Corona Virus (COVID19) – Manufactured in Wuhan Lab, China

September 13, 2020

Corona Virus (COVID19) – Manufactured in Wuhan Lab, China

Padmini Arhant

The article on the controversial and contentious issue – Corona Virus (COVID19) manufactured in lab setting was elaborated with detailed explanations on such conviction on May 12, 2020 in the link below under the title –

Corona Virus -EuroChinaUS (ECU) Deadly Experiment

The confirmation to this effect was partially acknowledged with reference to China’s virologist Dr. Shi Zengli’s advanced warning on the potential major pandemic explosion worldwide and Dr. Shi Zengli’s subsequent disappearance qualifying evasion on the subject matter was clear.

Furthermore, China’s authority together with those involved in the corona virus experiment over a period of time viz. Dr. Shi Zengli and others declining to comment or clarify on the outbreak upon being approached by leading Science journal Nature following the pandemic stated in article on June 5th, 2020 – the title  –

“The biggest mystery: What it will take to trace the corona virus source?” 

Now the latest report corroborating the fact COVID19 was indeed manufactured unlike the position maintained thus far comes to light.


Chinese Virologist Says She Has Scientific Proof That COVID-19 Was Made In A Chinese Govt Lab At Wuhan

In a video interview, a Chinese virologist has claimed that she possesses scientific proof that the COVID-19 virus originated in a government-controlled laboratory in Wuhan, China.

The scientist Dr Li-Meng Yan was working at the Hong Kong School of Public Health when she allegedly came across the proof of coronavirus being lab-made.

These sequences on highly infectious deadly corona virus consuming lives till date and having paralyzed global economy along with lives and livelihoods, the earlier article published on on May 30th, 2020 under the heading – “China and World Health Organization” –

The lack of transparency at the corona virus onset until today is the persistent problem in dealing with Beijing and WHO, the two parties having not exercised discretion and denied international access for independent inquiry and investigation continues to remain the credibility factor.

Nonetheless, the COVID19 source emerging from Wuhan lab, China is incontrovertible as the world continues to battle the biggest health catastrophe without any regret or remorse from those responsible for the global pandemic.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Corona Virus – SARS-COV2 Origin and Cause

May 25, 2020

Corona Virus – SARS-COV2 Origin and Cause

Padmini Arhant

The origin of corona virus may have been a cell culture experiment gone wrong say Australian Scientist – Sky News Australia. Please see video at the bottom. Thank you.

Numerous articles citing this possibility presented on the topic on this site and sub-domain per links below;

Corona Virus -EuroChinaUS (ECU)Deadly Experiment

Corona Virus COVID 19 – Origin and Source

Accountability and Conspiracy Theory

Corona Virus – WHO Mismanagement

Corona Virus – Profits and Motives

Corona Virus – Politics and Pandemic Management

World Health Organization Failure and Director General Resignation

Crazy Murder Inc.

Source – Sky News Australia. Thank you.

The origin of corona virus may have been a cell culture experiment gone wrong

Special Report: Evidence builds corona virus came from a Chinese lab

Let the independent inquiry and Apolitical investigation begin on this critical issue to prevent further loss of lives at present and similar or worse pandemics in the future. The government and world authorities are obligatory to humanity to get to the bottom on the controversial yet important finding allowing the benefit of doubt to other possibility i.e. Wuhan lab virus culture behind SARS-CoV2 current pandemic.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Global Citizens Petition for WHO Director General Resignation

May 23, 2020

Global Citizens Petition for WHO Director General Resignation

Padmini Arhant

Global citizens petition for World Health Organization Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus resignation rejected by Murder Inc., the shadow world government reining control over nearly 8 billion lives on Earth clarifies apathy and disdain for ordinary citizens enduring extraordinary pain and misery from the pandemic. 

The global pandemic victims’ families and survivors experiencing excruciating health and economic ordeal deserve to know from Murder Inc. protecting members responsible for massive loss of lives and economic collapse, the reason behind impunity to World Health Organization authority having miserably failed in saving lives by following China’s dictum to conceal information clearly identified as corruption and willful negligence in the highest order.

Why should the pandemic victims and those affected be silenced and disregarded in the heinous crime against humanity when the Murder Inc. launch attacks against nations on false pretext citing biological and chemical weapons to invade and occupy foreign land?

The Murder Inc. paradoxical strategy target innocent lives world over while shielding and providing impunity to those involved in mass murder and genocide deploying communication outlets and media to defend indefensible offense and criminal actions. The systemic abuse is deplorable.

Under these circumstances, the World Health Organization authority agreement to review lapses originating from China and the global health body own mismanagement with flawed guidance equally at default maintaining Beijing’s position that led to pandemic explosion is an insult to human intelligence and humanity at large.

When those accountable for egregious decisions causing pandemic are granted immunity, the Murder Inc. continues to remain existential threat to humanity, global health, economic and political progress as well as peace and security. 

The global citizens demand for WHO authority Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus resignation is legitimate and well qualified considering the director general’s past record in previous positions conceivably led to outbreaks in alarming proportions and repeat performance in the current pandemic verify the dismal trajectory. 

Anyone in favor of retaining the service of WHO director general purely for political interests despite the authority misleading international community with conflicting instructions obliging Beijing that triggered the pandemic cannot be the party concerned about global health safety and wellness. On the contrary, these entities pose imminent danger to humanity and civilization.

Global citizenry renewed call on this matter and end to shadow government viz. Murder Inc. authorizing permanent indemnity to continue business as usual is critical to safeguard individual health and economic status moving forward. 

Every citizen in the world frustrated and tired of generational suffering and aspire freedom in all aspects must denounce the shadow government Murder Inc. secrecy and free the world from prolonged open and disguised oppression. 

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 








Corona Virus COVID 19 – Origin and Source

April 30, 2020

Corona Virus COVID 19 – Origin and Source

Padmini Arhant

Western Defense and Offense. Means and Strategy. 

Strategy – When new weapons are manufactured – the hardware potency is tested in Central Asia, South East Asia, Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

Means – Conventional warfare deploying boots on the ground, terror sponsorship recruiting terror outfits by arming, funding and training terror factions not barring cannibalism witnessed in 2011, 2012 against Syrian civilians spreading across the country and neighborhood. Dropping cluster bombs in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya…earlier deadly chemical Agent Orange Napalm – used in flamethrowers in Vietnam war burning down forests and bushes, nuclear laden missile strikes, air raid in Libya in 2011 imposing No Fly Zone through UNSC denying the nation under attack any defense mechanism are mere examples among scores of violent engagement in these parts of the world.

The drone attacks became the sport targeting vulnerable population in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Middle East, Central, East, West and North Africa as well as Central and South America intensified in the second decade of the twenty first century i.e. in 2007 onwards and more so in 2010, 2011,2012, 2013, 2014…etc.

Similarly, Western Nuclear arsenal enhancements via nuclear subterranean testing conducted by France from 1966 – 1996 about 193 nuclear tests carried out in paradise islands – the Polynesian stretch in the Pacific Ocean inarguably attracted local outcry demanding the western power to cease dangerous nuclear activity in their waters affecting lives and livelihoods all around.

Importantly, the draconian economic sanctions invariably enforced on non-western nations only thus far claimed millions of lives world wide forcing millions into starvation, malnutrition and diverse preventable disease in the victim nations with no respite despite the cataclysmic impact on children, women, youth and elderly population in these nations world over. 

Chronology of Events (2000 – 2020) –Pre-meditated and calibrated terror attack on September 11, 2001 ignoring adequate warnings from concerned intelligence agencies outside United States set the stage for military interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq  in 2001 and 2003 lasting nearly two decades that alone consumed thousands of lives leaving millions refugees in their homeland.

The trend continued in the so-called Arab Spring in 2010 that catapulted new wave of terrorism sponsoring terror networks to circumvent congressional authorization which in return meant public approval on traditional military interference in foreign land that was not easily forthcoming given the disastrous episodes in Afghanistan and Iraq.  This period again resulted in destruction of several thousands of lives in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Lebanon and other states in the region. The casualties from these western and middle eastern coalition erupted in multitudes leaving many survivors especially children destitute and women preyed for sexual assaults and assorted abuse in the war zone by terror groups and participants in the name of war on terror. 

Not to mention the unwarranted bifurcation of African nation Sudan into South Sudan in 2011 causing political instability and chaos along with population exodus fleeing their territories from violence. Likewise the UNSC mandated French military operation in Western African state Mali in 2012 created deaths and demolition of lives and habitat.

In 2020 – Two decades later – the massive loss of human lives currently at 233,411 deaths and staggering 3.3 million affected with the deadly virus occurs in the form of global pandemic without the use of military and nuclear arsenal.

The compelling argument in the present global health disaster is tracking the origin and sources behind the mammoth health and economic crises confronting the ordinary citizens and privileged worldwide.

The latest report on corona virus in understanding the severity of the pathogen emanates from the controversial Gain of Function research involving animal passage reportedly tried by Scientist Ron Fouchier from Erasmus University in Holland a decade ago in the wake of bird flu that was limited to only infection upon handling the bird at that time.

The finding seemingly aroused the curious scientific mind to further explore on the virus potential in transforming into a pandemic prompting virus manufacturing in the lab setting. The scientific lobby reportedly succeeded in introducing PREDICT program in 2009 with $200 million investment from international funding in United States and Europe facilitating dangerous Gain of Function experiment defying risks and consequences regardless of frequent accidents in the science labs on small pox, anthrax, avian flu experiment in the United States and other labs in the world producing harmful effects including deaths is noteworthy.

The report suggesting the Wuhan lab in China funded through PREDICT program were aware of the lapses in the lab performing highly infectious virus experiments is a serious  negligence in the absence of immediate precautionary measures that appear to have contributed to the unprecedented global pandemic. 

Science by nature experimenting and exploring future in medicine, space inhabitation and more for various reasons bear responsibility to weigh the pros and cons of daring undertakings without any preparedness for unexpected twists and turns is an extravagant adventure at the expense of the rest of the world caught unbeknown in the present experience.

The earlier attempt to clone live mammal viz. the sheep Dolly in Scotland, U.K. using nuclear transfer with an unfertilized egg cell contracted life span of the clones attributed to progressive illnesses from such fallacious aspirations.

The human power is limited to saving lives from diseases and health woes acquired or inherited in one’s lifetime at the most leading to defer and not deter loss of life. The acceleration to go beyond the confines of nature evident in cloning and now in virus manufacturing with or without enhanced engineering to test virus virulence in humans is an overarching endeavor proved deadly and devastating for humanity.

Needless to say, human intelligence protecting life and in the other extreme endangering lives with mass fatalities is an established pattern since human evolution.

As for creating life, the task is an extraordinary empowerment and accordingly best left to Supernatural force and phenomenon behind natural creation and the Universe comprising inconceivable configurations. 

Science effectiveness would be appropriate in dealing with myriad contemporary challenges facing mankind in health, economic and social behavior rather than subjecting entire human population and other species to catastrophic accounts in the prevalent corona virus pandemic.

The health calamity obviously arising from collaborative mismanagement in the scientific environment and erroneous political decisions together exacerbate humanity plight. 

Frankenstein approach without careful thoughts, diligence and deliberation on audacious virus experiments conclusively deliver undesirable outcome. 

The scientific community, the so-called philanthropic investors and political powers in favor of contentious Gain of Function experiment with animal passage inevitably affecting humans need to come forward and accept accountability for the ravaging COVID 19 consuming lives and drowning businesses in the global economic shut down.  The situation surrounded by uncertainty and ambivalence in predicting the virus containment and elimination is the convincing delivery from the $200 million PREDICT venture. 

Finally, transparency is key and integral structure of ethics without exceptions ranging from Science, economy to politics and everything related to human survival and earth sustenance. In flouting transparency, the tremendous loss is never recovered from any superficial gains now and ever.

Thank you. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

World Health Organization Failure and Director General Resignation

April 24, 2020

World Health Organization Failure and Director General Resignation

Padmini Arhant

The UN body set up for public health management as the name suggests i.e. World Health Organization (WHO) miserably failed on corona virus containment. The director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus earlier statements at corona virus outbreak in Wuhan, China in adherence to China Communist Party’s instructions underestimating the virus rapid contagion impact describing the epidemic in Wuhan at that time as not alarming contributed to status quo.

Furthermore, the WHO  position at that time was the corona virus had no human to human transmission and advised against travel ban that essentially transformed the local epidemic in Wuhan, China into global pandemic.

World Health Organization funded to exercise independent authority without submitting to any pressure or accepting incentives from anywhere for personal and vested interests adopting reverse approach allowing corona virus explosion is not a minor error that could be ignored on political correctness and other meaningless explanations provided in defense.

The international body erring right at the beginning, the critical juncture demanding precautionary measures and swift actions to save lives and prevent pervasive infection slighted with no after thought on such grave stance.  Needless to say, WHO cooperation echoing China’s leadership (CCP) version and interpretation of the highly infectious virus as not a threat to humanity considering previous epidemics like H1N1, SARS and MERS…with preceding ones in communicable disease having originated in China and MERS from Saudi Arabia was a colossal mistake that erupted into ravaging pandemic consuming lives necessitating global economic shutdown costing more lives and livelihoods as a result of the deadly virus.

The loss of precious lives and agony experienced by victims and families in the health disaster from corona virus is not an ordinary plight. The economic toll leaving billions around the world in poverty, hunger and starvation not to mention the global economic collapse creating insurmountable uncertainties and immeasurable financial difficulties is a monumental challenge confronting citizens worldwide.

In normal and abnormal situations anywhere, an employee in any sector and industry conscientiously at fault would not continue with the job and neither be encouraged to carry on with the affairs where responsibility flouted in the first place causing tremendous health and economic tragedies only expected to prolong until unknown period.

That being the case, anyone appointed with salary, perks and privileges at the helm entrusted with a serious task of health management and global citizens well being assuming the duty for granted with decisions based on China Communist Party leadership (CCP) recommendations covering up facts and figures amid avalanche of incidents in the then epicenter Wuhan, China bare evidence.  The diligence, prudence and vigilance abstinence at the crucial moment proved catastrophic for the entire world is not something to be taken on stride and left behind as a bad dream especially when the dream has evolved into a living nightmare for many all around.

Although, those in position of power and authority maintaining close ties with entities flexing influence are exempt from accountability, the tradition exacerbate human frustration and patience on fundamental change holding none above law in all matter.

In this respect, World Health Organization Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus investing complete faith and trust in China Communist Party (CCP) narratives releasing official reports contradictory to pandemic events in the original domain rather than the autonomous World Health Organization (WHO) conducting own investigation examining ground reality in Wuhan, China amount to misleading, misguidance and gross negligence in handling the pandemic.

The global pandemic inflicting deaths and destruction of lives in the magnitude beyond sustainability and economic injustice affecting billions in epic proportion appropriately seek the resignation of Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus from heading the World Health Organuzation effective immediately.

World Health Organization sharing the woes of alleged corruption and lack of transparency in many aspects overhauling the structure and prevailing in the scrutiny on international oversight representing common citizens not elite members in the panel is paramount to gain public confidence in the otherwise ethically fractured auspices.

As for China, the Communist Party leaderships in Beijing are obligatory to humanity at large in presenting actual data and accounts on corona virus since emergence up until now in addition to deploying strict quality control on functionality and effectiveness of medical supplies and equipment shipped to various destinations around the globe.

Last but not the least, the Central authority in Beijing arguably hit with libel suits for withholding vital information on corona virus triggering ripple effects on global health and economy heeding citizens urgent needs and emergency care within China abandoning secrecy and intolerance to whistle blowers  in medical community would enormously help in mitigating the unprecedented health and economic crises.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Corona Virus – Politics and Pandemic Management

April 7, 2020

Corona Virus – Politics and Pandemic Management

Padmini Arhant

There will be a visual presentation on this topic covering all aspects of the critical matter.

Please refer to video clip titled Corona Virus and Pandemic Management Video format. 

Meanwhile, the pandemonium on hydroxychloroquine as incontrovertible life saving drug in the absence of reliable scientific data providing evidence on the drug as the potent antidote to treat massive victims of the pandemic caused by SARS CoV2 corona virus barring potential diverse side effects is haste making waste.

There is no doubt that governments role is important in the pandemic management. At the same time, governments and any industry becoming the substitute for scientific and medical experts specializing in infectious disease control such as epidemiologist, virologists, microbiologists and public health authorities in the relevant field…witnessed at present unnecessarily exacerbates the raging contagion virus impact.

No lives could be gambled with on hypothesis and speculations generating confusion for political and commercial interests.

The world is confronted with an unprecedented global health crisis in addition to the biggest economic challenge legitimately being the immediate concern and anxiety for billions around the world. In the current situation, political leaderships and government rational approach and discernment would alleviate tension to the otherwise pandemic explosion. 

More on this issue and subject related to the pandemic will be presented in the visual format.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


Corona Virus (SARS-COV2) UPDATE

March 28, 2020

Corona Virus (SARS-COV2) UPDATE

Padmini Arhant

Best Wishes and Good Luck to the medical community working round the clock for a breakthrough on the cure and prevention of the global pandemic!
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter

Corona Virus (SARS COV2) – Actions and Effects Update

March 26, 2020

Corona Virus (SARS COV2) – Actions and Effects Update

Padmini Arhant

Britain’s Prince Charles, the apparent heir to the throne tested positive to Corona Virus (SARS COV2) early this week.


India  as per public data :

Courtesy : 

Total Affected Corona Virus Cases – 887

Cases which had an outcome – 93
Recovered / Discharged – 73 (78%)

Deaths – 20 (22%)

Active Cases – 794 currently infected patients.

794 (100%) claimed to be in mild condition.

0% Serious or Critical


Question for Indian Authorities:

Among 794 currently ill patients – 0% Serious or Critical ( which means the status relieves the government from the burden of organizing ventilators and critical medical equipment and supplies?).

In 2019, Bihar had to deal with acute encephalitis syndrome in Muzaffarpur and the adjoining districts in Bihar state resulting in deaths of more than 150 children. The trend continued subsequently with more cases and deaths that were brought to light by other non-government sources. 

Are the Indian authorities sure about the corona virus data considering India’s population density and practicality in maintaining social distancing and limiting public contacts especially in the poorer sections of society?

Not to mention the proximity to China in the eastern border.

The update on EU nations and EU role in dealing with global pandemic and economic stimulus together with global governments response on the deadly virus will be discussed shortly.

The preceding posts on this topic are available on this site as well as the subdomain and youtube channel Nirvana.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



Corona Virus Management

March 22, 2020

Corona Virus Management

Padmini Arhant

I share my thoughts on COVID-19 management.

Beginning with United States, given the surge on affected cases nationwide including U.S. territories, President Donald Trump administration and Congress bipartisanship latest actions are welcome and hopefully alleviate the economic woes confronting millions of Americans in workforce and others facing dire financial situation in the wake of COVID-19 preventable pandemic.

The White House along with defense department coming forward with diverse strategies to ease the overwhelming burden on the health care system in combating the virus is a positive step that could save lives and contain the virus.

President Donald Trump having invoked the Defense production act with congressional approval reminiscent of the Korean war, the crucial medical supplies protecting health care workers in the front line of this pandemic is paramount enabling private companies in the United States to manufacture and supply them for immediate use that could significantly boost medical care and treatment while reducing casualties from the virus.

United States Congress members in the House and Senate coordination in passing the emergency care package for COVID-19 victims and families as well as Americans at individual to Small Business ownership already feeling the pain from necessary confinement at home to overcome the health crisis is a meaningful response in the hour of great economic distress.

Needless to say, health care workers in the United States and worldwide working round the clock together with volunteers deserve immense appreciation and acknowledgment for their dedication to help COVID-19 patients’ recovery.

Similarly, the medical research on vaccine and effective drugs to address the rapidly spreading virus is a tremendous engagement that could break the cycle and provide much required medical intervention now and in the future.

In other parts of the world, the governments initiatives in protecting the population through travel restrictions, closing schools, colleges and cancellation of public events is the appropriate measure to prevent the virus contagion effect.

However there are some reports like in India, the most densely populated northern state Uttar Pradesh BJP government plans to organize major religious festive activity in the coming weeks i.e. early April amid COVID-19 outbreak that has affected India as well regardless of the figure being higher or lower is irresponsible and disappointing as any form of close public contacts and gathering proved to exacerbate the current challenge.

Accordingly, the political leaderships and heads of the states from local to national level understanding the consequences of such mass participation adversely affecting large segments leading to community infection is important and prohibit activities expected to aggravate and protract the pandemic.

As for citizens worldwide dealing with this global pandemic, strict adherence to health safety features on limiting social meetings, personal hygiene such as washing hands with soap and sanitizers to safeguard personal health and well-being that would in return deescalate the viral transmission is critical in the battle against the pandemic.

Individual efforts by following health experts advise and recommendations in minimizing the spread of the disease is the clarion call on stymieing the virus.

The grim reality is the economic downturn in the face of shut down for middle and lower income groups in any country not barring the developed nation like United States despite the government stimulus package again only organized in fewer countries and that too not guaranteed to adequately cope with the economic constraints confronting the world.

Poorest of the poor and others up to the middle class do not have the luxury like the rich and super wealthy in any society to live on their accumulated wealth and extraordinary assets until the crisis is laid to rest.

The employers and businesses arguably cannot afford to retain employees indefinitely in the absence of productivity, sales and consumption normally fueling the economy. Obviously collective responsibility in all frontiers especially enhancing medical supplies and respiratory equipment like ventilators and virus testing kits etc. is the priority in health aspects besides prudent economic planning and financial restructure facilitating liquidity and solvency of different industries with a major focus on workers in the service industry like restaurants, retailers, transportation and an array of economic complexity instrumental in running the economic engine is absolutely vital to overcome the current catastrophe.

Whenever calamity hits the shores, the nation’s ability and capacity is tested reflecting on the utilization of resources at disposal or the lack thereof revealing the path to pursue in mitigating disaster such as the prevalent deadly virus.

The poignant lesson form COVID-19 proliferation is the world unprepared to tackle cataclysmic events in epic proportion due to tunnel vision exclusively on nuclear armament, cyber attacks and terrorism attracting disproportionate allocation of national budget discarding the essential investment in health hazards management and relevantly preparedness to rise to the occasion upon being subject to a viral tsunami such as the potent COVID-19.

Universal solidarity emanating from individual perseverance in every citizen in every part of the globe in preventable course practicing stringent methods in compliance with public health safety instructions and governments prompt decisive actions towards health and economic assistance to all citizens transcending statehood and nationality is fundamental to expedite patients recovery and reining on the life consuming virus.

Once again, since this crisis is pervasive with the virus not being selective in choosing hosts, the health and economic toll definitely impact all. As a result, it is the duty of every adult citizen to be responsible and guide the younger as well as aid the elderly in the family and community to do everything possible in defeating the global pandemic without losing more lives and further economic decline.

Above all, government transparency in data on virus victims, deaths and possible suspects not excluding Asymptomatic carriers are imperative to evaluate the actual threat in a particular territory, region and the world at large.

Finally, the authorities in Beijing responsible for the lapses in the initial outbreak of the disease in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China respecting their local medical experts honest professional opinion in the matter to sustain containment of the highly infectious virus and extending all facilities i.e. monetary and logistic combined is an obligation to domestic and global population.

Let us all come together setting aside partisanship, preferences and prejudice with the main goal of saving lives and prevailing in the enormous health and economic troubles causing legitimate concerns and grief worldwide.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


Corona Virus – Global Pandemic

March 17, 2020

Corona Virus – Global Pandemic

Padmini Arhant

Corona virus COVID-19 has brought the world under lock down claiming lives, affecting thousands in different parts of the world and paralyzing the global economy. Politics and political authorities colossal failure to take timely decisive actions in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China has led to the contagion effect. The travel ban in the wake of initial outbreak in Wuhan should have been the preliminary step that could have limited the spread of the virus now causing significant stress, anxiety and economic meltdown.

Citizens across the globe exercising due diligence in adherence of medical warnings and advisory on hygiene, restricting social contacts until the virus containment is critical for self-protection and those in the family and community.

The health crisis affecting most parts of the world is a serious matter with the world having become smaller and closer from transportation and technological advancement in the twenty first century. The novel corona virus nCoV or COVID-19 originating from Wuhan City in Hubei province China claiming many lives over there with global impact is unfortunate and squarely falls on the local and central authorities in China for the inadequate containment of this deadly virus. 

China having experienced earlier outbreaks of corona virus family and other virus strains in the past two decades could have adopted stringent methods and imposed rules along the line prioritizing public health and safety in the prevention measure. The subsequent steps in Wuhan’s lock down was rather aggressive in terms of welding apartment buildings gates and doors prohibiting exit of residents slighting grave danger of such actions in the event of incidents like fire and other possible emergencies arising in the apartment complex. 

There was obvious failure in response mechanism and handling of the repeat outbreak in Wuhan, China with a contagion effect worldwide. The Chinese authorities in Beijing muzzling the whistleblower, the young physician Li Wenliang alerting the community and authorities having to pay a price with his life and several other citizens in China who fell victims to COVID-19 followed by those in many parts of the world speaks volume on the state of affairs i.e. politics endangering lives with authorities exerting power to silence legitimate concerns like the one from Dr. Li Wenliang and series of lapses in addressing the problem from the very beginning considering the history of epidemics from China or anywhere rapidly shared with the rest of the world through constant stream of travelers criss crossing various destinations world over. 

The nCoV or COVID-19 being attributed to transmission from animal to human and mutation thereafter causing the pandemic clearly indicative of the lack of appropriate system monitoring and curbing incidents in wet markets and animal husbandry identified as the catalysts not for the first time but also previously noted in the wake of H1N1, SARS, MERS and now COVID-19 clarify the absence of critical inspections and importance to clean healthy environments in handling meat products sold to the public in open markets. 

Yet another issue is wild animals and variety of species landing on the food table as delicacies for human consumption beckon attention and discernment to spare them as they cause disruption in nature designed food chain with dire consequences on natural habitat and ecological balance depriving members in the wilderness from their original prey for survival contributing to endangered category. Nature has provided more than enough food produces and choices for humans to feed on without having to indulge in far reaching wild life menu not necessarily meant for satisfying normal appetite instead exploring extravagant desires like the items serving as aphrodisiacs for some and others experimenting medicinal value to deal with illnesses in a raw condition often proved to be recipes of disaster.

The government intervention through education and orientation on the health hazards of such practices in the rural, remote and urban areas of the country is essential to save lives in all frontiers i.e. humans and natural conservation. 

Since the preparedness to combat pandemic is always challenging regardless of economic and health care affordability for nations worldwide, the preventative course would significantly mitigate the spread of the disease upon individual discipline and commitment in adherence of public health care advisory on hygiene and limiting social contacts given the nature of the virus to contaminate anyone or anything resulting in massive suffering notwithstanding the toll on global economy. 

Citizens across the globe respecting health care experts warnings and heeding recommendations on the ways and means to cope with the virus and cooperation in deescalation of the current pandemic would effectively restrict the proliferation of the victims and reduce casualties from the alarming COVID-19. 

I extend my sincere condolences to families in Wuhan and rest of China as well as all in other parts of the world who have lost their loved ones to the preventable pandemic and hold the ones affected by the virus in my thoughts and prayers for speedy recovery.

Be wise and stay healthy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter



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