Facts on New World Order – UNSC, EU And Euro Zone
July 22, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
New World Order is one world government subjugating nations to comply with UNSC veto and EU austerity.
UNSC with Veto Power is responsible for human suffering due to illegal sanctions and military interventions for economic and strategic gains worldwide.
The unlawful embargo and various constraints targeting non-western countries cripple economy with direct impact on population.
The agreements are rarely genuine with complicity to duplicity deceiving the world at large.
Since UNSC inception – the forces behind unipolar system comprising P5+1 and EU wield power despite dismal trajectory creating and exacerbating problems rather than resolving crisis.
The misuse of veto power in the exclusive club with members P5+1 holding them and allies above law is illegitimate and tradition unsustainable in the modern era against subordination and servility.
The so-called global powers P5+1 with imperial legacy and gross human rights violations extending into twenty first century preoccupied in territorial annexations and destabilization of nations perpetuating conflicts confirm habitual quest for dominance.
Accordingly veto power possessed UNSC dissolution is imminent for world peace and progress.
EU – the parallel government headquartered in Brussels, Belgium set up to promote New World Order protecting oligarchy, feudalism and militarism for implementation worldwide.
The strategy is evidently a failure with declining euro zone and deep economic recession within EU.
The aggressive measures against member states to submit and surrender assets in bailout deals stripping sovereignty of nations and submerging citizens in generational debt.
EU and euro zone are deceptive models to benefit the selective few at the expense of collective labor and taxations providing for the self-proclaimed privileged class parasitic existence.
The dysfunctional bodies viz. UNSC, EU, euro zone and think tanks behind egregious decisions endanger life and planet survival. Anything premised on falsehood and flawed policy cannot withstand the test of time and eventually collapse.
World deserves better opportunity to experience peace, stability and prosperity currently denied to struggling 99% by 1 % reigning control over the rest.
The destructive process conclusion expedited without exception for a positive development,
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
World Affairs – Glimpse of Developments during the week
July 17, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
Iran Nuclear Deal – The significance would be realized upon intentions transforming into actions in lifting sanctions as that affects people of any nation more than their government.
The blockade hurt economy which again impact population especially the most vulnerable and economically disadvantaged in society.
The deliberate motive to stall economic progress of a nation through sanction is best abandoned not only on humanitarian basis but also from the economic standpoint considering adverse effects on global economy.
UNSC egregious decisions with misuse of veto power and sanctions on selective nations while the real offenders on nuclear proliferation such as P5+1 and allies maintaining status quo is a huge credibility problem confronting the world.
The dissolution of UNSC in possession of veto power could no longer be evaded or dismissed in the twenty first century with changing geopolitical and economic dynamics as well as social cultural environment.
Furthermore UNSC – the unipolar exclusive club is responsible for human misery worldwide due to imperial aspirations authorizing military interventions and trade embargo on nations regarded P5+1 adversary and slight requirement to respect other nations sovereign rights in the world.
Any objection from UNSC P5+1 members to end hierarchy and accept all nations equal participation would clarify the purpose as polarization for unqualified dominance.
The nuclear pact with Iran would be meaningful upon P5+1 and allies including Israel’s disarmament setting precedence for a nuclear free world.
Meanwhile, the political exchanges on this issue projects a contrived performance to confuse world audience.
Greece – The ruling government capitulation to EU & EZ demand to receive bridge loan €7 billion to Greece banks and a subsequent €86 billion as third bailout to meet debt obligations to major creditors such as ECB and European Stability Mechanism ESM with Germany Bundestag proposals on setting up a trust comprising Greece public assets for privatization i.e. reserving Greece national and private properties as collateral is anything but remedy to Greece economic recovery.
The developments aim to protect predator practice reflective in Germany’s assertive goals and Brussels geopolitical strategy as confirmed by France Prime Minister Manuel Valls in response to opposition to GREXIT.
Any government or leadership myopic view on matter prolonging into major erroneous commitment is not fighting the battle and indeed surrendering weapons to those keen on further assault unlike the premier’s interpretation otherwise.
On the contrary adopting pragmatic approach preventing the nation and people from endless debt cycle by returning to original currency bolstered with sound financial and economic reforms would be the saving grace.
In the prevalent supremacy era with increasing ambitions to occupy nations under any pretext ranging from providing security, training foreign nations military and police force to installing Patriot Missile system like Germany did in Turkey in 2012 and the current rescue financial scheme for Greece evolving into seizure of sovereignty prompts citizens alert.
The organizations and institutions betting on failed policy and flawed strategies to deliver anticipated outcome repeatedly deal with disappointment and calamity of greater magnitude.
The established pattern yet to be recognized counterproductive.
EU and euro zone survival not possible in retaining Greece or other member states for vested interests with foundation premised on superficial settings contributing to collapse.
Greece and PIGS citizenry waking up to reality and assuming control of their life and livelihood through political and economic freedom not subjugation is the sensible alternative to the crisis.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
World Affairs – Rulers Choice of Peril Over Progress
July 13, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
Yemen – The pounding of the North African nation Yemen killing scores of innocent lives by Saudi dynasty with supposedly democratic United States and allies direct assistance is the sign of unquenchable thirst for blood unrelenting to respect life and freedom.
Syria and Iraq – Unleashing terror through terrorists networks deployment again contributing to scores of deaths and destruction of nations continues unabated under false pretexts of combating terror alongside retaining terrorism strategy – arming and funding terror operation.
Libya – With no real intention to allow stability, the nation transformed into terror haven politically maneuvered to suppress popular uprising.
Egypt – The foreign dogma through military aid governs the nation and denies people voice.
Bahrain – United States latest agreement to provide ammunitions to the ruling regime for further deterrence on the natives demand for political freedom shines light on the sponsors’ flair for authoritarianism.
Palestine – United States marriage vows with Israel apparently pledged to prolong sickness rather than welcoming happiness confirmed in the usual veto on Palestinian complaint with UN Human Rights Organization in Geneva on July 3, 2015 vote regarding Israel’s incessant violation through occupation.
The new partner joining the trend with abstinence vote in this regard is Prime Minister Narinder Modi headed administration in New Delhi, India paving the way for polygamy in the marriage.
The Palestinian initiative to move the presumably world body, the UN against Israel’s violence in Gaza and throughout occupied territory for International Criminal Court (ICC) hearing was quelled with Ney vote and abstention by those claiming to be stewards of human rights and democracy.
Perhaps the decisions are aimed at self-protection on such record preventing precedence on the subject.
Iran – The oil rich Islamic State admittedly in possession of oil and natural gas lasting over hundred years conspicuously incognito authorities’ partner in the ecclesiastic representation.
Afghanistan – Hegemony terror export with ISIL relocation to the war torn nation is a convenient premise to justify permanent bases and drone attacks targeting children, women and youth in the country.
Russia – Declining proposal on UNSC exclusive club veto power unveil reality in the power struggle.
UNSC waging wars across the globe via economic sanctions and military interventions is the source of chaos and catastrophe.
Russia’s resistance to dissolution of veto power armed UNSC is the dominant powers reluctance to quit unipolar zone while objecting to genuine presence dedicated to global peace and security as unilateralism.
Ukraine – The imperial goals implemented with annexation and demarcation along with proxy governance perpetuate crisis benefitting none except satisfying destructive ego.
Greece – The debt slavery imposed in full force subjugating the nation in the vengeful act to punish the republic for daring to exercise democratic right against detrimental austerity.
The latest development with EU leaderships’ wrath on Greece to buckle and accept draconian measures presumptuously perceived as settling scores is a failure guaranteed to severely impact the origin and catalysts engaged in unsustainable cataclysmic feudalism.
EU egregious policy has created unemployment at a staggering 25 million (official figure) although unofficial data is much higher with rising poverty and transmigration exacerbating economic status across Europe.
Contemporary rulers and representatives choice of peril over progress is evident in the global events resulting in the conclusion of supremacy era defining the Dark Age.
The world would then heave a sigh of relief.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
World – Questions to Hegemony
June 16, 2015
By Padmini Arhant,
Dear Citizens,
I present the segment on Hegemony rule and media role.
Thank you for your interest.
Padmini Arhant
International Yoga Event
June 14, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
Dear Citizens,
This is Padmini Arhant. Representative divine mission. Author and presenter padminiarhant.com
Before I proceed with discussion on several issues concerning humanity, I would like to shed light on the recent decision by the present ruling authority in New Delhi, India.
The ruling power in New Delhi, India has scheduled June 21 as Yoga Day subsequent to incumbent administration proposal and UN approval of this event.
The action deserves attention.
Let me acquaint you with Yoga and the origin.
Yoga was founded and introduced by celestial deity in human form to humanity.
The deity Pathanjali was a powerful orator and philosopher with knowledge in spiritual science and medicine.
Pathanjali was the exponent of Yoga and combined the beneficial aspects of physical and mental development through Yoga.
Although Yoga originated since creation of the universe, Yoga has been practiced in India for over two millennium.
God Shiva is the pioneer of Yoga. The Supreme Guru.
Yoga is the integral part of Indian cultural heritage. Yoga is a proven healthy activity for physical fitness and stress management.
The tradition is also associated with spirituality pertaining to inner peace attained from meditation and concentration besides the focus on physical exercise. Those who are not inclined to be part of spiritual experience could delineate from such pursuit even though in my view physical wellbeing is sustainable upon maintaining peaceful state of mind.
The requirement to raise awareness and sharing the multitude prospects of Yoga to mankind is critical.
However, the politically motivated strategy using Yoga as the means to promote ill-conceived notions reflects negatively on the source and catalysts behind such involvement.
Generally, when honoring any positive contributions and appreciation of service would be carried out with sincerity that is ominously lacking in the relevant engagement by the authority.
I raise the question to organizers and those responsible for choosing the date June 21 among other days in the calendar.
What is so auspicious about this day that has led them to recognize as the day for international yoga event?
The reality is political smear campaign and swift boat politics being the dominant tactics to prolong status quo those in position of power are feigning the action as a tribute to Yoga.
Any genuine purpose would not be targeting innocent beings whether animals or humans and instead approach with humility for greater cause.
The fact of the matter is Indian political establishment along with external forces posing to commemorate Yoga prepared to stoop to any level in denigrating Indian cultural and spiritual endowments for mutual satisfaction. This further exemplify the severe deficit of integrity and credibility among them.
Political environment has never been conducive or congenial going back to roman days and contemporarily become brutally Brutus much to self-destruction.
Yoga International event is best spared from political dog fight that is guaranteed to backfire at them.
By the way, my family pet Sasha’s birthday as June 21 mistakenly believed by those coordinating the convoluted affair.
Sasha would be dedicated in practicing yoga upon permissible by nature and perhaps even serve as an example for certain human beings with serious deficiency in values and character.
Man proposes and God disposes as always whenever deception and unscrupulousness is prevalent.
Will be back with more on global matter.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Global Issues – Padmini Arhant Interaction with the Ruling Class
June 13, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
Dear Citizens,
I present my interaction with the ruling class on social, political and economic issues including the religion.
This information is brought for public learning and knowledge.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Global Events – Synopsis 2015
March 20, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
The global events marked by mayhem, misery and melancholy is representative of those in power i.e. incognito rule and proxy governments together with servile contingency ever remaining at disposal for self-destructive cause.
The agents spreading viciousness misuse communication outlets including parliament floor and entertainment format. Sadly they do not realize their venom consuming them conforming to reaping what one sow in life.
These negative developments aimed at self-interests reflect on the rulers and operatives declining status and confirm the demise of deceptive regimes and cohorts in the suicide mission.
1. Middle East – The manufactured terror used as pretext to destabilize nations is a classic example of the blank misleading the belligerence to precipice.
The self-ruinous venture is costing them and allies in economic, political and strategic terms with severe damages to the point of no return.
Those behind continuous death and decimation of innocent lives care less about consequences and defiance is mistaken for strength in the face of internal decay and inevitable dissipation.
Hegemony and coalition intervention through terrorism in Syria, Iraq and Libya is evidently counterproductive.
Interestingly subsequent involvement claimed as necessary to curb their own terror networks such as ISIS and ISIL…despite having them on taxpayer funded payroll.
Lebanon and Palestine under constant attacks from Israel justified in the name of Israel’s security.
The kingdoms, fiefdoms and hegemony loyalists facilitating carnage by funding, training and recruitment of terror groups ignore blowback experienced from terror instigation.
Iran and P5+1 endless nuclear talks under estimates human intelligence wasting citizens tax contributions for purpose other than nuclear issue to deflect public attention from domestic and international crises.
The redundant exercise poses credibility factor for major nuclear states continuing proliferation with nuclear testing and enhancements unheeding global concern.
Any seriousness on nuclear matter would be exemplified in self-disarmament. The action would then qualify them to seek others to follow precedence.
Furthermore, Iran’s closer ties with hegemony shared in duplicity and scripted performance clarifies futile attempts to void contemporary phenomenon and original identity.
2. Africa – Hegemony goals are clear in militarization of this continent for unfettered access to resources and permanent colonization leading to prolonged subjugation in the twenty first century.
Abject poverty, hunger and disease affecting millions are hegemony legacy.
3. Asia :
Asia Pacific – Occupation of nations with military bases and provocation in Korean peninsula is tip of the iceberg in the policy fostering rivalry over rapprochement.
Additionally removing governments and leaderships regarded obstacles to hegemonic ambitions is the tradition.
The mysterious disappearance of Malaysian commercial airlines, installing militia rule in Thailand, forging relations with authoritarian system in Singapore and fomenting controversy in Indonesia are few of the many indulgence in that part of the world.
Central Asia – Afghanistan and neighboring countries are essentially declared imperial bastions again for natural endowments and strategic presence.
South Asia – The dominion republics compliance with hegemony instructions on nuclear expansion and divestments in defense contracts override importance to environment and economy notwithstanding the infrastructure.
The agriculture land is industrialized and privatized to satisfy political campaign donors’ demands leaving the farmers with no choice but accept conditions in the land deal.
As a result, national dependency on import elevating food prices or inflation due to crop production shifting from self-sufficiency to inadequacy is apparently irrelevant.
On transparency and democratic value – The ordinary citizens beguiled with hegemony nominees landslide victory in the state and national elections in the so-called democracy. The electoral process marred with voting irregularities and corruption not excluding massive cash infusion in political campaigns enables shadow governance.
4. Latin America – Hegemony interference in this region is well known and persists until now. The nations are routinely targeted stifling democracy. Any government pledging to national progress is promptly displaced with anti-democratic rule.
5. North America:
United States – United States tax dollars squandered in pretentious squabbles to maintain dysfunctional governance. While there are numerous problems confronting the nation, the lawmakers diligently oblige covert execution diverting time and money on extraneous affairs.
The social injustice conspicuous with demographic isolation and marginalization of Native Americans, African Americans, Muslims, Undocumented workers, immigrants from certain ethnic background as well as women in lower economic strata.
Guantanamo Bay and secret prisons with torture chambers cannot possibly be a national pride.
Canada – The indigenous citizens plight slighted regardless of law enforcement agency excess use of force and neglect in some instances constituting abuse. Hegemony influence on political, economic and other areas attribute vassal statehood.
Mexico – The national dilemmas are combating corruption and drug cartels with weapons influx from United States initiated in the fast and furious program. The experiment premised on arbitrary arms sales reaching nefarious elements had no prohibitive measures exacerbating safety and security of the country.
Yet another challenge is preserving national assets viz. petroleum and precious metals from oligarchy acquisition.
6. Europe – Austerity, staged unrest and volatility is the trend to stymie economic growth and political stability.
EU creation primarily expended in debilitating member states within Union with egregious economic policies largely favoring selective groups and entities at local population expense.
EU and United States intrusion in Ukraine promotes disintegration and territorial annexation besides NATO extension burdening the region with military expenditure rather than investments in the economy.
Hegemony hallmark is false flag incidents in resistance to peace and harmony with preference for eternal discord in community. The turmoil then used as the reason for military aggression or drone authorization to curtail violence.
Environment protection is on the reverse with funding slashed in the national budget for political driven appropriations.
Human rights violations peaks defining human character or the lack thereof with no recognition for life and individual respect.
The discriminatory practice based on various orientations propagated to polarize society for political and personal gains not taking into account irreversible ramifications on the source and catalysts.
To summarize status quo – the situation mirror dissolution emanating from incorrigible disposition expediting decadent era conclusion.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
The Secret Society – Secrecy, Spying and Systemic Abuse of Power
March 1, 2015
By Padmini Arhant
The secret society premised on secrecy, spying and systemic abuse of power epitomize hypocrisy in the highest order.
Secret society members represent different backgrounds nonetheless share common goals such as wealth amassment and dominance for exclusive interests.
The world is a playground to them using politics, economy, commerce, communication media, educational institutions, entertainment industry, environment, religion, charity and human rights group that are instrumental in prolonging status quo.
Having no control over excess greed and self-destructive vices, they exert authority on the rest of the population denying freedom, basic rights and equal opportunity.
The legacy is misery, chaos and catastrophe worldwide.
Secret society is structured on the pyramid scheme with one eye tunneled vision rather than 20/20 sight in functionality. Accordingly their involvement in activities is to benefit self and selective entity at the vast majority expense.
Their key representatives amplify objection to unipolar world while maintaining monopoly on everything they come in contact with contaminating in entirety.
The archaic supremacy imposed decadent establishments and values are obsolete and obstruct progress.
Criminality, corruption, terrorism, incessant warfare for invasion, occupation and destabilization are the secret society’s hallmark traits.
They continue to pursue disastrous ambitions despite colossal failure every step of the way.
The presumptuous notion claiming superiority to masquerade inferior and unscrupulous agenda reflect reality within degenerative ambit. The infighting vying for apex position clarifies fraudulence extraordinaire.
Sparing none in exploitation, the secret society is on suicidal mission considering detrimental policies implemented through proxy governance under the guise of democracy and republic rule.
The electoral process is the catalyst to legitimize illegitimacy in the shadow organization engineered mandate pledged allegiance to hegemony.
Creating imposters and prodding wannabes with flawed performance is the latest trend in the futile attempts to avert inevitable ending of cataclysmic conglomerate.
As a result the willful performers buffoonery and promiscuity is on display with the individuals eagerness to appease hegemony for material gains and publicity pronounce notoriety.
In the absence of credibility, the secret society and surrogates violation of trust, propaganda and false flag events peak in the desperate measure to combat imminent decline.
The secret society crusade to perpetuate unsustainable present confirms insolvency in every aspect evident in dysfunctional operation.
The taxpayers in the United States and western nations are forced into dire economic situation. The wealthiest in society evade taxes shifting the burden on ordinary citizens struggling to make ends meet in life.
Besides, the tax dollars are utilized for funding warfare and intrusion in toppling governments targeted for non-compliance on secret society demands.
Elsewhere, the taxpayers are beguiled with sycophants headed governments stashing wealth in Swiss bank accounts and other tax havens in pervasive corruption deals depriving the respective nations due national revenue.
The money held in illegal format is widely promoted to augur secret society existence unheeding ramifications with reverse impact debilitating the crumbling empire.
Furthermore, the taxpayer funded federal agencies like intelligence bureau and national security is misused with dragnet surveillance on law-abiding citizens not to mention the harassment during travel at the airports conducting elaborate body scan alluding to perversion under the pretext of curbing terrorism when the secret society is the existential terror.
In the domestic front, law enforcement authorities i.e. police brutality against unarmed and innocent civilians especially the minorities is on the rise due to ignorance and prevalent discriminatory practice revealed in the trials exacerbating victims plight.
The judiciary set up on secret society oversight and political influence make a mockery of justice in the system that rewards the crafty and insidious in defiance of fairness and facts that in itself void the politically motivated judgment.
Juxtaposed hegemony operatives crimes against humanity and treason are not even subject to investigation let alone incarceration.
The convenient rule granting political immunity to incumbents although the privilege is extended beyond the term in office exemplify the travesty of justice.
Similarly public access whether communication, education, entertainment, environment, recreation, religion or charity maneuvered for subversion and mass subjugation.
Anything exceeding limit with resistance to checks and balances ominously evolve into self-endangering act expediting expiration.
Overall the secret society alias the illuminati are destined for dissolution conforming to natural law that predicates extinguishing wild fire threatening lives and habitat.
Wisdom and conscience guided conduct could possibly serve in fait accompli leading to renunciation of delusions on invincibility.
Wishing humanity liberty from calamity experienced under secret society since antiquity.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
World – New Year 2015 Message
January 3, 2015
The audio version is provided for convenience and easy access to all. Please click on the link for the content. Thank you.
By Padmini Arhant
Happy New Year!
The New Year is greeted with joy and hope for progress.
This is possible upon ending status quo.
Let us examine the status quo.
The status quo is destruction and devastation from endless warfare through terrorism, invasion and occupation of foreign land, denying freedom to the oppressed and persecuted; depriving ordinary citizens economic opportunity and the minority forced to deal with discrimination, deportation and social injustice.
Then there is corruption, secrecy and deception via proxy governance serving hegemony interests.
Not to mention the environment abuse discards detrimental effects on life.
Human suffering is caused by failed policies and ill-conceived notions chasing illusive dreams despite proven setbacks until now.
The architects and master minds representing various institutions and organizations along with leaderships in power are directly responsible for global mayhem.
Unfortunately these entities refusal to accept responsibility and the worst being their persistence to continue trend is exacerbating current situation worldwide.
Furthermore, the polarization strategy using religion, race and ethnicity besides social and economic background constantly deployed to maintain chaos and marginalization.
The communal violence and civil unrest is vigorously promoted for political gains and fragmentation within society.
Hegemony rule evidently is unsustainable. Sooner than later the extremities would have irreversible impact on source.
Since there is no desire to review and reflect on folly amongst those behind global destabilization, the inevitable meltdown could no longer be differed with negative developments having reached a crescendo.
The internal operatives in the political system are engaged in illegal and fraudulent practice in an effort to prolong dysfunctional authority.
Meanwhile, the educational sector, mass media and entertainment industry are utilized for mind control with misinformation and distortion to deflect public attention from reality. The medium is widely used for propaganda and diversion from facts.
The eagerness to lead the world towards nuclear confrontation is yet another sign of recklessness and ignores pervasive catastrophe.
Notwithstanding such indulgence would be an invitation for self-disaster.
Accordingly these activities expedite the collapse of pyramid structure lacking in complete vision beginning at the apex. The thoughtless actions stifle constructive concepts and productivity.
The options are to abandon illegitimacy exerted as global supremacy and instead adopt democracy premised on transparency and accountability.
Rejecting positive measures to alleviate humanity plight confirms hegemony decline together with agents and accessories aiding the ill-fated mission.
Independence from vassal statehood for functional republic rule is imperative to experience liberty – the inalienable right of all beings on earth.
The fundamental problem lies in the flawed electoral process disguised as free and fair election allowing hegemony nominees to usurp to power. The members of political dynasty claim representation as their prerogative irrespective of dismal performance and criminal record.
During and after the term in office the political impunity on crimes varying from genocide, instigating violence in and outside the country, embezzlement, treason and toppling people choice representation… are regarded the ruling class privilege.
The developed nations leaderships primitive role viz. sponsoring cannibals, arming terror networks, dictatorial regimes and drug cartels proliferating narcotic trade alongside militarization of continents enslaving population for hegemonic goals significantly reverse mankind achievements in other fields.
In conclusion, peaceful resolutions to conflicts, recognition of human rights, respecting life, renouncing violence, revival of democracy without Kingdoms, fiefdoms, imperial dominance and religion based hierarchy and last but not the least – planet protection is the only alternative to a bright future.
On that note,
Best wishes for a new age led by wisdom, courage, compassion and integrity.
Peace to all!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
World Events
October 18, 2014
By Padmini Arhant
Dear Global Citizens,
The audio version on World Events made available in the above link.
Thank you for your interest.
Padmini Arhant