United States – Unconstitutional and Undemocratic Mandates
September 13, 2021
United States – Unconstitutional and Undemocratic Mandates
Padmini Arhant
Constitution is a mere piece of parchment – stated by the former President Barack Obama.
The statement was actually translated as such by the former President Barack Obama and then Vice President Joe Biden in the Obama care health law with mandatory health insurance subscription tied to serious penalty through IRS on every American citizen.
The mandatory health insurance subscription without a shadow of doubt enriched the most powerful health care industry and insurance sector in particular famous for flouting any regulations protecting Americans on health care.
The Obama care was meant to provide health coverage to all citizens especially the average Americans. However, the Obama care mandatory insurance resulted in hurting average citizens more than ever. They were the real victims in the overall game with both government and health insurance industry emerging the biggest beneficiaries at ordinary Americans plight.
Whenever the public hands are tied and forced to submit to the government’s will who in return are in service to benefit campaign financiers and donors in the economic sector,
In this instance the health care industry benefiting from compulsory insurance without any stipulations on arbitrary premium hikes and limited coverage that are the norm in health insurance practice, such policy is usually proved counterproductive.
Accordingly, the mandatory health insurance law was repealed by Congress in 2017 as unconstitutional and ineffective for ordinary citizens burdened with legislated health insurance law predominantly favoring the health insurance industry.
Fast forward to 2021, the current administration’s vaccine mandate declining simultaneous therapeutic treatments involving prophylactic and post COVID infection cure on COVID-19 despite evidence based data on the issue from worldwide is reminiscent of past action on health insurance mandate.
Similar to the previous policy under former President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden on mandatory health insurance subscriptions, the present vaccine mandate on citizens in compliance with Big Pharma mega profits strategy is egregious decision as it was earlier on the health insurance matter.
The democratic system would honor and respect individual rights with choices on health and personal life.
The democrat party in the United States positioned as pro-choice on women’s reproductive health otherwise reversed on vaccine i.e. against choice for citizens to exercise constitutional right on discernment in decision making process is paradoxical paradigm.
The democrat leaderships’ contradictory policy on vaccine mandate rejecting alternatives such as citizens options in dealing with COVID-19 is strange and undemocratic.
Something may never change in terms of policy and political advantage in appealing to Big Pharma and health care industry financiers in election campaigns.
In the end, any ruling at the major compromise of citizens rights to choose concerning health and livelihood would invariably be unsustainable.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
United States – COVID 19 Recovery Data
September 6, 2021
United States – COVID 19 Recovery Data
Padmini Arhant
COVID -19 RECOVERY – The long established tested and proven anti-parasitic GENERIC drug IVERMECTIN efficacy on prevention and cure of SARS-COV2 Virus COVID-19 is confirmed via credible clinical trials including double blind randomized trials, peer reviewed medical publications and medical professionals as well as academia findings based on drug use and administration in different parts of the world.
The SARS-COV2 aka COVID-19 having affected humanity at large world wide, the vast majority of population in developing nations are disadvantaged in the absence of global vaccine supply that are under direct control of the Big Pharma and governments not barring the so-called philanthropist objection to sharing the vaccine formula or ingredients with worst affected nations like India and other parts of Latin America to relieve their citizens from the bio-engineered virus against humanity.
The philanthropist as a private investor in the ominous Gain of Function Research, the origin of the SARS-COV2 aka COVID19 pandemic and subsequently cashing in on vaccine mass production having issues with the vaccine manufacturing in other destinations to facilitate rapid recovery is hardly surprising.
Nonetheless, when there is a drug like IVERMECTIN launched more than half a century ago in the 1970’s according to the drug profile on leading health authorities websites in the west and east has arguably stood the test of time and effectiveness in treating approximately 3 billion or more population globally on many viral infections including the SARS-COV2 aka COVID19 lately somehow facing the fierce resistance from known and hired entities unwilling to accommodate alternative therapy and choices in the matter of human life and survival.
The use of IVERMECTIN in treating and preventing human transmissibility of SARS-COV2 aka COVID-19 in many regions like Egypt, Peru, Mexico, India and elsewhere are proved effective and potent among the infected patients as well as non-infected ones on prophylactic basis as per the clinical data and statistics from these nations thus far. The drug IVERMECTIN serving the purpose in saving lives in prophylaxis prevention method and treatment of COVID-19 ranging from mild to serious infections is the SAVING GRACE for developing nations and densely populated regions considered the high risk zones in the pandemic.
In contrast, the vaccine manufacturers of SARS-COV2 virus – viz. mRNA vaccine and rAd26 shared among specific big Pharma manufacturers bypassed regular scientific protocol i.e. conducting drug tests, in this instance the COVID-19 vaccine on non-human species prior to legalizing for human consumption. Furthermore the COVID1-19 vaccine was not initially FDA approved at the launch of this vaccine in late December 2020 and early January 2021. Similarly, the manufacturers until today do not guarantee risk free factors on this particular SARS-COV2 vaccine.
In other words, the manufacturers and suppliers not barring government and public health authorities are indemnified from potential risks not excluding mortality on the COVID-19 vaccine especially when there are breakthrough infections, mortality and adverse impact on COVID-19 vaccine related cases being reported from different parts of the world. The data is largely ignored as insignificant in light of disproportionate breakthrough infections reported among majority vaccinated population in Israel, Ireland and other EU member nations.
The limited vaccine efficacy lasting on an average 3 – 6 months with the requirement for booster to deal with variants from overload of vaccination involving the naturally infected patients besides the unvaccinated and alternatively lacking focus on therapeutic treatment on COVID 19 in the industrialized and developing nations as well is producing undesirable outcome.
The ZERO COVID drive in nations like Australia promoting the slogan no jab no job on the vaccine mandate is the height of political intervention in public health policy.
To make matters worse, the so-called social media platform is controlled and operated by bigwigs with zero tolerance to alternative views, ideas and opinions in the supposedly public domain. The mind control on health and all matter is disturbing in the least and does not bode well for any democracy.
Every individual possess the inalienable right to access information from sources and domains to compare and consider for best suitable decisions concerning their health and personal life. The censorship strategy banning information and content regarded inconvenient for mega profits industry and politics is the last straw on freedom of expression and FREE SPEECH.
The forces responsible for preventable deaths and catastrophe absolved of any responsibility and accountability whether 9/11 terrorism or the SARS-COV2 aka COVID-19 pandemic smearing the truth seekers and evidence based factual information as domestic extremism is the biggest irony of all in a system proclaimed democracy.
Padmini Arhant
Courtesy – Ivermectin and COVID19 – Dr. John Lorimer Campbell – Thank you.
Courtesy – Tratamiento Temprano.org – Thank you.
Professor Eli Schwartz on IVERMECTIN
Israel RCT Study
UPDATE: The government, media and press never failing to report on COVID-19 deaths arguably important information. Simultaneously reporting other facts related to COVID-19 outlined below would be useful for public knowledge in making informed decisions on their health and life.
According to –
VXIOS citing New York Times chart from August 25th 2021 to September 7 2021.
“U.S. averaging 1,500 COVID deaths a day for first time since March 2021.”
The news media and administration are only interested and focused on publishing COVID-19 mortality mandating vaccine and booster for fully vaccinated with two doses on population which is 51.1 % per CDC report.
In contrast, the same news media and government represented public health authorities are yet to present the recovery rate and treatments mentioning the drug and types involved in the cure of COVID-19 affected patients thus far.
Notwithstanding the stance on transparency and accountability dismally persona non grata on everything when it involves top brass and principal office holders heading the public health departments and institutes in the nation.
How about holding those behind the pandemic accountable?
Beginning with the controversial unethical funding and facilitating the Gain of Function Research – the corner stone for bioengineered virus and pathogens unleashed on humanity consuming lives as reported by the same news media and government.
The threats and warnings via vaccine mandate are mounted on general public. At the same time there is no effort or desire for transparency on recovery rate, COVID-19 treatments, vaccine related issues that are equally critical and relevant for better understanding and above all the authorities’ credibility.
The authorities and profiteers’ population mind control strategy in tandem with anti-democratic systems is a misguided venture.
Padmini Arhant
The public authorities and the administration in the United States updating data on COVID-19 recovery since the pandemic onset in January 2020 up until now is critical for general awareness. The data would then provide clarity on natural immunity.
The CDC, NIH, NIAID, FDA and the current administration’s health department’s information in public domain on COVID19 patients categorized on age with serious, mild and Asymptomatic details and subsequent recovery would shed light on treatment effectiveness and antibodies from natural contraction of the virus.
The official claim in the United States per public reports is 169,592,873 Americans — or 51.1% of the total population — have received the full course of vaccinations necessary to protect against COVID-19, according to the CDC. Aug 21, 2021.
On the recovery data – according to public sources the clarifications convey the following.
What’s the recovery rate of COVID-19?
Experts don’t have information about the outcome of every infection. However, early estimates predict that the overall COVID-19 recovery rate is between 97% and 99.75%.
The public information on the number of asymptomatic infections ranges from 15 to 40 percent of total infections.
The target should have already been accomplished when COVID-19 recovery data showing nearly 97 % – 99.75% almost 100% including asymptomatic infections at 15 to 40% exceeding the expected goal over 90% between those vaccinated with acquired immunity through vaccine and natural immunity from the direct infection of the virus.
It appears from these public data and statistics from CDC on fully vaccinated figures at 51.1% and COVID-19 recovery leading to natural immunity, United States’s herd immunity is reached among the U.S. population.
Of course, the issue remains with undocumented arrivals across the borders into the United States who are neither tested nor vaccinated due to obvious reasons that pose a challenge on the herd immunity that is otherwise seems to be in place.
As for boosters on variants arising from different parts of the world, United States and other nations whose herd immunity is identified could share and spare vaccines to developing nations across the globe.
The distribution of vaccines to population in regions with known or possible variants would substantially aid in mitigating super spreader and variants import via travel as experienced with alpha, beta, gamma, delta and lambda…thus far.
Instead of wasting vaccines in the United States on population with natural immunity post actual infection of the corona virus and others who are fully vaccinated being administered with boosters to supposedly combat delta variant at the moment,
United States and other nations together shipping vaccine supply to these population in countries that are at high risk and poorer affordability could save lives all around.
Furthermore, sparing excess vaccines in the United States and elsewhere with nations in Africa, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East etc. could assist in alleviating mutations producing different variants requiring booster at least among the vulnerable citizens in the United States.
Smart science would focus on the source and leads that are currently overseas in terms of variants exacerbating COVID crises.
In the domestic front, United States dealing with immigrants influx across the U.S. borders is the place to start to curb the rise in COVID related deaths or hospitalizations and medical attention.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Science Battle
August 10, 2021
Science Battle
Padmini Arhant
It’s about time for reason and rationale to prevail over persistent denial due to political impunity.
Science is caught in the battle between facts and fiduciary leaving the vast population in the world, the victims of the lab manufactured and leaked SARS COV2 virus having devastated millions of lives and upended normal living.
Those who have been directly involved i.e. the NIH and NIAID via Eco Health promoting and funding the controversial Gain of Function Research and the worst being at the Wuhan Virology Institute in China – the epicenter of the COVID-19 absolved of any responsibility is a severe blow to humanity at large. Notwithstanding the unacceptable exemptions to the rule of law that are otherwise strictly enforceable on ordinary citizens in society.
In allowing the crime against humanity – the bioengineered virus unleashed on human population for diverse agenda besides profiteering considering the NIH deal with then unknown vaccine manufacturer Moderna in 2015 supposedly in preparedness for the potential pandemic in the immediate future is extreme and irreconcilable catastrophe for Science and politics.
Is it surprising that Moderna – one of the three major vaccine producers in the United States share price at the pandemic onset in March 2020 tethering at $17 – $22 skyrocketed to $456.76 today within 18 months reaping over $2686 % in stock value?
All of this at the cost of enormous human lives and economic collapse that could never be compensated for in the United States and worldwide.
It is beyond comprehension that the forces covering up the pandemic origin and cause continue to mislead humanity in their unconscionable act and determined to subject innocent lives to death and malady arising from the deliberate indulgence in the name of Science.
The lack of initiative barring few members in the United States Congress such as Dr. Rand Paul, the Republican Senator from the great state of Kentucky pursuing the investigative congressional hearing, the remaining members misplaced priority and/or abstinence in this regard is deeply regrettable. The current congress in the United States preference to subdue the ongoing congressional hearing on COVID-19 emergence and aftermath should be a major concern for the constituents and electorate on either side of the political aisle including the Apolitical nationwide for the pandemic has been non-discriminatory in virulence i.e. affecting humans and lifestyle actively and passively across the spectrum.
Above all, the Gain of Function Research and similar scientific adventures left unchecked despite the cataclysmic impact providing further opportunity for rising powers in the world stage to utilize them for purposes other than scientific cure and prevention of life threatening ailments is ominous in partial or holistic approach.
Science is a natural gift that has unfortunately become the arsenal witnessed and experienced in the form of bioweapon against mankind. The blatant trend using science against humanity by any ambitious power to rein control over the world at large is dangerous and reprehensible. The contemporary actions raise the red flag to deter such audacious and egregious undertaking now or in the future.
Reaching the bottom of COVID-19 from Wuhan Institute of Virology in China and the chain link is absolutely essential not only from scientific perspective but also in defining United States position and leadership role in dealing with crises of all dimensions and dynamics in the global arena. Accordingly, the bipartisan thorough investigation of COVID-19 would categorically clarify the political and humanitarian interest one way or another.
Any resistance and reluctance from the elected representatives in the United States in the conclusive determination of COVID-19 evolving into global pandemic would leave vacuum setting bad precedence for abuse of science and other detrimental factors aimed at depopulation and delusional goals.
The global citizens rising to the occasion in seeking the pandemic inquiry to the fullest extent is the fundamental duty and obligation for the revival of a free world. The unanimous global efforts is paramount to dispel misinformation and misrepresentation intended to leave the world in the dark shunning the real and natural science for profits and proclivity.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
August 8, 2021
Padmini Arhant
Amid mega hue and cry over the so-called unvaccinated being responsible for the never ending surge in the bioengineered corona virus SARS COV2, whose masterminds and catalysts as pioneers and Funders in the Gain of Function Research are idolized and among them even certain entity canonized as the Saint by the fraudulent and virulent super spreaders specializing in lies and propaganda,
Not surprisingly targeting TRUTH in the blame game is a cliché.
Ironically, those heeding the experts advise based on science and scientific evidence are denigrated while others pledged allegiance to members following money trail referred to as science are solemnized as saviors.
The current administration under President Joe Biden (?) and those behind the scenes, the real operatives in the White House policy mandates United States travelers – the native born and legally naturalized citizens traveling to neighboring Canada, Mexico or any other foreign destinations returning home to undergo COVID test prior to boarding the flight back to the United States for entry.
Interestingly, this rule is strictly enforced on fully vaccinated United States citizens as well. The vaccinated citizens having received their two doses of CDC, FDA and NIH approved Pfizer or Moderna vaccine here at home, their return back home from overseas is subject to negative COVID TEST.
The policy would be reasonable and meaningful towards the unvaccinated citizens traveling overseas and returning home – i.e. the United States in this instance. However, the mandate extended to fully vaccinated travelers reveal the health and government authorities’ concerns over the vaccine potency leading to the mandatory COVID TEST for vaccinated passengers as well.
Does this mean, the health and government authorities including their media have little or no faith in the COVID vaccine to protect the fully vaccinated against the prevalent pandemic and the variants emerging in different regions across the globe?
The clarifications in this regard would not only be helpful but also address the obvious doubts in the minds of those not convinced on this particular COVID vaccine efficacy. Not to mention the inconsistency and contradictory CDC guidelines thus far.
Juxtaposed, the incumbent administration’s open border fiasco allowing migrants from all over crossing the southern border into the United States is apparently not even a problem. These migrants are neither tested nor treated for the corona virus and their integration into mainstream population in the United States are primarily responsible for any escalation in COVID infection.
Unless and until the government and health authorities recognize this reality and act accordingly i.e. prohibit illegal crossing across the borders into the country viz. the United States, in addition to screening all those individuals in immigration detention centers and other make shift facilities with appropriate care and attention, the COVID 19 would linger with no end in sight serving the political cause and accusations against those not even remotely related to the pandemic origin and impact.
Is this possible?
Anything is possible provided courage, integrity and humility preside over all matter to protect citizens health, safety and security.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
United States – COVID-19 Status
July 21, 2021
United States – COVID-19 Status
Padmini Arhant
Why are the democrats in the United States representing the ruling party not raising any questions on the COVID-19 ORIGIN that has evolved into the world’s humungous health, economic and humanitarian catastrophe in the history of mankind?
The power in possession of those not exercised in the critical moment deserving answers to valid questions on COVID-19 origin related to horrific scientific misadventure – Gain of function research led bioengineering of the SARS-COV2 from Wuhan Virology Institute of China is neglect of constitutional duty to the nation and citizens nationwide. The millions of lives lost and affected in the pandemic not regarded relevant and important is a true revelation on political priority.
The democrat base and electorate too would have unequivocally experienced the devastating impact of COVID-19 without exception. That being the case, the democrat leaderships and representatives’ abstinence in the ongoing congressional hearing on COVID-19 origin and inquiry is troubling for a political party positioned as democratic but not necessarily prepared to exemplify the role in action. The democrats’ lack of participation in the COVID-19 origin investigation for the sake of own democrat voters although every elected member are obligatory to represent the nation and humanity at large on this unique health, economic and humanitarian crises confronting global society in the present time is a misguided option.
The governing political party i.e. the democrats’ decision to evade responsibility in this regard do not reflect well in political terms or humanitarian value. The democrat voters’ attention on COVID-19 inquiry not being taken seriously by their political party is a clarion call to seek explanations from their party and representatives in the House, Senate and the White House.
President Joe Biden has indicated that the pandemic is prevalent and rising among the unvaccinated citing they are responsible for the spikes in COVID-19 statistics.
The White House has also accused social media apparent disinformation on vaccine being the reason for significant population not being vaccinated in the United States declining government advise on vaccination.
The day those in power and position of authority claiming to have people’s mandate and political capital accept responsibility for their actions and decisions on any and all issues that are proved counterproductive, that day would be the dawn of clean and honorable governance in politics for any nation.
Unfortunately, that might never happen and anyone attempting in that respect may never be in power as witnessed in the past and present.
In politics – trust, honesty, integrity, transparency and accountability are regarded inconvenient. Those who choose such principles are invariably isolated as the thorn on the side and a major obstacle. They are consistently threatened with their life and relentless personal assaults waging a psychological warfare against them.
This is the standard practice experienced by those daring to challenge the status quo.
As for the Biden administration complaints on vaccine and latest trend in COVID-19, the truth and facts on current corona virus positive cases, mortalities from COVID-19, vaccinated population data, vaccine related deaths and serious health issues post vaccination are critical that are yet to qualify as credible data and statistics given the variations and omissions in facts and figures up until now.
The vaccine associated adverse side effects and health issues reported on different vaccines are real and cannot be denied despite them being slighted as random experience. The parents who lost their 13-year-old son in Michigan subsequent to Pfizer second dose are still waiting on the proper explanation for the death of their otherwise active healthy child with no underlying medical conditions. The symptoms in this 13 year old child’s tragic death is suspected as myocarditis.
The myocarditis from Pfizer second dose to which I can personally account for given my youngest son – age 24 confirmed with me on chest tightness and discomfort experienced after his second Pfizer shot that fortunately dissipated well over 24 hours or so. Nonetheless, the uneasiness felt by him was a serious concern to me as a parent.
Then the neurological disorder reported from Jansen vaccine by Johnson & Johnson was actually FDA published information and not any misinformation from social media as purported by the White House under President Joe Biden.
The alleged anti-vaccine campaign behind COVID-19 escalation is a far fetched theory. Any true believer and practitioner in individual freedom, civil liberty and basic rights would demonstrate with own family prior to extending to others anywhere. That’s the case in my family as I have not influenced or intervened in my adult children decision to vaccinate themselves respecting their rights to exercise own discretion on their health.
However, for any outsider based on political judgment to accuse anyone for problems created by the accusers who are unwilling to acknowledge responsibility in the failures of their policy is nothing more than scapegoating those whom they regard an easy and fair target.
To cut to the chase, it is incumbent upon the current administration to admit their egregious policies on immigration – the illegal influx of population from Central America and across the Mexican border overwhelming the southern borders in the United States is the primary contributor of many unwanted crises.
Among them, the contagion effects of COVID-19 propagated by the administration and their agencies is directly linked with the thousands of untested new arrivals from the regions flowing into United States subjecting them and local population in the United States at high risk and transmission for COVID-19.
The open invitation from the administration heads using the Twitter social media offering political asylum to citizens in developing nations in Central and other parts of Latin America that turned out to be more than half of the global regions is the fundamental cause of the present COVID-19 escalation.
Accordingly, thousands of immigrants without legal documents landing at the southern borders in the United States is a major factor behind health, economic and political quagmire.
It’s time for the leadership and others in the White House to recognize the inherent flaws in the illegal immigration policy promoted for political reasons that are hurting the nation and Americans in many dimensions besides exacerbating COVID-19 debate.
When the current administration is emphasizing on the root cause of the illegal immigrants exodus, they need to begin with them going back to the Barack Obama – Joe Biden administration under then U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder run Fast and Furious program supplying arms and ammunitions to dangerous drug cartels in Mexico shared with other groups in Colombia to apparently trace the lead that went wry.
The outcome of this failed mission was the drug cartels outgunned the state authorities in possession of artilleries and lethal weapons in these states – Mexico and Colombia etc. that led to terrorizing, killing, raping and maiming domestic residents in these states forcing them to flee the territories heading towards the United States.
These flagrant actions originating from them under their administrations in the past by Barack Obama – Joe Biden and former Attorney General and DOJ Eric Holder and now with President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Emhoff Harris outpouring support to unlawful entry from anywhere and all over is the vortex behind COVID-19 and myriad national predicaments deserving immediate resolutions.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
COVID-19 – SARS COV2 Origin
July 20, 2021
COVID-19 – SARS COV2 Origin
Padmini Arhant
Courtesy – Visual Content Video – Public Domain. Thank you.
The Senate hearing on COVID-19 – SARS COV2 Origin is underway although the TRUTH may never be acknowledged by those involved in the SARS corona virus experiments long carried out since 2001 – 2002 until the virus leak from the Wuhan Virology Institute of China.
Dr. Anthony Fauci as the Director of National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) under National Institutes of Health (NIH) commanding the position to allocate and direct funding towards scientific research notably in the United States federal government suspended controversial Gain of Function Research (GOFR) – the source for the global health disaster.
The GOFR is identified within eminent scientific community as a major bio risk in terms of bio-safety and security even in B4 settings as experienced in anthrax leaks from the lab in the United States.
In view of these realities, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s decision to continue GOFR on SARS COV2 in foreign lab in Wuhan, China despite Beijing’s record on transparency and accountability is beyond comprehension.
Accordingly, Dr. Anthony Fauci as NIAID director under NIH authorizing funding bear responsibility to explain the reasons behind funding the dangerous GOFR – the SARS COV2 in particular, to the committee, the American citizens and humanity at large.
As victims of the global pandemic, the American citizens and population worldwide forced to pay a price with their precious lives and devastating impact on livelihoods from the pandemic induced economic collapse. Every citizen affected in the pandemic deserves honest response from all these members in the United States and overseas for their direct and indirect indulgence.
The pioneer of Corona Virus in Gain of Function Research – Professor Ralph Steven Baric from the University of North Carolina (UNC), Chapel Hill, NC.
Dr. Peter Daszak – EcoHealth Alliance – the conduit between Dr. Anthony Fauci headed NIAID and NIH in funding the bioengineered SARS COV2 in Wuhan Virology Institute, China.
Dr. Shi Zhengli – the Wuhan lab virologist and co-researcher with Professor Ralph Steven Baric of UNC specializing in corona virus with NIH and other private investors viz. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funding as verified in the Fauci – COVID 19 DOSSIER by Dr. David E. Martin.
The World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for withholding information on the outbreak in Wuhan, China at Beijing’s behest.
Bill and Melinda Gates of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation investing in the corona virus SARS-COV2 experiments in Wuhan Virology Institute of China and patent rights on vaccines ahead of the pandemic’s ravage world over.
The public health officials and medical professionals in Dr. Anthony Fauci’s network collusion ascertained in emails made public recently are incontrovertible evidence.
The flip side of the saga with the contentious Gain of Function Research (GOFR) aided by NIH and private investors funding is noteworthy.
If the GOFR were to deliver results in the form of a revolutionizing elixir in modern science guaranteed with immortality contrary to the global pandemic consuming lives, the members mentioned above currently remaining in the shadow would be in the forefront claiming credit and glory leading to coveted Nobel Prize in medicine.
There would be omissions and commissions of names and institutes behind the extraordinary marvel in science with repetition on the news by the media monopoly presently complaining indigestion over the topic of COVID-19 origin fact finding that are visibly inconvenient to them.
Never mind the fatigue caused by them in their relentless buffoonery with fake news and fraudulence having become the norm besides serving as the laughing stock shying away from own shenanigans.
When anything fails and proved abysmal in the exotic adventures and experiments, the courage and integrity to accept responsibility is ominously missing that are least surprising.
Nonetheless, the millions of lives prematurely lost in the global pandemic with several millions placed in the irreversible health and economic chaos are not a laughing matter.
The unwillingness to shed light on the heinous crime against humanity without a shadow of doubt burden the soul of those in living and upon demise that are inescapable.
The judgment on deeds is experienced from within. The inner conscience as the sole witness to all actions in life weigh heavily on the truth evaders and offenders leaving them the eternal prisoners of guilt in life and thereafter.
One can perhaps run away from anything but not from oneself and the sins committed in lifetime.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
July 2, 2021
Padmini Arhant
The corona virus appears to have at least two dimensions if not many in experience and expression. One aspect is the corona virus maintained as the deadly contagious pathogen with the emergence of new variants from mutation. Hence, vaccine campaign remains the priority for the government and majority in the United States Congress.
At the same time, on the issue of corona virus origin, pathway and cause leading to the global pandemic consuming millions of lives necessitating vaccination in the apparent preventive care barely caught attention among the same lawmakers and members having benefited from the pandemic in the 2020 Presidential election.
The corona virus manufacturing, engineering and unleashing on humanity from the Wuhan lab, China with NIH and other private investors funding in the United States and WHO oversight not attracting the United States Congress and government focus especially in the wake of incontrovertible evidence on the lab leaked virus is a matter of grave concern.
The absence of any desire or interest to participate and conduct thorough Congressional hearing and investigation is quite revealing on the political members and factions apathy for ordinary lives and Americans safety and security.
The inaction discarding the heinous crime against humanity is clearly indicative of the importance or the lack thereof for United States as well as global citizens lives lost in the calculated pre-meditated scientific experiment willfully ignoring disproportionate risks affecting millions of lives in the process.
Juxtaposed, the United States Congress and federal authorities pursuits of January 6th Capitol Hill incident with many reportedly held in custody without bail or legal representation along side other legal proceedings on the alleged tax evasion by private Trump organization remain the critical tasks on taxpayer dollars.
Neglecting the corona virus origin inquiry by democrat majority Congress and administration is a serious human rights violation.
As a result of the partisan approach to probe criminality aimed at the determination of lawmakers lives in the Capitol Hill scene as indispensable compared to ordinary lives lost in COVID-19 simply insignificant highlight political reality.
The collusion to protect those responsible for en masse mortalities and immense health as well as economic suffering of not only Americans but entire humanity in the COVID 19 pandemic disaster proves the anti-people i.e. anti-republic and anti-humanity power brokers lifeline hanging in balance requiring them to cover up the unraveling COVID-19 truthful facts that are no longer concealable.
As stated earlier, those unwilling to honor the lives lost in COVID-19 by declining to investigate the crime are declaring their position against humanity.
The global voice epitomizing universal consensus urging governments and United Nations as an international body to examine the evidences and dossier on COVID-19 is an obligation to millions of lives lost in the reckless and dangerous biological adventure.
Citizens from across the globe rising to the occasion in seeking open transparent public scrutiny of COVID-19 source and details made available now in the global domain is paramount sending a clear message that –
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
Pandemic and Vaccine Dilemma
April 27, 2021
Pandemic and Vaccine Dilemma
Padmini Arhant
Why aren’t COVID vaccine experiments on corona virus and study conducted on mammalian species prior to direct human trials?
The scientific research and development trend in prevention i.e. vaccine creation and cure with drug treatment until before the pandemic has by and large involved mammalian experiments before moving towards human clinical trial.
The COVID 19 vaccine presented as emergency use with or without FDA approval (?) to contain the spread of infection is one side of the argument. However, the time lapse since the emergence of corona virus in terms of molecular analyses suggest the common ancestor of corona virus existence as far back as 10,000 years ago.
In recent memory, the public data in SARS corona virus reveal the pattern established back then nearly two decades ago in 2002.
“The 2002–2004 SARS outbreak was an epidemic involving severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. The outbreak was first identified in Foshan, Guangdong, China, on 16 November 2002.”
Why were there no sense of preparedness among scientific community to develop vaccine to combat emergence and spread of SARS corona virus earlier on considering there were fatalities 774 registered from SARS virus then in 2002 – 2004?
What held the scientific community then – the ones in particular in the frontline pushing for vaccine and boosters now?
Where were they in 2004?
The SARS virus produced at least 774 deaths in 2002-2004 provided more than adequate time to study the pathogen and prepare humanity against SARS COV2 -the one exposed to global population in 2020.
When science directs evidence of corona virus existence 10,000 years ago, the co-existence of humans and corona virus found in many domestic and wild species acknowledged in scientific data.
“Science Journal – Nature publication by L van der HoekPublished: 21 March 2004 … Coronaviruses have been identified in mice, rats, chickens, turkeys, swine, dogs, cats, rabbits, …” 2004 Cited by 1773 —
That means the presence of corona virus detected in wide range of mammals in contact with human species for extensive period had not contributed such alarming reaction as SARS-COV2 i.e. COVID 19.
The human natural immune system had verifiably developed natural immunity to corona virus with the absence of adverse reactions or deaths until earlier SARS virus in 2002-2004 and two decades later at the outbreak of COVID-19 designated as SARS-COV2 resulting in pandemic.
The 2020 COVID-19 pathogen not only outpaced transmissibility among humans compared to SARS virus 2002-2004, the current virus with mutant variants capability enhancing virus characteristics in the vicious transmission and replication is unique for patients ordinarily may or may not have been introduced to corona virus in natural environment.
What has triggered SARS COV2 aka COVID19 rabid behavior and infection level that was never experienced before even during the SARS – COV1 in 2002-2004?
Is the spike protein in SARS – COV2 i.e. COVID 19 the active component in accelerating respiratory disruption otherwise depleting oxygen supply leading to hypoxia?
Were there any scientific investigations to previous SARS virus related deaths in 2002-2004 based on respiratory syndrome and acute pulmonary abnormalities detected now in SARS – COV2 aka COVID 19?
Relevantly, where was World Health Organization (WHO) since 2002 and up until now?
The scientific explanations to all of the above questions are requested for proper understanding and reasons behind the unconventional protocol in the current vaccine campaign.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
————————————————————————The origin of COVID19 evaded up until now despite the pandemic causing phenomenal health and economic catastrophe. The COVID19 vaccine is the contentious issue with the vaccine launched in a short period of time against scientific conventions and traditions maintained in vaccination program thus far. Though COVID 19 vaccination efforts and drive are lauded as scientific and technology marvel in expediting the vaccine availability, the potency and critically short term and long term side effects as well as any serious harm to human body, immune system and cells are barely evaluated i.e. the risks vs. benefits are projected as virus related deaths v. vaccine protection against the virus without revealing the vaccine caused damages to natural immunity.
The pharmaceutical industry whether Pfizer, Moderna with United States’ National Institute of Health (NIH) funding, Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) and U.K. based Oxford funded and manufactured Astra Zeneca and other nations vaccines such as Russia’s Sputnik and China’s vaccine are widely used to vaccinate population. The vaccine side effects are largely overshadowed by information on vaccine produced mild to no reaction partly to accelerate vaccination numbers and percentage in any domain. However, there are data surfacing among population reporting complications subsequent to receiving the vaccine. There are cases reported in the United States, Europe and elsewhere not barring fatalities which might be discounted as rare and predominantly safe in combating the virus. Israel is experiencing vaccine reactions among youth 18 to 35 years of age as well as women between 40 – 49 years that are now subject to investigation.
Again, it is equally important to recognize the commonly known vaccines Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen…are indemnified against libel suits from patients and governments on COVID19 vaccines.
The common sense dictates any product that is not backed by guarantee to be effective and further protected by indemnity which means absolved of any responsibility upon any adverse impact creates a reasonable doubt on the efficacy of such endeavor.
As such many governments and health care authorities wherever applicable continue to downplay COVID19 testing data, vaccination statistics, COVID deaths and vaccine related fatalities or serious reactions including hospitalizations that are factual contributing to arbitrary estimates on the pandemic cause and effect. Otherwise the transparency that is mandatory not optional or discretionary from government and health authorities is adding to frustration and disappointment.
Reiterating earlier thoughts on this subject published on April 2nd, 2021.
The situation confronting humanity merit health debate, deliberation and decisive actions. Accordingly, the experts perspectives specializing in the field is important to enable every individual make informed decisions about their health and quality of life rather than dismissal of any legitimate science based concerns calling for discernment on the matter.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
P.S. The following video is shared for educational, information and public awareness. With due credit and appreciation to entities in their participation as the contributor, creator and presenter, it is brought forward for humanity’s benefit. Thank you.
Courtesy – Journeyman.TV – Thank you.
Perspectives on the Pandemic
“Blood Clots and Beyond”
Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D.
In view of alternative opinion and thoughts deserving attention, the science based discussion on COVID19 Vaccine is presented on this site.
Courtesy – Dr.Geert Vanden Bossche – Thank you.
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche is veterinarian, vaccinologist, virologist with specialty in molecular and microbiology as well as immune system.
United States – Border Crisis Jeopardize Nationwide Vaccination
April 10, 2021
United States – Border Crisis Jeopardize Nationwide Vaccination
Padmini Arhant
While massive vaccine campaign is underway in the United States to have population vaccinated with many following those sharing their pain and perceptions on COVID immunization,
The current Biden-Harris administration default on resolving border crisis in the southern border of the United States is gross negligence and a mistake ignoring serious health and economic ramifications for Americans nationwide.
The COVID situation among children and minors held in detention centers confined in a cage and make shift arrangement is equally harmful and pose a major health catastrophe for all i.e. the new arrivals on the border as well as for the rest of America.
President Joe Biden’s invitation to citizens in Central and North America for political and economic asylum transformed into humanitarian disaster deserve administration’s immediate attention and resolution.
Needless to say, the problem is a national challenge due to administration’s inaction and lack of interest to address the burgeoning crisis.
The immunization efforts and Americans outreach in self and others protection from the pandemic through vaccination is counteracted by COVID scenario at the border. Since the migrants and the population reaching the border in huge numbers are not tested for the virus and many reportedly already infected is a health calamity.
The administration misplaced focus on other issues despite repeat pleas from the border patrol agents and Texas governor Greg Abbott as well as other agencies overwhelmed with the out of control unnecessary chaos clarifies the present administration inability to deal with anything invited upon them for political reasons at American taxpayers and electorate expense.
The open invitation at the border causing tremendous strife for not only states in the southern territory but also the remaining country is a political travesty.
The nation subject to transmigration and influx without proper documentation of people, especially in the pandemic environment jeopardize health expectation on herd immunity.
Notwithstanding, the migrant children and minors plight exacerbated in exploitation by predators as human traffickers and drug cartels apparently gaining in this political and humanitarian tragedy.
The parents of these children are to be counseled and advised by their governments in Central America to refrain from irresponsible indulgence leaving these children to fend for themselves in the arduous treacherous journey.
There is an urgent requirement for moratorium on receiving migrants crossing the border. The open border is also a gateway for illegal trespassing benefiting drug cartels and violent organizations involved in criminal activities threatening lives at the border and within United States upon the matter not mitigated with appropriate measures and rule of law.
Where there is a will there is a way to resolve issues having reached a crescendo and yet the administration’s deafening silence in the critical border breach is deeply regrettable.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter
World Health – COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown Anniversary
March 20, 2021
World Health – COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown Anniversary
Padmini Arhant
On this day March 20th, 2020, the official lockdown began in the United States followed by many in other parts of the world to combat the deadly pathogen corona virus that has consumed millions of lives world over. The virus continues to affect many with several thousands hospitalized as well as saved from the jaws of death until today. Though vaccine is available as a precautionary measure, those already affected have been through enormous strife with concerns over corona variant from different locations fomenting anxiety to existing pandemic situation.
Health crisis on one side, the economic impact from the pandemic requiring lockdowns in the initial stage extended over a long period has been more devastating above all. The job losses, businesses forced into shut downs, children and college students unable to attend regular schools and much more that are immeasurable. The pandemic has inflicted irreversible loss of lives with pain and suffering endured among vast majority of humanity. The intriguing aspect in this extraordinary plight is the emergence of corona variants while the earlier corona virus COVID-19 barely contained amid vaccinations and medical attention to stymie super spreading.
The corona virus has been deadlier than nuclear meltdown. The genetically altered virus manufactured in Wuhan lab, China claimed many lives in Wuhan, Hubei Province in China.
Yet Beijing and those funding the bizarre research admittedly to test virus transmission from human to human gone haywire neither have moral conscience nor courage to accept responsibility for heinous crime against humanity. Instead these entities are widely greeted, lauded and respected as powerful and influential.
The economic collapse from the pandemic is incomprehensible. Many nations have succumbed to colossal despair and economic decline to the point of return.
Beijing, World Health Organization and Wuhan lab corona virus experiment funders bear direct responsibility for the pandemic and miseries related to COVID-19.
The pandemic wreaking havoc across the globe paralyzing economy from lockdowns and causing health catastrophe tantamount to biowarfare against humanity. The more virus unleashed as variant is bioweapon for those with diabolical goals like depopulation and pervasive economic assault on global citizenry.
One may circumvent issues and evade accountability. However, the tragedies and calamity brought upon humanity by them will ever cast a shadow permanently smearing the facade maintained as authorities as they continue to defend their legacy, the human rights record in particular.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Author & Presenter