Cloud Nine

May 3, 2022

Cloud Nine

Padmini Arhant

The cloud watchers focused on the cloud in the sky remained fixated with the cloud. Their observation evolved into absorption of the cloud details such as shape, size, appearance, movement etc. In the course of their exhaustive cloud gazing with eyes set on the cloud and nothing else, many tripped with some experiencing fatal outcome having not paid attention to anything ahead, behind or around them.

The mishaps and irreversible misery were inevitable considering the cloud watchers obsession not to miss any particulars on the cloud presence in the sky. More joined the cloud watchers and participated in sharing own interpretation and perception of the cloud though not necessarily in correlation with reality.

The cloud went about nature designed patterns such as the cloud prominence in the sky prior to precipitation into rain and permeate in clear blue sky with bright sun shine. The dynamic rainbow from the cloud decorating the sky highlighting the cloud functions is yet another dimension in nature’s wonder.

What more?

On earth – Cloud computing is an innovative drive revolutionizing modern technology in the information age guided by nature.

Amid cloud natural orientation, the cloud watchers obsession with the cloud transform into desperate fixation completely neglecting priorities in own life.

What next?

The intense cloud watching predictably results in them getting washed away in entirety from heavy thunder storm, hail and lightening.

There goes their life not lived for any useful purpose except wasted in floating on Cloud nine over obsession, fixation leading to self-elimination.

Similar to evaporation of ocean producing condensation of clouds returned to the ocean in rainfall,

What goes around eventually comes around.

Do no harm when no desire to do any good is the essence of nature.

Life is a gift and a blessing. Best not squandered in self-destructive cause and malevolence.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Life Lessons

May 2, 2022

Life Lessons

Padmini Arhant

No matter whom or what you ignore in life, never ignore these three imperatives in life. 

1. Body – Always listen to your body. Your body is the best indicator and reminder of overall well being or otherwise. Ignoring the signals from external and internal body parts all inclusive – more so from the gut, bladder and importantly stomach i.e. the digestive tract would land anyone in big trouble. The gut feeling expression emanating from the gut reaction to anything consumed solid or liquid simply cannot be taken for granted any time around.

2. Conscience – Human mind is wayward. The contemporary settings and events are classic examples in this respect. Accordingly, ignoring inner conscience – the principal guide, mentor and above all key witness to human thoughts and actions triggered by mind is the primary cause of human misery and suffering.  The abusive behavior, narcissism, dominance, deceit, deception, lies, betrayal, prejudice, hatred and variety of negativity is a result of human mind rejection of inner conscience. 

3. Guilt Last but not the least – Guilt. None are infallible and neither picture perfect. Never mind the engagement against their target subject to constant mockery, insolence and indignation as they strive and struggle to perform to the gallery. Interestingly, it is done for a living adequately defining them in character, values and aptitude or the lack thereof.

Mud slinging is favorite indulgence disregarding swamp on self in the process. Yet recognition of own mistakes and accepting responsibility for actions and consequences is a tall order for them sworn to denial.

The trait is common among those engaged in violation of others rights and life in perpetuity. Such conduct often prompt them to discard guilt.  In doing so, they end up being the prisoner of guilt in living and beyond.


The fearless, bold and razor sharp  – Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


Greetings from Asia

April 30, 2022

Greetings from Asia

Padmini Arhant

The social greetings in Asia connects the people and nations with love and humility. The commonality is expressed in the culture.

Here are few examples of Hello in similar manner. The nations represented here are Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Nepal and Tibet in cultural variety. 

Myanmar (Burma) – Min-ga-la-ba shin (Greeting)

Singapore  – Tamil Greeting – Vanakkam – வணக்கம் !

Thailand – sawadee kah

Malaysia Tamil – Vanakkam – வணக்கம் !

Malaysia – Malay – ucapan itu

Cambodia Greetings and Etiquettes – Choum reap sor

Indonesia – Javanese – Greeting

Vietnam – lời chào

Laos – Saibaidee –  ສະບາຍດີ

Philippines – Kumusta ka

Tibet – Tashi deleg (བཀྲ་ཤིས་བདེ་ལེགས)

Nepal, Kathmandu – Namaste / Namaskar – नमस्ते / नमस्कार 

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Truth and Reality

April 29, 2022


The Enemy to

Lies and Deceit 

Padmini Arhant

Lately man’s best friend Dog referenced in condescendence is least surprising.

Even though many humans hardly come close to the latter in gratitude, loyalty and above all intelligence, it is interesting to note derisiveness among the former.

The expression is a reflection of individual human trait which place the four legged canine far above them in basic values and gratification.

Notwithstanding, the canine acumen in detecting criminality.


Truthfulness not tolerated for these reasons.

Published and Presented on November 27, 2009 at 01.56 p.m, PST

A Thanksgiving Message – A Sense of Gratitude


By Padmini Arhant

Message to President Barack Obama

Hon. President Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President,

After careful consideration, I would like to convey the withdrawal of my support to your administration based on your recent policy decisions on many issues.

I am not a politician. Although I’m privileged to have lived in different democratic countries and had many opportunities to participate in politics, I didn’t have any affinity for it mainly because:

The political environment is often dominant with staying in power that provides the means to fame and fortune rather than sincere dedication to serve the people by taking political risks against the will of the establishments controlling the government in the systems disguised as democracy.

As stated earlier to you and the American public, I had a formal invitation from the former President George W. Bush and the office of the Vice President Dick Cheney to join their team to promote their agendas. Being guided by my strong principles and convictions with respect to peace, non-violence, fairness, freedom and equal opportunities for all human beings, I declined their offer as the past administration’s ideology was not only in contrast to my belief but also proved detrimental to any kind of progress.

Besides, as expected in politics, I cannot be a Cheerleader of hawkish policies for political correctness and vehemently opposed to being an attack dog for the powerful.

Your candidacy in the 2008 Presidential campaign with the hope and change message indicated that hope could become a reality through positive change in Washington. Accordingly, I got involved voluntarily in the beginning and mandatorily later on to support your campaign, despite several requests and overtures from your democratic and republican opponents to rally behind them.

In response to the wild rumors and assertions about my alleged financial gain then, during your political campaign or for that matter now, I wish to set the record straight for the skeptics and the critics. I was never paid a dime in any form or method throughout the campaign up until now.

Conversely, as you well know that I have been contributing through donations to your campaign and the Democratic Party all along, while trying to maintain my livelihood on a modest income.

Meanwhile, there have been attacks, innuendoes and insinuations against me more so from the feminist liberal columnist representing the New England daily failing to meet the journalistic standard of remanding the elitist women with political clout and capital to tasks on important issues like foreign policy and health care reform in the public arena.

Unlike the various administrative appointments that have taken place through political bargaining and deal exchange, I continued my unconditional free service during the campaign and after the commencement of your administration until date regardless of the experience qualifying the expression being thrown under the bus on many occasions not to mention the sleep deprivation with maximum three hours sleep in the past two years.

In terms of plain gratitude from the beneficiary of the historic Presidency, I had the honor of receiving DR. King’s sermon that could be perceived in many different ways depending on the deliverer’s intentions implied in the message.

“If you want to be important — wonderful. If you want to be recognized — wonderful. If you want to be great — wonderful. But, recognize that he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. That’s a new definition of greatness.”

In my view, DR. King is the inspirational force who compelled the disheartened spirits to submit themselves to achieving greatness through service to humanity and strive hard to transform the status quo.

Alternatively, in a spiritual sense the interpretation of ‘the greatest among you’ leads to the only entity Almighty God and his love amply reflected in the creations, the indomitable service to mankind.

Nevertheless, I’ll continue to exercise my right guaranteed to me in the first amendment and remain steadfast with my commitment to the highest commandment (none other than the one and only Almighty God) to promote TRUTH and reality. 

Thank you.


Padmini Arhant

Market Economy v. Monopoly Economy

April 25, 2022

Market Economy


Monopoly Economy

Padmini Arhant

Prior to discussion on market economy and monopoly economy, it is important to shed light on creation v. acquisition. There is no comparison between creation and acquisition. In simple translation both terms are self-explanatory. 

Creation involves ingenuity, authenticity and original concept. Acquisition on the other hand is acquiring the created product for refurbishment and renovation with or without any appreciative value. 

In the so-called capitalism, the corporate takeovers, mergers and acquisitions transitioned from competitive market economy into monopolistic trade slighting anti-trust laws has drastically changed the definition and relevance of free and fair competition, the highlight of market economy. 

The economy increasingly in the hands of few selective billionaires wiping competitiveness and entrepreneurial niche across the spectrum is deceptively heralded as free market economy.

The trend contrarily affecting end-consumers with monopolistic trade practice and corporate policy hurting average consumers in pricing, quality and general benefits cannot be under estimated at any given time. From administration to marketing and management, the rules are set up and designed for exclusive corporate gains at the helm. 

As a result, the deviation from profit sharing trickling down to the bottom in work force increasing. consumer affordability to top tier shareholders is the norm. The average household income in these settings are either below marginal level or negative considering inflation and consumer price index ratio. 

Income inequality combined with inflation in the competition deprived monopolistic economy is carcinogenic for capitalist market economy.

Acquisitions and mergers masquerade inherent problems and deficiencies in major corporate undertaking with over valued stock of primary venture facilitating cash liquidity. Besides, distracted and disproportionate focus with too many different sectors in monopolistic control yield lack luster i.e. under performing outcome. 

The competition thwarted from economy with few billions to spare in hostile buyout deals is neither healthy nor viable in economic, ethical and innovative sense.

Not to mention, the corporate influence in politics and governance via direct campaign financing and lobbying for fiduciary interests leaving voters mere rubber stamp depicted as political mandate. The end game distort democratic system to entirely benefit the bidders and investors with no contentment or containment in the exclusive fortune inheritance. 

The competitive eclectic market economy providing options and flexibility in ultimate consumer oriented domain is unfortunately replaced with privileged monopolistic elite dominance – the axis in widening the gap between haves and have-nots misrepresented as efficient economic force. 

Again efficiency is anybody’s guess in selective individual growth or collective decline in economy and politics validated by monetary endowments.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Russia – Western Edifice

April 20, 2022

Russia – Western Edifice

Padmini Arhant

The recent exit of Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan was largely associated by the subject as western conspiracy behind his incomplete term in office,  though the development is not unique in Pakistan’s politics.

The outgoing Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan also publicly stated during the rally and address to his nation that the former administration was chided by western represented emissary viz. EU and the United States for the ex- Prime Minister’s visit to Moscow at the onset of Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The former Prime Minister Imran Khan drew parallel in this context by citing the next door neighbor and adversary India’s relation with Russia. The former Prime Minister Imran Khan reiterated that economic ties between India and Russia in energy and defense procurement continued slighting western sanctions against Russia.

The former Prime Minister Imran Khan also expressed disappointment and noted western discriminatory practice against his administration in particular reference to the Moscow trip on the eve of Russian invasion of Ukraine which the ex-Prime Minister and his former cabinet colleagues like the ex-foreign minister Shah Mahmood Quereshi said was pre-arranged diplomatic tour long before the Ukraine war.

All said and done – here are the glaring dichotomy in the entire international foreign policy.

First of all, the former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s anti-western anguish doesn’t quite fit into the backdrop of the cricket sports star who has been promoted with extravagant publicity from the United States ally Britain with enthusiastic support from Israel.

The cricket sportsman turned politician Imran khan has overwhelmingly enjoyed special favorable coverage from London all along with national media like BBC including Fleet Street fawning over the cricketer never having enough of Mr. Khan’s profile extending beyond the running commentary of first class cricket test match and international series.  Although the cricketer Imran Khan led the Pakistan cricket team as the captain and not England with the latter even defeated in the final world cup tournament in 1992 at Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia with Pakistan winning the world cup that year.

As for Israel’s affinity towards Mr. Imran Khan, the sentiment is largely related to Mr.Khan’s former wife Jemima Goldsmith, the British citizen of Jewish descent and wealthy background.

The anti-west turn around from the former Prime Minister Imran Khan prior to political turmoil was conspicuously to appease China. Pakistan’s largest creditor and investor China, especially in the complex CPEC – China Pakistan Economic Corridor in Pakistan’s gwadar port is ongoing strenuous undertaking.

On the other hand, Pakistan and Russia relations basically developed following United States and NATO failure in neighboring Afghanistan which in fact is interesting considering Pakistan’s close ties with United States in the aftermath of former Soviet Union’s defeat in Afghanistan earlier. The partners were reversed as situation changed in the two Islamic states.

Russia and Pakistan conducted first joint military exercise in 2016 much to New Delhi’s angst and concern. The relation between the two countries further advanced into arms sales and military training of Pakistan soldiers by Russia in August 2018 and later in 2020 which happens to be during former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s term in office.

It is fair to say Russian defense strategy in the Indian sub-continent pivoted towards Pakistan as Moscow noted New Delhi drawn closer towards United States mostly to attract India with defense procurement from the U.S. despite India until now remains the largest buyer of defense hardware from Russia.

There is a shift in partnering in the Indian sub-continent with Moscow wooing Islamabad to convey New Delhi on Moscow’s discomfort regarding India’s intimacy with the United States in defense as well as other strategic alliance such as Quad in the Indo-Pacific.

While this is going on in South Asia, the European and Russian relation beckons focus.

The Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer visit to Russia on April 12, 2022 after direct meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin were described by Russian academia and scholars as follows.

“The Austrians stick to more balanced approaches than even the Germans, claiming the role of a global mediator and a negotiating platform. This is why, despite being an EU member, they refused to provide weapons to Ukraine,” Associate Professor with the Department of International Relations, Political Science and Foreign Area Studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities Vadim Trukhachev stated.”

“Austria opposes an oil and gas embargo on Moscow. Vienna depends a lot on Russia in terms of energy. Austria used to be a big advocate of Nord Stream 2. And now, they keep stressing that although they support EU sanctions, their national interests should not suffer. Those interests particularly include Russian gas supplies,” Vladimir Schweitzer, Head of the Department for Social and Political Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Europe noted.”

The major economic power in EU – Germany signed contract with Russia for gas pipeline Nord Stream 1 in 2011 and Nord Steam 2 pipeline back in 2012 during the former German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s term in office.

The five large stake holders in the Nord Stream energy pipeline project are – “Shareholders of the company are the Russian gas company Gazprom (51% of shares), German companies Wintershall Dea and PEG Infrastruktur AG (E. ON) (both 15.5%), the Dutch gas company Gasunie (9%), and the French gas company Engie (9%).

OMV, about 32% of which is owned by the Austrian state, has put around 730 million euros ($813.95 million) into Nord Stream 2. The other financial investors in Nord Stream 2 are Shell (SHEL. L), France’s Engie and Germany’s Uniper (UN01.DE) and Wintershall DEA (WINT. UL)” Feb 27, 2022.

According to International Energy Agency – IEA .org

“In 2021, the European Union imported 155 billion cubic metres of natural gas from Russia, accounting for around 45% of EU gas imports and close to 40% of its total gas consumption. Nobody is under any illusions anymore. Russia’s use of its natural gas resources as an economic and political weapon show Europe needs to act quickly…said IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol.” – IEA Press Release – March 3, 2022.”

International news agency : “The Hungarian government opposes a ban on Russian energy supplies and will continue to defend its position at meetings of the European Union, the country’s Foreign Ministry, Peter Szijjarto said on Monday. He was taking part in a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Luxembourg.”

It is abundantly clear from the international reports and western European energy companies stakes in Russian energy production – Nord stream 1 & 2 pipeline projects, the energy inter-dependency between Russia and EU as supplier and consumer respectively continued till date amid ongoing war in Ukraine with EU members like Austria and NATO ally Hungary defending their stance on anti-sanctions against Russian oil & energy.

Juxtaposed Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s similar position on the Moscow trip and energy deals with Moscow emphasized in Pakistan’s national interest unfortunately resulted in the Pakistan former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s ouster from power. 

The ousted Prime Minister Imran Khan’s ties with Moscow synonymous to EU counterparts like Austria, Germany, Hungary and others in Western as well as eastern Europe were treated differently causing political change in the islamic state in South Asia.

Yet another contradiction among EU members is while they remain Russian energy importers quoting national requirement, their supply of arms to Ukraine from some EU states is quoted as aiding Ukraine to defend democracy. Notwithstanding they are financing Russian invasion of Ukraine via energy consumption.

Russia on its part positioned as anti-west and anti-NATO apparently has no problem in supplying energy products to any and all of them maintaining cash flow from economic activities with them amidst bombing and shelling Ukraine for over two months now.

In effect, both EU and Russia fearing security threats from each other in the region fail to realize their symmetrical role in the energy deals contributing to Russian financial resources on the one side and Russia enabling NATO military capability with Russian exported energy on the other end. There is no recognition from either in terms of self-generated security reality.

Ukraine in the middle of this predicament expected to be neutral, bare arms and bear the brunt of nuclear Russia and EU convenient economic policy.

In the whole gamut, the Ukrainian civilians are paying the price with their lives and property destroyed in Russian heavy artillery hitting every possible standing structure in Ukrainian cities and coastal towns of the once beautiful country.

Meanwhile, the western edifice is justified as necessity prioritizing economic interests over own security considering the spill over effects already experienced with Ukrainian refugees forced to flee their homeland to neighboring Poland, Hungary and Moldova…

Above all the possibility of prolonged war in Ukraine becoming the protracted battle across Europe cannot be ruled out with the status quo.

Unwise to fuel the fire for it might sooner than later engulf the entire zone.

Had EU then respected Ukraine’s economic relations with Russia in 2014 and refrained from cooperation with United States violent insurrection overthrowing Ukraine’s democratically elected incumbent government of President Viktor Yanukovich in 2014 over Kiev and Moscow economic treaty, the situation could have been economically beneficial and politically peaceful for Ukraine and eastern Europe unlike the present time.

Not to mention, the western dogma – what is good for the goose not appropriate for the gander.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

Ukraine Conflict – World Food Crisis

April 19, 2022

Ukraine Conflict

World Food Crisis

Padmini Arhant

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and ongoing conflict has been catastrophic not only for Ukrainian citizens but also for the rest of the world.

The food crisis is upon the world population with wheat production and exports from Russia and Ukraine to global regions drastically affected since Russian military intervention in Ukraine. 

The population survival impact Russia as well. The economic repercussions outweigh any military and political goals in the war against Ukraine.

All the more reason for Russian Federation and Russian President Vladimir Putin to ceasefire in entirety ending aerial strikes, missiles, rockets and air raids besides naval and ground activities in and around Ukraine. 

The immediate and urgent requirement is for Russia and Ukraine to resume peace talks with a sincere commitment to resolve the conflict peacefully through dialogue and discourse abandoning the current aggression and violence. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

According to International report-

Nezavisimaya Gazeta: One fifth of world’s population about to face food crisis

“The global food price index has reached historic highs as wheat prices rose by 20% in March. According to the United Nations’ estimates, the Ukrainian conflict is putting 1.7 bln people around the world at risk of hunger, Nezavisimaya Gazeta writes.

“Russia is one of the major wheat exporters, accounting for about five percent of the world’s total. The special operation has sent wheat prices soaring to record highs.

Forecasts say that Ukraine’s wheat exports will halve, so the market is going to face a shortage of 9.5 million tonnes of wheat. Besides, countries may fail to receive wheat from Russia because of delivery and payment issues stemming from political reasons. Certain countries are extremely likely to face starvation.”

The overall food crisis is creating risks for Russia as well, said TeleTrade Chief Analyst Mark Goikhman. Logistics disruptions may bring down Russia’s crop exports, and accordingly, the revenues of farmers and the country’s budget will drop.

“Russia is unlikely to face food shortages but food prices may continue to rise,” Leading Analyst at Otkritie Investment Oleg Syrovatkin emphasized.”

Ukraine – End to Russian Aggression and Violence

April 11, 2022

Ukraine – End to Russian Aggression and Violence

Padmini Arhant

The post will feature relevant and critical questions seeking direct response and actions from the Russian President Vladimir Putin – the head of the Russian Federation and chief authority authorizing and conducting relentless bombing, shelling in Mariupol, Kharkiv, Kyiv and Sumy leading to decimation of sovereign Ukraine. 

Not to mention the grotesque violence and inhumane war crimes committed against innocent civilians in Bucha, Irpin and other towns and territories where Ukrainian population have been subject to serious human rights violations thus far with no end in sight. 

The Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022 and continued into the second month with massive destruction of lives and infrastructure. 

What is the end game for the Russian President Vladimir Putin?

When is the end if at all anything along that line considered as the option in the so-called special operations from Russia evolved into endless massacre, mass graves and atrocities by distraught, disillusioned and distressed Russian forces on the ground and air deployed in the most violent aggression? 

What happened to the peace talks between Ukraine and Russian teams that were in progress to mitigate the crisis?

Why is the Russian President Vladimir Putin committed to violence and prolonged bombardment of Ukraine rather than investment of resources and political will towards peaceful resolution with Ukraine?

These and more questions along with in-depth proposal to wind the Russian military intervention in Ukraine will be presented shortly.

More on the topic will resume with other content. 

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Pakistan – Deja Vu

April 10, 2022

Pakistan – Deja Vu

Padmini Arhant

The latest development in Pakistan’s politics is nothing new. In fact it is Deja vu.

The following posts that were published earlier in this domain and sub-domain prove the repeat of events in Pakistan from 2012 replayed in 2022. The episodes again clarify the shadow powers behind political upheavals in Pakistan.

Pakistan democracy survival and sustainability is dependent on Pakistan republic i.e. the people of Pakistan’s will to reject external meddling and influence alongside letting the internal forces know such as Pakistan’s intelligence services (ISI) and army to strictly remain committed to national defense and security besides preventing domestic and cross border terrorism at all costs to save lives all around. This is the most important step moving forward with the new government now and in the future.

Pakistan’s army and intelligence owe the people of Pakistan long overdue freedom and democratic system without being brought down even before the formation of any elected government.

In the seventy five years since India’s partition in 1947, the citizens in Pakistan have been subject to perpetual freedom struggle with little or no hope to emerge and remain an independent sovereign nation. No democratically elected  government is allowed to complete the entire term in office leaving Pakistan in the foreign powers’ intended status viz. the failed state and terror haven lacking in political stability without any acknowledgment from the accusers such as foreign forces involvement in Pakistan’s status. 

The west has zero tolerance to foreign interference in their election or internal affairs as witnessed in the false claims in 2016 election results.

However similar respect to other nation’s sovereignty and territorial integrity is not considered necessary by them.

Case in point is United States led insurrection and EU direct engagement in Kiev Maidan Square in Ukraine in 2014 resulted in 2022 status quo. Pakistan and many nations near and far are ruined by western interventionist foreign policy in elections and politics. 

It is about time the west recognized, appreciated and practiced the concept of mutual respect and treating others – the nations and their citizens with dignity renouncing imposition of undemocratic principles and conditions attributing vassal statehood. 

Pakistan’s youth and general population at large in unison denying access to foreign intrusion in their domestic matter would be the beginning of the end to hegemony control over destiny of millions of citizens in Pakistan. 

The post – Pakistan – BBC Projection on General Election was published on July 27, 2018 – Right before Pakistan’s National Election in August 2018 when PTI led by leader Imran Khan was elected to office in 2018.

Please click on the link below and then click on the hyperlink to view content. Thank you.

Pakistan – BBC Projection on General Election

Earlier, the article below was published on June 20, 2012 in reference to Pakistan’s routine political turmoil. At that time it was Pakistan People Party (PPP) government headed by then Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani was under fire as elaborated in the article under.

Pakistan – Democracy Under Siege – Published on June 20, 2012.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

United States – Miriam Carey’s Family Plea

April 8, 2022

United States – Miriam Carey’s Family Plea

For Justice 

Padmini Arhant

Then White House administration in 2013 authorized and witnessed crime – summary execution of a young African American 34 year-old-mother, Miriam Carey – unarmed civilian with a toddler daughter at the back in the child car seat was mercilessly gunned down in broad daylight by then White House Secret Service and the Capitol Police in 2013. 

The horrific crime shooting an unarmed civilian Miriam Carey with more than 26 bullets near the White House premise during the occupants – the former President Barack Obama and spouse Michelle Obama’s presence at that time with their knowledge about the horrendous assault is an unforgettable and unforgivable tragedy for any family. 

Miriam Carey was accused of trespassing in that incident. The account involved several rounds of firing by the White House Secret Service and Capitol Police captured live real time in the video content released in the public domain as well as news reports verifying the ammunition barrage at the unarmed victim trying to protect her child.

In another twist from the political power represented media, Miriam Carey was characterized as having mental illness. The bizarre claim made amid Miriam Carey being gainfully employed as dental hygienist at the office where then incumbent President Barack Obama had reportedly received dental care from the staff Miriam Carey.

Furthermore, the allegedly mentally unstable Miriam Carey was driving an automobile with a valid driver’s license from her home town Connecticut to D.C. – 265 miles without any issue until the time she was shot down by the White House Secret Service and Capitol Police who were apparently cheered as heroic act with standing ovation from then House of Representatives according to Washington Post report cited below.

Interestingly, the much touted Black Lives Matter (BLM) well established at that time as the advocate for Black lives were ominously missing in action to raise the issue on behalf of a young black female victim, her toddler black child and Miriam Carey’s black family. 

Not even the talk show host Hollywood fame, #Me Too Movement participant and Barack Obama’s closest friend Oprah Winfrey could afford time to bring Miriam Carey’s public execution to attention and deliver justice for the African American victim.

Notably Oprah Winfrey’s worldwide telecast on special interview with British Royalty Harry and Meghan Markle’s grievances and misgivings about their Royal life could be accommodated in the talk show host busy schedule.

Does this mean Miriam Carey’s life didn’t matter to BLM, Oprah Winfrey (the #Me Too Advocate) and then First Black Family in the White House in 2013?

Importantly, the violence with 26 bullets aimed at the unarmed civilian Miriam Carey on Nobel Peace Laureate Barack Obama’s watch and knowledge unarguably the biggest disillusionment of all. 

Is this the kind of dream envisioned by the slayed civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr,? 

While the recent 2022 Oscar night fiasco involving a slap gained plenty of media focus becoming the hot topic and continued unabated until now, Miriam Carey’s death from gruesome violence with several rounds of fire power targeting unarmed mother with her toddler in the car brushed off as freaky event. 

Perhaps the latter is too inconvenient to even regard the incident attention worthy. 

The rich, famous and powerful never deprived nor denied preferential treatment on everything – the good, the bad and the ugly matter.

In contrast, the ordinary lives’ extraordinary ordeal is just another story soon forgotten as if it never happened. 

Nonetheless, the deeds and misdeeds in life without exception are in KARMA data for appropriate judgment upon imminent departure from the world.

The karmic effects are potent in delivering justice denied in the narcissists mortal world.  

Shunning or running away from TRUTH only confirm the doers prisoners of guilt in their action.

Where is the justice for Miriam Carey and her daughter? 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 


Published on November 26, 2014

“We want to know: Why? What happened?”

So many questions, so much we still don’t know about the case of the woman shot to death by the Secret Service and the U.S. Capitol Police on Oct. 3, 2013, after a car chase from the White House to Capitol Hill. Her 13-month-old daughter survived in a car seat.

“Did we miss something?”

Barbara Nicholson is asking. The office manager of a dental practice in Ardsley, N.Y., is standing in the hygiene room, remembering the woman who used to clean teeth at this chair. Miriam Iris Carey — that was her name. She was one of the best dental hygienists and “one of the nicest people” Nicholson ever hired.

“We’re left with a void and no answers,” Nicholson says. “It’s like she was wiped off the face of the earth.

Nicholson’s voice catches. She pauses and looks away. “She’s missed. She’s very missed.”

Do you remember Miriam Carey? Her remarkably public death at 34 mesmerized us for a couple of news cycles. Then we moved on pretty quickly. I had to look up her name when I first started puzzling over this case. The main thing I remembered was that incredible video — the one showing the two-door black Infiniti surrounded by Secret Service officers with guns drawn near the Capitol Reflecting Pool. The car looks trapped. Suddenly the driver backs into a squad car and accelerates away. There’s the sound of gunfire while tourists take cover on the West Lawn. The Infiniti reappears, making a loop around a traffic circle, and proceeds up Constitution Avenue to what would be the fatal encounter outside the Hart Building.

What an afternoon. We were told that Carey “rammed” White House and Capitol “barriers.” That she tried to breach two security perimeters. That she had mental problems.

District Police Chief Cathy Lanier said federal officers acted “heroically.” The House of Representatives offered a standing ovation.

It was easy to call this a tragedy and turn the page.

Except that some of what little we thought we knew hasn’t held up. The part about ramming White House barriers and trying to breach two security perimeters? Not exactly true.

And how did a supposedly mentally unstable person remain a longtime, reliable and valued employee at two dental practices until the day she was killed? She had a condo and a family and, according to colleagues and relatives, plans for the weekend.

On the other hand, what person ignores commands from officers pointing guns, hits a couple of their cars, and drives on? “We all speculated that she was trying to get her child out of danger, when she was confronted with people with guns, because that’s what she would do,” Nicholson says.

The gunfire — 26 bullets in all — sets the Carey case apart. Shootings by officers on these two forces are rare. White House guards didn’t resort to their weapons in September, when fence-jumper Omar Gonzalez, who had a knife in his pocket, ran far into the executive mansion before being tackled. Carey was unarmed.

“There was no indication she ever had issues,” Nicholson continues. “You couldn’t ask for a more professional person than her. No one ever complained about her, and that’s highly unusual. She was the sweetest person you ever want to know.”

Nicholson looks out the window to the parking lot where Carey used to park the Infiniti. “You could see the [child’s] car seat in the back of that car,” she says.

The leaves are turning gold this afternoon in early October, as they would have been the last time Carey stood at this chair and looked out the window.

After her last patient that Wednesday, Oct. 2, Carey prepared to depart. She usually left by 5 p.m. to pick up her daughter at day care. She lived in Stamford, Conn., 24 miles from Ardsley, 265 miles from Washington.

Her schedule called for her to be off Thursday and Friday, then she was to work at her other dental job in the Bronx on Saturday, and she’d be back here at Advanced Dental of Ardsley on Monday.

“She was absolutely normal,” Nicholson says. “I still remember her standing there, saying, ‘Bye, have a nice weekend. See you on Monday.’ As if nothing.”

There is no public record of her movements or contacts until the following afternoon at 2:13, when she drove up to the Secret Service kiosk at 15th and E streets NW.

“You could see both sides of the story,” Nicholson says. “But I’m sorry. That child does not have a mother because they wanted to handle it their way.”

What happened to Miriam Carey?


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