Who is Government?

February 6, 2021

Who is Government?

Padmini Arhant

Who is Government? Whom do they Represent?

The topic is to dispel the myth surrounding government and republic status in the world.

Government is a privileged society on their own abusing power, resources and public to benefit political members in the hierarchy and those to whom they pledge allegiance viz. oligarchy and diverse influential forces in global society. 

Unfortunately, the beneficiaries are certainly not the ordinary people used as electorate to legitimize illegitimacy in false representation and delivery on economic, political and social interests. 

Government as proxies to global clique and internal organizations with specific agenda to subjugate population over generations and silence rational voices insist on maintaining status quo against natural science on expiration of all things tangible and otherwise. 

Government entrenched in corruption, nepotism through political dynasty in acknowledgment of Royalty, the self-proclaimed elites surviving on so-called commoners charity since time immemorial has run its course and exhausted means creating the canyon between haves and have nots with wealth lasting several generations and yet having no sense of contentment in the eternal quest for power, fame and fortune. 

Governments role in nation and their actions as well as decisions impact on average citizens thus far discussed in this update.

In general world over, oligarchy run governments collect taxes from average citizens with penalty upon late payments or default while exempting selves and those installed in government to serve oligarchy and special interests. These groups are exempt from taxes and rules and regulations in the state and nationwide.

The governments beginning with City council, county or municipal corporations, state and federal governments impose stern rules on local taxpayers constantly reminding citizenry of severe implications on non-compliance on tax payments and various responsibilities transferred over to citizens absolving them from host of duties whether maintenance of pavement repairs, sewage, street lights, roadways, bridges, infrastructure and many public service or important economic aspects such as job creation, crime containment and security, addressing farmers and workers plight. 

Increasing property tax regardless of market downturns, automobile registration fees, consumer goods and services taxes other than personal income tax to state and federal governments constitute revenue to governments that are not accounted for to citizens expected to pay and oblige with no questions on public matter. 

The City council, County, Municipal body, state and central or federal authorities, government agencies and affiliates numerous delinquencies and non-performance is never subject to scrutiny or independent oversight facilitating the governments’ right to impropriety and inefficiency as their prerogative. 

The Citizens Right to information that are referred to as Freedom of Information Act aka The Right to Information (RTI) is either streamlined as classified information alternatively watered down through legislation prohibiting public access to key facts and figures on government statistics and data. 

Where is my TAX money going and how is it being spent if I have to incur all expenses related to public service?

Why are citizens expected to fear authority and not allowed to raise questions and concerns on dysfunctional governments starting with the City, County or municipal level to federal government?

Who authorized political immunity on corruption, embezzlements, tax evasions, murder, terrorizing average citizens, minorities, women and other weak vulnerable demography in society?

Why can’t people employed government be held accountable for erroneous decisions and massive fraud on many occasions depriving average citizens their lifetime savings, retirement funds and /or livelihood paralyzing citizens present and future?

The governments’ misuse of tax payers i.e.ordinary public funded law enforcement agencies to curb peaceful dissent, assembly or submission of citizens petition to government continues unabated in many parts of the world denying citizens basic rights to know the reasons and motives behind government legislations affecting ordinary lives in society. 

Transparency and accountability enforced on law abiding ordinary citizens are not applicable on oligarchy controlled governments and their partners in the economic, entertainment and even religious domains with religion and communal profile used as political tools to win elections. 

The financial transactions on various government deals with economic sector besides trade relations between public and private sector involving ordinary tax payer funds are conducted in secrecy barring accountability.

The terms transparency and accountability are antithetical to those wielding authority and clout in politics. The activities squandering mainstream population generated national income to exclusively benefit political campaign bidders and stakeholders in politics and economic sector is the culture. 

The top brass in government posts beginning with Prime Minister or President and cabinet ministers together with selective members in administration make a fortune during the term in office.

What makes those entering public office penniless or maxed out credit cards exit as multimillionaires in the absence of public disclosure on such income?

Not content with wealth amassment at ordinary citizens peril, their family members i.e. spouse and children use every opportunity to lavishly avail extraordinary privileges like using national aircraft meant for only Presidential or Prime Minister official foreign visits for family vacations costing tax payers to a tune of over $100 million or fly to Paris and exotic locations for example on shopping spree with their children. 

The tax payers money splurged in such instances are hardly a concern for these political families assuming privileged status in the sudden transformation of their economic background. 

As if these are not enough, the children from political families are also guaranteed admissions in elite educational institutions under Presidential or influential members quota with majority of them not even qualifying enrollment in any academic or vocational schools let alone any major education center.

College admissions bribing elite schools through endowments is widely practiced among the rich, famous and powerful boasting their educational accolades evidently not on merit but monetary donations in the apparently democratic systems. 

Meanwhile, the illicit entry of ineligible into colleges displacing the eligible, meritorious and competent students make their way into politics, economic sector and entertainment…to name a few in diverse occupation reflected in status quo i.e. lack luster growth fudged as fast development. 

Rapid development indeed in fast tracking through short cuts and shady tactics that begins earlier on in their life and continues until their last breath as many are incorrigible in nature. 

Tragically, the able and capable common citizens resign to fait accompli and choose to be burdened with these economic, political and social liabilities much to pervasive ramifications.

They endure generational suffering empowering the so-called elected government. The latter in return victimize those used in the process as electorate to personal gains and oligarchy profits. 

The worst for the electorate is governments term range from four to five years with some extending the tenure deploying devious course like vote rigging, manipulation or plain aggression. 

Governments are fiduciaries appointed and managed by corporate funders, economic merchants alongside fundamental, radical organizations and institutions poised as think tanks promoting own policies and ideologies to deter real progress and a realistic free society or free world forcing prevalent fake environment.

In a nutshell, the corrupt, incompetent, criminal, unscrupulous, promiscuous, nefarious and above all subservient to architects and agents of destruction and chaos are the preference for the ruling class,

Who needs such government engaged in subverting democracy, constitution and human values for selective dominance, prosperity and supremacy? 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter PadminiArhant.com



United States – Status Quo 

February 2, 2021

Clarification on Personal Stance on 

United States Presidential Election 2020

Padmini Arhant

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


United States – Status Quo 

Any intolerance to free speech, unfettered internet access, individual rights, political freedom…and constitution guaranteed rights are direct violation of human rights. 

Misuse of official authority granted by people against people is authoritarian. Targeting citizens in political opposition under false pretexts are undemocratic suggesting little or no respect for alternative views and position. 

These are in semblance with dictatorial regimes subjugating nation and the republic.

There will be a presentation on all these issues in a direct personal interaction with the nation.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

World Without Governments – Great Reset Financial Fiasco Part 2

January 29, 2021

The Deep State Swamp Analyzed

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


World Without Governments

Great Reset Financial Fiasco

Part 2

Padmini Arhant

World Without Governments

GREAT RESET: The global financial system is controlled and managed by selective few members in a core circle protecting self and vested interests at humanity’s expense thus far.

Please refer to above article on World Without Governments and Great Reset introduction.

Upon pressure on this website in 2009 and 2010 urging Congress to liberate United States monetary policy and currency printing and distribution from the private entitythe Federal Reserve appropriately defined by then Libertarian Congressman Ron Paul as a private enterprise analogous to Federal Express – the courier company, Federal in name not necessarily associated with the United States government delineating the private corporate feature was right on mark.

The congressional debate and discussion began on this topic in 2009 that was obviously never welcome from the expected quarters – the Federal Reserve.

As revealed in the above article, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act 2009 initiated and introduced by Congress members Republican Congressman Ron Paul and then democrat Alan Grayson authorized Federal Reserve audit. However, the audit  never implemented due to latter declining access and deploying tactics stymieing congressional action in this regard.

Notwithstanding the aggressive measures against then congressman Alan Grayson effectively ending the democrat’s political career was in accordance with the tradition. Then democrat Alan Grayson replaced with complacency and complicit members in the United States Senate and House of Congress rhyming Federal Reserve’s script is the norm relevant until now.

How did then President Barack Obama appease the Federal Reserve Banking syndicate, the deep state and globalists to secure re-election in 2012 will be disclosed at the appropriate moment.

The latest Biden – Emhoff administration appointee – Treasury secretary Janet Yellen – the former Barack Obama appointee as the Federal Reserve Chair is hardly surprising. Then Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen immediate priority upon assuming power was key interest rate increased on December 16, 2015.

The public information confirms – “With Yellen as chair, the Federal Reserve increased its key interest rate on December 16, 2015. This was the first time the key interest rate was increased since 2006.”

This interest rate increase from Janet Yellen had a significant impact on borrowing across the economic sector including the home mortgage, business, auto loans, student loans and importantly government borrowing from the Federal Reserve to run government affairs while enormously boosting Federal Reserve profiteering that was never subject to audit. 

Then Barack Obama – Joe Biden administration fiscal fiasco.

The former President Barack Obama also raised the debt ceiling.

February 12, 2010: Increase in the debt ceiling signed into law by President Barack Obama, after being passed by the Democratic 111th United States Congress. It increased the debt ceiling by $1.9 trillion from $12.394 trillion to $14.294 trillion.

Courtesy – The Balance. National Debt Under Obama – Thank you.

President Barack Obama added anywhere from $2.8 trillion to $9 trillion to the national debt.

The largest number comes from calculating how much the debt increased during Barack Obama’s two terms. When Barack Obama was sworn in on Jan. 20, 2009, the debt was $10.626 trillion.

When he left office on Jan. 20, 2017, it was $19.937 trillion. It explains why some would say Barack Obama added $9 trillion to the debt.

More revelations and discussion to follow in due course.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 






Message to Bullies

January 27, 2021

Message to Bullies

Padmini Arhant

Who are bullies?

Bullies are those who lack self-respect, self-esteem and extremely insecure. Bullies are vulnerable to own shortcomings and misgivings conforming to serious personality disorder. They are confused misled by their convictions and false judgments about those they incessantly target to evade self-inadequacies and successive failures in negative pursuits. Bullies by nature are cowards and rely on harassment. They have no self-dignity for they suffer from obsession with their target. 

I challenge those wasting life on stereotype such as transgender mania and non-binary references to prove own gender in public.

What makes you think you belong to gender you claim as factual while categorizing others however you please?

You are the kind who never even belong in human species let alone any gender specification.

Stop viewing others through your prism of pride and prejudice. Free yourselves from your degenerative traits and develop positive constructive mindset.

Your clinical fixation to tarnish anyone in nuanced character assassination explicitly verify you and your priority. The constant denigration via insinuations is mirror reflection of you struggling to reconcile terms with your personal excess baggage. 

You and your contingency deployed in counterproductive involvements is suicidal for you have nothing to live for other than self-destruction. 

When you and your league are sleeping partners and bed fellows with corrupt oligarchs, communist regimes, socialist Soros, gluttonous globalists and control freak financial cartels…adequately describing your promiscuity, philandering and debauchery, you and your clique have no credibility or right to question my character and chastity. 

The proof is in representation. You and your negativities representing the wild and the wicked while I firmly remain loyal to righteous, virtuous and truth epitomizing almighty god. 

I rest my case.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

United States Status Quo

January 24, 2021

United States Status Quo

Padmini Arhant


Author & Presenter 

Padmini Arhant



Biden Administration – Unity Discord

January 24, 2021

Biden Administration – Unity Discord

Padmini Arhant

The so-called Black President Barack Obama installed and run Biden-Emhoff administration axes the African American Surgeon General Jerome Adams position, the first target upon the administration assuming power.

The crony media propagated Barack Obama’s 3.0 is in action.

Surgeon General Jerome Adams – the second only African American to be appointed for this post by President Donald Trump was the first appointee to be removed from office. The Trump appointee African American Surgeon General Jerome Adams term was not due for expiry until September of this year i.e. 2021.

The other African American designated to this position was Joycelyn Elders – a Bill Clinton appointee, subsequently fired for controversial public statement on sex education. Then Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders’ Boss, the former President Bill Clinton ironically distanced from the SG’s statement claiming that was a personal and not administration’s view. 

Joe Biden emphasis on unity and opportunity to minority along side Kamala Emhoff touting blackness during public appearance targeting the African American as the first casualty in the administration is reminiscent of Barack Obama, the so-called first Black President wrongfully firing the female African American Shirley Sherrod, then public official from the agriculture department.

The fawning mainstream media over the current Biden-Emhoff administration would have been ballistic upon Trump administration carrying out such action at the administration onset regardless of any reason.

The MSM hypocrisy ad nauseam is barely the beginning of the tortuous media bias in the offing. 

Padmini Arhant 

World Without Governments

January 20, 2021

World without Government


Padmini Arhant

Is it a coincidence to witness history repeating itself today in the United States replicated worldwide?

Get ready for GREAT RESET say financial cartel and oligarchy run governments installing corrupt scandalous candidacies and administration to power.

The GREAT RESET vigorously promoted by clueless Joe Biden in the minuscule campaign appearance in 2020 may not have been noticed by many in the United States and across the globe.

GREAT RESET – The financial system and economic structure worldwide reset to aggravate debt culture is the agenda.

The sinister concept drowning humans in lifetime and generational debt to serve self-proclaimed elites that are actually narcissists is no surprise.

The secret society and deep state swamp usually herald their devious plan from Davos, Switzerland through World Economic Forum held annually to drop the ball on those who pay attention to such mega event.

Create a crisis and transform that crisis into opportunity for opportunists to enslave humans across the globe has been operative since evil empire’s existence.

What’s new with this Great Reset?

There is nothing ever new about deep state swamp actions. The same old ideas, strategy are recycled through administrations and governments installed by them through rigged election.

Since the deep state swamp and members are committed to proving me wrong on all issues though anything presented as reality from them is falsehood and fraudulence including the latest inauguration of corruption and fraud as democratic,

The deep state swamp proving the information on Great Reset wrong would indeed be a great relief for humanity ending their ruinous policy once and for all.

Great Reset – Focused on eliminating cash economy. The cash transactions are largely replaced with credit and debit card that are already in practice. The credit card and various loans ranging from house mortgage, car loans, business loans to student loans and any other borrowings related to health and other family commitments are just a few examples in the debt cycle.

The debt vortex confines human population with monetary obligations from the young age of 18 years until retirement and beyond.

Students are bogged down with debts even before they start any career. The cost of education and job opportunities are not necessarily parallel and intersect at any point to guarantee every graduate suitable employment or any employment until certain time extending over a year and longer.

Farmers plight is even more agonizing across the globe. The farmers suicide in industrialized nation like the United States, emerging economies India and  developing nations world over has been alarming. The tragic situation is primarily linked with burgeoning debts and stagnancy in revenue despite moderate to higher crop yield in agriculture.

Humans are conditioned to this pattern making survival difficult to impossible for many worldwide.

Furthermore, the central bank in any nation printing money for circulation within country for economic activities are doubled down with widespread borrowing within and outside. The emerging and developing economies are unable to control inflation with excess borrowings by governments and citizens alike to pay debts rather than interjecting economy with capital investments increasing domestic productivity and employment.

The developing nations are forced into borrowing from international monetary authorities like the World Bank, IMF, China Central Bank, European Central Bank (ECB) as well as others in Europe.

These nations are left with no other option than surrender to indefinite debt servicing without any economic stimulus. Additionally their people as human capital in the deal are subject to exploitation. As permanent debtors, these nations’ national assets and natural resources are used as collateral subjugating nation and people all together in the financial bargain.

The financial system predominantly functions on borrowed money to run governments, economy and daily life. The borrowings are heavily burdened with interests which in return are transferred over to every man, woman and child including the ones that are yet to be born in this world.

Interests and taxes cripple human liberty, progress and prosperity while financially, economically and politically empowering financial cartel and oligarchs comprising selective few to rule the world on their terms and conditions. The nation’s constitution, rule of law, election integrity, democratic process and ultimately sovereignty upended in their exclusive gains defrauding citizens as electorate and taxpayers in the country.

How does the government shift responsibility on interest payments on their huge borrowings from private entity – the Federal Reserve not in any shape or form affiliated with United States government?

The government transfer financial liability to ordinary people by taxing them on their labor viz. personal income tax, home owners paying property tax, investments in stocks and shares, any other valuable assets like land, commodities such as gold, silver, now cryptocurrency and all tangible commercial items of value…all of them attract tax to run government. The goods and services tax as sales tax or value added tax (VAT) are separate that all consumers pay regardless of economic status.

The Federal Reserve in the United States is a private enterprise established as central monetary authority with a monetary policy designed to favor members of core financial groups in the international domain with no checks and balances whatsoever.

There has never been a verifiable internal and no external audit on the Federal Reserve thus far. The self appointed federal reserve with multi-trillion dollar United States economy on the private entity’s oversight has zero tolerance to any hints on transparency and accountability from them.

As a matter of fact, the last time the bipartisan effort in this respect – the rare members Republican Congressman Ron Paul from Texas and democrat Alan Mark Grayson from Florida from the right and left introduced in

H.R.1207 — 111th Congress (2009-2010)

Sponsor: Rep. Paul, Ron [R-TX-14] (Introduced 02/26/2009)
Committees: House – Financial Services

Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 – “Repeals the authority of the Comptroller General to carry out an onsite examination of an open insured bank or bank holding company only if the appropriate federal regulatory agency has consented in writing. (Retains the authority of the Comptroller General to audit a federal agency.)

Directs the Comptroller General to complete, before the end of 2010, an audit of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and of the federal reserve banks, followed by a detailed report to Congress.”

The action resulted in democrat congress member from Florida’s 8th congressional district, Alan Grayson, the co-sponsor of the Federal Reserve Transparency Act of 2009 unseated and repeatedly stymied in the congressional and senate bid ending the congressman political career for daring to question the private organization Federal Reserve designated as United States Central Monetary Authority. The congressman Alan Grayson also had to deal with aggressive tactics from those not comfortable with the bill authorizing Federal Reserve audit.

Subsequently, then federal reserve chairman Ben Bernanke declined response to Congress on $2.2 trillion to international banks and institutions at the House Financial Services Committee hearing adding frustration among members like then Republican congressman Dr. Ron Paul from Texas and democrat Alan Grayson from Florida and few others in the committee.

The Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke response was ‘I don’t know’ on where and who received $2.2 trillion of U.S. taxpayers money.

Former President Barack Obama Endorse Wall Street CEO’s Bonus 

The video content on the House Financial Services Committee Hearing in 2009 with then Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke appearance before the Committee.

Courtesy – C-SPAN2 – Thank you.

Federal Reserve Balance Sheet off chart 

Federal Reserve Pervasive Power 

Monetary Policy Authority, Systemic Regulator, Bank Regulator, Consumer Credit Control

Taxpayer Protection 

Former President Barack Obama Called Out by Democrat Congressman 


For Continuation of Predecessor George W. Bush and Dick Cheney Policy 

Former President Barack Obama Called Out by Democrat Congressman 

REP. Paul Kanjorski

Citing lack of Transparency on Funding Federal Reserve at the Congressional Briefing 

The update will continue in due course.

Padmini Arhant 



United States – Save Democracy and the Republic

January 20, 2021

Swamp and Deep State

Padmini Arhant

Fraudulent elections and false declaration of winner leads to perpetual chaos, turmoil and colossal failures in all endeavors.

Case in point Belarus, Israel, India..in 2019 confronted with economic crisis well before COVID19 and more so following the pandemic with Israel headed to polls for fourth time in two years.

Earlier George W. Bush and Dick Cheney – 2000 and 2004 rigged election produced eight years of calamity and mayhem.

Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden 2012 – bought election from Republican Mitt Romney was a disaster for the duo and the nation.

The inauguration is mirror reflection of January 6th, 2021. Storming the Capitol Hill replaced by forcing into the White House.

Padmini Arhant                                                                                                                                

P.S. The Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Emhoff was rejected by democratic base in the Presidential bid  in democratic primary in 2019. The candidacy as VP is not people’s choice. Instead Beijing, deep state, swamp and relevantly Barack Obama’s pick to perform evil cult activities of their desire. 

Is this what happened to Kamala Harris/Emhoff – Chosen by Barack Hussein Obama and Deep State Swamp to mould into ‘Radicalized Cult Behavior’ – OBEDIENCE and SILENCE?

CNN – Cult News Network?

Evil cult activities? – Please ask CNN – they had the so-called expert in Cult and mental health development Steven Hassan to explain Capitol Hill stormers branded “Trump Supporters” and further naming them “Cult Followers.”

Barack Obama called Republican electorate ‘Gun toters’, Hillary Clinton labeled them ‘Basket of Deplorables’ and now CNN – Cult News Network certifies Trump Supporters ‘Cult Followers’. 

Such characterization of political freedom and individual rights would do wonders in uniting the deeply divided nation?

Great display of intellect indeed from democrat turned Oligarch Party!

Curbing FREE SPEECH is a sign of FEAR for TRUTH.  

When you silence FREE SPEECH, you confirm TYRANNY.

Similarly, defiance of GOD’S WILL is an invitation to Peril.


Save Democracy and the Republic

Padmini Arhant

United States welcomes and embrace highly skilled as well as talented people besides those seeking better economic opportunity and political freedom this unique nation is famous for until now.

United States like every other nation has a history that is good and bad for various reasons shaping the country to learn from mistakes and safeguard the nation’s strength which is democracy, free speech and individual rights that are inalienable to all created equal on earth. United States is also the bedrock for constitution, the sacred covenant providing not only guidance in governance but also enunciates the importance of all kinds of freedom.

The freedom of speech – the very first amendment in the bill of rights protects every citizen to express views, ideas and grievance on all and any issues.

The second amendment – though controversial grants those fearing danger from anyone and anywhere the right to bear firearms with limits on weapons grade entirely and exclusively in personal defense again not meant to hurt or harm unarmed citizens, individuals and species resulting in loss of lives witnessed in shooting rampage in public premise or domestic violence that are in direct contradiction with pro-life, yet another cherished value for members on the political right.

On the other hand, the political left with their pro-choice position in allowing or terminating life are poised to misuse the policy as well. The pro-choice applicable to situations such as rape, sexual assault and health related problems like congenital and hereditary disease challenging quality of life is one aspect. The other being the trend in teenage pregnancies and unwanted abortions attracting ire on moral grounds. In fact, the two sides barring abuse of choice face same dilemma i.e. decision-making options on personal life while opposing each other in defending own life.

The constitution also guarantees religious freedom to practice and follow any religion of choice or by birth facilitating channels to find solace and inner peace.

Above all, the freedom of press to oversee government, corporations and general society functions and activities reporting them accurately in the absence of any bias and partisanship essentially maintaining objectivity and journalistic ethics without any excuse or exemptions.

The conventional mainstream, alternative and other diverse media are required to fulfill the role as trustworthy medium for citizens to know and learn about incidents and events all around. The press as media is also responsible to convey and relay information notably as news organizations and provide unfettered access to all citizens regardless of political affiliations to information at all times especially during crucial events like election and warfare.

Unfortunately, the constitution itself is no longer regarded relevant in governance and citizens’ rights currently under attack like never before setting dangerous precedence for democracy.

The nation and the rest of the world was hit with unexpected health catastrophe in the form of COVID19 originating from Wuhan, China inflicting premature loss of lives to the deadly virus. The immeasurable health and economic disaster cannot be discounted in any length or scope of human tragedy and excruciating economic plight.

United States amid COVID19 pandemic in lockdown to combat deadly contagion had to hold Presidential election that created opportunity for political party to become innovative in the desire to win at any cost.

The Presidential election 2020 jeopardized on three fundamental facts.

Constitutional Violation and Election Integrity. This topic has been presented on a personal level in publications and video presentation. Similarly, many voices and earnest citizens nationwide and from foreign land have submitted their fact based evidences in this regard.

Constitutional violations in electoral college votes determination in swing states PA, WI, AZ, GA, MI, NV and NM whereby the state officials nominated state electors slighting state constitutional procedures through state legislature assembly. In failing to adhere constitutional rule of law, the states discarded electorate representation. The widespread voting irregularities, illegal ballots and voter fraud adequately and abundantly substantiated in swing states public hearing, live videos on election rules violations in election precincts in Georgia and other swing states like AZ, PA etc. were few among rampant violations in the election.

From overseas, the vote flipping from actual winner Donald Trump to designated candidacy Joe Biden was corroborated in sworn affidavit  from Italian law Professor and judge in the presence of high ranking army and security personnel held hearing in Italy on pre-arranged vote transfer using Frankfurt server via Rome. The bankrupted company in Barcelona, Spain hired to perform vote tabulation was a breach of election.

The systemic fraud to swing electoral outcome through these means invalidate the status quo declaring Joe Biden, the winner in the Presidential race 2020.

Foreign Interference – China is the major beneficiary and player in the Presidential election 2020 confirmed by communist party members in public meeting also viewed worldwide.

Additionally, other states interference also reported by the director of national intelligence John Radcliffe subsequent to

Last but not the least – Joe Biden and family scandals directly linked with China communist regime and China’s PLA, Kamala Emhoff’s spouse Douglas Emhoff firm represented by China CCP officials and China’s military personnel. 

These revelations and latest democrat spygate involving Eric Swalwell authorize Beijing as the stakeholder in Biden-Emhoff administration.

The Ukrainian quid pro quo dealings, Iraq, Kazakhstan…and Moscow to name a few among other destinations across the globe are merely the tip of the iceberg.

Accordingly, the inauguration on January 20th, 2021 to install corrupt scandalous Presidential and Vice Presidential candidacy i.e. Joseph Biden and Kamala Emhoff  is direct assault on democracy, election integrity, equal application of law on corruption scandals and quid pro quo criminal dealings with domestic entities and foreign governments.

Any average American upon such engagements regardless of political affiliation viz. left, right, independent or A-political would be subject to fullest extent of law in the land of justice.

The defiance in this regard to hold both Joe Biden and Kamala Emhoff for their direct involvements with foreign adversaries and corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine, Moscow and across the globe is clear demonstration of treason and betrayal of American taxpayers and electorate trust in a democratic system, currently upended ushering in Beijing and corrupt oligarchs sponsored administration to power.

Americans against blatant violations in the ongoing developments need to rise to the occasion and peacefully and non-violently object via emails and social media to the inauguration of corruption and scandalous candidacies to power.

Moving forward with such inauguration despite substantiated scandals is subversion undermining REPUBLIC status in the constitutional governed democracy.

Presidential candidate Joe Biden confession in public domain (reference video below) on organized election fraud in 2020 Presidential election and further confirmation on agreement to resign upon fundamental difference in moral principles is urged to concede and step aside in acknowledgment and honor of United States Republic status seriously sabotaged through foreign interference in Presidential election 2020.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter






United States – Important Update on Status Quo 

January 15, 2021

United States – Important Update on Status Quo 

Padmini Arhant

Important update on status quo will be delivered today.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

United States – Inauguration of Corruption and Fraud

is rejected to defend

Democracy and Republic status 

Padmini Arhant 

The scheduled inauguration on January 20th, 2021 to install corrupt scandalous Presidential and Vice Presidential candidacy i.e. Joseph Biden and Kamala Emhoff  is direct assault on democracy, election integrity, equal application of law on corruption scandals and quid pro quo criminal dealings with domestic entities and foreign governments.  Any average American upon such engagements regardless of political affiliation viz. left, right, independent or A-political would be subject to fullest extent of law in the land of justice. 

The defiance in this regard to hold both Joe Biden and Kamala Emhoff for their direct involvements with foreign adversaries and corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine, Moscow and across the globe is clear demonstration of treason and betrayal of American taxpayers and electorate trust in a democratic system, currently upended to usher in Beijing and corrupt oligarchs sponsored administration to power.

Americans against blatant violations in the ongoing developments need to rise to the occasion and peacefully and non-violently object via emails and social media to the inauguration of corruption and scandalous candidacies to power.

Moving forward with such inauguration despite substantiated scandals is subversion undermining REPUBLIC status in the constitutional governed democracy.

Presidential candidate Joe Biden confession in public domain (reference video below) on organized election fraud in 2020 Presidential election and further confirmation on agreement to resign upon fundamental difference in moral principles is urged to concede and step aside in acknowledgment and honor of United States Republic status seriously sabotaged through foreign interference in Presidential election 2020.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The following revelations and damning evidences categorically disqualify Biden – Harris/Emhoff Presidential bid in 2020.



United States – Investigations Holding None Above Law

REVEALED: Kamala Harris’s Husband’s Firm Reps Chinese Communist Party-Owned Corporates, Employs Ex-CCP Officials

What will Joe Biden do upon difference of opinion with Barack Obama?

JOE BIDEN’s response. “I’ll develop some disease and resign.”

P.S. Bowing to blatant corruption and fraud is complicity. 

Padmini Arhant

Facts on Election Corruption Worldwide

Padmini Arhant

– Dominion serves 40% of the US market. It is in 30 states.

– The state of Texas rejected the machines.

– Admiral Peter Neffenger is on Biden’s transition team.

– Peter Neffenger was the President and on the board of Smartmatic

– Smartmatic entered into an agreement with Dominion in 2009

– Smartmatic counted American votes in Venezuela

– Smartmatic is connected to Philippine voter fraud

– Smartmatic is run by “Lord” Mark Malloch Brown who works for George Soros.

The General Election in India in May 2019 was also corrupted with Electronic Voting Machine manipulation and illegal ballots in the lead up to final outcome.


United States – Twitter Exposed 

Padmini Arhant

Courtesy – Flashpoint – The Victory Channel. Thank you.

Twitter Hypocrisy


United States – Joe Biden’s Threat to

Ukraine President

Padmini Arhant

Courtesy – Flashpoint – The Victory Channel. Thank you.



United States – Presidential Election 2020

Republic Declaration and Divine Decree

Padmini Arhant

The second unsuccessful impeachment trial of duly elected President Donald Trump has not resulted in the end of the incumbent term in office.

In fact, the entire events since Presidential election 2020 beginning until now has effectively terminated the evil course and EVIL empire having run its longest innings since last century up until this moment now bid farewell. 

Hasta lavista EVIL EMPIRE.  Adios never to return to EARTH.

The dawn of new era belongs to WE THE PEOPLE and the REPUBLIC in the United States and across the globe by Almighty God’s grace and blessings, the real force behind creations, preservation and destruction of anything against peace, tranquility, equality, justice, progress and prosperity for humanity and environment.

Presenting more incontrovertible election fraud in the Presidential election 2020 from Italian law professor and judge in the city of Naples, Italy. Thank you.

The citizens efforts must continue in unveiling TRUTH rejecting false propaganda to maintain status quo on election corruption. The citizens contributions are appreciated and encouraged in sharing facts and information to stymie gag order from tech giants and politics silencing democracy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter




For the Record – PA Identity Clarification

January 14, 2021

For the Record –

PA Identity Clarification

Padmini Arhant


This video was intercepted and removed multiple times by corrupt criminal elements in politics in direct violation of my rights in the privately owned domain. The objectionable action is from the opponents to Free Speech and TRUTH about anything especially those in politics abusing power to the core. They lie their way to the position of power through duplicity and exploitation of the one they remain obsessed with in vain.

What the corrupt criminal weaklings prompted by their cowardice and stupidity fail to understand is the irrefutable fact.

The interference in my personal life and work, the divine mission in particular, the deterrence from these nefarious dark groups only encourage my determination. Please do not copy this copycats, plagiarists and opportunists. The reference is only applicable to those in such indulgence.

Though the message has been delivered earlier and repeatedly in this context, unfortunately those who regard violation of others’ rights their entitlement seek reminder via their compulsive conduct and repeat offense.

Please stay tuned for critical update on United States status quo.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter




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