Unveiling Ignorance – The Propaganda Myth

March 4, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Unfair and Imbalanced Report from ‘Sly fox.’

Mockery of bravery.

Those who deny freedom, peace and civil liberties to their own population and the oppressed minorities are wrongfully portrayed as –

“The gentle soul wearing a smile and a Jesus T- shirt.”

What does that say about the promoters?

“Birds of a feather flock together” and above all the acute intelligence deficiency revealed through such depictions.

When the anti-people attempt at humor of this kind,

What is ignored?

Their conspicuous folly.

Not to mention the religious sacrilege – Lord Jesus Christ is crucified once again.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


The element of Truth

March 2, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Truth is never welcome in the land of illusion.

Since, truth is simple and pure – it invokes honesty, courage and wisdom.

Truth is symbolic of the eternal light that illumines the pervasive darkness upon contact.

The brilliant light is overshadowed resulting in a solar or a lunar eclipse.

The bright sunlight or the pleasant moonlight is eclipsed in a recurring phase but not in totality, because,

Life is dependent on light that effuses energy, the origin of creativity leading to an evolution.

Illusion, on the other hand is an imaginary force with myriad of sources strengthening its power to form a perception of reality.

When human mind is confronted with the truth and an illusion, it’s instinctive to be attracted to illusion and resistant to truth, unless rationality intervenes to dispel confusion, the active illusory agent.

Confusion is often represented by fragments of complex negative elements becoming the dominant substance in suppressing the truth.

Laterally, rationality comes from observation, patience, critical thinking and an open mind.

Hence, it facilitates the ‘truth’s’ emergence from being submerged.

Another reason for rejecting truth is due to the typecast as the ‘bitter antidote,’ despite the antidote effects on ailments endangering life.

In the process, truth is thrashed subliminally to weaken the solid state and the image tarnished to subvert facts.

Truth and justice could be battered but never defeated for it eventually prevails against the unnatural embodiment of power.

Besides, truth and justice are the characteristic essence in deliverance of the suffering humanity.

The authorities might be well equipped with every imaginable resource to challenge the will of time.

Nevertheless, no reactionary can prevent the inevitable ‘Change,’ the natural course of matter.

“Saving the Planet,” and “Peace on Earth,” is a new beginning on the horizon.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Humanitarian Challenge

February 27, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Recently there was a flurry of criticisms and admonishments for the article titled “His Holiness Dalai Lama in Spotlight,” and the earlier ones related to the,

“Iranian Theocracy cracking down on pro-democracy protestors and the inflammatory rhetoric against Israel.”

Alternatively, the Israeli authorities’ oppression of the Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank.

Likewise, social issues regarding human rights violation –

Self-interest and greed reflected in the globalization v. protectionism including,

The article on the racial attacks against the Indian students and other immigrants in Australia, scorned for the delivery and the condemnation of discriminatory practices.

Hence, it’s important to clarify the difficulties surrounding when addressing social injustice of this enormity.

Needless to emphasize that it’s much easier and less distressing to discuss non-controversial issues related to the economy, environment, travel, food, entertainment…etc.,

However, when the social injustice is concerned,

Whether it’s about the denial of equal rights to the gay community,

Women’s rights,

Burgeoning Health care crisis in the absence of a universal health care or a public option,

Students plight with the rising educational costs,

Growing economic disparity,


On a serious level – The invasion and occupation of foreign lands through wars,

Nuclear proliferation,

Slighting human rights over economic opportunities,

Double standards in the terrorism definition,

Ignoring environmental warnings…all of which draws immediate attention from the critics representing the specific agenda.

Prior to moving forward with the discussion, it’s necessary to accept the bestowed honor for being compared with the canines by the critics.

As an animal lover, particularly the canines, I consider the comparison – a true compliment.

The reason being, the canines are known for their unconditional love, loyalty and protective instincts towards their owners and the families. They are also well regarded for their intuitive nature.

Due to these extraordinary characteristics, the canines have earned the title as “Man’s best friend.”

Although, sometimes it’s worth posing the question if the man deserves a best friend in a canine.

Similarly, the attacks through innuendoes and nuances seen against the articles on atrocities that were presented with evidence, are intriguing.

Cynicisms vary such as the articles meeting the “critics standards” attributed to the guardian or the ‘Almighty’ out of fear as the case might be and phrased as the ‘Brisk walk.’

While, the so-called ‘inappropriate berating’ of the human misconduct selectively ascribed to the “off-leash” canine, apparently not accustomed to the ‘city lifestyle.’

It beckons the argument on whose side is, these city slickers as the “judges” and “critics” on, when the articles on the website are invariably factual and visuals supported, portraying the systemic degradation of humanity at every level.

If the presentation or the style is the issue, then it’s worth remembering that the art of diplomacy and sophistication is at its best in a dialogue with the virtuous free of vices and that being envy, ego, pride, prejudice and greed.

Moreover, the offenders condemned in these articles are no missionaries or monks in the monasteries.

Instead, they are individuals as well as powerful authorities deliberately and conscientiously engaged in killing and mass murder of their own population, specifically the oppressed minorities.

Economic opportunists causing immense agony and misery for humanity through deceitful and deceptive actions.

It appears that any one daring to highlight the inherent omission of fairness by the corporate owned networks and the political figures’ evasion of responsibility on vital national issues like health care, financial reform, environment are declared ‘reprehensible’ by their representatives.

The double standards in the first amendment act as found in the terrorism definition among the critics are attention worthy.

When the articles on this website raise genuine credibility issue against the major corporations and their political allies, not excluding the foreign governments’ human rights activities, the news outlets are instantaneously used by the mighty and the powerful to warn the legitimate substance or comment as “off-limit,” in a democracy.

On the other hand, the constant vilification of the “progressives,” the “liberals,” anyone defending righteousness and the most favorite of all,

The religion of Islam and its followers…by the Fox news presenters viz. Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly, not barring the radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh are,

Permitted as ‘free speech’ parlance with an exclusive right to trigger violence, hostility, anger and fear mongering.

Even if the extreme provocation leads to untoward incidents like the death of DR. George Tiller of Wichita, Kansas,

The green jobs advocate Van Jones’ resignation and,

Last but not the least, the recent anti-government groups promoted “terrorist attack” by Joe Stack against the IRS building in Austin, Texas.

Despite the track record, when the White House contemplated to exclude the Fox news in the press conference, the entire news media and the leading news organizations deemed such action as objectionable.

Only if the mainstream media like CNN, Fox News and others had placed the former administration under President George W. Bush and the Vice President Dick Cheney in spotlight with tough questions on the Iraq war, akin to the ones posed to His Holiness Dalai Lama, it could have led to a favorable status quo.

Humanity’s response to the Prophets / Messiahs, the Political leaders and the Peace activists thus far has been,

Lord Jesus Christ crucified.

Prophet Mohammad ( May peace be upon him) diminished in status as an alibi by the pretentious followers of Islam like the terrorist network Al Qaeda and others, Iranian Theocracy and the dictatorial powers in the Middle East.

The Holy Buddhist Temples in Afghanistan desecrated by the Taliban forces.

Holy Islamic sites under siege by the Israeli authorities in the disputed Hebron.

Hindu Temples attacked in Kashmir (Indian and Pakistani side) by the Pakistani fundamentalist terror groups.

President Abraham Lincoln assassinated for ending slavery.

President John F. Kennedy assassinated. President Kennedy was a vocal critic of the secret society and the military industrial complex.

Mahatma Gandhi assassinated for the peaceful effort to unite Hindus and Muslims.

DR. Martin Luther King assassinated for civil rights movement.

Egyptian President Anwar Sadat assassinated for signing the Israel-Egypt peace treaty.

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin assassinated for the peace initiative and signing the Oslo Accords pertaining to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

On an optimistic note, the universal peace mission might have been successfully thwarted by the anti-peace factions for centuries,

Nevertheless, the reversal is imminent in the immediate future.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

His Holiness Dalai Lama in Spotlight

February 23, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

His Holiness Dalai Lama was a guest at the CNNs Larry King Live show on Monday, February 22, 2010.

During the interview, the host Larry King stated,

“Most Americans do not want the United States relationship strained with China over Tibet’s independence.” 

Interestingly, Mr. Larry King did not provide any specifics like who exactly these Americans are, the pollster name and details for authenticity.

Such position could not be from the mainstream population given the fact that by and large American people are samaritans and strong believers of democracy including human rights for them and others.

That being the case, it makes one wonder –

Like everything else is Made in China, if the questionnaire for this interview was possibly,

Prepared by China or Beijing’s representatives in the United States due to the provocative and insensitive questions posed in the interview.

Should a major international network like CNN compromise on substance to boost rating?

As for the alleged statement cited by the CNN talk show host, the anonymous individuals prioritizing economic opportunities over Tibetan people’s freedom cannot be living in the,

Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.

More likely, they belong to the – Land of the Narcissists, Home of the Hypocrites.

The people of the oppressed nation, Tibet may not necessarily be the strongest ally of the United States for whom the latter poised as the leader of the free world would not undertake risks against the invader and persecutor, the Communist China, like it did in 1991 –

When the U.S and allies waged war against Iraq in retaliation to Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein’s invasion of a comparatively small kingdom, the oil rich Kuwait,

Or for that matter,

Threatening to wipe out (Obliterate with nuclear weapons- the rhetoric during Presidential campaign) anyone harassing the nuclear armed Israel, the United States surrogate partner in the middle east despite Israel prominently established as the Neo-Imperialist in the region.

Is freedom a natural right and an entitlement for the privileged while remaining a fantasy for the weak and defenseless?

What would be the twenty first century like in the absence of the following events?

The women’s suffrage movement leading to the women’s vote in the United States of America.

If, President Abraham Lincoln had not ended slavery.

A young civil rights leader DR. Martin Luther King daring to dream a world without prejudice.

If, a resilient leader Mahatma Gandhi had failed in the non-violence principle to free his nation from two hundred years of colonialism.

Creating the state of Israel in OId Palestine amid Arab disagreement in the aftermath of holocaust.

The fall of Berlin wall and Eastern Bloc nations set free from the former Soviet Union.

Liberation of South Africa from the brutal apartheid.

Likewise, Independence for the small island nation East Timor -after prolonged tyranny and massacre.

Emancipation of human beings is not up to free individuals or the oppressive authority to decide whether the enslaved are eligible for liberty or not.

Reiterating the earlier message – All living beings are created equal and born to be free.

The people in Tibet, Palestine, Iran, North Korea, Myanmar, Afghanistan and the nations in Africa, Middle East, and Latin America are no exception to this natural rule of law.

No military might and economic power can continue to suppress the freedom of the population for their false sense of political superiority.

His Holiness Dalai Lama for diplomacy sake could seek autonomy rather than independence for the persecuted and tortured six million Tibetans on account of Tibet’s economic dependency on China.

China’s communist politburo decline political freedom and economic opportunities for long oppressed Tibetans in the Buddhist land.

However, India and South Africa would not be independent had they been abandoned under similar notion that the fate of the several millions are better off as the oppressed minority in their domicile.

Every tribe, community and society has leadership potential to guide and govern the people irrespective of the economic and educational status.

It’s an innate quality provided by nature and commonly seen throughout the animal kingdom.

Because of human greed to amass wealth and territories poignantly,

China – In spite of being third largest nation by total area and the second largest in land area, Beijing authorities insist on retaining Tibet, Xinjiang province, annexing Taiwan and currently eying on neighbor India.

Furthermore, the Chinese Communist rule conspicuously reining in on the most powerful nation, the United States transformed into a subservient economic debtor through unfair trade practices.

Not barring the Most Favored Nation (MFN) status, WTO membership and veto power in the UN Security Council consistently abused by the Communist nation at any given time.

Again, the United States and allies biased treatment of other communist nations is noteworthy.

Cuba and North Korea are incessantly subject to economic sanctions for a variety of reasons ranging from human rights violation to the nuclear standoff.

On the other hand, China, the ultimate communist authority with gross human rights violation and utter disregard for international rule of law is granted immunity based on the emerging economic power status by the democratic nations.

United States lacking in political will and corporations with investments in China are pressuring media to evade democracy depriving the people of Tibet the political freedom.

Then the real power – the people as consumers from all walks of life across the world should prove that the political and economic stakeholders can no longer determine the destiny of human beings.

Worldwide boycott of Made in China goods along with investments withdrawal from the state controlled Chinese holdings by humanitarians, democracy and peace seekers for all contrary to the selective few could lead to the beginning of the end of the communist rule in China and elsewhere.

Not long ago, in the latter part of the twentieth century i.e. during the cold war, the former Soviet Union was formidable opponent of the United States.

Lo and behold, the iron curtain dropped astonishing the rest of the world in marking the end of the repressive rule.

History is testimony to the fact that the rise and fall of empire and emperors not attributed to honorable surrendering of power or the oligarchs’ magnanimity but instead the voice for democracy within and outside oppressed nations have enabled the political transition.

With an inevitable freedom for the people of Tibet, Palestine, Iran, Myanmar, North Korea and others, the optimism will prevail over the lingering insecurity among the authorities and their proxies in the political and economic domain.

Caring, compassionate and peace activists from around the world must stage a non-violent protest and display solidarity in the freedom movement for Tibet, Palestine…the only hope and a guaranteed victory towards democracy for these nations.

Finally, the consumer power always succeeds against any economic and political power.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Current Events

January 13, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Earthquake in Haiti

The Caribbean nation on the western hemisphere, Haiti, is hit with a massive earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter scale. Natural disasters are generally devastating for any country, particularly the poorest nations.

Unfortunately, Haiti with reportedly 80 percent of the population below the poverty line will require more than financial aid.

President Obama’s action to provide military assistance in rescue operation combined with necessary humanitarian relief is praiseworthy.

Other nations including the Vatican should come forward and join the efforts with the United States in the financial contributions to help victims and their families experiencing the greatest tragedy.

I offer my sincere condolences to the victims’ families and hope for the Haitian population’s sufferings to end now and in the future.

Vice President Joe Biden’s Personal Tragedy

I extend my condolences to the Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden in the recent loss of his beloved mother, Catherine Eugenia “Jean” Finnegan Biden. It’s never easy to bid farewell to the loved ones and more difficult with the members who leave a lasting impact in one’s life.

However, Mrs. Jean Finnegan Biden was blessed to have lived a long healthy life and participated in the swearing in ceremony of her son the then Senator, Joe Biden to the office of Vice Presidency of the United States.

I join the President and members of Congress in the somber moment and pray for Mrs. Jean Finnegan Biden’s soul to rest in peace.


Guantanamo Guard’s Portrayal of Human Character

According to the BBC World news featured on January 12, 2009:

Reference: Video footage titled “GITMO Guard Reunites with Free…” featured below.

“Brandon Neely – A Guantanamo Bay Guard, 2002 had serious doubts about the unfair imprisonment of two inmates Shafiq Rasul and Ruhal Ahmed – 2002 -2004, and believed them to be innocent during their captivity in prison. So, he traveled to London to reconcile the error.”

Both inmates were released after being held without any trial due to the denial of Habeas Corpus, the tradition introduced during the Bush-Cheney era and continued until date. Shafiq Rasul and Ruhal Ahmed reportedly left for the United Kingdom, as they were British subjects.

Brandon Neely tormented by the task that involved torture and extreme brutality against the majority innocent captives, could not live with the guilt of having carried out the order as a security guard and apparently established contact with the exonerated inmates through the social networking site, Facebook.

Brandon Neely traveled all the way to London and apologized to the victims of the massive witch-hunt that is guided by the “indefinitely guilty,” law and branded “enemy combatant,” to evade the normally applicable Geneva Convention.

Brandon Neely is truly a hero and a human being of good moral character, not to mention a great ambassador of the United States. Shafiq Rasul and Ruhal Ahmed share the honor for their extraordinary courage and act of forgiveness.

Perhaps, the advocates of torture like water boarding and other inhumane tactics at the Guantanamo Bay, representing the tainted image of the United States along with the authorities contemplating on prolonging the infamous boot camp could pause and reflect on the cited thought-provoking incident.

History is testimony to the fact that violence begets violence and aptly described by the pioneer of peace, none other than Mahatma Gandhi,

“An eye for an eye will make the world go blind.”

It’s evident in the contemporary world. It’s never too late to change the course of action and submit to peace and non-violence.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

A Thanksgiving Message – A Sense of Gratitude

November 25, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Message to President Barack Obama

Hon. President Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President,

After careful consideration, I would like to convey the withdrawal of my support to your administration based on your recent policy decisions on many issues.

I am not a politician. Although I’m privileged to have lived in different democratic countries and had many opportunities to participate in politics, I didn’t have any affinity for it mainly because:

The political environment is often dominant with “staying in power” that provides the means to fame and fortune rather than the sincere dedication to serve the people by taking political risks against the will of the establishments controlling the government in the systems disguised as democracy.

As stated earlier to you and the American public, I had a formal invitation from the former President George W. Bush and the office of the Vice President Dick Cheney to join their team to promote their agendas. Being guided by my strong principles and convictions with respect to peace, non-violence, fairness, freedom and equal opportunities for all human beings, I declined their offer as the past administration’s ideology was not only in contrast to my belief but also proved detrimental to any kind of progress.

Besides, as expected in politics, I cannot be a ‘Cheerleader’ of hawkish policies for political correctness and vehemently opposed to being an ‘attack dog’ for the powerful.

Your candidacy in the 2008 Presidential campaign with the ‘hope and change’ message indicated that hope could become a reality through positive change in Washington. Accordingly, I got involved voluntarily in the beginning and mandatorily later on to support your campaign, despite several requests and overtures from your democratic and republican opponents to rally behind them.

In response to the wild rumors and assertions about my ‘alleged’ financial gain then, during your political campaign, or, for that matter, now, I wish to set the record straight for the skeptics and the critics: I was never paid a dime in any form or method throughout the campaign up until now.

Conversely, as you well know that I have been contributing through donations to your campaign and the Democratic Party all along, while trying to maintain my livelihood on a modest income.

Meanwhile, there have been attacks, innuendoes and insinuations against me more so from the feminist “liberal” columnist representing the New England daily failing to meet the journalistic standard of remanding the elitist women with political clout and capital to tasks on important issues like foreign policy and health care reform in the public arena.

Unlike the various administrative appointments that have taken place through political bargaining and deal exchange; I continued my unconditional free service during the campaign and after the commencement of your administration until date regardless of the experience qualifying the expression being ‘thrown under the bus’ on many occasions not to mention the sleep deprivation with maximum three hours sleep in the past two years.

In terms of plain gratitude from the beneficiary of the historic Presidency, I had the honor of receiving DR. King’s sermon that could be perceived in many different ways depending on the deliverer’s intentions implied in the message.

“If you want to be important — wonderful. If you want to be recognized — wonderful. If you want to be great — wonderful. But, recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. That’s a new definition of greatness.”

In my view, DR. King is the inspirational force who compelled the disheartened spirits to submit themselves to achieving greatness through service to humanity and strive hard to transform the status quo. Alternatively, in a spiritual sense the interpretation of ‘the greatest among you’ leads to the only entity Almighty God and his love amply reflected in the creations, the indomitable service to mankind.

Nevertheless, I’ll continue to exercise my right guaranteed to me in the first amendment, and remain steadfast with my commitment to the highest commandment to promote peace, progress and prosperity for all.

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

The Media Hypocrisy

September 22, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

The Sly Fox

Old fables have many animal characters to teach moral lessons to the human species presumed ‘intellectually superior’ than others in the animal kingdom. One of the reasons for such categorization is the apparent ‘discriminative power’ of humans over other living species.

Among many interesting legends, the ‘bushy tail’ Fox has an unparallel reputation to be cunning and conniving in conduct blended with aggression against its targets. The distinctive characteristics is symbolic of the cowardice and malice towards the ‘King of the Jungle,’ the gracious and the Majestic Lion as well as those sharing the general good values.

The Fox portrayed as never affable to the surroundings and constantly engaged in wicked behavior to be the center of the universe.

In most fairy tales, the Fox approaches the jungle inhabitants as the savior or a problem solver, although incapable of being neither due to the innate abhorrence to accept anyone except oneself. Alas, a fox being a fox is unable to stay long in ‘sheep’s’ clothing, revealed despite the convincing act to mesmerize the spectators.

The favorite prey for the Fox is the tiny chickens tripping on the trail while following the mother hen. When the Fox confronted by the intellect of the Rabbit, the Owl or His Majesty, the Lion it retreats to the ‘Bushes’ as it finds the thickets a safe haven for its own survival suggesting,

Birds of a feather flock together.

How does the Fox fair among the characters in the imaginary world?

Awful. Since its mere existence is to ambush the innocent beings in the environment through vicious plots and despicable means carried out with vengeance, only to be later mortified with the exclusive title – the ‘Sly Fox’ proving the end justifies the means.

To shed light on the human superiority complex from the possession of the ‘so-called’ discriminative power, it is conspicuous in none other than politics and certain media focused on the truth assassination. A popular tactic that exploits the ‘discriminative quality’ in self-defense and protest against the inner voice from within called the ‘conscience.’ They usually aim at the truth and the truth seekers as they perform the hatchet job for the groups hiring them.

Nevertheless, the ‘Truth’ like the man’s moustache and the woman’s pregnancy cannot remain an indefinite secret. Although, some have temporarily prevailed in the burial of the immortal ethical element through abusive power and false propaganda in the communications media, the gory findings on the earth’s surface beckon attention and appropriate action.

A specific news media obsession to slander, character defamation and determination to eliminate people and organizations deserve a fair analysis. The selective scapegoats deceitfully projected as the potential threat to the society and vilifying them beyond reparation in the name of journalism more aptly adapting to the fundamentalism of the worst feared organization and networks in the global security.

As for those following the norm in typecasting to signify unanimity while ignoring objectivity, reflect the lack of caliber in the mass media supposedly the essence of democracy.

Lately, the news network renowned to be the epicenter for clichéd controversies unveiled the scandal involving the long darted community organization ACORN. According to the contrived and calculated video release by the disguised agents unethically presenting them as the bait to the organizations’ ill-experienced staff members in few locations created pandemonium, forcing the lawmakers, otherwise the conscientious legislators deeply concerned about morality and justice to withdraw funding to the organization that has primarily dedicated the lifetime service to humanity.

ACORN is not new to the media witch-hunt as it was initially tied to the alleged fraudulent ‘voter registrations’ during the 2008 Presidential election campaign.

The past week highlight was on another incident related to etiquettes in the public arena. The media buzz attracted to the decoy by the attention seeking rapper artist Kanye West in his immature and unprofessional display on stage undermining the special moment of the country musician and star, Taylor Swift, offered the momentous glory to the artist at the center of the entertainment climax.

Again, those who failed to join the national media frenzy on this unfortunate gimmick spotted and branded as a ‘racist’ and ‘biased’ against country musicians. It didn’t end there.

The callousness by the moral ethicists rose to the occasion –

When the event related to the atrocities against foreign students exclusively reported on the website in the absence of any interest by the sprawling news media and networks, it was concluded as the author’s nationalist view associated with ethnicity. Incidentally the majority victims happened to be Indian Nationals allowing the ‘ethnic’ connotation with the website www.padminiarhant.com author, editor and publisher for the desperate critics. Meanwhile forgetting self-hypocrisy in the alienation of the author as an American.

Regardless of the severity of the incident in the nation down under, Australia upheld as the ‘industrialized FIRST WORLD’ order –

Where the people of BROWN and BLACK COLOR in the twenty first century hunted down by the certain hooligan youth population motivated by hate crimes attacking victims traveling by public transport and in the privacy of their homes with petrol bombs and other life threatening arsenals marginalized by the provocative cable network as “BIG DEAL.” Slighting the serious schoolyard bullying and racial harassment in the rebuttal to the Kanye West charade.

When the media hype on issues varies based on commercial ratings, the journalism reaches the lowest ebb.

By the way, the victims have not seen the end of the racial attacks in Australia as it persists until date having permeated to other fields such as medicine. This time reportedly the incident involved a doctor from Mainland China along with the Nigerian Male Nurse invited by the unruly elements mature enough to understand the facts of life but ignorant on humanitarian values, brutally hurt when called on to attend to a fake emergency at a wild house party.

Should the victims’ families dismiss the crime as a ‘NO BIG DEAL’ incident in accordance with the specific cable media professional civic rule?

Somehow, the critics failed to observe that the vigilant website also did not report on the International Bollywood Star Sharukh Khan’s humiliating experience with airport security at the International Airport, Newark, New Jersey during the star’s visit to the United States that was widely covered by the national, international media and the cyberspace.

Does it mean that I do not like Sharukh Khan’s movies or think any less of the internationally acclaimed artist?

Celebrities in politics and the entertainment field have media hovering over them to report on activities pertaining to every moment of their private and public life. However, the unknown average citizen plight is newsworthy dependent on the demography, geography and commercial value.

If the cable network dominant in partisan politics and polarizing views discard the racial atrocity in Australia and the ridicule of the International Super Star, Sharukh Kahn, they are discerning in the coverage omission. The network with subsidiary “Star Plus” raking profits in millions of dollars from the affluent and expanding middle-income Indian population can chose to be discriminatory irrespective of the financial gains from the Indian market.

Nevertheless, it is unacceptable when one of their targets stick with the rare self-imposed ideals to lend a voice to the voiceless. The Indian viewers are surely getting the respect and gratitude for their business by the Parent Company with such hypocrisy.

The irony is, the cable network relentless disparaging remarks against the President of the United States and the endless criticisms to the extent of inciting violence towards individuals standing up against injustice, tyranny and undemocratic principles accepted as a normal media entertainment, while the alternative source such as the website dedicated to humanitarian cause placed on radar for incendiary assaults.

The dangerous intimidation techniques by the network masquerading the past eight years phenomenal humanitarian crimes ominously visible in the list of casualties succumbed to the media instigated action viz.

The tragic shooting of DR. George Tiller repeatedly referred to as ‘DR. Baby Killer’ by the irresponsible news anchor. On May 31, 2009 DR. George Tiller shot dead…WICHITA, Kansas.

Then the resignation by the bright and the articulate Van Jones, the White House appointee for Green Jobs and,

Now the genuine community organization ACORN’s forty years exemplary record in helping the poor and the needy unethically substituted with the isolated inappropriate business practices.

Contrarily, events worse than ACORN scandals were a routine with the private contractors and the major corporations such as Halliburton and KBR hired during the Iraq and Afghanistan war by the previous administration. They are no longer an ethical issue even though the widespread scandals continue to be a national embarrassment until date.

As for the voter registration fraud by ACORN, the media, the networks and the legislators’ amnesia in this respect is prominent when the democratic election in 2000 ended being a proclamation by the highest court on the land demonstrating political favors to the candidate of their choice. Likewise, the 2004 Ohio results manipulated and recalibrated by the then winning party’s political machine owned by DEBOLT, recently acquired by the company’s competitor.

The treatment of ACORN by the venerable network and alliances suggests that what happened then with the stolen elections in the year 2000 and 2004 are a spectacular ingenuity qualifying for the Nobel Prize equivalent in excellence. Simultaneously, the overzealous ACORN volunteers alleged fraudulent voter registration statistics by far negligible in comparison to the undermining of democracy in the previous eight long years, reverberates in the airwaves and talk shows as an epic to remember in the future.

The difference being, ACORN has fired the employees responsible for the scandals and Kanye West apologized three times during his appearance on the late night show hosted by Jay Leno.

Whereas, the nation and the families of the victims of illegal Iraq war, the torture chamber captives held indefinitely with no evidence of crimes and the list continues…are still waiting for an apology and due moral and monetary compensation from the illicit operatives in the past eight years.

Interestingly, the uproar to write off ACORN as a scandalous organization not worthy of taxpayer contribution and Kanye West’ misstep never missed in the monologues or ‘Pinhead’ profiles.

At the same time, the taxpayers bankruptcy from the financial bailouts to AIG and oligarchs preceded by the decorated unscrupulous practices by the Bush administration in the national issues ranging from economic, political to international warfare elegantly forgiven and forgotten for the sake of “One Nation” not under God but ruling demagoguery. This is just a mere sample of the gross injustice in the land of justice.

The above references are a few of the First amendment vehement abuse by the exalted network. Regrettably, the cable network prolific vitriol against other members in the society accepted as the ‘normal entertainment’ confirmed by the network’s hyperbolic ratings in their showdown with the counterparts.

Finally, the website www.padminiarhant.com , is pledged towards local and world events never reported or under reported by the profit oriented commercial media and networks. The website resiliently and proudly remains committed to defend the defenseless on the planet.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The Noise Pollution

September 14, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

The blogpost on the “Aftermath of 9/11 including the global economy and international security’ rescheduled for publication. Meanwhile, the news media and press coverage with incendiary remarks and vitriolic comments by certain entities against the specific target as the ‘truthers’ and the ‘blogger in anonymity’ urgently required to be placed in true perspective.

It’s obvious from the news articles that the preachers do not necessarily practice their doctrine on morality, equality, civility and decency to say the least. While demanding decorum from the victim of gender, race, religion and ethnicity biased attacks, these oligarchs brandishing the swords not to slain the truth tellers but indeed the truth itself.

The venom spewed in the local and major newspaper articles need dissection, because it is nothing but a concoction of personal theories layered with bizarre and intellectually lacking assumptions suggesting their own poor representations of the topic and personnel. Surprisingly, one among them ruthlessly accusing the ’10 percent vocal minority’ for the unfamiliar and unpopular self owned obscure websites and its miserable failure to attract traffic among the billion surfers on the cyberspace.

The objectionable content from the authors strongly indicate their characteristics and i.e. When things don’t fare well for them, rather than addressing the self-deficiencies they find a scapegoat preferably the diametrically opposite character to camouflage their fictional work. It is no surprise to view the isolation of the individual they aim at and their preposterous justification in demanding the ousting of personalities displaying courage to unveil the public related facts.

It’s time to shed light on the contentious issues highlighted in these articles.

The assertions by one of the leading daily columnist, also a contributor to a major cable news network that specializes in character defamation of the public with different political views, are:

The former administration falsely accused of being responsible for the 9/11 tragedy and framing the subject to have disgracefully ignored the plight of the 9/11 victims and their families. Hence, the author using the prerogative to disdain the accused with distortions of the blog post material regarding –

‘The previous administration taking the nation to war on false pretences’ when the particular reference was to the Iraq war, as globally known in the absence of any Weapons of Mass destruction,.’

What did the author, the news anchor and some talk show hosts of the specific cable news network do on the particular day of posting the blogpost, i.e. Friday September 11, 2009?

They cleverly distracted the American public by connecting the comment to the 9/11 event despite no mention of September 11, 2009 in that statement.

Furthermore, the author makes use of the citation of the Industrial contamination by the multinational companies such as the Union Carbide poisonous gas leakage disaster in Bhopal, India in the blogpost titled ‘Capitalism alias Communism’ and steer in the direction implicating the accused of polarizing the society playing the race card.

Last but not the least; the author proudly classifies the victim of political propaganda in the category of ‘Holocaust Denier” and a nonsympathizer of the September 11, event.

The irony in this instance is ominously revealing…

The author in the grand slandering of the victim blatantly accuses the subject to be the denier of the two most horrific crimes against humanity with no shred of evidence in any material presented thus far on the website.

Simultaneously the author reserves the right to the slight and dismissal of the worst Industrial genocide with irrecoverable consequences in human history that took place in Bhopal, India as an environmental incident in the ‘Third World.’

In addition, the utter disregard for the ‘Holocaust’ taking place by the hour in Sudan, Palestine in the form of oppression and illegal settlements, Iraq through illegal invasion and Afghanistan as the major failure warfare clearly suggests the author’s stance that the loss of lives from these atrocities are just and dispensable. Again conveniently forgetting that the world events affect the United States as it’s not in a parallel universe but instead a part of the planet.

When these entities overwhelmed with arrogance, discriminate between human lives based on race, religion and creed they fail to recognize that their ideology is no different from the terrorists’ fundamentalism.

Some individuals behold themselves above the human category to the extent of being invincible and stretch to any length in the character assassination of the noble souls defiant to any form of undemocratic and unethical oppression in the society.

Interestingly, these demagogues having prevailed in the past with the behavioral pattern remain frozen in time in terms of historic events and the general environment. Their knowledge often insular and limited as they refuse to look beyond their enclave and therefore paralyzed to the pain and suffering endured by the vast inhabitants on the planet stemming from their complicity to humanitarian crimes and criminal conduct.

It’s important for these overzealous defense counsels to realize that the verbal assaults against the genuinely concerned voices would reverberate making their effort futile and counterproductive.
Another noteworthy factor in that article was – the highlighting of the eligibility to the ‘White House’ high profile position, which is not only presumptuous but also elevating thyself as the ‘Supreme authority’ in the universe. Amazingly, these entities flex muscles regardless of them being in power or not.

As for the article written to presumably protecting the ‘Internet from blogger anonymity.’ the suggestions vary from internet censorship to condemnation of the ‘vocal minority’ squarely blamed for the suppression of the ‘apparently’ outstanding 90 percent majority. The article calls the blogger’s position hateful, cowardly…and squarely blames the blogger for the ‘minority’ dominance over the asserted ‘majority.’

Such character defamation is ‘hypocritical.’ By referring to the blogger as a ‘minority’ multiple times, the ignorance combined with the exceeding idiosyncrasy reflected in the article.

First, the blogger being the member of the human race, the term ‘minority’ deflects the reference.

Second, the female gender perceived as the ‘minority’ by the narrow minds voided by the planetary equal gender ratio, an act of Mother Nature to curb the superiority among the human race and lastly,

If the ‘minority’ remark laced with ethnicity or religious denomination, then the second most populous nation on earth India has at least one billion Hindus on the planet, which by no measure is a minority.

With respect to the ‘hateful’ and ‘cowardly’ characterizations, the appropriate response is ‘look within and find yourself.’ In the finger pointing, it’s not uncommon to overlook the remaining fingers’ direction.

A demand to reveal the identity responded to earlier on. Besides, it confirms the authors’ belligerence towards anyone not sharing the contemptuous outlook. That must explain the unpopularity of the complainant’s website.

Since, the birth certificate demanded of the ‘President of the United States,’ other ‘minority’ members in the society are a fair game to the charade.

Sadly, those who voluntarily submit to denigrate the ‘minority’ humanitarians are the ones posing to be the problems instead of being the solutions in the society.

No political threats, maneuvers and manipulations will alter the positions of those who stand firm against injustice, inequalities and irrationality. Humanitarians are never afraid to hold an unpopular position, if that is what is necessary. None other than the history is testimony to this effect.

Truth and Honesty, oxymoron in politics are the prime casualties during the war and election.

The nation that takes pride in the Bill of Rights, denial of the First Amendment to all via internet censorship or other communication media is a direct violation of the constitutional right and justifiably makes the propagandists place themselves as ‘Communists’ or “Militia” advocates by default.

The noise pollution is the least concern of the ‘self-proclaimed’ moralists who flagrantly look for flaws
in those dedicated to cleaning the environment.

Finally, the quote from the genius mind aptly summarize the ‘minority subject’s’ purpose.

FROM THE VENERABLE Albert Einstein –

“Strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to a divine purpose. From the standpoint of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know: That we are here for the sake of others…for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy. Many times a day, I realize how much my outer and inner life is built upon the labors of people, both living and dead, and how earnestly I must exert myself in order to give in return as much as I have received.”

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

People’s Republic of China – The Deadly Dragon

August 13, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Profile – The world’s most populous nation, hailed the emerging economic power presumably in control of the U.S. Treasury and the EU Exchequer, world’s third largest country by total area and the second largest by … ranges forming China’s borders with India and Central Asia.

As the longest thriving Communist power, the totalitarian government embraced Capitalism parallel to its political setting with absolute control on policies directly contradictory to the free market system in the rest of the world.

Politically a Communist and economically a Capitalist nation, China is also a venerable member of the United Nations Security Council for reasons unfitting during the most important U.N. Structural formation post World War II. This has resulted in the excessive use of veto power by the authoritarian rule against all things humane and universally beneficial.

The Communist nation denounced as the fascist government in the new millennium by its enormous population, oppressed, repressed and deprived of basic human rights particularly the freedom of speech and the ominous communication censorship.

Tiananmen Square killings is a stark reminder to the global community that when a nation do not hesitate to murder scores of its unarmed civilians in worldview, it can never be taken for granted in the safe treatment of its neighbors. Case evidenced in the invasion and butchering of innocent Tibetan monks, men, women and children and the interference in neighboring Nepal’s politics by thrusting ‘Communism,’ on the entire ‘Hindu’ population unfamiliar with the concept until China’s arrival.

Just recently, the twentieth anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre observed solemnly and cautiously not on Chinese soil but elsewhere in an effort not to rock the ‘tug boat’ upheld as the Titanic due to the illusionary overcast in the perception among the world operatives.

The world must pay attention and act swiftly on the dragon nation’s role in the geo-political, economic, social, cultural and environmental issues.

In the economic front, the Communist regime gained advantage in the latter part of the twentieth century predominantly because of the pervasive economic boom in the United States and across the world with a sharp escalation in demands on a wide spectrum of consumer goods.

China wasted no time and seized the opportunity to strengthen the supplier status as the world’s largest ‘manufacturing warehouse’ sparing no consumer articles. In addition, China single handedly wiped out the prospects of any viable competition in the global economy with the ‘bargain’ deals as a tool… in attracting big and small manufacturers around the world.

Most businesses neglected their own workforce for the Communist governed rigid market. While others ignored poor and developing nations despite, their flexibility to the free market factors.

The surge in demands during the nineties from the U.S. and global prosperity prompted the secretive and secluded Chinese political system to break away from the economic protectionism and adopt a customized capitalism within the confines of Communism.

It’s essential to note the ironies in the treatment of Communist countries by the Western governments, i.e. the United States and Europe.

The ideal example is the Latin neighbor across the Caribbean, a long time foe of the United States, the ‘Communist’ Cuba that led to the nerve racking Cuban Missile Crisis, shortly halting the world on the possible confrontation between the nuclear Super Powers, the United States and the former Soviet Union.

Cuba has been isolated for decades and now there appears to be a glimpse of hope in the relationship between the United States and the Cuban authority, attributable to President Obama’s diplomacy message. The economic sanctions and travel restrictions (recently eased by President Obama) against Cuba on the charges of human rights violation and non-democratic power only punished the long-suffering Cuban population rather than achieving the intended goal to remove the ‘Communist’ power.

On the Contrary, the Communist China with no respect for international or humanitarian law crowned the world leader and perpetually granted MFN (Most Favored Nation) status along with premium membership in WTO (World Trade Organization)…

Such rewards speak volume about the hypocrisy in the Western foreign policy, not to mention the lack of courage in clipping the wings of the scavenger bird…inadvertently allowing the Communist nation’s dominance in the world economy and political sphere to the detriment of regional and global peace and security.

Why should the global population awaken to the Communist China’s Supremacy?

Apart from history related to foot binding and gleefully dispensing lives to build the landmark -‘Great Wall of China.’ the Chinese regime’s atrocities and recalcitrant conduct in dealing with the free market investors and entrepreneurs deserve scrutiny.

As stated above, China has artfully manipulated their currency to weaken the U.S. dollar and the investment in U.S. Treasury Notes is an insurance to bind the United States financially making it symbolic with the free and democratic USA indebted to a repressive Chinese regime. The scenario enabling the unruly government to relentlessly engage in arms supply to the impoverished regions of the world such as Darfur, Sudan, Congo, Rwanda, Sri Lanka and others.

Chinese aggressive takeover of the mass production of consumer goods has killed NAFTA, CAFTA… and responsible for countries like Mexico embroiled in war against the Drug Cartels emerging from poverty, despair and hopelessness, notwithstanding the other poorest nations unable to compete with China in winning the favorable trading status or luring manufacturing investments in their respective countries. Simply put, the Chinese over-indulgence negated chances for poorer nations in exporting goods to the consumer buoyant U.S. market.

With respect to trade and commerce, China’s latest ban on world-renowned ‘Google’ search engine on the bizarre pretext of protecting its population from pornography is an ill-conceived hogwash with nothing to rest on. Likewise, in the software saga – the mandatory requirement for all PC’s to contain built-in software in compliance with the regime’s prohibition of the free expression in the modern technological age is the direct imposition of Communist rule of law – “My way or High Way.”

Further, China is unique in the intellectual property warfare by leading the amateurs in the piracy, forging the patent right and the copyright of products and services especially with the ones manufactured in the USA.

Again, if it’s rampant in the publishing field, it’s potent in the music industry with the downloading of music and DVDs, endless supply of unauthorized imitations/copies of Hollywood movies prior to the legal distribution in the world market…

China’s monopoly in the cyberspace by preventing free market competition in accessing the expansive market share of the Chinese users aptly qualifies for the ‘big bully’ title.

It’s unwillingness to cooperate with France on the recommendation to hold overseas Corporations accountable for tax evasion through tax havens is a testimony to the regime’s lack of integrity.

International Sports like Beijing Olympics – China’s strategy to stomp USA by any means – hook or crook duly reported in the accidental slip of the Chinese on-line media and the vigilant international press. It has a specific reference to the cruel detainment of young Chinese athletes trained for ‘Gymnastics’ in the extreme and strenuous conditions against the International Olympic guidelines safeguarding the athletes’ interests.

In the scientific arena, the organ extortion for transplants and experiment turned a blind eye by the Communist authority, otherwise a stickler for rules and regulations enforced against normal existence.

Social Protocol – China’s population control measure involving one child policy triggered infanticide and alarming number of orphans especially female children in the appalling orphanages pleading the authorities to care for them.

Weapons of Mass Destruction – Easily delivered through food and various consumer products as experienced in the toxic toothpaste and lead based children’s toys, not excluding the leaking battery cells in laptop computers causing explosion in some incidents – from items manufactured in China.

Environment is oxymoron to the world’s largest polluter investing in gusto on fossil fuel from Australia and refusing to commit to greenhouse gas reduction by limiting carbon emission.

Similarly, an utter disregard for life in general, human trafficking is a normal activity and a huge lucrative trade carried out in a smooth operation with the knowledge of the regime within, along the borders and outside China by the undesirable elements normally serving time in prison in the lawful regions.

China’s footprints are traceable in almost every civil war and ethnic cleansing across the globe, being the voracious supplier of deadly and dangerous weapons. The military industrial complex thrives with the active purveyor like China.

China is guilty of genocide in Darfur, Sri Lankan ethnic cleansing, and most poignantly invasion, occupation and systemic violation of the peaceful and pious Tibetan population and culture.

Chinese Communist regime is the avant- guard and a substantial aid to militant North Korea, Burma, Sudan, Iran to name a few. It doesn’t fall behind in being a staunch ally to Pakistan in instigating and stirring tension with its nuclear neighbor India.

China’s role in the U.N. Security Council thus far is, remaining a vehement opponent of effective action against North Korea, Burma, Iran and dictatorships around the world.
What is the deadly dragon up to now in the region?

China’s insatiable appetite revealed in the most shocking and astonishing developments that would engulf the entire world if not intervened immediately.

The Chinese Communist regime invaded and destroyed the tranquility of the rich Tibetan culture and the peace loving Tibetan Buddhists, followed by the successful influence of ‘Communism’ on the ‘Hindu’ nation, Nepal. All of this happened on the international watch.

At present, the regime is in full preparation to take the world by storm with the aggressive invasion of the world’s largest democracy and the unfortunate closest neighbor, India.

Yes, you heard it right.

China has been active and infiltrating into the north and north eastern borders of India for quite some time and now the emboldened regime with the political and economic clout considers the moment ripe to devour the democratic, secular and nuclear India.

The Communist regime has mobilized the vast army through bullet trains and high speed transportations and solidly planning to surround the Indian borders on all sides. It’s just a matter of time.

Lately, the Chinese Think Tank, China International Institute for Strategic Studies (WWW.CIISS.ORG) masterminded a plan for the authoritarian rule and made the following proposal.

According to the plan, the regime advised to split India into 30 segments as India has 28 states and 7 union territories. Chinese regime asked to approach the vulnerable small and big nations such as Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan in the North and Bangladesh in the North East to assist in disintegrating India like Europe and the former Soviet Union.

The plan is to divide India on ethnic and religious diversity by having each neighbor assigned with a specific task aided by the totalitarian China.

The think tank detailed the devious operation beginning from North India, Kashmir aptly assigned to nuclear Pakistan, West Bengal in the eastern border to Bangladesh because of similar ethnicity, create separatist movement in Tamil Nadu, Southern India and force India to concede to the fragmentation of itself.

China’s behavior doesn’t come as a surprise. China betrayed India soon after the long fought independence from the British Empire. China ambushed India in the most cowardly manner.

The Western-educated and political savvy, First Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru extended India’s friendship hand only to be bitten harshly by the Communist leadership in China, Zhou Enlai also known as Chou En-lai and the prominent Mao Zedong.

What should India do to thwart the aggression from the predator China?

Firstly, India must launch an aggressive campaign educating and addressing the rural and disenchanted mass in the local languages and dialects about China’s dubious plan. The Congress government and party must simultaneously resolve the pressing issues of the local population to build the necessary confidence and trust towards the government and the agencies.

India’s rescue from the monster attack depends on every citizen regardless of background, standing up to unite the nation and promote solidarity by rejecting the Chinese orchestrated propaganda targeting the weak and the gullible populace.

It’s truly a testing time for every Indian to display their patriotism and reach out to those who are confused and disoriented about the great future of the world’s largest democracy.

Remember the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi’s words – No matter what, India is a secular nation and will remain so now and in the future. It is the duty of the brave and smart citizens of India to demonstrate resolve against the foreign infiltration, and keep India unified at all costs.

Remind your fellow Indian citizens that irrespective of race, religion, skin color and socio-economic status, they are children of God. Everyone must come together as a national force and not a regional threat against one another falling into the enemy’s booby trap.

Bollywood could play a significant role through documentary or commercial films on the national unity theme. Don’t fail to include the footage of Tiananmen Square and present the realities of split Europe then and the unified Europe now through European Union. Also, provide the horrible images of the persecution of Tibetans, in the Tibet occupied by China and the plight of the ethnic Muslim population in the Chinese province.

Message for the regional neighbors – Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan:

The message replicated for the governments and the people of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal not to commit the blunder of aiding and abetting with the Communist regime in China that disregarded and disinherited its own people in the past and present. In fact, it would be foolhardy for the neighbors to set fire to the common habitat.

The government and the people of Bangladesh should not believe in the Communist rumors against Indian regional politics and refrain from becoming part of the political quagmire in the region.
Relevantly, Bangladesh will not be a free nation today, if not for the sacrifice of the Indian blood in the 1971 war against Pakistan to liberate the formerly known East Pakistan, that later became Bangladesh.

As for Bhutan and Nepal, heeding to the advice of the brutal Chinese regime to stir tensions or an uprising against India will be a political suicide and sure to backfire sooner than later resembling the fate of oppressed Tibet by China.

Pakistan as a mature nation should well understand that every action has equal and opposite reaction. The Communist China might project India as the vitriolic rival; however, the Chinese authority’s regional ambition should not be underestimated.

Any assistance by Pakistan to China in destabilizing India would be analogous to the naïve adolescent riding on the crocodile/alligator’s back to get across the river banks, only to become the scrumptious feast for the ever hungry marsh land creature.

The people of Indian Kashmir experiencing the freedom, peace, political and economic stability on the Indian side should not fall for misguided tales and lies through agents of the Chinese regime. Kashmiris should take a hard look at the Pakistan riddled with the militants occupation, terrorist camps and eternal chaos of suicide bombings, explosions contributing widespread fear among the Pakistani population about their security and future…

People of Tamil Nadu and West Bengal acknowledged for their sharp intellect should unanimously shun the foreign sources hired to sabotage the Indian national interest and stay committed towards the national defense.

Warning to the mighty and presumptuous People’s Republic of China that has neither represented the people nor demonstrated as the republic:

Based on the adequately available evidence, the Chinese troops mobilization along the north and north eastern borders of India must be withdrawn effective immediately and unconditionally. China has no business lingering around and near the clearly demarcated Indian territories.

The CIISS think tank diabolical strategy to distract the Chinese population drowned in decades of misery as political prisoners and the onset of economic gloom following the short-lived cornucopia do not justify the vicious and treacherous plot against neighboring India doing no harm whatsoever to the Chinese regime or the people of China.

If the Communist regime accepts the so-called think tank proposal and acts upon it to camouflage the domestic problems of different kinds –frustration among pro-democracy youth, unrest, ethnic tension with the Muslim population, uncertain economy, growing unemployment…

It would lead to devastating Galactic response with a great deal of variation. Any nation on planet earth in possession of the vast armed forces and nuclear arsenal is not invincible and therefore such assumption is purely delusional.

China’s despot leadership comprising Premier Wen Jiabao and President Hu Jintao should not underestimate the prophetic call and proceed to the destination of peril with the troop amassment around India.

It is clear to the international community that the Chinese leadership involvement in Darfur genocide, abuse of Tibetan population and suppression of democracy movement in China…unequivocally a humanitarian crime of greater impact in modern times.

Hence, it would justify calling for the worldwide boycott of goods and services from China and withdrawal of investments in hybrid or exclusive Chinese holdings by citizens for global peace and democracy.

The reconfiguration of the U.N. Security Council delivered for a purpose and the United Nations expected to act in accordance with the new world order. Any slight of the information would render the United Nations incapacitated confirming the majority opinion on the U.N. validity.

Finally, China’s activities along the Indian borders is an invitation to a free fall from the economic cliff with serious ramifications and failure to heed to the call would be catastrophic, perhaps in the form of assorted natural disasters.

It’s time for the universe to recognize the devil in disguise behind the masqueraded deadly dragon.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Too Good to be True

August 2, 2009

By Padmini Arhant

Throughout history, human reaction to anything unknown, unfamiliar is to cast a shadow of doubt and skepticism reminiscent of “Jesus archetype.”

Human nature is to probe and draw conclusions based on the personal understanding or the lack thereof regardless of the consequences from such action. In the earlier days, it’s a collective effort usually orchestrated by a prominent individual or a group using affluence to influence the mass conception.

When a Jewish born shepherd descended upon earth to spread the message from the celestial supreme being on the birth of a new religion called Christianity adding diversity to the religious sphere, it created pandemonium across the social and religious helm.

The preacher then misconstrued as an impostor denied access to public discourse by the presumptuous lords on the earth holding themselves to the highest moral decorum later proven otherwise among many.

What’s the change between the ancient and modern times in the treatment of presumed paranormal events?

In the olden days, they crucified them and in the modern days they vilify them.

It’s important to relate to the contemporary moment and put the hysteria to rest.

When an individual contributes to public affairs as a citizen journalist through blog posts on sensitive topics, the content evaluated to suit one’s own belief, experience, ideology and personal discretions.

It applies to most publications with fewer exceptions.

Although, the recent battery of charges, innuendoes and insinuations are nothing new considering the dramatic 2008 Presidential campaign saga prompting behind the scenes scrutiny of the nuisance ‘blogger’ in the national political arena touted as an ‘unqualified’ and ‘illiterate’ foreigner, a possible liaison of undesirable elements…i.e.

Padmini Arhant, an American of Indian (India) origin, a Californian resident, the author, editor and publisher of the website www.padminiarhant.com. The unquenchable quest for information on the force behind the voice continues until date.

The probable cause related to the absence of Western education particularly the elite institutions, publications (personal or ghost written) CEO of AIG, BEAR STEARNS, WORLD COM, ENRON synonymous… aside from personal characteristics like ethnicity, religion, language, gender and last but not the least detailing to the appearance of shape, size, no glitz or glamor.

Despite releasing the comprehensive personal profile for Universal view on the cyber space, the propaganda and malicious rumors with incendiary comments such as:

‘Why can’t the blogger preparing the political meal with a hot sauce step up and reveal thyself as the masked Zorro rather than a street thug with a truncheon” – The pleasantry from an overarching local beholding himself to the absolute form of transparency in the personal accusation of someone he is clueless about.

“The Corporate Bashing, Anti- Profit Martian and Communist” – Comment from a network specializing in divisive, polarizing demagoguery, otherwise desperate journalism – (Obviously, the compliment resulting from the ‘Corporate mismanagement of health care and economy’ enlightened on the cited website).

Here is a personal tip to the controversy. How about an alien from Mercury – Reference Greek Mythology?

Perhaps might provide a clue to the trivial pursuit.

Besides the flattery from the predictable irate representatives of the ‘so-called’ civil interests, the spotlight craving divas of politico domain with serious credibility issues had similar sentiments in the spirit of camaraderie.

One of them abandoning the electorate and quitting the national scene in breach of ethical laws not to mention the abuse of power berated ‘Hollywood’ with a special reference to a ‘tiny starlet’ implying the subject likely crawling instead of walking upright arousing further suspicion about the alleged alien pretending to be a homosapien.

Likewise, the other proclaimed to be liberal, suffering from distinctive syndrome parading cable and other major networks to promote the re-publishing of ghost written events refreshed with unattributed work from others, remarked about the current ‘ethnic minority’ phase apart from psychoanalyzing the blogger with a possible native accent and therefore not in the public eye. After being disappointed with the false prediction, the diva’s turnaround was the accent is perhaps ‘put on’ improvised, hence not authentic. In all likelihood, not an American.

In addition, the same entity did not fall short of providing the unauthorized blogger’s details on Google map through their official on-line publication political website as a revelation to the national and international community at large. Again linking without prior consent or knowledge. Further, the blogger’s campaign donation to Obama candidacy highlighted as a matter of concern during the election while ignoring the AIG executives’ personal donations to political campaigns listed on the www.padminiarhant.com.

So much for responsible journalism!

The identity politics attack on new voices by the insecure selective media and certain press corps including the on-line publications as mentioned above, signify emulation arising from acute shortage of integrity and ethics.

In light of the ethno phobia environment, it’s poignant to flashback a historical political event involving the then reigning Colonial power of Great Britain and the previously agricultural India represented by the frail bespectacled, yet resilient individual named M.K.Gandhi

During the colonial occupation of India, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Mr. Winston Churchill, often remembered by the present Western political figures in a positive frame of mind, constantly addressed the representative of the poor and the impoverished millions not only in the Indian soil but around the world, M.K.Gandhi as –

The “Half Naked Fakir” – the Urdu translation of Fakir is beggar.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the “half naked beggar’ for the colonialists at that time. Since Gandhiji became the force to reckon with and a menace to the occupiers, he travelled to Britain not by ‘Air Force One’ equivalent, but instead sailed across the treacherous seas for weeks and months at a time. The mocked Indian was exemplary in the interpretation of the Colonial Power rule of law in their native language on their turf.

How did Great Britain receive Gandhiji?

Gandhiji frequently summoned and never seated by the over-lauded Winston Churchill, unabashedly denigrating the native of the occupied land as a ‘Half Naked Beggar.’

What a gargantuan army would not have attained, the iron-willed ‘half naked beggar’ eventually prevailed and achieved a monumental victory against the mighty Imperial power that came crumbling down and forced to quit India with the tail between their legs.

How did he do it?

As the pioneer of Peace and Non-violence, he grieved with the holocaust victims and at the same time bemoaned for the Palestinian rights and homeland. Gandhi as a true humanitarian brought the oppressive apartheid in South Africa to international focus and called for worldwide condemnation amidst Colonial era. He was the first international volunteer to picket against the Dutch Africans regime in South Africa.

Did he discriminate against the people of the Colonial nation, The Great Britain?

On the contrary, Gandhiji was instrumental in improving the conditions in terms of better wages for the ‘all white’ cotton mill workers in Manchester, England by threatening to boycott goods produced at the expense of the poor in England.

Gandhiji went on to become the inspiration and mentor for DR. Martin Luther King, Jr., and DR. Nelson Mandela committed towards freedom, equal rights and opportunities.

Gandhiji did not earn the title Mahatma (the superior soul, also the noble soul) for nothing.

Tragically, today some political figures, corporations, certain journalists, reporters in the press, media and airwaves propagate hatred; provoke thoughts aimed at the President of the United States as well as others selflessly dedicating their entire time towards national progress and humanitarian cause.

The present motto for even few established cable networks is –

Pandering to some by slandering others.

This article would be incomplete without stating the latest bizarre attempt to disparage the office of the Presidency by insisting that President Barack Obama is allegedly a foreigner confirmed through the clairvoyant’s crystal ball per the self-proclaimed prophets in the media posturing to speak nothing but the ‘Gospel’ Truth.

Unfortunately, these agents of divide and diminish policies suffer from selective amnesia as not long ago they were trying to amend the consitution to allow the Austrian born Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Republican Presidential candidate in the foreseeable future. As if, it’s not enough that the State of California’s progress held hostage, they wanted enlarged nationally.

Surely, events change according to the political dynamics for the insular groups shackled within the prism of narrow mind.

Another phenomenal fact pertaining to a foreigner embraced worldwide specifically in the United States is Lord Jesus, born in Bethlehem, a Palestinian City in the central West Bank.

Lord Jesus neither born in the United States of America, nor ever visited the continent.
Nevertheless, millions throng to the holy sons’ place of worship.

I hope that there will not be a time when Jesus’ birth certificate demanded to approve the worship of the savior and the true son of God, here in the United States, since the Lord is the ruler of the kingdom.

Indeed, Too good to be True.

The epitome of discriminatory practices clearly a reflection among the segment unable to distinguish illusion from reality and constantly strive to prove truth as false and falsehood an embodiment of truth.

Too much emphasis on the perishable body and very little concentration on the immortal soul,
only if one can find it within.

Illusion stems from ignorance and ignorance feeds hypocrisy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant
(Author, Editor and Publisher of www.padminiarhant.com)

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