Face The Truth – Press, Communication Media and Entertainment Sector

November 29, 2015


By Padmini Arhant

The contemporary trend is mind control with propaganda, lies and unsubstantiated allegations to subvert truth deflecting attention from reality.

Additionally, the platform facilitates hate mongering, prejudice and polarization in society.

The communication media and entertainment industry widely used for this purpose.  The degenerative political, economic and social environment is a reflection of forces at the helm reining power incognito.

Despite repeat failures in the so called war on terror through terrorism notwithstanding major electoral debacles by their proxies in government, the declining supremacy evidently nothing more than a fantasy with history serving as testimony until today.

Since desperate times seeks desperate measures, the dimming powerhouse reliance on misinformation and denigration via paid representatives in the literary and artistic fields incentivized with undeserving awards and titles to parrot prompters message further confirms decaying process.

As a result, the entertainment along with press and other communication outlets are extensively deployed in mass manipulation.

In this segment, I pose the following questions to Media, Entertainment and literary body for complicity to abuse of power.

  1. Is the press reporting news events factually or induce politically motivated characterization?

The latter is the preferred practice misleading public and to curb challengers at bay.

  1. Are communication media and broadcasting networks transformed into state media and proprietary interests rather than stalwarts in holding authority and celebrity accountable for misusing self proclaimed privileged status?

Political establishment owned television networks and communication channels primarily set up to cover up scandals involving them and target genuine opposition delineated from political affiliation.  The media syndicate diversion and distortion promote vested agenda leaving the captive audience in the dark.

The various media including television are convenient mediums for slander and malicious rumors besides masquerading criminality and corrupt regimes in power.

  1. How come the entertainment industry profiteering from unauthorized theme and content not pursuing real events with forces behind crimes against humanity?

The entertainment industry – television and theaters controlled and maneuvered for mind invasion with fabrication and falsehood prevent discovery of facts and truthful exposure leading to real perpetrators in disguise.

  1. Why can’t the entertainment industry exercise diligence and discernment over cashing in on trashing and bashing natural phenomenon?

The entertainment industry engaged in impersonation fraudulently claimed as emulation and satire somehow only fixated with entity standing up to roots of all evil clarifying the negative influence to maintain status quo.

  1. Does this mean the entertainment sector infiltrated by elements against positive developments?

Yes. The unsavory factions’ dominance exemplify decadence.

  1. Where does the press stand in terms of divulgence?

The press is heavily politicized and patronize enemy of duplicity.

  1. Is there an independent and investigative journalism?

The rare existence is increasingly threatened arising from zero tolerance to fair presentation and analysis.

  1. Are there pseudonyms to smear authentic expose?

The tradition continues to self-detriment for anything counterproductive is an apparent disaster.

  1. What is the impetus for performers in the mind numbing orchestra?

Monetary benefits and publicity are the attractions with little or no concern for unconscionable actions.

  1. What is the future for press, media and entertainment under delusional clique?

In doldrums unless creativity and journalistic standards not compromised with unethical and divisive indulgence.

Finally, Intellect and talent best demonstrated in courage and integrity withstanding test of time and tide.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
















Hegemony and Proxies Taliban Policy

September 26, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Speaking from personal experience with hegemony and proxies’ misogynist outlook and condescendence – the strategy conforming to Taliban disdain for womanhood clarifies synergy between sponsors and operatives’ fundamentalism.

Women representing hegemony by and large delegated to counterproductive activities to undermine women status. The caricature of women through such portrayal reflects on the source degradation and defy human nature.

Hegemony attributing my service to ventriloquism obviously based on ignorance at best and chauvinism at worst again revealing the lack of understanding and appreciation for individual capability while asserting ownership and copyrights on material plagiarized from none other than my selfless labor and dedication.

The dichotomy in dismissal of my contribution declared raiders property and claiming hegemony favored entities piracy as the original act epitomizes contempt and antagonism for anyone challenging the status quo.

Either all inventions, discoveries and great performances since world creation until now are supernatural force actions using humans as medium or the practice on selective acknowledgments ascribing credits to certain persons as prodigy and those whom they do not approve categorized robots evidently a convenient stratagem.

In the process, hegemony orchestrated theatrics aimed at discrediting and sabotage authentic mission sincere committment to humanitarian service is self-defeating indulgence.

Hegemony and contingency stance on patents is yet another paradoxical paradigm in maintaining arbitrary standard as golden rule whereas trivializing significant input alongside exploiting my provisions for vested interests demonstrate duplicity.

Hegemony and loyalists Taliban traits are prominent in defining code with respect to my lifestyle ranging from appearance to attire and customs imposing diktat having classified me as untouchable i.e. Dalit, illiterate, a Muslim, and simultaneously Hindutva notwithstanding satirized characters to promulgate their delusional decrepit ideology.

I am expected to tolerate the shenanigans otherwise condemned as playing victim game despite hegemony and stalwarts monumental hypocrisy.

On the contrary, the smile is not acceptable as well and subject to mockery for hegemony and hired agents involved in the self-effacing dilemma.

Above all, hegemony and casts trading venom and demand honey in return as entitlement is a comedy in the parody of the tragedy – the dying supremacy.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant





Paradoxical Paradigm — Exhuming Mortals To Immortality

July 29, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The contemporary trend projecting mortals as Supreme divine power defies logic and legitimacy.

First and foremost Supreme entity is immortal whereas mortals are faced with mortality a certainty deriving the term accordingly.

Second, God – the opponent to corruption, criminality, treason and prejudice…to list a few is sacrosanct unlike those projected as God epitomize fraudulence and paradoxical preference.

The elevation of mortals to divinity despite concerned member’s contrived performance masquerading real persona is unsustainable with actual traits surfacing in actions regardless of massive propaganda campaign using every medium at disposal.

Mortal’s physical and personal characteristics defined by DNA are unique and determine individual identity.

Importantly those chosen in the category were to be divine in any respect, they would not be representing forces engaged in destructive course. The representation of unscrupulous clarifies individuality and conformity.

Furthermore, the members would have qualities contrary to existing attributes found in them such as insatiable appetite for power, fame and fortune they seize using any means with some buying justice and votes using cash and threats to remain in position.

The wannabes condescendence with references to others social background as backward caste, class or creed reflects on source’s backward mindset and confirm inner decay.  

These are classic symptoms of devil in disguise and survive to satisfy personal endless needs depriving majority – the needy a normal life.

The insolents track record in the interim between birth and death conclusively verifies shady origin as anything but an incident while dismal destination joining the likes nothing more than another chapter in history.

The pretentious disposition is conspicuous in deeds and statements from demagogues promoting diabolical agenda.

God – the supernatural being is parallel to none in virtuosity and simplicity.

No matter what goes behind window dressing to showcase fake items – imitation is not the same as original in value and appeal aptly being authentic.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




Religion and God in Politics

June 30, 2015

Lord Buddha attained Nirvana under Pipal TreeBy Padmini Arhant

I present the preview on the above topic.  The full feature will follow shortly.

Please click on the audio link for the content.

Thank you for your attention.

Padmini Arhant

Switzerland – Swiss Bank Accounts And Black Money

May 29, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Switzerland – The self-declared neutral country after all may not be neutral on issues concerning humanity – the financial holdings in Swiss bank accounts in particular.

The Swiss economy capitalized with monetary assets held in Swiss financial institutions – UBS, Credit Suisse…and other banks in Switzerland from foreign account holders – the rich, famous and the powerful across the globe.

The accounts facilitating safe haven on tax evasions, black money, kickbacks from deals in political, economic, entertainment, sports as well as religious domains is a major setback for global economy with severe impact on developing nations due to revenue depletion.

Switzerland’s recent disclosure releasing names of account holders from selective nations such as India appreciated by Indian political members as Swiss authorities initiative in the crackdown on offshore hoardings.

Although the step is a positive measure, the names ought to be included in addition to what was provided in the disclosed member list somehow not appearing by omission is perhaps the challenge for Switzerland.

Switzerland information in this regard is inadequate and does not fulfill the requirement on cooperation expected in collective efforts on black money recovery or tax income to respective nations worldwide.

The financial institutions in Switzerland, Singapore and many island destinations tax shelters are the gateway for the rich in mobilizing wealth from illegal dealings and tax fraud.

The protection guaranteed to account holders in Swiss bank accounts is complicity in fraudulence and fostering illegal transactions contributes to money laundering and criminal activities considering not all funds are necessarily originating from legitimate sources and means prior to reaching overseas accounts.

As a result the nations financial sector involvement as fiduciary is in violation of international compliance for not declining funds transfer affecting sovereign nations economic progress.

Switzerland has unique opportunity to reverse the trend and come forward with details on all members rather than random choices and exemplify commitment in the exposure without exception.

At the same time, Indian incumbent administration claim on setting up the Special Investigation Team to pursue black money with a bill pending passage to combat black money abroad prescribing stiff penalties is self-contradictory having received black money in campaign donations during national election in 2014 and subsequent state elections flushed with similar sources revealed in the yoga guru and the political party representative inadvertent admission.

The Special Investigation Team appear to have been instructed to spare specific personalities in the Indian political and affluent circle while the focus remains on token offenders to convince the public.

The G-20 summit in November 2014 agreement to curb tax evasion with exchange of information between countries evidently not translated into action with Switzerland withholding prominent members data.

The people are the victims in this tradition to deceive nations from fair share of taxes and black money accumulation as they are burdened with superficial national debt lasting over generations in the developed and developing nations of the world.

Any laws are meaningful only upon application to all reflecting seriousness and fairness important to demonstrate equality and justice.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


The Secret Society Dilemma

April 20, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

The privileged society relentless efforts to discredit and deny facts presented on this site is a continuous struggle for them.

The members’ disdain for clarity and reality is transparent and the antagonism spills over in different format.

Despite imposters and wannabes futile indulgence in incorrigible performance, the so-called elite society engagement in the losing battle expedite the inevitable conclusion of destructive era represented by them.

Interestingly, the privileged society paraded characters as Avatars and the ultimate Divas parroting and lip-syncing scripted material only brings their duplicity to surface in the absence of credibility and talent to deliver original thoughts and selfless actions for greater good.

The attempts to sabotage preordained divine mission exemplify the beginning of the end of saboteurs’ existence prompting them to squander life in the quest for fame, fortune and power guaranteed to produce malefic results in accordance with deeds defining destiny.

The lack of respect for women and human rights in general signify civilization decline and attributed to those exerting authority and influence through illegitimacy and dominance.

These characteristics not being innate human qualities, such conduct raise questions on the source identity considering the negative traits represent corrupt culture and delusional supremacy status.

The choices are available either to renounce self-detrimental course or reap the consequences in the counterproductive approach.

None are exempt from final judgment upon departure and redemption is not an entitlement given the deliberate and voluntary involvement for personal satisfaction and benefit.

Life is an opportunity for self-purification and liberation from guilt with conscience witness to lifetime accounts necessitating debt settlement known as karma. The artful manipulation and evasion exacerbates experience without exception as a reminder to learn from mistakes rather than violations becoming legacy.

There is much to gain from acknowledgment of wrongdoings and seek forgiveness from victims with reparation costs and alternatively lose everything in defiance to fait accompli.

The secret society is at the crossroads and could no longer prolong the unsustainable dilemma.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

मृगतृष्णा – Mirage

April 2, 2015


लेखिका  –  पद्मिनी अरहंत  

नमस्ते! मैं पद्मिनी अरहंत – पद्मिनीअर्हन्त.कॉम कि लेखिका, अदाकार और प्रस्तुतकर्ता आपके सामने पेश करती हूँ वर्णन ‘मृगतृष्णा.’

इनसान भले ही आसमान की बुलंदियों को क्यों न चूलें – वो भी चमकते हुए सितारे बनकर,

अगर उनमे अपनी गलती मानने कि हिम्मत और ईमानदारी नहीं हैं, यह जानते हुए कि उनके लापरवाही कुछ लोगों कि तबाही का वजय हुआ है, कितनी आसानी से अपनि परेशानी दूर कर लेते हैं.

क्या वाकय यही होता है?

अमीर गरीब किस्सा – करे कोई भरे कोई!

ऐसे हस्तियों के मन की दुविधा पर एक झलक से उनकी पहचान नज़र आता है.

दौलत और शोहरत का करिश्मा – कुछ भी खरीद सकते हैं.  सच को झूट और झूट को सच में बदलने में इन्हे कोई दिक्कत नहीं होती.

सच के सौदागर होकर यह भूल जाते हैं कि सच के सात अपनि आत्मा भी बेचते हैं.

उसके बाद इस ख़याल में जीते हैं कि उन्होने जो किया ठीक किया.  सिर्फ औरों को ही नहीं, इन्हे तो अपने आप को भी धोखा देना बुरा नहीं मानते.

इनके लिए झूट और फरेब कि ज़िन्दगो एक अजीब दास्तान हैं.  इस कहानी में ये किरदार निभाते हैं क्यों की ये असलियत से कतराते हैं.

जितनी दूर ये असलियत से भागते हैं उतनि ही नज़दीक अपने आप को धोखेपन में पाते हैं.

अपने आप से अलग होना ना मुमकिन होने पर भी, अपने गुरूर के वजय से ज़िन्दगी इनके लिए एक सज़ा हो जाती है .

हालां कि अपनी इस बिगड़ते हालत को छिपाने कि कोशिश में एक और मुसीबत पैदा कर लेते हैं.

जो झूट के सहारे जीते हैं, वह चैन से दुश्मनी मोल लेते हैं.

आखिर कब तक ये सिलसिला जारी रहेगा?

जब तक जान है और फिर उसके बाद इस दौर से छुटकारा पाना मुश्किल हो जाता है.

क्यों की ज़िन्दगी का सफर मौत के बाद भी खत्म नहीं होता.  पूरे हिसाब चुकाना और अपने किये का पछताना खुदरत का नियम है.

नियत कोटि हो तो आने वाला कल भी खोखला होता है.

अपने गुनाहों को किसी और के ज़रिये चुड़ाना पानी में दिखते अपने दर्पण को इंकार करने का समान होता है.

यही साबित होता है कि सब घटनावों में आत्मा हमेशा गवाह है और इनसान के लाख बहाने उसकेलिए ज़ंज़ीर  बनकर ज़िन्दगी बंदगी में बदल जाता हैं.

क्या डोंग रचाने से कोई और बन सकते हैं ? फिर इस कपट से बाज़ क्यों नहीं आते? दुनियां को गुमराह करने के चक्कर में खुद घूम हो जाते हैं. इस महौल में इनके टूटते मानसिक संतुलन दिखाई देता है. इस कश्मकश में फसकर इनके लिए अपनि किस्मत पर रोने के अलावा और कोई चारा नहीं होता.

शुरू से लेकर आखरी तक इनकी गलत फेमी यही कि शीश महल में रहनेवाले पत्थर फेंग्केर कायम रहेंगे.

काश ऐसा होता तो एतिहास कुछ और होता. किस्मत आज़मानेवाले यूहीं किस्मत के मारे नहीं होते.

किसी और को अपनि बदकिस्मेति सौंपकर उनकी खुशकिस्मेति चीनने वालों कि बीतर कि हालत पेश आता है.

इनमें इनसानियत कि परछाईं तो दूर शराफत कि महक भी नहीं मिलती.

बेहतर यही है कि अपनि तकदीर पर कुल्हाड़ी मारने के बजाई अपनि आत्मा कि आवाज़ सुनले और हकीकत मानलें.

ज़िन्दगी कि सबक एक लम्हें नहीं लम्बे अरसे तक याद दिलाता है. इसे ठुकराकर अपनि नई मंज़िल कि तलाश में निकलते मुसाफिर को मायूसी के अलावा और कुछ नहीं मिलेगा जैसे कि रेगिस्तान में नख़लिस्तान यानि शाद्वल और बारिश के उम्मीद लेकर भटकनेवाले बिखर जाते हैं.

मृगतृष्णा – मन का आईना और इसमें खोना कर देता है मुश्किल वापस लौटना.

सभी को अमन!

शुक्रिया / धन्यवाद

पद्मिनी अरहंत






Womanhood in the Twenty First Century – 2015

March 4, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Mankind achievements in various fields compromised in the lack of progress in human relations with discriminatory practice cherished among those reining control over global society.

The prevalent prejudice based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender and socio-economic background is the strategy to polarize world for individual and selective groups vested interests.

The gender bias against women in the twenty first century demonstrates civilization decline considering women  progressiveness prior to hegemony era. 

Contemporarily the treatment of women is appalling worldwide and in the western society in particular with false projection on gender equality.

The women hired to disparage womanhood for political reasons and vendetta could not possibly belong to female gender and such engagement signifies serious ethical insolvency given the participants affluence.

Furthermore, the volunteers’ characteristics are revealed in the process and confirm self-degradation in promoting opinionated characterization for specific agenda.

This is yet another evidence of exploitation exposing the source and desperate means in the self-destructive involvement.

The taxpayers funded broadcasting network misused for propaganda clarifies the system being grossly abused to serve the self-proclaimed privileged society and their convoluted disposition.

In providing platform with defamation objective i.e. projecting women as nothing except objects of voyeurism is a reflection on the culture and women status in the respective domain of those behind provocative indulgence.

Western democracy and women’s rights is a myth with misogynist orientation prominent in professional, political and public arena.

Ignorance combined with presumptuousness could be an abyss for those refusing to honor women excellence since time immemorial.

Regardless behind successful man is a great woman proved until the present time.

The male chauvinism is highlighted in condescendence towards women ignoring the fact on motherhood.

The motherhood experience in the birth of a child and nurture leading to the existence of a man or a woman in the world could not be slighted on any grounds. 

Not to mention the outstanding accomplishments by women despite barriers and glass ceilings to prevent them even in the modern age. 

The eastern origin is fortified with tremendous contributions from women in history.

Spiritualism relevantly Hindu religion grant the highest position for women represented by Goddess Durga as Sakti – the energy in life and all creations in the universe.

The equal partnership depicted in Siva-Sakti, the dynamic duo as inseparable divine forces epitomize the importance of feminine attributes facilitating creation, preservation and restoration of matter.

Hindu Goddesses ParaSakti, the invincible recognized for incredible valor in dealing with negative elements wreaking havoc on earth and netherworld.

Goddess Saraswati personifies knowledge, arts, music and cultural endowments.

Goddess Lakshmi revered for prosperity in every aspect.

Indian heritage also pays tribute to womanhood in saluting mother earth as Bhooma Devi, sacred cow worshipped as Gau-Mata also known as Annapurani meaning benefactor with cornucopia  of food for global consumption.

Mother nature – rivers Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Cauveri, Godavari, Narmada and Gomati to name a few in the tributaries proliferating life. 

Poignantly Bharati or Bharat Mata – India is the motherland for 1.2 billion people. 

The language identified as mother tongue proudly spoken nationwide and across the globe by Indian diaspora.

Last but not the least, the distortion and mockery of current divine mission alluding to gender confusion is notably self-contradictory. 

In English language – the references She or s(he) and woman otherwise wo(man) conspicuously related to unisex / cross gender pronouncing male association with fe(male).

Interestingly the pronouns have male following the female perhaps emphasizing the significance of womanhood not necessarily acknowledged to the fullest extent!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



















World – End of Dark Age (Kaliyug)

March 4, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Since industrialization, the imperial quest to acquire resources through invasion, occupation and colonization persists until today.

The imperial powers legacy is rape, slavery, genocide, destruction, annihilation and decimation of civilization that continues with no end in sight.

National defense force is deployed as imperialists’ private army and similarly national treasury squandered for delusional aspirations such as global dominance.

Western democracy is anything but democratic with monarchy or political dynasty usurped to power disguised as republic.

Besides, hegemony as secret society is the primary authority misusing the electoral process to legitimize illegitimate incognito rule. 

Accordingly, elsewhere democracy is not desirable with constant western intervention to topple governments of people choice and replaced by puppet regimes and authoritarianism for proxy governance.

Imperialists’ parasitic existence from emergence to dying period is unsustainable. 

The royalty evidently the major liability for the relevant nation and most importantly the colonies considering the wealth amassment and generational exploitation in these regions to build the empire and the continent that is crumbling to mark the end of the Dark Age.

Anything founded on theft and plunder using brute force with no regard for life and habitat miserably fails the test of time and serves as testimony in the future.

The representatives of the declining enterprise claiming superiority despite abhorrent trajectory reflect their denial of reality.

Furthermore the superior complex is typically the inferior quality surfacing due to low self-esteem and envy contributing to self-deception on individual character.

The combination of ignorance and arrogance also exacerbate such attribute revealing vulnerability to internal deterioration.

Supremacy is the masquerade for contempt towards virtues alien to those with this syndrome refusing to acknowledge the fact.

Yet another dilemma for them is reconciliation or rather compliance with natural law. Nothing is permanent with evolutionary process designed for a new beginning especially systems that are fundamentally flawed and dysfunctional.

Time is not stagnant and spatial variations generate different environment for conduciveness in preparation for a fresh era.

Conclusion of Dark Age (Kaliyug) comprehensively representing decadency and infamy is imminent to relieve the victims from prolonged suffering.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




Hegemony Era Conclusion

February 14, 2015


Dear Citizens,

Hegemony reining control over mass existence is responsible for status quo depriving political and economic freedom.  Notwithstanding social equality and universal peace to all.

Accordingly understanding hegemony character and detrimental policy governing the world is critical to expedite imminent conclusion.

I present the poetry on HEGEMONY for awareness and to raise consciousness to end hegemony era preceded by proxies and sycophancy facilitating the archaic trend.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


By Padmini Arhant


1.  Shrouded in secrecy

     Shun transparency

     Invade others privacy

     Intrusive legacy

     Legend in fallacy

     Lacking decency

     Devoid of potency

     Destined for decadency.


2.  Represented by proxy

      Romance plutocracy

      Rendezvous with militancy

      Reject diplomacy

      Rival to democracy

      Revived autocracy 

      Renegade is normalcy

      Reestablished kleptocracy.


3.  Specialized in hypocrisy

     Propagate controversy

     Delusional with fantasy

     Exhibit ecstasy.

     Profiteer from cramoisy (Sanguinary)

     Profess jealousy

     Deny due courtesy

     Claim conduct classy.


4.  Show no hesitancy

      In persistency

      Courting religious advocacy

      Influence papacy

      Granting thyself clemency

      Despite truculency

      Promoting contagion insurgency

      Besides piracy.


5.   Imposters depict lunacy

       Championing Idiocy.

       Escalatie Hegemony Despondency

       In Confederacy.

       Ochlocracy otherwise mobocracy

       As Incumbency

       Espousing self-defeating belligerency

       Exemplify insolvency.


6.  Engineered destructive policy

     Fostering flagrancy

     Misinterpret logic legitimacy

     Discarding meritocracy

     Betrayal regarded efficacy

     Redefining literacy

     Embarked on flatulency

     Classic Supremacy!








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