No Nation is a Poor Nation on Earth

November 17, 2022

No Nation is a

Poor Nation

on Earth

Padmini Arhant

इन लोमड़ी भेड़िये और उनके चम्चे चाप्लूसियों को ठुकरावो और गरीबी मिठावो ।

Natural endowments is gifted by nature in some form or another in every part of the world far and wide including the remotest corner of the planet.

When plants and animal species in infinite variety survive and thrive,

Why do human population face death from starvation, preventable disease and lack of basic survival needs like clean air and water?

Unlike plants and animals in environment not invaded and encroached with human foot prints facilitating natural survival and healthy conditions, human surroundings and habitat is exploited, excoriated and depleted by human greed prompting grand larceny from land to all and any natural resources as well as economic assets by the selective privileged few leaving the rest entirely at their mercy.

In reality, any nation’s economic status could be assessed and verified by that nation’s government head and political members’ personal wealth hoarded and stashed in predominantly offshore bank accounts, tax havens and investments depriving the nation they are elected to govern due economic development and equitable income distribution in society.

Then there are the self-proclaimed influential affluent amassment of illegal wealth again held overseas in numerous format account for significant national financial drain in the economy leading to abject poverty, hand to mouth living, generational indebtedness, economic slavery creating social subjugation for overwhelming population.

The equitable income is by no means socialism or communism – the concepts conveniently coined by feudalists and plutocrats essentially deploying the strategy in wealth and power concentration within the core integral circle.

Regardless of economic system ranging from socialist, communism to different types of  capitalism, the oligarchy, feudalist and upper echelons direct and indirect control on economy is dominant.

The rampant corruption among the powerful, wealthy and famous exerting influence and dominance evade accountability through self-granted political impunity.

With transparency oxymoron to them flouting checks and balances, the exclusive segment in society possess vast economic advantage over the remaining abandoned in their dire situation.

The incorrigibly corrupt system represented by gluttonous greed together with incompetence and dereliction of duty in public service and all matter largely contribute to poor economic status for a nation.

The topic will resume with more details on the subject.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 

Political Sanitization

November 15, 2022

Political Sanitization 

Padmini Arhant

Politics immediate priority is to sever ties – snip the umbilical cord with anti-democratic, anti-republic and anti-humanity forces wreaking havoc thus far.

Politics submitting to transparency and surrender of illicit wealth and tax evaded treasure stashed in offshore tax havens and bank accounts would sanitize political environment from corruption and criminality.

It’s about time politics came clean and renounced political impunity on all matter. The rules and regulations as well as laws that are otherwise applicable and mandated on law-abiding ordinary citizens in society are exempt for politics barring partisanship until now.

It would be refreshing upon politics be lawful and not lawless in the contrarian role with law-makers by and large being the biggest law-breakers flouting ethics and accountability making a mockery of the rule of law legislated and enforced by them.

Politics exemplifying what is expected of others in society would earn the former respect and credibility. 

Politics coming together in unison to serve the nation and citizens at large rather than pledging allegiance and exclusive commitment to campaign financiers, corporate donors and special interests near and far would provide credence to electoral process and justify taxpayers funded government function.

Such transformation in politics ending fiduciary augmentation would reflect dawn of real democracy and republic status.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

COVID19 – Confirmation on Source and Origin Update 2024

November 3, 2022

COVID 19 – Corona Virus Origin and Source 

Padmini Arhant

COVID 19 Revelation at the early onset in 2020 coming into fruition in 2024

Former National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Dr. Francis Collins admitted to members of Congress last week that the coronavirus lab leak theory was in fact credible, despite his claims in 2021, in which he called it a “distraction.”

Collins made the admission during a closed-door, 7-hour interview on Friday with the House Select Committee on Coronavirus Pandemic, echoing testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci, who was the public face of the U.S. coronavirus pandemic response.

The subcommittee’s chairman, Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, released the key takeaways from the interview with Collins, saying he served as Fauci’s “boss.”


U.S. Senate Lab Origin Most Likely

The facts presented on this site and sub-domain at the pandemic onset and thereafter not surprisingly attracted usual response in virulent attacks deadlier than the corona virus to suppress truth.

Nonetheless, the well substantiated facts were continuously published undeterred in the face of massive collusion to hide real factual information from the world despite colossal loss of lives from the pandemic. 

Now the video link above on the U.S. Senate concurrence on the corona virus origin from the lab is better late than never determination on the most devastating health disaster inflicted on humanity at large. 

The numerous articles published in this domain and sub-domain regarding this issue is a refreshment of memory on incontrovertible facts related to SARS (COV2) origin, source and management or otherwise. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

These articles were published back in March – April 2020 and throughout the epidemic battle.

Corona Virus COVID 19 – Origin and Source

Corona Virus (COVID19) – Manufactured in Wuhan Lab, China

Corona Virus – SARS-COV2 Origin and Cause


India – Desperate Despotism

November 3, 2022

India – Desperate Despotism

Padmini Arhant

Indian politics, media, entertainment, religious zealots  – exemplary in piracy, plagiarism and pegasus spyware. 

Originality is oxymoron to all individually and combined prompting desperate despotism.

Padmini Arhant 

தமிழ் நாடு மற்றும் அகில இந்தியாவின் நலம்

October 28, 2022

தமிழ் நாடு மற்றும் அகில இந்தியாவின் நலம்

பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த்

இந்தியா மற்றும் தமிழ் நாட்டின் நலன் இந்த மூன்று செயல்களில் பெறலாம்.

முதலாவதுமது பானம் துறக்க வேண்டும். மது விற்பனை அரசாங்கத்திற்கு மிக பெரிய வருமானம்.

அதே சமயத்தில் இந்த மது குடி பழக்கம் ஏழை மற்றும் எளிய மக்களின் துன்பம் தாழ்த்தப் பட்ட நிலையின் பல காரணங்களில் முக்கியமானதாகும்.

அதனால் மதுவை இளைஞர்களும் தவிர்ப்பது நல்லது. மேற்கொண்டு அரசாங்கம் இந்த மதுவின் வருமானத்தை மக்களுக்கு தெளிவாக வெளிப்படுத்துவதில்லை.

அதோடு இந்த மது வருமானம் மற்றும் பொது மக்களின் வரியினால் வரும் மற்ற வருமானத்தை அரசாங்கம் அவரவர்கள் தன் சொந்த அயல் நாட்டு வங்கிகளில் சேர்த்து அந்த கல்ல பணத்தைக் குமித்து வைக்கிறார்கள்.

இந்த நிலமை ஏழை எளியவர்கள் மற்றும் இளைய சமுதாயத்தை பெரும் அளவில் பாதிக்கிறது. இந்த நிலயை நிராகரிப்பது நலனாகும்.

இரண்டாவதாக – திரையுலகம் இக்கால கட்டத்தில் அரசியல் மற்றும் அயல் நாட்டு அந்நியர்கள் விஷத்தைக் கக்கும் பிரச்சார கருவி.

இதனின் மூலம் சமுதாயத்தின் மத்தியில் வேண்டுமென்றே பிரிவுகள், பிளவு, பகை, வெறுப்பு, கசப்பு, காழ்ப்புணர்ச்சி, வன்முறை, குழப்பம் இப்படி பலவகை அனாவசிய வேறுபாடுகளை படம் என்ற பெயரில் உருவாக்கி, தீமையை எதிர்ப்பவர்களை தாக்கும் தீய சாதனமாக மாற்றி விட்டார்கள்.

அதனால் நல்ல பண்பாடு, நடை முறைகள், கலாச்சாரம் ஆகியவை அகற்றப் பட்டு, அதற்க்கு பதில் திரையுலகம் திரைப்படம் எடுக்கும் அவரவர் சுய நோக்கத்தையும், யார் மீது இவர்களுக்கு எதிர்ப்பு இருக்கிறதோ அவரை குறி வைத்து படமென்ற சாக்கில் தாக்குவது இவர்களின் முதல் குறிக்கோள் தவிற ஆசையாகும்.

திரைப்படம் கல்லம் கறுப்புப் பணத்தில் அதிக தொகையில் தயாரிப்பதால், அறம், நீதிநெறி இவர்கள் யாரை குறி வைத்து தாக்குகிறார்களோ அவர்களின் சுய உரிமை ஆகியவைகளை பொருட் படுத்துவ்வ்தில்லை.

இவர்களின் கொள்கையை ஆதரிக்காதவர்களை தன் விருப்பம் படி அவமதிப்பது இவர்களின் சுதந்திரமென்று இக்கால தவறான நடைமுறை ஆகிவிட்டது.

தமிழ் சினிமா குடி பழக்கத்தை தீவிரமாக பிரபல படுத்தி, அதன் எதிர் மறையான விளைவுகளை உதறி தள்ளி, தமிழ் நாட்டின் கோடி கணக்கான குடும்பங்கள் இந்த குடியைக் கெடுக்கும் குடியினால் சீரழிவதை கண்டு கொள்வதில்லை.

தமிழகத்தின் அரசியல் சினிமா துறையிலிருந்து
உருவானதால், இந்நாள் வரை தமிழ் திரையுலகம் அரசியலின் கட்டுப்பாட்டில் இருப்பது ஆச்சரிய தக்கதில்லை.

தமிழ் சினிமா அரசியலாகவும், அரசியல் சினிமாவை போலி பிரச்சார ஆயுதமாகவும் பயன் படுகிறது. மேலும் அரசியல் மற்றும் சினிமாவின் கல்ல கறுப்பு பணம் சலவைக்கு இரண்டுமே உபயோகமாகிறது.

இதில் பாதிக்கப் படுபவர்கள் சாதாரண பொது மக்களே. அவர்கள் தான் அவதியும் அல்லல்களுக்கும் ஆளாகிறார்கள்.

இதை பற்றி அரசாங்க்ம், அரசியல் கட்டுப்பாட்டில் செயல் படும் திரையுலகம் மற்றும் ஊடங்களுக்கு வருத்தம் அல்லது அக்கறை இல்லை.

பொழுது போக்கை கையாளுவது சகல உறுபின்னர்களையும் தன் கைவசப் படுத்தும் செயல்பாடு. அதனால் ஊடகங்கள், திரை படம் இவர்களுக்கு இவ்வகையில் மிகவும் உதவும் ஆயுதம்.

மக்களுக்கு நல்லது செய்ய வருபவர்களை ஊடகம், திரைப்படம் வழியே விமர்சனம் செய்து மான பங்கம் பண்றதில் மும்மரமாக இருப்பது மக்கள் மற்றபடி சமுதாயத்திற்குத்தான் சேதம்.           

ஆனால் நல்லவரை  எப்பொழுதும் பாதிப்பதில்லை.

இக்காரணத்தினால், இத்தகைய கதை, முரண்பாடான விதத்தில் சித்தரிக்கும் படங்களை முழுதும் புறக்கணிப்பது புத்திசாலி தனமாகும்.

மூன்றாவதாக – எந்த அரசியல் கட்சிக்கும் வாக்கை அதாவது தன் வோட்டை அல்லி வழங்கல் கூடாது. அப்படி செய்வதில் எந்த கட்சி ஆட்சி புரிகிறதோ, அவர்கள் மக்கள் வாக்கின் மூலம் பெற்ற அதிகாரத்தை சர்வாதிகாரமாக செயல் படுவதில் சிறிதும்  தயங்குவதில்லை.

ஆகையால் எதிர் கட்சி, ஆளும் கட்சி மற்றும் சுதந்திர கட்சி ஆகியோர்களுக்கு சட்ட சபையில் மற்றும் பாராளு மன்றத்தில் சரிசமமாக வாக்கை அளித்து யாரும் அராஜகம் பண்ண முடியாத படி ஒருவரை ஒருவர் கட்டுப்படுத்தி மக்கள், மாநிலம், அகில தேச நன்மை நலனிற்காக சேவை செய்யும் கட்டயாத்தை உருவாக்க மக்களுக்கு வாய்ப்பு வரும்.

இதை மூன்றும் இப்பவே செய்தால், தமிழ் நாடு மற்றும் ஒட்டு மொத்த இந்தியாவும் அரசியலை அராஜகத்திலிருந்து மீட்டி ஜன நாயக வழியில் செலுத்த வாய்ப்பு உள்ளது.

முக்கியமாக வாக்காளர்களின் வாக்கை பெரும்பாலான ஆளும் கட்சி அலட்சியம் செய்யும் தருணம் இயலாது.

இதில் சிறிதும் தயங்கி பயந்து கொண்டு இவ்வாறு செய்ய தவறினால், அராஜகம் குடியரசை விரைவில் அகற்றி தன் சுய ராஜ்யத்தை நிலைப்பார்கள்.

தமிழ் திராவிடமில்லை. அதே போல் திராவிடம் தமிழ் அல்ல. அப்படி தமிழ் திராவிடமாக இருந்தால், தமிழரை தவிற தெலுங்கு, மலயாளி, கன்னடம் மூன்றுமே தமிழ் நாட்டை இந்நாள் வரை ஆள மாட்டார்கள்.

அதற்க்கு எதிர் மாறாக உண்மையிலேயே திராவிடமான ஆந்திரா, தெலுங்கானா, கன்னடா மற்றும் கேரளா மாநிலங்களை எந்த தமிழரும் ஆளுவது மற்றுமில்லை, அங்குள்ள அரசியலில் தமிழர் அடியார்களோ அல்லது தொண்டர்களாக கூட இருப்பது சாத்தியமில்லை.

இன்னொரு பிம்பம் என்னவென்றால் – பெரியார் திணிப்பு. அது ஏன் தமிழர் தான் இழிச்ச வாய் ஏமாந்த சோணகிரி என்ற நிரந்திர பட்டத்தை சூட்டி, வெளியிலிருந்து வந்தவர்கள் பச்சை தமிழர்கள் என்ற பச்சை பொய்யை சொல்வதில் சிறிதும் தயக்கமில்லை.

அதே சமயத்தில் தமிழ் நாட்டில் பூர்விகம் கொண்டு கடைசி மூச்சு வரையில் (1975) தமிழ் நாட்டின் சிவகங்கையைச் சேர்ந்த திருப்பாச்சேத்தியில் நிலம் புலம், தோப்பு பண்ணை வைத்து தனியாக விவசாயியாக இருந்த பெண்மணியின் பேத்தி நான் வந்தேறியாம்?

பார்க்க போனால் கர்நாடகாவில் பிறந்த தெலுங்கரான பெரியாரை திராவிடமே ஆதி நாளிலிருந்து இந்நாள் வரை ஓரம் கட்டி தலை முழுகி விட்டு, கோட்ஸே சாவர்க்கர் கும்பலுக்கு கும்பிடு போட்டுக் கொண்டிருப்பது தான் உண்மை நிலவரம்.

இதிலிருந்து என்ன தெரிகிறது என்றால் பெரியார் போலி கொள்கைகள் நேர் மாறான பெரியாரின் வாழ்க்கை பெரியாரின் பிம்பத்தையும், திராவிடம் மற்றும் பெரியார் கோஷம் போடும் பொய்யான நாடகம் அம்பலப் படுகிறது.


பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த்

Propaganda and Megalomania

July 23, 2022

Propaganda and Megalomania

Padmini Arhant

The downfall for human celebrity and power status is propaganda and megalomania. 

The current trend in paid and hired publicity to propagate personal attributes and mostly the lack thereof often falsely embellished is the worst form of megalomania.

In celebrity syndrome and power struggle -exaggeration, fabrication and fraudulence dominates much to the subjects woeful self-adulation resulting in seismic shatter beyond recognition. 

The publicity campaign either way is indicative of low self-esteem engaged in monetized aggrandizement.

Such traits invariably proven titanic fate. 

Modesty is paradoxical to megalomaniacal attitude. Unfortunately the latter overwhelms celebrity and power throne unseating the members sooner than later in a reminder to the successors not to abstain from humility. 

Above all, original and natural can never be replaced with fake and imposter maneuvers exposing the conspicuous nefarious play in the substitute. 

What celebrity and power players could do for a change is to decline black money essentially the dirty money exchanged with the huge undeserving price tags in celebrity and political world.

The black money corruption culture is hurting the economy on the whole through superficial inflation hitting the middle class, lower income and the poorest at the bottom. 

Accordingly, any philanthropy using black money is nothing but money and character laundering  amidst mass deception. 

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 

Government – Role and Responsibility

July 10, 2022

Government – Role and Responsibility

Padmini Arhant

The government in a real functioning democracy is defined as the organization elected by the people, for the people and of the people.

Is government truly representative of the people and for the people even though government is proudly claimed to be elected by the people in reference to the political capital?

Why are people disillusioned by government in power?

What is the role of government and are those seated in positions as Prime Minister, President, Vice President, Speaker, political opposition and other designations sincerely committed to serving the people across the nation including the electorate that did not vote for them?

If government is elected by the people to serve them and the nation at large anywhere,

Why is running for public office at the municipal to national level costs millions and billions through illegal funds flowing from any and all directions?

The bidders on political candidates in election become the stakeholder upon their candidate election to office. The lobbying begins to benefit the stakeholders’ economic gains, environment violations and other known as well as hidden agenda.

Where is the political representation for people amidst such corruption involved campaigns and subsequent commitment to special interests groups by office bearers from top to bottom?

The other strange predicament is the candidacy having received money from various sources not barring some or many unlawful channels including overseas governments to exert influence over the elected member, these members as the elected rather selected representatives in Parliament or Congress passing legislations and making laws that have been violated by them in the course of entry to public office.

Most nations have their political members violating laws they introduced and voted for in Parliament and Congress essentially holding them above law they legislated for the rest of the society to comply with.

The double standards in many scenarios form the basis for public mistrust raising questions on politics and ethics – generally oxymoron in political system.

The same would apply on transparency and accountability. The members in politics with enormous excess baggage of corruption, criminal records, treason and more are safe and secure with political impunity. They are guaranteed untouchability meaning the arms of justice would never reach them no matter what they do. The crimes committed by them ranging from abuse of power, human rights violations, political tactics deployed to grab and remain in power via bribes, threats and in some cases murder as well are not regarded punishable by law they passed for most law abiding civil society.

How does government operate?

With tax money paid by citizens generally the vast ordinary income group since the wealthiest and major corporations pay little or no taxes given their influence on government essentially at the former service in most parts of the world.

How do governments spend people’s money?

The governments are obligatory to publish information in this regard basically accounting for the money collected in taxes and national revenue from domestic and overseas trade. The current account balance resulting in foreign remittance from trade and receipts in transactions on foreign currency are reported though this figure is often hyped or not provided correctly on many accounts.

As for spending public money, the governments are known for gambling people’s money in many wasteful expenditures while depriving tax payers from due relief during natural or man made crisis like the pandemic and economic decline brought upon by government policy and plan.

The big government is a major expenditure for taxpayers dealing with bureaucracy, red tape and other agencies basically serving government private needs more than public requirements. There are too many government agencies doing very little or nothing to benefit taxpayers and citizens except serving the political power targeted tasks like IT cells and social media to attack and silence constructive criticism on government performance or the lack thereof. There are government set up agencies to spy, snoop, intimidate and threaten political opposition and civil society in fear of public scrutiny of the ruling power in office.

Overall the government’s mismanagement of public money and economy besides corruption is the reason behind poverty, unemployment, inflation and the persistent gap between the rich and poor in society.

How does politics benefit those seeking career from the field?

Politics is a gold mine for vast majority who claim to belong to humble background prior to entry to charm voters on the campaign trail.

There are those seeking the highest office on land like Presidency and Prime Ministership publicly stating that as community organizers they had maxed out credit cards and have unpaid student loans despite twenty or more years since graduation from Princeton and Harvard law school. Then there are others repeating their one liner on having sold tea / chai on curbside to paint a modest past. The stretch having emerged from a cave adorning the heavenly incarnate is not ruled out in this context.

These individuals turning into billionaire during the term in office speaks volume on their handling or mishandling of public money and importantly lucrative backend deals with major industries in the economy and foreign contracts is the cash cow behind overnight political enrichment.

Nonetheless, a majority in politics with serious financial debts and poor economic status walk out with hefty bank balance in off shore accounts and assets worth millions and billions at the end of the term in office.

The trend make them eligible to join the billionaire club and recreational activity membership like premier golf club with annual membership fees at $250,000 or more. The opportunity to own seaside real estate and vineyards are also galore for them having criticized their target for personal properties owned via honest hard labor and life savings in the latter lifetime. The political hypocrisy in such instances is yet another shade of politics in the end justifying the means for them.

Not to mention the highest office is also misused to enhance and secure financial earnings increased exponentially with perks and privileges enacted extending beyond the term in office as lifelong package. 

Whilst individual extraordinary monetary welfare are arranged lasting lifetime in the course of political career costing taxpayers indefinitely, there are leaderships eliminating basic financial assistance and medical compensation to army personnel.

The reference is to the foot soldiers facing the bullets, snipers, missiles and land mine explosives in battle field and peace time. The rank and file army in front line are categorically denied medical and retirement payments in the government effort to overhaul defense expenditure like in India. 

The topic will resume on identity politics discarding meritocracy at the national and electorate expense.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Acknowledgment of Source

May 14, 2022

Acknowledgment of Source

Padmini Arhant

In the information era, the internet is a data mine comprising good, bad alongside anything goes in any genre burdening the web surfer mind to exercise discernment and due diligence.

There is no doubt internet is a phenomenon for learning, exploring, experiencing and sharing knowledge within the confines of consumable facts and figures.

Social media viz. you tube and other platform with people from all walks of life and background contributing ideas, thoughts and skills to help others is an extraordinary aspect of human nature.

From basic to complex techniques and tricks exchanged to educate and assist anyone in need is a worthy cause. The culture promotes universal love and harmony deserving much appreciation. However, the accessibility need to reach the disadvantaged, disenfranchised and deprived population worldwide.

There are a vast majority in the world lacking primary education let alone introduction to technology. The tech giants with net worth in trillion and multi- billion dollars could easily afford assistance in eliminating illiteracy in many developing nations and lead in delivering technology to urban, rural and remote areas of the world.

The considerable progress in education and technology orientation thus far is concentrated in locations and territories that are economically ahead of other regions in the world. The  areas across the globe trailing behind the urban metropolis in education and simple to advanced technology would greatly benefit from free learning and technology improving their living standard.

Now in terms of internet source – there are many engaged in different types of service that varies between free and monetizing for livelihood, supplement income and even hall of fame. There is nothing wrong with it as long as it does not happen at anyone’s  expense.

Again the variation in this context is from altruism to narcissism. The latter is a major concern as that triggers tendency for exploitation.

Generally, good sense of ethics and rationale among human beings would naturally guide them to practice honesty and integrity. These individuals would attribute credit to sources upon materials and products or service availed from anywhere.

Then unfortunately, there are those members who unabashedly use other’s content, intellectual property, lifestyle, mannerisms and even identity for personal interests and exclusive benefits.

The trend is known as plagiarism, copyright infringement and identity theft whenever there is willful violation with the intended purpose behind such act being personal benefits through misrepresentation.

The tragedy is, the behavior more common among certain members declaring themselves highly educated, powerful and professionals in their own rights. The enthusiasm and overzealous cover up of these conspicuous flaws expose them at a greater level known or unbeknown to them. Such trait pose a major credibility factor for them.

There are several examples of such conduct in the sprawling expansive cyberspace and physical world.

The case in point as proof in this respect is the topic 108 Number significance – published on on June 11th, 2019.

The Meaning Behind 108 in the Universe, the Divine, the Body, the Tradition and the Practice


Subsequently some self-proclaimed theorists and researchers have attempted to explain this concept just merely changing the title as 108 – The Secret of life and The Secret of 108 etc. in the video format or vlog published on May 2nd, 2020 – nearly a year later.

The content from the original publication in 2019 in this topic absorbed and reproduced later by someone else without any mention or reference to the original source raise legitimate question on the extent of copyright breach. 

Similarly, tips on healthy living from specific you tube channel narrative on lifestyle captured in unlawful unauthorized surveillance and presented as own substance for profit and popularity is yet another intellectual property transgression.

Such violations are the norm in the exploitative means  to beguile trusting eyes and minds unapologetically claiming proprietorship.

The demeanor misleading audience could only last for limited time and sooner than later the toupee flying off unveiling reality leaves the subject the laughing matter.

Acknowledgment of the source duly ascribing credit where credit is due as basic courtesy and importantly mindful of legal implications on any monetary and personal enhancement from such infraction aptly define human character.

Failing that, karma inevitably catch up with flagrant conduct and contravention.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Democracy and Secrecy

May 9, 2022

Democracy and Secrecy

Padmini Arhant

The existential and long term threat to democracy is lack of transparency in political systems and governance. The coverups managed in the so-called classified information is the secret capsule that no government prepared to declassify anytime.

Secrecy in governance is deadlier than any deadly pathogen to silence majority and minority in society.

The secret society founded and represented in western Europe with European royalty among other members in politics, tech oligarchs such as tech giant co-founder Microsoft, Google current CEO and others from the economic sector marking their attendance in secret meetings prevalent until now is an overt assault on democracy.

The secret society colluding in secret locations barring public and citizens’ represented investigative press hold discussion on global affairs denying general public access to any information.

The controversial secret society secretive aspect condemned calling for the ban on the activity controlling public policy is not tolerated in the past or present.

The United States former President John F. Kennedy referred to the organization and the idea of secrecy in a democracy repugnant. The public statement from the U.S. President cost his life as an example for any opposition to anti-democratic norm.

The event is a mere tip of the iceberg with the overflow since then flooded into dark, devious and destructive course in modern time.

The western Europe founded and hosted secret society is a paradox to much touted western values in the world rallied to adapt western democracy.

The role of monarchy and royalty in western democracy presiding over public matter as the head of the commonwealth and influencing governmental actions more than a ceremonial figure subjugate democracy. The secret society approval or otherwise of Presidential and Prime Ministerial candidates during or prior to the election is no longer a hidden secret. The ritual came to light inadvertently during the United States Presidential election in 2008. The process is a routine in Britain to seek royal consent.

The heads of the government servile to secret society agenda proven to exclusively benefit them at the expense of the rest of the world are recruited to represent them in systems disguised as democracy. Those who fail to toe the line are promptly eliminated from power.

The presence of secret society and similar undemocratic functionaries wielding power delegitimize republic status. Notwithstanding the promotion of despotism and dictatorial regimes under the guise of democracy installed in power to serve kleptocracy.

The contemporary trend in the world’s largest to ancient and modern democracy alike have little or no tolerance to democratic principles and values. The constitutional rights such as freedom of expression and religious freedom…among plethora of human civil liberties and individual prerogatives are systematically violated.

The censorship and cancel culture are in vogue in the so-called democracy.

Anyone daring status quo in the democratic society are persecuted with imprisonment, character defamation and anonymity. The government in a democracy evades accountability on explosive corruption scandals, dismal performance, economic chaos and overall dysfunctional record.

Accordingly, the following questions arise to clarify on secrecy in a democracy.

What is the need for secret society cloaked in secrecy to engage in policy and decision making on global matter?

The monarchy and royalty in western Europe having abolished kingdoms and fiefdoms in western colonized parts of the world maintaining hegemony in democratic setting is the biggest irony and pose a credibility factor for democracy in Europe.

What is the role of monarchy in a democracy?

What is the reason behind holding republic hostage to hegemonic goals and systemic abuse of power?

The above enunciated status is proudly declared a democracy despite mirroring authoritarian oligarchy system with political impunity on corruption and crimes against the nation, citizens and humanity at large.

Nothing to be concerned about when there is nothing to hide.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Truth and Reality

April 29, 2022


The Enemy to

Lies and Deceit 

Padmini Arhant

Lately man’s best friend Dog referenced in condescendence is least surprising.

Even though many humans hardly come close to the latter in gratitude, loyalty and above all intelligence, it is interesting to note derisiveness among the former.

The expression is a reflection of individual human trait which place the four legged canine far above them in basic values and gratification.

Notwithstanding, the canine acumen in detecting criminality.


Truthfulness not tolerated for these reasons.

Published and Presented on November 27, 2009 at 01.56 p.m, PST

A Thanksgiving Message – A Sense of Gratitude


By Padmini Arhant

Message to President Barack Obama

Hon. President Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President,

After careful consideration, I would like to convey the withdrawal of my support to your administration based on your recent policy decisions on many issues.

I am not a politician. Although I’m privileged to have lived in different democratic countries and had many opportunities to participate in politics, I didn’t have any affinity for it mainly because:

The political environment is often dominant with staying in power that provides the means to fame and fortune rather than sincere dedication to serve the people by taking political risks against the will of the establishments controlling the government in the systems disguised as democracy.

As stated earlier to you and the American public, I had a formal invitation from the former President George W. Bush and the office of the Vice President Dick Cheney to join their team to promote their agendas. Being guided by my strong principles and convictions with respect to peace, non-violence, fairness, freedom and equal opportunities for all human beings, I declined their offer as the past administration’s ideology was not only in contrast to my belief but also proved detrimental to any kind of progress.

Besides, as expected in politics, I cannot be a Cheerleader of hawkish policies for political correctness and vehemently opposed to being an attack dog for the powerful.

Your candidacy in the 2008 Presidential campaign with the hope and change message indicated that hope could become a reality through positive change in Washington. Accordingly, I got involved voluntarily in the beginning and mandatorily later on to support your campaign, despite several requests and overtures from your democratic and republican opponents to rally behind them.

In response to the wild rumors and assertions about my alleged financial gain then, during your political campaign or for that matter now, I wish to set the record straight for the skeptics and the critics. I was never paid a dime in any form or method throughout the campaign up until now.

Conversely, as you well know that I have been contributing through donations to your campaign and the Democratic Party all along, while trying to maintain my livelihood on a modest income.

Meanwhile, there have been attacks, innuendoes and insinuations against me more so from the feminist liberal columnist representing the New England daily failing to meet the journalistic standard of remanding the elitist women with political clout and capital to tasks on important issues like foreign policy and health care reform in the public arena.

Unlike the various administrative appointments that have taken place through political bargaining and deal exchange, I continued my unconditional free service during the campaign and after the commencement of your administration until date regardless of the experience qualifying the expression being thrown under the bus on many occasions not to mention the sleep deprivation with maximum three hours sleep in the past two years.

In terms of plain gratitude from the beneficiary of the historic Presidency, I had the honor of receiving DR. King’s sermon that could be perceived in many different ways depending on the deliverer’s intentions implied in the message.

“If you want to be important — wonderful. If you want to be recognized — wonderful. If you want to be great — wonderful. But, recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. That’s a new definition of greatness.”

In my view, DR. King is the inspirational force who compelled the disheartened spirits to submit themselves to achieving greatness through service to humanity and strive hard to transform the status quo.

Alternatively, in a spiritual sense the interpretation of ‘the greatest among you’ leads to the only entity Almighty God and his love amply reflected in the creations, the indomitable service to mankind.

Nevertheless, I’ll continue to exercise my right guaranteed to me in the first amendment and remain steadfast with my commitment to the highest commandment (none other than the one and only Almighty God) to promote TRUTH and reality. 

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

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