United States – Electability and Accountability
July 6, 2023
United States
Electability and Accountability
Padmini Arhant
Update: 07/07/2023:
Politics and Entertainment World – the latter convenient ally for politics to launch nuanced and overt bashing of the target – a trend emulated from none other than Nazi leader Adolf Hitler to the extent of even leaving behind the origin in the tradition.
The politics’ evasion of public transparency and accountability on all matter is least surprising.
Beginning with campaign financing – the fundamental cause for republic and democracy under siege making a mockery of the so-called electoral process as free and fair, when it is anything but otherwise.
The proof is in candidacy to public office and Presidency bought with highest bidding from myriad sources in anonymity and failing that foreign governments liaison with nation’s highest office bearers and their family in funding shell companies in billions of dollars barring investigations despite the status quo compromising national interests, security and above all sovereignty.
Amid the facade and phony rancor in politics,
The legitimate question that arise are;
Where is the comprehensive independent investigation on CORONA VIRUS contributing to the devastating COVID19 that consumed millions of lives world over?
The catastrophe that involves both Beijing and western nations’ funders such as Bill Gates and others in the manufacturing and unleashing of bio-engineered virus on human population.
Why is COVID19 that decimated health and economic status of millions across the globe is inconvenient for politics to deal with when there appears to be ample time and taxpayers money available for grand jury indictment of sex scandals going back to more than three decades ago?
How come Beijing welcoming western corporate moghuls in the tech industry ranging from electric vehicles, microchips to practically every sector of the global economy apparently have no problem in the alliance with western world ignoring Asian roots that is being reminded by Beijing to suit own geopolitical supremacy?
The western corporate giants in the United States and Europe represented by EU and similarly those in South Asia as well as anywhere perhaps might be able to shed light on Beijing’s assertive territorial annexations, invasions and expansions in South China Sea – South East Asia, South Asia and not excluding the mainland United States.
In a nutshell, the political authorities in Beijing, the western world and the rest aspiring major role in the world stage are accountable and responsible for the geopolitical and economic dynamics in the present time.
The noise from Beijing, the western sphere and allies from wherever is indicative of none willing to recognize nor acknowledge their collusion and complicity in all major issues and critically facilitating Beijing in evolving into global manufacturing base viz. economic superpower furthering into global conquest.
Understandably, the recent COVID 19 disappearing from the radar of international probe and inquiry could only be expected as a result of odd yet solid solidarity among all those major powers in quid pro quo.
The climax in all of this is the show and the script are no longer hidden behind the smoke screen regardless of the western entertainment industry in which Beijing is a prominent stakeholder as well trying their best to amuse viewers whilst in the real effort to mute serious queries surrounding contemporary politics.
The grim scenario and actual outcome is Beijing and global corporate conglomerate are successfully transforming democracy in the west and anywhere to prevalent plutocracy aimed at weakening majority human race reduced to powerlessness and vulnerable to globalists diktat.
The agenda not barring serving insects and critters in the human menu as novel idea in addressing environment pollution.
Padmini Arhant
The election season in preparation for 2024 Presidential race have both left and right engaged in dog fight to reach the finish line.
While there are usual aiding and betting involved in the primary lasting until the final challenge, the key factor in the election is anchored on;
Mirror Mirror on the wall,
Who is the cleanest and corrupt free of all?
The mirror is puzzled at this quiz, stares at the image and replies;
Why don’t you all demonstrate and prove as enunciated below.
Every contender from left to right political factions detail your donors leaving none beginning with the big mighty whales to small school of fish bankrolling your campaign.
Importantly leaving no omissions and commissions in the deal between every one of you and foreign governments, special interests and those running the gamut in the world stage. The exercise would clarify the electoral process legitimacy besides shedding light on the deep state status.
The foreign governments regardless of communism, so-called democracy and the variety in the contest amongst them as to who is the deepest gold digger in the United States election are vying for bumper harvest in the race.
After all, accountability would matter when transparency is complied with and more so critical in the election designed to focus on cleanliness and lawfulness as the electability criteria especially in the backdrop of covered up corruption scandals on one side against avalanche of indictments and legal quagmire on the other.
Furthermore, it is an open secret that campaign financing from all different sources, elements and channels funding election and candidacy make running for public office at the local to national level a phenomenal financial extravaganza.
Notwithstanding, the highest bidder on candidacy expecting the most in return exceeding value for money upon the candidate assuming office is considered normal.
Ac such, career in politics in key positions ain’t cheap costing at the minimum few million dollars to billions in this day and age.
Accordingly, the candidates from rookie to seasoned political contenders presenting their financial sources to the electorate without cutting corners and routing short cuts, letting the public know about their direct and indirect alliance with financial stakeholders via their candidacy is the cornerstone for the election to be more than a catharsis and formality.
The mirror then let the image know that the former is not required to respond as the answers to the question on who is the fairest and electable of all if there are any would be found in the compliance or rejection of the fundamental ethical responsibility.
The mirror can’t wait to see the results of the litmus test despite knowing the TRUTH in the periodic political event.
Padmini Arhant
United States – 4th of July Celebration
July 5, 2023
United States
4th of July Celebration!
Padmini Arhant
Happy 4th of July!
America’s Independence Day – 4th of July is a reminder on freedom as priceless non-negotiable inalienable right of all beings on earth.
Freedom comes with a price of many lives as patriots and liberty patrons having sacrificed their life and dreams to liberate the nation from any form of oppression and subjugation not just for them but for all – the entire republic.
Unfortunately, in the twenty first century the reverse is the trend with many denied freedom by few reining control over life and liberty of others in direct violation of individual and constitutional rights.
Padmini Arhant
Globalists’ Agenda
Padmini Arhant
After COVID 19 global pandemic – the so-called elite globalists’ agenda appears to be full swing target at agriculture industry under the pretext of addressing climate change attempting to change the dynamics of human existence.
The buzz is all about buzzing bugs and critters as delicacy waiting to be served at the table.
Among some reporting on this topic, the Newsweek, United States article excerpt cited below has some interesting details.
“Cicadas, tarantulas, crickets, and mealworms are just some of the critters that have been reimagined in recipes aimed at curbing the global population’s consumption of meats such as beef, production of which has been cited as a major contributor to worldwide pollution.
It’s worth noting that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided funding to companies developing insect-based foods and associated technologies.
In 2021, the foundation provided more than $2.2 million to Insecti Pro Limited, “to establish a commercially-viable business for sustainable insect production for food and feed products in East and Central Africa.”
In 2012 it also granted $100,000 to All Things Bugs, LLC to “develop a method for the efficient production of nutritionally dense food using insect species.”
These grants do not include comments from Bill Gates about the healthiness of eating insects, the central claim of the Reddit post.
A spokesman for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation said: “We can confirm that we are currently funding InsectiPro, a Kenyan-based company, to support their efforts to establish a commercially-viable business for sustainable insect production for food and feed products in East and Central Africa.”
Here is the million dollar question?
The fact check claims the investors – Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in insect food industry has no comment from “Bill Gates on the healthiness of eating insects,”
Then what is the purpose behind such investment in items classified as food for consumption by humans with investor remaining non-committal on the healthiness or hazardous to human life?
The insect food manufacturing proposal was made at none other than World Economic Forum by founder Klaus Schwab together with Bill Gates and others touting global initiative on all matter concerning mankind – the premise proven anti-humanity thus far from financial great reset to Bio-engineered corona virus and now the insect food distribution for human and cattle food supply with no guarantee on health impact.
A similar investment in gain of function research by Bill and Melinda Gates foundation among selective others led to disastrous bio-engineered CORONA virus evolving into COVID19 pandemic devouring human lives across the globe.
Again Bill Gates subsequent investment in COVID vaccine back in 2015 in preparation was accompanied by Bill Gates’ hints in 2015 on the inevitable pandemic prior to the onset in 2019 in China and disclosed to the world in 2020.
How far is far enough for those tasked themselves as caretakers of the planet and human lives tirelessly engaged in population control and decline?
These activities categorically emphasize anything in excess – power, money and influence corrupt human mind and behavior resulting in toxicity.
Ironically, not only United States, the entire world is controlled by those who have no control over their life with their mind deeply involved in ill-will and egregious agenda time and time again.
It’s time for sinister secret society to quit secrecy and come clean with clear transparency on all matter.
Hence, God save humanity and planet from repeat chaos and catastrophe constantly in the making by those unheeding peace and positivity over destruction of nature and all things natural.
Padmini Arhant
Puppet Politics Clarification
June 25, 2023
Puppet Politics Clarification
Padmini Arhant
Puppet politics clarifying their exact role to their electorate disclosing the pact between them and puppeteers with price tag for being on the side show alluding to be me losing to the chosen candidate in the Republican Primary and,
Similarly in the national election would help the electorate from wasting time listening to other candidates merely placed for sadistic pleasure to mock me.
The ones behind the charade are reminded that in their game, it’s only them and their team are involved in the self and mass deception.
The portrayal of anyone among them as me losing to their chosen candidate in the Primary and final race is lofty misogyny and prejudice making a monkey out of their not so smart strategy.
With such ludicrous enactments in play to directly humiliate me despite my absence in the race or politics, the response to these shenanigans has the following narrative playing victimhood.
“The mean tweets like the bull in the China shop.”
No surprise here.
The oppressors’ following classic stance is immutable.
Never mind what we do to you. How we behave towards you and treat you and your family like described above.
We will never accept or tolerate your right to self-defense as long as we rein control over everything including your life and destiny.
Never mind what we do and how we behave towards you and treat you and your family.
We will never accept or tolerate your right to self-defense as long as we rein control over everything including your life and destiny.
And I say to that – Wishful thinking.
Padmini Arhant
Politics Culture – Long Live Corruption!
June 21, 2023
Politics Culture
Long Live Corruption!
Padmini Arhant
Everybody Wants to Rule The World – What’s New?
Politics is corruption and corruption is politics with no alternative.
The politics affinity to corruption emanate from greed, power mongering and criminality normalized as entitlement of those holding key to public office in quid pro quo with oligarchy and special interests from wherever.
Politics while known for lawlessness in its own rights, simultaneously adept at having each other’s back even across party lines in what is known as complicity in largesse.
The questions who, where, when, how and why are immaterial in corruption scandals endorsing abuse of power buttressed with crony media stalwarts additionally having corrupt politics back promoting 24/7 false narrative in the pander to the corrupt and targeted slander of the scapegoat bite their time in political tenure.
Meanwhile, the people treated and regarded sheeple by corrupt politics are bankrupted with soaring inflation, unrealistic interest rate hikes as realistic measure rather than eliminating illegal money – the corrupt politics is instrumental in possession and circulation via the revolving door.
The corrupt politics is bought and sold with money never accounted for despite political theatrics played in the House of Congress and Senate floor to amuse and amaze audience – the public.
The political media commentary follows affirming support to corrupt politics at all costs on the explosive scandals with foreign involvements and convey their unflinching solidarity regardless of public opinion.
The corrupt politics then surf through the term with heavily protected safeguards and measures maintaining status quo on corruption as the lifeline and oxygen to prolong tradition in the business as usual cycle.
The public as electorate march to the polls and cast ballots with or without knowledge of corrupt politics dismal performance and failed flawed record reflected in ground reality and relevantly people’s earnings wiped out in devaluation of money due to corruption induced inflation and other financial woes rather than enhance into savings and investments in their life.
The political justice pursue and persecute those rejecting corrupt politics and vilify anyone seeking transparency and fairness of law in the otherwise partisan deep state swamp proclamation on corrupt politics is here to stay and never quit corruption synonymous to habits from cradle to graveyard.
Politics playing politics rotate turns and hail –
Long live corruption!
Padmini Arhant
United States – Democrat Party Target
June 19, 2023
United States
Democrat Party Political Target
Padmini Arhant
The 2008 Presidential election victory in favor of the democrat party candidate was made possible by the predecessor administration led by the former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney although the VP Dick Cheney running the country and foreign policy in particular was true.
The Bush – Cheney administration blunders and crimes ranging from the Iraq war lying to the American citizens and the entire world killing, maiming, decimating Iraq having domino effect in the Middle East carried out by the successor administration of the ex-President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden thereafter.
It is important to know in the Iraq war in 2003 onwards the young men and women in the United States armed forces were also lied to and were made the sacrificial lamb with many sadly ending as homeless in the major cities of the United States.
Then the economic collapse in 2007 – 2008 under Bush – Cheney government in the sub-prime mortgage and hedge fund debacle bankrupting economies and people alike followed with global economic recession.
The mismanagement of natural disaster Katrina in New Orleans where African Americans primarily paid the price.
The cause the former President Barack Obama pretends to claim as important having committed heinous crimes against own race and people during own administration by self and spouse Michelle Obama against Miriam Carey mercilessly gunned down with more than 25 bullets in public square at the White House door step besides depriving financial and family care to her child with Barack Obama.
The White House authorized slaughter of unarmed citizen Miriam Carey through President’s security personnel is an example reeking in hypocrisy on the gun control crusade by Barack Obama administration then and now.
Interestingly, the mass shootings and gun related deaths either persist or increase alarmingly under the Barack Obama and Joe Biden administration with 2021 and 2023 registering disproportionate gun violence.
One would think the gun violence would retreat or retract under the democrat administration of Obama – Biden embarked on disarming the nation with the policy released to the public. Instead the gun violence inflicted massacres appear to surge under their administration to the contrary.
Could these statistics be considered defiance from the perpetrators of gun violence or a different scenario undetectable to public eye in correlation with more to it than meets the eye?
Only the administration can and should respond to the bizarre paradox.
Then the innocent black man Troy Davis unjustly sent to the gallows with then democrat Black Presidency declining his clemency plea.
Shirley Sherrod – the African American as the former Georgia State Director of Rural Development for the United States Department of Agriculture was abruptly fired by Barack Obama while she was on her way to work in the mere here say deliberate comment from then controversial Fox News contributor Glenn Beck. Shirley Sherrod was not even given a chance to explain her position that was willfully taken out of context by Fox News.
Then former President Barack Obama to save own skin from Fox News threw Shirley Sherrod under the bus at that time.
The crimes in black neighborhoods under Barack Obama term in office soared especially in his home town Chicago with black deaths from violence among gangs and other elements affiliated to drug trafficking reaching out of control.
The democrat engineered WOKE is a big JOKE laughing at the duplicity in the making and result comparable to Black Lives Matter.
The Black Lives Matter (BLM) politically exploited and led into violence vandalizing private public property not excluding fatalities across cities in the West Coast of the United States with none held accountable contradictory to the January 6, 2021 incident with endless prosecution and imprisonment till date.
In foreign Policy, the former President Barack Obama denied then Nigerian President Jonathan Goodluck’s request during his visit to the White House for United States help in rescuing the school children – all of whom were girl pupils abducted by the Nigerian terror group Boko Haram holding the girl students hostage that prolonged over some time in Nigeria.
The former President Barack Obama then sold the African continent to the military industrial complex in militarization of Africa like no other President before him or after.
The deal was made to secure Barack Obama’s second term in office in 2012 that was dismal given the successive losses in mid-term and local elections nationwide suffered by democrats under his leadership.
Similarly, the bargaining was made with then name -sake Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney using the Republican electorate as the pawn in 2012.
Yet another series of betrayal of trust witnessed in 2020 election denying Republican voters request to conduct inquiry on their votes either not counted or deleted per many voters who testified under oath with prison time on any perjury.
The list is endless as far as then Black President Barack Obama supposedly having his Black folks back who were stabbed time and time again between 2009 – 2016.
In the backdrop of own trajectory, the former President Barack Obama specifically on relations with his own people – the African American race enduring violence, injustice during his tenure surpass any discriminatory practice cited in the course of political appointments or on reparation demand from California.
Under Barack Obama Presidency executing murder of unarmed young black mother Miriam Carey trying to protect her toddler from the State authorized wild goose chase armed and loaded with only one aim – take the life of an unarmed citizen for supposedly trespassing when the alleged trespasser could have been subject to normal process of safe parking to ensure safety of the accused and relevantly the child in the back seat.
The accused Miriam Carey could have been allowed due legal process rather than inflicting gruesome violence with rain of bullets on the young unarmed mother.
Injustice of any kind against anyone is sinful and condemnable with due judgment upon departure from the world.
Not barring the Black history over 100 years of racism and apartheid that former President Barack Obama was referencing recently.
The worst of all is injustice and persecution of own race and origin against human consciousness is far more repressive and ruthless overshadowing historic precedence.
In the Bush – Cheney two terms in office – horrendous crimes, phenomenal corruption, treason and practically United States was brought down on its knees that proved to be a boon for democrat Presidential candidate to win in 2008.
The democrat party with former President Barack Obama reining control via proxy incumbent administration now relentlessly pursuing one and only name – the former Republican President Donald J Trump while ignoring all the atrocities and flagrant violations from Bush – Cheney Presidency including own administration’s far too many accounts explicitly highlighting abuse of power in office only clarify the birds of a feather flock together.
In fact, Michelle Obama assuring the former President George W. Bush safe passage with no prosecutorial hearing or indictments like the kind volleyed on the former President Donald Trump was shared in social domain.
The irony is the democrat party foothold in the White House and Capitol Hill originated in the democrat campaign against Bush – Cheney crimes in 2008 election. Nonetheless, their predecessor Bush – Cheney are completely exempt from any congressional or DOJ probe unlike the one against the former Republican President Donald Trump.
The loss of Presidential race by democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in 2016 prompting wasteful endeavors such as Robert Mueller committee and more than twice unprecedented impeachment proceedings whilst in office against the former President Donald Trump tying Trump Presidency to the alleged Russian collusion proved a hoax with tax payer hard earned money flushed down the canal.
Alternatively, upon Hillary Clinton prevailing in the Presidential bid in 2016 against the Republican opponent Donald Trump, the former would have claimed entire credit and glory to herself attributing any of the victory lap to none especially in keeping Donald Trump at bay from Washington D.C.
The same apply to Barack Obama win in 2008 election.
That’s how the political chime swings – upon winning, the victory is asserted as individual accomplishment.
Simultaneously, the reverse losing the race is determined as everyone else’s fault – their favorite target TRUTH becoming the scapegoat in the blame game.
The candidate’s legacy and track record speaking volume in the outcome is slighted for obvious reason.
It is abundantly clear that democrat party is not interested in draining the swamp in the nation’s Capital. However, obstinate in destroying and eliminating anyone daring to drain the stagnant contaminated incorrigibly corrupt crony broken system in Washington D.C.
The deep state gate keepers are working hard to maintain status quo and go beyond in subverting democracy, rejecting fairness and equality in justice with political partisanship and prejudice running amok.
Above all United States turned into heavily guarded police state with targeted cancel culture, censorship silencing intimidating and harassing TRUTH regarded inconvenient and an obstacle on their path to institutionalize abnormality, confusing society on gender, individual anatomy and much more as government prerogative and normalize criminality corruption amongst them and within political establishment.
The democrat party having renounced democratic principles and moved away from core democracy is a sad day for the political party and the government in power.
Power seized from the people i.e. the republic is unsustainable and such governance facing doom and failures is the incontrovertible experience by those treading on the path of treason and massive corruption to remain in power.
Padmini Arhant
Monumental Crimes and Accountability
June 3, 2023
Monumental Crimes
Padmini Arhant
While Washington partisan politics’ clock is stuck on only one date pertaining to one issue – January 6, 2021, Capitol Hill incident, the forces crying foul on Capitol Hill event care less about them setting precedence in this regard in many parts of the world with the latest being Kiev Maidan Square protest in 2014 leading to the current Russian aggression against Ukraine.
Ukraine literally upended with willful wanton meddling and intervention by then administration headed by former President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden along with then State Department run by former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and the likes of Victoria Nuland and late Republican Senator John McCain and others to add bipartisanship in stirring unrest on global camera visibly provoking the Nazi and neo Nazi crowd in Kiev in 2014 was not all that took place at that time.
The Kiev people assembly – Ukrainian Parliament was stormed by United States and EU authorized violent insurrection on world view with the camera capturing the demolition of democracy.
The violence intensified with then democratically elected leader President Viktor Yanukovych violently removed from office at gun pointed at the President along with entire cabinet ministry overthrown from office on that date.
Since that moment until now, Ukraine is thrown into chaos, political instability, deaths and destruction facilitating Russian annexation of Crimea and now the endless Russian invasion of once peaceful independent sovereign Ukraine.
The Ukraine status quo rests entirely due to above mentioned violent intervention from then Washington administration and EU authorized violent uprising in 2014.
Notwithstanding Clintons and Biden family corruption scandals in Ukraine under Barack Obama Presidency alongside appointment of neo-Nazi government in Ukraine by the same administration in Washington preoccupied on January 6, Capitol Hill to masquerade own criminality in Ukraine – one among many intrusions in other parts of the world.
Why is Jan 6, Capitol Hill incident is insurrection whereas Kiev Maidan Square political riot and storming into Ukrainian Parliament with violent displacement of democratic government held at gun point and subsequently appointing neo-Nazi administration by Washington not even considered a crime despite the action in Kiev exceeding insurrection inflicting political carnage and warfare in Ukraine?
As though these weren’t enough, then administration of the ex-President Barack Obama overseeing the bio-engineered corona virus funded and promoted with a sealed deal in 2015 between United States government agency – NIAID headed by Director Anthony Fauci and 2020 corona virus vaccine manufacturer Moderna is a heinous crime against humanity in the first quarter of the twenty first century.
Where is the accountability for these monumental crimes committed with political impunity?
Why are those responsible as the then head of the administration in the White House and NIAID Director and others are held above law despite their involvement in the deadly pathogen manufactured in Wuhan lab, China with United States and Europe funding?
The COVID19 evolving into worldwide pandemic not only targeted global population, the world economy was decimated in the bio warfare causing irredeemable losses and catastrophic impact on people’s lives, livelihoods with developing economies forced into further generational debt slavery world over.
Yet those who presided, participated and responsible for bio-engineered COVID 19 health disaster remain scot-free with the only incident deemed criminal is January 6, 2021 in Capitol Hill.
None of the above outlined Washington, EU and China manufactured and executed political, Russian warfare against Ukraine, COVID 19 related health and economic crises respectively are regarded relevant or worthy of investigation and accountability.
COVID19 was not limited to claiming lives in millions, the pre-meditated calculated health calamity seized human life, liberty, general well-being and sanity leaving the world in utter despair and mayhem.
The victims in millions and family members could not even perform final rites or have a last glimpse of their loved ones who succumbed to the virus that was preventable and should have been shut down during the known experimental days in Wuhan lab, Hubei Province in China since 2002 – 2015.
Instead vaccine manufacturing deal was made in 2015 between U.S. government agency NIAID and private company Moderna in anticipation of the pandemic based on investments in the highly controversial gain of function research that catapulted the pathogen virulence killing millions of lives around the world.
Not surprisingly, the vaccine production rolled out in 2020 by Moderna.
COVID19 is an unforgettable unforgivable bio-warfare unleashed in the modern history of mankind.
The protection of members responsible for COVID19 monstrosity might escape politics controlled justice in the world.
However, the judgment against every one of them will be delivered upon their imminent departure from this world in accordance with cosmic law exempting none from settling karmic burden of sins committed by them as their privilege and prerogative.
As such they are prisoners of guilt in this lifetime unable to run away from within with everlasting liability and culpability eclipsing their illegally amassed wealth and treasure they have depriving others of their legitimate existence and economic sustenance.
What awaits one upon demise is important than what one claim to possess in living.
The life termination includes dispossession of all material status and worldly possessions not even sparing skin and bones left behind in the soil.
The only certainty is death experienced with soul leaving the earthly body accompanied by indisputable karma held accountable barring prejudice and preference with the wheels of Justice in other world determining appropriate verdict as destiny.
The murder inc. and evil reining control over the world affairs wreak havoc inviting inevitable reckoning upon them.
No wonder, death is feared the most amongst those imposing ill-will, pain and suffering on others pending harvest of what they sow in living.
Padmini Arhant
Washington Politics – Crime, Corruption and Scandals
May 12, 2023
Washington Politics
Crime, Corruption
Padmini Arhant
What makes the United States Capital Washington attractive to politics?
Washington – Wash away ton of dirt and filth.
The epicenter Washington enables politics to wash away ton of baggage in corruption, criminality, sex scandals, eavesdropping, spying, snooping, invasion of others’ home, space, rights, life and country… granting political impunity with ton of protection and privileges for being the deep state perfect partner in anything and everything unlawful.
That’s politics today – use and abuse power, authority and squander taxpayer dollars with none to question nor answerable to in the so-called free world.
The exclusive freedom for politics to maneuver and manipulate at ease while remaining engaged in eternal mud-slinging, smear and slander of anyone daring status quo is icing on the cake deemed power.
Padmini Arhant
இந்தியா – ஆபாச அரசியல் (Vulgar Politics)
May 8, 2023
ஆபாச அரசியல்
Vulgar Politics
பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த்
அரசியலின் அசிங்கம் – தன் அராஜகம் வெளியான பிறகு அரசின் முகத்தில் வாத்து அல்லது கோழியின் அழுகிய முட்டை விழும் பொழுது தன்னை காப்பாற்ற வழியின்றி தகுதியற்ற நிலயில் கிடக்கும் போது அரசியல் அரசியலின் ஊடகம், சினெமா என்ற சின்ன வீடுகள் மூலம் செயல் படுவது எப்படியென்றால் அது இவ்வாறு ஆகும்.
இவர்கள் யாரை மறைமுகமாக குறி வைக்கிறார்களோ அந்த நபரை – அவதூராக தூற்றுதல், தன்னுடைய அவமானமான குணாதிசயங்களை காண்பித்தல்…
இப்படி செயல் பட்டு தன்னைத் தானே கழுசடை என்பதை இவர்களே நிரூபிப்பது தான் இவர்களின் பிழைப்பு.
தற்சமயம் உலகத்தை ஆட்டி படைக்கும் அநீதி குழுவின் அரசியலுக்கு அடிமையான அரசியல் – பெண் குலத்தை இழிவு செய்வதே தனது ஆதிக்கமாக கருதி பெண் என்றால் விபச்சாரம் என்ற பிரச்சாரம் செய்வது இவர்களே இவர்களை விளம்பரம் செய்வது இவர்களுக்கு தெரியவில்லை.
விபச்சாரத்தைப் பற்றி அரசியலுக்கு தெரியாமல் பிறர் யாருக்கு தெரியப் போகுது.
அரசியலை வியாபாரமாக்கி, மாநில சட்ட சபை, பாராளுமன்ற சபை MLA, MP இவர்களை போனி செய்து, ஒவ்வொருவருக்கும் அவரவர் ரகத்தின்படி விலை பேசி யார் எவ்வளவு தொகை கொடுக்கிறார்களோ அவர்களோடு உல்லாசமாக இணைந்து விட்டு அடுத்த தேர்தலில் மற்ற கட்சி கூட்டணி என்று நாடு முழுக்க அலைவது தானே அரசியலின் பாணி.
அப்புறம் முக்கியமாக தொழில் அதிபர்களுடன் படுத்து உருண்டு பிரண்டு உறவு கொண்டாடி தன் உடல், ஆன்மாவை விற்பனை செய்வதோடு நிற்காமல் நாட்டையும், நாட்டின் பொருளாதாரத்தையும் தொழில் அதிபரிடம் தாரைவார்ப்பது.
காசை வீசினால் நாலு வேசி என்பதை இவர்கள் தானே தன் மோசமான நடத்தை வழியே காட்டுவதில் சிறிதும் சலைப்பதில்லை.
மற்றபடி நாட்டை ஆக்கிரமிப்பாளர் அதாவது நாட்டின் பக்கத்திலுள்ள பரம எதிரியிடம் நாட்டின் பகுதிகளை முழுமையாக சமர்பித்து தன் அரசியல் வியாபாரம் என்ற விபச்சாரத்தில் வல்லவர்கள் ஆகிய இவர்கள் இந்த விபச்சாரத் தொழிலில் இவர்களுக்கு நிகர் யாருமில்லை.
மற்றவரோடு பேரம் பேசி அப்படியே தன் அரசியலை காலம் காலமாக கடத்தி செல்வது தானே அரசியலின் வரலாறு.
அப்படி இருக்கையில் அரசியலை வியாபாரம் விபச்சாரமாக செயல் படுவது தானே இவர்களின் நிபுணத்துவம் திறமை. இதில் இவர்களை யாரும் வெல்ல இயலாது.
பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த்
Politics – Con, Crime and Corruption
May 5, 2023
Politics – Con, Crime and Corruption
Padmini Arhant
Politics adeptness con, crime and corruption.
When government is in debt – no problem.
Simply raise the debt ceiling, raise taxes, let inflation skyrocket so interest rates could be hiked to punish business, homeowners, borrowers of any purchase such as auto loans to any other emergency and unavoidable expenses, students…anybody and everybody in the spinning wheel of borrowing for survival and sustenance.
When the highest office bearers commit crime – it’s cool for them.
The crimes involving warfare, drone attacks, sponsor terrorism and cannibalism, unleash deadly virus evolving into pandemic and hide facts from victims – en masse population.
Furthermore in crime chronicle, the highest office bearer seeking re-election under gloom and doom environment based on abysmal performance – not to worry.
The armed forces will serve the cause and sent to abattoir (slaughterhouse) under the pretext of capture or assassinate a long deceased terror leader having been a valuable asset all along and proven so in such situation.
Alternatively, awol when the defense personnel convoy is set ablaze on terror attack with prior knowledge of the government, intelligence and leadership at the helm.
Any of these tactics evidently go well for the incumbents famished for power seeking another and more term in office anyhow and somehow in politics.
Failing that – play identity politics and cause riots, looting and vandalism of public and private property torching and scorching anything on sight under the guise of Black Lives Matter.
In expansive identity politics, discriminatory practice ad nauseam deploying gender, race, religion, communal debate and question other’s intellectual ability via obsession with artificial intelligence (AI) when own cognitive impairment is on display revealing disorientation on stage and in public office.
Similarly for others, the zero intelligence and memory absence resulting in identity and biography theft in the futile effort to disown and disinherit embarrassing personal profile and criminal legacy is self-incrimination for all those engaged and recruited as impostor.
The political theatrics continue to deflect public attention from serious crises related to economy and issues concerning citizens’ and national interests.
Corruption – The politics’ monicker is regarded an entitlement for those in power. The apex cutting deal with health care industry in the name of health care reform enforcing mandatory health subscription and the former rewarded in return leaving the ones pawned in the raw deal for exploitation as sacrificial lamb in the major scam.
Politics snowballed in corruption scandals involving under / over the table bribes with nation’s foreign adversaries viz. China and others such as Russia and Ukraine etc. – again no tension as nothing can shake and rake the corruption mound.
Likewise the politics deal making with domestic oligarchy or offshore governments and business are held secret and classified for eternity barring public scrutiny.
The corrupt buried under corruption heaps invariably dismiss corruption charges as conspiracy and partisan politics absolving the incorrigibly corrupt of any wrong doing extending another term or more in office.
As for politics abuse of power eavesdropping, unlawful surveillance, invasion of home, space violation of life and rights – all swept under the carpet as political privilege while remaining cloaked in secrecy on all matter relevant and critical to public and humanity at large.
Not surprisingly, the criteria for top job in public office is con, crime and corruption.
Those who fit the bill are protected and favored by incognito mob rule running the gamut.
The irony in all of this is – such caliber in politics preside over ethics and rule of law as law and order in society.
All the more reason to bid farewell to such politics and political representation.
Padmini Arhant
Unapologetic Politics
April 21, 2023
Unapologetic Politics
Padmini Arhant
Update : 04/24/2023 – Politics presently evolved into unbridled lawlessness over a period of time with self-granted political impunity.
Ordinary citizens paid taxes and tax payer funded agencies like income tax, intelligence agency and judiciary are increasingly misused by regimes and overt or covert authorities in power for political reasons such as political witch hunt and selective targeted partisan judicial trials and proceedings.
Taxpayers have the right to decline tax payments inappropriately squandered by politics for subversion of democracy, constitutional law and violation of individual rights via arbitrary income tax raids, harassment through intelligence agency and illegal perverse actions like surveillance and judicial politicization.
All of this maintained in the absence of political transparency and accountability which is otherwise imposed on ordinary citizens in society as the rule of law.
Padmini Arhant
Update 04/21/2023 : The politics’ rule of law for society in the contemporary setting is only meant for ordinary citizens, majority of whom are law-abiding in most parts of the world and the other being those whom politics selectively target for political reasons.
Otherwise politics is renowned for flouting own laws and rules exempting lawmakers as lawbreakers with political immunity.
In a real democracy, the rule of law would be applicable to all without exception. The system would have none above law barring concessions on position, status and relationship with office bearer.
Furthermore, the rule of law would commence with politics considering the lack of transparency and accountability amidst massive corruption and collusion with political bias maintained as standard practice.
In politics like the so-called world’s largest democracy, overwhelming majority have criminal records and political factions have close ties with local and underworld criminals and Don who then join them as member of the state legislative assembly and Parliament.
Such was the reality with the latest state sponsored killing of the Muslim brothers Atiq and Ashraf Ahmed in public on camera. The two were accused as the don of the local mob whose relations with Indian regional and national politics was no hidden secret and found to be mutually beneficial.
Then there are members in Indian cabinet in New Delhi like BJP’s Smriti Irani committing perjury about educational qualifications in legal Affidavit of the filing on political candidacy. Yet granted several cabinet posts with no ramifications whatsoever.
Juxtaposed, the former National defense force border security personnel Tej Bahadur Yadav was falsely disqualified on the grounds of candidacy application not in order unlike Smriti Irani’s flagrant known falsification of personal credentials.
One rule for cronies and surrogates in political class and rigorous imposition on ordinary citizen in this instance ex-servicemen from national defense.
It is about time, criminal representation i.e. those with criminal records are denied candidacy in politics in line with democracy and equal justice. The economic sector adopts the policy in this regard by refusing job offers to those with criminal background.
Why should the public as voters and taxpayers be punished with criminal representation?
The members in politics should also be subject to same scrutiny on scandals and endeavors found unlawful with abuse of power and public office misused for personal and political advantage burdening taxpayers and average citizens enormous debt and economic liability. This is a common experience amongst citizens in most regions of the world.
Politics with ruling, coalition and opposition along with others in the economy in similar status are obligatory to surrender their illegal wealth held in offshore accounts and investments in tax havens prior to making lofty promises on curbing corruption or forming legitimate government during campaign rally.
Importantly, it is also incumbent on politics across party lines and political factions to submit to independent investigation on disproportionate assets which would perhaps eliminate none in the republic battle on corruption.
To summarize, the politics under constitutional oath and statutory law require all of them from top to rank and file to be the example in upholding and observing the rules and regulations, the laws they legislate and enact on general society.
With lawmakers slighting and dismissing laws they pass, the status quo make the political body redundant and legislations meaningless for crimes begin with politics and become pervasive.
Padmini Arhant
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The political scheme behind Buddhist leader His Holiness Dalai Lama public interaction with an Indian boy reportedly eight years of age abruptly requesting a hug and then on whatever ensued raise following questions.
Why was there no condemnation directly from the Indian government in New Delhi regarding the Indian and foreign media extrapolation of the incident especially with Dalai Lama being the permanent resident of India in exile and the other relevant member – the Indian boy in yellow T-Shirt with camera focus on letter P during the episode?
Why is Hollywood wannabe playing the scripted role with commentary such as inappropriate touching in the video?
Those who are behind this vile despicable propaganda ought to explain who was playing whom in politics organized theatrics with media and Hollywood charlatan Gaga participation in yet another contrived engagement intended to spark controversy.
The Buddhist leader Dala Lama had presided over this event in February 2023 and the video goes viral in April 2023 nearly three moths later. Around the time when New Delhi regime feet is on fire on many contentious issues such as Adani fiasco and Pulwama gate.
The issue drawing attention in this entire choreographed event is the extremely sensitive and thin skin head of the Indian state have never admitted nor apologized for criminal political legacy like many counterparts in politics.
In Indian PM’s case from demonetization deception to Pulwama slaughter and various criminal involvements are dismissed as political expediency. Contrarily the Indian head of the administration demands apology from others regardless of the origin of the problem and consequence being self in the first place.
On whose behalf, the Buddhist leader Dalai Lama was coerced into apology with the Buddhist leader’s office statement emphasis expressing remorse on alleged “hurt with words” presented in the usual innuendo?
What about the distortion of my life, gender, stealing identity and biography, fifteen years of unpaid work, depletion of my hard earned personal assets only to be made fun of by uncouth ungrateful political and economic opportunists profiting at mine and my family’s economic distress?
All of that and more enforced ruthlessly by evil forces with entire contingency comprising vicious malicious exploiters taking credit for my contributions thus far and dumping their corrupt criminal ignominious profile on me?
Where is the apology and regret for willful violations and gross offenses cowardly and deceitfully unleashed on me and my family through nuances and insinuations by politics, media, entertainment and whatever possible means till now?
I reiterate those who have had a free ride and taken undue advantage of me and my family remain indebted to us with time and karma appropriately settling debts in accordance with natural and cosmic law.
None escape karmic debts in living and upon death.
The Buddhist leader Dalai Lama apologizes to everyone whereas others culpable in the defamation owe nothing to none not even the Buddhists around the world whose sentiments and feelings deeply hurt in the shame game. Their belief is pawned in the whole calculated false portrayal which is shameful and reprehensible.
According to Indian government’s IT sleeper cells, Beijing’s CCP is behind Smear Campaign against Dalai Lama. The allegation against CCP from Indian government via social media unemployed youth recruits prompt the legitimate question to CCP in Beijing.
When is Beijing viz. CCP going to apologize to people of China and the rest of the world on COVID 19 and cooperate with international investigation on corona virus leak from Wuhan lab, Hubei Province in China?
When are all those including politics responsible for funding gain of function research producing deadly virus to consume millions of lives going to come forward and accept responsibility?
The presumptuous group’s complete disrespect for life in general impetus to gamble with human immunity in bio-engineered virus messing around with pathogen virulence.
The indulgence and collusion is misuse of science like everything else religion, politics, social engineering, human identity and more…all taken for granted among radical minds declared politics claiming ultimate authority with no accountability.
Whatever, whoever and however these concoctions are hatched and distributed in politics’ sleazy response to factual presentations,
The contemporary politics gone rogue, criminal and abusive misusing people mandate against people on any and all matter is the established system.
The arbitrary killing of defense force for political gains.
The public execution of citizens to masquerade own violations.
Judiciary misused for political vendetta highlighting hypocrisy.
Violating individual rights centered on invasion of home, space, privacy with spying, eavesdropping, prying, snooping, harassment…lewd crude conduct and perversions to a new level much to self-embarrassment and disgrace of the nation as well as society they represent in the position of power.
Meanwhile politics double standard cloaked in secrecy with classified information. On personal dwelling not satisfied in barricaded barbed compound and goes further exploiting privilege with taxpayer funded lifetime security personnel to gun down unarmed civilian accused as trespasser in public square.
All of the above are litany of political crimes committed in the name of authority in the so-called democracy.
Where is the apology on all these accounts leading nation, society and the world to their choice of destination – a bottomless dark tunnel?
The politics today is defiantly corrupt with mob rule under the guise of democracy misleading and harming social, moral and ethical consciousness.
Politics is nothing more than showmanship and leadership and associates paraded as celebrity rather than recognizing their duty in public service paid for by taxpayers in the economy.
The politics designed to destroy conduciveness and harmony more geared towards hunger for eternal power at the expense of constitutional governed democracy.
Politics is the existential threat endangering life with lawlessness among lawmakers normalized misusing law, power and public wealth for self -enrichment and empowerment.
Notwithstanding nepotism, dynasty and identity politics and alike displacing meritocracy with plutocracy, kleptocracy, mobocracy and inheritance of power lasting several generations.
The political class and establishment in unison surrendered to New World Order – One authority in a pyramid structure obedient and obsequious to global criminal clique running the gamut.
What is more convenient and suitable in exerting global diktat and reining mass control?
The handling of 180 members from 180 nations per United Nations membership around the world with each member representing the nation as the head of the state under one party pledging allegiance to New World Order in the global arena.
The global syndicate having to do deal with 8 billion or more human population in varying dynamics and complexities to no end.
Even a simple mind can guess the obvious to the above query representing the current global power situation.
Is it surprising or anyway odd to find politics increasingly the field of affluent with members as millionaire and billionaire amassed wealth whilst in public service supposedly on meager income?
If not the self-proclaimed penniless or pauper with maxed out credit card and delinquent student loans from 30 years ago presenting the humble background on campaign trail and upon entry in public office walk-out as super wealthy with politics having Midas touch – anyone in politics guaranteed super rich status at the taxpayers and ordinary citizens’ economic decline.
The younger generation unfortunately pay dear price in brutal egotistical politics.
Padmini Arhant