COVID-19 – Investigation

June 20, 2021



Padmini Arhant 

The virus that was let loose evolving from an epidemic in Wuhan, China into global pandemic consuming millions of lives and triggering global economic collapse justify free open independent investigation on world  watch.

The COVID-19 having served the political means in the United States 2020 Presidential election would presumably be the priority for the current administration and Congress in the United States to authorize transparent probe into the Wuhan lab experiment virus – SARS – COV2 aka COVID-19.

The global citizenry and humanity at large forced to pay an extraordinary price with life, livelihood, health, wealth and free movement clamped in prolonged lock down duly deserve attention with direct inquiry on the origin and pathway in spreading the virus world over.

United States Congress – the democrats slim majority and Republican minority in the House and Senate along with the administration headed by President Joe Biden bear responsibility to reach to the bottom of the deadly pandemic.

The G-7 meeting and the latest Biden – Putin summit omission on this important issue raise legitimate questions on the world leaders priority and concerns or the lack thereof on human health, safety and economic growth destroyed in the COVID-19 catastrophe.

As a result, the investigation on cause and systemic failure in preventing the horrendous loss of lives in the United States and across the globe is an obligation to the present and future generations.

Any reluctance and political deviance in the critical matter and fact finding mission would definitively identify those with the people and those against them. The latter would also appropriately delineate the opposition to COVID-19 free and fair inquiry with those classifying truth seeking – a conspiracy theory.

The global voice is pertinent to demand thorough examination and facts presentation on the COVID-19 pandemic.

The powerful and influential members’ response as world leaders, governments, institutions, health care industry and others in different prominent positions to remain oblivious to the pandemic having claimed massive lives and irreversible economic damages is frustrating for the pandemic survivors and victims who have lost their loved ones to the lab manufactured virus.

The citizens as taxpayers and electorate are incumbent to petition their governments and elected representatives to act in this regard. The investigation is not an option but a necessity.

The global awakening and unanimous call into the public scrutiny of COVID-19 crises is the subject of life and death.

Unless the light is shed on the darkness, the forces would lead humanity into the black hole.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

India – Politics & Media STOP Exploitation

May 1, 2021

India – Politics

& Media

STOP Exploitation

Padmini Arhant

Indian political ruling class and media need to STOP exploiting the living and dead at any instance especially in the excruciating time of the Indian population. 

The political members viz. the Prime Minister – Narendra Damodardas Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah and Health Minister Harsh Vardhan together with the entire political establishment and health care apparatus bear responsibility for the declining situation. 

The crony groveling media and You Tube sleeper cells interestingly deploying unemployed youth – men and women who otherwise could serve the nation and selves productively are required to turn the tide on those at the helm of position and authority on public payroll with black money hoarded in foreign tax havens costing that nation in blood and treasure. 

There is never deficiency in Indian entertainment industry with certain members ever at disposal for unscrupulous opportunism despite irreversible doom and gloom.

KARMA is indeed the judge, jury and executioner in living and upon departure from the world.

The only difference is unlike the interpretation of Karma and Karmic effects to suit whims and fancies of  sinners on earth, the Karma details maintained by Almighty God on every living breathing species is the ultimate verdict that determines individual SOUL destiny thereafter.

Accordingly, the sinners’ trepidation concerning own death and relevantly destination upon demise is warranted.

Rest assured, the rancor and rant orchestrated by those evading legislative responsibility and duty as head of the nation, home and health ministry exemplify utter failure and incompetence besides lacking transparency and integrity in crises management.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



India – Demonetization a Political & Economic Scam

April 20, 2021

The latest information from caring concerned youth in India on China’s incursion in Ladakh, Sikkim and North Eastern region. The dereliction of duty from mainstream media sworn allegiance to political power is replaced by diligent Indian youth with news and events having severe repercussions on the nation at large.

The public information is shared as per the video presenters and channels request to make their voices heard in politics controlled public domain. 

China Declining to Pull Back Military Personnel and Artillery Deployment in the Himalayan Region


The real deal behind the controversial and scandalous Rafale deal

The real deal behind the controversial and scandalous Rafale deal. Again the Indian government headed by PM Narendra Modi continue to evade accountability on one of the biggest defense contracts gone awry costing Indian economy a fortune and yet defense procurement far from fulfillment in meeting Indian Air Force (IAF) aviation assets requirement.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


The political authority’s indigestion problem on truthful, factual and irrefutable information concerning them and their governance is confirmation of facts on such matter.

Anyone claiming to be otherwise upon being presented with actual data regarding their egregious decisions and debacles due to their thoughtless and mindless engagement during governance ignoring consequences thereafter would not deploy unemployed youth to launch attacks on social media in self-defense.

Neither there would be threats and tirades for sharing individual perspective on any issues in Almighty God created FREE WORLD. 

The educated skilled youth yet unemployed in India deserve better than being abused by political leadership and factions as attack machinery on social media.

It is rather shameful and disgraceful for anyone especially those touting themselves as popular invincible infallible leader in the so-called world’s largest democracy to hire terror sleeper cells on social media to defend indefensible position.

The real sign of autocracy and authoritarianism is silencing objective review on political actions and decisions affecting millions of lives anywhere and continue to pretend the system as democracy.

Above all, the leadership posing as Saint and Sadhu (Hermit) would not be in the position of power on public funded payroll to begin with, let alone stashing illegal wealth in foreign shores and tax havens.

Last but not the least, anyone lacking courage and integrity to accept responsibility for own actions and wrongdoings in public and private life hardly possess character to assume brethren sins in the world, there and then exposing their fraudulent persona.

Any reference to promiscuity and prostitution for honest views on public affairs is nothing more than self-description of the source and agents wasting life. It further highlight the politics that typically represents and epitomize conduct beneath human decency and civility especially with political leadership and party constantly seeking strange bed fellows to stay in power.

The reasonable mind would do the following:

Surrender public wealth and illicit private accumulation.

Step down from power in recognition of regrettable actions.

Seek atonement for sins to alleviate burden on Soul.

Padmini Arhant 


India – Demonetization a Political & Economic Scam

Padmini Arhant 

The demonetization invalidating indian rupees INR 500 and 1000 in November 2016 was supposedly meant to target black money and money laundering in Indian economy and society at large.

The unbeknown intervention from Prime Minister Narendra Modi to this effect in November 2016 adversely cost lives with at least 165 citizens committed suicide from trauma and serious financial setback they suffered in the aftermath of political and financial travesty. The remaining victims experienced loss of livelihoods and tremendous economic strife.

Contrarily, the actual black money hoarders and money launderers granted impunity allowing many to flee country to destination of their choice and maintaining direct communication with government and friends on social media sharing selfies and permanent family vacations in world famous resorts.

It is clearly an assault on human intelligence and yet propagated otherwise en masse to rally nation behind PM Narendra Modi’s campaign on demonetization debacle declared successful raid on the poor and poorest in society – the true bearers of government nuclear attack on financial well being and security.

Without a shadow of doubt, PM Narendra Modi‘s action devastated the most vulnerable majority – the daily wage earners, the labor class, street vendors and hawkers, lower income groups viz. the informal economic sector in particular. Besides, the middle class in the formal economic segment also paid a huge price on their part losing amounts held in 500 and 1000 rupees. The overwhelming population in these categories lost their hard earned savings. Their cash got wiped out overnight from the government’s cavalier approach in the so-called black money confiscation.

The demonetization by PM Narendra Modi was acquiescence to international financial dealers and brokers instruction to eliminate large cash economy in India. The move was in preparation for the controversial Great Financial Reset in 2021 in the backdrop of COVID-19 health catastrophe. In keeping with tradition never to let any crisis go waste in politics and economy, the great reset was in gear since then i.e. 2016 to bring emerging economies like India under global agenda.

Meanwhile, the real black money hoarders and money launderers in Indian economy -prominently in politics, economic sector, entertainment industry and others involved in real estate transactions remain unscathed and continue to enhance personal treasure cove in foreign shores. The powerful, rich and famous preserve their wealth in Swiss bank, Singapore Hawala, Panama gate, Seychelles and exotic tax havens. There is no sweat with India’s political class led by PM Narendra Modi and opposition party Chief Sonia Gandhi in ruling and opposition alike leading in illegal money in Swiss Bank and elsewhere.

India – Black Money in SWISS Bank and Tax Havens

Together, the rich, famous and powerful control wealth, influence and authority enabling corruption culture to flourish in a country with majority youth population desperately seeking any employment in the high unemployment dire situation.

Unfortunately, none of these issues are barely the concern for political establishment before, during and now at the peak of pandemic.

The idea of democracy is anybody’s guess with little or no tolerance to individual freedom, free speech and basic rights to life, liberty and fair opportunity.

Where corruption rules, there ineligible, incompetence and impropriety occupy position of power and authority taking the entire nation down in self and vested interests.

The demonetization was a major political and economic scam benefiting the rich, famous and powerful in protecting their illegal wealth and leaving ordinary citizens drowned in irreversible losses and generational debts deemed their destiny.

The irony in demonetization was INR 500 and 1000 banned promoting even larger denomination INR 2000 in circulation and use. Not surprisingly the higher value commonly found among the wealthy and political circle. As a result, money laundering at ease in corruption deals and activities was established despite the maneuver more infectious than any deadly pathogen.

In a society where life begins with bribery in the form of donation to enroll in Kindergarten and continues throughout life like college admission to any employment not barring medical treatment and hospitalization that requires ransom.  For parents of a daughter, it is dowry essentially bribe to the groom and his parents to accept their daughter as cash cow. Thereafter, the custom prolonged until the end of life journey.

In other fields especially in politics money talks in buying votes and elected representatives bought with hard cash to jump fence and quit their political faction. The economy functions in black and white transactions that are normal. The well organized corruption culture thrives crushing the ones at the bottom along with those inept in the art of corruption, stashing wealth by any means and mass deception. 

Welcome to the real world. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 




Hypocrisy Ad Nauseam

March 29, 2021

Hypocrisy Ad Nauseam 

Padmini Arhant

Hypocrisy Ad Nauseam 

“White House staffers asked to resign, work remotely after revealing past marijuana use.

Several White House staffers were asked to resign, were suspended or are working remotely after revealing past marijuana use during their background checks, sources familiar with the situation tell CNN.

Five people are no longer employed at the White House, while additional staffers are working remotely. In many of the cases involving staffers who are no longer employed, additional security factors were in play, including for some hard drug use, the official said.”

President Joe Biden White House Policy.

Overwhelming empathy and laxity on immigration across the border invites tsunami of people. Whereas the administration policy towards Americans at home, younger generation future stifled for their past marijuana use.

The legitimate question from the public and affected hires is ;

Shouldn’t the firing begin at the top rather than rock bottom whose impact is insignificant compared to the ones at the helm as Chief Authority?


Evidently, the so-called law makers are at liberty and granted impunity on championing law breakers record.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

India – Attention Indian Corrupt Political Class and Crony Contingency

March 27, 2021

India – Attention Indian Corrupt Political Class and Crony Contingency

Padmini Arhant

भारत के राजनीति और राजनीति के दुष्ट टोली के लिए महत्व पूर्ण विषय :

इस समाचार से समझना चाहिए तुम्हारे प्रतिनिधियों की क्या औकाद है |

मुझे औकाद समझाने से पहले, अपनी और तुम्हारी इन हस्तियों की औकाद जान लो |

तुम जैसे सड़क चाप जिनकी कोई औकाद ना हो, औकाद सिखाने आये तो औकाद की कोई मायने नहीं होती |

अगर गाली देते हो तो जवाब भी लेते जाओ | क्योंकि किसी को किसी के पीछे बिना मतलब पड़ना अपने दुर्भाग्य का निमंत्रण है |

सत्य मेव जयते |

Indian Political Class and crony contingency – These are the kind representing you. Accordingly, you have no credibility or integrity to launch your vitriolic and vicious attacks against me via You Tube and other social media platform. If you consider unnecessary hostility against me is your prerogative, then develop civility to hear my response which is my inalienable right to self-defense and set the record straight. 

GOP Senator says Biden Justice nominee Vanita Gupta has stake in company that supplies chemicals for cartels



Padmini Arhant


United States – Democracy in Dissipation

March 24, 2021

United States – Democracy in Dissipation

Padmini Arhant

When any political party aims for sole dominance and deploys tax payer dollars, resources and means to prolong establishment  power, that nation’s democracy dissipates leaving the people no option other than subjugation.

The current developments in the United states via legislations are ominous and accordingly remain the cause of great concern.  Similarly, the southern border situation further exacerbates humanitarian, health, economic and security crises.

The latest domestic and foreign policy – illegal immigration influx is a serious problem not necessarily designed to help the arrivals especially children, minors and youth – the victims of exploitation at every level. Not to mention the southern state viz. Texas and others forced to bear the brunt of population exodus from nations near and far.

There is an urgent requirement to heed requests from rationale voices to curb unlawful entry across the border and divert focus on domestic issues such as employment, reopening economy, schools and renew measures in dealing with pandemic related challenges that are immediate priority.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


United States – The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act

March 3, 2021

United States – The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act

Padmini Arhant

The democrat controlled House passing the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act would be fair and reasonable upon the same empathy and fervor extended to yet another victim who actually suffered far greater brutality and injustice in modern times in the hands of those at the helm of political authority i.e. Presidency of the United States of America under the former President Barack Obama and spouse Michelle Obama’s presence in the White House.

This victim is none other than African American Miriam Carey and her then African American 13-month-old daughter Erica witness to the heinous crime.

The unarmed civilian, the African American mother Miriam Carey was shot several times sustaining fatal injury from thirty five bullets or so in October 2013 confirmed in reports then and thereafter. The Washington post at the time of the incident until today reported on African American victim Miriam Carey shot at least 26 times in several rounds in the brief encounter with White House secret service. The reports state the D.C. police entry later in the crime scene.

The most disturbing turn of event in this cold blooded murder is, the child Erica handed over to some ex-CIA operative rather than obliging the victim Miriam Carey’s mother and her immediate family’s plea to grant them access to the child for emergency care and attention. The request to the former first Black President Barack Obama and wife Michelle Obama was denied leaving the child Erica bereft of the legal and individual right to be with her family. Instead the ex-CIA personnel, a white male and stranger was designated custodian of the toddler Erica with the matter closed without prompting any attention or concern from then already established Black Lives Matter and others pouring sympathy over African American male victim George Floyd in the police action.

Karen Bass (D-California) – “A profession where you have the power to kill should be a profession that requires highly trained officers who are accountable to the public.”

Shouldn’t the same standard apply to those responsible for the murder of 34-year-old Black mother Miriam Carey as it does now for 46-year-old Black man George Floyd?

The current White House statement to George Floyd Bill;

“To make our communities safer, we must begin by rebuilding trust between law enforcement and the people they are entrusted to serve and protect,” the White House said. “We cannot rebuild that trust if we do not hold police officers accountable for abuses of power and tackle systemic misconduct — and systemic racism — in police departments.”

Who holds those accountable for authorizing their secret service personnel to hail bullets on unarmed woman and a mother with 13-month-old child in her car?

Why should there be any discrimination even among Black Lives evident in condemnation of action in black man George Floyd’s murder while condoning the black victim Miriam Carey’s public summary execution?

Is it simply because, those involved and responsible for the black woman Miriam Carey’s summary execution are protected by ‘qualified immunity’ apparently revoked in George Floyd’s case?

How can such prejudice over ride criminality in one incident while demanding Justice in another?

In doing so, the entire process is marred with credibility and genuity factor pronouncing politics more than ethics. Notwithstanding civil and human rights seriously violated in congressional selective importance.

Let the basic civility honoring All Lives Matter prevail over partisan identity politics aimed at further polarization of society and creed within.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 













Independent Commission on January 6th, 2021 Capitol Event

February 17, 2021

Independent Commission on January 6th, 2021

Capitol Event

Padmini Arhant

The House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in agreement with proposal on independent commission to investigate Capitol Building encroachment on January 6th, 2021 should be in a position to subject self and others in the democrat party to scrutiny to make such probe free, fair and credible.

Furthermore, the fact Jan 6, 2021 Capitol storming was pre-organized and pre-emptive incident is confirmed by FBI. That being the case, those behind the orchestrated incident and the House Speaker in-charge of Capitol building security should be prepared to submit to law without exception in Congress and government apparatus.

The investigation compared to 9/11 commission is ominous as the so-called 9/11 commission was anything but independent except for exonerating and absolving those directly involved and responsible for 9/11.

Since accountability is at the height of democrats controlled government, media and all things considered a fair game, then a thorough investigation on last summer riots, looting, burning and vandalism by democrat and George Soros funded Black Lives Matter, Antifa and other outfits be brought to law.  The deaths, destruction and mayhem inflicted on ordinary citizens and American citizens owned businesses and livelihoods, private and public property is far more devastating than any incident.

Those who suffered enormous financial and punitive damages from last summer insurrection and insurgency aptly qualifying domestic terrorism holding all individuals in government and rioters responsible with libel suits unarguably merit due process and independent probe.

Let every high ranking to rank and file in the democrat political party hierarchy promoting, inciting, instigating and fund-raising criminality, arsonists and unrest be subject to the same rule of law and impeachability witnessed in actions and impeachment proceedings since 2016 and up until now.

Upon following equal application of law in matter concerning safety and security of all not just the selective few would demonstrate sincerity and commitment to protect the rights of all citizens nationwide barring preference and prejudice.

All lives matter.

Thank you.                 

Padmini Arhant


Enemy Profile

February 11, 2021

Enemy Profile

Padmini Arhant

The enemy unable to fight own battle within self and succumb to self-destruction is least threatening and unworthy of any attention.

Could an enemy taking marching orders from Saitans within i.e. own mind and outside be smart, courageous and powerful?

Obviously not. Instead they are dumb, weak and powerless.

Could an enemy using proxies, pawns and puppets in nuanced attacks and insinuations have any merit and credibility?

The fact they rely on manufactured concoctions much to self-embarrassment and self-defeating purpose suffice response. Not to mention the inability to face whom they target via ethics and intellect, the attributes oxymoron to them except developing mob mentality.

The enemy utilizing own dead or alive inventory against the target exemplify fait accompli. 

More than anything, the morbid culture to associate target with deceased exalt the challenged to glory in repeat resurrection to life compared to Jesus Christ in one time resurrection. 

Could an enemy’s obsession and chronic fixation gain anything other than wasting life?

Such indulgence invariably result in self-mortification.

Why worry about an enemy preoccupied in self-termination?

Padmini Arhant 

World Without Governments

January 20, 2021

World without Government


Padmini Arhant

Is it a coincidence to witness history repeating itself today in the United States replicated worldwide?

Get ready for GREAT RESET say financial cartel and oligarchy run governments installing corrupt scandalous candidacies and administration to power.

The GREAT RESET vigorously promoted by clueless Joe Biden in the minuscule campaign appearance in 2020 may not have been noticed by many in the United States and across the globe.

GREAT RESET – The financial system and economic structure worldwide reset to aggravate debt culture is the agenda.

The sinister concept drowning humans in lifetime and generational debt to serve self-proclaimed elites that are actually narcissists is no surprise.

The secret society and deep state swamp usually herald their devious plan from Davos, Switzerland through World Economic Forum held annually to drop the ball on those who pay attention to such mega event.

Create a crisis and transform that crisis into opportunity for opportunists to enslave humans across the globe has been operative since evil empire’s existence.

What’s new with this Great Reset?

There is nothing ever new about deep state swamp actions. The same old ideas, strategy are recycled through administrations and governments installed by them through rigged election.

Since the deep state swamp and members are committed to proving me wrong on all issues though anything presented as reality from them is falsehood and fraudulence including the latest inauguration of corruption and fraud as democratic,

The deep state swamp proving the information on Great Reset wrong would indeed be a great relief for humanity ending their ruinous policy once and for all.

Great Reset – Focused on eliminating cash economy. The cash transactions are largely replaced with credit and debit card that are already in practice. The credit card and various loans ranging from house mortgage, car loans, business loans to student loans and any other borrowings related to health and other family commitments are just a few examples in the debt cycle.

The debt vortex confines human population with monetary obligations from the young age of 18 years until retirement and beyond.

Students are bogged down with debts even before they start any career. The cost of education and job opportunities are not necessarily parallel and intersect at any point to guarantee every graduate suitable employment or any employment until certain time extending over a year and longer.

Farmers plight is even more agonizing across the globe. The farmers suicide in industrialized nation like the United States, emerging economies India and  developing nations world over has been alarming. The tragic situation is primarily linked with burgeoning debts and stagnancy in revenue despite moderate to higher crop yield in agriculture.

Humans are conditioned to this pattern making survival difficult to impossible for many worldwide.

Furthermore, the central bank in any nation printing money for circulation within country for economic activities are doubled down with widespread borrowing within and outside. The emerging and developing economies are unable to control inflation with excess borrowings by governments and citizens alike to pay debts rather than interjecting economy with capital investments increasing domestic productivity and employment.

The developing nations are forced into borrowing from international monetary authorities like the World Bank, IMF, China Central Bank, European Central Bank (ECB) as well as others in Europe.

These nations are left with no other option than surrender to indefinite debt servicing without any economic stimulus. Additionally their people as human capital in the deal are subject to exploitation. As permanent debtors, these nations’ national assets and natural resources are used as collateral subjugating nation and people all together in the financial bargain.

The financial system predominantly functions on borrowed money to run governments, economy and daily life. The borrowings are heavily burdened with interests which in return are transferred over to every man, woman and child including the ones that are yet to be born in this world.

Interests and taxes cripple human liberty, progress and prosperity while financially, economically and politically empowering financial cartel and oligarchs comprising selective few to rule the world on their terms and conditions. The nation’s constitution, rule of law, election integrity, democratic process and ultimately sovereignty upended in their exclusive gains defrauding citizens as electorate and taxpayers in the country.

How does the government shift responsibility on interest payments on their huge borrowings from private entity – the Federal Reserve not in any shape or form affiliated with United States government?

The government transfer financial liability to ordinary people by taxing them on their labor viz. personal income tax, home owners paying property tax, investments in stocks and shares, any other valuable assets like land, commodities such as gold, silver, now cryptocurrency and all tangible commercial items of value…all of them attract tax to run government. The goods and services tax as sales tax or value added tax (VAT) are separate that all consumers pay regardless of economic status.

The Federal Reserve in the United States is a private enterprise established as central monetary authority with a monetary policy designed to favor members of core financial groups in the international domain with no checks and balances whatsoever.

There has never been a verifiable internal and no external audit on the Federal Reserve thus far. The self appointed federal reserve with multi-trillion dollar United States economy on the private entity’s oversight has zero tolerance to any hints on transparency and accountability from them.

As a matter of fact, the last time the bipartisan effort in this respect – the rare members Republican Congressman Ron Paul from Texas and democrat Alan Mark Grayson from Florida from the right and left introduced in

H.R.1207 — 111th Congress (2009-2010)

Sponsor: Rep. Paul, Ron [R-TX-14] (Introduced 02/26/2009)
Committees: House – Financial Services

Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 – “Repeals the authority of the Comptroller General to carry out an onsite examination of an open insured bank or bank holding company only if the appropriate federal regulatory agency has consented in writing. (Retains the authority of the Comptroller General to audit a federal agency.)

Directs the Comptroller General to complete, before the end of 2010, an audit of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and of the federal reserve banks, followed by a detailed report to Congress.”

The action resulted in democrat congress member from Florida’s 8th congressional district, Alan Grayson, the co-sponsor of the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 unseated and repeatedly stymied in the congressional and senate bid ending the congressman political career for daring to question the private organization Federal Reserve designated as United States Central Monetary Authority. The congressman Alan Grayson also had to deal with aggressive tactics from those not comfortable with the bill authorizing Federal Reserve audit.

Subsequently, then federal reserve chairman Ben Bernanke declined response to Congress on $2.2 trillion to international banks and institutions at the House Financial Services Committee hearing adding frustration among members like then Republican congressman Dr. Ron Paul from Texas and democrat Alan Grayson from Florida and few others in the committee.

The Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke response was ‘I don’t know’ on where and who received $2.2 trillion of U.S. taxpayers money.

Former President Barack Obama Endorse Wall Street CEO’s Bonus 

The video content on the House Financial Services Committee Hearing in 2009 with then Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke appearance before the Committee.

Courtesy – C-SPAN2 – Thank you.

Federal Reserve Balance Sheet off chart 

Federal Reserve Pervasive Power 

Monetary Policy Authority, Systemic Regulator, Bank Regulator, Consumer Credit Control

Taxpayer Protection 

Former President Barack Obama Called Out by Democrat Congressman 


For Continuation of Predecessor George W. Bush and Dick Cheney Policy 

Former President Barack Obama Called Out by Democrat Congressman 

REP. Paul Kanjorski

Citing lack of Transparency on Funding Federal Reserve at the Congressional Briefing 

The update will continue in due course.

Padmini Arhant 



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