Artificial Intelligence Propaganda

April 5, 2024

Artificial Intelligence Propaganda

Padmini Arhant

Attention: EVIL Conglomerate 

The tech giants as multi-trillionaire conglomerate predominantly gained from exploitative parasitic narcissistic misogynistic gluttonous greed driven profiteering at vast humanity costs and human lives as well as environment destruction are at the forefront on AI (artificial intelligence) agenda.

Google – in sheer anti-trust violation having disabled other viable competitors in search engine field gobbling voluminous cyberspace to itself besides co-conspirator through active participation as member of repugnant secret society – the anti-humanity secret exclusive clique has the following description of the Artificial Intelligence.

Google statement on AI – “AI views are experimental.”  Learn more

Upon clicking on the vertical ellipsis related to AI, it defines AI as such;


This overview was generated with the help of AI. It’s supported by info from across the web and Google’s Knowledge Graph, a collection of info about people, places, and things. Generative AI is experimental and info quality may vary.

For help evaluating content, you can visit the provided links. For details about data, privacy, and more,

Learn about generative AI

What is generative AI

“Generative AI is a type of machine learning model. Generative AI is not a human being. It can’t think for itself or feel emotions. It’s just great at finding patterns.”

”In the past, AI was used to understand and recommend information. Now, generative AI can also help us create new content, like images, music, and code.”

These are mere synopses on the tech giant Google interpretation of a living breathing human being viz. me – Padmini Arhant, the female, two live births offsprings’ mother with healthy sound impressive mental, cognitive, emotional, and interactive communication intelligence all combined is dubbed a machine with no feelings or emotions by the self-proclaimed proprietors of authentic intelligence tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Tesla and all those in the band wagon of targeting me, Padmini Arhant – the truth telling arch nemesis to them.

Microsoft : Needs no introduction at all from the very acquisition of Microsoft denying the original founder of Microsoft the due credit and fair share of fortune to heavily invested in depopulation passion demonstrated in Bill and Melinda Gates foundation direct investment in the bio-engineered lab manufactured deadly virulent pathogen – the corona virus SARSCOV2 and subsequently profiteering in the vaccine deal sealed in 2015 long before the official pandemic in 2020.

As though that is not enough, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation involvement in GMO of food crops to cattle raising have morbidly contributed to farmers suicide in the United States and several parts of the world especially the developing nations across the globe.

The massive wealth from these shady dealings making ordinary lives whether farmers or people across the spectrum pay the price with their sweat and blood while the Microsoft owner hailed several times the richest person on earth.

Microsoft eager Uber promotion of AI co-Pilot

in every YouTube to TikTok and all available platforms is yet another strategy from the tech giant in quid pro quo with vindictive vendetta politics using AI slogan to white and black wash abusive murderous criminality as holier sanctity.

The politics adept at bribery and bully in exchange for tech giants collusion in AI propaganda let trillionaire tech consortium with tax evasion and endless excoriation of human capital and global natural endowments all to themselves in the sickening power, fortune, undeserving glory hogging mania.

Tesla – another big crony to politics having been incentivized by evil politics with huge tax credits on EV fleet – tax credit to Tesla’s EV vehicle buyer ignoring Tesla EV vehicle related fatalities in unusually high rate is profit in Tesla’s personal coffer together with politics granted tax break to Tesla in personal and corporate fortune making the deal from desperate politics a win win situation in the AI  propaganda game.

Tesla’s ownership of former Twitter once again aped from logo with dove pair and Twitter then launched soon after with bird in the air insignia as expected flopped and bought by automobile maker Tesla only to further attack their one and only opponent Padmini Arhant in complicity with evil syndicate.

Tesla modification of the Twitter name to ‘X’ denoted by politics as transgender in the evil criminal corrupt politics transgender mania due to their own gender complexity amongst and within them expose evil parody making themselves the laughing stock along with expediting precipitous self-decline.

These three tech talkies / junkies are not the only ones in collusion with politics via AI pandemonium to abort TRUTHFUL, irrefutable, incontrovertible, unequivocal facts and details about dirty politics and their corporate as well as special interests financiers’ coup d’état on democracy, constitution and republic power in the United States.

The poisonous tentacles are spread far and wide across the globe with primary objective – the selective few in globalists and political pariah centrifuge would control the destiny of eight or odd billion population to infinity.

Then there are those in Europe assigning my identity as the presumably disease “X” for daring to speak the Truth on corona virus being lab manufactured at the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, when the global elite aka EVIL empire were lock step and barrel in hiding the information behind the deadly pathogen unleashed on human population to depopulate world in bio warfare.

The lab manufactured info that was published with substantiated evidence not borrowed or stolen like my identity by those engaged in dissemination and exploitation of me under the pretext of AI like Google and partners from politics and other arena in evil endeavor.

The lab leak was eventually admitted by the outgoing NIH director Dr. Francis Collins in February 2024 to current Congress behind closed door hearing obviously lacking courage and integrity in public confession with due apology.

The nasty vicious assaults on me – in She-bashing, body shaming, identity misappropriation in this there are on many other issues for daring to challenge EVIL every step of the way is the status quo intensified now more than ever much to individual and collective peril.

It has not been limited to physical via proxy and verbal abuse, the EVIL mammoth efforts enforcing restrictions on financial means of me and my family stating – let her survive on $50 or maximum $300 per month while having fleeced on me and my family by politics and other opportunists, wannabes till date is apocalyptic for everyone of them and their family having benefitted from me and my family thus far.

Their financial and life prospects harvested by every one of these narcissists through cut throat bare knuckle parasitic existence of them at our expense make them indebted to us now and forever.

None escape their KARMA in living and upon death. The ones running away from themselves via identity theft and other underhanded devious strategy are the classic examples of the prisoners of guilt and sins hunted down by their evil deeds.

The evil actions never pausing and instead indulging in further deceitful tactics anchored at me which promptly experienced by them in blow back of their unscrupulous nefarious never ending trait from cradle to graveyard.

Barry Soetoro and partner Michael, the duo among the EVIL largesse accusing me of bringing them down and hence vowed to seek revenge are categorically explained on who is who in the segment below.

I never knew who you were nor interested in the least to begin with. It was both of you who approached deploying various ways to reach me despite me resisting and even rejecting your opportunistic goals.

As for the duo Barry Soetoro and partner Michael and that goes for alike, your downfall is your making and doing since your emergence in this world until now marred with duplicity, lies, deception, corruption with backend deals selling the nation with people to oligarchy, gory violence, murder i.e.elimination of anyone regarded an obstacle not until you two have extracted them of every ounce of economic profitability, unthinkable unimaginable meteoric political status…and more only to be abused to the core against them – speaking from personal experience of the latter at the receiving end and anyone considered a hindrance to your sleazy slimy embarrassing deplorable status quo.

Here are the questions I, Padmini Arhant apparently the tech giants and EVIL POLITICS determined and designated alleged AI, have for these tech titans morphed into Satans in virulent personal attacks against me using AI arsenal.

Google – the parent company Alphabet Inc. the founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin – if I’m supposedly the machine and not a human being lacking in feeling or emotions in your disguised version of AI,

Then what prompted your decision to appoint Sundar Pichai – of Indian origin, Tamil speaking South Indian from my native town of Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India in August (my birth month) 2015, as CEO for your publicly traded search engine company GOOGLE of which you both command and control 56% of its stockholder voting power through super-voting stock?

Not to mention Google’s Sundar Pichai diligently marking attendance at the reprehensible anti-humanity premised secret society annual meeting ever since anointed and joining the Board of Directors of Alphabet Inc. in 2017 until now.

How come you both – Larry Page and Sergey Brin as the leading stakeholders of the Alphabet owned Google could not comb through the planet using your AI tools and find someone from anywhere else other than the specific geographic location and Tamil identity recruit for your company Google’s high-profile position?

By the way, your interpretation of AI is a machine and not a human being, then,

Why even bother about nationality, origin and above all politics obsession of me as the black identity in the identity hack / hijack shenanigan?

Not to mention the distortion of my South and South-East Asian origin and birth locations respectively to the total disconnect regions of Egypt and Greece via entertainment media and every other available outlet.

Microsoft – Bill Gates appointee – the CEO of Microsoft of Indian origin with the name Satya Nadella – Satya meaning TRUTH in Indian Hindi and Tamil language to head your mighty organization.

Once again Microsoft flaunting own so-called authentic intelligence unlike the assigned artificial intelligence to me viz. Padmini Arhant, somehow was not capable of finding CEO candidate not bearing any semblance in any aspect or dimension of your presumed “AI” identity essentially truth that is antithetical to EVIL.

Truth telling and speaking is a sin for EVIL run gamut in the contemporary decadent age.

Tesla on your part – renaming Twitter asX pointedly slating transgenderism to superimpose politics’ first black Presidential transgender identity syndrome on me – the cut and paste clip board in the bizarre psycho sociopath neurotic disorder drastically affected by cocaine and hard narcotics abuse since eight-years of age into adulthood until now claiming on messianic image.

Tesla’s founder Elon Musk’s – the musk misty murky characteristics play significant role in EVIL conflagration and contradiction of their proposed AI identity to thwart Padmini Arhant’s persistent TRUTH trail and silence the real voice by branding Artificial Intelligence enigma to EVIL envied and reviled arch enemy.

As for politics, the AI propaganda as the main agenda to confine the TRUTH speaking live voice of Padmini Arhant whose first name meaning was publicly disclosed at the onset of TRUTH Divine mission.

Padmini – the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi seated on Lotus flower. The lotus in Indian language Tamil and Hindi is Kamal.

The crooked wicked politics adopting that Kamal or lotus element in the name Padmini, choose the VP candidate named Kamala, largely to denigrate me as exemplified in the incumbent VP’s performance or the lack thereof from erratic vocabulary to incoherent public speaking in contrast to my many public impromptu presentation online and offline in visual content as well as more than 3500 publications till now with more to come despite anonymity and censorship imposition on me.

Additionally, the incumbent VP partial background of Tamil identity in the maternal side associating with my native tongue Tamil and my ancestral home Tamil Nadu, India. The twist here is the VP presented and proclaimed the black woman incessantly to link the black Presidency in the cocktail mix.

My question to the tech giants, politics and all those whoever from wherever insanely obsessed in fatal pursuit of me  – Padmini Arhant is;

If I’m allegedly a machine and not a human as falsely indoctrinated in AI description directly aimed at me and my original profile as well as DNA identity,

Then why are these presumptuous self-proclaimed super smart geniuses in politics and politics’ bedfellows tech industry, entertainment, media assortments and other applicable culprits pursuing and obsessed with a machine that is purportedly lifeless apparatus?

For that matter, none of anything written, published and presented in the 16 years till date are mine attributed as the so-called AI, then why profusely target me and my family much to your detriment as already experienced by many in this trade?

Why do you compulsively impose yourselves on us?

Why do you tag, troll, eavesdropping, snooping, spying, preying and literally invading our personal life, space and lifestyle ad nauseam?

Doesn’t the identity crisis of EVIL clarify who is who?

You all can’t have it both ways – it is either your way i.e. bow and kowtow to your tyranny or your policy is – we will make yours and your family life impossible.

Such disposition would invariably and unequivocally backfire at those practicing the ill-fated strategy with immediate turmoil for them and their concerned members whoever they might be.

You collectively with the abusive trajectory against me and my family are being served what the combined forces have offered us all along in return for our magnanimity in unpaid service, (something none of you would do even for half hour knowing how much you extort for delivering speech written by someone else and you charge the so-called fat cats in the Wall Street and elsewhere whom you woo to get paid not less than $500K), let alone doing anything free for over sixteen years that everyone of you have capitalized and made a career as well as future to serve your exclusive and vested interests. Not to mention insisting on my family and my tolerance to your abuse as our obligation to you.

In line with principle and ethics, I do not accept anything as such or other variation from anyone and duly return to the owners and source where it originated from in mutual fairness.

Use and abuse the one upon whom the parasitic narcissist culture thriving not knowing all things have an expiry date and the EVIL in particular together with cohorts are appropriately expediting not own termination rather extinction for real without exception.

Upon this inevitable imminent event, it will be the TRUTH that would remind EVIL and evil troopers – your end is a reality and so are your karma that everyone of you has to deal with in living and following your unavoidable demise sooner than later.

Deal with it as there is no such thing as negotiable deal in one’s own karmic effects returning to them reaping what one sow in their past and present lifetime regardless of whomsoever you may think of yourself as whatever.

Your destructive negativities are curse on you and your family and those corralling behind you with serious ramifications that cannot be averted in any lifetime.


Padmini Arhant

Ignorance is Bliss or an Abyss

January 19, 2024

Ignorance is Bliss or an Abyss

Padmini Arhant

Western Values – What are they?

Without having the need to go farther in timeline, reflection on events since post World War II (2) until date adequately clarify what exactly the western values are and continue to be in the 1st quarter of the twenty first century.

Those cheerleading the western so-called values base their position as follows.

According to these individual(s), they claim that it is not about clash of countries rather they regard the situation as the diametrically opposite East and Western cultures and civilizations citing the ideas as the focal point.

East vs. West culture clash and are described as such.

West apparently represent – freedom, democracy, human rights, free expressions, open discussions, capitalism, free markets, builders, creators…etc.,

East on the other hand is branded as collectivism – the nuance (since the west is big on nuance, innuendo and indirect ambush introduced and practiced specifically in the last 16 years) for “Communism, Socialism, Marxism despite the thought and source originating from the west – Karl Marx in Germany, Authoritarianism and of course the west favorite – the Jihadists, the extremists and the people dedicated to destruction and demolition in general.”

Here is the direct contradiction.

All that is described about West as the Western values are neither tolerated nor allowed to exist in the East by Western centrifuge.

In fact, these so-called western values are oxymoron to the western elite, who in reality are delusional supremacist narcissists directly responsible for the entire description of the eastern culture and system by ignorant minds.

Western political, economic and social legacy – colonialism, illegal invasion, occupation, oppression, suppression, repression, military aggression, intervention, divide and conquer polarization strategy, racism, classism, misogyny, subversion, distortion of race religion and cultural identity, false propaganda (rampant right now) condescendence…are prominent variety.

Above all, disapproval of democracy, freedom, individual rights, sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity, peace, economic growth, political stability in non-western nations are the norm.

The economic sanctions are invariably reserved and implemented only against non-western nations around the world.

Meanwhile, no western nation ever subject to economic embargo despite historic transgressions, war crimes, atrocities and breach in many dimensions and aspects of human existence in global society.

This gross abnormality and prejudice is also the factor denying and derailing genuine economic growth and development among nations categorized the third world or non-productive economy.

History is testament to western intervened meddled authorized and executed coup d’é·tat, installing rogue regimes, dictators, despots, authoritarians, military junta rule serving as western puppets, proxies and pawns to western political and multinational corporate diktat.

Besides above mentioned western primary role, the political unrest, color revolutions in Eastern Europe, assassinations of democratically elected Presidents, Prime Ministers worldwide, freedom movement non-violent leaderships, human rights activists, environmentalists and free press suppression highlight western supremacy.

Furthermore, aiding and abetting violent quelling of peaceful pro-democracy demonstrations by supplying military weapons, deploying military base and providing law enforcement personnel abroad viz. the Scotland Yard dispatched to Bahrain in 2011 – 2014 training the Bahrain’s Al Khalifa government anti-democratic task force to brutally beat even the medical doctors and emergency care paramedics attending to victims of the government unleashed merciless violence involving electrocution and murder of peaceful pro-democratic Bahraini citizens. These were meticulously carried out laying the quest for democracy to rest in the region with the able assistance from the west.

Western monarchy, governments and oligarchy maintaining close ties with anti-democratic dictatorial powers launched and fostered by the west are considered normal till date with little or no concern for human rights violations in those states and region.

Economic growth – the developing nations are submerged in sovereign debt with IMF and world bank enforced debt slavery lasting over generations.

Alternatively, the so-called third world nations are also used as experimental ground to test western military hardware, nuclear laden air strikes, drones even nuclear weapon detonation in South Pacific island nations.

Terrorism – the creation of  Al Qaeda with the leaders the former civil engineer Osama Bin Laden from Saudi Arabia succeeded by the Egyptian doctor Ayman al-Zawahiri, Iraq’s insurgency, Taliban, IS, ISIS, ISIL, the cannibals in Syria…and many known and in disguise terror networks and outfits are duly attributed to western design and production – the United States, Britain and Israel besides NATO involvement in illegal invasions of foreign land – notably the Middle East and neighboring regions.

The nations referred to as terror state, the factions are utilized by the west for proxy war in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia.

The concept of private army in the conventional warfare was western invention viz. the notorious Black waters committing heinous crimes in military uniform in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine prior to Russian invasion in 2022.

The idea of terrorism is western premise with Zionist terrorists disguised as Arab workers detonated bombs in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946.

Later, after the creation of the State of Israel on Palestine, the six day war carried out by Israel against Arab neighbors.

Then unbeknown to the economic and military aid benefactor till date, the United States’ Naval Technical research ship – USS Liberty was attacked by Israel with torpedo causing massive damage to the ship and importantly killing many naval crew on board.

The tragedy was covered up with victims families strictly advised and warned not to seek any information about their loved ones or discuss with media. The survivors were not compensated sufficiently due to Israel declining apology and monetary compensation.

The September 11, 2001 terror attack on American soil was the corner stone of Zionist Project for New American Century using catastrophic event suggesting similar to Pearl Harbor incident and involve America in decimating all those nations predominantly in the Middle East other than Afghanistan for economic interests and strategic dominance.

Human Rights – The western policy is those they choose to dehumanize as their racial right are delineated as sub-human species and hence justify any injustice against them.

The mistreatment of different segments within own society is normalized in toothless defense.

Notwithstanding, the civil liberty, invasion of home, privacy are all irrelevant in western monetized supply of technology such as the spyware Pegasus sold by Israeli company on Israel’s defense manufacturing and sales oversight. The spyware Pegasus like many other cyber tools to pry, spy and place their targets on 24/7 unlawful surveillance are in circulation with western knowledge and application on their targets.

These items are widely sold to purveyors and governments misusing technology for pervert sleazy purpose with no accountability regardless of the exposure on malicious offensive criminal conduct.

Gaza War – The ongoing war in Gaza is the serving example on human rights excoriation to suit the aggressors and sponsors financing the genocide.

Israel’s Administrative Detention indefinitely confining Palestinian juveniles and minors used as the prototype for Guantanamo Bay adult prisoners of Islamic faith from different locations of the world. 

Guantanamo Bay – Those held in the foreign island (Cuba) prison slighting  violation of Cuban territory, are detained for life without any due process, habeas corpus in dismissal of human rights groups and legal representatives’ request for hearings and review on the arbitrary detention.

Open and Free Discussion: On the so-called western openness Netherlands in western Europe as Bilderberg group collude in secret locations till date barring public press, participation and release of matter related to global issues.

The Bilderberg secret society called out by the former U.S. President John F.Kennedy appropriately repugnant and condemning Israel’s discreet nuclear status cost the ex-President’s life.

The members and attendees involving western corporations viz. Google CEO, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, United States Congress members such as Senator Lindsey Graham and other individuals from within close circle are sworn to secrecy barring divulgence of details in the secret society meeting.

Health – the western activities jeopardizing life and health has been around for a while and was lately experienced in the western pioneered Corona Virus manufactured in Wuhan lab, China triggering the disastrous global pandemic as COVID 19 consuming millions of lives world over.

Agriculture – The crop killing poison agents from western company Monsanto and Bill Gates – the investor in Corona Virus and vaccine, foothold in inducing agrarian crisis distressing farmers even leading many to suicide world wide is a well known fact. The same would apply to GMO – genetically modified crops, cattle raising and animal husbandry are western companies formula to reap maximum profit at the cost of human lives and environment.

Depopulation – the agenda regarded critical and been the driving force behind the bio-engineered lab virus SARS COV2 wiping out significant global population in the COVID 19 pandemic. Again all details were withheld by WHO Director – General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in compliance with China’s instruction on the burgeoning health catastrophe.

This is the western tax payer primarily United States funded UN organization – WHO taking marching orders from the ultimate Communist nation China.

Not to mention – the western aversion (pun) for communism is clearly and visibly demonstrated in enabling and promoting the Communist China as the global manufacturing base and economic powerhouse today.

Environment – The United Nations annual conventions on climate treaty is a display of intentions without delivery in actions on diverse environment woes mostly focused on disowning responsibility in the face of geographic footprints and scientific evidence on pollution and air quality deterioration in many parts of the world not excluding the western industrial complex.

Corruption – As for the widespread corruption, the carcinogenic toxic effect on politics, economy and all things concerning humanity and society at large begins in the western domain viz. the Swiss Banks – known for widely accepting funds from anywhere – illegal illicit funds flowing from all different sources including nefarious unscrupulous elements, extortionists, drug and human traffickers, criminal and incognito entities’ deposits hidden away in the highly secure digitalized Swiss vault.

The unethical flamboyant tradition in Switzerland whose economy with highest per capita income is run on financial proceeds derived from stolen wealth reaching the Swiss vault while leaving the collective citizens deprived of hard earned savings and economic contributions to their domestic economy is an embarrassing trajectory in western value.

The Swiss Banks precedence have paved way for other crooked tax havens and destinations inviting shell companies and structures to hoard dirty money from politics, celebrities in the entertainment industry, economic sector and alike.

Who is robbing from whom in the selective vs. collective debate aroused by the World Economic Forum?

WEF members including the Royalty for whom employment and labor is antithetical while their existence and extravagance over generations have been on the back of the so-called commoners’ charity as the labor force and tax payer in the economy.

Royalty never even considered paying any royalty or tax to the colonies they colonized and own citizenry treated as the subjects to legitimize the illegitimate Royal status.

The bizarre Royal syndrome with reservation for collectivism essentially in disagreement with fair wealth distribution among global citizenry generated from universal natural endowments and consolidated labor paradoxically asserted as the head of the Commonwealth nations.

Commonwealth explicitly referencing the wealth of the former colonies to maintain status quo as Commonwealth member states under colonial authority.

The British monarchy presiding over the Commonwealth nations summit as the head of the Commonwealth was direct implication on the member states being not independent rather dominion republic as clearly specified in the transfer of power deed in 1947 related to India’s independence.

The phrase dominion republic insisting the crown to remain the dominant power in any format over the colony subsequent to departure was the bone of contention for India’s freedom movement leader Mahatma Gandhi who was noticeably absent in the celebratory occasion of Indian independence as the leadership sensed great disappointment.

The scenario repeated against Palestine with Israel’s far right politics pledged to Zionist ideology vehemently opposed to independent sovereign Palestine free of Israeli occupation and subjugation.

Simultaneously, WEF members like the contentious Adani group from India, whose business activities and operations continue to remain existential threat to Indian economy, global environment and democratic setting further elaborate on WEF promotion on corporate governance of politics that are the contemporary established pattern making elections nothing more than a formality and farcical.

It is no surprise to note the WEF awkward narrative through invitees from Argentina recently or earlier from India and other parts of the world for preserving western decadence via servile publicity craving non-western government heads in the otherwise exclusive western elitists (?) interests oriented WEF.

WEF having signaled the controversial Great Reset – eliminating cash economy, configuration for currency manipulation and other secretive hacks in the global financial system care less about consequences eventually hurting the selective privileged society it caters for when deriding the so-called collectivism.

The western so-called free expression were all out in the open freely when gag orders, censorship and cancel culture are automatic on alternative views and perspectives on sensitive humanitarian, health (COVID 19) tyranny, political, economic and genocidal warfare.

IQ  – As for the west being the Builders and Creators – always credited as authentic intelligence.

Juxtaposed when it is from the one not approved by the west for refusing to kowtow like the ones in the contingency and forbid endless abuse freeloading, then it is declared artificial intelligence, robotic and designated to anonymity.

The narcissists never acknowledge any wrongdoing and enraged upon being shown the mirror despite them running away from selves for the same reasons and guilt.

Likewise, never mind the western hypocrisy assigning collectivism on the targeted individual i.e. me with my profile, identity and especially free tireless contributions in the age where the exploiters rake fortune and career success at others expense as their prerogative and entitlement.

Nonetheless mine are randomly distributed to wannabes, opportunists and freeloaders of their choice and preference.

FYI – when anyone stick whomsoever face, race, religion, gender, lifestyle etc. on the one whom they despise the most as the arch nemesis while harvesting from the person’s output, that is clearly indicative of their ugliness and negative sentiments towards those they use as pawns to besmirch their foe.

The parasitic trend without any shame in direct violation of my personal rights other than conflicting with moral ethical efficacy evidently never apply in targeted isolated racist misogynist culture.

Again none are without serious repercussions in karmic effects weighing down on those taking anyone and anything for granted until the moment reminding them of what goes around inevitably comes around.

In conclusion, the notion and belief that western values are sacrosanct compared to eastern standards is a myth requiring better understanding with honest acceptance of facts and reality.

At the end of the day, selectivism is dependent on collectivism to toil in the work force and fuel the economy as consumers enriching the selective in the capitalism that is no longer the free market economy.

Instead the concentration of wealth and power among the selective group has transformed capitalism to monopolistic economy.

The small school of fish are either driven to insolvency or absorbed by financially larger stakeholders and deal makers in the industry with anti-trust laws made ineffective.

The collectivism are also the regular taxpayers enabling government and public service given the selective class adeptness and affordability to evade tax and financial obligations.

The politics governed by the selective upper echelons also facilitate these means on or off the radar. 

One can awaken the one asleep. However, it is futile attempting the same with the closed mind.

Ignorance is bliss whereas ignorance in denial of factuality and rejecting reasoning faculty is an abyss.

Padmini Arhant

California – Economic Data

September 30, 2023


Economic Data

Padmini Arhant

California Economy: 

California’s $3+ trillion GDP is an enormous figure in its own right, so it’s no surprise that it is larger than certain nations’ economic output. But even when comparing with economies like Malaysia, Colombia, and Finland, all among the top 50 countries by GDP, California stands tall.

California’s GDP in 2022 was $3.6T, representing 14.3% of the total U.S. economy. If California were a country, it would be the 5th largest economy in the world, and more productive than India and the United Kingdom.

If California were a sovereign nation (2022), it would rank in terms of nominal GDP as the world’s fifth largest economy, behind Germany and ahead of India.”


The important factor about California is with 39 million population generating $3.6 Trillion GDP growth. The stellar performance ranked as 5th largest economy in the world in return contributing to and enhancing United States economy to rank number one in the global arena is an impressive milestone.

Proud of the Golden State – California.

Padmini Arhant 

Feet on Fire – Bully, Bribe and Bankrupt

February 24, 2023

Caution: As stated earlier under FYI on this site, the articles and information published in this domain and sub-domain are factual, well founded and abundantly substantiated with verifiable data.

Accordingly, the readers, viewers and visitors to this site appreciating freedom of press, ethics, integrity and unbiased analyses required in candid publications are extended warm welcome. 

Simultaneously, those who prefer the contrary viz. the political establishment and their recruits in media as well as social domain having zero tolerance to facts based truthful presentation are advised not to visit the site in recognition of their contradictory position. 

Padmini Arhant 


Feet on Fire

Bully, Bribe and Bankrupt 

Padmini Arhant


The New Delhi executive branch arsenic strategy upon feet held on fire are bully, bribe and bankruptcy.

Bully – the nations in South Asia – Indian sub -continent viz. Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Pakistan. Maldives on Indian Ocean. These nations are in fact caught between China and India in economic trade war.

India investment in power and infrastructure projects in these countries are proved to exclusively benefit  New Delhi’s  close partner Adani groups as opposed to Indian economy in entirety or for that matter the population in any of these host nations in the territory. As a result, the latter is hamstrung to oblige New Delhi’s lopsided demand.

Unlike New Delhi policy with South Asian nations briefed above, the approach with the west is appeasement and appreciation.

Bribe – the west expending multi-billion dollars in purchase of hundreds of aircrafts by funding Indian oligarchy in aviation industry using Indian tax payers money and expatriate foreign remittance.

The funds generally derived from Indian middle class tax payers since the wealthy oligarchy and upper echelons in Indian society through direct and indirect links as well as representation in politics freely avail tax evasion privilege hoarding money offshore.

The foreign currency reserve is predominantly received from Indian expatriate foreign remittance to support their family back home in India.

The government divestments from public sector to private sector in the past nine years having exponentially increased creating unemployment, income inequality amid hyperinflation exacerbated with unaccounted black money in circulation in the economy, the Indian work force is exported rather than export of Indian manufactured goods and services abroad.

The administration in New Delhi lobbying the west viz. the United States, Britain, Australia…to expedite visa processing for Indian skilled work force to serve the above enunciated requirement is the ongoing trend.

Again in the absence of domestic job growth to employ workforce at home in various skills and occupation, the government generated brain drain with professionals, assorted tradesmen and service providers exodus overseas is essentially evacuation of natives i.e. Indians from the country.

Not to mention the eviction of native Indians with majority Hindus leaving the country, the government’s Hindu Rashtra agenda is null and void.

Meanwhile, the nation for sale with tangible movable assets, prime land and endowments are handed over to government partnered oligarchy barring transparency and accountability.

The state corporate press and media dissemination on government targeted individuals regarded threat to fascism prevalent at the moment engage 24/7  in indoctrination and false narrative.

In the trade angle, the flip side of boosting foreign economy via extravagant spending on aircrafts and other lofty items besides damage mitigation of the much focused self-image of the head of the nation are the following.

A. The depletion of foreign reserves considering the irrevocable firm order on the economic deal viz. the recent commercial aircrafts.

B. GDP decline with little or no manufacturing at home despite widely propagated Make-in-India slogan during political rallies not translated into experience.

C. The current momentum on imports having substantially increased with significantly minimal exports, the foreign investment in Indian economy is made non-essential. The situation also facilitate government favored oligarchy monopoly in Indian economy with ingredients and components mostly imported from China in the consistent trade deficit so far.

Indian central government head attempt to lure western approval on self-image is premised on major expenditure buying goods from western companies similar to wild shopping spree.

The other tactic is showcasing India as a huge consumer base without enabling consumer affordability and buying power contrarily reduced to struggling to make ends meet at the middle class level.  The lower income and poorer segment can hardly survive in the tough economic environment let alone participate in the consumer market.

Accordingly, the foreign investors’ diversion allow them to produce and manufacture on their soil promoting job market in respective foreign destinations.

The unemployment and underemployment of educated qualified youth representing majority population in India impetus immigration to foreign nations. The migration pose a challenge not only to new immigrants but also local work force unable to accept foreign workers competing for the limited opportunity.

The real winners in the economic deal are those at the helm in corporate empire and politics while common workforce at both ends are left with compromise as the only option.

That leads to bankruptcy of people in Indian economy.

Bankruptcy – The average Indian citizens’ pay dear price in this economic shamble. They are deprived of economic stability and progress. Simultaneously, their hard earned savings wiped out in national banks and  private financial institutions due to rampant financial fraud from government’s intimate associates turned fugitives like Vijay Mallya, Mehul Chinubhai Choksi, Lalit Modi, Nirav Modi and the likes….all of them absconded and fled the nation with government aided security and mutual agreement.

There was a time in Indian history when the Sultan of Delhi, Muhammad bin Tughluq was called a mad king for legitimate reasons. The ruler frequently shifted state capital along with people. The token currency he introduced unbeknown to population and the projects as well as experiments declared own ideas were unsuccessful.  Yet the ruler presumptuously considered self a genius. 

In India in 2023 for ordinary people is an uphill battle combating corruption, inflation and economic stagnation. Additionally the ones with potential and ambitions are facing nomadic life in search of locations with job prospects across the globe. The country is displaced with oligopoly of which duopoly enjoy unlimited gains as entitlement. 

With democracy dissipation, the fundamentalist ideology evolved into authoritarian is the reality. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

India – Foreign Trade and Remittance

December 3, 2022

India – Foreign Trade and Remittance

Padmini Arhant

The incumbent administration in New Delhi at the center deploying the civil service cadre might produce statistics to counteract ground reality related to economic situation reflected in India’s global hunger index ranked at 107 among 121 nations besides other crucial economic activities largely placing India as not the beneficiary in contrast to government propaganda.

Factual vs. Fictitious Data

For example :

According to Indian Government instructed Indian civil service data on foreign remittance is as follows.

Juxtaposed to Indian data, the economy of Singapore features GDP and foreign reserves details.

Economy of Singapore – the South East Asia neighbor to South Asia India. 

Economy of Singapore

Singapore Official Foreign Currency Assets per Monetary Authority of Singapore  –

As of October 2022 – $399.4 billion 


Population 5,770,040 (2020) – 5.7 million 
GDP $379.071 billion (nominal, 2022 est.)$617.987 billion (PPP, 2022 est.)
GDP growth 3.4% (2018) 0.7% (2019) −3.5% (2020e) 5.5% (2021e)

Regarding Indian Data – Assuming the above data are current and legitimate considering revelations on incumbent Indian government published figures on foreign reserves, unemployment, GDP, inflation and other key economic activities…that are routinely challenged within by government appointed heads of institutions ranging from former RBI governor viz. ex-RBI governor Raghuram Rajan on demonetization debacle to labor department and national statistical commission experts resignation on government demand to collude in reporting fictitious data on unemployment status and the list is fairly extensive raising credibility issue on government’s  economic report with no external independent oversight.

Indian news media reports on unemployment figures controversy.

“Resignation of NSC members exposes government’s unwillingness to tackle unemployment.

Statistical Commission Experts Resign in Protest Over Jobs Data and Govt Attitude.

P.C. Mohanan and J.V. Meenakshi – the only two non-government members of the commission – tendered their resignations because of the body’s ineffectiveness.

New Delhi: The only two non-government members of India’s National Statistical Commission have resigned, leaving just chief statistician Pravin Srivastava and NITI Aayog’s Amitabh Kant at the head of a body that is the apex advisory organisation for all of the country’s core statistical activities.”


Nonetheless, the important factor in India’s foreign remittance $100 billion asserted by Indian government is predominantly if not exclusively from Indian labor in foreign nations sending money back home to families and dependents in foreign currency.

Among the Indian labor force exported overseas, the significant Indian manual / physical labor is concentrated in the Middle East, Africa and South East Asia. The other skilled Indian labor from tech industry is largely employed in western shores such as the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and western europe.

Again the remittances received from the high tech high paying jobs are the second category in Indian labor monetary transactions credited in foreign currency to India’s ex-Chequers foreign reserves account.

This aspect of foreign remittance is showcased by Indian government as unprecedented in Indian economic trend.

Not to mention the Indian labor force working overseas are entirely due to individual and non-governmental efforts and diligence with little or no major government involvement in seeking employment and travel to foreign countries in search of employment and business opportunity.

In other words, not much help or assistance provided by Indian government in terms of foreign currency withdrawal and other relevant resources during travel i.e. export of skilled labor offshore.

The drastic impact of skilled labor exodus from India at highly technical and professional expertise is the well known brain drain from India and the other adverse effect in the domestic front is described in the words of India’s one of prominent long time consumer goods manufacturer Godrej as below.


Help wanted – India’s ‘Make in India’ drive lacks skilled labour

“I always say that there is no unemployment in India. It’s only unemployability,” said Adi Godrej, whose businesses range from consumer goods to …

India has too few skilled labourers thanks to decades of neglect in training and it desperately needs electricians, bricklayers and plumbers.”

It is noteworthy that Indian workers’ foreign remittance from abroad $100 billion is directly absorbed by China in trade surplus with India.

As per the reports on India trade imbalance with China;

The trade gap has particularly widened in the past decade. In 2021, annual two-way trade crossed $100 billion for the first time, reaching $125.6 billion, with India’s imports accounting for $97.5 billion, pegging the imbalance at close to $70 billion.

“China’s trade with India is lopsided and in this period China had a favorable balance of trade that has crossed $1.2 trillion,” said Srikanth Kondapalli,who is Professor in Chinese Studies and Dean of the School of International Studies at Jawarharlal Nehru University. “That is, in pure statistics, Chinese businesses earned that much money [from India].” 

Moreover, Chinese commitments to India to import substantially more Indian goods, particularly pharmaceuticals, have not materialised,

These surpluses are consistent, and not addressed over a period of time this leads to the problem of a current account deficit for India,” he said.”


What this means for common man and woman i.e. the ordinary average citizens in India is the brain drain via professionals and highly skilled immigration from India to overseas.

Notwithstanding this is a major disadvantage for India. The skilled workforce on the other hand as blue collar workers migration to the Middle East and other parts of the world essentially depriving Indian economy the skills and innovation with the current Indian government favoring and urging western nations to expedite visa processing primarily for earnings from Indian workers‘ foreign remittance.

India is bereaved of manufacturing, innovative and skilled economy to China enjoying trade surplus with India.

Meanwhile the expatriation of skilled and professional members to western nations and destinations in the hope of foreign remittance for government which in return is paid to China via massive economic imports into India.

The BJP government at the center in New Delhi headed by current Prime Minister is depleting Indian economy of foreign reserves and foreign remittance in trade deficit and trade imbalance with China, Russia and more.

In conclusion, the Indian prime minister’s Make in India and $5 Trillion Indian economy… as the New Delhi central government’s home minister Amit Shah coined it – are nothing more than Jhumla – political shenanigans.  They otherwise serve well on the campaign trail to lure gullible voters willing to be deceived many times over by such politics.

The other beneficiary is China achieving multi-trillion dollar economy status with India as the leading importer at Indian economy and educated skilled unemployed youth expense.

The end-result China’s middle class exponentially rise in contradiction to India’s overwhelming majority sliding downward to mere bottom in the global hunger index and other international economic census.

Politically, the RSS run BJP government and Modi-Shah’s campaign on Hindu Rashtra and Hindutva agenda would dissolve with Hindus leaving India for better economic prospects.

The status quo would by default return India to secular statehood in accordance with Indian constitution. 

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 

India – Global Hunger Index

December 2, 2022

India – Global Hunger Index

Padmini Arhant

Amid Vikas (progress and development) touted as the incumbent administration i.e. the Central Government in New Delhi’s campaign slogan, it is important to notice the real indicator of economic progress or the lack thereof critically reflecting  hunger and poverty among overwhelming population in India at the lowest economic strata. 

Not to mention New Delhi Central government monetized political campaign through foreign hired presenter embellish India’s GDP at the alleged 13.5% in contrast to ground reality with dire hunger and poverty situation. 

India – Global Hunger Index

In the 2022 Global Hunger Index, India ranks 107th out of the 121 countries with sufficient data to calculate 2022 GHI scores. With a score of 29.1, India has a level of hunger that is serious.

In comparison, India’s neighbors in the Indian sub-continent surpassed India with considerable lead in this context. 

Nepal ranks 81st out of the 121 countries with sufficient data to calculate 2022 GHI scores. With a score of 19.1, Nepal has a level of hunger that is moderate.

Bangladesh has moved eight notches down to rank 84th among 121 countries in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2022, still surpassing neighbouring India (107th), Pakistan (99th) and Afghanistan (109th).

Pakistan – In the 2022 Global Hunger Index, Pakistan ranks 99th out of the 121 countries with sufficient data to calculate 2022 GHI scores.

No matter what paid propaganda persists during elections, the actual economic conditions such as hunger, poverty and survival amongst the vast majority of population speak for national economic circumstances confirming the government failure to address the most pertinent issue. 

In the rank out of 121 countries;

Nepal – 81st

Bangladesh – 84th

Pakistan – 99th 

India – 107th 

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 

No Nation is a Poor Nation on Earth

November 17, 2022

No Nation is a

Poor Nation

on Earth

Padmini Arhant

इन लोमड़ी भेड़िये और उनके चम्चे चाप्लूसियों को ठुकरावो और गरीबी मिठावो ।

Natural endowments is gifted by nature in some form or another in every part of the world far and wide including the remotest corner of the planet.

When plants and animal species in infinite variety survive and thrive,

Why do human population face death from starvation, preventable disease and lack of basic survival needs like clean air and water?

Unlike plants and animals in environment not invaded and encroached with human foot prints facilitating natural survival and healthy conditions, human surroundings and habitat is exploited, excoriated and depleted by human greed prompting grand larceny from land to all and any natural resources as well as economic assets by the selective privileged few leaving the rest entirely at their mercy.

In reality, any nation’s economic status could be assessed and verified by that nation’s government head and political members’ personal wealth hoarded and stashed in predominantly offshore bank accounts, tax havens and investments depriving the nation they are elected to govern due economic development and equitable income distribution in society.

Then there are the self-proclaimed influential affluent amassment of illegal wealth again held overseas in numerous format account for significant national financial drain in the economy leading to abject poverty, hand to mouth living, generational indebtedness, economic slavery creating social subjugation for overwhelming population.

The equitable income is by no means socialism or communism – the concepts conveniently coined by feudalists and plutocrats essentially deploying the strategy in wealth and power concentration within the core integral circle.

Regardless of economic system ranging from socialist, communism to different types of  capitalism, the oligarchy, feudalist and upper echelons direct and indirect control on economy is dominant.

The rampant corruption among the powerful, wealthy and famous exerting influence and dominance evade accountability through self-granted political impunity.

With transparency oxymoron to them flouting checks and balances, the exclusive segment in society possess vast economic advantage over the remaining abandoned in their dire situation.

The incorrigibly corrupt system represented by gluttonous greed together with incompetence and dereliction of duty in public service and all matter largely contribute to poor economic status for a nation.

The topic will resume with more details on the subject.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 

United States – Soaring Inflation

June 10, 2022

United States – Soaring Inflation

Padmini Arhant

The soaring inflation beginning with gas price at $7.00 and higher having domino effects on food and other essential goods and services is a burgeoning issue for people living with pay check to paycheck and those with meager savings in the economy.

There appears to be no immediate relief in easing skyrocketing inflation hurting consumer base again directly affecting business sectors in the economy.

The federal reserve inflationary control measures and government economic policy if at all any are yet to deliver necessary correction in inflation reminiscent of 70’s energy crisis leading to severe economic downturn.

The war in Ukraine brought upon Ukrainians from the western viz. United States and EU insurrection against then democratically elected government in 2014 is the result of deaths and devastation in the battle ground combined with nuclear threat from Russia.

The energy crises resulting from the ongoing war in Ukraine and further hindrances in food supply viz. wheat, soy, sugar etc. from Ukraine and Russia to other parts of the world have dramatic impact on the domestic and global economy.

Meanwhile, the global demand on crude oil now largely resting on the oil producing nations in the Middle East and others like Venezuela with sanctions on Russian energy imports only applicable to non-western nations is nothing new.

The Russian energy flow into western Europe such as Germany, Austria and Finland to name a few besides EU and NATO ally Hungary having categorically rejected the sanctions protocol claiming similar  scenario on meeting domestic requirements as priority are not only double standards but also reflect paradoxical western position in funding the Ukrainian invasion.

Amid these contradictory rules and activities, the energy price at the gas stations are record high in history taking toll on average and middle class already enduring economic pain from COVID and at present forced to contend with excruciating inflation in the absence of positive economic trend.

The market reaction and performance lately with Dow Jones dropping 700 points along with S&P 500 and NASDAQ precipitous slide are clearly indicative of inflation and lack of prudent economic solutions behind the present serious nonetheless preventable decline.

There is an urgent requirement for pragmatic and economically viable interjections to contain rising inflation in conjunction with diversifying energy resources improving and increasing energy distribution for affordability across the economy.

Unfortunately, there are no information or strategies made publicly known from the relevant monetary and fiscal authorities to ease growing concerns and frustration among consumers dealing with extraordinary economic struggles since COVID related shutdown and ongoing inflation debacle.

Obviously, the critical topics are inflation and energy price that are interlinked with a strangle hold on people especially in the middle and lower income groups deprived of any options in the economic strife leaving the poor and the poorest status abysmal.

What is the government plan of action on surging inflation?

What are the remedies pursued by the federal reserve other than interest rates hike with stagflation projected in the global economy?

What are the immediate possibilities to calm the inflation storm, energy costs, boost employment  opportunities, stabilize economic conditions across the spectrum and last but not the least soothe investor apprehensions in the volatile economic climate?

The Ukraine war must end with Russia’s divestment in economy over expansionism via military aggression exceeding 100 days in Ukraine. The only guaranteed outcome benefitting both sides i.e. Russia and Ukraine is permanent ceasefire and peaceful dispute settlement on all matter. The military engagement is proved counterproductive and exacerbated resources, morale and human lives with irreversible tragedy.

The western foreign policy engineered towards diplomacy and dialogue in ending Ukraine war is pertinent to global peace, security and economic recovery.

The economic factors such as inflation and energy rates at the gas pump are the burning issues for ordinary men and women representing the work force, consumers and tax payers in the economy worldwide.

Suffice to say those behind gain of function research triggering the global pandemic and big pharma have enormously profiteered from COVID disaster.

The defense sector viz. the military industrial complex and western governments on their part supplying weapons to Ukraine while procuring energy from Russia have secured multi-billions in arms trade to Ukraine having destabilized the once relatively peaceful country in 2014.

Let there be no more time wasted in cliché on Hollywood fame defamation trial and Jan 6, 2021 fiasco. The late night show hosts paid millions of dollars as propagandists with pre-recorded captive audience fake applause and social media attempts to deflect public attention with platitudes and parody are imposed as entertainment.

Meanwhile, there are no investigations or discussion on western violent intrusion overthrowing democratic power in Ukraine in 2014 and recently ejecting Pakistan’s government under former Prime Minister Imran Khan causing political chaos and further economic derailment in that part of the world.

The stark reality – the people survival is challenging more than ever deserving long overdue focus and respite from the deteriorating situation.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

P.S.                                                                      Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky

Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Imran Khan on Pakistan affairs. 

Is Poverty Inherited or Imposed?

May 24, 2022

Is Poverty Inherited



Padmini Arhant

Is Poverty Inherited or Imposed?

There are different perceptions on poverty.

Poverty is often associated with social and economic background.

However, the question arise on generational poverty.

Why do some demography in society experience no social and economic progress over generations?

Who is to blame for the impoverishment of children dwelling in slums and shanty towns right beneath skyscrapers or high rise penthouse towers in metropolis of the world?

What causes many segments in society to remain poor, sick and hopeless in life?

Could this all be entirely the fault of individual, the family or the community they belong to leaving them in abject poverty with no changes in financial status?


Would it be fair to hold the political, economic and social systems responsible for endless misery among overwhelming population in the world?

What about the government and economic sector role or the lack thereof to alleviate poverty across the spectrum rather than selective population?

Should education, basic facilities like clean drinking water, food, electricity and health care centers be reaching the poorest of the poor in urban, rural and remote areas of the country worldwide?

Who should decide the fate of every citizen in a country that are generationally oppressed, persecuted and denied any rights over several decades?

Is the poor remaining poor and the middle class struggling to make ends meet regardless of two or three income providers in a family related to government failure on economic management like inflation, unemployment, food shortages, fuel pricesand gross negligence in addressing crises in country?

What about the notion – poverty and economic suffering are designed for exploitation of the economically disadvantaged to serve in the work force as employees, national army though increasingly utilized as political leaderships’ private army witnessed in foreign military interventions and above all meeting exclusive and fiduciary interests of those reining control from behind the scenes and upfront.

First and foremost, corruption and greed are the bedrock of evil in society and the world at large.

Systemic corruption in politics with pervasive impact on economy, communication media, education, social, religious and general society hinder growth and development across the regions of state and nation.

Lawlessness among those held above law in politics, economy, diverse media, social and religious domains shun transparency and accountability.

Wars with illegal invasion and occupation of sovereign nations directly related to inflicting poverty and social destruction leaving families with widows, orphaned children, permanently disabled father, brother or any earning members wounded and crippled for life in warfare. All of these situations lead to severe poverty and miserable economic conditions.

Last but not the least, selective powerful, influential and affluent members control over global affairs lacking in scrutiny and openness barring public access to information on policy, strategy and planning contribute to secrecy and hypocrisy.

The hypocrisy arising from the unlawful spying, snooping, 24/7 surveillance of private citizens life, space and privacy intrusion to name a few among many criminal indulgence, while collusion in secret locations restricting citizen press or public to participate in policy making on world issues and humanity at large is entitlement to them.

The worst is despite these members’ occupation of taxpayers expended accommodation which are typically the people’s house unlike the private citizen’s home fraudulently claimed as such, the public as taxpayers have to deal with the wrath of violence even leading to fatality when gunned down with 29 or more bullets exhausting the magazine on unarmed civilian in the alleged trespassing of the public funded national property i.e. government residence.

Accordingly, poverty is imposed and not always inherited over generations to maintain status quo.

Defeating corruption, abandoning discreet operations using taxpayers money and subjecting illegal activities and actions to the same rule of law is the initial step towards economic relief amongst population subjugated in extreme poverty.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Market Economy v. Monopoly Economy

April 25, 2022

Market Economy


Monopoly Economy

Padmini Arhant

Prior to discussion on market economy and monopoly economy, it is important to shed light on creation v. acquisition. There is no comparison between creation and acquisition. In simple translation both terms are self-explanatory. 

Creation involves ingenuity, authenticity and original concept. Acquisition on the other hand is acquiring the created product for refurbishment and renovation with or without any appreciative value. 

In the so-called capitalism, the corporate takeovers, mergers and acquisitions transitioned from competitive market economy into monopolistic trade slighting anti-trust laws has drastically changed the definition and relevance of free and fair competition, the highlight of market economy. 

The economy increasingly in the hands of few selective billionaires wiping competitiveness and entrepreneurial niche across the spectrum is deceptively heralded as free market economy.

The trend contrarily affecting end-consumers with monopolistic trade practice and corporate policy hurting average consumers in pricing, quality and general benefits cannot be under estimated at any given time. From administration to marketing and management, the rules are set up and designed for exclusive corporate gains at the helm. 

As a result, the deviation from profit sharing trickling down to the bottom in work force increasing. consumer affordability to top tier shareholders is the norm. The average household income in these settings are either below marginal level or negative considering inflation and consumer price index ratio. 

Income inequality combined with inflation in the competition deprived monopolistic economy is carcinogenic for capitalist market economy.

Acquisitions and mergers masquerade inherent problems and deficiencies in major corporate undertaking with over valued stock of primary venture facilitating cash liquidity. Besides, distracted and disproportionate focus with too many different sectors in monopolistic control yield lack luster i.e. under performing outcome. 

The competition thwarted from economy with few billions to spare in hostile buyout deals is neither healthy nor viable in economic, ethical and innovative sense.

Not to mention, the corporate influence in politics and governance via direct campaign financing and lobbying for fiduciary interests leaving voters mere rubber stamp depicted as political mandate. The end game distort democratic system to entirely benefit the bidders and investors with no contentment or containment in the exclusive fortune inheritance. 

The competitive eclectic market economy providing options and flexibility in ultimate consumer oriented domain is unfortunately replaced with privileged monopolistic elite dominance – the axis in widening the gap between haves and have-nots misrepresented as efficient economic force. 

Again efficiency is anybody’s guess in selective individual growth or collective decline in economy and politics validated by monetary endowments.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

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