Indian Casteism Origin Part 2

October 22, 2022

Indian Casteism Origin
Part 2

Padmini Arhant

The indian caste system is referred to as Varna (skin color) ashram which further intensify discrimination.

As explained earlier in the previous segment, there were four categories in Tamil Sangam period. They were as follows.

Arasar (King) as the ruler ranked above all.

Anthanar also known as parpannar or parthannar – Skilled professionals in diverse trades and occupations. Some areas of craftsmanship and artisan work were on their oversight earning them the reference parpannar or parthannar – Tamil words meaning the one who oversee, supervise or manage operations and activity.

Vanigars – Tamil word for business or entrepreneurship dealing with trade and commerce.

Vellalars  – Tamil word for agriculturists, cattle raisers, fishermen, textile weavers and other areas of essential and variety of services.

As explained earlier the foreigners newly created caste structure placed brahmins as highest in the hierarchy and fraudulently adopted lifestyle and status of Anthanars aka parpannar / parthannar, the second category following Arasar or King in the original system.

The stealing of status mimicking lifestyle and identity abduction of the most targeted prevalent today is déjà vu.

Now under the new caste system, the King was demoted as Shatriya or warrior and fake Anthanars calling themselves brahmins placed themselves above shatriya.

Interestingly, these fraudsters further divided the last category they called Sutras according to skin color. Earlier in the original system, there was no skin color differentiation and they were all able to buy land and provide services to suit one’s ability, financial capability and choice.

The individuals and community that were involved in physical labor worked outside under direct sunlight that drastically affected the melanin pigmentation compared to those members who worked indoors or in covered areas away from sunlight.

The darker the skin color the lower the denomination was the rubric in Sutra category under new system.

Accordingly, these groups with darker skin color were assigned the jobs that were regarded menial by foreigners and their preferred categories in the new system. Those jobs like sewage cleaners, human waste disposal, street cleaners and tasks along that line  were delineated for dark skin color in newly created Sutras category.

Among Sutras there were sub-classifications once again determined by foreigners as the so-called brahmins in the new system.  They arbitrarily isolated sections among Sutras and referred to them as the untouchable or Dalits.

Having set up the most discriminatory divisive social system, the foreigners as the so-called brahmins amassed immense power and influence over Kings i.e. shatriyas who appointed them as chief advisers and confidantes in Royal courts synonymous to present day politics.

The so-called brahmins also had enormous clout over traders the third category whom they named as Vashiyas which in itself is odd considering the meaning alluding to promiscuity.

As self-proclaimed brahmins, they assigned themselves the easiest and effortless job viz. priesthood and declared selves as the chosen ones by God. In the process they also barred the last category Sutras from entering temples for worship in accordance with their crafty untouchability scheme.

Who are these brahmins – the nomad foreigners with a firm footing in a foreign land India?

The brahmins in contemporary India identify themselves as Aryans.

Aryan race is native to Iran. Europe especially Germany and France claimed ancestry merely for the appeal and prominence Aryan in Iran had in the 18th century.

The brahmins are descendants of migrants from Central Asia, middle east and northern Egypt. They also draw close connections with Ashkenazi Jews in that region.

Jewish presence in southern indian state Kerala is available via synagogue in the state with some Keralites conversion to judaism accounting for yet another addition in religion expansion in India.

The nomadic jews from Europe, Egypt and middle east arrival transformed into namboodri brahmins in Kerala setting rigid standards on exclusivity and the chosen ones concept.

The brahmins’ gotram or gotra that is considered highly significant for them on one hand is stated an exogamous unit. The exogamous are those marrying outside their group as opposed to endogamy marrying amongst own genome.

In reality, south indian brahmins like tamil, telugu, kannada and namboodri (the most discriminatory sect in casteism) marry within their clan.

The brahmins marrying first cousins and even maternal uncles are not uncommon in South India. I personally know them in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada etc.

The North Indian brahmins also have inter-marriage custom until today in India.

The culture is fraternal to European, British so-called Royal family and the wealthiest trillionaire like jewish Rothschild and alike. Inter-marriage otherwise autogamous and endogamous heritage.

Where do the brahmins typically foreign descendants draw lineage from denoted as gotram or gotras?

Amusingly, the brahmin gotra names or paternal lineage per own definition are specified as follows

“The eight sages are called gotrakarins, from whom all 108 gotras (especially of the Brahmins) have evolved.

Who are those eight sages, the so-called brahmins derive their fictitious lineage from?

They are (1) Atri, (2) Bharadvaja, (3) Gautama Maharishi, (4) Jamadagni, (5) Kashyapa, (6) Vasishta and (7) Vishvamitra. Lately Tamil sage Agastya.

Agastyar noted as father of tamil literature along with expertise in medicine, alchemy  (chemistry), yoga and spirituality is also added to this list as brahmins’ ancestor.

These sages are linked to historic events in their individual pursuits as ascetics and albeit not without own shortcomings, weaknesses and failures…typical human qualities in their life time.

They were certainly not the direct or indirect parental lineage to foreigners calling themselves brahmins from Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa like Egypt.

Upon arrival in India they displaced the original system like in Tamil Nadu with self-designed social structure exerting influence and dominance as brahmins continued until today via caste oriented RSS and Arya Samajvadi organizations.

Since the so-called brahmins certifying themselves as the chosen ones replaced general society members in priesthood and service in non-brahmin Tamil Kings built temples, they adorned all male deity idols and paintings with cotton thread called punool across their torso.

The cotton thread referred to as punool until now is  explained in part 1 of this topic in this site. This practice as detailed in earlier segment of this topic on this site was lifted from Anthanars in the original system in Tamil Sangam age and before.

The Anthanars then wore cotton thread as identification of their special skill and workmanship in arts, science and other occupation.

Nothing has changed since then and now in terms of identity misappropriation and theft by those for personal gains and privilege. 

The explanation on devious Indian caste system is presented on this site to highlight the inherent duplicity and deceit prolonged to justify discrimination and prejudice by those against the indigenous society like in Tamil Nadu permanently enduring foreign dominance in politics, entertainment not barring religion in temple service and worship among other fields of common interest. 

The topic will resume on the infamous and decadent Manu Smriti aka manu dharma (principles?) defining women as sub-humans unworthy of any respect and others like Sutras deposed as untouchables for generations. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

Disinformation about woman and Buddhism

October 21, 2022

Disinformation about woman



Padmini Arhant

In the present era of disinformation and misogyny, the propaganda on Buddhism aversion for women is gross exaggeration and falsehood.

Lord Gautam Buddha preaching love and respect for all beings never appropriated misogyny and defamation of womanhood practiced today as culture. 

The ordinary woman who led Prince Siddartha towards enlightenment with basic knowledge on survival, thereafter the Prince Siddartha attaining jnana (wisdom on liberating Soul) and becoming Buddha was Sujata. She was a farmer’s wife. The compassionate woman offered rice pudding made with cow’s milk to then Prince Siddarth meditating under the tree. 

The Prince Siddarth having renounced his Royal life, worldly desires and material bonding was fasting and decided to relinquish food as well.

That’s when the farmer’s wife Sujata not knowing about the stranger as Prince Siddarth having become a hermit approached and offered him rice pudding in kindness. When the hermit declined food stating that he has relinquished food along with other aspects in life, the ordinary woman gently asked the hermit how could he possibly prevail in his spiritual journey without body nourishment?

Sujata further said that Soul searching also require physical strength and stamina. The natural hunger and thirst all living beings including plants and animals experience cannot be endured for too long which could then in his situation might be an obstacle in achieving the goal of nirvana – liberation of soul from cyclical birth and death.

Gautam Buddha realized the truth and wisdom in the ordinary woman’s simple words and ended his fasting. That’s when the tradition of buddhist monks seeking food for survival began as opposed to starvation until spiritual fulfillment.

Likewise in Islamic faith, the wise successful female entrepreneur Khadijah, the wife of the prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him MPBUH) and first follower of Islam contributed towards the religion origin by being the perfect spouse and source of inspiration to the prophet.

The birth of christianity again not possible without the jewish woman named Mary subject to indignation on conception questioned till date laden with sarcasm on immaculate conception prior to her wedding with human partner Joseph.

Mary had to bear immense insult from her community upon conception of baby Jesus necessitating the birth of a child in a stable. It did not end there for Mary. She was forced to witness the gruesome crucifixion of her son Jesus by the same community over religious disagreement.

Mary Magdalene on her part, the true follower of Lord  Jesus, the first one to whom the Lord revealed the truth upon resurrection to life following crucifixion.

Mary Magdalene in today’s misogynist interpretation is a woman of no chastity and honor. Ironically she is being projected as such by those to whom morality and dignity are oxymoron.

What these hate mongers and human defamers critiquing one’s chasteness, virtue, appearance and intellect…do not realize is such indulgence only unveil and expose their mind set, ignorance and insecurity.

Behind a successful man is a successful woman cannot be denied since time immemorial.  In contrast, the contemporary hatred and prejudice against women is proudly upheld like never before through objectification and exploitation by presumptuous so-called elitism premised on narcissism. 

Intelligence is not the patent right for any individual, gender, race, religion, creed, caste and class as misconceived in present society. 

All living beings are created with intelligence for survival and success in life. It entirely depends on the individual’s efforts, determination and opportunity or the lack thereof to utilize that intelligence.

Buddhism mistreatment of women is yet another concoction of fake information similar to indoctrination on Lord Krishna allegedly establishing the discriminatory human created caste system in accordance with controversial and primitive manu dharma in Indian society.

None possess the right to impose validation and misappropriation of another practiced in the present so-called modern age. 

Deployment of women targeting woman is in vogue much to sponsors and participants’ illegitimacy and indecency.

The promotion of wannabes and opportunists in Indian society and wherever applicable for that matter is the deterioration of ethics and depletion of human value.

The decadent Indian cinema in particular as the coolies (porter) of Indian and foreign political diktat trash desperately engaged in this trend for undeserving fame and fortune is a stigma for arts and civilization.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

India – Modi Shah Origin

October 16, 2022


Modi Shah Origin

Padmini Arhant 

The Persian Parsi invasion of India by King Darius in 518 BCE as the first foreign invasion subsequently resulted in Parsi influence in north western regions especially among the traders aka Banias or Vania in Gujarat, Rajasthan and Mumbai in Maharashtra. 

The surname or the last name Shah and Modi are Islam and Parsi names and not Hindu as misunderstood till now. 

The famous Parsi film maker and actor in Indian cinema – Sohrab Modi was a Parsi.

The controversy on India’s peacock throne with precious gems and diamonds landing in Persia or Iran is directly linked to Nadir Shah of Persia viz. Iran.

The surnames Shah and Modi are not related to Hinduism and Sanatana Dharma or any Shiva, Vishnu and Shakti orientation. 

Similarly Majumdar and Munshi, the latter usually referred to accountants and money lenders in Gujarat and Rajasthan etc. are of Parsi origins with more commonly among Afghan muslims. 

Padmini Arhant 

Prejudice – Dispelling Myths and Ignorance

October 15, 2022


Dispelling Myths and Ignorance

Padmini Arhant

The habitual sleaziness of some especially in the highest designation in politics appropriately earning the title creepy crawly and supremacists’ inferiority complex smothered in insecurity prompting racism and misogyny in particular demand the need to dispel ignorance and arrogance. 

First of all religion based propaganda is the tool to exert superiority since time immemorial. The misuse of religion in this context from then until today is an unbridled indulgence.

The preposterous justification of core discrimination in Indian caste system is attributed to Lord Krishna and Srimad Bhagwat Gita which like many religious scriptures has been distorted and distracted to suit the minds of those having own convoluted crafty agenda.

Lord Vishnu none other than Lord Krishna has demonstrated on many occasions during the avatar or incarnation in human form teaching ignorant minds to renounce hatred and prejudice.

As mentioned earlier in this site and sub-domain, Lord Vishnu as Lord Ram in the epic Ramayana categorically explained the character of a human being relevant over creed, class and other criteria during his interaction with Sabri the so-called untouchable woman aka Dalit. Lord Vishnu as Lord Ram immensely appreciated her devotion and sincerity in her worship.

The other important event again related to Lord Vishnu teaching brahmin priest Saranga a harsh lesson when the priest denies entry to then so-called untouchable human who was an ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu.

The event took place in Sri Ranganatha temple in Sri Rangam near Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India. 

The so-called untouchable devotee of Lord Vishnu was Thiruppan Alwar. The unconditional love and devotion of Thiruppan Alwar towards Lord Vishnu was not tolerated by the brahmin priests claiming proprietorship and patent rights on worship and service to God exclusive to them.

The so-called upper caste viz. brahmins untouchability practice against the so-called lower caste or Sudras included barring the sight and presence of Sudras in front of a brahmin.

A Sudra and so-called Dalit facing a brahmin or other so-called upper caste was deemed unholy followed by a dip in the nearby river or quick rinse by pouring water over the head to apparently wash away the sins of coming across a Sudra or the untouchable in public domain. 

Lord Vishnu’s devotee Thiruppan praying by the riverside was seen by the brahmin priest Saranga. The brahmin priest demanded Thiruppan to leave the river banks showering insults and insolence. Before Thiruppan could move away, the priest hurt him by hurling rocks at Thiruppan leaving him bleeding by the riverside. 

The priest Saranga returned to Lord Vishnu’s temple to perform the religious service in the morning. The priest as usual tried to unlock the doors of the sanctum sanctorum with the matching keys on that day. Much to his surprise and bewilderment, the doors did not open despite the right keys used to unlock the door. 

The priest then gathered help from others to open the doors of the holy shrine. Again, the men with collective muscle power could not open the door even when they attempted to knock it down in desperation. 

Subsequently, they heard the divine command from the sanctum sanctorum ordering the priest Saranga to visit Thiruppan’s village and carry Thiruppan on the priest shoulders with utter respect in public view and present the true devotee at Lord Vishnu’s holy shrine. 

The brahmin priest Saranga had no choice but to oblige the Lord’s command and brought Thiruppan on his shoulders with the so-called untouchables in the village and brahmins witnessing the entire event in dismay. 

Upon Thiruppan being brought in the manner as decried by Lord Vishnu, the doors of the sanctum sanctorum flared open. The Lord Vishnu or Sri Ranganatha idol in the shrine was bleeding signifying the rocks cast at Thiruppan actually hurt the Lord exemplified in the stone idol bleeding as a result. 

Lord Vishnu then urged Thiruppan to perform the service while ordering the priest and the rest gathered at the temple to accept the service from his true devotee.

The incident was meant to be an eye-opener to shed ignorance and arrogance. Above all to renounce bigotry, racism, misogyny and all form of inhumane negative vices prevalent in human nature. 

With these real events in human history,

How on earth is it possible for Lord Krishna to ordain indignation of humans who worship the Lord to be mistreated via discriminatory caste system established by narrow-minded crooked malevolent segment in society?

Unfortunately, those bound by mindless meaningless misinterpreted belief in human hierarchy and superiority premised on creed, color, class and caste orientation etc. continue to retain the tradition sowing the seeds of rejection and intolerance against those they regard not equal. 

The topic will continue further shedding light on the controversial manusmriti paradoxically referred to as manu dharma (principles) in denigration of women and the so-called lower caste Sudras and untouchables in Indian society and much more. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Entertainment (?)- Reality Show Reality

October 14, 2022



Reality Show Reality

Padmini Arhant

Entertainment: Big Brother the supposedly Reality Show.

Netherlands’ Big Brother / Big Boss and alike.

“The setting is officially explained as group of selected contestants housed together with microphones and remain under constant video surveillance.”

The theme amplify and exemplify ultimate perversion.

Not surprisingly prying and pervasive invasion in violation of individual rights and privacy is the trending culture much to self-denigration.and vulgarity of those behind such actions and indulgence.

Could this be a proud culture or a civilized behavior?

Illegal surveillance of private citizens and intrusion in private property at taxpayers’ expense prevalent as tradition is cowardly and dastardly act besides representing uncouth indecent lewd conduct.

The countries Big Brother not featured on the airwaves are:

Russia – “Unlike most of the other countries it is aired in, Big Brother had only one season in Russia and there are no plans for a second season.”

China – “The winner was Tan Xiangjun who won an endorsement contract to be a contestant on the first season worth CNY 10 million. However, the first season was never produced.”

South Korea:Big Brother-style reality show in South Korea cancelled after contestant commits suicide Back to video. South Korean broadcaster SBS announced it was cancelling the series in the aftermath of Jeon’s death.Mar 10, 2014.”

Japan :  Apparently not.

Middle East  1 Month – Original network MBC1

Original release: 21 February –; 2 March 2004.

The non-western countries that airs the Big Brother or the adaption are as follows:

India: In the name of entertainment, the so-called reality show is welcomed into Indian households reminiscent of Dutch East India Company reviving colonial influence and dominance.

Bigg Boss is a Hindi language adaptation of Big Brother created in Netherlands by John de Mol Jr., largely based on the Celebrity Big Brother model owned by the Endemol Shine Group.

Produced by:Endemol Shine India; (2006–20); Banijay; (2021–present)

Languages: Hindi, Kannada, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Malayalam.

Big Brother Africa:

Africa (Angola, Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Zambia).

Big Brother in Eastern Europe:

Albania Kosovo

Unfortunately, entertainment in the present time is the pawn misused and exploited for unscrupulous reasons rather than real purpose of serving art and talent.

Interestingly, Netherlands’ Big Brother premised on personal lives in private homes bugged with video surveillance and microphones as the so-called reality show franchised in nearly 62 countries unable to influence the Netherlands founded Bilderberg Secret society holding secret meetings on world affairs concerning humanity at large in heavily barricaded locations barring cameras and mics is an irony.

Anything from charity to change beginning at home is constructive and credible.

Contrarily, anything destructive and decadent harming well-being, sanity and sensibility is unsustainable with inevitable dissolution.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Tamil Civilization and Indian Casteism Origin

October 12, 2022

Tamil Civilization


Indian Casteism Origin 

Padmini Arhant

India remaining the most invaded nation on earth, the  foreign invasion subverted indian modern civilization in place during Sangam period (3rd centuryBCE – 3rd century CE) in Tamil Nadu long before foreign invaders arrival in India.

The system prevalent at that time was not classified under caste. The casteism imposed in the last millennium until today in India is from overseas.

However, the religion Hinduism worshipping God as a particular deity was a custom in Indian ancient culture including the Tamil Sangam age in accordance with the deity representation correlating with nature.

Where and how the caste system originated in India?

The Persian Kings Cyrus and Darius were the first to invade India in 535 BCE and 518 BCE respectively. The Persian King Darius (522- 486 BCE) declaration of his origin as Aryan with Aryan lineage is verified and noted in rock inscription Naqsh-i Rustam.

The western Europe findings –  Germany and France in particular clarify Aryan is the ancient name of the people of Iran. In the 18th century Persian ancestry as the connection for western Europe is also widely acknowledged with western explorers fascination for Persia at that time.

The trend followed in the current false projection amongst those claiming to be the one that is appealing and interesting with desperate efforts in mimicking and adapting appearance, style, hairdo and manners…anything and everything as opportunists and wannabes is weird classic duplicity.

The practice  running away from them, their legacy and persona is the tradition. Obviously, their real identity is too embarrassing for them to accept prompting illicit engagement. Little they realize leopard changing spots to stripes do not become a tiger and neither a hyena feigning a fawn become as such.

Germany’s Adolf Hitler proudly claimed Aryan heritage in public speech and Nazi political rhetoric also echoed Aryan superiority premised on presumed superior physiological appearance and characteristics of own description.

Furthermore, the western Europe race theorists also classified themselves non-Semites in acceptance of Aryan descent. On the other hand Jews referring to themselves as Semites often cite remarks considered not favorable to them as anti-Semitic.

Upon configuration of the Aryan race origin in Persia now known as Iran and migration from Persia to Europe regarded Aryan extension in western Europe and Nordic region, Persian as German ancestry is more prominent.

At the same time – Germany’s Adolph Hitler and Nazi emphasis on Aryan identity with aversion for Jews demonstrated in the twentieth century is one aspect.

Moving forward, in the 20th and 21st century, the Jewish State of Israel in constant confrontation with Iran, the supposedly Persian ancestor of Germans is another dimension.

Iran, Germany and Israel triangle is evidenced in events in the previous and present century.

As for Indian Aryan patronage – the direct source is first former Persian invader Darius as stated above in 518 BCE.

The Persian religion Zoroastrian or Parsi religious text Avesta quoting Aryan and Arya along with the form of worship performing yagnas or  yagya – offerings in the fire in service to God adapted by Hindu Arya Samaj is a long held norm in all Hindu religious and cultural rituals.

The Indian specifically North Indian custom, tradition and cultural activities is conducted in adherence to Arya Samaj conventions. Indian weddings in North India are solemnized by Arya Samaj with fire in the pit known as Agni ( Tamil and Sanskrit term for fire) held witness to the event.

There are also corroborations on zoroastrian influence on Judaism and Christianity that are not limited to monotheistic belief.

Aryan and Arya in India as a race is not organic i.e. the source is foreign considering the Persian invasion nearly two thousand five hundred years ago with King Darius territorial expansive rule. There is affirmation that the Persian King Darius never enforced religion or cultural traits on other inhabitants of the captured or occupied territory. This feature explains the diminished phase of Zoroastrianism over a period of time.

The casteism in India is the invention of other settlers, explorers and intruders in India from the west contrary to current false paid propaganda suggesting Indian caste endorsement and ordinance originated from Srimad Bhagwat Gita by Lord Krishna who was not a brahmin and never favored hierarchy at any point in time. 

Lord Krishna opposed the idea of prejudice and discrimination based on creed, color and social or economic criteria. This characteristic of Lord Krishna is adequately elaborated in Mahabharata and in the previous epic Ramayana with Lord Vishnu incarnate Lord Ram during interaction with the so-called low caste or untouchable woman Sabari.

Then 7000 years ago Lord Ram abundantly clarified on the importance of character and not creed relevant in the assessment of human value. 

The 3rd century BCE and 3rd century CE – Sangam period in Tamil Nadu, South India was represented by Cheras, Cholas and Pandiyan dynasty known as Muchchangam. In Sangam age, there were no caste divisions or denominations as prevalent in the current modern India – the irony of all. 

There were four sects in society and were familiar as follows in Tamil language. 

Arasar – King, Anthanars – Scholars and Professionals in specific art and economic field. Vanigars as traders and merchants and Vellalars – the farming community. 

Arasar – King – The ruler of demarcated kingdoms in the region.

Anthanars – Skilled artisans and professionals in diverse fields and occupation.

Anthanars are mistakenly referred to as brahmins though the former were not part of caste orientation at the onset of this category. These individuals were from general society with skills and expertise in specific trade and accordingly earned respect and maintained professional status that were subject to identity theft in semblance with ongoing custom. 

The case in point as explained on this site earlier in this context – Anthanars – the male professionals wore a flower garland on their upper bare body with a white sarong like clothing that later adapted as veshti in Tamil and dhoti in Hindi that are common in India today synonymous to Indian women wearing a sari as the tradition.

Anthanars as skilled members in Tamil society during that time wearing a flower garland especially jasmine flowers on a white cotton thread was cultural trend.

There were many Anthanars as sculptors, goldsmiths, blacksmiths dealing with iron ore, precious metals etc, carpenters, architects and others worked with the garland on them. The Indian hot weather made the flowers wither by noon leaving only the white cotton thread on them. This white cotton  thread appropriately called in Tamil –  Punool  meaning flower threaded on the cotton thread.

The foreigners upon arrival in India – Tamil Nadu in particular observed the culture and owned Anthanars’ practice of wearing white thread on their torso and retained Tamil name Punool till today and reserved it only for brahmins – the newly created sect in the overt cultural invasion.

The foreigners subsequently designated real Anthanars of that time as inferior, unqualified and ineligible eventually branded as sub-castes, backward caste and unworthy of respect. Again consistent with convention in the past decade until now. The déjà vu scenario today.

Vanigars – Traders and merchants in commerce and economic activity. 

Vellalars – the agriculturists in farming and cattle raising community as chief contributors for survival of mankind. There were no sub-divisions and deeper classifications like the present time.

Women held equal merit and honor as the opposite male counterparts in society and not discarded as intelligence deficient and intellectually inept as practiced today at the so-called elite ruling class behest conforming to latter lacking in ethical standards and virtues. Above all intellect deficit disorder.

Tholkoppiam – the oldest Tamil literature preceding at least 3,000 years and before has rock inscriptions on Tamil civilization as pre-cursor for mankind development divided into the following categories.

Kurinji – Life began at the mountain top as hunters and gatherers.  The population worshipped Lord Murugan aka Tamil God. 

Lord Murugan denoted by the Star with six triangles is also associated with Lord Murugan’s six domains in Tamil Nadu as Aaru padai or Arupadai Veedu (house in six locations viz. Thirupparam Kundram in Madurai district, Thiruchendur, Pazhani, Thiruthani, Swami Malai and Pazha Mudir Czholai respectively.

The lord Murugan is also known as Arumugam (six-faces) which typically relates to the heavenly six angels as Krithikas raising the child Murugan – the son of God Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

The emulation of the star of Lord Murugan is noted in modern judaism using the star as the symbol cited as the Star of King David in Israel.

Mullai – Cattle raising on the valleys and green pasture of the hills – the deity worshipped in this instance was Mayon now known as Lord Vishnu. 

Marudam – The dense Forests were transformed into agriculture land – The deity worshipped here was Lord Indra. 

Neydal – The seas and oceans were explored with fishing and trade via sea voyage facilitating survival and prosperity – The deity worshipped was Varuna or Rain God – part of nature. 

Pallai – The life on desert was yet another human inhabitation. 

The Sangam age lauds female poets of that era. 

Women poets like Avvaiyar, Nachchellaiyar and Kakkaipadiniyar flourished in this period and contributed to Tamil literature.

The courage of women were also appreciated in many poems again unlike the present objectification, politicization, monetization and exploitation…of women normalized unfortunately with so-called women participation to denigrate womanhood for fake fame, fortune and publicity. 

Anytime history and events are subverted by politics, cinema, religion…tor economic and social engineering redefining and misinterpreting facts and originality, such indulgence emphasize impropriety and fraudulence amongst those behind misrepresentation. 

Indian casteism is not native to India rather imported and manifested much to social, economic and ethical violations. 

The Chola dynasty distorted depiction specifically the venerable brave Karikaalan Cholan in today Tamil cinema is a travesty and least surprising given Indian cinema decadence and desperation to rake fortune at the expense of their targets reflected in the precipitous death of Indian film industry.

The Famous Karikaalan Cholan – the older brother of the great King Raja Raja Cholan set precedence in valor, vigor and victory in battles is an icon.

The verifiable legacy of Karikaalan Cholan is praiseworthy.

The Chola King Karikaalan indelible mark in victorious battles, successful economic policy and public affairs management speaks volume as a remarkable ruler in his short lifespan.

“Pattinappalai written by Kadiyalur Uruttirangannanar depicts his life as well as military achievements.

Various Sangam poems mention the Battle of Venni where he defeated an alliance of the Cheras, Pandyas and 11 smaller chieftains.

Vahaipparandalai was another important battle fought by Karikala.

Trade and commerce prospered during his rule.

He also constructed irrigation tanks near river Kaveri to make available water for reclaimed land from the forest for farming.”

The Tamil Chola King Karikaalan’s baby brother due to vast age difference – King Raja Raja Cholan’s presence and prominence was widespread extending beyond South Asia into South East Asia – Singapore, Indonesia (Bali, Jakarta etc), Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, South Korea…familiarized with Tamil language, culture, religion etc.

The son of the King Raja Raja Cholan – Rajendra Cholan was also a renowned Tamil king of Chola dynasty – – the one who discovered and named the island nation Singapore – Tamil word meaning the Lion City expanding empire far and wide.

The UNESCO world heritage temple in Cambodia – Angkor Wat was built by the Chola  dynasty.

Similar to imposition of casteism on India and Indian society, the dravidian connotation on indigenous Tamils and Tamil population with Tamil lineage is a major political drive and a cultural deprivation on Tamilians in the past and present generation.

Tamil Nadu is fraudulently claimed as Dravida desam (state) by dravida political factions confronted with exposure on Dravida having no roots or connection with Tamil identity. None whatsoever.

However the dravidian politics inculcated by Periyar aka E.V. Ramasamy represented by dravida political dynasty DMK, ADMK and alike together with politics controlled film industry struggling to prolong the narrative in vain in Tamil Nadu.

Casteism in India as enunciated above is a wedge created to exert dominance of one segment over others leading to perpetual discord and communal divide in society. The strategy vastly benefitted the protagonists of hierarchy then proclaiming themselves as the chosen ones which was deceitfully established by displacing the original Anthanars at that time also called Parpannar – Tamil word meaning the one who oversee work involving goods and services – the modern lexicon being manager and senior management position in trade, arts and science.

Consequentially, the foreigners classified themselves as Anthanars who in original system were in second place following the ruler or King above at that time. Upon swift seizure of Anthanar category, the foreigners placed Anthanars as brahmins to draw close proximity with creator Brahman or the Supreme God which is not brahmin.

The foreigner then invented the term Shatriyas – meaning warrior – the one who fights the enemyShatru in Tamil, Sanskrit and Hindi language. They assigned the King and rulers under this category and called them the warrior class.

Basically the nomad foreigners in India assigned the title brahmins and certified themselves as the chosen ones by God and chose the occupation as priests being the easiest and least stressful with little or no physical labor requirement.

In placing priesthood with them as brahmins above the rest not barring the King and rulers in society, the status symbol alluded prestige and privilege. 

They also introduced a very shrewd calculated move adding whoever kills a brahmin i.e. anyone of them knowing there will be revolt against foreign subjugation and oppression of a once organized civilized society living in harmony until their intervention, the assassin or those attempting to hurt a brahmin will be dealt with severe consequences not only on earth but also in the Kingdom of God.

The foreigners stating themselves as brahmins equated themselves to Supreme entity Brahman and issued a decree that harming a brahmin is equivalent to assailing God and termed that as Brahm Hatya meaning kill or murder God. 

They also propagated that those engaged in Brahm Hatya or murder of any brahmin regardless of the latter crimes and various unlawful activities, the action is irredeemable sin and denied God’s mercy and forgiveness for ever. The presumptuousness in this regard is appalling at best. 

The bizarre rule from foreigners as brahmins was established then onwards and even observed in the assassination trial of the Chola King Karikaalan Cholan who was murdered by brahmins with evidence detailed in rock inscriptions in Sangam period with public awareness and knowledge long before the last century.

In reference to the 3rd category Vanigars (Tamil word) viz. Traders and merchants – the foreigners retained that as such in 3rd place and modified the name as Vaisya which in itself is a bit twisted terminology for the word Vaisya or Vaishya also refers to prostitution in Indian parlance.

In this category the foreigners as brahmins induced landowners typically the feudals that was excluded in the original Tamil civilized system for landownership was inalienable rights of all members in society prior to foreign induction. 

The foreigner’s caste system of 3rd category Vaisya had traders, merchants and feudals or landowners depriving others placed below them from land ownership. 

The 4th category – Vellalars comprising farmers, cattle raisers and multitude occupations providing essential goods and services as manufacturers, producers and technical fields were now grouped under foreigners’ new caste system as Sutras.

Sutras – the new classification specifying particular tasks defined by them as menial jobs and other areas of work like sanitary workers, sewage cleaners, cobblers i.e. in modern day shoe repairers, barbers likewise present day hairdressers, meat products sellers, textile weavers…anything and everything regarded beneath class 1 (brahmins), 2(King and rulers as Shatriyas) and 3 (Traders, Merchants and landowners, the feudals) were assigned to class 4 Sutras in society. 

The foreigners declared as brahmins and the chosen ones on tier 1 in hierarchy scheduled the once well respected and native population in society as backward caste, other backward caste, scheduled caste, scheduled tribes and the least of all the untouchables – Dalits in society. 

The so-called Dalits deemed untouchables till today in the supposedly independent modern progressing India face enormous discrimination, violence, exclusion and entry in public premise like temples the common place of worship and several places despite India boasting Adi Vasi (indigenous / aborigine) and Dalit President,  the latter who in turn was declined entry into a temple citing his Dalithood while ignoring his formal official designation as President of India.

The entire caste system in India having become more fanatical than ever is a foreign manufactured societal indignation in the treatment of human beings as lesser than each other.

Notwithstanding the abhorrent prejudice and parochial culture as entitlement of one against another ignorantly justified in status quo. 

The political harvesting behind destructive social, economic and civilization regression is never ruled out and remain instrumental in fomenting and fostering polarization via caste, class, racial and religious tumult.

The topic will further unravel brahmins’ clan determination projected as Gotras or Gotram alienating themselves from the rest of society as exclusive with ancestry descended from sage and saints in possession of divine power. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Identity Misappropriation

October 3, 2022

Identity Misappropriation 

Padmini Arhant 

Identity misappropriation is the trending culture among the wicked and wayward to pervert incontrovertible truth and reality.

Politics and crony contingency whether film industry, media of any kind or whoever anywhere cannot and do not have rights or authority to determine and define who is who and who should be whom to suit their prejudice and partisanship.

Among many inappropriate references and connotations, one of them is designating Tamil as Dravida.

Tamil is neither Kerala nor Dravida or Telugu. 

The Tamil language is ancient and the source of other languages spoken widely not only in India but in many parts of the world. The derivation of words and terms from Tamil language to other linguistics is verifiable in etymology.

For example the most desired material in the world  –  Cash in english language is a Tamil word – Casu meaning money. Over a period of time the pronunciation by humans got modified and ended up as cash right now perhaps subject to different adaptation in future.

Tamils as Dravidians is an induced political myth originating from gross misconception and misinterpretion.

Dravidian is native to south western state Karnataka and not Tamil Nadu.

The Dravidian political parties in Tamil Nadu politics imposed the Dravidian identity on Tamils in agreement with the actual Dravidian from Karnataka E.V.Ramaswamy aka Periyar having had no foothold in Karnataka or Andhra contrary to political support in Tamil Nadu.

As for the ruling political dynasty DMK in Tamil Nadu and BJP as well having tasked themselves in stripping Tamil identity of me and substituting with Kerala or anyone and anything in the uninvited solicitation is a sheer political vendetta and subversion.

In modern India, women’s rights restored in equal property inheritance from parental estate and importantly women participation in Hindu rituals like performing the last rites to her parents that were once reserved only for male in the family.

The women identity from birth with respect to religion, family and individual profile is inalienable and natural. These rights are neither disinherited nor denied to oblige political distortion.

The antiquated political ideology only applicable to women apparently in depriving parental lineage upon marriage albeit past while men retaining clan orientation from birth to death as ordained legacy is decadent besides an anachronism. 

Let personal life of anyone not become the political right for politics and Indian film industry or anybody for that matter to mess with and engage in unwelcome unauthorized contortion legitimately attracting libel suits and legal implications on personal rights violation.

Politics responsibility is public service paid for by taxpayers not minding private affairs of those politics choose to meddle with as prerogative.

The same apply to film industry as the so-called entertainment sector capitalizing and exploiting identity theft in desperation as opportunists and wannabes to resurrect their dead career. 

Padmini Arhant 

India – Sedition and Separatism

October 1, 2022

India – Sedition and Separatism

Padmini Arhant

Sedition is an accusation by politics to alternative perspective. The politics’ contempt and zero tolerance to constructive criticism is an affirmation.

Never mind the politics own excess baggage in this regard is hardly a concern. The politics’ activities exceeding beyond sedition and separatism on their part beckon focus.

For instance, the head of the nation – the Prime Minister of India in public rally instigated the mob crowd representing own fundamentalist political party brought in trucks and buses to the campaign ground. The Indian PM speech incited the radical elements to target citizens i.e. muslims in India based on their clothing and attire.

Immediately, the muslim students in Delhi University like Aligarh Muslim University (AMU),  Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) and Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)…were attacked inside campus, classrooms and library that were witnessed by the world at large.

These violent events by any definition in a civilized culture is goon politics and exemplify militant aggression against own citizens regardless of religion and denominations. The chronology on RSS run BJP authorized and conducted hate crimes is a persistent trajectory.

The political incitement on violence is not unique to this national political party BJP in India. The once major national party Congress was engaged in similar incidents against Sikhs in 1984 following the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi assassination.

The regional parties on their part share own contributions in politics promoted caste, religion and communal unrest and divide leading to deaths and destruction of lives in their domain.

The politics playing politics for power is a well known fact and continued unabated until today.

However, the BJP government in New Delhi propaganda on alleged sedition claims against objective valid evaluation of government policy on public issues affecting millions of lives having consumed thousands and million or more lives in the politically hostile narcissist fascist setting speak volume on status quo.

Whenever the political establishment and shadow incognito power behind puppet governance are rattled from the exposure of stagnant contaminated politics, that is telling on their trepidation and acute discomfort to read the writing on the wall.

The radical fundamentalist central government in New Delhi, India moves and maneuvers since election of Gujarat’s former Chief Minister Narendra Modi in 2014 and incumbency today, the Prime Minister’s record amplify the dedication and undivided attention  to oligarchy in general and two in particular Adani and Ambani brothers from the state of Gujarat.

There is no doubt about the devil in the details evidenced in Adani and Ambani owned bulk of Indian economic sector extended well and beyond the Indian sub-continent enormously aided and facilitated by PM Narendra Modi at the center at the vast average Indian population expense.

The two Indian oligarchs from the state of Gujarat – Adani and Ambani’s conglomerate have expansive political clout and influence on the government with national policy and planning customized exclusively to suit and benefit them. The Indian Prime Minister pledge in this context delivered in action is irrefutable.

In contrast, the Indian PM’s promise to credit every citizen’s bank account with Rs.15 lakhs or Rs.1.5 million to evade demonetization debacle and many alike in the past 8 years of term in office only serve as material for humor club.

PM Narendra Modi’s 24/7 service to Adani and Ambani empire causing and exacerbating economic woes for farmers, native land owners like Adi vasis whose land have been confiscated for Adani groups’ owned mining in Chattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh in Central India and more such incidents nationwide are merely the tip of the iceberg.

Now, the flamboyant unveiling of privileged rights on telecommunications with 5G mobile network service handed over to Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Jio estimated at Rs.2 Trillion transforming market economy into monopoly economy might just be a coincidence inheriting colonial trend in wealth amassment substituting the British so-called Royal with India’s Adani – Ambani tycoons.

The oligarchy monopolization in Indian economy is fast paced unprecedented politics enabled economic coup d’é·tat depriving market economy from entrepreneurial diversity and competitiveness – the essence of innovation and ingenuity.

The previously owned public sector undertakings from railways to airports and telecommunications, finance i.e. banking and insurance like the LIC, health and more…the last but not the least the Indian defense force recruitment is privatized under the government introduced controversial Agnipath policy.

As a result the selective oligarchy control on economy and national affairs is a direct subjugation of economic opportunity to majority population dealing with unemployment and underemployment despite relevant skills and higher qualifications amongst the educated youth in India.

The New Delhi government at the center with the foreign /external affairs Minister urging United States State department to expedite visa processing for thousands of skilled labor especially in the IT sector awaiting approval for arrival in the United States while the Indian government lacking investment programs in providing gainful employment to these individuals is contradictory to PM Narendra Modi’s much touted Atma-Nirbhar aka self-reliance slogan.

PM Narendra Modi national divestment predominantly to the state of Gujarat in infrastructure, industries, ports… clarify priority to PM’s native state.

Additionally, the national mega projects like the new Parliament building, Prime Minister’s lavish 15 acreage sprawling mansion i.e. the Central Vista and Sri Ram Mandir etc., are assigned to groups and architects in Gujarat.

National projects and investments all directed to Gujarat by the central government under PM Narendra Modi, a Gujarati by origin clearly indicative of bias and favoritism that is also suggestive of segregation of a state from the rest of the Union.

Notwithstanding the discriminatory discretions implying sedition and separatism from the principal authority recently monikered the PM of Gujarat rather than PM of the entire republic.

The head of the nation ignoring constitutional obligations on fairness and neutrality in all national matter is a conscientious rejection of due growth and development in other parts of the country.

Considering the incontrovertible reality, these accounts abundantly prove who is actually creating national discord and obvious economic, social and political disparity building and boosting investments in one state Gujarat amid denying progress and prosperity for the rest in the national union of India?

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Political Reality

September 30, 2022

Political Reality 

Padmini Arhant

Politics marred with apprehensions from within and outside evolving into great deal of insecurity regarding threats to the seat of power and position is no secret. 

From Julius Caesar days and even earlier in any religion inception and until now politics is eclipsed in betrayal, treason, malfeasance and abuse of power…among myriad common political abnormality.

What is the worst fear in contemporary politics?

Truth, facts and real democracy.

The prevalent fake political era premised on falsehood, fabrication and fraudulence is a convenient setting to camouflage fiduciary feudalist system i.e. proxy representing oligarchy, monarchy, domestic and foreign agenda, religious ideology and lofty personal aspirations beyond reality.

The politics founded and rooted in the process of elimination for rise to power and dominance resigned to impropriety and unaccountability proliferate in crimes and criminal legacy.

As for corruption, politics is the host and the ghost with the most corrupt dealings in quid pro quo and illegal practice held above law while the latter applicable to law abiding citizenry in society to the fullest extent and opponent subject to political witch hunt at taxpayers’ expense.

The corruption in lucrative government contracts with economic sector and foreign governments along with politics as appointees of campaign financiers and lobbyists enable and facilitate wealth amassment for political members and the apparatus during the term in office.

Not surprisingly, politics is cash cow for political members from rank and file to rookie and others presenting themselves on campaign trails as people from humble modest economic background with student loans and credit card debts to the hilt transformed into millionaire, multi-millionaire and billionaire status almost overnight.

Not to mention them securing own retirement and long term future for them and their next generations including reservations in elite educational institutions for their children based on political class family rather than merit is part and parcel of political career. 

These facilities are extended over a long period of time with lifetime perks and privileges as the norm with little or no concern over the financial burden on the ordinary serving the presumptuous extraordinary extravagance.

Juxtaposed the same members have no problems in passing laws stripping retirement savings and medical aid to defense force foot soldiers and front line men and women witnessed recently in the so-called world’s largest democracy or for that matter the western so-called democracy having health, finance and energy industry…to name a few in the economic sector – the primary political campaign donors exploit average consumers with company policy designed to benefit oligarchs’ mega profitability extracting maximum from mainstream work force and consumers at the bottom.

Politics essentially in service to safeguard elitism enhancing and empowering personal and vested interests at the vast majority misery and generational suffering.

The political power trepidation is mainly related to losing authority and control.

Accordingly, adopting various tactics mostly unlawful methods from bribes to intimidation or incentives are deployed to lure opposition, judiciary and the rest to kowtow politics.

The political preparedness to remain in power as life long authority otherwise authoritarian rule begins with wiping opposition having organized media chorus not excluding the disguised so-called investigative journalism – the worst kind hired by authority for mass deception on press freedom.

The authority represented so-called non-mainstream media pleading public monetary support is actually engaged by politics to discredit authentic investigative and independent publications revealing information, incidents and events seeking explanations and openness from politics and incognito power declared a forbidden act.

Politics having little or no opposition in the political front with press and assortment media combined silenced by buying them outright, similar strategy on judiciary and prominent political affiliates in government and private sector guaranteed mutual conciliatory offers – the stage is set for politics to execute devious agenda.

Any exposure in this context is conveniently referred to as conspiracy theory despite knowing well there is no smoke without fire.

The general public left on their own to fight against politics’ complicity on all issues hurting citizens economically, financially and socially are usually handled with brute force and laws in reserve to curb genuine peaceful dissent.

Again politics rejecting the factor on law enforcement and courts paid for and provided by tax payers as consumers and labor community in return turned against them.

Who is left to challenge corrupt power?

The military in many countries toppling governments and assuming power as military junta is not uncommon. These activities are also promoted by foreign powers to destabilize nations that are contrarily used by despotic governance to justify undemocratic rule as well. 

Nonetheless, the military indirect involvement via surrogate government is yet another form in the diverse pattern of governance.

In pseudo democracy, the political authority desirous of tenure position conforming to dictatorial regime address the potential military resistance to authoritarianism with tacit duplicity.

The manner in which politics address any possible scenario from military against the totalitarian political style especially in a waning democracy is by restructuring military institution.

For example, the tradition in a Parliamentarian democracy with Prime Minister on limited terms as the head of the executive branch in charge of government administration is accountable to people, the electorate represented Parliament and constitutional rule of law governing democracy.

On the other hand, the President in the same government dispensation though misconceived as mere ceremonial figure expected to preside over Parliamentary proceedings at the national level and state union affairs in the provincial political issues besides serving as the military commander-in-chief in the original concept.

However, this format and Presidential functionality superseded is noteworthy. 

How this is subverted by the government executive branch in the present so-called democratic environment merit attention?

The Presidential election is an electoral college exercise. The political parties and members at the national and regional forum are easily swayed with rewards in cash and kind to vote for the ruling party Presidential nominee. The ruling power sponsored candidate prevailing over the name-sake contender from the opposition parties for Presidential post in Parliamentary set up is the regular outcome.

The President rather than being the stabilizing power and the authority to maintain checks and balances is typically appointed to the office as the ruling political party envoy carrying out the executive branch orders.

Lately, in Indian system the Presidential function as the military commander-in-chief is disposed with the creation of the chief of defense staff (CDS) post manning entire defense force with army, naval and air force brought under the CDS ambit reporting to the Prime Minister and not the President.

The Prime Minister is now the head of the military through the installation of Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) in the overt transfer of power.

What does this mean in a democracy?

The notion of separation of power for legitimate reasons to avert concentration of power in government body is systematically rendered obsolete.

The Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) appointee is expected to meet the criteria i.e. falling in line by voicing support or echoing sentiments in agreement with Prime Minister’s controversial and contentious policy on national issues regardless of adverse consequences with the probability affecting unity and uniformity in defense force.

The picture is clear having brought military under executive branch viz. Prime Minister oversight through CDS authorizing attractive defense ventures like the explosive Indo-French Rafale defense scandal to arbitrary military decisions not barring military strikes and interventions embedded in the supreme command title. 

The Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) directly reporting to the Prime Minister office fortify the executive branch with absolute power leaving no opportunity or possibility of endangerment to politics’ transition from democracy to autocracy. 

The political authority absorbing power in every aspect with democracy displaced in the systemic omission of constitutional rights paralyzing democratic values is a serious devolution of fragile pluralist society led into majoritarian fundamentalist mobocracy. 

When oligarchy and various sources (?) funded politics is hopelessly relying on massive propaganda and indoctrination for survival, that kind of politics is indicative of precipitous decline and dissipation. The desperate times prompting desperate actions. The monetized accolades contradictory to actuality is nothing more than megalomania frenzy.

Poignantly, where will politics be without cronyism and sycophancy ad nauseam?

In the dumpster for sure gutter and goon politics in particular living up to its reputation in anything and everything.

As such, transparency and ethics oxymoron to politics, plutocracy reining supremacy is paradoxical political factuality.

Anything destructive and counterproductive is unsustainable and politics is experienced and seasoned in imminent fall due to misguided misinterpretation of power. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Global Digital Currency – Politics’ Secrecy and Surveillance

September 27, 2022

Global Digital Currency 

Politics’ Secrecy and Surveillance

Padmini Arhant

The digital era has revolutionized human lifestyle in the twenty first century.

However, the global forces such as the G20, World Economic Forum, Financial institutions viz. the central banks of selective countries beginning with the long privately run and maintained Federal Reserve since inception in the United States along with European counterparts behind policy-making and execution do not regard public opinion and consent relevant.

Considering debt trap trajectory amongst IMF, World Bank and foreign governments such as China in particular besides Saudi Arabia and Japan as key creditors to economies around the world lacking clarity in lending practice exacerbate sovereign debt and national fiscal deficit.

The European based World economic forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland dropped the hint sometime back on the necessity for the Great Reset in the financial world.

Although, the WEF announcement on the Great Reset did not accompany any details whatsoever, the intelligent minds in the world over could guess that the global economy and financial dealings are digitalized which is almost prevalent transforming the global market place into cashless society.

Needless to say, the overwhelming majority as the poor and poorest in most parts of the world are daily wage earners and derive meager income in cash only as they do not have enough savings or earning to open bank accounts or qualify for credit and debit card in effect right now.

There are some news and information though not openly but discreetly disclosed that merit discussion world wide to prepare global citizens from any major upheavals. As such the population in general have been subject to enough shocking events like the game of function research unleashed corona virus evolving into pandemic and a health catastrophe. 

The financial system configuration as nuanced in WEF’s Great Reset already implemented by G20 governments with Indian ruling government for example leading the trend back in November 2016 through the controversial debilitating demonetization to move India towards cashless economy.

United States on its part, under the incumbent administration of President Joe Biden 83rd executive order 14067, the Federal Reserve is entrusted with the creation of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) granting complete control to the Federal Reserve on money and monetary policy.

There is little or no information on this critical White House executive action barring Congress and republic involvement in the modification of the most crucial instrument – money determining life and living conditions in the present world.

What is Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)?

How is it being implemented in what format?

What is the impact of CBDC on consumers in the economy?

Is CBDC encrypted like the debit/ credit card?

Is digital currency replacing the dollar as fiat currency?

There is a genuine concern over digital versions infringement on consumer privacy rights that are immensely compromised in the present time via tracking and trolling logging details of consumer lifestyle to the minutiae from music to health, food and personal life habits.

The domestic or foreign powers situated miles away through spyware and espionage are keen on body mass index (BMI) to ice cream flavors of those whom they are obsessed with as their target.

The digital currency already in circulation in China like e-yuan known to monitor every citizen’s movement and daily life by the state as the authority’s presumed right in the name of law. 

Accordingly, the United States executive decision authorizing the Federal Reserve to create and introduce the centralized digital currency in conjunction with MIT on technology expertise as opposed to non-centralized crypto currency deserve clarification and appropriate explanation to ease legitimate apprehensions among public in this matter.

Unfortunately, the misuse of cyber tools and technology by governments against citizens in most parts of the world is a serious violation of individual rights. Not to mention abuse of power above all.

The centralized digital currency in the token form from the private monetary organization such as the Federal Reserve facilitating government spying on citizens calls for public debate especially government intrusion through corporations intensified in the ongoing cancel culture and gag order on social media content. The exposure of malfeasance and dysfunctional performance not surprisingly is unwelcome by authority.

The state encroachment on civil liberty and individual freedom under the guise of national security is exercised with no accountability. The electoral mandate is grossly misinterpreted as absolute power for perversion and exploitation of the republic.

The government as authority rather than members appointed by the people for the people with tax payers funded public office in essence accountable to taxpayers and citizens at large as electorate is completely ignored with imposition to treat government and government branches as the ultimate power.

The ruling incognito authority via proxy enforcing rules and laws on society that are not necessarily applicable to or abided by those legislating or enacting them.

Otherwise the erroneous actions and decisions from those in power resulting in irreversible damages to the economy, health, financial status…and overall well being of citizens would be addressed and those responsible held to the same rule of law deemed just for the rest.

As such constitutional governed democracy is displaced in the so- called democratic systems world wide joining the ranks of blatant authoritarian rule showing zero tolerance to peaceful public dissent and voter discontent on repeat broken promise from politics.

The public confidence and trust in politics has long dissipated predominantly due to politics’ secrecy and surveillance as police state collecting and collating data mishandling technology and taxpayer funded government agencies for political and personal interests.

Simultaneously, the political power in collusion with domestic and foreign agenda shun transparency and hold themselves liable to none regardless of mayhem and mendacity.

The pertinent question being;

Who is to police the police state and those committed to perpetual sabotage of independence, free thinking free world shackled in indoctrination and anachronism.

The digital currency and economic woes or fortune best elaborated to public is citizens’ right to information affecting their lives and no longer a discretionary matter for those in power. 

In the United States with the mid-term elections around the corner, the political campaign related to economy, financial restructuring underway, the new monetary unit (CBDC)…are important issues.

The candid discourse on these affairs is incumbent upon candidacies and political parties. The citizens’ initiatives to probe further is imperative to restore democracy, individual liberty and economic opportunity for all unlike the selective few.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

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