Health Care Scandal – Apocalyptic Forecast
April 28, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Despite the candid presentation with facts and figures on the scandalous ‘Health Care reform,’ the issue is evaded with nonsensical representations by sources benefiting from the monumental fraud.
Perhaps, the notion among the authorities is the public have to be content with the policy that is unequivocally detrimental to the citizens interest, regardless of this being a life and death matter and,
Ignore the apocalyptic event arising from it – particularly with respect to,
The cost/value determination showing a significant rise in national deficit at $35 trillion for the period 2010-2019, without the much-acclaimed insurance coverage for the 34 million uninsured.
Details made available in the articles:
Health Care Reform – A National Scam – April 25, 2010.
Health Care Reform – Facts and Flaws – April 23, 2010,
Health Care Legislation Amendment – April 22, 2010 and
Thorough analysis of the components reveals the legislation is industry favored with the vulnerable population subject to predatory practices, otherwise the status quo extension granting exclusive rights to the private sector with an utter disregard for the public health and national debt.
Rejecting the legislation amendment call is a dangerous precedence in a democracy not to mention the constitutional breach, the latest trend in the abuse of power.
There is more chilling evidence that beckons unanimous action on the national debt.
According to the Washington Post article – April 27, 2010
Panel to meet on skyrocketing U.S. debt
If no action is taken, forecasters see fiscal crisis by decade’s end
By Lori Montgomery, Washington Post – Thank you.
Washington – A presidential commission will convene today at the White House to address what leaders of both parties agree is one of the greatest threats to the country’s economic future:
“The rising national debt.”
Official forecasts suggest that without sharp changes in federal spending or tax collections, the United States could enter into a downward spiral of indebtedness that by the end of this decade would erode the country’s ability to educate its children, care for the elderly or mount a robust national defense.
Republicans and Democrats alike say the fiscal challenges have been too long ignored.
But with the two parties feuding over health care reform, Wall Street regulation and a host of other issues – and the economy still uncertain after a deep recession – there is considerable doubt that they could join hands to fend off a still distant potential crisis.
“It would take a miracle,” agreed Senate Majority Whip Richard Durbin, D-Ill.
But “I believe in miracles.”
Durbin is the highest-ranking lawmaker among a dozen members of Congress on the commission, which also includes six presidential appointees.
The panel has until Dec. 1 to devise a plan to stop a federal borrowing binge that exploded during the recent recession and will only get worse as retiring baby boomers tap into federal retirement programs.
The gulf between the two parties is vast.
No budget commission has managed to spur action since 1983.
And a host of interest groups is lining up to rally the public against any solution that involves higher taxes or cuts to favored programs – particularly Social Security, which members of both parties consider the ripest target for compromise.
Even supporters of the commission are not optimistic:
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md, a vocal advocate, said the most he expects is,
“A good message with regard to the magnitude of the problem.”
But panel members from both parties say the experience of Greece, deeply in debt and begging other countries to help pay its bills, provides a vivid incentive to set aside ideological differences and work together.
“After stopping a terrorist with a weapon of mass destruction, this is the single most important issue we confront as a nation,”
Said Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., a commission member.
That crisis seemed distant until the recession hit, causing tax collections to tank and federal spending to increase as policymakers scrambled to avert an economic collapse.
The public debt is forecast to rise from less than 40 percent of the economy to more than 60 percent by the end of this year, its highest level since 1952.
The debt will hit 90 percent by 2020 under President Obama’s budget, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, a level last seen in the aftermath of World War II.”
Grim Reality – By Padmini Arhant
It’s clear from the above WP article and the health care legislation costing $35 trillion for the decade 2010 -2019 under the private for profit health care with 34 million uninsured until 2020,
The United States fiscal crisis is a looming national and global financial disaster.
Failure to amend the health care legislation is a kamikaze action on behalf of those in power unwilling to acknowledge the inevitable catastrophe under the guise of health care reform.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce not surprisingly, considers the public option or the Universal Medicare disruptive in their televised forum on April 26, 2010.
Not long ago, their key representative proudly claimed to have influenced the Supreme Court decision in the ‘Citizens united vs. Federal Election Commission.’
With the cosmetic measures in the health care bill, the legislation is essentially a jackpot for the insurance industry due to the mandatory insurance purchase through federal aid and the regulation lapse extending beyond the decade.
Legislations espousing special interests’ agenda is not a revelation.
However, the ‘Hope and Change,’ campaign pledge was meant to transcend the culture in Washington through transparency and accountability, a misnomer at the political helm.
Continuation on this path projects the dismal economic conditions for the United States, similar to Greece forced to rely on external rescue for solvency.
There is an exception to the United States situation.
Unlike Greece, the United States shares the ‘Too big to fail,’ status and the major creditor China would be susceptible to the precipitous fall,
Notwithstanding the clichéd ramifications on the world financial markets.
CBO’s proclamation on the U.S. debt expected to hit 90 percent by 2020 under the current administration’s budget is not merely a national affair but an international calamity, seeking universal attention.
United States borrowings absorbing 90 percent of the national GDP with revenue on the decline and increase in federal spending is unsustainable.
The economic collapse that was averted in 2009 is effectively created through irresponsible legislations viz. the health care bill designed to escalate the national deficit.
National health care legislation was absolutely necessary to save lives starting immediately.
But not to promote the prospects for the flourishing insurance and the health care industry.
Medicare for all citizens with 24/7 access alongside the private insurance for the high end market as elaborated in the article Universal Medicare – Single Payer System, April 8, 2010, on this website is the ideal and the only viable solution to national health care apart from containing the national debt.
Since Medicare is already established, the cost control and the Medicare expansion to all citizens is no longer a request but a requirement.
Why would the authority in Power lead the nation to the ‘Death Valley’ and refuse to provide valid explanation on this bizarre decision that has been made into law?
Citizens’ disapproval and peaceful (non-violent) protest against the industry favored, private for profit health care is the only hope for democracy to survive.
As for those defending the health care bill and defying the burgeoning national debt from it are in denial.
Remaining complacent to the private for profit health care law at $35 trillion dollars in the absence of universal coverage is a huge burden on the baby boomers and the future taxpayers.
Perhaps, the self-realization that their tax dollars are transformed into the industry’s extravagant bonuses in the ‘business as usual’ environment could change their position and prompt them to be part of the solution rather than the problem.
National debt and valuable health care are inter-related and the health care law exacerbates both issues through preference for profit and politics over people.
The citizens action demanding ‘Universal Medicare’ with 24/7 access by health care bill amendment is imperative to protect life and the democratic system.
It’s incumbent upon the administration to do the needful for the nation or step down graciously.
Democracy is alive when the government of the people stands by the people and delivers for the people.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Facts vs. Fiction
April 20, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
My work in the past two years is mischaracterized and spun around to suit the individuals’ theory.
Yet, the bizarre and false allegations have not been substantiated with evidence in public.
Negative emotions hurt the one’s harboring more than the one’s it’s aimed at.
It reflects fear and insecurity.
Contrary to the assertions, I never received any payment or benefits from anyone who directly and indirectly availed the sincere and honest service thus far.
Pay cut is possible when one is being paid for the job and not in the absence of it.
The criticism is that ‘money’ and not charity or volunteer operation considered in the matter.
I have worked in the past two years having placed my life and family on hold for which I was appreciated by many and ridiculed by those with reservations.
I convey my gratitude for the support and respect the positions of those who disagree.
I’m vilified for presenting the reality that I need to generate an income for survival.
Never mind the fact that I have the same commitments as any other ‘average human beings’ dealing with their family’s financial expenses and future.
Neither the banks have exempted me from the mortgage nor have the utility and essential service providers agreed to free supply.
Mandatory service without pay does not qualify as ‘volunteering.’
The irony is those who expect me and my family to survive on merely air and water, although that is not freely available either, refuse to set an example of their own demand.
While being secure with extraordinary remunerations and reaping financial rewards at every opportunity, depriving others of basic needs to exist is oxymoron if not narcissism.
It is imperative for those seeking such requirements to lead by demonstration prior to imposing their ‘double standard’ values on others.
Unfortunately, the victims are marginalized in the distinction between common rights and privilege.
Volunteering for humanitarian service is noble.
Nevertheless, yielding to undemocratic principles and discriminatory practices is cowardice.
Another matter that is attention worthy and deeply troubling in a democracy,
The constant harassment, death threats, invasion of privacy and propaganda to subvert facts represents an attack against the individual’s civil and constitutional rights, besides confirming the inherent paranoia or xenophobia.
In conclusion, humanity thrives with empathy, respect, love and peace for one another.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Judgment Deliverance
April 12, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Judgment delivered against the 44th President of the United States:
President Barack Obama you have failed the people of the United States.
You have violated the people’s trust in the national health care legislation.
You have committed an act of treason against the nation you were elected to serve.
The office of Presidency has been ill-served under your guidance.
I seek your resignation and offer you the opportunity to step down from the office of Presidency gracefully effective immediately.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Credibility Issue – President Barack Obama
April 12, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
A forewarning was issued since April 2008, regarding the candidacy of Senator Barack Obama that was disregarded.
Monday, May 5, 2008 @
Electability Factor – By Padmini Arhant
Senator Barack Obama during his speech delivered on March 18th, 2008 in Philadelphia, following the Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s rhetoric, ascribed to the relationship with his former pastor as;
Source – “WORLD NET DAILY” (Thank you).
“And this helps explain, perhaps, my relationship with Reverend Wright. As imperfect as he may be, he has been like family to me. He strengthened my faith, officiated my wedding, and baptized my children.
Not once in my conversations with him have I heard him talk about any ethnic group in derogatory terms, or treat whites with whom he interacted with anything but courtesy and respect.
I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother.
For some, nagging questions remain.
Did I know him to be an occasionally fierce critic of American domestic and foreign policy? Of course.
Did I ever hear him make remarks that could be considered controversial while I sat in church? Yes.”
Source –, April 29, 2008 – (Thankyou).
• The following is a transcript of Illinois Sen. Barack Obama’s remarks about his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. This speech was delivered in Hickory, N.C., on Tuesday, April 29, one day after Wright appeared at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to address accusations that he had made inflammatory remarks about the United States. The transcript was provided by the Federal News Service.
“Yesterday, we saw a very different vision of America. I am outraged by the comments that were made and saddened over the spectacle that we saw yesterday.
You know, I have been a member of Trinity United Church of Christ since 1992.
I have known Rev. Wright for almost 20 years.
The person I saw yesterday was not the person that I met 20 years ago.
His comments were not only divisive and destructive, but I believe that they end up giving comfort to those who prey on hate, and I believe that they do not portray accurately the perspective of the black church.
Now, I’ve already denounced the comments that had appeared in these previous sermons.
As I said, I had not heard them before.”
The contradictory statements from the Illinois Senator Barack Obama during his speeches on two different occasions concerning Rev. Wright unarguably provides legitimate reasons for critics and discerning electorate to question the judgment, loyalty and Patriotism factor from the candidate seeking the office of the “Presidency of United States.”
The inconsistency in the statements by the Senator foments the argument for the electorate that despite knowing his former pastor intimately for twenty years as described by the Senator himself,
He has been unable to change or influence the “mindset” of the controversial Rev. Wright about the nation that has embraced human race across the globe and provided unlimited opportunities for all like a mother towards her children with unconditional love.
The question arises about Senator Barack Obama’s leadership ability to transform “Washington Politics”, the other premise of his campaign, considering the above fact with “Rev. Wright.”
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
The Powerful Truth
April 12, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Ever since the health care legislation bill was analyzed and presented on this website, democracy has been suppressed by powerful forces represented in the highest office through false propaganda by media and press corps including the nation’s so-called liberal magazine against Truth.
The obituary for Truth published in the newspapers through innuendo against the evidence of its existence is oxymoron, if not unscrupulous.
Again, for the record – Truth is well, alive, and more determined than ever to prove the purity and sanctity of its element.
When one has nothing to hide and is honest, open and completely transparent – the vehemently opposed ethical practice in contemporary politics, the deadly carcinogens polluting the minds beyond salvation consider Truth as a major threat to their diabolical means.
Often those who judge others on the premise of disparaging information provided by those in Power against truthful dissent ought to turn inward and question their own morality prior to voluntarily reaching the lowest ebb in journalism and/or theatrical performance via skits and movies on the specific overseas vile television network.
Is news being reported to inform public or entertain them by transforming their magazine or program to a cheap tabloid and a desperate source of concocted lies to appease those in power with nuclear arsenal?
If it’s the latter, then it’s doomed to fail on complicity with authority’s flagrance allegation of debauchery against Truth.
Any honorable individual would confront the facts and take responsibility for their wrong doings rather than indulging in character assassination of Truth.
As for the alleged cover up in the health care scandal – any incident political and otherwise propagated in the selective nation’s so-called liberal magazine and the public funded network in the name of Free Speech,
The Bible – King James Version: John 1:47
“Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!”
I present the unequivocal facts about my involvement going back to the political campaign of the candidate –
Senator Barack Hussein Obama and his spouse Michelle Obama.
a. 1608, William Shakespeare, King Lear, II, II, 102.
“I know, sir, I am no flatterer: he that beguiled you, in a plain accent.”
Beginning with my personal life, I was nurtured with the value to earn respect and not demand it.
My Principle – Rise to glory through your noble deeds that you can share with all.
Regarding the unsubstantiated allegation of debauchery – I wish to state that chastity and morality is revealed in the human conduct.
When the guilty accuses the truth finder of debauchery for exposing the factual Presidential scandal it’s a confirmation of the accuser’s personal experience.
My personal life is no longer personal and subject to the triviality of –
‘She is anyone’s guess and a fair game indeed.’
Accordingly, the self promoted moral guardians of the society consider their prerogative to target the woman who is a mother, sister, daughter…in family relations.
More importantly, a human being committed to the sanctity of spiritual call by accepting God’s will.
I bear none other than the Almighty God witness to this truth.
Never mind about the fact that she too has a family.
The passion, dedication, sacrifices made thus far for humanitarian issues is presumed a sheer exhibition on the world stage, despite enormous benefits to those responsible for the caricature.
Further on chastity and morality issue:
The irony is the purveyors of physical pleasure (the flesh trade) are denigrated by those contributing to the establishment.
What does one call trading human trust for profit and self-interest in today’s politics?
If morality and ethical norm is patented by those holding the power mantel, then it’s incumbent upon them to demonstrate through action.
After all, isn’t action believable than rhetoric?
Reverting to the political involvement that began in January through April 2008 – then September 2008- until March 2010.
I was approached by the candidate Senator Barack Obama via email, subsequent to my first time political donation in life – an amount $25.00.
From then onwards, I had repeat requests from then Senator Barack Obama, his spouse Michelle Obama and other prominent Democratic Party members to volunteer for the campaign and make regular donations.
The endless course literally led me to financial bankruptcy serving the beneficiaries not only in political gains but also material for mockery of my difficult monetary status.
The email requests were periodically published on the website including my responses.
I adopted the policy of transparency and accountability from day one of the Presidential election campaign and advocated vigorously in that regard.
On all issues pertaining to political, economic, social and environment matter, I emphasized on ethical efficacy conspicuously abandoned in the political capital, Washington D.C. where decisions concerning millions of lives across the globe are made.
I routinely submitted the communication with all political entities via World Wide Web for public view and understanding of the issues that are imperative to global community.
All my ideas, suggestions and strategies were presented on the web site and were addressed to the authorities for implementation.
However, they were selectively neglected on both domestic and international issues. The ones that were adopted like the economic stimulus and the job bill assumed the administration’s titles.
I deplored the pork barrel or earmark spending in the stimulus bill through the blogpost upon identifying the items in the news report.
Any communication from the President of the United States and the Democratic Party were strictly related to campaign donations, rallying for the candidates and complaints about the opposition attacks.
The communication was published on the website and available for public review.
I unsubscribed to the email from the President Barack Obama, the administration and the campaign in early October 2009.
The reason being, it had only instructions to energize the public on health care, energy legislation asking constituents to contact their local representatives without providing any details on the bill.
I learned about the components from the news report published in my local newspaper, on-line news publications and television broadcast.
My communication was always relayed through the website, for which there was no response.
I was not privy to the White House and/or the Congress members’ dealings and discussions with any interest groups in Wall Street, Washington and elsewhere.
My information source on legislative matter and the political affairs was solely through local and international news reports available in print and public news media.
As stated earlier, I was never hired by the White House, the Democratic Party, corporations, any groups or agencies intimately or remotely affiliated or associated to political members or authorities in Washington, Wall Street or anywhere in the World.
I was constantly approached for mandatory service without pay as the political aide by the Obama campaign and then the administration in getting the Democrats elected to Congress and never briefed or detailed on the nature of any developments on the legislations or administration’s policies.
I worked since January 2008 and until now without any payments or benefits.
Now, there are false rumors about me claiming unemployment benefit, which is absurd and completely distorted. I’ve never been on any unemployment benefit.
At the same time floating the fictitious narrative on me as super wealthy to drown any other candidate.
A Super wealthy collecting unemployment benefit alongside! Obviously, they were attributing own practice to feel better.
Then the comedy satire insinuating bipolar disease, acute mental illness and the continuous slander thereafter to show their loyalty to political class is nothing more than own mirror reflection.
Perhaps, the notion is that Brown Foreigners are not supposed to eat. They don’t need a home and maintain a modest existence by being able to pay their utility bills, transportation needs, and provide for their family.
My explicit request to President Barack Obama on my precise role in the administration or the Democratic Party following the influx of donation reminders had no response to that until date.
I regularly clarified my position with President Barack Obama in 2009 and 2010 through the website, that I was unwilling to be a cheerleader of policies against public interest and refused to be an attack dog for the administration at any time.
I had no previous knowledge about the distant period setting and the health bill negotiations between the White House and their special interest allies.
It was also published on the website and obtainable if required.
I was treated as the political campaigner for the Democratic Party and not an administration or Congress member. They sought help with the political election in 2010 to boost public support for President Barack Obama.
There is political smear from the critics, more interested in the investigation of my openness instead of channeling their resources towards the Bilderberg secret meeting attended by Presidential candidates Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain in 2008 that I unveiled on my website for public awareness and fearlessly dissented the authorities’ decisions on many issues including the troops increase in Afghanistan.
If I were to allegedly cover up on the health care or any other issue manufactured by the White House,
Why would I become the victim of violent threats by the authority in power?
Why would they insist that I should quit being inquisitive and even nick named me Snoop Dog in their parlance?
I questioned the then candidate Barack Obama on flip-flopping of issues during the political campaign and after the administration assuming power in the White House.
For switching from Single Payer System to private health care for profit.
Defaulting on campaign finance at the crucial moment of the Presidential election.
Casting his vote on FISA in 2008. Patriot act and the discriminatory policy in 2009.
Torture, detention, overseas rendition, troop withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan, altering the 9/11 terrorists federal trial to a military jurisdiction, the continuation of the predecessor, the former President George W. Bush’s policy.
Collecting public donations while claiming that there were no special interests’ contributions to his campaign, when the funds were flowing from Goldman Sachs, AIG, health industry and others – the figures that I published on the website much to the administration’s anger.
The administration and the State Department blocked the EU unilateral declaration under Sweden’s Presidency that embraced my policy on Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It was scheduled in November 2009. The people in both states were prepared and unbeknown the news vanished.
Similarly, in the Honduran crisis, the military coup leader agreed to step down and allow the former President Manuel Zelaya to remain in office until the national election in November 2009. The prospect was extinguished with the administration not inclined to intervene.
The materials with visual content were published on the website to this effect.
Haiti – the recommendation on the exiled leader Jean Bertrand Aristide’s return to his country was ignored.
Challenged on the environmental policies that was contradictory to the pledge made on the campaign trail. I called the COP15 summit a failure in the absence of real achievement.
In the 2008 Pennsylvania Primary election – I expressed my objection earlier on about Senator Obama’s approval to spend an estimated 11 million dollars on the television advertisement against his formidable opponent Senator Hillary Clinton while they declined to pay the foot soldiers $10 an hour for going door-to-door campaign. Most of them were African Americans eager to serve in the contentious primary that he lost to his democratic contender.
Lately, I responded to the Washington Post’s article by Richard Cohen on,
“Obama Policy unappreciated by the right and the left,” where I indicated that showering praise on the inadequate or failed policy would qualify as cronyism and exacerbate the corrupt political system.
I was issued a warning and a remark ‘She does not follow rules and creates her own that does not bode well with the authority.’ i.e. the international incognito clique running the gamut via proxies and puppet governments worldwide.
Because of my strong position on ethics and morality, I was abruptly eliminated from the campaign in March 2008 after ensuring the Democratic Party nomination in the primary election victories.
Perhaps, the critics’ selective memory may not serve them well.
I launched a campaign through my earlier website and endorsed the former Vice President Al Gore for President in May 2008. Furthermore, in an unprecedented gesture, I selected the Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold as the Vice Presidential candidate on the ticket.
It was in protest of the dramatic shift in Senator Obama’s policies visible after clinching the Democratic Party nomination. My rejection of the international Presidential candidate Barack Obama infuriated many of his ardent supporters, who have now become my cynics.
I was called a traitor even though the Senator’s policies did not synchronize with the base.
After the arrival of the Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, the Republican candidates gained momentum in the general election and so did the communication from the candidate Barack Obama, his spouse Michelle Obama (for whom I was non-existent during the Gala Democratic Party Nomination) and the Obama campaign.
The flurry of emails and snail mail asking me to get back in the campaign was superfluous.
They managed to persuade the Vice President Al Gore to email me and send a letter in that regard, which was also published on the website.
Somehow, the alleged ‘character’ of the woman they have misportrayed now didn’t seem to matter then, when they were aspiring their dreams.
Is it political expediency or cutthroat politics to borrow the term recently used by them?
My communication medium from the start has been the website to keep the public informed on the direct engagement with the power in Washington throughout the election and up until now.
Unlike the then candidate Barack Obama’s surrogate and spouse Michelle Obama, reportedly dictated the The View show hosts on the permissible questions that debarred the co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck from straying in the contrived conversation.
The press media also confirmed on the restrictions imposed by the Obama campaign that prohibited many reporters and anchors from asking relevant questions with the candidate and the talking heads.
The prevalent censorship on free speech and the Nuclear Policy signed with Russia on April 9, 2010 – especially the overtone against the non signatories of NPT and reservations to use nuclear weapons is extremely disturbing and deserves scrutiny.
There were verbal attacks against me on the delay in rebuking the administration on the health care legislation scandal.
It’s easier to view the situation from one’s own perspective.
According to the news media, certain African American legislators were in the process of creating a preventive measure to grant immunity to Obama Presidency against impeachment following the inauguration.
Besides, it was necessary to be mindful of the repercussions such as the racial discord, two wars and the stock market in the aggressive removal of the President of the United States, found guilty of treason.
Therefore, the systematic procedure was to hold the elected official to the highest office accountable to the people, who have been betrayed in the national legislation that was bound to impact millions of lives.
Hence, soon after I exposed the unethical bargain with the health insurance industry,
I waited for the explanation from the President of the United States and the Congress leaders who shared the recognition as the victorious team of historic health care reform.
I ask the Press Corps and the media,
Why are you not pursuing those members in this matter, who are the signatories to this legislation?
Isn’t Congress leaders and other legislators’ responsibility to review the content prior to casting their vote?
I was never presented with the details of the bill, until the report from the New York Times, which none of the critics, who are attacking me bothered to analyze and bring it to public attention.
So much for their investigative journalism in the liberal frontier.
The President then conveniently sent me a letter in the usual manner – glorify privately and vilify publicly.
There was no request from the President to share with the public, I still went ahead and published the content to honor democracy.
Subsequently, there is no remorse or acknowledgment from the President of the United States, elected to the office to protect the republic interest.
Up until such time, I was a mere blogger to indefinitely campaign for elections.
If my word was the rule of law,
Why was my plea prior to the final health care vote, to modify the legislation to universal health care in the letter published on the website to President Barack Obama discarded?
After them being caught in the act of ethical compromise that I detected on my volition, I was bullied with death threats and implicated as an accomplice to turn the tide against me, the public watchdog all along.
Any domestic and global policy submission through the web site was initiated exclusively due to my commitment to the higher calling to serve humanity.
When there is divine intervention the integrity is measured by the solemn oath to serve the people not just in the United States but also across the globe and I’m expected to deliver the humanitarian goals determined by the Supreme cosmic force.
Unlike the tradition in contemporary politics, there is neither carte blanche nor financial gains in humanitarian service. The rules cannot be circumvented for the appointee’s agenda.
Whatever is being organized, it’s in coherence with universal convergence for a new beginning and a bright future.
I hope this would put the derogatory demagoguery to rest. If it doesn’t then it would be to the offenders’ downfall caused by their recalcitrant behavior.
People in glass houses should not cast stones at others.
The content is in reference to the events unfolding at present.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Redemption and Reorganization for a New Beginning
April 9, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
On March 10, 2010, the former President Bill Clinton delivered an apology statement to the people of Haiti.
President Bill Clinton is appointed the UN Special Envoy to Haiti.
I commend the former President Bill Clinton in coming forward willfully and taking responsibility for the unpopular economic policy that caused immense grievance to the suffering population of Haiti.
The courageous action by the former head of state in acknowledgment of a negative political decision that led to an immeasurable despair for the trusting population in Haiti is praiseworthy.
President Clinton – Your action is honorable and demonstrated the remorse you had experienced from the judgment error in the ‘Free Trade’ agreement imposed upon the people of Haiti against their will.
Your recognition of the mistake is an affirmation that it’s never too late for anyone regardless of stature to admit his or her wrongdoings and contribute to a positive beginning identifiable as repentance, when defining the human character.
Finally, Please review the articles from different sources in this subject matter.
I concur with the article’s author ‘Dave Johnson’ – – Thank you.
“This is just one more example of conservative failure.
Decisions based on ideology eventually hit a wall of reality.
Free trade wiped out American manufacturing.
Free market deregulation wiped out our economy.
Low taxes wiped out our infrastructure and competitiveness.
It’s time for progressives to find their voice and vision, stop reacting to conservative nay-saying, and get the country moving in a positive, progressive direction.”
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
1. Source:“– Thank you.
“We Made a Devil’s Bargain”: Fmr. President Clinton Apologizes for Trade Policies that Destroyed Haitian Rice Farming
“President Bill Clinton, now the UN Special Envoy to Haiti, publicly apologized last month for forcing Haiti to drop tariffs on imported, subsidized US rice during his time in office.
The policy wiped out Haitian rice farming and seriously damaged Haiti’s ability to be self-sufficient.
On Wednesday, journalist Kim Ives of Haiti Liberté questioned Clinton about his change of heart and his stance on the return of ousted Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.”
Local activists surprised by Clinton apology to Haiti
Former US president admits trade policy “a mistake”
Posted by Bruce Wark on Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 5:09 PM
Nova Scotia activists are expressing surprise that former US president Bill Clinton has apologized for flooding Haiti with cheap American rice beginning in the mid 1990s.
During testimony before a US Senate committee three weeks ago, Clinton admitted that requiring Haiti to lower its tariffs on rice imports made it impossible for Haitian farmers to compete.
The trade policy forced farmers off the land and undercut Haiti’s ability to feed itself.
“It may have been good for some of my farmers in Arkansas, but it has not worked.
It was a mistake,” Clinton — now a UN special envoy to Haiti — told the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee on March 10. “I had to live everyday with the consequences of the loss of capacity to produce a rice crop in Haiti to feed those people because of what I did; nobody else.”
3. – Thank you.
By Dave Johnson – March 29, 2010 – 11:15am ET
The “free trade” craze wiping out Haiti’s farmers by flooding the country with cheap American rice.
The same this happened in northern Mexico with cheap (heavily subsidized) American corn.
On March 10 Bill Clinton apologized to Haiti. See With cheap food imports, Haiti can’t feed itself
[W]orld leaders focused on fixing Haiti are admitting for the first time that loosening trade barriers has only exacerbated hunger in Haiti and elsewhere.
They’re led by former U.S. President Bill Clinton – now U.N. special envoy to Haiti – who publicly apologized this month for championing policies that destroyed Haiti’s rice production.
Clinton in the mid-1990s encouraged the impoverished country to dramatically cut tariffs on imported U.S. rice.
“It may have been good for some of my farmers in Arkansas, but it has not worked.
It was a mistake,” Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on March 10.
“I had to live everyday with the consequences of the loss of capacity to produce a rice crop in Haiti to feed those people because of what I did; nobody else.”
Here is how it happened:
Three decades ago things were different. Haiti imported only 19 percent of its food and produced enough rice to export, thanks in part to protective tariffs of 50 percent set by the father-son dictators, Francois and Jean-Claude Duvalier.
When their reign ended in 1986, free-market advocates in Washington and Europe pushed Haiti to tear those market barriers down. President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, freshly reinstalled to power by Clinton in 1994, cut the rice tariff to 3 percent.
Impoverished farmers unable to compete with the billions of dollars in subsidies paid by the U.S. to its growers abandoned their farms. Others turned to more environmentally destructive crops, such as beans, that are harvested quickly but hasten soil erosion and deadly floods.
This is just one more example of conservative failure. Decisions based on ideology eventually hit a wall of reality.
Free trade wiped out American manufacturing. Free market deregulation wiped out our economy. Low taxes wiped out our infrastructure and competitiveness.
It’s time for progressives to find their voice and vision, stop reacting to conservative nay-saying, and get the country moving in a positive, progressive direction.”
For the Record
April 6, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
I have never been on the White House payroll or received any payments in cash or kind from the authorities and any political parties, or anyone remotely associated or affiliated to the political, corporate and any form of organizations in the United States or anywhere in the world.
Furthermore, the humanitarian work has been entirely a free service, on a “volunteer” basis from the beginning and up until now.
Any communication received from or sent to the White House and the political party has been published for the worldview throughout my involvement in politics.
The painting that was mailed by the Chairman of the Democratic National Party, Gov. Tim Kaine with a request to contribute to electing the Democratic Party members was published on the website prior to the final health care vote that I did not endorse.
Unlike the public network pledging to be the ‘voice for democracy,’ who attacked me for not doing so, yet applying my current donation for the negative attributes towards whistle blowers is the irony in public affairs.
Is mudslinging a sign of insecurity or a “Free Speech” misnomer?
I have never met the then candidate and now the President Barack Obama in person nor had verbal conversations during the campaign and until now.
All communications have taken place via email and conventional mail up until last year.
Subsequently, the communication has been through regular mail only.
The materials were all published on the website and available for public review.
Therefore, for journalism to thrive in honor of democracy, I request certain members unnecessarily engaged in unsubstantiated allegations to refrain from defamation of persons dedicated to humanitarian service.
Instead, invest their time and my donations for a productive cause.
Solidarity in promoting truth and justice is required from the media and the press corps, the only hope for democracy to succeed.
Human values are determined by their actions and the noble virtues reflected through their courage to face those challenging the ideals.
I remain steadfast in lending the voice to the voiceless and will continue to strive for peace on earth.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
An Invitation to Experience the Dilemma
March 25, 2010
By Padmini Arhant,
Dear America and the Rest of the World,
I stated my desire to be ‘A-Political’ by not being affiliated to any political party and continue to pursue the peace and environmental goals. Subsequently, there has been flurry of attacks and disparaging remarks mounted by those whom I have supported up until now.
I can understand such position from the quarters dedicated to unsubstantiated allegations.
However, the political power and the ‘public funded’ networks using my donations to attack my decision with the former being fully aware of their doing and the latter without any facts beckons scrutiny.
It’s in human nature to jump into conclusions on matters with false information. They usually target individuals challenging the power to prioritize people over personal and special interest.
The victims become a ‘fair game’ for the authorities and sadly the “public funded” networks searching for scapegoats.
Unfortunately, the trend thus far has been – glorify privately but vilify publicly.
Alternatively, use them when it’s convenient and trash them upon finding their position a nuisance to the power and others following the norm.
I had always maintained that my contribution is focused towards humanitarian and environmental issues, in the United States and around the world.
In fact, it was suggested in their nuance. It was published recently in the local newspaper and I present that segment again.
“A potential source of his problems is the conflict presented by Campbell’s two chosen career paths.
He has spent his career advocating for civil liberties and academic freedom as a law professor while also trying to get ahead in the cutthroat arena of politics. But defending the rights of unpopular individuals is turning out to be poor politics.”
At another instance, it was advocated through their newly found hired networks that Church and State should remain separate and I concur with that philosophy, and repeatedly reinforced the message on my life purpose to fulfill obligations towards humanity without hindering or endangering anyone’s political or personal status.
Hence, the authorities ought to explain the inconsistency and indecisiveness on their part going back to the political campaign in 2008.
Further, I expressed my intention to exercise the first amendment right granted to every individual in a ‘free society.’ in the material presentation based on evidence and not a concocted theory.
Again, I’m not interested in the popularity contest, even though it’s been misconstrued in the manner that deemed fit among the faultfinders.
There was an accusation about my attachment to ‘polls’ during the reference to a ‘friendly advice,’ and it would aptly apply to political figures concerned about their term in office and the re-election prospects, not the peace activists.
On the one hand, I’m being characterized as ‘delusional, a pervert, an underground media prankster, egotistical, self-important with contradictory lifestyle, a bitter and angry mobster’… to say the least.
Interestingly, while on the other, the assailants know where to contact me for donations, in spite of the falsely accused ‘underground’ branding.
Yet, they relentlessly insist that I promote their agenda as predicted during the Presidential campaign –
“Empower some and enslave the targeted ones.”
Somehow, one tends to forget that while finger pointing, it’s essential to pay attention to the remaining fingers directed towards them, especially in the presence of suppressed public evidence.
Seeking flaws in others will eventually lead to none other than them upon soul searching.
That why, it’s important to look within and they’ll find themselves.
Besides, as stated earlier negative emotions hurt the ones harboring more than the ones it’s aimed at.
Their targets are not allowed to have principles and must work according to the state’s preference – i.e. embellish or exaggerate policies and records sometimes to the detriment of democratic values.
When I discuss the real life experience, it’s attributed to ‘presumptuousness.’ On the contrary, the similar citation by them and the authorities in power is admired as ‘family values.’
The irony being, the same ‘public funded’ cable networks considering themselves above the fray from the mainstream counterpart have adapted to the malpractice for unexplained reasons and preoccupied in mudslinging literally at my expense rather than engaging the political power by asking the tough questions on the approved and pending legislations.
Notwithstanding, the highlighted hypocrisy in the obsession against their target.
For instance, the health insurance reform was passed with political wrangling and arm twisting tactics. It was well known from the beginning that the Republican opposition would not yield to any concessions.
More poignantly, the last minute appeasement to attract the ‘anti-abortionist’ votes within the Democratic Party was done with the ‘Executive Order’ explicitly denying the federal funding for the women’s health rights.
There was none including the networks claiming to be the ‘voice for democracy’ dare to ask the authorities –
Why couldn’t they use the same ‘executive order,’ granting ‘Universal Medicare for all’ or include a robust ‘Public Option’ to make the reform truly meaningful?
Not surprisingly, upon signing the legislation, the insurance stocks skyrocketed in the absence of neither.
When there has been precedence set before with the former President Lyndon B. Johnson legislating “Medicare” for senior citizens reportedly analogous to ‘as simple as turning on the light switch’ by declaring, “Medicare begins tomorrow,”
Why didn’t the democrats move forward with a bold action, when the event concluded without a single republican vote?
Why is the law completely effective only in 2014, two years after the ‘possible’ second term of the incumbent administration?
Why not in the year 2010 or even 2011? –
To this, The White House responded that it would take four years to implement the massive overhaul.
Then in that case,
Why didn’t the authorities pursue the easier option by mandating the existing and established Medicare for all?
Regardless of the political ideology, contemporary politics revolves around personal political security on legislative and international matter.
From health insurance reform, 9/11 terrorists trials to the Israel-Palestinian conflicts, policies are carefully weighed in terms of electoral consequences and politically ‘safe’ strategy against,
‘Taking the political risk or laying down the reputation by doing what is right for the nation and humanity.’
As for the alleged ‘delusional’ predicament, I was approached and asked to be a volunteer since January 2008, Presidential election and up until now.
Although there were assumptions that, I was on the White House payroll and receiving payments from the Democratic Party, the truth of the matter being it was a ‘full time’ volunteer service all along.
It was truly an honor to be able to participate in the historic election and work alongside millions of volunteers in the political process.
Meanwhile, I also share the common plight of any average citizen trying to raise a family, generate an income to survive and provide for my children’s future, particularly their educational expenses.
The last three days while the incendiary attacks were carried out against me, I was attending to my sick child and busy meeting with family commitments, since I do not have an extended family support.
Therefore, I apologize for not updating on the developments leading to the unnecessary confusion.
I remain committed in my service to the nation and the people struggling to find a voice in the privatized political system without compromising on ethics and personal values.
Finally, I extend an invitation to experience the dilemma prior to passing judgments against anyone sincerely devoted to seeing the world, a better place for all.
Your understanding and cooperation is deeply appreciated.
I sign off with love and peace to all.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Islamophobia or “Truth” Attack in the name of Free Speech?
March 10, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Attention seeking news articles deserve scrutiny.
The article regarding The Republican candidate Tom Campbell – a former Stanford Law Professor.
Election 2010
Campbell haunted by links to professor
“Statements inconsistent on man tied to terrorists – By Mike Zapler – Thank you.
Please read the entire article on-line @, Wednesday, March 10, 2010.
However, the excerpts of the article are presented below:
Washington – Republican U.S. Senate candidate Tom Campbell is facing a potentially crippling controversy over his past defense of a fired Florida professor with ties to terrorists and his inconsistent statements regarding what he knew and when about the man’s actions.
Dogged for weeks by criticism over his defense of Sami Al-Arian, who later pleaded guilty to aiding terrorists, Campbell has denied knowing about the man’s incendiary past, which included nods to Islamic jihad and calls for “death to Israel.” He also said that his dealings with Al-Arian occurred before the Sept.11 terror attacks…
Al-Arian was fired by the University of South Florida following an interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly two weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks, during which he acknowledged proclaiming in a 1988 speech, “Jihad is out path. Victory to Islam. Death to Israel.”
Campbell responding to a request from a fellow law professor rallying scholars to the cause of academic, freedom, wrote to the president of the university in January 2002, asking her to reconsider the engineering professor’s dismissal.
“I respectfully wish to convey my sincere alarm that Professor Al-Arian may be treated harshly because of the substance of his views,” Campbell wrote.
The controversy over Al-Arian – combined with Campbell’s votes as a congressman to trim economic aid to Israel and his acceptance of campaign contributions in the 2000 campaign from Al-Arian (which at one point he denied) and others with ties to terrorist groups – has given rivals Carly Fiorina and Chuck DeVore an opening to challenge Campbell’s commitment to Israel.
Campbell rebuts each of the claims with detailed, nuanced arguments, but he has damaged his case with inaccurate statements and recollections, particularly of the O’Reilly interview.
“It never helps when you have to say the dog ate my homework,” said Pitney.
A potential source of his problems is the conflict presented by Campbell’s two chosen career paths.
He has spent his career advocating for civil liberties and academic freedom as a law professor while also trying to get ahead in the cutthroat arena of politics. But defending the rights of unpopular individuals is turning out to be poor politics.”
2. Pa. woman accused in terror case
Indictment says she used the Internet to recruit jihadists – By Maryclaire Dale
Associated Press, Wednesday, March 10, 2010.
Philadelphia – A suburban woman “desperate to do something” to help suffering Muslims has been accused of using the Internet to recruit jihadist fighters and help terrorists overseas, even agreeing to move to Europe to try to kill a Swedish artist, prosecutors said Tuesday.
Authorities said the case shows how terror groups are looking to recruit Americans to carry out their goals.
A federal indictment charges that Colleen LaRose, who called herself Jihad Jane and Fatima LaRose online, agreed to kill the Swede on orders from the unnamed terrorists and traveled to Europe to carry out the killing.
It doesn’t say whether the Swede was killed, but LaRose was not charged with murder.
A Justice Department spokesman wouldn’t confirm the case is related to a group of people arrested in Ireland on Tuesday on suspicion of plotting against Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who depicted the Prophet Muhammad with the body of a dog.
But a U.S. official speaking on condition of anonymity said LaRose had targeted the Swedish cartoonist and had online discussions about her plans with at least one of the suspects apprehended in Ireland.
The official wasn’t authorized to discuss details of the investigation.
LaRose, who has blond hair and blue eyes, indicated in her online conversations that she thought her appearance would help her move freely in Sweden to carry out the attack, the indictment said.
In a 2009 online message to a co-conspirator in South Asia, she said her physical appearance would allow her to “blend in with many people,” which “may be a way to achieve what is in my heart,” the indictment said.
LaRose is a convert to Islam who actively recruited others, including at least one unidentified American, and her online messages expressed her willingness to become a martyr and her impatience to take action, according to the indictment and the U.S. official.
“I will make this (killing the artist) my goal till I achieve it or die trying,” she wrote another South Asian suspect in March 2009, according to the indictment.
U.S. Attorney Michael Levy said the indictment doesn’t link LaRose to any organized terror groups. He would not comment on whether other arrests were expected.
LaRose, 46, lived in Pennsburg, Montgomery County, Pa., before moving to Europe in August 2009, authorities said.
She called herself JihadJane in a Youtube video in which she said she was “desperate to do something somehow to help” ease the suffering of Muslims, the indictment said.
According to the 11 page document, she agreed to obtain residency in a European country and marry one of the terrorists to enable him to live there.
She traveled abroad with a U.S. passport stolen from a male friend and intended to give it to one of her “brothers,” the indictment said.”
3. Swedish artist has no regrets over prophet drawing – By KARL RITTER, Associated Press Writers.
AP – Swedish artist Lars Vilks walks in the streets without protection in Stockholm, Sweden, Wednesday March …
NB: It’s contradictory to the claims made in the preceding article.
4. Boyfriend: ‘Jihad Jane’ suspect wasn’t religious – By MARYCLAIRE DALE, Associated Press,
Wednesday, March 10, 2010.
Killing the target would be her goal “till I achieve it or die trying,” she wrote a south Asian suspect in March 2009, according to the indictment. Her federal public defender, Mark T. Wilson, declined to comment Tuesday.
“I’m glad she didn’t kill me,” Vilks told The Associated Press on Wednesday, saying the suspects appeared to be “low-tech.” He said he has built defense systems in his home to thwart would-be terrorists, including a safe room and electrified barbed wire.
U.S. Attorney Michael Levy said the indictment doesn’t link LaRose to any organized terror groups.
In recent years, the only other women charged in the U.S. with terror violations were lawyer Lynne Stewart, convicted of helping imprisoned blind Sheik Omar Abdel Rahman communicate with his followers, and Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani scientist found guilty of shooting at U.S. personnel in Afghanistan while yelling, “Death to Americans!”
PA Comment: Again the content is inconsistent.
Content Review: By Padmini Arhant
The recent “Associated Press,” publications severely lacking in credibility due to the following information on these articles.
Relevantly, it makes one wonder, which does the “Associated Press,” represents –
The people, as it should in a democracy
The powerful responsible for creating confusion and mayhem targeting the truth seeker by scapegoating Islam and the Muslim population.
When journalism is at the lowest ebb, it symbolize the democracy’s demise.
1. The article . Swedish artist has no regrets over prophet drawing – Associated Press
The same AP article in Yahoo News at 11.30a.m PST had a foot note :
“The Prophet is not holy to be offended anytime.”
However, it’s been re-published later without that comment and it’s a wise move for it prevents unnecessary discussions.
2. As for the article on the Republican U.S. Senate candidate Tom Campbell –
Campbell haunted by links to professor.
These particulars raise an interesting query about the intention.
“A potential source of his problems is the conflict presented by Campbell’s two chosen career paths.
He has spent his career advocating for civil liberties and academic freedom as a law professor while also trying to get ahead in the cutthroat arena of politics. But defending the rights of unpopular individuals is turning out to be poor politics.”
Then quoting the “Fox News host Bill O’Reilly’s interview” as the premise for substantiating the allegations against the scapegoat, Tom Campbell, is a top notch comedy of errors, especially with the show’s irony as “The No-Spin Zone.”
The truth of the matter is the American Professor Sami Al-Arian is innocent and a “Patriot Act” victim in a witch hunt by the unscrupulous to camouflage their crimes against humanity.
Please view the USA vs. AL-ARIAN is 2007 documentary film about Sami Al-Arian and his family during and after his federal trial on terrorism-related charges. It was directed by the Norwegian director Line Halvorsen.
3. Then in the article Pa. woman accused in terror case.
Indictment says she used the Internet to recruit jihadists – By Maryclaire Dale Associated Press
Wednesday, March 10, 2010.
The repeat references are noteworthy.
“A suburban woman “desperate to do something” to help suffering Muslims has been accused of using the Internet…”
She called herself JihadJane in a Youtube video in which she said she was “desperate to do something somehow to help” ease the suffering of Muslims, the indictment said.
Again, here in this specific article, one must also observe the ambiguity on the entire content without being able to provide the terrorist group having allegedly recruited the subject, the convert to Islam, and then this claim:
“It doesn’t say whether the Swede was killed, but LaRose was not charged with murder.”
U.S. Attorney Michael Levy said the indictment doesn’t link LaRose to any organized terror groups.
He would not comment on whether other arrests were expected.”
Despite the national intelligence services’ surveillance on the American citizens’ private and public communication through all mediums under FISA and Patriot Act,
The quoted official and the indictment is unable to furnish details to authenticate the data.
Evidently it’s a blatant demand from those behind this cacophony articles to withdraw the requests made in the blog post titled “Subliminal Attacks – A new wave Politics,” favoring the people in the United States and across the globe on national and international issues.
Hence, my response to them is – “Hope and Change,” is no longer a myth but a reality.
The forces behind the subliminal threats ought to remember that if my blog posts are being searched to discredit my standing,
I urge them to be patient for the information to be released shortly that would truly enlighten the minds of the entire world.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Subliminal Attacks – A new wave Politics
March 8, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
I would like to thank the visitors to the website in the United States, India and around the world.
Your love and support makes the effort worthwhile.
As stated in the profile, the website objective is to promote peace, progress and prosperity for all with a major focus on protecting the environment, the only ideal habitat for living species in the universe, thus far.
It is depicted in the logo – Save the Planet,and Peace on Earth.
That being the goal, I express my gratitude and deep appreciation to the readers of my articles for taking the time to read and reflect on the topic.
In coherence with the paradoxical universe,
Success is greeted with genuine affection and enthusiasm for its representation – obviously from the supporters.
Likewise, it’s also subject to hostility, propaganda and rejection – by the opposition.
The purpose of the material on the website is to engage the like and the unlike minds in a serious thinking process beyond surface review in order to understand the self-created complexity largely responsible for the global status quo.
Criticisms are directed in many different ways. Constructive criticisms enhance quality.
Targeted criticisms often subvert facts with fiction and personal convictions.
Earlier on the element of truth was explained in a manner to allow rational thinking to prevail over confusion and distortion.
When viewed with an open mind, the articles on the website have invariably defended the weak, the oppressed, the disadvantaged and the victims of mass deception –
Dissenting authoritarianism against innocent population.
In many featured visual content, the protesters represented by the unarmed civilians and the monks were waving a white flag and a peace sign during their peaceful demonstrations for freedom and justice only to be mercilessly hurt and killed in response.
The individualism – “Me, Myself and I” restraints outreach to the less fortunate.
Saving humanity from a myriad of defiant forces is a horrendous task especially when the violators are powerful and immunized against reconciliation for common good.
Synopsis of requests made thus far:
Campaign Finance Reform – Public funded elections poignantly after the Supreme Court decision in Corporations’ favor.
Preserving American jobs by resurrecting the manufacturing sector and small businesses.
Universal Health Care for all – Single Payer System.
Tough Financial Reform – to protect average citizens from predatory and fraudulent practices, providing a safety net for the domestic economy and the global financial market.
Strong Environment Policies – fossil fuel and nuclear energy abandonment.
Public Education – Free higher education for students from average income families.
Economic and Social Justice – Gay rights and legalization of the undocumented workers in the country. Bridging the gap between the rich and the poor. Reviving the middle class in the society.
Nuclear Weapons – eliminating hierarchy prevalent under the pretext of the responsible factor and truthful disclosure on complete nuclear disarmament worldwide.
War and Military Base – Troop withdrawal, the prolonged military operations termination and defense budget divestment in the domestic economy including economic and social development in the war zones.
Being a reliable peace partner in international conflicts particularly Israel and Palestine,
Freedom for Tibet, Burma, North Korea, and Iran and curtail military coups like in Honduras, Haiti, vulnerable nations in Africa and Latin America on the United States watch.
Closure of Guantanamo bay and relinquish torture of terror suspects that’s in violation of the Geneva Convention.
Investigation of illegal invasion of Iraq war and judicial trial against the torture memo author Professor Yoo and others to prevent history repeating itself in the future.
Finally, the ordinary and the extraordinary have to leave this planet sometime in their lifetime in accordance with natural process.
Hence peace and empathy would make the world a better place for all.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant