Fait Accompli

January 6, 2024

Fait Accompli

Padmini Arhant  

The contemporary politics entrenched in pathetic display of pompous self-adulation is the insignia of those severely lacking in ingenuity, integrity and credibility.

The megalomaniacal egotistic undeserving glory hogging presumptuous power mongering squandering ordinary taxpayers money in vindictive politics, false propaganda and perversions deploying any and all available means from crony groveling media to dirty money laundered entertainment and diverse social platforms to extend catastrophic legacy is multi-dimensional kamikaze indulgence.

The debunked Non—Hindu leaderships in pretense as a fervent Hindu engaged in mass deception in politics as Prime Minister and Home Minister in the so-called world’s largest democracy exploiting and abusing Hinduism promoting and practicing Hindutva fundamentalist rabid ideology encompassed in goon gutter sleazy slanderous politics is the last straw in blasphemy and destruction of nation and society at large.

The fate of such politics and those complicit behind as cohorts face the writing on the wall, the outcome experienced time and time again until now and expected to prolong indefinitely in repeat failures, colossal defeat and humiliation brought upon by self-narcissism and despotism ad nauseam.

Anything deliberately set to harm and harbor ill-will through provocation wanton intrusion against goodness, peace and positivity are doomed to peril per own design.

One should never under-estimate the karmic effects of one’s actions and willful malice duly returning to the origin and catalysts with devastating impact.

Better to be wise in choosing enemies misconstrued as fair game in the fait accompli. 

Padmini Arhant 

Farewell Violent Decadent Politics

December 31, 2023


Violent Decadent Politics

Padmini Arhant

The world run by politics surrendered to treason, evil actions, violence, greed, power mongering, cronyism, identity politics, prejudice, hatred, mass deception, propaganda, diverse narcissism is responsible for status quo.

The political decadence in utter disregard for human lives, rights, home, space, territory are overrun with perversions and brute indulgence.

The writing is on the wall confirming the end of cultural moral human degradation predominantly represented by politics facing imminent termination. The trend conforms to anything destructive as unsustainable with inevitable dissipation.

The problem is politics unfortunately headed by obsession with power despite dismal track record and disastrous performance. The desire to be seated in power on permanent basis is aided by shenanigans and shady deals at the expense of the nation and citizens at large.

Politics flouting rules and responsibility is the norm. The political crimes including abuse of power is evaded with immunity holding members above law while applying the same exceeding fullest extent against those regarded opponents and the rest of the law abiding in society.

War is waged to deflect domestic attention on personal political scandals, subversion of democracy besides failed governance reflected in bad economy and public dissatisfaction in all matter.

The war crimes committed in the course viz. genocide and the true holocaust citing the so-called self-defense are normalized as entitlement.

Such politics reining control is equivalent to the fox guarding the chickens den with false assurance as the only trustworthy guardian in absolute denial of reality.

The political environment is toxic entrenched in corruption, criminality and on the precipice with resistance to peace, reason and rationality in the contemporary turbulence period.

Accordingly, bidding farewell to politics in turmoil in the out with all things counterproductive negative  and in with recognition of individual liberty, national sovereignty, territorial integrity, self-determination and equal opportunity barring selectiveness is the only way to experience normal existence.

Good riddance unruly, mob, perverse, violent decadent politics wreaking havoc.

Padmini Arhant



Human Inhumane Conduct

December 27, 2023

Human Inhumane Conduct

Padmini Arhant

Face the Reality – No matter who is on whomsoever side in warfare, when civilians in the targeted zone and the aggressors’ own defense personnel loss of lives have been mounting in alarming proportion, the deaths and devastation inflicted do not represent victory for those with such objective.

Israel and United States together with other active and passive partners have long lost the war on Gaza.

Having murdered several thousand children in air strikes, missiles and bombs not barring the use of white phosphorous, thousands orphaned, displaced and denied basic survival needs…all of which carried out by the belligerent forces i.e. Israel and United States plus coalition, there is only one absolute certainty i.e. imminent judgment on all of these gross violations with excruciating journey and prolonged suffering awaiting the guilty.

The unforgivable punishable to the fullest extent crime against unarmed innocent civilians and children appropriate to those behind the brutal military intervention lasting over two months since October 7, 2023 is the incontrovertible outcome.

In the cosmic sphere, justice might be delayed however never denied to victims of genocide and evil actions thus far.

The birth of Free and Peaceful Palestine  is inevitable and martyrs sacrifice would not be in vain.

Padmini Arhant 

The root of all evil in London since time immemorial need to understand if there is such capability within, the wickedness, callousness and connivance behind the strategy dumping complete strangers’ and anyone for that matter – their biography, history and identity from anywhere and wherever possible to malign me – has been called out several times and the nuance, innuendos and insinuations proven ludicrous and insane.

The desperate identity swap / theft is hideous hack in the hijacking of indisputable non-transferable DNA unique to every individual even among family of any and all species around since world creation, now and in the future. The irrevocable immutable feature is pertinent to one’s KARMA as well.

The malicious doctrine to indoctrinate against me is futile and plain idiocy. The unprecedented criminality further expose the guilty politics and complicity from those bribed and incentivized expediting collective jeopardy. 

Reminder to criminality bearing standard to excess baggage – your KARMA is entirely and exclusively yours and don’t exacerbate your sins by evading responsibility on all things that are related and associated to you and your life.

Running away from oneself to scapegoat other is open declaration of guilt laden with deceit and self-humiliation.

Human inhumane conduct is human behavioral legacy and inherent trait among those who indulge in such practice.

The long held tradition since human population origin until now ironically worsened in modern era. Unfortunately, social progress is inverse to other developments by mankind.

The ill-treatment of other humans by human race largely emanate from ignorance, poor or lack of understanding linked to zero to minimal emotional intelligence.

The other aspect is superiority complex which is typically inferiority syndrome instilled in deep insecurity, self-hatred and no self-esteem…these characteristics impetus anger and frustration reflected in an array of discrimination against their targets affecting the source with self-inflicted wound and guilt ridden existence sustained beyond life.

Their life is fraught with revenge and vendetta driven violence with no end in sight. The purpose in life with such mindset often leads to self-destruction in the end justifying the means unheeding humane choices and settling for reckless ruthless engagement.

None are absolved of their burden of sins especially the ones committed with hostility and harmful intentions ranging from belittling to dehumanization and diverse severe violations ignoring inevitable serious ramifications without exception.

No immunity can possibly provide exemptions on the imminent judgment against acrimonious abusive track record upon departure from the world.

Living with no regrets for all the wrongdoings and crimes throughout life is inescapable prison confronted with own conscience key witness to unconscionable actions in lifetime.

The defiance to treat others as they expect to be treated by them is clarification on incorrigible disposition much to self and collective degradation within similar social framework contrasting civilized culture.

Not to mention the pejorative attitude and approach amongst those exemplify the absence of human value, the essence of human character evidently irrelevant in the self-detrimental course delivering indignation and incrimination.

The phenomenal failure to be human is the recognizable tragedy in the dilemma to be or not to be HUMANE despite the undeniable reality applicable to entire human species as follows.

Except for karma / ones’ deeds nothing else accompany the soul in birth and death that determine the destination in the solo journey.

Padmini Arhant

The Dumbest Trend

December 20, 2023

The Dumbest Trend

Padmini Arhant

The propaganda on religion is a masquerade for the propagandists to whom being human is the biggest challenge.

From Islamophobia to now Islamohysteria?

Leave religions alone.

Whenever any particular race, religion or ethnicity is associated to someone not from those nomenclature, yet repeatedly linked to the one targeted as the arch nemesis, such wanton provocation reveal the negative sentiments from the source towards that race, religion and demography deliberately connecting those specifics to the subject regarded the enemy.

The shenanigans in the above respect prove desperate times expediting self and collective (those involved in similar actions) decline and dissipation.

Padmini Arhant 

Attention: The Runaway from Self-Identity

Applicable to only those engaged in this dumbest trend.

When you are all shunning your original identity as to who and what you are obviously due to shame and embarrassment of your actions and indulgence in your life,

What makes you all think, dumping your unwanted undesirable identity on whom you incessantly target much to your individual and collective peril experienced by you all at the moment, that would be acceptable to the one you impose yourself?

The dumbest trend not only exemplify your delusions but also your honesty in rejecting yourselves in recognition of your worst profile and corrupt trajectory that even you can’t apparently live with and doing everything to disinherit as to who you are.

Nonetheless, bear in mind (if you have one?) no matter what you do to yourselves to change anything about yourselves, your identity related to your DOB, age, biological, physiological, psychological and sociological i.e. your DNA and above all your karmic woes cannot be altered, traded and abandoned in this lifetime.

As for your imminent departure from the world, you can’t even get rid of your sins / bad karma as it is the only certainty that accompany your soul to deal with the judgment that determine your fate then onward.

Stop your obsession living your target’s life and focus on yours as you have a long way to go in settling your karmic debts evidently not possible in this life for any and all of you when you are actively involved in exacerbating your sins with your intrusive perversions laden with lewd crude character that clearly defines who exactly you all are.

Not to mention your hypocrisy in your blatant violation of other’s rights, life, home, space and  everything about them.

Don’t sweat over the craziest conduct as it only proves your lack of self-respect and disdain as to who you are?

Accordingly, the apt response to identity imposition / misappropriation is;

Your identity is your problem.

The malignancy you individually and collectively attribute to your target are your possessions and relevantly never acknowledged nor accepted from any and all of you. 

What belongs to you and offered by you permanently stay with you in characteristics, deeds and morality – since you have tasked yourselves as the moral authority abusing religion and power for your self-interests essentially your self-detriment.

The credibility lies in adapting straight talk barring wickedness albeit the former requires courage and integrity ominously missing in the latter.

Your objection to opponent’s presentation of views on your objectionable allegations at personal level spinning the issue with comment on the style of communication as assertive and uncomfortable is lame and toothless for the following reasons.

When it comes to aggression, violence, intimidation, harassment, bullying and critically utter depravity demonstrated in wars comprising indiscriminate bombing, shelling of hospitals, ambulances, residential areas etc., besides use of chemical weapons such as white phosphorous against Gazans and depleted uranium in Iraq and Syria…heeding none not even your solo and / or collective conscience adequately expose the demeanor and human value or the lack thereof in and amongst you.

FYI – assertive voice might cause discomfort and uneasiness among those accustomed to subservience and obsequiousness to them from those they regard beneath or inferior to them.

Nonetheless, assertiveness do not result in consuming innocent lives including children, women and vulnerable population with irreversible impact as witnessed and experienced time and time again from your actions. 

The manipulation, distortion, subversion and connivance…prominently deployed in your strategy is cowardice and importantly harbinger doomsday on all of you.

Choose your ally carefully and your adversary wisely for your choice could have serious repercussions that are often revealed in life lessons.

There are better and interesting things to do in life unlike your pre-occupation minding your target’s life while your own life slip away burdened with enormous liability and guilt. 

The identity swap is ludicrous and criminal that are taken into account against you and others complicit in this practice during judgment upon your and their inevitable exit from this world.

Padmini Arhant

Importance – Relevance and Essence

December 19, 2023


Relevance and Essence

Padmini Arhant

In the world where religion is the pawn for those seeking undeserving glory, power and fortune,

The endless desire seeking importance 24/7 prevalent not realizing importance is relative.

What is important to one not necessarily the same to another definitely not the one for whom the priorities are entirely different from that of those in constant self-indulgence as the way of life.

Besides, importance from one human to another barely last a moment and further not being genuine by and large with fickle human mind oscillating like a pendulum from one extreme to another,

Importance is a dewdrop that evaporates in thin air and dry under sun rays not even leaving behind any residue.

The importance that really matters and meaningful is Almighty God, whose grace, compassion and blessings provide incredible courage and sincerity to faithfuls loyal to the venerable indomitable power.

The importance harming and hurting others despite the certainty of own end hovering is walking blindfolded towards precipice mistaken as edifice.

Setting other’s home on fire returns to engulf the arsonists domain.

Shackle lives that are born to be free, the action depicts the chained mind unwilling to set itself free of negative vices and self-destruction ending up as eternal prisoners of guilt.

Sinners unrelenting sins is a vortex eventually absorb them towards undesirable destination.

Padmini Arhant



Palestine – The Sincere Believers

December 19, 2023


The Sincere Believers

Padmini Arhant

In the world where religion is the pawn for those seeking undeserving glory, power and fortune,

The endless desire seeking importance 24/7 prevalent not realizing importance is relative.

What is important to one not necessarily the same to another definitely not the one for whom the priorities are entirely different from that of those in constant self-indulgence as the way of life.

Besides, importance from one human to another barely last a moment and further not being genuine by and large with fickle human mind oscillating like a pendulum from one extreme to another,

Importance is a dewdrop that evaporates in thin air and dry under sun rays not even leaving behind any residue.

The importance that really matters and meaningful is Almighty God, whose grace, compassion and blessings provide incredible courage and sincerity to faithfuls loyal to the venerable indomitable power.

The belief in Almighty God is witnessed among Palestinian victims bravely facing deaths and enduring gruesome violence in the last 70 days of relentless bombings and shelling of the densely populated Gaza and violent activities against Palestinians of Islamic, Christianity and any other denomination.

Palestinian children, women, men, the young and the old unflinching faith in God will set them free regardless of how many among them are martyred in their freedom struggle.

God bless Palestinian child and the rest of the population braving the atrocity by aggressors for whom their importance is predominant though never applicable as such mindset generally designed to lead them towards megalomaniacal suicide mission.

Palestinian civilians sacrifice will not be in vain with their faith in Almighty God, the absolute important supernatural force granting them everlasting peace and long overdue freedom.

Free Palestine is inevitable with strong resistance among Palestinians alongside global solidarity in this humanitarian goal.

Setting other’s home on fire returns to engulf the arsonists domain.

Shackle lives that are born to be free, the action depicts the chained mind unwilling to set itself free of negative vices and self-destruction ending up as eternal prisoners of guilt.

Sinners unrelenting sins is a vortex eventually absorb them towards undesirable destination.

Padmini Arhant



Palestine Freedom and Peace

December 14, 2023

Palestine Freedom



Padmini Arhant

Update: 12/18/2023

The Nobel Peace Prize winning incumbent democrat administration predicament merit attention.

The Democrat administration’s steadfastness in curbing the most sensitive 2nd Amendment Bill of Rights in Gun Control contrarily engaged in the past fast and furious detrimental program arming the drug cartels in Mexico and Central America resulted in influx of population seeking asylum at the U.S. southern borders, the contentious issue for the current administration created by self during 2009 – 2016. 

The cause of this unnecessary chaos at the U.S. borders was predominantly due to alarming violence from the drug syndicate against locals in the villages and towns of the countries with then Obama – Biden democrat administration and Department of Justice headed by former Attorney General Eric Holder between 2009 – 2015 promoting and executing the controversial fast and furious program arming the drug cartels with U.S. supplied weapons cache.

Fast forward to 2023 – the Democrat administration declaring self as the stalwart on Gun Control in the United States is currently the foremost and primary provider of deadly weapons and ammunitions aiding and abetting ally Israel’s GENOCIDE in Gaza since October 7, 2023.

The Democrat administration has also vehemently opposed permanent ceasefire.

The administration’s pro-aggression stance is echoed  in Israeli leadership’s statement –

“Gaza Ceasefire would be Collective Suicide.”

The status quo continued despite the U.S. supplied military arsenal to Israel having killed at least 18,000 innocent unarmed civilians among whom 8000 or more children including neonatal in incubators with respirators have fallen victims in this merciless U.S. coalition with Israel’s military aggression against Palestinians in Gaza and the rest of Palestine

The Democrat administration’s Gun Control policy to disarm Americans in the domestic front while maintaining relentless violence evident in the above outlined activities explain politics’ dichotomy revealing true colors.

Padmini Arhant 

Update 12/16/2023

Israel exporting technology and military hardware  to any buyers world over not barring regimes and unscrupulous entities deploying them for perversions near and far is multi-faceted economic activity.

Besides technology spyware viz. the controversial Pegasus and other sensitive intelligence assets exported to interested purveyors much to United States angst and frustration,

Israel’s offense supply militarily to ruthless Rajapaksa regime along with Indian politics and others for ethnic cleansing against Tamils in Sri Lanka in 2009 targeting children, women and civilians in Tamil Eelam in the northeast of the island nation resulting in UN estimated 100,000 – 140,000 civilians in the prolonged conflict ended in Tamils Genocide in 2009. 
Elsewhere, Israel’s alliance with United States and Britain from the western front together with Middle East factions against Yemen in the endless military intervention against Houthis is raw and reflected in the latter response lately in the Red Sea extending solidarity to Gaza.

In the backdrop of Israel’s primary economic ventures involving offensive goods and services world over as an established status, committing war crimes in Gaza is evidently natural.

The global community report on Israel prohibiting health care professionals in Al-Nasr hospital to safely relocate premature babies in incubators denying them respirators and abandoning them to die in Al-Nasr hospital as reported in the visual content below is self-explanatory.

Politics committed to crimes against humanity abusing power defying international law, humanitarian, ethical and moral compliance is the existential terror endangering and consuming lives in epic proportion.

Unless this madness is stopped and brought to a permanent end, the Western coalition terror with United States leading the graveyard mission behind Israel in Gaza and the rest of Palestine would be colossal failure of humanity in saving and protecting lives alongside reining in on unbridled hubris demonstrated in blatant atrocity.

Not to mention, those who dig grave for others invariably find themselves in it sooner than later in consequential to actions ignored by political belligerence.

Free Palestine. Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza and the remaining Palestine is not an option rather mandatory and not subject to political will but heeding SOS to humanitarian crisis in the embattled enclave Gaza.

Padmini Arhant 

CourtesyAl-Madhad – AJ+ – AJ+ is stated as the global news community for the connected generation focused on human struggles and suffering.  Thank you.

No peace corridor connecting the proposed territories and regions would be possible or sustainable unless Palestine is Free from illegal occupation, colonization and violent settlements over 75 years and the latest bombardment brought to an end with permanent ceasefire.

Israel established in Palestine in 1948 and since then until date emerged and continued as oppressor, occupier apartheid regime with aggression and violence as the means to exert dominance over Palestinians in the meager territories – Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem is unacceptable condemnable status quo.

Israel’s peace and stability is directly linked to Palestine’s independence, sovereignty, liberty, peace, progress and prosperity for all Palestinians including the Palestinian refugees forced into exile since 1948 and maintained until now. 

Israel, the state within Palestine acknowledgment with cooperation in the global declaration of Palestinian independent sovereign statehood is paramount for the state of Israel to legitimize own sovereignty let alone democratic status.

None of the plans such as the unlawful cartography would materialize or guarantee any peace and stability for Israel at the expense and displacement of indigenous and repatriate Palestinian refugees from their native land Palestine.  

Above all, the ongoing shelling and decimation of Gaza and reprehensible GENOCIDE must cease effective immediately to save lives on all sides and expedite the arduous healing and recovery with humanitarian assistance to the victims including western funding to rebuild Gaza. 

Freedom and Peaceful Palestine is quintessential for any territorial, regional and global peace and security. 

Padmini Arhant 



Who is Who? Originality vs. Fraudsters

December 13, 2023

Who is Who?




Padmini Arhant

Who is Who?

Who was seeking whose help in 2008 and thereafter?

Proof is in the incontrovertible evidence.

There is more in chronological order.

Gratitude is not only rare unfortunately non-existent in the world of power, fame and fortune using and abusing others to realize own dreams and ambitions. It does not end there. Then almost immediately threaten life and existence of the one they use to reach the pinnacle of success.

Something humans could learn from animals and birds – the sense of gratitude expressed by these species when being rescued or served food and water at a critical moment…are beyond human comprehension to whom self-interests override any basic value defining real character.

Padmini Arhant 



Zionism and Hindutva Fundamentalism

December 12, 2023



Hindutva Fundamentalism 

Padmini Arhant

Zionism declares itself a Jewish State of Israel in the dichotomy as the only democracy(?) in the Middle East.

Hindutva Fundamentalism actively engaged in transformation of a secular nation viz. India to Hindu state already in progress with renaming the nation as Bharat from India.

Zionism oppress, suppress, repress the targets with authoritarian rule.

Hindutva Fundamentalism silence targets with bullets  and / or invalidate ballots.

Zionism is entrenched in propaganda and indoctrination abusing religion as the premise to promote Zionist doctrine.

Hindutva Fundamentalism thrives on publicity campaign and 24/7 dissemination exploiting religion for political ideology. 

Zionism and Hindutva Fundamentalism are two sides of the counterfeit currency in politics.

Padmini Arhant 


December 11, 2023


Padmini Arhant

Racism, Sexism, Fascism, Narcissism as ZioNazism could no longer hide behind anti-semitism.

Padmini Arhant

What happens when the following occur with the so-called modern civilized democratic society sponsor and commit GENOCIDE and ETHNIC CLEANSING of population targeting children to wipe out generations in the oppressed, persecuted and imprisoned territory – Gaza and Palestine?

“Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday defended the Biden administration’s decision to bypass Congress and send ammunition to Israel, arguing Israel’s need to defend itself against the militant group Hamas justifies the rare move.”

The contemporary reality:

Human conscience is replaced by lifeless, senseless, immoral authorities engaged in population annihilation exerting military might and humongous hubris rejecting international call for permanent ceasefire and peaceful resolution.

Classic example of political consciousness done away with political callousness carried out with political impunity in the so-called democracy.


“Call for a cease-fire now,” Wilson-Anton shouted as she was seen on video being escorted out of the event.


Most lawmakers oppose a call for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, with President Biden writing in a November Washington Post op-ed that “a cease-fire is not peace.”


Their actions in relentless violence exemplify them as the existential harm and danger consuming innocent lives heeding none in their graveyard mission.

Such behavior is non-human status depleted of sensitivity to deaths and devastation inflicted by them on innocent lives in Gaza and Palestine.

Above all, the pledge towards ex-termination / elimination / eradication proved in the death toll over 17,000 civilians slaughtered and half of them children killed in the GENOCIDE since October 7, 2023 until now only harbinger own suicide mission.

The event replayed with similar end to be experienced by perpetrators of GENOCIDE prolonged over two months in history repeating itself in politics orchestrated state terror against children and adults in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

Palestine freedom from the brutal onslaught is imminent with Almighty God’s blessings in strength, fortitude and strong will to the victims, the mourning, the hurt and suffering survivors in Gaza and the remaining Palestine.

God’s will never fail the victims of injustice and inhumane atrocity over 75 years now.

Padmini Arhant



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