Identity Politics is Personal Complex Disorder (PCD)
November 2, 2024
Identity Politics
Personal Complex Disorder
Padmini Arhant
Identity Politics is Personal Complex Disorder – Rooted in Prejudicial Nomenclature
The Supremacists of any genre, Globalists and the so-called Commoners dependent Royalists in Britain and Europe besides politics variety obsession and manifestation in identity politics viz. the race – the black race in particular, gender again trans gender amongst all, sexual orientation fixated on gay and any further declassification of human race is the mirror reflection of own identity i.e. personal complex disorder.
The Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in identity politics for these deeply disturbed minds evolved into PCD – Personal Complex Disorder.
The one who does not know oneself often indulge in attributing self-identity crisis to those they envy for their clarity in every respect. Nonetheless, the futile effort to disown individual contra personality syndrome is a wasted life.
The process delivering outcome in revealing them as to
Who they are?
Anything except for being human devoid of humane values and virtues to accept human race as humans barring explicit identification badge depicting isolation and denomination to suit their troubled tarred mind in the inescapable escapism of their identity dilemma.
It is time to bid FAREWELL to such narcissism under the guise of elitism ravenous in devouring anything and everything opposed to their paradoxical nature.
Unfortunately clarification is required on basic to general matter. Let alone anything above average amongst the dull nitwit ignoramus pompous arrogant ignorant recalcitrant decadent sect and political cult behind identity politics mania.
Padmini Arhant
Turn The Page Slogan 🙃 – Concession Speech
November 2, 2024
Turn the Page Concession Speech
Padmini Arhant
Update: November 3, 2024.
The article is also published in the sub-domain for wider accessibility.
Please share the article with your family, friends and community at large especially with the nation and the world at the crossroads to bring about positive turning point away from the ongoing dismal gloomy environment in all aspects.
Your co-operation and enthusiasm is much appreciated.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
DEI – The Obamas Agenda is anything but altruistic.
In giving the benefit of doubt, the Obamas would not have authorized the public summary execution of a young black mother Miriam Carey with Barack Obama’s child by the rape victim witness to the horrific crime.
The toddler strapped in the child seat in the back seat of the car mercilessly targeted by the Obamas authorized tax payer funded security personnel firing squad exhausting the magazine in the firing of the unarmed American citizen, the young black woman Mirian Carey gunned down in public square with twenty five or more bullets in 2014.
Talk about rage. The Obamas explicit anger overwhelmed emotion against own member of black race – a woman, mother and that too unarmed civilian exemplified in the Obamas’ hypocritical gun control campaign.
The incident raise a poignant concern among many normal citizens.
Is this is the reason, the Obamas and Kamala Harris are against United States second amendment bill of rights?
The disarming of the law abiding licensed gun owners in the country via media surrogates like Jon Stewart and other spokespersons in the media alley.
Similarly, the unelected democrat candidate VP Kamala Harris proudly claiming to be armed and loaded with Glock brand semi-automatic weapon in public statement during 60 minutes interview and their surrogate Oprah Winfrey show.
The Obamas ever craving for publicity and limelight would have also accepted Barack Obama’s child from the rape victim Miriam Carey instead of tossing the child in the arms of a white male stranger – the ex-CIA operative alongside screaming Black Lives Matter!
Never mind about the Obamas denial of child support to the child they both are responsible for – in rape of the mother by one partner followed by the brutal murder of the rape victim by the Obamas together.
In June 2023, the Obamas chef Tafri Campbell – the young black father was murdered at the doorstep of the Obamas lake front Martha’s Vineyard Estate.
Again Tafri Campbell’s wife and teenage twins not only deprived of their loved one as husband and father, they were also left to fend for themselves after losing a prime bread winner in the family.
This is the Obamas DEI policy when it comes to their personal life and legacy.
Politically – the Obamas DEI find ways to undercut or simply ram over the hard working, sincere lawful citizens whether students enrollment complying with educational institutions rigorous admission protocol or the Presidential race.
The article below aptly describes about the Obamas Presidential race nefarious practice to dump the democrat voters in the 2024 democrat primary by pushing forward their proxy candidate Kamala Harris for self-interests.
However, today’s article in the San Francisco Chronicle sheds light on the creation and implementation of the policy titled –
“The direct admission.”
Under this policy, according to the article with excerpts provided under.
The high profile colleges and the California State University and campuses funded by California tax payers and perhaps federal funding by American taxpayers are required to seek students with enrollment offer rather than the other way around.
It is not meant for all students of diverse background in direct contradiction to diversity equity inclusion – the Obamas conceptualized DEI.
It is largely race designed again to negate the recent United States Supreme Court decision on the Affirmative Action brought upon by Asian students turned down admission in Ivy league schools viz. Harvard and alike despite their stellar scholastic achievements.
The San Francisco Chronicle on –
The direct admission policy mandating tax payer funded educational institutions such as the California State Universities, Colleges and privately endowed colleges to comply with segregationist enrollment program is based on polarization of society anchored on youth generations to compete with those served with offer on platter from college education to Presidency in the United States.
There is no problem in extending opportunity to any and all. The approach to let certain members forego procedures that are otherwise clearly defined for the rest to observe is politics’ devised discrimination.
The trend is neither helpful to the beneficiaries made habitual of being served everything without any labor on their part.
Simultaneously, nor prospective to the economy and society at large in isolating and refusing equal participation to the majority seeking a future with fairness premised on merit, caliber and productivity.
The DEI to rob from one to provide for another – when the one who is robbed plays by the rule enduring hardships and phenomenal struggles besides meritocracy while the other granted privilege to flout the same rule.
It has become the norm with Presidency in that manner setting precedence under the Obamas DEI and their democrat party manifesto.
It is apparently – the New Way Forward by pushing the eligible, qualified and talented backward in the Obamas campaigned proxy Harris Presidency.
Padmini Arhant
The San Francisco Chronicle article – November 3, 2024.
The TRUTH Deniers
To TRUTH deniers walking on thin ice.
The democrat political party, democrat party vast array of media, tech partners and Hollywood – pretty much the Super wealthy rallying using ordinary taxpayer money in Harris campaign are obligatory to explain to American voters merely 48 hours left for 2024 election.
If the 2020 election was sacrosanct and the presumed winner Joe Biden Presidency was legitimate, then
What made Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi…the chief protagonists aided by Hollywood’s George Clooney and alike on New York Times podium to aggressively sideline the incumbent President Joe Biden with mob-style ultimatum – the soft approach or the hard line strategy baiting Hunter Biden’s plea bargain in the coup d’é·tat against the democrat political establishment installed 2020 Presidency Joe Biden?
The democrat political echelons move to prop up unelected candidacy of Kamala Harris predominantly to serve the Obamas agenda.
Otherwise, they could have easily adhered to the democratic primary and held open democratic election of the democrat voters’ choice for collective greater good.
Unlike the status quo premised on race / gender oriented divisive identity politics in their visibly anxious furious campaigning for themselves via the puppet Kamala Harris.
Who is the existential threat to democracy?
The truth deniers incarceration and imprisonment of American citizens seeking validity of their votes via democratic means.
The political authority abusing power via proxy administration in 2020 and now engaged in prolonging the anti-democratic system and illegal Presidency in 2024.
The pro-democratic large swath of American electorate pledged to restoring real democracy under the Republican contender Donald J. Trump?
Actions invariably speak louder than rhetoric and false propaganda.
This is for the democrat voters in the blue states – California, New York, and Upper East Coast, Midwest as well as the Swing states voters to understand and reject the current wayward policy of democrat so-called elites blatant rejection of their own democrat base and mass electorate in the Presidential final nomination of the candidacy in 2024 Presidential race.
Padmini Arhant
MSM Role on Election Night
American electorate taking the time and effort to reclaim their present and future foremost for better economic conditions remaining alert to secure their ballots is important in this election.
The economic decline in most Americans life impetus electing the Presidency Donald Trump with proven record on prosperity in 2017 – 2020.
The financial status of ordinary Americans that has significantly deteriorated since 2021 – 2024 under Biden – Harris administration run by the Obamas who are admonishing black, Latino and women voters for not obliging their marching orders to vote for their puppet nominee Kamala Harris to extend their illegitimate fourth term in office with indefinite being a possibility for further harrowing experience by overwhelming Americans struggling to get by in their daily life.
The voters need to be wary of one thing based on the trajectory in the election and that is MSM role – the media calling out the state to tip election long before the votes are counted in each county of every state in the country on election night i.e. November 5th, of the year.
This pattern is the ominous strategy to shift election and already a case study available in the previous election cycle notably the 2020 Presidential election where FOX news tipped the scale in Arizona way earlier despite the lead at that time favored then Republican contender Donald Trump in 2020.
The electorate votes in any election anywhere are far more valuable to be neutralized by the Corporate media presumptuously assuming as the ultimate authority to declare winner on either side even before the complete vote counting and tallying have taken place in a legitimate fashion.
The electoral process without any hanky-panky tricks or tactics deployed to scam voters in the election that have been experienced before like trashing ballots or deleting voter registrations, switching voter’s choice however and various underhanded short cuts practiced in desperation.
Accordingly, American voters reminding their respective MSM news media from CNN, CBS, to ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, FOX, PBS including digital news outlets…not to maintain that tradition rather abandon such illicit custom to enable their pre-determined nominee as the winner – witnessed in 2020 Presidential election is critical to protect the sanctity and validity of every vote cast by American voters from all walks of life transcending identity politics in this and every election – now and moving forward.
Foreign Interference in U.S. Election – The same is applicable to foreign news outlets online and television news networks viz. FOX News proprietor Rupert Murdoch owned and run Sky News Australia.
The Indian politics and foreign alliance set up under the banner WION, First Post, Vantage etc., notoriously featuring propaganda and vested interests politics in direct violation of journalistic ethics and standards…upon such conventions relevant in modern journalism in severe corrosion with departure from intellectual objective presentation of information and news article.
Never let your votes be discarded by media or pollsters gaming the game in collusion with those invested in personal and political interests exclusively to their sole benefit at the expense of the rest of the population.
Padmini Arhant
One would turn the page from the current to go to the NEXT PAGE.
Intelligence is nonsense without common sense.
The incumbent VP Kamala Harris is the current, contemporary page.
The unelected democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris plea to own audience and voters at the campaign rally to TURN THE PAGE from the present Biden – Harris administration – the United States is suffering from to the NEXT PAGE i.e. of the opponent Donald Trump is quite touching and comes across as the concession speech from the existing VP Kamala Harris.
It is rare for politics to acknowledge own failure and invite the opponent to replace them.
Nonetheless, the unelected democrat nominee Kamala Harris invoking American electorate to TURN THE PAGE from the persisting dismal economic status, negative job growth, crime infested border saga, bleeding wars in lives and American taxpayer treasure in Ukraine, Middle East and other unresolved global turmoil…are indeed burgeoning issues urgently requiring to TURN THE PAGE FROM the painful Present to positive Future bidding FAREWELL to the one and those behind the administration in the White House of which Kamala Harris is at the top of the hierarchy along with other dysfunctional representation in Congress and the Senate in the United States government.
As for the VP calling for disqualification of the opponent Presidential candidate Donald Trump is yet another enigma and stigma directed at self.
The clarion call considering the democrat political party ditching own primary election in the 2024 Presidential nomination to prop up the incumbent VP Kamala Harris in what has to be – unburdening what has been – the grueling exhausting Biden-Harris governance of the country and their flawed policy on global affairs.
The status quo is compelling for the American electorate in the blue states, red states and importantly the SWING STATES in this election 2024 to VOTE TRUMP 2024 and TURN THE PAGE from Kamala Harris administration and those behind the gamut with cheerful,
So Long, Farewell!
Padmini Arhant
United States Swing States – Presidential Race 2024
October 23, 2024
United States Swing States
Presidential Race 2024
Padmini Arhant
To: The American Electorate including the 7 swing states;
Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Attention: The Arab Muslim Americans in the swing state Michigan especially the Dearborn Michigan and the Blue State Minnesota and other parts of the United States.
Please do not fall for the hoax such as the GREEN party – one of different wings of the incumbent democrat party to collect votes in disguise.
The so-called Green Party has nothing to do with natural environment.
It is the masquerade for war mongering democrat establishment to extend their hugely unpopular incumbency as the long term puppet to prolong wars in Ukraine, the Middle East and wherever possible.
The Green Party headed by Jill Stein is recycled mask of the democrat party – tried and fooled many in 2010, 2012 by then Presidency experimenting the old obsolete shenanigans again despite the alertness in 2024;
Fool me once – Shame on you.
Fool me twice – Shame on me.
The Arab Muslim netizens and mainstream citizens – please don’t gamble your valuable ballots as the electorate by casting your votes to the same faction representing the current administration and political party behind Gaza Genocide, Lebanon Decimation and Middle East conflict carried out with your votes and tax dollars to murder your families and those whom you care about deeply in these regions.
It is better not to vote at all than voting for the war ridden incumbency hiding behind Jill Stein or any other democrat appointee led Green Party and other fringe factions on the ballot to deceptively garner votes from naive misled misrepresented voters in the electoral trick or treat deal.
Even if you don’t want to vote for Trump though you would benefit by voting for Trump from the economic vantage that is critical to voice your concerns on domestic and foreign issues as the electorate and taxpayer from municipal to national election.
Importantly, voting for Trump on the condition demanding the change in U.S. foreign policy to spare foreign citizens’ lives from relentless bombing and shelling deploying United States weapons and missiles along with $$$ billions financing wars paid for by ordinary American taxpayers.
The latter plunged into generational liability as permanent funders of alien nations’ i.e. offshore warfare.
The status quo is unsustainable and simply unacceptable as peacefully demonstrated by millions of protesters against Gaza GENOCIDE and the students in United States college campus.
Padmini Arhant
The reality is at least 79% or more population in the United States experiencing the failed performance of Harris administration categorically believe the country is on the wrong track.
Harris administration since she admitted in her public appearance in the channels and interviews favored to the VP that she has been equal partner with a tie vote in the Senate on all legislations hurting the ordinary Americans, proudly promoting disastrous Bidenomics as Kamalanomics.
The decisions to flood the border with Kamala’s open invitation on camera – “COME” ‘you are welcome’ without papers and documents.
Upon entry to be provided for not by multi-millionaire Kamala and colleagues in the same millionaire billionaire club rather to be cared for by average Americans struggling to make ends meet in their life.
The incumbent VP Kamala Harris as partner and chief advocate of her current administration debacles from soaring inflation, economy to border and ravaging wars keeping the fuel costs ever high with domino effects is the trajectory.
The above challenges exacerbated in leaving the country and the world on the edge with a higher possibility of nuclear arsenal coming into play conforming to incontrovertible hard core facts in Kamala Harris track record.
The Harris administration championed problems creation with no solution to anything.
1. The sky high inflation making food for survival unaffordable for overwhelming majority in this country living pay check to pay check.
2. The exorbitant interest rates on mortgage, credit card and business loans killing home ownership, stifling consumership in retail economy and diminishing business activities for millions of Americans in the last four years 2021 – 2024 maintaining the same upon re-election of Kamala Harris for another term and beyond.
3. The border czar Kamala Harris actions and inactions under Biden – Harris administration has placed the Americans in the states across the border and interior small towns with safety issues alongside economic woes with open border situation on immigration replacing legal immigration with illegal influx of factions like the human traffickers, drug cartels and violent gangs exploiting the population en route accepting the unelected democrat nominee Kamala Harris’ invite to cross the border to become the undocumented voter in the election.
The policy or the lack thereof is primordial and relevant above all.
The Trump Presidency has proven effective policy 2017 – 2020 vs. Kamala Harris no policy accompanied by dismal decisions and disingenuous profile not in correlation with actuality.
The identity politics considering the citizens from all walks of life transcending racial, gender, religion, sexual orientation and various denominations not barring political affiliations or Apolitical have one commonality.
They are all dealing with excruciating inflation burdened economy, border meltdown nationwide and American ordinary taxpayers’ funded endless Europe’s war against Russia in Ukraine and Israel’s provocation and wanton aggression in the Middle East draining American citizens’ economic status.
The swing states electorate prioritizing own economic health, security from border crimes and drastic improvement reversing the status quo endured under Kamala Harris direct involvement is critical in the ongoing election process.
Please vote for yourself to improve your deteriorating financial and economic conditions and not hand over yours and the rest of the population fate to dysfunctional Kamala Harris administration for another four or more years of grueling economic, social grind and nuclear war.
Please don’t vote against you and your loved ones’ present and future by voting for the incumbent Kamala Harris.
Make your VOTE count and beneficial to you and your family as well as your community by voting for you viz. The ECONOMY, Border Security, End Wars saving lives and American taxpayer from further depletion.
Vote Trump 2024.
Please share this message with your family, friends and community for your personal and collective interests benefitting all unlike the contemporary irrational trend invested in selective insular political and economic gains at the victims’ expense.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Israel’s War and Middle East Conflict
October 19, 2024
Israel’s War and Middle East Conflict
Padmini Arhant
Republic Status in Politics.
Politics must realize –
The Power is granted by the Republic and remain with the Republic.
In contrast to the inherited political culture with the accumulation of power and wealth among politics leaving the republic with generational debts and endless crises.
Such politics exit is imminent with expedited expiry.
Padmini Arhant
Update October 19, 2024.
Israel – the pioneer and trend setter in terrorism.
Biblical era – the crucifixion of Lord Jesus preceded by betrayal by Judas for three pieces of silver is empirical in religious context.
The sentiment demonstrated by Israel in the ongoing war against Gaza since October 7, 2023 when Israeli aggression spread across the occupied territories in Palestine including East Jerusalem.
Israel attacking the church of Lord Jesus in birth place Bethlehem, rightfully condemned by the religious dais, the cardinal in nativity, Jerusalem.
Israel’s indiscriminate assault shed light on the trait and characteristics of the irrational minds that never change regardless of the world evolution. At the same time the trend succumbing to own folly and disastrous endeavor is irrefutable.
On State terrorism – Israel is the trail blazer with bombing of King David Hotel in Jerusalem in 1946 much to the angst and fury of then colonial British upon their then administrative headquarters in Palestine was the target by Zionist zealots.
In 1967 – Israeli Air Force deliberate ambush against United States marine corps at USS Liberty instantly killing 34 naval force members along with 174 injured besides their families silenced with threats and categorical denial for fair investigation in the United States Congress.
Israel’s intentional attack ignoring peace flag from USS Liberty of United States – the benefactor since the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 till date was a major blow to the crew and entire fleet on board USS Liberty then up until now.
The biggest treason being United States politics at the helm – then democrat President Lyndon Baines Johnson silenced by Israel using United States Presidential election in the negotiation deal.
Not surprisingly, the tradition is judiciously maintained till date in U.S. politics when it comes to Israel. Notwithstanding at the expense of American republic and the defense force.
In 2001 – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s public statement on September 11, 2001 terror attack on American soil –
“The event is the best that could happen in Israel’s interest.”
Not barring the 9/11 terror spontaneously killing 3000 and more American and foreign nationals in the heartland of America among whom the first responders fell victims in their valiant sacrifice to save lives on the fateful day and throughout until now.
Unlike the politics played by Israeli PM Netanyahu gambling on own Israeli hostages prolonging the Gaza war extended more than a year and expanded into regional conflict in confrontation with neighbors near and far.
Israel’s terror aimed at the UN peace keeping force UNIFIL under attack from Israel generating more frustration and outrage among western leaderships in Italy, France etc., enduring casualties as peace keeping troops in the most vulnerable rural areas of Lebanon under Israeli onslaught as of this moment.
Israel carrying out these illegal activities while financially draining every American man, woman and child in the atrocious war game.
Padmini Arhant
October 18, 2024.
Israelis gather in large numbers on
October 19, 2024.
Their message to the Israeli government.
CEASEFIRE in Gaza, Lebanon and around.
Hostage release with safe return home.
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu is demanded to Step Down by Israelis in the aftermath of year-long-war and failure to bring hostages home.
Will the Israeli leadership and the cabinet heed own citizens who fund and elect government?
The Biden – Harris administration having ignited the war with full force on October 7, 2023, lately sent 100 U.S.troops and provided more artillery other than anti-missile system to Israel.
The U.S. administration with VP Harris have no desire nor commitment to end GENOCIDE in Gaza and killings in Lebanon and around the region.
Israel’s War inflicting precipitous economic decline on ordinary Americans exacerbated since October 2023.
The condition worsening with Israel’s demand for more American taxpayer money having already received $$$billions donated in the year-old-warfare besides United States weaponry paid for by American taxpayer amid mainstream Americans dire economic strife.
The COVID19 pandemic had ravenous impact on Israeli citizens consuming far more lives than the 1200 or less Israeli lives in Hamas infiltration facilitated by Israeli authorities collective failure on Israel’s national security ignoring adequate prior warnings from within and outside on impending Hamas attack in October 2023.
Then Israel’s COVID19 related mortality exponentially higher in the second wave of the pandemic.
Israel also had to deal with vaccine associated deaths together with morbidity among young and old age groups of whom many were affected on long term illness and some life long health issues as a result of the bio-engineered deadly pathogen.
Since Israel’s reason for Gaza GENOCIDE is loss of 1200 lives on October 7, 2023 and 120 or more hostages held by Hamas in Hamas infiltration,
In comparison COVID19 pandemic having caused more than 5000% mortality just within a year March 2020 – March 2021 and beyond of 1200 lives died on October 7, 2023.
No doubt, whether one, one hundred or thousand lives – all lives matter in particular to the families and survivors grieving over their loved ones’ premature deaths caused by bio warfare such as the COVID19 pandemic or conventional war and terror including State terrorism produced massive casualties across the spectrum.
Israel’s retaliation aided and armed by United States Biden – Harris administration and bi-partisan Congress along with western allies triggering Gaza GENOCIDE of more than 40,000 among whom many were children, infants, women and unarmed civilians – under the guise of self-defense is emulation of Nazi crime quadrupled in the twenty first century against civilians in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen… in the region.
The bizarre glorification and celebration in the combat against Hamas, Hezbollah…again predominantly aided by United States taxpayer funded and armed warfare against overwhelming majority American dissent and global anti-war anti-Israeli aggression thus far raise poignant questions to Israeli politics and leadership Benjamin Netanyahu.
Why didn’t nuclear Israel deal with China, United States and EU – the corona virus pioneers, investors, manufacturers and massive profiteers including the fellow Jewish Bill Gates and Melinda Gates, the substantial investors in the virus and vaccine…that did not spare Israeli lives in several thousands since the onset of the pandemic till date in the same manner as Israel’s much touted elimination and eradication of Hamas, Hezbollah and now preoccupied in regime change in Iran by propping the heir of the formerly deposed Shah of Iran?
Interestingly, the Israeli PM rejected the demand from own citizens to step down from office not only on hostage issues, the economy, the subversion of democracy generating political upheaval, the alliance with the most radical political faction to stay in power even declining the proposal from the Israeli incumbent opposition leader Yair Lapid to permanent ceasefire in Gaza and release Israeli hostages while offering complete support in own coalition with PM Netanyahu’s government.
The overreach by Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid was sound going back several months ago that was turned down by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The decision accepting Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid’s alliance to free hostages and ceasefire in Gaza could have saved hundreds of lives in the war zone and reunited now deceased Israeli hostages with their family.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claiming that removing the PM i.e. self, would only add to severity of status quo.
This consideration somehow similarly not applied by the Israeli PM all around in Gaza, Lebanon and now Iran amidst Israeli PM engagement in regime change in Iran.
Juxtaposed Israel’s brutality against Gaza and now Lebanon as well as across the region over 1200 Israelis who died in Hamas attack on Israel’s watch emerging from Israel controlled occupied entire Palestine especially Israel introduced and appointed Hamas in Gaza.
Does Israel’s indifference to Corona victims in Israel due to then lack of any threat to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s political survival?
The political setback and massive uprising against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for destabilizing democracy by neutralizing Israel’s highest court – the Supreme Court set to investigate corruption scandal hovering over the Israeli PM.
The situation later ensued following the Israeli Prime Minister upending of democracy. The security lapse inviting Hamas attack. That in return creating unique opportunity to divert national and global attention away from Israel’s domestic turmoil.
The position until now retained by Israeli Prime Minister expanding warfare costing American taxpayers to the point of their poverty and economic plight for many with no end in sight.
The Israeli PM Netanyahu dismissal of Israelis protests over hostage crises many hostages admittedly killed by Israeli air strikes and ground invasions in Gaza per IDF report.
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has not even demanded compensation for COVID related Israeli deaths in thousands from China, EU with WHO collusion with China in withholding information on virus transmission, United States funding the SARS COV2 experiment in Wuhan lab, China with no oversight and the vaccine deal in 2015…there are more than enough reasons to pursue these major players culpable and liable in the preventable historic health disaster unleashed on human population.
Yet Israel like the rest of the world remained complacent to COVID mortality on own turf.
Whereas Israel’s wrath over Hamas on 1200 Israeli lives apparently justified in conflating the war across the border in Lebanon transforming what was supposed to be a week or two operation in Gaza on October 8, 2023 into a year long battle in October 2024 entirely financed by United States Harris administration and weaponized by the U.S. and western allies with Germany in the lead.
Israel clearly lost the war in Gaza without being able to free all hostages well and alive alongside sparing the innocent children and infants in Gaza slaughtered in the Genocide with millions now forced into deaths from starvation and malnutrition in the denial of access to humanitarian aid.
Israel’s protracted war funded by United States in the forefront up until now is also responsible for the super inflation experienced in the United States and globally with rising fuel costs as Israel targets Iran’s oil fields and refineries in the unbridled destructive conflict evidently solely for Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s own political salvation.
The irony amongst all is the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu obsequiousness to ultra radical cabinet members ranging from illegal settlers to fanatic ideologues in direct opposition to own citizens demand to end tumultuous longest term in office.
The time and tide inevitably preside over the turn of events against exhausted devastating course.
Padmini Arhant
Political Configurations
October 2, 2024
Political Configurations
Padmini Arhant
Response to Politics.
It is not unusual for politics to remember those only when it is convenient. It is déjà vu from 2008 until now. The rest of the time the same individual then and currently approached is the arch nemesis with emphatic persona non grata – simply unwelcome even to share one’s thoughts and concerns as a taxpayer and a citizen in public domain.
Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz – please have those pulling the strings from behind and have been running the administration until now with your knowledge and complicity do the following as the immediate priority.
1. Please close the border on all frontiers of this nation, you are vying to head after November 5, 2024.
2. Please fix the economy now not after November 5, 2024.
3. Last but not the least, suspend financing, weaponizing Israel using taxpayer dollars against taxpayers’ categorical dissent and objection as your administration has done including the predecessors earlier.
The tradition maintained as status quo making yourself and those in this collective military aggression and unmitigated war crimes directly responsible for the horrendous Gaza Genocide now spilled into Lebanon wreaking havoc, deaths and devastation.
You need to accept responsibility on all these monumental issues and address them effectively in utmost sincerity and commitment to the citizens in the United States.
Whom, you are expecting to vote for you to extend the administration term for another four to eight years on behalf of the illegitimate power and members never ceasing to quit office regardless of their catastrophic dismal track record.
Your obligation also remain with Gazan victims, the entire Palestinian population as well as the Lebanese citizens, Syrians, Iranians, Yemenis by your default drawn into the broad spiraling conflict in the Middle East.
As a result affecting the global consumers and economies due to the conflict triggered energy crisis having economic impact on transportation, food…quintessential for human survival experienced in soaring inflation and cost of living in the United States and around the world exacerbating conditions especially in the war zones like Gaza and lately in Lebanon.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
The Self-Destructive Ego
September 27, 2024
Self-Destructive Ego
Padmini Arhant
History is testament to destructive ego behind downfall of megalomania, hubris and blatant ignorance.
The former President Barack Obama having extended illegitimate terms in office since 2016 by not allowing the legitimately elected successor Donald Trump to govern the nation with tax payer funded illegal libel suits, far fetched indictments and impeachment proceedings is the incontrovertible fact.
To rub salt, the ex and existing President Barack Obama’s recent taunting of the former Republican President Donald Trump, who is the current Presidential nominee about it by posing the unnecessary question;
“How was the impeachment proceeding?” at the democrat national convention on August 19, this year.
The decorum was unpresidential for someone who expects others to kneel and bow to thee in a manner like in the tribal system to the tribal chief, while not believing in the concept of mutual respect is sadistic.
It is no surprise with Barack Obama. The Almighty God Shiva was deduced to being lesser than thee when negotiating a second term in office in 2012 with deal makers quoting –
“Remember I’m the only one between you (meaning Obama referenced Fat Cats) and the pitch fork i.e. God Shiva.”
The pitch fork (?)rather than Trident from someone who considers and touted as the lexicon rubicon ↔️Pun intended.
How about admittedly not being able to assemble a table lamp? Something even a toddler would do with lego.
Barack Obama Presidency presided over abhorrent violence, chaos, mayhem, warfare, bloodbath resumed in 2021 – 2024 – Ukraine and Gaza, terror sponsorship, cannibalism and,
Above all, the toppling of governments headed by female leaderships world over with joy and pride understandably with the omission of Africa.
The latest casualty being the Bangladesh former female Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina despite the long political tenure enabling Bangladesh towards rapidly developing nation status away from the western stigma of being the nation cradled in ‘international aid basket’ – quoted by the late Secretary of State – Henry Kissinger.
Barack Obama habitual of being newsworthy for all wrong reasons continued incognito power mongering by never leaving the nation’s Capital Washington D.C. well after the expiry of official term in office in 2016.
The unusual transition remaining in the vicinity of the premise at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., to be the thorn on the side of the successor Donald Trump and all those on the Obamas’ watch list is the trend until now.
The latest coup with Barack Obama instigating the Hollywood actor George Clooney with an op-ed in the New York Times and reviewing the text with the approval nod to eject the incumbent President Joe Biden.
Joe Biden was once referred to as the so-called older brother by Obama only to be replaced by an individual, whom the Obamas deployed as their pawn for their vast radical agendas such as wokism, transmania and corrupting educational system to indoctrinate impressionable minds on gender with personal hideous ideology most of that already implemented in Barack Obama’s illicit third term under the guise of Biden – Harris administration.
Why is Kamala Harris picked as the VP and now the Presidential nominee with the script handed by Barack Obama?
Simply to repeatedly hear the pseudo flattery from media and viewers on Barack Obama’s so-called oratory skills – undoubtedly from the teleprompter and the speech writers on payroll.
With my content included without any credit or monetary compensation throughout up until now.
Not to mention Barack Obama not knowing the exact number of states in the nation as then President of the United States, miserably failing in the GK IQ.
The rubric then compared to Kamala’s word salad and vocabulary soup as not palatable.
The petty pernicious routine is directed and portrayed as me – Padmini Arhant. Someone who is able to effectively, efficiently, eloquently and fluently communicate in written, spoken and interpret in at least three or more languages beginning with;
The foreign language English.
The most difficult and mother of all languages on earth. None other than my native mother tongue Tamil.
The other relatively ancient Hindu Vedic language Sanskrit.
Indian language Hindi.
Additionally, ability to speak and understand the poetic Urdu and some Arabic etc.,
Although, she is not the only one. There were and are many lacking in english language proficiency and the idea of incompetence continued to be presented and ascribed to me by politics, deep state, groveling media and,
All those unable to digest the reality that competence, articulation, original not artificial intelligence and ingenuity etc., are not patented rights in natural creations.
Unfortunately, in the unprecedented prejudice and misogyny prevalent against me in contemporary politics, the true ownership is to be claimed based on tireless productivity creating limitless opportunity to countless from all over in active dedication and passivity let alone all of which non-monetized until now.
In this context, the chief beneficiaries especially those ever engaged in reaping the most from the golden eggs are never tired of unprovoked languishing and lambasting of me and my family till date through innuendoes and insinuations.
These events and developments are characteristic of the dark age with certain human behavior and mindset sinking well below the muddy filthy swamp beyond rescue.
The contentious hypocrisy amongst those considering themselves the be all and end all of everything. Someone who apparently possesses all yet remain nothing in value and meaningful purpose with persistent inadequacy and insecurity leaving them null and void.
The former President Barack Obama, who sought my extraordinary help together with my family to then rookie ( YES ROOKIE – the most inexperienced in politics and world affairs) senator from Illinois whose political prospects were doomed and abysmal when contesting against a woman Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2008 Presidential campaign.
The venom vitriol has never ceased towards me and my family. Not to mention the relentless trolling, tagging, perversions, spying, invasion of our home, space and privacy abusing our tax dollars against us.
Besides, prodding the alter ego from the so-called world’s largest democracy and eclectic proxy ranging from Indian origin to various assortment in the United States and overseas to induce rancor and harassment is the custom.
Not to mention the core abuse of the Office of Presidency of the United States since entry in the White House until now – courtesy and magnanimity from me and my family.
The others being the villains of humanity have sought me and my family depriving us of any income via unlawful (if at all there is any lawfulness left in the world) intervention to drain and liquidate us financially though they would never succeed in gaming against our SOUL for declining to kowtow to them to their egotistical self-interests and voicing against Gaza GENOCIDE.
The year long military aggression predominantly aided by the United States current Biden – Harris administration to Israeli leadership and politics not only murdered own Israeli hostages but also continue killing Palestinian babies, children, women, men, the young and the old mercilessly denied of drinking water, food, medicine and humanitarian aid for months in the heavily bombarded disproportionate war zone Gaza and now spread to Lebanon and other parts of the Middle East.
In other activities, the political Presidential opponent Donald Trump is criticized and in the latest Presidential debate, the Obamas fanned rhetoric through late night shows described the performance of the Republican nominee to that being mortified by a woman democrat nominee Kamala Harris.
Likewise, own former Vice President turned President Joe Biden, sidelined from re-election in the Obamas and key democrat party echelons’ initiated effortless coup.
Politics is dirty, ugly, downright ruthless and brutal from the days of Julius Caesar with Brutus. The brutality in betrayal and violation of trust. This even goes back further to biblical era with Lord Jesus betrayed by Judas for mere three pieces of silver.
A reminder to all those whoever and wherever they are, to all of whom, I’m deemed their incessant sworn enemy and arch nemesis.
My birth in this world did not occur at their behest and approval or the lack thereof.
Accordingly, my existence in this lifetime or in the future is not obligatory to their terms and conditions, whims and fancies and importantly their solicitation in the definition and determination of me from identity to intelligence and all things that are individual and personal to me and my life are wanton provocation and capricious interference.
Actions bear consequences and more so deliberate indulgence despite warnings have adverse repercussions.
I, Padmini Arhant, given the time period 2024, I’m currently living in impetus clarification to deter unsolicited misappropriation of my personal identity.
I, the female identified by X chromosome akin to all other female species in natural creations, with nature endowed organic authentic intelligence synonymous to all species unlike the same disputed by human critics, grudgers, misogynists, racists and alike inform the following message.
I, Padmini Arhant will debate extemporaneously as I have done in the last nearly two decades on wide range of topics in public using my platform.
Since, I am shunned to anonymity, denied any space in public domain, deprived of presenting my side of the truth and facts in self-defense or the issues I have discussed all along to those preoccupied in venomous envy, constant regurgitation of malice and vicious mischaracterization of me and my family.
Meanwhile, shamelessly plagiarizing my biography and content besides stealing mine and my family’s positive, impressive attributes and anything that are beneficial to narcissistic opportunists thus far.
All these are carried out by the notorious exploiters, abusers, narcissists and their crony minion contingency having in the past and continue in the present to harvest from my mere presence and tireless contributions.
In return for gratitude, their weakness and vulnerability to own negative vices within prompted caricature and demonization against me and my family are the norm much to own peril.
At the end of the day, it was not me and my family who begged them for anything.
It was the other way around. Only remarkable distinction is with the nuanced hype on dementia, the message then was clear on my wisdom, energy and experience unlike the reverse transformation now from the same type in self-contradiction via staged puppet – the democrat nominee Kamala Harris.
The irony is my enemies are using me and my life to defeat me irrespective of the explicit fait accompli.
I’m game to debate the ones’ claiming proprietorship on intelligence and communication prowess.
It is demeaning and self-humiliating for users and the used as volunteers in this bizarre charade. Them using own proxy and pawn to besmirch the bitter rival rather than in person direct interaction and exchange in public.
Reiterating the line stolen from me by the political establishment nominee Kamala Harris.
Whatever you have to say about me – say that to my face.
Finally, the demystified myth.
The black man / woman can’t swim.
The White man / woman can’t jump or play basketball.
The brown man / woman retaining the colonial tradition can only be the porter aka coolie to the White, Black and others in society and nothing else.
If the almond brown is proven otherwise, then the almond is supposedly required to promote only as BLACK – perhaps the statement – I’m Female, Fearless and BLACK not almond, pecan or even healthier walnut.🤣
This idea of color coding anything good or bad in the stereotype is common practice in human society.
However, the level this typecast culture exploited to the ultimate is epitomized by the Obamas viz. Barack and Michele ever hungry for limelight primarily at others’ expense in their desperate WOKE endeavor.
Intelligence of a woman from Asian Indian background speaking for myself measured analogous to beauty is in the eye of the beholder subjective to deeply insecure negativity as objectivity.
Intelligence is not all text book oriented and borrowed thoughts and ideas though they serve in economic gains and symbolic status.
As for me being the avid reader disclosed at the start and all along has nothing to do with text books, fiction and non-fiction or any other genre.
What were they precisely is detailed in my autobiography.
The intrusion in this regard already lined up via several proxies to counteract my own life.
Nonetheless, my life is entirely my own and exclusive similar to those anyone anywhere in the world.
No misrepresentation and misinformation about my life by anyone hired and recruited in the billionaire club, entertainment Hollywood or main street is ever going to make an iota of difference to me and my life now as well as moving forward.
The intelligence stemming from innate inherent ability to think, comprehend, analyze and rationalize those thoughts and understanding which is delving into philosophical acumen otherwise known as the naturally gifted and talented does not require academic qualifications and stellar scholastics as the criteria.
Then there is the nature endowed optimal capabilities evidenced in living creatures on land, air and sea bestowed to life in general are fundamental to the survival of the fittest to thriving in any conducive to toxic environment such as the one I an combating right now.
The *holistic approach to bring me and my family down as openly stated by Barack Obama and partner for mistakenly and regrettably heeding their SOS to enter the White House in 2008 is reciprocated by them in antagonistic retribution.
*Holistic – another terminology plagiarized by Barack Obama to aid the mock segment using crony nominee Kamala from my content exceeding over 3500 authored articles and multimedia materials in the combined private domains and
The miscreants with inappropriate conduct and vile hostility ever since 2008 till date undeniably reveal the self-destructive ego of the predators and power mongers on the trail of imminent disappearance into oblivion.
Never too late to quit counterproductive indulgence to mitigate self-inflicted disaster.
Goodness, virtuous with immense faith and blessings from the one and only Supreme entity have nothing to fear the EVIL in any composition.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Presidential Election 2024
September 23, 2024
United States
Presidential Election 2024
Padmini Arhant
Update September 24, 2024.
The political establishment out-of-touch with reality and the real world is evident in the narratives through surrogate press and media interpreting the past and present environment entirely different from actual life experience.
The former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi at the party chief member’s behest claiming that the former President Donald Trump Presidency allegedly presided over the worst employment period in 2017 – 2020 quoting that comparable to the yesteryear Presidency of Herbert Hoover. The former Speaker Pelosi added Trump Presidency increased national debt by $2 trillion without taking into account COVID year and the CARES act in 2020.
Perhaps the former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is mistaken on the unemployment data citing the one during the national and global lockdown in the COVID19 pandemic year 2020.
The national and global health disaster in fact is the consequence of the pre-organized deal between federal government agencies under democrat Obama administration and vaccine manufacturer Moderna and other stakeholders like Bill Gates in December 2015.
As for the alleged $2 trillion national debt from the presumed tax cuts to 1% wealthy in Trump Presidency is misinformation.
The tax cuts under Trump Presidency was prevalent benefitting the middle class in the tax reform act passed in January 2019. The tax reduction to businesses across the economic sector were linked to higher wages that was reflected in personal income growth of the average income population including blue collar workers and large swath of the work force.
The household savings were possible in the overall efficient management of the economy under Trump Presidency that enabled citizens survival in the pandemic year supplemented with federal financial assistance to cope with the economy freeze.
In contrast, under the current Harris administration;
“As of September 24, 2024, the U.S. national deficit is $1.9 trillion for the fiscal year to date (since October 2023). This is a $373 billion increase from the same period in 2022, when the deficit was $1.52 trillion.
Some factors that contribute to the increase in the deficit include:
In global warfare: The aid package worth 95 billion US dollar in total, includes nearly 61 billion dollar in aid to Ukraine, 26 billion dollar for Israel and 8 billion dollar for the Indo-Pacific. It was passed in a bipartisan vote of 79-18 in the Senate.”
The economic data from politics may not always correlate with facts.
However, the citizens’ financial status and living standards improved in the past administration i.e. 2017 – 2020 under Trump Presidency.
The contemporary 2021 – 2024 Harris administration the same has considerably diminished with average household debts on credit card, mortgage, auto loans, student loans, business borrowings have climbed with fairly high interest rates regardless of the latest federal reserve 0.5 % interest rate cut predominantly to ease government borrowing nearing election.
Nonetheless, the present is relevant and the economic struggles are phenomenal for most Americans under Harris administration since 2021 – 2024 till now.
The gender race identity of candidacy does not matter. The leadership with proven record and effective policy to deal with immediate and foreseeable challenges is the eligibility criteria.
In this regard, both Presidential candidates have a record each lasting four years in office negating any argument over one exceeding the other in duration to demonstrate efficiency or otherwise.
The individual record indeed is the performance report on either candidacy in their respective duty and responsibility or the lack thereof as applicable.
The personal identity focus is distraction and do not serve the citizens when economic situation together with all things related to individual and family finance is the determinant factor in the Presidential election 2024 considering the status quo decline in all respects. As a result losing trust and confidence in the administration among the electorate and respect in the world.
United States Presidential race long passed the racial syndrome in 2008 providing both political and economic opportunity to then Presidential candidacy elected to power and held two terms in office 2009 – 2016.
The leadership and policies to make people’s lives better than current deteriorating conditions is the burgeoning issue for vast electorate.
The majority are concerned about their life and their loved ones rather than the Presidential candidate’s nativity, origin and racial background.
Padmini Arhant
Dear American Electorate,
This Presidential election 2024 is very important for the following reasons.
1. Economy – The economy is the utmost priority for overwhelming majority of hard working Americans hurting the most in the last four years under Kamala Harris administration.
President Trump 2017 – 2020 – the economy was at its best with Americans from all walks of life regardless of age, race, gender and other denominations were not just surviving. Most of them were thriving with better income, higher wages, more savings and above all affordable living with lower inflation, lower taxes and lowest interest rates on home mortgage, auto loans, business borrowing and the capital investment to start, run and expand business in the economy.
The unelected democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris has no economic plan, no policy, no solutions and do nothing strategy to the bleak economy experienced since 2021 – 2024.
We need to revive the economy which is only possible with re-election of President Donald Trump for four more years 2025 – 2029.
2. Border Security – the second most concern and apprehension among many Americans with young kids and those taking care of dependent family members is securing the border.
The deportation of individuals and gang members with violent criminal history as stated by the former President Donald Trump is the viable option which has been voted against with 158 votes by the House democrats on the bill to deport illegal members committing sex offense last week while the Republican Congress favored the proposal with 100% support.
The border issue is a serious problem. It endangers the safety and security of many American communities nationwide. These crimes are no longer limited to the border states anymore. The safety and security of people in small towns and major cities are threatened with many residents feeling unsafe in their once safe neighborhoods.
The current VP and unelected democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris is the border czar appointed in 2021 – 2024 and has chosen to leave the borders wide open inviting anyone from anywhere without any documents and legal permit to enter the United States.
Imagine America, for all legal American citizens, in order to board a flight to travel within or outside the United States there are stringent rules that all are required to comply with all the time.
It begins with purchasing the airline ticket where all personal details are to be provided to make a confirmed reservation however one makes the travel booking. Only then the boarding pass is issued.
Then all passengers go through various security checks until one is ready to board the flight. There are good two to four hours and sometimes even longer waiting time before one could get on the flight whether it is merely 45 minutes to 1 hour or 24 hours and more long flight.
Whereas on the VP Kamala Harris watch as the border czar, the illegal exodus from all over the world, it is not just across the border from Mexico, Central and South America, the unlawful influx is unbridled with the administration and democrat politics forcing already economically struggling Americans to pay for the democrat vote bank policy via illegal immigration that includes free housing, medicare, education, transportation and more.
California and New York – the two blue states have been hard hit with homelessness and the beautiful once enchanting San Francisco is now the example of shanty town with empty streets due to closure of businesses, restaurants and activities related to bad economy and border fiasco.
The democrat administration and politics forget that charity begins at home prior to philanthropy elsewhere.
The economy and border are in intensive care situations (ICU in hospitals) for majority of Americans where the VP Kamala Harris has miserably failed besides many other critical issues that are elaborated by me on this website and the sub-domain –
You may check them out and please share the message with your near and dear ones as well as those unaware or oblivious to the extremely delicate and precarious status quo under incumbent VP and the unelected democrat nominee Kamala Harris.
The classic trait of politics that identifies such action as being traitor is refusal to accept any responsibility despite being the axis of mayhem at the national borders and economic misery.
Americans under this dying economy cannot possibly survive the status quo prolonged for another four to eight years or perhaps indefinitely upon electing Kamala Harris which will be run by those from behind who are currently reining control leaving the Harris administration – a puppet regime for domestic and foreign interests.
Please vote to bail yourself and your family out of this economic and security mess by casting your ballots to Trump Presidency to bring economic prosperity, safety in your neighborhoods and peace around the world.
Vote Trump and please take a picture of the ballot paper after you check the choice and hang on to it as your proof until after election.
In doing so, you will know whether your VOTE FOR TRUMP was counted or not to avoid any voting irregularities and recount debacles like in 2020 or complete dismissal like in 2012.
Please keep the copy of your voting record as the proof of your vote for Trump Presidency in this and any election.
Please share this message to all those whom you care about and those unfamiliar with reality.
May God Save America to restore democracy, economy, security and peace at home in the United States and around the world under TRUMP PRESIDENCY.
Thank you.
Best Wishes
Padmini Arhant
2024 Presidential Race Politics – Economy and Border Security
September 17, 2024
Presidential Race Politics
Economy and Border Security
Padmini Arhant
Update: September 21, 2024.
Economy Matters The Most
No matter whom the American electorate like or dislike in the current Presidential race, the ECONOMY under Harris administration has adversely affected most Americans across the spectrum regardless of race, gender, young and old age group, the poor, the average income and especially the middle class – whom the unelected democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris has severely hurt and in the last minute trying to court them for votes which is nothing more than election gimmick.
The middle class families and individuals along with Single Moms or Dads and Seniors have been brought to a grinding halt by Harris administration. It would be even worse with no economic plan from Harris to fix the broken economy under her current administration.
The recent band aid treatment coercing the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates while inflation is still high reflected in all essential goods beginning with food, groceries, energy price etc., is too little and too late.
If at all, it is only going to further exacerbate economic situation with continuation of Harris administration having tanked the economy in the last four years 2021 – 2024 and intended to prolong for another four to eight years considering the coup d’état derailing democracy by the so-called democrat.
American prioritizing own economic and financial conditions to improve personal status is the only way forward to seek a better future for them and their loved ones with the re-election of Trump prosperous economic times 2017 – 2020.
At the end of the day, survival and thriving of all is possible primarily with the strong economy under efficient leadership implementing effective economic policy experienced during Trump Presidency 2017 – 2020.
There could be no second guessing when considering economy and finance as the number one criteria for re-election eligibility of Presidential candidacy in voter mind and that is Trump Presidency.
Padmini Arhant
Latest Incident: The second assassination attempt on the Republican Presidential nominee and the former President Donald Trump in the Presidential race 2024 within two months from the last incident is indicative of the Presidential race politics conspicuously abstinent on the real relevant issues viz. the economy and border crises under the incumbent Biden – Harris administration and entirely concentrated on rhetoric and constant mischaracterization.
Violence begets violence. Nothing ever serve violence and endless malice except self-destruction.
Nonetheless, the potential threat and serious consequences thwarted away protecting the life of the target, the current Presidential nominee Donald Trump to safety is a positive outcome.
The urgent requirement to beef up security with close monitoring near, around and away from the Presidential nominee Trump is yet another reminder from this incident.
The swing states aka the battleground states such as Pennsylvania electorate regardless of racial gender identity and other denomination that are unfortunately weaponized in the current weaponization era doing a simple reality check on their present economic condition with Americans brought to deep economic decline triggered by soaring inflation, exorbitant interest and higher taxes and compare that to the time in 2017 – 2020 under then Trump Presidency should be an eye opener.
Reiterating the contrasting status of the two Presidential nominees on the economy and crime in terms of safety and security due to unresolved border crisis.
The Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump as the former President in 2017 – 2020 has proven record on stable viable economy with lower interest rates and taxes as well as controlled inflation providing all Americans a better life at that time.
On the other hand, the democrat unelected Presidential nominee Kamala Harris is the responsible member as the currently serving Vice President in the Biden – Harris administration with broken record for all negative reasons especially the economy, border scenario and ensuing crimes, global turmoil with Ukraine and Gaza war…besides other matter exacerbating peace and prosperity.
Pennsylvania and other battleground states electorate including the nation at large deserve to know the full economic policy, solutions to Harris involved administration generated economic misery depleting ordinary Americans savings and income growth along with peace proposals to end Ukraine and Gaza war.
What is the economic road map now and moving forward in 2025?
It is the critical question to which the incumbent VP and democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris owes meaningful precise explanation that is ominously missing until now with deflection maintained as the campaign strategy.
Nothing is more crucial for ordinary Americans than fixing the severely damaged, mismanaged and neglected economy as well as abandoned borders under the incumbent VP Kamala Harris administration and her personal dereliction of duty.
Voters decision on economy as the focal point is monumental along with securing borders – both miserably failed under Harris administration as the Vice President in 2021 – 2024 are unmitigated odds confronting the incumbent VP and democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris regardless of the superficial unsubstantiated hype in the polls.
Padmini Arhant
United States Presidential Election 2024
September 12, 2024
United States Presidential Election 2024
Padmini Arhant
Vote for your path to economic recovery which is Donald Trump and not for further debt slavery and that is emphatically Kamala Harris in 2024 Presidential election.
The American electorate Gen Z – 18 – 24-years- of age, the extraordinary work force across the economic spectrum of America struggling in severe economic decline under Harris – Biden administration.
The United States Defense personnel at home and around the world as well as their great families making the sacrifice for the sake of the great nation United States and the republic.
The seniors and elderly suffering due to the retirement savings and Social security dwindled next to nothing under Kamala Harris proudly touted Bidenomics, a phenomenal failure.
The United States population living along, around and in the border states of the country are severely affected with their safety and security endangered due to border crisis personally created by Kamala Harris, the incumbent VP and unelected democrat Presidential nominee with a track record on do-nothing, no-solutions, no-policy and plenty of empty rhetoric in attack dog suit on behalf of coup mastermind and operatives is a proven disaster.
The unauthentic nominee Kamala Harris with plagiarized content, stolen positive identity and overall fake personality is heavy lifted by crony media, corrupt politics and cabal influenced so-called entertainers to further deplete the American economy, destroy the already ripped social fabric of the United States beyond recognition with Kamala Harris favorite wokism, DEI and identity politics dominating to replace the sane, normal and genuine tapestry of the American society.
There is no comparison whatsoever when it comes to choice in the Presidential election 2024.
The Republican elected Presidential nominee Donald J. Trump pledged and exemplified in 2017 – 2020 Making America Great Again.
The Trump Presidency economic, border security, immigration, national crime, social issues besides national and global peace and security were significantly better with majority Americans from different cross sections of society reminiscing Trump Presidency on the most important economic prosperity they had in 2017 – 2020.
The status came crashing down upon the Biden- Harris administration landing as the manufacturers of doom and gloom on the economy to the point of no return, chaos and catastrophe along the borders, mayhem and calamity in international scene orchestrating, funding, fueling and firing the Ukraine – Russia war and Gaza Genocide with Israeli hostage casualties in the unresolved global carnage.
The Trump Presidency economic record and other achievements elaborated above were experienced by American people despite Trump Presidency being bogged down by the politically motivated several impeachment proceedings commencing on the eve of 2016 Presidential outcome that is challenged and denied up until now by democrat political machinery and media.
Notwithstanding the endless litigations continued till date and to top it all the deadly global pandemic COVID19 – pre-arranged deal during the Barack Obama Presidency in December 2015 was mercilessly unleashed on the Americans and entire humanity at large in the U.S. Presidential election year 2020.
Once again deceitfully claiming victory with the now jettisoned incumbent President Joe Biden then hidden away from the electorate under the pretext of COVID19 and the massive corruption scandals of then democrat nominee Joe Biden and family clearly swept under the rug and even buried by corrupt media adept in protecting politics submerged in unethical, unlawful, mendacious avalanche aka the Deep state and dysfunctional apparatus.
Juxtaposed, the democrat unelected Presidential nominee Kamala Harris having wasted three and a half years of hard working taxpayer funded Vice President position mostly as unparalleled winner in laughter contest and the rest of the time in word salad moments in the futile effort to defend the indefensible debacles and fiascos of the Biden – Harris administration of which,
She – as the Vice President, the second-in-line to the office of Presidency demonstrated nothing except dereliction of duty on border crisis that she exacerbated with initial open invitation stating – ‘Come’ on camera to immigrants from all over the world without legal documents generating a huge influx of illegal immigration into the country in the unprecedented border security problem.
The open invitation from VP Kamala Harris to illegal immigrants globally was retracted with the statement – “Don’t Come” having had millions of illegal arrivals already in the country with the democrat party establishment chartered course to make legal naturalized and native born American taxpayers pay for democrat party and Biden – Harris administration in particular authorized and facilitated illegal immigrants.
Among whom, criminal gangs, drug dealers and peddlers, sex offenders and those with violent criminal records from the country of origin are now provided all care and economic comforts at legal and native born American taxpayer expense.
The unelected democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris ironies were one too many in the Presidential debate.
The VP Kamala Harris mocked the opponent as having been rejected by 81.000,000 voters in 2020 election typically invalidating the majority Republican electorate who voted for Trump Presidency re-election in 2020 in a manner from the playbook in 2012.
Above all, the VP Kamala Harris has conveniently forgotten that her Presidential bid in 2019 was an embarrassment unable to prolong in the democrat Presidential primary and swiftly ejected at the onset of the race in 2019 by own democrat base.
The debilitating past in 2019 now serving as the reminder in 2024 perhaps impetus the coup mastermind and operatives to discard the democratic process of the democrat primary to install proxy Harris administration exclusively for personal and vested political interests.
The current VP Kamala Harris slur against the opponent Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump as the alleged convicted felon though the court hearings outcome has vindicated those politically premised convictions.
Meanwhile, the VP Kamala Harris on own volition as the border czar allowing the actual convicts and criminal gangs in the massive illegal entry across the country to roam free and being cared for with health, housing and financial aid at American taxpayer costs is not recognized as the Harris administration’s major felony.
The Biden – Harris administration illegal immigration policy is designed to transform the status to democrat vote base as confirmed by both VP Kamala Harris and the former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
On the economy – the unelected Presidential nominee Kamala Harris has no policy.
If there are any, it is aimed at economy derailment with lethal exorbitant Capital gains tax over 40% and more besides taxes on unrealized capital gains that were already applied on targeted basis in 2021 – 2024 under Harris administration. The exercise to become pervasive on all small, medium and large investors in the economy post election under Harris administration.
The imprudent taxations on capital investments serving as the sustainable financial interjection in the stock market has preemptive adverse impact chasing many small to modest investors from the domestic stock market in search of better investment options elsewhere.
The exorbitant taxation under the current Harris administration has already deprived many young and old investors the financial nest they had under Trump Presidency in 2017 – 2020.
The current Harris administration taxation policy is not tax cuts for the middle class and other business investors as falsely propagated. Instead it is the divestment policy for political socialism seizing the prime investors and retirees’ financial security maintained under Trump Presidency 2017 – 2020.
Now under Harris administration, due to soaring inflation, skyrocketing interest rates and arbitrary taxes it is draining their interim and retirement savings.
The more of the same Harris administration extended beyond 2025 for another four to eight years or indefinitely considering the latest coup against own incumbent Presidency would be toxic leading to banana republic.
The other economic policy sprinkled rather than comprehensive details are more election gimmicks and teaser tips like child credit $6,000, first home buyer given $25,000, small business $50,000 etc., that are only to be returned to the government when filing tax return as the debt owed to the government.
The policy is similar to the hoax Obamacare on the federal credit to mandatory health subscribers’ unaffordable premium to be duly returned to the government as the debt at the end of the year.
The scenario is no different on the student loans as well.
There is no such thing as the free lunch for ordinary lives.
However, politics exempting from the status in the inexplicable – all for us and none for you status quo ever bulging into multi-millionaire and billionaire political exclusive club of which the democrat political class, chief operatives and the current democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris is the harvester and catalyst to others in the league to reap substantial economic and political gains on the backs of the ordinary average Americans lasting generations.
Finally, the Republican elected Presidential nominee Donald Trump is pledged to resume the already established Make America Great Again trajectory under his Presidency.
To the contrary, the Democrat unelected Presidential nominee Kamala Harris is determined and vowed to the coup master mind and operatives to Take America Worst Again in continuation of the current Biden – Harris administration with VP Kamala Harris playing pivotal role to drive the economy, national border and security, global peace and all things relevant and important into oblivion evidenced in the mangled mismanaged meandering performance.
Vote for your path to economic recovery which is Donald Trump and not for further debt slavery and that is emphatically Kamala Harris in 2024 Presidential election.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Presidential Debate 2024 By Design
September 12, 2024
United States
Presidential Debate 2024 By Design
Padmini Arhant
VP Kamala Harris – Outspoken lies in the ongoing debate.
The multi-millionaire and billionaire democrat political machinery together with the crony media conglomerate ever indulging in deceiving the ordinary citizens during election and warfare is nothing new.
The consolidation is aimed at debt slavery, oppression and tyranny experienced during pandemic – designed and organized by Barack Obama Presidency in December 2015 with vaccine manufacturing deal in place with vaccine manufacturer Moderna (similar to the Obamacare scam) well ahead of the time in anticipation to unleash the virus in the Presidential year 2020.
Obamacare scam care – the deal with health insurance, health care industry and Big Pharma swelling with mega profits at the ordinary citizens’ expense and health care service subsidy i.e. degraded and degenerated to all time low.
Ordinary people are being robbed incessantly to pay for others translated into votes by the nefarious unscrupulous in politics bragging about Obamacare aka scam care with mandatory health insurance handing the insurance and health care industry the dominant position with no requirement for any of them to reduce premium, health care and drug costs is the definition and reality on scam.
The VP Kamala Harris distortions in epic proportion was on spotlight. Notwithstanding the idiocy in analogies that underscored the content in the script as bizarre.
The VP Kamala Harris as the coup by-product in the gross exaggeration during the debate against the former President Donald Trump, stated the latter allegedly deprived IVF access to couples and those wanting to start families, was pretty dramatic.
The VP Kamala Harris pseudo transformation from pro-choice to pro-life in IVF program, the pro-choice only reserved on abortion rights and not on other health issues viz. COVID vaccine mandate, accentuated her position as nothing but a flip-flop nominee to fit the occasion.
This is the VP Kamala Harris – post earlier Presidential debate between the Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump and the democrat primary incumbent Joe Biden touted then incumbent nominee as strong and suitable to win the election in November 2024.
The stance was instantaneously shifted with her displacing the incumbent nominee Joe Biden in the nuclear option accompanied by dirty ultimatum.
Chameleon changing colors are more predictable than Kamal Harris devious detours and deviation to seize opportunity at the cost of anyone and anything.
In the course of her dramatic account during the debate.
The VP Kamala Harris exclaimed;
“Imagine because of Donald Trump’s denial to IVF access, the women seeking IVF have to travel to other states on the airplane seated next to strangers.” The emphasis on strangers was melodramatic.
The normal travel experience of millions of travelers across the globe by and large seated next to strangers described by the VP Kamala Harris as something alarming and terrifying.
Perhaps the VP Kamala Harris does not realize that ordinary folks paying for the luxury of public officials like her in a private jet as the Air Force 2 – courtesy tax payers do not have the privilege or prerogative to be seated only next to the near and dear ones whom they flirt with or share mutual affection when traveling on their own for IVF or fancy vacation.
The coup d’état product Presidential nominee Kamala Harris following the script from the coup mastermind and operatives falsely accused the opponent Donald Trump on alleged appeasement of the China’s Premier Xi Jinping during COVID 19.
When in fact, the democrat including the now unelected Presidential nominee Kamala Harris volleyed insults and insolence at then serving President Donald Trump as racist for the international travel ban and immediate measures taken well before the belated disclosure on the pandemic virulence – human to human transmission deliberately withheld from the global population by the WHO Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in quid pro quo with Beijing in 2019 and 2020.
The vaccine readiness was also expedited by the former President Donald Trump at the height of the pandemic in 2020.
However, the democrat pre-arranged victory in cohort with dishonest media made a pact with then leading vaccine manufacturer, the Germany headquartered Pfizer to distribute the vaccine post 2020 election unfairly attributing credit to the incoming democrat Biden – Harris administration even prior to assuming office in November 2020.
Likewise, the same enactment played out on the substantial price reduction on insulin and easy availability to diabetic patients through hard negotiations by then former President Donald Trump and the pharmaceutical industry.
The credit in this respect was also wrongfully claimed by Biden – Harris administration and deceptively reiterated the same as one of their achievement by the VP Kamala Harris in the last night debate.
The VP Kamala Harris confirmed in the tete-a-tete with close media ally CNN in August 2024 as the rare Presidential interview that the “VP’s value have not changed.”
This is quite true for a change in someone’s personality eclipsed in self-interest and opportunism.
The trait publicly asserted in the interesting disposition.
“The VP Kamala Harris declared in public to pursue and confiscate anything patented and otherwise from others deploying any means.”
The Machiavellian strategy is optimized in any situation.
The crony media and corrupt criminal political apparatus might constantly spin to anyhow somehow relaunch the member of the current administration Kamala Harris, whose inactions, abysmal performance not just as incumbent VP in the administration but spanning over her political tenure is incontrovertible reality.
The VP Kamala Harris scripted delivery during the Presidential debate resonated the so-called democrat having long denounced and renounced democracy (2009 – 2016) (2021 – 2024) lofty reservations on pro-choice only maintained for abortion.
Juxtaposed, the pro-choice on COVID vaccine was ruthlessly denied in the – VP Kamala Harris administration mandated – no jab no job vaccine mandate. The administration atrocity exemplified in hypocrisy.
The packaging of defective dysfunctional product as the innovative novel dubbed Change candidacy essentially to extend the Hope and Change (2009 – 2016) resumed in (2021 – 2024) disastrous term in office for infinity and beyond is stupendous mendacity.
The unelected democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris bogus profile, indefensible track record on economy, inflation, unaffordable home ownership due to skyrocketing interest rates, higher income taxes are inalienable.
The offensive defense of the abominable Obamacare via mandatory health insurance making the healthy and disciplined hard working middle class pay for others’ pre-existing conditions in the Marxist socialist health care.
The strategy robbing the illustrious and responsible to donate to careless and reckless (applicable to those abusing own health by choice including the one whom the health care is named after). Meanwhile taking credit for it while being on taxpayer funded own healthcare including the whole family.
Why should the VP Kamala Harris disconnect from own embarrassing track record while plagiarizing content and material on human nature, value etc., from the obsessively targeted to purify and glorify the otherwise unethical, immoral and illegitimate trajectory in entire life and political career evident in the coup d’état as the unelected Presidential nominee?
There is a big difference when the persona and characteristics are feigned and conspicuously fake in the concerted effort on duplicity. Not to mention the desperate tactics further highlighting flawed fraudulent life.
The VP Kamala Harris should cease being the attack dog for Barack Obama (the signature deployment of the notorious) whose legacy is marred with lies, deceit, mass deception, violence, murder, homicide, genocide, sponsoring terrorism and cannibalism, chaos and devastation worldwide.
One could repeatedly paint own portrait to suit own fantasy and fallacy. However, the layer underneath expose the true color and real character.
For someone like VP Kamala Harris whose selective memory failing own presence of mind that she is the VP in the administration sharing the debacles and fiascos generated by her and the jettisoned President Joe Biden.
It is unthinkable whilst least surprising that VP Kamala Harris has no knowledge of the fundamental reason for Russian – Ukraine war.
The VP should forget about her opponent Donald Trump potentially allowing the Russian President Vladimir Putin annexing Kiev upon election to office.
In 2014, under Barack Obama Presidency, Russia annexed Crimea, the strategic location in the Black sea causing a devastating blow to Ukraine. The consequences felt until now in the three-year-old Russia-Ukraine war. To add insult to Ukraine’s injury, the Barack Obama Presidency appointed the most radical violent neo-Nazi government in Kiev.
The scenario now in the making in the home turf and evident in the latest coup in the United States represented by the currently debating unelected democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris on behalf of 2009 – 2016 Presidency having reined control in 2021 – 2024 desperately engaged to prolong in 2025 and beyond.
Accusation of the political opponent as having broken the law while failing to admit that the VP Kamala Harris is installed as the Presidential nominee through coup d’état against own incumbent President.
Coup disposing democracy, rejecting the democratic process of the primary to elect the Presidential nominee and all the rules and laws associated with the most critical element of democracy violated in the effortless coup by the so-called democrat.
Claiming the hardworking mother apparently bought a home when the VP was a teenager. What happened to the father’s contribution towards family economic status especially when the biography was portrayed as both parents been academics with the paternal parent having been associated with the nation’s renowned educational institution – the Stanford University, California, USA?
Whose biography was told since emergence as the democrat Presidential nominee and whose biography is being narrated in the debate?
Which account one should believe in the pitch to lead the nation and the rest of the world?
Honesty and integrity ominously missing in the absence of authenticity.
Padmini Arhant
The democrat media ABC conducting tonight’s media focus on issues only the democrat coup mastermind and operatives suggested topics to favor their proxy Presidential nominee Kamala Harris would be once again denying the entire nation the necessary response on burgeoning issues like economy, border triggering crime and security problems nation wide, education system, democracy jeopardy with no democrat primary and individual rights threatened and,
Global affairs – China’s position with Taiwan, Tibet and Uyghur muslims and neighbors in Asia given democrat party disavowing democracy to win election in 2024 adopting Machiavellian tactics.
Instead the topics chosen by the democrat media – if it is the preview of tonight’s debate.
Abortion, gun control, caregiving, climate, Health Care and Israel Palestine matter.
It is obvious these topics have been cherry picked as the most favorable to the unelected Presidential nominee of the incumbent administration VP Kamala Harris.
At the same time, the five issues apparently from 150 members perhaps within democrat inner circle and democrat media put forward these questions to place the Republican contender Donald Trump on the defense.
Here is the response to all six issues individually and combined and that is;
Without fixing current derailed economy, none of these issues could be addressed to begin with.
Abortion, health care, caregiving like childcare…require money with people financially broke in the all time poor weak economy and abortion as well as private health care clinics even closing in many locations.
Climate – Population cannot survive breathing clean air and drinking pure water alone.
The life dependency on food once again make full circle on the economy with food prices skyrocketing in the soaring historic inflation under VP Kamala Harris lately promoted as unelected President with onus on responsibility falling fairly and squarely more so on the incumbent with no remedy at present or policy moving forward.
Israel and Palestine War – The Harris administration owns the devastating warfare with worst humanitarian disaster endured along the southern border with Egypt in Rafah and aftermath of the Gaza war.
The Harris administration with VP Kamala Harris in the forefront vehemently defending the war as chief advocate until now.
The Harris administration is the benefactor having started, promoted and actively accelerated the war in Gaza leading to otherwise preventable Gaza GENOCIDE and Israeli hostages loss of lives in the perpetual combat zone lasting over eleven months and still remains unresolved leaving the Harris administration responsible for status quo.
In any situation, those starting or fueling the fire which is applicable to Harris administration (2021 – 2024) in Gaza and Ukraine and has no idea or interest to extinguish that fire are the primary cause and effect in the ever deteriorating conditions in the domestic front and abroad.
The Harris administration’s egregious decisions have exacerbated the middle east regional security and stability alongside fomenting Ukraine – Russia war.
The net result contributed to global energy shortage viz. oil and gas production and supply severely affected due to Harris administration mishandling of these two wars till date.
The outcome in these two wars so far has burdened U.S. taxpayers not unburdened what has been and are directly related to U.S. inflationary economy, exorbitant interest and higher income taxes on the middle and average income in the country.
Tonight’s debate without any reaction from the incumbent candidacy VP Kamala Harris on the economy and economic policy would be democrat media ABC obliging democrat coup mastermind and catalysts to duck status quo on economy, energy and environment.
The debate by design would then be similar to kindergarten show snd tell to impress upon targeted audience.
The climate talk alongside relentless bombings and shelling in Ukraine – Russia and Middle East has proven that for the administration (2009 – 2016) and (2021 – 2024), the climate treaty is cosmetic to appease climate activists and the left base.
Meanwhile, the Harris administration remain the source behind destruction and catastrophe experienced in economy, energy and environment with no solution or initiatives to mitigate any and all of the matter whatsoever.
At the end of the day, the electorate voting on any and all of the six topics selected to win tonight’s debate and election in November 2024 have to return home to feed them and their family with inflation and dying economy admittedly by the VP Kamala Harris in public appearance is a phenomenal failure.
Nonetheless, they remain the priority for majority population hurting since 2021 – 2024 under Harris administration in the blue, red and purple states as the United States.
No climate could be pleasant without conducive economic climate for all. The predominant issue where the Harris administration has miserably failed with no answers and policy to that effect.
End of Debate.
Padmini Arhant
P.S. All the more reason to ban biological male (2009 – 2016) to play in women sports by proxy to extend power for lifetime. The trend discarding democracy for FASCISM.