Update on Website Development

March 24, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

Hello World!

I am Padmini Arhant. Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com, Spouse in Divine Mission. I would like to update on new developments related to website www.padminiarhant.com

The website is undergoing some changes to improve service. The site enormity and functionality demands better and effective options to meet various requirements.

Accordingly, the new site www.prakrithi.padminiarhant.com is launched as ecommerce portal. The subdomain under construction representing Vishwa Kalyan Enterprise would showcase items for sale.


Welcome to Prakrithi i.e. Nature featuring downloadable articles and e-books representing Vishwa Kalyan Enterprise. Vishwa Kalyan meaning Universal Good. Vishwa Kalyan Enterprise (VKE) is dedicated to promotion, marketing and distribution of items on diverse topics discussed and published in primary website PadminiArhant.com. The publications are accessible in e-format and soon available in print material at nominal price to address technical service and maintenance costs of the source site. The information can be downloaded for a marked price with separate options for other products such as music and creative resources in different range and genre. Never short of dull moment, the premier site PadminiArhant.com will continue focus on world events and affairs.

The articles published and discussed in padminiarhant.com will now be accessible on this site for a nominal price. The other items include music and important resources in ebook format that could be downloaded for a price and later available in print edition.

The rising costs to run a large website and maintain software updates on a regular basis for uninterrupted service has led to latest progress.

Your continuous support and interest is always appreciated.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Peace to all!

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


India – Assembly Election 2017

March 12, 2017

Read more

Face the Truth – Election Results

March 2, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

The clamor over 2016 election results claiming Russian meddling perhaps goes further back since the democrats lost in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016.

Why didn’t Barack Obama administration investigate alleged Russian interference behind democrats losing elections from 2010 until 2016?

The democrat candidate Hillary Clinton not just lost in 2016, in fact the democrat contender was unsuccessful in 2008 as well.

Does this mean Russian recipe spoiled the pudding?


Did that have anything to do with Latino enchilada?  The bizarre story on Mexican mother of five casting ballot in 2016 as she did not know only citizens and not permanent residents were eligible to vote?

What was the real cause for Russian ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin’s sudden death in New York City on February 20th, 2017?

When there is a notion that every national event in the United States from elections to changing weather patterns are linked with Russia, then why would anyone allow Russian state owned media Russian Television (RT) broadcast from Washington D.C.?

Why would the American magazine FORBES (by former unsuccessful Republican Presidential Candidate Steve Forbes) honor the Russian Prime Minister turned many times President Vladimir Putin as the most powerful entity?

On Iranophobia and Islamaphobia  leading to hate crimes targeting individuals based on mistaken identity attributed to incognito forces run administrations poignantly Barack Obama Presidency determining Iran as India and vice versa subverted history, geography and political landscape in entirety.  Meanwhile, Iranophobia somehow transformed into Iranomedia with the setting up of Press TV a parallel to Russian RT.

Not to mention the fake social media FACEBOOK & TWITTER collusion in facilitating metadata worldwide for direct control over global population.

As long as behind the scenes operatives representing crime syndicate engage in the lethal game of Russian roulette, democracy remains a myth and far fetched imagination.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter, PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission



Mysterious Events in 2009 – 2016 Presidency

February 28, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

1. Where are the families of eliminated Navy SEALS deployed in Abbottabad raid claiming to have captured and killed the deceased Osama Bin Laden in 2011?  Should they not be presented at the Oscar to be fair and equal? 

2. Whatever happened to Malaysian airlines MAS/MH 370 with passengers and crew on board mysteriously disappeared in thin air in 2014?

3. What then followed is more intriguing within a few months from previous incident with Malaysian airlines MAS/MH 17  – the commercial aircraft with 283 passengers and crew shot down over Eastern Ukraine leaving no survivors in 2014? 

4. Why did Barack Obama administration target Malaysia in particular – Is it because Malaysia demonstrated courage in calling the spade a spade  when the War Crimes Tribunal in Malaysia found the perpetrators of war crimes- the former President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair along with other cohorts guilty in the illegal invasion of Iraq?

5. Where is the press and media investigation on Barack Obama administration’s quid pro quo with oil giants BP and Shell on the Deepwater oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 causing the biggest environment disaster?

When the power behind the system is permanent with proxy representations, the events and incidents will continue with the difference in the name heading the administration leaving democracy a mere fantasy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter, PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission



United States – Immigration Law

February 21, 2017

PADMINI ARHANT. Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com. Spousal Partner Divine Mission.
PADMINI ARHANT. Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com. Spousal Partner Divine Mission.
Padmini Arhant.
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com. Spouse in Divine Mission.


By Padmini Arhant

The incognito forces behind governance instigating unnecessary undemocratic actions while unscrupulously attributing MY sincere labor without pay and any monetary compensations for nine years to pass several legislations such as DREAM ACT to leadership whose track record evidently established in duplicity now promoting yet another carte blanche rule defines devils workshop.

Defiance to decent proposals on humanitarian issues like immigration is nothing more than dalliance with detriment. All actions are consequential and the impetus to remain combative for behind the scenes operatives otherwise the clique orchestrating draconian practices would surely fall into appropriate place in history.

United States dragged into immigration deportations would certainly have backlash from nations towards American travelers whether for business, tourism or student exchange program and so on already experienced in many parts of the world. 

The approach of rapprochement would yield better outcome rather than cavalier accost further hurting America’s image and those determined to take this good nation down the swamp.

America is the land that belongs to Native Americans with later arrival of pilgrims from England who made the host pay taxes to permanent guests that typically fits the profile of colonizer who were pogroms in the respective colonies of the world.

The rest as descendants of immigrants from Europe and elsewhere were naturalized at some point in their ancestry.

President Donald Trump current spouse Melania Trump being an immigrant from Slovania having sought citizenship through marriage of convenience is not a viable option for every other so-called alien, the reference to immigrant in the much-touted democracy that is anything but democratic in policy and behavior.

The unbridled order to deport undocumented immigrants having contributed largely towards economic prosperity of those unleashing the law clarifies the state of affairs and governance by illegitimate proxy legitimized every four years through election.

Humility responded with hubris invariably proved counterproductive.

Peace and tolerance would serve in the best interests of all considering the mighty is no exception to the rule of temporary transit on earth with imminent departure upon death.

Wisdom is a gift that enables distinction from prudence and peril.  The choice guided by folly would be reckless pursuit and short lived memory in timeline.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission







United States – President’s Day 2017

February 20, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

The office of Presidency is a powerful position as the chief executive and commander-in-chief of the military in the nation.  Power comes with responsibility and ability to manage and maintain stability without compromising unity, peace and progress.

There is no doubt that politics pose challenges in many ways due to political, ideological and fundamental reasons except recognizing common grounds to build the nation for the benefit of all rather than selective few in society.

In the United States – the two political parties as Republicans and Democrats resigned to conservatism and liberalism with moderate position on both sides often bridging the gap in the otherwise political tussle on most legislations make governance nearly impossible. Lately media role exacerbates the condition. 

Not to mention the internal and external influence on government through lobby, campaign financing and think tanks policy disenfranchise electorate post-election.

Regardless of administrations whether republican or democrat, the political favors are exchanged between all three government branches viz. the executive, legislative and judiciary members and big donors behind candidacy. In politics, the tradition expanded for self and vested interests hindering necessary developments in the country.

The problem lies in the absence of accountability and collusion to protect one another exempting those involved in violations from facing charges that are normally enforced on ordinary citizens and others not in the exclusive club.

The polarization in society with the rule of law binding on all citizens while the lawmakers, government members and their affiliates, associates or anyone remotely linked to them not affected by such laws or ethics despite numerous breaches raise serious questions about the system declared as democracy.

Presidency with executive orders is misunderstood as privilege meant for misuse and administrations in the past and present misinterpret the purpose as extrajudicial power at their disposal that creates unnecessary tension and confusion.

There is one thing about campaign promises to attract political base and segments with belief on any issue in the contentious elections even when that leads to lofty and controversial aspirations and then the other dealing with practicality of fulfilling them upon assuming office.

As a result, the campaign strategy drawn on extraordinary goals to win elections fall short on mechanisms and means to deliver the election motivated pledge.

The newly elected administration headed by President Donald Trump signed executive orders on immigration and building the wall among several others might be prompted in adherence to personal convictions over due diligence. 

On the immigration matter – deportation of families with many having United States born children as dependents is not a rational measure and continuation of the earlier administration approach in this regard would prove alignment on ill-conceived exercise.

President Donald Trump professional background related to real estate and hospitality industry with immigrant workers contributing to business success is the reality that other businesses and companies deserve to boost economic growth understandably the President’s immediate priority.

The dynamics utilizing diverse skills and orientation that immigrants offer in different capacity instrumental in advancing macroeconomic prospects and international trade.

Any apprehensions on immigrants depriving American work force arise from businesses seeking higher profitability at lower cost of operation and simultaneously remaining competitive in the global market.

Many factors such as taxes, business incentives and employment structure for various categories would create better opportunity to maximize productivity in manufacturing and service sector.

The proposal to build the wall for border security is not prudent considering the scope of the project, the investment and effectiveness could drain resources with little or no impact on the intended course.

Instead President Donald Trump focus to ease trade relations with neighbors like Mexico and prevent arms sales to drug cartels responsible for violence forcing local population to leave their territory in search of safety and economic security would be far more viable in addressing the cause.

In terms of the recently confirmed EPA appointment of the former Oklahoma attorney general Scott Pruitt has received well founded concerns and reservations with EPA role to save environment from relentless abuse with energy and automobile industry resistance to contain contamination, pollution and carbon emission threatening life and ecosystem at a rapid pace.

Environment protection agency (EPA) lacking in appropriate guidelines and enforceable options defeats the objectives for federal agency as oversight monitoring and preserving the environment shared by the entire nation and the world at large.

Accordingly, the incoming director Scott Pruitt justifying the post with actions favorable to environment like clean air and water are vital that would alleviate health hazards cutting costs on health care for many suffering from preventable illness in addition to promoting well-being for all.

Without healthy environment, wealth and prosperity is unsustainable and meaningless in the event of increasing environment woes endangering life and habitat.

As for other executive rules from the current administration, the topic will resume elaborating the pros and cons to evaluate the risks and recovery process.

Peace o all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission

Politics – Public Service or Gold Mine?

February 18, 2017


By Padmini Arhant

Politics – Public Service or Gold Mine?

Choosing political career and joining the government would be normally considered a sense of duty to serve constituents, district, state, nation and the world at large.

The meaning of Public Service leading to the term public servant is regarded derogatory by members in government. Instead the designation preference is authority and powerful entity or lawmakers even when they are lawbreakers with no respect for rule of law and ethics they enforce on citizens of the state.

Not surprisingly, the recruits in the administration are usually the ones committed to not necessarily serving the nation but the head of the administration and in most instances the spouse in particular.

How does one explain the wealth acquisition among White House staff with annual salary $172,200 and upon exit at the end of the term their net worth is millions of dollars? The same would apply to members of Congress as well.

Are they all born with silver spoon and pledged to serve the country?

In that case, shouldn’t they bequeath their wealth alleviating economic disparity?

Unless, the situation is other way around.  The primary purpose is to make hay when the sun shines and in politics it happens rain or shine – the perennial season.

How about the administration using IRS to intimidate political opponents or organizations for partisan agenda?

While protecting administration members in serious violation of tax evasions and tax fraud.

The administration of the former President Barack Obama hired White House Staff have done remarkably well considering the Hope and Change platform enabling the victory in 2008.

Synopsis on public service guaranteed wealthy status.

In 2012, the ex-President Barack Obama White House members on annual salary $172,200 or more net worth were as follows;

Susan Rice – $20 million plus

Valerie Jarrett – $3.3 million to $13 million

Christopher Lu – $2.3 million and $5.2million

David Plouffe – $3.6 million

Jay Carney – $3.2 million

Dan Pfeiffer –   $2.1million

Just a few names among several for whom politics apparently is a gold mine.

No wonder the selective choices effectively compete in the gold rush.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission













Politics and Media Relations

February 17, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

How does Politics manage media relations?

Through wedding and pre-nuptial agreement. Marry media and bury the hatchet. 

In the former President Barack Obama administration – the media relation, a family affair. 

ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, former National Security Adviser in former President Barack Obama administration – This explains the sweep and mop strategy exercised in misleading American public on Benghazi scandal. 

CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Barack Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications – Master stroke not to report on Ben Rhodes email elaborating coverup on Benghazi debacle.

ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney

ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary

ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood

CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides – No wonder there was all praise regardless of Benghazi, private email server and political excess baggage. 

Is this not a conflict of interest?  

Who is to report when the source was outsourced to serve political interest.

Politics and cronyism evolved to become inseparable entity defending any indefensible position.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission



The Powerful Dilemma

January 29, 2017

PADMINI ARHANT. Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com. Spousal Partner Divine Mission.
Padmini Arhant.
Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com. Spouse in Divine Mission.

By Padmini Arhant


Light dispels night without being the knight with military might.

Beware – Eye wear (Eyeglasses) manufacturers in the new craze for cosmetic spectacle blinding parody agents in search of tentacle to reach the pinnacle in the mindless act in accordance with the pact. 

BOLLYWOOD is the malady exploiting India’s majority seeking to escape tragedy. 

The filthy rich rise at the expense of those in grinding poverty with the former granted immunity on crimes from tax evasion, embezzlement, rape, man slaughter to corruption and links to under world and politics while the latter struggle for survival in the opportunistic environment is the reality delineating superficiality. 

Entertainment serving as the platform for political rhetoric is nothing more than rooster on the roof engaged in personal spoof. 

The chime rhyme with the crime not knowing the act is not worth a dime. 

Fame and fortune is a twilight zone where promiscuity and flattery pave entry to fraternity. 


By Padmini Arhant

The Powerful Dilemma

Power is meaningless when subjugated to falsehood and fabrication.

Spin on issues in any direction – right, left and center make the spinner dizzy and lose consciousness sinking into coma from frost bite protecting frozen peccadillo.

Free speech tongue tied unable to swallow or spit sour candy sugar coated for palate.

License to powerful is silence for the powerless.

Secrecy and supremacy leaves democracy a fantasy.

Immunity is a privilege in return for sacrilege.

Mute the voice of salient to amplify the noise of subservient.

Bake a cake with fillings and toppings producing the fake in poor taste and quality.

Title an entitlement in the agreement on derailment.

Dancing to tune promise fame and fortune.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spousal Partner Divine Mission

Updates and New Comments

January 29, 2017

From: Padmini Arhant

Dear Visitors and Readers,

Please be advised new comments and updates on diverse matter will be published under

Bulletin located below subscribe on the top right heading bar.

You may check the bulletin for latest comments and quick briefing. 

Your interest is appreciated.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spousal Partner Divine Mission

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