Indian Press Self-Invalidation

January 9, 2023

Indian Press


Padmini Arhant

The botched up story telling evidenced in the article linked below convict the leading press status obsequious to hoodlum political establishment and propaganda machinery.

“” –  Jan 7, 2023.

The article begins as Air India flyer Shankar Mishra

“Air India flyer Shankar Mishra who ‘urinated’ on woman”

Then references tweet on the same incident with the name Shekhar Mishra as the offender.

“So drunk businessman found urinating on co-passenger in flight is one Shekhar Mishra”

The narrative continues with compelling concoction yet with a different name Sanjay Mishra.

“Mumbai-based Sanjay Mishra has been accused of urinating on an elderly passenger in the November 26 New York-Delhi flight.”

The article circle back to Shankar Mishra.

“In the latest in the case, as per new agency PTI, Bengaluru police assisted Delhi police in arresting the accused, Shankar Mishra, from Sanjay Nagar area in city, where he was staying at his sister’s place.”

Here is the interesting twist and spin ball hitting the fabrication fulcrum like bulls eye.

“The arrest comes a day after he was sacked by his California-headquartered employer Wells Fargo.“

When the article writer i.e. author together with the leading press editorial as publisher of the content cannot decide on the subject name varying from Shankar Mishra to Shekhar Mishra and in the later paragraph of the same article bearing the name Sanjay Mishra is tell all about the credibility or the lack thereof of the newspaper effortlessly violating  press propriety and journalistic basic standard on accuracy by default.

The dereliction verifiably confirm the drunkenness of the story tellers and publisher besides self-invalidation as unreliable irresponsible member of the press corps.

Not to mention innuendoes citing own proxies from crony contingency in media and entertainment industry is further clarification of the swamp.

The bottom line is get your story right to avert embarrassment and aberration.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Norwegian Complex

January 8, 2023

Norwegian Complex

Padmini Arhant

Ordinary v. Extraordinary in economic terms.

Living in a world where superficiality, fake personality, pseudo lifestyle and celebrity status laden with pretentious stardom and glamor wooed in quid pro quo,

The concept of ordinary v. extraordinary certainly merit clarifications.

Let’s face it, to be the so-called ordinary in itself is a challenge for the name sake extraordinary opting the easy way out for hollow life masquerading originality with duplicity.

The ordinary devoid of guilt and shame in being simple ordinary real self not having to worry about strangers’ approval or authentication reminds oneself and others to let the world be a free world with individual freedom to live one’s life abstinent of obsequiousness and acquiescence.

The ordinary and extraordinary measured in economic terms as opposed to human values make  a world of difference on the subject.

Economic and financial standard in the determination of ordinary and extraordinary is linked to opportunity, ethics and environment.

In contrast, the human value matter the most usually to ordinary than the anyhow somehow extraordinary variety.

In other words, unlike the honest, hard working and talented ordinary reaching extraordinary status in life, the anyhow somehow economically rich acquiring the high life by any means viz. Machiavellian approach from colonial heritage to grand larceny, unscrupulous nefarious tactics and strategy not surprisingly never qualify in human value metric.

Regardless, the ordinary and extraordinary is ascertained in individual KARMA, character, intelligence, ingenuity and above all wherewithal to sail the rough seas, ride the tidal waves in real life,  reach the bottom sea floor on the ocean ground and rise to the mountain top over 21,000 feet higher than sea level in the world’s highest peak.

Besides, flying sky high and ejecting from the flying aircraft defying death at 15,000 feet above sea level…remaining ordinary with humility can easily shrug off the obnoxious incendiary misogyny and prejudice outburst from empty suits with deep holes exemplified in enraged envy instilled in insecurity having nothing to do in their life except indulge in provocation and self-mortification.

Apparently, the Norwegian peace committee awarding Nobel peace prize has a long stretch to travel in influencing those at home – the Colonial Royalty admirer in better understanding of the real world comprising overwhelming ordinary people amongst whom extraordinary emerge and evidently irritate the wasteful minds miserably failing to be neither i.e. the ordinary and / or the extraordinary.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter 


P.S. To the uncouth patronizer – Tone down your condescendence on waitering. Without people to wait tables at restaurants, home or serve on airplanes as flight attendants, you and your kind bare naked nothingness and nobody stature would smell like the stale herring from the norwegian shores in the otherwise red herring on the Norwegian royal citadel fairy tale.

Toxicity and Insanity

January 7, 2023

Toxicity and Insanity

Padmini Arhant

1. Where do toxicity and insanity originate from?

Toxicity from hazardous substance and insanity in manufacturing them to hurt and harm others while those involved as producers and catalysts are adversely affected sooner than later in the self-inflicting process.

Both are typical human characteristics due to lack of meaningful purpose in life especially expecting those whom they target to bow to their insolence, arrogance and vitriol besides accept the dumping of their embarrassing criminal profile and legacy as an honor.

2. How to treat toxicity and insanity?

Ignore, Immunity and Ingenuity.

Ignore – the best treatment for toxicity and insanity is to ignore those with terminal disease. Leave them to deal with their self-invited peril.

Immunity – In other options, developing strong immunity to contagious contaminant toxicity spreading across in constant malice, vicious propaganda and vile abuse is effective. The robust immunity would repel and reject any and all toxins neutralizing toxicity of virulence reduced to incapacitation and hence invalid. 

Important to note toxins invade private home, personal life, environment and settings that are not conducive to their poisonous genetic make-up and behavioral pattern. Steal their target’s identity for personal gains and glory to escape from own shameful and disgraceful originality.

Accordingly, they desperately seek and attack positive, peaceful and progressed domain that are not tolerated by toxicity prompting and promoting counterproductive destructive actions making a spectacle of them.

Ingenuity – The term let alone attribute is oxymoron to toxicity and insanity. The demonstration in this regard suffice toxicity and insanity fizzle into oblivion.

3. What are the imminent and inevitable results of toxicity and insanity?

Experiencing death in living, failure doom gloom in all endeavors, seething envy burning inner and outer selves, gluttonous greed for fame, fortune and power all to themselves overwhelming to nothingness, incessant regurgitation of venom against whom they envy and exploit, endlessly despise and abuse their target…all of these and more indulgence from them ultimately consume the source i.e. them and their agents with karmic effects haunting them now and beyond.

Essentially their life a living hell for them is their destiny written by them via evil manipulation.

Notwithstanding their negative Karma binding their next and future generation in their family tree with them becoming a curse to their soul and all those kith and kin to them.

Needless to say, the ramifications are severe and irreversible for industry they represent with colossal losses in every aspect and defeat ever remaining the outcome, the nation and society at large they preside evidence hallmark of toxi(city), dupli(city)and menda(city).

The irrefutable fact is solemn truth and defiantly proved incontrovertible against toxicity and insanity.

It’s a matter of time for apocalyptic end to toxicity and insanity individually and in entirety.

Padmini Arhant 

New Year Greetings 2023!

January 3, 2023

New Year Greetings 2023!

Padmini Arhant

Happy New Year 2023!

Padmini Arhant

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Farewell 2022!

December 31, 2022

Farewell 2022!

Padmini Arhant 

The sun on year 2022 setting by the hour, minutes and seconds, the events in the year draw attention. 

Economy – the most important factor governing and determining economic and financial status has been challenging in the year 2022

The high inflation in 2022 triggering interest rates hikes dawning on the year 2023 pose further financial struggles and liquidity crunch for homeowners, small and medium businesses as well as anyone dependent on financing to improve their economic condition. 

The energy crisis marginally narrowed towards the end in December 2022 having peaked earlier causing fuel price to skyrocket following Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 continued until now. 

The stock market performance in 2022 is declared stagnant and worst in semblance to 2008 – 2009 trend. 

The economy has been tough and turbulent in 2022.

Health –  COVID 19 necessitated preventive care and protection in a positive measure to avert any revival. The travel as a result continue to involve protocol to suit respective national requirements worldwide.

In other words, travel security related to terrorism long been subject to mile long queue, invasive body search besides imaging techniques, additionally the bio risk tied to COVID 19 on health safety is yet another compliance making travel preparations more cumbersome. 

Hopefully, the status quo will change for the better enabling mobility and travel less inconvenient. 

Energy – The world economy and lifestyle reliance on fossil fuel energy with warfare in some or other part of the world mandatory regardless of administration in the White House and other warring factions elsewhere, the pipeline is turned off or on based on the mood of the energy controllers in accordance with regional and global politics. 

Environment – The natural disasters mostly human manufactured extremities not surprisingly taking toll on lives in weather patterns and environmental hazards are reminders to nurture healthy habitat. 

Last but not the least, the prolonged era of imperialism represented by monarchy in modern age marred in colonization, oppression, persecution, bloodshed, brutality, violence, criminality and denial of independence, individual freedom and sovereignty EXPIRED in the year 2022. 

Similarly other dominant personalities depriving  others’ individual rights to share glory, fame and fortune deemed exclusive to them, their departure from the world as nonagenarian in 90’s and older in 2022 is unequivocal fact of life on all things coming to an end sooner than later.

Expiry is inevitable and imminent on all, the dominant and recalcitrant forces in particular wreaking havoc as entitlement.

The immortality longed especially by evil is a myth and fantasy never to fruition now or in the future.

Overall 2022 marks the year of erroneous decisions and mistakes repeated with no lessons learned from history and reality as far as politics and warfare goes whereas economy as usual hurting the ones i.e. the vast majority fighting an uphill battle on all things that are relevant and essential for survival. 

Farewell obstinacy and redundant policies hindering meaningful growth and progress. 

Goodbye 2022!

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

The Evil Spirit

December 19, 2022

The Evil Spirit

Padmini Arhant

The evil spirit characteristics – spread negative energy via hatred peaked in selective misogyny, lies, deception, discord, propaganda, fraudulence, greed, envy, anger, narcissism, self-adulation and  invasion of other’s life, rights and space…above all utter stupidity among diverse self-destructive character. The evil specialize in killing, maim and produce mass graves to demonstrate power.

The evil deployed slaves typically are publicity and pseudo fame starved wannabe opportunists desperately wanting their shattered image in the portrait much to petty putrid indulgence.

The demons and slaves traits  – violate those who recognize them as evil and accordingly the latter refuse to respect former and decline to bow to tyranny. The agitated devil then authorize the devil slaves to disinformation and malice.

The violations range from intrusion in target’s home, life and everything the evil regards as personal entitlement while accusing the abused target as victimizer.  In other words the devil scapegoat the target i.e. the victim as victimizer and cry foul upon being exposed of the evil actions.

How do the evil and evil recruited minions in disguise as deceitful preacher and variety such as performer in small to big screens viz. the entertainment platform and social media involve?

For instance;

The victims are blamed as victimizer.

The homes and life invaded with snooping, prying, eavesdropping on target’s personal and family conversations further misused in gossip and worst of all – spying smothered in perversions…all of the lewd crude conduct justified as normal.

Notwithstanding identity theft, piracy and plagiarism are part and parcel of the evil approved endless crimes never acknowledged as such. 

The fascism ad nauseam is proudly maintained in identity misappropriation.

Censorship, gag order and cancel culture with indefinite anonymity imposed on the target fearing self-elimination is evil and evil enterprise forté.

Evil preoccupation is picking up fight for narcissist display. The 24/7 obsession with target tops the chart.

The encroachment and infringement on target’s personal rights are considered evil and evil’s trolls prerogative.

In contrast, any mention of evil colluding in secret locations barring public participation on people affairs are proclaimed persona non grata i.e. unwelcome.

Similarly, evil residing in public funded temporary official residence are barricaded with barbed wires and heavily guarded security loaded and armed used against unarmed taxpayer and civilian gunned down on unsubstantiated charges of trespassing miles away from the taxpayer paid residence.

Even then the evil via evil’s hired pretentious devious preacher disseminate lies about the slayed as conniving and at fault.

The evil behind scores of deaths not excluding creating and sponsoring terror including cannibals, wreaking havoc, chaos and destabilization world over never a concern for moral dictators masquerading evil image as holier than thou extended into projection as messiah. 

Above all, evil and cronies first name is hypocrisy.

In a nutshell, evil and troop battling guilt within conspicuously evade exposure and remain obsessed with target much to own imminent cataclysmic end. 

Needless to say the world is better off without such unscrupulous forces and their elements at disposal with incontrovertible mendacity.

Not surprisingly, evil and contingency strive to obstruct divine path and resist God’s will despite irreversible consequences exemplified in –

Man proposes and God disposes as a reminder on universe subject to cosmic ordain.

As a result, no matter what evil and evil chosen proxy, pawns and puppets do or perform in dalliance with devil, the evil never prevail over God’s decision on all matter.

Padmini Arhant

Syria – Regime Change Target

December 14, 2022


Regime Change Target

Padmini Arhant

It’s time to leave Syria alone.

Syria, a sovereign nation is under persistent attack in the earlier and present decade.

United States administration and ally Israel relentless bombing and shelling of Syria since the so-called Arab Spring in 2010 aimed at regime change is reprehensible.

The provocative indulgence is the foundation for catastrophe facilitating terror havens and undesirable elements making life impossible for the native population in the country and region.

Libya is a classic example with lawlessness and political volatility as the state of affairs for the people left at the mercy of exploiters reaping their harvest.

Although there are many examples in this category, the recent one is Afghanistan with Taliban enabled to power and rule the embattled nation making life miserable for all and impossible for women.

Syrian population are subject to western manufactured terror, sanctions and hostility leaving generational impact on human suffering and misery.

Syrians are driven homeless in their homeland and forced into refugee status only to be denied access on or before arrival on the aggressors shores creating the worst humanitarian crisis since 2010 with no end in sight.

Meanwhile, the aggressors and violators adhering to old obsolete regime change concept reeking chaos and mayhem wherever possible are invariably absolved of responsibility and accountability.

The U.S and ally political aspiration imitating invasion of Iraq under false pretext proved disastrous for invaders i.e. United States and NATO as well as the invaded nation Iraq.

The invasion of Iraq unequivocally led to arrival of al-Qaeda in the middle east that was bereft of terror groups until then. The region ruled by regimes not without western approval or collusion remained in power over several decades upon submitting to western economic terms and conditions regardless of political situation across the region.

United States foreign policy customized to suit interests other than United States or citizens and for that matter the people of the targeted nations till date is timeless recipe for disaster.

The lofty endeavors costing United States taxpayers in billions and trillions thus far only delivered unrest, instability and violent outcome with emergence and manifestation of various terror outfits in the destinations unlike the propaganda on establishing democracy (?) with individual liberty.

United States as well as Israel constant intervention in Syria in 2010 and thereafter attracted other foreign intrusion such as Turkey, Iran, Lebanon, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia forcing Syria to rely on Russia that eventually produced Russian naval base in Syrian sea port city, Tartus.

The event is no different to Russian annexation of Crimea, the eastern Ukraine following then United States administration and EU launched coup in 2014 against Ukraine’s elected democratic government resulting in Ukraine status quo.

United States present administration by proxy engaged in resumption of regime change in Syria as a mission to finish unfinished task from 2010 – 2012 is by far the undemocratic illegal involvement in a foreign nation that would not be tolerated by United States in return.

The idea of meddling in foreign affairs to mess with the population, sovereignty, self-determination and territorial integrity that are regarded exclusive to United States and western states are somehow not recognized nor respected as relevant with others in the rest of the world.

United States democratic values are successively challenged during such foreign interventions with Syria until now not spared from unwanted unnecessary cataclysmic endurance.

The so-called Russian collusion turned out to be hoax in the taxpayers’ squandered investigations and Robert Mueller headed committee in the fact finding of 2016 U.S. Presidential election.

In comparison, the United States administration in 2010 authorized and convened events under the guise of Arab Spring and other format to topple governments in different parts of the world is a reality that apparently resumed in the current development in Syria.

Anything tried and tested yielding turbulence and turmoil is best abandoned providing opportunity for the victims i.e. the people in Syria and alike viz. Yemen etc. to heal and recover from foreign inflicted carnage as destiny.

Furthermore, the authoritarian style of governance is not necessarily unique to overt authoritarianism. The pattern is unfortunately prevalent in worst disguise in widely presented so-called democracy that are conveniently ignored in the western foreign policy.

The modern day democracy legacy is testament to destabilizing and removal of  people choice democratic governments world over with the trend continued as entitlement in the present time.

Finally, regime change and any modification to systems is entirely the sovereign right of the people barring any foreign determination and designation that are anything but democratic.

Syrian people alone possess the inalienable right to exercise election and rejection of government in their domain.

Syria like any other nation deserve peace and stability with long overdue relief from indefinite inhumane western economic sanctions crippling life deprived of normal existence.

In fact, the economic sanctions affect human living conditions with the population anger and frustration expressed towards the policy. The counterproductive strategy have increasingly favored those at the helm that are presumably the target in the misguided decisions.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Ukraine War

December 12, 2022

Ukraine War

Padmini Arhant

Update: Whenever war is waged with no political will to end the carnage predominantly for personal and vested reasons among which image consciousness is a dominant factor, the important outcomes such as casualties in human lives extended into tragedies and generational struggles for veterans, families and the country at large besides economic liabilities are completely ignored in the incessant military engagement.

The scenario is standard in most wars and Ukraine is not unique in that respect.

However, there is light at the end of tunnel for all those involved in this warfare.

The saving grace for all parties are as follows:

Russia holding the strings in the military showdown that began in February 2022 is concerned about complete withdrawal though partial retreat and troops pull back witnessed in the past few months attributed to Ukrainian resistance and formidable response to Russian conventional intrusion.

The troops draw down and de-escalation is viewed by Russian leadership especially President Vladimir Putin as political setback in the domestic and international front with impact on Russian role in the region and global sphere.

On the contrary, the take away achievements for Russia and Ukraine are fairly impressive and noteworthy. The major powers on their part such as the United States and EU differences highlighted requiring remedial measures for Europe to assume bulk responsibility in self-defense and security via appropriate monetary and military contribution through investments moving forward.

Russia Attainments:

1. Russian aim was to restrain NATO presence near Russian borders i.e. stave off Ukraine as NATO and EU member against Russia.

The Russian goal is attained in this regard with Ukraine fighting the war on their turf without NATO direct indulgence on the ground albeit weapons and logistics provisions reached Ukraine from the United States and selective NATO allies to contain the war within Ukraine – Russia geographical constraints preventing conflagration beyond Ukraine.

2.Russian achievement in other aspects are  – EU dependency on Russian energy supply even in the critical time of disagreement between them i.e. right in the middle of warfare with Ukraine representing EU against Russia.

Notwithstanding EU objection to other nations in the Indian-sub-continent viz. Pakistan and India chastised for energy procurement from Russia at the onset and ongoing invasion amid own (EU) trade dealings beginning with energy and wheat etc. with Russia throughout and until the present time.

3. NATO precluded from Russian territory whether on NATO volition or Russian intervention in Ukraine regardless. Although the matter could have been addressed by United States and NATO allies heeding Russia’s initial requests and invitation for amicable strategic conflict resolutions.

The Russian outreach until Russian invasion of Ukraine was not paid attention to mitigate relevant strategic problems by the responsible sides leading to further rift in Russia and western relations. Notably NATO dominance in the Baltic and Black sea was definitely unwelcome to Russia.

NATO having assessed regional and global ramifications in the aftermath of Russian invasion of Ukraine, the decision refraining from war with Russia was wise and prudent considering the grave consequences of nuclear powers in the battle.

Ukraine Accomplishments:

1. Ukraine forced into warfare against former trainer Russian army with Ukrainian top military brass having experience from the Red Army aka Russian Krasnaya Armiya from the former Soviet era delivered huge benefits and military advantage to Ukraine.

Accordingly, the message to young and older Ukrainian forces is they can defend themselves without EU and NATO badge against militarily larger and nuclear power near and far.

The Russian military performance not meeting expectations is linked to Kremlin’s unjustified political aspirations and yet another issue is the Russian low morale in the war against neighbor Ukraine with families on both sides subject to unnecessary pain and suffering had drastic influence.

Juxtaposed Ukraine defending homeland, sovereignty and relatively new independent status from former Soviet Union impetus resilience and fortitude to save their motherland from foreign aggression and safeguard newly earned individual liberty and freedom.

2. Ukraine defending their territorial rights and sovereignty in the battle field regaining lost land and enclave is firmly established in the year-long armed conflict.

3. Ukraine emerged strong and hopeful in the military warfare is a precedence in nation building with fortified internal security forces prepared to deal with endangerment and threats from anywhere.

Russia and Ukraine having realized respective objectives thus far, the commonality between two neighbors comprising families on both sides ending the war with permanent ceasefire is in best interests of the population of the two nations.

Not to mention the war yielding irreversible loss of lives and disproportionate damage to infrastructure and institutions is extraordinary with restoration and revival of normal existence – an immediate requirement in Ukraine and affected areas in Russia.

Russia and Ukraine in mutual recognition of strength and endowments as two sovereign nations commitment to forge solid economic trade and cultural exchange together with strategic partnership would guarantee peace, progress, prosperity and security in and around the region.

Peace to Ukraine and Russia! 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 


Europe is the biggest beneficiary in this nearly year long battle since Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 early this year.

Reiterating earlier determination and summary in this domain on the origin of Ukraine status quo commenced in 2014 with EU and then United States administration in 2014 launched coup against then democratic government in Kiev, Ukraine is the foundation for the events in Ukraine in 2014 and thereafter until now.

Russian invasion of Ukraine allegedly to curb NATO occupation or intrusion at Russian boundary proved devastating and deadly for Russia and Ukraine with EU as NATO representative fighting the proxy war via Ukraine at U.S.taxpayers’ expense while maintaining energy flow and other economic ties with invader Russia.

There is no doubt EU is having the cake and relishing it in this quagmire without having to spill blood and squander own treasure.

Ukraine despite fighting europe’s war against Russia is declined NATO and EU membership. So much for EU gratitude and acknowledgment of Ukraine’s sacrifice in this entire gamut.

United States on the flip side is accused by EU of profiteering from Ukraine war citing high gas prices, weapons sales and trade in the recent statement from EU commission head Ursula Von der Leyen evading self- responsibility as the primary fire starter in 2014 crying foul over then Ukraine’s democratic government and neighbor Russia normal economic deal.

Neither Ukraine – the fighting force on EU’s behalf enduring loss of lives, economic mayhem due to relentless war seeing no end in sight with Russian President Vladimir Putin denial on fait accompli nor United States accused as profiteer from the war by EU are able to impress upon Europe and EU’s gold standard in particular.

Russia in the middle of this conundrum is deeply entrenched draining own economy and exhausting military maneuvers and strategy to the point of no return.

Above all Ukraine war is costing the rest of the world in arbitrary energy crisis and superficial fuel price hikes not without ripple effects on food, transportation and other essentials with oil producers striking on the hot iron.

EU meanwhile enjoys the status as spectator and critic inheriting the best of both worlds from Ukraine expending lives and livelihoods alongside United States monetizing the affair at U.S.taxpayer liability.

Freebies are nice to certain extent and anything exceeding limit produce inverse results for recipients and the provider.

Overall – Ukraine is defending their sovereignty and reclaiming territories lost in the aftermath of western coup in 2014 facilitating Russian invasion and intervention in the eastern region of the country.

Ukraine is adequately demonstrating their goals in protecting territorial integrity violated by both western powers and Russia until now. The tremendous fight from Ukraine against Russian authority aggression since February 2022 is fought by Ukraine without being EU or NATO member.

EU refusal and reluctance to grant Ukraine EU and NATO formal membership is clear to avert direct confrontation with Russia that is being averted right now using Ukraine.

Russia on the other hand declaring war on Ukraine as war on NATO with economic relations remaining intact between Russia and EU – the NATO ally of the United States. The situation essentially funding the war in reality.

United States per EU assessment – the profiteer in Ukraine war is the bone of contention for all parties including the U.S. taxpayer and consumers bearing the brunt of the protracted warfare.

The experience shared among the global population in energy and related inflation challenging normal existence worldwide is a serious repercussion.

All things must end as nothing could continue for eternity inflicting deaths and destruction proven in every warfare in the previous and present century.

Ukraine war is no exception in this context with inevitable conclusion sooner than later.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Aristocracy aka kleptocracy and banditry

December 9, 2022

Aristocracy aka kleptocracy and


Padmini Arhant

Emerging literally from the basement in unknown Bavaria, Germany as Saxa Gotha Coburg clan – the so-called Royal liability is abundantly qualified as kleptocracy and banditry in the loot, plunder, pillage of colonies worldwide unlike the falsely propagated and indoctrination on their aristocracy.

Hobnobbing with Nazis as descendants, hosting fostering, fawning and nurturing ruthless brute dictatorial tyrannical regimes worldwide leading and promoting oppression, repression and persecution of population is the Royal trajectory represented with pride and unapologetic prejudice.

What does make the pompous so-called prince, princess, queen, king etc., fleece of the so-called peasants and commoners so to speak for generations ?

Such status authenticate them parasites.

The parasitic existence amongst the presumptuous so-called aristocracy is the reality. The centuries old tradition continued till today characterize the emperor, empress and empires – deadbeat, freeloaders eternal dependents on the so-called ordinary and average population in society.

The newly acquired societal status of the apparent privileged and self-branded exclusive in society on the other hand especially in politics, entertainment and corrupt oligarchy along side deceitful religious knaves… exploiting, bankrupting and conning those whom they denigrate as beneath them are leeches – yet another category in predator parasitic species.

Similarly in any society  – the propaganda on the supposed aristocracy otherwise plutocracy typically – corruptocracy, khandaani rayees (clannish wealthy) – ख़ानदानि रईस turn out to be ख़ानदानि लुटेरे   i.e. clannish dacoits in looting national wealth and treasure stashed in offshore tax havens, Swiss and other bank accounts besides devouring national real estate lasting several generations leaving the fleeced people to struggle for generations, these types are classic paupers ever surviving on the exploited ones’ charity.

The embarrassing status quo is hardly a jewel in the crown which by the way is also stolen from colonized region.

Where is the prestige in such incontrovertible background, profile and legacy?

The monetized propagandists and sycophants have exhausted material and means to project the fraudulent Royalty, Kingsley, Princely and Empire and other exploiters as enviable or admirable (?).

Give this world a break from fictitious fables and fairy tales laughing at you and them out loud LOL.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

India – Fake Democracy

December 6, 2022


Fake Democracy

Padmini Arhant

पते की बात

चोरी और ऊपर से सीना ज़ोरि बुरा है तो उससे बड़ी अपराध उस चोरी को उचित प्रचार करना अघोर बेईमानी है। ऐसा पाप जन्मों का भोज बने आत्मा पर दण्ड बनता है।उस देश और देश वासियों के लिए गंभीर पीड़ा और कलंक बने युगों तक पाप में लिप्त होता है।

इसमें गर्व की कोई बात नहीं हालांकि व्यक्तिगत और कुल व्यवहार के तौर पर इस प्रकार की हरकतें शर्मिन्दिगी और अपमानित जनक है।

आख़िर में,

बुरी नज़र वालों और कुकर्म दोषियों तुम सब के मुंह काला।

बुरी नज़र वाले तेरा मुंह काला | 

पद्मिनी अरहंत

Politics is usually known for monetized compliments in obsequious culture involving quid pro quo. 

However, the politics that monetize self-organized scripted criticism through hired performers viz. comedians, short skits, satire and the supposedly independent journalism..,on social media such as you tube, the combined theatrics serve as weapons of mass deception (WMD) to discredit constructive relevant non-incentivized criticism for double jeopardy.

Such con job is possible only in fake democracy.

The pseudo criticism which is typically make-believe and paid for is dark clouds masquerading the clear sky i.e. the real critic. Nonetheless, the persistent efforts to mislead is enacted as live democracy.

The other contradictions are – while politics recruited so-called critics are monetarily rewarded, the actual critics challenging status quo on many public issues are murdered in cold blood followed by twitter comment from the head of the state (criminality) – the b**ch deserved to die.

Similarly, the intellect based criticism are punished and sentenced to life imprisonment without bail or shunned to anonymity with fabricated accusations.

Juxtaposed imitation criticism is a sideshow and publicity campaign to counteract reality on little or no tolerance to dissent and disagreement on general and specific state of affairs.

The bi-polar political indulgence is to maintain deceit, disinformation and disingenuous criticism to neutralize the opposite although in vain.

Amidst political struggle to suppress facts with fiction and fraudulence, the fake democracy is exposed reflecting the emperor without clothes in public domain.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

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