Definition of Beauty
December 16, 2021
Definition of Beauty
Padmini Arhant
The above article shed light on misplaced priorities and directed focus on inner-self representing the entire profile. The contemporary era is more driven towards pseudo life. The normal life is invalidated and replaced with unrealistic standards and impractical lifestyle.
The superficial norms and fake existence are imposed by those having tasked themselves to approve or disapprove anyone they deem inconvenient to them.
Not to mention the identity politics infused identity crises for impostors and fake personalities in particular absorbed in falsehood shunning originality. Life is indeed rather difficult for them in imitation and impropriety.
The identity complex could be related to lack of courage and integrity to own personal legacy and values regardless with responsibility and modesty submitting to introspection.
The control mindset among the presumptuous powerful exerting authority and extending parameters in invasion of individual life, rights, home, privacy slighting civility evidently diminish their self-respect with vulnerabilities reflecting self-indignation.
The worship of deception and fraudulence glorifying the negative and counterproductive exacerbate individual well being promoting scandalous indulgence.
In the present time, personal health, finance, communication, education, religion or non-religion and critically individual peace and liberty are not tolerated with snoop gate surveillance via controversial Pegasus spyware and other technological means deployed to pry on citizens near and far under the guise of national security by those abusing the political privilege in perversions.
Unfortunately, these forces engaged in misguided espionage by default are existential threat to society, nation and humanity at large.
Amidst these exciting times, the beauty pageant is held each year to showcase precisely the above enunciated characteristics i.e. false persona, rehearsed choreographed performance and relevantly beforehand scripted answers highlighting disingenuousness by the apparent winner.
The beauty pageant aimed at objectifying women as objects of voyeuristic pleasure in nuanced and blatant portrayal is misogyny reeking chauvinism with egotistical tone especially in recent times denigrating womanhood as entitlement laden with pride and prejudice despite emergence into the world from a mother’s (woman) womb by either gender.
Ironically for these members and participants in the charade, their mindless pursuits with fixation on body over mind and heart quintessentially place them in spotlight for wasting precious time on earth and squandering life in self-deprecation.
The beauty pageant is a sham and farcical.
Many young lives such as girls are lured into the misty metamorphosis of glamor subjecting them to starvation in the name of diet and/or artificial temporary make-believe beauty concepts including medical treatments ranging from Botox injections to facelift procedures, augmentation of prominent parts and mechanical adjustments in the anatomy. The transformation from practical looks to plastic orientation is presented as ideal attraction.
Needless to say, these extreme makeovers disproportionately proved harmful leading to serious health issues and long term repercussions not barring physical, mental and emotional agony for many drawn into the vortex of appearance appealing to others matters more than individual acceptance of natural beauty within shining outside.
The organized event like beauty pageant is a mere component in the intrusion and intervention of human psyche in evaluation of real beauty declining due credit to far more important aspects viz. mind, heart, spirit and the ultimate SOUL.
The politics running deep everywhere deeper than the blood in the vein, the cultural decay is integral in the edifice of human civilization destruction.
The beauty pageant is monetization in degrading women. The gala perpetuate dogma in denial of human intelligence and powerful attributes among women.
The tradition of condescendence, patronization towards female gender projecting strength and tenacity in self-defense as masculinity is a travesty. The practice discard the pertinent fact i.e. the infant male and female from conception to birth and until the age to feed on general food gains preliminary health, stamina, vigor and vitality lasting the rest of lifetime from the mother.
The patriarchal parochial view ignores women’s genuine position as smart, diligent committed primary caregiver of life and stalwart in nurturing sharing personal talent and potential to continue the proud heritage.
Notwithstanding the woman in her own rights is individually ingenious, intelligent and accomplished role model independent of societal authentication determining the present and future of society.
Accordingly, the politically motivated disposition and isolated opinion about anyone targeted incessantly in the prevalent cancel custom is outdated and old fashioned in the modern age. Inversely requiring those trapped in the decadence rubble to rise and develop human values defining inner and outer beauty.
The trend inarguably cast those behind the manifestation in irreversible deterioration affecting the source and catalysts to the point of no return.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Korean Peace Agreement
December 14, 2021
Korean Peace Agreement
Padmini Arhant
The leaderships in North Korea Kim Jong-Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in agreement on declaration to end Korean war between North and South on December 13, 2021 is a welcoming beginning in the dawn of peace in Korean Peninsula.
The formal agreement between the two nations i.e. North and South Korea to bring the prolonged conflict that was paused on armistice until now transitioning into conclusion of warfare is fair and appropriate.
Now moving forward the long overdue permanent peace treaty would transform the hope of Korean families on both sides in North and South into reality.
The leaderships in Pyongyang and Seoul decision to move away from warfare and proceed towards peace merit recognition and appreciation.
Though the accord weighing in on numerous factors understandably reached in principle in the present time, the leadership from North Korea – Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in accelerating the process into practicality would be direct acknowledgment of Korean citizens essentially the families on both sides of the great nation of Korea.
There is no doubt the people in Korea especially the citizens with relations on both sides of the country have suffered enormously and the people in North Korea in particular have endured tremendous challenges up until now. The economic plight of North Korean population could be alleviated in improving and fostering better ties with South Korea in every respect.
Similarly South Korean citizens could experience peace and tranquility without the dark clouds of warfare and uncertainty hovering over the peninsula.
The news is also cordial for the neighbors like Japan and the entire South East Asian region deserving normal environment for economic activities and overall peaceful engagement all around.
The responsibility and maturity is reflected in the much anticipated approach with expectation among citizens for consistency and continued efforts in perseverance eventually leading to successful reunification of Korea.
Once again, the leaderships in North Korea Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in maintaining peaceful discourse in the development of strong partnerships in all fronts would benefit the people in Korea in unison. The peace initiatives and involvements on both sides would eventually deliver the desirable outcome – Korea as one nation sharing the strengths and prosperity.
Best Wishes on the Peaceful Reunification of Korea!
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
India – Paradigm Shift in Republic Status with CDS Post
December 12, 2021
India – Paradigm Shift in Republic Status with CDS Post
Padmini Arhant
The Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) appointment as the military head and chairman of the joint chiefs of the three (Army, Navy and Air Force) armed forces was created on December 30th, 2019 by the incumbent BJP government under PM Narendra Modi.
The CDS principal responsibilities described as the pivotal command center integrating the three armed forces operational requirements. Alongside the CDS also features a fundamental change in the Indian Defense Force ultimate authority.
According to the Indian Constitution established and enacted on 26th January, 1950 after India’s hard fought independence on 15th August, 1947, the President is elected by the members of an electoral college consisting of the elected members of both the Houses of Parliament and the elected members of the Legislative Assemblies of States and the Union Territories of India.
Indian President’s key roles (1) chief of state, (2) chief executive, (3) chief administrator, (4) chief diplomat, (5) commander in chief, (6) chief legislator, (7) party chief, and (8) chief citizen. Chief of state refers to the President as the head of the government.
The most important amongst them and commonly known by public is the President as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Indian armed force.
With the creation of Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) on 30th December 2019 by the ruling BJP government leadership PM Narendra Modi, the CDS reports directly to Prime Minister unlike the tradition maintained before CDS appointment for the Indian armed forces on India’s President oversight as the constitution titled commander-in-chief of the National Defense Force.
In the wake of defense procurement controversy reaching a crescendo in November 2018 prominently the French fighter jets Rafale deal personally involving PM Narendra Modi and beneficiary Anil Ambani’s Reliance Defence Limited besides other lucrative defense contracts proven a cash cow generally in politics,
The CDS brought under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s wing in December 2019 typically removing the President’s consent and supervisory position on Defense matter as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief is a paradigm shift in the republic status bypassing Parliamentary procedures in a democracy.
The Prime Minister as elected member of a political party presiding over central government is equally subject to constitutional rule of law in any functional democracy. The arbitrary restructuring of Indian Defense Force revoking constitutional definition and duties of the President on Indian Defense Force command is a serious diversion allocating disproportionate power for the Prime Minister’s office.
The unilateral decision on CDS post assigning the military head under Prime Minister’s administration in the absence of any Parliamentary hearings or debates on the critical transformation of power is a clarion call for any democracy to seek credible and valid explanation on the empowerment of Prime Minister designation.
The surreptitious power enhancement at the helm for a democracy in particular is neither democratic nor representative of a true republic governed by the constitution of a nation.
The BJP government in New Delhi under PM Narendra Modi providing appropriate reasoning behind CDS post implementing Indian Defense Force command transfer from constitutional directed President’s charge to political maneuvered Prime Minister control is imperative for clarity in the command system.
The clarification is crucial not only for citizens as the republic but relevantly for the Indian armed forces serving the nation at large.
Notwithstanding the trend to extend and consolidate massive power at the helm in the present time increasingly endangering democracy and eliminating constitutional based governance in different parts of the world.
As such there is little or no tolerance among the central and regional political factions in India to any legitimate constructive criticism on politics generated problems and crises.
There is no limit from political parties to exercise extra judicial authority to silence peaceful dissent and genuine concerns on social media.
The political parties in power and/or in opposition utilizing undemocratic political means such as the unlawful activities protection act (UAPA) ordinarily meant to protect citizens from national security threats are conveniently misused against citizens to curb democratic rights in the proclaimed free republic.
India declared as the world’s largest democracy joining the ranks in such category is a serious challenge to the concept of free world.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
India – Defense Force Tragic Events
December 11, 2021
India – Defense Force Tragic Events
Padmini Arhant
Indian Defense force -the fine and robust armed forces have recently under the present BJP leadership in New Delhi suffered many unfortunate tragedies like Pulwama attack on 14 February 2019 just before the national election in May 2019. The incident became the pivotal issue for the incumbent PM Narendra Modi on campaign trail displaying the army in the backdrop in direct violation of the election rule prohibiting any political party from using the defense force for political mileage.
The deadly Pulwama attack inside India on Jammu – Srinagar national highway claimed 40 Indian veterans’ lives in the suicide bomb attack targeting the Indian convoy at that time. The cross border skirmishes along India and Pakistan border in Kashmir continue with casualties that are not reported by politics owned media and press accusing others of being a mouthpiece while aptly fitting the same profile like the hand in a glove.
Similar scenario on the Siachen glaciers in the north of Nubra valley in Kashmir region, the plight of Indian armed forces is extreme and bears significance.
In the early 2020, amid the deadly SARS COV2 virus evolving into COVID19 pandemic from next door Wuhan, China, Beijing seized opportunity to accelerate aggression along the Himalayan region of Ladakh infiltrating into the demarcated Line of Actual control (LAC) with a standoff that resulted in more than 20 lives of Indian armed personnel in the Himalayan terrain.
The long standing India – China dispute prolonged into military deployment with face to face confrontation in that point of location since February 2020 and continued until today is the status quo.
Meanwhile, the BJP leadership in New Delhi PM Narendra Modi ignoring these national security threats and incursions along the north and north-east border and maintaining a social media account to assess own popularity on India’s chief adversary China’s social media platform Weibo even after Indian defense force martyrdom in May 2020 could only be interpreted as not complacency rather complicity exacerbating combat situations faced by the Indian defense force up in the Himalayan region nearly 18,000 feet above sea level.
To add insult to injury, the BJP leadership in New Delhi around that time moving forward with tender bid from Beijing CCP owned and controlled companies on Indian Central government projects in the northern state Uttar Pradesh was apathy to Indian defense force challenges against the brazen Beijing’s PLA in the contentious hostile Himalayan fronts with considerable encroachment from PLA in the last 24 months alone.
The latest tragedy involving the Chief of Defense Staff General Bipin Rawat and family along with high rank military officials and defense personnel on board chopper crash in Tamil Nadu hills is a serious setback prompting thorough investigation. The process is understandably underway by Indian defense forces inquiry attempting to reach the crux of the otherwise preventable calamity.
The probe would arguably seek besides malfunction and predictable glitches including weather vagaries, any sabotage from internal or external factors to rule out cyber attack on the transportation control system. It is important to ascertain these values to avert future mishaps and proclivity from anywhere.
The BJP government leadership in New Delhi under PM Narendra Modi expending the Indian taxpayers funded exorbitant Pegasus spyware on critical cyber threats and intrusions from known adversaries adept in the trend would be wise investment.
Instead the technology misused translating into perversion against anyone located thousands of miles away in a far away land going about one’s life clarify the Indian government’s misplaced political priority endangering nation and citizens’ safety and security over unnecessary unethical undemocratic indulgence.
Nonetheless, the nation’s defense force deserve due recognition and provisions sparing no deviations from security and sensitivity to modern overt and covert operational risks in the ultra technology era.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s long awaited press conference absent ever since assuming power at the helm in 2014 until now alleviating citizens’ concerns in this regard and plethora of problems would be a refreshing change in the debut of transparency.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
India – Anti-Conversion Bill
December 8, 2021
India – Anti-Conversion Bill
Padmini Arhant
The latest fiasco from New Delhi government’s i.e. BJP regional ally in the South Western state Karnataka is the anti-conversion bill targeting this time not the muslims though they are on permanent list, in fact it is christianity in diverse cultural religious and yet secular India.
What exactly is going on in the ultra confused and fundamentalism infused regime in New Delhi and fewer states under BJP governance?
The religion phobia amongst hardline government in New Delhi under the guise of establishing India as the all Hindu state emulating New Delhi regime’s counterparts Israel as the Jewish state or the next door commonly referred to as adversary Pakistan and Afghanistan declared Islamic republics could only be comprehended as homogenous traits to impose political ideology on the backs of the religion. The religion is the scapegoat to implement majoritarian status ignoring the contemporary India’s social fabric drifting away from the politics designed divisive strategy.
Indian politics like in other so-called democracy heavily invest in polarization of society based on caste, religion, class etc., analogous to United States politics driving the race, skin color such as Black lives matter, gender, sexual orientation and any excuse to deflect electorate attention from real issues confronting citizens in society.
The New Delhi regime behind their party government in regional Karnataka claim to protect Hindus in the state from proselytism – the forced conversion of person in one religion to another in reference to alleged evangelical approach towards vulnerable members of Hinduism in the state. The bill eventually made effective nationwide is a possibility.
Whether proselytism is active or not from non-Hindu religions, those having converted from Hinduism to Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism etc. attribute their conversion from Hindu to other non-Hindu religions to caste discrimination maintained as tradition in society.
Indian politics have no desire in getting rid of casteism dominated with prejudice and untouchability in rural, remote and even in urban towns that treats people in the so-called lower caste not worthy of any respect. The political factions at the national and regional level betting their electoral win on caste based politics at society’s detriment in the quarter end of the twenty first century innately resigned to prejudice in casteism purely for political reason.
The BJP leadership in New Delhi is treading on the dual track with one foot promoting fundamentalism showing little or no tolerance to cultural and religious diversity. Not to mention the same ideologues pretending to safeguard Hindu religion are in fact committing sacrilege and blasphemy maligning Hindu religion’s Lord Ram and Hindu deities through violence and physical assaults against even the Hindu designated lower caste – the so-called untouchables aka Dalits and non-Hindu citizens essentially fellow Indians like Muslims, Christians and others in society.
The BJP leadership’s other foot is firmly placed in obliging marching orders from the international deep state in Europe, predominantly non-Hindu players executing their devious agenda via representatives like New Delhi government on global finance, economy, health and politics with serious consequences experienced by vast majority in India largely affecting the ordinary population.
Apparently, the BJP government in New Delhi i.e. the self-proclaimed Hindu orthodox adherence to Europe based deep state policy exemplifying conversion by the former to latter is not perceived a problem. This is in light of European deep state strong influence over current Indian politics summarily ruining lives and livelihoods forcing the frustrated unemployed youth in India to observe the BJP government head PM Narendra Modi’s birthday as Unemployment Day last year.
New Delhi government is economically committed to selective industrialists like Gautam Adani and Mukesh and Anil Ambani from Gujarat besides other business tycoons financing the PM campaign.
Politically, New Delhi priorities remain as enunciated above. On the one hand satisfying RSS fundamentalist ideology as BJP motto and the other judiciously carrying out European deep state economic and financial system restructuring and reconfigurations regardless of adverse ramifications on the economy and financial status leaving the 1.3 billion citizens’ present and future hanging in balance.
The New Delhi government’s religious nationalist fervor representing the political dogma could be directed in the surrender of wealth held in Swiss Bank accounts and other tax havens beginning with PM Narendra Modi’s Swiss Bank balance INR 19,800 Crores and Home minister Amit Shah’s INR 1,58,000 Crores are merely the tip of the iceberg.
The aggregate total of the above account holders and other members of political class, economic and entertainment sectors exceeding $5,000,000,000,0000 i.e. US$ 5 Trillion could easily provide for India’s economic growth and massive development.
These members’ current balances could surpass the above mentioned amounts since the updates are never disclosed neither by Swiss Bank nor the account holders at the cost of national treasury and average citizens as taxpayers and contributors to the state and national economy.
Not to mention the illegal money stashed in foreign accounts enriching those nations economy and draining the source economy viz. the Indian economy leaving significant population in abject poverty, hunger and disease that is hardly ever a concern for New Delhi government and their allies in different parts of India.
Eliminating casteism and corruption would alone deliver substantial social and economic progress to people in India shackled to domestic and foreign subjugation.
The Indian politics is the underlying factor in denying the long overdue development yearned by citizens across the spectrum transcending false barriers in human classification in society.
Indians rising to the occasion with one voice in rejecting casteism and all form of discrimination against anyone alongside demands to return wealth held in offshore accounts back to the country beginning at the top to the bottom without exception is the true path towards emancipation.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
India – India Defense Force Personnel Tragedy
December 8, 2021
India – India Defense Force Personnel Tragedy
Padmini Arhant
I convey my sincere condolences to the combined Indian Defense Force and India on the latest tragic demise of the Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) General Bipin Rawat, spouse Madhulika Rawat, the senior most officer Brigadier L.S.Lidder and other defense personnel killed in the chopper crash reportedly in TamilNadu, India.
The loss of top brass and army personnel in the line of defense force is regrettable.
I express my thoughts and prayers for the victims’ families and survivors in this moment of grief and mourning.
Padmini Arhant
Abuse of Power – Politics, Police and Press
December 6, 2021
Abuse of Power – Politics, Police and Press
Padmini Arhant
The political party elected in the state and national election often misconceive the electoral mandate and exploit power against people electing them to government. Upon being elected to office, the state and national government are provided all facilities including personal privileges funded by the people as taxpayers and contributors to the state and national economy.
The law and order is a critical function in a society. However, when the public funded law enforcement exercise power against civil society in a manner as a parallel wing held above the law that are strictly applicable to them as well, the wheels of justice becomes dysfunctional.
Anytime in a situation, one side in uniform is loaded and armed explicitly as authority with power against the other who is contrarily unarmed with no badge or battalion viz. political, press and propaganda machinery like film industry to subvert truth and reality, the former exerting dominance and violence is not uncommon.
The reason politics treads carefully against police brutality and in certain systems vehemently lending carte blanche authority to police force is predominantly for personal interests to cover own backs using the police to silence democracy.
Any police misconduct which is unfortunately extreme against the weak, vulnerable, marginalized and importantly unarmed segments in society dismissed as a mere isolated incident by politics and press, there is a pattern established in repeat crimes by law enforcement. Notwithstanding politics and press dereliction of duty to curb recurrence.
Such demeanor from the most critical representatives viz. the people appointed government, the political opposition and the press to remain silent during the armed personnel atrocity against the unarmed civilian bereft of any representation clarify complacency and complicity from all three sides i.e. the ruling government, the political opposition and the media.
In fact, the key political opposition otherwise exploiting opportunities to blame the ruling power on any issues for political advantage in a state equally bear the burden for not pursuing such issues in the state assembly to deliver justice to victims family on deaths in police custody.
The political opposition could also legislate laws against law enforcement or any government agencies and institutions exceeding norm in interaction and investigation process with the public. The political opposition have the power and constitutional responsibility to introduce bills to probe actions on abuse of power by law enforcement or even judiciary failing to address social injustice at any time.
The political opposition failure in this regard hold them responsible for the community suffering with no end in sight. Besides, the inactions from the ruling faction and opposition exemplify apathy towards segments not part of the vote bank or electoral votes in the calculated political response.
Furthermore, the political opposition remaining oblivious at that time doing nothing to help victims and families affected by police hardline tactics is a serious negligence.
The same political party DMK upon assuming power recently as the ruling government in Tamil Nadu, India overtly promoting the movie script of the incident among several others over a period of time with them alternating governance in the past three decades clearly specifies political opportunism to spark communal divide.
The film industry primarily under politics rein obliging the state government in bringing to light the plight of a particular community is truly telling on the close partnership between politics and entertainment.
It does not stop there. The script deliberately falsely portrayed to stir more controversy for commercial gains and personal pecuniary interests by deception. The hatched political script serve selective profitability at the cost of other community and targeted individuals.
Notably, the political spin in the camera roll immensely acknowledging the political ally the advocate Chandru as the lead player – more than deservingly while the actual entities in real life with at least one member interestingly named Govind verifiably having sacrificed his entire life until justice was sought for the victims’ family eliminated from the script is wicked concoction. This is especially when the script emphasize the true story conviction with enactments to suit the political whims and fancies of the opportunists and profiteers in the project.
Not to mention the hype on communism and marxism in the theme amid the film titled after India’s social activist and constitution author Dr.Ambedkar, a staunch opponent of communist and marxist ideology premised on power centric politburo and violence as the order to oppress population.
Never mind the boost to communism in the film perhaps to appease neighbor Beijing, the CCP leadership in China despite India enduring the grueling impact of the COVID19 second wave and now on to preparing for the fourth OMICRON variant reportedly detected in India. Additionally, China’s aggression on the Himalayan region with Indian defense force stationed in the hostile Himalayan outposts in the past two years is of least concern to film makers and monetary beneficiaries in the project.
The communism profile in the film would largely associate as coalition with the ruling state political power – the DMK in Tamil Nadu.
The film makers justifying the recognition of communism and marxism as the adaptation from the real episodes with certain communist party members supposedly initiated legal support to victims’ family is one aspect. In stark contrast to reality, the same film makers and profiteers slighting the true samaritan Govind’s entire selfless contribution to victims’ family lasting several years in the legal battle mortify the convenient cinematic versions to omit the essential and glorify the minuscule again serving politics and film industry mutual desire.
Likewise, the victim’s spouse in real life introduced as Parvati with a different name for the character in the film in opposition to retaining original names for specific characters agreeable to the members involved in the notorious film project barely escape focus.
The reason behind the cock and bull story was given as Parvati allegedly a rape victim and in utter respect to Indian politics newly invented motto to selectively withhold rape victim’s name from public domain keeping into it is not necessarily practiced in all cases, the female name changed in the movie.
Not barring the individual paraded by Tamil Nadu diverse media as Parvati with interviews and generous tourism feeding and pampering the lady apparently hardly taint the alleged rape victim’s honor. Taking extra mileage in the bizarre portrayal of Parvati is her pregnancy in the movie when in reality the victim’s wife was admittedly 45 years old then passed her procreational aspiration or ability.
Above all, the film propagated as shedding light on the misery of the film makers designated demography in society i.e. Irullar not Kuravar community, the source of the story line. The film makes no mention or hints to hold the ruling power at that time viz. the ADMK under former Chief Minister Jayalalitha, the political opposition DMK headed by party Chief M. Karunanidhi and heir M.K.Stalin and media responsible. The three combined abysmal record to protect not only the affected community but anyone from anywhere in the state of Tamilnadu or for that matter all over India experiencing abuse of power and systemic prejudice should have resonated in the movie reminding the power brokers of their legislative and constitutional obligation to citizens regardless of electoral status.
It is suffice to say the cinematic liberties are also confined to rational parameters. The film makers and lead players monetizing others’ tragedies and vitriolic assaults on anyone viewed a fair game are required to be either completely factual or display potential in wholesome fictional characterization. The semi-baked charred presentation as a true story is misrepresentation at best and fraudulence at worst.
Whenever there is a foul play with intentional diversion to unnecessarily attract attention in the real or reel picture, the truth unravel revealing the black and white scenario.
Nonetheless, the political and commercial profiteering at anyone’s expense under the guise of social cause is the ultimate goal that dominates the corrupt system bankrolled with dirty money and illegal funneling between politics and film industry collaborations.
The maligning of religion with the goddess of fortune replacing the previously botched depiction of the negative character is succinct. The irony is the goddess of fortune expected to grant financial success on the movie having criminalized her in the backdrop with a political twist.
There are also questions raised from crony Tamil media paid by the film actor and director on why there should be any hue and cry over the contentious calendar on the wall?
Whether the first calendar showing fire pot or the replacement with goddess Lakshmi.
If the calendar on the wall was so irrelevant,
Why not use the media members’ family or even the lead actor’s off screen spouse portrait on the wall of the criminal’s residence?
The reply aptly fits such arbitrary disposition.
Why specifically choose the fire pot initially and then substitute with even more inflammatory depiction with Mahalakshmi picture?
How about my birth star god is Agni Dev and Sun representing the chief ascendant plagiarized from my autobiography manuscript?
Another fact being – my great grandmother from my father’s side is named Irullayi Ammal meaning the one who dispels darkness again lifted from my autobiography manuscript.
The movie projecting the so-called Irullar community deceitfully cast as dark or doomed community when the actual incident involves the gypsy i.e. Kuravar segment. There were numerous queries in this regard from Tamil audience to which there has been muted response from the lead actor, producer and director of this highly politicized film.
The wanton indulgence from the lead actor since the movie is marketed under the lead actor’s name as his film and the director are provocative. The actions adequately define the director as not Gnanavel rather Gnana Shunyam.
These are well substantiated and accordingly merit appropriate and valid explanation from the lead actor, director and the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K.Stalin obviously not happy about exposure on his family possession of black money in Swiss Bank account leading the rest of political class and the corrupt legions in India.
Then there was the Dravida Kazhagam founder Periyar related articles published on this site posing legitimate questions on Periyar’s legacy miserably failing in abolition of caste system or emancipation of women who inarguably continue to remain the subject of ridicule and mockery for Indian politics, cinema and society at large.
There appears to be problems with the names like Krishna, Siva, Parvati, Lakshmi or Narayan for the crooked politics and corrupt film industry having exhausted relentless character defamation. Not that it makes any difference whatsoever to cosmic forces ultimately deciding these mortals fate one way or another.
The desperate times seeking desperate measures is apparent utilizing the political and film industry alliance to hurt, humiliate and harbor ill feelings in the name of film making.
The same would apply if not more to other trash releases earlier on caricaturing Hindu epics lead female character Draupati or God Siva oriented narratives in Rudra Tandavam by the Indian cinema – Tamil film industry on the brink of extinction. Anything involving corrupt money and illicit dealings inevitably deliver undesirable outcome.
A word of caution for the film makers and politics in India.
The Mahabharata’s protagonist Draupati was solely instrumental in the annihilation of Kaurav clan due to Duryodhana, Durshasan and their uncle Shakuny miscalculating women’s power. In this instance Draupati’s oath to settle scores with the three evil menaces prompted Lord Krishna to fulfill her request.
Don’t mess with Draupati is the moral from Mahabharata.
When there is no talent to produce anything original in the material starved film industry, the attempts to distort and denigrate anyone of their choice is the latest norm much to individual and collective harm within the circle.
What goes around comes around without exception.
The audience acceptance or rejection of the contemptuous trend determines society’s present and future.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
FYI – Truth and Facts Digestion
December 5, 2021
FYI – Truth and Facts Digestion
Padmini Arhant
In sincere consideration of the well being of visitors to this site and sub-domain –, the following message is published for selective reference to those not accustomed to truthful information and factual presentation on all matter.
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Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Sky Cruise
December 2, 2021
Sky Cruise
Padmini Arhant
Padmini Arhant
Anti-Democratic Political Systems
November 22, 2021
Anti-Democratic Political Systems
Padmini Arhant
What is the biggest threat to political leaderships heading governments in contemporary politics?
Without a shadow of doubt – Democracy.
A real functioning vibrant democracy is feared the most and regarded serious threat to leaderships amassing power slighting constitution. The individual rights, liberty, free speech, peaceful assembly and democratic principles are systematically contained and eliminated in many instances to rein control over citizens and nation at large.
The elections transformed into mere formality with the convenience of electronic voting machine serving in voting irregularities to transfer and/or reject votes for the desirable outcome. The democratic process is subverted to suit political agenda.
As for the press, media variety – they are utilized as state propaganda machinery disseminating information to mislead and misguide the captive audience.
The law enforcement is misused citing national security. The police in uniform are deployed on the streets not for public safety and security rather to silence and disburse the frustrated farmers’ peaceful demonstrations or citizens fearing unconstitutional laws aimed at their fundamental citizenship rights like in India.
In the United States – the citizens opposed to vaccine mandates are isolated for seeking state recognition on basic rights concerning health matter.
The irony in the United States federal and certain states law on vaccine mandate is the democrat party in power cherish pro-choice policy in reproductive health to appeal to women electorate across the party lines during election. The House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s recent trip to the Vatican to lobby on the contentious matter considering the religious influence on members following the faith exemplify the democrat party leaderships political interest.
However, the ruling democrat administrations at the federal and many states are against pro-choice on vaccine issue. The individuals regardless of political affiliations are voicing their legitimate concerns over personal health either having experienced adverse effects from COVID vaccine or witnessed and passively endured serious ramifications to their loved ones including tragic loss of lives prompting them to protect individual discretion on personal health barring state interference.
According to the sources behind vaccine campaign, the COVID vaccine related negative effects are statistically lower despite extreme reactions amongst some vaccine recipients since inoculation of the population. The position highlights apathy to the families and victims facing real problems on vaccine associated response at individual level.
The democrat governments and other government agencies COVID vaccine mandate tied to jobs ignoring citizens’ genuine reservations is paradoxical to democrat party favored pro-choice on women’s reproductive health. While the democrat governments and those favor pro-choice on one i.e. the reproductive health, the pro-choice denial to vaccine resistance based on individual health history clarify undemocratic political decision.
The political systems in contemporary politics are increasingly apathetic to citizens’ rights and instead engaged in suppression of the republic status.
The political leaderships in other so-called democracies on the other hand are preoccupied in strengthening their power alarmingly leaning towards authoritarian style. The classic symptoms of such governance is evidenced in overt control over press, media, entertainment and communication outlets besides using them for state indoctrination.
The public tax payers funded government agencies like income tax, intelligence apparatus and technology resources are used against government critics and those targeted as obstacle to anti-democratic governance.
The general environment in present politics is to undermine democracy, decline constitutional rights and laws, violate individual rights at state’s will…are the pre-cursor to end republic status. They are by no means democratic or in the least independent with liberty and justice for all.
There are reports emerging in the supposedly world’s largest democracy viz. India on unlawful detentions of citizens without due process for valid reasonable discussions on government’s utter failure to address COVID health disaster, economic shambles and above all massive corruption.
The citizens are apprehended under the Central and State maintained UAPA – unlawful activities protection act.
The controversial UAPA inarguably executed by the Central i.e. New Delhi and State government viz. Tamil Nadu among several others following suit for self and vested interests. The UAPA is not set up to rescue the state or the nation from any domestic or foreign threats as falsely claimed by the political establishment. The UAPA is arbitrarily imposed against anyone exposing corruption and criminality in governance.
The UAPA is a dangerous precedence and designed to repress republic rights against draconian measures and tyrannical regime evolution at the central and state authority in India.
Elsewhere, the Russian federation is distanced from democracy with leadership extraordinary power and extra judicial actions against opposition denying any rights to contest election or participate in public address of overwhelming majority seeking free and fair access to alternative political thoughts and factions in the country.
The Russian citizens having been subject to anti-democratic conditions up until now deservingly yearn for revival of democracy, credible elections with multi-party contest unlike state declared election result as the majority representation in Duma to amend constitution aimed at extending status quo.
The other undemocratic interventions like internet censorship, filtering and monitoring the information flow in the cyberspace against own citizens are inherent authoritarian functionality represented in name only democracy and overt dictatorial rule.
The world has suffered and paid enormous price in blood and treasure under anti-democratic leaderships and political systems. The public revolt against hard-line unconstitutional laws and egregious violent crackdowns are testament to extremist governments removal from power.
The prominent western democracies taking pride in own democratic systems while direct or indirect involvement in installing, promoting, nurturing, fostering and funding dictatorial regimes worldwide such as the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, South and South East Asia… are responsible in many ways in depriving the population in these regions from freedom, sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Again the western and any other foreign infiltration not possible without internal entities and political interests’ treason in nations entrenched in corruption, mass deception and violation of public trust.
Power corrupts human mind and absolute power corrupts those at the helm absolutely and ultimately delivering inevitable expulsion from authority.
The government accountable to taxpayers and electorate is democracy. The reversal i.e. people fearing government as the intimidating authority is tyranny.
The gamble against democracy never proved gainful for those exploiting citizens’ patience and republic resolve. The republic awakening and empowerment is the only saving grace for constitution governed democracy.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter