Palestine – UNGA Vote for Observer State Status

November 29, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

United Nations General Assembly is currently reviewing the Palestinian authority, President Mahmoud Abbas request for upgrade from non-member observer entity status to observer state status that would promote the world understanding of all members in global society worthy of respect and a life with dignity.

In this regard, Palestinian population has been deprived for over six decades with Israel invasion and military aggression up until now.

The inhumane conditions and ongoing hostility towards the people of Palestine has been brought to world attention on numerous occasions with a plea to end Israel’s unilateral excruciating blockade against Gaza alongside periodic aggravated assault resulting in infants, teenagers and women deaths prioritized to win the hearts and minds of Israeli electorate in the election war.

The pervasive combative environment in the entire occupied Palestinian territory robbing the children of Palestine the dreams for life with their family without fear of losing the members in either daily shooting or United States and western powers supplied and sponsored bombing prior to Israel’s electoral season could cease subsequent to Palestinian statehood recognition.

UNGA responsible action in accepting Palestine as a sovereign participant with the citizens’ rights to self-determination similar to the privileges enjoyed by Israeli citizens and western society considering their opposition to the Palestinian bid would legitimize UN as an international body transcending politics and influential powers superiority complex surfacing during Palestinian legal submission for statehood approval.

United States and Israel along with some western allies vehement protest to Palestinian natural right for freedom and sovereignty clarify the intention to prolong colonization in modern civilization exploiting the victims’ patience and endurance of more than sixty years of injustice.

The threats and intimidation tactics applied to subvert the process is yet another example of undemocratic principles exhibited by those representing the imperialistic agenda due to lack of accountability for their crimes against humanity.

Despite the political maneuvering to derail UNGA acknowledgment, the significant majority across the globe overwhelmingly calls for the United Nations members to grant Palestine the long overdue liberty – the inalienable right of every being on this planet.

The two state solution would also enable Israeli citizens peaceful co-existence disrupted from Israel’s ideology driven occupation goals embedded with permanent oppression in the meager land directly in violation of all laws that exist in a civilized world.

Israeli security is linked with treatment of neighbors especially the Palestinian citizens as equal for violence and terror would only yield synonymous response in self-defense given Israel’s disproportionate military and economic resources provided by United States and western power to maintain detrimental status quo.

Objectively, Israeli authority rejection of peace exemplified in refusal to follow general rule and UN resolutions together with Jewish unlawful settlement expansion posing impediments to Israel’s progress besides the ever increasing isolation from the rest of the world.

However, this situation could be reversed by changing course in pursuit of harmony beginning with adaptation to inevitable positive developments like Palestinian independence and honoring territorial integrity all around.

UNGA effectiveness is dependent upon resistance to United States, Israel and selective western powers counterproductive intrusions on international affairs with specific motive to undermine the legality and ethical efficacy of humanitarian law and UN Charter.

Above all UN members’ sovereign pledge for fairness and equality barring discriminatory practices in the decision-making aimed at particular segment viz. Palestinians in this instance would restore credibility to the organization role as a reliable entity.

UNGA could write a new chapter in history in moving forward rather than backward with unequivocal endorsement of peace enshrined in Palestine as an independent nation facilitating the success of two state solutions – the only pragmatic approach to ensure safety and long-term security for both Israel and Palestine.

Wishing UNGA members courage and solidarity in upholding human values and integrity with a resounding ‘Yes’ vote on the humanitarian issue affecting mankind.

Best Wishes to people in Palestine and Israel for good relations leading to mutual prosperity.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

UN General Assembly 67th Session 2012

September 28, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Warm Greetings! To world leaders and dignitaries attending UN General Assembly 67th session in New York.

United Nations annual forum provides platform for member nations to deliver speeches on national and global issues,

While non-members such as Palestine request for informal recognition considering the statehood plea in semblance with UNGA approval of Israel declined until now.

The event marking the anniversary of the organization each year since inception post world war II with no fundamental changes in structure especially concentration of power at UN Security Council permanent membership still remaining among initial five members –

United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia and China with imperialistic legacy i.e. invasion and occupation of foreign land clearly representative of hegemony unlike the appearance misleading the world.

UN set up as preliminary prototype emulated by regional unions like European Union, African Union, North American Union with Latin America and Asia to follow suit leading to establishment of one world government also known as the New World Order.

The organization functions under directives of nations constantly in violation of UN Charter and liberally abuse power exacerbating human suffering contrary to exhibit.

Beginning with UN Secretary General appointment and UNSC configuration – the two key components instrumental in decision-making process on international crises are in external power control rendering entire operation elusive and farcical.

Although, UN formation designed to retain power within preferred members exerting authority on the rest,

The extent UNSC exploited to wage military and economic warfare witnessed throughout the past and present century.

Most relevantly the three years from 2009 until date – violence and aggression combined with crippling economic sanctions is predominant in the fervor to impose authoritarianism.

In this regard – the UN role subverted to serve hegemonic interests viz. greed for global resources, territorial conquest and subjugation.

The blood river continues to flow under war on terror pretext with drone attacks terrorizing innocent civilians in developing world.

On nuclear front, the double standards maintained with responsible and reckless category regardless of history proving otherwise.

United States stance towards Iran to appease strongest ally Israel on controversial nuclear program currently may not involve military action given the political climate and election around the corner,

However, the measures adopted against people of Iran with trade embargo and financial restrictions hindering oil revenue collection,

Despite U.S. as well as Israeli military and intelligence clearance confirming no evidence of Iran’s nuclear weapon status is provocative expecting the victim to respond for justification on possible military strike.

Notwithstanding western infiltration in Iran and subsequent implication on nuclear scientists assassination exemplify overt warfare.

Similarly the scenario projecting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu interference in U.S. election claiming the U.S. incumbency weak in preventing Iran with Republican opponent muted reaction is a choreographed enactment to boost hegemony favored candidacy camouflaged intervention.

These activities are indicative of the lack of respect for life, national sovereignty and international laws invariably neglected in the quest for dominance.

On Syria – the regional leaderships from Egypt, Jordan and Turkey call for ending violence in the beleaguered state is welcome.

Ironically, those responsible for igniting spark demanding ceasefire is rather disingenuous specifically in the absence of initiatives to lay down their weapons and stop funding militia behind suicide bombings and civilian massacre.

Syrian conflict could not be prolonged in the face of massive death and destruction transcending borders in volatile Middle East with the only nuclear state Israel’s preemptive disposition posing imminent danger to all without exception.

The counterproductive approach attributed to Zionism subjecting Israel and Judaism hostage in territorial annexations with government committed to coalition ambition instead of addressing domestic needs.

Ideology driven strategy cannot produce desirable outcome and wars affect the source and target with no winners on either side.

Western leaderships along with Gulf allies are wasting taxpayers funds perpetuating losing battle in Syria amid austerity and dire economic straits in national domain.

Saudi Arabia oil proceeds generated through consumers world over could be jeopardized in international boycott at retail level in condemnation of dynasty anti-democratic values demonstrated against own citizens and others in Bahrain, Yemen, Libya and lately Syria.

Concluding Syrian turmoil is the only alternative to burgeoning unrest in the region.

Not to mention holding perpetrators accountable prohibiting repeat indulgence.

Likewise, Arab Spring across Middle East aspiring democracy, political and economic freedom transformed into fundamentalist political system by hegemony appointed figureheads loyal to them and not the people.

In Latin America, destabilization achieved with corporations launched coup d’état in addition to militarization and ammunition supply to drug cartels leaving inhabitants entirely at global conglomerate mercy and discretion.

Africa sharing synonymous fate in Africom experimented with technological applications and armed forces deployment again under the guise of protecting continent from civil wars, political uncertainties and disasters essentially caused by such intrusion.

Asia – Korean Peninsula, Indian sub-continent and Central Asia in particular unnecessarily threatened with lingering tensions and sprawling military incursion.

In reality, humanity confronted with terror from U.S. and NATO military prowess and nuclear arsenal constituting centralized power for exclusive gains at vast majority peril.

All other challenges related to politics, economy, social justice, mass media, education, health and environment emanate from infrastructure delegating tasks to agents appointed to lead nations towards surrender of republic and sovereignty.

Political race or elections are a mere formality with heads of state approved ahead to serve nexus group betraying electorate and nation on false promises and empty rhetoric.

The political opponent in the U.S. election is a caricature for hegemony aiming to succeed with preferred choice being the ruling administration having exceeded expectations in globalist agenda much to national and international devastation.

United Nations Security Council under UN auspice is existential detriment to international community due to non-conformity to prevalent geopolitical and global socio- economic dynamics.

UNSC arbitrary resolutions reflecting maneuvering and selective isolation against fragile and vulnerable countries or nations perceived adversaries to influential UNSC members exercising unlimited authority is a credibility factor in international dispute settlement.

United Nations as an organization would be effective upon universal treatment, acceptance and adherence to UN charter and humanitarian laws barring discriminatory and unethical practices endangering life and habitat.

Reconfiguration and overhauling adapting to transparency and fair distribution of power embracing inclusiveness would appropriately define the organization as an international body.

Besides abandoning elite memberships principles for greater good would guarantee progress in humanitarian goals.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Mexico – G20 Summit Los Cabos

June 19, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Warm Greetings! To world leaderships attending G20 Summit in beautiful Los Cabos, Mexico.

The issues confronting humanity are far too many and viable solutions unfortunately not desirable for some major participants also happened to be primary contributors of problems leading to status quo.

“Too many cooks spoil the broth” – reflected in the recipe not edible for preparers consumption nonetheless served as scrumptious feast in epic proportion.

G20 main focus on euro zone, Syria, nuclear talks with Iran and anti-missile defense are important.

However, shedding light on other political and military strategies attributed to humanity suffering equally relevant such as drone strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen evidently claimed more innocent lives and fomented terror recruitment facilitating perpetual warfare perhaps boosting defense industry, energy and finance sector stocks at the respective population bloodshed.

The underlying impact also suggestive of disregard for national sovereignty in the false presumption on territorial occupation to execute orders without prior consent or approval by targeted nations defense force or citizens victimized in arbitrary assault.

Pakistan and United States standoff arising from Salala incident involving NATO attack on 24 Pakistani soldiers with no formal apology that prompted military supply routes blockade and,

Pentagon haggling over transportation fee in this context masquerades undercurrents originated in closing down Shamsi Air base in Baluchistan used as drone launch center generating the perception of obstinacy overriding reason.

Furthermore, Abbottabad operation and reports on subsequent mockery of Pakistani national defense by U.S. Defense Secretary during visit to neighboring India confirm unsavory practices diminishing not only United States stature but also jeopardize negotiation on contentious matter.

The most aggravating of all being the regrettable aggression – apparently 800 civilians killed of whom 200 are children in the 300 drones launched by the current U.S. administration since assuming office slighting Pakistan request to cease mass execution.

Similarly in Afghanistan – U.S. and NATO invasion has produced civilian casualties at an alarming rate by far exceeding 9/11 figure with recent deaths of men, women and children in a wedding event clarifying aggressors disrespect for life excepting their own.

Yemen – under the pretext of hunting Al-Qaeda – created by U.S. intelligence to wage the so-called war on terror with no end in sight resonates pleas in semblance with Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Again reports on Yemeni journalist imprisoned at the present U.S. chief executive personal behest for exposing fallen prey comprising men, women and great number of children to U.S. air raid calls for serious introspection among those propagating regime change in Syria.

Notwithstanding Libyan death toll in the wake of U.S. led NATO bombings and mayhem thereafter.

Syria – The uprising transformed into foreign powers vs. the state confrontation with former determined to remove the latter from office by funding and arming militias is yet another expedition in direct violation of human rights and international law not to mention deliberate sabotage of envoy Kofi Annan peace proposal.

The roadmap for Syria cannot be drawn with foreign agenda to destabilize sovereign state and entire region ignoring self-inflicting irreversible consequences in the process.

Syrian turmoil redressable with violence cessation from all sides made possible upon mercenaries and rebels posing to be the opposition implicated in crimes against mainstream like kidnapping and collecting ransom…and other atrocities desist to allow UN monitoring as well as Syrian government adherence to public referendum on constitutional reform and Parliament formation per latest electoral mandate.

Time is running out for hegemony sponsored armed terror groups and external power players engaged in depriving Syria peace and political stability.

No ceasefire sustainable unless and until foreign hired factions expelled from Syrian soil and weapons confiscated to resume required humanitarian relief and international oversight.

Syrian authority now dealing with alleged suicide bombing threats exacerbates multidimensional challenges and agents behind these plots essentially precipitating disaster to befall on them in the otherwise containable situation.

State Legion precautionary measures prioritizing civilian protection and national territory could alleviate plight for citizens stranded in crossfire.

Syrian leadership deploying security personnel across the nation along with intelligence in detecting decoy and apprehension of groups endangering life should reduce widespread death and destruction.

Summarizing Syrian conflict – Western powers and allies retraction and complete termination of rebel firepower would expedite anticipated calmness paving way for constructive dialogue and necessary political transformation.

Egypt – The bizarre political stagnancy in the absence of functioning Parliament and legislative body emboldens U.S. backed military power viz. SCAF (Supreme Council of the Armed Forces).

Egypt electorate resistance to the return of Mubarak era or military and western operatives maneuvered fundamentalism are crucial for emancipation of the long oppressed society.

Youth participation and solidarity among all citizens regardless of faith and individual identity is paramount to depose authoritarianism from within and outside.

Egypt revolution maintaining energy and enthusiasm while pledged to peaceful and non-violent course to prevail in political goal would guarantee success.

Iran Nuclear Program – Reiterating the urgent need to lift sanctions and financial transaction impediments against Iran – preliminary step for breakthrough in the unnecessary tension caused by nations entrenched in double standards and least interested in global security.

Details on this topic will be presented in concurrence to Moscow summit…

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and Anti-Missile Defense – Pervasive nuclear disarmament and abandoning controversial AMD besides dismantling NATO is no longer an option but a necessity for world peace and life survival.

Euro zone – Irrespective of Greece election results, the failing economies ripple effects across Europe is indomitable task for the federation with members seeking financial bailouts successively in the backdrop of vehement protest against austerity.

The bailouts with or without strings attached would ultimately be a burden on the economy that benefitted most from euro zone trade now expected to bear the costs given remaining union debt status and negative growth.

Shifting liabilities on to emerging economies tax payers with BRICS contribution of $75 billion to IMF and more on the way confirms the disadvantage of globalization enabling fundamentally flawed policies with no safety features or emergency rescue plan squeezing funds from sources not responsible for the crisis and profit sharing reserved among exclusive club members unwilling to accept responsibility.

Globalization touted as neo liberalization exerting authority for easy access to developing nations market largely exploiting resources and human capital widening gap between rich and poor.

Another inherent enemy in globalization for farmers, workers and main street vendors is Free Trade Agreement – rejected in nations due to detrimental outcome.

Likewise IMF, World Bank, ECB, EU, WTO, UN, UNSC, NATO and ICC – organizations and institutions formed post World War II severely lacking in credibility and legitimacy for not having served in interest of humanity at large and instead intensified political and economic woes spreading social injustice all around.

Public awakening to reality contemporarily curtailed with undemocratic tactics witnessed in peaceful assembly discarding first amendment rights and national constitution.

Political leaderships are obligatory to deliver campaign promises and fulfill constitutional oath to safeguard and improve lives across the spectrum contrary to existing hard line approach and apathy towards human misery emanating from obsolete and redundant remedy.

People power throughout history has triumphed in revolutionizing methods appropriate for human progress – a trend prevalent world over striving for liberty, economic prosperity and social equality.

Wishing imminent victory to all peace activists, environmentalists and political freedom fighters in their non-violent struggle.

Heads of the State are urged to exercise discernment and diligence in decision-making for greater good.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

New Delhi – BRICS Summit 2012

March 30, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The five emerging economies Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa represented BRICS summit 2012 in New Delhi, India.

BRICS consolidated GDP growth and steady progress contributed to the positive trend despite turbulence in the global economy predominantly from European and United States debt crises combined with recent western imposed sanctions against Iran having ripple effects on consumers and businesses around the world.

BRICS latest plan to introduce development bank and local credit facility would be extremely productive providing opportunities for struggling economies and developing nations to borrow funds without surrendering natural resources and human capital as collateral for depletion and exploitation compromising sovereignty in the end.

The financial institutions by BRICS could address the burgeoning economic crises assisting nations with basic requirements to advanced technology promoting structural capabilities for survival and sustenance in the competitive globalized economy.

Contemporary problems confronting nations is corruption and systemic abuse of power posing major impediments in uplifting economic standards pervasively to reflect international systems effectiveness in any capacity.

Although graft might be a domestic challenge,

The detrimental impact on global business cannot be ignored with unaccounted money belonging to national treasury stashed away in overseas bank accounts exacerbating budget deficits and cash flow depriving public sector investments in improving infrastructure, health, education and broad range economic activities that could otherwise reduce dependency on internal or external funding.

Besides corruption culture in politics and economics representing operational facets in society leads to dysfunctional mode deterring foreign investors from long-term commitments affecting industrial output and employment.

BRICS development bank in this respect could ease the burden on citizens engaged in contentious battle with political authorities embedded in lucrative ventures through government contracts or private firms seeking license for various entrepreneurial projects by incorporating transparency and accountability as pre-requisite for borrowing to cultivate discipline and ethics in fiscal management.

Considering EU, IMF and World Bank severe austerity measures and unreasonable demands tied to economic rescue package is yet to bring relief except producing political instability and social unrest,

BRICS targeted programs along with repair and restoration strategy could prove highly beneficial to ailing economies emulating BRICS achievement rising from gloom to bloom status in the past decade.

The alternative reserve currency could counteract U.S. dollar and euro volatility in substitution during international trade especially for nations unable to compete due to national currency devaluation from political turmoil or unfair trade policies such as Free Trade Agreement rather than Fair Trade Deal.

Furthermore, currency float backed with gold bullions would guarantee equilibrium in variable market conditions maintaining value to volume ratio.

In other matter, UNSC resolutions against Iran and SyriaRussia and China apparently sharing similar concerns regarding western military intervention and crippling economic sanctions while respecting other BRICS partners flexibility often swayed in favor of the west.

Reiterating earlier statement – trade embargo and military strikes against Syria and Iran is counterproductive with ramifications currently experienced in many parts of Europe and world over.

India and South Africa having voted for UNSC proposal against Syria is indicative of western dominance with the two nations compliance overriding pragmatism and undermining national sovereignty.

Containing tensions in the region and terminating armed conflicts via disarmament is in common interest of all to protect citizens in Syria suffering casualties from violence thus far.

Syrian oppositions refusal to ceasefire with fragmentation within attributed to political stalemate blocking main street civilian leaders to commence dialogue for fruitful negotiations eliminating apprehensions on potential civil war.

Global security is intact with unanimous approval of peace process abstaining from bias and focused on objectivity to deliver desirable outcome – preventing loss of lives and peaceful democratic solutions to political upheaval.

Likewise lifting sanctions against Iran in the absence of any evidence of nuclear weapons program is essential for international organizations like UNSC and EU credibility and integrity at present on the decline with reasons revealed in the record – viz. Iraq and Libya.

BRICS cooperation in ratifying climate treaty to achieve 1.5°C or 350ppm would pronounce solidarity on humanitarian issues and planet sustenance.

Good Luck and Success to BRICS aspirations in all frontiers to serve humanity with viable financial center stimulating global productivity for prosperity amongst all.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



















World Economic Forum – 2012 Davos, Switzerland

January 28, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

Warm Greetings to world leaders in politics, economics, social, environment and humanitarian organizations attending the world economic forum in Davos, Switzerland.

The global economy is frail with complexities demanding solutions in cognizance of specific and general needs for revival.

Economic meltdown could be attributed to myriad sources and identifying the root causes would enable policy restructuring to stimulate and sustain growth in the interim and beyond.

Capitalism is by far the viable economic system provided the free market functionality confined to building economy without intervention in politics.

While Capitalism governance triumphs in weakening legislations aimed at consumer protection, fair pricing for affordability as well as balanced trade practices in national and international domain.

Government regulations for this purpose are met with resistance as intrusion in private sector.

Free market economy with free pass on all economic activities without checks and balances led the economy to a near free fall in recent history.

The current economy on the precipice due to flagrant dismissal of reforms combined with institutional failures to deliver the required outcome.

Economic model promoting globalization with two monetary authorities – The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) facilitated the collapse of modern economy in the developing and developed region.

Modern economy under prudent economic i.e. fiscal, trade and monetary policy had better prospects to vitalize agricultural, service and industrialized economies through self-sustenance and international trade.

World Bank and IMF set up to gain forceful entry into economies under globalization auspice derailed progress denying independent strategies to address problems confronting individual economy.

The mandatory membership with World Bank and IMF lending enforced untenable terms and conditions on borrowers subjugating nations for unlimited access to resources including the heads of the state appointment across the globe.

World Bank and IMF debtors share similar economic woes and struggle to amortize debts in a systemic abusive deal involving collaterals directly undermining sovereignty and binding generations with liability.

From European contagion to Sub-Saharan Africa existence dilemma  – World Bank and IMF together play a major role in exacerbating financial crisis and implementing austerity measure to public detriment – bringing mainstream to main street protest.

World Bank interference in environment policy to control the governments pledged $100 billion towards carbon emission reduction is vehemently opposed given the organization’s trajectory in funds mismanagement.

Capitalism would thrive in the absence of shadow government split into three categories:

They are banking, transnational corporations and defense industry.

Banking industry speculative trade and selective justice against speculators sparing political campaign donors viz. prominent investment banks or equity management firms responsible for U.S. housing market slump depriving millions ownership and shelter along with euro zone calamity expose the network between politics, judiciary and economics.

Transnational Corporations – infringement upon overseas markets threatens disadvantaged demography livelihood through governmental pressure endangering small medium enterprise and entrepreneurships at lower economic strata.

Mega Corporation stakes in developing and emerging economies is a gateway to monopoly.

Likewise, in national turf – the big corporations bidding on merger and acquisitions suppress the free market elements to emerge and compete effectively against powerful establishments.

Energy Sector – Regarded the behemoth in containing alternative energy output using solar, wind and hydro projects.

They are instrumental in waging wars to maintain vested interests in oil and natural gas enriched territories around the world.

Wars also generate energy demand against inadequate supply boosting oil prices at peak.

Defense Industry – wars are lucrative with ammunition proliferation and investments in innovative stockpiles among warring factions confirming profit – the motivational factor from economic standpoint and the other dimension being global dominance to retain status quo.

Energy and Defense industries are influential forces in congressional and Presidential election.

United States Supreme Court decision on Citizens United is carte blanche to Corporations undermining democratic electoral process.

Unless the outcome reversed, the trend jeopardizes election results legitimacy and credibility.

Politics and economics fusion exceeding normal boundaries evidently is not the government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Another extenuating component of finance industry with pervasive impact on global society is tax havens and unaccounted funds in overseas bank accounts.

Swiss banks – USB and Credit Suisse Societe Generale – The leading purveyors of secret bank accounts accepting funds from illicit means essentially legalizing money laundering is crippling economies with Vienna convention granting impunity to offenders predominantly representing the political and privileged class in the society.

Swiss government neutral position and opposition to warfare is severely compromised in the approval of banking operation in semblance with the former Bank of Credit and Commerce International engaged in illegal assets holdings.

International objection to BCCI violation of banking law precipitated closure ending financial impropriety.

Banks in Switzerland, Singapore, Cayman and Cook Islands…transferring offshore accounts to onshore is imperative to alleviate burden on taxpayers in the developing and developed economy.

Credit Suisse Societe Generale compliance in this regard with United States is praiseworthy and applying same standards to other nations would eliminate preferential treatment perception.

Switzerland as a democratic society could set an example in returning national wealth to all nations deprived of revenue in income taxes or transactions pertaining to national or state contracts.

Market economy in republic governed democracy would comprise relevant regulations to safeguard customer rights, competitiveness for price and quality, business incentives to secure guaranteed returns and job preservation, logical tax reform with unaccounted money recovery,

Corporations leading economy rather than national and international politics would delineate economic leaderships in monitoring growth with necessary policy adjustments for better results.

Prohibiting corporations and corporate donations in election campaigns is critical for democracy to prevail.

Public sector streamlining bureaucracy and remaining focused on civil society development would improve efficiency.

Politics and economics on parallel mode refining methods, supplementing ideas and complementing productivity would enhance performance without hindrance in defined goals.

Capitalism in the present format is heavily invested in political power neglecting ethics and economy.

Profiteering on economic and military warfare is proved counterproductive.

Changing course to benefit humanity at large is the rational approach to resolving economic crisis.

Market economy guided by pragmatism and ingenuity with moral code as the catalyst is the promising future.

On that optimistic note,

Wishing success to world economic forum 2012 in Davos, Switzerland!

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Israel, U.S. and EU vs. Iran involving Hormuz Strait

January 6, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

The simmering tension between western powers (Israel, U.S. and E.U) and Iran leading to extensive military activities on both sides in the Persian Gulf is counter-productive with catastrophic consequences upon antagonistic engagement.

United States at Israel and neo-con behest maintaining pre-emptive war strategy is heading towards self-inflicting destructive mode although preventable at this point in time.

Furthermore, EU appeasement through compliance of U.S demands might boost military representation,

However, the entire operation would backfire on provocateurs blindside against opponents under nuclear standoff pretext.

Underestimating retaliatory capabilities and formidable powers potential overt or covert involvement to curtail protracted warfare is naiveté in the least and presumptuous at worst.

Iran nuclear power program initiated by bellicose rhetoric from Washington and allies since the beginning of twenty first century prominently exhibited during 2008 Presidential race confirmed the pre-meditated Middle East destabilization on the horizon.

The candidacies regardless vying for AIPAC and hegemony approval laid plans in unique style nonetheless converging on the common goal.

The sensational catchphrase ranging from –

‘Obliterate Iran with nuclear weapons’

“Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran” to,

Nuclear threat in “all options are on the table” – desperately pushed forward escalating Iran’s unambitious nuclear phase into future proliferation category.

Using the prototype – manufacture crisis for premise to implement policy aimed at regional dominance securing economic and strategic interest,

The lessons from wars are not heeded despite toll on life, economy and environment evident in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq…and proxy wars around the world.

Expecting different results from obsolete experiments is self-defeating indulgence at national and taxpayers detriment in dire economy.

The economic sanctions against Iran with latest imposition to prove tough stance for political scores impact Iran’s population strengthening nationalism against foreign persecution.

Not to mention the crippling economic measure fomenting anti-western sentiments in the genuine pro-western society.

Western eagerness and impatience to drive the world towards full-scale confrontation not barring nuclear exchange in the Iran conflict is extremism with serious repercussions and irreversible outcome especially for those advancing the agenda.

Contrary to the ideology – wars stimulate economy proved otherwise in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq…and military bases around the world.

The stakes are much higher for U.S, E.U. and the global economy.

Oil prices on the rise with Persian Gulf troop deployment triggering Iranian response –

Possible shut down of Hormuz strait – facilitating significant crude oil shipping worldwide is the tip of the iceberg in the brewing Mideast incursion.

U.S. and EU economic meltdown in the absence of result-oriented methods adopting aggression for deflection would exacerbate conditions with mounting debt, credit downgrade and severe austerity contributing to mainstream frustration against governments’ misplaced priority.

Israel – the catalyst in the beleaguered region applying pressure on the United States to strike Iran and U.S. procrastination challenged with Israel’s unilateral proposal isolates the U.S. ally – in defiance of international dissent against military action.

Besides, Israel as the largest U.S. monetary aid recipient irrespective of economic downturn depriving 99% average Americans normal existence could perhaps exercise restraint to alleviate debt burden on U.S. taxpayers ultimately footing the bill in the overwhelmingly opposed warfare based on mere speculation about Iran’s nuclear dilemma.

Globally – oil price increase from the Persian Gulf stalemate could adversely affect world economies – the industrialized and emerging economies in particular due to extraordinary energy consumption with the flip side necessitating the urgency on clean and natural source development.

Iran – the target in the ongoing military offense could avert the looming danger in adhering to transparency and accountability on uranium enrichment retaining non-nuclear proliferation treaty membership.

Meanwhile the U.S prolific arms trade to the region viz. Saudi Arabia estimated around $23 billion and expansive military presence in the Persian Gulf is antithesis to global citizens aspired peace and diplomacy in the politically oppressed and internationally controlled oil rich territory.

Neither United States nor EU as NATO partner can afford extravagant military pursuits in the Persian Gulf or anywhere given the declining economic reality.

Instead the western powers commitment in terminating ammunition supply including intelligence services refraining from toppling popular governments in Middle East and elsewhere would be a refreshing change ending violence in the world.

The illegal arms trade and defense industry contracts with repressive regimes have wiped out generations in the perpetual war zones and,

Western governments as democratic societies bear responsibility in troop withdrawal from around the world through legislative process diverting funds from relentless wars to domestic economy and nation building of the invaded lands.

U.S. military and NATO prolonged occupation in Middle East along with State department as well as intelligence agencies constant intervention in overseas government appointments undermine democratic system in the respective domain and subvert foreign national sovereignty.

Freedom is the natural right and free will determine political independence allowing republic governed democracy to prevail over burgeoning global supremacy.

Hormuz strait is the crucial supply route for international trade and commerce.  Any disruption would be a huge economic loss to all warring factions in the current international dispute.

The leaderships are urged to resolve issues through peaceful negotiations and abandon military options.

Wishing truce among embattled nations – Israel, U.S, EU and Iran with permanent resolutions on nuclear and economic matter.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Happy New Year! Welcome 2012

January 1, 2012

By Padmini Arhant

New Year 2012 ushered in with cheers and spectacular fireworks around the world.

The year 2011 set the trail for significant change in politics, economics, social justice and environment.

Political restructuring is directed at leaderships’ extension of rule through self-nomination and/or oligarchy appointed against republic and national interest.

People uprising display solidarity on core issues related to economy, political rights, social equality and environmental protection.

Political and economic freedom directly linked to social justice in Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia has long been deprived under global conglomerate choice of leadership.

Revolutions protest against heads of the state serving self and foreign interest ignoring citizens plight in any form of political system.

Peaceful and non-violent assembly – the civil and constitutional right is restricted with violence besieging democracy in United States, Europe and India.

The governments in Syria, Iran, Bahrain, Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan…in Middle East and,

Burma, China, North Korea in the Far East under military might deny civil liberties at home and occupied territory viz. Tibet.

Russia – the leaderships alternating hierarchical role claiming lack of opposition to contest in election while the popular activist held in custody is subjugating democracy.

The government intolerance to civil society or political party meaningful opposition on national issues could not be democratic and prolonging term in office would be ruling against republic will.

Such leaderships having lost public faith could ease the burden with peaceful exit from the respective position.

Regardless of civilian or military rule – governments’ failure to perform with no political commitment in improving the economy, eliminating corruption, guarantee freedom for all and cede invaded land  – are due for imminent sea change.

People power peaceful and non-violent participation in 2012 until citizens’ goals are achieved is paramount to establish republic rule in domestic and foreign soil.

Injustice anywhere disrupts peace and stability everywhere.

While military industrial complex comprising defense industry dictates foreign policy,

The banking industry under Federal Reserve in collaboration with World Bank, IMF and international central banks control money supply to the world economy,

Similarly powerful industries viz. energy, health, agriculture, pharmaceutical…are involved in directing governments on energy, health, education and environment policy…among broad engagement.

The world is run by global conglomerate prioritizing mega profits from collective productivity for selective income distribution through heavily propagated globalization with warfare dominating the agenda.

Citizens across the globe as consumers, tax payers and electorate in 2012 could petition their government against illegal wars and military base draining economies in the disproportionate military budget generating severe austerity on life dependent services in struggling economies – U.S., Europe and elsewhere.

Taxpayers reserve the rights to ensure their tax dollars are invested in domestic economy and global development rather than wars claiming armed forces and innocent civilian lives across the world.

Unfortunately, taxpayers as creditors and debtors in the current economic climate drowned in foreign debts are complacent to hard earned tax revenues squandered in destructive warfare and/or stashed away in the powerful entities offshore tax havens and unlawful bank accounts.

The 1% continues to thrive at 99% expense and misery.

If tax dollars are not appropriated for nation building then citizens could legislatively remedy the prevalent anomaly.

Taxation policy – closing tax evasion loopholes together with fair taxation laws substituting existing rule –

Exempting wealthy from taxes by transferring the share to middle and lower income groups could be eliminated considering,

The lower economic strata constitute retail consumer base benefitting the broad business spectrum.

Political class reluctance in this regard would delineate them for suitable replacement in the electoral polls.

Electoral reform barring corporate and personal wealth in election campaigns,

Instead allowing public financing would deter corruption and promote level playing field for qualified candidacies to compete in the local and national elections.

Effectively political and economic fairness could be enforced via electoral and taxation overhaul in every society marking the beginning of the end of vote and tax fraud.

Economic crisis – Euro zone, U.S. debt, emerging economies domestic constraints ranging from inflation to contraction in overseas exports…are conspicuous ailments requiring potent antidote to revive economic health.

Given the magnitude of the problems – the topic is scheduled for detailed discussion later.

Environment policy – Facts presented earlier under Global Climate Change Treaty (GCCT) following COP17 Durban summit focus on the immediate goal in carbon emission mitigation to maintain sustainable temperature at 1.5°C or 350 ppm by 2020.

Individual action preceding climate talks could confirm serious commitment in the important global issue.

Social Justice – The extreme judicial bias is attention worthy.

The political establishment and privileged class granted life impunity on evidence based treason and crimes against humanity.

Juxtaposed  – U.S. President recent approval on ordinary citizens apprehended as terror suspects to be refused legal representation for military trial is violation of human rights and international laws with the trajectory in abuse of power and torture justifiably condemned worldwide.

The past year – Arab Spring and Occupy global movement energized the 99% marginalized in the society.

In 2012, the global revolution quintessentially empowering the powerless would restore republic governed democracy in the world.

Happy New Year with peace, progress and prosperity to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Reflection – Farewell 2011

December 31, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The year 2011 has been eventful with earth shattering effects in politics, economics, social justice and environment.

People power emerged a formidable force in Tahrir, Pearl and Times Square spreading world over as the new wave against oligarchy run global empire.

The mainstream population on center stage demanding revolutionary changes in political, economic, judiciary, social and environmental policies valiantly braved violent crackdown in the so-called democracies and other societies abusing power to quell dissent in direct violation of human and constitutional rights asserting authoritarian rule.

From Arab Spring across Middle East to Occupy Wall Street evolving into Occupy global protest –

The developments in 2011 is a stark reminder to autocratic regimes using violence against citizens prolonging oppression and corruption…to step down from power avoiding the fate shared by Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Italy leaderships during the year.

Citizens defying authorities’deadly ammunitions in hegemony facilitated firepower chose martyrdom over capitulation in Tunisia, Egypt, Algiers, Morocco, Libya, Bahrain, Yemen, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar…and elsewhere.

Impact now felt in Moscow, Damascus and perhaps in Beijing.

Tibetan monks self-immolation in mainland occupied territory confirms dire situation beyond endurance seeking world attention to Tibet independence struggle.

Such incident could no longer be slighted with imminent emancipation for Tibet as part of the sweeping change on the horizon.

Similarly Palestinian statehood at the United Nations derided by Israel and strong ally United States – a hypocritical stance given the identical approach in the declaration of Israeli state on May 14, 1948.

With frustration reaching tipping point from decadent policies denying political liberation, corruption free society, economic freedom and social justice,

The establishments in the respective domains are challenged to deliver promises leading governance on defense in the system without checks and balances contributing to status quo.

Europe and United States dealing with economic woes experience budget and debt crisis, declining credit rating and European contagion attributed to stagnant economy affecting global markets.

Warfare – Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, amid permanent military bases all over,

The focus is primarily on Iran with crippling economic sanctions provoking oil blockade threats followed by retaliation warnings in preparation for pre-meditated and pre-emptive full-scale confrontation possibly involving nuclear arsenal.

Meanwhile, the arms supply in Syria adapting to Libyan civil war scenario cannot be ignored in the context.

The civilian movement expedited undemocratic leaderships demise and departure poignantly marking 2011 – the revolution year in history.

On the environmental front – 2011 has been devastating with earthquake in New Zealand and Turkey,

Japan earthquake and Tsunami resulting in nuclear disaster,

Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines bracing ravaging floods and

India hit with cyclone…confirms global warming effects on nature.

Notwithstanding catastrophic environmental damages exacerbating economic liabilities for nations – victims of the worst natural calamity.

Trials and tribulations provide opportunity for review and reform at individual discretion.

Procrastination on strong environmental policy would decelerate economic growth with current rapid resource depletion endangering life.

Evidently 2011 recognized as the year of significant transformations terminating destructive courses responsible for human suffering –

Setting precedence for universal change redeeming humanity from degradation.

The world bids farewell to 2011 and,

Welcomes 2012  – ushering in new era with peace, progress and prosperity for all.

Happy New Year and Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant











United Kingdom – The Royal Wedding 2011

April 30, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The world witnessed the gala wedding ceremony that solemnized the vows exchanged between Prince William and Kate Middleton now recognized as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

The charming groom and beautiful bride in their marriage transcended prevalent social status by demonstrating the power of love for each other.

Such endings are believed to be fairy tales even though there has been precedence in the Royal
nuptials but not without repercussions.

Indeed a remarkable progress in the acknowledgment of human qualities bearing significance over economic and other social barometers that continues to exist in the global society.

Human character blossoms in epitomizing the cherished values of true love, care, respect and understanding in a selfless manner strengthening relationships especially during crisis.

May God bless the newly wedded couple in realizing their hopes and dreams as they prepare for their life journey together sharing the individual and common goals benefitting them and perhaps the humanity at large.

Best Wishes to the admired couple of the United Kingdom – The Duke and the Duchess of Cambridge
for long lasting peace and happiness in their lives.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Word count: 190 Last edited by PadminiArhant on April 30, 2011 at 10:17 pm

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