The Gospel Truth

July 29, 2023

The Gospel Truth

The Cardinal Rule on Sinful Life and Legacy

Padmini Arhant

The color of the sky cannot be changed to suit and fit the preference of the beholder. Synonymously the skin color in a given life remain the same regardless.

Getting over color code – in blackness, whiteness, brownness, yellowness, pinkness, orangeness and any other shades and racial tones…merely an exterior skin layer with color of the blood (RED) remaining the same and uniform in all living species i.e. humans and animals alike, the realization in this context is the preliminary step towards civility.

The life history in terms of social identity – color, creed, education, economic, political background etc., ending and the memory of it erased with the termination of life in any particular lifetime except for the accumulation of karmic debts pending settlement, the condition  is irrefutable.

That being the fact of life, what’s all the fuss over melanin and skin pigmentation and other factors?

The Soul’s unknown journey though markedly premised on individual deeds aka Karma in any life duration, the hangover on skin color and stereotype are sentiments inhibiting positive thought process and relevant progress in mind evolution.

The efforts instead turned inward in clearing clutter within and deep inside to develop tolerance, acceptance, acknowledgment extending respect and understanding even with differences and disagreements on issues create better relations in human existence.

The humanness rising above prejudice, lingering bigotry, hatred, subjugation, subordination and discriminatory practice is the greatest challenge for those unable to release selves from the self-imposed constraints on social description.

Learning and striving to be human in nature and  behavior is the laudable milestone one could achieve in living and thenceforward.

Having said that, it might be possible to straighten the dog’s tail but not those set and sworn to be unruly and recalcitrant at own peril only to realize the outcome echoing what was ignored and too late for recovery.

On the question of feeling insignificant, it would matter only when such assertions from distinctively insignificant have any significance whatsoever.

Claiming credit on anything that do not apply to self aka wannabe alternatively piracy while shunning responsibility on everything that is squarely own obligation with name written all over is called opportunism

Financial bankruptcy caused by malicious forces abusing position besides conning and mocking endlessly about the situation long after recovery is sadistic pleasure, the epitome of narcissism

Juxtaposed, personal permanent irreversible moral and ethical bankruptcy drowning in doom and gloom is far worse than any temporary loss in life.

Not to mention the status depleting core human value, irreplaceable element with any monetary or material compensation.

The designee viz. the Vice President as the so-called heart beat away and next in line to the highest office on land selling the Soul to devil for title in name only and price tag is sycophancy traded at the cheapest fire sale otherwise insolvency of brain and human dignity.

The bargain involving self-caricature in ever high ecstasy and delirium on display admittedly from substance abuse evidently never in short supply in the latest cocaine saga at the premise of the most important public office in the nation is sad and tragic affirmation on self-destruction beyond salvation.

The self-inflicted deterioration to appease the devils in disguise is classic example of greed and lack of intelligence resulting in dysfunctional performance and dystopia.

As for the mainstream network with insignia as the sly scavenger FOX represented by hosts and anchors salivating on the bait along with counterparts on curbside communication outlets trading journalistic ethics for demolition of democracy peddling Satans’ satanic nuanced scripts are components of the large fraud machine with engine running on recycled fabrication and distortion in epic proportion.

The combined collaborative efforts expedite their cataclysmic destiny already in progress with precipitous decline together with the entire apparatus behind the gamut on the brink of collapse.

Accordingly the futile nonsensical defamation via VP clown and other pawns sponsored by media cohorts’ directed at the target to convince imaginary audience in empty theater is the ultimate parody glaring at those in fools paradise.

Sins and crimes committed with willful malevolence is demonic despotism. 

The characteristics encapsulate brazen conviction to harm, develop attitude entrenched in hatred, contempt, prejudice, misogyny, intolerance, insolence, slur, slander, smear, besmirch, condescendence, patronization, envy, gluttonous greed, hubris, arrogance, bruised ego, violation of rights through invasion of life, privacy, space, perversion, spying, snooping, prying, preying, predator instincts and critically identity theft, identity swap, identity misappropriation manipulated as identity appropriation, isolation to anonymity, exploitation, unlawful intrusion, imposition, harassment, bully, mob mentality, obsessive compulsive disorder with the target…are some of many diverse character deformity and deranged personality laden with ignorance.

Such indulgences bear serious consequences in living gripped with grief and guilt and upon demise leading to the solo journey after life saddled with unsettled karmic debts excruciating thereafter.

Furthermore, lies, deception, dereliction of duty, debauchery, corruption, criminality, treason, violation of trust, abuse of power, public office, people’s money, authorizing censor speech, cancel culture, proxy, pawn, puppet schemes, divisive polarizing poison politics triggered by power mongering and atrocities of any kind exacerbate the inevitable outcome.

Importantly, misinformation, disinformation, falsehood, fakery, vicious propaganda, fraudulence and indignation to name a few…via collusion, complicity, complacency and participation in any capacity with the wicked and evil face enormous Karmic ramifications denying the Soul redemption and peace. 

The culmination of all of the above is self-destructive comparable to an object engulfed in sea of fire reduced to ash in the realm of nothingness poignantly reflect the degenerative act dissolution.

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ presumptuously regarded victory proved to be in vain. Those who authorized and participated were pummeled and paid the price nevertheless much later.

Likewise in other faiths, the demons wreaking havoc were appropriately dealt with reminder never to provoke nor challenge the wrath of phenomenon ordained by the creator of the universe.

In Almighty God’s Supreme Kingdom, Justice might be delayed never denied.

Karma effective from the moment wrongful sinister deeds onset, the Soul is shackled in  perennial suffering with no respite for the foolish enslaved to evil traits and ceaseless sins.

The cardinal rule firmly apply without exception to all those in violations enunciated above granting none any exemption nor concession.

The Gospel Truth since the dawn of creation established by the Supernatural power remain irrevocable and immortal in essence.

Padmini Arhant 

Who’s Who? – Devils’ Doomsday

July 2, 2023

Who’s Who?

Devils’ Doomsday

Padmini Arhant

The necrotic parasites insist their way or no other way inviting imminent inevitable doomsday upon them.

Devils’ Doomsday


Current Events June 2023

June 28, 2023

Video Presentation

Current Events June 2023

Padmini Arhant

Update: The power of one-party rule under one Chief falsely referred to as Communism is pervasive and adapted by democracy in disguise in the contemporary politics. The one-party rule headed by despotism is increasingly becoming the norm in political systems touted democratic mimicking authoritarian style in reality.

It also goes to prove the dominance and influence of one-party rule under the pretext of Communism investing in political members and their family presiding over democracy. The transactions evolving into corruption scandals have no impact in terms of legal ramifications and constitutional violation in the abuse of power and highest public office.

Beijing continues to win on COVID to political investments in democratic system regardless of adverse effects on the people and the nation at large with communism prevailing over democracy as a consequence.

So much for democracy aversion to communism that no matter what the latter does, it will always be an Apple pie and asserts dominance on democracy wherever and however.

The hunger for power and eternal rule overtly or via proxy impetus the sale of own soul along with the nation and people. Notwithstanding the freedom and sovereignty that no longer remain the sole right and self-determination of the republic.

The strange development is rather than democracy influencing communism to democratization, the reverse trending is the biggest irony of all.

Padmini Arhant 


The video content involves political trend and politics’ role as a government. The topic highlights trending social paradigm contrasting normal and natural life.


Identity Clarification and Risk Analysis

June 25, 2023

Identity Clarification

Padmini Arhant

Update: In the assessment of risk, it is a risk even to exist in the current toxic political environment spying and disparaging the one and only target viz. me.

No time is wasted in deploying all means, resources and hired crony contingency at disposal in that regard.

Oddly enough, when analyzing risks, the pick and choose – Mt.Everest climbing, skydiving and ocean exploration are the only ones somehow seem to matter to the ones running the global narrative on all affairs.

Frankly speaking, taking risks in life is relative as long as it does not jeopardize other’s life and only limited to own personal experience either way. That is called measured and calculated risk handling in life.

Unlike the risks such as Frankenstein prank in the gain of function scientific research endeavored in manufacturing deadly virus to experiment its virulence on humans without the care and concern that resulted in devouring millions of lives and ruining scores of livelihoods is not only reckless but also plain evil.

Yet another risk that destroyed and devastated human lives world over bringing down the global economy on its knees is none other than financial risks as witnessed and experienced in the sub-prime mortgage and hedge fund debacle. Unfortunately, the trend continues in CBDC and great financial reset.

The cavalier approach bundling damaged goods viz. securities with losses written all over it and still rolled over in the financial market gambling away ordinary people assets in their home and investments savings proved reckless and foolish laden with hubris. 

Accordingly, when indulging in constant insinuations against a particular target i.e. against me, it is important to quit selective memory and maintain fair analysis of situations and events in the otherwise effort to inform or malign ignoring balancing act.

Not to mention, in both instances the Frankenstein gain of function research unleashing the catastrophic COVID19 and financial gambling – both accounts inflicted phenomenal loss of lives and economic collapse unlike the solo Mt.Everest expedition, Skydive and Ocean exploration.

Notwithstanding no responsibility or accountability seem to ever matter in the eyes of those responsible as well as the ones cheering the former while never missing an opportunity to jeer the latter.

It’s time to descend from imperialistic era down to earth and accept glaring facts and reality in creating a civilized society.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 


Identity theft is a crime. Deal with your own identity and settle your KARMA with your penance. You cannot absolve yourself of your sins by claiming seizing other’s identity and disowning yours as it would only exacerbate your present and future existence such as post departure from the world.

Harassment, Bully and Hypocrisy

June 18, 2023

Harassment, Bully



Padmini Arhant

Constant harassment, bullying, torment, taunting, caricature, demonization, insolence, our way or no other way demands…are indicative of insecurity, hubris and egotistical complexity. Such characters neither believe nor practice mutual respect – the basic human value.

It’s about time to quit self-demeaning characteristics making a mockery of self and whoever is represented in the incessant personal attacks and unprovoked hostility. Time to evolve into human being exhibiting civility and that would be a refreshing CHANGE. 

There is a term for crying foul on oppression and slavery while indulging in the same or excess of what is regarded objectionable and individual rights violation.

The definition of such behavior is – HYPOCRISY ad nauseam.

Padmini Arhant

இந்தியா – ஆபாச அரசியல் (Vulgar Politics)

May 8, 2023

ஆபாச அரசியல்

Vulgar Politics 

பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த்

அரசியலின் அசிங்கம் – தன் அராஜகம் வெளியான பிறகு அரசின் முகத்தில் வாத்து அல்லது கோழியின் அழுகிய முட்டை விழும் பொழுது தன்னை காப்பாற்ற வழியின்றி தகுதியற்ற நிலயில் கிடக்கும் போது அரசியல் அரசியலின் ஊடகம், சினெமா என்ற சின்ன வீடுகள் மூலம் செயல் படுவது எப்படியென்றால் அது இவ்வாறு ஆகும்.

இவர்கள் யாரை மறைமுகமாக குறி வைக்கிறார்களோ அந்த நபரை – அவதூராக தூற்றுதல், தன்னுடைய அவமானமான குணாதிசயங்களை காண்பித்தல்…

இப்படி செயல் பட்டு தன்னைத் தானே கழுசடை என்பதை இவர்களே நிரூபிப்பது தான் இவர்களின் பிழைப்பு.

தற்சமயம் உலகத்தை ஆட்டி படைக்கும் அநீதி குழுவின் அரசியலுக்கு அடிமையான அரசியல் – பெண் குலத்தை இழிவு செய்வதே தனது ஆதிக்கமாக கருதி பெண் என்றால் விபச்சாரம் என்ற பிரச்சாரம் செய்வது இவர்களே இவர்களை விளம்பரம் செய்வது இவர்களுக்கு தெரியவில்லை.

விபச்சாரத்தைப் பற்றி அரசியலுக்கு தெரியாமல் பிறர் யாருக்கு தெரியப் போகுது.

அரசியலை வியாபாரமாக்கி, மாநில சட்ட சபை, பாராளுமன்ற சபை MLA, MP இவர்களை போனி செய்து, ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் அவரவர் ரகத்தின்படி விலை பேசி யார் எவ்வளவு தொகை கொடுக்கிறார்களோ அவர்களோடு உல்லாசமாக இணைந்து விட்டு அடுத்த தேர்தலில் மற்ற கட்சி கூட்டணி என்று நாடு முழுக்க அலைவது தானே அரசியலின் பாணி.

அப்புறம் முக்கியமாக தொழில் அதிபர்களுடன் படுத்து உருண்டு பிரண்டு உறவு கொண்டாடி தன் உடல், ஆன்மாவை விற்பனை செய்வதோடு நிற்காமல் நாட்டையும், நாட்டின் பொருளாதாரத்தையும் தொழில் அதிபரிடம் தாரைவார்ப்பது. 

காசை வீசினால் நாலு வேசி என்பதை இவர்கள் தானே தன் மோசமான நடத்தை வழியே காட்டுவதில் சிறிதும் சலைப்பதில்லை. 

மற்றபடி நாட்டை ஆக்கிரமிப்பாளர் அதாவது நாட்டின் பக்கத்திலுள்ள பரம எதிரியிடம் நாட்டின் பகுதிகளை முழுமையாக சமர்பித்து தன் அரசியல் வியாபாரம் என்ற விபச்சாரத்தில் வல்லவர்கள் ஆகிய இவர்கள் இந்த விபச்சாரத் தொழிலில் இவர்களுக்கு நிகர் யாருமில்லை. 

மற்றவரோடு பேரம் பேசி அப்படியே தன் அரசியலை காலம் காலமாக கடத்தி செல்வது தானே அரசியலின் வரலாறு.

அப்படி இருக்கையில் அரசியலை வியாபாரம் விபச்சாரமாக செயல் படுவது தானே இவர்களின் நிபுணத்துவம் திறமை. இதில் இவர்களை யாரும் வெல்ல இயலாது. 


பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த்

Cosmic Decree

April 16, 2023

Cosmic Decree 

Narendra Damodardas Modi, Amit Shah and Ajay Singh aka Dongi Adityanath  – the three most dangerous criminals and hoodlums as murderous regime abusing power wreaking havoc committing crimes as enunciated below.

Political Issues

The displacement of democracy with dictatorship and despotism heightened in treason. 

Pervasive corruption with bribery using black money.

Embezzlements – complicity providing government security in safe passage of fraudsters defrauding public with their savings in financial institutions fleeing country as fugitives to exotic locations in Europe especially London.

Misappropriation and squandering of taxpayers money in enrichment and empowerment of selective oligarchs in quid pro quo deal.

The dissolution of political parties in state assemblies and national governments deploying horse trading to invalidate electoral process and voters mandate.

Holding the people of Kashmir hostage to government unconstitutional and undemocratic diktat with gross human rights violation.

Likewise in North Eastern states, the government partisan politics paving way for adversary China to lure abandoned North Eastern state citizens. 

Dismantling of institutions and organizations nationwide with removal of autonomy.

Influencing judiciary exercising extra judicial executive power that are autocratic. 


Complete control over press, media and communication outlets banning free speech and factual presentation.

Communication divested in lies, deception, disinformation dissemination, propaganda, indoctrination and defamation using diverse channels and entertainment industry in particular adapting Nazi style denigration of their targets. 

The censorship with gag order and intervention in prohibiting social media content regardless of the material not in Indian government jurisdiction are routinely conducted in abhorrent cancel culture. 

On social issues :

Public lynching of targeted people.

Hate mongering, polarization, perversions, profanity, invasion of home, space, privacy and individual rights, demolition of citizens dwellings based on caste, religion discrimination. 

National Security :

The slaughter of national defense force for political aspirations and victory

The deceitful elimination of legitimate candidacy of Tej Bahadur Yadav against the incumbent Prime Minister candidate in Varanasi in 2019.

The former service men – the national border security personnel having served the nation and citizens for 25 years at the Himalayan Siachen glaciers,

Tej Bahadur Yadav bullied and wrongfully deprived to serve as the people representative – the member of parliament in the Lok Sabha i.e. General election in 2019.

In contrast there are several individuals from various political denominations and factions with criminal records not barring terrorism viz. BJP’s MP Pragya Thakur who proudly hailed assassin of Mahatma Gandhi, Nathuram Godse – a hero in public rally is a sitting MP in Indian Parliament.

There are many in Indian National and State Assembly with criminal charges i.e. the lawbreakers ironically assumed position as the so-called lawmaker for the general society.

Such representation conforming to mob rule are granted political impunity. They represent as members of Parliament (MP) and members of legislative assemblies (MLA) with benefits and privileges on taxpayer funded government dispensation. 

The bizarre preventable chopper crash on board the former Chief of Defense Staff – Indian Army, Navy and Air Force – General Bipin Rawat and 13 others sudden demise in the backdrop of the Defense Chief Rawat not in agreement with incumbent Prime Minister and Home Minister plan to undermine army recruitment with controversial Agnipath exclusively favoring the Adani and Ambani oligarchy.

Misuse of Religion:

Among other vile despicable demonic activities religious sacrilege as well as blasphemy under the guise of Jai Sri Ram, murder of innocent Dalits and Muslims in the pretext of cow vigilantism making a mockery of Hindu dharm and similarly violation of Buddhism via contemptuous vulgar enactment, provocation through proxies citing inflammatory remarks about Islam and Prophet (MPBH), inciting violence against people of Christianity… are carried out with pride and flamboyance. 

The three sinners and political criminals having tasked themselves as hell raisers on earth are responsible for pain, suffering, loss of innocent lives due to their direct involvement in all unlawful activities including terrorism and above all deliberately leading the nation and State they govern to the point of no return i.e. the dead end in their lawlessness, violence and unforgivable criminality. 

The three political members combined abusing authority endanger safety, security, unity, peace, harmony and liberty of citizens whom they target for malicious political reasons besides having compromised national sovereignty and territorial integrity facilitating foreign occupation and colonization of the country. 

The cosmic decree from Almighty God hereby condemn the three sinners and their irredeemable sins delivering judgment on all three of them and their enablers as colluders, benefactors, beneficiaries and supporters as well as all those in any capacity tied to them in endless transgressions.. individually and collectively denying their Souls redemption and peace in living and upon death. 

Padmini Arhant 


India – Political System Quit Dominion Republic

Padmini Arhant

Silencing Free Speech and Facts is Fascism

India – The face of Criminality

Indian politics and cronies – you desperately want to be the headlines for all the wrong reasons. Regardless you and the lot neither deserve nor qualify in any worthwhile discussion.

Indian politics and minion media – you are challenged to quit colonial era enforced dominion republic which means the political system obligatory to renounce colonial traits and political opportunism.

Governorship – Indian politics shameful pawn to attack me via crony sycophant phony media and desperate corrupt criminal politics.

I challenge you to remove governorship in your system and invite you to conduct direct one on one dialogue.

I’m speaking to you and your masters via candid transparent publications on this site and sun-domain on all issues unlike you – the entire political system and media contingency – obsequious and obedient to your incognito masters using governors, Dalits and various derogatory connotations in a cowardly and dishonest charade you brag about as democracy.

Declining the invitation for open public dialogue  conclusively prove Indian politics together with state owned puppet pirate communication outlets servile subservient status to incognito criminal clique.

The status quo ominously stripping independence and sovereignty in the fake commemoration of 75 years of freedom from colonial rule evidently revived taking marching orders from foreign diktat – Vilayati Adesh.

जो दूसरों के सहारे किसी पर वार करते हैं  वह सबसे बड़े कायर, बुज़दिल,बेईमान और मुख्य तौर पर अपने आप को नपुंसक साबित करते हैं ।

Padmini Arhant

Powerful Identity – Real and Fake

April 5, 2023

Powerful Identity

Padmini Arhant

How to identify the real powerful from the fake?

1. The real powerful would face challenges of all kind fearlessly and not feel threatened by contender of any type. Importantly not deploy unscrupulous devious strategies to eliminate opponent.

In other words declaring victory in a race with contestant jettisoned well before the commencement of event and maintain corruption to prevail in the end justifying the means Machiavellian approach.

2. The real powerful would not rely on deadly weapons and security personnel to slay innocent unarmed female civilian gunned down in public square. The real powerful would not deny a child her mother and relevantly not deprive her from the rights in every aspect of human relationship.

The real powerful also would not decline clemency to an innocent ordinary man wrongfully convicted of a crime he did not commit and send him to the death chamber.  At the same time paradoxically execute extra judicial power to rescue the political counterpart evidently alter ego convicted in human rights violation related to communal violence from arrest in New York.

3. The real powerful would not preside, endorse or condone violence via radical pseudo organization such as Black Lives Matter rioting, looting, scorching and vandalizing private and public property in world view.

4. The real powerful counterpart in the so-called world’s largest democracy similarly would not authorize pogrom killing thousands of innocent lives in communal violence and evade legal culpability.

5. Likewise the real powerful of the so-called world’s largest democracy in personal dealings would not lie in legal affidavit for Prime Minister candidacy about marital status as never married only to be corrected as married upon reminder on perjury.

Furthermore abandon spouse from the legal marriage hidden from public eye with no monetary compensation such as alimony and legal sustenance. Meanwhile intervene in society’s other faith pretending to grant social Justice to women in their marital affairs i.e. divorce custom for political mileage and image.

Otherwise hypocrisy ad nauseam in personal and political issues.

6. The real powerful would accept responsibility for actions and inaction in personal, political and professional matter.

7. The real powerful would not involve in any copyright infringements and shamefully deceitfully carry out plagiarism, piracy and identity theft running away from selves for obvious reasons. 

8. The real powerful would not engage in unlawful unethical practice such as intrusion and invasion of civilian home, space and privacy. Not to mention perversion in the course of spying, snooping and eavesdropping on others’ personal and private family conversations as well as their daily life.

9. The real powerful would not become lackey to New World Order, oligarchy, identity politics and any ideological doctrine.

10. The real powerful would not hide behind media, entertainment, trolls, memes, IT sleeper cells and diverse propaganda machinery to denigrate and defame opponent.

11. The real powerful would not pursue and target opponent with false fabricated allegations abusing law and Justice and delve into material to incriminate in sadistic satisfaction and political witch-hunt.

12. Above all, the real powerful would neither abuse power nor obsessed with power.

Padmini Arhant

FYI – Politics Fait Accompli

March 17, 2023

FYI – Politics

Fait Accompli 

Padmini Arhant

Indian incumbent Prime Minister, Home Minister and so-called political opposition in India kow-towing to international clique, their masters in global arena are reminded once and for all on status quo between you and me and that is explicitly fait accompli. 

Accordingly politics squandering public taxpayers money in pseudo elections against me to serve egotistical megalomaniacal political aspirations is lunacy reflecting desperate times seeking desperate downfall – the current stark reality. 

Padmini Arhant 


FYI – Attention Politics and Affiliates

March 2, 2023

FYI – Attention Politics



Padmini Arhant

I, Padmini Arhant pledged allegiance to none other than the one and only Supreme Divine PowerAlmighty God – the creator, protector and savior of life in the entire Universe with cosmic force ordained representation hereby reiterate;

I will continue to exercise my inalienable birth human civil constitutional right to express independent individual thoughts and concerns as the independent author and presenter of and with focus on all issues concerning humanity and environment. 

My commitment in this regard remain active, explicit, determined and solid.

Any objection and obstruction from politics and affiliates such as media, entertainment, government and foreign sources recruited surrogates from anywhere and religious sects in India…unequivocally declare their position fascism with zero tolerance to alternative perspective and importantly speech liberty. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

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