Israel – Leadership and War Crime

February 1, 2024


Leadership and War Crime

Padmini Arhant

Update: February 4, 2024.

Politics latest strategy to remain in power in the face of their failed flawed governance and public dissatisfaction comprise the following.

1. Wage and collude by funding and fueling incessant wars killing unaccounted number of civilians with no accountability whatsoever.

2. Polarize society using race, religion, gender, identity politics and any social, political and religious platform.

3. Retain hypocrisy in denial of any wrongdoing and scapegoat anyone regarded a fair game.

4. The ruling power barring opponent from fair participation in electoral process with litany of charges not excluding prison sentence. The ruling party undemocratic unconstitutional action by extension deprive the legitimate opposition any opportunity for campaigning in national election.

Case in point: United States and Pakistan.

The politically motivated convictions against opponent from the ruling politics and essentially behind the scenes operatives being the fulcrum spinning the wheel is authoritarian by design and default exclusively for personal interests acknowledge two critical facts.

A. The incognito run proxy government is proven economic, political and social liability besides eliminating democracy via such setup antithetical to transparent political system. Furthermore, the trend explicitly demonstrate bias against political opponent and in other scenario zero tolerance to the alternative A-political voice of reason and rationality.

B. Simultaneously, the incumbency policy and actions against opposition is acceptance of the latter formidable challenge to the forces in power against republic will. The incumbent performance reflect desperation exasperating rather than alleviating vast majority population deteriorating economic conditions.

Padmini Arhant

Update: Feb 3, 2024: Israel and Western front on Gaza War.

Israel’s genocide having consumed more than 30,000 innocent civilian lives with at least 11,000 or more children and infants among them in the ludicrous so-called self-defense is granted unbridled power militarily and via funding courtesy – U.S. Democrat administration and Congress.

The United States democrat administration with bi-partisan Congress generously distributing taxpayer money having provided $14 billion at the onset of the war in October 2023 besides continuing annual $3.8 billion to Israel to intensify genocide and exacerbate Palestinian humanitarian crises in the four-month-old graveyard mission share the burden of unforgivable crimes against humanity especially children and infants remaining the prime target.

That goes for the rest of the western stance applicable to all those in collusion and complicity having demonstrated in EU 312 votes echoing genocidal trend behind their ally Israel.

Similarly, the non-western co-operation and co-ordination taking marching orders from belligerent Israel in believing and accepting any contrived contoured unsubstantiated allegations that are the norm since occupation in 1948 until now to justify illegal settlements and apartheid while persistently claiming victimhood insist on prolonging the hideous hypocrisy.

The latest stunt from Israel which is least surprising given the legacy, now declaring to bomb the most crowded Rafah crossing having evacuated the war victims – the Palestinians from Northern Gaza to Southern side. Then attacking them upon their arrival in Southern area as clarified in Khan Younis city under the pretext of attacking Hamas inflicting more civilian casualties there.

Then upon the terrified, starved, hungry, thirsty, wounded arrival in Rafah considering it as a safety zone, with many civilians having lost body parts in the relentless shelling from the western aided Israeli artillery alongside denied any emergency medical treatment with hospitals and medical centers bombed into rubbles are apparently not yet done.

As though these atrocities aren’t enough, the blockade of Egypt’s humanitarian aid across the border to the suffering Palestinians are declined entry by Israel organized Israeli protesters.

These activities  categorically confirm the state of Israel, the western coalition whoever is involved in this historic human rights violations in the first quarter of the twenty first century surpassing any that are constantly reminded of by the current oppressors and violent aggressors of their experience in the previous twentieth century.

In fact, Israel, United States and other western and non-western alliance are accelerating innocent unarmed Palestinian civilian genocide rather than deceleration bringing the deaths and decimation to decisive conclusion.

The constantly cited earlier crimes by those such as Adolf Hitler and alike pale in comparison to ongoing display of arrogance and apathy to human life in the mass graves specifically aimed at Palestinians and Nakba / forceful displacement and evacuation from their native land.

The merciless carnage and catastrophe unleashed by present successors of war and humanitarian crimes voluntarily forfeit any such claim about their victimization in holocaust and any other experience related to them.

The systemic killings of civilians in Gaza and across Palestine clearly demonstrate Israel backed and promoted by western and other non-western partners’ return to medieval era and even Stone Age with barbarism wreaking havoc in the name of western superiority.

It is a sign of precipitous decline of civilization and culture endorsing beastly nature to the point of no return.

Needless to say, these situations invariably bear monumental consequences for those involved to regret in living and upon demise for everyone of them confronted with personal guilt and criminality.

The evil termination is aptly in play right now depicted in authoritarian slaughter of children and all lives in western authorized Israel‘s vindictive prejudiced disproportionate military bombardment of Gaza and entire Palestine.

In God’s Supreme Kingdom, justice might be delayed, however never denied as proven time and time again since time immemorial.

Padmini Arhant 


Update: Feb 2, 2024 : UNRWA – the defunding of the UN humanitarian relief agency for Palestinian refugees in Gaza and population outside in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt by 17 countries at Israeli PM and political members behest is haste impulsive response.

The alleged involvement of UNRWA four or five members on October 7, 2023 Hamas attack presented by Israel (subject to verification based on several false accounts earlier from Israel only to be proven fabrication and fake) to the funding nations have been accepted without any delay or deliberation in the withdrawal of monetary support to UNRWA in Palestine.

The action from 17 countries regardless of catastrophic humanitarian crisis created and continued by Israel defying international condemnation is blindsided with explicit double standards in the assessment of civilian plight including mass graves as the outcome in the ongoing violent aggression by Israel and allies viz. the United States.

The key financier United States – funding Israel’s belligerence and series of violations, both along with any other faction complicit in the inhumane violent slaughter of Gazans and other Palestinians have long departed from civilized democratic humanitarian law abiding political systems.

Their combined collaborative genocide since October 7, 2023 till date refusing to permanently ceasefire to save lives clarify the precise objective i.e. indefinite warfare with collective punishment not even sparing infants and innocent civilians in the territory.

The callous decision further exemplified in suspension of critical humanitarian assistance to the war victims and Palestinian refugees through UNRWA. 

Where are the urgently required actions from the western and other members among 17 states reacting to UNRWA otherwise remaining silent to Israeli PM, radical members as well as cabinet ministers publicly calling and conducting ethnic cleansing of Gazans and resettlement of Gaza with violent extremist illegal foreign settlers in the occupied territories of Palestine?

It’s time to reject manipulation and maneuvering, the aggressors routines to maintain status quo unwilling to end genocide and brutal colonization of Palestine.

International citizens are witness to the heinous crimes committed by Israel against Gazans and other Palestinians over 75 years abusing United States taxpayers fund and military stockpiles to establish authoritarian regime having renounced democracy since creation of the state of Israel on Palestine.

Free and independent Palestine is inevitable imminent event overriding unscrupulous illegitimate occupation and violent exertion of Israeli authority boosted by United States and any other collusion from anywhere.

The upcoming immediate development is similar to all things that matter concerning humanity.

Man proposes guided by egregious self-righteous greed driven interests and,

Almighty God accordingly disposes such manifestation to the benefit of the people unfairly subject to endless injustice.

The day is over for tyranny to expect the victims to bow to atrocities and oppression lasting several generations as their constant fate.

Instead, the reckoning is upon tyranny to take a bow and quit the long held tradition of invasion and subjugation as entitlement.

Padmini Arhant 


Israel’s retaliation against entire Gaza and the rest of Palestinian territories following October 7, 2023 Hamas attack, continued till date has resulted in not only deaths and destruction of Gazan population and the territory, it also has devastating impact on Israel’s IDF forces deployed in Gaza and other parts of occupied Palestine.

The leader of the nation as the head of the state Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has become the death merchant unwilling to relent to international community call for permanent ceasefire. The war in Gaza in the fourth month since it began has consumed around 30,000 civilian lives among whom more than 11,000 are children alone.

The Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s stance heeding belligerent guidance within own cabinet and foreign powers at the start on October 7, 2023 accelerated with unconscionable war crimes ranging from deliberate suspension of drinking water, food, medicines and basic survival needs to bombing of hospitals, schools, places of worship not only mosques in Gaza but also the church in Jerusalem, Gazan civilian residential buildings reduced to rubble in the ongoing ravaging war.

The leadership of any nation becoming the role model for indiscriminate brutality demonstrated by the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and government members diligently adapted by the conscripted IDF personnel on the grounds in Gaza is a colossal failure of leadership having eliminated democracy in Israel.

The IDF executions of Gazan families, bombing of civilian homes and all public facilities displayed via viral videos proudly celebrating decimation of Gaza and annihilation of civilians and calling to intensify genocide exemplify the national head of the state Netanyahu’s leadership corrupting human psyche especially among own IDF personnel turning them into blood thirsty ravenous beings having hopelessly surrendered to the political will of the leadership.

The Israeli Prime Minister in return is running away from self to evade own corruption scandal and related legal consequences serving as the cause for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s indefinite genocide.

Meanwhile, the war fatigued Israeli IDF drafted personnel many of whom are fairly young are now transformed into lifeless without Soul like the Prime Minister Netanyahu adamantly misleading the troops and the rest of the nation entirely and exclusively for personal political salvation to remain in power.

The Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu facing many serious charges from corruption stigma to dereliction of duty in security and directly responsible for exacerbating Israeli hostage situation with deaths among them in Israel’s relentless bombing by declining permanent ceasefire and immediate exchange of all hostages on both sides could no longer be differed nor buried in vain.

The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decline in leadership is ominously influencing IDF shifting away from normal human behavior to aggressive killing machines in the war zone and the long occupied Palestine.

The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s extended political tenure predominantly aimed at concentration of power proved in upending democracy much to entire nation’s angst and frustration drawing months long protests throughout Israel and,

Thereafter the developments until now is undoubtedly costly in terms of ordinary and defense force lives in the national front, Palestinian citizens, the region and the entire world.

Not to mention American tax payer financing the protracted warfare despite their dissent reverberating in peaceful demonstrations across the nation ever since the onset of war.

Again the call for peace slighted by the politics in the United States, the administration and bi-partisan Congress continuing business as usual in perpetuating the genocide and carnage in semblance with Afghanistan and Iraq invasions earlier.

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leadership is by far the deadliest and irrecoverable liability for Israel and that goes without saying for Palestinians and the possibility of peaceful settlement and permanent resolution to the long outstanding Middle Eastern Arab / Islamic – Israeli quagmire.

The regional volatility expanded into global tensions are currently the state of affairs affecting the world at large in every aspect from global security to economic repercussions.

The international citizenry have called out Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s incontrovertible war crimes in the Gaza war.

However, the formal legal assertion in case filed by sovereign nations Mexico and Chile on January 18, 2024 citing war crimes in the Gaza war with legally binding prosecutorial charges on individual war crimes presided over by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Hague further confirm the veracity of Gazan genocide escalation with no end in sight prompting concerned international intervention to end the heinous crimes against innocent unarmed civilians in Gaza and the remaining Palestine.

Regardless of the outcome in such legal pursuits, Israel being a non-member and thereby Israel neither recognize the jurisdiction nor comply with any ICC or ICJ, UN, UNSC and any other international body decision.

The conviction of war crimes against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and allies in the Gaza genocide and arbitrary violation of human rights is indisputable irrefutable fact with the unequivocal ruins in Gaza as the testament to reality.

Permanent ceasefire enabling release of all hostages on both sides with expedited Palestinian statehood and independence ending Israel’s three-quarter-century old illegal occupation, colonization and apartheid in entire Palestine is the only solution now and moving forward.

Termination of Gaza war for peace to benefit entire population in Gaza, the rest of Palestine, the Middle East region and the world is the regional and global responsibility.

Padmini Arhant

Evil Imminent End

January 26, 2024

Evil Imminent End

Padmini Arhant

Emphatic TRUTH:

Those assuming and defiantly remaining in power on the delusion they are indispensable and that the nation and the world would collapse upon their exit or removal from power are enlightened with emphatic truth. 

Any leadership as the head of the state claim and believe they are irreplaceable and hence lifetime position is justifiable admittedly declare their individual incompetence and colossal failure to generate talent, leadership qualities, thinkers, visionaries and diverse contributions towards collective progress, development and prosperity.

The status quo is synonymous to a teacher with students failing to meet standard requirements to survive and succeed in life in the former objective to retain the job for lifetime. The paradoxical scenario obstructs new enrollment by detaining / failing entire class for personal interest.

The condition then attributed to the one heading the class as the only one capable and suitable for the position despite results revealing otherwise. 

Padmini Arhant 


1. Who should be helped anytime in life?

A. Dog in difficulty. ☑️

B. Sleazy uncouth ungrateful exploitative politics seeking power only turn around and show true colors black or white regardless.👎

2. What is the indicator of poor economic growth?

A. Export domestic labor force overseas with unemployment at 8 – 10% or more in national economy.

B. Imports at all time high. Inflation, Interest and Income tax at peak.

C. Per capita income is all time low.

D. Significantly behind in the global poverty index than other developing nations in the region.

E. All of the above. ☑️

3. What is fake glory?

A. The quid pro quo bribe with economic and monetary transactions for glorification in public. ☑️

B. Performance exemplified with modesty.

4. What kind of politics endanger national interests?

A. Coup d’é·tat, corruption, criminality, lack of transparency and accountability, extension of power by any means and at all costs jeopardizing republic status and democracy.☑️

B. Acknowledge own failure and aid able and reliable replacement.

5. What is true leadership?

A. Create leaders among general population on merit barring cronyism.☑️

B. Respect term limits in office and facilitate peaceful efficient succession of power.☑️

C. Deny opportunity to talented and potential prospects.

D. Promote violence, exploit social and religious aspects, polarization of society for political gains.

E. Never seize or claim anything that does not belong or apply to self i.e. hijack identity.☑️

F. Servile to oligarchy, special interests and obedient to evil diktat.

G. Tolerance to free speech and basic constitutional rights. ☑️

H. Accept constructive criticism gracefully without acrimony and political vendetta.☑️

Padmini Arhant 

Political Quiz

January 26, 2024

Political Quiz

Padmini Arhant

World Court Rejects Demand for Gaza Cease-Fire

World Court (?) – International Court of Justice evidently INJUSTICE?

The bizarre and insane ruling by the so-called World court ruling against the overwhelming majority of the world on Gaza Ceasefire is the open shut case on criminality and genocidal predators in control of world population.

The time and resources wasted regarding such institution worthy of any respect and purpose is clarified succinctly in this ruling favoring crimes against humanity.

Alas, the wolves aren’t in sheep clothing anymore.

However, everyone without exception in this willful malignant GENOCIDE authorizing continuation of the murder of innocent civilians not barring infants in incubators in Palestine are also due for their judgment accordingly by the Supreme Authority in the Kingdom of God.

What more?

There is a silver lining even in the darkest clouds after all.

International Court of Justice (ICJ) rather Injustice ruling has no legality as the action is merely a catharsis maintained thus far and poignantly the state viz. Israel in whose extraordinary favor the ICJ has issued this decree is not a member and therefore the ICJ exercise at whomsoever behest and instigation reached this abominable decision is null and void.

Padmini Arhant

Emphatic TRUTH:

Those assuming and defiantly remaining in power on the delusion they are indispensable and that the nation and the world would collapse upon their exit or removal from power are enlightened with emphatic truth. 

Any leadership as the head of the state claim and believe they are irreplaceable and hence lifetime position is justifiable admittedly declare their individual incompetence and colossal failure to generate talent, leadership qualities, thinkers, visionaries and diverse contributions towards collective progress, development and prosperity.

The status quo is synonymous to a teacher with students failing to meet standard requirements to survive and succeed in life in the former objective to retain the job for lifetime. The paradoxical scenario obstructs new enrollment by detaining / failing entire class for personal interest.

The condition then attributed to the one heading the class as the only one capable and suitable for the position despite results revealing otherwise. 

Padmini Arhant 


1. Who should be helped anytime in life?

A. Dog in difficulty. ☑️

B. Sleazy uncouth ungrateful exploitative politics seeking power only turn around and show true colors regardless.👎

2. What is the indicator of poor economic growth?

A. Export domestic labor force overseas with unemployment at 8 – 10% or more in national economy.

B. Imports at all time high. Inflation, Interest and Income tax at peak.

C. Per capita income is all time low.

D. Significantly behind in the global poverty index than other developing nations in the region.

E. All of the above. ☑️

3. What is fake glory?

A. The quid pro quo bribe with economic and monetary transactions for glorification in public. ☑️

B. Performance exemplified with modesty.

4. What kind of politics endanger national interests?

A. Coup d’é·tat, corruption, criminality, lack of transparency and accountability, extension of power by any means and at all costs jeopardizing republic status and democracy.☑️

B. Acknowledge own failure and aid able and reliable replacement.

5. What is true leadership?

A. Create leaders among general population on merit barring cronyism.☑️

B. Respect term limits in office and facilitate peaceful efficient succession of power.☑️

C. Deny opportunity to talented and potential prospects.

D. Promote violence, exploit social and religious aspects, polarization of society for political gains.

E. Never seize or claim anything that does not belong or apply to self i.e. hijack identity.☑️

F. Servile to oligarchy, special interests and obedient to evil diktat.

G. Tolerance to free speech and basic constitutional rights. ☑️

H. Accept constructive criticism gracefully without acrimony and political vendetta.☑️

Padmini Arhant 

Ignorance is Bliss or an Abyss

January 19, 2024

Ignorance is Bliss or an Abyss

Padmini Arhant

Western Values – What are they?

Without having the need to go farther in timeline, reflection on events since post World War II (2) until date adequately clarify what exactly the western values are and continue to be in the 1st quarter of the twenty first century.

Those cheerleading the western so-called values base their position as follows.

According to these individual(s), they claim that it is not about clash of countries rather they regard the situation as the diametrically opposite East and Western cultures and civilizations citing the ideas as the focal point.

East vs. West culture clash and are described as such.

West apparently represent – freedom, democracy, human rights, free expressions, open discussions, capitalism, free markets, builders, creators…etc.,

East on the other hand is branded as collectivism – the nuance (since the west is big on nuance, innuendo and indirect ambush introduced and practiced specifically in the last 16 years) for “Communism, Socialism, Marxism despite the thought and source originating from the west – Karl Marx in Germany, Authoritarianism and of course the west favorite – the Jihadists, the extremists and the people dedicated to destruction and demolition in general.”

Here is the direct contradiction.

All that is described about West as the Western values are neither tolerated nor allowed to exist in the East by Western centrifuge.

In fact, these so-called western values are oxymoron to the western elite, who in reality are delusional supremacist narcissists directly responsible for the entire description of the eastern culture and system by ignorant minds.

Western political, economic and social legacy – colonialism, illegal invasion, occupation, oppression, suppression, repression, military aggression, intervention, divide and conquer polarization strategy, racism, classism, misogyny, subversion, distortion of race religion and cultural identity, false propaganda (rampant right now) condescendence…are prominent variety.

Above all, disapproval of democracy, freedom, individual rights, sovereignty, territorial integrity, unity, peace, economic growth, political stability in non-western nations are the norm.

The economic sanctions are invariably reserved and implemented only against non-western nations around the world.

Meanwhile, no western nation ever subject to economic embargo despite historic transgressions, war crimes, atrocities and breach in many dimensions and aspects of human existence in global society.

This gross abnormality and prejudice is also the factor denying and derailing genuine economic growth and development among nations categorized the third world or non-productive economy.

History is testament to western intervened meddled authorized and executed coup d’é·tat, installing rogue regimes, dictators, despots, authoritarians, military junta rule serving as western puppets, proxies and pawns to western political and multinational corporate diktat.

Besides above mentioned western primary role, the political unrest, color revolutions in Eastern Europe, assassinations of democratically elected Presidents, Prime Ministers worldwide, freedom movement non-violent leaderships, human rights activists, environmentalists and free press suppression highlight western supremacy.

Furthermore, aiding and abetting violent quelling of peaceful pro-democracy demonstrations by supplying military weapons, deploying military base and providing law enforcement personnel abroad viz. the Scotland Yard dispatched to Bahrain in 2011 – 2014 training the Bahrain’s Al Khalifa government anti-democratic task force to brutally beat even the medical doctors and emergency care paramedics attending to victims of the government unleashed merciless violence involving electrocution and murder of peaceful pro-democratic Bahraini citizens. These were meticulously carried out laying the quest for democracy to rest in the region with the able assistance from the west.

Western monarchy, governments and oligarchy maintaining close ties with anti-democratic dictatorial powers launched and fostered by the west are considered normal till date with little or no concern for human rights violations in those states and region.

Economic growth – the developing nations are submerged in sovereign debt with IMF and world bank enforced debt slavery lasting over generations.

Alternatively, the so-called third world nations are also used as experimental ground to test western military hardware, nuclear laden air strikes, drones even nuclear weapon detonation in South Pacific island nations.

Terrorism – the creation of  Al Qaeda with the leaders the former civil engineer Osama Bin Laden from Saudi Arabia succeeded by the Egyptian doctor Ayman al-Zawahiri, Iraq’s insurgency, Taliban, IS, ISIS, ISIL, the cannibals in Syria…and many known and in disguise terror networks and outfits are duly attributed to western design and production – the United States, Britain and Israel besides NATO involvement in illegal invasions of foreign land – notably the Middle East and neighboring regions.

The nations referred to as terror state, the factions are utilized by the west for proxy war in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Latin America and Asia.

The concept of private army in the conventional warfare was western invention viz. the notorious Black waters committing heinous crimes in military uniform in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Ukraine prior to Russian invasion in 2022.

The idea of terrorism is western premise with Zionist terrorists disguised as Arab workers detonated bombs in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946.

Later, after the creation of the State of Israel on Palestine, the six day war carried out by Israel against Arab neighbors.

Then unbeknown to the economic and military aid benefactor till date, the United States’ Naval Technical research ship – USS Liberty was attacked by Israel with torpedo causing massive damage to the ship and importantly killing many naval crew on board.

The tragedy was covered up with victims families strictly advised and warned not to seek any information about their loved ones or discuss with media. The survivors were not compensated sufficiently due to Israel declining apology and monetary compensation.

The September 11, 2001 terror attack on American soil was the corner stone of Zionist Project for New American Century using catastrophic event suggesting similar to Pearl Harbor incident and involve America in decimating all those nations predominantly in the Middle East other than Afghanistan for economic interests and strategic dominance.

Human Rights – The western policy is those they choose to dehumanize as their racial right are delineated as sub-human species and hence justify any injustice against them.

The mistreatment of different segments within own society is normalized in toothless defense.

Notwithstanding, the civil liberty, invasion of home, privacy are all irrelevant in western monetized supply of technology such as the spyware Pegasus sold by Israeli company on Israel’s defense manufacturing and sales oversight. The spyware Pegasus like many other cyber tools to pry, spy and place their targets on 24/7 unlawful surveillance are in circulation with western knowledge and application on their targets.

These items are widely sold to purveyors and governments misusing technology for pervert sleazy purpose with no accountability regardless of the exposure on malicious offensive criminal conduct.

Gaza War – The ongoing war in Gaza is the serving example on human rights excoriation to suit the aggressors and sponsors financing the genocide.

Israel’s Administrative Detention indefinitely confining Palestinian juveniles and minors used as the prototype for Guantanamo Bay adult prisoners of Islamic faith from different locations of the world. 

Guantanamo Bay – Those held in the foreign island (Cuba) prison slighting  violation of Cuban territory, are detained for life without any due process, habeas corpus in dismissal of human rights groups and legal representatives’ request for hearings and review on the arbitrary detention.

Open and Free Discussion: On the so-called western openness Netherlands in western Europe as Bilderberg group collude in secret locations till date barring public press, participation and release of matter related to global issues.

The Bilderberg secret society called out by the former U.S. President John F.Kennedy appropriately repugnant and condemning Israel’s discreet nuclear status cost the ex-President’s life.

The members and attendees involving western corporations viz. Google CEO, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, United States Congress members such as Senator Lindsey Graham and other individuals from within close circle are sworn to secrecy barring divulgence of details in the secret society meeting.

Health – the western activities jeopardizing life and health has been around for a while and was lately experienced in the western pioneered Corona Virus manufactured in Wuhan lab, China triggering the disastrous global pandemic as COVID 19 consuming millions of lives world over.

Agriculture – The crop killing poison agents from western company Monsanto and Bill Gates – the investor in Corona Virus and vaccine, foothold in inducing agrarian crisis distressing farmers even leading many to suicide world wide is a well known fact. The same would apply to GMO – genetically modified crops, cattle raising and animal husbandry are western companies formula to reap maximum profit at the cost of human lives and environment.

Depopulation – the agenda regarded critical and been the driving force behind the bio-engineered lab virus SARS COV2 wiping out significant global population in the COVID 19 pandemic. Again all details were withheld by WHO Director – General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in compliance with China’s instruction on the burgeoning health catastrophe.

This is the western tax payer primarily United States funded UN organization – WHO taking marching orders from the ultimate Communist nation China.

Not to mention – the western aversion (pun) for communism is clearly and visibly demonstrated in enabling and promoting the Communist China as the global manufacturing base and economic powerhouse today.

Environment – The United Nations annual conventions on climate treaty is a display of intentions without delivery in actions on diverse environment woes mostly focused on disowning responsibility in the face of geographic footprints and scientific evidence on pollution and air quality deterioration in many parts of the world not excluding the western industrial complex.

Corruption – As for the widespread corruption, the carcinogenic toxic effect on politics, economy and all things concerning humanity and society at large begins in the western domain viz. the Swiss Banks – known for widely accepting funds from anywhere – illegal illicit funds flowing from all different sources including nefarious unscrupulous elements, extortionists, drug and human traffickers, criminal and incognito entities’ deposits hidden away in the highly secure digitalized Swiss vault.

The unethical flamboyant tradition in Switzerland whose economy with highest per capita income is run on financial proceeds derived from stolen wealth reaching the Swiss vault while leaving the collective citizens deprived of hard earned savings and economic contributions to their domestic economy is an embarrassing trajectory in western value.

The Swiss Banks precedence have paved way for other crooked tax havens and destinations inviting shell companies and structures to hoard dirty money from politics, celebrities in the entertainment industry, economic sector and alike.

Who is robbing from whom in the selective vs. collective debate aroused by the World Economic Forum?

WEF members including the Royalty for whom employment and labor is antithetical while their existence and extravagance over generations have been on the back of the so-called commoners’ charity as the labor force and tax payer in the economy.

Royalty never even considered paying any royalty or tax to the colonies they colonized and own citizenry treated as the subjects to legitimize the illegitimate Royal status.

The bizarre Royal syndrome with reservation for collectivism essentially in disagreement with fair wealth distribution among global citizenry generated from universal natural endowments and consolidated labor paradoxically asserted as the head of the Commonwealth nations.

Commonwealth explicitly referencing the wealth of the former colonies to maintain status quo as Commonwealth member states under colonial authority.

The British monarchy presiding over the Commonwealth nations summit as the head of the Commonwealth was direct implication on the member states being not independent rather dominion republic as clearly specified in the transfer of power deed in 1947 related to India’s independence.

The phrase dominion republic insisting the crown to remain the dominant power in any format over the colony subsequent to departure was the bone of contention for India’s freedom movement leader Mahatma Gandhi who was noticeably absent in the celebratory occasion of Indian independence as the leadership sensed great disappointment.

The scenario repeated against Palestine with Israel’s far right politics pledged to Zionist ideology vehemently opposed to independent sovereign Palestine free of Israeli occupation and subjugation.

Simultaneously, WEF members like the contentious Adani group from India, whose business activities and operations continue to remain existential threat to Indian economy, global environment and democratic setting further elaborate on WEF promotion on corporate governance of politics that are the contemporary established pattern making elections nothing more than a formality and farcical.

It is no surprise to note the WEF awkward narrative through invitees from Argentina recently or earlier from India and other parts of the world for preserving western decadence via servile publicity craving non-western government heads in the otherwise exclusive western elitists (?) interests oriented WEF.

WEF having signaled the controversial Great Reset – eliminating cash economy, configuration for currency manipulation and other secretive hacks in the global financial system care less about consequences eventually hurting the selective privileged society it caters for when deriding the so-called collectivism.

The western so-called free expression were all out in the open freely when gag orders, censorship and cancel culture are automatic on alternative views and perspectives on sensitive humanitarian, health (COVID 19) tyranny, political, economic and genocidal warfare.

IQ  – As for the west being the Builders and Creators – always credited as authentic intelligence.

Juxtaposed when it is from the one not approved by the west for refusing to kowtow like the ones in the contingency and forbid endless abuse freeloading, then it is declared artificial intelligence, robotic and designated to anonymity.

The narcissists never acknowledge any wrongdoing and enraged upon being shown the mirror despite them running away from selves for the same reasons and guilt.

Likewise, never mind the western hypocrisy assigning collectivism on the targeted individual i.e. me with my profile, identity and especially free tireless contributions in the age where the exploiters rake fortune and career success at others expense as their prerogative and entitlement.

Nonetheless mine are randomly distributed to wannabes, opportunists and freeloaders of their choice and preference.

FYI – when anyone stick whomsoever face, race, religion, gender, lifestyle etc. on the one whom they despise the most as the arch nemesis while harvesting from the person’s output, that is clearly indicative of their ugliness and negative sentiments towards those they use as pawns to besmirch their foe.

The parasitic trend without any shame in direct violation of my personal rights other than conflicting with moral ethical efficacy evidently never apply in targeted isolated racist misogynist culture.

Again none are without serious repercussions in karmic effects weighing down on those taking anyone and anything for granted until the moment reminding them of what goes around inevitably comes around.

In conclusion, the notion and belief that western values are sacrosanct compared to eastern standards is a myth requiring better understanding with honest acceptance of facts and reality.

At the end of the day, selectivism is dependent on collectivism to toil in the work force and fuel the economy as consumers enriching the selective in the capitalism that is no longer the free market economy.

Instead the concentration of wealth and power among the selective group has transformed capitalism to monopolistic economy.

The small school of fish are either driven to insolvency or absorbed by financially larger stakeholders and deal makers in the industry with anti-trust laws made ineffective.

The collectivism are also the regular taxpayers enabling government and public service given the selective class adeptness and affordability to evade tax and financial obligations.

The politics governed by the selective upper echelons also facilitate these means on or off the radar. 

One can awaken the one asleep. However, it is futile attempting the same with the closed mind.

Ignorance is bliss whereas ignorance in denial of factuality and rejecting reasoning faculty is an abyss.

Padmini Arhant

Palestine – The Sincere Believers

December 19, 2023


The Sincere Believers

Padmini Arhant

In the world where religion is the pawn for those seeking undeserving glory, power and fortune,

The endless desire seeking importance 24/7 prevalent not realizing importance is relative.

What is important to one not necessarily the same to another definitely not the one for whom the priorities are entirely different from that of those in constant self-indulgence as the way of life.

Besides, importance from one human to another barely last a moment and further not being genuine by and large with fickle human mind oscillating like a pendulum from one extreme to another,

Importance is a dewdrop that evaporates in thin air and dry under sun rays not even leaving behind any residue.

The importance that really matters and meaningful is Almighty God, whose grace, compassion and blessings provide incredible courage and sincerity to faithfuls loyal to the venerable indomitable power.

The belief in Almighty God is witnessed among Palestinian victims bravely facing deaths and enduring gruesome violence in the last 70 days of relentless bombings and shelling of the densely populated Gaza and violent activities against Palestinians of Islamic, Christianity and any other denomination.

Palestinian children, women, men, the young and the old unflinching faith in God will set them free regardless of how many among them are martyred in their freedom struggle.

God bless Palestinian child and the rest of the population braving the atrocity by aggressors for whom their importance is predominant though never applicable as such mindset generally designed to lead them towards megalomaniacal suicide mission.

Palestinian civilians sacrifice will not be in vain with their faith in Almighty God, the absolute important supernatural force granting them everlasting peace and long overdue freedom.

Free Palestine is inevitable with strong resistance among Palestinians alongside global solidarity in this humanitarian goal.

Setting other’s home on fire returns to engulf the arsonists domain.

Shackle lives that are born to be free, the action depicts the chained mind unwilling to set itself free of negative vices and self-destruction ending up as eternal prisoners of guilt.

Sinners unrelenting sins is a vortex eventually absorb them towards undesirable destination.

Padmini Arhant


December 11, 2023


Padmini Arhant

Racism, Sexism, Fascism, Narcissism as ZioNazism could no longer hide behind anti-semitism.

Padmini Arhant

What happens when the following occur with the so-called modern civilized democratic society sponsor and commit GENOCIDE and ETHNIC CLEANSING of population targeting children to wipe out generations in the oppressed, persecuted and imprisoned territory – Gaza and Palestine?

“Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday defended the Biden administration’s decision to bypass Congress and send ammunition to Israel, arguing Israel’s need to defend itself against the militant group Hamas justifies the rare move.”

The contemporary reality:

Human conscience is replaced by lifeless, senseless, immoral authorities engaged in population annihilation exerting military might and humongous hubris rejecting international call for permanent ceasefire and peaceful resolution.

Classic example of political consciousness done away with political callousness carried out with political impunity in the so-called democracy.


“Call for a cease-fire now,” Wilson-Anton shouted as she was seen on video being escorted out of the event.


Most lawmakers oppose a call for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, with President Biden writing in a November Washington Post op-ed that “a cease-fire is not peace.”


Their actions in relentless violence exemplify them as the existential harm and danger consuming innocent lives heeding none in their graveyard mission.

Such behavior is non-human status depleted of sensitivity to deaths and devastation inflicted by them on innocent lives in Gaza and Palestine.

Above all, the pledge towards ex-termination / elimination / eradication proved in the death toll over 17,000 civilians slaughtered and half of them children killed in the GENOCIDE since October 7, 2023 until now only harbinger own suicide mission.

The event replayed with similar end to be experienced by perpetrators of GENOCIDE prolonged over two months in history repeating itself in politics orchestrated state terror against children and adults in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

Palestine freedom from the brutal onslaught is imminent with Almighty God’s blessings in strength, fortitude and strong will to the victims, the mourning, the hurt and suffering survivors in Gaza and the remaining Palestine.

God’s will never fail the victims of injustice and inhumane atrocity over 75 years now.

Padmini Arhant 

Hate – Source and Catalysts Promoting Hatred

June 6, 2022

Hate – Source and Catalysts Promoting Hatred

Padmini Arhant

Idle mind is devil’s workshop. 

Power comes with responsibility. Any abuse of power by those using and exploiting authority invites reactions as such.


Respect is a two-way street. Never one way with a dead end. Anyone crossing the line whether once, twice or as a routine invariably experience the expected consequence.

The contemporary culture sowing, promoting and propagating hate, misogyny, animosity and diverse phobia are self- destructive course inevitably consuming the source and catalysts without a shadow of doubt.

Where does hate, misogyny and hostility emanate from?

Any and all of these characteristics stem from within largely due to ignorance and unwillingness to heed inner conscience against negative thoughts and actions.

Those who cultivate hate in the hope of harvesting from carcinogenic politics irrefutably succumb to the poison ivy they plant in and around them.

Hate and prejudice are outlets for those suffering from the dreadful terminal disease to vent own frustrations on their failures and overwhelming insecurity.

Importantly, hate represents void among those severely lacking in empathy, genuine care and compassion, tolerance and acceptance barring any and all form of discrimination.

The haters sadly reveal their state of mind saturated with apathy, bigotry, revenge and indignation. They waste their life obeying the demons inside them prompting narcissism and degenerative indulgence.

In the absence of self-esteem and integrity to introspect for necessary reform in their thought process and behavioral pattern, they prey on anyone and anything they regard a fair game.

Considering the correlation between hate and hell not only in semantics but also in application of end justifying the means, the hate mongers and haters unwisely transform their life into living hell and upon imminent demise.

Hate is a deadly parasite that ultimately affects the physical, mental and emotional well being of the host inviting internal and external conflicts in the otherwise troubled lives of those embarked on suicide mission.

Hate is the biggest tragedy for those harboring ill-feelings and malice against their targets despite the consequences of ignoring hatred delivering personal hurt and injury via shame, incrimination and purposeless life.

The politics seeding hate, hatred, discriminatory, derogatory and inflammatory policy typically yield results accordingly. Scapegoat anyone for own deliberate vindictive abusive conduct is asinine.

Besides, such theatrics is self-declaration in core criminality reeking contempt and cowardly sinister political ideology. Notwithstanding the routine conforming to radical fundamentalist dysfunctional performance on display.

The publicity starved personalities igniting sparks in public domain with reckless sensationalized sentiments via their political appointees and representatives on religion or prophets of any faith and other sensitive social issues, the desperation is conspicuously ominous for them and their hired stooges deployed for such provocation.

The true colors of the provocateurs and relevantly the mindset of the political leadership at the helm they represent surface at these times much to self-deprecation. These elements making themselves available for cheap exploitation by politics and political leaderships or any other influential entity is self-explanatory.

Then there are those claiming patent rights on intelligence with the cliché on artificial intelligence connotation are reminded to demonstrate their so-called organic intelligence evidently having miserably failed them in possession of any values except spreading hate and spewing venom as exclusive right and entitlement in semblance with their false persona.

What good is such prized intelligence they fraudulently take pride in when it is not reflected in human character – civility and dignity?

The downfall and disgrace following hate, misogyny and acrimony are the writings on the wall.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Is Politics Qualified to Disqualify Anyone?

January 15, 2022

Is Politics Qualified to Disqualify Anyone?

Padmini Arhant

Here is the irony. In a nation touted the world’s largest democracy is represented by the Chief executive and majority legislative members at the national and state level whose educational qualifications are self-certified to justify their various positions in disguise as public service.

The reality on politics’ service is their pledge of allegiance and commitment to oligarchy, domestic organizations, campaign financiers and last but not the least the foreign global power.

This is not unique to any specific nation or domain. Sadly it is prevalent in most parts of the world with global syndicate dominance installing governments and reining universal control.

The individuals from rank and file to the top most in hierarchy as authority possess credentials except genuine talent exceeding any measures in corruption, criminality, deception, deceit and violations of all types ranging from trust to individual rights and life of the people electing them to public office.

Most of them proving their competence or the lack thereof evidenced in failure of governance and leadership. Besides, the national status quo with respect to overwhelming majority forced into deteriorating economic, education, health and social standards are verifiably the proof of the pudding.

These individuals enacting laws and legislations while exempting them from the rules and regulations as prime violators are veterans in enforcing anything found detrimental to ordinary lives and people in lower middle, poorer and poorest economic strata.

The controversial NEET – National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Indian students in India seeking enrollment in undergraduate medical course has long been subject to debate and discussion.

The students are required to meet the criteria prior to admission for undergraduate medical degree. This is nothing new as there has been synonymous entrance exam like Pre-Medical course requirement in the northern regions of India perhaps replaced with NEET introduced by Congress government earlier and continued by the ruling BJP in New Delhi.

Although on surface, the national government rule might appear to be beneficial in the selection process with the best and brightest pursuing the medical course to save lives in society,

The real life situation is anything but smooth and straightforward.

In fact, the students with ambitions in medical career especially from a disadvantaged economic and social background despite excelling in the NEET exam are denied admission. 

The worst is the meritorious are displaced with preferential nepotism enrollment.  The wealthy and influential progeny – i.e.  industrialists, politicians and celebrities’ offsprings with below average percentage or even failures enrolled through bribes and incentives are common. The medical and engineering degrees bought outright with a price tag is not ruled out in the category with money power traded over merit.

In this regard, the practice is in semblance with educational institutions overseas including the United States elite premium education granted to politicians, prominent members and celebrities’ descendants in the reserved quota secured via endowments that are essentially bribes in corruption culture.

In India, the agonizing experience has led to tragic events with NEET qualified candidates deprived of opportunity committing suicide in the state of Tamil Nadu. As a result of these consequences, Tamil Nadu citizens – the students in particular are generally opposed to NEET exam.

They urge the central government to allow students in competing on the academic performance results from high school graduation rather than filtering under the pretext of NEET predominantly favoring students not necessarily qualified considering the short cuts and nefarious means finding their way in enrollment for medical course.

The stealthiest truth in contemporary era is ;

What if similar National Eligibility and Entrance Test (NEET) for politics were to be mandatory?

Almost the entire political class and establishment would be disqualified and ineligible to serve in different capacity beginning with the head of the state, the second or third in line and so on including cabinet ministers in critical positions demanding not only acumen and relevant expertise but also ethical efficacy. 

The unqualified determining the otherwise qualified candidacy as not suitable is the paradoxical paradigm exacerbating social and economic miseries world over.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

Women Power Reminiscence

January 4, 2022

Women Power Reminiscence

Padmini Arhant

What happened to the male and female characters in Shiva religion (Saivam, Vainavam and Saktham for Sakti) who humiliated and persecuted women to demonstrate their dominance and hubris is quite interesting to say the least and worth checking out in this topic.

1. In Ramayana, Lord Ram’s consort Goddess Sita was abducted and held captive by the demon King of Lanka i.e. Sri Lanka today.  The reason behind Goddess Sita’s captivity is Ravana’s sister – Surpanaka one of the three women troublemakers besides Lord Ram’s step mother Kaikeyi and her assistant Mandira, the instigator of family politics triggering the entire epic Ramayana.

King Ravana is slayed. Surpanaka and the rest meet their karmic fate. The slaying of Ravana is celebrated as Dusshera and Diwali in India and other parts of South Asia following the Shiva religion.

2. In Mahabharata, one of the main characters Queen Draupati is humiliated by Kauravas, then ruling members of Hastinapur now Delhi, India. Among the Kaurava brothers – Duryodhana and Dushasana along with their maternal uncle Shakuni responsible for the public disgrace of Queen Draupati succumb to their evil deeds and killed in the battle. 

Duryodhana prior to his death tries to hide under the ocean. He is then spotted and summoned to the land by Lord Krishna and brought to justice for all his actions.

Not to mention the elimination of Kaurava clan of their own doing is a testament to evil reaping what evil sows in life.

3. Kannagi seeking justice from King Pandiyan in Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India. In Tamil literature Silappathikaram, the event involving missing precious Jeweled Anklet is a remarkable testimony on the so-called ordinary woman and womanhood.

Kannagi an intelligent, chaste, pious and loving wife outwitting the reining King of Madurai is the take away from the real incident.

The Pandiyan Dynasty –  King Pandiyan’s irreversible mistake costing Kingdom, Madurai and much more in the Royal court proceeding against Kannagi’s beloved husband Kovalan, accused of stealing the Madurai Queen’s precious jeweled anklet.

Upon hearing King Pandiyan’s hasty wrongful judgment against Kannagi’s husband Kovalan and execution of an innocent man, the leading lady Kannagi valiantly proves her deceased husband’s innocence embarrassing the King on the erroneous judgment without due diligence and process.

The devoted wife Kannagi then challenges the King Pandiyan on the ill-fated decision and misguided judgment against her innocent husband Kovalan.

King Pandiyan is then dethroned at his will upon realizing the monumental judgment error against an innocent man.

Importantly Kannagi’s grit and wisdom demonstrated in exonerating her demised husband instantly disrobes the King of might and power with King’s acumen and discernment failing in the critical hour of fairness and justice barring prejudice and predisposition.

The net outcome in the Royal episode is the Pandiyan dynasty ended and Madurai burns from subjecting Kannagi and her husband to presumptuous fatal trial.

The women power never to be underestimated is the moral of this iconic epic.

Kannagi leaving an indelible mark on womanhood in chastity, integrity and superb intelligence deservingly earned  her a shrine in the ever miscalculated power and impeccable qualities of women in history.

Unlike the modern day political and public figures’ statues regardless of tainted legacy erected and inaugurated in public square. The tradition exalting the destructive and depraved squandering average taxpayers money exemplify crony politics and sycophantic corrupt system.

The worst is the contemporary practice that divinify augmenting Avatar status to incorrigible evil incarnate. The trend claiming proprietorship on religion ignore blasphemy and sacrilege of religious sanctity. 

4. Mahisasura was a demon Prince and described as sexist and misogynist. He egotistically challenged women’s power having received a boon from Lord Brahma, the creator in the Trinity that he would be killed by none except a female force.  Mahisasura scoffed at this unique blessing and dismissed it as misspoken by the cosmic entity.

Lo and behold much to his dismay and devastation, the Goddess Durga – God Shiva’s consort appears and he is vanquished from the face of the earth where he was wreaking havoc and making lives miserable for innocent beings all around.

Accordingly, Goddess Durga is known as Mahisasura Mardini – meaning the one who killed the demon Mahisasur and relieved the victims of their suffering from the demon’s power.

The above epics conclusively confirm the women’s  plight whether Sita, Draupati or Kannagi’s misery and indignation respectively. Nonetheless none of their persecutors were spared and every one of them including all those in collusion and complicit in exacerbating abuse against Sita, Draupati  and Kannagi perished to the point of no return.

Similarly, Goddess Durga was disrespected and insulted continuously by arrogant Mahisasur slighting Lord Brahma’s reminder. He was also dealt with in the manner ordained in the demon’s destruction.

As a result, invariably all of them were shown their appropriate place i.e. ending in the grave and undesirable destination beyond entirely by their choice.

Goodness prevailing over evil is indomitable truth.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Complexion Complex – Skin Politics

December 4, 2021

Complexion Complex – Skin Politics

Padmini Arhant

The new millennium i.e. the twenty first century is the new era for transcending race, gender, religion and other classifications in the human genre. Then there are some elements unwilling to get passed the divisive politics predominantly emanating from lack of self-respect and ignorance weighing down the opportunity to hone in individual skills to achieve dreams and aspirations in life.

Those preoccupied in pulling anyone down even leaving the nature’s gravitational pull far behind are typically resigned as saboteurs and losers with little or no self-esteem evidenced in their character and legacy. 

As for the skin politics constantly highlighting the skin tone is a bone in the trachea for those unable to swallow or spit the splinter – the situation rather precarious for them considering the choice they make to reverse course and not move forward exemplifying serious inner disabilities to abandon prejudice and false pride wasting own life on earth.

The beauty discovered within upon intense soul searching is the real deal and not the one on the surface appropriately fitting the skin deep adage. 

The beauty and skin complexion are skin deep whereas the internal treasure within defines the entire profile. Besides, like everything else with patent rights established by the presumptuous, the skin tone or the natural ability to perform is individual attribute that cannot be traded or terminated to suit anyone’s whims and fancies describing their internal turmoil. 

Ironically, the selective half and half in racial representation making a mountain out of molehill is the trend in skin politics to exhume controversy instead of skills oriented attainment that are evidently not their asset. 

There is much more to life than being stuck on complexion complex that are insignificant in comparison to reaching for the stars exploiting maximum individual potential and determination to realize own dreams in life.

Above all, it is time for politics to shed thin skin and adorn thick coat viz. integrity to address major issues and crises brought upon citizens due to failed flawed policies and inactions confronting the people they are elected to serve in public office. Unfortunately, there is no desire in this respect and the politics’ priority remain as the domestic and international agent for personal and vested interests.


Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

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