in the occupied territories not only unaccountable but also reject interim ceasefire and humanitarian aid including ambulance in any Palestinian residential area.
The latest reaction from different regions whether Egypt in North Africa or Malaysia in South East Asia and African Union leadership…prominent expulsion of Israel from their league severing diplomatic ties related to Gaza war is merely addressing the symptoms of the carcinogenic effects caused by British colonialism in 1948 with the establishment of Israel in Palestine purely for self-interests to exert control over West Asian, North and North East African oil resources in the territory.
Subsequently the colonial era transformed into United States and NATO (EU) imperialism in the revival of western colonial century.
The establishment of Israel in Palestine largely benefitted the United States hegemonic goals in the Middle East with United States permanent military and financial aid to Israel prolonging western imperialism in the region.
United States along with Britain together with France exercising veto in the UNSC resolutions on proxy and ally Israel’s series of violations and atrocities are verifiable testament to Israel serving western political and economic interests in the region.
In the present time, the United States, Britain and key EU states together with coalition partner like Indian government among any other non-western support are all responsible for the genocide in Gaza.
The United States in particular at the moment – the so-called peace seeking democrat administration is in the forefront funding $14.5 billion and more for Israel’s carnage and graveyard mission in Gaza.
The latest cold callous response from the United States’ Obama administration as the incumbent power to Indonesian President’s statement on Gaza is quite chilling.
The pseudo prioritization of climate over Gazan genocide orchestrated by the present U.S. administration and Presidency exemplify apathy to human life not even caring for children in Gaza having been the primary targets in the U.S. and coalition onslaught via Israel against Gazan civilians in the war zone.
The Democrat administration poised as environment friendly proved otherwise in trajectory and evident in war policy as the primary proponent and aggressor behind the slaughter and displacement of Gazans and Palestinians in entire Palestine is quite revealing as the open sky.
Besides, the Barack Obama administration having violently overthrown democratically elected Ukrainian government in the actual insurrection in Kiev in 2014 exacerbating political unrest, ethnic clashes and corruption with the U.S. administration installed neonazi governments in Ukraine in 2014 and thereafter is irrefutable testimony.
In 2022, the Barack Obama administration under the guise of Biden leadership resumed the incomplete chaos and mayhem with war against Russia leaving the Ukrainians to fight proxy war against Russia on western states’ behalf besides covering up Biden family corruption scandals and Clintons unsavory shady dealings in Ukraine.
These events display democrat echelons’ true colors in vying with Republican counterpart on aiding and abetting violence experimenting military stockpiles and new inventory in the playgrounds Gaza and Ukraine.
The trend maintained in semblance with Republican predecessors Bush – Cheney war strategy diligently continued by successive democrat Obama – Biden administration in 2009- 2016 and 2020 – 2023 until now testing defense stockpiles, drones, nuclear laden missiles, chemical weapons like white phosphorus and biological agents through NATO and Israel in the most offensive means on vulnerable defenseless population wherever possible – Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine viz. Gaza and worldwide.
Accordingly, the African Union, South East Asian and West Asian viz. the global South measures such as sanctions, isolation, elimination and condemnation against Israel is merely symptomatic in the absence of none against the chief perpetrators especially the United States current administration headed by proxy Joe Biden Presidency and members like Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton legacy premised on war to establish supremacy that surpass the Republican history.
Likewise, the United States politics’ partners in crime Britain, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Australia and allies India and others share the burden of culpability and accountability in the genocide – the heinous crime against Palestinians in Gaza war. The analogy applicable to Ukraine tumult and turmoil as well.
Not surprisingly, there is absolutely no desire for complete ceasefire now in Gaza or Ukraine and instead rallying for incessant violence inflicting deaths and devastation by the Democrat administration behind both wars in the post pandemic for which they are responsible considering the activities transpired in 2015 and earlier.
Sanctions on Israel preceded by similar actions against the benefactor, financier and military weaponry provider present United States administration, Congress and others behind the carnage in Gaza and indefinite war in Ukraine would reflect the global South real understanding and commitment towards ending wars and resolving western authorized political and humanitarian crisis.
Importantly, the global South identifying members within in the overt / covert facilitation of Gaza decimation and actions against them also equally relevant for credibility.
Israel’s victimhood all along demonstrated as paradoxical victimizer against Palestinians and neighbors Syria, Lebanon, Iran…with United States and western support is imperialistic travesty fostering parasitic existence and inter-dependency for expansionism resulting in provocative destructive endeavor thus far.
Padmini Arhant
Palestine – Bombs and Missiles vs. Faith
November 22, 2023
Bombs and Missiles
Padmini Arhant
The ongoing decimation of Gaza that began long back before October 7, 2023 using white phosphorus and other chemical agents intensified in the present time over 43 days warfare waged against faith of the Palestinians that has only solidified within every believer especially children facing the bombs missiles air strikes with bare arms but incredible belief in Almighty God.
The situation in Gaza turned into rubbles and debris from day 1 of the Israel and Coalition led by the United States military aggression on October 7, 2023 targeting children, women, elderly, the sick and entire civilian population not even sparing hospitals, ambulances, schools, mosques and residential buildings is expression of rage, hostility and superiority entrenched in violence.
On the other hand, the civilian victims, the children in particular and women regarded the easy targets are braving the bombs and airstrikes with resilience even in death and devastation.
Gazan children message to the aggressors in all of this on Almighty God’s behalf is:
We were born in Gaza and you wiped us out as infants, toddlers and even neonatals with your military might.
We were martyred and our sacrifice will not be in vain. Upon arrival in this world and Gaza we realized the oppression, colonization and brutal occupation must end.
We will return to Gaza in Free Palestine for our martyrdom with premature departure from the world is the foundation for the birth of Free Independent Palestine awaiting our return which is imminent and inevitable – Inshallah! – in accordance with God’s will for Free Peaceful Palestine.
Ceasefire now. Restore Humanitarian assistance.
Free Palestine. Peace to Palestine.
God Bless the children, women, men, the young and old victims in Palestine.
Padmini Arhant
Israel and Coalition – What is Peace?
November 18, 2023
What is Peace?
Israel and Coalition
Padmini Arhant
The answer is end to violence.
The perpetrators of violence habitually engaged in unleashing deaths and devastation throughout their personal life and political career unwilling to CEASEFIRE.
Their relentless aggression, bloodshed via bombs, air strikes, missiles against innocent children and civilians justified as self-defense.
Israel’s self-defense rhetoric long lost meaning and purpose.
Their experimenting of military hardware and artillery showered on hospitals, ambulance and public premises in the war zone created by them is evident and claimed as elimination of their target – who are actually the children and civilian population.
Their long espoused agenda in forceful displacement of Gazans and the rest of Palestine to forge the illegal Greater Israel is in action right now under the guise of self-defense having been responsible for October 7, 2023.
What is peace? – Peace is not a commodity / product that could be purchased online or in retail store.
Peace is cessation of violence, blood bath and mass graves produced in the disproportionate arbitrary shelling by Israel and the benefactor United States democrat administration, Congress and others in the coalition.
Peace is laying down arms and ammunitions fired from the air and land as happening in Gaza by Israel, the United States with the Nobel Peace Prize winning democrat administration picked, backed, influenced and now headed office continuation of civilian slaughter in Gaza replicating Syria, Libya in 2011 onwards and Ukraine since 2014 until now.
The death merchants refusing to submit to U.S. citizens and global demand to ceasefire and restore humanitarian assistance to victims in Gaza and the rest of Palestine exemplify their destructive game plan.
Once a genocider, remain as such resigned to old habits die hard.
The taxpayers unequivocal refusal to pay taxes that are directly expended in military and financial aid to belligerent ally and proxy Israel as witnessed in the democrat administration funding the genocide with American tax dollars $14.5 billion along with deadly weapons would impose ceasefire.
The tax revenue in the United States Treasury prompting the democrat Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to greenlight aka gaslight military escapades in Gaza and Ukraine promoting –
“United States can afford two wars in Gaza and Ukraine.”
The treasury secretary Janet Yellen’s assurance against American taxpayers dissent in this regard clarify politics’ state of mind with utter disregard for victims especially children and civilians at large.
Such disposition once again is in resonance of yet another Democrat politician – the late Secretary of State Madeline Albright’s not so bright response justifying the United States’ callous economic sanctions restricting baby food, medicines and items inflicting scores of deaths among Iraqi children and infants during that violent endeavor.
The irony in particular with United States false accusation of the former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein of ripping babies from incubators which was at best fabrication depicting lowest IQ and at worst (WMD) weapons of mass deception.
Overall, the United States democrat administration – the financier of the genocide and prolonged warfare in Gaza and Ukraine since resuming office in 2021 essentially hold the key in ending the carnage in both destinations which obviously are unwelcome and undesirable to them.
The Democrat’s trajectory and track record in war mongering and violent legacy in successive administrations discussed on this site proven antithetical to their feigned dovish status propagated on campaign trail. When in reality the Democrat administrations are fiercely competitive and even surpass their hawkish Republican partners in warfare.
The Arab states and Muslim nations across the globe unanimous and collective decision turning off the oil pipes and denying mobilization of fuel and economic resources on strategic routes in their region with the condition for immediate ceasefire and revival of humanitarian aid to Gaza would have positive effect.
Any such Arab Muslim stance considered but not yet delivered in action on the ground would lead to complacency and complicity to Palestinians and the global citizenry seeking end to killings in Gaza by foreign military brutality.
Notwithstanding, the absence of Arab Muslim enforcement of energy and economic blockade would further embolden the offenders’ violence – Israel and the United States in the lead in the 42 days military invasion of Gaza – the 75th event on an average of at least one such Israeli intervention per year having become the routine since the establishment of Israel on Palestine in 1948.
The combined actions by American taxpayers and that goes for western and other coalition partners domains to decline tax payment allocation to military assignments offshore by specifications in their tax return together with Arab Muslim nations consolidated action shutting off oil pipes and economic goods and services passage in the vital transportation routes would have dramatic impact in the ongoing development in Gaza and Palestine in general.
Peace could be enforced peacefully and non-violently through potent measures including citizens power in BDS – boycott divestment sanctions against aggressors determined in self-termination policy.
Peace is inevitable along with Free and Independent Palestine upon adopting above outlined remedial strategies at global citizens individual and collective discretion on;
No taxes for wars and not with our tax money – slogan reverberation across the globe and actions via BDS in boycott of aggressors and partners economy are some favorable global engagement in implementing PEACE and winding the war in Gaza and Ukraine for that matter.
Arab Muslim governmental steps without exception suspending the energy flow fueling the war in Gaza along with halting economic activities to stop aggressors in their unbridled genocide in Gaza is the effective antidote to the situation.
Padmini Arhant
Message for Children of Palestine
November 17, 2023
Message for Children of Palestine
Padmini Arhant
To: The Dear Children of Palestine,
God never lets down the genuinely faithful trusting the Supreme force to help and permanently heal in the most painful and testing situations especially you – the dear children of Palestine enduring right now.
Your sacrifices will not be in vain. No matter how many tons of bombs and air strikes fall on you, aimed at you the innocent, weak and vulnerable children, old and young women, men, the ill and able…are actually received by God.
The aggressors and those feigning empathy while being directly involved in inflicting deaths and devastation will be individually and collectively held to justice by Almighty God.
Their KARMA will not be erased however they try to manipulate and maneuver their crimes against you as the humanity.
Your tragedy and misery will end with a new beginning for you – the resilient precious children of Palestine.
The message from God evident in your tolerance and persistence to maintain your faith is you are not alone. Your liberation and independence is certain in accordance with God’s will.
In dying from this unjust unfair gross violence against you, your return to Free Palestine with freedom and individual liberty is definite in the world created and ultimately decided by God on all matter.
God Bless the Children and the population of Palestine with strength, fortitude and eternal peace!
Padmini Arhant
P.S. Please share the message with the grieving children and families in Palestine – also please rush assistance to them to save lives and aid the wounded in the war zone.
Thank you – the good souls of humanity at large.
Gaza War – Confirmation of Crime
November 13, 2023
Gaza War
Confirmation of Crime
Padmini Arhant
USS Liberty air raid by Israel in 1967 reference on Veterans Day / Armistice Day November 13, 2023 is not far fetched compared to holocaust 1933 -1945 nearly three decades prior to USS Liberty attack referenced throughout the remaining twentieth and into twenty first century as a reminder to the old and new generations.
Notwithstanding, the state of Israel since establishment in 1948 has assumed the victimizer (Nazi) role against Palestinians and vigorously exhibited now.
Furthermore, the contentious occupation and colonization of Palestine by Israel is set in Old Testament and Biblical timeline leaving any other references as no match to citation stuck in BCE or B.C.
Israel and United States justifying bombing of hospitals, schools, residential buildings, mosques and entire civilian population area with children among other civilians exceeding disproportionate casualty in the month long warfare is premised on the aggressors’ allegation against Hamas integration with citizens in Gaza.
Does this mean, the same would apply to Israel’s IDF indiscriminate shooting of own Israeli citizens on October 7, confirmed by released Israeli hostage and eyewitness accounts on the IDF assumption of aiming Hamas ended up killing own Israeli public over 1000 of them?
Those representing the aggressor Israel and coalition blaming Gaza civilians for not coming forward with their arms raised above like prisoners of war and surrender to Israel identifying themselves as not Hamas members which otherwise stated as blanket presumption on all civilians as Hamas representatives in the war zone is a far cry.
Not that would make a difference in relentless air strikes as experienced in deadly attack launching torpedo on USS Liberty in 1967 with United States Flag on the mast and Israel repeatedly informed by USS Liberty Captain and crew that they were attacking the United States naval base, the only Naval ship sailing on the sea at that time, evidently did not matter resulting in American naval fatalities in that fateful assault.
With an established pattern by Israel, the October 7 attack on Israeli citizens raise the necessary question on IDF arbitrary engagement prior to ensuring safety and security of Israeli public in their retaliation against Hamas mirrored in the Gaza war ignoring civilian lives at an alarming rate much to international public outcry and condemnation.
These actions are based on guilty yet will never accept responsibility for the ongoing slaughter similar to USS Liberty massacre.
In prioritizing United States – Israel relation despite the latter continuous violations not barring the killing of United States defense personnel and civilians in foreign shores, the tolerance to criminality is in epic proportion desensitized to ethical and moral obligations towards own service members and innocent children, women and vulnerable citizens in the targeted foreign territory.
Independent international investigation allowing Israeli citizens as survivors and hostage victims’ statements without coercion in the probe is important for free and fair inquiry.
Regardless, the incessant shelling of Gaza targeting children, women and families rejecting ceasefire call from the global citizens is declaration of willful genocide in defiance of humanitarian and international law applicable to all including the military warfare by Israel against children of Palestine.
Padmini Arhant
Politics Failure in Ending Wars
November 10, 2023
Politics Failure in Ending Wars
Padmini Arhant
Quit wicked crooked politics and identity misappropriation once and for all. United States and cronies led by India’s wannabes, opportunists, traitors, fraudsters, impostors and desperate sycophants – don’t humiliate yourselves anymore in the identity theft charade in subservience to evil connivance, manipulation and subversion. No matter which side of the mouth you drool from, you are evil’s prima facie in the incontrovertible duplicity.
United States politics is obligatory to the defense personnel – the men and women arbitrarily dispatched in harm’s way and left on the lurch to fend themselves in the event of the so-called ally Israel’s unconscionable betrayal experienced by reconnaissance marine corps in USS Liberty and,
Subsequently executing Zionist and neocon agenda – the Project fior New American Century (PNAC) committing thousands of American troops in fateful catastrophic Iraq, Afghanistan and the rest of the Middle East indefinitely for economic interests and strategic dominance.
The political crimes prolonged on May 2, 2011 in the hoax Abbottabad mission claiming to have assassinated the long deceased Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden. The political criminality goes beyond in the elimination of the same Navy SEAL team in entirety three months later on August 6, 2011 in the calculated organized event in Afghanistan.
United States politics endless squander of American tax dollars in the false allegation on Russian collusion in 2016 Presidential election with the accuser viz. Hillary Rodham Clinton being the culprit in the bribed Russian dossier within own political campaign and yet continuation of the fake probe at American taxpayer expense is mega political sham and criminal offense.
United States politics and electorate bear responsibility to thoroughly investigate Israel’s well informed voluntary assail on USS Liberty in 1967 inflicting massive casualties on U.S. naval force on board with lifelong debilitation of lives and survivors till date.
The politics discarding the entire event in quid pro quo for political reason is treason against the nation and the defense force, the latter having surrendered their lives for the safety and liberty of the country and the republic.
Similarly, the murder of United States Navy SEAL in August 2011 denying their family request for open independent inquiry into the deaths of the entire crew merit full investigation barring political influence and masquerade of the crime against own servicemen in politics’ abuse of power and complicity.
Padmini Arhant
Global Media Spin: There is no doubt the media role to suppress voice of the oppressed and war victims are relentless in subservience to those behind the mayhem and devastation.
Nonetheless, the international media such as Aljazeera interjection of cliched nuance (PA) Palestinian authority not representative of Palestinians and implying Palestinians without representation is stirring the cauldron at the time of grave injustice and violence.
The Qatar based Aljazeera was missing in action at the height of Qatar’s direct involvement in Syria in 2011 – 2016 funding, training and fostering terror outfits IS, ISIS, Al Nusra Front and various offshoots in coalition with western partners – the United States and others committing heinous crime not barring cannibalism against Syrian children, women, youth, elderly and even desecrated the graves in their atrocity.
Could that possibly be representation of Qatari citizens or any civil society?
In 2013, Iraq banned the Qatar government funded Aljazeera along with nine other channels citing sectarian bias, misinformation, exaggeration…in violation of journalistic ethics that apparently has not ceased until date.
Here are the questions for media on leadership vacuum posed for Palestinians that are conspicuous to the following entities.
United States – the incumbent President Joe Biden stating Ukraine war as Iraq war in memory lapse during press interaction. The United States administrations regardless of political factions reliance on their favorite line –
All options viz. including nuclear weapons are on the table – are not representative of 300 million American population position.
More so, the American citizens including Jewish Americans against Gaza war and calling for permanent ceasefire with humanitarian assistance slighted by the administration headed by President Joe Biden is explicit politics disconnect with people.
The same apply to Israeli leaderships ignoring local dissent against annihilation of Palestinians underway.
Britain – the unelected leadership Rishi Sunak joining the political chorus – we standby Israel is unanimously denounced by British protestors in the streets of London and elsewhere demanding ceasefire and criticized the appointee PM Rishi Sunak and the controversial scripted statements from the British Home Secretary Suella Braverman and others in the league.
Surely, these are classic examples of nations without leadership and people representation.
The global media and powers rallying behind Israeli and coalition war crimes against Palestinians are reminded that Palestinians are not alone.
They have incredible support and voice from the international community pledging solidarity for Peace and immediate recognition towards Free and Independent Palestine that can no longer be differed nor deterred deploying media or political spin and especially PA innuendo.
Above all, the Almighty God will to liberate Palestine is indomitable over present belligerent military might and illicit cartography.
Padmini Arhant
Factoid – Israel per global data lost approximately 13,000 Israeli lives to corona virus with currently about 30,000 as of date categorized as mild to higher infected statistics.
The original figure at the onset of the pandemic in Jan 2020 until early 2023 was around 4.5 million population in Israel.
Israeli politics and alliance justifying the unjust ongoing slaughter of Gazans and Palestinians in West Bank and East Jerusalem via proxy wars through violent illegal settlers and Israel’s IDF alongside Gaza war since October 7, 2023 until now citing revenge for loss of Israeli lives on October 7, 2023 due to Israel’s dereliction of duty to protect own citizens in Israel occupied, controlled and monitored entire Palestinian territory is an embarrassment for a state taking pride on security matter.
Meanwhile, the staggering number of Israelis succumbed to deadly corona virus around 13 times more than October 7, 2023 victims besides related episodes not excluding vaccination associated fatalities among younger Israelis in 2020 – 2023 with many suffering from serious health issues until now.
None of these monumental issues were neither a problem nor regarded serious assault on Israeli citizens necessitating Israel to wage war against those responsible for unleashing deadly pathogen based on Israel and allies’ legitimizing the illegitimate genocide in Gaza right now.
Instead Israeli leadership and those decimating Gaza profiteered from Corona deaths in Israel and elsewhere sharing the fortune raked by those in the pandemic windfall.
The real agenda behind Israel’s carnage and mass graves in Gaza has nothing to do with Israeli lives in Israel rather directly linked to Zionist aspirations to violently seize Palestine in entirety and,
Individually PM Netanyahu desperate attempts to bury the long lingering corruption scandal and political debacles guaranteed to lead towards serious legal ramifications not barring imprisonment.
The overwhelming rage and revenge evolving into uncontrolled mania witnessed in aggressor (Israel) and coalition against civilians in Gaza is break failure determined to expedite own end.
Gaza explosions are Zionism implosions together with evil politics in collusion proclamation of self-termination.
History is testament to ethical and moral bankruptcy prompting the violators’ transformation as the death merchants treading on the path paved by them in the end justifying the means in defiance of reason and sanity.
Perhaps it is time to permanently lay Geneva Convention rule in international warfare to rest in accordance with contemporary practice by the so-called modern civilized nations engaged in prolonged contentious battle in their domain.
The norm flouting international laws and rules such as Geneva Convention subjecting all factions in warfare to comply with global accord on treatment of prisoners of war, exempting civilians from resulting in casualties and prohibiting targeting of civilian facilities such as hospitals, residential area and public premises including civilian access to essential life sources viz. water, food, medicines, fuel and electricity among other necessities critical for survival.
The deterioration in humanitarian standards by politics is significantly alarming and unequivocally a cause of great concern in the abuse of power and arbitrary military engagement.
The trend is ominous and do not bode well for nations behind such precedence predominantly the prevalent practice affecting military discipline and morale among own troops and contingency with tide turning against the violators any time in warfare synonymous to;
What goes around comes around in the least expected time.
Hence, abandonment of repeat transgressions in any and all of these involvements is necessary to maintain civil conduct and ethics in peace and wartime that are no longer regarded important by politics.
Relevantly, ending these wars in Gaza and Ukraine is the urgent requirement and immediate priority saving American tax dollars for investment in American lives and rebuilding the victims’ present and future in war zones like Gaza and Ukraine.
Padmini Arhant
Jewish Dominance – Denial of Reality
November 8, 2023
Jewish Dominance
Denial of Reality
The Jew Factor
Padmini Arhant
The United States of America and the American economy since industrialization until now was and continue to be built by immigrants from all over the world.
The diversity in eclectic contributions of skills, talent, ingenuity, uniqueness, expertise, hard labor…among myriad ordinary to extraordinary representation as the workforce from rock bottom to the top reflected in phenomenal success of corporations enabling the coveted empire status is the bedrock of the long sustained wealthy American economy.
In the irrefutable backdrop with above outlined foundation defining the United States economy,
The selective disproportionate hyperbole recognition of demography viz. the immigrant jews from western and Eastern Europe upon expulsion and forced exile from their place of residence predominantly Europe in the wake of holocaust parallel to imposed displacement of Palestinians from their homeland since 1948 via Israeli illegal colonization and occupation of Palestinian territories executed through military aggression until right now merit due attention and fair appropriation.
The immigrant Jews from Europe emergence from rags to riches is again not only applicable to them as there are many immigrants from other parts of the world as economic or political refugees including any other reason share similar experience upon their arrival in the land of opportunity – the United States of America.
The wealth replacing people viz. the electorate in influencing politics is an unfortunate evolution in any political system not barring the so-called democracy anywhere.
In fact, politics is representative of the wealthy, by the wealthy and for the wealthy – deviation from the definition of real democracy meant to be the government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Among the super wealthy, the Jewish dominance initially in western politics – the United States and Britain in particular besides others only having become extensive over a period of time is evidenced in the following political norm.
The British colonial rulers initiated Balfour declaration brokered with Jewish Baron Lionel Walter Rothschild in Britain set the motion for the state of Israel in Palestine.
Ironically, the Rothschilds then somehow could not disavow ties with the British colonialists based on the latter descendency and close relations with Nazis behind the Jewish holocaust all along alluding to complicity in quid pro quo between wealth and politics taking priority over Jewish persecution.
Since then the Jewish trillionaire and multi-billionaire league from Rothschild to Rockefeller and the likes of George Soros extended into prominent names in the economic sector such as the Goldman Sachs, Abram Pritzker, the Fishers and Microsoft’s Bill Gates among others of Jewish origin wield enormous clout and control over American politics, economy, entertainment, media, hospitality industry and anything and everything combined in the commerce trade and politics.
The powerful Jewish lobby in the United States through organizations like the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and several other overt and covert lobby firms representing Jewish political and economic goals especially those promoting the Zionist ideology is documented event and tradition.
To begin with – the private entity Federal Reserve in the United States as the monetary authority is entirely on Jewish oversight and operation.
The United States treasury is by-and-large governed by members of Jewish descent. Likewise the Britain’s ex-chequer is not abstinent of Jewish shadow in alignment with Rothschild controlling the Bank of England assertion –
Nathan Mayer Rothschild – “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets.”
The sun never setting on the empire regardless of any is rather presumptuous miscalculation and proved otherwise.
The judiciary – United States Supreme Court is also traditionally represented by pro-Israeli Jewish justices and the same in government appointed members in circuit and appellate court system.
In other affairs;
The topic with no reference to the Jewish patriarch and lifetime active influential force behind the secret society – none other than the former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger would be devoid of critical information.
The former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger role in the global political landscape carved and maneuvered to suit the agenda and objectives of the concerned members of Jewish origin produced tumult, turbulence and turmoil in the near and far destinations of the world.
In this context, another political official of Jewish background responsible for the creation of al-Qaeda, the terror network leader Osama Bin Laden and Taliban in Afghanistan is the former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, also known for maintaining the secret society culture as leading member against the free world doctrine and open society barring secrecy, conspiracy aimed at supremacy.
In the twenty first century: The neoconservative Washington movement spearheaded the Zionist and neocon ambitions elaborated in the Project for New American Century (PNAC) by the Professor Leo Strauss from the University of Chicago to advance the cause in utter disregard for inevitable devastation and catastrophe that unfolded in the event fruition.
Case in point – the Project for New American Century (PNAC) was to seize control over the oil-rich nations listed in the ominous project together facilitating Zionist long espoused aspiration for the Greater Israel in the Middle East, the ideology having nothing to do with the United States and the republic.
Yet the project was implemented using the United States experiencing 9/11 terror attack in 2001 which in return served as the pretext for knocking down the targeted nations by two administrations in succession – the Bush – Cheney between 2001 – 2008 and exponentially exceeded in violence and carpet bombing of nations by the Obama – Biden administrations throughout 2009 – 2016 and resumed by the pair in 2022 – 2023 in Ukraine and Gaza right now.
The Jewish connection in politics is not limited to business contractual dealings via lobby firms, it surpasses beyond that with every Presidential and high profile candidacy seeking office and positions are either personally or have the next of kin / progeny married to a Jew negating the co-incidence possibility.
The former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s son-in-law is a Jew.
The ex-Vice President Al Gore VP was the Jewish rabbi Joe Lieberman in 2000 U.S. Presidential election against then Republican contender George W.Bush.
The 2016 Republican President Donald J. Trump’s son-in-law is a Jew.
The Barack Obama and partner Michelle Obama claimed to have long lost relation – the latter’s uncle as a rabbi from the Jewish religion that certainly won acknowledgment in the otherwise dismal Presidential prospects in 2008 and re-election in 2012.
Fast forward to the current Vice President Kamala Harris Emhoff – the Jewish partnership preceding just before the selection for VP position in the Biden administration.
In Britain – the Jewish embedment in British politics and within Royalty is a long held practice. More so confirmed in the controversial present Britain’s Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s tying the knots with Jewish member in 2017 catapulting the opportunity to the present post in British government is yet another example.
In the non-western political front, the former cricketer and Prime Minister of Pakistan – Imran Khan’s nuptial knots with the daughter of Jewish British multi-billionaire received approval from the incognito forces in Britain having clout over global politics and economy.
These are few among many such inter-links between politics and Jewish members in the super-rich club exerting authority on all important matter.
Not to mention, Hollywood representation of Jewish campaigns now infiltrated into crony Indian cinema, media and sycophant politics is international footprint in the ongoing monopoly.
As for the massive Jewish propoganda paradoxically emulating Adolf Hitler’s dissemination policy against targets as anti-semetism involved in advocacy of Jewish permeation in the U.S.economic sector are not without omissions and hidden facts.
For instance, in the course of overwhelming complimenting of Goldman Sachs as the behemoth in the financial industry, the narrative neglecting significant financial losses and liabilities caused by Goldman Sachs’ notably unscrupulous deployments in the hedge fund fiasco, sub-prime mortgage securities bundled with toxic add-ons resulting in global economic meltdown severely affecting the U.S. financial markets and economy is significant in financial market collapse.
The egregious decisions led by Goldman Sachs and counterparts prompting public taxpayer bailout of financial industry – with then Bush-Cheney administration along with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson ( Paul Hank) in 2008 stating the situation as do or die predicament is a memorable legacy.
Goldman Sachs defaults reached across the Mediterranean to the Greece economy expediting financial insolvency to near irreversible state in 2009 and thereafter.
The bond sales by Goldman Sachs in 14 countries with the Southeast Asian nation – Malaysia filing charges in 2018 against the financial firm as misleading investors are further damages and financial liabilities inflicted upon the global markets by the widespread Goldman Sachs debacles.
Above all, the Microsoft associated billionaire Bill Gates of Jewish origin and Melinda Gates of the Gates Foundation direct investment along with other investors in the bio-engineered virulent SARS (COV2) experiment in Wuhan virology institute, China triggering the global pandemic as the Corona virus consuming millions of lives world over is historic health disaster.
As such the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation contentious endeavors in agriculture economy has driven farmers to bankruptcy and committing suicide in the United States, emerging and developing economies around the world.
Yet none of these serious crimes ever held accountable with political impunity across the spectrum.
In essence, the present intensive publicity for Jewish pervasive impact in shaping American economy as exclusive although the wealth distribution and concentration until now is held within family and insular network of Jewish orientation.
Accordingly implying the justification of American taxpayers indefinite financial, economic and military aid to the Jewish State of Israel in the far away Middle East is unreasonable and unsustainable precedence at the vast American taxpayers’ expense.
The Jewish wealthy entrepreneurs and power brokers entitlement to unilateral determination of United States politics, foreign policy and decision-making on warfare for Israel’s domestic and geopolitical interests shed light on the incontrovertible reality on Jewish dominance in western and global politics.
Not to mention the analogy reminding the proponents in this regard that –
Almighty God as the creator of the universe of which the planet earth with immense natural endowments and landmass is meant for all living species’ inhabitation and life sustenance in their native habitat and homeland.
The covenant is universal rejecting exceptionalism and prohibiting human mandated exclusions in deprivation of life sources such as water, food, fuel, electricity etc., to human population underway in Gaza at the moment, with contagion effects on other species and environment due to irrational political will in defiance of reasoning faculty.
Such violations bear severe ramifications and never in favor of willful transgressors abusing the power misinterpreted as ultimate authority.
The permanent ceasefire with humanitarian assistance and restoration of all facilities in Gaza averting delay to save lives is the urgent need of the hour.
The Palestinian statehood and independent Palestine is the priority for regional and global peace and security.
Padmini Arhant
Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity
November 8, 2023
Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity
Padmini Arhant
A sovereign nation is independent without any dependence on eternal financial, economic and military aid since establishment.
Sovereign nation respect space, boundary of territories within and around the borders refraining from territorial annexations, colonization and occupation of foreign land.
Last but not the least, sovereign nation would independently manage own safety and security including any military interventions on own without seeking benefactor to fund and extend military might for political aspirations driven urban warfare against colonized population.
Relevantly, a sovereign state defense would not resort to violent offense inflicting brutality against children killing them in thousands to settle scores with some few hundred political opponents in occupied territory despite being responsible for the entire status quo.
The absence of any and all of the above characteristics invalidate sovereign statehood reducing the position to belligerent lawless autocracy and a banana republic.
Notwithstanding the relentless aggression towards occupied citizens and neighbors near and far remaining existential threat to regional and global peace and security.
Padmini Arhant
Israel And Coalition Genocide of Civilians in Gaza
November 6, 2023
Israel And Coalition Genocide of Civilians in Gaza
Padmini Arhant
UNGA Vote on October 27, 2023 on Gaza ceasefire calling for Humanitarian truce i.e. ceasefire and humanitarian assistance:
120 countries YES,
13 nations – NO – led by the United States, Austria (Adolf Hitler’s birth place) and the rest from South Pacific Islands – obviously coalesced with such decision given their minority status.
The worst of all 45 abstentions – Germany and remaining EU members, Britain, Canada, Australia, Japan, India…exhibiting impotence in political will to save children, women and innocent civilians besides help to heal the wounded and rescue the dying in Gaza.
What good is any power that cannot refrain from violence, military aggression producing mass graves and Death Valley?
Abstention is political expediency exposing cowardice lacking integrity to take a stance one way or another. Such positions are the worst in betrayal of trust against either side.
Padmini Arhant
Man opposes and Almighty God disposes.
Almighty God will always prevail over evil.
The video below is now made available on this site.
Padmini Arhant
Youtube: The supposedly social media and publicly owned Google Alphabet Company showing true colors of western hypocrisy.
FYI – YouTube – The divine mission never use ads on the site or in the video content.
The non-commercialized humanitarian service unlike yours is divinely committed to humanity service in the battle against evil.
Padmini Arhant
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Fascists under the guise of democracy
The restriction and prohibition of free flow of factual information to the public in fear of exposure of ground reality is classic FASCISM.
Fascism hopelessly rely on authoritative control over information deploying unscrupulous tactics and unethical practice of prejudice depriving public access to diverse sources and content.
The undemocratic unlawful censorship and cancel culture is the epitome of FASCISM going wild inviting tumult and peril upon selves and all those in collusion and complicity in the blatant assault on FREE SPEECH – the first amendment constitutional right defining democracy.
The collaborators’ paranoia is the harbinger of FASCISM demise having reached the ultimate abuse of power and draconian policy leading the collective league towards decadence and decline.
All FASCISTS meet similar fate of downfall and imminent extinction without exception.
Padmini Arhant
The video presentation on the content to follow momentarily.
The video will be made available on this site besides youtube shortly. Padmini Arhant
Padmini Arhant