United States – Political Race Baiting

July 27, 2023

United States

Political Race Baiting

Padmini Arhant

The Gospel Truth


The operatives behind democrat political party in extension of unconstitutional undemocratic expired Presidential term engaged in relentless and hopeless racial connotation smothered in pseudo defense of own black culture draw attention to unsavory events.

Furthermore, the taxpayer funded politics unnecessarily adding brown color code in the palette in congressional hearings via proxy rank and file members recruited as the quad aka the squad is disingenuous to begin with notwithstanding the display confirming desperate times seeking desperate measures in political theatrics at taxpayers’ expense. 

The sincere care and concern of own culture – such as the black history or African American cause demonstrated in respect for life and acknowledgment of responsibility towards own family such as acceptance of the child born out of wedlock in extra marital affair with her African American mother gunned down in public square through taxpayers’ financed security personnel reveal the true nature in black and white.

Importantly leaving aside the deliberate brown interjection in these discussions which is at the least imposition of black supremacy overshadowing white supremacy in the nuanced characterization of a witness with further inference on the background of the latter as a philosopher allegedly undermining Africanism is a far cry.

In defiance of the bare naked facts – the source behind the dramatic innuendoes continue to remain the existential threat exemplified in violent legacy denying own people whether family deprived of parental and child support,


The community at large of African American race the right to exist with alarming outrageous incidents of merciless killing and mysterious deaths dismissed as freak accidents growing in numbers by the day.

Amidst the inherent complexities within, the political outcry on black culture setbacks ascribed to fixated target conform to the pot calling the kettle black.

As for the brown race, needless to say is adequately and satisfactorily capable of confronting challenges without any requirement of apathetic empathy especially from those mocking elements of genuine compassion and thoughtfulness defining the fundamental human value.

Last but not the least, the latest fad in political jab with anchored slur and slander of philosophy, only if the present politics disposed to constant racial bidding more in abuse of the contexts than serving any meaningful purpose other than individual and political traction were to adhere to philosophical traits on ethics, moral and social consciousness,

It would benefit politics and the nation in better management of all matter vulnerable to known and unknown crises.

PS: American political history is testimony to incontrovertible reality on slave ownership pertaining to African American race predominantly prevalent among democrat members in that era leading to a Republican President Abraham Lincoln emboldened historic precedence – the Emancipation Proclamation issued in 1863 on abolition of slavery freeing black population that cost then Republican President Lincoln’s life.

Not to mention the democrat party members such as the late Robert Byrd, the longest serving former democrat Senator from West Virginia – the known KKK member was also a close friend of the incumbent President Joe Biden.

The former Senator from Delaware Joe Biden now sitting President sharing some of his own racial overtones against different racial and ethnic demography in America called out during 2020 Presidential debate by none other than the current Vice President Kamala Harris reminding then Senator of racial discrimination on segregation endorsed and supported at free will.

The incumbent President Joe Biden controversial remarks and position throughout his spanning political career were consistently excused as Biden gaffe until today while never missing a moment on anyone not in agreement with democrat political establishment ideology.

Interestingly, the first black Presidency in 2009 settling for Vice Presidency Joe Biden and subsequent endorsements until today regardless of then Senator Joe Biden’s track record on race, civil rights, African Americanism and proximity to then democrat Senator Robert Byrd whose KKK association was open secret etc.

None of the significant background ever found relevant while choosing the running mate in 2008 and / or later honoring the VP Biden with Presidential medal of Freedom by the first black Presidency.

The favors continued into the present by campaigning and fund raising for the administration in quid pro quo. 

The bizarre preference create credibility issue for the black Presidency now crying foul on SCOTUS decision on Affirmative Action alongside scapegoat the one and only target on anything citing alleged indifference to African American plight for concurrence in the specific case involving other immigrant groups such as Asian Americans’ fair opportunity right.

Yet another factuality in contradiction to the black Presidency and present administration’s teachers Union platform used for political reasons in the hidden backdrop of an African American gay male elementary school teacher also a choir conductor at Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s Trinity United Church, Chicago – Donald Young at age 47 shot dead in December 2007 with the case ruled homicide and those implicated contrarily experience meteoric rise in their political career in 2009. 

The make-believe dilemma is the biggest irony for the democrat political party transformed into the party of elites with the party prominent member condescendence towards ordinary citizens referenced as deplorable on campaign trail, one of several overt  and covert inappropriate assessments from the top tiered hierarchy.

The latest insensitive callous assault on speech impediments through staged enactments in public by democrat party leadership at the behest of the puppeteer in particular aside from Hollywood gigs on big screen and ceremonial award fiascos is disgraceful behavioral pattern.

The grave disorder amongst those priding in misconstrued self-perfectionism insulting and hurting the sentiments of thousands and million or more citizens in the United States and worldwide with such issues living their life with dignity unlike the performers is paradoxical parody. 

The democrat party self-declared supremos post 2009 until now and others conveniently discount the party structural malefic via Super delegates comprising upper echelons and influential members within and outside the party overriding the democrat grass roots choice in the party’s Presidential primary election.

The democrat political party selection of Presidential nominee by Super delegates displace the primary electoral mandate considering behind the scenes deal making transpire in the process.

The democrat political party is misled on race and identity politics, opportunity and equality since 2009 – the election of the first black Presidency set in perpetual denial of progress and prospects despite phenomenal gains evidenced in selves and others from African American race.

Meanwhile, the same members as the so-called democrats ignoring their personal lineage as descendants of slave ownership insisting on reparations compensation from immigrants in California, who in return have their past and recent accounts on systemic prejudice and exploitation is hypocrisy ad nauseam.

Introspection is the need of the hour prior to provocative insinuations on philosophy by politics gone astray.

Padmini Arhant 



United States – Karmic Vortex

July 25, 2023

United States – Karmic Vortex

Padmini Arhant

Apparently, this is how the Black Lives Matter

Barack & Michelle Obama’s Personal Chef – Tafari Campbell, Age – 43 in the picture below found dead near their Martha’s Vineyard Estate pond on July 23, 2023. 

Who’s Who? – Devils’ Doomsday

July 2, 2023

Who’s Who?

Devils’ Doomsday

Padmini Arhant

The necrotic parasites insist their way or no other way inviting imminent inevitable doomsday upon them.

Devils’ Doomsday


Identity Clarification and Risk Analysis

June 25, 2023

Identity Clarification

Padmini Arhant

Update: In the assessment of risk, it is a risk even to exist in the current toxic political environment spying and disparaging the one and only target viz. me.

No time is wasted in deploying all means, resources and hired crony contingency at disposal in that regard.

Oddly enough, when analyzing risks, the pick and choose – Mt.Everest climbing, skydiving and ocean exploration are the only ones somehow seem to matter to the ones running the global narrative on all affairs.

Frankly speaking, taking risks in life is relative as long as it does not jeopardize other’s life and only limited to own personal experience either way. That is called measured and calculated risk handling in life.

Unlike the risks such as Frankenstein prank in the gain of function scientific research endeavored in manufacturing deadly virus to experiment its virulence on humans without the care and concern that resulted in devouring millions of lives and ruining scores of livelihoods is not only reckless but also plain evil.

Yet another risk that destroyed and devastated human lives world over bringing down the global economy on its knees is none other than financial risks as witnessed and experienced in the sub-prime mortgage and hedge fund debacle. Unfortunately, the trend continues in CBDC and great financial reset.

The cavalier approach bundling damaged goods viz. securities with losses written all over it and still rolled over in the financial market gambling away ordinary people assets in their home and investments savings proved reckless and foolish laden with hubris. 

Accordingly, when indulging in constant insinuations against a particular target i.e. against me, it is important to quit selective memory and maintain fair analysis of situations and events in the otherwise effort to inform or malign ignoring balancing act.

Not to mention, in both instances the Frankenstein gain of function research unleashing the catastrophic COVID19 and financial gambling – both accounts inflicted phenomenal loss of lives and economic collapse unlike the solo Mt.Everest expedition, Skydive and Ocean exploration.

Notwithstanding no responsibility or accountability seem to ever matter in the eyes of those responsible as well as the ones cheering the former while never missing an opportunity to jeer the latter.

It’s time to descend from imperialistic era down to earth and accept glaring facts and reality in creating a civilized society.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 




Identity theft is a crime. Deal with your own identity and settle your KARMA with your penance. You cannot absolve yourself of your sins by claiming seizing other’s identity and disowning yours as it would only exacerbate your present and future existence such as post departure from the world.

Politics Hard Ball – Race Baiting

May 25, 2023

Politics Hard Ball

Race Baiting

Padmini Arhant

Identity politics today is the be-all and end-all strategy for power grab with mammoth efforts in variety of ways to masquerade real status smearing politics at national and international level – corruption, criminality and treason.

The topic New World Order – Political Doctrine published preceding this article elaborate the problems in contemporary politics.

New World Order – Political Doctrine

Politics is plagued by corruption beyond salvation. The cronyism in politics is premised on having each others’ back in corruption, treason and alarming crimes with no end in sight.

From campaign trail throughout political career and thereafter, the politics bear a price tag alongside using and abusing people thrown under the bus for political expediency and personal gains in the unconscionable act misconstrued as privilege.

Subsequent to assuming office -from the rank and file to the highest office, the violation of public trust, misrepresentation and failures to deliver to own constituents, state and nation at large is the norm in politics. The moral compass is long broken and subject to mockery synonymous to the term decorum on both sides of the aisle representing politics that is farcical than factual.

The status quo provide the deep state deeper entrenchment in all things with unbridled control over money and minds of the people in the entire global village.

Why do deep state care so much about protecting the corrupt and treasonous despite them being unveiled of their true colors and baneful personality traits having ruined and destroyed lives in millions and the trend continued via proxy?

The puppets enable puppeteers to pull rabbit out of ears and call illusion the mesmerizing magic show.

The world is indeed a stage with politics controlled by deep state representing own diverse interests with population transformed into herd increasingly morphed as sheeple with heads down and attention deflected from the misleading direction.

No matter what the deep state spring on the population inflicting catastrophe and devastation such as the pandemic and economic carnage, the deep state and front line representatives get away with self-granted impunity only to return staging the recycled performance as a new display.

The identity politics focus on race baiting is personal identity crisis for those engaged in the identity swap aka theft. The woeful indulgence expect identity exchange to cleanse the ones in the swamp while stain and stigmatize the source aimed as the target.

Identity politics is a massive propaganda pushing false narrative and agenda for own benefits to keep public eye and memory away from deep state affairs affecting lives without interval in the world.

Those behind identity politics refuse to turn inward in soul searching for obvious reasons. The exercise would open the can of worms directly staring at them and their crimes against own people let alone others. 

Whether that is Miriam Carey and her toddler –  the summary execution of an unarmed mother with a toddler in the car laying her own life to the barrage of bullets rained on her in public square at the White House periphery. The victim demonstrating courage in her commitment to save her child amidst violent pursuit unlike the ones who authorized and committed the abhorrent violence against own race and now in the forefront of identity politics scheme.

Or, the crime by then authority in the White House against the member of own race Troy Davis – an innocent man mercilessly dispatched to the gallows rejecting clemency to the sentenced with his innocence indisputably proven in the aftermath of the state crime and politicized justice.

The firing of Shirley Sherrod, the female member among own race and community relevantly serving then incumbent administration headed by black Presidency was another casualty in the race orientation.

Shirley Sherrod was removed from the agriculture department she was working for at that time. The White House self-centered action to save own skin from race baiting media rancor is a classic example of self-righteousness crashing on race politics.

What about the black Presidency pledging support including campaigning for the two-time incumbent multi-billionaire Mike Bloomberg in the New York mayoral race against own political party black contender seeking opportunity to serve the marginalized black demography in the racial economic dynamic?

Prior to ascendency to major power such as entry to the White House, the background clearly showing the current identity politics purveyors promoting blackness and black identity now systematically then excluding own race in the lowest economic class from eligibility for benefits based on self-interests gained from appeasement of  previous employer – University of Chicago, Illinois.

The trajectory before and after seated as the face of the deep state power exemplify exclusive profitability and individual enhancement in political and economic windfall albeit at the loss, misery and misfortune of others rammed over in the never satisfied hunger for personal fortune in every aspect.

Accordingly, the contemporary identity politics facade is a desperation to conceal decadent legacy contrarily exposing duplicity in persona and character. 

Politics hard ball on identity politics is a rejection of own reflection shunning real self in the quest for image, culture and identity appropriation contrasting original being.

The irrefutable fact is mirror on the outside and inside never lie presenting the true inner and outer image.

Padmini Arhant



Entertainment or Indoctrination?

May 18, 2023




Padmini Arhant

Incest – the term familiar and conspicuously relevant in practice among power mongers, wealth hoarders and fame starved insular category insanely maintaining heretic heritage with their descendants revealing reality amongst them under the pretext of documentary aka donkey-mentary reflecting the mindset behind production, direction, acting and political hatch. 

It’s rather strange those touting personal status as the ones at the political helm abusing people granted power against the same folks, partner with entertainment medium such as Netflix evidently for political vendetta using Hollywood connection and relation for smear campaign via trash called movie such as Glass Onion earlier and now the asinine donkey-mentary.

What a way to express gratitude to those whom they use, abuse and bankrupt for their unimaginable political jackpot in their life!

Give a dog a bone and some water, the dog is the best friend and most trusted companion for life.

In contrast, some human attitude to critical help and support including financial contributions is to turn virulently against them from whom they begged for assistance. Then onwards treat them with contempt on whose back they were riding on to cross the crocodile infested river stream viz. politics.

The malice analogous to monkey and crocodile fable with trusting monkey gobbled by crooked crocodile subsequent to monkey removing the stuck item turns out monkey bone from the crocodile teeth that had the crocodile in agony. The crocodile has been feasting on those prior to the helper monkey’s tragedy.

What more?

The repeat offenders do not hesitate to use their target’s real life incident and deploy in the enactment involving innocent victim of their violent crime like summary execution in public square. Then conveniently hide behind political impunity protecting criminals without ‘entanglement’ so to speak with law or criminal Justice.

The lesson learned is – exercise discernment even in charity and whom to be charitable to as the ones dwelling in glass house are the first ones to cast stone on others.

There is ton of dough using others’ money of course for mud slinging in the name of donkey-mentary. Somehow the super wealthy are paupers unable to afford child support to a black child whose black mother was brutally gunned down at the White House door step by their security personnel following order from both of them.

Interestingly, the proposal from them on reparation for historic discrimination demanding Californian taxpayers to pay $385,000 to $1.2 million to each affected member in black community when California was not even involved in slave ownership stems from those targeting California for anything as the latest strategy.

Instead, why not be the example in following the civilized trail and pay reparation to the black child, an adolescent now having been deprived of a mother and parent love and care inflicting gruesome violation of her rights.

Now this is the embarrassing incontrovertible ugly profile of those and cohorts indulging in innuendo fabrication as “Her Truth” in the donkey-mentary. 

On incest – the trend continued in modern times extend incest with propaganda recruits hired for pittance  and those willing to go well and beyond impropriety in incentive to be part of incestuous society. 

The other aspect of immorality among incest society is to falsely superimpose present time with far fetched unrelated events from history in sleazy attempt on character defamation. 

The film making now predominantly submitted to political agenda devised and directed by incest secret society, the vicious circle attract members alike to perform to malevolent script in collusion on the hoax. 

The on and off screen fraudulence is hardly a concern for all participating in the contrived scheme with deliberate misrepresentation and meandering. 

The evil is always agitated upon evil being rejected with evil’s addiction for attention ad nauseam. 

Accordingly it is least surprising for evil rancor to appear in entertainment disguise. 

In the past century Germany’s Adolf Hitler was known to have exploited entertainment field for false propaganda and indoctrination.

Fast forward, Hollywood in particular poised as anti-Nazi and needless to say the former apparently no big admirer of Nazi ruler Adolf Hitler emulating the latter in mass manipulation to the point of leaving behind Hitler in Hitlerism is the irony of the irony.

Hollywood, Netflix and genre used as platform for polity to spew venom in gutless nuanced gutter politics smothered in sly egot(e)stical slander for sadistic pleasure is pot calling the kettle black.

The so-called entertainment field is a pawn to claim anything at anyone’s expense adding insult to audience intelligence.

Whatever it is  – whitewashing, black washing and brown sycophants baited on pseudo posts and slavish titles – them all combined selling their Soul in collaboration is hell bent on brainwashing with identity politics transformed into loony obsession for all bizarre reasons exhibiting self-righteous narcissism. 

Notwithstanding the obsolete gimmick taking entire viewers for granted.

Those who are in the business of gross deception as lifetime engagement drown in deceit and disappear.

Entertainment nowadays is more of a channel to release arsenic for poison identity politics dying slow excruciating death accompanied by all those buttressing the political wreck.

Constant height and might flaunting while diminished beyond salvation and redemption in every aspect with no self-respect, negative value and parasitic culture is impulsive disorder.

Own reflection in the mirror and introspection within tell all that one needs to know about oneself barring nonsense.

Get over your ad hominem mania and compulsive heresy about your target.

Life wasted in abuse is self-abusive indicative of nothing to live for except voluntary decay. With such life, no height or might can see the light when all actions lead doers plunge in darkness.

Sad ending for sadists absorbed in self-destructive sinister saga is the only certainty with guaranteed self-sabotage.

The villains of society with crony contingency mob ambush is tell tale sign of trepidation on precipitous personal and gangsta decadent decline. 

Padmini Arhant 

PadminiArhant. com 


Pack Behavior – Obsession Ad Hominem

May 13, 2023

Pack Behavior 

Obsession Ad Hominem

Padmini Arhant

I asked Almighty God the reason behind obsession ad hominem.

God replied it is an incurable disorder among those with such behavior. God continued when they are incessantly fixated in persecuting one person with constant disparagement, they are basically reacting to inner conflict about themselves in turmoil.

They want to be you and they hate who they are.

They also have nothing to live for except creating inner turbulence. They abandon own life and instead live their target’s life.

They try to escape from within which is not possible. They find a scapegoat and continuously attack you for they know dealing with own short comings, negativities and inadequacies is a tall order for them.

Their self-perception about themselves is paradoxical to real character exemplified by them in thoughts and deed which by no measure is normal nor honorable.

Hence , they resign to virulent attack against you which is actually their inability to accept self- reflection in the mirror.

You should regard such treatment as their problem not yours for jealous and insecure people are always ashamed of them and their grave personality ataxia. 

God then reminded me about Jesus Christ, Lord Krishna and similarly in other faiths, those who showed mirror to evil doers were vilified and despised declining to change course for better.

However, invariably every one of them colluding and complicit in the act against goodness met their fate appropriately in accordance with time and Karma, The same would happen in the repeat episode as many have already experienced right now in this regard.

One harvest what one sow towards others regardless of timeline.

God concluded the answer adding obsession ad hominem against you as the target is a compliment from those whose life is eternally dependent on others whom they use and abuse for own exclusive benefits and interests fitting the definition – parasites. 

Padmini Arhant

Powerful Identity – Real and Fake

April 5, 2023

Powerful Identity

Padmini Arhant

How to identify the real powerful from the fake?

1. The real powerful would face challenges of all kind fearlessly and not feel threatened by contender of any type. Importantly not deploy unscrupulous devious strategies to eliminate opponent.

In other words declaring victory in a race with contestant jettisoned well before the commencement of event and maintain corruption to prevail in the end justifying the means Machiavellian approach.

2. The real powerful would not rely on deadly weapons and security personnel to slay innocent unarmed female civilian gunned down in public square. The real powerful would not deny a child her mother and relevantly not deprive her from the rights in every aspect of human relationship.

The real powerful also would not decline clemency to an innocent ordinary man wrongfully convicted of a crime he did not commit and send him to the death chamber.  At the same time paradoxically execute extra judicial power to rescue the political counterpart evidently alter ego convicted in human rights violation related to communal violence from arrest in New York.

3. The real powerful would not preside, endorse or condone violence via radical pseudo organization such as Black Lives Matter rioting, looting, scorching and vandalizing private and public property in world view.

4. The real powerful counterpart in the so-called world’s largest democracy similarly would not authorize pogrom killing thousands of innocent lives in communal violence and evade legal culpability.

5. Likewise the real powerful of the so-called world’s largest democracy in personal dealings would not lie in legal affidavit for Prime Minister candidacy about marital status as never married only to be corrected as married upon reminder on perjury.

Furthermore abandon spouse from the legal marriage hidden from public eye with no monetary compensation such as alimony and legal sustenance. Meanwhile intervene in society’s other faith pretending to grant social Justice to women in their marital affairs i.e. divorce custom for political mileage and image.

Otherwise hypocrisy ad nauseam in personal and political issues.

6. The real powerful would accept responsibility for actions and inaction in personal, political and professional matter.

7. The real powerful would not involve in any copyright infringements and shamefully deceitfully carry out plagiarism, piracy and identity theft running away from selves for obvious reasons. 

8. The real powerful would not engage in unlawful unethical practice such as intrusion and invasion of civilian home, space and privacy. Not to mention perversion in the course of spying, snooping and eavesdropping on others’ personal and private family conversations as well as their daily life.

9. The real powerful would not become lackey to New World Order, oligarchy, identity politics and any ideological doctrine.

10. The real powerful would not hide behind media, entertainment, trolls, memes, IT sleeper cells and diverse propaganda machinery to denigrate and defame opponent.

11. The real powerful would not pursue and target opponent with false fabricated allegations abusing law and Justice and delve into material to incriminate in sadistic satisfaction and political witch-hunt.

12. Above all, the real powerful would neither abuse power nor obsessed with power.

Padmini Arhant

Presidential Debacles 2009 – 2016

March 30, 2023

United States 

Presidential Debacles 2009 – 2016

Padmini Arhant

To begin with, in January 2009 Barack Obama Presidency swearing in ceremony, the gala event on global view turned into a major embarrassment with the pledge of allegiance by then President-elect Barack Hussein Obama were muddied and malarkey while repeating the solemn oath on camera presided by the United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. in the nation’s capital – Washington D.C.

As a result, the swearing-in after proper rehearsal was privately conducted at the White House a day or two later with merely the presence of the U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John G.Roberts Jr. and then President – select Barack Hussein Obama.

The beginning itself was stumbling and did not commence smoothly on the day of the swearing-in protocol which was quite telling in more than one way as celestial warning. 

Then onwards commenced the harrowing experience under the Presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. They were not only endured in ominous Obamacare continued till date, the carnage and catastrophe inflicted on billions of population from violent interventions worldwide were not ordinary in magnitude.

The victims of violent warfare, carpet bombing in Libya, cannibalism sponsored by the administration against children, women, youth and elderly in Syria, drone attacks deriving sadistic thrills in a manner as video game simulation rejoicing the sight of children, women, physically challenged and senior citizens fleeing for their life from humble dwellings in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Colombia and other destinations in South America etc., are not characteristics of human trait.

Importantly, the Presidency of Barack Obama failures in domestic mid-term elections and international affairs as well as sports events exemplified false magnification of self-image proven otherwise in outcome.

The 2010 mid-term election for Democratic Party under Barack Obama leadership and Presidency suffered severe setback with the party losing the House, Senate and losses in Gubernatorial race.

The Democratic Party had repeat episodes in 2012, 2014 and 2016 with then democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton losing to the Republican contender Donald Trump and thereafter the Presidency of Donald Trump subject to contentious legal and political bias with no end in sight.

The political vendetta anchored on 2016 Presidential defeat remain incessant evidenced in latest developments.

Internationally, among many unsuccessful endeavors involving the Presidency of Barack Obama, the prominent one is BREXIT. The former President Barack Obama could not prevail in persuading Britains to oppose BREXIT in the national referendum despite the former’s personal trip to London to campaign on the matter.

On other international event related to sports – the Summer Olympics venue selection, the personal visit of President Barack Obama and Michele Obama together submitting the choice to host the event in their native city Chicago, Illinois did not come into fruition.

The Obamas lost their bid for Chicago Olympics to Brazilians hosting the event in Rio de Janeiro in August 2016.

The disappointment and anger was visibly expressed on global lens projected at the Obamas not reciprocating cordially to the winner Brazil represented by then Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on the international stage.

Subsequently, the Trump Presidency bidding on the same event i.e. Summer Olympics was won with Los Angeles to host the international game officially known as the Games of the XXXIV Olympiad and commonly known as Los Angeles 2028 or LA28 scheduled in July 2028.

Actions with positive delivery matter and define attribute or the lack thereof.

Padmini Arhant

Factoid – Violations with Taxpayer Money

March 28, 2023

Factoid – Violations with Taxpayer Money

Padmini Arhant

The abuse of power such as spying, snooping, eavesdropping, trolling, tagging and identity theft  of individual taxpayer using taxpayer dollars is the worst self-denigration for the desperate in deep swamp burdened with irredeemable sins.

The perversion and criminality in such indulgence define fundamental character.

No matter what those famished for power engage in or do to anyone in series of violations, their deeds in this respect accompany them upon departure from the world for due judgment unavoidable despite reference such as pitch fork. 

Padmini Arhant 

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