Defining Respect

August 20, 2018

Defining Respect 

Padmini Arhant

Respect to some is never mutual. They demand respect as entitlement. What does it say about those who consider denigrating anyone they disagree with as their prerogative and in return expect them to recognize their agents and representatives in any capacity? The choices are simple. Tolerating injustice foment prejudice and exploitation.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

United States – Erratic Decisions Are Self Inflicting Disaster

June 25, 2018

United States – Erratic Decisions Are Self Inflicting Disaster

Padmini Arhant

President Donald J Trump obliging instructions from elements against progress and peace is self inflicting disaster for the source and catalysts.

President Donald Trump acquiescence to forces against peace reflected in the recent imposition of illegal unilateral economic sanctions against North Korea for another year subsequent to gala summit in Singapore describes the office of Presidency subjugation .

The dark age merchants of war, acrimony and human rights violations have nothing to look forward except chaos and perpetual turmoil in accordance with inner self conflicts within prompting such compulsive and impulsive behavior. Not to mention the unpleasant and unwelcoming journey awaiting them following own mortality unravelling the misdeeds during their lifetime.

The rational mind would demonstrate discernment and intellect rejecting destructive course and adopt constructive measures to heal and humanize relations that has been shunned due to excessive desire for violence and discord.

On immigration issue – the drive to deport undocumented immigrants without due process is yet another example of self harming strategy given the economic and political dynamics of such erroneous decision.

There are consequences to all actions and the wise act to prevent undesirable outcome with serious repercussions despite any pressure and misguidance from agents of catastrophe.

Life offers opportunity to correct and rectify mistakes from the past and present for a better future. Those riding on the unbridled horse are expected to face the tumultuous fall as deserving in the light of voluntary egregious determination.

Rising from the pit requires tremendous courage and will to do anything right in a fair and practical approach delivering positive conclusion benefiting humanity at large as opposed to counterproductive choices leading to regrettable ending.

Those who think they control everything control nothing especially when they are controlled by egocentric illusive thoughts promoting self endangering indulgence.

Time serves as a reminder and foreteller of events cautioning straying minds to focus on utilizing power and position of authority in mitigating human suffering rather than exacerbating misery inevitably affecting the channels and origin.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter

Journalism Travesty

June 9, 2018

Journalism Travesty

Padmini Arhant

The latest trend to attack truth and factual presentations from me via threats and vitriolic characterizations by certain press and media outlets online and diverse format representing criminal syndicate is abominable.

The criminal entities responsible for corruption, communal violence, treason, embezzelment, tax evasions, oppression, prejudice, massacres and state terrorism not to mention the abhorrent sponsoring of cannibalism have no shame whatsoever in their servile position to malign my unequivocal stance on social justice, freedom, individual rights, fair opportunity and progress for all not just the selective few or the privileged in the society.

These hired critics and opportunists somehow only remember what I have not said yet on any communal event or issue while conveniently ignoring more than 1500 posts written and published by me on and thus far that continues until now on various topics with specific focus on human rights violations and persecution of the underprivileged and those deemed outcasts in society.

In the process, I have endured serious injury like carpal tunnel from prolonged use of hands in writing these articles, loss of voice due to excessive verbal and visual presentations not to mention the impact on vision in constant use of computer and other electronic device. Does any of these challenges that I face matter to those casting stones at me? Apparently not.

Why not hold those in power and influential positions raking a fortune on taxpayers money accountable for dereliction of duty and adversarial decisions ruining lives and destiny of millions in the world?

I challenge the incognito abusing me as sociopath, an identity that is exclusive to them and their servile contingency to come out in the open rather than deploying sycophants from Vanity Fair and alike that is appropriately Insanity Fair depicting deplorable journalistic standard, a desperate strategy confirming the declining status.

Similarly, the goon politics recruited and funded news site viz. The Wire based in Delhi, India pretending as non-profit in the blatant profiteering racket upend journalism with provocative references inciting unnecessary perceptions for personal and political gains welcoming imminent downfall.

The rogue elements instigating unsubstantiated and fabricated tales in the hope of evading judgment on unforgivable sins committed by them since their origin and expected to be carried out until their last breath are determined to disqualify themselves from any redemption. The endless obituaries and eulogies given the hostility, acrimony and intense hatred towards me is nothing more than a suicide mission for anyone engaged and promoting such practice. The consequences proved time and time again lately with their proxies, puppets and nominated characters demise demonstrating individual folly and hubris.

The trend aptly reminding them those who dig grave for others invariably find them in it with the end justifying the means regardless of power, authority and celebrity status.

Accordingly, I demand an apology from those riding on my back and dishonestly claiming my contributions as their own when I have dedicated my life especially in the last decade up until now without being paid a dime or funded on anyone’s payroll. Instead I have depleted my life savings for those aspiring to achieve their dreams that would have been impossible for them otherwise together with numerous humanitarian causes only to be mocked and ridiculed in return as bankrupt by the ungrateful and insolent notwithstanding their serious memory lapse on own moral and ethical insolvency.

In the materialistic world with obsession for power, fame and fortune prompting ego centric aspirations at others expense, those criticizing me have no credibility or integrity. The sacrifice my family and I have made for the unknowns near and far cannot be sullied in the face of recognition, acknowledgment and blessings in the spiritual sphere.

The duplicity, lies, mass deception and propaganda through various means backfiring at the source and catalysts should not be slighted as these are ominous signs of decadence and reckoning resulting from deceitful actions.

The unscrupulous are experiencing karmic effects of their nefarious activities reflected in electoral defeats and financial losses with more on the horizon defining the clarion moment that none can escape their karma.

The divine purpose never succumbs to cowardly and wicked tactics neither bow to tyranny despite intimidation, subversion and manipulation much to the inevitable peril of those behind such tricks and traits.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter








United States – Supreme Court Different Ruling Related to Same Sex Marriage

June 5, 2018

United States – Supreme Court Different Ruling Related to Same Sex Marriage 

Padmini Arhant

In 2015 – Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. ___ (2015) is a landmark civil rights case in which the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the fundamental right to marry is guaranteed to same-sex couples by both the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment …

In 2018 – The Supreme Court majority rule (7-2) which is not a narrow scope as misinformed in the news media favoring the Colorado Baker Jack Phillips who declined the request from customers – Gay couple to bake a cake to celebrate their wedding. The baker apparently refused on religious belief as a Christian. 

United States Supreme Court having ruled  in favor of Same Sex marriage in 2015 described as landmark decision in American justice now upholding the baker Jack Phillips position on religious basis though the matter pertaining to Gay wedding event is rather interesting.

Accordingly, The United States Supreme Court’s contrasting outcome related to Gay wedding presents a unique situation.

On the one hand Supreme Court legalized Gay marriage in the historic ruling in 2015 and fast forward three years later in the latest lawsuit the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) accorded with the baker Jack Phillips maintaining the individual interpretation of religion viz. Christianity in this case to deny the Gay customers cake order for a wedding celebration claimed as the baker’s personal religious belief not intended to be discriminatory against the patrons.

The recent result place religion and religious followers in a conundrum. As far as the society and religion are concerned, there are Christians among gay community as much as there are atheists and agnostics in heterosexual segments in any society.

Where does that leave the Gay Christians approaching the same source i.e. Jesus, Mary and Almighty God for solace and peace like the non-gay Christians?

Is SCOTUS opinion in correlation to the White House representation given the time 2015 and 2018? 

I will talk about this further in my presentation among other topics to feature shortly.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Accountability on Public Tax Money is Ethical Conformity Not Conspiracy Theory

May 30, 2018

Accountability on Public Tax Money is Ethical Conformity Not Conspiracy Theory

Padmini Arhant

The facts presented on this site and the subdomain exposing reality and misuse of power and public money in taxpayer funded institutions and federal goevernment such as the defense department and federal agencies handling enormous amount exceeding $500 billion which is one half of a Trillion dollars – $1,000,000,000,000 immediately refuted as conspiracy theory. The term conspiracy theory (CT) is loosely used to defend indefensible actions among those responsible for massive evasion on accountability. The entertainment industry and certain media networks are deployed to distract attention from important issues.

There should be no misconception on figures and data on this site and the subdomain including the recent article Memorial Day – Troop Withdrawal from Afghanistan as they are always verified for accuracy and any clarifications. United States defense budget has been allocated an average $500 billion or more especially since the beginning of this century.  The allocation has been used to fund the Project for New American Century (PNAC) among other designated ventures. 

The wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan has cost around $4.8 Trillion per Congressional Budget Office. The operations in these three nations and neighboring states – Syria, Libya and Yemen still underway in the overall timeframe i.e. 17 years dating back to October 2001 – invasion of Afghanistan together with military bases worldwide involving transfer of military assets and troops relocation besides several known and disguised activities are not magically performed without using U.S. tax payer money.  For instance, the fighter jets flown out of Nebraska to Korean Peninsula in 2014 and earlier to intimidate North Korea in the military drills costs taxpayers millions of dollars that are not necessarily paid for by South Korea, the ally and host of the U.S. military base in Korean Peninsula.

In FY 2015, Pentagon and related spending totaled $598 billion, about 54% of the fiscal year 2015 U.S. discretionary budget. The accountability in federal department budget using taxpayer dollars is necessary due to DOD trajectory failing to meet legislated General Accountability Office standard thus far. United States ordinary citizens in particular, as the regular tax payers have every right to know the expenditure details of their tax dollars instead of being dismissed as conspiracy theory. Anyone having nothing to hide would submit to scrutiny on financial transactions amounting to Trillions of dollars raising budget deficit and national debt burdened on the present and future generations of this country. Notwithstanding the unaccounted money absent audit trail having set precedence to continue business as usual with those responsible in abstaining responsibility.

Furthermore, the trend impact consumer interest rates affecting average citizens affordability on essential requirements in life.

The ordinary citizens as taxpayers are reminded of serious penalty including jail terms upon any errors in the annual tax return with IRS while exempting the public employed officials and bureaucrats in public service from similar compliance and conditions. Obviously the system is defunct with corruption and misrepresentation. 

The site remains committed in endeavors holding the powerful, influential and the secretive for actions, decisions and failures on matter not limited to financial transactions in Trillions of dollars inflicting immense suffering on millions of lives in the United States and worldwide.

I will be back with more explanations in visual, verbal and written format unapologetically on such issues and other events as should be expected in a real democracy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

























Politics – Ethics and Accountability

February 5, 2018

Politics – Ethics and Accountability

Padmini Arhant

Is it ever possible for politics to come clean and accept responsibility for their actions or inaction during the term in office?

The answer is well known and anyone who dares to challenge status quo are subject to extreme and extraordinary treatment not barring elimination from position and assassination witnessed in political history worldwide. 

When human mind is corrupted with hunger for power, fame and fortune using any means to achieve, anyone on the path are deemed an obstruction. The corruption leads to deceit, deception and lies not shying away from treason and violation of others rights.

Politics embedded in betrayal of trust, backstabbing and bullying are regarded strength in contrast to honest straightforward and frank demeanor rejected as threat to environment seeped in secrecy and subversion.

In politics, subservience and collusion is rewarded and the trend deploying innuendoes that began in 2008 and continued until now targeting truth and factual presentations clarifies the contempt for integrity, the acute deficiency in politics. 

Those who have nothing to hide and fear would always confront any obstacles and challenges with clear conscience without relying on other sources and contingency to defend them.

Politics being a double edged sword is always brandished against the one declining to submit to devious agenda cloaked in duplicity and hypocrisy.

In political race, the authentic and committed contender would welcome participation of any contestant provided there is no criminal record and tainted alliances with members and organizations exposed for violating law and order.

Interestingly, they are the ones mostly found eligible, favored and usurped to power while prohibiting those not fitting the profile in this context. They are discouraged from taking part in election by having them arrested on unsubstantiated charges or denying them a fair opportunity to compete in national election. 

Such practice only reveals the lack of confidence among those pre-selected or riding on others back to gain or remain in power. The preference slight ethical factors besides conflicting with the principles of democracy and free and fair elections.

Unfortunately, those reining control over political, economic and social systems would not have any other way despite the stagnation and superficial methods premised solely on self and vested interests presenting imminent decline due to unsustainable level of corruption and illegitimacy. 

In the tradition with cyclical events and constant spinning in the hope of converting fallacious details into convincing material, the right to discernment is lost and so are the forces behind the strategy. 

Politics influenced news sources induce media frenzy to sensationalize topics with characterizations missing in substance and submerged in accusations for political benefit.

Politics would earn respect upon renouncing scapegoat tactics and acknowledge the importance of applying the law exempting none in pursuit of truth and justice.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


United States – Intel Memo and Russia Investigation

February 2, 2018

United States – Intel Memo and Russia Investigation

Padmini Arhant

The latest furor in Washington D.C. on congressional staff drafted memo for the Republican House Intelligence Committee Chair, Republican Congressman from California Devin Nunes and subsequent approval by the White House to release the intelligence memo hardly escapes attention.

The rebuttals from FBI, the justice department and the democrats’ memo in response to the development is the other aspect of the issue.

While there are arguments on the procedural and constitutional implications with back and forth statements along with media perspectives escalating the problem, the basis of the entire uproar is undermined that deserves focus.

The purpose should aim for transparency in the political system ominously missing much to public frustration and disappointment. Then the use and misuse of intelligence apparatus by one political party against another and especially citizens in civil society in addition to emphasis on Congressional oversight to prevent infringement on civil liberties in the course of overzealous espionage activity that is a persisting tradition in politics.  

The news media published details claimed as information directly from the respective sources on both sides acknowledged as credible data leads to more than it meets the eye.

The saga leading to Russia Investigation with calls for indictment of the incumbent President appears to be the primary objective ignoring the past administrations actions in consciously misleading and misrepresenting American electorate as well as constitutional violations amounting to treason clarifies the political motive behind the pursuit.

What needs to be understood in this particular dispute is the Russia investigation headed by former FBI director Robert Mueller and overseen by deputy attorney general Rod Jay Rosenstein. The controversial Russia investigation is to determine the alleged involvement of President Donald Trump’s campaign advisers and associates with Kremlin and their alleged efforts to obtain findings on the democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton from Russian sources in order to gain political advantage in the 2016 Presidential election.

Interestingly, the origin of this quagmire setting precedence inviting foreign intrusion in the democratic process of national election and obstruction of justice to seek warrant is omitted in the protest.

The democrats apparently engaged a foreign national, the former agent of the British intelligence and paid to conduct research on then Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump alleged ties with Kremlin.

The British ex-spy supplied clues without proper verification were then used by FBI and the justice department to get a warrant against Presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign foreign adviser Carter Page from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) withholding the British agent’s involvement from the FISA judge issuing the warrant.

Clearly, the obstruction of justice had occurred in the onset with non-disclosure on British foreign agent hired by the major political party viz. the democrats competing in the national election during FBI and justice department submission to FISA court thereby misleading the court in issuing the warrant.

Furthermore, the noise over alleged Russia interference in 2016 election overwhelm the foreign entity participation i.e. the former agent of British intelligence agency through paid service for the democrats in acquiring potentially damaging material against the Republican opponent in the Presidential race.

As highlighted recently on the topic of Russia Investigation on this website, the democratic party has plenty to address to their own base and the nation at large in the ways and means adopted to nominate the establishment candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton that were admittedly rigged leading to the expulsion of then DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the murder of the democrat staffer Seth Rich with police investigation results not yet made available since the incident in July 2016.

Amid these events, one side crying foul against another is equivalent to the pot calling the kettle black.

As for alleged Russia meddling, the foreign intervention in the national election has been facilitated with the democrats appointing the foreign spy agent followed by obstruction of justice in abstaining from truth in the FISA court that merits appropriate explanation prior to proceeding with Russia investigation.

The rules and laws applied across the spectrum exempting none regardless of position and status barring partisanship and bias would exemplify credibility and justice in the otherwise structure fraught with political acrimony.

The earnest quest for truth would hold all those in violations and abuse of power accountable not the selective few in the bitter political environment seeking elimination of anyone against the core entities agenda.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter














United States – FCC Net Neutrality Repeal

December 14, 2017

United States – FCC Net Neutrality Repeal

Padmini Arhant

Internet is a common ground and a public domain. Life revolves around technology. Technology is an integral part of life. Technology has made life efficient and for many including myself, technology is fun and exciting with an opportunity to perform work from anywhere – home, office, during travel day or night. Technology’s usefulness is mostly derived from internet access. That being the case, the corporate control of cyberspace restricting and extending service of their choice that would affect vast majority of internet users is not a viable course.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decision to repeal net neutrality favoring broadband i.e. the telecommunication companies like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast as well as internet companies such as Google, Amazon, Netflix and Facebook so on at overwhelming ordinary subscribers expense is infringement on average citizens rights and affordability in accessing internet, streaming video from Netflix and You Tube to name a few.

Net neutrality is critical for information flow without obstruction and selective channeling of traffic to sites and services that arguably creates conflict of interest and anti-trust law with major players dominance already stifling competition in a free market place. As such the lateral integration among telecommunication giants is the contemporary practice with various communication outlets from internet to television network acquisitions posing challenges to balance of power in the relatively vast field with maximum exposure to market share for them.

The net neutrality rules are meant to treat all internet traffic on equal basis barring Internet Service Providers (ISP) to block, slow down or provide preferential treatment to sites and services of their choice.

Furthermore, the rules are important for internet surfers and users to freely access the information highway without having to pay toll that would now be applicable at ISP’s discretion making internet the tool for corporate short-term profitability. In denying millions of internet visitors and regular users fair opportunity in addition to startups and several thousands of online companies from competing effectively, the current FCC plan could potentially suppress business advantage for anyone not in the same league as big corporations.

Anytime, regulations are shunned or eliminated enabling giant corporations to operate according to their policy that are always more profit oriented with the costs ultimately transferred in higher prices to end consumer or retail buyer, the trend invariably impact sustainability leading to inflation and sharp downturn in consumer buying power.

The FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s idea of attracting investment in the industry prompting such action evidently contradict the data considering the increase in investment in broadband expansion despite the rule in place.

Any regression in particular segment of this industry is not associated with net neutrality. As a matter of fact maintaining net neutrality for reasons explained above and in general benefitting entire users of cyberspace rather than specific corporations would promote enormous financial gains for all participants regardless of size and activity.

Since the broadband companies’ consumer base involves subscribers across the spectrum, the hierarchy in internet service set on different prices, speed and network reliability inevitably undermines bulk of the traffic presently represented in basic to premium category.

The FCC proposal to remove net neutrality based on investment prospects that are prevalent with net neutrality in effect along with faster and network dependability for more people is possible in extending unrestricted services to all not just the targeted groups on internet subscription. Another problem in this respect is FCC recommendation to have the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) resolve any issues between broadband operatives and users on any non-disclosures in access denial and price disputes could be prevented in adherence to net neutrality that avoids such occurrence. 

The broadband service identified as the telecommunication companies remaining as such is relevant and imperative with rules defining the role adapting Title II of the Communications Act necessary for efficient and convenient access to internet prohibiting discrimination in the information age.

In conclusion, net neutrality is paramount to guarantee consistent service and competitiveness in the market economy for users and e-commerce traders without having to confront corporate control of internet usage and monopoly in commercial interest.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission



Citizens vs. State

September 15, 2017

Citizens vs. State

Padmini Arhant

Reversal of Authority from people to stakeholders on economy, politics and everything related to survival.

Ordinary citizens are expected to obey the law and any violation is deemed punishable offense or crime.

The laws pertaining to wide range of matter from traffic citations to civil disobedience and criminal conduct are strictly enforced on any average citizens breaking the rule.

However, the same standard does not apply to members in politics i.e. government, the rich and famous in many societies and influential entities enjoying privileged status regardless of wrongdoing and willful engagement that normally attracts penalty and sometimes prison time depending on the severity of crimes.

When there is agreement that all are created equal by one almighty God, then accordingly the system should bar discrimination and decline preferential treatment or exemption often witnessed with high profile political figures and anyone closely or remotely associated to bigwigs in the application of law.

The concept of equality is accepted only to suit convenience and neglected other times in situations demanding fairness in the so-called democracy.

When lawmakers become lawbreakers and take refuge in immunity then such laws become questionable as they are not respected by those legislating them.

In the United States, the state and federal penitentiary are overflowing with inmates serving time for reasons not always valid. The issues concerning the prison industrial complex venture receiving maximum state and federal funding to keep inmates in the cell is costing taxpayers in billions at national level that could be divested in nation building and programs helping prisoners to become productive citizens in society.

Juxtaposed the State actors despite evidence based involvements during the term in office are rarely subject to proper investigation and legal consequences similar to ordinary citizens experience not excluding high ranking military officials like General Stanley McChrystal fired for alleged critical comments about then President Barack Obama and his staff to rolling stone magazine.

Likewise, General David Petraeus resigned following charges on sharing classified information with his biographer and companion whereas the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email saga on private email server compromising United States security was given a free pass as key member of political establishment.

Recently, the three star Army General Michael Flynn was forced to resign as National Security Adviser in the current administration. General Flynn had to leave on purported conversations with the Russian ambassador to the United States that was declared alarming and treasonous.

In comparison, the democrat congresswoman Jane Harman lobbying the Justice department to reduce espionage charges against two Israeli spies in 2009 neither bothered Congress nor the media on betrayal by congress member in the misplaced priority over national security.

In other instances of indifference to political class critical failures in safeguarding citizens and United States interests are;

The administration under former President George w. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney including the state department, defense, national security and intelligence allowing 9/11 terror attack on their watch ignoring several warnings on imminent terror event qualifying as complicity in the killing of more than three thousand Americans on that fateful day not considered a crime.

Subsequently the administration’s key members viz. Vice President Dick Cheney headed Haliburton and Parent company Kellogg Corporation profiteering from illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan with price gouging and poor quality on defense personnel food and maintenance requirements are serious transgressions not even drawing any attention for necessary action.

Similarly, the successor administration under ex-President Barack Obama and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton run state department Benghazi fiasco in 2012 with the assassination of United States ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three intelligence operatives among other civilian deaths were absolved due to their intimate relations with Congress and media as well as the press. They are protected until today confirming little or no concern for others’ lives in the close network providing them iron clad defense and security.

Juxtaposed, the credit bureau Equifax lately featured in headlines for allegedly disregarding signs of potential security breach known ahead of time reportedly resulting in data leak of clients’ credit reports.

The credit bureau is now faced with class action lawsuit for security lapse. The private sector and individuals besides Army Generals are pursued for any minor to major incidents with sensationalized media coverage and legal quagmire.

The State actors such as the previous two administrations in 9/11 and Benghazi scandals remain unscathed irrespective of massive casualties and tragedies in the absence of preemptive measures in both scenarios that could have otherwise thwarted terror and catastrophe.

Where is the class action lawsuit on them though their individual worth is substantial having capitalized on the prime and executive designations they held at that time in addition to extraordinary gains maximized in politics and post term in office?

The laws that exist only for regular folks with the nation transformed into police state through dragnet surveillance, racial profiling at the airports and propaganda invading homes and people minds via big and small screens could not be happening in the land of the free and home of the brave.

Not only civilians, men and women in uniforms are also not safe proved in the downing of helicopter with Navy SEAL TEAM SIX aboard who were deployed in the Abbottabad operation in 2011. The callousness denying justice to their families just like the 9/11 victims’ dependents and relatives were misled on the 9/11 commission decision in concurrence with the masterminds behind horrific mass murder alone merits legal proceeding against the ones at the helm evading accountability.

When the State defaults on citizens relief and rescue from definite terror, natural disasters and other hazards, people are left at the authorities’ mercy.

The checks and balances on the State is imperative to divert focus on citizens and national affairs.

Meanwhile, the media spin continues to maintain status quo and celebrating the State players role in harming vulnerable citizens in the United States and worldwide.

United States emancipation from greed driven policies and agenda is essential to move forward in the new age.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission







Demented Stance  

September 15, 2017

Demented Stance  

Padmini Arhant


Anyone objecting to discrimination based on race or religion extending support to fascism which is totalitarianism and oppression need to explain the bizarre position. Oppression is the root cause of discriminatory practice denying equal rights and respect to those subjugated due to political, economic and social prejudice.

The congressional resolution 49 initiated and passed to quell anti-semitism and racism would be meaningful upon a system eliminating hierarchy, secrecy and carte blanche authority to kill and terrorize citizens in the domestic and foreign domain besides enforcing the law of the land on all and not provide immunity to those consistently abusing power and influential status.

Those claiming entitlement in seizing others individual rights and freedom, undermining foreign nations sovereignty for economic interests and strategic dominance apparently not tolerant to dissent on economic and social disparity.

The exclusivity maintained in Secret Society and discreet meetings prohibiting public access and knowledge, UNSC in possession of veto power exercising free will to invade, occupy and force population into starvation through illegal economic sanctions, the diverse means threatening human existence with nuclear options and rejecting life with dignity to anyone regarded a fair target fall in the authoritarian category.

Not surprisingly, the response to proposal to revoke prevalent fascist dogma is antagonistic not to mention subversions to evade accountability on crimes against humanity.

Last but not the least, the altering position in suggesting ventriloquism in my presentation and at the same time deriding me with unsavory compliments especially those pledging against racism and hate speech is reflective of the source, agents and representatives demented stance.

Those lacking in courage, intellect and integrity resort to underhanded tactics rather than facing challenger with facts and reason that prove them incorrigible.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Spouse in Divine Mission












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