United States – Election 2020 Voter Fraud and Constitutional Violation
December 22, 2020
United States – Election 2020 Voter Fraud
Constitutional Violation
Padmini Arhant
The democrat Presidential bid by Joe Biden and running mate Kamala Emhoff disqualified for the following reasons.
1. Foreign intrusion from China, Russia and Iran in November election 2020 is confirmed and made public by Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Radcliffe subsequent to assessment per Executive Order issued on September 12, 2018 by President Donald J. Trump on foreign interference. The finding in conjunction with latest sprawling cyberattack against United States infrastructure targeting sensitive and critical database tantamount to cyber warfare and appropriately necessitates national emergency implementation to deal with the crisis.
2. Voter fraud elaborated and presented by live witnesses’ testimonials under oath with penalty for perjury in key swing states public hearing in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia and Nevada are incontrovertible. Furthermore, staggering illegal ballots in Michigan tipping the original lead from incumbent contender Donald Trump to democrat contestant Joe Biden during the unusual pause on election night lasting several hours is now raising serious doubts on the projected win for Joe Biden.
3. Constitutional guarantee on equal protection of law for all states represented in the electoral college were flouted by Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin to name a few among battleground states with little or no regard for the rule of law binding on all states in the Union.
Pennsylvania – The Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, on November 26th, 2020 an order signed by Judge Patricia McCullough, issued… that state lawmakers violated Pennsylvania’s Constitution by adopting Act 77 …
This order highlighted Pennsylvania state’s dismissal of constitutional procedure that in essence required state legislature assembly to amend constitution with majority vote for the intended purpose unlike arbitrary adoption of Act 77 to stymie electoral rule of law detailed in the state constitution.
Similarly in the election of state electors in swing states MI, AZ, WI, PA and GA as well as other disputed states, the constitutionality determining criteria was discarded typically rejecting republic representation and will of the people while the remaining member states in the Union like Texas diligently in compliance with constitutional and state legislative electoral process.
Upon the great state of Texas approaching the highest court on land, the Supreme Court of the United States, the politically influenced SCOTUS declined hearing on the case precipitating constitutional meltdown.
In recent memory, the former President Barack Obama currently heading and directing the democratic party maintained that the “Constitution is really just a piece of parchment. It has no power on its own. We, the people, give it power. We the people give it meaning – with our participation, and the choices we make. Whether or not we stand up for our freedoms. Whether or not we respect and enforce the rule of law.”
It is obviously open to interpretation. However, the ex-President Barack Obama notably had little or no respect for rule of law regardless of the same enshrined in constitution. The predecessor’s excess abuse of power exercising extra judicial executions related to illegal surveillance of United States citizens and creation of IS and ISIS through intervention in Libya and Syria slighting Congress are prominent examples among many unconstitutional and undemocratic maneuvers by previous administration.
Congressional approval on domestic and foreign matter became irrelevant for Barack Obama with executive order flamboyantly carried out during two terms in office attracting credible criticisms from constitutional experts on either side of the aisle on Barack Obama’s lawlessness weakening democratic foundation seated on constitution. The critics also noted that former President Barack Obama expected Supreme Court justices should decide cases based in part on empathy as opposed to merit relevantly reflected in SCOTUS response to Presidential election 2020 lawsuits in the present time.
Case in point on empathy overriding merit – In Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action against the state of Michigan’s ban on affirmative action citing the state’s violation of the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause. In this matter, the former President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court appointee Sonia Sotomayor obliged the appointer’s political will. The Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor held that Michigan state’s ban on affirmative action violated the Fourteenth Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause clarifying the law that mandated equal treatment on race violated a constitutional provision mandating equal treatment.
Juxtaposed, the similar challenge on equal protection of law mandated in state constitution with reference to election procedures and electors concerning the swing states MI, PA, GA, AZ, WI and NV…violations are not treated as such despite the states’ decision to ignore constitution mandate jeopardizing election integrity.
In politics, the issues are more associated with political expediency and advantage than ethical efficacy and constitutional meaning.
Finally, the China spy gate implicating democrat rank-and-file Eric Swalwell post FBI briefing has led to congressional consensus to eliminate congress member Eric Swalwell from Intelligence committee in view of alarming exposure compromising intelligence and national security. In equal application of law, the Biden family scandals revealing Joe Biden as principal beneficiary in all financial dealings with foreign adversaries effectively discredit and delegitimize Biden Presidency to represent the United States and the republic governed by the constitution.
Hence, conclusively the incumbent Donald J. Trump is the duly elected President to serve second term in office.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Election 2020 Reality Check
December 21, 2020
United States
Election 2020 Reality Check
Padmini Arhant
The facts on election dispute confirms the following.
The political establishment as deep state representatives conspicuously under foreign powers dominance maintain status against republic will.
The republic stance challenging electoral outcome based on verifiable voter fraud and constitutional violation is incontrovertible.
Similarly electorate dissent exemplified in peaceful protests in the nation and swing states’ capital since election result made public.
On the contrary, except for those hired and organized by foreign infiltrators and internal complicity principally domestic and selective foreign media and press imposing fraudulent outcome,
The electorate are not necessarily in favor of deep state choice enforced rejecting evidence on election corruption.
The national survey from Rasmussen is testament to the fact. The reported majority believe media buried Hunter Biden’s laptop and explosive corruption scandals to help Biden in the election.
Anything related to Hunter Biden directly implicates democrat Joe Biden evidently the chief beneficiary in all nefarious dealings involving Biden family.
The Biden family quid pro quo with United States adversaries seriously damage Presidential candidate credibility to represent the government, electorate across the spectrum and nation at large.
Importantly, Rasmussen poll also presented at least 30% of democrats not in concurrence with deep state members and media projecting Joe Biden as 2020 election winner. This is damning for any candidacy unable to win voter confidence within own base.
Under these circumstances it is clear that deep state members at various levels in politics and judiciary with excess baggage find themselves in a bind and submit to blackmail.
The surrender to dark forces’ unscrupulous means subverting democracy and constitutional law is a severe setback for the nation and democratic process.
Unfortunately, these deep state members for personal and political interests cower to underhanded tactics from those behind corrupting and stealing election.
These are the reasons for preference to corrupt and criminal background usurped to power to enable evil to conduct affairs. Meanwhile foreign intruders hold the nation hostage with extortion undermining national opportunity and prospects on critical negotiations against foreign adversaries interestingly handed the mantle of power.
The deep state media on their part engage in constant distortion hiding corruption, espionage and spy gate revelations on Biden family and team from public in utter betrayal of voter trust and transparency.
Needless to say, deceit and fraud only delivers doom and decline leading to ultimate demise of success i.e. colossal failure in every respect.
This is the reality confronting colluders and contractors behind election deception and abduction.
Not to mention everyone of them weighted down with a huge burden on soul. The guilt accompany them in living and after life unable to run away from unconscionable treason against nation and the republic.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
United States – Presidential Race 2020 Conclusion
December 19, 2020
United States – Presidential Race 2020 Conclusion
Padmini Arhant
Congratulations! President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence on re-election to second term in office.
The administration headed by President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence smooth and peaceful transition to second term in office barring unnecessary obstruction and disruption is paramount.
The unity and cooperation is imperative in national interests denying any advantage to domestic or foreign forces to hurt and harm United States at every opportunity.
The nation coming together in solidarity to confront challenges in every frontier is critical now and moving forward.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Alleged Cyberattack on Government Infrastructure
December 18, 2020
United States – Alleged Cyberattack on Government Infrastructure – Fake News (?)
Padmini Arhant
According to Fox News / Fake News (?), the United States government infrastructure inclusively not barring national nuclear security administration and Los Alamos National Laboratory daringly under cyber attack.
The Fox News suggesting Russian espionage activities since March 2020 interestingly at the height of first lockdown in the wake of COVID19 pandemic from Wuhan China is double downing on nations forced to combat the deadly virus unleashed on humanity by those funding the bizarre experiment to test the corona virus virulence upon transmission among human species. The Wuhan lab in Hubei province, China set up with funding from Europe and United States billionaires viz. Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Melinda Gates foundation investments in corona virus experiments on Beijing’s oversight said little or nothing on COVID-19 global pandemic despite the ravaging effects world over.
Similarly, on the other side of the globe, India was under military attack by China in the Himalayan region deploying troops and military installations along north and north eastern border of India. The military aggression from Beijing launched and escalated in March 2020 while Indian population was dealing with the pandemic and lockdown crippling health and economy like in the rest of the world.
The mainstream media Fox News report on purported cyber attack against United States listing host of government departments which is almost the entire federal government and three states in the pool as detailed below.
Department of the Treasury, Department of Commerce, National Institutes of Health, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Department of State, Department of Defense, Executive Office of the President i.e. The White House, NASA, United States Postal Service, National Nuclear Security Administration, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Department of Energy, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of Secure Transportation and at least 3 states in the Union supposedly hacked in the process. The Fox news also lists Microsoft and at least 40 customers of the tech giant accounts along with Fortune 500 companies and Wall Street as victims of the alleged cyber operation in Fox News – Lou Dobbs Tonight on date.
The Fox News described the alleged cyber aggression as biggest ever in geopolitical history. The report emphasis on Russian infiltration and downplaying China’s dominance on Biden family and democratic party is characteristic of mainstream media raising an alarm on one adversary and accepting the other as lesser of the two evils in their narrative beckon attention.
The report detailing alleged cyber warfare presented as gargantuan in magnitude and calling out the current administration under President Donald J. Trump for response to media and deep state representatives reverts the situation on MSM to explain the contradictory stance to their viewers as captive audience in the indefinite lockdown to stymie COVID-19 from Wuhan, China.
Have Fox News and rest of communication networks experienced coup d’etat considering their position being anything but fair, objective and neutral throughout election year and post election?
The media clamor on alleged cyber invasion citing Trump administration compared to media muted reaction to explosive revelations on election corruption, voter fraud, Dominion debacle and Biden family scandals confirm radical change in media reporting undermining journalistic ethics.
The deep state members from either side of the political aisle who voted in favor of President Donald Trump impeachment proceeding voicing their concerns on the alleged cyber perpetration further validate the coup scenario. The deep state prominent members’ alacrity in the proposal on National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) originally introduced and executed by ex-President Barack Obama against United States citizens without due process arouse suspicions on such recommendation in the absence of any verifiable evidence on the reported cyber incursion.
Furthermore, the media in this instance i.e. Fox news failure to share the fact on Trump administration’s immediate action against China CCP espionage activities in Houston, Texas shutting down the consulate and expedited expulsions of those behind national security threat unlike the democratic party and media remaining oblivious to democrat rank and file Eric Swalwell, the member of intelligence committee exposure in China spy gate compromising intelligence and national safety until now is reprehensible.
Not to mention the Biden family deep connection with diverse foreign adversaries debilitating United States status in every respect hardly regarded an issue brushing aside the existential and imminent jeopardy confronting the nation at large.
The media role in dissemination of any information and deep state concerted efforts to subvert truth and reality contributing to mass awakening more than ever. The responsibility lies with every citizen to urge their elected representatives in Congress and Senate to act diligently setting aside political differences and partisanship in serving national interests against China’s sprawling engagement at every level. The status quo aptly apply to other foreign governments such as Russia, Ukraine and any other states intrusion in the United States affairs and involvement with unelected Presidential team and family in quid pro quo directly affecting United States on all matter.
Meanwhile, the relevant federal and state authorities utilizing resources and power to determine veracity on alleged cyber attacks with appropriate measures is critical to contain and thwart any form of foreign or internal security threats against Unites States and the republic.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
United States – Supreme Court Ruling dé·jà vu
December 18, 2020
United States – Supreme Court Ruling dé·jà vu
Padmini Arhant
Then conversation between author Wayne Allyn Root and Dr. Gina Loudon in June 2015 on Supreme Court Ruling on Obamacare and fast forward to 2020, the United States Supreme Court guarantee on Obamacare and rejecting Texas lawsuit against four swing states WI, MI, PA and GA on constitutional violation in the Presidential race 2020 reflect status quo discussed in the video below.
The facts on Barack Obama misusing IRS against republican Tea Party members isolating them in the pursuit and subsequently FBI framing General Michael Flynn in 2016 and investigations thereafter once again confirm the author Wayne Allyn Root’s conviction on abuse of power by Barack Obama. The enactment of National Defense Authorization Act, the controversial NDAA aimed at United States citizens on then government headed by Barack Obama’s radar to be tried in military tribunal in contradiction to civilian court of law was a direct violation of civil rights and democratic system.
The republican Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell recent acquiescence to Presidential election 2020 outcome and further advising republican members in the Senate not to object or disrupt vote counting on January 5th, 2021 is dé·jà vu considering the pattern from both SCOTUS and Senate majority leader as well as some republican members in the Senate and Congress.
Notwithstanding judiciary in lower and higher courts, the judges appointed during former President Barack Obama administration abdication of constitutional duty in the Presidential election 2020 lawsuits conforming to public opinion on collusion with deep state clarify corruption and ethical deficit.
Is United States Supreme Court Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Senate Republican members under political pressure?
Dr. Gina Loudon and author Wayne Allyn Root discussion published in public domain on June 27, 2015
resonate today in latest developments related to election and other matter.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
China Ties Chinatized Global Status Quo
China’s ties with members in politics and economy world over benefitting China CCP and more so the United States Presidential election 2020 revelations on stronger and deeper financial quid pro quo with various key members like Biden family, Kamala Emhoff aka Harris and others Chinatized / hypnotized in calculated Beijing move to supersede the long targeted competitor United States. The advantage to Beijing from investments in Biden family and team is exponential in a well maneuvered economic and strategic management.
Appropriately, time to sanitize chinatized (china ties) swamp that might also alleviate COVID-19 pandemic.
Padmini Arhant
United States – Presidential Moment
December 16, 2020
Padmini Arhant
Those who incessantly cast stones at others need to reflect on selves prior to such indulgence.
Fox News, Newsmax – Fox News in disguise and Deep state – Please save your lectures on etiquettes.
Here is an example of those whom you cherish and uphold in highest esteem.
Thank you.
United States – Presidential Moment
President George W. Bush
United States – Biden Press Team Member tests COVID Positive
Padmini Arhant
The public information on democrat Joe Biden and member of press corps reports the following;
According to White House Correspondents’ Association:
Journalist who traveled with Joe Biden to Georgia tests positive for Covid-19 after ex-VP blamed own cough on ‘bit of a cold’.
Twitter reaction –
Not dragging the guy, but a very important reason Biden should be vaccinated as soon as possible is a reporter who was in his protective pool yesterday and Monday tested positive for COVID. You just can’t have this.
Biden Response per news reports in cyberspace,
Apparently this is a repeat episode of Biden team members testing positive for the corona virus. The democrat contender reportedly maintaining same response as the earlier one in dismissal of possible exposure and quarantine requirement to prevent super spread impact.
Padmini Arhant
Presentation on Status Quo
December 14, 2020
Draining the Deep State Swamp
The power remains with people. Accordingly, draining the deep state swamp has to begin with people recognizing deep state members for instance all those denying election corruption and constitutional violation are doing so at deep state behest following the deep state script to reject evidence based voter fraud and accept fraudulent declaration of election. These members from diverse factions are sworn to deep state doctrine to cheat, lie and deceive for power, fame and fortune.
The tech oligarchs and media on the other hand representing deep state shut down people voice on social media with censorship on free speech while maintaining deep state propaganda and narratives on election and many other issues protecting deep state corruption and collusion.
The deep state survival is directly dependent on people subscription of channels on social media, mainstream and other media run by deep state.
Accordingly, the money flow from people to deep state, deep state loyalists and backers in politics, economy and communication diverted amongst people in favor of democracy, republic rule of law and individual rights is the preliminary step to drain the swamp shifting power from deep state to the republic.
The immediate pull back of money flow from people to oligarchs and deep state would be fundamental to preserve freedom, democracy, free and fair election that are superseded with aggressive undemocratic unconstitutional means to justify falsehood.
People are the power to initiate change, sanity and reason in any republic.
Padmini Arhant
Democratic Ways to challenge undemocratic
Deep State
The social media patrons shunned by deep state – Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in particular for the gag order and censorship could be stymied ethically by choosing alternative platform.
The social media got big entirely due to people as users and consumers of the business advertising on the social media. The tech giants undemocratic ways to silence political views and free speech have hurt themselves in barring freedom of expression.
There are many alternatives to YouTube in cyberspace. The youtube had suppressed them denying these promising democratic platforms that respects free speech their fair market share online.
It’s time to turn the clock and provide these alternatives social media a fair chance to compete effectively against tech giants controlling voice and politics in direct violation of individual rights.
The list of alternatives to youtube are available and these channels are equally if not better than Youtube, Facebook and Twitter.
People are the real power in everything from commerce to politics, entertainment and even the army.
Without people there could be no nation, no rulers, no government. Similarly without consumers and work force there could be no business or corporation. Without public as audience there would be no entertainers or entertainment who could exist or survive.
Last but not the least, without people joining the armed forces to serve the nation and fellow citizens there could be no chief or General to command the army and defense force.
Religion too cannot afford without followers and believers in any faith.
People are the ultimate power.
People v. Deep State – the people power is a force to reckon with for minority corrupt deep state ignoring people rights and freedom much to their defeat.
Padmini Arhant
Deep State Collusion
The deep state collusion is far and wide. From communist authoritarian regime in China to Moscow Russia Television and across the Atlantic in London and Europe, globalists, tech oligarchs and billionaires run media, press, judiciary, members in deep state funded politics combined are the only ones desperately engaged in enforcing the fraudulent election as the done deal.
All those submitting to election corruption are essentially identifying themselves as the DEEP STATE.
The marvel of any crisis is shining light on darkness with those caught in the process unable to hide in the dark.
Truth is Light and Light dispels darkness not vice versa.
Padmini Arhant
United States – STOP THE CRIME
Padmini Arhant
If United States republic does not wake up to this alarming revelation, the giant will be put to sleep by foreign coup d’etat.
Biden selection to power is Beijing and foreign powers direct coup on United States of America.
FBI Subpeonas Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton soon after United States Supreme Court declines the Great State Texas lawsuit on Constitutional Violation by Key Swing States. The timing of FBI action against Texas AG is quite interesting.
Where was the FBI and DOJ on Joseph Biden and Hunter Biden’s open secret dealings with China CCP, Military, Ukraine and Moscow…over these years, the massive collusion hidden from public during election year?
Presentation on Status Quo
Padmini Arhant
The video presentation on this content
My fellow Americans and Citizens around the world.
The present situation is extraordinary with the Presidential election unfortunately delivering more problems than actual result. I’m sure you all understand what I’m referring to in terms of voting irregularities, vote counts via Dominion voting machine and software as well as manual tabulations involving replication, 500,000 or so counterfeit ballots allocated to democrat candidate Joseph Biden while the incumbent President Donald J. Trump voters’ legal votes were either dumped, deleted and destroyed according to many key witnesses having volunteered as observers and some of them hired as canvassers and election officials recounting their experience in the swing states public hearing watched nationwide and world over.
The issue with the Presidential election starting on election day November 3rd, the vote counting was abruptly paused for quite some time and resumed with disproportionate votes for the candidate Joe Biden who was trailing far behind the incumbent contender Donald Trump which raised a red flag on the reversal of votes between candidates that did not appear to be normal.
Upon investigations and examination by the legal team representing incumbent President Donald Trump, the facts on the Dominion voting machine and software confirmed the details on server in Frankfurt, Germany and real time vote tallying in Barcelona, Spain with opportunities in software for vote maneuvering and calibration to desired candidacy, Joe Biden was adequate in the built-in technical configurations to favor one candidacy over another.
Furthermore, Dominion machine used Smartmatic software company chairman of the board Peter Neffenger and candidate Joe Biden’s close relations before election and the latter being part of Biden transition team made public the day after election caused credible concerns on conflict of interest.
Smartmatic’s holding company chaired by an associate of democrat supporter and financier Hungarian billionaire George Soros could not be mere coincidence. Another report surfaced on the software Smartmatic’s chairman of the board Peter Neffenger involved think tank having recently received funding from the Ukranian firm that employed Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.
All of these activities and reality undermines electoral credibility in the highly connected and close network rewarding one another in the Presidential bid of Joe Biden. The quid pro quo with foreign governments viz. China in terms of massive campaign investments via CCP controlled companies and Hungarian billionaire George Soros associated members directing election results and the member Peter Neffenger representing Presidential contender Joe Biden’s transition panel compromise electoral win in the voter transgression in the critical Presidential election.
Subsequently, the lawsuits dismissal in the key battleground states lower and higher courts including the latest in the United States Supreme court is indicative of political influence hindering judicial obligation to electorate seeking clarifications on voter fraud and many legitimate questions surrounding the state legislature and constitutionality determining election process in the swing states.
Interestingly, the Biden family and candidate Joe Biden’s various financial dealings with China, Ukraine, Moscow mayor’s spouse financial contribution and much more hidden from public until after election contrary to election tradition in vetting candidates upon their public confirmation to run for office place biased media, press and relevant authorities including DOJ and FBI in spotlight for inhibiting vital information from electorate during election year.
More than anything, the election integrity in jeopardy is a clarion call to members in state legislature, Congress and electoral college regardless of political parties to engage in protecting the constitutional based democratic rule of law and election procedures that have been violated in the Presidential election 2020. The election controlled and managed from overseas with internal coordination to upend electoral outcome and judiciary choosing to neglect constitutional responsibility in the overall activities directly impact democratic electoral system now and in the future. Not to mention the diminishing voter trust losing confidence in free and fair election in the absence of transparency and constitutional compliance in the equal protection law mandatory for all states in the Union without exception is a severe setback for democracy and election process.
On foreign intervention – United States citizens are quite familiar with this term considering democrats relentless pursuit citing Russian collusion in 2016 election found non-existent having exhausted all means including impeachment proceedings against the sitting President Donald Trump along with other honorable members and decorated veteran like General Michael Flynn unnecessarily and unethically subject to incrimination and humiliation in the highly politicized investigation and arbitrary indictment.
Fast forward to 2020 – the democrats open courtship with United States adversaries prominently China communist regime especially after China CCP deliberate negligence to contain the deadly corona virus originating in Wuhan, China and Beijing unleashing the pathogen on humanity across the globe through unrestricted international travel is malicious and reckless that warranted international condemnation and action against such decision.
President Donald Trump’s decisive response against Beijing through sanctions of communist members and delisting China’s military companies from United States stock market and other measures like closing China’s consulate in the wake of espionage activities in Houston, Texas account for China CCP overt engagement not without internal political and tech giants collusion to sabotage Presidential race 2020.
China identified as the greatest national security threat to the United States disclosed by the director of national intelligence John Ratcliffe in public appearance is the reality. China CCP bribery of United States academia with large endowments, gifts and fees to faculty members to obtain intellectual property rights and innovation techniques, Beijing controlled banks and companies’ investments in United States corporations setting manufacturing base in China leveraged against United States in critical moments like COVID-19 pandemic management on supply chain such as protective medical inventories and denying access to United States CDC and other federal as well as private professional medical groups to Wuhan, China at early outbreak of the pandemic exacerbated health and economic crisis in the United States and across the globe.
China CCP mishandling, covering up and spreading corona virus to the world with United States enduring the highest casualties and viral transmissions requiring hospitalization and indefinite lockdowns hurting the economy is a major blow to United States and global economy.
China communist party and military deployed spy operations in United States politics and democrat candidate Joe Biden and family financial contracts with Beijing in reciprocity embolden Chinese leadership’s political clout gaining enormous advantage over United States position in the domestic and international domain.
China communist leadership ambition to supersede United States in every respect i.e. militarily, economically, technologically and now politically is facilitated by China funded democratic Presidency with China’s top brass expecting more economic value and superiority in exchange for investments in political candidacy, educational institutions, media and tech companies falling in line with Beijing’s goals to undermine election integrity and democratic system in the United States only to be replicated worldwide.
China’s intervention in foreign politics and election is not limited to United States as the primary competitor in global dominance. In fact, China’s communist leadership infiltration in other sovereign nation’s general election such as South Korea on April 15, 2020 amid pandemic enabled China CCP to corrupt South Korea’s national election commission overturning results to China’s communist party preferred candidacies and political faction in that election much to South Korean electorate disillusionment and frustration similar to United States dilemma.
The same would apply to India’s national election in May 2019 with Beijing direct and indirect financing of political parties, candidacies and campaigns leaving Indian electorate in disarray notwithstanding the controversy on electronic voting machine unreasonably swaying the electoral result stymied with distractions on religious event inaugurations and other non-essential issues again triggering voter distress and dissatisfaction resigning to election debacles as irreversible problem.
Soon after Indian election in 2019 and the early stages of COVID-19 ravaging effects in February and March 2020 world over,
China CCP authorized military invasion on the Himalayas targeting India’s north and north eastern territory beginning with Ladakh and extending operations through military installations and troops all along India’s Himalayan region to southern frontiers in the Indian ocean. Beijing’s long term strategy to invade and occupy Indian territories came into fruition in the embattled Himalayan demarcated and disputed line of control that resulted in martyrdom of armed personnel i.e. casualties on both sides with ongoing tensions escalated in the height of frigid temperature in the battle zone 18,000 feet above sea level forcing Indian military to expand and invest in infrastructure, defensive artillery and combat mechanisms while the pandemic induced health and economic woes costing lives and livelihoods with the poorest paying the dearest price in the second most populous nation on earth.
China’s expansionism is larger than life and exceeds limits with no respect for sovereignty or territorial integrity of foreign nations near and far. China’s territorial skirmishes and intrusions in Taiwan straits and South China sea facing United States and landlocked nations in South and South East Asia are forced to contend with China’s hegemonic aspirations evolving into direct interference in sovereign nation’s political affairs compromising intelligence and national security. None of these egregious moves from China could be slighted or taken for granted only to be escalated upon Beijing sponsored Presidency to power in the white house.
Not to mention China’s flagrant human rights violations at home, in Hong Kong against pro-democracy movement, contemptuous aggressions against neighbor Taiwan’s sovereignty and elected government, Tibet permanently deprived of autonomy let alone independence and all other nations are assumed a fair game for exploitation and subjugation under China’s CCP Xi Jinping’s leadership struggling to maintain stability and solidarity within communist politburo and among 1.5 billion population in China confronted with authoritarianism.
China’s Silk road projects on the other hand with 70 or more countries around the world is essentially a debt trap mimicking world bank and IMF policy with the difference being China’s large-scale infrastructure undertakings in these nations serve as incentives to submit to China’s disguised economic package.
The western nations viz. Australia, Canada, Britain, EU and Israel have all been lured with China’s irresistible financial ventures directed at seaports and other projects laden in ulterior strategic dominance to weaken United States is an inherent threat in terms of global security.
China communist leadership nuanced assertion in the latest descendance on moon launched via unmanned spacecraft in the mission Chang’e-5 in November coinciding post Presidential election in the United States with unilateral projection of democrat candidate Joe Biden as the winner in a way resonate with China hoisting the national flag on the moon reminding United States of Beijing’s intervened election to install Biden administration in the white house conducive to Beijing’s policy in every possible dimension.
China communist regime and affiliates are not the only ones to interfere in foreign elections. The billionaires and deep state concerted efforts to derail candidacies not regarded viable for their vested interests and agenda are routinely pursued and unseated from the duly elected positions as President or Prime Minister of a nation. Contrarily those whom they consider reliable on delivering their diverse agendum are backed and promoted with funding, gifts and coveted awards during election in a subtle and conspicuous attempt to influence electorate in those nations that are democratic.
In the United States Presidential election, the external spoilers range from bookies across the Atlantic in London to foreign billionaires George Soros and many others in deep state betting on their choice of Presidential candidate is violation of American electorate rights with foreign agents and internal colluders subverting election and democratic norms for personal gains and political advantage.
In conclusion, United States electoral college, the state legislature and judiciary in key states reviewing petitions on matter related to Presidential election 2020 prioritizing election integrity, credibility and constitutional sanctity is paramount to save democracy restoring republic trust in free and fair election barring adulteration and falsification of votes in addition to foreign intrusion.
China and other foreign entities interception in United States election remains an existential threat endangering sovereignty, freedom, economic prospects and poignantly national security.
At present, the democrat candidacies as President and Vice President both linked to China in deals benefiting the parties involved pose the biggest challenge for United States to function and perform independently without surrendering to Beijing’s demands and extraordinary conditions that are already established in black mail, extortions, spying and corrupting election.
God Bless humanity, environment and the world.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
United States – SCOTUS Declining The Great State Texas Lawsuit
December 12, 2020
United States – Presidential Election 2020
SCOTUS Declining The Great State Texas Lawsuit
Padmini Arhant
United States Supreme Court declining the Texas lawsuit that required the highest court on land to uphold constitutional law and procedures seriously violated in the Presidential election 2020 in the four swing states Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia in electing electors abiding by the state constitution in semblance with Texas and other states is a setback for judiciary evading responsibility to defend constitutionality in governance and election matter.
The Supreme Court as the last bastion of justice trusted to safeguard and protect constitutional process in the state and federal level abandoned in this instance is deeply regrettable and does not bode well for judiciary expected to be independent in the judicial authority to provide opportunity with a hearing to electorate represented by the great state Texas along with 18 other states and the incumbent President of the United States in solidarity on the defendants WI, MI, PA and GA state legislature failure to adhere constitutional procedures is a major crisis reflecting political influence suppressing judicial obligation to the republic.
The United States Supreme Court abdication in this regard is a dangerous precedence in a democracy not barring the SCOTUS decision impact on election credibility now and in the future.
The fact of the matter is the Presidential election 2020 corrupted with massive voting irregularities in the deployment of calibrated Dominion voting machine and software programmed to flip votes to the desired candidate Joe Biden against the elected candidate Donald J. Trump, the incumbent contender in the race.
The vote counts in several counties in the swing states denying access to Republican observers, the latest bombshell on FBI criminal probe 500,000 counterfeit ballots to democrat contender Joe Biden in four key battleground states is merely the tip of the iceberg.
Further from other sources such as Forbes reports that on November 5th – the FBI investigating Voter data theft in the key 2020 election battleground found the following evidence.
“On the morning of November 5, as the 2020 election hung in balance, Arizona federal agents raided a two-story house in Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, a county that had become a key battleground in the presidential race. The agents were looking for evidence of a cyberattack on an unnamed organization and stolen voter data. They left with eight hard drives, three computers and a bag of USB sticks. The resident of the property, a 56-year-old IT expert named Elliot Kerwin, was served the warrant.”
Importantly, the flurry of testimonials from key witnesses under oath with penalty for perjury in the six battleground states public hearing held in national and world view clarified inherent voter fraud carried out both manually as well as via Dominion and similar voting machine to benefit Joe Biden. The sworn affidavits with many good citizens in all these swing states risking their lives considering the open blatant threats especially the one from Michigan former state representative Cynthia Johnson during the hearing and post session on social media is extremely disturbing. The citizens’ coming forward despite abusive treatment at hearing such as the one in Michigan under Cynthia Johnson verify desperate times seeking desperate measures at the lowest to the highest level.
The election without a shadow of doubt is marred with series of violations from constitutional neglect, judicial refusal to fake ballots inclusion for democrat contestant Joe Biden and legal votes exclusion for Donald J. Trump marking the historic electoral malfeasance and vote theft to sway the election result.
Above all, the democrat candidate Joe Biden’s campaign funded by China communist regime controlled companies and Biden family in crossfire on allegations against Hunter Biden’s close ties and financial dealings with China’s entrepreneur linked to China’s military and communist politburo is a direct assault on United States national security. China’s communist upper hand and enormous clout over Joe Biden’s Presidency endanger United States sovereignty, future elections, economic and trade policy and intelligence committee as revealed in the China spy gate with democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell exposed for compromising security and classified information.
The situation concerning the Presidential election 2020 place United States in precarious position largely due to election rules flouted preventing free and fair election. The Supreme Court and other lower courts denying the 74 million electorate a chance to present their evidence based case on all issues related to Presidential election 2020 is a systemic dysfunctional characteristic upending legal votes and constitutional practice.
As for the divine mission, the Presidential election outcome derived from undemocratic and unconstitutional means is not favored and remain consistent on the re-election of United States President Donald J. Trump to second term in office.
Again any intimidations including life threatening pejorative tactics and tantrums would be futile and detrimental for those engaging in violent unruly conduct.
The presentation on the Presidential election 2020, China and other foreign infiltration in election will follow in due course.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
China CCP Influence and Dominance in United States Politics, Academia and Media
December 11, 2020
China CCP Influence and Dominance in
United States Politics, Academia and Media
Padmini Arhant
The public domain information.
On March 2020,
“TikTok owned by China’s media company bytedance donates $3M to actor and former governor of California , Arnold Schwarzenegger’s charity.
TikTok also offered Arnold Schwarzenegger’s charity additional $1m to match employee donations in the organization run by the former governor.”
In other development, soon after the Presidential election 2020, the ex-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger praised the controversial decision and action from Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and heralded the Democracy Action Hero award to Georgia Secretary of State on his certification of disputed election result.
According to Associated Press report – December 8, 2020.
Georgia secretary of state wins praise from Schwarzenegger
“We are big admirers of yours, and you will go down in history for being a good guy, a good public servant,” the actor and former California governor told Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on a Zoom call Tuesday.”
The call was organized by the USC Schwarzenegger Institute for State and Global Policy at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. The institute promotes post-partisanship and urges leaders to put policy over politics, according to its website.
Schwarzenegger explained to Raffensperger that the institute plans to bestow Democracy Action Hero awards next week over Zoom.
“I just want to ask you if you would be kind enough to accept one of those awards that we are giving out because it is only for Democracy Action Heroes and you are a Democracy Action Hero, so we would love to give you that award,” Schwarzenegger said.
“Thank you very much. Yes, I will accept,” Raffensperger said. “Governor, honestly, we’re just trying to run an election, just follow the process, follow the law. We didn’t set out to earn any awards.”
The University of Southern California in Los Angeles – one of the major recipients of China CCP funding to United States elite institutions and Universities starting in 2013 and exponentially rising thereafter per numerous data.
Bloomberg reported on February 6, 2020
Harvard Leads U.S. Colleges That Received $1 Billion From China
“Trade tensions between Beijing and Washington have been building for years, leading the Trump administration to label the Asian nation “a threatto the world.” Yet the tally of gifts and contracts from China to U.S. universities since the start of 2013 is approaching $1 billion.
About 115 colleges got monetary gifts, contracts or both from sources in mainland China in the six and a half years through June, according to a Bloomberg analysis of U.S. government data.
The leader was Harvard University, which pulled in $93.7 million, the majority as gifts. The University of Southern California and University of Pennsylvania were second and third.”
These activities from China CCP had flurried post COVID-19 notably TikTok donations to former political members’ charity and causes sprawling over 60 cities in the United States in return influencing the election, political, economic and national security environment in the United States and worldwide.
United States republic is threatened by foreign infiltration with internal political and media collusion evident in unraveling of China CCP spy and interns compromising democrat Congress members role as member of intelligence committee. China CCP direct intervention in United States election via funding Biden family undermine election process by foreign powers against democracy, free and fair election and individual rights.
China CCP control over United States politics, academia, judiciary, economy and relevantly communication media outlets ranging from convention to online in disguise could no longer be slighted and taken for granted.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
California Local and State Authorities COVID-19 Measures
December 8, 2020
California Local and State Authorities
COVID-19 Measures
Padmini Arhant
The pandemic toll on lives and people’s health is a tremendous challenge world over. The situation since widespread transmission of the virus has been fluctuating delaying anticipated bell curve with spikes disrupting efforts to reach the minimal or nil casualties in the United States. The initiatives in combating the virus with prolonged lockdowns allowing intermittent relaxations to test immunity among different communities besides federal and state authorities strict guidelines followed by most citizens is the common prescription thus far. The vaccine approval with citizens abroad administered at present would soon provide evidence on the effectiveness in the preventive care until the drug to cure life threatening symptoms become available for public use.
However, the health crisis necessitating lockdowns has enormous impact on the economy and livelihoods of ordinary citizens representing overwhelming majority nationwide. California among other states has been subject to rigorous conditions directly inflicting economic losses and damages for small business owners in any industry especially restaurants and food chains, personal care services such as hair salons and much more.
While certain areas of retail service industry might be considered high risk, the job loss from small businesses forced into shut down is crippling local, state and national economy reflected in the unemployment data. The handling or rather mishandling of COVID-19 varying from state to state even different cities and counties within a state is largely contributing to unnecessary breakdown in meeting health and economic expectations i.e. minimizing infections and improving economic activities that should be inversely proportional.
Californian local and state authorities implementation to mitigate COVID-19 has been irregular and to a large extent felt discriminatory among small business community like restaurants and diners diligently observing state and federal safety instructions on COVID-19 yet the vast majority are mandatorily shut down exacerbating economic plight for working class and lower income individuals as well as families struggling to make ends meet in the excruciating times requiring appropriate economic measures to alleviate disproportionate suffering across the spectrum.
Although, state and local authorities may emphasize the urgent need to contain escalating COVID-19 patients hospitalization citing limited capacity in various county and city hospitals, the chief authorities flouting their rules while censuring small business owners and ordinary citizens on daily activities is a reminder to authorities to be the example for people to follow suit in the otherwise contradictory position.
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti ban on walking and driving during lockdown exceeds the norm without giving residents the benefit of doubt to make such decisions on health risks to them and others in the height of government determination of citizens’ lifestyle.
Governor Gavin Newsom in spotlight for dining with a large gathering of 15 people in Napa Valley restaurant amid imposing statewide closing of restaurants and other retail services barring exceptions to politically favored or aligned business chain undermine the rule of law prompting legitimate questions from citizens statewide.
Instead the governor prioritizing small and medium businesses SOS with effective plans and policy such as allowing restaurants and diners with take out options and outdoor seating maintaining social distancing of 6 feet and other requirements would help businesses and their employees from losing jobs, health care and home considering large number of working class and middle as well lower income groups are in rental accommodation and employer afforded health insurance.
Obviously there appears to be lack of cognizance among authorities on residents misery in the absence of any kind of financial assistance with long overdue second stimulus package and PPP aimed at economic relief to people drastically affected in COVID-19 stalled and delayed for partisan political reasons in the Capitol Hill.
Small and medium businesses are the back bone of the local and national economy. The state and national legislators immediate focus in reviving the sector with practical solutions expediting financial provisions setting aside political differences and reservations is critical to save lives and livelihoods in the extraordinary environment.
The authorities less interference in people’s personal lives and more attention towards restoring jobs and businesses with streamlined restrictions to address COVID-19 would strike a balance winning residents cooperation in the collective responsibility to defeat the pandemic and gain economic momentum.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter