Lies and Propaganda
March 8, 2021
Lies and Propaganda
Padmini Arhant
When lies and propaganda become the norm from installing government to rallying behind illegitimate governance, the reality eclipse underlying fakeness and falsehood.
‘The crony corrupt media and incognito power deployed harbingers in YouTube and other format for misinformation and misrepresentation is well known. The material from them on anything is far from truth and facts. Furthermore, the current situation related to stock market, employment, economy and pandemic nationwide beckon viewers and readers discernment. The tech industry is heavily hit and spiraling downward like never before. The vaccine manufacturers stocks in the United States skidding backwards despite euphoria on supposedly nationwide vaccination in full steam.
The job market is apparently screaming for help and desperately seeking employees and workers to fill in various positions with handsome pay and benefits. The retail industry claimed to have been rejuvenated making every day holiday season for retail sellers and buyers in the economy. Amidst all of these fantasies running wild, the celebration in the air on economic stimulus package for a staggering $1.9 trillion rewarding the economy on excellent performance since January 20th, 2021 and until now within six weeks of new administration in power.
Could this be a miracle or mirage?
Since behind the scenes operatives running the gamut are adept in pulling pigeons out of rabbit ears, they have tasked fabrication troops to continue peddling disinformation in public domain and keep the audience engaged in believing the sky is anything but blue and earth is not round but flat.
When elections are seized by unconstitutional, undemocratic and unlawful means, the sequence necessitate running government on same prototype. The reruns can only be tolerated by audience for so long. Then after a while, the show loses novelty and becomes a cliche. The originality and creativity being a rare commodity and conspicuously abstinent, reliance on obsolete tricks and tactics remain the only hope for survival.
The trend also highlights backstage controllers’ stagnancy unable to maneuver, accelerate or reverse course. The awkward position reveals insensitivity and inability to mind and manage affairs other than funnel concoctions screening photoshop version of pastures as luscious fertile green natural landscape.
In a nutshell, leaving optics entirely in the eyes of beholder.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
India – Farmers Protest
March 5, 2021
India – Farmers Protest
Padmini Arhant
Indian Farmers and Workers Plight – Presentation in Hindi in 2018
India – Farmers and Workers Rally – Tribute to Major Workforce
Thoothukudi (Tamil Nadu), India Police Violence – Presentation in English in 2018
Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu Protest – Presentation in Tamil in 2018
The farmers protests in India together with unemployed youth, rising inflation and average citizens suffering nationwide could possibly see the light at the end of tunnel upon India’s leading corporate crony aka Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi stepping down from office.
Reiterating earlier statement on this website on Narendra Modi’s re-election in 2019 as nothing but doom, decline and disaster had been proved since then up until now. The head of the nation Narendra Modi stashing illegal wealth in Swiss bank account along with entire political class and establishment in India hoarding dark money is shameful and an abomination. In contrast, among 1.35 billion population the overwhelming majority in abject poverty, hunger and disease forced to accept the corrupt criminal regimes in power as fact of life is a political travesty in the so-called world’s largest democracy.
This is the reality for any government and political party elected or re-elected to power via rigged election facilitated by calibrated voting machine, black money funding and China communist regime direct financing of political candidacies as it was with Narendra Modi and others in 2019 election and earlier. The subversion of democratic and electoral process through foreign intervention from China, Russia and other nations is the norm to convince citizens on their turf that democracy doesn’t work and dysfunctional. Instead these foreign intruders insist on communist, socialist agenda exclusively serving gluttonous oligarchy whom they represent as the selective few with concentration of power among them i.e. the self-serving self-proclaimed elitists essentially narcissists run system as the ideal political choice.
On the other hand, the international criminal cabal’s proxies, pawns and puppets in diverse role are deployed as propagandists to peddle international cartel’s concocted versions on all issues that are far from truth and factual information. Though there are many lured with fame, fortune and power to perform for the international syndicate, there are some cherry picked by the clique in the divide and conquer strategy. They are usurped to superficial political positions and some are elevated to strengthen sycophancy and misrepresentation.
In this context, the conglomerate representative touted as world renowned environmentalist, the voice for organic agriculture and farmers’ crusader from India is nowhere visible in the months’ long farmers protests to lend a prominent representation in the farmer’s plight. The western financed notable female Indian author is pre-occupied in making rounds selling books on international broadcasting networks like BBC, RT, Democracy Now…to name a few among devious broadcasters overtly and covertly committed to globalists indoctrination.
Where is Dr. Vandana Shiva in the Indian farmers’ prolonged struggle?
It is least surprising to note Dr. Vandana Shiva representation of Narendra Modi government defending the administration in foreign media when questioned on Narendra Modi government violent crack down on farmers and arbitrary arrest of anyone speaking for the farmers as foreign NGO’s instigation.
India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and administration are directly responsible for farmers tragedy ranging from suicides to deprivation of farmland ownership. The grand larceny where farmlands were deceitfully seized from Indian farmers and indigenous groups in central, north, north western, north eastern and southern India to accommodate Indian oligarchs is the trend. Narendra Modi’s campaign financiers Adani, Ambani, the Britain based Vedanta group owned Sterlite corporation and several domestic as well as foreign corporate opportunists claiming lions share at farmers and native land owners loss and liability is political priority.
On the contrary, the United States native born and naturalized Indian citizen, the genuine environmentalist and legal advocate for farmers and local groups in India, the law professor Sudha Bharadwaj was arrested and held in detention denying due process i.e. habeas corpus by Narendra Modi in the battle against Narendra Modi’s aggressive land seizure from farmers, Adivasis i.e. India’s aborigines for mining and earth excoriation by Narendra Modi and Indian corporate syndicate viz. Adani, Ambani, Vedanta Group, the Tatas, Birlas, and other industrialists led feudalist agenda.
Now as for the unscrupulous elements precisely rogue scoundrels in IT sleeper cells hired by Narendra Modi and the so-called upper caste B.S. Brahmins – the Tamil Brahmins in particular to launch attacks against me in their futile attempts, I draw their focus on my articles and video presentations on numerous topics about India and Indian matter. The publications on this website and sub-domain relentlessly related to Indian farmers, workers, the poor, downtrodden, disadvantaged, marginalized, disenfranchised, labor force, retail merchants, street vendors and all the way to middle class educated unemployed youth frustration and economic misery. Notwithstanding standing up for affected victims inThoothukudi Sterlite massacre, Koodankulam nuclear plant commission against the Indian politician and former President Abdul Kalam who admonished me for sharing local residents concerns especially soon after the global awareness on Fukushima nuclear plant disaster in Japan.
Likewise, I have stood for the weak, vulnerable and dispossessed population in India and across the globe time and time again transcending usual and unique traits and traditions that are predominantly premised on individual and vested interests.
My service not only to India but entire humanity in the past thirteen years and earlier have been provided free of cost i.e, without being paid a dime, privileges or benefits not barring any monetary, physical and logistic assistance whatsoever thus far. Not to mention any publicity. Furthermore, the tireless work carried out depleting personal savings and hard earned assets for the betterment and progress of the voiceless, the forgotten and forbidden population worldwide for which my family and I continue to endure abuse, invasion of privacy, threats to life that are regarded the criminals’ prerogative.
Additionally, my personal identity and intellectual property are stolen and attributed to those representing the international criminal enterprise (ICE).
Importantly, the service has been rendered completely free, with no charges or subscription fees requirements to public or private entities, any donations from companies and governments accessing free information and updates on all topics published on the website and There are no corporate sponsorships, public funding and advertisements including any monetization of users data that are common practice in the online and conventional commercial market place.
That being said, the international criminal enterprise (ICE) have in return engaged in appointing and nominating their cronies and pawns to political positions, financial bribes and pseudo hall of fame. They continue to parade wannabes and minions in their inventory as my substitute nuanced at denouncing me and my dedication. The ICE self-incriminating overreach is not only criminal but also highlight contempt and pathological hatred towards me in volume. Such disposition only mirror degenerative decay of their decomposed mind and attribute.
Interestingly my inalienable individual right in self-defense to constant international criminal enterprise ( ICE’s) provocation and mob frenzy towards me is characterized as gangsta further clarifying their bully mafia mentality.
Once again as a strong believer in Karma, the recalcitrant terrorists recruited on YouTube representing corrupt criminals in Indian politics and elsewhere besides the self-asserted Brahmin herd in Tamil Nadu or wherever are on notice to refrain from wanton indulgence and opportunism.
India’s decline is largely associated with treason, corruption and parasitic existence of the hierarchical parochial plutocracy at vast populations’ expense and generational exploitation.
My response to servile terror sleeper IT cells anchored on me and my contributions is for them to introspect and internalize energy for self-emancipation from feudalist discriminatory culture. These misguided misogynists desperately need purposeful life helping thee and others in the country ever remaining the dominion republic to foreign powers.
Free India and Indian republic from medieval feudalism and caste based anachronism.
Finally, rather than questioning and prodding me to submit to corrupt Indian political regimes and international criminal enterprise (ICE) unprecedented prejudice, the beneficiaries riding on my back are obligatory to prove worthiness and entitlements.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
United States – The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act
March 3, 2021
United States – The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act
Padmini Arhant
The democrat controlled House passing the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act would be fair and reasonable upon the same empathy and fervor extended to yet another victim who actually suffered far greater brutality and injustice in modern times in the hands of those at the helm of political authority i.e. Presidency of the United States of America under the former President Barack Obama and spouse Michelle Obama’s presence in the White House.
This victim is none other than African American Miriam Carey and her then African American 13-month-old daughter Erica witness to the heinous crime.
The unarmed civilian, the African American mother Miriam Carey was shot several times sustaining fatal injury from thirty five bullets or so in October 2013 confirmed in reports then and thereafter. The Washington post at the time of the incident until today reported on African American victim Miriam Carey shot at least 26 times in several rounds in the brief encounter with White House secret service. The reports state the D.C. police entry later in the crime scene.
The most disturbing turn of event in this cold blooded murder is, the child Erica handed over to some ex-CIA operative rather than obliging the victim Miriam Carey’s mother and her immediate family’s plea to grant them access to the child for emergency care and attention. The request to the former first Black President Barack Obama and wife Michelle Obama was denied leaving the child Erica bereft of the legal and individual right to be with her family. Instead the ex-CIA personnel, a white male and stranger was designated custodian of the toddler Erica with the matter closed without prompting any attention or concern from then already established Black Lives Matter and others pouring sympathy over African American male victim George Floyd in the police action.
Karen Bass (D-California) – “A profession where you have the power to kill should be a profession that requires highly trained officers who are accountable to the public.”
Shouldn’t the same standard apply to those responsible for the murder of 34-year-old Black mother Miriam Carey as it does now for 46-year-old Black man George Floyd?
The current White House statement to George Floyd Bill;
“To make our communities safer, we must begin by rebuilding trust between law enforcement and the people they are entrusted to serve and protect,” the White House said. “We cannot rebuild that trust if we do not hold police officers accountable for abuses of power and tackle systemic misconduct — and systemic racism — in police departments.”
Who holds those accountable for authorizing their secret service personnel to hail bullets on unarmed woman and a mother with 13-month-old child in her car?
Why should there be any discrimination even among Black Lives evident in condemnation of action in black man George Floyd’s murder while condoning the black victim Miriam Carey’s public summary execution?
Is it simply because, those involved and responsible for the black woman Miriam Carey’s summary execution are protected by ‘qualified immunity’ apparently revoked in George Floyd’s case?
How can such prejudice over ride criminality in one incident while demanding Justice in another?
In doing so, the entire process is marred with credibility and genuity factor pronouncing politics more than ethics. Notwithstanding civil and human rights seriously violated in congressional selective importance.
Let the basic civility honoring All Lives Matter prevail over partisan identity politics aimed at further polarization of society and creed within.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Irony of the Irony
February 28, 2021
Irony of the Irony
Padmini Arhant
The ongoing trend is to cast identity of their target i.e. me in this instance to suit their mindless and baseless convictions.
The criminal clique and crony contingency propositions and propaganda about me are beyond logic, rationale and reality.
Why do they associate me with blackness and Black Lives Matter?
I do not have any biological relation or platonic connection closely or remotely whatsoever with blackness or Black Lives Matter in this lifetime or in my recent past life.
Similarly, the Indian criminal political class and establishment entrenched in corruption, black money and treason on their part deploy deplorable servile media to project me as a Muslim.
There is yet another faction obsessed with trans gender mania about me.
Much to collective disappointment and defeat, I am neither black nor muslim or transgender etc.
Maybe they are confused and taken the liberty without my consent and approval to distort my personal profile as their prerogative.
Alternatively, the criminal league and minions simply care less about my inalienable individual right to hold anyone accountable for their unlawful and despicable conduct on constant fabrication and concoctions about me.
Above all, the criminal offense to violate my original identity to fit anyone’s imagination explain the mental condition of those involved in such activity.
I wish to clarify to criminal cabal and lunacy club;
If I were to be born black with either or both parents as black and,
Likewise Islam were to be my faith upon birth or apostasy,
Importantly, somehow had I ever gone through anatomical surgery to transform from biological female to alleged biological male as it is ludicrously and viciously spread about me,
I would have no problems declaring any or all of the above three assertions from those who deceitfully replace their profile with me.
In fact, I would be a proud black, muslim, transgender like a blimp on cloud nine interacting with sun, moon and the stars.
Just because you – the criminal class insist and prod your widespread sycophants to classify me however you deem right i.e false and fraudulent claims.
I do not become whom you desire or designate me as such in the past, present or future.
The criminal syndicate and desperate propagandists anywhere could either substitute selves or engage in search of that fictional character or someone among them they allude to be me.
All living species are denoted by specific DNA unique to them that are not transferable or interchangeable to accommodate anyone’s whims and fancies let alone recreate or metamorphose in defiance of nature.
Fortunately, I am no exception in this regard. I’m not a malleable metal to mold into any shape or design.
Human malice to hurt and harm anyone they pursue too has limits. Anything exceeding limit leads to self-destruction.
The identity crisis of one or any prompting hypothetical presumptions is the irony of the irony. Not to mention wanton indulgence posing serious challenge to their presence of mind or the lack thereof.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
The Five Signs of Losers
February 28, 2021
The Five Signs of Losers
Padmini Arhant
The five signs or give away identifying typical losers are:
They shun ethics, honesty and transparency.
They decline their opponent opportunity to directly debate them in public domain sharing same stage with them. There is no such thing as level playing field for the challenger to refute their bizarre allegations and relentless propaganda. They perversely invade their enemy’s home and privacy for intimidation and harassment. Meanwhile, they dwell in secrecy colluding and conspiring in secret locations to harm humanity with their devious agendas. The insidious trait and hallmark of them is claiming proprietary rights on the enemy’s mind, thoughts, ideas, life, lifestyle, endless intellectual contributions not barring identity as theirs in the face of personal failure triggering condescendence and insolence flaunted as supremacy and elitism. Their pathological hatred, prejudice and misogyny towards the sworn enemy ultimately consumed them in their quest to be enemy’s alter ego in a weird turn of events.
They attack and launch assaults on their rival deploying diverse crony contingency at their disposal. Such indulgence on their part is regarded free speech while the opponent’s comments in self-defense to their persistent offense and perversion is branded domestic terrorism followed by isolation and anonymity.
They pride themselves as so-called intellect while the target is presumed bonehead and brain dead.
Last but not the least, the end justifies the means for them to win anything denying the challenger equal and fair access to prove legitimacy and credibility.
The above mentioned five signs with clarifications suffice fait accompli for losers in spotlight.
Padmini Arhant
Politics – Election Reform 2021
February 21, 2021
Politics – Election Reform 2021
Padmini Arhant
Election reform is fundamental to restore and revive democracy. The clean free and fair electoral process is the only way for nation to be republic. The critical element of democracy i.e. election is violated with corruption and fraud.
Politics – Election Reform 2021
The topic is to shed light on independence.
The hard-fought independence establishing constitution governed democracy, individual rights, religious freedom, freedom of expression, freedom of press are all threatened and to a great extent under siege right now.
Those nations claimed democratic hold elections to elect representatives in the local and national government.
Are these elections free and fair in light of glaring election anomalies?
Why should the requests for any clarifications, audit and open investigations be declined and judiciary refuse hearing even before the matter is presented in the court of law?
Election is the stepping stone in any functional democracy.
Unfortunately, election in modern age is even more susceptible to corruption.
Election corruption is the norm. Though there are many mechanisms to infuse corruption, my argument is narrowed down to three main channels.
They are – Electronic Voting machines and software, Unlimited Election financing from anywhere and everywhere not excluding cash and gifts for votes rampant in many so-called democracies and last but not the least, foreign interference amass control without having to indulge in military warfare that cost blood and treasure.
Foreign powers especially adversaries long yearned ambitions come into fruition with red carpet and lo and behold they surreptitiously gain dominance.
All these factors played out in favor of those usurped to power in the Presidential election 2020 in the United States with election diminished to nothing more than a mere formality. The same would be applicable in recent elections elsewhere like India, Israel and Belarus…to name a few among several others qualifying in this category.
Electronic Voting machines and software are smooth operators for candidacy to flip votes, configure and calibrate machine to delete votes, outsource voting tabulation offshore, use foreign server for vote manipulation and far more shenanigans pulled via EVM and software. In recent memory, i.e. beginning of the 21st century has facilitated illegitimate candidacy to power in local and national election. The electronic platform with no paper trail as proof of one voter per one legal registered voter continues to enable illegitimate government assume office. This is despite failed policy and strategy combined with miserable performance and track record, candidacies and political parties are declared winners in election and re-election across the globe.
How to free systems from the shackles of archaic, secretive and dysfunctional structures reining control over finance, economy, politics, energy, health, communication and now life, livelihood and lifestyle?
I begin with the authority heading the nation and citizens during a given term in office.
The primary focus is government and governance. There is no doubt the government and governance do not represent ordinary citizens i.e. mainstream population and vast majority in any nation. This is a global problem for citizens worldwide. The governments are installed in power as fiduciary for non-elected members incognito directing their representatives as heads of the state to steer nation in directions suitable to their self and vested interests. There is absolutely no care or concern over consequences of such maneuvers and often irreversible impact on everything related to citizens and nation at large.
Election is not fought instead bought with the highest bidder becoming major stakeholder in administration and legislative branch implemented policies and programs. As a result, the government and bureaucrats serve as agents and catalysts for special interests, foreign powers and oligarchy undermining citizens’ rights denying them fair political and economic opportunity.
Who runs for office and are in government in the so-called democracy?
The millionaires and wealthy are the ones seeking power. Those in key government positions are millionaires and multimillionaires maintaining close ties with wall street and U.S. chamber of commerce. In fact, politics and wall street similar to politics and the private entity – the federal reserve are revolving doors for easy entry and exit between them.
In other democracy like India – it is customary for industrialists, celebrities, political dynasties and religious zealots to hold office. They all hold public office on public payroll but are engaged in self and campaign financiers’ enrichment.
Failing that, the other types usurped to power in politics are those peddling identity politics premised on race, religion, casteism, classism, fundamentalism and political ideology that otherwise represent political gimmick to distract and deceive electorate from burgeoning issues and persistent economic, education, social and environment woes crippling society and habitat respectively.
The other constraints for government’s abstinence from people representation are corruption and lack of transparency and accountability.
Corruption is seeded in election via electronic voting machines, software, oligarchy and foreign powers unlimited election financing, voter fraud, vote manipulation and above all media and tech giants direct meddling in intentional sabotage of electoral process to sway electoral outcome to their designated candidacy.
When the foundation i.e. the election is managed and subverted for devious agenda as it happened in Presidential election 2020,
Where does that leave the average citizen?
In the middle of nowhere.
What needs to be done to overcome the stumbling block depriving any nation the republic status?
Election reform is the fundamental step towards restoring and revival of democracy.
Election is corrupted by diverse means and the prominent ones are the electronic voting machines with software, mail-in-ballots, limitless campaign financing from anywhere and everywhere, manual voting tabulation involving dumping and deletion of legal votes while adding illegal ballots as witnessed in 2020 Presidential election.
The electronic machines are to be replaced with one vote per legal registered voter. The voter must cast from personal smart phone or computer. The vote transmitted immediately to a central database tabulating votes in real time with a monitor in public view equivalent to Imax screen for the entire nation to see 24/7 without any political party, affiliates or third-party intrusion.
Next, the election financing is to be capped with strict limit. The corporate, special interests and foreign powers direct and indirect donations to any candidacy at the municipal to national level should be barred overturning the United States Supreme Court’s infamous and unconstitutional human status awarded to corporations and special interests as legal entities synonymous to any electorate.
Contemporary politics reflect corrupt and crony politics with merit discarded over pledge of allegiance to forces behind operation. In other words, the politics’ loyalty to the conglomerate running the gamut.
The candidates falling for any incentives ranging from high-ranking posts in government to willingness to submit to corrupt influential powers within and offshore are the preferred choice. Additionally, such candidates also have excess baggage and skeletons in the closet for the corrupt and criminal clique to blackmail them that typically makes the candidates surrender to those luring them with power, fame and fortune.
Politics has increasingly shifted away from meritocracy and moved towards plutocracy which in turn evolved into kleptocracy. The idea of government of the people by the people and for the people is substituted with the ruling elites that are essentially narcissists by design.
Accordingly, the candidates for Vice Presidency and other key cabinet positions such as Secretary of State, Treasury secretary, Defense secretary and National security advisor are to be directly elected and approved by people rather than their so-called representatives in the House and Senate and state legislators through electoral college in the United States. The proposal might sound an arduous and out-of-norm recommendation. Nonetheless, the selection of these members by inner circle within political party together with other domestic and foreign influence are in direct conflict of national interest.
The government is too big with expansive bureaucracy. Wherever there is vast bureaucracy, the government functionality is tangled in red tape costing taxpayers and nation an exorbitant payroll. The local businesses have to deal with hindrances due to the red tape and far too many government agencies handling tasks that could be minimized and digitalized for public and private sector to access services in the technology era. The other aspect of big government is opaqueness barring any public or independent scrutiny on department budget, operations and contacts as well as contracts with foreign entities near and far. The foreign infiltration into these agencies have compromised government role in protecting sensitive information and services in various domain. The case in point is SolarWinds hack hitting entire United States government cyber infrastructure and apparatus is a serious and aggressive attack that could not have occurred without some government agencies security lapse and/or complicity.
The reduction in government size starting at municipal to federal level is necessary to curb corruption and misuse of agencies such as FBI, CIA and IRS…by political parties upon assuming office in administration, legislative and judiciary.
Smaller governments would be subject to better monitoring by public and independent groups – the only hope for checks and balances, something the press and communication media in myriad format are supposed to fulfill utilizing the freedom of press which unfortunately is in reverse order.
On the contrary, law abiding citizens are denied access on social media with far more restrictions on average Americans for their political choice in the Presidential election 2020. These rapid developments post Presidential election 2020 contrast democratic principles and value.
The current administration’s policy and performance.
The new administration and Congress since assuming office are yet to engage in tasks concerning citizens and the nation at large.
President Joe Biden commenced first day in office and the week after signing over forty executive orders not necessarily to help or improve lives in the country hit with worst pandemic and economic collapse from government imposed shut down that were violated by those executing such orders.
It is no surprise campaign promises stays on campaign trail. That is the tradition. However, the Presidency, keeping the promise on prioritizing nation and national interests became the target and remain so for the forces against such practice. It is considered a sin to break tradition in Washington,D.C.
Congress is preoccupied with President Donald Trump and unable to think of any other issue besides settling scores with Donald Trump for winning 2016 and 2020 election. The political storm may never calm down in Washington D.C. with national guards deployed in town reminiscent of authoritarian government reminding citizens on armed forces safeguarding citadel at ordinary taxpayers’ expense.
Meanwhile, Texas has been hit with winter storm and power outage. The citizens are forced to bear the brunt of harsh weather without power. The Texans are in my thoughts and prayers for swift recovery to normal situation.
In the domestic front, there is no sign of stimulus check in the pandemic affected national economy. The citizens were guaranteed $2000 stimulus check by Presidential candidate Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The earlier arrival of stimulus payment of $2000 during President Donald Trump’s administration was watered down to $600 by then Senate majority republican member Mitch McConnell who otherwise have no issues with China’s economic and political advantage against United States.
Congress wasted no time in organizing and passing package with pork spending including generous financial aid to far flung countries in South east Asia and other miscellaneous pet projects. The urgency to address American needs and desperate economic conditions apparently escaped congressional attention.
The employment situation in the United States under new administration is not very encouraging considering the loss of jobs from the pandemic imposed economic shutdown nationwide barely addressed by local and federal government. The keystone pipeline project hitting the major states Nebraska, Montana, South Dakota and Texas confronted with environment cause. Whenever such predicament arises, it is important to evaluate all factors weighing pros and cons for practical solutions.
The Canadian provincial government in Alberta and TC Energy owned and managed Keystone XL pipeline running between Canada and the United States has been shut down citing environment hazards from the pipeline leaks originating from a crack during the infrastructure construction.
The energy company fixing these leaks and preventing such incidents now and in the future are paramount to mitigate potential harm to ecosystem, biodiversity and pollution of rivers that are cited as the reasons for opposition to pipeline project from environmentalists. Again, economic liabilities and job losses are also to be taken into account while preserving natural habitat and environment. The energy company investment in these areas to avoid pipeline leaks and cracks would provide some relief to environment endangerment.
Any permanent blight to environment would inevitably hurt business and life existence. Keeping these important facts in mind, energy companies’ investments in averting any such mishaps are imperative to ecology and economy.
The business and environment organizations could work out an amicable resolution on the keystone XL pipeline project saving jobs as well as environment.
I end this topic here. The other topics will follow in due course.
Your patience and interest are appreciated.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Independent Commission on January 6th, 2021 Capitol Event
February 17, 2021
Independent Commission on January 6th, 2021
Capitol Event
Padmini Arhant
The House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in agreement with proposal on independent commission to investigate Capitol Building encroachment on January 6th, 2021 should be in a position to subject self and others in the democrat party to scrutiny to make such probe free, fair and credible.
Furthermore, the fact Jan 6, 2021 Capitol storming was pre-organized and pre-emptive incident is confirmed by FBI. That being the case, those behind the orchestrated incident and the House Speaker in-charge of Capitol building security should be prepared to submit to law without exception in Congress and government apparatus.
The investigation compared to 9/11 commission is ominous as the so-called 9/11 commission was anything but independent except for exonerating and absolving those directly involved and responsible for 9/11.
Since accountability is at the height of democrats controlled government, media and all things considered a fair game, then a thorough investigation on last summer riots, looting, burning and vandalism by democrat and George Soros funded Black Lives Matter, Antifa and other outfits be brought to law. The deaths, destruction and mayhem inflicted on ordinary citizens and American citizens owned businesses and livelihoods, private and public property is far more devastating than any incident.
Those who suffered enormous financial and punitive damages from last summer insurrection and insurgency aptly qualifying domestic terrorism holding all individuals in government and rioters responsible with libel suits unarguably merit due process and independent probe.
Let every high ranking to rank and file in the democrat political party hierarchy promoting, inciting, instigating and fund-raising criminality, arsonists and unrest be subject to the same rule of law and impeachability witnessed in actions and impeachment proceedings since 2016 and up until now.
Upon following equal application of law in matter concerning safety and security of all not just the selective few would demonstrate sincerity and commitment to protect the rights of all citizens nationwide barring preference and prejudice.
All lives matter.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
World Express Concern Over Philanthropy Gone Astray
February 15, 2021
World Express Concern Over Philanthropy
Gone Astray
Padmini Arhant
Microsoft’s Bill Gates and spouse Melinda Gates prominence not for the right rather wrong reasons deserve valid explanations from the subjects considering their overarching indulgence potentially endangering human survival. The corona virus COVID19 pandemic involving GATES foundation contribution to a tune of over $200 million to Wuhan lab, China for bizarre experiment on genetically engineered virus impact on human population is a world wide known fact. The information published in public domain long before the deadly virus outbreak in October 2019 in Wuhan City, Hubei province, China, disclosed in December 2019 by the communist authorities in Beijing.
Bill Gates floated the news on inevitable global pandemic back in 2015 in public forum. This was confirmed during Bill Gates interview with MSNBC recently on January 28th, 2021.
Was there an epiphany or the billionaire’s privy to secret society agenda?
Post COVID19,
Bill Gates Warns The “Next Pandemic” Is Coming After Covid-19.
What exactly is the globalists game plan against humanity?
Bill Gates fascination towards genetically modified organisms (GMO) apparently not mere individual interest. The multi-billionaire ambition to change the world and human population genome as well as lifestyle beckon global attention and scrutiny.
Should billionaires become the principal force to determine eight billion inhabitants’ existence on the planet?
These developments and deeply disturbing engagements such as direct modification of food beginning at seed germination and livestock hormone injection arguably affecting global citizens health and life span.
Is this a synopsis of globalists depopulation and deprogramming plan?
The global citizenry challenged with such risks seek response from the GATES foundation and TECH behemoths extending their role beyond the parameters of advanced technology and economic monopoly.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Courtesy – Public concern on Bill Gates and GATES Foundation Investments – Thank you.
Mark Moss – Bill Gates Secretly Buying Farmland – The Real Reason
World Without Governments – Great Reset Part 3
February 11, 2021
World Without Governments – Great Reset – Part 3
Padmini Arhant
The GREAT RESET Definition and Goals:
The world economic forum founder German economist Klaus Schwab touted Great Reset using COVID19 pandemic as the opportunity to pivot financial system worldwide is the global elites or globalists long desired goal.
The globalists and political establishment firmly believe and operate on the notion:
Never let a crisis to go waste.
In other words, the globalists create a crisis and utilize the crisis to move forward with their devious agenda.
The Great Reset is aimed at complete elimination of cash economy that are already in place.
Indian government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi obliged globalists in this respect and successfully executed demonetization of large notes i.e. 500 and 1000 rupees in 2016.
PM Narendra Modi obediently followed globalist script and announced the draconian measure unbeknown to 1.3 billion population in India in late November 2016.
With not enough time to return or exchange the notes, overwhelming population in Indian economy were subject to instant bankruptcy largely affecting swath of middle and lower income groups in the country.
According to global elites, the reason behind elimination of cash economy is to subject cash users under scrutiny.
The global elites claim that in their view, cash users are mostly criminals using cash for illegal transactions in any economy.
Never mind the globalists ignorance on average consumers using cash for goods and services world wide.
In India, significant population do not even qualify or could afford credit or debit card for many do not have the luxury to maintain bank accounts considering many are daily wage earners with unpredictable and unstable employment. Furthermore, the banks known for nibbling customer deposits charging various fees and fines on minimum account balance etc. are not designed for population in lower economic strata.
Indian PM Narendra Modi defended the demonetization debacle using the globalists script i.e. black money and unlawful financial activities being brought to government notice and recovery.
PM Narendra Modi explanation proved to be hogwash for the black money and illicit financial activities prevalent among politicians, celebrities and economic sector are held in overseas tax havens and diversified holdings offshore predominantly in Swiss banks, Singapore Hawala, Seychelles, Cook, Cayman islands…and other exotic locations worldwide except for domestic account.
The Indian government demonetization only hurt and inflicted enormous suffering to millions of ordinary citizens in India and not the filthy rich engaged in black money and financial assets hoarded from tax evasion.
Whom are the globalists and their puppets heading the governments target in the Great Reset and cash elimination mission?
Please stay tuned for update in this regard.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
The citizens need to understand the events in the United States are orchestrated to deflect public attention from serious and sinister activities in the financial world.
The democrats, RINOES , Tech giants, promiscuous media in the U.S. and offshore like RT news and India…among others peddling self-inflicting caricature is desperate times resigned to desperate measure. Besides, the impeachment charade designed to distract global audience from existential threat to human survival in the increasing economic challenges imposed by cartel at the financial helm.
REALITY – The battle is on the Great Reset. The United States dollar converted into a fiat currency enabling the private entity Federal Reserve to mint money in literal sense has reached a crescendo. The debt accumulation over these years are transferred over to ordinary citizens and their present as well as future generations in the generational indebtedness.
As stated in this article’s previous segments, taxes and interests have enriched and empowered the corrupt and criminal enterprise worldwide. The trend is unsustainable.
Meanwhile, China and Russia’s game plan on the Great Reset is a different dynamic though both maintaining reservations to German economist Klaus Schwab’s proposal on Great Reset at Davos economic forum are not without self-serving interests.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
World Without Governments – Great Reset Financial Fiasco Part 2
There is a misconception about Federal Reserve – the private entity in the United States as having been amalgamated with the United States government. This is a gross misunderstanding and false perception.
On the contrary, the private organization Federal Reserve controlled and managed by selective core circle behind United States monetary policy, currency printing and distribution has long taken over United States Treasury to maintain absolute authority.
The private Federal Reserve dominance is more prevalent now with the Senate confirmation of the former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen as Treasury Secretary allowing the private organization Federal Reserve in charge of both monetary and fiscal policy, the trend dangerous than ever before.
United States treasury has been invariably headed by Bilderberg members i.e. secret society also linked with Federal Reserve and the globally known economy saboteur – the one and only Goldman Sachs members rotating United States Treasury Chief position regardless of administrations i.e. democrat or republican is the norm.
Following Bretton Woods agreement collapse whereby the U.S. dollar backed by gold was severed in 1971 by then President Richard Nixon was precursor to private western banks authority over global monetary system.
The previous economic system tied to gold standard replaced by fiat currency that allowed the private Federal Reserve and central banks in Europe to engage in money supply via printing currency for military involvement and various activities off radar carried out until today.
Then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger – the deep state’s patriarch and secret society prominent head until today, spouse Nancy Kissinger along with then Treasury Secretary William Simon, the Wall Street bond trader and self-described Genghis Khan struck a deal with Saudi Arabia in 1974 forcing United States into interdependence in the petrodollars economic deal. The United States oil dependency on oil exporters with Saudi Arabia exerting enormous clout on OPEC has inflicted considerable damage to United States sovereignty. Congress on both sides of the aisle reportedly hamstrung to declassify a 28 page section of a 2004 U.S. government report detailing Saudi connections to September 11, attacks in 2001. The bill passed in the Senate on May 17, 2016 held in the House of Representatives blocking declassification of the report under Barack Obama/Joe Biden administration.
The status quo exacerbated with China’s investment in U.S. debts as key creditor holding U.S. Treasury bills and other assets asserting overt authority prevalent under new Biden administration.
The latest developments in the United States silencing free speech in social media, the rank and file as well as those in the hierarchy of democrat party isolating Trump supporters and voters, the tech giants overarching censorship, demonetization on Youtube and other unconstitutional, undemocratic restrictions demonstrate rules from Beijing’s playbook that are neither sound nor sovereign. The radical policy directly impact United States independence and citizens fundamental rights regardless of administrations and political parties in power.
Further updates to resume in due course.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – President Donald Trump Re-election Confirmation
February 9, 2021
United States – President Donald Trump
Re-election Confirmation
Padmini Arhant
Two most relevant and critical events highlight President Donald Trump re-election in 2021.
The incumbent President Donald Trump was in the Oval Office on January 20th, 2021 as expected of any administration until the new Presidency is officially sworn in at the scheduled time i.e. 12.00 noon. The inauguration of declared President Joe Biden sworn in at least 15 minutes i.e. 11.45 a.m.earlier than the scheduled time i.e. 12.00 noon on January 20th, 2021. This is not a miscalculation of time.
This means there were two Presidents inaugurated viz. Donald Trump and Joe Biden on January 20th, 2021 that was certainly not a casual mistake or inaugural event mismanagement. The timing of earlier inauguration also suggest President Donald Trump re-election officiation.
The obvious overlap are interpreted as follows by those having noticed the shift in inaugural time.
The deliberate mixup in swearing in ceremony of President-select Joe Biden on that day attributed to the deep state swamp and democrat party’s symbolic gesture in removal of the sitting President Donald Trump before the official time i.e. 12.oo noon on January 20th, 2021.
The other perception on this issue is the deep state swamp and democrat party rejection of the incumbent President Donald Trump’s re-election to second term in office as duly and legitimately elected President with 75 – 80 million legal ballots in the 2020 Presidential election. The unprecedented time schedule on Joe Biden inauguration causing confusion regarded an act on purpose by those behind the activity. Accordingly, citizens seek explanation to the nation.
The other aspect is the second impeachment charade at taxpayers’ expense. President Donald Trump was projected the losing candidate in the Presidential election 2020. The democrat Joe Biden declared winner. Yet the impeachment trial of the private citizen Donald Trump plays out in the United States Senate. The impeachment continues even though the democrat party, deep state swamp along with media and tech giants designated Donald Trump a private citizen making the entire course unlawful, unconstitutional and undemocratic.
The same members have now altered Donald Trump’s status to Presidency to justify unjustifiable mockery of United States Presidency via second impeachment.
Both actions – inauguration of President Donald Trump on January 20th, 2021 and now impeachment confirm the incumbent President Donald Trump re-election to office.
The political theatrics is carried out wasting American tax dollars while completely ignoring American families, American retail and small businesses’ dire economic conditions denying them the long overdue $1400 stimulus check perhaps now divested in the impeachment saga.
The nation is being taken on a ride without any clue or care about the destination.
The deep state and members are sought valid reasons on strange and contradictory turn of events and latest developments.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Current Status Quo
Padmini Arhant
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter