Evil Funeral

March 1, 2024

Evil Funeral

Padmini Arhant

Scoundrel Kavodhi Funeral

(Video Presentation in Hindi Language)

The subject in the video – name – Kavodhi

Place of Birth – Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India

Date of Birth – September 17, 1950

Father’s Name – Unknown

Marital Status – Polygamist

Offspring – None due to ED

Language – Teleprompter

Occupation – Corruption, Criminality, Massacre, Communal Violence, Provocation, Perversion, Radical Fundamentalist, Authoritarian abuse of power.

Expiry Date – September 17, 2003

The following message is also applicable to every autocratic lunatic abusing politics and political power holding democracy under siege and leaving the republic in such democracy, the oppressed prisoners of 21st century Fascism.

Is it surprising that the one having mastered the art of homicide in practice throughout his life to get where he wants and comfortably evolved into cannibal and terror sponsor. Then sooner degraded to behind the scene chief operative in genocide rushing to rescue his alter ego ditto in character and sins upon the latter convicted of communal violence related pogrom in political tenure?

The evil duopoly play the race and religion card for survival in evil swamp.

While the one obsessed with skin pigmentation specifically the melanin though having murdered many among own race, the other exploit religion of the majority in his domain despite him not belonging to that religion prompted by vindictiveness are the mirror reflection of each other confronted with appropriate karmic effects of their sinful violent embarrassing legacy in living and thereafter.

The evil duopoly together corral behind similar types in political circumference.

Attention: Fascist  Genocider

You neither have any right nor the authority over individual or content published in locations outside of your jurisdiction as this is not the first time you have violated free speech rights of foreign citizen. 

Your wanton provocation, sleazy intervention and intrusion in personal life of others and that of sovereign nations as your megalomaniacal privilege is your delusion that needs to be abandoned in your limited life span’s interest.

This ain’t your Gujarat back alley for you to flex your rogue hooligan hoodlum tactics.

Your time was up long ago and your bruised ego is evidently expediting your long overdue exit.

You better not indulge in such intrusive indecent impropriety for the sake of the country India, you claim to represent with 1.5 billion citizenry held hostage to your authoritarian diktat and brute mobocracy fraudulently declared the world’s largest democracy.

Padmini Arhant 



Prophetic Scene – Bully Pulpit

February 28, 2024

Bully Pulpit

Padmini Arhant

The video below is a real occurrence captured from behind the scene by my son at their residence porch and shared with me yesterday which is quite prophetic in many aspects.

What is shown in the video is actually experienced, tolerated and endured for over sixteen years now with the bully bullying me and my family using the bully pulpit not barring many abusive tactics including endangerment to our lives inevitably backfiring at the bully and cohorts in the act.

Caution to Bully abusing Bully Pulpit:

The one protected by the force have none to fear.

Even otherwise game for any challenge to tame the bully as ordained by Almighty God.

Padmini Arhant 


Pakistan – Election 2024

February 21, 2024

Pakistan – Election 2024

Padmini Arhant

Presentation in Urdu – Padmini Arhant

Pakistan Election 2024 

پاکستان الیکشن 2024

Pakistan Army & ISI Political Intervention

(Presentation in Urdu)

 Padmini Arhant


काला अक्षर बैंस बराबर और उसके पीछे दुम हिलानेवाले टोली को शिक्षा :

जो ईश्वर के दिव्य कार्य उद्देश्य में नियमित उनके ही साथी संगिनी जनम जनम की अर्धांगिनी अनाथ नहीं होती।

अनाथ वो हैं जो १५० करोड़ आबादी को छोड़, भ्रष्ट दुष्ट पूँजी पति उद्योगपतियों की पूँछ बनकर देश और देश वासियों को चूना लगाकर, करोड़ों आबादी के जीवन के साथ खिलवाड़ करते हैं।

सबसे घटिया घिनावना,

वो अनाथ हैं जो अधर्मी होते हुए धर्म को क़ैद करके ढोंगी बनकर अपने अपमान और मूर्खता का उदाहरण बनते हैं।


Update: Feb 26, 2024

Pakistan Sovereignty Violation

Embed Video

Update: Feb 24, 2024

Pakistan Politics 2024 Addendum 

Presentation in Urdu language – Padmini Arhant


Zionism Dominance over Western Politics

February 21, 2024

Zionism Hijack


Western Politics

Padmini Arhant

Israeli Zionism narcissism leaving Nazism Fascism far behind in atrocities and human rights violations has firm grip over western politics especially the United States, Britain and poodle western states clinging on to decadent self-destructive Zionist authoritarian ideology.

Those in the western world caring about human rights and in particular the deaths and devastation unleashed on innocent children and the rest of civilian population in Palestine demonstrated in the western aided and funded Gaza war since 1948 and escalated after October 7, 2023 till date impetus citizens’ consciousness to reverse the unconscionable United States repeat veto decision with Britain abstention equivalent to veto at UNSC on Gaza ceasefire. 

Accordingly, the caring concerned citizens in western nations reserve the inalienable right and bear the burden of responsibility in civic duty and democratic norm to hold such politics accountable.

The taxpayer money squandered discarding taxpayer dissent denouncing the United States Britain western coalition in Zionist genocide of Gazans and the rest of Palestinians is the clarion call for every taxpayer and voter in western society funding the positions and power with their taxes that are abused against taxpayer and electorate will.

The Zionist graveyard operation in Gaza extended to Rafah targeting over million civilians in confined territory is carried out in western states taxpayers’ name.

Their hard earned money paid as taxes are misappropriated by United States, Britain and any other western nation in this category in obedience and obeisance to Zionist diktat.

Zionism is the poison potent than arsenic in toxicity haunting America and American politics invigorated since the dawn of the twenty first century orchestrating the 9/11 terror attack on American soil in 2001 that was publicly rejoiced by Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly commenting;

“American 9/11 terror is the best thing for Israel.”

That sums up Zionist carte blanche authority over America and western political Dias.

Hamas need not wipe out Israel, the ever American aid and foreign dependent Israel is wiping itself from the map and global civilization.

What else is new?

The Axis of Evil 

The Democrat administration appointed United States Ambassadors to the United Nations – Linda Thomas Greenfield and alternate designee U.S. Ambassador Robert A. Wood – both members from the African American race deployed as messengers of Zionist misled White supremacy kamikaze decision via veto on Gaza ceasefire at UNSC and international forum clarify the status quo.

The incumbent democrat administration with black Presidency Barry Soetoro alias Barack Obama in pivotal role together with colleagues viz. hawkish Hillary Rodham Clinton behind the optic proxy Presidential figure Joe Biden whose controversial affinity and friendship with unapologetic KKK Democrat the late Senator Robert Byrd (West Virginia) combined engagement reviving slavery expose Democrats’ true colors. 

Meanwhile, the slavery abolition that cost the Republican President Abraham Lincoln to free and emancipate the enslaved black population overturned by current Democrat echelons evidenced in egregious UNSC vetoes through black Democrat representatives on Gaza ceasefire, besides funding fueling full frontal Gaza graveyard operation is certainly a turning point to the precipice in modern American history.

Padmini Arhant

Coalition behind Gaza Genocide

February 19, 2024

Coalition behind Gaza Genocide 

Padmini Arhant

The prominent coalition behind Gaza genocide – the graveyard operation with massacre of children and babies in incubators remain primary target.

The United States in particular the Democrat administration and bipartisan Congress together with Britain in front line funding and fueling Gaza war since October 7, 2023 until now.

There are others as well responsible in the heinous crime against humanity in Gaza and rest of Palestine.

Padmini Arhant 

The Terrorcrat du0

The Terrorocrat duo

The so-called democrats against democracy ON and OFFSHORE. Toppled many democrat governments between 2009 – 2016 around the world. Among them, the direct violent insurrection in Ukraine in 2014 and lately via political intervention in Pakistan in April 2022.

The Arab Spring festival was ceremoniously conducted and rejoiced in 2011 – 2016 sponsoring violence by creating terror outfits IS, ISIS, AL Nusra Front and assortment of terror factions in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Libya in particular. The major destructive course involved sponsoring cannibalism in Syria and Libya. The rape, murder and genocide were the norm as it is ongoing in the Gaza war in 2024.

Hillary infamous line“We came, we saw and He died”– the out loud laughter at the public lynching of the former North African Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi – authorized by the United States, Britain and NATO in 2011.

Israeli Zionists AIPAC funded stooges;

The Nobel Peace Laureate terrorocrat Genocider BARRY – HILLARY duo and alike accountability will be held in the Supreme Kingdom of Alimighty God delivering the appropriate judgment and condemned while living in no uncertain terms for abhorrent crimes against humanity in personal and political career.

Coalition Behind Gaza Genocide




Colonialism – Premise Might is Right

February 19, 2024


Premise Might is Right

Padmini Arhant

Colonialists ask –

Why do you think colonialism is so bad?

Response – What makes colonialism justified as an entitlement?


Would anyone in the right mind not barring colonialists and servile surrogates welcome and tolerate anything varying from bugs, insects, termites, critters to racoons…pesky pests to infectious nasty vermins colonize and raid their home, walls, floors, crevice and crawl space knowing how damaging and destructive it is not only for the home structure but also threaten the residents’ lives living in that environment?

Basic simple understanding,

What is not good for violators unequivocally not suitable for the violated over generations.

Padmini Arhant

Politics – Paranoia with Self-Reflection

February 16, 2024





Padmini Arhant

The power mongering politics paranoia with own reflection – systemic corruption, core criminality and abuse of power is behind silencing and eliminating voice against poison politics.

The deeply insecure pathological criminal politics imprisonment and murder of formidable opponent trending in contemporary politics is suicidal for clique individually and collectively, the pseudo power cowardice is characteristic of decadent gluttonous guilty politics.

The trait shunning resolute opposition to incorrigible status quo is mirror reflection of rejecting own image citing mirror as the problem and not the object and subject.

Anything beyond salvation is unsustainable expediting imminent expiration of such political era.

History and reality are testament to the fact.

Padmini Arhant 

Gaza War – Rafah Air Strike Feb 2024

February 12, 2024

Gaza War

Rafah Air Strike Feb 2024

Padmini Arhant

Politics – Dehumanizing Life

February 10, 2024


Dehumanizing Life

Padmini Arhant

Politics playing politics with human lives regardless of age, race, religion and denominations are reminded their desperate strategy expose their individual and collective vulgarity, obscenity, indecency and decadence as the writing on the wall.

The despots further engagement in dirty sleazy slanderous scum politics for cheap publicity and wanton provocation pronounce their funeral while they together with crony contingency and minions are stripped of their human status in the prolonged genocidal legacy.

As for those wannabes, opportunists and parasites perpetually hiding behind race card despite murder and criminality towards people of own race and dumping own child brought into the world through violence and rape of the victim again from own race are the typical narcissists setting fire and crying foul evading responsibility and accountability.

In a fair civilized society, these criminals would be held accountable for their heinous crimes and not held above law allowing them to prey on more victims given their predator reality.

However, these characters are sworn to deterioration to the point of no return.

Nonetheless, the murderers of own people deploying taxpayer funded security personnel in summary execution of the rape victim in public square, the criminal offense indulging in violent sexual assault of the member from their race and subsequently eliminating their personal chef from their race associated with sexual orientation…catalog their violent abhorrent criminality masqueraded in obsession of their race and emphasis on melanin in a bizarre sociopathic trend.

The relentless publicity campaign in the futile effort to salvage the irreversibly tarnished trajectory is the beginning of the end of scavenging hyenas having demonstrated cannibalism in 2011 and thereafter the ravenous appetite for undeserving power abused to the core is now at the precipice.

The term in office was over and done with having wreaked havoc and monstrosity revived via proxy administration in 2021 until date in wars, deaths and devastation – the insignia depicting self-dehumanizing defacing guilt ridden profile.

Notwithstanding the excruciating journey awaiting these scumbags upon imminent demise is non-bailable and non-negotiable.

Padmini Arhant 

Pakistan – General Election 2024

February 9, 2024


General Election 2024

Padmini Arhant

When democracy is shackled with ban, state authorized arrests of party workers, peace activists including women denied bail in direct violation of Pakistan’s explicit constitutional right granted to women held on any charges, journalists, prohibition of candidates to contest election in a free and fair manner as elections are meant to be in a real functional democracy,

These developments blatantly subvert democracy.

Simultaneously, the political party PTI with popular support and great anticipation is denied equal opportunity with the founder and party leader, the former Prime Minister Imran Khan imprisoned with seemingly politically motivated assortments of disproportionate charges.

The culmination of state crackdown on PTI and nationwide ban on the party in contesting the national and provincial election in 2024 has led to the electorate verdict that appears in favor of the political party PTI of Pakistan.

The latest poll results according to Pakistan and international news reports show the former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s PTI represented by the independent candidates in the lead with 99 seats right now leaving other two major contenders – PML- N and PPP fairly behind by a margin of 30 and 46 seats respectively thus far.

The PTI representation through independent candidates is a situation arising from undemocratic unconstitutional elimination of a largest national party such as PTI from the polls including removal of PTI party symbol, the cricket bat from the ballot paper blocking viable choices to the vast electorate considering Pakistan’s significant rural voters and urban disadvantaged lacking in higher literacy exercise their voting right by recognizing and associating the party symbol with the candidate.

The PTI is relevantly represented by the majority electorate in the current polls 2024 and as a result, the political leader Imran Khan return to power honoring electoral mandate would be the legitimate process to restore democracy in Pakistan.

More on this subject and other issues related to Pakistan mentioned earlier in the previous topic will be presented in due course.

Padmini Arhant 

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