Zionism Dominance over Western Politics

February 21, 2024

Zionism Hijack


Western Politics

Padmini Arhant

Israeli Zionism narcissism leaving Nazism Fascism far behind in atrocities and human rights violations has firm grip over western politics especially the United States, Britain and poodle western states clinging on to decadent self-destructive Zionist authoritarian ideology.

Those in the western world caring about human rights and in particular the deaths and devastation unleashed on innocent children and the rest of civilian population in Palestine demonstrated in the western aided and funded Gaza war since 1948 and escalated after October 7, 2023 till date impetus citizens’ consciousness to reverse the unconscionable United States repeat veto decision with Britain abstention equivalent to veto at UNSC on Gaza ceasefire. 

Accordingly, the caring concerned citizens in western nations reserve the inalienable right and bear the burden of responsibility in civic duty and democratic norm to hold such politics accountable.

The taxpayer money squandered discarding taxpayer dissent denouncing the United States Britain western coalition in Zionist genocide of Gazans and the rest of Palestinians is the clarion call for every taxpayer and voter in western society funding the positions and power with their taxes that are abused against taxpayer and electorate will.

The Zionist graveyard operation in Gaza extended to Rafah targeting over million civilians in confined territory is carried out in western states taxpayers’ name.

Their hard earned money paid as taxes are misappropriated by United States, Britain and any other western nation in this category in obedience and obeisance to Zionist diktat.

Zionism is the poison potent than arsenic in toxicity haunting America and American politics invigorated since the dawn of the twenty first century orchestrating the 9/11 terror attack on American soil in 2001 that was publicly rejoiced by Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly commenting;

“American 9/11 terror is the best thing for Israel.”

That sums up Zionist carte blanche authority over America and western political Dias.

Hamas need not wipe out Israel, the ever American aid and foreign dependent Israel is wiping itself from the map and global civilization.

What else is new?

The Axis of Evil 

The Democrat administration appointed United States Ambassadors to the United Nations – Linda Thomas Greenfield and alternate designee U.S. Ambassador Robert A. Wood – both members from the African American race deployed as messengers of Zionist misled White supremacy kamikaze decision via veto on Gaza ceasefire at UNSC and international forum clarify the status quo.

The incumbent democrat administration with black Presidency Barry Soetoro alias Barack Obama in pivotal role together with colleagues viz. hawkish Hillary Rodham Clinton behind the optic proxy Presidential figure Joe Biden whose controversial affinity and friendship with unapologetic KKK Democrat the late Senator Robert Byrd (West Virginia) combined engagement reviving slavery expose Democrats’ true colors. 

Meanwhile, the slavery abolition that cost the Republican President Abraham Lincoln to free and emancipate the enslaved black population overturned by current Democrat echelons evidenced in egregious UNSC vetoes through black Democrat representatives on Gaza ceasefire, besides funding fueling full frontal Gaza graveyard operation is certainly a turning point to the precipice in modern American history.

Padmini Arhant

Coalition behind Gaza Genocide

February 19, 2024

Coalition behind Gaza Genocide 

Padmini Arhant

The prominent coalition behind Gaza genocide – the graveyard operation with massacre of children and babies in incubators remain primary target.

The United States in particular the Democrat administration and bipartisan Congress together with Britain in front line funding and fueling Gaza war since October 7, 2023 until now.

There are others as well responsible in the heinous crime against humanity in Gaza and rest of Palestine.

Padmini Arhant 

The Terrorcrat du0

The Terrorocrat duo

The so-called democrats against democracy ON and OFFSHORE. Toppled many democrat governments between 2009 – 2016 around the world. Among them, the direct violent insurrection in Ukraine in 2014 and lately via political intervention in Pakistan in April 2022.

The Arab Spring festival was ceremoniously conducted and rejoiced in 2011 – 2016 sponsoring violence by creating terror outfits IS, ISIS, AL Nusra Front and assortment of terror factions in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Libya in particular. The major destructive course involved sponsoring cannibalism in Syria and Libya. The rape, murder and genocide were the norm as it is ongoing in the Gaza war in 2024.

Hillary infamous line“We came, we saw and He died”– the out loud laughter at the public lynching of the former North African Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi – authorized by the United States, Britain and NATO in 2011.

Israeli Zionists AIPAC funded stooges;

The Nobel Peace Laureate terrorocrat Genocider BARRY – HILLARY duo and alike accountability will be held in the Supreme Kingdom of Alimighty God delivering the appropriate judgment and condemned while living in no uncertain terms for abhorrent crimes against humanity in personal and political career.

Coalition Behind Gaza Genocide




Colonialism – Premise Might is Right

February 19, 2024


Premise Might is Right

Padmini Arhant

Colonialists ask –

Why do you think colonialism is so bad?

Response – What makes colonialism justified as an entitlement?


Would anyone in the right mind not barring colonialists and servile surrogates welcome and tolerate anything varying from bugs, insects, termites, critters to racoons…pesky pests to infectious nasty vermins colonize and raid their home, walls, floors, crevice and crawl space knowing how damaging and destructive it is not only for the home structure but also threaten the residents’ lives living in that environment?

Basic simple understanding,

What is not good for violators unequivocally not suitable for the violated over generations.

Padmini Arhant

Politics – Paranoia with Self-Reflection

February 16, 2024





Padmini Arhant

The power mongering politics paranoia with own reflection – systemic corruption, core criminality and abuse of power is behind silencing and eliminating voice against poison politics.

The deeply insecure pathological criminal politics imprisonment and murder of formidable opponent trending in contemporary politics is suicidal for clique individually and collectively, the pseudo power cowardice is characteristic of decadent gluttonous guilty politics.

The trait shunning resolute opposition to incorrigible status quo is mirror reflection of rejecting own image citing mirror as the problem and not the object and subject.

Anything beyond salvation is unsustainable expediting imminent expiration of such political era.

History and reality are testament to the fact.

Padmini Arhant 

Gaza War – Rafah Air Strike Feb 2024

February 12, 2024

Gaza War

Rafah Air Strike Feb 2024

Padmini Arhant

Politics – Dehumanizing Life

February 10, 2024


Dehumanizing Life

Padmini Arhant

Politics playing politics with human lives regardless of age, race, religion and denominations are reminded their desperate strategy expose their individual and collective vulgarity, obscenity, indecency and decadence as the writing on the wall.

The despots further engagement in dirty sleazy slanderous scum politics for cheap publicity and wanton provocation pronounce their funeral while they together with crony contingency and minions are stripped of their human status in the prolonged genocidal legacy.

As for those wannabes, opportunists and parasites perpetually hiding behind race card despite murder and criminality towards people of own race and dumping own child brought into the world through violence and rape of the victim again from own race are the typical narcissists setting fire and crying foul evading responsibility and accountability.

In a fair civilized society, these criminals would be held accountable for their heinous crimes and not held above law allowing them to prey on more victims given their predator reality.

However, these characters are sworn to deterioration to the point of no return.

Nonetheless, the murderers of own people deploying taxpayer funded security personnel in summary execution of the rape victim in public square, the criminal offense indulging in violent sexual assault of the member from their race and subsequently eliminating their personal chef from their race associated with sexual orientation…catalog their violent abhorrent criminality masqueraded in obsession of their race and emphasis on melanin in a bizarre sociopathic trend.

The relentless publicity campaign in the futile effort to salvage the irreversibly tarnished trajectory is the beginning of the end of scavenging hyenas having demonstrated cannibalism in 2011 and thereafter the ravenous appetite for undeserving power abused to the core is now at the precipice.

The term in office was over and done with having wreaked havoc and monstrosity revived via proxy administration in 2021 until date in wars, deaths and devastation – the insignia depicting self-dehumanizing defacing guilt ridden profile.

Notwithstanding the excruciating journey awaiting these scumbags upon imminent demise is non-bailable and non-negotiable.

Padmini Arhant 

Israel – Leadership and War Crime

February 1, 2024


Leadership and War Crime

Padmini Arhant

Update: February 4, 2024.

Politics latest strategy to remain in power in the face of their failed flawed governance and public dissatisfaction comprise the following.

1. Wage and collude by funding and fueling incessant wars killing unaccounted number of civilians with no accountability whatsoever.

2. Polarize society using race, religion, gender, identity politics and any social, political and religious platform.

3. Retain hypocrisy in denial of any wrongdoing and scapegoat anyone regarded a fair game.

4. The ruling power barring opponent from fair participation in electoral process with litany of charges not excluding prison sentence. The ruling party undemocratic unconstitutional action by extension deprive the legitimate opposition any opportunity for campaigning in national election.

Case in point: United States and Pakistan.

The politically motivated convictions against opponent from the ruling politics and essentially behind the scenes operatives being the fulcrum spinning the wheel is authoritarian by design and default exclusively for personal interests acknowledge two critical facts.

A. The incognito run proxy government is proven economic, political and social liability besides eliminating democracy via such setup antithetical to transparent political system. Furthermore, the trend explicitly demonstrate bias against political opponent and in other scenario zero tolerance to the alternative A-political voice of reason and rationality.

B. Simultaneously, the incumbency policy and actions against opposition is acceptance of the latter formidable challenge to the forces in power against republic will. The incumbent performance reflect desperation exasperating rather than alleviating vast majority population deteriorating economic conditions.

Padmini Arhant

Update: Feb 3, 2024: Israel and Western front on Gaza War.

Israel’s genocide having consumed more than 30,000 innocent civilian lives with at least 11,000 or more children and infants among them in the ludicrous so-called self-defense is granted unbridled power militarily and via funding courtesy – U.S. Democrat administration and Congress.

The United States democrat administration with bi-partisan Congress generously distributing taxpayer money having provided $14 billion at the onset of the war in October 2023 besides continuing annual $3.8 billion to Israel to intensify genocide and exacerbate Palestinian humanitarian crises in the four-month-old graveyard mission share the burden of unforgivable crimes against humanity especially children and infants remaining the prime target.

That goes for the rest of the western stance applicable to all those in collusion and complicity having demonstrated in EU 312 votes echoing genocidal trend behind their ally Israel.

Similarly, the non-western co-operation and co-ordination taking marching orders from belligerent Israel in believing and accepting any contrived contoured unsubstantiated allegations that are the norm since occupation in 1948 until now to justify illegal settlements and apartheid while persistently claiming victimhood insist on prolonging the hideous hypocrisy.

The latest stunt from Israel which is least surprising given the legacy, now declaring to bomb the most crowded Rafah crossing having evacuated the war victims – the Palestinians from Northern Gaza to Southern side. Then attacking them upon their arrival in Southern area as clarified in Khan Younis city under the pretext of attacking Hamas inflicting more civilian casualties there.

Then upon the terrified, starved, hungry, thirsty, wounded arrival in Rafah considering it as a safety zone, with many civilians having lost body parts in the relentless shelling from the western aided Israeli artillery alongside denied any emergency medical treatment with hospitals and medical centers bombed into rubbles are apparently not yet done.

As though these atrocities aren’t enough, the blockade of Egypt’s humanitarian aid across the border to the suffering Palestinians are declined entry by Israel organized Israeli protesters.

These activities  categorically confirm the state of Israel, the western coalition whoever is involved in this historic human rights violations in the first quarter of the twenty first century surpassing any that are constantly reminded of by the current oppressors and violent aggressors of their experience in the previous twentieth century.

In fact, Israel, United States and other western and non-western alliance are accelerating innocent unarmed Palestinian civilian genocide rather than deceleration bringing the deaths and decimation to decisive conclusion.

The constantly cited earlier crimes by those such as Adolf Hitler and alike pale in comparison to ongoing display of arrogance and apathy to human life in the mass graves specifically aimed at Palestinians and Nakba / forceful displacement and evacuation from their native land.

The merciless carnage and catastrophe unleashed by present successors of war and humanitarian crimes voluntarily forfeit any such claim about their victimization in holocaust and any other experience related to them.

The systemic killings of civilians in Gaza and across Palestine clearly demonstrate Israel backed and promoted by western and other non-western partners’ return to medieval era and even Stone Age with barbarism wreaking havoc in the name of western superiority.

It is a sign of precipitous decline of civilization and culture endorsing beastly nature to the point of no return.

Needless to say, these situations invariably bear monumental consequences for those involved to regret in living and upon demise for everyone of them confronted with personal guilt and criminality.

The evil termination is aptly in play right now depicted in authoritarian slaughter of children and all lives in western authorized Israel‘s vindictive prejudiced disproportionate military bombardment of Gaza and entire Palestine.

In God’s Supreme Kingdom, justice might be delayed, however never denied as proven time and time again since time immemorial.

Padmini Arhant 


Update: Feb 2, 2024 : UNRWA – the defunding of the UN humanitarian relief agency for Palestinian refugees in Gaza and population outside in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt by 17 countries at Israeli PM and political members behest is haste impulsive response.

The alleged involvement of UNRWA four or five members on October 7, 2023 Hamas attack presented by Israel (subject to verification based on several false accounts earlier from Israel only to be proven fabrication and fake) to the funding nations have been accepted without any delay or deliberation in the withdrawal of monetary support to UNRWA in Palestine.

The action from 17 countries regardless of catastrophic humanitarian crisis created and continued by Israel defying international condemnation is blindsided with explicit double standards in the assessment of civilian plight including mass graves as the outcome in the ongoing violent aggression by Israel and allies viz. the United States.

The key financier United States – funding Israel’s belligerence and series of violations, both along with any other faction complicit in the inhumane violent slaughter of Gazans and other Palestinians have long departed from civilized democratic humanitarian law abiding political systems.

Their combined collaborative genocide since October 7, 2023 till date refusing to permanently ceasefire to save lives clarify the precise objective i.e. indefinite warfare with collective punishment not even sparing infants and innocent civilians in the territory.

The callous decision further exemplified in suspension of critical humanitarian assistance to the war victims and Palestinian refugees through UNRWA. 

Where are the urgently required actions from the western and other members among 17 states reacting to UNRWA otherwise remaining silent to Israeli PM, radical members as well as cabinet ministers publicly calling and conducting ethnic cleansing of Gazans and resettlement of Gaza with violent extremist illegal foreign settlers in the occupied territories of Palestine?

It’s time to reject manipulation and maneuvering, the aggressors routines to maintain status quo unwilling to end genocide and brutal colonization of Palestine.

International citizens are witness to the heinous crimes committed by Israel against Gazans and other Palestinians over 75 years abusing United States taxpayers fund and military stockpiles to establish authoritarian regime having renounced democracy since creation of the state of Israel on Palestine.

Free and independent Palestine is inevitable imminent event overriding unscrupulous illegitimate occupation and violent exertion of Israeli authority boosted by United States and any other collusion from anywhere.

The upcoming immediate development is similar to all things that matter concerning humanity.

Man proposes guided by egregious self-righteous greed driven interests and,

Almighty God accordingly disposes such manifestation to the benefit of the people unfairly subject to endless injustice.

The day is over for tyranny to expect the victims to bow to atrocities and oppression lasting several generations as their constant fate.

Instead, the reckoning is upon tyranny to take a bow and quit the long held tradition of invasion and subjugation as entitlement.

Padmini Arhant 


Israel’s retaliation against entire Gaza and the rest of Palestinian territories following October 7, 2023 Hamas attack, continued till date has resulted in not only deaths and destruction of Gazan population and the territory, it also has devastating impact on Israel’s IDF forces deployed in Gaza and other parts of occupied Palestine.

The leader of the nation as the head of the state Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has become the death merchant unwilling to relent to international community call for permanent ceasefire. The war in Gaza in the fourth month since it began has consumed around 30,000 civilian lives among whom more than 11,000 are children alone.

The Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s stance heeding belligerent guidance within own cabinet and foreign powers at the start on October 7, 2023 accelerated with unconscionable war crimes ranging from deliberate suspension of drinking water, food, medicines and basic survival needs to bombing of hospitals, schools, places of worship not only mosques in Gaza but also the church in Jerusalem, Gazan civilian residential buildings reduced to rubble in the ongoing ravaging war.

The leadership of any nation becoming the role model for indiscriminate brutality demonstrated by the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and government members diligently adapted by the conscripted IDF personnel on the grounds in Gaza is a colossal failure of leadership having eliminated democracy in Israel.

The IDF executions of Gazan families, bombing of civilian homes and all public facilities displayed via viral videos proudly celebrating decimation of Gaza and annihilation of civilians and calling to intensify genocide exemplify the national head of the state Netanyahu’s leadership corrupting human psyche especially among own IDF personnel turning them into blood thirsty ravenous beings having hopelessly surrendered to the political will of the leadership.

The Israeli Prime Minister in return is running away from self to evade own corruption scandal and related legal consequences serving as the cause for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s indefinite genocide.

Meanwhile, the war fatigued Israeli IDF drafted personnel many of whom are fairly young are now transformed into lifeless without Soul like the Prime Minister Netanyahu adamantly misleading the troops and the rest of the nation entirely and exclusively for personal political salvation to remain in power.

The Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu facing many serious charges from corruption stigma to dereliction of duty in security and directly responsible for exacerbating Israeli hostage situation with deaths among them in Israel’s relentless bombing by declining permanent ceasefire and immediate exchange of all hostages on both sides could no longer be differed nor buried in vain.

The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decline in leadership is ominously influencing IDF shifting away from normal human behavior to aggressive killing machines in the war zone and the long occupied Palestine.

The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s extended political tenure predominantly aimed at concentration of power proved in upending democracy much to entire nation’s angst and frustration drawing months long protests throughout Israel and,

Thereafter the developments until now is undoubtedly costly in terms of ordinary and defense force lives in the national front, Palestinian citizens, the region and the entire world.

Not to mention American tax payer financing the protracted warfare despite their dissent reverberating in peaceful demonstrations across the nation ever since the onset of war.

Again the call for peace slighted by the politics in the United States, the administration and bi-partisan Congress continuing business as usual in perpetuating the genocide and carnage in semblance with Afghanistan and Iraq invasions earlier.

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leadership is by far the deadliest and irrecoverable liability for Israel and that goes without saying for Palestinians and the possibility of peaceful settlement and permanent resolution to the long outstanding Middle Eastern Arab / Islamic – Israeli quagmire.

The regional volatility expanded into global tensions are currently the state of affairs affecting the world at large in every aspect from global security to economic repercussions.

The international citizenry have called out Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s incontrovertible war crimes in the Gaza war.

However, the formal legal assertion in case filed by sovereign nations Mexico and Chile on January 18, 2024 citing war crimes in the Gaza war with legally binding prosecutorial charges on individual war crimes presided over by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Hague further confirm the veracity of Gazan genocide escalation with no end in sight prompting concerned international intervention to end the heinous crimes against innocent unarmed civilians in Gaza and the remaining Palestine.

Regardless of the outcome in such legal pursuits, Israel being a non-member and thereby Israel neither recognize the jurisdiction nor comply with any ICC or ICJ, UN, UNSC and any other international body decision.

The conviction of war crimes against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and allies in the Gaza genocide and arbitrary violation of human rights is indisputable irrefutable fact with the unequivocal ruins in Gaza as the testament to reality.

Permanent ceasefire enabling release of all hostages on both sides with expedited Palestinian statehood and independence ending Israel’s three-quarter-century old illegal occupation, colonization and apartheid in entire Palestine is the only solution now and moving forward.

Termination of Gaza war for peace to benefit entire population in Gaza, the rest of Palestine, the Middle East region and the world is the regional and global responsibility.

Padmini Arhant



Politics – War Against Truth aka Holy War

January 31, 2024


War Against Truth aka

Holy War

Padmini Arhant

Update 01/31/2024:

Word of Caution: Do not plagiarize even color code from your arch nemesis for your misogynist attack. It only demonstrates utter stupidity and desperation.

Importantly, it is about time politics stop weaponizing taxpayer funded agencies like the Income Tax, State Franchise Tax Board (FTB) and alike to bully and flex fractured muscles of the corrupt politics only to be disappointed with failure in such harassment strategy.

Unlike the crooked wicked politics that evades due taxes and defraud the ones they prey on for their survival to success in their otherwise dismal political career, their shenanigans in this regard is self-defeating for the source and crony catalysts. Not to mention major embarrassment confirming goon gutter politics.

Relevantly, their scandalous corrupt shady dealings misusing $$$ billions of taxpayers funds to hamstring domestic and offshore corrupt wheeler dealers to advance personal and family fortune are the types bankrupting ordinary lives and depriving national treasury from legitimate revenue.

Politics need to realize they are hired by the people on public tax funded positions from top to bottom. The politics misusing power deploying scare tactics and aggressive ambush behind the scenes lead to own inevitable ejection and expedited exit from office.

Politics is also obligatory to respect other’s will upon latter rejecting indefinite abuse and exploitation in the increasingly oppressive fascist environment.

The life mantra now and forever – wisdom is the appropriate guide when choosing one’s enemy.

Padmini Arhant 


What is contemporary politics paranoid of and vitriolic to in the Information Age?

Truth, factual presentation and incontrovertible data on politics’ flagrant violations, corruption, criminality and absolute abuse of power, treason…among other serious repulsive indulgence making a mockery of democracy, rejecting constitutional basic civil rights in curbing free speech, imposing gag order, arbitrary censorship and above all incessant targeting with personal identity theft and distortion not barring designating target to anonymity in nuanced attacks as political entitlement.

Those in control of politics – albeit the unelected oligarchy, special interests and variety of incognito influencers pumping money for destructive politics through diverse channels – none of the sources and means made public and carried out discreetly entirely for personal and vested interests as the norm.

Meanwhile, the innocent civilians and ordinary lives are subject to slaughter, economic bankruptcy, social subjugation, discrimination and dehumanization in politics’ secretive behind the scenes operatives driven blood and treasure squandering for ruinous catastrophic purpose.

Notwithstanding, those pledged to the  so-called “Holy War” innuendo against their one and only female target are the kind hell bent in protecting and prolonging the deep state status quo.

The philandering and criminal involvements with license to kill civilians and defense personnel at home and abroad are signature traits for the prominent ones in the egocentric undeserving glory hogging megalomaniacal persona.

The tradition includes politics defiantly committing crimes at every opportunity in colluding with enemies of humanity at large with their surrender in repugnant secret society meetings that prohibits public presence and knowledge on global affairs evidently harming human lives and existence.

The anti-humanity annual meeting in secret locations invariably plot, conspire and engage in devious activities proven malicious and life devouring whether unleashing deadly corona virus on human population or waging terrorism and relentless wars in the game plan on depopulation agenda.

Such politics upending democracy world over, installing propping rogue subservient regimes promoting corruption culture intensely via banking institutions in the Swiss Alps or exotic oceanic tax havens receiving unholy unscrupulous nefarious financial and economic transactions depleting ordinary lives’ hard earned lifelong savings and retirement benefits…are merely the tip of the iceberg.

All of it unequivocally held in political members’ personal wealth accumulation and additionally gambled away by politics in funding and fueling wars in the most oppressed and occupied territories offshore killing babies in incubators and entire unarmed innocent civilian population in the bloodthirsty carnage continued with no end in sight.

The politics notorious for secrecy, complicity and duplicity on all public and political matter that are supposed to be transparent with utmost accountability holding none above law barring selective incarceration and criminalization through interventions in foreign land witnessed and experienced until now are renowned for paradoxical paradigm.

The pathological impulsive politics unabashedly and shamelessly invade others’ life, home, space, privacy even claiming to peak under one’s sheets, rest room and shower etc., in sleazy intimidation harassment tactics declare themselves the ultimate perverts abusing taxpayer money against taxpayer that are continued with criminal pride and uber hubris.

Notwithstanding race, religion misappropriation along with obsessive narcissistic nastiness against female in the constant she-bashing having benefited and continue to harvest from the target’s free unpaid productive service in achieving unthinkable power, fame and fortune are gross political and otherwise parasitic trend.

The prevalent misogyny is further exemplified in intelligence and propriety attributed to male orientation casting the female as robotic artificial intelligence genre in the prejudiced gender profiling that are exclusive in crass chauvinistic politics.

If at all anyone has to apologize, compensate to the abused and renounce once and for all, all of the above enunciated disdainful practice,

It is none other than politics and crony contingency exposed and established as incompetent, unfit, carcinogenic besides intrusively offensive abusive and exploitative in nature and by design.

The bi-partisan rhetoric to ban TRUTH in the country is the epitome of underworld mob rule politics perturbed agitated in the unveiling of self-indignant abuse of authority.

In the process, the politics presumptuously taking the Supreme entity for granted assuming the phenomenal force to remain a silent spectator, in the foolishly referenced “Pitch Fork”description of the divine entity while elevating the incorrigibly corrupt criminal self as indomitable is incurable delusion.

Such decadent politics is the existential threat to humanity, environment, peace and meaningful progress and accordingly facing imminent peril and termination.

Who can and will banish whom from where or for that matter the planet is not even debatable.

The Supreme power as the creator, protector and upon necessary destroyer of anything instrumental behind cataclysmic outcome regarded dispensable demanding exile in itself is an invitation to individual and those in collusion collective apocalyptic end.

Hence, wanton provocation is best abandoned and avert undesirable ramifications.

Padmini Arhant 



Gaza War – Humanitarian Crisis

January 27, 2024

Gaza War

Humanitarian Crisis

Padmini Arhant

Humanitarian aid now with permanent ceasefire is the SOS to expedite emergency requirements to the war zone in Gaza.

Israel’s indefinite warfare backed by specific western powers and behind the scenes operatives’ bipolar actions continue to consume innocent lives and exacerbate humanitarian crisis in the war zone.

The rejection of permanent ceasefire among those fueling and funding the genocide of civilians in Gaza and the rest of Palestine is heinous crime against humanity.

The so-called civilized society having abandoned any civility with utter disregard for human lives is emblematic of the dark age heading towards doom and gloom eclipsed in complete black out shunning any light to dispel darkness.

Israel is led into the path of no return entirely for the Prime Minister’s personal political salvation in resistance to reason and rationale.

The Israeli leadership having lost legitimacy to remain in power dragging own state in quagmire is the beginning of the end of violent legacy determined to take own state down in the political vendetta against the target – the people in Gaza and the rest of Palestine.

Meanwhile, the humanitarian crisis in Khan Younis, Southern Gaza with Israel’s intensified bombing and shelling is worsening by the hour.

Israel’s bombing of hospitals and medical facilities throughout Gaza since the Israeli aggression onset on October 7, 2023 until now has created tremendous humanitarian catastrophe.

The shortage of doctors and medical staff alongside medicines and medical equipment depletion due to Israel and allies denial of humanitarian aid to the wounded and dying by declining ceasefire is costing many lives by the hour which obviously the war mongering politics neither care nor consider the situation dire.

The humanitarian organization such as the Doctors Without Borders and alike along with urgent medical supplies to Khan Younis and the rest of Gaza is critical to save lives especially children suffering enormously in the ongoing senseless violence and military aggression.

The global citizens call to allow immediate dispatch of humanitarian assistance to the victims in Khan Younis, Southern Gaza and other parts of Gaza and Palestine is the least humanity good offer in the do or die status quo in Gaza.

Please step forward and share your voice to help the children and their families pleading for humanitarian relief.

Every voice count and every humanitarian gesture to the bleeding citizens in Gaza would restore humanitarian value that is unfortunately abstinent among the aggressors and those opposed to ceasefire.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Evil Imminent End

January 26, 2024

Evil Imminent End

Padmini Arhant

Emphatic TRUTH:

Those assuming and defiantly remaining in power on the delusion they are indispensable and that the nation and the world would collapse upon their exit or removal from power are enlightened with emphatic truth. 

Any leadership as the head of the state claim and believe they are irreplaceable and hence lifetime position is justifiable admittedly declare their individual incompetence and colossal failure to generate talent, leadership qualities, thinkers, visionaries and diverse contributions towards collective progress, development and prosperity.

The status quo is synonymous to a teacher with students failing to meet standard requirements to survive and succeed in life in the former objective to retain the job for lifetime. The paradoxical scenario obstructs new enrollment by detaining / failing entire class for personal interest.

The condition then attributed to the one heading the class as the only one capable and suitable for the position despite results revealing otherwise. 

Padmini Arhant 


1. Who should be helped anytime in life?

A. Dog in difficulty. ☑️

B. Sleazy uncouth ungrateful exploitative politics seeking power only turn around and show true colors black or white regardless.👎

2. What is the indicator of poor economic growth?

A. Export domestic labor force overseas with unemployment at 8 – 10% or more in national economy.

B. Imports at all time high. Inflation, Interest and Income tax at peak.

C. Per capita income is all time low.

D. Significantly behind in the global poverty index than other developing nations in the region.

E. All of the above. ☑️

3. What is fake glory?

A. The quid pro quo bribe with economic and monetary transactions for glorification in public. ☑️

B. Performance exemplified with modesty.

4. What kind of politics endanger national interests?

A. Coup d’é·tat, corruption, criminality, lack of transparency and accountability, extension of power by any means and at all costs jeopardizing republic status and democracy.☑️

B. Acknowledge own failure and aid able and reliable replacement.

5. What is true leadership?

A. Create leaders among general population on merit barring cronyism.☑️

B. Respect term limits in office and facilitate peaceful efficient succession of power.☑️

C. Deny opportunity to talented and potential prospects.

D. Promote violence, exploit social and religious aspects, polarization of society for political gains.

E. Never seize or claim anything that does not belong or apply to self i.e. hijack identity.☑️

F. Servile to oligarchy, special interests and obedient to evil diktat.

G. Tolerance to free speech and basic constitutional rights. ☑️

H. Accept constructive criticism gracefully without acrimony and political vendetta.☑️

Padmini Arhant 

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