United States – Miriam Carey’s Family Plea

April 8, 2022

United States – Miriam Carey’s Family Plea

For Justice 

Padmini Arhant

Then White House administration in 2013 authorized and witnessed crime – summary execution of a young African American 34 year-old-mother, Miriam Carey – unarmed civilian with a toddler daughter at the back in the child car seat was mercilessly gunned down in broad daylight by then White House Secret Service and the Capitol Police in 2013. 

The horrific crime shooting an unarmed civilian Miriam Carey with more than 26 bullets near the White House premise during the occupants – the former President Barack Obama and spouse Michelle Obama’s presence at that time with their knowledge about the horrendous assault is an unforgettable and unforgivable tragedy for any family. 

Miriam Carey was accused of trespassing in that incident. The account involved several rounds of firing by the White House Secret Service and Capitol Police captured live real time in the video content released in the public domain as well as news reports verifying the ammunition barrage at the unarmed victim trying to protect her child.

In another twist from the political power represented media, Miriam Carey was characterized as having mental illness. The bizarre claim made amid Miriam Carey being gainfully employed as dental hygienist at the office where then incumbent President Barack Obama had reportedly received dental care from the staff Miriam Carey.

Furthermore, the allegedly mentally unstable Miriam Carey was driving an automobile with a valid driver’s license from her home town Connecticut to D.C. – 265 miles without any issue until the time she was shot down by the White House Secret Service and Capitol Police who were apparently cheered as heroic act with standing ovation from then House of Representatives according to Washington Post report cited below.

Interestingly, the much touted Black Lives Matter (BLM) well established at that time as the advocate for Black lives were ominously missing in action to raise the issue on behalf of a young black female victim, her toddler black child and Miriam Carey’s black family. 

Not even the talk show host Hollywood fame, #Me Too Movement participant and Barack Obama’s closest friend Oprah Winfrey could afford time to bring Miriam Carey’s public execution to attention and deliver justice for the African American victim.

Notably Oprah Winfrey’s worldwide telecast on special interview with British Royalty Harry and Meghan Markle’s grievances and misgivings about their Royal life could be accommodated in the talk show host busy schedule.

Does this mean Miriam Carey’s life didn’t matter to BLM, Oprah Winfrey (the #Me Too Advocate) and then First Black Family in the White House in 2013?

Importantly, the violence with 26 bullets aimed at the unarmed civilian Miriam Carey on Nobel Peace Laureate Barack Obama’s watch and knowledge unarguably the biggest disillusionment of all. 

Is this the kind of dream envisioned by the slayed civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr,? 

While the recent 2022 Oscar night fiasco involving a slap gained plenty of media focus becoming the hot topic and continued unabated until now, Miriam Carey’s death from gruesome violence with several rounds of fire power targeting unarmed mother with her toddler in the car brushed off as freaky event. 

Perhaps the latter is too inconvenient to even regard the incident attention worthy. 

The rich, famous and powerful never deprived nor denied preferential treatment on everything – the good, the bad and the ugly matter.

In contrast, the ordinary lives’ extraordinary ordeal is just another story soon forgotten as if it never happened. 

Nonetheless, the deeds and misdeeds in life without exception are in KARMA data for appropriate judgment upon imminent departure from the world.

The karmic effects are potent in delivering justice denied in the narcissists mortal world.  

Shunning or running away from TRUTH only confirm the doers prisoners of guilt in their action.

Where is the justice for Miriam Carey and her daughter? 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter




Published on November 26, 2014

“We want to know: Why? What happened?”

So many questions, so much we still don’t know about the case of the woman shot to death by the Secret Service and the U.S. Capitol Police on Oct. 3, 2013, after a car chase from the White House to Capitol Hill. Her 13-month-old daughter survived in a car seat.

“Did we miss something?”

Barbara Nicholson is asking. The office manager of a dental practice in Ardsley, N.Y., is standing in the hygiene room, remembering the woman who used to clean teeth at this chair. Miriam Iris Carey — that was her name. She was one of the best dental hygienists and “one of the nicest people” Nicholson ever hired.

“We’re left with a void and no answers,” Nicholson says. “It’s like she was wiped off the face of the earth.

Nicholson’s voice catches. She pauses and looks away. “She’s missed. She’s very missed.”

Do you remember Miriam Carey? Her remarkably public death at 34 mesmerized us for a couple of news cycles. Then we moved on pretty quickly. I had to look up her name when I first started puzzling over this case. The main thing I remembered was that incredible video — the one showing the two-door black Infiniti surrounded by Secret Service officers with guns drawn near the Capitol Reflecting Pool. The car looks trapped. Suddenly the driver backs into a squad car and accelerates away. There’s the sound of gunfire while tourists take cover on the West Lawn. The Infiniti reappears, making a loop around a traffic circle, and proceeds up Constitution Avenue to what would be the fatal encounter outside the Hart Building.

What an afternoon. We were told that Carey “rammed” White House and Capitol “barriers.” That she tried to breach two security perimeters. That she had mental problems.

District Police Chief Cathy Lanier said federal officers acted “heroically.” The House of Representatives offered a standing ovation.

It was easy to call this a tragedy and turn the page.

Except that some of what little we thought we knew hasn’t held up. The part about ramming White House barriers and trying to breach two security perimeters? Not exactly true.

And how did a supposedly mentally unstable person remain a longtime, reliable and valued employee at two dental practices until the day she was killed? She had a condo and a family and, according to colleagues and relatives, plans for the weekend.

On the other hand, what person ignores commands from officers pointing guns, hits a couple of their cars, and drives on? “We all speculated that she was trying to get her child out of danger, when she was confronted with people with guns, because that’s what she would do,” Nicholson says.

The gunfire — 26 bullets in all — sets the Carey case apart. Shootings by officers on these two forces are rare. White House guards didn’t resort to their weapons in September, when fence-jumper Omar Gonzalez, who had a knife in his pocket, ran far into the executive mansion before being tackled. Carey was unarmed.

“There was no indication she ever had issues,” Nicholson continues. “You couldn’t ask for a more professional person than her. No one ever complained about her, and that’s highly unusual. She was the sweetest person you ever want to know.”

Nicholson looks out the window to the parking lot where Carey used to park the Infiniti. “You could see the [child’s] car seat in the back of that car,” she says.

The leaves are turning gold this afternoon in early October, as they would have been the last time Carey stood at this chair and looked out the window.

After her last patient that Wednesday, Oct. 2, Carey prepared to depart. She usually left by 5 p.m. to pick up her daughter at day care. She lived in Stamford, Conn., 24 miles from Ardsley, 265 miles from Washington.

Her schedule called for her to be off Thursday and Friday, then she was to work at her other dental job in the Bronx on Saturday, and she’d be back here at Advanced Dental of Ardsley on Monday.

“She was absolutely normal,” Nicholson says. “I still remember her standing there, saying, ‘Bye, have a nice weekend. See you on Monday.’ As if nothing.”

There is no public record of her movements or contacts until the following afternoon at 2:13, when she drove up to the Secret Service kiosk at 15th and E streets NW.

“You could see both sides of the story,” Nicholson says. “But I’m sorry. That child does not have a mother because they wanted to handle it their way.”

What happened to Miriam Carey?


Irony of the Ironies on Display

March 4, 2022

Irony of the Ironies on Display

Padmini Arhant

When pyromania is accompanied by pretentious fire dousing, the inflammable intensity rise.

Then under-secretary of the United States State Department in 2014 – Victoria Nuland reinstated in the same position by the current democrat administration that was in power at that time is hardly a surprise.

What more?

Then under-secretary of the United States State Department Victoria Nuland was the main protagonist in the western insurrection alongside then United States Republican Senator from Arizona touted as the Maverick for bipartisan role (the late) John McCain rallying the unruly mob in Kiev’s Maidan Square on camera in world view in 2014.

The United States State Department official Victoria Nuland and former Senator John McCain together with members representing the European Union were enthusiastically engaged in violent western coup detat overthrowing then democratically elected government literally at gun point from office in Ukraine in 2014.

Now the same under-secretary of the United States State Department Victoria Nuland back in action with subscription on peace, democracy and sovereignty is western cliche on duplicity.

The democrat Victoria Nuland’s spouse Republican Robert Kagan – the co-founder of neoconservative group promoting U.S. foreign policy was widely known for advancing the cause in the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq in 2003 inflicting deaths and violence in epic proportion.

The couple Victoria Nuland, a democrat in political affiliation and her spouse Robert Kagan, a neoconservative pro-war advocate sharing common goals and track record contributing to upheavals, mayhem and political instability in foreign land such as Ukraine and Iraq is the dynamic duality in American politics.

The irony of the ironies is those behind the political chaos and economic exploitation of Ukraine and Iraq presented as emissary of democracy and diplomacy taking human intelligence for granted once again.

Likewise the assortment of desperate enactments projecting falsehood and fraudulence funded by devious elements via media and politics is criminal. Notwithstanding the display devoid of originality and peaked in piracy.

The idiom – fool me once – shame on you. Fool me twice – shame on me is befitting the ongoing charade.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter



Western Selective Sanctions

March 2, 2022

Western Selective Sanctions

Padmini Arhant

When will the western sanctions be impartial and unbiased a reverse of selective sanctions tradition?

1. Is the west (EU and the United States) ever going to acknowledge the insurrection against then democratically elected government in Kiev’s Maidan Square in 2014 including installation of neo-nazi governments of their choice thereafter and accept full responsibility for Ukraine’s status quo? 

2. What about the partisan politics on abuse of power, corruption scandals and crimes against humanity differentiated among Presidential office bearers in the United States?

The case in point – the politically targeted serving President is subject to repeat impeachment proceedings while the predecessors misusing their power in office with abhorrent war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan to name a few among plethora of violations of lives and sovereignty worldwide are guaranteed and safeguarded with stealth political impunity.

Similarly, those conspicuously involved in heinous crimes not barring the creation of IS and ISIS terror networks, misleading America and the world on the alleged capture and killing of the deceased al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden and slew of scandalous operations affecting populations in many global regions are celebrated  and cherished as American exceptionalism. 

3. Importantly and relevantly, Will the west having been involved in the controversial gain of function research gambling with human health and life as greedy investors and reckless risk operatives holding science hostage to suit their whims and fancies till date, their consistent flip flopping on the origin to management of the deadly pathogen unleashed on humanity consuming millions of lives ever be sanctioned?

4. What about their partners in crime on the global pandemic accountability as facilitator in Wuhan lab, Wuhan Virology Institute, Hubei Province, China attracting western investments and participation in the western pioneered game of function research? 

If not, why is there such discriminatory practice on crimes from western engagement and direct indulgence never subject to same rule of law that the west reserves as the right to impose on others to justify western norm in crimes endangering life and environment thus far?

These legitimate questions merit explanation to clarify western democracy and principles in the world. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



IQ – Intelligence Quotient

February 9, 2022

IQ – Intelligence Quotient 

Padmini Arhant

I was recently asked a very intelligent question by a three-year-old on why am I projected in nuance as a young child like three, eleven or fifteen-year-old on television, social media and other outlets?

The kid also added that – “you are older and I don’t see you as my age meaning a three-year-old person.”

I smiled and told the three-year-old, they are not intelligent like you to know that is not right.

However, they continue doing what they do, not realizing the self-embarrassment to them for kids like you are able to see and understand that it is false.

Again I emphasized, in displaying me, a mature intelligent independent older female adult to suit their negative narrative about me only confirms their maturity to adolescent and infant level. They see me at their level of maturity and standard.

As I said earlier, perception is the reflection of mind to fit convenient notion.

If they were mature and intelligent they would not indulge in self-deprecation belittling themselves like they do.

I explained to the child – were they happened to conduct themselves as intelligent mature adults, they would not view me that way and regard me their mortal enemy.

The kid laughed and said they don’t get it like my teddy bear for he just sees and thinks everything his way.

I said that’s exactly right.

On another occasion, I was asked why am I always linked to black male and a muslim female by them though I’m neither in the present lifetime given my actual individual profile and identity in accordance with universal identification of species related to anatomy and physiology.

I responded to that very relevant thoughtful question.

I said those who are behind this distortion and identity appropriation about me are enslaved by their conviction.

To them, one has to be a muslim to share any concerns about injustice to muslims or any race, religion, gender, orientation etc.  There is no room in their mind or heart to develop the nature to speak against any form of prejudice and violation against anyone regardless of who they are in individual identity.

There are no hard and fast rules against extending human kindness towards those not of the same life background. It is entirely subject to individual discretion.

Importantly, in light of grave sins committed by them against humanity at large that continues unabated until now, they are using me as sacrificial lamb to hit two birds in a single shot. It is done by denying and depriving me from my real life identity and deploying deceptive strategy using proxy misleading the captive audience – the global population. 

As for the black male concept, the guilt together with  inferiority complex exerted as superiority often exhibited in conflicting deeds and disposition.

Sadly for those engaged in this specific identity dilemma, they are only expressing and exposing their vulnerabilities using me as exploitative means to justify their conspicuous paradoxical trait.

The far-fetched sketchy insinuation from them about me in this context reveal inner struggles to reconcile their individual and collective contrition effused in patriarchy color coded in blackness.

There is also an inherent desire for a black father figure apparently missing in their life evident in such portrayal.

Human mind liberation from identity politics and appropriation would release them from unnecessary agony and anxiety leading to inner peace within permeating outside.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



Abuse of Power – Politics, Police and Press 

December 6, 2021

Abuse of Power – Politics, Police and Press 

Padmini Arhant

The political party elected in the state and national election often misconceive the electoral mandate and exploit power against people electing them to government. Upon being elected to office, the state and national government are provided all facilities including personal privileges funded by the people as taxpayers and contributors to the state and national economy. 

The law and order is a critical function in a society. However, when the public funded law enforcement exercise power against civil society in a manner as a parallel wing held above the law that are strictly applicable to them as well, the wheels of justice becomes dysfunctional.

Anytime in a situation, one side in uniform is loaded and armed explicitly as authority with power against the other who is contrarily unarmed with no badge or battalion viz. political, press and propaganda machinery like film industry to subvert truth and reality, the former exerting dominance and violence is not uncommon.

The reason politics treads carefully against police brutality and in certain systems vehemently lending carte blanche authority to police force is predominantly for personal interests to cover own backs using the police to silence democracy.

Any police misconduct which is unfortunately extreme against the weak, vulnerable, marginalized and importantly unarmed segments in society dismissed as a mere isolated incident by politics and press, there is a pattern established in repeat crimes by law enforcement. Notwithstanding politics and press dereliction of duty to curb recurrence.

Such demeanor from the most critical representatives viz. the people appointed government, the political opposition and the press to remain silent during the armed personnel atrocity against the unarmed civilian bereft of any representation clarify complacency and complicity from all three sides i.e. the ruling government, the political opposition and the media. 

In fact, the key political opposition otherwise exploiting opportunities to blame the ruling power on any issues for political advantage in a state equally bear the burden for not pursuing such issues in the state assembly to deliver justice to victims family on deaths in police custody. 

The political opposition could also legislate laws against law enforcement or any government agencies and institutions exceeding norm in interaction and investigation process with the public. The political opposition have the power and constitutional responsibility to introduce bills to probe actions on abuse of power by law enforcement or even judiciary failing to address social injustice at any time. 

The political opposition failure in this regard hold them responsible for the community suffering with no end in sight. Besides, the inactions from the ruling faction and opposition exemplify apathy towards segments not part of the vote bank or electoral votes in the calculated political response. 

Furthermore, the political opposition remaining oblivious at that time doing nothing to help victims and families affected by police hardline tactics is a serious negligence.

The same political party DMK upon assuming power recently as the ruling government in Tamil Nadu, India overtly promoting the movie script of the incident among several others over a period of time with them alternating governance in the past three decades clearly specifies political opportunism to spark communal divide. 

The film industry primarily under politics rein obliging the state government in bringing to light the plight of a particular community is truly telling on the close partnership between politics and entertainment.

It does not stop there. The script deliberately falsely portrayed to stir more controversy for commercial gains and personal pecuniary interests by deception.  The hatched political script serve selective profitability at the cost of other community and targeted individuals. 

Notably, the political spin in the camera roll immensely acknowledging the political ally the advocate Chandru as the lead player – more than deservingly while the actual entities in real life with at least one member interestingly named Govind verifiably having sacrificed his entire life until justice was sought for the victims’ family eliminated from the script is wicked concoction. This is especially when the script emphasize the true story conviction with enactments to suit the political whims and fancies of the opportunists and profiteers in the project. 

Not to mention the hype on communism and marxism in the theme amid the film titled after India’s social activist and constitution author Dr.Ambedkar, a staunch opponent of communist and marxist ideology premised on power centric politburo and violence as the order to oppress population.

Never mind the boost to communism in the film perhaps to appease neighbor Beijing, the CCP leadership in China despite India enduring the grueling impact of the COVID19 second wave and now on to preparing for the fourth OMICRON variant reportedly detected in India. Additionally, China’s aggression on the Himalayan region with Indian defense force stationed in the hostile Himalayan outposts in the past two years is of least concern to film makers and monetary beneficiaries in the project.

The communism profile in the film would largely associate as coalition with the ruling state political power – the DMK in Tamil Nadu.

The film makers justifying the recognition of communism and marxism as the adaptation from the real episodes with certain communist party members supposedly initiated legal support to victims’ family is one aspect. In stark contrast to reality, the same film makers and profiteers slighting the true samaritan Govind’s entire selfless contribution to victims’ family lasting several years in the legal battle mortify the convenient cinematic versions to omit the essential and glorify the minuscule again serving politics and film industry mutual desire.

Likewise, the victim’s spouse in real life introduced as Parvati with a different name for the character in the film in opposition to retaining original names for specific characters agreeable to the members involved in the notorious film project barely escape focus.

The reason behind the cock and bull story was given as Parvati allegedly a rape victim and in utter respect to Indian politics newly invented motto to selectively withhold rape victim’s name from public domain keeping into it is not necessarily practiced in all cases, the female name changed in the movie.

Not barring the individual paraded by Tamil Nadu diverse media as Parvati with interviews and generous tourism feeding and pampering the lady apparently hardly taint the alleged rape victim’s honor. Taking extra mileage in the bizarre portrayal of Parvati is her pregnancy in the movie when in reality the victim’s wife was admittedly 45 years old then passed her procreational aspiration or ability. 

Above all, the film propagated as shedding light on the misery of the film makers designated demography in society i.e. Irullar not Kuravar community, the source of the story line. The film makes no mention or hints to hold the ruling  power at that time viz. the ADMK under former Chief Minister Jayalalitha,  the political opposition DMK headed by party Chief M. Karunanidhi and heir M.K.Stalin and media responsible. The three combined abysmal record to protect not only the affected community but anyone from anywhere in the state of Tamilnadu or for that matter all over India experiencing abuse of power and systemic prejudice should have resonated in  the movie reminding the power brokers of their legislative and constitutional obligation to citizens regardless of electoral status.

It is suffice to say the cinematic liberties are also confined to rational parameters. The film makers and lead players monetizing others’ tragedies and vitriolic assaults on anyone viewed a fair game are required to  be either completely factual or display potential in wholesome fictional characterization. The semi-baked charred presentation as a true story is misrepresentation at best and fraudulence at worst. 

Whenever there is a foul play with intentional diversion to unnecessarily attract attention in the real or reel picture, the truth unravel revealing the black and white scenario. 

Nonetheless, the political and commercial profiteering at anyone’s expense under the guise of social cause is the ultimate goal that dominates the corrupt system bankrolled with dirty money and illegal funneling between politics and film industry collaborations. 

The maligning of religion with the goddess of fortune replacing the previously botched depiction of the negative character is succinct. The irony is the goddess of fortune expected to grant financial success on the movie having criminalized her in the backdrop with a political twist.

There are also questions raised from crony Tamil media paid by the film actor and director on why there should be any hue and cry over the contentious calendar on the wall? 

Whether the first calendar showing fire pot or the replacement with goddess Lakshmi. 

If the calendar on the wall was so irrelevant,

Why not use the media members’ family or even the lead actor’s off screen spouse portrait on the wall of the criminal’s residence? 

The reply aptly fits such arbitrary disposition. 

Why specifically choose the fire pot initially and then substitute with even more inflammatory depiction with Mahalakshmi picture?

How about my birth star god is Agni Dev and Sun representing the chief ascendant plagiarized from my autobiography manuscript? 

Another fact being – my great grandmother from my father’s side is named Irullayi Ammal  meaning the one who dispels darkness again lifted from my autobiography manuscript. 

The movie projecting the so-called Irullar community deceitfully cast as dark or doomed community when the actual incident involves the gypsy i.e. Kuravar segment. There were numerous queries in this regard from Tamil audience to which there has been muted response from the lead actor, producer and director of this highly politicized film. 

The wanton indulgence from the lead actor since the movie is marketed under the lead actor’s name as his film and the director are provocative. The actions adequately define the director as not Gnanavel rather Gnana Shunyam. 

These are well substantiated and accordingly merit appropriate and valid explanation from the lead actor, director and the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K.Stalin obviously not happy about exposure on his family possession of black money in Swiss Bank account leading the rest of political class and the corrupt legions in India.

Then there was the Dravida Kazhagam founder Periyar related articles published on this site posing legitimate questions on Periyar’s legacy miserably failing in abolition of caste system or emancipation of women who inarguably continue to remain the subject of ridicule and mockery for Indian politics, cinema and society at large.

There appears to be problems with the names like Krishna, Siva, Parvati, Lakshmi or Narayan for the crooked politics and corrupt film industry having exhausted relentless character defamation. Not that it makes any difference whatsoever to cosmic forces ultimately deciding these mortals fate one way or another. 

The desperate times seeking desperate measures is apparent utilizing the political and film industry alliance to hurt, humiliate and harbor ill feelings in the name of film making. 

The same would apply if not more to other trash releases earlier on caricaturing Hindu epics lead female character Draupati or God Siva oriented narratives in Rudra Tandavam by the Indian cinema – Tamil film industry on the brink of extinction. Anything involving corrupt money and illicit dealings inevitably deliver undesirable outcome. 

A word of caution for the film makers and politics in India. 

The Mahabharata’s protagonist Draupati was solely instrumental in the annihilation of Kaurav clan due to Duryodhana, Durshasan and their uncle Shakuny miscalculating women’s power. In this instance Draupati’s oath to settle scores with the three evil menaces prompted Lord Krishna to fulfill her request.  

Don’t mess with Draupati is the moral from Mahabharata. 

When there is no talent to produce anything original in the material starved film industry, the attempts to distort and denigrate anyone of their choice is the latest norm much to individual and collective harm within the circle.

What goes around comes around without exception. 

The audience acceptance or rejection of the contemptuous trend determines society’s present and future. 

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



Evil Shuns Light

October 30, 2021

Evil Shuns Light

Padmini Arhant

Evil actions upon being brought to light is found annoying by those engaged in evil activities.

What a surprise?

Unveiling ugliness of those hiding behind glossy facade is necessitated by evil cursing the truth as deranged, when in fact deformed in character are those unabashedly abusing status depriving and denying others their legitimate rights.

The mirror reflection for evil understandably is unbearable.

Why not quit being evil and try becoming human and humane for a change in the unknown and unpredictable lifetime?

No harm in trying and only gains guaranteed upon renouncing evil.

Padmini Arhant

Ethics – Courage in Admission of Guilt

October 27, 2021

Courage in Admission of Guilt

Padmini Arhant

There are two different types of crimes – one where those involved openly admit having done that regardless of repercussions. This type usually might justify their actions even though they may not be justifiable when there are loss of lives and the crime inflicting pain and suffering in many aspects to the victims.

Nevertheless, they remain firm in their convictions of the crime they are involved with and accept full responsibility.  In this way, this particular type exhibit resolve and courage in the admission of their participation. Whether the action i.e. the crime is right or wrong in legal, ethical and moral sense is a consequence they engage via appropriate channels such as judiciary and media platforms. At least they do not shy away from the admission of having committed the crime. 

Now there is the other type choosing the path of denial and defiance regardless of incontrovertible evidences leading to open shut case. This type circumvent the situation despite their direct or indirect involvement staring straight at them. They try hard to evade and mostly scapegoat anyone not even remotely related to their agenda.

Such characteristics are classic guilt syndromes prompting them to ignore the inner conscience and deviate from acknowledgment of the crime. This behavior subject them to enormous strife just to hide their crime and unnecessarily weave a web of lies, insinuations and far fetched explanations to evade responsibility.

As a result they continue to struggle in maintaining their versions considering the lack of courage and integrity to come forward and face the reality. In avoiding confirmation of their crime, they hope to avert the ramifications especially when they are protected with political immunity and other privileges. 

However, this second category end up experiencing excruciating guilt within besides their transparent trepidation revealing all that is clear to the eyes of the beholder. They are also saddled with excess baggage of maintaining muted response or alternatively obfuscate in their position. 

Either way they find themselves sailing in turbulent seas with no courage to confront the challenge. 

Courage is indeed a big deal in life amid or to deter any crisis. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter



India – Prime Minister Narendra Modi Confession

August 31, 2021

India – Prime Minister Narendra Modi Confession

Padmini Arhant

India – Black Money in SWISS Bank and Tax Havens

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



India – Black Money in SWISS Bank and Tax Havens

August 13, 2021

Indians’ Black Money in Swiss Bank


Tax Havens

Padmini Arhant

The surrender of the black money to the nation alone would facilitate among generic prosperity, Indian population could experience gold pavements and gems studded pillars as well as archways witnessed in the filthy rich domains. No wonder the international criminal syndicate sponsor Godmen / Godwomen and the so-called celebrities to distract public focus from the grand larceny normalized as an exclusive right and entitlement among the narcissists society.

Indian politics, economy, entertainment, sports and religion represent prominence and prosperity largely due to black money, tax evasion, embezzlement, criminal and corruption scandals. 

Public information on India’s rich, famous and powerful hoarding black money in Swiss Bank and other tax havens is no surprise. The long held custom exacerbating and crippling Indian economy and society amid skyrocketing unemployment, lower income deterioration to impoverished majority along with farmers protests are dire national crises. 

The names publicly listed since 2003 comprise – Congress chief Sonia Gandhi and family – Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Vadra, Robert Vadra and many Congress leaders as well as high ranking members and officials continue the tradition in tax evasion, black money hoarding and money laundering with political impunity. 

The celebrities in India are not left behind in this context. The Panama Gate listed Bollywood actors Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan…together with Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and family that cost the Pakistan political family power prompting self-exile overseas. On the contrary, the Indian celebrities implicated in the Panama Gate let scot free granting them immunity on corruption scandals in and outside India.

Similarly Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan’s holdings estimated at over US$100 million with co-star Juhi Chawla and spouse Jay Mehta in Seychelles was brought to Enforcement Directorate (ED) notice with investigation for formality without any serious actions on black money recovery. The other Indian celebrities name making in the public list on corruption scandal were Shilpa Shetty and spouse Raj Kundra reportedly linked to terror group that barely caught attention considering the actor Shilpa Shetty’s close alliance with Indian PM Narendra Modi on quid pro quo commercials promoting BJP political agenda. The Bollywood actors Shilpa Shetty and Akshay Kumar donations to PM Narendra Modi’s personal fund silenced any inquiry on tax evasion charges and money laundering on both actors.

Yet another field is religion. India’s supposedly Godmen exposed in controversial appearance and international dealings remaining untouchable in terms of accountability are Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Jaggi Vasudev aka the so-called Satguru, the yoga instructor turned commercial trader Baba Ramdev are among several in India’s rich, famous and powerful raking fortune at vast majority expense and misery.

Indians black money public data in Swiss bank is Rs. 358,679,863,300,000 (estimated to be over 5 trillion dollars). 

The undisclosed perhaps never revealed accounts by other politicians, celebrities, industrialists, godmen and miscellaneous would easily surpass many major economies GDP figure and inversely the national debt figure. 

Interestingly, PM Narendra Modi’s  promise to India to achieve 5 Trillion dollar economy in growth and GDP per capita in last election come into fruition not necessarily in national economy, however in personal wealth amassment among the privileged class in India.

Although, the economic milestone is far from reality, the black money held in Swiss bank and various offshore accounts by wealthy, famous and powerful in India had long reached the 5 trillion dollar benchmark. The figure is only expected to exceed in the face of rampant corruption and illegal treasure trove exploding defying transparency and ethics.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


List of black money holders in SWISS bank…… The top most members are…..(money is in CRORES – 10 million – 1 Crore)

*Karunanidi & Family (846890) 

 *Adani (708000)

*Ambani (568000)*

*Sonia Gandhi (389000)

*J. Jayalalitha (257500)

*Subramanian Swamy (220060)

*Devendra Fadnavis(220000)

*Raj foundation(189008)

*N. Chandrbabu(168009)

*Amit Shah (158000)*

*V.K.Sasikala (154700)

*Harshad Mehta(135800)

*Rajnath Singh(82000)

*Lalit Modi (76888)

*Baba Ramdev(75000)

*Sushma Swaraj (582114)

*Janardana Reddy(50000)

*Vaiyapuri Gopalsamy aka Vaiko (35,000)

*Lalu Prasad Yadav(28900)

*Smriti Irani(28900)

*Narendra Modi(19800)* 

 *Arun Jaitley (15040)*

*Ravi Shankar Prasad (15000)*

*Kalanidi Maran(15000)*

*Katta Subramanya Naidu(14500)

*TTV. Dinakaran (12870)

*Yadiyurappa (9000)

*J M Scindia(9000)

*Katta Bharat(8200)

*Ketan Parekh(8200)

*Nalin Kohli(5900)

*Vasundhara Raje(5900)

P.S.Indians black money in Swiss bank is Rs. 358,679,863,300,000 (estimated to be over 5 trillion dollars). 

The money belongs to 2000 Indians accounts to evade tax and maintain money laundering. This money is enough for India to become  powerful developed country in the world for next 100yrs. Please STOP CORRUPTION.

स्विस बंक में जमा कालेधन वाले भारतीयों की सूचि जारी की है..

शीर्ष अधिकांश 24 सदस्य हैं ….. (पैसा करोड़ों में है)

1 – * अंबानी (568000) *

2 – * अदानी (7800) *

3 – * अमित शाह (158000) *

4 – राजनाथ सिंह (82000)

5 – * अरुण जेटली (15040) *

6 – स्मृति ईरानी (28900)

7 – Yadiyurappa (9000)

8 – * रविशंकर गुरुजी (15000) *

9 – बाबा रामदेव (75000)

10 – Janard जना रेड्डी (50000)

11 – नलिन कोहली (5900)

12 – देवेंद्र फडणवीस (220000)

13 – ललित मोदी (76888)

14- सुषमा स्वराज (582114)

15- * नरेंद्र मोदी (19800) *

16- हर्षद मेहता (135800)

17- केतन पारेख (8200)

18-कट्टा सुब्रमण्य नायडू (14500)

19- लालू प्रसाद यादव (28900)

20 – जे एम सिंधिया (9000)

21- * Kalanidi मारन (15000) *

22 * करुणानिधि (35000) *

23- वसुंधरा राजे (5900)

24 राज फाउंडेशन (189008

25 एन Chandrbabu (168009)

Shaming the Shameless in the Espionage Gone Rogue

July 30, 2021

Shaming the Shameless in the Espionage Gone Rogue

Padmini Arhant

There are governments in the world who are openly dictatorial and authoritarian in style and governance. They make no bones about their political ideology making life paradoxically easier for their citizens in recognizing the head of the state, representation and oppressive system they are under with no expiry on terms and limits of power of such government. The citizens in such systems are well aware of the nature and characteristics of the leaderships, the censorship and even threat to their citizenship that are routine in autocratic government.

The problem lies with the so-called democracy in name only that is otherwise brutal authoritarian in manner and functionality. Anything in disguise compared to candid presentation epitomize deception, lies, deceit and gross misrepresentation. The former is more dangerous than the latter due to the proverbial dealing with the devil in the open is not difficult than the devil in disguise.

How governments engage in espionage is an open secret worldwide. The governments spying on foreign governments, entities, diplomats and myriad members from anywhere and everywhere is a culture. Then the other aspect is the government fixation with any particular individual or whomsoever they target as a fair game misusing the power and authority at their disposal. Although such engagement is criminal and unlawful in a real democracy, these activities nevertheless are carried out in the name of national security to falsely justify their actions against specific members they have on their radar 24/7 who are not a threat to national security but in fact perceived a major challenge to them and their criminality. They consider the arch enemy a fish bone in their throat.

The reason behind conspicuous insecurity among them despite being at the helm as Prime Minister or President and leader of the political party is they flourish on cronyism, corruption and criminality evading transparency and accountability that are exposed in the factual truthful incontrovertible enlightenment by the individual they regard arch nemesis.

Meanwhile they have no qualms in shamelessly riding on the rival’s back claiming proprietary rights on the ideas, hard work and exemplary performance as own in the outright plagiarism, content and identity theft in the contemporary era. Contrarily, the wannabes, opportunists and free loaders in politics, media  and entertainment industry are ever starved for power, fame and fortune they consider as their exclusive rights at others’ expense and exploitation.

Among them, the Bollywood sewage contaminants enthusiastically compromise themselves in any level as sellouts is widely known within and outside the circle. They also provide constant material with their personal involvement in drugs, sex, flesh trade, child pornography, extortions, arms trade, terrorism, black money hoarding, embezzlements, offshore havens and other despicable actions that are the norm.  The political cabal and their groveling media then subvert Bollywood and politics’ crimes and turn the tide against their one and only enemy in having the actual offenders mimic postures like namaste and victory gesture to associate the offense and criminal actions with their foe who is not even remotely linked in any shape or form. The criminal cut and paste shenanigan to malign their sworn enemy is directly from their international malefactors’ playbook that is judiciously followed by these crooks to appease them and satisfy own wanton conduct.

These controversies and scandals from political, entertainment, scammers in economic sector, media offenders are designed to generate hysteria with media frenzy and sound bites for hyped viewership.  Accordingly, the scandalous and promiscuous in all dimensions are the preferred choices for the domestic and international criminal cartel controlling politics, media and the gamut.

In any so-called democracy, the governments’ illegal indulgence transformed into peeping tom typically a scopophiliac with spying and snooping perversions predominantly and primarily for self and political interests, that leadership and government is an embarrassment to a nation and society. The ordinary tax payers money squandered in Pegasus aka Perversus spyware for government and the leaderships’ voyeurism could not be a sense of pride nor intelligentsia.

The previous Indian government under Congress party President Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi, then Home minister P.Chidambaram, former law minister Kapil Sibal…the key violators among others had their fair share of spying and propaganda machinery to deflect public attention from an avalanche of corruption scandals they were immersed during their terms in office overwhelming the nation.

In that course, they obliged the root of all evil clique based in London’s smear campaign abusing the 2012 Delhi rape victim’s traumatic tragedy and coining the name Nirbhaya meaning the fearless to enact me – their eternal adversary (Shatru) that has been liberally used by all political factions, Bollywood, media and public in their television shows and political discourse. Again, the original name of the 2012 Delhi rape victim deliberately withheld against the victim’s will and her family’s repeat requests to disclose her real name persistently declined by the previous Sonia Gandhi UPA government and the current PM Narendra Modi regimes in power.

Notwithstanding the public acceptance of such abuse in the so-called democracy clarifying willful discrimination and misogyny is hardly a concern for women’s rights group in India or the London funded amnesty international touted the leading human rights organization in the world.

The Congress Party under Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and their family in unison along with scandalous Home minister P.Chidambaram and law minister Kapil Sibal who was also the minister for Science & Technology and lastly minister for Communications and IT had widespread spying operation not even sparing own members in cabinet like the former finance minister and External Affairs minister Pranab Mukherjee, whose office was bugged by colleague P.Chidambaram with Congress Party Chief Sonia Gandhi’s knowledge.

That being the case, the wild rumor about me then was the Indian company manufactured and distributed Fair and Lovely facial cream that was projected as my flair for whiteness and anti-blackness… nonsensical dissections spread by the foreign political gestapo in 2010 – 2011.

The spark was then obediently ignited by Indian politics, the besmirching Bollywood and the so-called independent Delhi media NDTV – with the founder and CEO Prannoy Roy in the self-tasked street talks with youth via NDTV you tube video on the subject of Fair and Lovely cream in the nuanced caricature of me was the extreme propaganda. The stunts added to nothing more than a desperate strategy to evade accountability on outpouring corruption revelations against then Congress party UPA government brought to public focus in this site. Needless to say the irrefutable truth irked the corrupt and criminal political establishment. They hired the foreign loyalists and domestic political class sycophants in the media to run the sideshow on cosmetics in an effort to masquerade the massive corruption fraud in India at that time.

Nonetheless, the question in this context is the claim on anyone’s personal use of products even though it is none of their business, yet assumed their prerogative and spread far and wide without having the courage or integrity to reveal the source of such information in the first place is asinine.

How did they know about my personal choices of anything when I am shunned to anonymity and importantly in the absence of any paid, solicited or unsolicited commercials by me on such product and any consumer goods?

Should it not be the responsibility of any so-called independent investigative media proclaimed by NDTV founder Prannoy Roy to find the facts prior to collusion with foreign and domestic gestapo in the malicious intervention in other’s personal life?

During the United States administration headed by Nobel Peace Laureate and Democrat President Barack Hussein Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, the harassment went further via direct phone call from the offenders in the White House, phone tapping and ambush private home and family in sleazy fashion that unveiled perpetrators’ real personality in entirety. The culprits’ indecency flipped in snoop dog reference made in the crippled ogling media to scapegoat the victim only brought the malfeasants’ ugliness fair and square to seers and knowers of truth on earth and above.

The answer is plain and simple. Spying, snooping, prying, eavesdropping, overhearing individuals and family conversations otherwise undemocratic and unlawful fatal obsessions with other’s life through invasion of their private home not barring keeping tabs on resident’s attendance to nature calls and fabricating on items in the vanity cabinet of private home bathroom, regular commentary on their target’s attire, looks, physical body weight in gains or losses and in-house activities are cheap tactics and reprehensible qualities of those who admittedly have no life of their own becoming the corpse in living. These are dead people and ghosts haunting other’s home and life in perpetuity.

Ironically, these are the types declared elites, cultured, highly educated erudite, sophisticated and a modern society in their terms when they miserably fail to qualify as civilized humans to begin with. They are the classic insipid genus in essence submitting to behavior beneath human nature and value.

Now with the BJP government under Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah, the duo as seasoned politicians risen to power with a track record in violence, rioting, blackmailing, bribing, election fraud…are few of many disturbing traits found appropriate partners with their global masters in London, Paris, Berlin, Washington D.C., Brussels, Moscow, Beijing, Tel Aviv, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh and worldwide honoring them with coveted civilian awards and pseudo accolades in the political charade.

PM Narendra Modi confronted with use of Israel’s spyware Pegasus modified into tool for perverse lewd involvements deploying politically connected youth springing nepotism as nephew of the Chief Minister of West Bengal and on BJP payroll recruiting other hooligans to openly comment in social media about the target being closely watched and monitored to minutiae recounting individual details, dressing and undressing before and after shower. The late night show host in the United States with explicit British accent describing on the target using bar soap or liquid soap in shower loosely and flamboyantly revealing their vulgar and crude sense of humor aptly define who they are and what kind of stock they belong to in the satanic club.

As for individuals of Bengali descent viz. NDTV founder and CEO Prannoy Roy’s in-depth analysis on facial cream typecast as prejudice on skin color that should have been presented to the manufacturers and company profiteering from it and not aimed at me. The impropriety is journalism in decay to impress upon those behind the insanity, the routine political diversion upon being caught with their feet on fire. Apparently for the same media proprietor Prannoy Roy promoting casteism especially Dalitism pronounced productions with self appearance reeking condescendence and divisiveness is not a problem ignoring hypocrisy ad nauseam.  These attributes among the wannabes by no means measure upper echelon category.  

Similarly, the West Bengal Chief Minister’s nephew falsely flaunting satire in social media while deeply entrenched in the Central and State ruling political class dirty politics and their unlawful intrusions in other’s private life is self-explanatory and self-deprecating at worst. There are the likes of Arnab Goswami, the cantankerous TV host sponsored by the BJP government and other interests groups to drive journalism to delirium. Obviously, it is not a blanket statement against the entire Bengali community as falsely asserted by communal hate instigator BJP and their stooge in social media.

Bengal has produced fine sons and daughters in different fields ranging from spiritualism, academia, arts and science, musicians, artisans, literature to entrepreneurship and above all saints and patriots like Sri Ramakrishna and his devoted spouse Saradha Ma, Swami Vivekananda, India’s true patriot Subash Chandra Bose, the freedom movement’s female voice Sarojini Naidu, the social and religious reformer Sri Ram Mohan Roy, literary luminary Rabindranath Tagore in the list of eminence who are unfortunately either forgotten or sidelined and replaced with unworthy and undeserving opportunists and demagogues cashing in on abrasive violations of others’ rights and partisan politics premised in polarization of society.

Israel’s NSO group technologies supplying Pegasus spyware to governments evidently not serving national or humanitarian interests. The governments using the spyware are disposed to misuse of the software in inappropriate and illegal surveillance of anyone presumed inconvenient rather than averting terror via terrorists and bio weapon leak from the science lab.

Interestingly, the governments procuring NSO spyware technology PEGASUS are not necessarily using the software in deterring terrorism or any domestic threat to safety and security of citizens and nation at large. The case in point is Pulwama attack in India across the Kashmir border in 2019 that could have saved Indian troops lives lost in the preventable terror assault had the technology been utilized at the hour of need. This is just one instance in the many episodes experienced near and far.

Israel proudly established as the home of holocaust victims and survivors of Nazi atrocities now enabling the revival of deplorable activities by dictatorial, fascist, authoritarian regimes emulating Nazi crimes against law abiding decent citizens, whistle blowers and caring compassionate humanitarians is enigmatic in the profit oriented goals.

There has been series of terror attacks on Indian soil as it has been in different parts of the world since the onset of the twenty first century when every one of them was stoppable with plethora of innovative technology and resources available to governments besides intelligence networks worldwide.  Regardless, the terrorists were given the benefit and undue advantage in the so-called war on terror on governments’ watch and authority. 

Likewise the latest heinous crime against humanity unleashed in COVID-19 bio weapon consuming lives and confusing people world over in the rapidly changing pattern of the pandemic and protocol bear no legal, ethical, political, economic, social or moral consequences for those behind funding and conducting contentious Gain of Function research science experiments at the extraordinary cost of precious lives and excruciating human plight.

The world is expected to accept the unacceptable and abominable absurdity in anything and everything including espionage gone rogue as the new normal – the phrase emerging from the pandemic induced lifestyle.

Nothing stated in the article are without undeniable proof and corroboration.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



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