History Lessons on Warfare
September 25, 2022
History Lessons on Warfare
Padmini Arhant
Since world creation, humanity has been subject to numerous trials and tribulations. The wars, health calamity in epidemic and pandemic, natural disasters, food crisis and different kinds until now.
The lessons from war in particular is poignant defining the battle fought for interests other than defending sovereignty, territorial integrity, individual freedom and civil liberty as invariably fait accompli.
Despite military prowess, nuclear might, superior defense systems and technology compared to their targets, the military engagement yield major setbacks for the aggressors often leading to economic drain and massive human casualties ending in quagmire.
The ravaging war with serious economic costs including the irreversible ones in loss of civilian and military personnel lives are proved counterproductive.
The reasons being misplaced aspirations and miscalculated strategy for the militarily advantaged unwilling and unrelenting in the face of ground reality.
History is testament to this effect – Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen…to name a few among several war zones and lately the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
It is hard to comprehend the lack of recognition and acknowledgment in the leadership, strategists and think tanks behind protracted warfare to ceasefire and mitigate further catastrophe. Instead the extended war is pursued more for prestige against practicality.
Again the war waged for territorial annexation and dominance is a lost cause designed to be a failure with permanent damage proven time and time again.
The nation led towards military confrontation for strategic goals, economic gains and individual legacy at the expense of own citizens’ lives and future are self-explanatory experiencing inevitable defeat.
The world war 2 with global conquest in mind and similar ones before or in the present to establish superpower status produced negative outcome for aspirants exposing their vulnerability and inadequacy in specific contexts.
The confrontational military means with more weapons and ground forces by no measure guaranteed to reverse events in the battle ground for the invader considering the will of the attacked to defend national independence from any foreign occupation near and far outweigh the former abnormal wishes to rein control.
Accordingly, heeding lessons from global events in history with respect to warfare, the ceasefire accompanied by solemn commitment translated into action ending bloodshed, violence, deaths and destruction is the only saving grace and pragmatic approach to conclusion of hostility and enmity.
When decisions are made ignoring consequences, it is also incumbent upon decision makers to realize the aftermath and reverse course to the path of peaceful negotiations and dispute settlement.
The real leadership power rest in saving not claiming lives and avert situations heading towards the point of no return.
War is not the choice in exerting authority and superiority. They are ultimately tried and exhausted bringing the conflict to conclusion as nothing is meant to go on forever.
Russian war in Ukraine is no different and would rather benefit in renouncing the current policy of shelling and decimation exacerbating resources besides testing citizens’ patience and trust reflected in street protests against war and mobilization.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Israel – War and Aggression over Peace
September 17, 2022
Israel – War and Aggression over Peace
Padmini Arhant
Israel latest bombing of Syria and ongoing occupation with oppression and persecution of Palestinians is proved counterproductive.
The nuclear Israel claimed the only democratic state in the Middle East hopelessly relying on aggression and violence to exert political stance delivered nothing but tensions and hostility.
Citing historic events going back several thousands of years in relentless propaganda in justification of the present Israeli acrimony is futile. Furthermore no nation or society based on race, religion and any convenient denominations could impose malevolence over current population who are not responsible for the past humanitarian crimes against any particular sect or demography.
Unfortunately, the trend not unique to Israel alone.
As a matter of fact the position prevalent in the so-called world’s largest democracy Indian ruling government preaching peace but not practicing in reality is the irony. The grudge against specific segment i.e. muslims in India over centuries old Mughal invasion and aftermath serve ideological discriminatory agenda driven towards a majoritarian statehood.
Similarly Indian government foreign policy monetizing Russian invasion from cheap oil imports essentially boosting Russian carnage of Ukraine with thousands of lives violated while sporting peace badge is an insult to injury for the victims in the prolonged warfare.
Again the western Europe viz. Germany, Austria, Finland…prominently and eastern Europe EU member Hungary defiance in energy dependence on Russia economically finance Russia’s war on Ukraine.
The western Europe strategy ignore own security stake in the complex trade and military engagement with and against Russia at Ukraine’s expense. Notwithstanding the security volatility for the rest of Europe.
The political catharsis expose self and vested interests in the make- believe public disposition.
Likewise Israel favoring Russian invasion of Ukraine rejecting Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky’s televised plea to Israeli Kenesseth mocked upon the reference the final solution the Nazis sought to enforce on the Jews paralleled to Russia’s ambitions for Ukraine.
Israel’s defense contrarily the offense foreign policy as major weapons supplier to war zones arming brutal regimes earlier in Sri Lanka in 2009 against unarmed Tamil civilians or the indefinite bloodshed in Yemen with United States and Israel as key military arsenal providers to Saudi Arabia and coalition extending the never ending Yemen turmoil are not mere defense trade involvement.
Israel funding, weaponizing and facilitating medical treatment to terror outfits with synonymous accusations on Iran and Turkey in the onslaught on Syria is anything but peace seeking democratic norm.
Syrians and the population in the middle east including Israelis in Israel are forced to endure militarized environment in the continuous bombing and shelling of the region.
Israel’s non-military yet direct human rights violation also brought to light in the sale and distribution of the controversial spyware Pegasus and alike to governments and desperate despots anywhere.
The cyber weapons procurement under the guise of espionage activities against terror groups widely deployed targeting civilians like journalists, authors and political critics bear evidence in the anti-humanitarian and anti-democratic values of the state of Israel and the so-called democratic patrons.
In the strange political dynamics, Israeli politics forging alliance with Arab political factions to gain political majority in Kenesseth somehow not pursued in Israeli – Palestinian peace process. The political will to mend ties and form coalition for position of power and authority not necessarily desired in the art of peace and freedom for all as basic human right.
The pragmatic approach to live and let others live in peace for collective progress and prosperity in the meager lifetime of all human beings is ominously missing in politics and policy-making fueling death and destruction as the only means of survival and dominance.
Such principle against conventional wisdom eye for an eye turning the world blind apparently not even a concern amongst those confusing mirage for oasis in the desert.
Reiterating earlier statement elaborated in Israel-Palestine Peace Treaty on this website, Israel’s peace, security and stability lies on recognition of Palestinian statehood with sovereignty and independence to Palestinians in the over seven decades of occupation and repression denying civil rights and dignified existence.
Upon peace-making with independent Palestine, Israel’s relation with neighbors especially Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq and others would normalize on the horizon.
Never too late to choose the path of peace and solidarity renouncing endless enmity and antipathy.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Western Democracy – Paradoxical Paradigm
September 10, 2022
Western Democracy
Paradoxical Paradigm
Padmini Arhant
Western so-called democracy is the world’s biggest irony ever. The monarchy and imperialism fleecing on the so-called commoners, the parasitic tradition continues with pompous pageantry in coronation of the so-called King having contributed nothing positive and productive in substance, values or otherwise is the comedy and tragedy for democracy.
Notwithstanding the self-proclaimed Royalty proved a major liability as colonial power is incontrovertible.
Not surprisingly there is no tolerance to real functioning democracy in any non-western world. They are toppled through western intervention reviving imperialistic dominance either directly or via proxy until today.
Is western democracy even democratic as constitutional monarchy reining authority and prominence in government?
The western democracy head of the executive branch is subject to monarch’s approval despite election to the public office.
“Today constitutional monarchies are mostly associated with Western European countries such as the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Luxembourg, Monaco, Liechtenstein and Sweden.”
In other regions like Asia – the two most populous constitutional monarchies are Japan and Thailand.
The western status quo imposing western democracy on other nations as the perfect model is the contrarian dynamic.
The monarchy, crown and throne in western or any democracy is a declaration of the dominion and not free republic i.e. allegiance to the crown unlike the flag of the nation representing the country and citizens nationwide.
The Royal governance undermine democracy and republic with election legitimizing illegitimacy.
The Western European democracy with Royal influence besides a parallel government European Union in Brussels prevalent in government affairs further pose questions on western democracy.
Yet another western state and the most favored western ally Israel touted the only democracy in the middle east never shy away from lewd crude espionage through controversial spyware viz. Pegasus and variety sold arbitrarily to governments regardless of the system ranging from authoritarianism to rogue regimes disguised as democracy violating individual and human rights, life and space without any care or concern for ethics and democratic principles or values they claim to champion in the world stage.
Any valid comments against Israel and western position including these violations is persona non grata (unwelcome) and slated the forbidden TRUTH even though the other way around plethora of nuanced false narratives, fabrications and insinuations using proxies, pawns and puppets from own inventory against their specific target i.e. myself – the SHE – bashing, caricature, the supposedly artificial intelligence as opposed to their self-proclaimed organic ones, character defamation, the so-called gang rape victim and endless eulogizing since my emergence is deemed the prerogative.
Of course the ones initiating and perpetuating misogyny, hatred and hostility conveniently forget their own actions necessitating reaction.
Personally my message to them and their operatives is when you engage in relentless self-destructive strategy aimed at destruction of me or anyone, expect the boomerang heading your way in adherence to the adage;
What goes around comes around.
Under these settings, western democracy is a paradoxical paradigm for the rest worldwide.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Good Riddance
September 8, 2022
Good Riddance
RIP – Rot in Pathaal meant for all those living and deceased burdened with sins beyond salvation.
Pathaal is the last bastion for evil and sins committed in living knowingly defying the consequences of actions and indulgence.
One down several to follow among the EVIL wreaking havoc on planet earth.
All things – tangible and intangible must end after all. The show cannot continue for eternity showing no concern, regrets or remorse for serious violations of lives, rights, individual liberty and sovereignty.
Every living and inanimate objects arrive on earth with set expiry date without exception. The expiration might be delayed or differed but never averted in any given time in the past, present or future regardless of creed and presumptuous status.
Padmini Arhant
Is Stock Market Rigged like Everything Else?
August 30, 2022
Is Stock Market Rigged like Everything Else?
Padmini Arhant
While misogynists and prejudiced predators are preoccupied in their usual incorrigible discrimination and hate mongering of their specific target,
The real pertinent question beckon attention and response.
Is Stock Market Rigged like Everything Else?
In the era of rigged elections, various questionable and shady practices in anything and everything goes legitimized in economic sector, in the areas of health and wellness causing the devastating pandemic for profitability, currency adjustments in devaluation, waging wars to boost weapons trade and last but not the least the alma mater in corruption – politics, the genuine concern over stock market performance to suit the whims and fancies of those controlling the gamut is natural and alarming at the same time.
The trending information on stock market maneuvering and management to best accommodate the goals of major players in the all for us viz. the exclusive filthy wealthy and none for you meaning the rest designated at their mercy is nothing new.
The difference in the present time is exposure of manipulation within either via technology and / or caustic interjections to hinder or hype stock value creating dynamics against market buoyancy.
However, there are many reasons leading to the interference in natural market conditions that are obviously veiled defying transparency.
In the world largely submitted to opaqueness and secrecy for vested and personal interests in financial and economic sector in return reining influence over politics, the natural process of anything rising well and above sustainability susceptible to gravity and contrarily the plateau elevation is a parallel dimension.
The stock market in itself attracts all sorts of bidders and traders contributing to further complexity.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
India (Nirbhaya) – Foreign Invasion and Occupation
August 27, 2022
India (Nirbhaya) – Foreign Invasion and Occupation
Women Status in general and in India
Padmini Arhant
Black Money, Tax Evasions, Panama Gate and relation with Under World.
Indian politics, entertainment industry ( the two combined are rape obsessed and represented as rapists, sexists, flesh and sex traders) and others exploiting opportunity playing sacrosanct for personal gains. They are incumbent to surrender their illicit wealth in offshore tax havens, Swiss bank accounts, Singapore, Island nations, Panama gate and alike.
The members in politics and entertainment as well as anyone making a fortune with payments largely received in black money are obligatory to come forward with full disclosure on black money, tax evasions besides nefarious dealings to enhance wealth.
With such profile of politics and entertainment industry – the two prominent facilitators in money laundering and connections with under world, the audacious claim on holier than thou image is an insult to human intelligence. Notwithstanding violation of public trust in mass deception.
The black money transactions, tax fraud in wealth amassment and shady deals in business contracts…to name a few among plethora of illegal arrangements among dominant oligarchs in economic sector are no exception in this regard.
Padmini Arhant
Women Status in Indian Social Citadel.
The women status in India since epic times until today merit focus.
The plight of Lord Ram’s consort Devi Sita is well known beginning with the ordeal in forest, abduction by then King Ravana of Lanka now Sri Lanka.
Thereafter Sita was once again banished to forest and this time permanently while an expectant mother. The verbatim trial held in the form of slur and defamation about Sita’s chastity by some in Indian society whose own morals were undoubtedly on display as gossip mongers and mud slingers at best in the otherwise undeterred unscrupulous legacy.
After the epic Ramayana, the societal behavior took the turn not for better rather worst towards women.
The case in point was depicted in the successive Indian epic Mahabharata. The female lead protagonist Devi Draupati – the Pandav Queen was made the spectacle in Pandav’s adversaries Duryodhana, Durshasan and their uncle Shakuni orchestrated sexual assault on Draupati in the open Royal court session.
From then and until today the Duryodhana, Durshasan and Shakuni characters persist having tasked themselves to taunt, humiliate and their favorite – rape women as their entitlement.
Kannagi – Yet another female to challenge Indian Royalty and Kingsley pride leading to blind justice from then King Pandiyan ruling the Goddess Meenakshi Temple famous city Madurai. Kannagi not only succeeded in proving the innocence of her unjustly executed husband Kovalan but also dethroned King Pandiyan dynasty.
Then onwards into the modern times the women struggle in societal indignation and moral vilifications have only proliferated with no end in sight. The ruling class dominance and upper hand as the privileged in the hierarchy continue to reek havoc abusing their position in society.
Not surprisingly, the politics have numerous embarrassing events and episodes linked to different regimes and their members in political establishment.
Whether it is Sukanya linked to Congress party Rahul Gandhi, or Jyoti Singh deliberately dubbed Nirbhaya – the Delhi rape incident in 2012 again involving then Congress regime in the unlawful unconstitutional intervention resulting in the preventable death of a societal and state sponsored murder of rape victim.
Or for that matter,
The current regime in New Delhi as the heads of the state in Gujarat in 2002 – Narendra Modi and Amit Shah authorized rape, murder and massacre in Godhra violence targeting majority muslims, the so-called Dalits and other members invalidated as sub-humans.
Neither of the targeted segments are spared until today. Their wounds are never allowed to heal and only exacerbated through acidic attack by present New Delhi regime in the release of then rapists convicted with life imprisonment in Bilkis Bano case.
The modern day Sukanya, Jyoti Singh deliberately renamed Nirbhaya by Congress regime much against Jyoti Singh and her parents will, the Bilkis Bano case again revived as political revenge by the ruling New Delhi regime Narendra Modi and Amit Shah and,
The muslim college student Muskan chased and harassed by Hindutva mob for her traditional clothing (burqa) in the outskirts of Bangalore earlier this year are classic examples of Indian ruling class criminal mafia mentality.
Not to mention their political party members various rape scandals, sexual harassment, terrorism and murder charges filed against them bear no significance as they proudly represent the 1.3 billion population in Parliament, state assembly as well as the preferred ambassadors of India.
Similarly the murder of own spouse implicating Congress MP from southern state Kerala Shashi Tharoor not having faintest smear or stumble in political career speaks volume on women’s life and womanhood in Indian concept of women’s liberation reflected to the contrary.
Entertainment industry – the treatment of women in itself is a major controversy with women viewed through the lens as monetizing material for voyeurism and sexual content as opposed to intellect, talent and positive contributions reserved exclusively as male attributes in the male oriented cinematic and societal indictment.
In fact even the concern over women issues and systemic abuse by male superiority narrated here in this and earlier articles on this site and subdomain are deceitfully propagated as male empathy and commitment for women emancipation.
In the persistent craving for homogenous setting, imagine creation and proliferation of life with only Y chromosome determining the male gender when that Y chromosome is not and could never be independent without pairing with X chromosome as XY.
Simultaneously, the X chromosome as XX identifying female gender is a combination of the same type in the male and female consummation.
The male and female possess unique and diverse characteristics to complement each other in respective ways without any aggression aimed at suppression or regression either way. Nonetheless, the societal hierarchy predisposed condescendence in this regard is a detrimental factor.
Cinema like media is heavily and massively politicized with political interjection in the script using film media as the platform to demonize, distort and caricature targets for presenting truths and facts against corrupt regimes and their dominant masters within and outside the society.
As a result of such trajectory, the rape incidents and denigration of women at every instance in the main street and all available formats is impulsive and carcinogenic.
No society can ever claim progress in the trending misogynist culture to appease decadent colonialism and malevolent domestic polity.
Padmini Arhant
Author and Presenter
The contemporary politics in the past two decades obsessed with gang rape adapted from foreign supremacist conviction about targeted female is conspicuously male chauvinist misogynist and prejudiced perception.
However, the reference gang rape appropriately fits the profile of the nation with relevance to foreign invasion and occupation.
India – since ancient period to modern times by far ranks perhaps the most invaded country and factually remains so up until now.
What is the reason behind gang rape of India through foreign invasion and influence?
The traitors within India are predominantly and primarily responsible for gang rape aka Nirbhaya status of India.
Indian society then and today have long been subject to pawning and bargaining by those holding power, wealth and fame for personal empowerment and enrichment in kamikaze action.
No foreign intrusion or assertion is ever possible on any sovereign nation without internal treason and betrayal by key members at the helm and their crony clan.
That’s been the fate of Indian en masse population before and at present ever at foreign diktat disposal.
Indian treason is not limited to foreign subservience, servility and sycophancy, it is extended beyond that trend and repeatedly engaged in slaughter and slander of the real patriots and visionaries envied and slighted by foreign colonialists and domestic unruly mob impostors, wannabes, opportunists, conspirators and renegades as traders (Saudagars) of sovereignty since time immemorial.
Accordingly, the true and real intellectual minds are eliminated and designated to anonymity and instead substituted with undeserving riff-raffs, rag-tags and kiss a** surrendered to foreign supremacists and racists colonialists via India’s servitude league in politics, economy, entertainment, media and religion…desperately seeking personal glory and fortune.
The combination and collaboration between greedy envious discriminatory colonialists and India’s treasonous slavishly submissive and obsequiousness among the power, fame and treasure hunters contributes to India’s Nirbhaya gang rape status quo.
As mentioned above, the foreign presence and exertion of authority on India is sadly and unfortunately – the indefinite scenario.
The tradition lasting thousands of years having become more aggressive and sedative today. Again, none of these are without absolute complicity, capitulation and complacency from those reining control in position of power, authority and influential opportunity such as stardom in entertainment, economy and politics etc.
Here is the synopsis of India’s history as the most invaded, occupied and exploited nation in the world.
Sources – Public domain with public perspective from historians, chronologists, anthropologists, sociologists and diversity. Thank you.
How many times India was invaded?
“India is pointed out as the world’s most invaded country. There are compelling reasons to believe that India may just be the most invaded country of all time. Foreigners have invaded the country at least over 200 times.”
List of countries invasion and occupation of India.
Courtesy – Entri.app – Thank you.
Aryan Invasion
Alexander or Greek Invasion
Invasion of Seleucid
Indo-Greek Invasion
Invasion by Chengiz Khan
Arab Invasion by Mohammed Bin Kasim
Turkish Invasion by Mahmud of Ghazni
Turkish Invasion by Muhammed of Ghur (Mu’izz al-Din of Ghurid Dynasty)
The Invasion of Mughals
The European Invasions
Effects and Impact of Aryan Invasion
“The Aryan Invasion clearly had a lasting impact on Indian Culture. Some of it are listed below:
Aryans were the first people, who classified the population based on four major castes –
Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras.
The four major castes were further subdivided into many sub castes.
All the people who did not belong to any sub caste were called the untouchables. They were considered to be the lowest rank people in the society.
The caste of a person determined his occupation.
After the Aryan Invasion, most of the population spoke Sanskrit or other related languages.”
Per Quora – the online data. Thank you.
Q:How many countries had invaded India in the history?
A: Well taking from Historical and Modern Records-
United Kingdom
Japan (thanks to Sumanth)
Needless to say, the gang rape victim Nirbhaya India as the country has always been up for grabs for enslavement and exploitation is the historic fact and never ending saga.
The tragedy and travesty entirely attributed to truth haters in cohort with foreign debauchery and duplicity as the only trait despite fait accompli from their arch nemesis and must be reviled rival for speaking the truth and standing up to tyranny, misogyny and vile hypocrisy.
Padmini Arhant
Author and Presenter
Etiquette in Orthodox Tradition
August 25, 2022
Etiquette in Orthodox Tradition
Padmini Arhant
Politics defining culture for others to follow often vary between political speech and action. In other words, politics invariably never practice what it preaches society. Politics introduce and impose laws on society while hold themselves above law on everything in adherence to political hypocrisy.
Politics deploy all means and resources to humiliate tarnish and incarcerate their targets. At the same time facts based positive and constructive criticism on political decisions and actions affecting millions of lives are never tolerated by politics.
The presumptuousness misinterpreting electoral mandate as authority and entitlement to authoritarianism besides extension of power in extra judicial execution are exercised as political prerogative.
The political diktat is not limited to governance involving tax payers money and service via policy and planning which are by and large abysmal reflected in status quo.
The orthodox conservative political stance lecturing on women issues such as attire and social moral behavior citing own historical epic like Mahabharata’s female lead protagonist Draupati despite the latter driven into such situation by force not by choice in terms of marital status highlighting Indian Aryan culture adapted by then and current descendants.
The present RSS run BJP government and leadership at the helm assertion on Hindu religion and cultural traditions are anachronistic to say the least exposing the otherwise flamboyant unorthodox mannerism in public engagement.
Either one is orthodox and traditional as propagated to be and expected of others who is not even remotely connected to the league or anyone joining the chorus in any shape or form.
Or they are beatniks rejecting the norms of conventional society.
What is witnessed from Indian politics and leadership contrast that of yet another conservative tradition from foreign leadership as seen in the following images when dealing with opposite gender.
The supposedly Hindu orthodox in name only never miss the opportunity to mock and ridicule their obsessed targets is an irony by definition and reality.
Ax always actions matter than words and rhetoric.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Courtesy : Public domain – Thank you.
UAE President meets Emirati Students and Doctors in France
Juxtaposed the contradictory manner from the much touted so-called culturally oriented traditional representative is self-explanatory.
India – Politics’ Formidable Contender
August 23, 2022
India – Politics’ Formidable Contender
Padmini Arhant
The regime in New Delhi is missing the core message. While creating pseudo contestants among own political establishment for flamboyant fake popularity and legitimacy, the real contenders in politics are overlooked in the myopic view to remain in power for eternity. The strategy letting weak political factions win in state elections and maintaining nefarious tactics in national election for power grab to silence speculations and skepticism on voting irregularities, electoral bonds aided victory in the national game and subsequently horse trading is the current modus operandi.
However, the real challengers for political leadership regardless of hyped publicity campaign and paid propaganda are the following;
The overwhelming educated skilled unemployed youth in different cross sections of society denied employment opportunity in prime time of their life. The segment response in electoral backlash was witnessed in the latest northern state Bihar election.
The exploited farmers forced to demonstrate on the streets upon being deprived of fair share of earnings in agriculture farming. The outcome led to the government withdrawal of the detrimental policy designed to benefit selective oligarchy interests.
The daily wage earners, street hawkers, shopkeepers and major percentage of retail businesses brought to lack of any income and financial assistance overnight to accommodate political class favored oligarchs mega retail chains and monopoly.
The soldiers in the defense force replaced with lucrative defense deals benefitting politics, specific oligarchs and deal makers leaving national security and defense force personnel entirely at the mercy of quid pro quo trend.
Although the minority are now officially declared disenfranchised with no voting rights or any form of representation in politics, the New Delhi regime focus on transforming the nation into a Hindu State or Hindu Rashtra ignoring the fact many Hindus are subject to worst form of discrimination, isolation and marginalization is a decadent ideology.
The latest violence against Kashmiri Hindu Pandits in Kashmir Valley is the product of brazen Hindutva polarization providing fodder for radical minds reacting to political cartography.
Ironically, the actual taxpayers in economy are the middle class, lower and lowest in the economic strata as the largest consumer base and members of the work force in different capacity in formal and informal economic sector. Nonetheless, the rich, wealthy and wealthiest enjoy the luxury of occupying plum positions in politics and private industry at the former expense and generational economic struggle.
Notwithstanding the latter beginning with political class and other 3% bourgeois’ tax evasions stashing illicit wealth in offshore tax havens, foreign bank accounts and various disguised investments depleting national treasury of the earnings and savings predominantly belonging to the overwhelming 97% in the country is a colossal loss to the economy.
Not to mention the politics loyalty and unwavering commitment catering to elites and presumptuous top tier in hierarchy in society result in disproportionate economic status leading to further deterioration in social equality.
Understandably, the frustration and dissatisfaction from the economically deprived population represent even bigger contention for politics running merely on divide and conquer strategy inherited from colonial past and present using religion, caste, creed and gender bias as the platform or alternatively enticing them with unrealistic undeliverable promises such as gas cylinder (empty with no refills), open ground hole toilets with no commode or water, Rs.1.5 million or Rs.15 lakhs in every citizen’s bank account etc., debunked later is the pattern having run its course and validity.
Politics reconciliation with reality and dealing effectively via democratic, ethical, positive and productive means in addressing all of the above and more concerning the people of the nation in entirety barring preferences, prejudice and priority is the immediate requirement to remain or sustain government in power.
The political maneuvering exercising abuse of power invariably terminate any regime’s authoritarian aspirations and style of governance against democratic norms and pervasive economic growth and development.
Accordingly, the regime need to look no further for strong opponents except pay attention to the public demand for efficient and transparent governance addressing pertinent economic, social, environment and national security matter with prevalent foreign invasion and occupation all around threatening national sovereignty and territorial integrity.
The political leadership acknowledgment of the electorate as the formidable contestant in the political arena holding key to power is the fundamental recognition for contenders to public office.
Slighting the inherent power of the people eventually unseat any government and self-proclaimed political invincibility despite repeat electoral defeat as a reminder throughout elections during the term in office.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
India – BJP Loss in Bihar State Election
August 22, 2022
India – BJP New Delhi Loss in Bihar State Election
Padmini Arhant
The BJP government in New Delhi abysmal performance in Bihar state election in August 2022 securing mere 36 seats out of 196 assembly seats is a serious setback for the national government under incumbent leadership despite falsely hyped popularity ratings and alleged rising evidently reflected otherwise in the election result.
Bihar, once regarded the Hindutva government’s strong Hindi and Hindu belt serving as the fertile ground for the national government and major political party BJP to carry out religious sacrilege by cow vigilantes and RSS promoted hate crimes in the northern state.
The dismal outcome in Bihar is the aftermath of New Delhi’s controversial and detrimental military defense policy Agnipath (the path of fire) literally proved highly inflammable via electoral backlash for the presumptuous leadership and political party at the state and national level.
New Delhi preoccupied in toppling state governments through unlawful unscrupulous horse trading has suffered severe Agnipath blowback in Bihar.
The horse trading normalized under BJP and the regime chief in New Delhi routinely engage in open bribery with illegal cash and black money buying opposition MP’s and MLA’s in the national and state assembly.
Failing that, the political opposition members are selectively subject to central government agency financial raid and other form of blackmail and even loss of life.
These atrocities are subverted and promoted as pluralism and capitalism in society.
Nonetheless, the proof is in the pudding i.e. the electoral whip in Bihar is the beginning of the end of decadence and pseudo nationalism.
The disillusioned unemployed youth in Bihar warned about the inevitable electoral defeat for BJP and New Delhi regime’s head in the wake of Agnipath defense recruitment denying the potential recruits any retirement or medical benefits besides diminishing job prospects contracted to five year term with no employment guarantee.
Politics is now forced to deal with electorate will as witnessed in Sri Lanka, Bihar – India or anywhere.
The time is not far when politics will be replaced with suitable and effective technology based system appropriate in the prevalent contactless era deemed ideal for military operation and management of national defense force.
The politics becoming a thing of the past might also save tax payers money from huge taxes by and large squandered and unaccounted for as political tradition.
Not to mention the politics elimination sparing the society and country from corruption and treason.
The right to self-determination is a matter of recognition and experience for citizens across the spectrum in society barring politics instigated divisiveness and polarization.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Hypocrisy is Politics’ Alma Mater
August 21, 2022
Hypocrisy – Politics’ Alma Mater
Padmini Arhant
When any media and politics drooling from both corners of the mouth, the credibility takes a nosedive leaving them synonymous to emperor with no clothes.
How does the leading Indian daily Hindustan Times reconcile the irreconcilable political multiplicity?
Hindustan Times criticism of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is referred to as follows by the news paper online caption.
Juxtaposed the leading Indian Daily HT – Own Indian Government relation with Moscow is glorified as an honor.
To begin with; Just 6 days ago –
How about Indian state media and press criticized Venezuela now emerged the pet coke supplier to India?
Topping the chart on hypocrisy is character caricature.
The Indian head of the government and politics’ obsession with slander on Mahabharata’s lead female protagonist Queen Draupati is endless.
Meanwhile, the Indian Prime Minister in this picture below apparently preferred female hand over males explaining more than what Draupati ever did in the epic Mahabharata.
Isn’t this what Mahanharata’s Duryodhana and his brother Durshasan did to Queen Draupati?
Hypocrisy is surely politics’ alma mater.
Padmini Author
Author & Presenter