Secret Society – The Conglomerate Paradoxical Paradigm
September 12, 2017
Secret Society – The Conglomerate Paradoxical Paradigm
By Padmini Arhant
Bill and Melinda Gates foundation engaged in addressing global poverty level and disease control is a worthy cause.
However, the Microsoft founder and world’s richest individual Bill Gates participation in Secret Society meeting where policy discussions and decisions on global population are made prohibiting disclosure of minutes of meeting to the world with attendees sworn to secrecy is contradictory to stated principles of western democracy.
The Secret society conclave deploying violent means in denying access to real press and public with high profile members apparently in agreement to such practice raise credible concerns about globalists agenda.
The Secret Society existence exerting control over more than seven billion people in the so-called free world is ominous for universal benefit and progress.
The selective few in the world claiming entitlement to global resources and accordingly waging wars, sponsoring terrorism and destabilizing nations, imposing starvation through illegitimate sanctions, issuing nuclear threats for personal gains and vested interests is the cause for global impoverishment and preventable disease.
Bill Gates disassociation and denouncing such Secret Society rather than presence at the closed door gathering would confirm the Gates foundation genuine commitment to alleviate human suffering.
Otherwise, the Secret Society and the conglomerate responsible for humanity plight sharing thoughts on mitigation is analogous to setting fire and pose to extinguish flames ignited by them in the first place.
The influential members in society responsible role in refraining from promoting globalists counterproductive strategy would contain half of human misery.
The disingenuous position never delivers desirable outcome. Contrarily changing course would provide opportunity for a better future benefitting all.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
Charm or Jinx
Padmini Arhant
Is it charm or jinx behind Western Secret Society backed women representatives in politics?
Hillary Rodham Clinton – Presidential bid proved unsuccessful twice.
Angela Merkel – Strong advocate of austerity especially on Greece exacerbating economic recession. Flip flop on refugee crisis having contributed to the issue with EU lifting ban on weapons supply to terror networks strengthening terrorism in Syria arguably haunt those responsible for humanitarian disaster. The economic woes among EU members and refugees situation is a conundrum in the upcoming election in Deutschland.
Sonia Gandhi – Scandals outweighed any positive achievement.
Benazir Bhutto – Second attempt to assume office led to assassination.
Aung San Suu Kyi – The west honored Nobel Laureate lack of response to internal ethnic problem concerning Rohingya Muslims attracting criticism.
When you are favored by the west, expect the worst is evident thus far.
The reason is the syndicate fomented misogyny through proxies (interestingly mostly women) in different capacity such as columnists, publicists and performers following scripted material are hired for the task much to self-embarrassment and folly.
Perhaps, the contrary from the west viz. prejudice, hatred, indignation and denial of respect and original identity is a blessing.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
The Ruling Class
By Padmini Arhant
When rules and laws in society are only meant for law abiding ordinary citizens and not those who flagrantly violate position, influential status and authority,
Then that system is fundamentally flawed and becomes the bedrock for corruption, human rights violation and systemic abuse of power.
The stark contrast in the application of law on average citizens vs. immunity to individuals and entities with proven track record conforming to criminal actions that are punishable by law for regular people and more so upon the offender be a minority or different ethnic background is ominous for any nation especially the kind poised as democracy.
All are equal and therefore none are held above the law remains only in concept not practice.
As it has been well said before;
When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.
In the contemporary environment, the State actors with their promoters and defenders in the Corporate media, news organizations, entertainment industry and importantly campaign financiers, judiciary in the mutual favors and any available alibi are lock step and barrel with the ruling class providing free pass on involvements affecting citizens lives including men and women in uniforms against national interest.
The communication media – the news, television and social media serving as the platform for distraction from issues demanding serious attention explains the intricate network designed to evade accountability and mislead the public with mindlesss information and events filling newspaper columns and TV programs to maintain status quo.
The topic will resume shortly.
Clarification on False Claim
September 6, 2017
Clarification on False Claim
Padmini Arhant
I clarify on the false claim that I (Padmini Arhant) am on the Social media FaceBook which is not true. I am not in FaceBook, Twitter or any other social media outlet. I only communicate and present articles, audio and video materials through and
Any such claim is inappropriate as it does not conform to reality.
Furthermore, the trend with visual content i..e pictures, photos posing sideways, front faced or any dimension 2D or 3D of individuals besides sporting eye wear ranging from spectacles to sunglasses nuanced to associate them with me is yet another deceptive practice.
None can become another or attribute their indulgence especially embarrassing and incriminating innuendoes to anyone and conversely seize my good deeds and achievements as theirs in the hope of identity swap which is self-defeating not to mention the unscrupulous action.
The desperate measures aimed at hurting and harming my personal image, character and selfless contributions qualifying as character defamation is vindictive. Nonetheless futile.
As for the opportunists exploiting the situation to their advantage for financial gains and undeserving glory is only momentary. Every involvement in life bear consequences demanding settlement in the laws of Karma.
Again, I Padmini Arhant unequivocally denounce the unprecedented and unethical exercise prevalent since my introduction in pubic domain in 2008 and until now.
The unjustifiable and weird tactic denying me my individual right to my original and legal identity conclusively determines prejudice as well as criminal and undemocratic system.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
Terrorism – Created and Manufactured by Fascism
August 18, 2017
Terrorism – Created and Manufactured by Fascism
By Padmini Arhant
Terrorist attacks anywhere is the result of fascists rule in the world. Fascists manufactured terror to destabilize nations in the name of regime change led to emergence of ISIL and ISIS granting statehood to terrorism and facilitate condemnation of the religion they are associated with i.e. Islam.
The avant-garde contempt for culture and civilizations with traditional heritage prompting terror war against Syria, Iraq and Libya…is continuation of colonial trait.
Anything that is civil, dignified and sacred is targeted under the pretext of democratization and emancipation though they exercise complete liberty to desecrate sites, decimate nations and kill people for economic resources and strategic dominance.
The prevalent psychological disorder among the clique is evident in agitation from repeat failures experienced time and time again. Having no tolerance to facts, truthful presentations and reality, the international syndicate referred to as the deep state by those fearful of repercussions upon identifying them as such in the so-called free world is a strange predicament.
The fascists embrace and participate in Secret Society’s clandestine meetings plotting and planning on how to control over more than seven billion population destiny. They shun public and real press from their activities while authorizing massive surveillance and invasion of others privacy.
They invite mainstream communication media giants to their conclave. The prominent media on their part along with political class and others in the league pledge allegiance to Secret Society and their agenda.
All these events happening in the name of democracy is indeed a unique feature to their version of republic rule.
Though their actions and decisions aptly qualify the definition of fascism, they raise objection to such reference displaying disingenuous position on all things relevant to them and humanity at large.
There is an uproar on Nazi and neo-Nazism conveniently ignoring emulation of what they condemn practiced in illegal invasion, occupation of land subjecting natives of those nations to brutal oppression and persecution. Not to mention their indulgence in sabotage and undermining sovereignty against neighbors in the region or anyone they regard adversary.
The solidarity in denouncing prejudice they epitomize further reveals their cherished image since they are also the neocons fascinated with wars and believe in economic prosperity from perpetual warfare worldwide.
Their ideology and philosophy is violence, terrorism, false propaganda, proxies representing them and their cause, lies and deception to achieve lofty aspirations at the expense of innocent lives and environment peril.
Their claim on environment sanctity consistently violated by them in constant bombing, shelling, underground and overland nuclear testing as exclusive right. The self-proclamation as responsible nuclear powers contradict trajectory.
Notwithstanding offshore and shallow drilling, fracking, and mountain top removal.
They are opposed to any meaningful political or electoral reform, elimination of corruption, fair and equal opportunity to all in society rejecting them as social welfare. However, them not having any problem with their parasitic existence.
Above all, they not only provide sanctuary to terrorists as the source but also guarantee safe haven to tax evaders, embezzlers and scandalous entities they find useful to maintain status quo.
The world is expected to honor them and accept their rule as democratic not despotism.
They remain the irony of all ironies and yet have difficulty in acknowledgment as such.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
Independent Probe – Crimes and Abuse of Power
August 4, 2017
Independent Probe – Crimes and Abuse of Power
By Padmini Arhant
The media discussion on conducting probe on Congressional aides should go beyond and involve high profile entities responsible for serious crimes ranging from treason, abuse of power, sponsoring terrorism, authorization of illegal invasion and occupation of foreign land under false pretext to billing the United States taxpayers phony bills that are routine.
Bush-Cheney administration raking a fortune viz. Halliburton and Kellogg Corporation at the expense of army personnel deprived of appropriate facilities during combat situation in Iraq is just one example amongst myriad exploitations.
Under the same administration, the former NAVY SEAL officer Erik Prince founded private army Black Water deployment in Iraq committing atrocities over there. The Black Water resurfaced under Xe Services operating in Pakistan in 2009 and then recruited in Ukraine by successor President Barack Obama administration. None of these regarded worthy of national address.
The lies and deception on deceased Osama Bin Laden since 2001 maintained throughout both republican and democrat administrations with the latter claiming Abbottabad mission as a landmark victory in the absence of any evidence to public in the United States and the rest of the world. Subsequently, eliminating NAVY SEAL engaged in Abbottabad operation that also submerged along with other crimes at the helm somehow escaped media and press attention.
BENGHAZI gate like everything else dismissed as unfortunate event despite serious dereliction of duty from the administration and then State Department leading to a major political and security fiasco.
The former Congresswoman democrat Jane Harman connection to striking a deal on Israeli espionage agent apprehended following FBI investigation swept under the rug with little or no media focus for reasons well known are not the only issues granted impunity from crimes against citizens in the United States and world over.
On the other side – Why not shed light on Pentagon and Federal Reserve yet to account for more than $20 Trillion respectively evaporated with open threats and ultimatums issued to rare Congressional hearing daring to question the department and private institution profiteering from unaccountability?
Is there really a democracy? If so,
What kind of democracy would grant carte blanche authority to political parties, administrations, institutions and departments to run a muck and glorify their legacy as remarkable instead of holding them accountable?
Any incident regardless of activity related to ordinary citizen tried by controlled media prior to any formal investigations and charges from relevant authorities. On the contrary, the influential members, organizations and political figures monumental crimes, complicity and deliberate indulgence for self-interest and political aspirations causing enormous liability to the nation and taxpayers are completely ignored as inconvenient.
Their actions compromising national trust and integrity and most importantly resulting in loss of innocent lives in domestic and international front are either vehemently defended or discarded to protect fraternity and maintain status quo.
What democracy would have mandatory health insurance tied to penalty shifting the burden of costs on the saddled middle and lower income category not qualifying under Medicaid or tax credits not meeting premium and healthcare expense?
What democracy would preserve flawed electoral process like the electoral college at national level and Superdelegates in political party viz. United States democratic party overriding voter participation?
Are there any interest or initiatives to reform the archaic failed electoral system? – NO
Instead any other country such as Venezuela reforming the political system for meaningful all inclusive democracy is condemned and punished with sanctions.
Any investigations and inquiry targeted for political reasons while approving blatant misuse of position, capitalizing from various ventures and deals by members in political circle and around them would not be tolerated in functioning democracy.\
Above all, the media and press collusion in suppressing facts substituted with fabrications and false propaganda is indicative of the demise of democracy.
Is there any more information required in the reality confirming that fascism rules the world?
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
United States – Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security
July 13, 2017
Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security
By Padmini Arhant
GOP House plan to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security benefits as unsustainable Social Welfare programs is gross misconception. The tax dollars from ordinary citizens being actual taxpayers in the economy divested in foreign interests and promoting their aspirations for regional dominance is unreasonable and unacceptable.
It’s time for American tax funds invested in American lives such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security that are critical for survival and American economic growth and development.
The position otherwise is indicative of misplaced loyalty and misrepresentation in Congress with members elected to protect citizens rights on all matter beginning with their tax dollars for quality health care and retirement benefits made available as priority.
More on this topic in due course.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
Featuring soon – The Making of Despots – The trend continues in the present time maintaining status quo witnessed in the rise and fall of western nurtured regimes in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Bilderberg Secret Society
By Padmini Arhant
Synopsis on Bilderberg Group – It is a Secret Society comprising members from powerful and influential positions in the world. The Bilderbergers consider themselves elites and extraordinary individuals exerting authority. The group holds annual meeting barring public and non-elite media with disclosure on meeting discussion prohibited along with attendees names withheld from public knowledge.
Presidential candidates in the United States and similarly Britain’s Prime Minister prospects and others from elsewhere are summoned at the Bilderberg group for pre-approval. The haphazard arrangement in the attendance by Presidential candidates from both political parties in 2008 and earlier participants corroborate the protocol.
Since the secret gathering engage in planning and policy making that has direct impact on global inhabitants, the nature and manner of such assembly is a matter of grave concern.
Accordingly, Bilderberg Group – the Secret Society governing world should either allow free public access to the secret annual meeting or quit making decisions on the fate of population.
I speak for myself as well considering my identity, life and profile is distorted to suit elitists prejudice.
The so-called elitists agenda is the systemic abuse of power and self-entitlement to privileges and benefits at the expense of ordinary people worldwide.
In the modern era, the self-proclaimed elitists in control of mass communication, print, television and social media, politics, economy, entertainment and religion to cite a few among many other domains, shutting the world from gaining information on discussions that are later implemented in adverse actions is deceitful.
The false propaganda, proxies and concocted enactments to evade indefensible position would no longer fly since the Bilderberg group formed with chosen members evidently colluding in secret conclave hiding behind fear mongering using threats and tactics against anyone challenging them to end the clandestine congregation.
What is holding the Bildebergers from emerging out of darkness and let non-elite media and public participation or live broadcast of the meeting?
It is not that they are working on secret formula for a special ice cream flavor they don’t want the world to know and surprise the global consumers with a unique treat of their lifetime.
Anything other than transparent summit confirms secretive sinister activities against universal interests.
Those who regard themselves invincible proved inevitable failure without exception. Were they not? History and contemporary events serve testimony to the fact.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
Questions for the day?
By Padmini Arhant
1. Why is the news media from anywhere especially those touted as credible and prestigious not seeking full disclosure and free public access to Bilderberg annual meeting considering critical decisions are made at this secret gathering?
The circumvention and evasion of anything to do with Bilderberg despite participation in this anti-democratic conclave by U.S. and other western administration officials, some U.S. Congress members and foreign government representatives is not surprising.
The globalists claiming to promote democracy and human rights in these meetings is humorous for their actions verify otherwise in barring public and non-elite media personnel violently dispersed deploying taxpayer funded law enforcement agency and rough handling of peaceful and non-violent dissent.
This year the Bilderbergers have targeted war on information. The dumbing down public via media influence and false propaganda of anyone challenging their undemocratic and unethical devious schemes continues unabated prompting them to pursue underhanded tactics and defense mechanism.
A. When will the parasitic existence among European Royals with Britain included – the chief attendees in Bilderberg secret convention end?
Perhaps soon simply because of their unscrupulous intent to destroy former colonies and home base with little or no concern for ordinary people on whose back these elitists (narcissists) are riding having never earned a living and seized from the state at the vast majority expense.
As for the academia representing the Bilderberg group, the investment in education with titles is evidently squandered in stirring communal and religion based divide exacerbating socioeconomic situations in diverse cultural nations under the guise of advocating social justice that is imprinted in their legacy as travesty of justice.
2. Is it because media was never free and independent? Instead they represent globalists agenda?
The fact leading news organizations in the United States, Britain and elsewhere presence in the Bilderberg conventions that are possible on invitations only swearing allegiance to Bilderberg with a commitment not to share the meeting discussion with public or anyone not part of Secret Society explains the silence from them.
3. Similarly, how come news organizations and media outlets exercise free speech to lambast truth speaker and lack courage to oppose lies and deception from within and prominent forces in the country?
Their behavior to truth speaker is displayed in the hope of intimidating their arch rival. The grand complicity in all wrongdoings concerning them and fraternity in the country is convenience to continue with business as usual.
4. Is there convergence of thoughts between media and globalists due to ownership by latter and collusion from former?
Absolutely. In synonymous to birds of same feather flock together.
5. Is this truly a free world and free society?
The concept of free world and free society is nothing more than a delusion. The free world exists for ruling elites (narcissists) to freely exploit resources and human capital at will. The so-called free society governed by Secret Society is against freedom for all with classism, caste, race, religion and gender inequality vigorously promoted under the pretext of spreading harmony.
6. If so, Then why are there restrictions and reservations, invasion of others privacy while protecting own secrecy?
These conditions are imposed as prerogatives and elitist exclusive power.
7. Is corruption a crime? – Only in the eyes of the beholder.
8. Are elections free and fair? – Yes. They are in distributing cash and items for free to buy votes and receiving donations from anyone to be fair.
9. Are these organizations – UN, UNSC, EU and NATO parallel powers to undermine sovereignty and corral complicity on crimes against humanity? – Status quo speaks for itself in the unipolar world.
10. Who rules the world? – Secret Society in the apparently transparent system.
11. What is democracy? Government of, for and by the privileged club.
12. What is Social Media? – Platform for subjugation and denial of reality.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
Nonsensical Trend
July 7, 2017
Nonsensical Trend
By Padmini Arhant
I clarify my unequivocal position regarding unprecedented nonsensical trend associating me with anybody from anywhere both good and bad with overwhelming negativities in the hope of achieving devious goals. The mission is evidently unattainable with one of them being tainting me and invalidating my positive contributions – something I have done since my childhood until now.
The activities are nothing more than petulance confirming desperate times seeking desperate measures by those behind this culture.
I am Padmini Arhant. Padmini is my name from birth into adulthood given with blessings similar to christening or baptizing newborns in other religions. Accordingly, I am not X, Y or Z regardless of background, popularity or notoriety in any sequence.
Every individual has specific identity denoted by DNA that cannot be altered, interchanged or mixed and matched to suit convenience of time and targets. The preposterous exercise witnessed currently is insanity leading the blank in the height of insidious aspirations.
The custom riding on one’s back to claim glory and dumping one’s absurdity is anything but civil or decent not to mention the unethical aspect of such behavior. These actions are not without repercussions anytime especially in the event of departure from the world which is a certainty none can defy or differ for eternity.
Life is an opportunity to alleviate the burden of karmic woes and not exacerbate with deliberate and intentional indulgence to harm and hurt others that eventually bind on the source. Let there be no misconceptions about this issue.
The bizarre tradition invented portraying those in the hall of fame as gods and divas in the absence of traits in them to be normal ordinary human being speaks volume of their character. The never ending desire to remain in spotlight whether deserving or not explains priorities in their life as well as those promoting such practice.
In fact, to be good human renouncing characteristics like pride, egotism, condescendence, greed, envy and prejudice to mention a few replaced with humility, honesty, selflessness, genuine care and compassion is tall order for those ever competing in superficiality contest.
I ask those participants in the madness to subvert reality substituting with fictitious prerogatives – when do you think you might realize your delusions are meaningless defeating the purpose of your existence?
As for those questioning my chastity and integrity? I ask them why not prove yours first by walking on fire and emerging intact demonstrating your purity and sanctity to ridicule me?
Never too late to wise up and refrain from self-inflicting travesty.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
Eclectic Events – Unsolved Mysteries
June 6, 2017
By Padmini Arhant
Denial, Defiance and Self-Degradation
The word ‘covfefe’ filling in air time and some political members discourse perhaps misunderstood for kerfuffle (origin Britain) meaning fuss, commotion prevalent in the media evading real issues and response to some serious questions regarding political parties indulgence in the hunger for power eliminating party workers considered obstacle to back alley strategy in the lead up to Presidential candidate nomination.
As for the comedians poor taste and photo ops with fraternity outreach in defense, the damage control is futile. The mock culture in the name of comedy and parody is a tragedy demonstrating lack of talent and desperate attempts to boost personal rating in the competitive entertainment field.
Kathy Griffin’s so-called apology including the statement – “Trust me, if I could redo the whole thing I’d have a blow up doll and no ketchup.”
The overt and covert warnings and threats to take others lives is a cowardly act. Such performance confirms inner trepidation consuming individual mindset inhibiting rational conduct.
The position is not surprising given the representation. When they represent forces sponsoring terrorism and cannibals funded to behead, rape and commit heinous crimes against children, women, elderly and young men in foreign land dismissed as a bad joke, anything goes substitutes substance in creative arts and entertainment.
Not to mention the spate of terror attacks sweeping across Europe claiming innocent lives having no impact on terror manufacturers to cease deadly operation.
Should the world similarly consider the much touted holocaust as hollow cost and nothing more than a bad joke? The ones who cherish own lives and regard others dispensable obviously have nothing to live for except diminishing to the point of no return.
Life wasted in hostility is a liability burdening the soul beyond redemption.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
Incognito Power controlled systems across the spectrum shun actions and throw many distractions to dispel facts based topics regarded inconvenient to status quo. The trend is to deflect public attention from reality protecting the obvious obstructionists in the path of global peace and progress.
Unsolved Mysteries
By Padmini Arhant
There were two recent incidents barely mentioned despite the individuals affiliation and representation in politics.
The murder of democratic party staffer Seth Rich on July 10,2016 allegedly involved in leaking emails of the democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton to wikileaks for publication. The democrat contender Hillary Clinton cited wikileaks as one of the sources responsible for her loss in the Presidential election in 2016.
Will there ever be any investigation in the killing of Seth Rich – a democratic party worker?
The other matter is related to Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin sudden death in New York on February 20th, 2017. The U.S. State department advising the New York City medical examiner’s office not to disclose the cause of Mr. Churkin’s expiry following autopsy apparently not a concern.
Arguably the Russian ambassador during his service at the UN raised questions on international crisis that were unwelcome in the prevalent environment of secrecy and mass deception.
Interestingly there appears to be no desire for probe in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) run U.S. State department unilateral decision to withhold information on the mysterious death of a public official.
Perhaps these events are submerged in the same manner as the disappearance of Malaysian commercial airliner MH 370 on March 2014 with passengers and crew members fate declared unknown abandoning rescue operation.
Similarly the Navy SEALS aboard Chinook helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan on August 6th, 2011 in the territory under United States and NATO command. The fifteen Navy SEALS all of whom died with no survivors in that targeted shooting were all deployed in the Abbottabad mission by government on May 2nd, 2011 claiming the killing of the deceased Osama Bin Laden.
The unraveling of unsolved mysteries confirm the status quo in the backdrop of Bilderberg discreet meetings barring public access to knowledge in Bilderberg conclave.
Democracy under siege visibly promoted through censorship of facts replaced with fabrications and insolence from media circus and comedy club in the entertainment industry.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
Paris Climate Treaty – Facts and Reality
By Padmini Arhant
The raw climate deal reached in 2015 is yet to be presented and ratified in the United States Senate to formalize the status as legal and official.
As for the effectiveness of climate accord, the voluntary settings rather than mandatory limits on major polluters is a preliminary lapse in the agreement. Any firm commitment from volunteers could be expected upon disciplined measures adopted and implemented in their respective domain to guarantee delivery. Anything below threshold creates requirement to be obligatory in reducing carbon emission.
Furthermore, the climate treaty in the back drop of air strikes, shelling and bombing of nations besides sponsoring terrorism and cannibalism with funding to terrorists poisoning rivers in Syria and polluting air with nuclear laden missiles by the so-called environment conscious leaderships and their allies behind terror sponsorship defeats the purpose behind climate pact.
The environment pollution caused by carbon emissions is one aspect of multidimensional problems with nuclear proliferation along with conventional arms race remaining existential threat to humanity and planet survival.
The climate pact excluding focus on nuclear arsenal being the dead weight and liability for nuclear states makes the exercise futile in combating climate change.
More on this topic to resume shortly.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
AVATAR (Reincarnation) – Karma and Destiny (Part I)
May 23, 2017
AVATAR (Reincarnation) – Part I
By Padmini Arhant
In the environment of hostility and duplicity to maintain status quo, efforts to subvert reality only expose actuality. Life is an opportunity to redeem oneself and alleviate the burden of sins as none are exempt from karmic effects experienced without fail upon death.
There is nothing worse than living in denial that imprisons mind and inhibits courage to accept responsibility for actions in life.
Please click on the above audio link for content. Any inconsistency in audio effects is technical issue currently reviewed for adjustment in the next segment. Your understanding is appreciated.
I present the topic on AVATAR (Reincarnation) with the next segment to continue in due course.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter Padmini
Spouse in Divine Mission
Religion – The Masonic (FREEMASONS) Convenient Pawn
May 4, 2017
By Padmini Arhant
The masonic rule on the planet premised on illegal invasion, occupation and terrorism heading towards termination desperately deploying ill-conceived strategies for survival.
The diverse representations to propagate flawed ideology is a devious course. The secret society is consumed with prejudice and hatred spreading violence, communal unrest and nonsensical events to maintain authority.
Religion is the main target in mass indoctrination with erosion of human values from overwhelming greed for fame, fortune and power corrupting mind in the inevitable self-decline. The trend upholding criminality and megalomaniacal attributes are promoted in vain to defend deceitful tactics in denial of self-degeneration.
In the process, the irrefutable consequences from such indulgence is slighted despite the fact on deeds determining destiny.
Denigrating religions under any pretext is the norm with surrogates and agents struggling in the hall of fame submitting to masonic order and proxies instigation to decry practices that pales when compared with ostentatious activities in their domain such as entertainment.
The flip flopping in statements with unsubstantiated claims on religiousness imposed on all and reversing in the same breath as a believer not to mention the bizarre charade clarifies the scripted performance to cause unwarranted commotion in society.
On the contrary, the tradition on celebrity worship with importance on prominence and idolization creating cult following is enforced with no regard for individual will and preference in society.
The relevance to stardom and glamor compromising ethical elements are thrusted upon people with extensive coverage and embellished articles while denouncing spiritualism and denigrating religious sanctity.
In politics, not wasting a moment to scapegoat the enemy at present in the blame game along with disparaging remarks and portrayal for monstrosity committed by them and pursued unabated much to self-detriment.
Simultaneously, my hard work and fruits of labor without any pay or remunerations, privileges and benefits producing any major development is conveniently owned by them as self-achievement. Meanwhile distancing from any failures due to deceptive deals and agreement backfiring sooner than later.
Not surprisingly, success is eagerly accepted as the patented right and setbacks disowned due to lack of integrity.
The demand on meto constantly toil and remain at FREE service at the height of misogyny with cooperation from failed female Presidential candidate or wannabe female television performer and the likes explains the status quo.
The hypocrisy citing ego and non-commitment on my part or in other words the frustration over my refusal to bow to tyranny is evident in the blasphemy of religion, womanhood and anything sensible, rational and honest.
There is a distinction between spiritualism and cultism. The former serve humanity in understanding the purpose in life and that is to live a meaningful life and let others co-exist in peace. Whereas the latter subscribing to demagoguery crumble with dwindling of the crowd upon disillusionment.
Celebrity cheering and fake hero adulation disproportionately sponsored in the futile efforts to undermine spirituality.
Religions established to recognize individual responsibility towards self and others leading to peaceful exit when deceased have long endured challenges and continue to demonstrate purity and inviolability in the face of derision and contempt.
The misuse of religion for anything other than peace, unity and secularism is narcissism obliging irrational influence.
Religion is best spared from fundamentalism emanating from political and personal aspirations revealing the true colors of the source never lasting in the race to exploit opportunity at any cost.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Author & Presenter
Spouse in Divine Mission
India – Bollywood – The Platform for Subversion
January 27, 2017
By Padmini Arhant
Beginning with the name Bollywood bearing no relevance to India and Indian cinema, the spin off patronize Indian entertainment sector.
The Indian film industry at the service of the international illegitimate incognito forces with money funneled in film making from various sources not barring nefarious and underworld investment to subvert India’s history and culture should be a cause of concern for movie goers knowingly or inadvertently contributing to mass deception.
The concerted effort and complicity in promoting objectionable content and distorted versions under the guise of fiction and enactment of living entity is a disgrace. The art lacking in creativity while loaded with obscenity and fabrication to appease foreign and domestic diktat is politically motivated to stir reaction much to self-detriment.
The movies under unscrupulous directorial and production name are bribed with false accolades and illicit funds sparing no opportunity to disparage womanhood and those challenging status quo.
The collusion among the so-called fraternity in close association with politics and self-classified upper echelons in society undermine democracy crying foul upon met with public rejection on distortion and defamation of characters in Indian history and mythology.
Entertainment field transformed into an arena where anything goes with many out there for profitability and patented hall of fame submit to bare promiscuity and impropriety.
The trend launching movies on real life individuals laden with concocted derisive portrayal hiding behind fiction peddle toxic materials to satisfy patrons and perverts becoming the primary medium for the corrupt and incorrigible to defend indefensible actions.
The actors on their part – the females in particular prioritizing stardom and fortune apparently have no qualms in self-compromise delineating them in the profession regarded escort service with glitz and glamor.
Whenever there are more to anything that meets the eye, the topic beckons further discussion and will be presented accordingly.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Spousal Partner Divine Mission
India – The Delhi Gang Rape Victim Justice
By Padmini Arhant
To: WORLD Attention
The Delhi gang rape victim, an Indian citizen in India continues to be denied her basic and fundamental right to be referred to by her name even after her demise rejecting her family’s humble request to the authority and Indian society to mention her by the family given name and not the authorities invented name Nirbhaya or anything else.
The contemptuous and callous act obliging international incognito forces instruction confirm the so-called democracies are anything but democratic.
Accordingly, this website deem every one of the female members regardless of sexual orientation in politics, entertainment sector comprising film and television industry as well as communication media representing the incognito rule to be the Delhi gang rape victim.
The same would apply to all those referring to Delhi (India) gang rape victim as Nirbhaya or any other name instead of her real name.
Tyranny in modern age is powerlessness emanating from civilization decline and complicity to human rights violation notwithstanding apathy due to self-interest and opportunism.
Despotism invariably leads to destruction with history serving as testimony. All actions have consequences and none can escape the effects of deeds despite the hierarchy on color, class and creed.
The taller the hubris, the greater is the impact.
Life on earth is a transition and transgression determine journey ahead ending honeymoon for those slighting salvation.
Never too late to wise up to prevent winding up in undesirable domain.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter,
Spousal Partner Divine Mission