East Africa and Refugee Crisis – UNICEF USA and UNHCR SOS Call

November 2, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

An estimated 320,000 malnourished children in East Africa are on the brink of immediate death.

Their lives could be saved through life saving assistance such as food, clean drinking water and emergency medical supplies provided by UNICEF USA.

Transportation costs to Kenya apart from the necessary aid cannot be met in the absence of worldwide donations.

Similarly UNHCR ( United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) plea to address the burgeoning refugee situation from across the globe deserves equal attention and response.

Please extend your generosity towards the humanitarian challenge and rescue the children in East Africa and elsewhere from the crisis.

Considering the plight magnitude, the humanitarian relief could not be effective without global support.

Please send your contributions by visiting www.UNRefugees.org and www.unicefusa.org

Your kindness in the hour of need is greatly appreciated.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



Turkey – Earthquake Magnitude 7.2 on Richter Scale

October 25, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Heartfelt Condolences! To the victims’ families and survivors of the devastating earthquake in Turkey.

The massive quake measuring 7.2 in magnitude has claimed many precious lives and several displaced in Ercis – the town in Van province near the epicenter.

Rescue operation to save lives is often challenged with aftershocks following big earthquakes causing delay in attending to the injured buried under rubbles sometime for days relying on individual strength and will power to stay alive.

Emergency team and humanitarian relief workers relentlessly engage in providing necessary aid alleviating pain and suffering during the crisis.

International organizations would appreciate global society donations for natural disaster assistance.

Please come forward and extend your generous support to the people of Turkey.

Proceeds could also be used for health, housing and other essential requirements in the aftermath of major catastrophe.

Prayers offered for the citizens of Turkey in the excruciating moment in life especially with the loss of loved ones and many longing to be united after being separated from their family.

Also wishing speedy recovery to the population enduring serious health hazards sustained in the attempt to avert tragedy.

Peace to all

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant



http://youtu.be/GuIIgpUH-6Y http://youtu.be/YA90yN35KIA

Gandhi Jayanthi – Remembering the Mahatma

October 2, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

India along with the rest of the world pays tribute to the pioneer of Peace and Non-Violence  – commemorating the Mahatma’s birth on 2nd October, 1869.

Mahatma Gandhi continues to remain the pillar of strength and paragon of virtue in modern history.

Gandhiji’s non-violence i.e. Ahimsa philosophy to achieve political freedom for India extended beyond the shores and emulated by other venerable leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, in civil rights movement and later by prominent freedom fighters viz. Dr. Nelson Mandela until recently in the revolutions across the Middle East.

Mahatma Gandhi’s conviction on peace as the formidable option in resolving conflicts, ending incessant wars and violence proved in the events world over.

The peace advocate pledge to humanity was largely premised on tremendous respect for life and unity among all not barring race, religion, caste, class, education or otherwise socio-economic background.

Mahatma Gandhi was a dedicated environmentalist extending his service in the protection of all species and aptly reflected in one of his many famous quotes –

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

On effective governanceMahatma Gandhi revealed the unadulterated Truth the influential demography prefers to ignore in contemporary politics.

“An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.

Corruption and hypocrisy ought not to be inevitable products of democracy, as they undoubtedly are today.”

The human suffering is largely contributed to abuse of power denying basic rights, fairness and equal opportunity.

Telangana plight in Andhra Pradesh, India, Sri Lankan Tamils endurance of injustice, oppression and persecution in Yemen, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain…and occupied territories around the world serve as examples in presumptuousness overcast on leadership responsibility towards the republic.

Discussion on Telangana, Sri Lankan Tamils…will be presented in the immediate course.

Gandhian spirit has inspired many in the past and the present with more to follow in the future.

With due reverence to the Mahatma (The Greatest Soul to walk on earth),

Wishing Bapu (Father of the Nation) and the icon of Peace for the global society,

Many Happy Returns of the Day! Gandhi Jayanthi Shubh Kamnayein on this day, October 2, 2011.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

http://youtu.be/e1FK2Rqdy-Y http://youtu.be/uP9Gwi5-x-0

Happy Birthday! Amnesty International

May 27, 2011

From: Padmini Arhant

Happy 50th Anniversary! Amnesty International.

Your commitment to human rights has saved many
lives and restored human dignity.

The work has just begun and there is still a long
way to go.

Together we could all make this world a better place for
all as one entity – the human race.

Let’s not forget other species on our beautiful planet.

Amnesty International – May you not only thrive but flourish in
unshackling imprisoned minds and lead humanity with every individual as the champion of peace, progress and prosperity.

Thank you for a superb job!

Padmini Arhant

Easter Meals for Wounded Troops and Their Families

April 20, 2011

From:  Padmini Arhant

Please reach out to the service men and women in need of support with your affordable donations.

Their dire situation is a stark reminder to care for the wounded and the vulnerable in the society.

Unfortunately their plight is slighted in the political standoff over budget disagreement with certain corporations like GE and the CEO Jeffrey Immelt maximizing their gains through tax evasions while the average Americans are targeted in the federal spending cuts – demonstrating the misplaced priority.

The message from the non-profit organization elaborates the different payment methods and distribution towards the humanitarian cause.

Let us not forget those who pledge their lives for the nation and the citizens.

Your generosity is deeply appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Emergency Easter Meals Project


Help provide Easter meals for our wounded troops and their families

This Easter Season many more disabled servicemen are desperate to feed their families.

Take Paul Thurman, for example, who appears at right along with his family. After Paul was brain-damaged by a roadside bomb in Iraq, his wife had to resort to selling her blood plasma to buy food.

And Army Private Dexter F, who was wounded in Iraq, called the Coalition, pleading,

“We are running out of food, the phone bill needs to be paid and the lights were turned off this week.”

As you know, the Coalition has made a commitment to help brave but broken heroes like Paul and Dexter and others who have been severely burned, blinded, paralyzed and even brain-damaged in Afghanistan or Iraq. But we can’t do it without generous, patriotic Coalition supporters like you.

So please make a generous, tax-deductible gift right now to the Coalition’sEmergency Easter Meals Project. Your gift will help feed our wounded heroes and thank them for the painful sacrifices they’ve made while serving our country.


When you donate, we will also send an Easter THANK YOU and GET WELL card (shown, right) to a serviceman or woman severely wounded in Afghanistan or Iraq in your name. You can also send a greeting card to a disabled service member without donating.









Name and Address
Please enter your name and address below. All fields are required.
First Name
Last Name
Credit Card Information
Enter numbers only, no spaces or dashes.
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Usually the last 3-4 digits in the signature area on the back of the card.



Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

March 11, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Heartfelt sympathy to the citizens in Japan and the nations along the Pacific rim on natural disaster alert.

Japan is hit by massive earthquake with 8.9 magnitude on the Richter scale triggering a 7.3 meter i.e. nearly 24 Ft high tsunami in the North Eastern region.

The devastation from the ferocious waves hitting the northern shores of Japan is overwhelming and the images with every possible material objects being swept away in the extreme natural calamity pose tremendous challenge to the rescue operators.

Heavily electronic and automaton oriented infrastructure, communications notwithstanding the transportation system are affected during such catastrophe.

Nuclear power plants shut down in a carefully calibrated manner with the concern on one particular reactor being monitored for temperature setting is a relief and avoiding further loss of life in the dangerous environment could ease the burden on the coordinated relief efforts.

The international pledge to support Japan would expedite restoration and definitively save lives.

People stranded in their domain particularly those entrapped in the rubbles need immediate assistance for most casualties rise from the inability to survive when victims lay buried under the collapsed building structures.

Japan is well known for being impressively organized to minimize harm and injury to life.

Nonetheless the phenomenal wrath of Mother Nature as witnessed in this horrific event would consume substantial resources to contain the aftermath damages poignantly requiring patience and perseverance especially throughout the search for the loved ones.

Although economic status and logistic sophistication combined with well preparedness all contribute to positive outcome in the humanitarian crisis, the horrendous effects from earth shattering breaks down barriers in the excruciating battle to salvage life.

Japanese government under Prime Minister Naoto Kan along with cabinet and the people of Japan are reached to extend the sincere condolences on the human tragedies with prayers to heal the mourning and wounded for a renewed beginning.

Wishing hope and strength for a speedy recovery to the people of Japan – the land of the rising Sun.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

International Women’s Day Centennial Celebration

March 8, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Today – On March 8, 2011 the international community celebrates the 100th anniversary of Women’s Day.

It would be poignant to recognize and honor women’s role in every aspect of life.

Life formation to functionality is facilitated by the equal gender ratio. Feminine grace combined with intellect and nurturing quality significantly enhances the beauty of evolutionary process.

Women’s contribution since life on earth has been instrumental in humanitarian progress.

Religion, education, politics, military, economics, trade and commerce, science and technology, space exploration, archaeology, spirituality, arts and humanities…to the most important responsibility being a homemaker define the character and strength of womanhood.

Rising to prominence and making history in various capacity appropriately adorns the female essence throughout human civilization.

Despite the magnificent attributes the multi-talented women are yet to be acknowledged with equal social status in certain parts of the world.

Customs and traditions have held back communities in these regions depriving them from the benefits of women empowerment.

Young girls and women are socially stigmatized and subject to atrocities in the new millennium with many of them denied basic education leading to abject poverty and life-long dependency in the society.

Accomplishments without social equality are meaningless for it generates economic disparity defeating the sole purpose of national goals.

Although there are organizational efforts to promote basic human rights for women, the universal impact would confirm the milestones reached in advancing the women’s cause.

It is a challenge to transform the archaic mindset frozen in time declining the influence of modern era with women often enduring the negative effects to the society’s detriment.

Even in the twenty first century – the treatment of women and limited participation to restriction in politics witnessed in some political systems has undermined their ability to share powerful ideas with great potential for national and global gains.

Women’s performance in other areas is not always appreciated in the otherwise competitive workforce. For instance the mineworkers’ salary and benefits were unsuccessfully contested in the United States highest court.

Addressing distinctive anomalies could considerably elevate the conditions in the social environment with pervasive prospects for all.

The light at the end of the tunnel could be a reality rather than a perception provided the political will is exemplified in consolidated action yielding the desirable change.

Congratulations! On the Centennial Celebration of Women’s Day.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

UNHCR Seek Support on Refugee Crisis in Libya

March 4, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

As we all know that aerial bombing and ground assaults against unarmed civilians in Libya has produced mass casualties alongside refugee crisis with an estimated 180,000 people fleeing the country across the borders to Tunisia and Egypt.

United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) is on the ground providing relief to the refugees and displaced population.

However considering the tragedy of greater magnitude, the international support is vital to expedite the humanitarian aid desperately required to save lives.

Visual images and victims’ personal accounts confirm the deteriorating situation with the escalating violence inflicted upon citizens both domestic and foreign nationals forced to leave in fear of being killed by the regime.

Although UNHCR is diligently engaged in the rescue effort, the worldwide response with a generous donation would be extremely helpful in meeting the basic requirements as outlined hereunder.

Your $200 could be used to purchase a tent for a family of five in need of urgent accommodation.

Similarly $80 would allow the organization to distribute 40 wool blankets to protect families with young and old members from the cold.

Then there are medical supplies as well as essential items that could be covered with your generosity.

Please step forward and reach out to our fellow citizens in Libya especially those in transit to a safe haven having abandoned their home and belongings are now left at the mercy of compassionate beings in the global society.

We could all make a difference in the moment of tremendous humanitarian challenge in Libya and elsewhere.

Please visit UNrefugees.org for further information.


Mailing Address:

USA for UNHCR – 1775 K Street, NW, Suite 290, Washington DC – 20006

Life saved at every opportunity makes life worth living and defines the purpose in life.

Your donations to UNHCR for Libyan and many other humanitarian causes are deeply appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


January 18, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

Race is a contentious matter. Hence thoughts are presented in this blog – an innovative medium to express views and comments.

Cyberspace is a platform where the voiceless can have a voice or be heard through someone on their behalf on any issue.

It is not necessary to go through the Red Tape or be newsworthy to be a news item in the prominent media and print press. There is no requirement to be part of any influential circle either.

An average citizen with internet access can state an opinion or recount an experience that is relevant to all or none. It has unequivocally revolutionized communication in the new millennium.

Mankind Giant Leap in this regard is poignant.

However, have we made progress in human relations?

Why is it difficult for the most intelligent species in the animal kingdom hierarchy to co-exist in harmony and accept one another as human beings first and then anything next?

We have been gifted with the discriminatory power. Unfortunately, it is being used effectively for negative purpose than otherwise.

It is believed that ‘God created all equal.’

Do we all think like the creator?

Perhaps then the status quo would be delightfully different.

Since evolution many battles and wars have been fought over land, wealth, resources…with the ulterior motive being Power and dominance of one segment over another.

The global dire situation is attributed to human quest for endless needs at other inhabitants’ peril. Human suffering along with several species extinction are caused by environment abuse largely recognized as greed.

Historically people in general are stigmatized and victimized by fellow human beings.

We are living in an imperfect world – Yet there is a desperate search for perfection among humans.

People come in all shapes and sizes notwithstanding variation in skin pigmentation – the acknowledgment on the unique genetic composition could promote higher tolerance.

Will this world be an exciting place as it is now in the absence of such diversity around us in all aspects?

It is evident in human history that a secular and diverse society achievements are substantial compared to a homogeneous society.

The collective talent available in the heterogeneous society is a formidable challenge for those against the concept.

There could be no better example than the United States having triumphed the trials and tribulations of homogeneous vs. heterogeneous society.

This great nation’s phenomenal success in every field is the result of the cosmopolitan intellectual and varied skills maintained since origin.

It is a country that set precedence in modern times for other nations to embrace multiculturalism and secularism as milestones for humanitarian progress.

Then why is race a sensitive topic to discuss?

Can discriminatory practice towards human beings be ever eliminated in any society?

If that happens, it will be Utopia. Why seek heaven or paradise?

Nonetheless there is hope considering that goodness still exists in the paradoxical universe.

The racial and cultural diversity is complex for it presents prospects and problems in every domain.

The world will be peaceful and prosperous if people could receive one another as the member of the human race.

Importantly rather than detecting flaws in others it would be wise to acknowledge one’s own shortcomings that every individual possess at some level regardless of identity.

Introspection is self-cleansing and a natural process to develop empathy.

Should the entire race and culture be held responsible and vilified for an individual or a group of individuals’ action or behavior?

Regrettably, human tendency to analyze others based on predisposed views and speculations is not uncommon creating obstacles in relationships.

Then what about nobility demonstrated by human beings of a particular sect that is targeted for any wrong doing?

Should society ignore the positive contributions of these individuals even if they are presumed a minority?

There is no particular race or culture that is spared about anything in the contemporary society.

We can overcome prejudice only if human beings can alienate themselves from the qualities and characteristics that allow conflict over compassion, caring and consideration for others.

It is up to mankind to practice goodness for pervasive happiness.

There could be no better legacy than virtuous deeds that would benefit all.

The truth is – despite tremendous accomplishments in science and technology,

Mortality is certain and no one is assured eternal life on earth.

The other reality being when we all bleed; the color of the blood is the same no matter who we are!

These facts prove the theory that ‘all are created equal.’

Thank you.


Global Poverty Alleviation – Micro Lending Myths and Management

January 13, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The greatest challenge confronting humanity is alleviating poverty, hunger and disease.

With global population on the rise, the gulf between the rich and poor widening – the worldwide statistics in deaths related to starvation and preventable disease is alarmingly high especially among children, the most vulnerable victims in the human caused misery.

There is no doubt that many organizations such as the United Nations, Government and Non-Governmental efforts in the developing countries including some philanthropists from different corners are striving hard to address this issue to their best of ability.

Their commitment in this regard is remarkable for the situation would be worse in the absence of myriad interventional measures.

As for the industrialized and developed nations’ role in containing the growing humanitarian plight – the G-20 pledge to contribute $100 billion to developing nations is honorable but yet to be exemplified through action.

In the domestic front – economic austerity is adopted in dealing with fiscal crisis.

However, the disproportionate and drastic cuts have been largely aimed at essential services affecting the economically disadvantaged in the society.

The status quo in the United States is attributed to economic policy that facilitated corporate activities with no oversight subsequently rewarding with bailouts, tax cuts and estate tax relief extended recently shifting the national debt burden to the struggling vast majority.

According to U.S. Department of Agriculture, about 50 million Americans of which 17 million children are reported to suffer from hunger due to limited affordability. Nearly 13 percent of the U.S. population is stated to be in abject poverty.

Further data reveals that 200 lives could be saved from starvation for the price of one missile.

Last August, the U.S. Senate passed the Healthy,Hunger-Free Kids Act but the legislation is pending congressional approval.

Hence the112th Congress is requested to prioritize this matter over other issues.

Internationally – of the multitude projects underway to assist poorer communities from the burgeoning economic disparity,

Micro lending is the cornerstone to uplift human living standards targeting women empowerment through entrepreneurship proved to thrive in the systems not prone to administrative corruption and/or bureaucratic meddling.

Any program’s long term success is dependent upon the implementation requiring constant review and monitoring at the macro management.

In micro operation the selective criticism against the concept highlighting the lenders’ alleged practices and soaring profits compared with Wall Street gains as modest and creditors’ demeanor mild towards borrowers is indicative of political adaptation to discredit one and appease another when the debtors experience with Wall Street firms confirm otherwise.

Nonetheless the mostly rural based micro financing recipients rely on lenders and their representatives’ verbal explanation about the contract. The misinformation incidents are less when the customers have basic education and understand the terms without being misled in the loan finance.

Usually these mechanisms work better with non-profit organizations having volunteers to perform the necessary tasks from initiating the deal until debt settlement.

Whenever materialism is eliminated in public service it not only cultivates good work ethics but also yields the desirable outcome.

Providing credit to individuals for various businesses is preliminary step and the loan default could be due to circumstances within and beyond human control.

Using successful business as model and incentivizing them to lead others in the village and urban areas could pervasively replicate results.

The major impediments for human progress among the poorest are – lack of education, access to water let alone clean water, inhumane living conditions and environmental disasters rendering survival a mere stroke of luck than individual capability to overcome the odds in life.

For the population in war zones, the expectations are none considering the persistent chaos and carnage depleting human endurance to the point of welcoming end rather than a beginning to life.

When measuring human achievements since the dawn of life on earth – it has been phenomenal in the technological front.

Notwithstanding the ingenuity and innovation in modern science, space exploration… admirably demonstrated in the formidable quest to conquer air, land and ocean.

It is imperative to emphasize that the monumental feat would not have been possible without unified contribution enhanced by diverse talent in reaching for the stars once considered a pleasant dream but not a reality.

If similar passion and dedication were applied in minimizing human suffering overshadowing the significant accomplishments then perhaps the existence of hierarchical societies – the privileged against the less fortunate and downtrodden could diminish bringing fresh hope for all on the horizon.

Natural empathy together with peace and love towards mankind possess incredible power to transcend elements obstructing the path to equality.

Pragmatically the present dystopian society transformation for universal good largely remains with collective responsibility towards self and others.

Sharing knowledge and cherished treasures in life accentuates the joy of giving guaranteed with exceedingly greater returns.

Moreover the humanitarian deeds are never without a positive effect for it enables the human character to evolve surpassing self-promotion.

Political and economic infusion undermines humanitarian missions for it is perceived as a political threat by those in power while the investors view as an economic opportunity.

Grameen Bank and parallel mediums could potentially revolutionize under developed demography through reinvestments instead of redirecting profits in the venture.

The tax exemption when utilized to increase productivity at various levels has substantial prospects for economic development.

In conclusion, micro lending is promising and an effective catalyst to improve social and economic status in any surroundings.

The U.N. Millennium development goals are attainable through accelerated growth and sustenance of similar humanitarian projects.

Humanity future is bright with care and compassion towards all living beings.

Peace to all!

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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