Identity Misappropriation
October 3, 2022
Identity Misappropriation
Padmini Arhant
Identity misappropriation is the trending culture among the wicked and wayward to pervert incontrovertible truth and reality.
Politics and crony contingency whether film industry, media of any kind or whoever anywhere cannot and do not have rights or authority to determine and define who is who and who should be whom to suit their prejudice and partisanship.
Among many inappropriate references and connotations, one of them is designating Tamil as Dravida.
Tamil is neither Kerala nor Dravida or Telugu.
The Tamil language is ancient and the source of other languages spoken widely not only in India but in many parts of the world. The derivation of words and terms from Tamil language to other linguistics is verifiable in etymology.
For example the most desired material in the world – Cash in english language is a Tamil word – Casu meaning money. Over a period of time the pronunciation by humans got modified and ended up as cash right now perhaps subject to different adaptation in future.
Tamils as Dravidians is an induced political myth originating from gross misconception and misinterpretion.
Dravidian is native to south western state Karnataka and not Tamil Nadu.
The Dravidian political parties in Tamil Nadu politics imposed the Dravidian identity on Tamils in agreement with the actual Dravidian from Karnataka E.V.Ramaswamy aka Periyar having had no foothold in Karnataka or Andhra contrary to political support in Tamil Nadu.
As for the ruling political dynasty DMK in Tamil Nadu and BJP as well having tasked themselves in stripping Tamil identity of me and substituting with Kerala or anyone and anything in the uninvited solicitation is a sheer political vendetta and subversion.
In modern India, women’s rights restored in equal property inheritance from parental estate and importantly women participation in Hindu rituals like performing the last rites to her parents that were once reserved only for male in the family.
The women identity from birth with respect to religion, family and individual profile is inalienable and natural. These rights are neither disinherited nor denied to oblige political distortion.
The antiquated political ideology only applicable to women apparently in depriving parental lineage upon marriage albeit past while men retaining clan orientation from birth to death as ordained legacy is decadent besides an anachronism.
Let personal life of anyone not become the political right for politics and Indian film industry or anybody for that matter to mess with and engage in unwelcome unauthorized contortion legitimately attracting libel suits and legal implications on personal rights violation.
Politics responsibility is public service paid for by taxpayers not minding private affairs of those politics choose to meddle with as prerogative.
The same apply to film industry as the so-called entertainment sector capitalizing and exploiting identity theft in desperation as opportunists and wannabes to resurrect their dead career.
Padmini Arhant
Good Riddance
September 8, 2022
Good Riddance
RIP – Rot in Pathaal meant for all those living and deceased burdened with sins beyond salvation.
Pathaal is the last bastion for evil and sins committed in living knowingly defying the consequences of actions and indulgence.
One down several to follow among the EVIL wreaking havoc on planet earth.
All things – tangible and intangible must end after all. The show cannot continue for eternity showing no concern, regrets or remorse for serious violations of lives, rights, individual liberty and sovereignty.
Every living and inanimate objects arrive on earth with set expiry date without exception. The expiration might be delayed or differed but never averted in any given time in the past, present or future regardless of creed and presumptuous status.
Padmini Arhant
Attention – Criminal Clique and Crony Troupe
August 17, 2022
Attention – Criminal Clique and Crony Troupe
Padmini Arhant
Be ashamed of your actions, decisions and indulgence abusing your position of authority and power in office as President, Prime Minister and lofty designations granted by the same person and citizens whom you abuse as your entitlement.
I, Padmini Achintya Arhant challenge those undeservingly regarding themselves mighty and privileged in society to engage in one on one conversation with me in public domain abandoning the criminal unethical and uncivilized trend using proxies from their inventory to relentlessly attack me as their prerogative.
I owe you all nothing whereas those having aches and pain with my mere existence owe me a great deal for using and abusing me for your goals and achievements in life.
Remember you begged for my help and support literally driving me to bankruptcy to get where you wanted to reach which was unimaginable for you and those in similar trail given individual personal status. It was further demonstrated with mockery and indignation.
Instead of gratitude, all that you, your companion and hired mud slingers could exhibit was plenty of attitude.
The crass demeanor is continued as your culture which is least surprising.
As a strong believer in KARMA, the only force that determines right from wrong and accordingly delivers judgment barring any and all individual attributes in life and beyond,
It is time for those in position of power, authority and influential status to accept responsibility for their failures and willful engagements drastically affecting lives with generational impact.
The futile efforts viciously targeting me via your proxies for presenting well substantiated facts and truth as a sin only proves your inescapable guilt in living and after demise.
It would be wise to renounce arrogance and hubris for humility and mutual respect that are basic human values exceeding any false superficial presumptuous status in the temporary temporal mortal phase guaranteed to end without exception.
Again, the dialogue in real time with real individuals is an open invitation unlike your ambush tactics using pawns and puppets from your casket exemplifying cowardice and prejudice.
If you have nothing to say in your defense on indefensible track record as public office bearer and others following suit maintaining cronyism, the recognition of fete accompli is inevitable outcome.
As for parasites feeding off me and yet joining forces with the corrupt and criminal clique for survival and phony lifestyle, their doomed destiny is a foregone conclusion.
Life is a gift and a blessing. I’m not here to bow to tyranny and misogyny. I live my independent life with dignity and integrity absent regrets and apology to none.
Any problem for anyone in this regard is not mine but only theirs to contend with their inadequacy and insecurity.
Once and for all, quitting your game of proxy and parasitic tradition could provide sanity and civility for meaningful life.
Padmini Arhant
Israel and India Legacy
July 27, 2022
Israel and India Legacy
Padmini Arhant
Israel and India shared legacy.
Israel bears the sin of Lord Jesus Christ crucifixion.
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin assassinated by zionist for the former daring to forge peace with Palestinians at his political career sunset after having experienced destruction of lives on either side from violence.
Israel is declared a Jewish state.
On the other hand, Indian society indefinitely banished Lord Ram’s pregnant spouse Devi Sita to the forest in Ramayana.
In yet another epic Mahabharata, the female protagonist Queen Devi Draupati ridiculed and shamed until now by none other than the reprehensibly characterless corrupt criminal mob in Indian politics, entertainment and state diverse media.
yIndia’s freedom movement leader Mahatma Gandhi assassinated by Hindu zealot for calling on unity between Hindus and Muslims in British colonial divided India.
India at present treading on Israeli fundamentalist ideology positioned to transformation into Hindu Rashtra i.e. Hindu State like the Jewish State.
Unfortunately for both Israel and India, peace and sovereignty remain contentious with permanent insecurity as destiny.
Furthermore, the foreign invasion and occupation is India’s fate since time immemorial predominantly because of traitors within India.
Unlike Afghanistan, a nation perpetually invaded by foreign powers only to be driven away on the beaten track by Afghans until today.
Taliban previously as Mujahideen fought against the occupier former Soviet Union and Afghan tribes earlier dethroned the British colonial power.
Every one of them chased from the territory with eventual collapse of the empire perhaps as the spell from Afghanistan on external intrusion.
All said and done, Taliban barring their radical ideology in the domestic front and treatment of women that are witnessed in the above mentioned states as well, the Talibans remain defiant in guarding their homeland from offshore intrusions.
A lesson India could learn from neighboring Afghanistan in defending own soil. The tooth and nail battle fought by Taliban against formidable foreign powers to reclaim sovereignty made possible by their determination to expel foreign colonization.
Such tenacity is a tough challenge for Indian politics considering rampant corruption, criminality and treason in Indian political mindset leaving India with open corridor for successive foreign incursion and dominance.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Western Policy Behind Militant Buddhism
July 16, 2022
Western Policy Behind Militant Buddhism
Padmini Arhant
There will be live presentations on burgeoning issues in Sri Lanka and elsewhere.
At last, it is a refreshing change to have facts acknowledged from the horse’s mouth.
Courtesy – CNA Insider in Singapore with BBC narrator British Dilly Barlow – Thank you.
NB: FYI – Burma’s embattled political leader Aung San Suu Kyi is western representative and for that reason utilized for western nuanced disinformation and propaganda. The western practice to use and abuse members from own inventory against their arch nemesis I.E. ME in the worst misogyny is desperate times deploying desperate measures much to own embarrassment and detriment. Similarly Facebook and the social media monetary beneficiary Mark Zuckerberg is the product in the malignant campaign against the western target viz. me.
The idea of projecting third persons with tainted and tarnished record whether Indira Gandhi’s emergency rule, Aung San Suu Kyi’s apathy on Rohingya muslims or even Osama Bin Laden – the western created, nurtured and profiteered from the terror chief as CIA’s high value asset against me is lame, ludicrous and downright criminal.
I have called on these personalities and others sharing such profile and actions time and time again barring any preference or prejudice unlike my vehement opponents incognito and their proxy. Consequently, I have condemned their political bias and ideological indulgence inflicting pain and suffering on millions of affected population.
FYI – The international cabal represented media contingency – Those falsely accusing me with fabricated concoctions alluding Burma’s political leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s controversial position on Rohingya muslims crisis as mine have to deal with their discriminatory misogynist fascist display. Not to mention the dishonesty ad nauseam staring at them during their routine criminal offense against me.
Myanmar – Western Powers Exploitation of Religions to Incite Violence – Published on October 27, 2012.
Myanmar – Western Powers Exploitation of Religions to Incite Violence
Myanmar – Rohingya Muslims Genocide is Humanitarian Crisis – Published on October 31, 2012.
Myanmar – Rohingya Muslims Plight – Published on March 16, 2018.
The international criminal cabal’s shady tactics and shenanigans against me in this regard predominantly arising from colonial traits is internal implosion. The flawed and failed unscrupulous strategy adopted by western fostered authoritarian regime like in India and corrupt political establishment is demonstration of Indian politics’ subservience and servitude to global masters in the appeasement and acquiescence trend. Needless to say the serious blowback currently experienced by violators to this effect until now is merely the tip of the iceberg.
The real courage and integrity – the characteristics that are oxymoron to those engaged in ambush, nuance, innuendo and insinuations are neither inherent nor inheritable.
There is no comparison on whom I belong to – the divine Supreme being and whom the hostile antagonists enemy of humanity and goodness represent in service to evil.
Appropriately and regardless, none of these vicious misinformation and character defamation against me is going to deter me from my defiant commitment to truthful presentation on global and humanitarian matter. The exposure of the deep state to drain the swamp is fundamental to emancipate the shackled innocent victims of predator politics and opportunist economics worldwide.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
India – Political Asinine
July 6, 2022
India – Political Asinine
Padmini Arhant
The message from the worst political skunk.
I’m Kahlua Shitra aka controversy. I’m the kind who can never be tamed for I have no shame. I represent the goon gutter politics besides corruption, criminality, murder and treason…that Indian politics is infamously known for since India became domestically shackled in pseudo democracy.
I’m an embarrassment to public service and a major liability on Indian taxpayers. I willfully and enthusiastically take marching orders from those sparing some change for my public asinine performance.
I’m who I’m, the incorrigible political skunk who stinks with provocative cheap shots for notoriety. The competition is stiff in politics with such theatrics amidst sinking titanic beginning at the incognito helm and in your face proxy puppet regimes to cameo rookie at the rock bottom like me and several other women.
You certainly don’t want to be me – Kahlua Shitra aka controversy and notoriety, the dismal desparado!
Author & Presenter
Hate – Source and Catalysts Promoting Hatred
June 6, 2022
Hate – Source and Catalysts Promoting Hatred
Padmini Arhant
Idle mind is devil’s workshop.
Power comes with responsibility. Any abuse of power by those using and exploiting authority invites reactions as such.
Respect is a two-way street. Never one way with a dead end. Anyone crossing the line whether once, twice or as a routine invariably experience the expected consequence.
The contemporary culture sowing, promoting and propagating hate, misogyny, animosity and diverse phobia are self- destructive course inevitably consuming the source and catalysts without a shadow of doubt.
Where does hate, misogyny and hostility emanate from?
Any and all of these characteristics stem from within largely due to ignorance and unwillingness to heed inner conscience against negative thoughts and actions.
Those who cultivate hate in the hope of harvesting from carcinogenic politics irrefutably succumb to the poison ivy they plant in and around them.
Hate and prejudice are outlets for those suffering from the dreadful terminal disease to vent own frustrations on their failures and overwhelming insecurity.
Importantly, hate represents void among those severely lacking in empathy, genuine care and compassion, tolerance and acceptance barring any and all form of discrimination.
The haters sadly reveal their state of mind saturated with apathy, bigotry, revenge and indignation. They waste their life obeying the demons inside them prompting narcissism and degenerative indulgence.
In the absence of self-esteem and integrity to introspect for necessary reform in their thought process and behavioral pattern, they prey on anyone and anything they regard a fair game.
Considering the correlation between hate and hell not only in semantics but also in application of end justifying the means, the hate mongers and haters unwisely transform their life into living hell and upon imminent demise.
Hate is a deadly parasite that ultimately affects the physical, mental and emotional well being of the host inviting internal and external conflicts in the otherwise troubled lives of those embarked on suicide mission.
Hate is the biggest tragedy for those harboring ill-feelings and malice against their targets despite the consequences of ignoring hatred delivering personal hurt and injury via shame, incrimination and purposeless life.
The politics seeding hate, hatred, discriminatory, derogatory and inflammatory policy typically yield results accordingly. Scapegoat anyone for own deliberate vindictive abusive conduct is asinine.
Besides, such theatrics is self-declaration in core criminality reeking contempt and cowardly sinister political ideology. Notwithstanding the routine conforming to radical fundamentalist dysfunctional performance on display.
The publicity starved personalities igniting sparks in public domain with reckless sensationalized sentiments via their political appointees and representatives on religion or prophets of any faith and other sensitive social issues, the desperation is conspicuously ominous for them and their hired stooges deployed for such provocation.
The true colors of the provocateurs and relevantly the mindset of the political leadership at the helm they represent surface at these times much to self-deprecation. These elements making themselves available for cheap exploitation by politics and political leaderships or any other influential entity is self-explanatory.
Then there are those claiming patent rights on intelligence with the cliché on artificial intelligence connotation are reminded to demonstrate their so-called organic intelligence evidently having miserably failed them in possession of any values except spreading hate and spewing venom as exclusive right and entitlement in semblance with their false persona.
What good is such prized intelligence they fraudulently take pride in when it is not reflected in human character – civility and dignity?
The downfall and disgrace following hate, misogyny and acrimony are the writings on the wall.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Conmen Heralded Godmen
May 22, 2022
Conmen Heralded Godmen
Padmini Arhant
As though despots, dictatorial regimes and authoritarianism cloaked as democracy alongside overt oppressive systems in the world are not enough, the religion is concocted as a convenient resource for indoctrination.
The contemporary era premised on mind control for en masse subjugation is threatened by the concept of individual intellect. ingenuity and independent thought. Like everything else is patented, seemingly mind, knowledge and acumen are also claimed proprietary.
The controlling mindset while having no control over own will power on negativities such as to hurt, harm and scam others is typically a weak mind surrendered to overpowering dogma and conviction suppressing reasoning faculty and open mind to alternative perspectives.
Politics indulgence in everything from science to religion and ordinary daily life except for effective efficient governing alleviating electorate economic misery is the fact of life. In science, the politics involvement has always been deep more for the worst beginning with eugenics to the latest pandemic unleashed on humanity.
The lab engineered virus on political authority oversight from 2001 – 2016 – the SARS virus episodes in recent memory witnessed and experienced disastrous impact on human health, body and mind with the pandemic unrelenting rein on human life.
As for the religion – the politics behind religion is predominantly to polarize society creating vote banks during election. The religion is a pawn for nefarious strategy in politics. The separation of church and state is conveniently ignored and misused to derive maximum political mileage.
There is not an iota of religiousness or respect for religion in politics and especially among those running the gamut behind the scenes as the bully pulpit. In essence, the religions are overrun tires on the political vehicle to drive counterproductive agenda.
Even worse is the trending cult and occult custom.
What is the idea behind promoting cult and occult practices?
The unequivocal reason is public distraction from real issues.
The cult personalities are created oddly in politics, religion and least of all terror organizations. The al Qaida leader Osama Bin Laden was made a household name by being CIA’s high value asset. So much so the al Qaida leader’s asset value was cashed in for re-election in 2012 with the assassination of the long deceased terror chief in the dramatic setting.
When political figures are propped up as messiah arousing mass hysteria, the deflated blimp floating high above crash landing is a revelation.
Similarly, the so-called religious Guru as Sadh Guru is a comical and tragic parody. Both emojis appropriately applying to the subject engaged in the act, the subject’s sponsors and the fanfare.
The gala events organized with staged choreographed questionnaire and debates among the sponsored participants is an extravagant showbiz not surprisingly including celebrity glitz to mislead captive audience and gullible mind.
As questioned above, the occultism is not just the means for deception, the tradition is the lifeline for the shadow power as secret society and incognito force wielding authority on the destiny of nearly 8 billion global population.
The occultism prevalence as secret society with bizarre rituals involving political and prominent members in general society as elite members of secret society assembly in the controversial Bohemian Grove in the present modern time is anything but normal.
Perhaps the occultism voluntary delving in paranormal activities surface on these occasions.
The cult and occultism both are premised on voodooism. In view of the contemporary vogue mocking schisms with little or no tolerance to difference of opinion or belief, the creation of proxies, puppets and pawns in semblance with voodooism is the desperate course right now.
What is not achievable against the enemy in maligning and incrimination sought using proxies, puppets and pawns from own inventory to woefully gain sadist pleasure. Notwithstanding the embarrassment resulting from the defeat in such futile endeavor known ahead as fait accompli.
The voodoo application in cult and occultism is nothing new. However, the current mania deploying proxy for propaganda and malice is ultimate kamikaze in the height of delusional expectation.
The lame scheme – When you can’t win against your arch rival and nemesis, you claim to be them basically stealing their words, thoughts and even mannerisms such as greetings and waving etc. In other words the entire profile. Never mind the colossal inability to deliver any positive actions considering paradoxical identity.
The global shadow power represented platforms boosting conmen as Godmen with massive publicity and embellished pseudo biography, the anxiety and anguish of those represented and catalysts is conspicuous leading to unveiling and unraveling of hidden facts.
The Indian cult figure – Sadh Guru aka Jaggi Vasudev is a mega addition to proxy representation detailed above.
The ivy league educational institution Harvard hosting cultism via invitation to the controversial and contentious Indian cult leader Sadh Guru confronted with human rights and serious environment violations is confirmation of the former parochial paradigm.
Not to mention Harvard and other ivy league schools exposure on endowments received from communist power in Beijing, China.
The recent apprehension of the Harvard professor Dr. Charles Lieber, Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology on January 28, 2020 for direct ties with Beijing sharing intellectual property are some of the many shades of elite institutions’ large canvas portrayed as exceptionalism.
The so-called religious leader Sadh Guru continues to delude and misguide impressionable minds and those in awe with cult inculcation. The Isha foundation located in Coimbatore, the commercial center of Tamil Nadu, India is marred with formal complaints and grievances from children who were enrolled at the foundation run school.
The environment abuse related to Jaggi Vasudev’s Isha foundation situated on the elephant corridor causing distress and deaths among elephants restricted from using the only pathway to drink water or find food in the lush mountainous area is shrugged off by the founder Jaggi Vasudev as fabrication.
The Isha foundation and Jaggi Vasudev admittedly are dealing with public ire on several violations and litany of charges going back to Jaggi Vasudev’s early adult life until now.
Nonetheless, for someone who is a self-declared religious authority not without endorsements from certain domestic and international clique, the religion and critically God Shiva referred to as Adi Yogi commercialized by Isha foundation and traded for exclusive financial fortune is blasphemy.
The monetization of God and religion are condemnable and more so as a cult void of any personal consciousness to blatant transgressions.
Among several encroachments, the following three public statements from Jaggi Vasudev are brought to attention.
In the you tube video on the youth and truth (the absolute infringement here) – Jaggi Vasudev fires away in response to the environment breach question.
According to Jaggi Vasudev, there has been no unlawful construction or environment infraction whatsoever. Jaggi Vasudev maintained the local and state authorities have declined to issue no objection certificate, a mandatory state clearance requirement on all building structures, the ones encroaching on public land and forest pathways in particular to obtain the relevant authorities approval.
Jaggi Vasudev continues in that youth and truth event adding the construction was carried out without no objection certificate based on presumptuous self-determination of no violation.
Furthermore, Jaggi Vasudev cites the collector or IAS officer as the central government employee and several other authorities barring the above mentioned actual office bearer on building code and ordinance have found no evidence of any violation in construction of the Isha foundation.
As for the high ranking officials favorably cited by Jaggi Vasudev in the state and central authority cadre including the incumbent Indian Prime Minister – their acquiescence and obsequious bow to Jaggi Vasudev is visibly established fact. The visual image on social media and public domain exemplify the embarrassing close network to this effect.
Now interestingly, Jaggi Vasudev also throws in World Wildlife Fund having authenticated the construction of Isha Foundation clarifying no contravention in forest roadways for animal crossing and specifically the elephant corridor.
Jaggi Vasudev also challenged that upon fact presentation proving otherwise on the Isha Foundation claims made in this context, the ostentatious religious guide and preacher promised to leave India and never return to the land that is not only his birth place but also fertile ground for cult orientation.
The Sadh Guru’s sentiment expressed in the uber prominence amassed in the western hyped kabuki theater albeit for targeted motives. The west is the springboard for cult to flourish and pervade remain the convention.
Here are the facts regarding credibility of World Wildlife Fund touted by Jaggi Vasudev as authenticator to Isha Foundation’s forest land abuse or the lack thereof.
Source – Public domain
World Wildlife Fund – Profile
”Who runs the WWF?
Carter Roberts, the CEO, was paid $858,276 in 2019. The organization’s Form 990 lists at least nine employees making more than $300,000 and 240 others earning over $100,000.
What’s wrong with WWF?
WWF International, the world’s largest conservation group, has been accused of “selling its soul”by forging alliances with powerful businesses which destroy nature and use the WWF brand to “greenwash” their operations. The allegations are made in an explosive book previously barred from Britain.Oct 4, 2014.”
What a surprise that the book is banned in Britain -where democracy is presided over by monarchy.
Jaggi Vasudev in the same youth and truth event makes another false claim that the Adi Yogi sculpture at Isha Foundation is the tallest depiction of God Shiva in the world reaching the London based Guinness World records as such.
FYI : The tallest real and actual monument of God Shiva is the one in the image below unlike the Adi Yogi bust bearing no resemblance to God Shiva in characteristics or main features of the deity. Instead the head sculpture as Adi Yogi is commonly perceived as the sculpted image of the Isha Foundation founder – Jaggi Vasudev installed in self-adulation.
Photo taken by me during my personal visit to Kathmandu, Nepal in 2019 on the way to Mt. Kailash (Mt.Everest).
Kailashnath Mahadev Statue
Kailashnath Mahadev Statue (Nepali: कैलाशनाथ महादेव) is the tallest Shiva statue in the world. It is also the second tallest Hindu deity statue after Garuda Vishnu Kencana Statue in Bali, Indonesia. It is situated in Sanga, Kavrepalanchok District in Nepal, about 20 km from Kathmandu.
Last but not the least, Jaggi Vasudev defense of secret society – illuminati and dismissal of secret society role in global matter despite secret society annual meetings prohibiting public and citizen press at the meeting in secret locations with Presidential and Chancellor candidates seeking secret society approval is well documented until now.
Hence, the legitimate question on the relation between the defender Jaggi Vasudev and the infamous secret society arise in the grand exposé of the globally flaunted so-called religious authority fallacy and fictitious persona.
When asked about the origin and reason behind secret society – Jaggi Vasudev promptly blamed Christianity and heretics involving persecution as the cause for secret society emergence. The Sadh Guru explanation is contradictory to heresy and secret society timeline.
According to historic date in public domain.
“When did the period of heresy persecution end?
Persecutory laws were nullified by different emperors (Galerius with the Edict of Serdica in 311) at different times, but Constantine and Licinius’ Edict of Milan (313) has traditionally marked the end of the persecution.
When did the Catholic Church stop burning heretics?
In England, the burning of heretics ended in 1612 with the death of Edward Wightman; the country’s last execution for heresy (by hanging) occurred in 1697.”
The widely known and currently operative secret society – the Bilderberg Group originating from Hotel de Bilderberg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands was founded on May 29th, 1954.
Jaggi Vasudev associating secret society birth with heresy that practically ended in the 17th century to secret society emergence a century later as Bavarian illuminati in the 18th century is a far fetched theory.
Likewise other versions such as the Bilderberg Secret Society from Netherlands convened in the 20th century – three centuries down the line since heresy laid to rest adequately summarize Jaggi Vasudev’s semi-baked knowledge on all affairs.
Suffice to say – Little knowledge is more dangerous than none at all.
Jaggi Vasudev referring to me as the nameless faceless woman questioning my integrity and identity amid unabashedly and spuriously sponsored as my alter ego in the self and collective deception is reminded of the pledge made at the youth and truth forum.
Jaggi Vasudev – Per your reference about me – the apparently nameless faceless woman having presented factual data counteracting your baseless arguments, mindless theories, flawed suppositions and toothless analogies demonstrably confirm falsehood and fraudulence normalized in the religious garb.
The charade celebrated as a proud culture adding insult to human intelligence is an indictment of society behind feeding frenzy.
In conclusion, unlike the supposedly nameless faceless woman euphemism for reference to me, the globally paraded Sadh Guru aka Jaggi Vasudev as the face of anything but trustworthy honoring own word at the youth and truth gathering to renounce status quo upon factual submission on allegations is now subject to epitomize the oath.
The status quo comprise – shutting down the blasphemous Isha foundation. Above all quit conning, scamming and scandalizing religion and imperatively shun exploiting the most revered God Shiva is the immediate karmic dharma expected from anyone feigning pious and propriety.
Additionally, as proposed by you to the female youth for daring to question you on the undeniable environment illegalities and poor ethical efficacy, your public apology for intentional deliberate misguidance aimed at personal enrichment in every aspect is the hour of need and honorable deed.
Needless to mention the cult and occultism having exhausted mind control means and methods besides parasitic norm via proxies and fakers are on the brink of imminent dissolution.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
United States – The Proof Is In The Pudding
May 6, 2022
The Proof Is In The Pudding
Padmini Arhant
Fox News Network and counterpart Sky news Australia engaged as front line news media criticizing the incumbent administration in the White House. The endless mockery, memes, trolls and variety of cynicism is on constant display. However, the mainstream media FOX NEWS in the United States and Sky news Australia down under somehow experiencing selective memory, the common syndrome in politics.
The following post published on this site on March 19, 2021.
Fox News Selective Amnesia
Padmini Arhant
How long is Fox News going to exhibit selective amnesia?
Fox News – the front liner in subverting Presidential election 2020 to favor Beijing controlled White House is now calling out the beneficiary communist regime?
What is the agenda behind this unscrupulous strategy?
Fox News media owner – the Murdoch heirs invested millions of dollars in Beijing run 2020 Presidential campaign.
All of a sudden pretending to be on the other side of the fence having installed Beijing in power.
How long is Fox News planning to mislead and misrepresent self-position?
When in reality, Fox News and counterparts are directly responsible in bringing down United States of America and everything it is pledged to protect freedom, democracy, constitution and sovereignty.
Fox News needs to stop bogus display and cease insulting audience intelligence. That would apply upon anyone still watching the deceptive news network pull the wool over their eyes.
Some things are designed to degenerate and be destructive. The network in this respect is leading the media legion.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Fox News network leading the media conglomerate in the 2020 United States Presidential Election by calling the State of Arizona in the democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s favor way earlier handed down the Presidential race to Biden-Harris administration.
In September 2020, the Fox News contributor – the former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich was censored for the guest’s reference to George Soros. The video below confirms the action.
Fox News network at least acknowledge the irony in the image under.
Author & Presenter
United States – Miriam Carey’s Family Plea
April 8, 2022
United States – Miriam Carey’s Family Plea
For Justice
Padmini Arhant
Then White House administration in 2013 authorized and witnessed crime – summary execution of a young African American 34 year-old-mother, Miriam Carey – unarmed civilian with a toddler daughter at the back in the child car seat was mercilessly gunned down in broad daylight by then White House Secret Service and the Capitol Police in 2013.
The horrific crime shooting an unarmed civilian Miriam Carey with more than 26 bullets near the White House premise during the occupants – the former President Barack Obama and spouse Michelle Obama’s presence at that time with their knowledge about the horrendous assault is an unforgettable and unforgivable tragedy for any family.
Miriam Carey was accused of trespassing in that incident. The account involved several rounds of firing by the White House Secret Service and Capitol Police captured live real time in the video content released in the public domain as well as news reports verifying the ammunition barrage at the unarmed victim trying to protect her child.
In another twist from the political power represented media, Miriam Carey was characterized as having mental illness. The bizarre claim made amid Miriam Carey being gainfully employed as dental hygienist at the office where then incumbent President Barack Obama had reportedly received dental care from the staff Miriam Carey.
Furthermore, the allegedly mentally unstable Miriam Carey was driving an automobile with a valid driver’s license from her home town Connecticut to D.C. – 265 miles without any issue until the time she was shot down by the White House Secret Service and Capitol Police who were apparently cheered as heroic act with standing ovation from then House of Representatives according to Washington Post report cited below.
Interestingly, the much touted Black Lives Matter (BLM) well established at that time as the advocate for Black lives were ominously missing in action to raise the issue on behalf of a young black female victim, her toddler black child and Miriam Carey’s black family.
Not even the talk show host Hollywood fame, #Me Too Movement participant and Barack Obama’s closest friend Oprah Winfrey could afford time to bring Miriam Carey’s public execution to attention and deliver justice for the African American victim.
Notably Oprah Winfrey’s worldwide telecast on special interview with British Royalty Harry and Meghan Markle’s grievances and misgivings about their Royal life could be accommodated in the talk show host busy schedule.
Does this mean Miriam Carey’s life didn’t matter to BLM, Oprah Winfrey (the #Me Too Advocate) and then First Black Family in the White House in 2013?
Importantly, the violence with 26 bullets aimed at the unarmed civilian Miriam Carey on Nobel Peace Laureate Barack Obama’s watch and knowledge unarguably the biggest disillusionment of all.
Is this the kind of dream envisioned by the slayed civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr,?
While the recent 2022 Oscar night fiasco involving a slap gained plenty of media focus becoming the hot topic and continued unabated until now, Miriam Carey’s death from gruesome violence with several rounds of fire power targeting unarmed mother with her toddler in the car brushed off as freaky event.
Perhaps the latter is too inconvenient to even regard the incident attention worthy.
The rich, famous and powerful never deprived nor denied preferential treatment on everything – the good, the bad and the ugly matter.
In contrast, the ordinary lives’ extraordinary ordeal is just another story soon forgotten as if it never happened.
Nonetheless, the deeds and misdeeds in life without exception are in KARMA data for appropriate judgment upon imminent departure from the world.
The karmic effects are potent in delivering justice denied in the narcissists mortal world.
Shunning or running away from TRUTH only confirm the doers prisoners of guilt in their action.
Where is the justice for Miriam Carey and her daughter?
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
“We want to know: Why? What happened?”
So many questions, so much we still don’t know about the case of the woman shot to death by the Secret Service and the U.S. Capitol Police on Oct. 3, 2013, after a car chase from the White House to Capitol Hill. Her 13-month-old daughter survived in a car seat.
“Did we miss something?”
Barbara Nicholson is asking. The office manager of a dental practice in Ardsley, N.Y., is standing in the hygiene room, remembering the woman who used to clean teeth at this chair. Miriam Iris Carey — that was her name. She was one of the best dental hygienists and “one of the nicest people” Nicholson ever hired.
“We’re left with a void and no answers,” Nicholson says. “It’s like she was wiped off the face of the earth.
Nicholson’s voice catches. She pauses and looks away. “She’s missed. She’s very missed.”
Do you remember Miriam Carey? Her remarkably public death at 34 mesmerized us for a couple of news cycles. Then we moved on pretty quickly. I had to look up her name when I first started puzzling over this case. The main thing I remembered was that incredible video — the one showing the two-door black Infiniti surrounded by Secret Service officers with guns drawn near the Capitol Reflecting Pool. The car looks trapped. Suddenly the driver backs into a squad car and accelerates away. There’s the sound of gunfire while tourists take cover on the West Lawn. The Infiniti reappears, making a loop around a traffic circle, and proceeds up Constitution Avenue to what would be the fatal encounter outside the Hart Building.
What an afternoon. We were told that Carey “rammed” White House and Capitol “barriers.” That she tried to breach two security perimeters. That she had mental problems.
District Police Chief Cathy Lanier said federal officers acted “heroically.” The House of Representatives offered a standing ovation.
It was easy to call this a tragedy and turn the page.
Except that some of what little we thought we knew hasn’t held up. The part about ramming White House barriers and trying to breach two security perimeters? Not exactly true.
And how did a supposedly mentally unstable person remain a longtime, reliable and valued employee at two dental practices until the day she was killed? She had a condo and a family and, according to colleagues and relatives, plans for the weekend.
On the other hand, what person ignores commands from officers pointing guns, hits a couple of their cars, and drives on? “We all speculated that she was trying to get her child out of danger, when she was confronted with people with guns, because that’s what she would do,” Nicholson says.
The gunfire — 26 bullets in all — sets the Carey case apart. Shootings by officers on these two forces are rare. White House guards didn’t resort to their weapons in September, when fence-jumper Omar Gonzalez, who had a knife in his pocket, ran far into the executive mansion before being tackled. Carey was unarmed.
“There was no indication she ever had issues,” Nicholson continues. “You couldn’t ask for a more professional person than her. No one ever complained about her, and that’s highly unusual. She was the sweetest person you ever want to know.”
Nicholson looks out the window to the parking lot where Carey used to park the Infiniti. “You could see the [child’s] car seat in the back of that car,” she says.
The leaves are turning gold this afternoon in early October, as they would have been the last time Carey stood at this chair and looked out the window.
After her last patient that Wednesday, Oct. 2, Carey prepared to depart. She usually left by 5 p.m. to pick up her daughter at day care. She lived in Stamford, Conn., 24 miles from Ardsley, 265 miles from Washington.
Her schedule called for her to be off Thursday and Friday, then she was to work at her other dental job in the Bronx on Saturday, and she’d be back here at Advanced Dental of Ardsley on Monday.
“She was absolutely normal,” Nicholson says. “I still remember her standing there, saying, ‘Bye, have a nice weekend. See you on Monday.’ As if nothing.”
There is no public record of her movements or contacts until the following afternoon at 2:13, when she drove up to the Secret Service kiosk at 15th and E streets NW.
“You could see both sides of the story,” Nicholson says. “But I’m sorry. That child does not have a mother because they wanted to handle it their way.”