Foggy Mind
August 24, 2023
Foggy Mind
Padmini Arhant
The difference between the ice age, Stone Age and the present dark age is the creation, evolution and termination completing the full circle. The dawn to dusk events transitioning from growth towards progression now declined to regression in human behavior as the culmination of greed, power mongering and parasitic culture in dominance.
Vulgarity and Profanity do not add up to Masculinity is an empirical fact.
Ego fueling machoism is gasoline aiding the matchstick to ash.
Manhood is falsehood in the expression and submission to violent enraged misogynist emotions.
Regardless of the outcome in a man’s life from sexual orientation to civil decorum or the lack thereof towards the opposite gender i.e. the female, the fetus dependency on mother via the umbilical cord critical for fetus survival in the womb provide the physical and emotional attachment enabling life emergence into the world.
Despite the curses, abuses and vile demeanor towards a woman, the life origin from conception to birth as the gift and opportunity for Soul to redeem from karmic chain is facilitated by motherhood.
Chauvinism is the raw meat hazardous to health and overall well being.
The Superiority complex is an imagination vortex that deoxygenate brain with functionality impairment on inner and outer development.
Anger and hatred are combustible extinguishing the prospects for the Soul to self-emancipation.
The head up in the air with eyes distracted from the destination is the route to the precipice.
The distraught mind fraught with malice is the prison and guilt as the iron bars prohibit liberation.
Introspection impetus courage to look within prior to exterior indulgence.
The mind tricked by illusions and fantom thoughts lead to the foggy bottom.
Padmini Arhant
Human Character – Evil Explained
August 11, 2023
Human Character
Evil Explained
Padmini Arhant
This article reference only those indulging in constant negative connotations inducing canine in nuanced attacks, condescendence and patronization against the target as their entitlement.
Those who never engage in such conduct goes without saying have nothing to be concerned as it is not related to them.
Why are some humans naturally evil and vitriolic in behavior and mindset?
Their failure to be human in nature encompassing basic minimum qualities of treating others the way they want to be treated by them explicitly disclose their self-hatred as to who they are and enraged within for having turned into the type they are with no ability nor desire to change course. The worst being having no self-respect whatsoever.
Evil is the epitome of power mongering at any and all costs reducing selves to beneath human nature. Having descended to such status, the abuse of such power evolving into power corrupts human mind and absolute power corrupts them absolutely to the point of no return is their only hope of survival.
Notwithstanding, the tenet paradoxical to practicality.
These species are designed to decay and decompose due to rotten thoughts and relentless ill-will hurting and harming others for sadistic pleasure. Their malevolence ultimately consume them in the end justifying the means delivering them what they serve others as their choice and prerogative.
Why do these species invariably use dog to caricature their enemy?
First of all, these species as described above neither possess the practical and emotional intelligence nor the extraordinary capabilities of dog, on whom the human race enormously depend on in more than just having them as pets at home.
The service dogs are great examples who pledge their life and loyalty, that are oxymoron to the above mentioned species with demonic traits and violent deceitful legacy.
Not to mention them being established in piracy, plagiarism and parasitic existence.
The service dogs also known as the guide dogs are the life line for the visually impaired human population guiding them through busy traffic and helping them cross roads physically and literally in life.
These wonderful adorable canines are the best friends and companions at all times especially during the most vulnerable and desperate situations saving lives at own risk, besides watching over and protecting those the canine deeply care about expressing true love and commitment throughout their lifetime.
The canine positive contribution is also experienced among children to adults in alleviating stress from any health conditions in curable to terminal disease. Similarly in couples with infertility problems find solace and happiness raising canine pups bringing tremendous joy filling the void. The elderly and senior citizens rely on the canine to guard them and assist in their daily activities in life.
On the contrary, the ones disparaging the canine prove their characteristics in the mistreatment of their next of kin whom they abandon and / or violated through public execution riddled with 25 or more bullets, child deprived of child and parental support as well as killing those members in personal life prompted by paranoid purge.
Synonymously, a convict from convict colony crowned media mogul and counterparts spewing venom to defend the indefensible devils could only be expected as murderers of sanity and rationality.
Canine Intelligent factor – Then there are dogs trained and deployed in intelligence service to provide clues to humans on narcotics and other criminal activities that the above mentioned species and their associates engage as perpetrators of crimes abusing resources and power at their disposal.
Inarguably, the canine win remarkably in unconditional affection, unflinching loyalty, gratitude and impressive intelligence compared to those in contrasting paradigm.
One can imagine their despise for the dog that chase and apprehend these criminals at large who on the other hand live to make others’ life impossible.
Apparently, training a dog is not as hard as dealing with the hard core criminality sworn allegiance to evil and all that are incorrigibly corrupt and destructive.
In conclusion, the evil disguised as human elaborated above is the existential threat endangering lives all around much to imminent cataclysmic personal extinction.
Padmini Arhant
The Gospel Truth
July 29, 2023
The Gospel Truth
The Cardinal Rule on Sinful Life and Legacy
Padmini Arhant
The color of the sky cannot be changed to suit and fit the preference of the beholder. Synonymously the skin color in a given life remain the same regardless.
Getting over color code – in blackness, whiteness, brownness, yellowness, pinkness, orangeness and any other shades and racial tones…merely an exterior skin layer with color of the blood (RED) remaining the same and uniform in all living species i.e. humans and animals alike, the realization in this context is the preliminary step towards civility.
The life history in terms of social identity – color, creed, education, economic, political background etc., ending and the memory of it erased with the termination of life in any particular lifetime except for the accumulation of karmic debts pending settlement, the condition is irrefutable.
That being the fact of life, what’s all the fuss over melanin and skin pigmentation and other factors?
The Soul’s unknown journey though markedly premised on individual deeds aka Karma in any life duration, the hangover on skin color and stereotype are sentiments inhibiting positive thought process and relevant progress in mind evolution.
The efforts instead turned inward in clearing clutter within and deep inside to develop tolerance, acceptance, acknowledgment extending respect and understanding even with differences and disagreements on issues create better relations in human existence.
The humanness rising above prejudice, lingering bigotry, hatred, subjugation, subordination and discriminatory practice is the greatest challenge for those unable to release selves from the self-imposed constraints on social description.
Learning and striving to be human in nature and behavior is the laudable milestone one could achieve in living and thenceforward.
Having said that, it might be possible to straighten the dog’s tail but not those set and sworn to be unruly and recalcitrant at own peril only to realize the outcome echoing what was ignored and too late for recovery.
On the question of feeling insignificant, it would matter only when such assertions from distinctively insignificant have any significance whatsoever.
Claiming credit on anything that do not apply to self aka wannabe alternatively piracy while shunning responsibility on everything that is squarely own obligation with name written all over is called opportunism.
Financial bankruptcy caused by malicious forces abusing position besides conning and mocking endlessly about the situation long after recovery is sadistic pleasure, the epitome of narcissism
Juxtaposed, personal permanent irreversible moral and ethical bankruptcy drowning in doom and gloom is far worse than any temporary loss in life.
Not to mention the status depleting core human value, irreplaceable element with any monetary or material compensation.
The designee viz. the Vice President as the so-called heart beat away and next in line to the highest office on land selling the Soul to devil for title in name only and price tag is sycophancy traded at the cheapest fire sale otherwise insolvency of brain and human dignity.
The bargain involving self-caricature in ever high ecstasy and delirium on display admittedly from substance abuse evidently never in short supply in the latest cocaine saga at the premise of the most important public office in the nation is sad and tragic affirmation on self-destruction beyond salvation.
The self-inflicted deterioration to appease the devils in disguise is classic example of greed and lack of intelligence resulting in dysfunctional performance and dystopia.
As for the mainstream network with insignia as the sly scavenger FOX represented by hosts and anchors salivating on the bait along with counterparts on curbside communication outlets trading journalistic ethics for demolition of democracy peddling Satans’ satanic nuanced scripts are components of the large fraud machine with engine running on recycled fabrication and distortion in epic proportion.
The combined collaborative efforts expedite their cataclysmic destiny already in progress with precipitous decline together with the entire apparatus behind the gamut on the brink of collapse.
Accordingly the futile nonsensical defamation via VP clown and other pawns sponsored by media cohorts’ directed at the target to convince imaginary audience in empty theater is the ultimate parody glaring at those in fools paradise.
Sins and crimes committed with willful malevolence is demonic despotism.
The characteristics encapsulate brazen conviction to harm, develop attitude entrenched in hatred, contempt, prejudice, misogyny, intolerance, insolence, slur, slander, smear, besmirch, condescendence, patronization, envy, gluttonous greed, hubris, arrogance, bruised ego, violation of rights through invasion of life, privacy, space, perversion, spying, snooping, prying, preying, predator instincts and critically identity theft, identity swap, identity misappropriation manipulated as identity appropriation, isolation to anonymity, exploitation, unlawful intrusion, imposition, harassment, bully, mob mentality, obsessive compulsive disorder with the target…are some of many diverse character deformity and deranged personality laden with ignorance.
Such indulgences bear serious consequences in living gripped with grief and guilt and upon demise leading to the solo journey after life saddled with unsettled karmic debts excruciating thereafter.
Furthermore, lies, deception, dereliction of duty, debauchery, corruption, criminality, treason, violation of trust, abuse of power, public office, people’s money, authorizing censor speech, cancel culture, proxy, pawn, puppet schemes, divisive polarizing poison politics triggered by power mongering and atrocities of any kind exacerbate the inevitable outcome.
Importantly, misinformation, disinformation, falsehood, fakery, vicious propaganda, fraudulence and indignation to name a few…via collusion, complicity, complacency and participation in any capacity with the wicked and evil face enormous Karmic ramifications denying the Soul redemption and peace.
The culmination of all of the above is self-destructive comparable to an object engulfed in sea of fire reduced to ash in the realm of nothingness poignantly reflect the degenerative act dissolution.
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ presumptuously regarded victory proved to be in vain. Those who authorized and participated were pummeled and paid the price nevertheless much later.
Likewise in other faiths, the demons wreaking havoc were appropriately dealt with reminder never to provoke nor challenge the wrath of phenomenon ordained by the creator of the universe.
In Almighty God’s Supreme Kingdom, Justice might be delayed never denied.
Karma effective from the moment wrongful sinister deeds onset, the Soul is shackled in perennial suffering with no respite for the foolish enslaved to evil traits and ceaseless sins.
The cardinal rule firmly apply without exception to all those in violations enunciated above granting none any exemption nor concession.
The Gospel Truth since the dawn of creation established by the Supernatural power remain irrevocable and immortal in essence.
Padmini Arhant
Judgment in Kingdom of God
July 27, 2023
United States
Economy Status Quo
Padmini Arhant
As usual the art of embellishing record carpeting reality is nothing new in politics.
The pulse of the economy is sensed in three important rubrics with the middle income class bearing the burden and they are;
Taxes, Interest rates and Inflation.
Judgment in Kingdom of God
Padmini Arhant
Sins and crimes are directly related to deeds in life.
The deeds determine human character and neither creed nor power, influence, fame, fortune expended to masquerade decaying inner self from within.
Regardless of religious and non-religious stance as atheist or agnostic, the judgment on human behavior and lifetime profile including the past and present is entirely based on personal conviction and commitment in alleviating burden of sins and negativities often ignored as inconvenient and irrelevant.
The baggage upon unchecked and rejected exacerbate internal pain and suffering with inescapable guilt becoming the punishment and judgment on self for all wrongdoings and harmful conduct.
The worst sinful engagement is never learning from earlier mistakes and contrarily steadfast in committing more of the same or severe with no penance and expecting redemption as entitlement.
No prophet, messiah or savior from any faith and alternatively quoting psalms from religious texts and scriptures rescue the soul defiant in evading responsibility of one’s own serial offenses involving extreme violence taking lives of another, malignant hurtful deliberate involvements causing immeasurable grievances to victims and survivors.
Additionally, several diverse unsavory characteristics not barring corruption, criminality, treason and perversion when in position of power and authority abusing the status against those deemed weak and vulnerable in the paradoxical justification of sadistic pleasure and egotistical satisfaction exacerbate own state of mind in the self-inflicting conflict.
Such indulgence common among the presumptuous mighty and powerful flaunting position of power and clout only expose their frailties, flamboyance and falsehood turning the tide against them sooner than later in their lifetime.
KARMA’s (one’s action) potency is significant in attempts or involvement in destruction of others through violation of their life and rights that is typically self-destructive.
Self-destruction impetus egregious decisions and violent legacy completing the circle by affecting the source responsible for endless crimes and sinful sinister activities throughout life.
Judgment in God’s kingdom is flawless weighing on unsettled karmic debts with no remorse and lack of humility and failure in recognizing self-deterioration to the point of no return.
At the end of the day – it is none other than one’s own deed or Karma is the judge, jury and executioner presiding over the ultimate fate as destiny with Soul bereft or bestowed peace in living and importantly upon departure from the world depending on the individual’s life account.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Karmic Vortex
July 25, 2023
United States – Karmic Vortex
Padmini Arhant
Apparently, this is how the Black Lives Matter
Barack & Michelle Obama’s Personal Chef – Tafari Campbell, Age – 43 in the picture below found dead near their Martha’s Vineyard Estate pond on July 23, 2023.
Israel – Democracy in Crisis
July 24, 2023
Israel – Democracy in Crisis
Padmini Arhant
No government whether Presidential or Parliamentary touted as proud democracy or otherwise is above law.
The day government declares and demonstrates as such undermining judicial autonomy and limiting the constitution granted power to the highest court on land, the last bastion for citizens in a democratic system, that government is no longer democratic.
The political leadership and party facing corruption charges evading accountability targeting judiciary to remain in power is a serious blow to democracy and fundamental rights of the people.
Notwithstanding government in power blatant rejection of checks and balances to be represented by effective political opposition in the legislative body and the other being judiciary interpreting and applying constitutional law that are lately considered inconvenient obstacle by the executive branch.
The anti-democratic wave in democratic system is antithesis to government of the people, by the people and for the people.
The governments of different political party and factions in coalition and / or as rare majority are guests hosted by the permanent members – the citizens as the electorate in a democracy.
Any effort and actions implementing laws to suit government or political leadership and party discretionary will against that of citizens is violation of voters’ trust and mandate.
Israel is being led into undemocratic environment despite citizens’ protest nationwide, a national scene only witnessed until earlier in states established under one party rule and leadership positioned as the ultimate authority.
These developments are unhealthy for democracy dragged into unnecessary turmoil.
No political party, leadership, government, individual or entity is ever greater and more important than a nation and its people, the only true representation of sovereignty and republic.
The governments are elected in or out of power whereas the people continue to carry the nation through generations in the present and future.
It’s time for governments, bureaucracy, the legislative members and above all the executive leadership to respect and uphold the laws they pass and legislate for the states and rest of the country and exemplify in compliance of the rules and regulations especially on corruption scandals and other ethical moral issues confronting them during and post term in office.
The failure in this regard prove government’s lack of credibility and aversion for the rule of law they pass for the general society to abide by which majority of population do world over.
Unlike the government as authority flouting the same when it is incumbent upon them which is unfortunately the common trend in the abuse of power regardless of democracy or authoritarian style of governance.
Anything exceeding the norm is never sustainable and stymieing ethical standards conforming to treason is far from exception and unacceptable transformation.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Woke Culture and Ideology
July 10, 2023
United States
Woke Culture and Ideology
Padmini Arhant
What happens when those intentionally and deliberately distort positions and facts of anyone to suit own doctrine and ideology?
Then the following is necessary – precise clarification from the one whose firm stance and factual statements are misused and misinterpreted for political gains of those in such engagement.
The caption Life Matters on this website going back to its inception in 2008 until today in 2023 – always encompass all lives including all living species in the world.
The clear message on this website Life Matters extrapolated into Black Lives Matter.
The latter however commissioned to violence and unruly anarchy witnessed during COVID19 global lockdown in 2020 when the entire world not excluding United States were in ultimate lock down except for Black Lives Matter participants roaming free inflicting carnage and destruction across the west coast of the United States at the time of national and global curfew in 2020.
Black Lives Matter and the likes of ACLU turning their back on those black lives viz. unarmed Miriam Carey violated and brutally gunned down with several rounds of ammunition in public square with her child denied parental and child support by the First Black Family in the White House,
The innocent black man Troy Davis unjustly sent to the gallows declining clemency plea by then Black Presidency and,
Shirley Sherrod – the black member of the Agriculture department unfairly fired from her position by then Black Presidency.
These incidents among many other evidently may never matter ever to politics or any of the above organizations conspicuously abstinent in condemnation of these crimes and violations by the highest office abusing power to the core.
The other issue – this website presentation of factual content on myriad topics with personal perspective on various forces ranging from deep state, political corruption to abhorrent secret society reining control over politics, economy and all and everything across the spectrum misconstrued and taken completely out of context once again to fit the propagators’ narrative.
The prevalent so-called woke culture is an extreme diversion to impose selective beliefs and norms on society at large.
The process ignore the status that any efforts to interject specific societal causes under the guise of diversity are required to take diverse opinion there might be either in favor or otherwise respecting individual rights on own reservations or recognition of any dogma.
The latest developments in promoting woke culture create impression about wokism gone astray and the significance or the lack thereof in utter disarray.
Wokism intervention in societal behavior, human anatomy, gender, life and lifestyle in excess of normal limits in itself problematic for the premise to begin with let alone furtherance in persuasive impact.
Accordingly, the woke movement’s overt involvement in shifting judicial representation at the highest court on land – the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) attract attention for these reasons.
Although, the discussion on SCOTUS life time appointment has been variably subject to moving towards term limits, a proposal once categorically rejected by those who are now touting for the same predominantly in alignment with own political agenda,
The eviction of SCOTUS life time appointees prior to willful retirement or resignation is expeditiously underway as known with former liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer nudged to leave the position for current administration’s preferred appointee i.e. the latest Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Ketanji Brown Jackson.
In the course of recent SCOTUS decisions on race such as the Affirmative Action ban, striking down the executive branch unilateral decree bypassing Congress on student debts cancellation and protecting first amendment rights of a heterosexual web designer in the issue related to other sexual orientation group…are some prominent cases perceived as a serious blow to woke culture.
As a result, the ongoing dynamics speak volume in more than one way than another.
The incumbent administration at the White House and woke culture advocates such as the quad aka the squad in United States Congress calling for seismic shift in the United States Supreme Court to farthest position not barring wayward politics in integration with their ideals is apparently in full swing motion.
The woke culture and White House persistent pursuit of the Supreme Court conservative Justice Clarence Thomas on alleged gifts from wealthy friends circle remain contentious not without legal ramifications in the equation.
Not long ago in the previous month in June 2023, a similar allegation surfaced in the print and other media regarding yet another Supreme Court conservative Justice Samuel Alito on the alleged luxury fishing trip with conservative Republican donor Paul Singer.
On the left, the democrat appointee Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s adherence to incumbent administration’s woke culture perhaps guarantee safety of tenure track at least for the moment.
In light of two conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Justice Samuel Alito on the current administration’s radar with reports on pending congressional investigations on the above mentioned allegations, the scene projects possible replacement of such vacancies with woke cultural appointees in the immediate future even as soon as within this term in office.
When those running the current administration in the White House from behind did not hesitate to swiftly replace liberal Justice Stephen Breyer in order to move forward with chosen appointee, the existing plan of action against conservative justices to make way for woke culture appointees is transparent under sheer thin veil of contemplated judicial transformation.
The transparency in these situations exemplified in equal application of law and accountability in own corruption scandals and members alike would be a refreshing change heeding clarion call on government responsibility to people and nation at large.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Electability and Accountability
July 6, 2023
United States
Electability and Accountability
Padmini Arhant
Update: 07/07/2023:
Politics and Entertainment World – the latter convenient ally for politics to launch nuanced and overt bashing of the target – a trend emulated from none other than Nazi leader Adolf Hitler to the extent of even leaving behind the origin in the tradition.
The politics’ evasion of public transparency and accountability on all matter is least surprising.
Beginning with campaign financing – the fundamental cause for republic and democracy under siege making a mockery of the so-called electoral process as free and fair, when it is anything but otherwise.
The proof is in candidacy to public office and Presidency bought with highest bidding from myriad sources in anonymity and failing that foreign governments liaison with nation’s highest office bearers and their family in funding shell companies in billions of dollars barring investigations despite the status quo compromising national interests, security and above all sovereignty.
Amid the facade and phony rancor in politics,
The legitimate question that arise are;
Where is the comprehensive independent investigation on CORONA VIRUS contributing to the devastating COVID19 that consumed millions of lives world over?
The catastrophe that involves both Beijing and western nations’ funders such as Bill Gates and others in the manufacturing and unleashing of bio-engineered virus on human population.
Why is COVID19 that decimated health and economic status of millions across the globe is inconvenient for politics to deal with when there appears to be ample time and taxpayers money available for grand jury indictment of sex scandals going back to more than three decades ago?
How come Beijing welcoming western corporate moghuls in the tech industry ranging from electric vehicles, microchips to practically every sector of the global economy apparently have no problem in the alliance with western world ignoring Asian roots that is being reminded by Beijing to suit own geopolitical supremacy?
The western corporate giants in the United States and Europe represented by EU and similarly those in South Asia as well as anywhere perhaps might be able to shed light on Beijing’s assertive territorial annexations, invasions and expansions in South China Sea – South East Asia, South Asia and not excluding the mainland United States.
In a nutshell, the political authorities in Beijing, the western world and the rest aspiring major role in the world stage are accountable and responsible for the geopolitical and economic dynamics in the present time.
The noise from Beijing, the western sphere and allies from wherever is indicative of none willing to recognize nor acknowledge their collusion and complicity in all major issues and critically facilitating Beijing in evolving into global manufacturing base viz. economic superpower furthering into global conquest.
Understandably, the recent COVID 19 disappearing from the radar of international probe and inquiry could only be expected as a result of odd yet solid solidarity among all those major powers in quid pro quo.
The climax in all of this is the show and the script are no longer hidden behind the smoke screen regardless of the western entertainment industry in which Beijing is a prominent stakeholder as well trying their best to amuse viewers whilst in the real effort to mute serious queries surrounding contemporary politics.
The grim scenario and actual outcome is Beijing and global corporate conglomerate are successfully transforming democracy in the west and anywhere to prevalent plutocracy aimed at weakening majority human race reduced to powerlessness and vulnerable to globalists diktat.
The agenda not barring serving insects and critters in the human menu as novel idea in addressing environment pollution.
Padmini Arhant
The election season in preparation for 2024 Presidential race have both left and right engaged in dog fight to reach the finish line.
While there are usual aiding and betting involved in the primary lasting until the final challenge, the key factor in the election is anchored on;
Mirror Mirror on the wall,
Who is the cleanest and corrupt free of all?
The mirror is puzzled at this quiz, stares at the image and replies;
Why don’t you all demonstrate and prove as enunciated below.
Every contender from left to right political factions detail your donors leaving none beginning with the big mighty whales to small school of fish bankrolling your campaign.
Importantly leaving no omissions and commissions in the deal between every one of you and foreign governments, special interests and those running the gamut in the world stage. The exercise would clarify the electoral process legitimacy besides shedding light on the deep state status.
The foreign governments regardless of communism, so-called democracy and the variety in the contest amongst them as to who is the deepest gold digger in the United States election are vying for bumper harvest in the race.
After all, accountability would matter when transparency is complied with and more so critical in the election designed to focus on cleanliness and lawfulness as the electability criteria especially in the backdrop of covered up corruption scandals on one side against avalanche of indictments and legal quagmire on the other.
Furthermore, it is an open secret that campaign financing from all different sources, elements and channels funding election and candidacy make running for public office at the local to national level a phenomenal financial extravaganza.
Notwithstanding, the highest bidder on candidacy expecting the most in return exceeding value for money upon the candidate assuming office is considered normal.
Ac such, career in politics in key positions ain’t cheap costing at the minimum few million dollars to billions in this day and age.
Accordingly, the candidates from rookie to seasoned political contenders presenting their financial sources to the electorate without cutting corners and routing short cuts, letting the public know about their direct and indirect alliance with financial stakeholders via their candidacy is the cornerstone for the election to be more than a catharsis and formality.
The mirror then let the image know that the former is not required to respond as the answers to the question on who is the fairest and electable of all if there are any would be found in the compliance or rejection of the fundamental ethical responsibility.
The mirror can’t wait to see the results of the litmus test despite knowing the TRUTH in the periodic political event.
Padmini Arhant
United States – 4th of July Celebration
July 5, 2023
United States
4th of July Celebration!
Padmini Arhant
Happy 4th of July!
America’s Independence Day – 4th of July is a reminder on freedom as priceless non-negotiable inalienable right of all beings on earth.
Freedom comes with a price of many lives as patriots and liberty patrons having sacrificed their life and dreams to liberate the nation from any form of oppression and subjugation not just for them but for all – the entire republic.
Unfortunately, in the twenty first century the reverse is the trend with many denied freedom by few reining control over life and liberty of others in direct violation of individual and constitutional rights.
Padmini Arhant
Globalists’ Agenda
Padmini Arhant
After COVID 19 global pandemic – the so-called elite globalists’ agenda appears to be full swing target at agriculture industry under the pretext of addressing climate change attempting to change the dynamics of human existence.
The buzz is all about buzzing bugs and critters as delicacy waiting to be served at the table.
Among some reporting on this topic, the Newsweek, United States article excerpt cited below has some interesting details.
“Cicadas, tarantulas, crickets, and mealworms are just some of the critters that have been reimagined in recipes aimed at curbing the global population’s consumption of meats such as beef, production of which has been cited as a major contributor to worldwide pollution.
It’s worth noting that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided funding to companies developing insect-based foods and associated technologies.
In 2021, the foundation provided more than $2.2 million to Insecti Pro Limited, “to establish a commercially-viable business for sustainable insect production for food and feed products in East and Central Africa.”
In 2012 it also granted $100,000 to All Things Bugs, LLC to “develop a method for the efficient production of nutritionally dense food using insect species.”
These grants do not include comments from Bill Gates about the healthiness of eating insects, the central claim of the Reddit post.
A spokesman for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation said: “We can confirm that we are currently funding InsectiPro, a Kenyan-based company, to support their efforts to establish a commercially-viable business for sustainable insect production for food and feed products in East and Central Africa.”
Here is the million dollar question?
The fact check claims the investors – Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in insect food industry has no comment from “Bill Gates on the healthiness of eating insects,”
Then what is the purpose behind such investment in items classified as food for consumption by humans with investor remaining non-committal on the healthiness or hazardous to human life?
The insect food manufacturing proposal was made at none other than World Economic Forum by founder Klaus Schwab together with Bill Gates and others touting global initiative on all matter concerning mankind – the premise proven anti-humanity thus far from financial great reset to Bio-engineered corona virus and now the insect food distribution for human and cattle food supply with no guarantee on health impact.
A similar investment in gain of function research by Bill and Melinda Gates foundation among selective others led to disastrous bio-engineered CORONA virus evolving into COVID19 pandemic devouring human lives across the globe.
Again Bill Gates subsequent investment in COVID vaccine back in 2015 in preparation was accompanied by Bill Gates’ hints in 2015 on the inevitable pandemic prior to the onset in 2019 in China and disclosed to the world in 2020.
How far is far enough for those tasked themselves as caretakers of the planet and human lives tirelessly engaged in population control and decline?
These activities categorically emphasize anything in excess – power, money and influence corrupt human mind and behavior resulting in toxicity.
Ironically, not only United States, the entire world is controlled by those who have no control over their life with their mind deeply involved in ill-will and egregious agenda time and time again.
It’s time for sinister secret society to quit secrecy and come clean with clear transparency on all matter.
Hence, God save humanity and planet from repeat chaos and catastrophe constantly in the making by those unheeding peace and positivity over destruction of nature and all things natural.
Padmini Arhant
Puppet Politics Clarification
June 25, 2023
Puppet Politics Clarification
Padmini Arhant
Puppet politics clarifying their exact role to their electorate disclosing the pact between them and puppeteers with price tag for being on the side show alluding to be me losing to the chosen candidate in the Republican Primary and,
Similarly in the national election would help the electorate from wasting time listening to other candidates merely placed for sadistic pleasure to mock me.
The ones behind the charade are reminded that in their game, it’s only them and their team are involved in the self and mass deception.
The portrayal of anyone among them as me losing to their chosen candidate in the Primary and final race is lofty misogyny and prejudice making a monkey out of their not so smart strategy.
With such ludicrous enactments in play to directly humiliate me despite my absence in the race or politics, the response to these shenanigans has the following narrative playing victimhood.
“The mean tweets like the bull in the China shop.”
No surprise here.
The oppressors’ following classic stance is immutable.
Never mind what we do to you. How we behave towards you and treat you and your family like described above.
We will never accept or tolerate your right to self-defense as long as we rein control over everything including your life and destiny.
Never mind what we do and how we behave towards you and treat you and your family.
We will never accept or tolerate your right to self-defense as long as we rein control over everything including your life and destiny.
And I say to that – Wishful thinking.
Padmini Arhant