Indian Casteism Origin Part 2

October 22, 2022

Indian Casteism Origin
Part 2

Padmini Arhant

The indian caste system is referred to as Varna (skin color) ashram which further intensify discrimination.

As explained earlier in the previous segment, there were four categories in Tamil Sangam period. They were as follows.

Arasar (King) as the ruler ranked above all.

Anthanar also known as parpannar or parthannar – Skilled professionals in diverse trades and occupations. Some areas of craftsmanship and artisan work were on their oversight earning them the reference parpannar or parthannar – Tamil words meaning the one who oversee, supervise or manage operations and activity.

Vanigars – Tamil word for business or entrepreneurship dealing with trade and commerce.

Vellalars  – Tamil word for agriculturists, cattle raisers, fishermen, textile weavers and other areas of essential and variety of services.

As explained earlier the foreigners newly created caste structure placed brahmins as highest in the hierarchy and fraudulently adopted lifestyle and status of Anthanars aka parpannar / parthannar, the second category following Arasar or King in the original system.

The stealing of status mimicking lifestyle and identity abduction of the most targeted prevalent today is déjà vu.

Now under the new caste system, the King was demoted as Shatriya or warrior and fake Anthanars calling themselves brahmins placed themselves above shatriya.

Interestingly, these fraudsters further divided the last category they called Sutras according to skin color. Earlier in the original system, there was no skin color differentiation and they were all able to buy land and provide services to suit one’s ability, financial capability and choice.

The individuals and community that were involved in physical labor worked outside under direct sunlight that drastically affected the melanin pigmentation compared to those members who worked indoors or in covered areas away from sunlight.

The darker the skin color the lower the denomination was the rubric in Sutra category under new system.

Accordingly, these groups with darker skin color were assigned the jobs that were regarded menial by foreigners and their preferred categories in the new system. Those jobs like sewage cleaners, human waste disposal, street cleaners and tasks along that line  were delineated for dark skin color in newly created Sutras category.

Among Sutras there were sub-classifications once again determined by foreigners as the so-called brahmins in the new system.  They arbitrarily isolated sections among Sutras and referred to them as the untouchable or Dalits.

Having set up the most discriminatory divisive social system, the foreigners as the so-called brahmins amassed immense power and influence over Kings i.e. shatriyas who appointed them as chief advisers and confidantes in Royal courts synonymous to present day politics.

The so-called brahmins also had enormous clout over traders the third category whom they named as Vashiyas which in itself is odd considering the meaning alluding to promiscuity.

As self-proclaimed brahmins, they assigned themselves the easiest and effortless job viz. priesthood and declared selves as the chosen ones by God. In the process they also barred the last category Sutras from entering temples for worship in accordance with their crafty untouchability scheme.

Who are these brahmins – the nomad foreigners with a firm footing in a foreign land India?

The brahmins in contemporary India identify themselves as Aryans.

Aryan race is native to Iran. Europe especially Germany and France claimed ancestry merely for the appeal and prominence Aryan in Iran had in the 18th century.

The brahmins are descendants of migrants from Central Asia, middle east and northern Egypt. They also draw close connections with Ashkenazi Jews in that region.

Jewish presence in southern indian state Kerala is available via synagogue in the state with some Keralites conversion to judaism accounting for yet another addition in religion expansion in India.

The nomadic jews from Europe, Egypt and middle east arrival transformed into namboodri brahmins in Kerala setting rigid standards on exclusivity and the chosen ones concept.

The brahmins’ gotram or gotra that is considered highly significant for them on one hand is stated an exogamous unit. The exogamous are those marrying outside their group as opposed to endogamy marrying amongst own genome.

In reality, south indian brahmins like tamil, telugu, kannada and namboodri (the most discriminatory sect in casteism) marry within their clan.

The brahmins marrying first cousins and even maternal uncles are not uncommon in South India. I personally know them in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada etc.

The North Indian brahmins also have inter-marriage custom until today in India.

The culture is fraternal to European, British so-called Royal family and the wealthiest trillionaire like jewish Rothschild and alike. Inter-marriage otherwise autogamous and endogamous heritage.

Where do the brahmins typically foreign descendants draw lineage from denoted as gotram or gotras?

Amusingly, the brahmin gotra names or paternal lineage per own definition are specified as follows

“The eight sages are called gotrakarins, from whom all 108 gotras (especially of the Brahmins) have evolved.

Who are those eight sages, the so-called brahmins derive their fictitious lineage from?

They are (1) Atri, (2) Bharadvaja, (3) Gautama Maharishi, (4) Jamadagni, (5) Kashyapa, (6) Vasishta and (7) Vishvamitra. Lately Tamil sage Agastya.

Agastyar noted as father of tamil literature along with expertise in medicine, alchemy  (chemistry), yoga and spirituality is also added to this list as brahmins’ ancestor.

These sages are linked to historic events in their individual pursuits as ascetics and albeit not without own shortcomings, weaknesses and failures…typical human qualities in their life time.

They were certainly not the direct or indirect parental lineage to foreigners calling themselves brahmins from Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa like Egypt.

Upon arrival in India they displaced the original system like in Tamil Nadu with self-designed social structure exerting influence and dominance as brahmins continued until today via caste oriented RSS and Arya Samajvadi organizations.

Since the so-called brahmins certifying themselves as the chosen ones replaced general society members in priesthood and service in non-brahmin Tamil Kings built temples, they adorned all male deity idols and paintings with cotton thread called punool across their torso.

The cotton thread referred to as punool until now is  explained in part 1 of this topic in this site. This practice as detailed in earlier segment of this topic on this site was lifted from Anthanars in the original system in Tamil Sangam age and before.

The Anthanars then wore cotton thread as identification of their special skill and workmanship in arts, science and other occupation.

Nothing has changed since then and now in terms of identity misappropriation and theft by those for personal gains and privilege. 

The explanation on devious Indian caste system is presented on this site to highlight the inherent duplicity and deceit prolonged to justify discrimination and prejudice by those against the indigenous society like in Tamil Nadu permanently enduring foreign dominance in politics, entertainment not barring religion in temple service and worship among other fields of common interest. 

The topic will resume on the infamous and decadent Manu Smriti aka manu dharma (principles?) defining women as sub-humans unworthy of any respect and others like Sutras deposed as untouchables for generations. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

Disinformation about woman and Buddhism

October 21, 2022

Disinformation about woman



Padmini Arhant

In the present era of disinformation and misogyny, the propaganda on Buddhism aversion for women is gross exaggeration and falsehood.

Lord Gautam Buddha preaching love and respect for all beings never appropriated misogyny and defamation of womanhood practiced today as culture. 

The ordinary woman who led Prince Siddartha towards enlightenment with basic knowledge on survival, thereafter the Prince Siddartha attaining jnana (wisdom on liberating Soul) and becoming Buddha was Sujata. She was a farmer’s wife. The compassionate woman offered rice pudding made with cow’s milk to then Prince Siddarth meditating under the tree. 

The Prince Siddarth having renounced his Royal life, worldly desires and material bonding was fasting and decided to relinquish food as well.

That’s when the farmer’s wife Sujata not knowing about the stranger as Prince Siddarth having become a hermit approached and offered him rice pudding in kindness. When the hermit declined food stating that he has relinquished food along with other aspects in life, the ordinary woman gently asked the hermit how could he possibly prevail in his spiritual journey without body nourishment?

Sujata further said that Soul searching also require physical strength and stamina. The natural hunger and thirst all living beings including plants and animals experience cannot be endured for too long which could then in his situation might be an obstacle in achieving the goal of nirvana – liberation of soul from cyclical birth and death.

Gautam Buddha realized the truth and wisdom in the ordinary woman’s simple words and ended his fasting. That’s when the tradition of buddhist monks seeking food for survival began as opposed to starvation until spiritual fulfillment.

Likewise in Islamic faith, the wise successful female entrepreneur Khadijah, the wife of the prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him MPBUH) and first follower of Islam contributed towards the religion origin by being the perfect spouse and source of inspiration to the prophet.

The birth of christianity again not possible without the jewish woman named Mary subject to indignation on conception questioned till date laden with sarcasm on immaculate conception prior to her wedding with human partner Joseph.

Mary had to bear immense insult from her community upon conception of baby Jesus necessitating the birth of a child in a stable. It did not end there for Mary. She was forced to witness the gruesome crucifixion of her son Jesus by the same community over religious disagreement.

Mary Magdalene on her part, the true follower of Lord  Jesus, the first one to whom the Lord revealed the truth upon resurrection to life following crucifixion.

Mary Magdalene in today’s misogynist interpretation is a woman of no chastity and honor. Ironically she is being projected as such by those to whom morality and dignity are oxymoron.

What these hate mongers and human defamers critiquing one’s chasteness, virtue, appearance and intellect…do not realize is such indulgence only unveil and expose their mind set, ignorance and insecurity.

Behind a successful man is a successful woman cannot be denied since time immemorial.  In contrast, the contemporary hatred and prejudice against women is proudly upheld like never before through objectification and exploitation by presumptuous so-called elitism premised on narcissism. 

Intelligence is not the patent right for any individual, gender, race, religion, creed, caste and class as misconceived in present society. 

All living beings are created with intelligence for survival and success in life. It entirely depends on the individual’s efforts, determination and opportunity or the lack thereof to utilize that intelligence.

Buddhism mistreatment of women is yet another concoction of fake information similar to indoctrination on Lord Krishna allegedly establishing the discriminatory human created caste system in accordance with controversial and primitive manu dharma in Indian society.

None possess the right to impose validation and misappropriation of another practiced in the present so-called modern age. 

Deployment of women targeting woman is in vogue much to sponsors and participants’ illegitimacy and indecency.

The promotion of wannabes and opportunists in Indian society and wherever applicable for that matter is the deterioration of ethics and depletion of human value.

The decadent Indian cinema in particular as the coolies (porter) of Indian and foreign political diktat trash desperately engaged in this trend for undeserving fame and fortune is a stigma for arts and civilization.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Duplicity Exposure

October 16, 2022

Duplicity Exposure

Padmini Arhant


India – Modi Shah Origin

October 16, 2022


Modi Shah Origin

Padmini Arhant 

The Persian Parsi invasion of India by King Darius in 518 BCE as the first foreign invasion subsequently resulted in Parsi influence in north western regions especially among the traders aka Banias or Vania in Gujarat, Rajasthan and Mumbai in Maharashtra. 

The surname or the last name Shah and Modi are Islam and Parsi names and not Hindu as misunderstood till now. 

The famous Parsi film maker and actor in Indian cinema – Sohrab Modi was a Parsi.

The controversy on India’s peacock throne with precious gems and diamonds landing in Persia or Iran is directly linked to Nadir Shah of Persia viz. Iran.

The surnames Shah and Modi are not related to Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma or any Shiva, Vishnu and Shakti orientation. 

Similarly Majumdar and Munshi, the latter usually referred to accountants and money lenders in Gujarat and Rajasthan etc. are of Parsi origins with more commonly among Afghan muslims. 

Padmini Arhant 

Identity Misappropriation

October 3, 2022

Identity Misappropriation 

Padmini Arhant 

Identity misappropriation is the trending culture among the wicked and wayward to pervert incontrovertible truth and reality.

Politics and crony contingency whether film industry, media of any kind or whoever anywhere cannot and do not have rights or authority to determine and define who is who and who should be whom to suit their prejudice and partisanship.

Among many inappropriate references and connotations, one of them is designating Tamil as Dravida.

Tamil is neither Kerala nor Dravida or Telugu. 

The Tamil language is ancient and the source of other languages spoken widely not only in India but in many parts of the world. The derivation of words and terms from Tamil language to other linguistics is verifiable in etymology.

For example the most desired material in the world  –  Cash in english language is a Tamil word – Casu meaning money. Over a period of time the pronunciation by humans got modified and ended up as cash right now perhaps subject to different adaptation in future.

Tamils as Dravidians is an induced political myth originating from gross misconception and misinterpretion.

Dravidian is native to south western state Karnataka and not Tamil Nadu.

The Dravidian political parties in Tamil Nadu politics imposed the Dravidian identity on Tamils in agreement with the actual Dravidian from Karnataka E.V.Ramaswamy aka Periyar having had no foothold in Karnataka or Andhra contrary to political support in Tamil Nadu.

As for the ruling political dynasty DMK in Tamil Nadu and BJP as well having tasked themselves in stripping Tamil identity of me and substituting with Kerala or anyone and anything in the uninvited solicitation is a sheer political vendetta and subversion.

In modern India, women’s rights restored in equal property inheritance from parental estate and importantly women participation in Hindu rituals like performing the last rites to her parents that were once reserved only for male in the family.

The women identity from birth with respect to religion, family and individual profile is inalienable and natural. These rights are neither disinherited nor denied to oblige political distortion.

The antiquated political ideology only applicable to women apparently in depriving parental lineage upon marriage albeit past while men retaining clan orientation from birth to death as ordained legacy is decadent besides an anachronism. 

Let personal life of anyone not become the political right for politics and Indian film industry or anybody for that matter to mess with and engage in unwelcome unauthorized contortion legitimately attracting libel suits and legal implications on personal rights violation.

Politics responsibility is public service paid for by taxpayers not minding private affairs of those politics choose to meddle with as prerogative.

The same apply to film industry as the so-called entertainment sector capitalizing and exploiting identity theft in desperation as opportunists and wannabes to resurrect their dead career. 

Padmini Arhant 

Journalism Jeopardy

September 17, 2022

Journalism Jeopardy

Padmini Arhant

When any journalist admits as the spokesperson for a political party, local or foreign government, accordingly the former defending the latter during interview or press conference is not surprising.

However, the contradictory statement from the journalist in the course of press conference on the same subject create credibility factor or the lack thereof in a manner caught with the foot in their mouth exposing the intent and content.

The snippet from the following video on the assassination of the former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in Tamil press conference by the present or former Hindu Indian newspaper journalist Prakash M Swamy exhibit contradictory narratives with nuances and insinuations acknowledged as not verifiable accounts.

The journalist Prakash M Swamy at the beginning of the press conference brings to attention on the former Palestinian Liberation Organization Chief PLO (the late) Yasser Arafat expressing concern over possible assassination attempt on then Indian ex-Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi adding importance to beef up security for the former Indian Prime Minister. It is well known that former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat had close ties with former Indian Prime Minister (late) Indira Gandhi whom he referred to as sister . With that kind of political relation between Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and Mrs. Indira Gandhi family, the outreach to enforce security on Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi would be expected as a concerned political ally.

In the latter part, the journalist Prakash M Swamy flip flop alluding to PLO involvement in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi only confirms journalism jeopardy parallel to offenders often leaving behind trails leading to their apprehension.

The legitimate question then arise –

Why then journalism engage in fake publicity, innuendo and propaganda to appease those hiring such service?

The above video is an excerpt from the full length video titled as under.

Former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi assassination propaganda.

புலிகளுக்கும் ராஜீவ் காந்தி மரணத்திற்கும் சம்மந்தம் உள்ளதா ? | Prakash M Swamy | Pesu Tamizha Pesu

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Good Riddance

September 8, 2022

Good Riddance

RIP – Rot in Pathaal meant for all those living and deceased burdened with sins beyond salvation.

Pathaal is the last bastion for evil and sins committed in living knowingly defying the consequences of actions and indulgence.

One down several to follow among the EVIL wreaking havoc on planet earth.

All things – tangible and intangible must end after all. The show cannot continue for eternity showing no concern, regrets or remorse for serious violations of lives, rights, individual liberty and sovereignty.

Every living and inanimate objects arrive on earth with set expiry date without exception. The expiration might be delayed or differed but never averted in any given time in the past, present or future regardless of creed and presumptuous status.

Padmini Arhant

Attention – Criminal Clique and Crony Troupe

August 17, 2022

Attention – Criminal Clique and Crony Troupe 

Padmini Arhant 

Be ashamed of your actions, decisions and indulgence abusing your position of authority and power in office as President, Prime Minister and lofty designations granted by the same person and citizens whom you abuse as your entitlement. 

I, Padmini Achintya Arhant challenge those undeservingly regarding themselves mighty and privileged in society to engage in one on one conversation with me in public domain abandoning the criminal unethical and uncivilized trend using proxies from their inventory to relentlessly attack me as their prerogative.

I owe you all nothing whereas those having aches and pain with my mere existence owe me a great deal for using and abusing me for your goals and achievements in life.

Remember you begged for my help and support literally driving me to bankruptcy to get where you wanted to reach which was unimaginable for you and those in similar trail given individual personal status. It was further demonstrated with mockery and indignation.

Instead of gratitude, all that you, your companion and hired mud slingers could exhibit was plenty of attitude.

The crass demeanor is continued as your culture which is least surprising. 

As a strong believer in KARMA, the only force that determines right from wrong and accordingly delivers judgment barring any and all individual attributes in life and beyond, 

It is time for those in position of power, authority and influential status to accept responsibility for their failures and willful engagements drastically affecting lives with generational impact. 

The futile efforts viciously targeting me via your proxies for presenting well substantiated facts and truth as a sin only proves your inescapable guilt in living and after demise. 

It would be wise to renounce arrogance and hubris for humility and mutual respect that are basic human values exceeding any false superficial presumptuous status in the temporary temporal mortal phase guaranteed to end without exception.

Again, the dialogue in real time with real individuals is an open invitation unlike your ambush tactics using pawns and puppets from your casket exemplifying cowardice and prejudice. 

If you have nothing to say in your defense on indefensible track record as public office bearer and others following suit maintaining cronyism, the recognition of fete accompli is inevitable outcome.

 As for parasites feeding off me and yet joining forces with the corrupt and criminal clique for survival and phony lifestyle, their doomed destiny is a foregone conclusion.

Life is a gift and a blessing. I’m not here to bow to tyranny and misogyny. I live my independent life with dignity and integrity absent regrets and apology to none. 

Any problem for anyone in this regard is not mine but only theirs to contend with their inadequacy and insecurity. 

Once and for all, quitting your game of proxy and parasitic tradition could provide sanity and civility for meaningful life. 

Padmini Arhant 

Israel and India Legacy

July 27, 2022

Israel and India Legacy

Padmini Arhant

Israel and India shared legacy.

Israel bears the sin of  Lord Jesus Christ crucifixion. 

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin assassinated by zionist for the former daring to forge peace with Palestinians at his political career sunset after having experienced destruction of lives on either side from violence. 

Israel is declared a Jewish state. 

On the other hand, Indian society indefinitely banished Lord Ram’s pregnant spouse Devi Sita to the forest in Ramayana.  

In yet another epic Mahabharata, the female protagonist Queen Devi Draupati ridiculed and shamed until now by none other than the reprehensibly characterless corrupt criminal mob in Indian politics, entertainment and state diverse media. 

yIndia’s freedom movement leader Mahatma Gandhi assassinated by Hindu zealot for calling on unity between Hindus and Muslims in British colonial divided India. 

India at present treading on Israeli fundamentalist ideology positioned to transformation into Hindu Rashtra i.e. Hindu State like the Jewish State. 

Unfortunately for both Israel and India, peace and sovereignty remain contentious with permanent insecurity as destiny

Furthermore, the foreign invasion and occupation is India’s fate since time immemorial predominantly because of traitors within India.

Unlike Afghanistan, a nation perpetually invaded by foreign powers only to be driven away on the beaten track by Afghans until today.

Taliban previously as Mujahideen fought against the occupier former Soviet Union and Afghan tribes earlier dethroned the British colonial power.

Every one of them chased from the territory with eventual collapse of the empire perhaps as the spell from Afghanistan on external intrusion.

All said and done, Taliban barring their radical ideology in the domestic front and treatment of women that are witnessed in the above mentioned states as well, the Talibans remain defiant in guarding their homeland from offshore intrusions.

A lesson India could learn from neighboring Afghanistan in defending own soil. The tooth and nail battle fought by Taliban against formidable foreign powers to reclaim sovereignty made possible by their determination to expel foreign colonization.

Such tenacity is a tough challenge for Indian politics considering rampant corruption, criminality and treason in Indian political mindset leaving India with open corridor for successive foreign incursion and dominance.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

Western Policy Behind Militant Buddhism

July 16, 2022

Western Policy Behind Militant Buddhism

Padmini Arhant

There will be live presentations on burgeoning issues in Sri Lanka and elsewhere.

At last, it is a refreshing change to have facts acknowledged from the horse’s mouth.

Courtesy – CNA Insider in Singapore with BBC narrator British Dilly Barlow – Thank you.

NB: FYI – Burma’s embattled political leader Aung San Suu Kyi is western representative and for that reason utilized for western nuanced disinformation and propaganda. The western practice to use and abuse members from own inventory against their arch nemesis I.E. ME in the worst misogyny is desperate times deploying desperate measures much to own embarrassment and detriment. Similarly Facebook and the social media monetary beneficiary Mark Zuckerberg is the product in the malignant campaign against the western target viz. me.

The idea of projecting third persons with tainted and tarnished record whether Indira Gandhi’s emergency rule, Aung San Suu Kyi’s apathy on Rohingya muslims or even Osama Bin Laden – the western created, nurtured and profiteered from the terror chief as CIA’s high value asset against me is lame, ludicrous and downright criminal.

I have called on these personalities and others sharing such profile and actions time and time again barring any preference or prejudice unlike my vehement opponents incognito and their proxy.  Consequently, I have condemned their political bias and ideological indulgence inflicting pain and suffering on millions of affected population.

FYI – The international cabal represented media contingency – Those falsely accusing me with fabricated concoctions alluding Burma’s political leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s controversial position on Rohingya muslims crisis as mine have to deal with their discriminatory misogynist fascist display. Not to mention the dishonesty ad nauseam staring at them during their routine criminal offense against me.

Myanmar – Western Powers Exploitation of Religions to Incite Violence – Published on October 27, 2012.

Myanmar – Western Powers Exploitation of Religions to Incite Violence


Myanmar – Rohingya Muslims Genocide is Humanitarian Crisis – Published on October 31, 2012.

Myanmar – Rohingya Muslims Genocide Is Humanitarian Crisis


Myanmar – Rohingya Muslims Plight – Published on March 16, 2018.

Myanmar – Rohingya Muslims Plight


The international criminal cabal’s shady tactics and shenanigans against me in this regard predominantly arising from colonial traits is internal implosion. The flawed and failed unscrupulous strategy adopted by western fostered authoritarian regime like in India and corrupt political establishment is demonstration of Indian politics’ subservience and servitude to global masters in the appeasement and acquiescence trend. Needless to say the serious blowback currently experienced by violators to this effect until now is merely the tip of the iceberg.

The real courage and integrity – the characteristics that are oxymoron to those engaged in ambush, nuance, innuendo and insinuations are neither inherent nor inheritable.

There is no comparison on whom I belong to – the divine Supreme being and whom the hostile antagonists enemy of humanity and goodness represent in service to evil.

Appropriately and regardless, none of these vicious misinformation and character defamation against me is going to deter me from my defiant commitment to truthful presentation on global and humanitarian matter. The exposure of the deep state to drain the swamp is fundamental to emancipate the shackled innocent victims of predator politics and opportunist economics worldwide.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

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