U.S. Election Debacle – Selection disguised as Election
October 20, 2016
The Art of Lying in Politics – Denying the Undeniable Facts
By Padmini Arhant
The third and final U.S. Presidential debate ended clarifying the political establishment determination to impose fait accompli on electorate prior to election day.
Whenever one candidacy is treated as extraordinary despite conspicuous flaws and numerous breaches deemed criminal, the electorate become instruments to devious agenda.
The massive publicity, funding along with press editorials, media and entertainment industry patronage among several others including three major networks FOX, CNN and MSNBC colluding that are otherwise considered rivals to promote and declare the democrat Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to be conglomerate representative for fifth term in the White House verifies the so-called democratic process.
Since election is taken for granted and transformed into mere formality and political circus to coronate the pre-selected choice, the democrat Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton,
The following questions are posed alongside shedding light on impervious data delineating facts from falsehood.
The claim on United States election to be free and fair is a misnomer considering twenty first century marked with electoral outcome disputes in the year 2000, 2004 Presidential election and thereafter noting alterations and irregularities that are common now.
The democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton position as the advocate and champion of women and children’s rights, working class, gay rights and immigrants’ welfare while being financed by wall street, special interests, national and foreign donors stupefy audience knowing in politics the strategy is to say anything to win election. The trait prominent in some more than others confirming obsession with power.
The democrat nominee Hillary Clinton vows to pay for entitlements like Medicare and social security by taxing the rich and wealthy including corporations that are bankrolling her campaign.
Does this mean, the democrat Presidential candidate betrayal is certain against one or the other?
Whom is she likely to deceive ?– the campaign investors or the voters casting ballots enabling special interests’ backed candidacy with Super Pac and campaign funders deriving more value for money in the lobbyists drafted legislations.
On the question about Supreme Court nominees – the democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton citing the people wronged in the Citizens United case with the Supreme Court allowing unlimited campaign contributions from diverse sources while Hillary Clinton, the politician representing conglomerate and hegemony capitalizing on corporate cash speaks volume about the candidate’s integrity or the lack thereof.
On the subject of Affordable Care Act aka modestly titled Obama Care – although this is a topic deserving discussion in entirety which will be presented in due course on this site, the crux of the matter is the health care reform deceptively deviated from benefiting average citizens to bonanza for health insurance and health care industry.
The mandatory health insurance tied to penalty upon failure to do so made effective in January 2014 expects citizens to subscribe to health insurance whether affordable by them or not especially with health insurance premiums being high and any low cost plans covering little or nothing leaving subscribers at the health insurance and health care industry mercy worse than before.
In the meantime, the health insurance companies raking profits on additional 35 to 37 million subscribers brought on board via Obama care. The young healthy citizens on moderate income forced into compulsory health insurance plan are essentially paying for others with pre-existing conditions that is highlighted as landmark achievement attributing credit to health insurance industry as a major concession on their part when they are the beneficiary and the healthy groups on meager income bearing the cost.
The democrat Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton upholding the Affordable Care Act in the face of unaffordability for many in mainstream suggests pandering to current administration for political support besides complicity in misrepresentation of health care legislation.
In the economic sector – the Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s pledge to energy giants, finance and importantly defense industry is an open secret. As recipient of substantial campaign donations, the quid pro quo between the democrat candidate Hillary Clinton and Super Pac as well as special interests from far and wide null and void campaign promise to democratic base and voters across the spectrum.
Immigrants and immigration policy – President Barack Obama administration having assumed office in 2012 as reelection deported 2 million undocumented residents soon after election despite overwhelming Latino voters lured into campaign slogan on path to citizenship that is repeated by colleague and present Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Here is the interesting and disappointing factor on the slogan – path to citizenship. This was indeed fulfilled by Obama administration. However not towards U.S. citizenship but the citizenship of the country of origin for the people dispatched to respective homeland. There is little or no doubt the democrat Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton surpassing deportation number given the track record on egregious actions.
Again the second time contestant Hillary Clinton in Presidential race having ceded to then democrat Presidential contender Barack Obama in 2008 not without a deal to be appointed Secretary of State – third in line for Presidency flip flops on issues to suit political aspirations.
The candidate Hillary Clinton opposition to issue driver license to undocumented workers in 2008 and disapproval of temporary resident status deprived many qualified people who were taxpayers in the economy from living together with U.S. born children as a family.
Environment – The former secretary Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama arrival in Copenhagen in 2009 for Cop 15 UN Climate summit and sabotage of the deal contributed to seven years carbon emission that is misquoted now as having slowed down climate change during President Barack Obama appearance on television show.
Again in this instance in semblance with path to citizenship, the steps adopted then to undermine genuine environment goals at conglomerate behest did restrict improvement in clean air environment reversing climate change not for the better.
Foreign Policy – the democrat candidate Hillary Clinton legacy is premised on violence, creation of terror networks facilitating the means to justify aggression, illegal interventions and subjugation of population under brutal and corrupt regimes throughout the world.
The former secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s cavalier approach and belligerence resulting in deaths and destruction, chaos and catastrophe worldwide is the hall mark of her political career spanning over thirty years and more.
In the recently concluded Presidential debate, the democrat contender Hillary Clinton proudly asserted on having been involved in the raid of al Qaida terror group leader Osama Bin Laden, the CIA asset in 2011.
Not realizing the administration and key members’ recounting is yet another confession on treason against United States and the victims of 9/11 attack.
The concocted theory on Osama Bin Laden deceased in 2001 and resurrected to protect those implicated in 9/11 inside operation and glorify successor to boost administration record beguiling American people and the world is routine offense amongst those violating public trust.
The democrat Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton often remarked about her opponent temperamentally not fit to be President. The same apparently not applicable to her with willingness to use nuclear weapons and obliterate nations not in compliance with her demand.
The Republican contender Donald Trump was frequently asked about accepting poll results and the same was not sought from democrat nominee Hillary Clinton who fiercely contested against then challenger Barack Obama in the democratic primary in 2008 going as far as quoting election mishaps referencing democrat Presidential contestant Robert Kennedy assassination. The inherent threat from disgruntled democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in 2008 not necessarily regarded fraudulent by patrons and surrogates’ behind Hillary Clinton Presidential bid.
Lastly, on constitutionality – the former secretary of state Hillary Clinton securing the title and post as foreign secretary was unconstitutional as she was then New York State Senator pact for high profile job in the newly elected administration presented conflict of interests abandoning responsibility towards constituents in the relevant state.
Nonetheless Senator Hillary Clinton prioritized her political ambition over the people of the state of New York and the nation at large as member in the United States Senate.
The democrat Presidential contestant Hillary Clinton as member of political dynasty and conglomerate envoy granted immunity in upending constitution, election and serious violations amounting to crimes against humanity and misuse of public office and authority.
Not surprisingly the Bush family are switching party lines to vote for the democrat in disguise, Presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton.
As for incumbent President Barack Obama endorsement of democrat Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and urging voters to vote for Clinton prompts the legitimate query – If Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is a great choice then why did this not happen in 2008 when he ran against her? Why did he not let his opponent Hillary Clinton win during democratic primary rather than engage in contentious battle then in 2008?
Question from the media – How come the republican nominee Donald Trump unable to beat democrat nominee Hillary Clinton given the latter’s controversial and scandalous background?
Politics and media selective memory fails to remember that democrat primary in 2016 Presidential race, Vermont Senator (I) Bernie Sanders ran on democrat ticket against democrat contender Hillary Clinton. Unlike media focused republican nominee Donald Trump and sensationalized coverage, Senator Sanders described as mellow and conducive Progressive standing to Wall Street and Super Pac represented by democrat Hillary Clinton could not prevail departing from the domain for pre-selected candidacy.
The eagerness to wrap the event with proposals to acknowledge and concede to election results to one contender but not the other indicate premeditated strategy adding insult to injury and humiliation for millions of voters participating in the national election.
The quest for warfare, sponsoring terrorism, humanitarian disasters notwithstanding nuclear melt down favored in advancing the democrat Presidential candidacy of Hillary Clinton.
Never too late to rise to the occasion and reject undemocratic and unethical tactics deployed to prolong status quo.
Where there is will, there is a way to preserve democracy and liberty with equal opportunity for all and not just the privileged category.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Politics and Infidelity – the conjoined factor
October 16, 2016
By Padmini Arhant
Synopsis on track record depicting reality and potential threat to peace, global security and humanitarian cause.
The highlight on Presidential candidacy currently exempt from scrutiny.
Should democracy bow to political apparatus endangering lives and human rights?
More to follow on this topic.
Politics and Infidelity – The conjoined factor
By Padmini Arhant
Infidelity is the norm since politics emergence and continues until today with plain hypocrisy.
The chronicle on infidelity among members in politics on all sides goes back as early as 18th century.
However, the recent episodes deserve attention considering the hype and melodrama in contemporary politics.
Starting with elite and privileged club members rendezvous in Bohemian Grove, 65 miles north of San Francisco, California, USA is an annual event in July. The lewd activities promoting voyeurism, philander and pedophilia is accompanied by bizarre rituals burning human and child effigy forbid public focus.
In March 2008, New York Governor Eliot Spitzer steps down after sex scandal. Governor Eliot Spitzer, the democrat and Super delegate in the party resigned after exposure in prostitution scandal. The news reports coverage highlighted that Governor Eliot Spitzer had patronized an elite escort service run by Emperors Club VIP.
Eliot Spitzer subsequently hired by CNN as television host that included issues linked to character and chastity.
The successor David Paterson as the Governor of New York admits infidelity after being sworn in to replace scandal scarred Eliot Spitzer. The newly appointed Governor David Paterson’s spouse Michelle Paterson adultery also comes to light at the same time.
Former President Bill Clinton sex scandals long been referenced serving as a reminder on politics and infidelity the conjoined factor until now in present Presidential election.
The former Presidential contender democrat Jessie Jackson also referred to as reverend having come to the aid of fellow democrat President Bill Clinton during the scandalous moment could not escape spotlight on own extramarital arrangement.
The democrat Presidential candidate Gary Hart in 1987 ended his campaign upon disclosure on infidelity over a period of time.
Similarly, the ex- Presidential candidate democrat Senator John Edwards dropped out of 2008 Presidential race following news on his ongoing affair unfolding in the middle of the campaign.
Massachusetts Senator and ex- Presidential Candidate Ted Kennedy fiercely contested Presidential nomination in the democratic primary.
As per the revelations via news reports then – “Ted Kennedy’s career never recovered from the disgrace of the accident at Chappaquiddick in 1969, when his passenger Mary Jo Kopechne died after the senator drove his car off a bridge and left her to drown as he swam free. Rather than making any attempt to save the young woman he went back to his hotel room to consult advisers before the case was reported in the morning. Kennedy escaped with only minor charges.”
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (Republican) infidelity shattered the glass house despite Christian coalition and religious veneer with the republican invited on major news network as authority on morality.
The Republican Senator Larry Craig in 2009 acknowledged inappropriate behavior.
According to the reports then – “The Republican senator for Idaho pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct after being caught at an airport toilet. A policeman at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport arrested the politician after he used a signal under a cubicle door to suggest sexual conduct.”
Yet another Republican member in Congress Mark Foley attracted attention for apparent text and instant messages to male teens with sexual innuendoes during the term in Congress.
Arizona Senator John McCain launched Presidential campaign in 2008 and became the Republican Presidential nominee on the platform as decorated war veteran and POW in Vietnam. Nonetheless, the Senator’s involvement characterized as adulterous with disloyalty to spouse in long term marriage could not be concealed although the Senator continued the Presidential bid until election day.
California ex-Governor and Hollywood fame Arnold Schwarzenegger (Republican) confession to love child cautiously sidelined from media chat and discussion.
The democrat Presidential candidate and then Senator Barack Obama was associated with alleged alliances during the successful 2008 campaign.
Last but not the least, the shooting incident at the White House door step on October 3rd, 2013, related to young black mother Miriam Carey (age – 34 years) with a toddler son witness to his mother being shot from behind five times in her car by White House Secret Service concluded as a tragedy much to the NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus silence. Not to mention muted response from Black lives matter.
Politics duplicity persists in the face of denials and denigrations for the sole purpose of maintaining status quo – i.e. distraction from real issues and serious violations by members in political class selectively exempt from scrutiny.
The targets in the game are fidelity and integrity not welcome in service to the citizens and nation at large.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
September 27, 2016
By Padmini Arhant
Hi Folks!
Hope you are all doing good!
I want to focus on contemporary events.
There are jobs that involves the worker or employee to use their mind and in many fields that would be physical work like lifting, moving and transporting items and so on.
But then there are performers. They are not required to use their brains or exercise discretion, thoughts etc. Instead they follow the script provided by those hiring them. They simply adhere to customized template and paid million dollars or so if not some incredible amount.
You might be wondering what exactly they do to deserve such sum. Well their job is – believe it or not – insult people and engage in mockery, parody of the hirer’s choice.
You ask them – what do you do for living? They might say they are famous people involved in something very interesting and how much they love doing what they do without sharing details.
What exactly they do is disparage specific entity or person their employer wants them to do and these people are rewarded for that performance. The rewards comes as awards to them.
These people are made celebrities for appeasing the group appointing them with particular task and that is constant vilifications and denigration of whoever selected for their ridicule.
The culture is promoted vigorously not just in the name of entertainment but also persists in political arena.
Having originated in politics and buttressed on political platform, it has extended into other fields to cover the base. Those are communication media, press, shows and what have you in public domain.
In their caricature and political retribution, they call names such as Frankenstein, monster, terrorist, someone using technology to devour anything upon contact. They have other characterizations as well in this regard not barring backward, brute and characterless. The most preferred title for them is maid.
The reference maid is yet another contradiction given their life revolving around hard working people attending to their basic to extravagant needs in return for condescendence from them not to mention own parasitic existence.
They don’t stop here. They cry foul upon them being challenged about these colorful disposition simply for bringing facts on issues and events that they withhold from public knowledge while maintaining the stance on abusive and insulting conduct they regard as their prerogative.
The other things worth noting is – have you all wondered why politics is the way it is?
I have asked this question whether politics or the political players should be blamed for status quo?
Is it politics at fault or the ones in politics responsible for this field associated with negative connotation?
Mind you, politics is not necessarily run by those whom you see as so and so with typical designations like Congressman, Congresswoman, Senator, President, Prime Minister, Minister of Parliament (MP) and Minister besides various cabinet and administration positions. Although these members are operatives pledging allegiance to certain cause and agenda,
The political gamut is insular and quite secretive. Somehow the entities calling the shots on important issues varying from elections to economic opportunity and citizens freedom remain in the dark. They shun light and choose to be incognito.
Needless to say they are paranoid of any exposure about them and their enigma when they do not have any problems about their actions like massive surveillance on law abiding ordinary citizens and those who are transparent with nothing to hide from society.
These individuals consider themselves the ultimate authority exempting them from any law and order including scrutiny while they expect others to comply with serious consequences for failure to do so. Something to bear in mind according to them.
Since they want to protect the false image, they deploy surrogates and agents on payroll to attack anyone seeking openness and candid response for conflicting situation.
The favorite terminology among them is terror. Who else would know better than them considering customary practice using terror and terrorism, their alter ego and that is the irony.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Interview with Padmini Arhant on Hypocrisy Máximo
September 20, 2016
By Padmini Arhant
Hello Everyone!
Hope all well with you.
I want to shed light on hypocrisy. Whatever happens today is the result of those reining control over system and the rules created by them.
Mind you – rules may very well be introduced by them. Nonetheless, rules never apply to them ever. Them and their envoys in different capacity are held above law regardless of the offenses and crimes that are not even considered a violation.
On the contrary, the laws are imposed on law abiding citizens and expected to be complied with constant reminder of the society governed by law and order. There is hardly any recognition among them that laws discarded by them essentially confirms lack of credibility when lawmakers are principal lawbreakers in society.
This is a mere drop in the ocean in terms of numerous contradictions about them. In fact, they object to my discussion about this topic while they continue to attack me through countless surrogacy for presenting the facts and speaking the truth that is deemed an unforgivable act according to them.
Think about this situation – they pursue me via parody, innuendoes and bizarre claims that has only led to self-exposure for them finding themselves with the foot in their mouth.
How come the press and media owned by them and entertainment industry under their influence never target members in political class and those culpable for many scandals and gross human rights breach except some token remarks with behind the scenes apologies to them?
The latest news from hegemony run press obscurely reported that U.S. President Barack Obama will veto bill initiated and brought to Congress by 9/11 victims’ families against Saudi dynasty. This should have been the headlines questioning the legitimacy of such veto that protects foreign allies over citizens of the country subject to most violent terror attack in history.
How Presidential is it to misuse executive privilege against the people of the nation they are elected to serve?
Instead I am posed these questions in nuance. As always, I face challenges with candor and dexterity. So I respond to them now.
Questions from media to me, Padmini Arhant.
- Why don’t you retire or step aside allowing young people to take over your position?
First of all, I just turned 57 years less than a month ago. In politics or for that matter any other field this is well below retirement age.
By the way, I am not on anyone’s payroll – taxpayers, corporations, special interests or granted a money tree in the backyard with exemption from payments on all living expenses that is costing anybody unlike the so-called elected members on remunerations plus perks and celebrities raking a fortune during and post stardom.
Furthermore, most heads of the state whether province or nation in many parts of the world are way older than I am and some of them are octogenarians and nonagenarians remaining in power against the will of the people.
When I am in the working mode, I am asked to quit and when I am silent they also accuse me with tantrums like I am only interested in being a ‘housekeeper and a maid.’
The mistreatment conforms to – doomed if I do and doomed if I don’t , forgetting that I am not here to be at their beckon call.
The irony is they cannot even keep up with their hypocrisy even in the face of stark nudity given their obsession in that front.
Then there are certain folks who prefer to remain stuck on the magic digits – 65 years. Somehow specific political members and many celebrities well into the late 70’s and early 80’s insist on being only 65 years old.
I’m not sure what is the fascination with age 65 and this is declared by them after stagnancy on age 55 for more than a decade or so.
I guess they might be celebrating their birthdays not every twelve months from the birth date instead every other decade and that’s how they satisfy their aging concerns reversing as evergreen or forever young syndrome even though face is the mirror that reveals reality.
Lying about age does not guarantee longevity. When these image conscious figures cannot even bring themselves into admitting their real age, could they be trusted with anything they say on any matter?
- What makes you think you can continue on this trail when there are those with many years of experience in position?
Again, I’m not here to compete with anyone but rather the other way around. I am engaged in fulfilling my commitments to the highest Supreme entity, Almighty God in the preordained divine mission.
I have selflessly demonstrated my passion for humanitarian work not just in the past 8 years but since childhood and in progress until now which has been greatly appreciated by the Supernatural force as well as the beneficiaries of my contributions to their well- being.
My deeds sow the seeds for God’s blessings and love from those I have reached out to alleviate their suffering.
I have carried out these duties regardless of fierce opposition and exploitation of my generosity in addition to being denied God blessed inalienable right to my original identity.
The individuality is determined by given name and DNA distinctive to every living being. The inanimate objects also have a name assigned that cannot be mixed and distorted for instance stating the airplane as car or a train would only display the user’s folly.
In depriving me from personal identification exercised by humans and other species including those behind the unprecedented norm along with incessant abuse in the name of ruffling feathers by those aptly proving to be reactionaries upon confronted with facts and evidence on their egregious decisions and policy is self-explanatory.
As for the experience, all depends on track record and merit based achievements that are usually few and far between although scandals and corruption overwhelm political tenure and celebrity phase especially in the absence of transparency and accountability.
- Why do you consider rebuttal necessary leading to controversy?
As I mentioned, propaganda, lies, deception, deceit, distortion and subversion is the premise for those running the system and intend to prolong status quo. When they are unwilling to accept responsibility for deliberate involvements, flawed strategies and failures affecting innocent lives they indulge in mud-slinging and deploy cheap operatives in the game.
I reserve the right to correct concocted and convoluted profiling of me extrapolated to suit their preference.
In clarifying facts and actuality against intentional character defamation and caricature, I am doing a service to humanity from being misled and misinformed that is unfortunately a widespread practice.
Furthermore, my interaction compared to do that of highly sensitive human being is a misnomer. One cannot expect others to grin and bear everything when the other side never know the limit.
I have also explained clearly about my principle. I treat people with respect and expect the same in return. No more, no less.
Let me dispel the myth in this context about my exchange with anyone stepping the line coined as controversial not barring thin skin connotation.
Jesus Christ whipped money lenders for obvious reason.
Lord Krishna had to let his cousin Shishupal succumb to arrogance. This when Lord Krishna saved Shishupal’s life and cured him from congenital disability. Shishupal hurled insults and curses against Lord Krishna in royal assembly much to everyone’s dismay. When abuser takes advantage of other’s patience and exceeds boundary, divinity do that is required to restore fairness.
Lord Ram tried diplomacy with demon King Ravana, the abductor of Ram’s wife Sita. Having exhausted peaceful efforts, Lord Ram was forced to terminate Ravana’s unruly disposition and draconian rule.
Similarly, God Shiva is affronted by his father in-law Daksha and repeatedly denigrated deriving sadistic pleasure at every opportunity. Daksha’s presumptuousness cost not only his status but also ended in him receiving goat’s head after being slayed in confrontation with Shivganas or representatives.
Just in case you all have not noticed, goat’s head is always positioned down in semblance to a mark of respect to all as a gesture.
Hence it is in everyone’s best interest not to test tolerance as that eventually harm the source and catalysts with end justifying the means sooner than later.
Needless to say the insolent and ignorant cannot be reasoned with as doom is the choice of their destiny.
The one who is laughed at ultimately earns the last laugh moment. Beat It.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
August 29, 2016
By Padmini Arhant
The contemporary trend is concoction. Concoction of lies, deception, deceit, fiction, fabrication extended into perversion to protect esoteric sanctuary.
The overwhelming majority in the world work for survival and to provide for their family. These people work very hard regardless of their profession and jobs to enable them and their loved ones a decent life.
Then there are others who dedicate their lives to harm anyone and engage in self-deprecating and destructive cause. They hire agents and operatives to inflict damages and sabotage anything considered an obstruction to their counterproductive course. They have diverse representation to target anyone they regard an obstacle to their concoction.
The name of the game is prejudice. Although prejudice is injustice and in today’s society humans are conditioned to believe the practice as the source’s prerogative and expect victims to endure without any objection.
Prejudice is not limited to race and religion. There is gender bias with sub-classifications in this context. Then there is isolation, segregation with deliberate intentions to destroy image and character.
Ignorance plays a major role in this instance and presumptuousness is the predominant factor that diminish human rationale in the distinction between sane and unwise volition.
The traits of entities and contingency in such indulgence are a sign of desperation as desperate times seek desperate measures to maintain concoction.
When someone treads on a trail blindfolded they could be cautioned with the hope they would heed advice. However, what do you do with those blinded by their belief in doing something terribly wrong as absolutely right? In this case some learn from experience while others insist on continuing on the path to self-detriment.
The latest strategy amongst the groups regarding them superior and privileged is to undermine and discredit anyone presumed to be a threat to status quo. All kinds of tactics and techniques are deployed using media as the propaganda medium under the guise of entertainment, information and discussion. The constant efforts to camouflage the obvious about them is the norm.
They shun two things – cleanliness and transparency. Not surprisingly the parody on both are retained to deflect public attention. The aversion to former emanates from the reactionaries’ contentment towards dirt and filth in inner self and outer surroundings while with the latter the dichotomy is ignored for convenience.
Transparency in provocative appearance with attire is defiantly adapted whereas disclosure on facts and events affecting humanity concealed as classified data.
The smoke screen prevents revelations for false impression about state of affairs.
The paid volunteers and performers not barring intruders on espionage and surveillance pledge their service in malice and wickedness to tarnish the directed target. Those with self-respect and esteem would normally distance from such intrusion and preoccupation notwithstanding the misconception about participation as sense of pride.
Needless to say the respectable ones would know to treat others the way they would like to be treated and refrain from impiety resulting in nothing other than self-incrimination.
No action is without consequence and accordingly the karmic burden weighs down with incessant suffering in the long run.
Inner peace is the treasure cove enhancing demeanor and personality reflected in exercising reasoning faculty prior to unpleasant disposition.
Live and let others live without reservations and pre-judgments with planet as the common habitat sharing endowments and human potential to benefit all and not the selective few.
Never too late to do right in life.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Misogynist and Women Auxiliary
August 19, 2016
By Padmini Arhant
Misogynist and women hired to caricature woman have commonalities between them.
Besides their prejudice they both are given birth to by a woman, essentially kicking the womb where they emerged from confirming the irony.
The ludicrous conduct goes to prove the character or the lack there of with no self-respect in misogynists and women auxiliary.
Not to mention the indulgence exemplifying self- mortification and status of women in their res(?)pective family.
Wasting life that could otherwise be expended for self-redemption.
The rest on other issues will follow in due course.
Padmini Arhant
India – Indian Film Industry Off Screen Image
August 1, 2016
By Padmini Arhant
Indian Film Industry is the bed rock for corruption, extortion, money laundering, philander and promiscuity. The underworld investments foment nefarious dealings not to mention piracy and copyright violations.
The stardom and fame comes with impunity on political scandals, hit and run manslaughter causing poor people to die in vain with justice denied to victims’ families simply because the offenders are superstars.
The industry’s mega stars are also at liberty to indulge in poaching targeting innocent animals like deer as a favorite pass time. The super star status also permits them tax evasion, embezzlement in several million dollars while others notably deny payments and use violent threats against distributors, marketing agents and those involved in the film promotion.
In other instance, the Bollywood actress entry into American television industry is big news in the Indian press while the same actress along with her father harassment of occupants in Mumbai’s neighborhood in an attempt to unlawfully evict residents in the apartments in a bid to own the high rise complex barely reach the media or newspaper column.
The film craze in India is an epidemic. As a result, there are no limitations and restrictions on the actors and actress activities that would ordinarily be considered criminal in any society upholding the rule that none are above the law.
The society that has different standards for celebrities, industrialists and high profile political figures exempting them from offenses and crimes has the writings on the wall that are often ignored much to societal detriment.
Believe me soon some Indian women could be a WOMAN upon them abandoning their MAN’s hairstyle for anything to change is better when it begins at the top.
Never too late to make things right.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Immunity – War Crimes and Abuse of Power
July 9, 2016
By Padmini Arhant
Terror and terrorism emanating from profiteers of violence with agenda to prolong status quo is the twenty first century war against peace and unity.
Politics seeped in corruption and criminality justified as the means to remain in power through elections that legitimize illegitimacy is the norm that fuels chaos and turmoil in the tumultuous era.
The institutions, private organizations and secret society run governments poised as champions of democracy while unseating democratically elected choices for proxies representing the ideology and dogma prevalent much to self-detriment.
The success through ballots in the so-called democracies is largely based on campaign finance and unscrupulous strategy allowing the undesirable and establishment nominees to acquire power.
The electoral process is a platform misguiding the hungry and hopeless electorate in search for hope and change in life with the elected ultimately serving the campaign sponsors and economic stakeholders interest.
The incognito rule directing policies with representatives and agents in politics, economic sector, communication media and entertainment industry…not barring religious domain exemplify the state of affairs.
Any investigations and inquiry on wars clearly identifying the authorities misuse of power and cavalier approach would be effective and meaningful upon universal application of international law rather than selective incarceration and judgments witnessed time and again against Eastern Europe and African members targeted to convince the world on International Court of Justice role as UN body.
Furthermore, the nations proclaimed as democratic conducting probe on such matter utilizing tax payer funds could demonstrate serious commitment in advancing the inquest into indictments setting precedence to curb abuse of power and discretionary actions by the government claimed to represent the people.
Instead, the former and present chief executives are provided opportunity through media and surrogacy to self-exonerate on crimes against humanity rendering the independent or appointed committees’ arduous exercise futile to reinforce business as usual practice.
In any society that values democratic principles would hold every citizen accountable regardless of status for violation of laws and human rights reversing the paradoxical system.
The tradition granting immunity to political figures and celebrities on activities that would otherwise have legal repercussions for ordinary citizens is a vindication of crimes and criminal behavior adding insult to injury to victims and families in the apparent civil society.
The powerful forces aggression against powerless misinterpreting political mandate and operating without checks and balances in the increasingly cooperative and tolerant setting to blatant breach of electoral trust and sovereign integrity promotes carte blanche authority.
Unless the severity of damages in enabling counterproductive course and indulgence is addressed through mass consciousness predominantly affecting them, the path to destruction would continue under the pretext of pervasive benefit despite reality.
The mind invasions in the name of art and entertainment as well as every possible medium that attracts public attention are engaged for propaganda and illusive portrayal.
Although the nuances are intended to tarnish images with the efforts in vain, the disclaimers conveniently used in defense to absolve them of possible legal consequence on character defamation and mendacity.
Again the noble and righteous would introspect and refrain from being part and parcel of contemptuous dealing.
The world’s progress is sustainable with law and order made applicable from top to bottom without exception rejecting exclusive privilege based on political and economic position.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Ethics – Virtues and Values
March 12, 2016
Author: Padmini Arhant
P – Pride
R – Racism
E – Envy
J – Judgmental
U – Ugly
D – Destructive
I – Ignorance
C – Condescending
E – Ego
T – Thoughtful
O – Open mind
L – Lucid
E – Equality
R – Rational
A – Acceptance
N – Nice
C – Cooperation
E – Essence
H – Hubris
A – Acrimony
T – Trouble
E – Enemy
L – Lotus
O – Opus
V – Venus
E – Endless
G – Gorge
R – Ravenous
E – Exhaust
E – Expunge
D –Deplete
G –Give
E – Earn
N – Nurture
E – Elevate
R – Rise
U– Utilize
S – Solidify
H – Hollow
Y – Yunx
P –Pretentious
O – Obtuse
C– Contradictory
R – Replicate
I – Impropriety
S – Senseless
Y –Yoyo
H – Humility
O – Outstanding
N – Natural
E – Earnest
S – Scrupulous
T – Trustworthy
Y – Yolk
F – Falsehood
E – Expendable
A – Adverse
R – Resignation
C – Chivalry
O – Obvious
U – Uplifting
R – Robust
A – Aptitude
G – Grit
E – Exemplar
T – Timid
E – Egregious
R – Redundant
R – Repugnant
O – Offense
R – Reprehensive
T – Truce
R – Restful
A – Atmosphere
N – Normal
Q – Quintessence
U – Ubiquitous
I – Inherent
L – Luster
I – Innocuous
T – Tribute
Y – Yoga
W –Wicked
A – Atrocity
R – Ruinous
P – Progress
E – Endeavor
A – Advancement
C – Commitment
E – Emancipation
D –Decease
E – Exit
A –Absence
T – Tears
H – Homage
L – Lavender
I – Indigo
F – Fuchsia
E – Emerald
Virtues define character delineating righteousness for meaningful existence fulfilling the purpose behind birth and death cycle.
Welcome life, peace and tranquility with courage, honesty and love for humanity and environment. Tolerance and generosity enrich human value.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
India – Celebrity Worship And Ostentation Ad Nauseam
December 12, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
Recently the High Court in Mumbai – the city where Indian film industry (Bollywood) is represented delivered a verdict in the high profile criminal case.
The hit and run case with Bollywood actor Salman Khan faced charges on manslaughter and four others severely injured in the incident that occurred in 2002.
The driver under the influence of alcohol having lost control rammed over people on the curb side leaving one person dead and four seriously hurt in the incident.
The drunken driver identified as the Bollywood actor Salman Khan at that time by eyewitnesses including the actor’s personal bodyguard in the initial police complaint set the stage for long legal battle between two sides – the victims – the unknown and poor individuals vs. celebrity with net worth over $200 million.
In the thirteen years of legal wrangling and circumventions by the accused notwithstanding witnesses deaths having provided sworn testimony before the magistrate, the court drama in typical Bollywood style was brought to an end favoring none other than the defendant.
The defendant was acquitted of all charges and hailed victorious in Indian tinsel town. The film fraternity and admirers along with fans apparently rejoicing the outcome.
Yet another Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan aka SRK contemporarily dealing with investigations on financial transactions contributing to INR 100 crore rupees i.e. $10 million loss to Indian ex-checker or treasury welcomed the decision in the criminal case of his counterpart Salman Khan claiming the conclusion positive for the silver screen performer.
Just two months ago, the Bollywood actress turned politician currently representing the ruling BJP and NDA government – Hema Malini’s car collision with another vehicle near the national highway in Northern region resulted in the death of a four years old child and her family sustaining life threatening injury.
As per the family’s account – the passerby (a doctor!) having witnessed the horrific incident escorted the celebrity with minor abrasions while neglecting the family including the child that was in need of emergency treatment.
The celebrity Hema Malini received top notch medical attention in private facility compared with the ordinary family left on the highway for more than two to three hours without any sign of rescue attributed to the child’s tragic loss of life.
The actress cum politician Hema Malini held the distressed family responsible for the fatal scene.
Celebrities in Indian society – entertainment domain predominantly film industry and sports arena besides the powerful entities in politics and economic sector held above the law.
Celebrity worship ad nauseam promotes social inequality deepening economic disparity.
Celebrities entering politics upon diminishing stardom is not uncommon. Actors turning politicians and vice versa is the tradition.
The movie and sports personalities are major attractions for political parties aimed at complicity to policy not necessarily in public interest. The tasks of mobilizing disenchanted electorate made easier with glamor and glitz distraction.
Unfortunately for the average citizens – the segment in the lowest economic strata looking for opportunity to drift away from continuous struggles, cinema is the means for escapism.
When people in the poorest socio economic background make nobody into somebody evolving as celebrity, the source behind celebrities’ fame and success not only forgotten but also taken for granted in the ever increasing frenzy over superficial display.
The rich, famous and influential ability to wheel justice in their direction slighting evidence based facts in criminal cases made possible by corruption culture and undue fanfare to celebrity status.
Film stars are the creation of collective contributions beginning with make-up artists, costume designers, choreographers and multitude expertise as behind the scenes operatives not to mention the lyricists, screen play writers, musicians and technology oriented techniques under capable director that leads to the final product.
The glory assigned to main characters ignoring the crucial team in movie making and subsequent hype is distortion.
Above all, the show without audience would be zero despite overestimated hero.
Unless bias and adulation set aside with civic funded institutions across the spectrum such as judiciary, police, prosecution and forensics immunity to incentives compromising fair trial, the victims would be denied justice in the real world.
Perhaps the people especially the poorer sections in society facilitating empowerment of those trampling on their rights to fairness and equality awakening to reality would balance the scales in the court of law.
My condolence to families and survivors affected in the society’s intoxication to ostentation prevalent in the form of entertainment.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant