United States – July 4th Celebration

July 3, 2017

By Padmini Arhant

United States celebrating independence anniversary on July 4th would be meaningful upon liberty and justice experienced by all transcending race, religion, economic and ethnic background.

Unfortunately, the social racial divide and economic disparity deprives many citizens from claiming equal rights witnessed in judicial outcome and deteriorating living standards among Native Americans, African Americans, Latinos, and immigrant population.

The increasing wealth and monopoly on fame, fortune and power characterized as elitism subjugate the rest with little or no concern for actions and decisions affecting majority. The apathy qualifying as narcissism is not a healthy trend given reliability on the less fortunate to work in harsh conditions making survival a challenge.

A free nation would not impose existing mandatory laws such as health insurance subscription with penalty upon failure to do so favoring profit centric health insurance industry without similar provisions tied to penalty on insurance industry regularly not meeting their end of the bargain.

In a real democracy, there would be no tolerance to private entities and foreign members like European Royals secret meeting behind closed doors barring public and citizens represented press from gaining information on policies regarding global matter and more than seven billion inhabitants fate.  The reference is to Bilderberg conclave held annually with attendees sworn to secrecy in heavily guarded location.

The free country would not selectively profile law abiding citizens under the guise of national security while granting immunity to members in the position of authority on treason, corruption and criminal dealings based on fraternity and mutual advantage.  

Then there is misrepresentation and false propaganda misusing communication resources to mislead the nation and world at large to maintain status quo.

United States could lead in many frontiers provided the nation is liberated from illegitimate incognito forces functioning by proxy to promote self and vested interests exerting supremacy and dominance proved counterproductive thus far.

United States efficiency and energy is a consolidation of efforts and contributions from people of diverse orientation working towards common goal to improve lives for self and others in different domains.

Accordingly, collective rather than exclusive progress in society would define fair income distribution alleviating burden on lower and middle- income class and socially disadvantaged segments bearing imbalance in the economy.

United States strategies in domestic and foreign affairs are premised on benefits to political class their campaign financiers, special interests and influential entities ignoring ramifications at national and international level.

The private ownership of federal reserve in control of monetary policy and money circulation further undermines United States independent status. With legislations directed to profit campaign donors from economic sector and those near and far, the electorate expectations are barely met disappointing voters in the otherwise opaque unaccountable and devious system.

National and state operation is outsourced to private management like the credit bureaus run by three specific private companies with no oversight apply arbitrary rules leaving the victims of home mortgage fraud and credit card exorbitant interest hikes by banks at their mercy.

As long as government remains a mechanism for private organizations, political factions and those forging close relations with insiders to promote agenda threatening unity, peace and economic development,

Freedom for all is a mere dream and available at a dear price.

July 4th arrives and remembered with joy every year. The day equal opportunity and greater accessibility for optimistic future to citizens across the spectrum is no longer a struggle, the celebration would be worthwhile.

Hope for a better tomorrow beginning at present sets the path to reach milestone.

Happy July 4th !

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spouse in Divine Mission


United States – Happy Thanksgiving!

November 24, 2016

PADMINI ARHANT. Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com. Spousal Partner Divine Mission.
PADMINI ARHANT. Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com. Spousal Partner Divine Mission.

By Mrs. Padmini Arhant

Happy Thanksgiving!


I take the opportunity to thank the sun, the moon, the stars, the sky, the earth, air, oceans and seas, forests and mountains facilitating life on the planet.

I would like to thank the indigenous folksthe Native Americans, the first inhabitants in North America introducing the culture to express gratitude and in this instance to Mother Nature also Mother Earth for nurturing life through plentiful crops and orchards in the tradition following harvest that became Thanksgiving in the United States of America.

I thank the environmentalists protecting environment despite formidable challenges from industries and politics threatening ecological balance and planet sustenance for profitability with many species forced into extinction and humanity conditions increasingly deprived of clean air and pure water due to pollution and contamination.

In other fields, I thank the common citizens taking the time and effort to upload YouTube videos on diverse problems related to fixing things whether mechanical or technological and general glitches experienced in daily life helping fellow human beings to address them saving money and time for many through such assistance.

Keep up the good work in providing and sharing ideas and solutions to minor and major routine overload that often disrupts normal schedule. The voluntary free tips on many relevant life functionality is much appreciated.

I thank all those striving hard to make a difference in the world without ulterior motives and self-interest most importantly fame, fortune and glory.

The candidates winning and losing especially for the ones with high profile political life is premised on track record speaking louder than words and glorified editorials including powerful backing witnessed in the election campaign.

The candidate acknowledgment of own shortcomings and mistakes rather than ascribing blame or scapegoat anybody for failure would mark the humble beginning.

I thank the interns, the apprentice and those working in general office duties, the mail room in particular sorting and dispatching mail for proper delivery that could otherwise bring the entire business down and similarly production assistants enabling successful shows and programs regardless of meager pay and condescendence towards jobs and job doers in the work force. 

I thank the Housewives in America and worldwide for their culinary talent shining through in ordinary life and more so on special occasions.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner without arguments on the recent 2016 election results.

In not doing so, the turkey might jump out of the table and walk out alive much to your bewilderment. Haha!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Mrs.Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com

Spousal Partner Divine Mission




Festival – தீபாவளி நல் வாழ்த்துக்கள். Happy Deepavali / Diwali

October 29, 2016


தீபாவளி நல் வாழ்த்துக்கள்

பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த்


வணக்கம் – நான் பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த், எழுத்தாளர், ஆசிரியை மற்றும் துணைவி தெய்வீக பணி

எல்லோருக்கும் எங்கள் தீபாவளி நல் வாழ்த்துக்கள்.

இன்றைய சுப தினம் கஷ்டங்களை மறந்து, சந்தோஷத்தைக் கொடுக்கும் திரு நாள். தீமையை அழித்து நன்மையை உணர வைக்கும் சம்பவங்களையொற்றி கொண்டாடப்படும் உற்சவம் பாரதம் மற்றும் உலகத்தில் வசிக்கும் இந்திய குடிமக்கள் ஆவலோடு எதிர்ப்பார்க்கும் பண்டிகை தீபாவளி.

ஹிந்து மதத்தின் முக்கியாமான விழாக்களில், தீபாவளி உற்சாகத்தையும் அன்பையும் தருகிற சமூக நிகழ்ச்சி. புது ஆடை உடுத்தி, பலவகை பலகாரம், பட்ச்சனம்யென்று வித விதமான உணவு பரிமாறி குடும்பத்திலும், சமூதாயத்திலும் பகிர்ந்து கொண்டாடும் விழா. இல்லறம் மற்றும் நகரம் முழுதும் தீபங்கள் இருட்டை அகற்றி வெளிச்சத்தை வரவேற்கும் ஆனந்தமான காட்சி கண்களுக்கு விருந்தாகும். அதே பட்சத்தில் காதின் வலிமையை சோதிக்கும் பட்டாசுகள் அவரவர்களின் ஆனந்தத்தைத் தெரிவிக்கும் கோலாகலமாகிறது. தீபாவளி விழாவை தவறாமல் வருடா வருடம் தெய்வ பூஜையுடன் வழி படுவது அமோகமாகும்.

மனிதர்கள் மனம் தூய்மையாக இருந்தால், உண்மை, நேர்மை, இரக்கம், பாசம், நல்ல மனப்பான்மை, பண்பு இவை அனைத்தும் செயல்களில் தோன்றும். அந்த வாழ்க்கையில் ஒவ்வொரு தினமும் தீபாவளியாகும். இதை கடைபிடிப்பவர்கள் நித்திய நாட்களும் சுகத்தை அனுபவிக்கலாம்.

இன்றைய தீபாவளி விழா கொண்டாடும் மக்களுக்கு வாழ்க்கையில் சுகம், ஆரோக்கியம், அமைதி, மகிழ்ச்சி, முன்னேற்றம் பெற எங்கள் மனமார்ந்த வாழ்த்துக்கள்.


பத்மினி அர்ஹந்த்
எழுத்தாளர், ஆசிரியை மற்றும் துணைவி தெய்வீக பணி

Social Dilemma – Lower Income Category

July 30, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

The lower income category.  The so-called menial jobs may after all be not that irrelevant. The audio presentation in Hindi with English subtitles to follow is a brief review on the social plight of members serving the privileged class in Indian society.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant.

Womanhood – In the Twenty First Century

July 29, 2016

By Padmini Arhant

The lower income category.  The so-called menial jobs may after all be not that irrelevant. The audio presentation in Hindi with English subtitles to follow is a brief review on the social plight of members serving the privileged class in Indian society. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant.


By Padmini Arhant

Womanhood – Understanding the creation of opposite gender could perhaps dispel ignorance and transform human prejudice and patronizing to respect and regard for a woman facilitating life, longevity and livelihood.

Life begins in mother’s womb with the fetus originating as female first during gestation and later developing into a male or female baby depending on the genetic composite and chromosomal factor as XY and XX respectively. The X chromosome being the common denominator.

The initial female genetic evolution into either gender in the reproductive stage in addition to the male and female hormones such as testosterone and estrogen as well as progesterone presence and the hormonal balance required for healthy living is a natural process conforming to transgenderism in all otherwise considered unique due to ill-conceived notion.

The male and female composition is intrinsic and designed to prolong life in generational order. The male and female synergy is quintessential for proper functionality. The masculine and feminine qualities are distinctive taking gender traits into consideration. Machoism and chauvinism in male characteristics while submissiveness and servility expected from female counterpart is regrettable undermining social equality.

Furthermore, the prevalent custom denigrating responsibilities such as motherhood and home maker is anything but intelligent.

In fact, good parenting and housekeeping that demands sacrifice enables better family environment nurturing values reflected in human character and individual performance.

The current system with children raised by hired services and care givers instead of parents in normal conditions grow up not knowing family concept and miss out on early bonding and adopt lifestyle to suit others priority.

Mother as a primary source to a child’s well-being from conception to early childhood that often extends beyond adolescence into adulthood plays an important role in life.

Woman’s duty is not limited to family upbringing but also involves financial contributions with the cost of living rising exponentially while income remaining stagnant against inflation and consumer price index in any economy.

The women progress especially amongst socially disadvantaged segments worldwide is far from satisfactory with some improvements in rural as well as urban areas since the introduction of micro financing allowing women to participate in self-supportive programs and small business.

Again the lack of literacy and social impediments faced by women in many regions deny them opportunity to seek employment making survival difficult for them and dependents in the household let alone realize dreams and passion.

The other problems include security as women are vulnerable to rape and physical violence with justice reversed accusing rape victims rather than punishing the offenders and providing maximum safety for women of all age group to move freely without apprehension.

Women are also subject to atrocities by both men and women compounding social and economic challenges in the contemporary period. The violation of rights during peace and more so in war zones are regular events in the absence of protection plan and crime prevention strategy.

The economic and social disparity for women in the lower income category are slighted exacerbating their plight as a single mother or a widow in the family struggling to make ends meet in the tough situation.

In comparison, the women in better economic status and affluent background in particular make use of the privileges and have easy access to prosperity. Not to mention the misuse of law favoring women by some in this context.

Even though women are in many fields demonstrating capability and talent, the treatment of women as subordinates persists as a reminder on the Man’s world.  Unfortunately, women are equally responsible for the gender bias promoting discriminatory practice with the focus on personal interests.

Society’s view and treatment of women striving hard is not without condescendence. Those serving the hospitality industry in different capacity are scorned by the same people dependent on the service.

Alternatively, women from impoverished background forced into choosing a line of work that compromise chastity are identified as prostitutes and vilified for their  occupation. 

At the same time, women in the fashion, beauty pageants and entertainment industry willfully exposing on camera in public spotlight not barring nudity and voyeurism in pursuit of fame and fortune that could be achieved in any other job not requiring provocative exhibition are cheered and honored with awards and titles in society.

The former invites police raid and arrests upon such finding ordinarily noted as a liability whereas the latter safeguarded ensuring no harm and regarded a celebrity. What is done behind close door with the client attracts societal acrimony in contrast to the modern women career comprising intimate scenes or display with several and watched by millions with audience applause.

Clearly the glamor and glitz in activity with glaring similarity leads to glory. 

Nonetheless money is the incentive in both scenarios with one doing for survival and the other mostly to satisfy own aspiration by any means describing the state of affairs.

The society’s contradictory position towards women for decisions based on existence purpose and popularity contest beckons revision.

Women in general are expected to bear the burden and bulk of obligations with variation in global standard affecting the remotely located and disenfranchised demography.

Regardless, life is made possible with female endurance in enabling birth and infusing energy forming the basis of world emergence and sustenance.

The versatile positive attributes aptly qualify for recognition and glowing tribute to womanhood.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant










Sasha Arhant – The Blessed Soul

February 21, 2016

Padmini Arhant

Padmini Arhant

Sasha Arhant – The Blessed Soul

From:  Padmini Arhnat

With grief and sorrow, I share the news on the demise of our beloved Sasha Arhant – family pet this morning.

Sasha personified true love and endearment.  They are called human’s best friend in life not without a reason.

I dedicate the poem to my Sweet Angel. 

Sasha Arhant – Our Guardian Angel!

Our lives blossomed upon your arrival

Your presence resembled day at carnival

Elegance, beauty and charm your assets

Unconditional love and loyalty your domain

A gift wrapped in a bundle

Sash you are our Guardian Angel! 


You are our inspiration beyond imagination

Your determination to strive exceeded realization

Sweet, adorable and strong willed demeanor

Made every moment pleasant and brighter

May your soul rest in peace

Sash – You are our Guardian Angel!


Now you are the brilliant star

In eternal bliss and endless happiness

Heavenly abode with paradise as home  

With no pain and only gain

May you guard us in spirit

Sash – You are our Guardian Angel!

Farewell! Sasha Arhant my beloved daughter.

Peace to all!

Padmini Arhant








Happy New Year! 2016

January 1, 2016

From:  Padmini Arhant

Happy New Year! 2016.

Best Wishes for peaceful, productive and prosperous New Year.

Peace to all!

Padmini Arhant

Happy Deepavali / Diwali! 2015

November 10, 2015

From:  Padmini Arhant

தீபாவளி நல் வாழ்த்துக்கள்!  दिवाली कि शुभ कामनाएं!  

Greetings and best wishes on the occasion of Deepavali / Diwali – the festival of lights celebration. 

The event is also an opportunity for inner light to dispel darkness in mind allowing love and respect towards all that defines character and determines human value.

The festival of joy and hope for better year ahead is greeted with religious prayers and social activities in family and community.

May the season filled with brightness and festive mood rekindle tolerance and acceptance promoting self-development and national progress.

Happy Deepavali / Diwali!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Gandhi Jayanthi (146th Birth Anniversary) – Remembering the Mahatma in 2015

October 2, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Commemorating Mahatma Gandhi’s 146th birth anniversary.

Peace and non-violence pioneer’s steadfastness to free India from foreign rule posed immense challenge to the imperial power.

Mahatma Gandhi’s simple and humble attributes was in contradiction to flamboyance and pompous disposition maintained in the position of authority.  The genuine leadership is often recognized in sincerity, integrity, courage and commitment to serve humanity.

Most importantly speaking the truth without fear or concern for smear determines individual character and selflessness – a rarity in power oriented politics promoting false image to subvert reality.

Gandhi exemplified virtues with emphasis on equality and harmony transcending prejudice based on race, religion, caste and creed. The world blinded by violence and acrimony emanating from greed and desire for dominance rejects peace with no respect for life other than own existence despite death a certainty for all.

Mahatma’s relentless pursuit on liberty and unity characterized Gandhian principle in the hope to alleviate suffering among the poor, hungry and oppressed population worldwide.

Freedom struggle continues in the aftermath of Mahatma Gandhi and compatriots sacrifice with corruption and criminality governing politics contributing to huge economic and social disparity.

In pre-independence period there were remarkable members in society pledging their life, time and resources for the country sharing the common dream to liberate homeland. 

The alacrity in claiming sovereignty from foreign control attracted volunteers across the spectrum with single goal in mind to decline subjugation.

In comparison, the present time sworn allegiance to sources embarked on treason and depleting state treasury with guaranteed political impunity.

The dominion republic status is acceptable due to benefits to political establishment and affluent class from subservience to undemocratic system compromising national and public interest.

Nonetheless, Mahatma Gandhi and legions dedication in  patriotic endeavor ever remain the beacon of light to awakened mind.

Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and other great souls for indelible mark on patriotism and honorable legacy.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant




India – Rakshabandhan (Rakhi) Festival

August 29, 2015

By Padmini Arhant

Greetings and felicitations to citizens observing the important social event – Rakhi.

Rakshabandhan epitomizes family value with focus on brother sister relation not only in family but also in society.

Rakshabandhan is a special occasion with a reminder to brother to safeguard sister’s honor and reciprocation from sister to support and cherish family bonding in male female relationship.

Gender equality allowing male and female in diverse roles in life is natural.  The parental responsibility to be shared between father and mother and siblings caring for each other contributes to unity and happiness.

The festival is also an opportunity to revive rich cultural traditions that are meaningful and positive in maintaining human character that is unfortunately in decline with alarming incidents of rape regardless of age.

Human weakness to lust lacking in self control fostered with judicial outcome favoring rapists and decisions condemning rape victims in itself indicative of social and moral degradation. The social and political circle influence due to own indulgence exacerbates victims’ plight. 

Women as opposite gender is primarily a mother, sister, daughter, granddaughter, niece, aunt and a good friend besides being a wife to a man in life.  

In the  modernization fervor portrayal of women as objects of voyeurism and general perception with sexual connotation provide basis for rape, molestation and sexual assaults against women. Again those involved in such violations have fundamental problems in personal traits reflecting on upbringing and inherent deficiency in adjusting to acceptable norms in society.

Furthermore, the escalation in repeat offense against women emanates from the absence of strict laws punishing the offenders rather than condescendence towards femininity. 

Notwithstanding violence resulting in deaths of those coming forward to rescue women from eve teasers and mobs engaged in sexual harassment.

Society’s progress is evaluated on treatment of all beings with respect and dignity barring any prejudice.  

Unless the milestone in this context is reached, the material achievements are ethereal and unsustainable.

Education, awareness and public debates are necessary to curb misogyny restoring equal status. 

Best Wises on Rakhi to brothers and sisters following the Indian custom.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant







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