Corona Virus – WHO Mismanagement

May 18, 2020

Corona Virus – WHO Mismanagement 

Padmini Arhant

The ruling governments at the state and federal level subject to severe criticism and taking lot of heat from partisan media and predecessor ex-President Barack Obama rebuke of the incumbent President Donald Trump in the handling of the pandemic with rebuttal from the latter ongoing on one side.

On the other hand, the global health authority, World Health Organization having misled the world and allowed the virus spread globally through full cooperation with Beijing leadership, President Xi Jinping of China Communist Party in the critical initial period perhaps never even cross critics’ minds when targeting political leaderships and administrations bogged down in health and economic dual crises.

The burden of responsibility squarely falls on the World Health Organization for miscalculations and misguidance in denying human to human transmission in the beginning and disapproval on international travel ban that triggered contagion effect far and wide.

China and WHO together failed to contain the virus in Wuhan at the onset. WHO obligatory to conduct independent investigation on the outbreak prior to Beijing’s deliberated confirmation in Wuhan, China delayed in providing instructions to the international community until after preliminary epidemic evolved into a pandemic.

The controversy surrounding corona virus origin i.e. Wuhan lab in China with known lapses brought to notice by United States embassy in Beijing back in January 2018 appears to have been ignored raising a red flag in the institute set up for experiments in highly infectious viruses from the wild life viz. bats per numerous data drawing focus on the facility and activities concerning humanity at large.

The current corona virus SARS-CoV2 identified as related to bats that trace back to Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China involved in corona virus research in bats attracting funding from the United States and Europe cannot be isolated in the efforts to determine the pandemic cause. 

The global attention on China and WHO, the organization having maintained contact and meeting with China at the early stages of the pandemic have let down global citizens in mitigating the deadly virus.

The global citizens seeking inquiry on the corona virus stemming from China together with WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus resignation for failure to act immediately in alerting the world governments and citizens that could have saved thousands of lives and averted the massive health and economic disaster are legitimate and valid. 

The loss of lives are irreversible and economic costs are phenomenal. Yet those responsible to deliver effectively at the beginning of this pandemic granted immunity on the job and protected from any adverse impact to their position is deeply regrettable.

The reverse would be applicable to any ordinary citizen anywhere had they been reckless in their decision and caused health catastrophe in epic proportion.

The rule of law regardless of status and statehood should be fair and equal. The global health organization expected to prevent pandemics and major health hazards having passed on their responsibility to China by relying on Beijing’s assessment and dissemination on the virus impact that originated in Wuhan, China reflect gross negligence and dereliction of duty. 

Beijing’s political clout and economic incentives to WHO top executive and officials undermining public health and safety is systemic epidemic in corruption culture.

WHO at the center of this health quagmire quintessential for egregious actions in dealing with the most sensitive and alarming health calamity.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 




Secret Society Politics and Selective Impunity

May 16, 2020

Secret Society Politics and Selective Impunity

Padmini Arhant

In a real democracy, none above law would be upheld without preference and prejudice.

While sitting President becomes a sitting duck and army Generals are a fair game including military personnel prosecuted and sentenced on politically motivated charges,

The cloak and dagger Secret Society active members in United States politics attending secret meetings on all matter concerning United States and humanity at large is the trend.

These members and others endorsed and approved by Secret Society for highest position in the office such as President, Prime Minister, Vice President, Secretary of State and Senior officials are invariably granted impunity as membership incentive on serious crimes ranging from treason, betrayal of public trust, abuse of power during the term in office to collusion and complicity in various activities that had previously in American Political history led to impeachment of then serving President Richard Nixon in the infamous Watergate scandal for wiretapping the political opponent, the Democratic Party headquarters and recently the incumbent President Donald J Trump on Ukraine affair though the latter exonerated in the impeachment trial.

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, an active member and attendee of Secret Society meeting having marked his presence in June 2016 Bilderberg meeting in Dresden, Germany — the invite only private gathering of public officials, lawmakers, journalists and so-called thinkers collude in secret locations barring public and original press media representing the people and any nation.

In 2016, reportedly “the South Carolina Republican is the only member of Congress attended the meeting, according to an official list of participants. Among those included in the 125-person roster are former Army Gen. David Petraeus, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde.

Also taking part are the editor-in-chief of Bloomberg, a history professor from Harvard University, the head of Google and the prime ministers of Belgium and the Netherlands.”

Similarly in 2008 Presidential campaign, then Presidential candidates Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton from the Democratic Party and John McCain from the Republican Party were escorted to the meeting in Chantilly, Virginia on June 2008 for Secret Society’s formal endorsement and official nod on Presidential choice.

Secret Society comprising globalists promote global agenda exclusively favoring them in economic, political, military, nuclear rights, science, social and religion…preserving elitists privileges for narcissistic goals.

United States proudly proclaimed as beacon of democracy and land of justice has long been prohibited in living up to these values due to Secret Society dominance in politics, economy and judiciary with guaranteed immunity to those regarded critical allies and representatives in maintaining Secret Society run deep state within politics in every nation and their illegal criminal status quo.

Washington D.C. and politics in general is long overdue for deep cleaning and draining the swamp obstructed thus far with Secret Society control world over.

United States former President John F Kennedy appropriately denounced Secret society existence as repugnant.

More than ever now Secret Society dissolution and rejection necessary to free the world from secrecy and tradition making a mockery of democracy. 

United States exemplifying fairness and equality in the investigation of corruption scandals and misuse of authority prevalent in all administrations justify calling on former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others in the respective share of spy gate in the White House and private server in the State Department and much more between 2009-2016 and critically the transition period in early January 2017 to testify under oath in the Senate public hearing.

Failure to apply same standards and rule of law across the spectrum regardless of former or current status essentially risk the expressed rule of law.

United States electorate and the nation deserve non-partisanship in dealing with all issues relevant to taxpayers funded administration, congressional members, judiciary and government agencies conduct and their respect or lack thereof for rules and regulations binding them under constitutional oath and pledge to serve the nation and citizens with sincerity and integrity.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter

Secret Society and Deep State Operation

May 8, 2020

Secret Society and Deep State Operation

Padmini Arhant

Corruption and criminality rule contaminates society.

The indicted political leader headed governments and factions implicated with corruption scandals represent doom and gloom for the state, country and society at large. This is a proven incontrovertible fact witnessed and experienced by citizens world over.

The world run by sinister secret society designated deep state at various levels in different nations regardless of political system favoring unsavory proxies with tainted background and criminal profile not barring homicide prior to their political debut and some involved in communal violence orchestrated mass murder of children, women, youth and elderly in the native state, others adept in abuse of power become poster representative for the criminal clique.

How and Why do they plant these types in politics?

They drastically modify and manipulate the candidacy past and present profile through swipe and swap process. As for why they adopt such strategy is to have an agent performing their intended tasks for exclusive benefits against ordinary citizens and national interests.

Who are the beneficiaries in these shallow backwaters stymieing truth and originality?

Those ravenous for power, fame and fortune in the absence of any positive tangible assets in talent and delivery enormously benefit from free loading and cashing in by crooked means and impropriety.

Who is the actual deep state?

Secret society, delegates as well as surrogates with skull and bones connotations deployed for disastrous agenda.

Who runs the criminal cabal?

The unscrupulous master minds and architects behind devious political, economic, scientific, social, religious and importantly communication outlets flooding public domain with disinformation, false propaganda, deceitful and deceptive promotions remain in the dark and operate through puppets and pawns known for nefarious dealings and unflattering indulgence carefully chosen to serve the destructive purpose.

Needless to say the ones who are the devil’s favorite, the commonality in attributes and motives among them are the binding factor. This is precisely the reason for them to be the devil’s preferred choice.

Why should the world tolerate falsehood, fraudulence and fake identities prolonging mass deception?

Secret society is abomination in any age especially in modern era exploring future on pandemics, space militarization and much more becoming existential catastrophe for inhabitants and habitat.

What is the need for Secret Society to exist in the world routinely touted by the same society as the free world?

This in itself is conglomerate gross misrepresentation allowing them to freely wheel power incognito besides evading transparency and accountability.

The reference Free World indisputably apply to the parallel world comprising self-proclaimed privileged members in Secret Society free to run amuck with impunity regardless of cataclysmic engagement affecting humanity at large.

The laws that are generally upheld and enforced on average citizens anywhere exempt the Secret Society members and their contingency from serious criminal offense, treason and malfeasance.

Time for Secret Society, deep state operatives, catalysts and crony stooges in disguise both overt and covert varieties to cease and dissolve that would demonstrate the real free world.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter




Corona Virus – Affluence Exerting Influence

April 20, 2020

Corona Virus – Affluence Exerting Influence

Padmini Arhant

Having been accused  a GOLD DIGGER with no GOLD MINE or TREASURE COVE to be found delivering cornucopia of wealth to me and my family, at the onset of my selfless unpaid contributions since the beginning up until now for twelve years benefitting many gold diggers near and far, 

Paging – New York Times

The so-called esteemed New York Times could perhaps shed light on this revelation.


Thank you.


Has the Corona Virus pandemic hit the Ivy League Supremo viz. Harvard University so hard gobbling lion share $9 million (9,000,000) of the Federal CARES ACT at ordinary taxpayers expense? 

The classic affluence exerting influence continues unabated and unchecked while those burdened with generational debt from gross misuse of privilege expected to remain silent spectators and sacrificial lambs. 

It’s time to STOP unfettered access of those with deep pockets draining average citizens leaving them with a bigger hole in their pockets.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter






Appeasement Politics

March 7, 2020

Appeasement Politics 

Padmini Arhant

The reason behind status quo i.e. deteriorating political, economic, social, religion, health and environment is falsehood, deception, misrepresentation, fabrication, fraud and gross violations in every respect in all quarters beginning with politics, communication media, economic sector, entertainment, religion and social causes engaged in appeasement politics.

The members involved in such unscrupulous practice fail to recognize the incorrigible conduct inevitably affecting the source and catalysts promoting self-destructive agenda targeting those they are unable to confront intellectually and in a civil manner with dignity and integrity arguably not in their interest or character.

Accordingly, society and civilization decline originates from corrosive divisive politics with zero tolerance to objective review and constructive dialogue considered anti-nationalism even going further in describing any reasonable political discourse and dissent as terrorism and treason. In short, appeasement politics is expected over honest perspectives on political power mismanagement of economy and all matter concerning the nation at large.

The preference in contemporary politics is silent public spectators and muted media allowing those in power to run a muck not excluding the license to kill ordinary innocent citizens at will, snowballing corruption scandals, systemic abuse of power and criminality dominating the system.

Politics run and represented communication outlets from major and mainstream television networks, print media to an array of social and conventional media platform operating 24/7  to mislead and misguide captive audience. The indoctrination via state media and their proxies on various platforms is toxic in a desperate effort to deflect public attention from real issues and those directly responsible for the colossal failure of their policy, plan and programs or the lack thereof to resolve any crises.

Politics is also transformed into theatrics with deformed facial features of all those in politics and fields such as entertainment, economy…and more related to politics. The cartoonish depiction of political members especially the non-performers, corrupt and anyone with negative image are projected with pouting lips and wearing eye glasses again clarifying criminal behavior on the part of those presenting such insidious projections much to their peril in the increasingly corrupt politics and unethical media indulging in self-mockery.

Then there are TV anchors and talk show hosts directed to follow the script in mimicking their arch nemesis and clownish appearance wearing artificial eye glasses is yet another display of self-deprecation with criminal politics playing to the gallery.

Under these circumstances, political suicide is imminent drowning media and crony contingency as well as all those performing to the whims and fancies of the political power cartels facing tumult and titanic shift leaving them in trepidation.

Those digging grave for others invariably find themselves in it with history and latest events testament to the fact.

Finally, the appeasement politics proved to endanger democratic rule marginalizing the highest office whether President or Prime Minister, those in the cabinet and political system to mere titles dependent on flattery and fakery rather than delivery.

The discerning audience rejecting appeasement politics is the preliminary step in turning the stone in politics.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter





Victimizers’ Hypocrisy

September 30, 2019

Victimizers’ Hypocrisy

Padmini Arhant

Victimizers’ preaching victims to respond with love, peace and conciliatory message while the victimizers maintaining their unruly mob conduct as their prerogative is humorous in one aspect and preposterous in reality.

Victimizers’ such demand is hypocrisy at best and idiocy at worst. The video further explains on this topic.

When victimizers advise victims to respond with nothing but peace and love in return for victimizers’ systemic abuse, insults and insolence as the norm.

It should definitely make any victim wonder on victimizers’ blatant duplicity.

Those who preach and expect nothing but respect, love and cordial relations from others whom they consistently target denying them their due respect and dignity,

The strange yet not surprising behavior from those whose lives are defined by violation of others rights, freedom and peace,

The message of love, peace and harmony from victimizers & surrogates’ mouth represents nothing more than a hollow pit.

Ironically, victimizers are good at prescribing their victims esteemed values that never ever practiced by victimizers who regard their offensive behavior towards victims simply their prerogative with no regrets or remorse whatsoever.

So much so victimizers’ are desensitized to their flagrant & even violent stance. While insisting that victims grin & bear their victimizers permanent offense.

Imagine if love & peace had its way in the world to win hearts and minds.

Then the following would not have happened in the history of mankind.

The Hindu epics Ramayana & the greatest war since Universe creation Mahabharata could have been averted with Lord Vishnu in Lord Ram & Lord Krishna’s Avatar prevailed in his persistence peace efforts emphasizing love and reconciliation.

The Christianity founder Jesus Christ with a message of love and peace . Jesus Christ would not have been mercilessly crucified.

Lord Buddha would not have been mocked and criticized for his peaceful & merciful Buddhist philosophy on life.

In Sikh religion, peaceful  Sikh saints would not have been brutally slained.

Similarly, in Islam the Prophet Mohammed and his family could have been spared from persecution and termination of lives.

In the twentieth century worldwide,the pioneer of non-violence (Ahimsa) – Mahatma Gandhi assassination.

Now seven decades later, Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin Nathuram Godse would not be glorified. Nathuram Godse’s glorifiers would not be garlanded & elected to be seated in the so-called World’s largest democracy – Indian Parliament!

In the United States, apparently the beacon of Democracy,

The non-violent peaceful civil rights leader Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. would not have been assassinated.

The peace corps initiator and Secret Society critic United States President John Fitzgerald Kennedy would not have been assassinated.

Peace seekers & populist leaders viz.Thomas Sankara, Patrice Lumumba from Africa,

Likewise people choice leaders pledged to peace & unity in Latin America,

These leaders governments would not have been killed. Latin America destabilized.

If love and peace had its way in the present time as I speak,

Peaceful political, human rights, environment activists would not be jailed, tortured and even murdered by governments unheeding their peaceful request.

If love and peace had its way in the present nuclear world.

The so-called Super Power would not flex their Mighty Nuclear Muscle threatening Non-nuclear nations with favorite slogan – ‘All Options are on the Table’.

If love and peace had its way at the moment,

The extremely peaceful and pious Tibetan population would be free. Not Oppressed.

If love, peace and consideration had its way in the present world,

Palestine would be independent and Palestinians would have statehood.

Sri Lankan Tamils would not have been massacred.

Kashmir would not be under indefinite curfew denying Kashmiris basic access.

If love, peace, compassion had its way then the gross reality – The poor would not be relegated to the poorest status.

Last but not the least If love, peace and harmony had its way,

The ugly caste system in India would have been abolished recognizing ‘All Equal’.

The uncomfortable fact:

The world is a jungle with predators setting their eyes on herbivores deer, zebra easy prey than taking on carnivores like them knowing well the consequence.

In conclusion Love, Peace, Conciliatory gestures would be reciprocated in the ideal virtuous domain.

The world is far from being normal i.e. reasonable ethics or grace let alone be Righteous Paradigm.

Lest the victimizers change and abandon counterproductive ways, prodding victims to bow is analogous to wishing a sand castle be accepted as rock solid citadel.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Oligarchy Run Governments

June 8, 2019

Oligarchy Run Governments

Padmini Arhant

Who is government?

Government is selective cadre backed, funded and installed as fiduciaries for oligarchy and special interests imposing their will and agenda for mass subjugation.

Such governance is deceptively and deceitfully described as democracy much to human intelligence insult. The system essentially a kleptocracy camouflaged as democracy epitomize hypocrisy.

Oligarchy favorite choices are despots groomed into demagogues in their absolute surrender to cartel. They are managed and maneuvered to suit perilous aspirations. 

History is testimony to despotism’s ruinous cause and means to power ending in self-destruction and autocracy termination.

The so-called election in pseudo democracy is basically conducted with black money and slush funds disguised in electoral bonds and other nefarious methods flooded into campaigns buying votes using notes and candidacies with a price tag largely representing criminality and corruption. 

Accordingly they are expected to serve  election financiers goals during and after their term in office misusing political mandate and status until their last minute of survival.

What is the need for government?

The government is set up to amass collective wealth of ordinary citizens from their hard labor to benefit selective forces behind the gamut.

People are eternal human capital exploited to maximum for selective groups’ power, prosperity and security.

The labor force toiling over generations consistently struggle to achieve and maintain decent living standard while enriching oligarchy with wealth lasting several generations and yet the latter never content in their quest for fortune.

The citizens enlisted law enforcement such as police, judiciary and above all the national defense i.e. military is claimed and treated as the private army of political power and their behind the scenes operatives profiteering from defense contracts.

Besides, false assertions and embellishments  on attacks and air strikes to enhance political image during and after election is the norm.

The military is predominantly deployed in foreign lands for hegemonic ambitions to access economic resources offshore and establish strategic dominance in the regions  flaunting Superpower status.

How do governments come into force?

Using and abusing people. Turning people against people creating communal divide, caste, class and gender based prejudice highlighted in political appointments as the political class favor to marginalized segments reeking condescendence rather than merit determined acknowledgment.

The average and overwhelming population suffering in abject poverty are perfect targets for persistent violations leaving them at the rich and powerful’s mercy.

These famished parasites exerting authority as birth right are control freaks however lacking control over their distinct predator instincts delineating them from human race.

Ordinary citizens paid taxes and labor oriented revenues are shared among the few in the circle through tax evasions, embezzlement and plain daylight robbery from various government deals in oligarchy shadow.

The looted treasure from people is reinvested in election to bribe voters ironically using electorate money to submit to oligarchy designed electoral outcome.

The chief protagonists in this structure are not limited to political members but in fact comprise oligarchy owned and directed diverse communication media across the spectrum.

The media powerhouse are heavily delegated to propaganda and misinformation together with entertainment industry involvement unleashing big and small screens undeserving as well as worthless famous opportunists to deflect public focus and mislead captive audience.

The police force, para military and troopers as members of mainstream population with relations to common citizens as family, friends and neighbors are estranged for political purpose and authorized to exercise brute force and violence against unarmed civilians in peaceful protest on economic, social and environment abuse.

What is the government policy on individual rights, civil liberty, freedom of expression and peaceful dissent?

There is zero tolerance to positive, peaceful and constructive criticism casting and treating such voices as threat to political establishment and primarily to international clique calling the shots on operation to dissemination. 

Those daring to challenge status quo are isolated and made anonymous producing proxies and puppets to discredit and defame genuine truth. In many situations political dissenters are murdered and imprisoned or made to disappear by political power.

The violence from the state are justified as political license to kill and commit heinous crimes against citizens used to win elections.

How do oligarchy run governments respond to public call for transparency and accountability? 

Transparency and accountability are antithetical to government pledged to shadow power shady deals.

Those in power as members in politics and their benefactors in economic sector are provided immunity on crimes holding them above law that are ordinarily applicable to average citizens including members in national defense in the country.

The political class recruitment of controversial and criminal background candidacies are increasingly promoted as the strength of democracy ploughing sentiments to polarize society.

How do governments use religion?

Religion is the pawn for players in politics, social and religious domain.

The era declaring devil as deus in the evil worship is prominent in the dark age. Whether satanic rituals in bohemian grove or cult fundamentalism rise in politics, the trend currently experiencing psychedelic euphoria slighting reality around and within.

Naturally, anything contradictory to these traits are expected to agitate elements devoted in endangering earth’s sanctity and sanity.

Although insisting on church and state to be separate, religion cited to influence government actions ranging from women reproductive issues to their ability to perform duties in religious centers in the otherwise patriarchal sphere.

The world is forced into accepting contentious 1% dominance over 99% posing life and death decisions. The unrestricted general access to nature’s clean air, pure drinking water and food is not regarded a necessity instead left at oligarchy run governments discretion.

In these circumferences and extreme conditions, the government’s illegitimacy legitimized via calibrated and monetarily infused electoral process characterized as free and fair polls leaving the electorate in dismay.

The unsustainable rule imposing unreasonable demands beyond endurance is classic setting for imminent collapse. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

















India – Exit Polls or Exaggerated Polls?

May 19, 2019

India – Exit Polls or Exaggerated Polls?

Padmini Arhant

In the latest extortion in the name of election with criminal-in-chief Narendra Modi exalted is fake euphoria to masquerade falsehood.

The exit polls otherwise exaggerated polls is the work of criminal enterprise soon to crumble in the face of corruption, violence and massive vote rigging, manipulation with election commission shackled allowing mob rule to override electoral rules and model code of conduct.

Libya’s (late) Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, Iraq’s former President Saddam Hussein, Egypt’s expelled President Hosni Mubarak and the likes met their fate in recent memory.

Despotism to displace democracy proved a disaster to those rejecting national freedom and gross human rights violations for personal and political gains.

History repeating itself is the tradition delivering same outcome experienced by authoritarianism.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

India – Outgoing Narendra Modi Government Reliance on Terror & Terrorism

April 18, 2019

India – Outgoing Narendra Modi Government Reliance on Terror & Terrorism

Padmini Arhant

The outgoing government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi reliance on terror and terrorism as last resort is a losing battle for any contender having exhausted political tactics to evade real issues affecting electorate lives in the struggle for survival.

RSS backed BJP government under outgoing PM Narendra Modi assault on religions, deities and divinity is least surprising since the cadre’s fanatical ideology delineated in Hindutva doctrine.

The political faction i.e. BJP and representatives having never had any reverence to Hindu religion or Hinduism let alone respect for other faiths bear no relevance in contemporary charade only revealing BJP and RSS desperate strategy premised on trio terror maxims and they are;

Saffron terror recruiting terror operatives clad in robes

Political terror epitomized by then Chief Minister turned Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with companion, confidante and chief Amit Shah through demonetization, citizenship act threatening to throw targeted demography in the Bay of Bengal besides characterizing Hindus, Muslims, Christians and anyone found undesirable that is almost overwhelming population as termites explains incumbency’s debilitating condition evolving into terminal illness.

The third category is authority facilitating terror attacks against defense force and civilians for political gains in the contentious election.

In terms of civility towards women and womanhood the matter rests in the caretaker PM Narendra Modi abandonment of his spouse since marriage. The one who deserts the next of kin could hardly be dependable for empathy to strangers despite them being citizens of the country and importantly the electorate with a mandate to serve barring prejudice and communal hatred rife in current political establishment.

The diatribe and tirade between political contestants might have attracted mild reprimand from election commission. Nonetheless, the media bias towards chosen political factions or against those nuanced continues unabated fomenting polarization aimed at rating i.e. TRP.

The film industry actresses representing major political parties at national and regional level performing to the script is expected without any shadow of doubt. However, in this context BJP contestants interjecting religion and Bollywood dialogue is impulsive as witnessed in Jaya Prada’s reference to her rival Azam Khan as Dhanav or demon and vowing to annihilate the candidate with authority from goddess is as reprehensible as the latter’s repeat misogyny towards the former equally qualifying for suspension of her campaign and further actions by election commission.

Similarly, the election commission’s latest default extending favoritism to the candidate Narendra Modi seeking re-election by punishing those involved in their duty – IAS officer on election duty suspended for checking PM Narendra Modi’s chopper is election commission’s direct violation of free and fair election.

The electoral process is to exempt none above law unlike several instances granting outgoing PM Narendra Modi and colleague Amit Shah free pass under special protective group (SPG) that should be no longer effective considering the voting underway.

Accordingly, misuse of power appears to be the norm for caretaker PM Narendra Modi and Amit Shah hiding behind VIP status in defiance of election rules and procedure. 

Lok Sabha elections 2019: Odisha election observer suspended by EC for checking vehicle in PM Modi’s convoy

A Karnataka-cadre Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer has been suspended for checking a vehicle in the convoy of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Mohammed Mohsin, a 1996-batch IAS officer, was suspended on Tuesday after he checked the vehicle in Sambalpur, where the PM addressed an election rally.

As if these are not enough to cast shadow on the exiting government and leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, more controversy surface posing legitimate questions with muted response from election commission against the caretaker Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his colleague Amit Shah’s suspicious activities accelerated as the chips start falling in their flawed attempts to sway voters by adopting Machiavellian politics of end justifying the means.


Election Commission of India

“Probe Mysterious Black Box from Modi’s Helicopter”


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


Politics – Constitution Governs Nation in a Democracy

April 11, 2019

Constitution Governs Nation in a Democracy

Padmini Arhant

In a democracy, governments come and go with political parties elected to power for a limited term.

The institutions set up for specific purpose such as judiciary and election commission bear the burden in delivering defined goals without compromising the relevant body reputation, credibility and importantly democratic value.

The democratic system guided and governed by constitution protecting the rights of all citizens and sovereignty exemplify the effectiveness of republic nation. 

Supreme Court as the highest judicial authority and the last bastion of justice upholding constitutional law through proper interpretation and application strengthens democratic rule. 

Yet another important constitutional body is the election commission. The election being the fundamental democratic process to appoint government directly by the people as electorate at the state and national level, the election commission autonomy to exercise power in maintaining model code of conduct binding on all contestants transcending political status and privileges of political parties across the spectrum is incontrovertible. 

Since contemporary politics exert overt authority to undermine constitution and prime institutions functionality, democracy is often threatened  in the absence of oversight. 

Accordingly, preserving the sanctity and ethical efficacy of institutions with responsibility to monitor and implement rules solidify democratic foundation.

The latest developments from the Supreme Court of India on Rafale matter and the election commission actions against political parties publicity campaign on candidates profile through television network and feature film in violation of election rules are welcome and commendable.

Furthermore, the election commission rising to the occasion in heeding citizens and opposition parties concerns over key members politicizing defense force, religion and communal references that are prohibited in the model code of conduct would confirm free and fair electoral event besides reassuring nation on timely response and efficiency.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


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