Political Theatrics
May 18, 2024
Political Theatrics
Padmini Arhant
Fake politics, Fake issues and Fake news…are the norm in political theatrics draining taxpayers real money in Show and Tell that make pre-schoolers’ performance natural and substantive than politics’ newly found attention seeking gimmick rather self-indignation and embarrassment aimed at the usual fixation.
Yet another fad for politics and political propagandist – media is connotations using animals from dogs being the most referenced to bear and pig…in the obsolete nuance and insinuation only exposing political crass from the presumptuous political class precisely lacking in the latter.
You are that explicit objectionable whom you incessantly target as such in desperation rather than soul searching to set your mind and path towards self-emancipation from destructive egocentric reality shackled in guilt mendacity and duplicity.
Be the one you want others to be barring self-exemption on anything and everything expected of others to serve the abusive exploitative trend overwhelmed with narcissism, criminality and hostility.
Change beginning with self is the precursor to influence elsewhere.
Padmini Arhant
Artificial Intelligence Propaganda
April 5, 2024
Artificial Intelligence Propaganda
Padmini Arhant
Attention: EVIL Conglomerate
The tech giants as multi-trillionaire conglomerate predominantly gained from exploitative parasitic narcissistic misogynistic gluttonous greed driven profiteering at vast humanity costs and human lives as well as environment destruction are at the forefront on AI (artificial intelligence) agenda.
Google – in sheer anti-trust violation having disabled other viable competitors in search engine field gobbling voluminous cyberspace to itself besides co-conspirator through active participation as member of repugnant secret society – the anti-humanity secret exclusive clique has the following description of the Artificial Intelligence.
Google statement on AI – “AI views are experimental.” Learn more
Upon clicking on the vertical ellipsis related to AI, it defines AI as such;
This overview was generated with the help of AI. It’s supported by info from across the web and Google’s Knowledge Graph, a collection of info about people, places, and things. Generative AI is experimental and info quality may vary.
For help evaluating content, you can visit the provided links. For details about data, privacy, and more,
Learn about generative AI
What is generative AI
“Generative AI is a type of machine learning model. Generative AI is not a human being. It can’t think for itself or feel emotions. It’s just great at finding patterns.”
”In the past, AI was used to understand and recommend information. Now, generative AI can also help us create new content, like images, music, and code.”
These are mere synopses on the tech giant Google interpretation of a living breathing human being viz. me – Padmini Arhant, the female, two live births offsprings’ mother with healthy sound impressive mental, cognitive, emotional, and interactive communication intelligence all combined is dubbed a machine with no feelings or emotions by the self-proclaimed proprietors of authentic intelligence tech giants like Google, Microsoft, Tesla and all those in the band wagon of targeting me, Padmini Arhant – the truth telling arch nemesis to them.
Microsoft : Needs no introduction at all from the very acquisition of Microsoft denying the original founder of Microsoft the due credit and fair share of fortune to heavily invested in depopulation passion demonstrated in Bill and Melinda Gates foundation direct investment in the bio-engineered lab manufactured deadly virulent pathogen – the corona virus SARSCOV2 and subsequently profiteering in the vaccine deal sealed in 2015 long before the official pandemic in 2020.
As though that is not enough, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation involvement in GMO of food crops to cattle raising have morbidly contributed to farmers suicide in the United States and several parts of the world especially the developing nations across the globe.
The massive wealth from these shady dealings making ordinary lives whether farmers or people across the spectrum pay the price with their sweat and blood while the Microsoft owner hailed several times the richest person on earth.
Microsoft eager Uber promotion of AI co-Pilot
in every YouTube to TikTok and all available platforms is yet another strategy from the tech giant in quid pro quo with vindictive vendetta politics using AI slogan to white and black wash abusive murderous criminality as holier sanctity.
The politics adept at bribery and bully in exchange for tech giants collusion in AI propaganda let trillionaire tech consortium with tax evasion and endless excoriation of human capital and global natural endowments all to themselves in the sickening power, fortune, undeserving glory hogging mania.
Tesla – another big crony to politics having been incentivized by evil politics with huge tax credits on EV fleet – tax credit to Tesla’s EV vehicle buyer ignoring Tesla EV vehicle related fatalities in unusually high rate is profit in Tesla’s personal coffer together with politics granted tax break to Tesla in personal and corporate fortune making the deal from desperate politics a win win situation in the AI propaganda game.
Tesla’s ownership of former Twitter once again aped from PadminiArhant.com logo with dove pair and Twitter then launched soon after with bird in the air insignia as expected flopped and bought by automobile maker Tesla only to further attack their one and only opponent Padmini Arhant in complicity with evil syndicate.
Tesla modification of the Twitter name to ‘X’ denoted by politics as transgender in the evil criminal corrupt politics transgender mania due to their own gender complexity amongst and within them expose evil parody making themselves the laughing stock along with expediting precipitous self-decline.
These three tech talkies / junkies are not the only ones in collusion with politics via AI pandemonium to abort TRUTHFUL, irrefutable, incontrovertible, unequivocal facts and details about dirty politics and their corporate as well as special interests financiers’ coup d’état on democracy, constitution and republic power in the United States.
The poisonous tentacles are spread far and wide across the globe with primary objective – the selective few in globalists and political pariah centrifuge would control the destiny of eight or odd billion population to infinity.
Then there are those in Europe assigning my identity as the presumably disease “X” for daring to speak the Truth on corona virus being lab manufactured at the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, when the global elite aka EVIL empire were lock step and barrel in hiding the information behind the deadly pathogen unleashed on human population to depopulate world in bio warfare.
The lab manufactured info that was published with substantiated evidence not borrowed or stolen like my identity by those engaged in dissemination and exploitation of me under the pretext of AI like Google and partners from politics and other arena in evil endeavor.
The lab leak was eventually admitted by the outgoing NIH director Dr. Francis Collins in February 2024 to current Congress behind closed door hearing obviously lacking courage and integrity in public confession with due apology.
The nasty vicious assaults on me – in She-bashing, body shaming, identity misappropriation in this context..as there are on many other issues for daring to challenge EVIL every step of the way is the status quo intensified now more than ever much to individual and collective peril.
It has not been limited to physical via proxy and verbal abuse, the EVIL mammoth efforts enforcing restrictions on financial means of me and my family stating – let her survive on $50 or maximum $300 per month while having fleeced on me and my family by politics and other opportunists, wannabes till date is apocalyptic for everyone of them and their family having benefitted from me and my family thus far.
Their financial and life prospects harvested by every one of these narcissists through cut throat bare knuckle parasitic existence of them at our expense make them indebted to us now and forever.
None escape their KARMA in living and upon death. The ones running away from themselves via identity theft and other underhanded devious strategy are the classic examples of the prisoners of guilt and sins hunted down by their evil deeds.
The evil actions never pausing and instead indulging in further deceitful tactics anchored at me which promptly experienced by them in blow back of their unscrupulous nefarious never ending trait from cradle to graveyard.
Barry Soetoro and partner Michael, the duo among the EVIL largesse accusing me of bringing them down and hence vowed to seek revenge are categorically explained on who is who in the segment below.
I never knew who you were nor interested in the least to begin with. It was both of you who approached deploying various ways to reach me despite me resisting and even rejecting your opportunistic goals.
As for the duo Barry Soetoro and partner Michael and that goes for alike, your downfall is your making and doing since your emergence in this world until now marred with duplicity, lies, deception, corruption with backend deals selling the nation with people to oligarchy, gory violence, murder i.e.elimination of anyone regarded an obstacle not until you two have extracted them of every ounce of economic profitability, unthinkable unimaginable meteoric political status…and more only to be abused to the core against them – speaking from personal experience of the latter at the receiving end and anyone considered a hindrance to your sleazy slimy embarrassing deplorable status quo.
Here are the questions I, Padmini Arhant apparently the tech giants and EVIL POLITICS determined and designated alleged AI, have for these tech titans morphed into Satans in virulent personal attacks against me using AI arsenal.
Google – the parent company Alphabet Inc. the founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin – if I’m supposedly the machine and not a human being lacking in feeling or emotions in your disguised version of AI,
Then what prompted your decision to appoint Sundar Pichai – of Indian origin, Tamil speaking South Indian from my native town of Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India in August (my birth month) 2015, as CEO for your publicly traded search engine company GOOGLE of which you both command and control 56% of its stockholder voting power through super-voting stock?
Not to mention Google’s Sundar Pichai diligently marking attendance at the reprehensible anti-humanity premised secret society annual meeting ever since anointed and joining the Board of Directors of Alphabet Inc. in 2017 until now.
How come you both – Larry Page and Sergey Brin as the leading stakeholders of the Alphabet owned Google could not comb through the planet using your AI tools and find someone from anywhere else other than the specific geographic location and Tamil identity recruit for your company Google’s high-profile position?
By the way, your interpretation of AI is a machine and not a human being, then,
Why even bother about nationality, origin and above all politics obsession of me as the black identity in the identity hack / hijack shenanigan?
Not to mention the distortion of my South and South-East Asian origin and birth locations respectively to the total disconnect regions of Egypt and Greece via entertainment media and every other available outlet.
Microsoft – Bill Gates appointee – the CEO of Microsoft of Indian origin with the name Satya Nadella – Satya meaning TRUTH in Indian Hindi and Tamil language to head your mighty organization.
Once again Microsoft flaunting own so-called authentic intelligence unlike the assigned artificial intelligence to me viz. Padmini Arhant, somehow was not capable of finding CEO candidate not bearing any semblance in any aspect or dimension of your presumed “AI” identity essentially truth that is antithetical to EVIL.
Truth telling and speaking is a sin for EVIL run gamut in the contemporary decadent age.
Tesla on your part – renaming Twitter as “X” pointedly slating transgenderism to superimpose politics’ first black Presidential transgender identity syndrome on me – the cut and paste clip board in the bizarre psycho sociopath neurotic disorder drastically affected by cocaine and hard narcotics abuse since eight-years of age into adulthood until now claiming on messianic image.
Tesla’s founder Elon Musk’s – the musk misty murky characteristics play significant role in EVIL conflagration and contradiction of their proposed AI identity to thwart Padmini Arhant’s persistent TRUTH trail and silence the real voice by branding Artificial Intelligence enigma to EVIL envied and reviled arch enemy.
As for politics, the AI propaganda as the main agenda to confine the TRUTH speaking live voice of Padmini Arhant whose first name meaning was publicly disclosed at the onset of TRUTH Divine mission.
Padmini – the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi seated on Lotus flower. The lotus in Indian language Tamil and Hindi is Kamal.
The crooked wicked politics adopting that Kamal or lotus element in the name Padmini, choose the VP candidate named Kamala, largely to denigrate me as exemplified in the incumbent VP’s performance or the lack thereof from erratic vocabulary to incoherent public speaking in contrast to my many public impromptu presentation online and offline in visual content as well as more than 3500 publications till now with more to come despite anonymity and censorship imposition on me.
Additionally, the incumbent VP partial background of Tamil identity in the maternal side associating with my native tongue Tamil and my ancestral home Tamil Nadu, India. The twist here is the VP presented and proclaimed the black woman incessantly to link the black Presidency in the cocktail mix.
My question to the tech giants, politics and all those whoever from wherever insanely obsessed in fatal pursuit of me – Padmini Arhant is;
If I’m allegedly a machine and not a human as falsely indoctrinated in AI description directly aimed at me and my original profile as well as DNA identity,
Then why are these presumptuous self-proclaimed super smart geniuses in politics and politics’ bedfellows tech industry, entertainment, media assortments and other applicable culprits pursuing and obsessed with a machine that is purportedly lifeless apparatus?
For that matter, none of anything written, published and presented in the 16 years till date are mine attributed as the so-called AI, then why profusely target me and my family much to your detriment as already experienced by many in this trade?
Why do you compulsively impose yourselves on us?
Why do you tag, troll, eavesdropping, snooping, spying, preying and literally invading our personal life, space and lifestyle ad nauseam?
Doesn’t the identity crisis of EVIL clarify who is who?
You all can’t have it both ways – it is either your way i.e. bow and kowtow to your tyranny or your policy is – we will make yours and your family life impossible.
Such disposition would invariably and unequivocally backfire at those practicing the ill-fated strategy with immediate turmoil for them and their concerned members whoever they might be.
You collectively with the abusive trajectory against me and my family are being served what the combined forces have offered us all along in return for our magnanimity in unpaid service, (something none of you would do even for half hour knowing how much you extort for delivering speech written by someone else and you charge the so-called fat cats in the Wall Street and elsewhere whom you woo to get paid not less than $500K), let alone doing anything free for over sixteen years that everyone of you have capitalized and made a career as well as future to serve your exclusive and vested interests. Not to mention insisting on my family and my tolerance to your abuse as our obligation to you.
In line with principle and ethics, I do not accept anything as such or other variation from anyone and duly return to the owners and source where it originated from in mutual fairness.
Use and abuse the one upon whom the parasitic narcissist culture thriving not knowing all things have an expiry date and the EVIL in particular together with cohorts are appropriately expediting not own termination rather extinction for real without exception.
Upon this inevitable imminent event, it will be the TRUTH that would remind EVIL and evil troopers – your end is a reality and so are your karma that everyone of you has to deal with in living and following your unavoidable demise sooner than later.
Deal with it as there is no such thing as negotiable deal in one’s own karmic effects returning to them reaping what one sow in their past and present lifetime regardless of whomsoever you may think of yourself as whatever.
Your destructive negativities are curse on you and your family and those corralling behind you with serious ramifications that cannot be averted in any lifetime.
Padmini Arhant
UNSC Resolution – Gaza Immediate Permanent Ceasefire Welcome!
March 25, 2024
UNSC Resolution
Gaza Immediate Permanent Ceasefire
Padmini Arhant
The latest UNSC resolution headed by Japan Presidency presiding over other important ten sovereign member nations adopting the unanimous decision calling for immediate permanent ceasefire, release of all Israeli hostages and unfettered unhindered humanitarian aid to Gazan victims and Israeli hostages held in the six-month-old Gaza war resonate with the Gaza victims enmasse and global citizenry voicing their requests in this regard.
Simultaneously, the unconditional release of all Palestinian hostages from minors to elders held by Israeli authorities in known and undisclosed prisons in Palestine and Israel ensuring their secure union with their Palestinian families is crucial and significant for imminent lasting peace in the otherwise embattled zone.
In addition to these relevant actions, Israel’s complete withdrawal of troops, tanks and forces from Gaza and occupied West Bank as well as East Jerusalem is equally pertinent to allow Palestinian population to recover from the horrendous violence and casualties suffered by them up until now.
The international support and global humanitarian aid is critical to save lives among war victims and survivors in the war zone.
The current UNSC resolution implemented with immediate effect is the duty and responsibility of not only the international body – the United Nations and UNSC,
It is also incumbent upon all parties engaged in this Gaza Genocide to commit to earnest sincere delivery of this decision.
The war having consumed over 30,000 lives and among them children paying the enormous price with their life and many left without a present or future is unsustainable for all sides necessitating the end to the destruction and devastation in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.
The urgency of this matter is directly linked to life and survival of nearly 2 million population in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.
Notwithstanding, the outcome enabling the safe return of all Israeli hostages to their families at home.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Ramadan Greetings – Gaza War Message
March 23, 2024
Ramadan Greetings
Gaza War Message
Padmini Arhant
Ramadan Greetings and Gaza war message – to Children of Palestine – from Padmini Arhant in Arabic and English
Ramadan Greetings & Gaza War Message in English – To Children in Palestine – Padmini Arhant
Padmini Arhant
United States – The land of Justice?
March 17, 2024
United States
The land of Justice?
Padmini Arhant
The UNITED STATES – among other attributes described as the land of justice.
If United States is indeed the land of justice with justice presumably blind and not biased, then let these members of politics and economic sector represented in politics as the most influential Dias be held accountable for their incontrovertible irrefutable crimes against innocent unarmed unprepared citizens and humanity at large.
Barry Soetoro alias Barack Obama – the former President of the United States currently running the administration via proxy representation which in itself is a serious violation and mass deception.
Barry Soetoro and partner Michelle Obama together responsible for murder of members of own race – Miriam Carey – the young black rape victim of Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama with the child by the perpetrator abandoned thus far.
The Obama duo legally liable for the mysterious death of their personal chef – Tafri Campbell, yet another young black father of twin teenagers hired from the White House, with his life abruptly ended in June 2023 at the Obama’s doorstep in their lavish Martha’s Vineyard estate.
The Obama duo post Presidential super wealthy status enabling affordability for elite golf membership costing a whopping $250,000 – $300,000 annually not for sport activity apparently to hobnob with billionaire and multi-billionaires in the exclusive club is merely the tip of the iceberg.
Thats’s not all, the taxpayer funded seaside Hawaii fortress, Lakefront opulent Martha’s Vineyard Estate, Chicago citadel much to the loss, liability and inconvenience of the residents in that neighborhood with again taxpayer financed personal security availed abusing executive privilege against the law of the land and much to taxpayer dissent besides other hidden wealth amassment within eight years in office raise questions on the Obamas’ meteoric financial status surge.
All of the above and more in the background of the so-called community organizer survival on maxed out credit card, outstanding student loan for the duo over 30 years…penniless profile presented during 2008 Presidential campaign.
It is important to note barring the so-called community organizer stint, the financial aspect of the duo is the reality prior to occupation of power not without using, abusing and exploiting including identity theft of the one and the family regarded the arch nemesis, treated with contempt and relentless hostility from 2009 until 2016 and resumed in 2021 till date.
Notwithstanding the Obama duo misuse of taxpayer funded public office and perks taken to the new extreme in splurging taxpayer money of more than $100 million using taxpayer paid defense assets meant for national security such as submarines and other military receptacles for bizarre reason during private family vacation – the wild safari in Africa during the term in office.
The women in Obama family misusing taxpayer facilitated Air Force 1 for personal free shopping spree from D.C. to Paris across the Atlantic on weekend fun trips that were regular outings contributing to mega carbon trail in the environment other than ratcheting expense to ordinary taxpayer were never an issue for the crony media or late night shows starved for materials that otherwise hound and pound on those the political establishment and incognito encircled as the permanent target.
Besides, frequent Chemical trails (Chem trails)on the sky disregarding the elementary school in residential neighborhood of the one whose identity is stolen causing life threatening and consuming illness as a result among family members including pet, neighbors and those affected by this evil action were maintained from 2009 – 2016 and resumed in 2021 until now.
The Chem trail crime as and when it happened in the neighborhood was made publicly aware on several occasions condemning the assault on environment and residents living in the neighborhood via blog posts on this website and sub-domain which were noticed by the abuser however discarded much to own peril.
Amidst such heinous crimes against innocent humans not even sparing children attending elementary school and polluting air with poison harming local environment in the complete abuse of power and taxpayer provided amenities meant solely for national service, the Obama Presidency crying foul over Paris climate treaty is at best absurd and at worst asinine.
The irony in all of this is the Obama duo had no problem chiding struggling Americans losing their primary homes to live within their means amid housing market sub-prime mortgage debacle.
They also demanded of the people to turn off the thermostat in the height of sub-zero frigid temperature during harsh bitter cold winter months while leaving the taxpayer funded White House in full blast heating mode exceeding normal range for personal comfort.
As for the abuse of power in Oval Office under Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama Presidency elaborated and enunciated more than adequately in this website several times over until recently – all of it well substantiated with undeniable factual data.
The other members in politics protected from assorted crimes ranging from corruption to criminality, murder and much more…have also been in spotlight considering their craving for publicity and stardom with no end in sight.
The upper echelons in politics – the former United States President Bill Clinton aka William Jefferson Clinton and partner, the former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton – have their fair share of scandals and litany of charges against them.
The latter Hillary Clinton in particular evading serious criminal indulgence from misuse of office to 2016 Presidential campaign illegalities,
Not barring the unaccountability on the murder of Democrat party worker – the young Jewish twenty four-year-old Seth Rich murder in broad daylight in Washington D.C. for daring to expose the Democrat Party internal unlawful maneuvering of Presidential nomination in 2016.
Similarly, the Democrat party former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi among many incidents, the Democrat members much obsessed January 6, Capitol riot with then Speaker of the House of Congress Nancy Pelosi dereliction of duty to organize security of the building and premise despite requests in that regard and,
Furthermore, relevantly the former House Speaker’s family members participation in the contentious event referenced as insurrection with their images and footprints at the crime scene – meticulously dismissed from public discourse and legal ramifications speak volume on Justice blindsided in partisan politics.
The current Presidency for optics – Joe Biden and the next of kin Hunter Biden transnational corruption dealings and shenanigans using taxpayer money in the bargain with foreign governments from Ukraine to former Mayor in Moscow, Kazakhstan and China among the notable referenced nations in the explosive scandals entirely for personal enrichment are declared unfounded allegations.
The not so surprising stance reject unequivocal physical and forensic evidence such as documents, on camera Joe Biden’s live threats against Ukraine government to remove the Ukrainian prosecutor then pursuing Hunter Biden nefarious contract with Ukrainian oligarchy overwhelmed by other materials viz. Hunter Biden laptop etc. to all of the charges up until now.
That does not mean the members on the right are RIGHT and sacrosanct on their part – from the Republican House Representative Liz Cheney to Senator Lindsey Graham and others have much to confess to their constituents and the nation at large on their pledge of allegiance in private and public to those except the nation – the United States and the citizens as the electorate and taxpayer funding their positions and title.
Senator Lindsey Graham marking attendance without fail at the abhorrent repugnant secret society meetings that continuously plot, conspire and inflict enormous harm endangering lives not only of U.S. citizens but also humanity at large.
The activity from a sitting Senator in public office constitute treason and betrayal of citizens trust in own constituency and the entire nation.
Above all, the health catastrophe unleashed via the bio-engineered corona virus SARS COV2 remain the ceaseless health malady jeopardizing life and wellness of global citizens until date.
United States funding and partnering in the horrendous crime against humanity bind everyone of those benefitting and profiteering at the vast majority of human population misery, incredible pain and suffering that persists till date and expected to be lifelong health battle for many in the United States and other parts of the world.
The prominent ones among many profiteers are the following.
The UNC – Chapel Hill Professor Ralph Steven Baric, Department of Epidemiology noted as the pioneer of the controversial gain-of-function research, the corner stone of the SARS Corona virus experiment in Wuhan lab, Hubei province, China.
The investors betting and profiteering from the Frankenstein experimental scientific disaster costing tremendous human lives and tragedies extended into lifetime health impairment and calamity.
The NIAID director from 1984 – 2022, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci for pivotal role in prior financing of the controversial SARS COV2 experiment in Wuhan lab, China and deal making with vaccine manufacturer Moderna in 2015 and subsequent flip flopping in utter mismanagement of the epidemic evolving into global pandemic.
The NIH, United States in the financial provision via conduit organization to the controversial SARS COV2 experiment in the Wuhan Virology institute, China.
The EU direct financial contribution to SARS COV2 experiment in Wuhan lab, China.
The investors – Bill Gates and Melinda Gates of the Bill and Melinda Gates family foundation direct investment in the SARS COV2 experiment and phenomenal gains from earlier investment in vaccine manufacturing deal in 2015.
Likewise all other investors in the deadly potent lab manufactured SARS COV2 lately admitted by the outgoing NIH director Dr. Francis Collins in the behind closed doors hearing held by the House Intelligence Committee of United States Congress is proven devastating health cataclysm of the century.
The other members equally liable and responsible are the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for withholding critical information on the SARS COV2 virus human to human transmission at Beijing’s behest and instructions until well after the full blown pandemic in late January 2020.
The vaccine manufacturers Pfizer Inc., Moderna Inc. and similarly based in U.K. in their role influencing, pressurizing governments on vaccine mandate for personal and vested financial interests cannot be ruled out in the profiteering game.
The Wuhan Virology Institute and Beijing as the ultimate authority are culpable and liable in the worst heath crisis resulting in millions of deaths globally and causing permanent health issues for millions with lifetime hazards are by no definition a forgettable or excusable crime in human history.
The human health challenged with gag orders, cancel culture and censorship on free flow of information from science experts, professionals, frontline health workers and last but not the least the public experiencing and enduring the ill-effects from the virus and / or the vaccine were barred and banned from public domain in sharing their legitimate genuine plight as well as concerns in the or(deal).
Accordingly, it is incumbent on the land of justice to hold all of the above mentioned individuals and members in different important designations as well as duties, privileges and influential status inappropriately abusing power and positions accountable for their actions and deliberate inaction resulting in preventable deaths and irreversible damage to mankind across the spectrum.
The failure to apply the law of the land in all these situations letting them scot free and worse hosting them as the guest of honor by institutions, governments and other organizations in various discipline categorically define status quo on the ominous biased partisan politics oppression of fair justice system transcending preference and prejudice.
Even otherwise, the victims in the corona virus COVID19 pandemic and synonymously the political targets in the unprecedented hypocrisy remain the formidable reminder of the travesty of justice in the United States and global domain.
The world would be a better place in the expedited elimination of narcissism disguised as elitism.
Simultaneously, sparing the global captive audience from the Kabuki theater featuring the liability on earth aka the Royalty – generationally obligatory to surrender accumulated colonial wealth to the respective colonies and the so-called commoners providing the Royal lifestyle would exemplify sanity, liberty and justice.
Padmini Arhant
Zionist Confession and United States Mockery of Humanitarian Aid
March 6, 2024
United States Mockery of Humanitarian Aid
Padmini Arhant
Update March 8, 2024:
Inflicting more casualties rather than saving lives in the ludicrous air dropping from parachute.
Courtesy – MEE image – Thank you.
There are questions raised seeking explanation from the United States democrat administration especially the operative behind the proxy in the White House on the latest bizarre air dropping of food from parachutes to desperate Gaza victims forced into starvation by Israel and western coalition since October 7, 2023 air raid, relentless bombing and air strikes targeting children, women and the rest of the population in the embattled Gaza war zone.
While the United States maintaining silence along with other western coalition partners in Israel’s blockade of humanitarian aid by road evidenced in 800 trucks carrying flour, water, medicines etc., prohibited from entering Gaza in the southern tip at Rafah crossing for the past three or more weeks,
The coastal Gaza with sea freights of humanitarian cargo could easily be facilitated to reach the Gazan war victims in a safe, hygienic and humane method for easy access and distribution to the survivors.
None of these options apparently even occurred viable to United States administration, who instead settled for air dropping food and that too from parachutes displaying arrogance in dehumanization of the victims they are individually and collectively responsible for in the first place.
Even with air dropping, why weren’t the choppers organized that could have landed on the ground and safely delivered items to Gazan population rather than the way food were dropped from mid-air to the needy making them scatter all around for the essential meal?
Are the parachutes deliberately chosen to mimick the Skydive and parachute landing of their arch nemesis in the obviously abusive deplorable stunt?
Why is the envious numbskull Dajjal aka AntiChrist satan hell bent on making a mockery of self and all those bowing to satan’s satanic cheap thrills?
Remember – none of these will go unpunished for Dajjal and those complicit in this evil act.
Warning to Dajjal : Save your shenanigans and refrain from unnecessarily provoking the wrath of none other than Almighty God’s unbearable reckoning that is already upon you and those complicit in the despicable charade.
Padmini Arhant
Zionist Confession
Padmini Arhant
Courtesy : Public domain
Middle East Eye – Thank you.
Clarification : GOD neither favor nor aid any form of slavery, discriminatory practice dehumanizing oppressive repressive authoritarianism against anyone.
The alliance in this context is from those who are weak, greedy, corrupt to the core and insecure demonstrated in the coalition with belligerent Israel targeting unarmed innocent children, women, the young, sick and the old in Gaza while remaining cold and callous ignoring billions of voices world over not barring own electoral base voters calling for permanent ceasefire in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.
Those who embarked on such endeavor since world creation succumbed to disappearance into oblivion as GOD’s will.
The Zionist and allies’ disposition is delusional to begin with and the notion is that of the mind enslaved by the satan who always deceitfully abuse GOD’s name in obsession aimed at destruction of innocent lives inevitably resulting in self-termination.
Man proposes and God disposes witnessed and experienced since time immemorial.
Western and non-western electorate deliberation is critical in this horrific time of the present world events especially the Gaza genocide funded by United States taxpayer dollars against their explicit opposition, fueled by western artillery albeit reaping fortune by killing thousands in Gaza like in any warfare including the biowarfare such as COVID pandemic and profiteering from vaccine worldwide.
Furthermore, the unforgivable monstrosity in Gaza against children and babies in incubators defended by western political echelons, media from the dishonest Skynews Australia aka convict colony / down under colonial kiss a** and alike to non-western partner anywhere in the coalition rejecting global dissent to end Gaza GENOCIDE and ethnic cleansing carried out as the Supremacists’ entitlement.
The atrocities against innocent Palestinian population will never break the formidable resolve in the re-establishment of Free Palestine in accordance with GOD’s WILL and blessings from Almighty God.
Free Palestine is not a mere slogan rather an imminent reality.
Padmini Arhan
Evil Funeral
March 1, 2024
Evil Funeral
Padmini Arhant
Scoundrel Kavodhi Funeral
(Video Presentation in Hindi Language)
The subject in the video – name – Kavodhi
Place of Birth – Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
Date of Birth – September 17, 1950
Father’s Name – Unknown
Marital Status – Polygamist
Offspring – None due to ED
Language – Teleprompter
Occupation – Corruption, Criminality, Massacre, Communal Violence, Provocation, Perversion, Radical Fundamentalist, Authoritarian abuse of power.
Expiry Date – September 17, 2003
The following message is also applicable to every autocratic lunatic abusing politics and political power holding democracy under siege and leaving the republic in such democracy, the oppressed prisoners of 21st century Fascism.
Is it surprising that the one having mastered the art of homicide in practice throughout his life to get where he wants and comfortably evolved into cannibal and terror sponsor. Then sooner degraded to behind the scene chief operative in genocide rushing to rescue his alter ego ditto in character and sins upon the latter convicted of communal violence related pogrom in political tenure?
The evil duopoly play the race and religion card for survival in evil swamp.
While the one obsessed with skin pigmentation specifically the melanin though having murdered many among own race, the other exploit religion of the majority in his domain despite him not belonging to that religion prompted by vindictiveness are the mirror reflection of each other confronted with appropriate karmic effects of their sinful violent embarrassing legacy in living and thereafter.
The evil duopoly together corral behind similar types in political circumference.
Attention: Fascist Genocider
You neither have any right nor the authority over individual or content published in locations outside of your jurisdiction as this is not the first time you have violated free speech rights of foreign citizen.
Your wanton provocation, sleazy intervention and intrusion in personal life of others and that of sovereign nations as your megalomaniacal privilege is your delusion that needs to be abandoned in your limited life span’s interest.
This ain’t your Gujarat back alley for you to flex your rogue hooligan hoodlum tactics.
Your time was up long ago and your bruised ego is evidently expediting your long overdue exit.
You better not indulge in such intrusive indecent impropriety for the sake of the country India, you claim to represent with 1.5 billion citizenry held hostage to your authoritarian diktat and brute mobocracy fraudulently declared the world’s largest democracy.
Padmini Arhant
Colonialism – Premise Might is Right
February 19, 2024
Premise Might is Right
Padmini Arhant
Colonialists ask –
Why do you think colonialism is so bad?
Response – What makes colonialism justified as an entitlement?
Would anyone in the right mind not barring colonialists and servile surrogates welcome and tolerate anything varying from bugs, insects, termites, critters to racoons…pesky pests to infectious nasty vermins colonize and raid their home, walls, floors, crevice and crawl space knowing how damaging and destructive it is not only for the home structure but also threaten the residents’ lives living in that environment?
Basic simple understanding,
What is not good for violators unequivocally not suitable for the violated over generations.
Padmini Arhant
Israel – Leadership and War Crime
February 1, 2024
Leadership and War Crime
Padmini Arhant
Update: February 4, 2024.
Politics latest strategy to remain in power in the face of their failed flawed governance and public dissatisfaction comprise the following.
1. Wage and collude by funding and fueling incessant wars killing unaccounted number of civilians with no accountability whatsoever.
2. Polarize society using race, religion, gender, identity politics and any social, political and religious platform.
3. Retain hypocrisy in denial of any wrongdoing and scapegoat anyone regarded a fair game.
4. The ruling power barring opponent from fair participation in electoral process with litany of charges not excluding prison sentence. The ruling party undemocratic unconstitutional action by extension deprive the legitimate opposition any opportunity for campaigning in national election.
Case in point: United States and Pakistan.
The politically motivated convictions against opponent from the ruling politics and essentially behind the scenes operatives being the fulcrum spinning the wheel is authoritarian by design and default exclusively for personal interests acknowledge two critical facts.
A. The incognito run proxy government is proven economic, political and social liability besides eliminating democracy via such setup antithetical to transparent political system. Furthermore, the trend explicitly demonstrate bias against political opponent and in other scenario zero tolerance to the alternative A-political voice of reason and rationality.
B. Simultaneously, the incumbency policy and actions against opposition is acceptance of the latter formidable challenge to the forces in power against republic will. The incumbent performance reflect desperation exasperating rather than alleviating vast majority population deteriorating economic conditions.
Padmini Arhant
Update: Feb 3, 2024: Israel and Western front on Gaza War.
Israel’s genocide having consumed more than 30,000 innocent civilian lives with at least 11,000 or more children and infants among them in the ludicrous so-called self-defense is granted unbridled power militarily and via funding courtesy – U.S. Democrat administration and Congress.
The United States democrat administration with bi-partisan Congress generously distributing taxpayer money having provided $14 billion at the onset of the war in October 2023 besides continuing annual $3.8 billion to Israel to intensify genocide and exacerbate Palestinian humanitarian crises in the four-month-old graveyard mission share the burden of unforgivable crimes against humanity especially children and infants remaining the prime target.
That goes for the rest of the western stance applicable to all those in collusion and complicity having demonstrated in EU 312 votes echoing genocidal trend behind their ally Israel.
Similarly, the non-western co-operation and co-ordination taking marching orders from belligerent Israel in believing and accepting any contrived contoured unsubstantiated allegations that are the norm since occupation in 1948 until now to justify illegal settlements and apartheid while persistently claiming victimhood insist on prolonging the hideous hypocrisy.
The latest stunt from Israel which is least surprising given the legacy, now declaring to bomb the most crowded Rafah crossing having evacuated the war victims – the Palestinians from Northern Gaza to Southern side. Then attacking them upon their arrival in Southern area as clarified in Khan Younis city under the pretext of attacking Hamas inflicting more civilian casualties there.
Then upon the terrified, starved, hungry, thirsty, wounded arrival in Rafah considering it as a safety zone, with many civilians having lost body parts in the relentless shelling from the western aided Israeli artillery alongside denied any emergency medical treatment with hospitals and medical centers bombed into rubbles are apparently not yet done.
As though these atrocities aren’t enough, the blockade of Egypt’s humanitarian aid across the border to the suffering Palestinians are declined entry by Israel organized Israeli protesters.
These activities categorically confirm the state of Israel, the western coalition whoever is involved in this historic human rights violations in the first quarter of the twenty first century surpassing any that are constantly reminded of by the current oppressors and violent aggressors of their experience in the previous twentieth century.
In fact, Israel, United States and other western and non-western alliance are accelerating innocent unarmed Palestinian civilian genocide rather than deceleration bringing the deaths and decimation to decisive conclusion.
The constantly cited earlier crimes by those such as Adolf Hitler and alike pale in comparison to ongoing display of arrogance and apathy to human life in the mass graves specifically aimed at Palestinians and Nakba / forceful displacement and evacuation from their native land.
The merciless carnage and catastrophe unleashed by present successors of war and humanitarian crimes voluntarily forfeit any such claim about their victimization in holocaust and any other experience related to them.
The systemic killings of civilians in Gaza and across Palestine clearly demonstrate Israel backed and promoted by western and other non-western partners’ return to medieval era and even Stone Age with barbarism wreaking havoc in the name of western superiority.
It is a sign of precipitous decline of civilization and culture endorsing beastly nature to the point of no return.
Needless to say, these situations invariably bear monumental consequences for those involved to regret in living and upon demise for everyone of them confronted with personal guilt and criminality.
The evil termination is aptly in play right now depicted in authoritarian slaughter of children and all lives in western authorized Israel‘s vindictive prejudiced disproportionate military bombardment of Gaza and entire Palestine.
In God’s Supreme Kingdom, justice might be delayed, however never denied as proven time and time again since time immemorial.
Padmini Arhant
Update: Feb 2, 2024 : UNRWA – the defunding of the UN humanitarian relief agency for Palestinian refugees in Gaza and population outside in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt by 17 countries at Israeli PM and political members behest is haste impulsive response.
The alleged involvement of UNRWA four or five members on October 7, 2023 Hamas attack presented by Israel (subject to verification based on several false accounts earlier from Israel only to be proven fabrication and fake) to the funding nations have been accepted without any delay or deliberation in the withdrawal of monetary support to UNRWA in Palestine.
The action from 17 countries regardless of catastrophic humanitarian crisis created and continued by Israel defying international condemnation is blindsided with explicit double standards in the assessment of civilian plight including mass graves as the outcome in the ongoing violent aggression by Israel and allies viz. the United States.
The key financier United States – funding Israel’s belligerence and series of violations, both along with any other faction complicit in the inhumane violent slaughter of Gazans and other Palestinians have long departed from civilized democratic humanitarian law abiding political systems.
Their combined collaborative genocide since October 7, 2023 till date refusing to permanently ceasefire to save lives clarify the precise objective i.e. indefinite warfare with collective punishment not even sparing infants and innocent civilians in the territory.
The callous decision further exemplified in suspension of critical humanitarian assistance to the war victims and Palestinian refugees through UNRWA.
Where are the urgently required actions from the western and other members among 17 states reacting to UNRWA otherwise remaining silent to Israeli PM, radical members as well as cabinet ministers publicly calling and conducting ethnic cleansing of Gazans and resettlement of Gaza with violent extremist illegal foreign settlers in the occupied territories of Palestine?
It’s time to reject manipulation and maneuvering, the aggressors routines to maintain status quo unwilling to end genocide and brutal colonization of Palestine.
International citizens are witness to the heinous crimes committed by Israel against Gazans and other Palestinians over 75 years abusing United States taxpayers fund and military stockpiles to establish authoritarian regime having renounced democracy since creation of the state of Israel on Palestine.
Free and independent Palestine is inevitable imminent event overriding unscrupulous illegitimate occupation and violent exertion of Israeli authority boosted by United States and any other collusion from anywhere.
The upcoming immediate development is similar to all things that matter concerning humanity.
Man proposes guided by egregious self-righteous greed driven interests and,
Almighty God accordingly disposes such manifestation to the benefit of the people unfairly subject to endless injustice.
The day is over for tyranny to expect the victims to bow to atrocities and oppression lasting several generations as their constant fate.
Instead, the reckoning is upon tyranny to take a bow and quit the long held tradition of invasion and subjugation as entitlement.
Padmini Arhant
Israel’s retaliation against entire Gaza and the rest of Palestinian territories following October 7, 2023 Hamas attack, continued till date has resulted in not only deaths and destruction of Gazan population and the territory, it also has devastating impact on Israel’s IDF forces deployed in Gaza and other parts of occupied Palestine.
The leader of the nation as the head of the state Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has become the death merchant unwilling to relent to international community call for permanent ceasefire. The war in Gaza in the fourth month since it began has consumed around 30,000 civilian lives among whom more than 11,000 are children alone.
The Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s stance heeding belligerent guidance within own cabinet and foreign powers at the start on October 7, 2023 accelerated with unconscionable war crimes ranging from deliberate suspension of drinking water, food, medicines and basic survival needs to bombing of hospitals, schools, places of worship not only mosques in Gaza but also the church in Jerusalem, Gazan civilian residential buildings reduced to rubble in the ongoing ravaging war.
The leadership of any nation becoming the role model for indiscriminate brutality demonstrated by the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and government members diligently adapted by the conscripted IDF personnel on the grounds in Gaza is a colossal failure of leadership having eliminated democracy in Israel.
The IDF executions of Gazan families, bombing of civilian homes and all public facilities displayed via viral videos proudly celebrating decimation of Gaza and annihilation of civilians and calling to intensify genocide exemplify the national head of the state Netanyahu’s leadership corrupting human psyche especially among own IDF personnel turning them into blood thirsty ravenous beings having hopelessly surrendered to the political will of the leadership.
The Israeli Prime Minister in return is running away from self to evade own corruption scandal and related legal consequences serving as the cause for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s indefinite genocide.
Meanwhile, the war fatigued Israeli IDF drafted personnel many of whom are fairly young are now transformed into lifeless without Soul like the Prime Minister Netanyahu adamantly misleading the troops and the rest of the nation entirely and exclusively for personal political salvation to remain in power.
The Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu facing many serious charges from corruption stigma to dereliction of duty in security and directly responsible for exacerbating Israeli hostage situation with deaths among them in Israel’s relentless bombing by declining permanent ceasefire and immediate exchange of all hostages on both sides could no longer be differed nor buried in vain.
The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decline in leadership is ominously influencing IDF shifting away from normal human behavior to aggressive killing machines in the war zone and the long occupied Palestine.
The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s extended political tenure predominantly aimed at concentration of power proved in upending democracy much to entire nation’s angst and frustration drawing months long protests throughout Israel and,
Thereafter the developments until now is undoubtedly costly in terms of ordinary and defense force lives in the national front, Palestinian citizens, the region and the entire world.
Not to mention American tax payer financing the protracted warfare despite their dissent reverberating in peaceful demonstrations across the nation ever since the onset of war.
Again the call for peace slighted by the politics in the United States, the administration and bi-partisan Congress continuing business as usual in perpetuating the genocide and carnage in semblance with Afghanistan and Iraq invasions earlier.
The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leadership is by far the deadliest and irrecoverable liability for Israel and that goes without saying for Palestinians and the possibility of peaceful settlement and permanent resolution to the long outstanding Middle Eastern Arab / Islamic – Israeli quagmire.
The regional volatility expanded into global tensions are currently the state of affairs affecting the world at large in every aspect from global security to economic repercussions.
The international citizenry have called out Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s incontrovertible war crimes in the Gaza war.
However, the formal legal assertion in case filed by sovereign nations Mexico and Chile on January 18, 2024 citing war crimes in the Gaza war with legally binding prosecutorial charges on individual war crimes presided over by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Hague further confirm the veracity of Gazan genocide escalation with no end in sight prompting concerned international intervention to end the heinous crimes against innocent unarmed civilians in Gaza and the remaining Palestine.
Regardless of the outcome in such legal pursuits, Israel being a non-member and thereby Israel neither recognize the jurisdiction nor comply with any ICC or ICJ, UN, UNSC and any other international body decision.
The conviction of war crimes against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and allies in the Gaza genocide and arbitrary violation of human rights is indisputable irrefutable fact with the unequivocal ruins in Gaza as the testament to reality.
Permanent ceasefire enabling release of all hostages on both sides with expedited Palestinian statehood and independence ending Israel’s three-quarter-century old illegal occupation, colonization and apartheid in entire Palestine is the only solution now and moving forward.
Termination of Gaza war for peace to benefit entire population in Gaza, the rest of Palestine, the Middle East region and the world is the regional and global responsibility.
Padmini Arhant
Evil Imminent End
January 26, 2024
Evil Imminent End
Padmini Arhant
Emphatic TRUTH:
Those assuming and defiantly remaining in power on the delusion they are indispensable and that the nation and the world would collapse upon their exit or removal from power are enlightened with emphatic truth.
Any leadership as the head of the state claim and believe they are irreplaceable and hence lifetime position is justifiable admittedly declare their individual incompetence and colossal failure to generate talent, leadership qualities, thinkers, visionaries and diverse contributions towards collective progress, development and prosperity.
The status quo is synonymous to a teacher with students failing to meet standard requirements to survive and succeed in life in the former objective to retain the job for lifetime. The paradoxical scenario obstructs new enrollment by detaining / failing entire class for personal interest.
The condition then attributed to the one heading the class as the only one capable and suitable for the position despite results revealing otherwise.
Padmini Arhant
1. Who should be helped anytime in life?
A. Dog in difficulty. ☑️
B. Sleazy uncouth ungrateful exploitative politics seeking power only turn around and show true colors black or white regardless.👎
2. What is the indicator of poor economic growth?
A. Export domestic labor force overseas with unemployment at 8 – 10% or more in national economy.
B. Imports at all time high. Inflation, Interest and Income tax at peak.
C. Per capita income is all time low.
D. Significantly behind in the global poverty index than other developing nations in the region.
E. All of the above. ☑️
3. What is fake glory?
A. The quid pro quo bribe with economic and monetary transactions for glorification in public. ☑️
B. Performance exemplified with modesty.
4. What kind of politics endanger national interests?
A. Coup d’é·tat, corruption, criminality, lack of transparency and accountability, extension of power by any means and at all costs jeopardizing republic status and democracy.☑️
B. Acknowledge own failure and aid able and reliable replacement.
5. What is true leadership?
A. Create leaders among general population on merit barring cronyism.☑️
B. Respect term limits in office and facilitate peaceful efficient succession of power.☑️
C. Deny opportunity to talented and potential prospects.
D. Promote violence, exploit social and religious aspects, polarization of society for political gains.
E. Never seize or claim anything that does not belong or apply to self i.e. hijack identity.☑️
F. Servile to oligarchy, special interests and obedient to evil diktat.
G. Tolerance to free speech and basic constitutional rights. ☑️
H. Accept constructive criticism gracefully without acrimony and political vendetta.☑️
Padmini Arhant