EU – Interference in U.S. Election not Foreign Collusion?
August 14, 2024
Interference in U.S. Election not Foreign Collusion?
Padmini Arhant
The European Union subordination of Union member nations with own government body and election to legitimize the illegitimate structure that typically undermine the sovereignty and independence of the union member states is a glaring dichotomy in western democracy.
The western democracy having denounced the former Soviet Union for ruling all those nations in Eastern Europe and Central Asia as part of the former Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) precisely adapted the former Soviet Union model immediately after contributing to the collapse of the USSR in 1991 and formed what is known as the European Union or EU in 1992.
EU emergence in the backdrop of fall of USSR and becoming the replacement of the former Russian Federation for Eastern European members within EU maintain conflicting positions on many issues ranging from politics, economy to social and security.
EU denied the active NATO ally Turkey with second largest army and two key air bases, the Union membership until date.
The Turkish leadership and government headed by incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdogan since Turkey’s once democratic system as tolerant, diverse and free society until recent transformation have consistently requested EU acceptance of Turkey as the Union member. The request declined by EU to this date.
EU’s response to that request from earlier on was Turkey not democratic to qualify for EU membership setting stringent criteria for the NATO ally to comply with in all these years until now.
Meanwhile, EU appears to have no problem in the interference of foreign election viz. the United States 2024 Presidential race advising the billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk prior to the interview with the former President and current Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump.
There appears to be no hue and cry from the democrat party having patented the call on foreign collusion especially the Russian collusion in 2016 prolonged till date squandering millions of tax payer dollars on the Russian collusion hoax against their opponent Donald Trump.
Why is EU warning the entrepreneur Elon Musk about the Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump?
Is EU’s direct undemocratic interference in the U.S. election related to the Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump’s appropriate stance on disproportionate NATO funding at American taxpayer expense for Europe’s subsidized NATO alliance?
Sometimes, when the so-called allies overt intervention such as the latest EU warning entirely for personal gains and political interests are made aware preceding the entrepreneur Elon Musk interview with Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump, the former intrusion provide fodder for the otherwise slighted conspiracy theory on foreign involvement citing EU politics in the recent assassination attempt on the Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump.
This is not the first time EU political meddling in foreign affairs has come to light. There has been several occasions where EU politics’ have been controversial and inappropriate at the least.
EU summon of the Google CEO Sundar Picchai to crackdown on United States citizens’ free speech rights related to anything and everything from the global pandemic cover up by EU in shielding the WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus collusion with Beijing withholding critical information on SARS(COV2) deadly virus human to human transmission leading to delayed actions in international travel restrictions.
As a result, the epidemic in China’s Wuhan province evolved into global pandemic consuming millions of lives all around.
Yet, EU rejected the humanity call on the WHO director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to step down from the position having violated the fundamental responsibility of the international health body, the World Health Organization to inform governments and global citizens that could have mitigated and averted the health disaster in 2020 prolonged well and beyond 2023 and for many even lasting lifetime.
WHO guidelines and policy are adhered to and implemented worldwide on human health matter.
In this instance, the WHO complete failure under the director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus complicity with Beijing in not coming forward on the pandemic with honesty cost enormously in lives, livelihoods and persistent health toll for the human population across the globe.
No transparency and accountability was endorsed by EU in the global pandemic catastrophe granting immunity to all those at WHO and profiteers in the dealings between political and economic sector specifically the health industry and governments hiding facts on COVID related deaths and Big pharma like the vaccine manufacturers making a fortune from the politics’ enforced vaccine mandate.
It was an open field for profit-making leaving the human race at the mercy of the merchants trading human lives for phenomenal self-enrichment.
EU also played a significant role as the key protagonist along with then United States administration under ex-President Barack Obama in toppling the then democratically elected government in Kiev, Ukraine in 2014 literally at gun point on world view.
The reason behind EU meddlesome in Ukraine was then democratically elected Ukrainian leadership bilateral trade agreement with neighbor Russia, the former head of the Union of the Russian federation to which Ukraine was formally part of until the disintegration of USSR in 1991.
The economic ties between then democratic Ukraine and across the border neighbor Russia was not tolerated by EU and the former United States administration under then Presidency of Barack Obama.
The direct upset the applecart strategy instigating violent protests and overthrow of democratic Ukrainian government in Kiev in 2014 was vigorously adopted by EU and the U.S. administration headed by then President Barack Obama.
The policy later resumed in 2022 igniting the warfare between Russia and Ukraine on EU’s behalf bleeding Ukrainian and Russian blood with American taxpayer funded treasure.
EU politics at the onset of Russia – Ukraine war in February 2022 demanding Pakistan and India to refrain from energy import from Russia amid prominent EU members like Germany and nordic partners Finland etc., maintaining energy flow from Russian pipeline in the Nord stream investment deal.
The verified actions and decisions from EU thus far in the above enunciated events and developments till date in August 2024 categorically pose serious credibility factor in any and all of the following;
EU position on democracy, freedom of expression and free and fair election whether in own domain Europe or the sabotage of peaceful co-existence of Ukraine with neighbor and important economic partner Russia given the proximity across the border.
EU’s pivotal role in the guarantee of no harm to the global pandemic COVID19 disinformation about the virus virulence as non-contagious allowing the flow of travelers as vectors that claimed more lives than ever before in the combined twentieth and twenty-first-century.
EU’s anathema to democracy and democratic process now in spotlight in EU’s expressed objection to the Republican Presidential nominee for re-election in 2024.
All the more requirement to prohibit foreign powers EU or anyone, entities, organizations, domestic and overseas diverse media, and assortment institutions in disguise or blatant such as George Soros and the selective elite club members from holding democracy hostage to undermine national sovereignty and individual rights of the republic at large barring discrimination, targeted prejudice and partisanship.
Respecting others’ rights in the manner expected regarding own rights is the basic characteristic of human nature and value.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Election Mandate on Economy, Border and Individual Rights
August 12, 2024
United States
Election Mandate on
and Individual Rights
Padmini Arhant
United States is hostage to political hijack of democracy, constitution, yes indeed FREEDOM (out loud), individual rights and national sovereignty…by power mongers whose only obsession is to intensify overt carte blanche authority.
The democrat party having dismissed democratic primary spearheading their DEI incumbent VP as the unelected democrat Presumptuous Presidential nominee whose track record in the entire political career is overwhelming incompetence, dereliction of duty and cluelessness in anything and everything except for massive corruption, cover ups and quid pro quo politics for personal gains and vested interests.
The democrat party coup to prop up their DEI nominee was not limited to their democrat base and electorate, whose voter right in the democrat primary is blatantly denied and invalidated,
In fact, the latest brazen coup d’é·tat is against the entire United States system and the republic at large.
The democrat nominee as the incumbent VP in the administration evading responsibility on impromptu press conference to address serious problems such as the border situation, the issue exacerbated by the democrat selected nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris by her refusal to deal with her initial open invitation to illegal migrants then backtracking upon finding the move causing immeasurable fiasco.
The economy in shambles – no matter how the DEI nominee and the actual power stakeholders behind Kamala Harris unleash political media, press surrogates and online outlets outright lies and propaganda to circumvent the reality on depletion of hard earned savings, assets and livelihoods of American population en masse from all walks of life to the point of no return, the economic plight and hardships of majority Americans cannot be written off in the power grab by any means viz. unscrupulous undemocratic unconstitutional practice.
The last minute adjustments on interest rates, tweaking gas price and other economic false maneuvers are election gimmicks with the price on everything to skyrocket with supercharged 3I’s – inflation, interest rates and income tax in the backdrop of failed economic policy now and post election when unelected administration usurp to power with behind the scene chief operatives Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and other power hungry key members exercise overt full control.
As for the much touted abortion rights and revival of Roe v. Wade by Kamala Emhoff Harris campaign and behind the scenes mastermind,
The young women electorate relying on the incumbent democrat nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris message on the so-called restoring women reproductive rights posing the question to viewers on social media to mention minimum one or more similar government diktat on men’s health matter unlike that enforced on the women’s health decision.
Here is the response to that fair question.
The same incumbent democrat administration with the serving VP and now the unelected DEI Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris was at the forefront enforcing the aggressive vaccine mandate on all living human population that included men, women and even minors such as children almost down to infants during the entire pandemic years 2021 – 2023 with the most ruthless “no jab no job” policy on federal government employees.
The same policy extended into the private sector through restrictions on public access to events and other activities with federal government as the ultimate authority overruling people’s independent discretion and decision about their health choices and well being.
When it comes to freedom of choice, individual free will on personal health, finances and all things inalienable to human rights, the incumbent administration with the current VP as the democrat Presidential nominee and the political machinery behind are intrusive, invasive and inextricably interventionists leaving any totalitarianism novice in this trait.
I’m speaking from personal experience with those elevated to the highest office abusing power to the core in the targeted agenda.
The individuals behind the ouster of their once picked VP and President Joe Biden replaced by the Obamas and their appointees running their illegitimate Presidential term extension campaign.
Notwithstanding Barack Obama recruiting former AG from own administration of the infamous fast and furious term 2009 – 2012 – Eric Holder brought in to preside over Kamala Emhoff Harris Vice Presidential nominee selection last week.
The Fox News black co-host in the daily morning live show aired on the network consistently defending indefensible Barack Obama’s previous alarming track record and now claiming that the Obamas were hoping to host an open democratic primary – despite the latest coup initiated and executed by them is a hard sell.
The Obamas public endorsement on speaker phone of their puppet nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris with reassurance – “Michelle and I will get you into the White House.” is tell all on the ongoing development endangering democracy and electoral process.
The emphatic guarantee is visibly and audibly self-explanatory on the Obamas official re-entry into the White House via puppet nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris.
Furthermore, the Fox News black co-host stating that Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi were actually looking forward to an open democrat primary adding it was stifled by the incumbent President Joe Biden’s endorsement of the VP Kamala Harris is again weak defense.
The narrative does not fit the ensued events considering Barack Obama hardline approach initially deploying the Hollywood Actor George Clooney with the Op-ed in the New York Times, the content verifiably approved by Barack Obama with go ahead nod to publish the op-ed exit demand from President Joe Biden.
Then immediately, Barack Obama dispatched the former speaker Nancy Pelosi to convey the ultimatum (modeled on Barack Obama’s Chicago days and D.C. politics) to the incumbent President Joe Biden.
“We can go the soft way or in the hard direction.”
Having removed the sitting President Joe Biden and democrat base chosen nominee with 14 million votes in the uncontested democrat primary from re-election pathway,
The democrat key members Barack Obama, Michelle Obama and selective others rejecting the coerced endorsement of the unelected democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris from the incumbent President Joe Biden would have been a breeze if they were truly committed to democratic electoral process in the primary which proved to the contrary.
The expedited assault on democracy with primary election made irrelevant by the Obamas and their cohorts within democrat political party, media and whoever from anywhere.
The latest trend raise natural concerns over their role in the national election with early voting beginning soon if not already in progress until the election day, November 5th, 2024.
Last but not the least, the party and incognito together with press media promoting DEI nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris on identity politics platform alongside authorizing cheap news media stunt and caricature of diverse member society – whether gay in any orientation, the drag and trans gender community and others…used in the memes and other format aimed at the opponent is at best crass and at worst bigotry ad nauseam against them.
Not to mention, the politically motivated prejudice casting opponent in designated nomenclature reveal inherent hatred and discrimination outward against all these members in American society who have been living their lives long before until the heavily embarked on identity politics taken the ugliest nasty roots exhibited day in and out.
American electorate from different cross sections of society urgent attention is critical with focus on deteriorating personal economic status, safety snd security due to neglected borders by the administration’s VP – the democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris choosing to ignore the influx along the borders rather than mitigating and averting the crisis.
Above all the incumbent administration and the so-called elites / narcissists’ complete dishonesty and lack of integrity in accepting responsibility on the catastrophic status quo in domestic and foreign affairs is the clarion call on distinct dissipation of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness that once United States represented and provided to the republic at large.
Save America by protecting your individual rights and resurrect constitutional based democracy validating election and not selection pushed forward for fiduciary interests.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Democracy in Peril
August 9, 2024
United States
Democracy in Peril
Padmini Arhant
Update: August 11, 2024.
The incumbent VP Kamala Emhoff Harris: While the campaign targets Gen Z votes with false move, groove and anything goes skit in the desperate strategy, the real view of the democrat Presumptive selected rather than elected nominee about Gen Z is not taken out of context as political media and press surrogates claim and propagate to cover up the actual opinion of the current VP on Gen Z directly from the horse’s mouth so to speak.
Update: August 10, 2024.
It is important for the democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris to come forward clean for once and tell the American electorate, the price tag negotiated with Barry Soetoro alias Barack Obama & Michelle Obama installed democrat nominee in a coup against the democrat incumbent Presidency to perform to the outsourced script and handed down to the nominee by the Obama duo.
It is déjà vu. This has been played out in 2012 with then Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney (the last name rhyming with Padmini) to be eliminated from the field.
The Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012 complied with the pre-arrangement to show incumbent Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama as the winner even though the Presidency of Barack Obama experienced shellacking in that term 2009 – 2012 with democrats losing the House and Senate in 2010 mid-term Congressional election.
The attitude then and now has not changed with the Republican voters written off in that bargain deal with Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2012.
Fast forward, in 2024 the democrat base wiped out in the latest coup initiated and implemented by Barack Obama and Michelle Obama.
The former speaker Nancy Pelosi, serving as an errand member not surprisingly converted into protagonist by the real two operatives – Barack and Michelle Obama, who by the way owe an explanation behind being firmly rooted in the nation’s Capital, with a residence at the close proximity of the White House since 2016.
Barack and Michelle Obama also bear responsibility to their black community especially the family of the summary execution victim Miriam Carey in 2014 and recently another black victim Tafari Campbell in 2023.
Any distancing from Barack and Michelle Obama in the black rape victim and mother Miriam Carey murder in public square riddled with 25 or more bullets near 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the White House, the merciless killing by the Obamas’ security personnel in their presence at the White House during the violence only arouse further legitimate questions;
Why did the Obamas amidst touting black lives matter allow their security personnel to get rid of the unarmed black civilian Miriam Carey knowing she had a toddler in the back seat of her car while the violent atrocity was authorized by them?
Why did the Obamas intervene in the rape victim and summarily executed Miriam Carey’s child life?
The Obamas denying Miriam Carey’s family request to let the child attend her late mother’s funeral in addition to handing over Barack’s child to a white male ex-CIA operative who had nothing to do with the fiasco and the tragedy.
The crimes committed by the Obamas would be ordinarily subject to the fullest extent of law not assigned political immunity.
The fake and original are like the night and day. No tricks and shenanigans for any reason can alter one another. The futile effort only expose the besmirched self-image and character. Not to mention desperation and exasperation zoomed on the unsuccessful charade for cheap publicity.
As for Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama, the abuse of power abused against the one granting and enabling such access is deep insecurity and bruised ego exhibited from day 1 in 2008 until now.
The abusers using the office of Presidency to re-enact and relive the past via pseudo candidacy to recreate false euphoria is a grave personality complex.
The teleprompter assisted Presidency of Barack Obama since 2008 until now many embarrassing episodes conveniently forgotten.
The ominous signs were quite telling on the inauguration day in January 2009, with then democrat President Barack Obama faltering and fumbling simply unable to repeat after the Supreme Court Chief Justice, John G. Roberts, Jr. during oath taking ceremony viewed by the domestic crowd and global audience. The event then repeated privately at the White House to be official.
The Presidency of Barack Obama during the official term in office stating the number of states in the United States as 52 unlike 50. The verification could have been possible by glancing at the Star-Spangled banner prior to erring in public to save own face. The crony media as always came to rescue citing Freudian slip which would have been otherwise for anybody else, especially the opponent.
In yet another public interview, Barack Obama admission in being clueless on anything claiming ineptness in even the assembly of a table lamp was serendipity moment.
It never hurts to ensure one is qualified to criticize and constantly target the one from whom the favors availed at the dawn of the unthinkable status extended well and beyond only to be exploited to the core assuming to last lifetime. Upon being denied the parasitic existence, the agitation and hostility transitioned to self and collective destruction not even sparing the office of Presidency with proxy candidacy for personal egotistic consolation is self-indignation.
Accordingly, the accusation against targeted members with unqualified diagnosis ranging from dementia, amnesia to Alzheimer’s…etc. aptly fits own behavior in politics’ selective memory loss and disposition i.e. hypocrisy.
Padmini Arhant
Who is Kamala Emhoff Harris?
The democrat Presidential nominee usurped to various positions since the onset of the political career entirely on identity politics viz. DEI with no element of merit, the fact even publicly concurred to on the lack of merit factor by the current democrat nominee’s own father Mr. Harris upon the candidate then anointed the Vice President despite the democrat base dismissal of Kamala Harris candidacy in 2020 democrat Presidential primary.
The process that has been abandoned as inconvenient and irrelevant in sync with their current party chief from 2009 – 2016 and extended term via proxy Presidency Barack Obama alias Barry Soetoro open invalidation of the United States Constitution as “nothing more than a piece of parchment.”
The trend led by Barack Obama running the gamut via puppet representation is judiciously followed through by the national political party – the democrat party in 2024 setting a bad precedence now and into the foreseeable future.
Who are behind the unelected rather propped up democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris?
Besides, the identity politics i.e. DEI merchants especially the black politics promoters Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama and partner Michelle Obama ironically having violated, exploited and eliminated black lives in personal and political life for exclusive individual interests and issues,
The assortment money machine such as the Hedge fund banks and investment firms specifically the ones involved in toxic securities, the last in first out (LIFO) venture capitalists, the tech titans entrenched in censorship, cancel culture and gag order on social media…and similar / worse variety that Kamala Emhoff Harris had pledged allegiance to all along and delivered to them in quid pro quo at the ruin and irreversible wreckage of millions of homeowners forced into foreclosures losing their primary residence and hard earned savings in California.
The criminal elements Kamala Emhoff Harris had empathized with and abused the taxpayer funded public office confirmed in her political track record from the days as San Francisco Attorney General, the position secured through political connections and personal defacto relation with the former mayor of San Francisco and democrat representative as well as the former speaker of the California State Assembly Willie Brown.
Subsequently, the elevation of Kamala Emhoff Harris to California District Attorney only causing enormous strife and pain to thousands of victims punished, incarcerated and even unjustified death sentence ignoring adequately evidenced innocence of these death row inmates by then CA D.A. Kamala Harris without regrets or remorse clarify serious human rights violations.
The never miss an opportunity opportunist Kamala Harris close relation with Barry Soetoro alias Barack Obama resulted in the latter choosing then CA D.A. as the keynote speaker in California during 2008 Presidential campaign. The trail soon evolved into Kamala Harris vacating then serving California Senator Barbara Boxer’s seat in national politics without election against convention.
Then CA Senator Kamala Harris term cut short and catapulted to Vice Presidency in 2020 at Barack Obama’s behest slighting democrat voters outright rejection of Kamala Harris 2020 Presidential bid exiting the race as the first casualty.
Recently, the game played out post Presidential debate in June 2024 with democrat key member viz. Barack Obama instigating the Hollywood actor George Clooney with an op-ed in New York Times as the harbinger of imminent coup on incumbent democrat President Joe Biden.
The mutiny within democrat party was silenced deploying hardline coercion and ultimatums with consequences to the defiant democrat incumbent Joe Biden and family.
While fueling the fire via controversial gossip show like the ‘View’ claiming the democrat Presidential nominee other than the emphatically pronounced black woman Kamala Emhoff Harris guaranteed aggressive black voter backlash and outrage synonymous to BLM anarchy in the height of the global pandemic in 2020.
Likewise, the democrat party media cohorts’ cacophony expedited their once touted ideal choice President in 2020 Joe Biden’s ouster faster than the roof top blown away in tornado triggered twister.
The aftermath in democrat party had the Air Force One’s door wide open only for the pre-determined identity politics in dems’ own definition DEI – diversity equity inclusion reserve Kamala Emhoff Harris to slide in with public endorsement on speaker phone conversation from the DEI stake holders Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama and partner Michelle Obama with out-loud message to DEI choice Kamala Emhoff Harris assuring – “Michelle and I will get you into the White House.”
Once again such elicitation discarding the democrat primary election as unnecessary was prominent with the slap on the democrat electorate decision in 2020 Presidential Primary against the party’s selected nominee.
The developments orchestrated and in Kamala Emhoff Harris signature lexicon – galvanized albeit forcibly presenting the irreversibly damaged goods Kamala Emhoff Harris in fancy package as the brand new is weapon of mass deception in the lowest grade.
The incumbent VP Kamala Emhoff Harris is tried and tested throughout only to be proven catastrophic in national as well as international front, alongside emerging a major liability for ordinary and mainstream population from all walks of life at taxpayer expense.
The democrat presumptuous Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris was and currently remaining the second-in-line as the incumbent Vice President is unequivocally responsible and liable for individual and collective debacles and consistent failures on all matter under Kamala – Joe administration considering the democrat central power brokers’ belated acknowledgment of the incumbent President Joe Biden as too weak, frail and cognitively declined to serve the term in office.
The democrat political machinery together with crony press media conglomerate propaganda campaign and fake news portrayal of their Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris failed flawed trajectory with cosmetic gimmicks and mimics only describe politics’ comics.
Not to mention, the national and international crises now conflated into burgeoning reality due to lack of initiative and desire from the democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris as the high-profile public office bearer dereliction of duty and refusal to address and resolve the do or die situation ranging from the southern and Californian borders melt down in the open invitation to influx of foreign illegal entry to grinding grueling economic deterioration leaving the blue, red, purple and A-political alike population poorer and vulnerable to social and economic precipitous decline.
In the international affairs, the incumbent Kamala-Joe administration have sponsored, ignited and funded two frontal full-fledged wars in Ukraine and Gaza notwithstanding ongoing social and political unrest in Europe, Africa and lately in South Asia viz. Bangladesh. The scenario is the repeat of turmoil and tumult throughout the world under Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama administration in 2009 – 2016 resumed in 2021 till date.
The Arab and muslim democrat leaning electorate in Michigan and across the United States including Minnesota cannot possibly erase recent memory on the incumbent Kamala Emhoff Harris role as the ambassador of war crimes defending on camera until now, the globally condemned GAZA GENOCIDE regardless of duality adapted lately on campaign trail in typical political misrepresentation and scripted performance to mislead live captive audience and virtual surfers on the information highway.
Last but not the least, the democrat presumptuous Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris partner Douglas Emhoff establishment of law firm in Washington D.C. partnered with members from China’s People Liberation Army (PLA) and affiliation whether as active or ex-service personnel in the senior most rankings, the partnership subsequent to VP nomination of Kamala Emhoff Harris in 2020 and later the lawfirm engagement right in the U.S. Capital with the Vice President Kamala Emhoff Harris privilege and privy to the United States sensitive intelligence and national security matter was never a concern to the administration in power or to the democrat party establishment accusing opponents of collusion with foreign adversaries during election and thereafter.
When the allegations clearly fit the democrat party members like the still intact foreign intelligence committee member in the House of Congress, Eric Swalwell exposure on the honey trap with China’s female espionage agent or for that matter the widely known Beijing controlled financing of the incumbent Kamala – Joe administration and family business viz. Douglas Emhoff law firm or Joe-Hunter-Jill Biden’s share in the billions of dollars lending from Beijing.
No particular views or reaction from the democrat party elites and political class about obvious conflict of interest in such dealings with anyone including China deemed adversarial in the Indo-Pacific region.
The complacency from the democrat echelons only raising alarming credibility issue and the violators immunity on all things not barring treason against nation and the republic at large.
Apparently, the Presidential race 2024 is to retain the White House to maintain and prolong cataclysmic status quo with power mongers playing DEI identity politics using proxy and pawns for indefinite extension of term in office and avenge revenge for the loss of election in 2016 though the repeat outcome in 2020 was reversed by undemocratic means and strategy as witnessed and experienced in the latest imposition of democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris.
The American electorate exercising discernment is critical directing focus on own economic downslide reflecting on pre Kamala-Joe administration compared with post incumbency in power submitted to actual overt and covert forces behind the debilitating political apparatus.
Padmini Arhant
Politics – Winning Strategy is Lies & WMD
July 29, 2024
Winning Strategy
Lies & WMD
Padmini Arhant
Update: July 31, 2024.
Attention: EVIL Syndicate
FYI – Unlike the puppets, proxies and pawns staged in the game of politics taking marching orders from all those in collusion with the EVIL syndicate and playing to the gallery with their script,
I’m not any one of them in any aspect and definitely not a piñata / punching sandbag taking punches and cheap shots from any and all. Those who have aimed in that manner and treaded on this dreadful trail have appropriately learnt a lesson or two on the terrible mistake.
It is always wise for EVIL and cohorts not to be presumptuous overwhelmed with hubris and condescendence.
The cascades flowing from the rough rocky slope eventually fall on earth forming the river stream for life survival and sustenance barring discrimination of any kind.
The illusion om dominance, prominence, affluence, influence, supremacy…in life is equivalent to an evaporating dew drop. The life itself fizzling away in a fleeting moment with unknown future.
The unbridled control on other’s destiny when own life is hanging in balance amid shady past, shaky present and future as a result inevitably shambolic, the indulgence is that of mindless perilous flamboyance.
Padmini Arhant
NB: The current democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris is classic politics for enrichment of the DEI exploiters.
The crony capitalism with venture capitalists venturing in the campaign on FIFO (first in first out) strategy raking profit on capital investment in campaign established in corrupt criminal legacy. The seamless ceaseless quid pro quo is prominent.
The delusional elitism typically narcissism extracting well and beyond maximum out of the hard working and valuable contributors in the economy and society is worse than vultures perched to prey on the easy targets.
Vote for such candidacy is feeding the predator vultures with no contentment leaving the victims of deceit and misrepresentation in generational despair.
Politics denial on race baiting while basking in Indian heritage, Indianism and Indian name – India etc., on either side of the aisle for political gains and interests aptly describe politics’ harvesting from the Indian gift that keeps on giving in return for politics’ uncouth ungrateful exploitative abuse as black and white entitlement.
It’s time to spare Indian connotation and stick with BLACK egotistical revengeful race oriented identity politics undeservingly seeking authenticity once again at Indian, South Asian and South East Asian expense.
Something never change and known in the world of crony phony politics.
Once a parasite always a parasite to the point of necrosis.
Padmini Arhant
Update: July 30, 2024.
With democracy in jeopardy, when the political opponent Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump ahead in the 2024 poll survived a bullet during campaign rally just two weeks ago,
It was then followed by internal coup within democrat political party chair lifting the sitting President Joe Biden from running for re-election citing the incumbent President’s age 81-years-old which was no different to all nationwide prior to and during the first 2024 Presidential debate in June 2024.
Yet somehow, the executive chair operatives behind in the Oval office until and before the tumultuous Presidential debate in June 2024 maintained with repeat reassurance that the incumbent President Joe Biden was ‘clear as a whistle’, alert and robust like wrought iron and steel column under the bridge and tunnel.
The Senior most in the democrat party viz. the former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi even made several rounds on democrat party managed media to convince jittery democrat base and the donors in particular quoting that the incumbent President Joe Biden was still younger than herself adding that she was impressed with President Joe Biden’s cognitive abilities, mental readiness in addressing key domestic issues to relentless bomb blasts and tension in the Middle East and Ukraine as well as global affairs whether China’s expansionism in Taiwan straits and incursions with neighbors in the Philippines or in the Himalayan region against India.
The former democrat speaker Nancy Pelosi to the contrary went on to say to national and international viewers that it is not President Joe Biden who should be a concern for American electorate and world leaders regarding cognitive capabilities and failing performance.
The former speaker Nancy Pelosi looked straight in the camera and elicited that the Republican contender Donald Trump is the one with all of the mental and physical conditions associated with the democrat President Joe Biden.
The message as usual was echoed by Kamala Emhoff Harris, the current administration’s Vice President and lately anointed presumptuous democrat Presidential nominee voiding democratic primary process about the Republican opponent Donald Trump.
The misinformation about the Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump mental and physical fitness was also aired as a mandatory topic of discussion in most democrat party aligned media especially the controversial and contentious show – ironically titled “View” with little or no tolerance to alternative or opposing democratic view.
While all along the democrat party pretended the 81-year-old incumbent President Joe Biden’s age which has been widely known since 2020 if not earlier then nearing the 80’s in age as no more than perhaps 58-year-old young and nominated the incumbent as the done deal again unopposed in the 2024 democrat Presidential primary.
The POTUS Joe Biden securing 2024 democratic Presidential Primary nomination was short lived and soon toppled by own VP Kamala Emhoff Harris aided by the puppeteers from behind nudging Hollywood together with media sharing large personal and vested interests.
It is clear that democracy is cumbersome and inconvenient for the democrat political party and media ever engaged in constant subversion and distortion.
By the way what is up with Fox news projecting elderly Asian woman’s image when the news item is about the white Senior male President Joe Biden? A complete disconnect yet insisting on falsehood with superimposition of race, gender and fraudulent representation.
Is Fox news like the counter parts MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC…and long list of political media anywhere and everywhere experiencing similar mental block and blurring attributed to incumbent President Joe Biden?
The race baiting and deliberate race concoction with fixation on South East Asian and South Asian Indianism with those battling with own severe identity crisis is ad nauseam in the past sixteen years and more so since 2016.
As I said earlier, the sky above earth cannot be claimed upside down and the day and night effects could not be reversed with the day as the nightfall and night as the daylight except briefly during solar eclipse and full moon respectively and that too caused by the shadow of the moon and earth casting the darkness and brightness effect.
Nonetheless, these efforts in all these 16 years only elaborate on the cocktail mix intoxicating the corrupt mind to persistently propagate disinformation against stark reality.
The parasites’ worst karmic debt in this lifetime accompanying them thereafter as the burden of sins among many are duplicity, mendacity and complicity with evil.
To the parasites – when you revile your enemy i.e. me with your repulsive pejorative demeanor, refrain from identity theft of me in anything and everything positive from gestures 🖐️🖐🏻🖐🏼🖐🏽🖐🏾🖐🏿 to paradigm shift in personal and political position on anti-warfare and host of other issues with the identity fraudsters having owned and demonstrated paradoxical status – funding, weaponizing and facilitating GENOCIDE, destruction, devastation alongside grave humanitarian disasters in Gaza and Ukraine as well as in other parts of the world throughout personal and political journey.
Changing positions for political expediency and exploitation only expose the conspicuous treachery.
Remember all those in this category -“ you are that” you accuse me of in your mis-characterization, slur and slander of me driven by your envy, hatred, prejudice and misogyny much to your precipitous self-decline.
The latest in California directly from the voters as Asian Americans or other ethnic racial background is subsequent to them registering to vote as Republicans in 2024 with the vote pledged to the Presidential nominee Donald Trump are according to them isolated and targeted by the democrat political machinery and establishment deployed catalysts for the voters’ audacious move to exercise their constitutional voting right and the fundamental right to choice regardless of political party.
Such political tactics by any political faction although in this instance it is the democrat political party chief operatives’ designed network intervention in individual voting preferences is invasive attack on already debilitated democracy.
The trend does not bode well for a national political party having thrown hot water on own democrat base and voters in depriving them of electing an electable suitable Presidential candidate by forcing the identity politics governed choice silencing the democrat electorate voice in 2024 democrat Presidential primary.
Now attempting to curtail registered voters in California for republican Presidential nominee is another unprecedented violation of citizen’s rights.
Anything to the extreme invariably has adverse consequences to the source and those influenced by the opportunists in the collective negative impact.
These activities are by no means democratic enabling free and fair election. The desperate times obviously prompting desperate measures much to self-detriment.
Padmini Arhant
The ravenous appetite for power is the root of all evil.
To extend illegitimate power the crooked, wicked and greedy operating from behind until now attempting full frontal overt control with the puppet nominee going to any extent with lies and weapons of mass deception (WMD) is inherent character.
The presumptuous democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harrys is now 60-years-old (?) from 59 years until the last hour and apparently moderate despite the conflicting radical identity politics insignia with violent corrupt criminal legacy and trajectory exemplified on camera and verbatim throughout political career.
No matter what one and those behind and upfront do to manipulate and maneuver entirely for personal interests and political gains upending democracy,
The fact of the matter is the democrat political party no longer have electoral process.
Otherwise, the democrat primary would not be abandoned for political coup d’état initially with internal displacement of incumbent Presidency aggressively denied re-election and displaced with the worst nominee.
The choice is also premised on the mutual pact with the crony nominee deployed on identity politics over merit based democratic election.
The purpose is to serve the anti-democracy, anti-constitution, anti-national, anti-republic, anti-human rights and anti-humanity at large.
These characteristics are not merely perception rather actions and decisions evidenced in personal life and ruinous political track record.
The wokism, identity politics, outright rejection of democracy and last but not the least the dismissal of the democrat base and electorate for narcissist goals is a coup against own political party.
These developments are alarming and indicative of brazen authoritarianism silencing democracy.
If this unprecedented tyranny is not stopped on its track, the outcome would be horrific and perhaps even irreversible.
It’s better now than never to rein in on such undemocratic means on display to protect the republic status and constitution granted citizens’ rights in voting to elect their representatives from school board to the Presidency of the United States.
Unlike the current political hack to usurp to power to nation and democracy ‘s detriment.
Time to save democracy by electing representatives on merit and efficiency not settle for forced imposition dominant in creed, color and catastrophe.
Wise up America before it is too late.
Padmini Arhant
All Lives Matter
July 28, 2024
All Lives Matter
Padmini Arhant
The recent murder of young black female Sonya Massey by police is a reckless crime. The sympathy and call for justice for Sonya Massey is valid. .
Similarly, the outpouring empathy and voice of concern demanding justice for yet another black female Miriam Carey – 34-year-old black young mother, a rape victim as Barack Obama’s dental hygienist visibly with a toddler in her back seat was brutally and ruthlessly subject to summary execution in public in broad daylight right near the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D.C. i.e. The White House.
The victim, unarmed civilian Miriam Carey fatally shot with at least 25 rounds of ammunition at then White House members and Presidency of the United States – Barack Obama and occupant Michelle Obama’s authorization and plain sight on that day on October 3rd, 2013.
Yet another victim Tafari Campbell – 45-year-old black male – the personal chef of the former President Barack Obama and partner Michelle Obama extended from the White House days into post-term in office.
The sudden disappearance of Tafari Campbell – apparently paddleboarding late night on July 22, 2023 in the lake front of the Obamas’ lavish Martha’s Vineyard Estate doorstep declared dead on July 23, 2023 morning.
Both murders – Miriam Carey and Tafari Campbell in the Obamas’ premise deserve equal application of justice holding none above law regardless of political status evading accountability and culpability with immunity.
The gruesome violation of Miriam Carey and Tafari Campbell lives with utter disregard for the young survivors – the toddler – the result of the rape victim mother Miriam Carey ruthlessly abandoned by the Obamas – Barry Soetoro alias Barack Obama and partner Michelle Obama prior, during and after the violent shooting of the black mother and rape victim Miriam Carey.
The same fate was assigned to the victim – young black father Tafari Campbell’s twin teenagers and wife – the black family subject to the extraordinary ordeal by the black Presidency and partner touting, promoting and authorizing the so-called black lives matter while being the epicenter of homicidal murders of own black family.
Calling for justice for one – Sonya Massey and earlier George Floyd alongside indifference to injustice against others viz. Miriam Carey and Tafari Campbell in the same if not worse situations due to individuals of political faction and position directly responsible for crimes is prejudicial to the race and justice system politicized for waywardly identity politics.
Hold Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama and Michelle Obama accountable for Miriam Carey’s public execution, the rejection of Barry Soetoro alias Barack Obama’s child from the rape victim Miriam Carey and the evasion of responsibility in their personal chef and admittedly close friend Tafari Campbell’s mysterious drowning accident late night on July 22, 2023 in a shallow lake not deeper than kiddie pool for over 6’ tall Tafari Campbell, a comfortable swimmer evidenced in the public footage.
Padmini Arhant
Gaza War – Fake Position
July 26, 2024
Gaza War
Fake Position
Padmini Arhant
Here is the takeaway – the democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Harris projected as Padmini Arhant – the politics’ fixated target for conflicting reasons in semblance with 2008 Presidential election whereby the rider as then Presidential contender with dismal prospects having used and abused the one accused as rider now was legitimately challenged with birth certificate controversy in 2008 Presidential campaign.
However in 2012, the pre-determined pact with then Republican Presidential candidacy Mitt Romney with a monicker (RINO) in the bizarre name rhyming connotation with Padmini (the last name with first name or in any order) trending since my emergence in public domain till date was an outright bought Presidential race negotiated with a hefty price tag leaving the 50% American Republican electorate deceived with invalidation of their ballots.
The 2012 outcome was supposedly egotistical consolation for then democrat incumbent Barack Obama and the political syndicate against the nemesis Padmini Arhant while harvesting phenomenally from the arch rival’s unpaid (not even a dime) hard labor and contributions while depleting my hard earned personal asserts and savings throughout political terms in office and thereafter.
In 2024, the VP Kamala Harris on top of the ticket running as incumbent as it should be saddled with enormous burden of liabilities and dereliction of duty to “unburden what has been” – the VP’s clichè.
Instead the subversion of Kamala Harris candidacy nuanced as Padmini Arhant to scape goat the latter by dumping the inevitable 2024 defeat on the one taken for granted as the lame duck to avenge revenge for 2016 Presidential outcome is typical political crass forging the hack.
Either way the incumbent VP Kamala Harris is unqualified upon running on own abysmal record and profile dodging the democratic primary election process by the so-called democrats in the usurpation to power.
In the other scenario, the innuendo citing the VP Kamala Harris as Padmini Arhant instantly disqualify the incumbent VP Presidential bid due to latter birth certificate verifying foreign born identity. Accordingly, not meeting the native born criteria in the United States Presidential race.
In retaining original resume or maintaining identity theft, the VP Kamala Harris Presidential nomination is premised on identity politics for personal and political vendetta by behind the scenes so-called democrat operatives OBAMAS although now with overt endorsement along with others within insulated political establishment ditching democrat base and electorate to undermine democracy and constitution as irrelevant.
Padmini Arhant
“It is Time for This War to End” says Harris after Meeting Netanyahu.
In fact, it is time for Harris and the actual operatives behind this so-called presumptive nominee to end this charade.
The Vice President Kamala Emhoff Harris – in October 2023 until this hour was and remain active in funding, weaponizing and escalating the abhorrent unforgivable two pronged war in Ukraine and Gaza.
The VP Kamala Emhoff Harris is the chief proponent of Gaza war as the enthusiastic activist on camera justifying misled entirely self-centered Israeli politics in committing the globally condemned GENOCIDE in GAZA besides the catastrophic humanitarian crisis targeting children and women to wipe out generation in the long oppressed Palestine.
The hyenas in sheep’s clothing will never be sheep regardless of stunt and shenanigans in the wry political theatrics.
If at all, the VP and presumptive make-believe pseudo democrat Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff Harris owns responsibility and culpability as the second-in-line member in the incumbent administration and now more so as the contender under fake persona together with the democrat party as well as all those on the other side of the aisle for orchestrating, authorizing and prolonging Gaza war over ten months continued until now.
The sudden change of heart and about turn position in mimicry is conspicuous duplicity.
When will politics have the courage to step forward and accept responsibility and liability for the incontrovertible criminal legacy and irrefutable embarrassing original profile and disastrous track record?
Somethings apparently never change. If they do, only for the worse diverting to further decadence.
Some might be fooled sometime and even all the time. However, the same does not necessarily and should never presumptuously be applicable to all.
Anything positive, productive, prudent, pragmatic, pleasant and peaceful… that are oxymoron to parasites, nonetheless borrowed and / or stolen are never the ORIGINAL.
To the contrary, only make the fake in this regard delusional and fraudulent.
Importantly, at the end of the day the abusers, opportunists, wannabes and exploiters ought to remember;
Who is using whom and endlessly imposing themselves on whom till date even to prove themselves one way or another?
Who incessantly begged whom?
At present, the repeat free service demand and simultaneous direct intervention to deprive of any income all along 2008 – 2024,
Besides, other criminal behavior such as 24/7 365 days obsessively invading home, space and all things exclusively personal and private, plagiarism, notwithstanding ghost written memoir in 2018 from (2009-2016) FLOTUS even here on LOTUS sari border equivalent to coat tail despite difficulty in pronunciation of Uniter repeatedly uttered Uniner and fumbling on scripted material, teleprompter aided speeches etc., in public are one too many for crony contingency to defend the offensive humiliating trajectory.
Life and lifestyle imitation from day 1 until now not even sparing family members tagged in the choice of academic institution and career.
Above all, spying, snooping, eavesdropping, prying, preying, tagging, trolling and stalking… objectionable perversions, lewd crude indulgence entirely for narcissists’ personal goals upon being rejected reveal true colors.
The gratitude replaced with attitude in narcissism driven ad hominem misogyny and isolated prejudice has been the norm defining the character much to self-destruction and denigration.
Life is too precious to waste time on those beyond the hope and scope of salvation and redemption. The condemnation being appropriate awaits them on judgment day following their imminent departure from the world.
None escape KARMA now or ever.
Padmini Arhant
Indian Fad in Politics
July 22, 2024
Indian Fad in Politics
Padmini Arhant
Hello Politics: Do not mislead and deceive yourself as well as the electorate in words and action.
The following imitation is an instant connotation on fake fraudulent representation. Cease and desist from such postures.
Democrat Party: Presidential race deserves merit based constitutional democratic process. Not to be treated like the Vaccine Mandate – No Jab No Job endured in 2021 – 2023.
Politics is not merely the end bargain among millionaires and billionaires to arrive at critical decisions.
The voters as the electorate and ultimate providers as taxpayers fund the government from top to bottom.
Declining their legitimate rights to fair and appropriate representation is upending democracy. The slogan your party uses against your opponent as a threat to democracy.
The action of the accuser symmetrical to that of the accused is called hypocrisy.
What’s up with Indian fad in American politics and for that matter in the economic sector including entertainment?
The Indian representation in politics, economic sector and entertainment in the past sixteen years is a reminder on;
“Make hay when the sun shines.”
Although, Indian immigration and travel to the United States is dated back to the 60’s and some even much earlier.
My late father visited New York and other places in the United States in the late 50’s and subsequently on business travel during his service with British international airline.
There were many Indians from India or of Indian origin rising to prominence in an array of fields ranging from science, engineering, computer world and academia to classical music and other cultural domains since 60’s and into 80’s – 90’s that were noticeably dormant in attracting politics, economic sector and entertainment industry attention to head organizations as CEO’s and considered for any position in politics or for that matter the Gala academy awards from Hollywood until the sudden hype and surge in the last sixteen years.
The insomnia and mania over Indian association to the extent of subverting geography in projecting the Asian continent with South, South East Asia and Indian sub-continent in northern hemisphere as South Africa on the southern hemisphere is an extraordinary stretch viewing the globe upside down.
The flagrant misrepresentation is at least genuine in revealing zero knowledge in geography in addition to spinning narratives comparable to cyclone, hurricane twisters.
Wokism propagated in a bizarre waywardly indulgence especially in the past three years by behind the scene operative using proxy administration now desperately seeking to extend status quo in the replacement of current proxy with yet another maneuverable exploitative pawn pitched as the suitable suitor to the knight with the shining armor on the black horse letting the ludicrous imagination run wild.
Why not use the one amongst within i.e. own partner?
The partner partaking the mega profits and benefits in the handed down glory, power and fortune at the heels and back of the one whose 16 years of free service and sacrifice was shamelessly availed and exploited with incessant targeting literally with unprovoked vitriolic bullets, demonization and ad hominem misogyny continued till date as entitlement against the benefactor never benefitting or sharing in the name of power, fame and fortune rather been the contrary.
Notwithstanding, touting race, gender and identity politics rampant in the last three years having displaced and dislodged female leaderships in non-African nations in the world between 2009 – 2016 Presidential terms in office is irrefutable in the hopeless reliance on lies, duplicity and mendacity.
The Presidential nomination barring Indian flagship and descent in any grade or ratio from India not Native Americans mistaken as Indians from the Christopher Columbus era continued in the casting of anyone as such in the past 16 years and specifically excluding the obsessed nuanced target i.e. me would exemplify opponents’ sincerity to lead the nation unlike the avenged vengeful self-defeated endeavor.
Instead, fielding African race such as the partner in crime and concoctions having basked in free political stardom, media bolstered fake populism and plagiarized authorship on book publications to prove authenticity and legitimacy only to be debunked would be a fair game.
NB: The former make-believe Republican (RINO) Presidential contender sudden emergence from nowhere as the self-asserted billionaire requesting ordinary citizens for small donations to the unsuccessful Presidential bid – none other than Indian origin – Vivek Ramaswamy, the machine propagandist installed by democrat power monger and machinery in Republican campaign as a spoiler.
The status unveiled in the failed Republican candidacy Vivek Ramaswamy’s miserable performance in the 2024 Presidential race. The democrat power wheeler behind Vivek Ramaswamy is a flamboyant shot to denigrate me and the Indian identity with a losing candidate as a Republican.
Vivek Ramaswamy was not favored by Republican base falling less than 10% in polling. However, the Indian descent Vivek Ramaswamy had the democrat party stake holder support for the former role as the representative in disguise.
In quid pro quo, Vivek Ramaswamy pitching for the democrat party former President Barack Obama’s partner as viable candidate is clarification on the Presidential race and voters’ choice as well as concerns taken for granted amongst those in the pact.
The ex-President Barack Obama’s partner difficulty to pronounce Uniter repeatedly mentioned as Uniner – witnessed and heard in 2008 Presidential campaign verified the viability of such candidacy to be a Uniter as bleak and out of question.
The infamous public statement from the former President Barack Obama partner in 2008 – “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country.”
The remark after being handed the nomination by riding on other’s back also garnered criticism for selective pride tied to personal interest.
The one eager to prolong illegitimate Presidential term in office having gotten away in 2021 – till date should perhaps field own member of family viz. the spouse not on stolen identity but in fact using own DNA with transparency on criminal record such as the joint public execution of the rape victim – the black young mother Miriam Carey and the abandonment of the black child from the violent assault with the rape victim evidently opting pro-life over abortion.
Yet another victim, the black male and father of twin teenagers, the murder of personal chef Tafari Campbell masqueraded as drowning accident in the shallow lake front of the Obamas’ lavish Martha’s Vineyard Estate doorstep.
The shallow lake with depth lower than kiddie pool by any measure was not deep enough for the victim well over 6’ in physical height with the public footage on the victim as a confident swimmer in a 8 – 10 feet deep swimming pool negating the narcissistic confabulation on drowning.
There is obviously more to it than meets the eye.
As for the black lives matter, the slogan ominously served politics’ funded and organized riots and violence gutting down private and public property amid national and global lockdown in the pandemic year 2020.
Not surprisingly, none held accountable in the violent torching and decimation inflicting damages to life, livelihoods and tangible assets of businesses and the public at large on world view in the West coast and other parts of the country.
A valid explanation behind such orchestration and participation is mandatory holding none above law even though that is a misnomer.
Regardless, the reason for the heinous crimes is due from the Presidential contender unlawfully vying for lifetime tenure via chosen puppet.
It would be a service to the nation for a change having wreaked havoc throughout life and reaped harvest in the enormous personal and political gain exclusively at others’ expense.
Similarly, all those in the category having never had any recollection on epiphany as the messiah and holier than thou persona considering their presence in the public domain in politics, economic sector and entertainment…as well as others in diverse activities long before my appearance, all of whom claiming otherwise in the last 16 years until this hour is an incontrovertible concerted hatch from the delusional incognito syndicate.
The rookie Senator Barack Obama from Illinois, the dark dorky devious origin in Hawaii, Indonesia, exacerbated in Chicago and Washington D.C. steadfast in reversal again not without using my profile, identity and all things politically favorable is paradoxical from the start to finish in the futile rat race.
The rookie Senator Barack Obama political career in 2008 Presidential campaign nosediving to the contender Hillary Clinton in Pennsylvania democratic primary election prompting the opportunist Barack Obama campaign with the following request having used and monetarily extracted to the last dime categorically and prematurely dismissed the exploited only to approach the latter with SOS to salvage the make-shift boat from sinking into oblivion.
No matter how loud and raucous the rants are in denial of own flawed criminal corrupt murderous abusive personal and political legacy, the time cannot be flipped over or identity swapped, hijacked and distorted in vain declaration of sunken dilapidated boat not even a ship as anything in the face of fait accompli.
Here is the challenge.
The ones desperately involved to prove oneself positive, credible, peaceful and other virtues irretrievably proven to be otherwise and indisputably oxymoron evidenced in the impetus to further submerge in the swamp is confirmation of well- known and established deceitful status quo.
Not being satisfied with verbal ammunition attacks using politics, ironically the target enabled unthinkable position of power misused and abused to the core against the target i.e. me.
Besides, various criminal abusive tactics deployed till date in direct violation of my personal rights, identity and all things fundamental to my individual inalienable right is testament to offenders’ decadence.
Not to mention the recruitment of biased, prejudiced, crony groveling media, press and tech titans together with political contingency on either side as quad and squad aiding and abetting the decadent culture much to individual and collective peril is unprecedented uncivilized acrimony and hostility ad nauseam.
Reiterating what has been mentioned many times over by me,
I, Padmini Arhant solemnly and emphatically condemn the identity misappropriation, theft and opportunism using my life and tireless contributions free of charge or any monetization whatsoever in the last sixteen years until this minute by the wannabes, opportunists, power mongers, publicity starved riffraffs, ragtags as cheap recruits on the sideline and,
Above all irreversibly corrupt criminal desperate politics’ vendetta exercised and executed by consolidated collaborative EVIL exemplify self-immolation upon their feet held on fire.
I, Padmini Arhant for the umpteenth time clarify once and for all that I am not anyone except being me born into the world with my specific DNA like any and all other species in the creation.
Accordingly, I have no connection, affiliation or relation and do not closely or remotely have anything to do with those that I’m projected, portrayed and fraudulently nuanced by hostile politics or any others in the repeat failed attempts to patronize, humiliate, condescending caricature of me…for sadistic satisfaction.
Anyone availing such opportunity taking advantage of this gross mistreatment of me to their personal enrichment in any respect proven a curse and not a blessing for them. They are paying the price in this lifetime in accordance with karmic effects.
The rest not having learnt the lesson from observation of other’s experience in this context will be subject to the same plight if not severe for their voluntary enthusiastic violations ignoring several warnings in this regard.
Those who engage in others’ destruction are self-destructive and invite unnecessary misery in life.
In fielding rejected Presidential democrat candidacy with a dismal record aimed at exhibiting that as mine, the ever remaining target for EVIL simply for my phenomenal seamless beneficial national, international and humanitarian service thus far, never mind none of that acknowledged nor recognized by beneficiaries is one aspect.
The other being the democrat Vice Presidency selection playing identity politics laden with insolence providing fodder for pejorative vilification all around with Indian lineage and the interpretation of my name Padmini taken out of context predominantly to mock the indomitable divine mission representation was supposedly the gratitude exchanged for the deeply regrettable and reluctant 2008 Presidential campaign ordeal.
The EVIL diabolical strategy until today played out in the following manner.
You will continue to be our slave and we will reward someone within our inventory for your hard labor.
The demonic trait in semblance with feed the fat pigs and porcupines for self-profiteering and narcissistic goals while taunt and torment the one refusing to comply with EVIL diktat.
Fast forward to 2024, the retribution against me, the fixated target resurface in Presidential bid using identity politics premised pawns such as Nikki Haley from the presumed right, and the incumbent Vice Presidency on the left.
The current VP as the presumptive Presidential nominee rather demoted than promoted with complete knowledge about abysmal poll rating trending even worse than the ousted incumbent Presidency Joe Biden on re-election to cast me as the defeated one without me even being the contender is demented obsessive disorder.
Let me make it abundantly clear.
Parasites are doomed with no purpose except fleecing on others like the ticks and lice spreading disease.
Never claim anything that never belong to you. The defiance would haunt claimant sooner than later.
The poison politics’ charade relentlessly pursuing me basically for unwilling to kowtow to EVIL is at best individually suicidal for the mastermind and catalysts and at worst kamikaze in the political level.
Have a direct dialogue with me in public rather than hiding behind women and abusing womanhood to disparage a woman with a real name and original identity formidable in dealing with challenges and crisis let alone responding to lunatics and fanatics craving for undeserving focus.
Choosing enemy wisely would avert imminent collapse with writing on the wall emphasizing the inevitable.
Padmini Arhant
ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT AT Presidential Front Runner Donald J. Trump
July 13, 2024
Presidential Front Runner
Donald J. Trump
Padmini Arhant
The violent incident with gun shots fired at the Presidential front runner and former President of the United States Donald J. Trump is an act of cowardice and politically undemocratic.
Elections in a real functional constitutional based democracy are fought in non-violent, civil and peaceful manner maintaining decorum and mutual respect.
The development today witnessed in the serious attempt on the former President Donald Trump’s life do not bode well for those behind such violence that is indicative of desperation promoting self-destructive action.
Again, violence is sought by those to harm others due to inability to deal with inner conflict within combined with insecurity and lack of credibility and integrity to face formidable challenges at any given time.
Violence has no place in a civilized society. Such indulgence for whatever reason is condemnable and best abandoned once and for all.
Hope the former President and current Presidential front runner Donald Trump is safe from the unfortunate and regrettable incident.
Wishing the Presidential front runner Donald Trump good health and speedy recovery from the shocking event during Pennsylvania campaign rally.
Padmini Arhant
Gaza War – GENOCIDE Denial Ad Nauseam
June 14, 2024
Gaza War
GENOCIDE Denial Ad Nauseam
Padmini Arhant
Politics and media virulent campaigns against factual ground reality amplify Artificial Intelligence galore making a clear distinction between nature endowed intelligence to all species including humans and the trio viz. politics, tech and media engendered artificial intelligence signifying the latter lacking in intelligence let alone original or artificial.
The wanton propaganda is desperation leading to political denial syndrome on crimes against INNOCENT CIVILIANS IN GAZA and perpetual violation of Gazans and Palestinian rights over seven decades now in spotlight.
The blatant lie in denial of GAZA GENOCIDE, GAZA WAR CRIMES and GAZA DEHUMANIZATION is bare AI politics losing mind if at all in possession overwhelmed by violent rage fraudulently justified as the so-called self-defense.
Such provocation only invokes similar declaration on “holocaust (?)” relentlessly reminded over a century until now while committing the same for nearly a century until lately evidenced in the eight-month-old brutal aggression against INNOCENT PALESTINIAN CHILDREN, babies and their families not even sparing humanitarian workers from anywhere.
That sums up AI oriented and obsessed political and media status quo.
In Spiritual connotation,
You are that you accuse others to be in your vain victimization.
Padmini Arhant
Politics Transparency Act (PTA)
June 7, 2024
Politics Transparency Act
Padmini Arhant
Update: June 8, 2024
The corrupt criminal politics and groveling media on the left and right defending the all time record criminal murderous trajectory of Barry Soetoro aka Barack Obama Presidency 2009 – 2016 resumed in 2021 – till date together with partner Michael besides yet another cohort Hillary Clinton’s indelible corrupt violent legacy are reminded on the subject of retribution.
The trio and media are the epitome of revenge and vendetta against those they regard arch nemesis targeting their enemy and family for life and / or getting rid of anyone regarded an obstacle to their violent megalomaniacal power mongering.
Among several victims falling prey to these three distinct offenders’ egotistical vindictiveness going after their targets’ life are;
The rape and soon after summary execution victim Miriam Carey – black mother mercilessly gunned down in public square on Barry and partner Michael’s watch and knowledge in 2014. The another victim – the personal chef Tafri Campbell murdered at Barry and partner’s residence doorstep in 2023.
Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign attack using assault weapon fatally wounding then 24-year-old Jewish American Seth Rich while rooting for Israeli Jewish lives authorizing Gaza Genocide is the real face of ugly politics and criminal syndicate with media and press – the paid cannon fodder relentlessly spinning the wheel of lies and propaganda 24/7 to masquerade the evil actions.
Above all, as for preaching magnanimity and large heartedness where did the politics and media’s pretentious forgiveness and mercy disappear shunning retribution against the Gazan population?
The reality is those preaching non-retribution to actual victims of violent corrupt politics contrarily insist on Israel’s so-called right to self-defense with full fledged financing, armament and UN security council vetoes enabling Gaza GENOCIDE.
The heinous crime depriving children, women, the sick and the old drinking water, food, medicines etc., by blocking desperately required humanitarian aid to 2 million Gazan war victims held hostage over seven decades and intensified in the U.S. politics and media buttressed Genocide of Palestinians in Gaza in the past eight months and all along against the rest of Palestinians in the occupied Palestine is no fairy tale.
When politics ruthlessly pursue their target apparently it is right to self-defense.
When political victims stand up to politics and media constant disparagement, distortion, subversion, identity theft, venomous vicious vitriol in individual right to defend against unprovoked onslaught, it is branded retribution.
Politics and political media hypocrisy expose the obvious disingenuous stance on all matter.
The gross violation of human rights and lives in particular remain the hallmark in the exclusion of retribution against revengeful politics.
Padmini Arhant
The demise of democracy successfully achieved with authoritarian democracy in full swing and control, the politics transparency act (PTA) is urgently required to rein in mob rule and criminal diktat abusing power from top to bottom with no transparency and accountability from the establishment – the proven violators of people trust and misuse of authority at a new level.
The prominent violators in politics prior to debut and thereafter till date having committed many serious crimes not barring serial killings of members in society viz. homicide to authorizing and direct involvement in genocide, cannibalism and terror sponsorship are granted political impunity with lifetime financial and personal security at taxpayer expense.
Again the members in politics legislating rule of law and enacting regulations are established offenders and violators reflected in their individual and political track record that are incontrovertible.
The ruling class political crimes ranging from corruption scandals in dealings with major players in the economic sector selling the nation and people for personal gains and political interests to foreign adversaries controlled oligarchs for individual benefits aka unfettered treason is the core activity.
Nonetheless, they are exempt from any scrutiny with due legal actions on these voluntary deliberate violations as political entitlement.
As a result, authoritarian democracy typically mobocracy, kleptocracy and plutocracy…is brazenly institutionalized with election serving as a formality to legitimize illegitimacy.
The blatant carte blanche authority is enforced testing republic tolerance and will to surrender to autocracy.
The Congress and the executive branch knowingly flouting rules with actions and decisions in defiance of public and ordinary taxpayers dissent is discretionary since the wealthy and filthy rich in politics as multi-millionaire and billionaires continue to exploit and fleece on the population they regard existential threat to the draconian system.
The unruly politics having tossed constitution rule of law as inconvenient with public statement on the constitution as “nothing more than a piece of parchment’’ while having utilized the same constitution to gain the political position despite being utterly disqualified to serve any position anywhere to begin with let alone the highest office is least surprising.
Regardless, the latter submissive to nefarious unscrupulous domestic and external incognito in the business of distortion, deception and duplicity is the norm.
Hence, politics transparency act (PTA) made effective immediately on all members in politics across the spectrum especially against the legislative and executive branch of the government hiding behind collective political immunity is mandatory.
Meanwhile, the defunct flawed apparatus delivering arbitrary punishment and incarcerations purely driven by political vendetta and vindictive prejudicial politics is an assault on civil rights and individual liberty.
Juxtaposed, the authoritarian politics enacted the Corporate Transparency Act in January 2024, specifically targeting small businesses and companies with fewer than 20 employees and a revenue less than $5,000,000 is revelation on plutocrats dominance.
The Corporate Transparency Act to FINCEN (Financial Center) – to be reported to United States Treasury when the same department accountability is long overdue along with the privately owned entity falsely maintained as the federal monetary authority i.e. the Federal Reserve declining independent audit besides in contempt of people funded congressional hearings calling for accountability on vaporization of multi-trillion taxpayer dollars is merely the tip of the iceberg.
In the front and backdrop of politics entrenched in corruption and backend deals, the politically anchored controversial Corporate Transparency Act excluding multi-nationals and mega corporations in tech industry and other areas of economic sector due to the compliance criteria set on revenue of $5,000,000 and less in business earnings with fewer than 20 employees is clearly a partition created between the hard working earnest pursued misusing people mandate to protect the dishonest commanding overwhelming power and wealth in political and economic sector.
The crony corrupt monopolists capitalism having destroyed and displaced the real market capitalist economy run servile politics with the former ownership on domestic and global economy.
The monopolists as principal violators owning politics openly maintain shell companies and offshore tax havens for tax evasions and money laundering that politics notoriously facilitate them in quid pro quo. The purpose that politics claim behind the legislation of the Corporate Transparency Act aimed at the otherwise small business and entrepreneurship.
Accordingly, if at all anyone need to come clean and transparent, it is none other than politics and its members with financial status at the rock bottom at the onset reaching a meteoric rise during and after the term in the infamous revolving door.
The political members actively engaged in treason and cashing on public funded public office increasingly transformed into opacity and untouchability.
The political members and officials including bureaucracy tied to various campaign donors, local and foreign special interests as well as treasure trove in diverse format displaying their direct and indirect associations as well as arrangements to the electorate is essential.
Furthermore, prior to running for public office and appointments to assortment designations and subsequent to assuming those positions subject to rigorous checks and balances with requirement on complete disclosure of financial interests under oath with similar punishable law such as the one on civil society and national defense services etc., are fundamental to drain the swamp and release the nation with people held hostage by the deep state and political cohorts in the discreet mutual pact.
The trend much to the targeted ones’ i.e. the average and below average income groups and businesses providing for politics’ abhorrent theft of earnings from the sweat and labor of the isolated majority is the last straw on the multi-millionaire and billionaire political class exerting unbridled undemocratic supremacy.
Many in this category have emerged throughout history until now and appropriately met their fateful end.
There are no exceptions when dealing with karmic woes that are fair and square unlike politics hamstrung judiciary turning them into kangaroo court making mockery of democracy that has long been laid to rest.
All things extreme and explicitly abusive in power and extra-judicial executions via the so-called regulations and policy eventually experience severe backlash leading to self-elimination and eradication in the irreversible outcome.
The contemporary desperate politics is precisely headed to the precipice and imminent tumult in the course of own malignant hubris undermining reason and rationale.
The era of poison, partisan and polarizing politics is on the brink of collapse and much awaited termination.
The republic is burdened with responsibility to resurrect democracy and the reversal of monopolistic economy to meaningful market economy allowing competent competition determine success and sustenance of reliable economic growth and development for universal progress and prosperity not selective preferential economic titan minority represented politics.
Padmini Arhant