India FYI – My contributions to India and Indian Affairs

May 15, 2019

India FYI

My contributions to India and Indian Affairs

Padmini Arhant

I wish to dispel the myth propagated by idle loose talking heads representing political regimes in India that my participation in Indian affairs only limited to election.

Unfortunately I’m expected to grin and bear persistent tirade.

As such I’m obligatory to none as I’m not on anyone’s payroll (public or private) unlike the political class and fakes capitalizing on my profile and identity much to self-detriment.

These members thriving on taxpayers funded salary, perks and privileges deliver misery, poverty, unemployment and crimes in return.

As for my involvement thus far in India’s burgeoning issues,

I have been speaking and intervening as and when required on matter related to ordinary citizens across the spectrum and written several articles specifically on India’s critical security, economic, political, social, nuclear, humanitarian and environment issues not barring entertainment for over a decade now.

Whether it was anti-corruption prior to the emergence of the team headed by Shri Anna Hazare and importance to have effective Lokpal bill without swaying from my affirmation to anti-corruption law.


Voicing my opposition to bifurcation of Southern state Andhra Pradesh into Telangana and Andhra by Sonia Gandhi. I offered meaningful solutions to that particular issue only to be dismissed by Congress ruling cadre riding on unbridled horse at that time and accordingly experienced the fall in electoral outcome in 2014.

Commonwealth Games Resurrection in 2010:

Under Congress regime amidst corruption scandals avalanche implicating every Congress leaderships from the so-called high command Sonia Gandhi to other members in the party,

Then Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit and Congress sports administrator Suresh Kalmadi were smothered in corruption dealings and could care less about the Commonwealth Games hosting though they both were implicated for profiteering from this event that was scheduled to be hosted by Delhi in 2010.

In this respect, politicians and entertainment sector viz. film industry and sports – the two chief beneficiaries and representatives in politics were pandering to media mockery of India incapable and incompetent in hosting an international sports event with glimpses of their talk shows flashed in western media making India an international joke at that time.

On my part when I watched the charade, I was determined to turn mockery of India into appreciation as I felt the athletes in India and foreign land having been tasked to intense labor and training to compete in the international event were deeply disappointed considering the Indian government i.e. Congress ruling power almost made up their mind to cancel the event that was confirmed to western media by India’s External Affairs minister S.M.Krishna traveling in New York at that time.

I subjected myself to the task of resurrecting the Commonwealth games and did so with energized athletes coming together in making the event successful amid cheers and applause from the audience.

There is no sense of self-gratitude as far as I’m concerned for I believe and practice modesty and humility. However, when there are forces dedicating their lives to isolate, corner and ambush their target with the sole purpose of defeating and destroying goodness, there is a compulsion to set the record straight for clarity and future precedence.

Similarly, I condemned the genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka in 2009 and expressed in writing through publication on this website. The horrific crimes against ethnic Tamils were carried out with Sonia Gandhi authorized coordination with then Sri Lankan President and Commander-in-Chief Mahinda Rajapaksa who personally thanked Congress Chief Sonia Gandhi for full cooperation.

Subsequently under Congress regime, the state murder of Delhi rape victim in 2012 and withholding the victim’s name against the victim and her family’s request, I wrote and posted articles on abuse of power in this regard and several other instances by Congress leadership viz. Sonia Gandhi and muted opposition in Indian politics.

The anti-corruption articles from me were not surprisingly unwelcome among Indian political establishment. The opposition BJP then headed by Sushma Swaraj together with Congress in unison censured me in Indian Parliament for daring to speak the truth on corruption in Indian political system.

For the record, the innuendoes and nuances from media on political regimes instructions falsely projecting me as showering compliments on former Chief Minister of Gujarat and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi is nothing more than wishful thinking.

Soon after PM Narendra Modi was sworn to office, I released the audio on mock interview asking very serious questions that touched on controversial and contentious legacy of the former Chief Minister of Gujarat turned Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi. Somehow these episodes not captured on the radar of those wasting time in profiling me.

In UPA 2nd term, I published and presented mock interview with Congress High Command Sonia Gandhi in Italian along with English translation. The questionnaire comprised  Sonia Gandhi’s decisions on not only Indian politics but also her personal interference denying a private citizen’s right to exist by not allowing the critically ill patient to receive emergency medical treatment with the entire nation remaining silent spectators to state sponsored tragedy.

My perspectives and opinion on governments alternating to power strictly premised on ground reality and effects on ordinary folks and their suffering. Nothing more and nothing less.

During BJP regime under PM Narendra Modi, I remarked on the reprehensible idea of forceful land acquisition from farmers and natives by PM Narendra Modi and government. I published article intersecting the passage of land acquisition bill by PM Narendra Modi and government in Parliament aimed at aiding corporate allies Adhani, Ambanis and the likes against farmers and middle class citizens owning land.

As mentioned earlier on I had to bear the heat for objecting to former U.S.President Barack Obama administration initiated Walmart monopoly on Indian retail industry.

Also I shed light on agrarian crisis and discussed farmers long standing woes with recommendations to redress farmers plight. I presented my thoughts and ideas to contain the deteriorating conditions in agriculture economy.

On nuclear and environment issues – I firmly stood by locals protesting against Kudankulam nuclear plant revival and Thoothukudi Sterlite Copper plant menace in Tamil Nadu much to elevated political entities like ex-President Abdul Kalam and fraternity criticism for siding with the people and not the political helm on Kudankulam nuclear project.

Humanitarian standpoint – I pledged my support to human rights activists, writers, authors and environmentalists unfairly targeted, arrested with at least two of them even murdered under PM Narendra Modi run BJP regime. I denounced these actions as they occurred in direct human rights violations subverting democracy by PM Narendra Modi and media.

On national security – those who pay attention to my work certainly noticed submission of facts laden post published by me in this context. The audio  with transcripts on Doklam standoff between Indian Armed Forces and People’s Liberation Army of China over China’s road construction plan in Doklam on the trijunction border that includes yet another nation – Bhutan was published at the height of brewing conflict.

Jammu & Kashmir – I have been writing all along since the establishment of this site in 2008 on multifaceted human rights violations against Kashmiris – beginning with Hindus – Kashmiri Pandits and other denominations as well as muslims in the valley having become mere political pawns for both India and Pakistan waging proxy war in their name with no respite.

Again the articles on India’s North East tensions were also published on many occasions on this premier site –


Last but not the least, drawing international focus on India’s natural disasters were also covered on the site.

All of these made available in diverse format – written publications, audio and video versions throughout the cycles of Congress and BJP government in power.

There were also postings done on India’s regional politics viz. Tamil Nadu government under former Chief Minister Jayalalitha and counterpart DMK leader Karunanidhi as well as other states like West Bengal under Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee.

I reiterate that I’m not under any constitutional oath as those elected to power in politics are, yet I have been tirelessly working without any monetary payments or benefits whatsoever and devoted significant time of my life on anything and everything about India besides global events and crises. 

Those who are supposed to present their report card on their governance for which they are handsomely paid and undeservingly glorified until the last hour are let scot-free while raising infinite questions on my appearance or the lack there of in Indian scene is indeed ad hominem.

Goes without saying – anything provided free costing nothing instead profits to those taking others selfless service for granted would only yearn for more with limitless demands and endless gibes having become the culture. 

The elements making allegations against me are mirroring themselves with their showing as paid satirist largely part of youtube sleeper cells category proved worse than terror equivalent in addition to them featuring on television networks for publicity merely preoccupied in mud slinging for personal and political gains.

I rest my case.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

United States – Federal Reserve Credibility against Economic Viability

December 22, 2018

United States – Federal Reserve Credibility


Economic Viability

Padmini Arhant

Federal Reserve is all about defending own credibility against economic viability reflected in the continuous interest rates hike in September and now in December 2018. The Fed Chairman Jerome Powell attributed the rates hike to economic data in hand that in itself pose questions on the matter. The economic figures in 2018 related to every sector on borrowing affecting consumer price index (CPI) directly tied to inflation is suggestive of the reverse response rather than persistent higher interest rates adjustment. 

The latest interest rate hike inevitably impact housing market, auto loans, credit cards and student loans that are already stressed due to past actions from the Federal Reserve. The economy is being unnecessarily subject to induced recession through such arbitrary positions from the Federal Reserve. The other factor is imposing speculations in the stock market among public investors on potential impending economic crisis that the Federal Reserve poised as privy to without sharing information in the public domain. 

Seriously, thus far the institutions like the Federal Reserve lacking in transparency and accountability since onset until now defying open congressional probe on missing trillions of dollars from U.S. Treasury within their organization adapt to the favorite strategy of manufacturing crisis in the absence of none in the horizon. 

By and large those behind the global operation of politics, economy and more hopelessly rely on creating problems and dire straits for own survival and further prosperity with little or no concern on their egregious involvements exacerbating economic, political and social conditions in the domestic and global environment.  There is no doubt the engagement is intended to stymie progress considering the entities impunity to responsibility behind major setbacks in the economy, politics and global activities conforming to negative trend. 

The topic will focus on detailed analysis and review of Federal Reserve penchant for raising interest rates under the guise of controlling or containing inflation ignoring economic and market results leading to a tailspin in the short and long term. 

Federal Reserve credibility never existed to begin with given the manner the private organization comprising core board members by virtue of inheritance of power within a confined group set up as family structure disingenuously functioning as United States Federal monetary authority against constitutional norm. 

United States constitutional requirement for monetary policy and treasury is to be brought under republic statute contrary to long tradition of the critical monetary service outsourced to private banking institution in the name of Federal Reserve. 

Time for transfer of power from privately run Federal Reserve to public represented Congressional Authority eliminating exemptions from scrutiny and compliance on appropriate monetary practice. 

The private entity Federal Reserve mandating U. S. sovereign monetary policy with the latest move on rates increase in the range 2.25 – 2.50 percent is based on self convictions and the organization’s custom in contradiction to economic reality.

The credibility and competence of any private or public institution and enterprise emanates from recognition and realization of actual events and potential effects of contrasting decisions unlike the current action from the Federal Reserve.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presnter Padmini Arhant

Hate, Prejudice and Misogyny -The Insignia of Peril

August 28, 2018

Hate, Prejudice and Misogyny -The Insignia of Peril

Padmini Arhant

The freeloading opportunists and wannabes ever remaining gluttons of power, fame and fortune are the worst scavengers to exist in the world dominated by them though not for long.

As parasites their survival is desperately dependent on the source they continue to abuse and exploit for individual gains and egocentric supremacy expediting the inevitable end of them being hate mongers.

The dark forces with their crony contingency have nothing to live for except spewing venom to legitimize illegitimate draconian doctrine characterized in prejudice and misogyny. The vitriolic spasms are regularly released through media cacophony and entertainment industry salivation to the masters’ bait producing mercurial poison in the name of content.

These vile despicable catalysts of destruction are incorrigible. There is no hope of revival considering the deteriorating inner vices leading them to point of no return. They waste their lives in authorizing and serving perilous cause much to own agonizing experience for their soul upon departure from this world. Not to mention the painful arduous journey awaiting them in living and death thereafter.

These narcissists disguised as elitists cite backward caste and pariah in their opinion of anyone they regard arch nemesis while ironically expecting recognition and acknowledgment from the same so-called outcast. Their lofty and hypocritical stance make them the laughing stock as they demand respect in return for their insults and insolence. They fail to realize due to uber hubris overwhelming their personality, backwardness is in character and deeds to which they are sole proprietors and unparalleled in their backward mentality.

Peace and mutual respect are antithetic to them given their combat disposition and repugnance.

Accordingly, they are not only the pariahs but also the piranhas for their predator instincts and impulsive extremist views precipitating self-decline. 

Needless to say, these are ominous signs of imminent disaster for orchestrators and subservient representatives alike.

Lest be understood, these actions are never without karmic effects and a harsh lesson along the way not to take others for granted.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Prakrithi. PadminiArhant.con


















Journalism Travesty

June 9, 2018

Journalism Travesty

Padmini Arhant

The latest trend to attack truth and factual presentations from me via threats and vitriolic characterizations by certain press and media outlets online and diverse format representing criminal syndicate is abominable.

The criminal entities responsible for corruption, communal violence, treason, embezzelment, tax evasions, oppression, prejudice, massacres and state terrorism not to mention the abhorrent sponsoring of cannibalism have no shame whatsoever in their servile position to malign my unequivocal stance on social justice, freedom, individual rights, fair opportunity and progress for all not just the selective few or the privileged in the society.

These hired critics and opportunists somehow only remember what I have not said yet on any communal event or issue while conveniently ignoring more than 1500 posts written and published by me on and thus far that continues until now on various topics with specific focus on human rights violations and persecution of the underprivileged and those deemed outcasts in society.

In the process, I have endured serious injury like carpal tunnel from prolonged use of hands in writing these articles, loss of voice due to excessive verbal and visual presentations not to mention the impact on vision in constant use of computer and other electronic device. Does any of these challenges that I face matter to those casting stones at me? Apparently not.

Why not hold those in power and influential positions raking a fortune on taxpayers money accountable for dereliction of duty and adversarial decisions ruining lives and destiny of millions in the world?

I challenge the incognito abusing me as sociopath, an identity that is exclusive to them and their servile contingency to come out in the open rather than deploying sycophants from Vanity Fair and alike that is appropriately Insanity Fair depicting deplorable journalistic standard, a desperate strategy confirming the declining status.

Similarly, the goon politics recruited and funded news site viz. The Wire based in Delhi, India pretending as non-profit in the blatant profiteering racket upend journalism with provocative references inciting unnecessary perceptions for personal and political gains welcoming imminent downfall.

The rogue elements instigating unsubstantiated and fabricated tales in the hope of evading judgment on unforgivable sins committed by them since their origin and expected to be carried out until their last breath are determined to disqualify themselves from any redemption. The endless obituaries and eulogies given the hostility, acrimony and intense hatred towards me is nothing more than a suicide mission for anyone engaged and promoting such practice. The consequences proved time and time again lately with their proxies, puppets and nominated characters demise demonstrating individual folly and hubris.

The trend aptly reminding them those who dig grave for others invariably find them in it with the end justifying the means regardless of power, authority and celebrity status.

Accordingly, I demand an apology from those riding on my back and dishonestly claiming my contributions as their own when I have dedicated my life especially in the last decade up until now without being paid a dime or funded on anyone’s payroll. Instead I have depleted my life savings for those aspiring to achieve their dreams that would have been impossible for them otherwise together with numerous humanitarian causes only to be mocked and ridiculed in return as bankrupt by the ungrateful and insolent notwithstanding their serious memory lapse on own moral and ethical insolvency.

In the materialistic world with obsession for power, fame and fortune prompting ego centric aspirations at others expense, those criticizing me have no credibility or integrity. The sacrifice my family and I have made for the unknowns near and far cannot be sullied in the face of recognition, acknowledgment and blessings in the spiritual sphere.

The duplicity, lies, mass deception and propaganda through various means backfiring at the source and catalysts should not be slighted as these are ominous signs of decadence and reckoning resulting from deceitful actions.

The unscrupulous are experiencing karmic effects of their nefarious activities reflected in electoral defeats and financial losses with more on the horizon defining the clarion moment that none can escape their karma.

The divine purpose never succumbs to cowardly and wicked tactics neither bow to tyranny despite intimidation, subversion and manipulation much to the inevitable peril of those behind such tricks and traits.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter








United States – Net Neutrality Restoration via The Congressional Review Act (CRA)

January 12, 2018

United States – Net Neutrality Restoration via The Congressional Review Act (CRA)

Padmini Arhant

Net neutrality repealed by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai recently in a closed door meeting among five members with three republican representatives in favor and two democrats against the decision understandably prompted public protest and disappointment. The decision tipped the balance to control internet traffic overwhelmingly to internet service providers – AT&T, Comcast and Verizon amongst the prominent and major corporations in the pool leaving the public domain, the internet entirely to corporate management allowing them censorship on public access and streaming activity.

As mentioned earlier on this website regarding this issue

Related Articles:

United States – FCC Net Neutrality Repeal

United States – FCC Repealing Net Neutrality and GOP TCJA

Whenever federal authorities and agencies neglect responsibility to protect consumer interests arguably relevant in this matter and chose to align with special interests such as corporate giants in telecom industry with little or no concern on mass impact, the voice of the people as common users from all walks of life necessitate action.

Accordingly, a Senate bill to overrule FCC and save net neutrality gained traction with enough cosponsors to force a vote on the Senate floor attracting members from either sides of the political aisle including independent member of Congress in the Senate coming forward to reverse FCC’s action.

The bill titled The Congressional Review Act (CRA) would give elected officials 60 legislative days to restore net neutrality by overturning FCC’s REPEAL with a simple majority vote in the Senate and House. The vote in the Senate appears to be guaranteed to pass the legislation. The constituents regardless of political affiliation contacting the respective Congress members in the House and Senate to cast their vote in acknowledgment of citizens’ rights to internet, the public domain free from restrictions and corporate regulations is pertinent to maintain fair access to information highway.

The legislation drawing bipartisan support in the Senate currently has 40 cosponsors and The Congressional Review Act (CRA) will need 51 votes to pass the Senate and proceed to the House.

Citizens across the United States, the blue, the red, the purple and apolitical evidently internet users are urged to come together in retaining your rights to internet and join the majority participating in net neutrality revival.

You may use the easy call tool to contact your lawmakers right now. Battle for the Net’s call tool is easy to use. Enter your phone number and your phone will ring. Then just enter your zip code they will connect you with your Senator.

Keep democracy alive and active exercising your rights to internet freedom in the information age.

Good Luck!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission






United States – FCC Net Neutrality Repeal

December 14, 2017

United States – FCC Net Neutrality Repeal

Padmini Arhant

Internet is a common ground and a public domain. Life revolves around technology. Technology is an integral part of life. Technology has made life efficient and for many including myself, technology is fun and exciting with an opportunity to perform work from anywhere – home, office, during travel day or night. Technology’s usefulness is mostly derived from internet access. That being the case, the corporate control of cyberspace restricting and extending service of their choice that would affect vast majority of internet users is not a viable course.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision to repeal net neutrality favoring broadband i.e. the telecommunication companies like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast as well as internet companies such as Google, Amazon, Netflix and Facebook so on at overwhelming ordinary subscribers expense is infringement on average citizens rights and affordability in accessing internet, streaming video from Netflix and You Tube to name a few.

Net neutrality is critical for information flow without obstruction and selective channeling of traffic to sites and services that arguably creates conflict of interest and anti-trust law with major players dominance already stifling competition in a free market place. As such the lateral integration among telecommunication giants is the contemporary practice with various communication outlets from internet to television network acquisitions posing challenges to balance of power in the relatively vast field with maximum exposure to market share for them.

The net neutrality rules are meant to treat all internet traffic on equal basis barring Internet Service Providers (ISP) to block, slow down or provide preferential treatment to sites and services of their choice.

Furthermore, the rules are important for internet surfers and users to freely access the information highway without having to pay toll that would now be applicable at ISP’s discretion making internet the tool for corporate short-term profitability. In denying millions of internet visitors and regular users fair opportunity in addition to startups and several thousands of online companies from competing effectively, the current FCC plan could potentially suppress business advantage for anyone not in the same league as big corporations.

Anytime, regulations are shunned or eliminated enabling giant corporations to operate according to their policy that are always more profit oriented with the costs ultimately transferred in higher prices to end consumer or retail buyer, the trend invariably impact sustainability leading to inflation and sharp downturn in consumer buying power.

The FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s idea of attracting investment in the industry prompting such action evidently contradict the data considering the increase in investment in broadband expansion despite the rule in place.

Any regression in particular segment of this industry is not associated with net neutrality. As a matter of fact maintaining net neutrality for reasons explained above and in general benefitting entire users of cyberspace rather than specific corporations would promote enormous financial gains for all participants regardless of size and activity.

Since the broadband companies’ consumer base involves subscribers across the spectrum, the hierarchy in internet service set on different prices, speed and network reliability inevitably undermines bulk of the traffic presently represented in basic to premium category.

The FCC proposal to remove net neutrality based on investment prospects that are prevalent with net neutrality in effect along with faster and network dependability for more people is possible in extending unrestricted services to all not just the targeted groups on internet subscription. Another problem in this respect is FCC recommendation to have the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) resolve any issues between broadband operatives and users on any non-disclosures in access denial and price disputes could be prevented in adherence to net neutrality that avoids such occurrence. 

The broadband service identified as the telecommunication companies remaining as such is relevant and imperative with rules defining the role adapting Title II of the Communications Act necessary for efficient and convenient access to internet prohibiting discrimination in the information age.

In conclusion, net neutrality is paramount to guarantee consistent service and competitiveness in the market economy for users and e-commerce traders without having to confront corporate control of internet usage and monopoly in commercial interest.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission




July 24, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

What is elitism?

Status specializing in hubris, ignorance, xenophobia, megalomania, sneering, jeering, condescendence, contemptuousness, envy, prejudice, polarization, deception, subversion, treason, deceit, duplicity, demagoguery, debauchery, perversion, promiscuity, plagiarism, grand larceny, misogyny, gluttonous, cronyism, servility and last but not the least parasitic existence conveniently asserted as elitism amongst contemporary feudalists and fiduciaries frozen in the medieval era.

Perhaps the dog’s tail could be straightened but not the twisted twits set in one direction with a dead end.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission






World – International Criminal Syndicate (ICS)

April 20, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

International criminal syndicate is the Father of terror, prejudice and polarization. ICS is responsible for breeding terrorism and supremacy. The clique indoctrination in desperation represented in glamor, glory and goon politics.

ICS is the bedrock of divide and rule doctrine that fosters segregation, misogyny and condescendence besides cronyism and corruption. The global turmoil and security threats are caused by ICS manufactured terror and relentless violence. The world ruled by unruly triggers tumult turning the tide against the source.

With no desire for peace and pervasive progress, ICS is the classic example in existence to destroy for self-destruction. Such endeavors lead to extinction.

What you sow is what you reap in life.

Having no regrets for conduct is denial guided by delusion that ultimately bring the conclusion.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission






Syria –U.S. Unilateral Air Strike against Syria

April 7, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

U.S. Unilateral Air Strike against Syria might be welcome from corners that regards projection of military might as sign of strength especially when own human rights record speaks volume on abuse and atrocities committed whether that is complicity on 9/11 attacks in American soil in 2001, or ramming over people during peaceful assembly in Tiananmen Square in 1989.

Similarly, in 2003 in occupied Palestine, a brave young American citizen Rachel Corrie killed under a bull dozer by close ally Israel who is also U.S. tax dollars aid recipient.

Such violent actions glorified as defiance defines the character of those and the lack of inherent human value in them. These attributes cause the downfall sooner than later.

On the economic standpoint, the U.S. launched Tomahawk missiles costing tax payers $1.59 million a piece with 59 of them fired away and 36 wasted with 23 hitting the Syrian air field could hardly be prudence for Presidency with business background.

That means the actual tax payers in the U.S. economy had to foot the bill for $93.81million to showcase the American Presidency showmanship which is nothing more than capitulation to hawkish elements drumroll to attack causing more civilian casualties as sympathy towards people in Syria. This move is anything but a smart strategy.

Interestingly, fiscal responsibility is eliminated in such endeavor as they are reserved for critical issues like health care and education reminding American citizens that United States is not a welfare nation but has no problem expending on few missiles to expand defense budget.

Wisdom is a gift that provides guidance on matter requiring diligence while folly commands impulsive reaction.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission

United States – Keystone XL Pipeline at Native Population (Real Americans) and Environment Peril

April 7, 2017

Coming up

By Padmini Arhant

United States – Keystone XL Pipeline At Native Population (Real Americans) And Environment Peril

Followed by Nuclear Option to Approve Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch is nothing more than act of desperation rather than deliberation on issue concerning entire nations not just the political base.

These are upcoming topics on this site.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission


By Padmini Arhant

United States – Keystone XL Pipeline At Native Population (Real Americans) And Environment Peril

Followed by Nuclear Option to Approve Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch is nothing more than act of desperation rather than deliberation on issue concerning entire nations not just the political base.

These are upcoming topics on this site.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission

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