Feet on Fire – Bully, Bribe and Bankrupt

February 24, 2023

Caution: As stated earlier under FYI on this site, the articles and information published in this domain and sub-domain are factual, well founded and abundantly substantiated with verifiable data.

Accordingly, the readers, viewers and visitors to this site appreciating freedom of press, ethics, integrity and unbiased analyses required in candid publications are extended warm welcome. 

Simultaneously, those who prefer the contrary viz. the political establishment and their recruits in media as well as social domain having zero tolerance to facts based truthful presentation are advised not to visit the site in recognition of their contradictory position. 

Padmini Arhant 


Feet on Fire

Bully, Bribe and Bankrupt 

Padmini Arhant


The New Delhi executive branch arsenic strategy upon feet held on fire are bully, bribe and bankruptcy.

Bully – the nations in South Asia – Indian sub -continent viz. Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Pakistan. Maldives on Indian Ocean. These nations are in fact caught between China and India in economic trade war.

India investment in power and infrastructure projects in these countries are proved to exclusively benefit  New Delhi’s  close partner Adani groups as opposed to Indian economy in entirety or for that matter the population in any of these host nations in the territory. As a result, the latter is hamstrung to oblige New Delhi’s lopsided demand.

Unlike New Delhi policy with South Asian nations briefed above, the approach with the west is appeasement and appreciation.

Bribe – the west expending multi-billion dollars in purchase of hundreds of aircrafts by funding Indian oligarchy in aviation industry using Indian tax payers money and expatriate foreign remittance.

The funds generally derived from Indian middle class tax payers since the wealthy oligarchy and upper echelons in Indian society through direct and indirect links as well as representation in politics freely avail tax evasion privilege hoarding money offshore.

The foreign currency reserve is predominantly received from Indian expatriate foreign remittance to support their family back home in India.

The government divestments from public sector to private sector in the past nine years having exponentially increased creating unemployment, income inequality amid hyperinflation exacerbated with unaccounted black money in circulation in the economy, the Indian work force is exported rather than export of Indian manufactured goods and services abroad.

The administration in New Delhi lobbying the west viz. the United States, Britain, Australia…to expedite visa processing for Indian skilled work force to serve the above enunciated requirement is the ongoing trend.

Again in the absence of domestic job growth to employ workforce at home in various skills and occupation, the government generated brain drain with professionals, assorted tradesmen and service providers exodus overseas is essentially evacuation of natives i.e. Indians from the country.

Not to mention the eviction of native Indians with majority Hindus leaving the country, the government’s Hindu Rashtra agenda is null and void.

Meanwhile, the nation for sale with tangible movable assets, prime land and endowments are handed over to government partnered oligarchy barring transparency and accountability.

The state corporate press and media dissemination on government targeted individuals regarded threat to fascism prevalent at the moment engage 24/7  in indoctrination and false narrative.

In the trade angle, the flip side of boosting foreign economy via extravagant spending on aircrafts and other lofty items besides damage mitigation of the much focused self-image of the head of the nation are the following.

A. The depletion of foreign reserves considering the irrevocable firm order on the economic deal viz. the recent commercial aircrafts.

B. GDP decline with little or no manufacturing at home despite widely propagated Make-in-India slogan during political rallies not translated into experience.

C. The current momentum on imports having substantially increased with significantly minimal exports, the foreign investment in Indian economy is made non-essential. The situation also facilitate government favored oligarchy monopoly in Indian economy with ingredients and components mostly imported from China in the consistent trade deficit so far.

Indian central government head attempt to lure western approval on self-image is premised on major expenditure buying goods from western companies similar to wild shopping spree.

The other tactic is showcasing India as a huge consumer base without enabling consumer affordability and buying power contrarily reduced to struggling to make ends meet at the middle class level.  The lower income and poorer segment can hardly survive in the tough economic environment let alone participate in the consumer market.

Accordingly, the foreign investors’ diversion allow them to produce and manufacture on their soil promoting job market in respective foreign destinations.

The unemployment and underemployment of educated qualified youth representing majority population in India impetus immigration to foreign nations. The migration pose a challenge not only to new immigrants but also local work force unable to accept foreign workers competing for the limited opportunity.

The real winners in the economic deal are those at the helm in corporate empire and politics while common workforce at both ends are left with compromise as the only option.

That leads to bankruptcy of people in Indian economy.

Bankruptcy – The average Indian citizens’ pay dear price in this economic shamble. They are deprived of economic stability and progress. Simultaneously, their hard earned savings wiped out in national banks and  private financial institutions due to rampant financial fraud from government’s intimate associates turned fugitives like Vijay Mallya, Mehul Chinubhai Choksi, Lalit Modi, Nirav Modi and the likes….all of them absconded and fled the nation with government aided security and mutual agreement.

There was a time in Indian history when the Sultan of Delhi, Muhammad bin Tughluq was called a mad king for legitimate reasons. The ruler frequently shifted state capital along with people. The token currency he introduced unbeknown to population and the projects as well as experiments declared own ideas were unsuccessful.  Yet the ruler presumptuously considered self a genius. 

In India in 2023 for ordinary people is an uphill battle combating corruption, inflation and economic stagnation. Additionally the ones with potential and ambitions are facing nomadic life in search of locations with job prospects across the globe. The country is displaced with oligopoly of which duopoly enjoy unlimited gains as entitlement. 

With democracy dissipation, the fundamentalist ideology evolved into authoritarian is the reality. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter



Democracy – To Be Or Not To Be

February 22, 2023

Democracy – To Be


Not To Be?

Padmini Arhant

Any government and political leadership at the helm in particular responding to foreign comment on the undemocratic status of the head of the state in the so-called democratic system would not allow and legislate the following undemocratic process.

The electoral bonds flooding the political campaigns with incumbent at the national level benefitting the most from known and unknown as well as anonymous sources from within the country and offshore including the nation’s adversary like China financing the candidacy while occupying national territory in Northeast and Himalayan range deploy the nation and citizens at foreign aggressor’s mercy.

Notwithstanding treason transpiring in such transactions.

The horse trading applicable to open bidding with cash and kind incentives buying out elected members – the MLA’s and MP’s in state and national level dismiss election purpose. The democratic system is subverted to benefit major political party in the nation.

The trend though previously existent under earlier administrations and national political party i.e. Congress and state political groups in swaying votes on key legislations is further established in political party representation shifting minority to majority and vice versa in contemporary governance at the center.

The political maneuvering albeit with unaccounted black money in plain corruption deals other than controversial electoral bonds facilitate toppling majority governments and political parties in states and union territories nationwide.

Importantly, the present Central government chronic political strategy targeting political factions at the state and national domain debilitate democracy and void electoral outcome regardless.

On national security, the external affairs ministry attributing sole credit to head of the executive branch on deployment of national defense force along the Himalayan range and LAC with China stationed since March 2020 until now fails to acknowledge the unresolved crisis with China costing Indian economy enormous resources and expenditure to sustain troop deployment in the extraordinary Himalayan terrain.

All the more reason for the head of the executive branch in national public administration to meet the nation’s press barring selective admission of government choice questions and address all matter related to national interests.

The protocol followed in most parts of the world as vital democratic duty from the head of the state clearing doubts and alleviating citizens’ concerns is somehow not respected and never adhered to by current Indian leadership since assuming office in 2014 and till date. 

The RSS trajectory on treason pre-independence and post-independence is irrefutable.

The RSS prominent member Vinayak Damodar Savarkar’s plea bargain with colonial ruler – then British Raj for personal release in exchange for RSS trained armed contingency aiding India’s foreign colonial ruler against Indian population en masse exacerbated freedom struggle.

Thereafter post-independence RSS member Nathuram Godse assassinated Mahatma Gandhi. The assassin Godse is hailed a hero by sitting BJP Parliament member and government in New Delhi.

Fast forward to recent events. The executive branch in New Delhi misusing armed forces for political and personal gains is evidenced in Pulwama attack in Kashmir i.e. Jammu-Srinagar national highway on February 14, 2019 with national election scheduled in May 2019.

A convoy of vehicles carrying Indian security personnel on the Jammu–Srinagar National Highway was targeted resulting in 40 Central Reserve Police Force personnel deaths leaving their young dependents and survivors bereft of parent and earning member.

The Pulwama attack was a colossal failure from central government to avert the incident. The inaction from government with intelligence information available beforehand confirm the lack of initiative and interest to protect armed forces lives prioritizing election prospects over defense force by central government.

Subsequently the incumbent Prime Minister candidate in 2019 abusing Pulwama attack in election rally with campaign speech delivered in the backdrop of bill boards featuring armed forces – the politics using national defense force prohibited by election commission for all political parties across the board was slighted and violated by BJP and incumbent PM candidate in 2019.

The series of violations from the head of the nation in 2019 election and political career misusing religion, defense force, communal divide…among myriad anti-democratic display is a severe setback for democracy.

Above all, the chief of executive branch in New Delhi direct engagement in systemic destruction of institutional autonomy and independent status to function with respect to judiciary, monetary authority such as the Reserve Bank of India, the election commission and not even sparing the Indian national defense force is the last straw. 

The national defense force with creation of chief of staff for the combined army, naval and air force command directly reporting to Prime Minister sidelining the traditional constitutional Presidential obligations to preside over the defense force as the commander-in-chief has more to it than meets the eye in terms of job description.

The newly set up joint chief of defense staff post under Prime Minister would be responsible for defense procurement and stockpiles for all three forces which is a phenomenal cash cow for corporate run politics with selective oligarchy such as Adani, Ambani groups enjoying unlimited unfettered access to economic windfall across economic sector. The defense contracts and projects are icing on the cake exclusively benefitting specific oligarchs and their representative as the head of the executive branch.

In successive blow to Indian national defense force organizational structure and sanctity known for the once admired institutional discipline in keeping communal sentiments and corruption at bay,

The incumbent BJP government introduction of the contentious Agnipath defense recruitment policy last year in 2022 transforming conventional long term defense recruitment to four-year-limit contractual hiring to serve government favored corporate agenda revealed true colors of the present leadership, the political party and government.

The revelations on government decisions related to defense force and objectionable abuse of executive power across the spectrum speak volume on the state of affairs.

The head of the government modus operandi exemplified in disrespect for uniformed forces, not preventing their murder in Pulwama attack along with abandoning their survivors were not all.

The government and leadership default in this incident alluded to State sponsored terrorism against defense personnel. The presumption aroused queries regarding Pulwama attack that were evaded and substituted with government’s unsubstantiated narrative.

The prejudice against potential defense force volunteers lately demonstrated in much protested Agnipath defense policy reducing defense force to mere contractual outsource recruitment.

The agonizing trail from the chief executive in New Delhi represent egregious and irreconcilable deeds committed against the nation, the defense force and citizens at large.

To sum it up the latest stunt not surprisingly from the head of the nation is involving retired servicemen in government propaganda on regional politics to settle political scores with people in southern state of Tamil Nadu. 

In a real functioning democracy, the state would not control and operate press and diverse media in overt and covert means by proxy.

There would be no duplicity in criticism of government policies, plans and performance.

Unlike the political leadership monetized criticism to showcase fake democracy, the genuine constructive criticism of government and political actions are struck down in social media like youtube and other format.

Furthermore, extreme measures such as authorizing the murder of female writer, journalist in cold blood in daylight at her residence in Bengaluru and the head of the nation cheering that heinous crime on twitter by swearing the deceased in public pale a defiant authoritarian regime in comparison to pseudo democracy.

The actions against critics such as authors, former members in the national or state government cadre as IPS officer viz. Sanjiv Bhatt for daring to speak the truth on Gujarat pogrom in 2002, human rights activists like Mrs. Sudha Bharadwaj pledging life in representing indigenous tribes Adivasis and farmers land rights against feudal corporate oppression, Mrs. Teesta Setalvad for providing social and humanitarian service to Gujarat Godhra victims of violence and environmentalists for saving scarce territories and habitats from oligarchy proprietorship…all and many of these activities involve imprisonment without due process on false charges.

Though the latter two female members Mrs. Sudha Bharadwaj and Mrs. Teesta Setalvad are released on bail after long hard legal battle, the former IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt is sentenced for life on political vendetta by government shaming democracy and judiciary ethics in non-compliance of national constitutional law granting equal rights to the accused barring government intervention and influence that is rampant and norm in the present time more than ever.

In other undemocratic unruly interference by incumbent national government –  unlawfully eliminating former defense force personnel Tej Bahadur Yadav from campaign trail for gaining popularity over incumbent Prime Minister candidate in Varanasi in 2019 general election are not merely few and far between governmental intrusions exceeding predecessors in silencing democracy through undeclared emergency. 

The head of the state open instigation in public speech during political rallies to target nation’s minority citizens i.e. muslims based on their clothes and outfits leading to violence in university campus and main street exploiting religion both Sanatan Dharm, Islam, Christianity…are common political practice again superseding former governments and political factions in power.

Against Hindus, the politics maintaining the abhorrent caste system entirely for vote banks besides marginalization and polarization of society is lauded by state media as the real power and model democracy.

Last but not the least, the system touted as world’s largest democracy parading the head of the national administration constitutionally confined to five-year-term limit position as the symbol and icon is contradictory to democracy and idea of republic presiding over sovereignty and constitution via electoral ballots.

The excessive self-adulation and flamboyance being the signature traits of the head of the public national administration buttressed with cronyism ad nauseam from key cabinet members, groveling media as state propagandists…leave candid totalitarian regimes far behind in amassment of power, glory and carte blanche authority.

There is a thin line between democracy deformed into hypocrisy and despotism aided by plutocracy declared paradigm of democracy.

The status quo defining the system and designation misconstrued to suit personal and political dogma incontrovertibly is anything but democratic. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



Narcissism – Definition and Victimization

February 16, 2023

Narcissism – Definition






Padmini Arhant

The article is dedicated to victims of narcissism. The victims or the target silently suffer narcissism among family, work, social domain and world at large.

Narcissism not subject to legal and social consequences is rampant in society ruining lives and causing immense mental, emotional, psychological and physical strain on many lives deprived of normal peaceful life.

Narcissism – Psychology definition

Selfishness involving a sense of entitlement, lack of empathy and a need for admiration as characterizing a personality type.

Common Narcissist Characteristics
  • Inflated Ego.
  • Lack of Empathy.
  • Need for Attention.
  • Repressed Insecurities.
  • Few Boundaries.

The 4 types of narcissism.

As a personality trait, narcissism can be overt, covert, antagonistic, communal or malignant.

With the above outlined definition, characteristics and types of narcissism prevalent in society, the abusive commonality in narcissism is often found extremely destructive for victims enduring narcissistic culture in life.

In social terms of life experience.

Narcissism – a personality disorder with obsession to control, mind and dominate the target’s life.

Narcissists other traits are manipulation, connivance, cowardice deploying nuanced attacks and insinuations belittling target rather than direct comments. Additionally they possess multipolar personality with fake disposition to the world and displaying true colors to their target. These are some of narcissists’ diverse disturbing behavioral pattern.

There is no doubt on narcissists seeking their target’s isolation to ambush and inflict serious injury which is often emotional and mental not barring physical impact as a result of the narcissists’ toxicity and irreconcilable dogma.

Setting psychology apart, narcissists denial on any behavioral issues on their part is classic syndrome. They consistently and persistently hold the victims at fault even to the extent of recommendation on clinical i.e. psychological counseling to psychiatric treatment for their victims.

Socially, narcissists suffer from anxiety, frustration and sense of rejection upon their victims distancing themselves for personal well being besides awareness averting problems by creating boundaries between them on what are acceptable and unacceptable in human relations regardless of the kind.

Narcissists being people largely with low and no self-esteem as well as deep insecurity, they prey on those who are genuinely nice, understanding,compassionate and of good nature.

The narcissists’ facade  laden with presumptuousness, egotistical megalomaniacal self-adulation instrumental in their prejudice, misogyny, condescendence and constant disparagement of their target is common among both male and female predators offloading their negativities on their target.

How to deal with narcissists and narcissism?

First of all, the victims of narcissism should never allow the narcissists or others to treat them disrespectfully and remind them constantly that respect is not a one way street with a dead end. The victims should reinforce the message to narcissists and whoever not treating them right that mutual respect is an obligation for mankind even in the worst situations of disagreements and dispute.

Second, the victims should never accept nor believe the character defamation of them usually the favorite assault by narcissists and those involving in any form of abuse.

The narcissists often intensify their narcissism by spreading vicious unsubstantiated rumors about the target to anyone and everyone whether related and connected or not. Such behavior from narcissists is to further alienate the target or victim to the point of hopelessness and helplessness with no choice except surrender to narcissists abuse as the victims’ fate.

Next, the victims should maintain high morale, inner confidence and strong belief in inner strength eliminating self-doubt the fodder for narcissists to exert influence on the target.

Narcissists are habitual nitpickers exaggerating and mocking the target / victims’ minor insignificant details and deliberately suppress the target / victims’ major achievements in life. The tactic is to demoralize and denigrate their target / victims.

Narcissists weakness is quest for power and prominence in the least wanting to be the center of attraction – all of which prompts them to target the contrary personality treating them inferior to selves aiding false consolation.

Importantly, the absence of inner harmony and contentment within they witness in their victim or target triggers hostility towards the target.

Narcissists are impulsive provocateurs and trouble makers by default. They test their target’s reaction to provocation verbatim or indirect insult and insolence.

In this instance, there are two options for the target.

1. The target completely ignore the narcissists which is usually unwelcome by them as dismissal of narcissists leave the latter with bruised ego. Again the target slighting the narcissists rather than apologizing or expressing regret would provide clear signal to the abuser on their narcissism having no effects making them irrelevant.

2. The other option is for the target / victim to serve narcissists the opposite response. The narcissists provoke the target with the expectation of outbursts and agitation from the victim. The victim or the target should take a deep breath retaining calm and composure reply to narcissists in sarcasm to sign up for healthy mental and physical activity to make their life meaningful.

Any time narcissists use opportunity to cause unnecessary pain and emotional exploitation, the victims should remain steadfast and train themselves to stand up to narcissistic woes and strictly prohibit any mental, psychological and physical harm.

The narcissists as deniers of any wrongdoing never acknowledge their abusive conduct. They are parasites and crave for hosts to prolong their parasitic existence.

The narcissists never practice what they preach their victims such as tolerance despite the terminology and attribute being oxymoron to them.

The solution for victims or target in these conditions.

Many victims of narcissism confirm them restoring or return to normal life subsequent to disassociation and disconnect with narcissists shunning abusive environment. Furthermore, the victims investment in productive, positive and peaceful endeavors away from narcissists’ interference would promote self-fortitude and happiness.

Some victims of narcissism experiencing depression and restlessness unable to remove themselves permanently would be better off availing moments to go on vacation, travel or visit places and people they desire to see or spend time with stimulating peace and joy.

With clinical diagnosis of narcissism as incurable, while religious advice emphasize on empathy, love, kindness…towards narcissists, the prognosis exacerbate victims’ suffering.

The victims or target are lectured to grin and bear the abuse with smiles and large heartedness by those in society who would instantly decline own mistreatment let alone sacrifice their life for abusers’ sadistic pleasure.

The narcissists and abusers of individual rights are the ones to be checked and advised to behave themselves condemning their actions – reprehensible.

The narcissists and abusers’ failure to treat their victims or target with respect and dignity is clarification on them devoid of basic human values.

Invariably, the narcissists leave the world burdened with guilt and sins having wasted life in hurting and harming goodness in their victims / target  much to self-destruction. The eternal karmic debts binding them forever receiving what they served their victims / target in the present life is the only certainty following their demise.

The victims or target need not tolerate narcissism and any abuse at anytime in life. The life with individual liberty, peace, success and satisfaction is inalienable birth right barring discrimination and selective discretion.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



Foes’ Bizarre Wishes

February 5, 2023

Foes’ Bizarre Wishes

Padmini Arhant

In the present dark age, where goodness is browbeaten by foes with bizarre wishes ranging from diverse chronic illness like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, any other conditions applicable to any of them or members related to them and some going further in their visual perversion claiming metastasized symptom alluding to breast cancer…is the trend.

The mortality is the foes’ general death wish for me by delusional curse hurlers battling own woes and vices despite fait accompli.

As though these are not enough, patronization citing mosquitoes and alternatively petite size often using children in caricature of me is a favorite slander among them. Then fake news and tall (fraudulent) stories about honorarium and name sake accolade continues unabated with torment in phrases like –

She wants to be honored and loved..   etc.

My response to such baseless assumption is;

Having been recognized and received unconditional love, blessings and grace from my beloved almighty God, seeking anything from anyone in the mortal world where everything is left behind and the soul solo departure accompanied by karmic debts is the only certainty, such desire is life wasted in vain and illusion devoid of learning and wisdom.

In other stints, Indian and Hollywood film industry capitalizing and exploiting at my expense would not relent on their part in identity theft.

Indian cinema, Indian politics and alike not sparing my deceased parents whom these irrelevant species could never come close to nor compare in terms of their human values and honest life shed light on decadent culture. Their recalcitrant display further demonstrate precipitous decline and inevitable disappearance into oblivion that is already underway.

Besides, the abusers profiteering from my emergence and existence until now is the lowest of the low in human character ignoring dire consequences endured by many adopting the course. Their obedience to evil in devil ominously describe their tragic fate in living and  imminent death.

Thou shall not forget that one’s destiny is determined by one’s sins with a reminder –  do no harm when you intend to do no good. 

In contrast blessing is based on karmic credits earned not merely in this life rather throughout the soul journey in cyclical life and death. 

God never indulge in handouts and freebies practiced in the material world via short cuts and cronyism. 

Instead God observes the ones tirelessly treading on the path of self-realization similar to thirsty traveler trekking the barren desert relentlessly in search of an oasis. The process is met with arduous trials and tribulations and great many challenges often posed by troubled souls with no meaningful purpose in their life except for the goal to hurt and inflict injury on whom they envy. 

Relevantly, God rewards those who help themselves applying god given brain, physical strength and emotional attributes provided to all. 

However, they are utilized by those believing in self-potential, inner confidence and individual resolution. Those who believe in themselves and strive on their individual endowments avert being a parasite at all costs and reject parasitic existence that is common among those who engage in fitting into others’ shoes awkwardly tripping around and sometimes even falling flat on their face. 

The clear message from me to my foes brandishing their sword towards me is every stone you cast on me, the cowardly nuanced insults and insolence showered at me remain with you. 

I do not accept deeds of others both good and bad in my name. One’s karma is an individual action and result accordingly in positive or negative outcome affecting them i.e. the source, the origin and those associated with it.

Above all, the enemies obsession of me and my life exemplify my importance to them and my life obviously interesting than theirs otherwise they would not abandon their life to live mine.

Another classic syndrome among them is their failure to accept responsibility on any personal defeat and losses while in the front line to claim exclusive glory and gains in collective efforts generated success. Such trait is an acknowledgment of their flagrant violations in admitting own shortcomings and acute deficiency in basic ethics.

Either way, I happen to be in the thoughts and minds of those harboring ill-feelings and incessant profiling to suit their figment of imagination.

Being hated by those sowing hatred, contempt and misogyny means the repulsive involvement is against virtuous nature. The dislike from such groups is in a way an honor not a humiliation. That summarize the status quo of those whose only occupation is evaluating me in their rubrics evading own mirror reflection. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



Murder Inc. Affinity towards Rogue Regimes

February 1, 2023

Murder Inc. Affinity towards Rogue Regimes

Padmini Arhant

The colonial mindset lexicon pirated reference in public speech is reminded of;

Colonial mindset = Hindutva radicalism. 

Running away from you never cease delineation and accurate description of you from yourselves and your deeds viz. Karma. 

Likewise an impostor is never the one being impersonated. On the contrary the fraudulence is unveiled in the insane performance exposing the deplorable self- persona.

It ain’t a surprise when murder inc. aptly known as criminals in action (in the acronym expansion) public fawning towards members of own male gender while flaunting phony homophobia and worst of all groveling on dictatorial rogue regimes in disguise as democracy.

Obviously likes attracting similar types crave for characters in sync with own traits such as getting away with mass murder, communal riots triggered massacre, divide and rule strategy…to name a few among reprehensible actions and self-humiliating legacy.

The murder inc. presiding goon and gutter politics entrenched in misogyny in favor of male homo sensuality is sleazy sycophancy. The moronic display is an instagram for idiocy and lunacy.

The murder inc. and members including the devious press as the loyalist conform to control censorship crony politics. 

The desperation for attention however is publicity starved syndrome. The hooliganism is yet another symptom of power abuse much to own downfall.

Finally, the crass cheap provocateurs’ dalliance with devil is ominous of imminent end in entirety.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



Gossip the tell tale signs

January 29, 2023

Gossip the

Tell Tale Signs

Padmini Arhant

Gossip – whisper and weave tales to suit own corrupt mindset.

Who indulge in gossip?

The ones who have no life of their own and become obsessed with another in the nuanced stupidity and insanity. Notwithstanding the target having no relation, connection and / or interests with gossipers and their concoction of characters whatsoever.

What prompts gossip?

The idle mind being the devil’s workshop preoccupy in rumor, propaganda and sleaziness leading to self-humiliation. 

How to deal with gossip?

Like with any negative human trait, ignoring gossip mongers to submerge in their dirty swamp would indicate their wasteful life. Furthermore, gossip mongers feed on reaction to ignite more sparks without realizing the flame ultimately engulf their evil act in the fire they started.

Why is gossip the preferred choice for sticky beaks?

They have no life. They seek undeserving attention. They are sadists deriving pleasure minding other’s life to escape from own miserable boredom with nothing to live for and their existence a proven burden without meaningful positive purpose. They are self-declared and exposed excrement contaminating environment.

Those who gossip are controlling and the devils are always agitated upon being rejected for what and who they are. Not surprisingly they accuse the target as controlling for declining to bow to their egotistical narcissism, incessant misogyny, prejudice and hostility.

Gossip and gossipers meet their fate accordingly with a life depleted of self-respect and human value. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



Evil’s Foot in The Mouth

January 24, 2023

Evil’s Foot in The Mouth

Padmini Arhant

Jesus Christ Crucifixion.

1. What triggered Jesus Christ crucifixion in Western civilization?

The introduction of new testament then regarded a challenge to the old testament besides the birth of a new religion Christianity that Lord Jesus established as God’s messenger of peace.

2. What were the actual crucifiers behind the grotesque crime thinking when they commanded the peace loving soul Jesus to bear the cross translated as shoulder the burden of their sins and then mercilessly nailed him on the cross?

3. Did the crucifiers following the orders of evil subject living breathing Jesus to test wondering whether if he was real and eager to find out on any blood dripping upon nailing him alive on the cross?

4. What was the real motivation for evil to commit such heinous act against someone who meant harm to none and engaged in showing humanity salvation from sins and suffering?

Despite such gruesome indulgence by evil, the Lord sought forgiveness for those sinners.

However, sins follow sinners in living and beyond regardless in what goes around comes around proven time and time again. The same not being different for Jesus Christ crucifiers reaping in recent memory what they sowed albeit two millenniums ago.

Forgiveness on sins is redeemable upon sinners sincere remorse, regret and reform interpreted in action. In the absence of sinners’ repentance, forgiveness is slighted by sinners and accordingly face consequences of willful violation. All of which are sinners’ own wrong doing guided by the devil ruling their thoughts and mind.

Not to mention Jesus Christ persecuted by his own clan is history repeating itself in the present time similar occurrence in personal experience with own community and origin participation in insolence and narcissism to appease narcissistic culture.

Interestingly, the ones unable to control the devil inside prompting provocative display desire to control others and the world at large is an irony.

Fast forward to twenty first century.

Has anything changed in terms of human deeds for the better?

No. In fact it has deteriorated to the point of no return. Otherwise in the prevalent modern age cannibals would not be sponsored, funded, trained and even provided medical treatment to maim, murder, rape children and pregnant women, desecrate the dead in the tomb and other violent activities as witnessed in many war zones such as in Syria in 2011, 2012 and thereafter.

As for 9/11 terror attack, the original sponsors of terror narrative essentially denial via their monetized representative of the western so-called think tank institutionalizing terrorism to implement the ill-conceived Project for New American Century is least surprising.

The narrative on 9/11 terror attack prior to the onset and until now falsely empathize with 9/11 victims to mere 3000 in casualties, when the Project for New American Century (PNAC) launched United States and NATO combined foreign military interventions consumed millions of lives in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya… and other target nations raised to rubbles wiping civilizations together with present and future prospects in the PNAC execution.

The deaths and devastations along with generational suffering and misery inflicted on innocent population pushing them to abject poverty and hopelessness left them homeless, stateless and refugees in their homeland in these parts of the world.

The reckless western intrusion became the fertile ground for terrorism that western think tank hired surrogates fail to recognize and acknowledge in what is actually the western created jihad militancy and radicalism.

The reality in direct contradiction to western think tanks’ propaganda on the so-called peaceful western civilization under assault by non-western foreign nations is a myth.

As though terrorism becoming part of life world wide was not enough altering travel to normal existence indefinitely,

The western funded and engineered gain of function research in Wuhan Virology institute in Wuhan, Hubei province in China unleashed the bio-engineered SARS COV2 corona virus absorbing the global population in the deadliest pandemic in 2019 that was made official in 2020 with none held accountable thus far.

The ongoing war in Ukraine with Russian invasion.  The foundation was set by western authorized and involved political coup d’é·tat overthrowing then democratically elected Ukrainian leadership and government in Kiev in 2014 leading to Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 and status quo in 2022 and 2023 in Ukraine – Russian conflict.

These events and infinite carnage around the world since western colonial era continued till date in imperial aspirations without a shadow of doubt is testimony to super power status transgression.

Nonetheless, the think tank and monetarily incentivized representations presenting scripted versions to organized applause and standing ovation ignorantly absolving western foreign policy of any responsibility in worldwide mayhem, catastrophe and global insecurity is a testament on credibility or the lack thereof relevantly verifying the irrelevant peaceful majority including such impression.

Finally to idiom addicts – one can apply lipstick on a pig but it still remains a pig. Returning what is served just a while ago misusing a child in immature adult’s adultery.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



Identity Appropriation Culture

January 15, 2023

Identity Appropriation Culture

Padmini Arhant

India – the most invaded and colonized nation on earth is lately trending in renaming cities and monuments of only Mughal period to Hindutva nomenclature.

The tradition is also adapted in referring to me by names per their discretion rather than my birth and legal name Padmini Arhant in direct violation of my personal and individual right. 

Indian and alike from wherever applicable fraudulent practice to appease the cowardly incognito criminal clique in utter obedience as the vassal state and cronies of the colonial regime and fascism following the unprecedented unscrupulous identity misappropriation impetus the reference of India from now onwards to Tughluqstan substituting Hindustan in quid pro quo to identity appropriation culture.

After all, Tughluqstan as Hindustan substitute is not far-fetched compared to the kind and variety dumped on me at evil will much to own peril.

Tughluq dynasty with prominent Muhammad Bin Tughluq – the eighteenth Sultan of Delhi. He reigned from February 1325 until his death in 1351. The Sultan foolishness is well known for changing the capital city numerous times to suit the whims and fancies of the Sultanate as witnessed currently in identity falsification of my profile by the evil syndicate.

Likewise, Indian states like Kerala referred to as Kampala should make no difference considering the widespread illegality of violating my personal right despite my objection and condemnation of this criminal behavior continued as abusers’ prerogative.

Similarly, the Tamil Nadu political factions Dravida kazhagam (DMK, ADMK and the rest) especially the corrupt Karunanidhi family of Telugu Nayakkar clan ruling Tamil Nadu prolonging dynasty politics in the so-called democracy allocating public taxpayer funded government positions – the key portfolios to next kith and kin making a mockery of democracy aside,

The nefarious tactics deployed through politics owned Indian cinema indulging in my identity distortion is provocation leading to the source and offenders’ self-termination.

As per earlier warning, the criminal cabal dumping proxies from own inventory in politics, media, entertainment industry and all over…crooks and con artists from religion and floozies as beauty queens in the fashion, entertainment sector and remnants in the mainstream and the so-called independent media as my identity is a failed experiment for the abusers and the wannabe opportunists capitalizing on identity theft. 

The names ranging from Meghan to Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious…and many atrocious attributions as my identity could be conniving evil desire implemented by sycophants to win favor.  Again not without consequences to such criminal engagement.

Human decency and civility that are expected to be commonly demonstrated in mutual respect and acknowledgment of equal rights upon being deliberately ignored and violated will be dealt with accordingly until the lunacy and insanity of identity swap or misrepresentation is abandoned for good.

If you can’t and won’t treat others the way you want to be treated such as referring to the original legal name of the person unlike the opposite assigning and determining identity to satisfy evil imposition of own choice to be accepted as the norm, you classify yourself not human but demon ruling such mindset. 

Needless to say, unpleasant and undesirable ramifications are inevitable to such classification.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



Geopolitics – Reality Check 2023

January 13, 2023


Reality Check


Padmini Arhant

The power of the powerless v. the so-called powerful in the world.

Afghanistan v. Western Imperialism and earlier Former Soviet Union preceded by British invasion representing the prolonged time line.

Afghanistan – The nation invaded by imperialists for usual reasons – economic interests for its rich mineral resources and rare essential ingredient lithium used in large batteries in electric cars and wide variety of clean energy systems…bid farewell to western imperialists in 2021.

Ukraine – Western destabilization of democratic system in 2014 led to Russian annexation of Crimea followed by aggressive violent invasion in Feb 2022 continued until now.

Syria – Invasion and occupation by western ally Israel and western collusion with middle-east clients’ relentless shelling, bombing and occupation proved futile leading to western sponsored and creation of IS, ISIS and nexus in the region in 2012 and thereafter.

Yemen – the North African nation enduring relentless violence and bombing aided by western weapons viz. United States, Israel  and Britain to energy partner Saudi Arabia and regional alliance proven counterproductive for the major powers backing the corrupt Yemeni government against the local Houthi tribe and their supporters since 2014.

As for Britain’s role in Yemen war –

“The report by the Oxfam charity found that the Saudi-led coalition used weapons supplied solely by the U.K. and the U.S. in hundreds of attacks on civilians in Yemen between January 2021 and the end of February 2022. Britain is the second-biggest supplier of weapons to Saudi Arabia, after the U.S.”

The west also lost their ally in Yemen – the former Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh – assassinated in Dec 2017 resulting in blow back for the west and their Middle-East partner Saudi Arabia – the chief rival reining United States and Britain supplied artillery on the poorest nation Yemen in the Arabian peninsula.

Yet the major western powers and Saudi Arabia unable to wield control experiencing setbacks from the war onset in 2014 until now.

In Asia :

Taiwan – the saber rattling from China against independent democratic Taiwan is formidably challenged by the female led leadership Taiwanese President Tsai-Ing wen along with courageous pro-democracy political dissidents despite tremendous hardships and human rights violations inflicted on them by Beijing.

Africa – the African Union fighting back western colonization revisited by France and EU in Mali recurrence to French invasion in 2014 supposedly to curb Islamic militants movement to north that went wry like other western interventions in foreign soil like Iraq, Syria, Libya etc…

Similarly in Latin America – the smaller poorer nations constantly targeted for political unrest and instability involving western footprints have over a period of time and currently defiant and resilient to defend their sovereignty and economy from predator western foreign policy.

The lesson from these events is never to take anyone or anything for granted. Big is not necessarily mighty for the one who has ultimate control over universe is Almighty presiding over just and unjust cause including activities as well as operations never allowing falsehood and deceit to prevail at any time.

The superiority concept has failed time and time again evidenced in the above sequences entirely due to grit, determination and strong will amongst population defending their sovereignty, independence and civil liberty – the fundamentals of a free country.

Regardless of violent intrusions and extreme oppressive strategy, the victims rise like phoenix from ashes in reclaiming their legitimate status.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



Human Foes

January 12, 2023

Human Foes

Padmini Arhant 

The human foes are human character and traits.

Human characteristics such as humongous ego, superiority complex, greed, envy prompting gossip mongering, perversion via peeping and snooping misusing technology, sneer and jeer using entertainment industry, condescendence exemplified in prejudice, misogyny, deny others’ fair opportunity, exploitation, domineering ideology transformed to fascism, narcissism, abusive conduct…are many among myriad human weaknesses and flaws evolving into authoritarian bulwark that impetus hostility, acrimony and aggression not barring violence.

The constant targeting which is typically bullying and harassment either directly or worst through nuances, innuendoes and insinuations – a cowardly practice lacking courage to speak with and / or  to the person rather than about the person are provocative indulgence exposing the doers’ and their catalysts’ unhappiness, deep insecurity, dissatisfaction in every aspect and indecency.

What triggers nastiness in human character – those in particular wasting life as troubled souls exemplified in discrimination, patronization and disparagement?

The inner self devoid of peace, contentment and self-esteem creates vacuum. The voidness then often scapegoat those not even remotely related or linked to their internal turmoil to which the sufferers alone are responsible.

Yet another problem with such personalities is they are escapists unable to reconcile with harsh realities about themselves and not surprisingly entertainment industry is engaged as distraction and propagation channel in adherence to Nazi style dissemination.

The personality disorder among them widen in shunning own mirror reflection and adapting unrealistic image that neither fits their profile nor own actions and legacy. In other words these are deniers and choose to decline in life cycle.

The more they confront themselves in their barren superficial life, the more they disintegrate within knowing the truth about themselves as who they are and how they are running away from them.

Failure to accept own faulty image influence negativities to overwhelm transforming into predators for glory, fortune, power and publicity. Outwardly turning brute, crude, lewd and weird attack machines with nothing to live for other than persist in perilous involvement.

As a result, their easy prey is the exact opposite of them. Accordingly, the frustration and anger they feel about own status is vented at the person they wish to be in their life.

While they advise those whom they anchor and express bitterness 24/7 to love thy enemies, it never occurs to them to be the example by practicing what they preach their sworn enemy.

Essentially, human relations could improve for the better upon beginning with self in understanding, recognizing and acknowledgement of own shortcomings and abusiveness masqueraded in false persona embedded in rigged fanfare fraudulently advertised in million plus viewership on social media and public domain.

However, them desperately seeking to be the enemy’s wannabe is paradoxical tragic comedy.

What more?

The narcissistic nature is further demonstrated in controlling other’s life via perversion and imposition of own doctrine on individual who reject them and their sadistic ludicrous hypocrisy.

The control freaks possessed by the devil are agitated upon being ignored and reminded on reciprocation of respect, equal rights and opportunity as inalienable and non-negotiable in a civilized society.

The creeps and peeping toms along with their paid sleeping partners quitting their sleazy shoddy occupation in spying, eavesdropping and piracy of personal identity among diverse criminality is critical to avert rather than expedite their excruciating journey sooner then later. 

Being mere mortals wagging their rat tail miscalculating the creator, protector and when necessary terminating the bad evil and irredeemable – the supreme entity as mere spectator are living in a fool’s paradise.

Soul searching and cleansing through introspection prior to intrusive objectionable defining and determining their obsessed enemy’s identity notwithstanding abandoning riding on the rival’s coattail is a priority for the incorrigible offenders and compulsive violators on the precipice.

Correction and perfection beginning with selves besides minding own defeat, tumultuous turbulent life and ruinous affairs is the place to start for invaders with identity theft of other’s personal life and intruders’ of other’s space and privacy.

The interference in their enemy’s life with dos’ and don’ts including assigning own proxies name, their corrupt, criminal and embarrassing  biography on the enemy is an invitation for perpetual disaster to the source and agents deployed in the self-destructive caricature.

Meanwhile living in public taxpayer’s funded mansions heavily guarded with loaded security personnel, barricaded exterior and interior premise with taxpayer intelligence agency and other private recruits spying on the intended targets 24/7 is vile and abhorrent tradition.

None of these are without ramifications in adverse karmic effects. Those treading in the path guided by satans have met their fate albeit not a pleasant one. The remaining pursuing the trail would be no exception in sharing similar or severe experience joining predecessors in voluntary devastation.

The satans and satans’ slaves obeying marching orders from them fior personal gains and narcissistic goals are delusional in assuming they are scot free despite their willful evil indulgence aimed at malice and vicious smear campaign without realizing such charade only highlight their wickedness and timid connivance. The reprehensible conduct and violations of rights would be dealt with appropriately in accordance with what goes around comes around without a shadow of doubt.

In conclusion, the blissful peaceful and genuine normal person living life independently with dignity, integrity and moral propriety bearing no guilt or shame in righteousness live and leave the world as a free spirit without any burden of karmic debts and sins accompanying many lives over that are typical to the contrary i.e. the self-righteous provocateurs in imminent judgment.

In Gods’s kingdom, neither justice is denied nor evil exempt from reckoning in epic proportion. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 



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