World – Power is Intoxicating
March 28, 2023
World – Power is Intoxicating
Padmini Arhant
Israel – The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saddled with corruption charges upon return to office attempts on judiciary overhaul tied to personal interests halted as of now.
The quest for power overrides national interests triggering nationwide protests to save democracy.
What is about to ensue in the aftermath of judicial reform rested on its track?
Is the Prime Minister’s withdrawal an abandonment of the controversial executive action?
Is the retreat a temporary pause to calm the rising tidal wave across the spectrum in Israel only to surreptitiously surface sooner than later?
The interlude delaying the judicial reform as opposed to departure from empowerment of executive position would be a major political risk for any leadership not excluding a seasoned political figure like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with enormous ambitions for power.
Overarching power to silence democracy and undermine the nation’s highest judicial authority i.e. the Supreme Court arise when the powerful not content with people granted power through electoral mandate subject to checks and balances to avert current situation and unnecessary turmoil.
The urgent need to overhaul judiciary to protect own position is an explicit expression of guilt felt and experienced from underlying corruption charges leading to extra judicial execution of power in Israel right now.
The overt assumption of office bearer of the highest office as the absolute power in direct violation of democratic system primarily endanger the soul of democracy and constitutionality governing legislative, executive and judiciary in the independent and combined political edifice.
Anytime action exceed norms to gain more power quelling dissent demonstrated in the arbitrary dismissal of own cabinet defense minister Yoav Gallant for sharing concerns and calling for rationale, the inner turmoil within is prominent and impetus impulsive reaction.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu priority prior to suspension of the bill to overhaul judicial power misconceived false safety zone to circumvent legal proceedings on corruption charges while remaining the cause for cavalier approach arousing national opposition against the embattled decision.
However, the guilt for doers never dissipate rather exacerbate in living and beyond.
Accordingly, overhauling of judiciary and extreme measures cannot possibly absolve the source from responsibility to face due process in observation and respect for none are above law in a democracy.
Neither denial of guilt nor extraordinary measures to curb democratic means would deliver desired outcome. The might is right strategy has invariably backfired for anyone set in the treacherous trail.
Padmini Arhant
P.S. The topic will resume with focus on other major world events.
Democracy in Crisis
March 24, 2023
Democracy in Crisis
Padmini Arhant
Political reality today is politics has transformed into theatrics with incognito pulling strings from behind as puppeteers and political actors chosen to perform the puppet act. Not to mention commercialization of politics with price tag not for the worthy and meritorious rather the notorious prostrating in obsequious to puppet masters reining control.
The media and various communication outlets along with entertainment industry represent the ensemble in the political orchestra.
The modus operandi is follow the script meant for all in the concert.
Not surprisingly, the yesteryear democracies upended to satisfy ravenous appetite for prolonged power despite terrible track record during term in office.
Accordingly the strategy deploying anything goes to remain in power and absolve from corruption and criminality by those in the highest office is the norm.
The democracies in the United States, India and Israel…regularly touted the world’s modern, largest and the only one in the region etc. in the serial order are contemporarily displaced for personal political interests.
Those pitched and paraded as the messiahs in these democracies are proven emperor without clothes with those behind the imaginary facade backing falsehood unwilling and incompetent to recognize actual situation.
Nonetheless, the trajectory is not without inviolable outcome.
The people’s rights seized in a republic by the head of the states with amassment of power to self / selves lasting several terms i.e. decades have invariably resulted in tumult and turmoil.
From Russian Czars to then head of the nation Joseph Stalin along with Hitler, Mussolini and alike from around the world have succumbed to gluttonous greed for power in their vain assessment of might is right.
How gravely they were wrong was established in their disappearance and self-termination feat.
No difference between them and those treading in their path now as all roads to authoritarianism, dictatorial power and despotism ultimately leads to only one destination – the precipice.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Extortions and Hypocrisy
March 21, 2023
United States – Politics Witch-hunt
Extortions and Hypocrisy
Padmini Arhant
The interesting details on events corresponding to Presidential terms 2009 – 2016 and 2021 – 2023 till date in office is noteworthy.
The major United States and international banks on the target during Barack Obama Presidency then and now.
BNP Paribas – The French International Bank headquartered in Paris with presence in 65 countries settled on June 30, 2014 nearly $9 billion with then U.S. Department of Justice headed by former Attorney General Eric Holder on charges as criminal plea for facilitating bank transactions for nations under U.S. economic sanctions. The nations quoted are Sudan, Iran, Cuba.
NB: The Barack Obama Presidency a year later in July 2015, released US $100 billion to Iran citing contingent to nuclear deal much to neighbor and arch nemesis Israel’s fury and frustration.
Wells Fargo – United States’ one of the largest banks headquartered in San Francisco, California was another target in 2013, 2016 under Barack Obama Presidency extended into 2021 until now.
Wells Fargo was initially reported in 2013 – during Barack Obama term in office on the bank’s “widespread illegal practice of secretly opening unauthorized accounts.” and fined by Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (a federal government arsenal on political witch hunt than serving consumer real issues) fined the bank $100 million in September 2016.
Fast forward in December 2022 – the Wells Fargo Bank in the Bay Area California was pursued again upon return of Barack Obama defacto Presidency displacing Biden administration.
This time the financial institution was charged $3.7 billion in settlement on charges of wrongful banking practice in auto loans, mortgage and variety.
On personal account – my experience in this regard due to unlawful political intervention from the White House at that time in 2011 – 2013 resulted in loss of investment assets in real estate that were verified and confirmed in independent inquiry on the dealings. The bank was not Wells Fargo.
In 2023 – Upon Barack Obama return to power, the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) in Silicon Valley, California again one of the largest banks serving the Silicon Valley tech industry collapse in the manufactured crisis.
The SVB event propagated as a major fiasco and wildly spread in recent dissemination reverberating in the Presidency surrogate podcast and Indian social domain by design with New Delhi counterpart as alter ego coordination.
The multi billion dollars from international banks specifically BNP and United States financial institution Wells Fargo cited in the above mentioned events during Barack Obama Presidency –
The settlements in billions of dollars BNP – approximately $9 billion and Wells Fargo $100 million in September 2016 and $3.7 billion in December 2022 received by then Department of Justice (DOJ) under then Attorney General Eric Holder directly serving under Barack Obama administration and later transaction in 2022 merit accountability and audit to ascertain the funds return to U.S.Treasury.
Here are the interesting connections between me – Padmini Arhant and the banks sought after during Barack Obama Presidency then and now which is conspicuously more than a mere coincidence.
In the early years of my professional career – I briefly worked for BNP Paribas in the late 1980’s in Melbourne Australia. Subsequently I continued my career in banking industry in Wells Fargo, San Francisco, California in 1990.
Now the Silicon Valley Bank is tied to my Silicon Valley base though I have no affiliation or link to the bank.
I wonder if I happen to live on the moon, would there be a Bank created on the moon and intentionally designed to crumble?
Regardless of the selectively targeted above financial institutions’ activities and charges against them to which I have no connection or relation only highlights inappropriate political motive in the Presidential pursuits.
It is clear to me the political bullying and harassment associating my personal and professional career background with institutions notwithstanding extortions under the pretext revived reminiscent of unethical indulgence in 2009 – 2016.
The practice conveniently evading transparency on funds receipt by government in power and deposit or the lack thereof to relevant department between 2009 – 2016 and 2021 – 2023 till now.
What is next for Barack Obama expired Presidency 2009 -2016?
In my professional career – I also worked for international banks – Bank of Singapore and National Australia Bank in late 198o’s in Australia.
Are they going to be pursued now by defacto Barack Obama Presidency having resumed action against Wells Fargo Bank in 2022 in continuation of the past action against the institution in 2016. The latest being Silicon Valley Bank in 2023.
FYI – Barack Obama Presidency
My late father was a Chief Executive for international airline British Airways – with whom he had life time career.
Is that going to be in the line of target as well in slew of politically charged unscrupulous actions misusing the office of Presidency and public funded federal agencies for reasons other than intended purpose?
The latest statement from the democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren emphasizing on none are above law and necessary indictments are appropriate against the former President Donald Trump in the continuous saga between democrat political party and former Presidency of Donald Trump.
In that context, the legitimate question arise concerning a citizen of the United States and the members in the highest office.
When is the open public investigation with indictments scheduled against the Obamas – Michelle and Barack Obama in the incident involving the unarmed civilian African American Miriam Carey – the young mother mercilessly gunned down with 25 or more round of bullets by White House secret service personnel per authorization from the Oval Office? The D.C. police joining the shooting spree.
Justice maneuvered to suit political bias is serious assault on constitutional based democracy unfortunately under siege right now.
Padmini Arhant
Presidential Crime Part 2
March 16, 2023
United States
Presidential Crime Part 2
Padmini Arhant
The ex-President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama trajectory shed light on international network.
The former President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama evidently not quite resigned from the office till date owe explanation on one too many issues that are obviously not regarded important or necessary in politics that targets only those whom partisan politics view as arch nemesis and pursue endlessly much to theirs and taxpayers’ liability.
Accordingly, the former President Barack Obama‘s personal and Presidential office and administration interventions leading to deaths, destruction, chaos, catastrophe and gross human rights violations beckon attention and awareness.
Foreign Policy:
Ukraine status quo in 2023 – today Ukraine is in rubbles and enduring Russian invasion and onslaught is the result of Barack Obama administration and state department intrusion in 2014. The unlawful violent insurrection against democratically elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych, thrown out of office at gun point in world view while the former President Barack Obama attempts to champion gun control in the United States is an irony.
Not to mention Ukraine lost Crimea in the course of Barack Obama administration and EU direct involvement in destabilizing a democratic nation.
The re-election to second term in office in 2012 was premised on resurrection of long deceased Osama Bin Laden – the terror mastermind to the world nevertheless retained as CIA’s high value asset by Barack Obama and predecessor Bush – Cheney administration.
The latter duo allowing safe passage of Osama’s close family out of United States to protect them from any harm on the fateful day September 11, 2001 clarify close ties between Bush and Bin Laden family.
The Osama family escapade especially on the gruesome day of 9/11 terror, the Bush – Cheney administration meticulously arrange their exit out of United States when the entire world was brought to a grinding halt with no flights flying anywhere on the sky.
The Presidential campaign in 2008 touting hope and change proved anything but hopeful and as for the change – the predecessor Bush-Cheney were despised and vilified towards their second term in office largely by blue and some purple voters along with the rest of the world. Whereas in ex-President Barack Obama’s case, the Presidency got free pass and got away with anything as prerogative.
That’s the CHANGE experienced under first black Presidency.
As for holding Bush-Cheney Presidency accountable for upending democracy beginning with 2000 and 2004 election and re-election debacles, illegal invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq and other nations per Project for New American Century (PNAC) which was taken over by ex-President Barack Obama to complete the domino effect in 2011 and then onwards.
None of the entire events were considered an issue under Barack Obama Presidency compared to slew of legal and congressional proceedings not barring impeachment episodes interestingly more than once against successor Donald Trump elected in 2016 continued till date.
Not surprisingly the accountability factor on the predecessor Bush – Cheney was out of question under Barack Obama Presidency and no taxpayer funded committee or congressional hearings similar to the ones against Trump were held against Bush – Cheney despite their violent criminal legacy.
It is clear election as formality is comfortable for incognito approved candidacies in world governments against candidacy in agreement to lose the race. In other words unopposed election is designed by choice.
In fact it is deja vu. The set up in the United States 2012 Presidential race between then incumbent Presidency Barack Obama against incognito organized name sake Republican contender Mitt Romney ( another reason was Romney rhyming with Padmini) delivering the incumbent Barack Obama victory in accordance with the pre-arranged plan.
The 2012 United States Presidential debates between incumbent Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney further demonstrated the Republican candidate in concurrence with democrat incumbent on issues in a manner as not opponent rather running mate.
The movie is ready to be replayed in Indian national election in 2024 with incumbent Indian Prime Minister against chosen opponent as consensual loser in the bid to highest office in government.
The format is similar to match fixing prior to the game in international sports relevantly in cricket with key players in team bribed for lack luster performance to suit set agenda favoring the bidders and those betting with a windfall from the outcome.
That’s why the inference the incumbent Indian Prime Minister alter ego of then United States incumbent Barack Obama is made in later segment of this article in cognizance of the pattern replicated in current Indian Prime Minister and former United States President Barack Obama political tenure.
As for Barack Obama’s re-election prospects in 2012 after the Democratic Party headed by Barack Obama was shellacked in 2010 midterm election, the strategy was to resurrect long dead Osama Bin Laden who actually passed away from kidney failure in December 2001 which was even corroborated by then Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf in 2002 CNN interview confirmed by ABC News.
ABC News United States reported:
“In a January 2002 interview with CNN, Pakistan President Gen. Pervez Musharraf said bin Laden had probably died of kidney failure, and that he’d taken two dialysis machines into Afghanistan with him.”
The Abbottabad operation in Pakistan approved and conducted by Barack Obama Presidency assigning young NAVY SEALS dubbed SEAL TEAM SIX were authorized to raid a house in a compound not far away from Pakistan’s military headquarters Rawalpindi.
The operation outcome propagated as capture and assassination of long dead Osama bin Laden subsequently eliminated the young NAVY SEALS from SEAL TEAM SIX.
NAVY SEALS entire team not even sparing a member in a strange set up, the crew deployed in Abbottabad mission in Pakistan on May 2, 2011 were three months later on August 6, 2011 ordered to board 1960’s chinook helicopter used during Vietnam invasion and the chopper brought down stating Talibans involvement in the heavily militarized U.S. and NATO occupation of Afghanistan.
President Barack Obama in 2011 having authorized the Abbottabad mission upon being questioned on the lack of any evidence in producing Osama bin Laden body, the White House press release was FBI disposed Osama bin laden’s body in Arabian Sea adding in adherence to Islamic culture which was false and did not correlate with reality.
The young NAVY SEALS barely 19 -21-year-old subject to premature killings post Abbottabad hoax, their families were denied any investigation on abhorrent calculated fatal incident in Afghanistan.
The Middle East decimation in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Egypt political turmoil, Sudan bifurcation causing more deaths and devastation, Mali re-colonization by France etc., are just few examples under Barack Obama’s Presidency between 2009 – 2016 far exceeding the predecessor Bush-Cheney carnage.
In fact, Barack Obama re-election in 2012 was tied to cooperation and complicity in militarization of Africa with U.S. military base and arms supply to the region proliferated similar to Latin America under Barack Obama Presidency.
Case in point is the White House under Barack Obama Presidency and then attorney general Eric Holder from DOJ – department of Justice odd illogical experiment fast and furious program arming dangerous violent drug cartels in neighboring Mexico returned to haunt United States with effects experienced today in the Mexican and Central American population influx across the southern and Californian border more than ever now.
Again under Barack Obama Presidency, the carpet bombing of Libya under No Fly Zone in 2011 led to Benghazi attack on United States officials in 2012 killing then U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, CIA operatives and other embassy staff members becoming the controversial Benghazi gate.
The Benghazi gate interrogation by Congress and usual media surrogates washed, mopped and covered up Benghazi scandal absolving Barack Obama Presidency and State department of any responsibility ignoring the lives lost in the violent assault.
Syria – Barack Obama Presidency set precedence in sponsoring cannibals through creation of IS, ISIS and various terror outfits to whom weapon cache were delivered via Croatia and other routes to kill, rape, maim and murder innocent children, women, pregnant mothers, elderly, physically challenged…nothing were taken into consideration during White House sponsorship of the terror factions.
In South East Asia – the administration under Barack Obama Presidency intervened in Malaysia, Indonesia arousing political turbulence, Vietnam was approached to go nuclear.
Thailand – The democratically elected 1st female Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra was violently removed from office and replaced with military junta.
North Korea – The White House with Nobel Peace laureate declined to hold any talks with North Korea. Instead escalated the crisis in Korean Peninsula with nuclear laden submarine and air power constellation.
Likewise the nuclear threats were constantly posed by Barack Obama Presidency against Iran, Syria… in the Middle East with the signature White House mantra – ‘All options are on the table’ resonating from campaign trail till entire term in office.
The Presidency of Barack Obama superseded others earlier in imposing economic sanctions against population of nations with governments referred to as rogue regimes by the White House.
The sanctions not excluding basic food and medicine supplies suffered by Iranians, Syrians, North Koreans, Cubans and nations in Latin America paid significant price with their lives under excruciating embargo directly affecting the people not their government.
The Palestinians were thrown under the bus like many others in Barack Obama Presidency letting the former and now incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel violate and completely disregard UN and UNSC resolutions on Palestinian dispute as irrelevant and inconvenient.
In South East Asia – the White House during Barack Obama term in office fueled the fire in Myanmar triggering atrocities against Rohingya Muslims and thereafter major humanitarian and refugee crisis akin to Syrian and South Sudanese humanitarian calamity.
South Asia – Pakistan – Under Barack Obama Presidency the White House presence in Pakistan reached historic proportion in drone attacks earning the title drone king for Barack Obama. The White House under Barack Obama expanded drone strikes in South America viz. Colombia besides Pakistan, Afghanistan and Middle East.
The arbitrary air raids, private army continuing Bush – Cheney hired contentious Black Waters later reintroduced as XE were recruited by Barack Obama administration to roam loose as defense contractors and private army in Pakistan, Libya, Ukraine and Eastern Europe.
The extra judicial execution of power heightened under Barack Obama rule adding more inmates in the world’s worst human rights violation prison camp – the notorious Guantanamo Bay inaugurated by Bush – Cheney and driven to extraordinary abuse denying habeas corpus to whomever targeted by the White House in Barack Obama’s Presidency.
South Asia under Barack Obama term in office –
Sri Lanka – The White House upon Barack Obama assuming power as President had then President and commander-in-chief of the island nation Sri Lanka – Mahinda Rajapaksa known for ruthless dictatorial governance anchored on indigenous Tamil population genocide.
The summary execution of Tamils with children as young as 10 years of age hamstrung with their arms tied to their back and blindfolded were mercilessly shot from behind by Sri Lankan military executing order from Mahinda Rajapaksa with international collusion
The United States under Barack Obama Presidency and the United Nations under UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon went AWOL deserting the pleading Sri Lankan Tamils – the children, women and disabled crying their heart out to defend them from Mahinda Rajapaksa’s tyranny and international including Indian collusion in the inevitable massacre of Tamils in Sri Lanka in 2009 after eliminating the LTTE Chief Velupillai Prabhakaran.
India – India’s largest anti-corruption rally in 2011 with people aspiration to curb endemic political corruption via legislation and enforcement of laws was successfully torpedoed by White House under Barack Obama.
Barack Obama personal outreach averting the arrest upon arrival in New York by then Gujarat Chief Minister and later Prime Minister Narendra Modi for Godhra pogrom in 2002 was politics living up to “you scratch my back and I will yours’” with the latter emerging an alter ego of the former in tossing constitution rule of law, abuse of power, violence, corruption, criminality and targeting individuals ad hominem…among plethora of power exploitation.
In contrast, the Barack Obama Black Presidency declined to rescue own member of the race – Troy Davis and sent the innocent man to the gallows to succumb to lethal injection.
The bizarre personality trait of the supposedly democrat left leaning community organizer Barack Obama overarching executive power to defend the right wing fundamentalist Narendra Modi implicated and guilty of instigating Godhra violence with thousands of innocent victims from children, women, youth to senior citizens slaughtered in Gujarat following then Chief Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah’s order preventing law enforcement from containing violence.
Juxtaposed the Nobel peace prize winner Barack Obama entry into White House as the first Black President rejecting clemency plea from wrongfully convicted African American Troy Davis – United States citizen lay bare facts on actions define character.
In the domestic front – Barack Obama Presidency pact with health care and health insurance industry selling the nation and people for mandatory health insurance linked to severe penalty on citizens left at the mercy of health industry conglomerate from Big Pharma to health care and insurance indulging in price gouging intensified more than ever today.
In a real democracy, such engagement by the highest office with private economic sector hurting ordinary lives with federal state mandated compulsory health insurance without appropriate and fair contributions from the corporate health sector would be treason against the people granting power and funding the public office with tax dollars.
The quid pro quo in Barack Obama Presidency reflected in meteoric rise in financial status of Obamas having claimed in 2008 campaign grounds of saddled with their outstanding student loans nearly 30 years ago carried into their entry to White House in 2009 and exiting White House as billionaire to qualify for elite premium golf membership with a whopping nearly $300,000 annual fee summarize politics as treasure trove.
In other critical domestic and international affair – Barack Obama administration presided over the decade perhaps the new millennium cataclysmic gain of function research allowing the virus manufacturing in Wuhan lab, Hubei province in China funded by United States NIH via catalysts and so-called philanthropists Bill and Melinda Gates foundation as well as EU unleashing the deadly corona virus precisely in the United States Presidential election year in 2020.
The timing is of essence in this regard. The events in synchrony with World Economic Forum Agenda on Great Reset in financial sector requiring global economy freeze and lockdown enabled by global pandemic i.e. COVID19 officially made known to public in 2020 coinciding with United States Presidential election in 2020.
Aside from phenomenal pain and misery inflicted on population at home and abroad under Barack Obama Presidency, there were many false flag events across United States taking the lead from 9/11 terror on American soil with Bush-Cheney administration choosing to neglect numerous verified credible warnings from intelligence apparatus worldwide on confirmed terror attack on United States in September 2001.
The Presidency of Barack Obama continued Bush -Cheney’s Patriot Act made effective after 9/11 targeting U.S. citizens with federal agency surveillance not without abuse of the law.
Simultaneously the long established FISA in 1978 – the foreign intelligence surveillance act is associated with foreign intelligence information between foreign powers and agents of foreign powers suspected of espionage or terrorism.
Bush – Cheney administration did not stick with procedures outlined by Congress on FISA and arbitrarily misused FISA which Barack Obama Presidency was also cited for in this respect.
The continuation of Bush – Cheney policy in these federal activities were noted in Barack Obama Presidency much to some real progressive democrats grievance in Congress and Senate at that time unlike fake progressives or so-called moderates referred to as the Squad inducted in Congress by Barack Obama Presidency for reasons other than political representation.
As for misappropriation of funds, privileges and benefits they are by and large applied to politics in general.
However, the Obamas trajectory in splurging tax payer funded political office was taken to new level squandering taxpayer dollars like $100 million and more in Obamas private vacation with entourage in African Safari, chartering Air Force 1 for shopping spree to Paris on weekend and that’s not enough this particular routine takes the cake in misuse of public office and taxpayer money.
Barack Obama’s personal barber flown into the Capital Washington D.C. from Chicago regularly to attend to then ordinary apparently community organizer turned VVIP client at the White House service.
Courtesy – United States tax payers who were admonished by then sitting President Barack Obama to live within means in the wake of sub-prime mortgage meltdown with homeowners made homeless on Barack Obama administration and relevantly the current Vice President Kamala Emhoff watch as the former attorney general of California.
The average American households were also advised by President Barack Obama to turn down the thermostat in frigid temperature on energy conservation and high gas prices to which news reporters attending the White House Press meet reported on the same not practiced in the Oval Office and the White House residence.
The political hypocrisy never cease in politics in ordinary and extraordinary times like COVID 19 mask mandate or social distancing flouted by politics more than ordinary citizens and the political figures were also caught in the act much to their embarrassment.
The competition in misuse of public office and taxpayer money is stiff with the predecessor George W. Bush increasing the Presidential salary from $300,000 to $400,000 regardless of extreme comforts and opportunities reaped beyond official term in office.
Barack Obama as successor went more than an extra mile than predecessor Bush and enacted lifetime secret service security for Presidency after leaving office at taxpayer expense.
In the background of Presidential misinterpretation of power and privileges, it is hardly amazing that Barack Obama together with former President Bill Clinton – democrats on campaign trail only vigorously campaigned and bolstered Republican George Bush – Dick Cheney’s policy on tax cuts for super wealthy rather than repealing or letting it expire during Barack Obama Presidency.
The elaborate comprehensive legacy of the United States’ 44th President Barack Obama detailed in this topic Presidential Crime presented in two parts and articles under corresponding titles in this website and sub-domain –
Categorically and unequivocally determine the Presidency of Barack Obama the worst in U.S. political history especially in the context of hyped hope and change hysteria ending in mass deception, disillusionment and monumental disaster in many aspects.
In response to those questioning on why no action was taken against various violations and misuse of power in Barack Obama Presidency.
The Presidency of Barack Obama was impeached by God in the aftermath of events in 2011 and health care reform scandal.
The impeachment proceedings against 44th President Barack Obama was ordained and declared in public domain and published on this site.
In historic terms, the French Physician Nostradamus predictions cited emergence of Mabus in 2009 – 2016 timeline referring to Barack Obama Presidency extending beyond two major world known individuals in international crimes Osama Bin Ladin and George W.Bush at the onset of new century.
MaBus – the prefix from OSA(MA) and suffix from (BUS)H
by Nostradamus – the French Physician and predictor of events cautioning the world on blood river flowing and mayhem all around were witnessed and experienced in the tradition continued by Barack Obama Presidency as an extension of horror commenced in Bush – Cheney era.
Ignorantly, Barack Obama negotiation with incognito forces pulling strings from behind to secure second term in office in 2012 was pitched as;
“I’m the one in between you and the pitch fork referring to Hindu God Shiva identified by the Trident – Trishul.”
Barack Obama was projecting self as the barrier for divine intervention to act against the invisible forces running the gamut on world stage.
Obviously that myth was debunked with impeachment by divine force.
Padmini Arhant
India – Declassify Information
March 14, 2023
India – Declassify Information
Padmini Arhant
While fake news and incessant propaganda continues unabated on alleged threat to incumbent Prime Minister’s position and life,
When the contrary is true in abuse of power committing crimes with impunity throughout political career till date.
Indian politics – the ruling and so-called opposition collusion and complicity on many national issues is the norm. Among them, the electoral bonds inviting flurry of unlimited funds and illicit financing from anywhere nationwide and across the globe auctioning democracy and election is a leaf plucked out of yet another so-called democracy branch.
The United States’ Supreme Court ruling on unlimited corporate and special interests’ cache cashing in on political candidacy from top to bottom i.e. Presidential race to municipal, city and mayoral election is political establishment cash trove.
Indian incumbency raucous on sedition charges with slogan coined as Tukde Tukde gang translated as disintegration mob referring to one of Delhi Universities’ Jawaharlal Nehru Unuversity (JNU) students isolated and profiled on unsubstantiated sedition allegations.
In the backdrop of Indian politics unanimity in many critical national issues whether flouting democratic rules and principles in electoral process via controversial electoral bonds or evading surrender of illegal wealth stashed in offshore tax havens and exotic island nations by political class across the spectrum setting precedence for the rest to follow in economic, entertainment and religious cult,
Indian political unity at the state and national level in the non-disclosure of pertinent facts in the following matter concerning India and Indian republic especially in 75th anniversary of Indian independence celebration raise these questions.
The subject is related to none other than India’s nationally and internationally renowned patriots and iconic legends in their own rights who significantly stood up to colonial rule to free India from colonization.
India’s freedom movement leader Mahatma Gandhi – assassinated by RSS associated Nathuram Godse.
RSS – the fundamentalist organization never shying away from deal making with then imperialists for individual and Hindutva ideological interests had a member Nathuram Godse pulling the trigger on the leader Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi – the pioneer of non-violence independence struggle energizing the freedom March pre-1947.
India’s other proud son – the brave and tenacious Subash Chandra Bose having challenged British Raj oppression until his mysterious disappearance albeit known to Indian polity regardless of party affiliations such as Congress and BJP as two major national political parties seated in power since independence as dominion republic and until now.
Last nonetheless relevantly India’s exemplary political leader and office bearer – Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri who practiced righteousness and anti-corruption values – oxymoron in politics share similar classified information tag.
Then Prime Minister Shastri hailing the soldier and farmer in the famous slogan – Jai Jawan Jai Kisaan was genuinely a populous leader at that time. Subsequent to ending India – Pakistan war in 1965 with ceasefire and signing peace agreement to that effect in January 1966 in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, the Indian PM is declared no more the day later.
Indian politics together with international ally summed up the contentious issue as heart attack behind Indian PM Lal Bahadur Shastri sudden passing away in Tashkent, Uzbekistan – then under former Soviet Union in 1966.
In 2023,
Are the Indian political leadership in New Delhi and political party BJP along with so-called opposition in Parliament and state assembly prepared to come forward and declassify information on unnatural cause of deaths of all three leaders?
Their sacrifice for the nation they endeared were exemplified with utmost commitment towards liberty and sovereignty?
1. What is the compelling factor for Indian politics to have accepted foreign and internal forces versions on all three leaders’ deceased status that remain highly speculative till date?
2. To whom are the Indian political class obligatory and pledged secrecy under oath in maintaining paradoxical data on India’s proud sons as veteran leaders and soul of Indian freedom?
Nottwithstanding Indian politics’ dismissal of Indian republic awareness on their leaders popularly known as Father of the Nation,
The leader Subash Chandra Bose creating Indian National Army defending self-determination of his nation and citizens against foreign subjugation and,
India’s truly honorable Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri whose words to the nation were translated into action and whose actions reflected unity and progress for entire country.
The late Prime Minister Shastri also a visionary who acknowledged farmers and soldiers as two guardian angels for a nation unlike the contradictory treatment of both defense personnel and farmers today under current national leadership and administration.
3. Finally, What is going to take besides courage and integrity for Indian politics at the national and state level to declassify real factual information behind unnatural deaths including one known assassination of these three leaders?
Padmini Arhant
India – Banks’ Bankruptcy
March 14, 2023
India – Banks’ Bankruptcy
Padmini Arhant
NB: The following message aptly fits plutocrats running the gamut in world stage. The loot and scoot culture is a revolving door returning to old habits not die hard instead declining death and contrarily revival to rip off average folks – the fair game and easy target for plutocracy and kleptocracy.
Indian politics run by plutocracy and kleptocracy need to look no further than pay attention to own house in disarray.
Indian national bank viz. State Bank of India, Life Insurance Corporation of India… among large national banks and financial conglomerate serving specific corporate interests viz. Adani, Ambani, Tata Vedanta groups and alike…granted free unlimited unfettered access to squander public savings, insurance and annuities held in the finance and insurance industry.
The worst among government involved banks’ bankruptcy is the government aided fugitives syphoning public funds held in savings and deposits leading to major Indian banks such as the Punjab National Bank and similar ones nationwide shuttered shattering ordinary depositors trust and life earnings leaving them on the lurch with some even committing suicide from the trauma earlier in demonetization and thereafter in series of banks’ insolvency.
Whatever is left in financial sector in India doubled down with leading corporate entity i.e. Adani groups rapid down slide in stock market with national impact considering New Delhi central government magnanimity handing the Adani companies ownership of national assets from airports to seaports, farmlands, mining areas…pretty much national landmass to one or two corporate empires since assuming office in 2014 until now.
The New Delhi national leadership legacy contributing to super wealthy status of Adani, Ambani and selective plutocrats are hardly a matter of pride rather treasonous to the nation and citizens at large.
Accordingly, shunning own reflection cannot make the mirror show image other than the one in it.
Getting own house in order prior to wanton indulgence to shame anyone in nuanced nonsensical charade is the least expectation from those who are in no position to engage in mud-slinging using any pretext.
Indian politics and their recruits IT sleeper cells on social media – realization in this regard is important.
The crony sycophant political punditry on New Delhi payroll fromTamil Nadu in particular is reminded on propaganda claiming any well substantiated factual information on debilitating Indian affairs viz. political, economic, social and environment status presented in this site and sub-domain an attempt to derail New Delhi national leadership is nothing more than evading accountability on abysmal performance in the past nine years only worsening as time goes by.
Above all, the political punditry in Tamil Nadu introducing self as Senior journalist is further enlightened on the national leadership current situation.
Anyone lying flat on their face shrouded in doom and gloom require no external interference in the self-chartered precipitous fall accompanied by sycophant punditry and servile contingency landing in bottomless pit.
Padmini Arhant
Editorial – Politics – Plutocracy displace Democracy
March 8, 2023
Plutocracy displace
Padmini Arhant
Plutocracy (wealthy as the ruling class) displacing democracy is contemporary politics.
The political members claiming humble modest background on campaign trail and at debut achieve multi-millionaire economic status in one term if not more.
The corporate run politics rewarding political members with positions, titles and monetary benefits for their exclusive commitment in mutual gains, the corporate tycoons together with their beneficiaries in politics reaping harvest in management appropriately mismanagement of public money is institutionalized culture.
With corruption ruling politics, the political class assumption on above law on own crimes and unlawful indulgence abusing self-granted political impunity aside, the political witch hunt on opponents and anyone regarded threat to status quo is the proud definition of authority.
Plutocracy is antithesis to democracy with 1% dominance over 99% exerting carte blanche jurisdiction.
United States Health Care Reform – March 2010.
In the United States, the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare in Health Care Reform passed and made effective in March 2010 with compulsory health insurance subscription linked to severe penalty upon failure to do so is cash cow for health care and health insurance industry.
The Affordable Care Act today is the most unaffordable even prior to health care reform. The federal benefits to taxpayer is reaching the health insurance and health care industry trove rather than helping the insurer with deductible and out-of-pocket expense set at insane level.
The Affordable Care Act has enabled health care and health insurance industry to exploit insurers with no service at phenomenal contributions to health plan enriching the health care, insurance industry and politics facilitating the bonanza for the industry.
The disciplined healthy are targets to make up for insurance and health care industry harvesting via unreasonable pricing and stipulations in the lucrative Affordable Care Act.
The factual information published in this regard and other issues relatable to individual and public experience on government policy not delivering the desired outcome and contrarily counterproductive is incontrovertible.
Any objection and intolerance to sharing genuine concerns attracting indecent disposition and asinine display in social domain is unequivocally fascism and further affirm plutocracy displacing democracy.
The public discourse on this issue.
3. Why do so many Americans oppose the Affordable Care Act? –
Courtesy- National Library of Medicine – An official website of the United States Government.
Public Opinion –
“The Affordable Care Act forgot to be affordable”
Other verified information –
“The United States ranks last overall, despite spending far more of its gross domestic product on health care.Aug 4, 2021”
The 1% super wealthy involvement is not limited to minding and controlling politics. In fact the power extended beyond political parameters such as interference in public health witnessed and experienced in COVID pandemic.
The wealthy interjection of surplus wealth in bizarre scientific experiment like gain of function research aimed at profiteering in ramifications not excluding fatalities and serious health complications from the virus.
The monopoly exercised in elixir distribution and preventive methods during the pandemic clarified the extent of global monopolists direct and indirect intervention in ordinary public life.
To make matters worse, the globalists agenda decided in secret collusion in discreet meetings with selective members on invite only barring real press and investigative media to discuss and implement goals concerning humanity at large;
Whether great reset in re-configuration of financial sector in the global economy eliminating cash economy regardless of adverse repercussions to vast developing nations worldwide with overwhelming population surviving on daily wages and minimal income in cash transactions,
Notwithstanding the banking industry under financial sector promoted by government deriving extraordinary income from mandatory bank accounts with minimum balance requirement depleting ordinary people savings and exorbitant interest on borrowings only applicable to 99% and among them the middle class and the rest subject to strict banking rules that are exempt for voluntary violators fleeing country with government aided security as fugitives in exotic locations of their choice in certain countries,
The unleashing of pandemic overlapping with financial great reset tied to global economic freeze attained in global lockdown in the wake of manufactured health disaster evidenced in the virus leak from wuhan virology lab in Hubei province in China.
The systemic abuse of power witnessed in politics is a sample of plutocracy effects on democracy.
The global population generated wealth together with natural endowments in multi-trillions transferred to concentrated segment in global society representing 1% is day light robbery.
The financial markets adjusted and maneuvered to meet and suit expectations of those in control at the apex is yet another plutocratic dimension.
The plutocrats grip on financial markets prohibit market dynamics to function in real terms creating superficial market performance either in volatility or hyperbolic gains designed to maintain superfluous flow to those in control of global treasure.
There is no doubt as stated previously in this website and sub-domain, the fair economic empowerment to middle-class and poor is denied in plutocracy governance.
In plutocracy, elevation, sustenance and viable living standards and conditions through stable growth and progress to middle-income and lower economic strata is persona non grata i.e. unwelcome.
As a result, the middle class and the poor pay enormous price burdened with generational debts serving plutocracy enrichment with the latter driven by gluttonous greed encompassing the principle;
All for me and none for you – dominant in the prevalent ruling class.
In the absence of unbiased independent checks and balance besides transparency and accountability flouted as privilege,
Plutocracy displacing democracy in politics is legitimized in fake rigged elections where votes are bought with notes using illegal unaccounted money.
It does not end there, the so-called elected are freely negotiated and traded to shift sides and factions post-election adopting machiavellian tactics in the end justifying the means.
The trend continue unabated in the unsustainable pseudo system.
The river stream changing course producing floods and tsunami wreaking havoc is reflected in current plutocracy. Anything premised in false and fraudulent foundation is the recipe for precipitous fall sooner than later.
Padmini Arhant
Editor-in-Chief & Publisher
India – Political Paradox
March 2, 2023
Political Paradox
Padmini Arhant
Update 03/03/2023 :
India’s dominion republic status upon overt colonial rule stepping aside in 1947 celebrated as independence was presented the parting gift – the partition of India into India and Pakistan with Kashmir becoming the negative dividend for Kashmiris in general.
In 2023, Indian politics drum roll on 75 years of independence jubilation in essence is independence for political class from any checks and balances, transparency and accountability to the people as the republic.
Corruption presiding politics permeating across economy, institutions, organizations and general society, the goon and gutter politics premised on harassment and bribe is the cardinal rule.
The political establishment having defused constitutional governed democracy, eliminated states and institutional autonomy, the open field is the grooming ground for authoritarianism.
At the same time, the political class surrender to oligarchy running a muck besides kowtowing to foreign diktat to retain puppet position as the head of the state trickling down political hierarchy i.e. state and below to municipal level is the pattern.
The pyramid with oligarchs and foreign syndicate at the apex exerting authority and the ones below executing apex order is the design.
The colonial impact on Indian politics in divide and conquer strategy inversely producing divide and destroy unity generated Indian partition in 1947.
In 2023 – 75 years later, the demolition of democracy promoting dictatorial system is the present irony.
The development is precisely the dream come true for foreign syndicate championing seeding, breeding and nurturing oppressive regime submissive to external agenda emerging from death of democracy with examples worldwide.
Padmini Arhant
Update 03/002/2023: The central government’s indifference to Adani groups scandal and contrarily New Delhi regime’s latest allegation on Delhi administration deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia in the alleged liquor scam with CBI probe and potential arrest of the accused prior to any presentation of incontrovertible evidence in this issue is open shut government bias and political motive.
The New Delhi central government chief and head of Adani empire close ties and relations goes back to Gujarat days when the incumbent PM was then Chief Minister of Gujarat aided by Adani business financing political campaign of then Gujarat CM candidacy continued till date at national level. The mutual exchange of economic and political gains on both sides is the trajectory.
Understandably, in the backdrop of New Delhi central government and Adani groups intimate partnership, any effort from the government to investigate Adani groups scandal is a far cry.
On Adani-gate, the current developments to investigate via Supreme Court committee allowing the panel to hire experts from outside arguably attract public speculations on the implicated party viz. Adani groups’ and their influence on Indian economic sector and central government.
Regardless, the average citizens’ exercising individual discernment and diligence in dealings between Adani groups and their close partner in politics – the New Delhi Chief in national government and draw conclusions would be prudent.
On personal note:
Political Folly and Provocation – The New Delhi regime is reminded on the obsession using proxy in politics, media and general society to target me is lame and ludicrous. The indulgence revealing misplaced priority for the head of the government in deep crises in domestic and international front is conspicuous.
The constant disparaging and personal attacks against me thus far using members in own contingency is crass reflecting deep insecurity.
As I said earlier, anyone lacking in originality adapting their master’s failed and flawed unscrupulous tactics deploying proxies and pawns from own inventory or domain in indignation of me are categorically in fait accompli.
There are several incidents to cite from politics and government hired performer instigated into provocative statements and display much to the hirer as the provocateur and deliverer hired in the sham.
The case in point is BJP member Nupur Sharma contracted by the head of the New Delhi regime airing inflammatory remarks about Islam’s Holy Prophet (PBUH) on BJP networks supposedly in retaliation to an Indian muslim guest’s comment on Hindu worship of God Shiva in the orchestrated show hosted by BJP media.
The raucous did not end with the show. The theatrics subsequently featured Nupur Sharma with victory signs alluding to me considering the sequence of this bizarre episode.
The foolish enactment is not the only isolated incident with politics deliberate provocation in this regard leading to my message in cautioning the power in particular on respect.
Respect is never one way street with a dead end.
The government chief’s persistence with trolling tagging, invasion of private home and life with contentious illegal spyware pegasus, snooping, eavesdropping and espionage against me is futile and shameful.
Not to mention the indecent perversion and unlawful intrusion in personal life and space of an individual is a disgrace and deplorable for the head of the so-called democracy.
Those abusing power and status in serious violations of other’s private space, life and rights are to be aware that while they may think such violation is their entitlement.
They shall not forget they are on the all-knowing and all-seeing divine supreme power’s radar with their deeds to be accounted for in living and upon demise. The fact even more applicable to perpetrators abusing political power and means as well as those with religious connotations stating selves as Saint having emerged from Amarnath cave or wherever.
All issues related to any subject matter presented in this site and sub-domain are confined to relevant policy, actions and decisions of government affecting mankind.
The New Delhi authority exerting control to prohibit free speech is a travesty for a system proclaimed democratic.
Not long ago the NDTV Indian channel, albeit political class representative showcased moderate network was taken over by Adani groups at government behest to indicate a hostile acquisition equivalent to muzzling ordinary people voice against government.
All said and done, the systemic abuse of power invariably proven counterproductive for sources and catalysts with serious repercussions.
Padmini Arhant
Corruption Mar Election
Tamil Nadu Erode East By-Poll
Padmini Arhant
The cash for votes norm proliferating in the so-called democracy makes election farcical.
The trend prevalent among all political parties and factions led to BJP government in New Delhi legislation of electoral bonds with Indian political opposition unanimous consent casting votes in favor of the bill in parliament.
The ruling and opposition collusion in introduction of anti-democratic unlawful electoral bonds as lawful in funding political campaigns and candidacy explain the political pact among political establishment at the center and state province.
The legislative assembly poll in Indian southern state Tamil Nadu monetizing electorate with Rs. 1 lakh per family on the basis of Rs. 25,000 per voter in a family of four eligible voters translated into $1,250 per household speaks volume on the unaccounted cash flow in circulation among politics to afford such generosity.
Not to mention a serious blow to democratic electoral process marred by rampant corruption.
The politics played in the state and national level is a true revelation on democracy dissipation with election proven a mere formality to legitimize illegitimacy in governance.
The election commission redundancy is evidenced in national government in New Delhi having written off election commission inconvenient and an obstacle,
The state political rulers in Tamil Nadu – the incumbent DMK inherently a political dynasty with power inherited over three generations right now lead Indian politics in black money hoarding in Swiss bank and other tax havens exploiting political impunity on crimes that are otherwise punishable by law for average citizens in the state and nationwide.
The brazen election violations confirm the illegal money power in direct buy-out of voters in the so-called democratic mandate.
The BJP government in New Delhi – the veteran in dissolving state assembly and opposition political groups nationwide deploy colonial divide and conquer strategy. Additionally horse trading in open bidding and buying elected MPs and MLA’s with black money is exhibited as political prowess aka guru exacerbating corruption.
Although BJP criticizes name-sake political opposition on dynasty politics, BJP government and political party sharing dynasty lineage is irrefutable.
The BJP government’s Home Minister Amit Shah’s son Jay Shah granted extraordinary privileges in abuse of easy money via capital funding using Indian taxpayers dough is a bare fact,
Yet another key cabinet member in BJP government – the defense minister Rajnath Singh’s heir Pankaj Singh is the MLA of Noida in Uttar Pradesh and holds position as BJP’s Vice President in Uttar Pradesh. The cabinet minister’s younger son Neeraj Singh is also an active member of BJP.
Despite BJP members and VVIP”s dynasty background, the PM pot shots on campaign rallies against Congress and DMK on dynasty heritage is democracy long transitioned to hypocrisy with BJP’s head leading the tradition.
BJP in New Delhi devious game plan for Tamil Nadu is enslaving current state opposition political party ADMK using the factions’ key figures OPS – known for subservience and cronyism to BJP serving as BJP political pawn in the phony show and tell theatrics from BJP in New Delhi.
On the other hand, the other political member in ADMK, Tamil Nadu’s former chief minister EPS whom BJP New Delhi humiliated during his visit to the capital recently without taking into account ADMK alliance with BJP that enabled BJP to open account in Tamil Nadu is now considered other viable pawn for BJP’s manipulative politics in Tamil Nadu.
Meanwhile, BJP New Delhi’s blind eye to ruling DMK excess money distribution in vote buying in Erode East state assembly by-polls exceeding local opposition ADMK, supposedly BJP’s strong political ally in Tamil Nadu is duality politics. The BJP New Delhi opted to remain oblivious letting DMK run a muck in this election.
DMK with sliding voter confidence and dissatisfaction in Tamil Nadu seek favorable nod from BJP New Delhi. The two have been coalition partners earlier in national representation when BJP failed to emerge majority government barring assorted alliance to form government at the center or the state.
Amidst political misuse and abuse of power with election rules flouted as the standard among national political parties and state competitors, the real victims as usual are the electorate serving as the dice rolled in the election game.
Realistically, politics’ overt agenda is denying fair economic empowerment through stable reliable economic growth and development to middle class, lower middle class, the poor and marginalized in society.
The economic progress for the most needed in the economy is unequivocally a tall order for politics especially the incumbent dedicated in self and oligarchy enrichment at the vast majority expense.
When politics real aim is eternal power lasting over decades slighting constitution, subverting democratic system and rejecting election laws, the status quo is anti-republic which means anti-citizenry transformed into authoritarian rule.
The writing is on the wall with government conviction on the transition from secular India to Hindu Rashtra in semblance with neighboring Afghanistan’s Taliban rule as the Islamic Republic.
The similarity is reflected in zero tolerance to any genuine concerns expressed in constructive criticism. The freedom of expression in government’s view are persona non grata i.e. unwelcome.
Accordingly, those daring to present alternative thoughts are pursued and branded anti-state and anti-national.
In Indian pseudo democracy, the critics of government policy are declared terrorists allegedly endangering the head of the nation’s position and even life.
The voters’ transgression – The people accepting bribes in hard cash during election from all political parties must realize they are trading their liberty and economic opportunity with corrupt political campaigners running for public office primarily to line their own pockets than deliver any lofty promises they make on campaign trail.
The bribed voters are also required to pay attention to consequences of bribes yielding dismal performance from the so-called elected officials holding public office.
The voters having accepted illegal money from candidates are in no position to question those abusing public funds and so-called political capital upon being so-called elected to public office.
Then economic problems such as skyrocketing inflation, unemployment, poverty…doom and gloom climate persisting throughout political term would be shared responsibility of bribed electorate.
Politics preference to leave significant population economically weak and dire contributes to people dependency on the state creating non-conducive conditions for further abuse of power at the helm.
In totalitarian regimes, the population at the bottom are either starved or subject to hand-to-mouth living over several generations.
The resistance from oppressed people in authoritarian system is generally not possible.
However, the carte blanche authority and draconian measures on peaceful non-violent protests were witnessed in Indian main street on many occasions more so in the past nine years by the so-called elected head of the state and politics at state and national level.
The election marred with corruption during and thereafter is merely the tip of the iceberg. The meltdown begins with the so-called elected members starting from the top i.e. the head of the nation as Prime Minister with controversial credentials and tainted credibility on many issues.
Among them, the false promise on Rs. 15 lakhs / Rs. 1.5 million in every citizen’s bank account in the course of demonetization takes the cake in misleading electorate.
The rest in Parliament and state legislative assembly on their part proudly have criminal records not excluding terrorism and bomb blasts violence.
These members are apparently dignified elected people representatives unlike selected according to state media propagates ignoring the political market place facilitating trading of members bought and sold with a negotiable price tag.
Again, these are the so-called elected members touted by Indian politics owned and controlled harem media including in Tamil Nadu bragging about the validity of the so-called elected members cesspool.
The regime in New Delhi political maneuver inherited from colonial era is challenged to prove anti-colonial mindset with measures mentioned below.
1. Scrap governorship – the governors appointed predominantly for PM’s use as pawns in nuanced attacks against political targets and critics. The hired sycophant media at politics’ disposal spin narratives to ramp up propaganda in the so-called democracy.
The governors in Indian political structure – the post created in British Raj continued contemporarily is cosmetic. As such the state governments are no longer autonomous and reduced to appease the regime head in the executive branch.
New Delhi toppling the so-called elected state governments is the regime’s signature paradigm. Though majority of the state governments in India are premised in dynasty rule, the central authority regular intervention in upsetting the apple cart has little to do with dynasty and more to do with central authority flexing muscle as the Supreme power.
In the overall national scene, the political opposition in quid pro quo with the ruling regime share common goals to maintain status quo.
They have each other’s back in strong opposition to any voice against corruption, criminality and shoddy politics.
The regime’s chief only political means to remain in power is bribe and harassment. The latter is executed misusing public funded income tax department, the enforcement directorate (ED), intelligence agency viz. CBI and law enforcement such as police force and judiciary.
The bribery in cash and kind as incentives vary from plum government posts in domestic and foreign destinations as ambassadors and diplomats etc., to upper house (Rajya Sabha) member position.
The cash transactions using public funds and black money are expended on MPs, MLAs, Supreme Court justices, election commission, foreign nations with unaffordable economic deals and,
Ultimately not even sparing Hindu Gods with temples and lavish shrines in the hope of absolving from plethora of crimes and sins to the hilt prompting desperate move and erratic decisions.
2. New Delhi regime’s contrived fatigue on colonial mindset referred to recently could be demonstrated in abolishing the British era Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) in suppression of natives’ human rights continued by Indian governments in succession.
AFSPA identified as the root cause of unrest and incessant violence in Kashmir and North East regions remain the tool for Indian central authority, incumbent and predecessor alike to exert extra judicial execution of power against people in Kashmir valley and North Eastern states.
3. The law enforcement unlawful engagement against politically charged individuals and those apprehended on state and central government instigated accusations are victims of police brutality. The reform in this regard is long overdue.
Then there are other minor offenders unable to afford bribes demanded by corrupt orderlies and police department hierarchy. In these situations, the extreme use of brute force sometimes leading to deaths in police custody are covered up and buried with victims. The practice prolonged since colonial times is antithetical to civilized society.
4. The regime in New Delhi posing as larger than life getting rid off anti-democratic electoral bonds introduced and enacted by incumbent would make the electoral process transparent in the least if not entirely credible.
5. The authority in New Delhi disavowing polarization and communal divide in society would delineate government pledge in respecting civil rights and harmony.
In a nutshell, the disinheritance of colonial traits and enacting all of the above mentioned critical amendments would shed light on the political establishment will and commitment towards revival of democracy.
Failure to do so any or all of the aforesaid requirements would verify undeclared emergency and undemocratic rule prevalence.
India today is under despotic regime heavily invested in false-image event management and self-adulation. The regime acquiescence to specific oligarchs’s monopoly on economy is troublesome for nation’s economic future.
Above all national sovereignty security and territorial integrity compromised in foreign incursion and occupation extended from Himalayan range to North Eastern region by neighboring China.
The embarrassing political debacle in protecting national territory is attributed to the regime and oligarchs’ protracted financial dealings with Beijing.
Relevantly Beijing controlled companies financing regime’s political campaigns is direct infiltration of foreign power.
The blatant abuse of power and violations of public trust is the culture ceremoniously and authoritatively established by the regime silencing 1.5 billion population with indoctrination using religion and fantasy projecting stagnant economy to meteoric $5 trillion i.e. $5,000,000,000,000 landmark.
The red herring is prominent with the regime in power preoccupied in censorship curtailing free flow of factual information reaching en masse on all matter of national interests.
The regime recruits media in the indefensible self-defense for constant dissemination and insinuations against political critic viewed arch nemesis corroborating anti-democratic environment.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
United States – Presidential Crime – Introspection and Scapegoat
March 1, 2023
United States
Presidential Crime
Part 1
Introspection and Scapegoat
Padmini Arhant
Life provides opportunity. When that opportunity is misused and abused which happens with those misinterpreting opportunity as exclusive and exploit the opportunity as entitlement, they indulge in scapegoat rather than introspection.
When they are weak and guilty, they would blame anyone and anything except them. They would use old, outdated and obsolete strategy such as race card to absolve them from any responsibility and wrong doing. In this context, they conveniently ignore their legacy glaring at them in the absence of integrity and courage to accept their violations and intentional crimes they committed during that opportunity i.e. power in their possession.
However, none escape Karma. All actions are registered and well documented to be checked and accounted for upon imminent departure from the world. The judgment process in the other world do not allow tricks, evasive tactics and shenanigans deployed in the material world on earth where power and money corrupts human mind resulting in lifelong guilt and grief. That in itself cause self-inflicted punishment with nowhere to run and unable to hide from within.
Those stirring the pot using sycophants performing for pennies dropped in their hat making a spectacle of those they are serving and themselves in service, they are clarifying they have nothing positive and productive to live for except engage in self-deprecation and own humiliation.
Nonetheless, them using race card only backfire at them and repeatedly pose questions from victims belonging to the race they violated with their power at disposal.
The two term black Presidency extended right now has lot to account for on many issues.
In foreign policy:
The African nation’s former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan request to then Black Presidency in the White House in 2012 and 2013 for U.S. aid was turned down. The issue related to Nigerian based Boko Haram terrorist groups having outgunned Nigerian government and at that time abduction of Nigerian young girls – school students held hostage in undisclosed location wreaked havoc in Nigeria.
The White House instead focused on Arab Spring in 2011 and thereafter aiding and abetting terror outfits leading to creation of IS, ISIS, Al-Nusra and various al-Qaeda factions fragmented and evolved into cannibals and worst terror elements committing crimes like maim, murder, rape and horrific violence against Syrian young girls, pregnant women, male youth, disabled and vulnerable population in the country.
Notwithstanding the Libyan saga of Benghazi gate is a major violent debacle in U.S. and NATO operation in Libya.
In the domestic front, the following victims and their survivors having suffered merciless death and persecution ask the perpetrators of crimes,
On what basis are they exploiting race to earn empathy and credit they have irretrievably lost in this life?
Their crimes exacerbating severe karmic debts and sins bearing on them in living and upon demise is incontrovertible reality.
The black family in White House with Black Presidency and Black First Lady presiding the public execution of unarmed young black mother Miriam Carey ruthlessly gunned down with more than twenty five round of bullets in public square by the Black President and First Black Lady’s security personnel during their term in office in 2013.
The brutality did not end there. The infant witness to heinous murder of her mother Miriam Carey was denied reunion with her maternal relatives such as her aunt and grandmother. Then the two-year-old survivor was also declined participation at her mother’s funeral with then White House Black Presidency in 2013 rejecting plea from her maternal family.
To make maters worse for the infant, the family and the deceased Miriam Carey’s soul, the toddler was tossed to a stranger not a black individual rather a white male – ex-CIA operative with whom none of the victims in the Presidential office crime had relations with.
Similarly, the other black victim during black Presidency was Troy Davis executed by lethal injection in September 2011 in the crime he did not commit and proven as such by his white defense counsel. Yet the callous execution carried out in gala media event hosted by CNN in public view.
The media fanfare with CNN leading the show was mocking me as they are now for standing up against unjust impulsive state crime.
Troy Davis life could have been saved with clemency via Presidential pardon from then sitting Black President Barack Obama who chose to prioritize own re-election prospects in 2012 over scrutiny of politically charged justice that took Troy Davis life.
NB: Presidential history in the United States provide evidence of Presidential pardons issued to any President’s many political aides and those having had close relations with the office bearer in the White House. The quid pro quo is exercised regardless of political representation and affiliation even with the accused or convicted individual guilty of crime.
Whereas in Troy Davis case, a civilian was sentenced and sent to the gallows without appropriate due process.
The recanted testimonies is testimony in this case highlighting flawed false concoction of theories failing to avert jeopardy of justice. The defendant Troy Davis as United States citizen was entitled to constitutional right for fairness and equality to prove his innocence that was refused to him.
My written plea to the White House at that time and via cited blog posts verify positions in the past and present time.
There is lot to think about and repent by those having squandered power in destruction of lives entirely in personal gains and glory that are now haunting them to involve in image damage control.
Needless to say, one leave the world with one’s Karma and not the ones borrowed, stolen or unlawfully claimed or dismissed as theirs trending right now exemplifying delusion.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
FYI – Delusion, Envy and Toxicity
February 26, 2023
FYI – Delusion, Envy and Toxicity
Padmini Arhant
To haters and hate mongers having benefitted and continue to benefit from my emergence and existence thus far.
I, Padmini Arhant reiterate what I have mentioned all along.
At anytime in the past, present or for that matter future – NO so-called esteemed university, eminent mentors, erudite scholars, academics, experts and exalted gurus can ever compete with one extraordinary and excellent learning source and that is none other than one’s own personal life.
Own Individual-life is the precious learning center that provides unconditional free valuable lessons from birth until death regardless of creed, status and background.
In the material highly monetized greedy self-centered world, one’s own–life is the greatest intellectual and philanthropist imparting lessons with reminders to learn from mistakes to humans and animals alike exercising basic intelligence and understanding on whom to trust and distance from based on personal life experience.
In that respect what my life has taught me will be presented in due course. Nonetheless what I have learned in my life journey is one important lesson and that being,
Wisdom is quintessential in all actions and decisions in life including when being charitable.
The Tamil proverb –
பாத்திரம் பார்த்து பிச்சை போடு.
Translation – Be(a)ware of whom you are charitable to.
The caution to exercise discernment as well as diligence is appropriate when there are one too many out there abusing and exploiting one’s magnanimity. The users and abusers reveal their true colors sooner than later.
It is easier to deal with the devil you know than the devil in disguise.
The worst are the ungrateful abusers and extortionists as exploiters proving to be necrotic parasites with no hope of positive revival.
Padmini Arhant
A decorated ass will never be a horse except becoming member of braying donkeys and oinking pigs in the swamp – the impostors, opportunists and traitors as violators’ exclusive habitat.
Anything to the contrary is nothing more than delusion.
Padmini Arhant
Envy revealed in incessant personal assaults, insults, insinuations, insolence, venom, vitriolic condescendence, misogyny, she-bashing and abuse among several self-destructive traits from the source and catalysts aimed at the one and only target as the arch nemesis and sworn enemy responds accordingly.
Needless to say such exhibits are mirror image of them battling with own identity crisis.
Nonetheless, I, Padmini Arhant appreciate the gratitude extended in above enunciated manner by those having benefitted from my tireless contributions and endless sacrifice with God as witness to my sincerity and integrity.
In this context, the lack of gratitude from those having comprehensively gained in personal status in politics, entertainment and economic benefits could seriously learn a lesson or two from dogs especially female dogs used by you and your sycophants in disparaging me.
Dogs in their exemplary trait on gratitude, unflinching loyalty and irrevocable trust in which you and your types miserably fail, teach your kind on how to be thankful to someone from whom and whose selfless dedication you and your variety attained unimaginable undeserving pinnacle of success in your individual life whether it be Presidency or reviving and resurrecting dead to celebrity stardom.
I regard the envy from all those envious members regardless of their titles, designations and so-called powerful influential status – the greatest compliment to me.
The so-called VIPs and VVIPs obsession with me expressed in their relentless personal attacks against me is a proof of my importance and relevance to them despite their flaunted social status.
Envy is regurgitation of low self-esteem, deep insecurity and failure to accept oneself and others with respect. The outbursts and constant denigration through envy is reflection of inner turmoil.
Those who claim to have everything in fame, fortune and power having nothing honorable is self-inflicted tragedy and incontrovertible reality.
Envy leads to agitation and self-indignation of the origin and agents surrendered to negativity and irredeemable sins.
You and your kind hate me without contentment and yet you all deceitfully engage in identity appropriation of me – wanting and claiming to be me apparently alter ego. There is no doubt about ego in abundance amongst you the claimants and impostors.
I say this with no reservations – definitely none of you are my alternative.
You and your kind endlessly ape me and my style whether victory sign or waving and my other individual natural greetings in the imitation and identity theft of me desperately wanting to be me. The bizarre deprecation signify your fatal mania of me.
Among your several flawed and baseless insinuations against me, the one that stands out is your cowardice in nuanced attacks and innuendoes using proxies and pawns from your own inventory as me. This by far tops the chart in your asinine display in which the supposedly highest office bearer in public office as PM or President exhibit their real value in IQ and class or the lack thereof.
The trend is the biggest irony and testament to questionable mental status of yours and those serving ill-fated cause.
Padmini Arhant
Toxins in environment are lethal for polluters and general society.
Toxic people waste their life spilling toxicity around.
Little they realize the toxic emission from them severely impact them more than anyone else as they precipitously decline in thoughts, speech and deeds.
While they make extreme demands on others via speculations about their target’s life and lifestyle without having a clue about any individual’s SOUL, they completely ignore their life letting their mind wander aimlessly firing shots simply to prove their pseudo dominance.
In toxicity, the impurities and contaminants condensate resulting in highly flammable and explosive substance that are certainly neither good nor safe for toxic producers.
Toxic people are escapists avoiding inner conflicts within and rely on negativities as comfort zone.
The best way to deal with toxicity and the sources is to live one’s life to the fullest enrichment and endearment with those who share unconditional true love and respect.
Living life on own terms with no regrets or apology is an effective distillation process on toxicity.
Padmini Arhant