February 7, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
Dear Citizens,
In the contemporary age, those in position of authority and power whether political, economic or any other domain while fearing own mortality evident in heightened security at tax payers expense or otherwise, have no inhibitions in imposing premature death and immense suffering on millions of lives worldwide.
Do they express remorse for their actions?
Apparently not.
When there is no recognition of any wrongdoing despite mayhem and misery inflicted through egregious decisions, erroneous policies and deliberate involvement, regrets or accepting responsibility remains a challenge for victims affected in the misuse of power, celebrity status and criminality ruling the world.
Accordingly I present the poem on Destiny.
By Padmini Arhant
1. Monarch Butterfly or a Queen Bee,
Mystique or a Wannabe,
May delay but never deter death.
Must you waste time?
Misfortune befall thee sinking in crime;
Might proved not right
Mortality as certainty bring new opportunity.
2. Promiscuous is conspicuous
W ith bribery and flattery,
Proud and presumptuous
Trouncing thyself in trickery.
Peek at inner self
Trekking on slippery slope,
Perilous adventure stifling hope.
3. Dancing with delusions
Seeking ceremonial ecstasy,
Dreaming reflect emotions
Serving thy fantasy.
Depleting in imagination
Stooping to fallacy,
Defining character infamy.
4. Contingency rife in sycophancy
Dalliance with deception
Evade natural perception.
Fraudulence feign discrepancy
Geared towards dissolution
Hypocrisy vainly promote deflection
Incorrigibly infusing idiocy.
5. Having brought nothing at birth
Take nothing upon leaving earth.
Life is a learning process
Rejecting reason for ruinous causes,
Defeats the purpose of existence
Evident in flawed fruitless persistence.
Heeding conscience wise for sustenance.
6. Prepare for the journey
None spared from scrutiny
Denial would be irony
For proxies and hegemony.
Unlike bargain with money
Class, creed as testimony
Only deed determine destiny.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Irony – Political Characterization of Patriotism and Populism as Nationalism
January 21, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
A quick review on political characterization and misinterpretation of positions deserves attention.
In the hegemony i.e. the shadow power controlled system, the proxies during political campaigns and ordinarily are instructed to follow script and regurgitate regardless of such delivery only confirming idiocy and hypocrisy in the highest order.
Hegemony straddling to create confusion using all factions servile to hegemonic goals evidently caught in the web with no way to escape from illusive pursuits.
As for the political establishment and their sponsored contenders pandering to foreign agenda, further exemplify the pledge of allegiance to external authority notwithstanding treason in the process.
Anything clinging to the object on the mudslide is guaranteed to accompany in the pitfall.
Whenever population is educated on the requirement to protect individual freedom, civil rights, sovereignty and natural resources for better economic opportunity to all in their respective domain – immediately the lackeys representing hegemony and their agents in the territory are prompted to brand the entity a nationalist – the deliberate term reserved to refute the irrefutable patriotism and populism.
Unlike prejudice and preferential treatment contributing to social and economic disparity besides immigration issue with human rights violations descriptive of communalism and nationalism.
Again in contrast – the controversial declaration as Jewish state ignoring the religious connotation undermining the proclaimed democratic status is regarded loyalty to faith.
Likewise the previously colonized nations deemed dominion republic and presumptuous claim on various islands as private estate upheld with pride as regal and legal.
The practice redefining values against appropriate meaning proves the desperate times seeking desperate measures adopting devious means for survival.
The mind numbing and dumbing strategy to promote destructive cause is clearly indicative of the self-defeating purpose in life for the source and catalysts alike.
The failed policy to continue business as usual despite colossal setbacks in hegemony aspirations is yet another example of the quest for conquest beguiling self and the rest.
Recognition of folly and reversal of course would be wise than otherwise.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
World – Paradoxical Paradigm Conclusion
April 18, 2014
By Padmini Arhant
The shadow power reining control over political system via proxies worldwide especially in the so-called democracies are on the brink of collapse and accordingly unable to sustain dominance through violence, corruption and criminality.
The process having exhausted nefarious practices to exert authority despite sycophancy is evidently corrosive to society and attributed to human suffering.
In the absence of accountability combined with plutocracy complicity, the inevitable crumbling of infrastructure is the cause for trepidation demonstrated in dismal performance on all affairs.
The reason behind prolonging failed governance is graft and systemic abuse of mandate.
Unable to conquer imperial quest and illusive pursuits, the apparatus imminent fragmentation and dissolution could be blessing in disguise for victims of oppression, persecution, terrorism and human rights violation.
As for facilitators, agents, overt and covert operatives not barring contingency representing cronyism share similar destiny for collusion considering such participation contribute to exploitation.
The political factions having sworn allegiance to hegemony use diverse communication outlets including entertainment industry essentially the smoke screen for crime syndicate.
The electoral process is misused to justify representation and implement policies to favor hegemony.
The tactics deployed to maintain status quo conform to long tradition of deceit in addition to subversion of truth and facts about hegemonic devious agenda.
Until now the dark forces behind political maneuvering and mass manipulation evaded responsibility due to grand impunity among them to protect each other in criminal activities varying from embezzlements depleting national treasury to hoarding black money in Swiss banks and several tax havens committing economic genocide in the domestic and international domain.
Besides lucrative trade in drug, ammunitions and human trafficking, the nexus central specializes in destabilization and decimation of nations producing population annihilation across the globe.
As a result all structures under hegemony influence and guidance confronted with dissipation leading to irreversible outcome. The self-destructive course premised on falsehood and deception is directly responsible for misery and environment degradation.
The strategies focus on subjugation of people enabled with political diversity and self-proclaimed privileged class subservience to illegal establishment.
Refusal to introspection necessary for reform, the degeneration ultimately signify end justifying the means with karmic effects experienced upon departure from earth and many lives thereafter in the lowest form of existence.
The only alternative to cataclysmic future is to renounce flawed concepts and dysfunctional format adopting fairness and equality to promote universal progress and prosperity rather than exclusive wealth and power concentration.
Any dismissal of current proposal would exemplify inherent negativity overriding reasoning in fateful indulgence.
Yet another folly in hegemony plan is identity theft through innuendoes, enactments and insinuations once again guaranteed to backfire with profound impact on willful performers and source.
The conventional wisdom prescribes adherence to conscience to avert ill consequences in harmful malevolent actions serving self-interest at others expense.
Finally, insolence targeting challengers to declining empire constitutes misogynistic culture and disdain for divinities and divine mission.
The immature and reckless conduct emanates partly from ignorance and mostly supremacy characteristic in Kalyug – the concluding era.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
World – Corruption – The Embodiment of Politics
October 31, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Human suffering emanates from lack of freedom to reverse status quo attributed to shadow power dominance in politics, economics, social and religious affairs.
Identifying shadow elements reining control over nearly seven billion lives on the planet is pertinent and importantly the facilitators in leadership role as heads of state and legislators are instrumental in promoting agenda against national interest.
Politics epitomize corruption committing treasonous act and betrayal of trust with no accountability.
The political system in disguise as democracy is embedded with sources exerting influence albeit not without legislative, executive and judicial branch cooperation and complicity.
The commercialization of politics enables elected representatives and appointees lucrative deals with economic sector and other groups comprising local as well as foreign entities for exclusive benefits at the vast majority expense.
Again the profiteering shared among economic and political dealmakers targets average citizens and actual taxpayers considering the profiteers avoid taxes shifting national debt burden on mainstream population lasting several generations.
Similarly policies aimed at geopolitical advantage legitimize illegal operations and hypocritical stances redefining laws exempting violators from any compliance.
The essence of politics to serve constituents, electorate and the nation at large ominously missing with members entering political field barring rare exceptions utilize political clout for wealth amassment stashed away in secret bank accounts and tax havens ironically on the crime syndicate oversight denying people of respective nations means to redeem assets despite the illegitimate cash flow depleting national treasury.
Politics is also pursued for ambitions not necessarily favorable to citizens electing candidates to represent them.
The tradition pledging allegiance to campaign financiers and alliance with potential investors focused on specific goals continues regardless of such engagement resulting in breach of constitutional oath affecting national credibility with people forced to bear ultimate responsibility.
The latest development in politics evidently a major detriment to victims is en masse subjugation and suppression of basic rights such as free speech, peaceful assembly and dissent increasingly quelled with excess force and violent crackdown exemplifying the position of authority.
The political election being staged to fulfill formality, deception prevails amid fear mongering to maintain existing conditions notwithstanding financial bargains on legislation depriving economic gains in national context.
Politics reliance on threats and harassment through pervasive surveillance treating citizens as possessions is to inhibit challenges against political leaderships systemic abuse of power and unscrupulous strategies to implement anti-democratic rule.
The other tactics involve subversion, distortion and propaganda evading onus on egregious decisions with adverse impact leaving people at the authorities mercy.
Yet another way to stifle checks and balances is false flag events carried out with destruction of evidence not excluding those deployed for that purpose witnessed in U.S. Special forces deaths subsequent to Abbottabad, Pakistan mission.
The self-assigned privileges transferring power from people to political apparatus varies with misuse of intelligence services for spying and espionage activities, income tax agency advised to follow administration instructions conforming to intimidation while tax fraud is common phenomena in politics.
Furthermore, in the domestic front the aggressive measures against political exposure – speaking from personal experience is not limited to character defamation but also extended in causing economic liabilities, financial restrictions, preventing health care access and environmental assault through Chem trails i.e. spraying carcinogens in the air and predator drones hovering regularly besides constant cyber attacks to deter truthful revelations.
Whereas in the international domain, nations and the respective governments perceived as adversaries are subjected to military intervention, proxy war sponsoring terrorism, economic sanctions and air space denial to foreign leaders during overseas travel.
Additionally, extrajudicial executions of United States citizens and drone strikes abroad ignoring civilian casualties of innocent children, women and men are regarded executive prerogatives in modern politics.
Elsewhere, prominently in the so-called democracies corruption dictates standards with a price tag to avail public service alongside bureaucracy stalling normal processing contributing to inefficiency and procrastination on government response even in judicial matter.
The electoral success for candidacies marred with scandals and criminal charges is due to flawed procedure and eligibility criteria other than serious irregularities ranging from vote rigging with counterfeit currency distribution bribing voters to simply disregarding the requirement for free and fair election.
Religion and social issues also configure prospects in the vote bank politics fomenting polarization in society.
Politics is analogous to thriller suspense entertainment in terms of controversies, conspiracies, violence, treason and collusion with conglomerate sworn to secrecy in defiance of transparency owing to grand immunity on crimes against humanity.
The cloak and dagger driven politics denounce patriotism and defends criminality reflective in loyalty to enterprise espousing values undermining sovereignty.
In adherence to precedence, the political establishment support for feudalism transforming independent statehood to vassal state irrespective of nuclear capability indicative of corruption governing politics.
Political governance representative of the needy rather than the greedy is the only alternative to prevalent declining structure that would guarantee stability and viability for a meaningful democracy.
The customary practice in politics rejecting republic will and enforcement of political class doctrine although qualifies as authoritarianism; the persistence in this aspect confirms departure from democratic nature.
However, with people as workers, consumers, taxpayers and voters could reclaim power and democratically appoint government of the people, by the people and for the people.
The prerequisite for institutional change is to rise to the occasion in solidarity transcending barriers for general aspiration to free the nation from plutocracy and restore constitutionality with electoral reform prohibiting private and external funding of political campaigns otherwise strictly allowing public financing accompanied by spending cap to run for office.
Initiatives on election rule modification would then lead to political refinement providing basis for economic recovery alongside addressing social and environment problems.
People empowerment exercising human right in dismissal of stagnant politics and failed ideology would alleviate ordinary citizens plight strengthening national productivity.
Finally, mass movement consolidating efforts in eliminating corruption is the immediate priority for better and bright future.
Youth power with technology could be the catalyst in expediting republic governance.
Farewell to corruption – the embodiment of politics required for liberty and happiness.
Best Wishes to world citizens in choosing government and leaderships among them dedicated to peace and prosperity for all.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Human Development – Moral Insolvency Resulting in Incorrigible Self-Degradation
October 4, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The paradoxical composition in natural creation is to pronounce the characteristics and effects of two elements designed to be contradictory in output such as the bright sun effulgence ending the darkness of night with former promoting and energizing life to sustain survivability while the latter contributing to the requirement of light for optimal performance.
Among the positive and negative vices – the contrasting features provide necessary guidance or distraction from the course respectively yielding outcome in accordance with preference on the means to any achievements.
The venerable virtues like honesty, integrity, genuine care and compassion for all transcending pride and prejudice combined with courage in the struggle against injustice exemplified through sincere commitment presides over and rise above the opposing attributes typically undermining the essence of goodness to enforce destructive goals.
Furthermore, the negative traits in reliance on deception, falsehood and unscrupulous methods practice presumptuous justification of actions in defiance of logic and reasoning unnecessarily confining to disoriented hostility.
The contemporary world events emanating from moral insolvency having reached the crescendo has the option for salvation or succumb to decoy targeting imaginary foes in the misguided misadventure.
Seeking viable solutions to self-manufactured crises must begin with recognition of folly and anomaly reflective in the erroneous decision making process responsible for the global status quo.
Besides, attempts to deceive and harm others are counterproductive with inevitable impact on the source conforming to sowing and reaping principle considering the malevolence overriding rationality.
The deeds performed with ulterior motives deliver results not necessarily favorable to the cause and disillusionment in this regard often facilitates preparedness to avert repeat instance.
In relation to the prevalent impasse in the United States evolving into government closure – the coordination among political class in the legislative and executive branch along with members in different capacity on legislations viz. funding for unlawful military intervention overseas, sponsoring terrorism in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Mali, supporting violent crackdown in Bahrain…and,
Last but not the least multi-billion dollars aid to Israel as well as other recipients on Israel’s behalf invariably passed with unanimous or majority approval despite these measures proved detrimental to United States economy exacerbating human suffering in the domestic and foreign land.
However, on issues concerning American electorate and government run key program and services – the political stalemate suddenly surface between congress and administration that otherwise are able to strike a chord on the above outlined matter!
Similarly the refusal to ceasefire in Syria as well as establishment of Palestinian statehood and termination of illegal drone attacks among several other crimes committed against innocent civilians profoundly defines the incorrigible self-degradation conduct with captive mind in return holding humanity hostage to decrepit strategy.
United States political leadership’s choreographed harmony on unjust warfare, Wall Street bailouts and generous monetary assistance to Israel and Gulf states juxtapose synchronized acrimony on American taxpayers affairs clarifies subjugation of national sovereignty with suppression of freedom for exclusive gains of the privileged society.
The confluence of ideas and collective input for national benefit adopting transparency and public scrutiny on policies prior to implementation would revive democratic forum.
Upon acknowledgment of duty and responsibility adorning humility would clear the pathway towards progress.
National and international reconciliation stems from sharing common vision accompanied by mutual respect and understanding demonstrated in immediate response to restore confidence building and credibility.
Unfortunately, the dispute settlements lacking in meaningful and constructive dialogue is less accommodating on substance with more emphasis on exerting dominance transforming the engagement to catharsis.
Serious participation would normally envisage fruitful negotiations mitigating losses from unnecessary procrastination not without repercussions in the near and long term.
The political will and determination governed by conscience and ethical efficacy to address national challenges would affirm constitutional oath shifting loyalty to republic unlike the tradition pledged allegiance to powers endangering lives and livelihood.
Not to mention such representation indicative of moribund political parties focused on subversion of democracy with activities barely in resemblance to the government of the people, by the people and for the people.
The inflexibility on all sides with respect to United States government shut down arguably diminish the role of lawmakers in the submission to selective political partisanship – non-existent in the legislative procedure for special interests.
Any delay in re-opening the government would categorically declare United States legislators and executive branch dysfunctional.
Human development on the reverse trend tragically waste opportunity to be purposeful accumulating karmic debts or liabilities from unsavory indulgence that could be prevented exercising wisdom and discriminatory ability to distinguish right from wrong during sojourn on earth.
Nobility is the nectar contained in self-sacrifice dedicated to mankind and environment.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Hegemony – Diminishing To The Point of No Return
June 26, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
Having reined control over the planet using violence and robbery to usurp to power until now,
Imperialism and globalism legacy to mankind is misery and slavery.
The hegemony fundamental values such as greed, envy, prejudice, hatred, hubris and acrimony…being prominent among many negative vices espoused individually and collectively are the basis for self-destruction.
Reiterating the fact the empire is on the decline due to abuse of power and immorality legitimizing deceit, distortion, perversion, extortion, manipulation, connivance and terrorism to prolong the evidently unsustainable status quo.
The forces defiance of humanitarian law – the last remaining bastion of justice considering the national and international laws are under hegemony influence is the precursor to degenerative process.
Hegemony nearing end is also indicative in the paradoxical state of mind adopting desperate measures to achieve ill-conceived aspirations at the expense of millions of innocent lives and depriving the rest from natural freedom.
The formation of secret society with clandestine meetings implementing massive surveillance and prying on law-abiding citizens unlike the members and loyalists nefarious activities deserving public scrutiny is preemptive conditioning of acceptance to authoritarianism.
Hegemony policy targeting truth seekers and speakers contributes to plain exposure of criminality cloaked in secrecy with grand immunity on crimes against humanity.
Those defending the illegal snooping and state obsession with citizens personal matter are complicit in the unconstitutional and undemocratic act aptly qualifying as treason.
The entire system premised on deception justifying the unjustifiable actions with guilty being glorified and innocent as well as honorable incarcerated is reflective of the establishment in decay beyond salvation.
With systemic erosion within undermining reasoning faculty, hegemony denial state is an illusion and impetus to mislead self and others despite the efforts proved counterproductive.
For instance, perpetuating warfare in Syria by arming terrorists and cannibals with lethal weapons producing mass graves of children, women and other civilians in that country while being protective of own family demonstrated in extraordinary care and preparation to ensure they come under no harm during any given time reveals hypocrisy – the standard practice and hegemony expertise in all global affairs.
The ideology driven ambitions with Machiavellian approach pursue power at all costs with no regard for immense suffering inflicted on victims in the delusional status of invincibility.
Furthermore, power and dominance attained by terror, propaganda and false allegations essentially attributing self-committed atrocities to opponent in warfare and otherwise exemplify lack of courage and integrity to face challenges especially truthful revelations rocking the crime epicenter in honest and normal engagement.
The loss of credibility and existing mistrust in scandalous operations threatening civil rights besides endangering lives and livelihoods held ransom to state hostility would precipitate much anticipated hegemony downfall relieving global society from anguish and agony.
The injustice having reached a crescendo would ultimately deliver the ill-fated outcome to perpetrators behind human plight and environment degradation.
Unless there is trend reversal following recognition and acknowledgment of wrongdoings emanating from irrational decisions directly related to en masse tragedy, the prevalent unfolding ramifications would intensify expediting terror syndicate departure.
The laws of nature has set limits including expiry date on all creations with tyranny in particular designed to succumb to presumptuousness and folly.
Hegemony at the crossroads heeding to wisdom and practicality could perhaps choose reform for peaceful co-existence or seek permanent refuge in dismal destiny.
Wishing the world unity and tranquility for pervasive progress and prosperity.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – The dichotomy of Justice and Political Power License to Kill
April 28, 2013
By Padmini Arhant
The bombing in Boston, Massachusetts that reportedly claimed three lives and many injured has led to usual dramatic findings by authorities showing no correlation with series of events at the specific time.
The simultaneous explosion in JFK Presidential library and center reported in this context is off public radar shifting focus on convoluted versions to masquerade masterminds and their motives behind chaos and confusion.
Since 9/11 false flag attack on American soil laying the foundation for illegal invasions of countries posing no threat to United States and the west whatsoever,
The weapons of mass deception is convenient prerogative for western aggression and colonization of foreign land.
The justification to launch state complicit or sponsored terror in the United States and wherever possible is the trend utilizing self-granted impunity to commit crimes against humanity.
Despite substantial evidences on 9/11 implicating United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Britain,
The entire matter evaded with creation of Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, Bagram in Afghanistan and Abu Ghraib in Iraq not to mention the gulags in occupied Palestine constituting United States, Israel and Britain legacy in the twenty first century.
The former President George W. Bush coined the phrase Axis of Evil then accusing Iraq, Iran and North Korea in that category and more than a decade later the characterization evidently fits the trio United States, Israel and Britain for flagrant abuse of the office of Presidency and Prime Minister respectively representing the so-called democratic western society.
In the face of numerous false flag operations in the United States and overseas to perpetuate terror and catastrophe considering real perpetrators of crimes at the political helm are protected from investigation let alone prosecution,
The comfort zone facilitates tyranny exploiting national and international tolerance to egregious decisions to destroy sovereign nations for geopolitical dominance.
Notwithstanding collusion in the killings of own population on 9/11 continued until now in the spate of shooting violence and bomb attacks including drone strikes targeting U.S. citizens anywhere.
Likewise, Chemtrails in residential neighborhood qualifying use of chemical weapons in the United States are few of many horrific crimes involving state authorities misuse of power and presumptuousness in the license to kill at will on and offshore.
Boston bombing is a trail following neocon Zionist ideology driven 9/11 attack to implement the unconstitutional and undemocratic NDAA policy.
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) allows political power to apprehend United States citizens as potential terror suspects regardless of activity handing them over to military tribunal for indefinite detention without due process.
Although three civilians reportedly died in Boston bombing and several wounded as well,
The ground situation and credible witnesses accounts clarify that this incident was rehearsed prior to the plan coming into fruition with Black Ops carrying back packs swarming the site and security personnel contingency with bomb sniffing dogs were present in full view of CCTV.
Furthermore, the explosions from Black Ops back packs verifiably captured on CCTV confirmed in news reports and crew departure just minutes before detonation arguably lead to state organized crime.
Soon after Boston carnage, the state controlled media quoted as the authorities having held a 19 year old dark skin Saudi national and the claim faded away suppressing the tale.
Subsequently, the two American citizens of Chechen origin accused as terror suspects were reportedly unarmed and yet the 26 year old brother Tamerlan Tsamaev was shot dead by police on April 19 and the 19 year old younger brother Dzhokhar Tsamaev sustained bullet injury apparently in his throat losing speech capability.
These bizarre developments in Boston bombing and none available for questioning in Sandy Hook elementary school shooting with that crime aborted as suicide mission and,
Previously Abbottabad fiasco declaring unarmed residents killed by U.S. navy seals in that house in Pakistan was Osama Bin Laden having disposed the slain body in North Arabian sea and post operation not even sparing navy seals lives for corroboration are repeat criminal activities conducted with absolute power.
In the absence of checks and balances to end systemic violations of civilians and civil rights in the United States and abroad, the determination to inflict suffering exponentially risen unheeding to humanitarian disaster.
United States proclaimed the land of justice affirms the accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty,
Accordingly, both American citizens Tamerlan Tsamaev and Dzhokhar Tsamaev in this instance used as scapegoat deserved opportunity through fair legal representation to prove their innocence.
Instead they were violated by law enforcement agencies and the rest especially those at the top hierarchy in the political establishment quick to rush to judgment with appearances on mainstream media branding their choices of U.S. citizens as criminal elements whilst ignoring their dereliction of duty to bring the past and present administration from top to bottom to justice for war crimes and genocide in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia Libya, Syria, Mali and Myanmar.
Poignantly burying the hatchet on 9/11 that killed 3,000 and more Americans other than foreign victims on that particular day calls for fresh audit by independent committee with no political affiliation and accountability without exception given the current escalation in state authoritarianism endangering lives and human rights all around.
United States Senate intelligence committee chairperson, intelligence agencies and bureaucrats are privy to classified information even though the prevalent practice is to classify all revealing facts surrounding government overt and covert dealings from public scrutiny.
The explicit cooperation among congressional members and counterparts in the executive branch shielding internal and external forces directly engaged in diversified mass killings not barring use of chemical weapons throughout wars besides drone strikes in the United States and foreign nations is treason against the country they are elected to serve in defiance of constitutional oath binding on them.
Intelligence agencies viz. CIA and FBI statements on Tsamaev family is contradictory to their response or the lack thereof in averting terrorism pioneered by Israel, United States, Britain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and lately Turkey with certain allies providing logistic support nonetheless equal partners in crime against defenseless people.
Boston bombing undoubtedly is one of many manufactured crises in succession to 9/11 audacious stunt aimed at complete subjugation and en masse mind control seizing the occasion to introduce martial law moving away from civilian process.
The authorities are responsible for the unlawful death of suspect Tamerlan Tsamaev and the surviving suspect Dzhokhar Tsamaev should be released immediately and unconditionally for safe return and reunion with his family in the Russian Republic of Dagestan.
Meanwhile, the culprits irrespective of stature and sheltered under strongest ally relations orchestrating false flag terrorism with immunity in the United States and world over are to be indicted bearing the full weight of justice on each and everyone of them to terminate indefensible atrocities against mankind.
Silence to injustice is complacency promoting carte blanche executive privilege surrendering republic status and sovereignty to feudalist system.
United States citizens awakening to dichotomy of justice rewarding the guilty and punishing the innocent – the tradition maintained in 9/11 onslaught,
Iraq war with U.S. and U.K. using depleted uranium causing million deaths and millions of refugees,
Libya, Syria and Mali massacre,
The drone assassinations by the hour in Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somalia.
Aiding and abetting oppression and persecution in Palestine, Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Turkey and Egypt.
Instigating unrest in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Korean Peninsula, Africa and Latin America.
India dragged into false flag assaults with bombing in metropolitan city Bangalore past week and interestingly suspects originate from Southern state Tamil Nadu specifically Madurai apart from the city capital Chennai. The reports indicate civilians were severely hurt in the wreckage.
U.S., west and Zionist imprints world over threatens lives and peaceful existence.
Failure to cease insanity overriding rationality would necessitate timely cosmic intervention to preserve sanctity of life and environment deficient in the contemporary era.
The global society could no longer afford the luxury to remain oblivious and decisive action is the urgent priority.
Unanimous resistance condemning blatant violence is the only alternative to achieve global peace and security.
Sincere condolences offered to families in Boston, Baghdad, Bangalore and elsewhere affected by arbitrary terror.
Also extending deep sympathy to the parents of Tamerlan Tsamaev – Mrs. Zubeidat Tsamaev and Mr. Anzor Tsamaev at the unjust loss of their son and unfair allegations leveled against their younger son Dzhokhar Tsamaev.
May God bless the souls to rest in peace and survivors strength to endure the ordeal.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Chemtrails – Crime Against Humanity and Environment
May 5, 2012
By Padmini Arhant
Modern warfare is not necessarily restricted to conventional and nuclear arsenal.
The use of biological and chemical weapons was introduced by western industrialized nations –
The imperialists evolved into globalist power represented by defense and other industries in the contemporary period.
Humanity confronted with three-dimensional threats comprising economic sanctions, military intervention and chemical ammunition such as Vietnam Napalm, depleted uranium witnessed in Iraq and White phosphorous bombings in Gaza.
Another form of attack targeting political dissidents and/or anticipating mass casualties is chemical interjection in the environment depicting sinister agenda.
Chemtrails – Jets spraying Aluminum, Barium and other toxic compounds evidently posing serious health hazards widespread in the United States and reportedly Europe as well as elsewhere.
Speaking from personal experience with chemtrails becoming routine over the house and effects noticed in the tree on the property exposed to toxicity prompts the warning to perpetrators regardless of stature –
Any repeat incidents will be dealt with cosmic interception of unimaginable magnitude to deter heinous crime against humanity.
Attempts to disregard ramifications on life and environment with continuous hideous activities would potentially be an invitation for self-disaster.
The experiments on humans as guinea pigs unbeknown to them by military and political apparatus under the guise of geo-engineering or diverse reasons are nothing new and proliferated since cabal inception.
Whatever might be the objective – depopulation, challenging global warming, facilitating genetic modifications against organic methods …obviously they are detrimental to humanity and habitat carried out in opposition to natural process not to mention the criminal endeavors in the absence of accountability.
Injustice anywhere would affect citizens world over and condemnation important through global resistance towards these practices aimed at collective destruction.
Besides bringing down the empire responsible for inhumane tactics and cavalier approach to sustain dominance.
Creating public awareness at grassroots level and demanding legislation to prevent extra-judicial execution lately having become the prerogative imperative to restore civility, law and order in society.
Instead legislators’ active role in introducing bills curbing freedom of expression online and main street signify allegiance to shadow authorities demonstrably engaged in exacerbating inhabitants suffering for convoluted vested interests.
Power granted by the people are increasingly exercised against them in the so-called democracy rendering constitution irrelevant despite inevitable electoral backlash-
The significant non-violent response to strategies attributed to human plight.
Ironically U.S. State Department currently lecturing nations on human rights record while conscientiously ignoring the gross neglect and disrespect for citizens’ basic rights at home and abroad is yet another hypocritical stance regularly maintained at political helm with self-assigned privileged status in international domain.
Educational institutions from elementary to higher standards including civil society members are urged to participate in informing the public on environmental pollution endangering life predominantly due to political and economic powers catastrophic pursuits.
In this context, Japan’s recent decision to shut down last nuclear reactor subsequent to devastating Fukushima nuclear power plant melt down is commendable for prioritizing human safety defying external pressure.
Japan has unique opportunity to lead the world in exploring renewable energy options and perhaps even export technology to developing nations in dealing with global warming pervasive impact.
Similarly Germany preceding Japan in this regard is praiseworthy setting precedence in clean and healthy conditions for planet sustenance.
The posted videos involving investigative journalists, environmentalists, social activists, experts in related fields and some dedicated political figures share their thoughts, findings and dire consequences in remaining silent to the persistent attacks on air, land and sea with intent to harm trusting innocent population across the spectrum.
The greed driven policies specifically designed to serve the preferential ruling class i.e. feudalists has no limits and at present accountable to none.
Unless the victims – humanity at large come forward in solidarity and enforce irreversible measures on deliberate contamination of essential life elements viz. air and water,
The atrocity would perpetuate taking advantage of the lack of checks and balances with prevalent lawlessness forced upon people to prevail in cause doomed to be a colossal failure.
Citizens’ efforts via networking and social movements would be a formidable challenge to any organization rejecting others rights to survive in the common space.
Not surprisingly the authorities expending national resources and taxpayer dollars to quell legitimate voices viewed impediment to ill-fated goals.
Remember complacency to crimes is complicity particularly when terror sees no boundary in reining control on life born to be free and treated equal sharing bountiful endowments meant for all and not merely exclusive club in the world.
Please watch the informative visual presentation below and make valuable contribution in promoting materials on protecting natural surroundings benefitting all.
Good Luck to earth preservation – the duty and responsibility of every human being and best legacy to mankind.
Wishing enormous success to crusaders risking life, career and reputation for universal peace, progress and prosperity.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
World Overview – Global Revolution
November 5, 2011
By Padmini Arhant
Across the globe from Tahrir, Pearl to Times Square – the resonating message from the citizens is freedom.
Freedom from political oppression, economic depression, environmental degradation and social injustice ending the era of dominance for sovereignty with new age republic rule is the popular demand.
Politics, economics and judiciary control citizens’ destiny.
The political systems are set up to serve self and special interests than national service.
Campaign promises remain rhetoric for election and re-election purpose.
However, campaign financiers agenda supersedes citizens’ requirements such as jobs, health care, education, housing, and clean environment.
Political leaderships elected to address public needs use mandate to deprive human rights, equal opportunity and social justice.
At the national level, governance is weakened by political partisanship and corruption at the center stage trickling down to the bottom.
While defense expenditure in multidimensional warfare including widespread air base and army cantonments is the major debt contributor for global economy,
Not to mention the human and environment toll from perennial violence.
People concerns are slighted with inaction or exacerbated through extreme austerity directed at survival programs like social security, Medicare, Medicaid and women’s health, educational funding…in the attempt to deficit reduction.
There is an urgent need for global consensus on arms embargo and nuclear disarmament accelerating the bilateral agreements to universal treaty.
Middle East uprising is prolonged at enormous stake on human lives predominantly due to industrialized and developing nations defense industry i.e. the military industrial complex weapons supply to the oppressed nations fomenting regional volatility.
Palestinian statehood with full UN membership rejected by Israel and the United States with a veto threat at UNSC criticizing the move as unilateralism especially after U.S. enthusiastic vote on Israeli statehood establishment at the United Nations in 1947.
Palestinian land – West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem is besieged with U.S. authorized Israeli troops at the controversial check posts and other parts of the meager area.
Similar strategy in Africa trigger ravaging civil wars denying peace for profitability aimed at disrupting normal existence with children recruited to fight in the combat zone.
Latin America is also mired with violence facilitated by guns sales and ammunitions influx from the United States given the proximity as witnessed in Mexico drug war having stalled the economy and enforced survival in fear.
Asia – Korean Peninsula – The peace accord between North and South Korea including the call for unified Korea is discarded with provocative drills on the Yellow Sea to continue arms deal with U.S. partner South Korea.
Meanwhile economic sanctions against North Korea – the global powers’ standard policy against nations in the enemy category isolate the globalists for aggravated assault on the population enduring persecution within and outside the country.
China – Arms exchange for oil with Sudan and rest of Africa led to ongoing genocide eliminating the possibility for peace.
Indian Sub Continent – India under foreign power maintain overwhelming troops deployment in Jammu and Kashmir Valley not excluding North eastern India ignoring public request to enable peace without military presence.
Indian government cooperation with Sri Lankan regime headed by President and Military commander Mahinda Rajapaksha in the execution of men, women and children representing Indian origin Tamils transformed the marginalized territory into killing fields reminiscent to ethnic cleansing in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Within India, rallies against black money and corruption curtailed with violent crackdown resulting in the death of a peaceful participant Rajbala and several injured in the absence of any investigation quest from media or judiciary.
Indian authority excess force was also demonstrated in leaders arrests to suspend peaceful assembly.
Pakistan – The global powers designated terror haven is the focal point to stir tensions in the sub-continent between nuclear neighbors generating constant need to replenish stockpiles from United States, China, Russia, France and Great Britain – the competitive arms suppliers to the beleaguered states.
Additionally Pakistan embroiled in terrorism on home soil is confronted with constant drone attacks from the supposed ally United States in the so-called war on terror.
Simultaneously key officials from Pakistan military and intelligence agency ISI on MIC (military industrial complex) payroll engage in derailing political stability and peace in Pakistan, Afghanistan and India.
Once again necessitating arms race not only among three nations but also spreading into Central Asia with Afghanistan as the strategic location in the brewing pre-emptive war against Iran possibly with dangerous nuclear retaliation.
Notwithstanding the convenience to monitor the cold war nemesis Russia from Afghanistan.
New millennium warfare is diversified viz. conventional war with troops on the ground in Afghanistan, Iraq and Northwestern Pakistan sprawling into Central Asia.
Robot war in the unmanned drone attacks on Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.
In other fronts, currency war against China, drug war across the border with Mexico spilling over to surrounding nations is preventable at the source upon mutual recognition to implement appropriate measures on both sides.
By and large, the powerful and developing nations’ defense industry global installations have depleted resources, burdened economies with debts and wiped out generations creating a vacuum in the society for senior citizens, baby boomers and youngest members bereft of providers during the vulnerable phase in life.
Civil society movement all over – Please protest against war and ask for troop withdrawal from every frontier ending illegal occupation and invasion of foreign land.
Independence for Palestine, Egypt, Algiers, Morocco, Bahrain, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Oman, Qatar, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tibet, Burma, North Korea…to name a few among several nations.
Emancipation also required elsewhere to establish republic governed democracy.
Globalists strategy – Puppet leaderships appointment through self-intrusion or indirect backing along with chosen local media as eager appeasers to sabotage peace and economic growth sustainability world over.
Mayhem is regarded lucrative for promoting prolific arms trade with wars premised on only available option to resolve manufactured crises – economic recovery in particular.
Alarmingly the war legacy in the present is intertwined with nuclear arsenal.
Aggression and assertive overtures for complete access to global resources at life detriment is the norm irrespective of policy failure.
Economics – Corporations financing election campaign is impediment for people voices in the legislative process.
Public financing with election expenses cap restricting personal attacks and focus on policies related to national and international issues would be a refreshing change conforming to civilized society.
Corporate media and air power at the political establishment disposal is abused for false propaganda and truth subversion undermining democracy.
Special interests drafted legislation swiftly passed compared with bills concerning average citizens in dire state delineating corporation influence over politics.
Close ties between corporations and politics for exclusive favors is the bedrock of corruption leading to constitution violation and national subjugation.
Corporations confined to jobs oriented economic growth rather than nation governance would yield anticipated output in economy and political functionality.
There are at least 802 lobbyists from powerful industries to negotiate with 436 House members and 100 Senators in the U.S. Congress drowning citizens cry in the current corporations run political environment.
Taxpayers funded government subsidies and bailouts in billions of dollars to energy and finance sector respectively is invested in lobbying directing legislation to suit industry agenda i.e. banks deregulation and environmental damage from drilling, mining and nuclear sites.
Similarly the desperately required revenues through tax reform closing tax evasion loopholes to recover national income stashed away in tax havens by wealthy corporations and individuals successfully thwarted with money power otherwise bribery.
Occupy Wall Street and alike across United States and the rest of the world need to restore power to the people beginning with political leaderships removal either through recall or upon term completion in the election to convey a strong message to the infiltrating elements.
Corporations owned media in cohort with politics is an imminent threat to democracy.
Media reform and public boycott of networks indulging in state broadcast adaptation could deter bias and myth propagation to exemplify consumer power and viewer discernment.
Judiciary: Legislative, Executive and Judiciary branch comprise the governing body in active democracy.
Judiciary framework encompasses constitutional law and civil rights preserving democratic values with checks and balances on entities both elected as well as non-elected officials in matter related to state governance and national interest.
Corporations and political powers ability to sway decisions in high profile legal quagmire debilitates democracy affecting judiciary credibility,
Besides diminishing constitutional power of the Supreme Court – the bastion for common man and nation at large to obtain justice.
Department of Justice and Investigation bureau under executive branch or incumbent administration increasingly misused in –
Obstruction of justice, intimidation, selective investigation and prosecution of whistle-blowers.
Department of Justice and Investigation Bureau would be legitimate and productive independent of the executive or administrative branch terminating political authority’s deflection following exposure.
Presidential power exercised in extrajudicial executions.
Continuation of rendition, indefinite detention of suspects without due process,
Habeas corpus denial,
In the Indian sub-continent those held in police and intelligence custody are subjected to ‘encounter’ parallel treatment to torture, electric shock…and variable techniques routinely carried out on prisoners throughout the world.
Concurrently impunity granted to political class and privileged members in the society on crimes against humanity and national wealth embezzlement.
The irony being those accountable for treason and equivalent compromising national image authorize illegal wiretapping, 24/7 surveillance distorting information to distract public from political reality – unscrupulous practices under the guise of democracy.
Police rough handling with firearms to disperse Occupy Wall Street inspired peaceful demonstrations in different parts of United States is disturbing and deeply regrettable.
Social Injustice: Poor and powerless often bear the brunt of discriminatory system with several thousands serving time for the non-verifiable crimes.
On the contrary, chief protagonists and beneficiaries in national scams are free utilizing political clout and economic power in defying judicial probe and accountability to taxpayers in the country.
Public awareness accompanied with national and global revolution to reinstate republic rule with democratic principles happening now through Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street, anti-corruption rally gaining momentum would expedite mission accomplishment.
Solidarity, non-violence and peaceful movement without interruption to public or private operations are the key to success in realizing hope and changing status quo.
Food for thought – people hold the power as audience, consumers, taxpayers and most importantly electorate in any society.
People power united could roll boulder downhill clearing the roadblocks to humanitarian peace, progress and prosperity.
Good Luck and Best Wishes! To civil society en masse for a glorious victory in republic rule revival.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
National and International Crises Resolutions
October 27, 2011
By Padmini Arhant
Participation in international summit, forum and problem solving would be meaningful upon ideas and solutions presented after rigorous thoughtfulness reflecting clarity and objectivity viewed in totality serving the greater good, rather than through the prism of slight and spite depreciating the purpose to prolong the status quo.
The hypocritical stance on abstinence vilified while the serious resolutions on numerous issues differed or discarded despite urgent action required to end immediate and decades old crises defines the contemporary political rudiments to uphold counterproductive policies in an effort to declare the position of authority.
Instead of accepting responsibility in the reluctance to move forward on statehood, legislation, corruption and myriad challenges confronting the global society predominantly due to lack of political will combined with polarizing measures entrenched in self-interest,
The scapegoat tactics to evade accountability is detrimental for political survival considering the polarity in maintaining power status but declining the consequences of inaction or inadequate remedies to manufactured crises.
Selective response to human plight exacerbates suffering raising credibility factor on global decision-making process.
Prioritization of one against another pronounces the differential treatment contradictory to economic aspirations in sustaining globalization.
Political, economic and social inequality anywhere is deterrent to long lasting progress elsewhere.
Global society preparedness to overcome calamity in any front is largely dependent on collective involvement with empathy exemplified in result-oriented commitments benefitting all.
Steady economy, safe environment and global peace are fundamental for co-existence in harmony.
United States – Tax reform, electoral reform, jobs bill, and Defense expenditure cuts are few of the many impending tasks requiring attention.
International – Apart from European debt crisis – other significant matter are:
Palestinian statehood,
Extending unanimous support for oppressed and invaded nations’ independence,
United Nations Security Council temporary and permanent membership expansion,
Global Warming – Kyoto Treaty ratification and implementing COP16 agreement,
India – Anti-corruption law – Passing Jan Lokpal bill
Independent inquiry and prosecution in the corruption scandals not excluding black money hoarding and national wealth embezzlements holding –
None above the law.
Concluding communal conflict – Telangana in India and,
Confrontation with Maoists through peaceful dialogue and viable settlements,
Ending unpopular policy viz. AFSPA (Armed Forces with Special Power Act) obstructing peace in Jammu and Kashmir valley.
Government honoring public plea to shut down nuclear power plant protecting republic interest over foreign power and nuclear industry profit.
Perhaps addressing the outlined economic, political, social and environmental woes could alleviate the burden on the population at large,
Besides utilizing time and resources constructively in the austerity era to expedite the inevitable change premised on universal freedom and prosperity.
Hopefully political and economic leaderships would deliver the anticipated redress to all citizens in dire state.
It could begin with transcending partisanship in addition to profitability aimed at fair income distribution across the society.
Meanwhile, civil society movements like Occupy Wall Street, Anti-Corruption campaigns, Human right activists and environmentalists crusade to restore life and sovereignty deserves multilateral galvanization.
Good Luck and Best Wishes! To People Power in the targeted goals.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant