Human Foes

January 12, 2023

Human Foes

Padmini Arhant 

The human foes are human character and traits.

Human characteristics such as humongous ego, superiority complex, greed, envy prompting gossip mongering, perversion via peeping and snooping misusing technology, sneer and jeer using entertainment industry, condescendence exemplified in prejudice, misogyny, deny others’ fair opportunity, exploitation, domineering ideology transformed to fascism, narcissism, abusive conduct…are many among myriad human weaknesses and flaws evolving into authoritarian bulwark that impetus hostility, acrimony and aggression not barring violence.

The constant targeting which is typically bullying and harassment either directly or worst through nuances, innuendoes and insinuations – a cowardly practice lacking courage to speak with and / or  to the person rather than about the person are provocative indulgence exposing the doers’ and their catalysts’ unhappiness, deep insecurity, dissatisfaction in every aspect and indecency.

What triggers nastiness in human character – those in particular wasting life as troubled souls exemplified in discrimination, patronization and disparagement?

The inner self devoid of peace, contentment and self-esteem creates vacuum. The voidness then often scapegoat those not even remotely related or linked to their internal turmoil to which the sufferers alone are responsible.

Yet another problem with such personalities is they are escapists unable to reconcile with harsh realities about themselves and not surprisingly entertainment industry is engaged as distraction and propagation channel in adherence to Nazi style dissemination.

The personality disorder among them widen in shunning own mirror reflection and adapting unrealistic image that neither fits their profile nor own actions and legacy. In other words these are deniers and choose to decline in life cycle.

The more they confront themselves in their barren superficial life, the more they disintegrate within knowing the truth about themselves as who they are and how they are running away from them.

Failure to accept own faulty image influence negativities to overwhelm transforming into predators for glory, fortune, power and publicity. Outwardly turning brute, crude, lewd and weird attack machines with nothing to live for other than persist in perilous involvement.

As a result, their easy prey is the exact opposite of them. Accordingly, the frustration and anger they feel about own status is vented at the person they wish to be in their life.

While they advise those whom they anchor and express bitterness 24/7 to love thy enemies, it never occurs to them to be the example by practicing what they preach their sworn enemy.

Essentially, human relations could improve for the better upon beginning with self in understanding, recognizing and acknowledgement of own shortcomings and abusiveness masqueraded in false persona embedded in rigged fanfare fraudulently advertised in million plus viewership on social media and public domain.

However, them desperately seeking to be the enemy’s wannabe is paradoxical tragic comedy.

What more?

The narcissistic nature is further demonstrated in controlling other’s life via perversion and imposition of own doctrine on individual who reject them and their sadistic ludicrous hypocrisy.

The control freaks possessed by the devil are agitated upon being ignored and reminded on reciprocation of respect, equal rights and opportunity as inalienable and non-negotiable in a civilized society.

The creeps and peeping toms along with their paid sleeping partners quitting their sleazy shoddy occupation in spying, eavesdropping and piracy of personal identity among diverse criminality is critical to avert rather than expedite their excruciating journey sooner then later. 

Being mere mortals wagging their rat tail miscalculating the creator, protector and when necessary terminating the bad evil and irredeemable – the supreme entity as mere spectator are living in a fool’s paradise.

Soul searching and cleansing through introspection prior to intrusive objectionable defining and determining their obsessed enemy’s identity notwithstanding abandoning riding on the rival’s coattail is a priority for the incorrigible offenders and compulsive violators on the precipice.

Correction and perfection beginning with selves besides minding own defeat, tumultuous turbulent life and ruinous affairs is the place to start for invaders with identity theft of other’s personal life and intruders’ of other’s space and privacy.

The interference in their enemy’s life with dos’ and don’ts including assigning own proxies name, their corrupt, criminal and embarrassing  biography on the enemy is an invitation for perpetual disaster to the source and agents deployed in the self-destructive caricature.

Meanwhile living in public taxpayer’s funded mansions heavily guarded with loaded security personnel, barricaded exterior and interior premise with taxpayer intelligence agency and other private recruits spying on the intended targets 24/7 is vile and abhorrent tradition.

None of these are without ramifications in adverse karmic effects. Those treading in the path guided by satans have met their fate albeit not a pleasant one. The remaining pursuing the trail would be no exception in sharing similar or severe experience joining predecessors in voluntary devastation.

The satans and satans’ slaves obeying marching orders from them fior personal gains and narcissistic goals are delusional in assuming they are scot free despite their willful evil indulgence aimed at malice and vicious smear campaign without realizing such charade only highlight their wickedness and timid connivance. The reprehensible conduct and violations of rights would be dealt with appropriately in accordance with what goes around comes around without a shadow of doubt.

In conclusion, the blissful peaceful and genuine normal person living life independently with dignity, integrity and moral propriety bearing no guilt or shame in righteousness live and leave the world as a free spirit without any burden of karmic debts and sins accompanying many lives over that are typical to the contrary i.e. the self-righteous provocateurs in imminent judgment.

In Gods’s kingdom, neither justice is denied nor evil exempt from reckoning in epic proportion. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter  

COVID19 – Confirmation on Source and Origin Update 2024

November 3, 2022

COVID 19 – Corona Virus Origin and Source 

Padmini Arhant

COVID 19 Revelation at the early onset in 2020 coming into fruition in 2024

Former National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Dr. Francis Collins admitted to members of Congress last week that the coronavirus lab leak theory was in fact credible, despite his claims in 2021, in which he called it a “distraction.”

Collins made the admission during a closed-door, 7-hour interview on Friday with the House Select Committee on Coronavirus Pandemic, echoing testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci, who was the public face of the U.S. coronavirus pandemic response.

The subcommittee’s chairman, Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, released the key takeaways from the interview with Collins, saying he served as Fauci’s “boss.”


U.S. Senate Lab Origin Most Likely

The facts presented on this site and sub-domain at the pandemic onset and thereafter not surprisingly attracted usual response in virulent attacks deadlier than the corona virus to suppress truth.

Nonetheless, the well substantiated facts were continuously published undeterred in the face of massive collusion to hide real factual information from the world despite colossal loss of lives from the pandemic. 

Now the video link above on the U.S. Senate concurrence on the corona virus origin from the lab is better late than never determination on the most devastating health disaster inflicted on humanity at large. 

The numerous articles published in this domain and sub-domain regarding this issue is a refreshment of memory on incontrovertible facts related to SARS (COV2) origin, source and management or otherwise. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

These articles were published back in March – April 2020 and throughout the epidemic battle.

Corona Virus COVID 19 – Origin and Source

Corona Virus (COVID19) – Manufactured in Wuhan Lab, China

Corona Virus – SARS-COV2 Origin and Cause


Soul Searching and Healthy Living

May 8, 2022

Soul Searching


Healthy Living

Padmini Arhant

There is no effort required in Soul searching. Soul is inner light placed within to dispel darkness in mind and purify thoughts generating good emotions for positive, productive and peaceful existence. 

The healthy habits confined to physical body alone are not enough to healthy living. The cleansing of primordial mind and heart is quintessential to sustain healthy survival. The mind cluttered with negativities, malice and harmful notions remain ever disturbed and in eternal turmoil. The heart lacking in genuine empathy, kindness, gratitude, love and sincerity is a train wreck regardless of health protocol concentrated on body mass index (BMI), slim and trim statistics or six pack regimen appropriately. Similarly behavior reflecting character devoid of honesty, integrity and trustworthiness besides evading responsibility for actions or inactions in life are equally important and represent integral part of soul searching. 

The compulsive disorders like persistent malignant conduct, malevolence, narcissism, hypocrisy, vendetta, envy, jealousy, misogyny, hatred, prejudice, hubris, lies, deception, deceit, duplicity, abuse, exploitation, violation of rights, life, space, home, privacy via spying, eavesdropping, unlawful surveillance, snooping and propaganda. Not withstanding gender distortion and profile appropriation. The worst amongst all theft of all kinds including ideas, lifestyle and identity  and myriad carcinogenic characteristics consume most energy leaving behind a void internally with no prospects for constructive pragmatic evolution. 

The denial and dismissal of Soul unheeding inner conscience, the primary witness to all actions, thoughts and feelings set the motion in self-destruction.

Accordingly, beginning with the soul guided mind directing the heart and delivered in deeds would naturally radiate healthy status without having to strive hard for superficial appearance.

Pure mind and heart functions in harmony with inner conscience and clarion call from the Soul within. The care and attention to physical body while neglecting or rejecting contamination of mind and heart corroding with impurities is window dressing a damaged show room. 

Soul is the bearer of sins in living and upon ultimate journey from the world with the physical body discarded on earth. Hence the relevance to mind, body and spirit encapsulate the definition of soul searching.

Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter

Cloud Nine

May 3, 2022

Cloud Nine

Padmini Arhant

The cloud watchers focused on the cloud in the sky remained fixated with the cloud. Their observation evolved into absorption of the cloud details such as shape, size, appearance, movement etc. In the course of their exhaustive cloud gazing with eyes set on the cloud and nothing else, many tripped with some experiencing fatal outcome having not paid attention to anything ahead, behind or around them.

The mishaps and irreversible misery were inevitable considering the cloud watchers obsession not to miss any particulars on the cloud presence in the sky. More joined the cloud watchers and participated in sharing own interpretation and perception of the cloud though not necessarily in correlation with reality.

The cloud went about nature designed patterns such as the cloud prominence in the sky prior to precipitation into rain and permeate in clear blue sky with bright sun shine. The dynamic rainbow from the cloud decorating the sky highlighting the cloud functions is yet another dimension in nature’s wonder.

What more?

On earth – Cloud computing is an innovative drive revolutionizing modern technology in the information age guided by nature.

Amid cloud natural orientation, the cloud watchers obsession with the cloud transform into desperate fixation completely neglecting priorities in own life.

What next?

The intense cloud watching predictably results in them getting washed away in entirety from heavy thunder storm, hail and lightening.

There goes their life not lived for any useful purpose except wasted in floating on Cloud nine over obsession, fixation leading to self-elimination.

Similar to evaporation of ocean producing condensation of clouds returned to the ocean in rainfall,

What goes around eventually comes around.

Do no harm when no desire to do any good is the essence of nature.

Life is a gift and a blessing. Best not squandered in self-destructive cause and malevolence.

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Life Lessons

May 2, 2022

Life Lessons

Padmini Arhant

No matter whom or what you ignore in life, never ignore these three imperatives in life. 

1. Body – Always listen to your body. Your body is the best indicator and reminder of overall well being or otherwise. Ignoring the signals from external and internal body parts all inclusive – more so from the gut, bladder and importantly stomach i.e. the digestive tract would land anyone in big trouble. The gut feeling expression emanating from the gut reaction to anything consumed solid or liquid simply cannot be taken for granted any time around.

2. Conscience – Human mind is wayward. The contemporary settings and events are classic examples in this respect. Accordingly, ignoring inner conscience – the principal guide, mentor and above all key witness to human thoughts and actions triggered by mind is the primary cause of human misery and suffering.  The abusive behavior, narcissism, dominance, deceit, deception, lies, betrayal, prejudice, hatred and variety of negativity is a result of human mind rejection of inner conscience. 

3. Guilt Last but not the least – Guilt. None are infallible and neither picture perfect. Never mind the engagement against their target subject to constant mockery, insolence and indignation as they strive and struggle to perform to the gallery. Interestingly, it is done for a living adequately defining them in character, values and aptitude or the lack thereof.

Mud slinging is favorite indulgence disregarding swamp on self in the process. Yet recognition of own mistakes and accepting responsibility for actions and consequences is a tall order for them sworn to denial.

The trait is common among those engaged in violation of others rights and life in perpetuity. Such conduct often prompt them to discard guilt.  In doing so, they end up being the prisoner of guilt in living and beyond.


The fearless, bold and razor sharp  – Padmini Arhant

Author & Presenter


COVID 19 Vaccine – WHO Action and Inaction

April 3, 2022

COVID 19 Vaccine 

WHO Action and Inaction

Padmini Arhant

The latest action by the Geneva based World Health Organization (WHO) against Indian manufactured COVAX – the corona virus vaccine by India’s Bharat Biotech suspending exports of Indian vaccine abroad citing inadequate compliance on good manufacturing practice in facility may be one aspect of WHO  guidelines and criteria. 

“Good manufacturing practices are the practices required in order to conform to the guidelines recommended by agencies that control the authorization and licensing of the manufacture and sale of food and beverages, cosmetics, pharmaceutical products, dietary supplements and medical devices.”

However, WHO as the international body maintaining similar policy for all across geographic locations beginning with inspection of Wuhan lab, Hubei Province, China conducting life endangering biohazard research could have averted catastrophic global pandemic.

WHO and other international committee monitoring and inspection of the Wuhan bio lab and others elsewhere are imperative for science and mankind which evidently was not done at least prior to the onset of the deadly pathogen. 

WHO discretionary exercise with Wuhan Virology Institute, China could have saved the world and humanity at large from monumental tragedy and health disaster. 

In the same context, United States and western partners funded biochemical labs in non-western parts of the world such as Ukraine, China and other regions allowing independent open investigation to rule out bio endangerment to mankind is an urgent requirement. The world deserve to be free from any and all kinds of life consuming experiments and endeavors in the aftermath of the COVID 19 unleashed pandemic. 

As for WHO, the international health organization implementing the same gold standard on good manufacturing practice for manufacturers and suppliers in Europe and the United States where serious ethical and scientific protocol negligence have occurred with no immediate response or action from the domestic or international regulatory body would clarify WHO autonomy and uniformity. 

The case in point is the European (Germany) big Pharma Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine clinical trial outsourced to Ventavia Research Group in 2021.

The revelation on Ventavia Research Group as Pfizer’s outsourced research company verifiably engaged in crucial data integrity issues besides ignoring scientific protocol and good practice in the critical Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine clinical trial beckon authorities interest and necessary intervention to protect lives now and in the future. 

Despite alarming details from the whistle blower as former employee of Ventavia Research Group followed up British Medical Journal and New England Journal of Medicine articles in this regard,

The vaccine availability for children in specified age group, pregnant women, booster shot etc. proceeded  without the matter resolved by WHO, United States FDA, CDC and other agencies responsible for public health and safety. 

There was another incident with Johnson & Johnson’s  corona virus vaccine notably with sub-contracted production line in Baltimore, Maryland, United States in March 2021. 

Courtesy: The New York Times.March 31, 2021. 

Factory Mix-Up Ruins Up to 15 Million Vaccine Doses From Johnson & Johnson

“Workers at a plant in Baltimore manufacturing two coronavirus vaccines accidentally conflated the ingredients several weeks ago, contaminating up to 15 million doses of Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine and forcing regulators to delay authorization of the plant’s production lines.”

In light of these flagrant violations in different settings, WHO role as an international regulatory authority applying the rule on fair and equal compliance in the pharmaceutical industry starting with medical research facilities as well as manufacturing and production centers worldwide without exception would be a refreshing change in the otherwise selective interference.

The international and domestic regulations on pharma products and services especially their outsourced agents and sub-contractors handling production units of vaccine and other pharmaceutical products subject to stringent conformity leaving no room for lapses with uninformed inspections would provide element of trust among disillusioned public and concerned whistle blowers risking their career and life in health care industry. 

Any update on preventive measures and action taken on 2021 Pfizer vaccine clinical data breach brought to relevant authorities notice such as FDA in the United States, Pfizer and Ventavia Research Group actually involved in the matter would address legitimate grievances expressed by whistle blowers and health professionals not barring general public expectation on transparency and accountability. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

Pfizer Documents 


COVID19 – The Massive Cover Up

March 30, 2022

COVID19 – The Massive Cover Up

Padmini Arhant

COVID 19 origin as a result of the controversial game of function research pioneered and funded by prominent institutes and members in the United States and Europe is an established fact. The experiment carried out in Wuhan lab, Hubei Province, China with western funding is irrefutable data.

The pandemic triggered vaccine saga has its own share of serious ethical and scientific protocol violations that has caused thousands of deaths and significant percentage of population subject to unnecessary health conditions and hazards without any care or concern for human life and health.

One would think the investigation on credible and genuine reports from former employees as whistleblowers and health professionals petition on public health safety would receive attention from federal authorities like Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Center for Disease Control (CDC) for objective and preventative care – the fundamental principle expected in any field.

The health crisis such as the global pandemic in particular having consumed millions of lives worldwide and continue to persist in the form of variants and sub-variants in the fourth year since its emergence in 2019 would be assumed to embed the above mentioned criteria. 

Why is the power and the so-called powerful are not afraid of any wrongdoing and malfeasance abusing their position of authority in harming innocent lives i.e. in health care?

At the same time,

Why are the same forces as the head of the government organizations, scientific institutes, regulatory body in domestic and international health organizations lack courage and integrity to face factual information and truth upon presented to them in black and white? 

The answer is in the question. These individuals and organizations are comfortable in their comfort zones with those behind them protecting them on crimes against humanity. 

They have communication, politics, economy, science and much more under their control while them having no control over their compulsive destructive behavior and policy with little or no respect for life other than own exemplifying blatant narcissism. 

Reiterating the reality, the abusers are internally corrosive and inherently sadistic with no purpose in life except remaining the source and catalyst for own and others’ misery. The indiscriminate depopulation agenda and profiteering at all costs is the priority. 

The human character or the lack thereof in this regard is due to desensitization to pain and suffering willfully inflicted on trusting ordinary citizens existence at their mercy. 

Is there any hope of end to this malpractice, misrepresentation and deception gambling public health and human lives for fortune?

Only, when citizens insist on transparency and accountability on all matter related to human health, safety and security issues holding those responsible  without exception, there would be a light at the end of the darkest tunnel. 

Until then, truth and truth sayers will continue to be shunned, vilified and even eliminated from the path of peril. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter 

Pfizer Documents 


Science and Sports

January 13, 2022

Science and Sports

Padmini Arhant

What is the correlation between science and sports?

Science and sports are adventures in their respective fields involving mind, body and spirit coordination. 

Unfortunately, science in the onset of the pandemic as an exception with inconsistency in public health protocol and guidelines leading to questionable reliability in preventing and containing the pandemic proved a misguided adventure in COVID19 mitigation. 

Whereas sports like Skydiving as drawn analogy with pandemic instructions in late night comedy monologue is a direct contrast in reality. 

Skydiving instructors and skydivers engage in the activity that might be viewed extreme by some or many after knowing and understanding the risks and safety mechanisms of the act. 

In other words, the skydivers are fully briefed and provided comprehensive information on the activity with complete and full liberty to exercise discernment and discretion to change the mind until the last minute before taking the dive. 

The skydivers with skydive instructors are aware of the pros and cons factoring the calculated risks / hazards with security as the most important consideration. There is no force, coercion or solicitation of any kind. The involvement is entirely voluntary accepting sole responsibility for the decision. 

In comparison, the pandemic recommendations are mandatory and the minimal to major risks in the prescribed methods are expected to be absorbed entirely by the individual expected to follow the mandate.

The pandemic public health directions thus far has been wavering from one extreme to another with more speculations than specifications.

Furthermore, unlike skydiving rule, the pandemic advice accommodates no choice in individual determination of personal well being.

Accordingly, the pandemic handling thus far has been anything but reassuring in the much anticipated herd immunity via fully vaccinated or naturally infected means regarded the saving grace in ending the health disaster in recent memory. 

Amidst confusion and chaos, science and human population are victims of arbitrary positions maintained to suit political narrative rather than scientific resolution. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

Pandemic Update – Omicron Variant Data

January 1, 2022

Pandemic Update – Omicron Variant Data

Padmini Arhant

Science explained well with scientific data from scientific community. 

Video presentation from Dr. John Campbell on Omicron Science is shared to help public for better understanding and preparedness to cope with the changing patterns in the pandemic – Thank you. 

Padmini Arhant 


United States – Unconstitutional and Undemocratic Mandates

September 13, 2021

United States – Unconstitutional and Undemocratic Mandates

Padmini Arhant

Constitution is a mere piece of parchment – stated by the former President Barack Obama. 

The statement was actually translated as such by the former President Barack Obama and then Vice President Joe Biden in the Obama care health law with mandatory health insurance subscription tied to serious penalty through IRS on every American citizen. 

The mandatory health insurance subscription without a shadow of doubt enriched the most powerful health care industry and insurance sector in particular famous for flouting any regulations protecting Americans on health care. 

The Obama care was meant to provide health coverage to all citizens especially the average Americans. However, the Obama care mandatory insurance resulted in hurting average citizens more than ever. They were the real victims in the overall game with both government and health insurance industry emerging the biggest beneficiaries at ordinary Americans plight. 

Whenever the public hands are tied and forced to submit to the government’s will who in return are in service to benefit campaign financiers and donors in the economic sector,

In this instance the health care industry benefiting from compulsory insurance without any stipulations on arbitrary premium hikes and limited coverage that are the norm in health insurance practice, such policy is usually proved counterproductive.

Accordingly, the mandatory health insurance law was repealed by Congress in 2017 as unconstitutional and ineffective for ordinary citizens burdened with legislated health insurance law predominantly favoring the health insurance industry. 

Fast forward to 2021, the current administration’s vaccine mandate declining simultaneous therapeutic treatments involving prophylactic and post COVID infection cure on COVID-19 despite evidence based data on the issue from worldwide is reminiscent of past action on health insurance mandate. 

Similar to the previous policy under former President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden on mandatory health insurance subscriptions, the present vaccine mandate on citizens in compliance with Big Pharma mega profits strategy is egregious decision as it was earlier on the health insurance matter. 

The democratic system would honor and respect individual rights with choices on health and personal life. 

The democrat party in the United States positioned as pro-choice on women’s reproductive health otherwise reversed on vaccine i.e. against choice for citizens to exercise constitutional right on discernment in decision making process is paradoxical paradigm. 

The democrat leaderships’ contradictory policy on vaccine mandate rejecting alternatives such as citizens options in dealing with COVID-19 is strange and undemocratic.

Something may never change in terms of policy and political advantage in appealing to Big Pharma and health care industry financiers in election campaigns. 

In the end, any ruling at the major compromise of citizens rights to choose concerning health and livelihood would invariably be unsustainable. 

Padmini Arhant 

Author & Presenter

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