Arizona Tragic Shooting

January 9, 2011

By Padmini Arhant

The shooting near the supermarket in Tucson, Arizona on January 8, 2011 reportedly claimed six lives including a nine year old victim along with a critically hurt Congress (Rep.D) Gabrielle Giffords stated to be the primary target in the tragic incident.

Although motives behind the violence has not been determined or presented, the fatal attacks against innocent citizens is deeply regrettable and unjustifiable.

Whenever human mind is overwhelmed with contemptuous thoughts defying reasoning faculties then actions lead to an irreversible situation.

If the intention to harm people was political it represents a grave danger to democracy. Free speech is the fundamental right regardless of identity in the society.

Whatever is the cause, the decision to take others’ life reflects the failure of rationality.

Heartfelt condolences are offered to the victims’ families and prayers for the seriously injured Congress Representative as well as others in the grievous moment of their life.

It is sincerely hoped that the families and the survivors gain strength to bear the loss of their loved ones with time being the healing factor on their side.

Concluding with prayers for the departed soul to rest in peace and the wounded for speedy recovery.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

DREAM ACT – Development, Relief & Education of Alien Minors

December 20, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

United States is effectively United Nations in diversity with myriad of cultures, race, religion… co-existing despite varied characteristics.

In fact this particular feature about United States is emulated in other parts of the world deriving economic and social benefits from immigrant population with assorted skills.

Poignantly the United States status quo would be different had the pilgrims been denied entry and forced to return to their land of origin.

The DREAM ACT is a bipartisan bill introduced by Assistant Senate Majority Leader Richard Durbin (D-IL) and Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN) to address the key issues confronting the United States – border security and availing the talent of American Minors born overseas through the path to resident status legalization.

Border security is a bipartisan goal to restrict drugs and arms trade including the contentious illegal crossing. Despite this component, the legislation failure by 55 – 41 votes on December 18, 2010 in the Senate is intriguing.

On the legalization of American Minors’ resident status – the eligibility criteria is absolute and completely favor the United States specifically the U.S. military and the educational institutions besides generating desperately required revenue to offset the rising national debt upon these qualified graduates entering the work force.

According to the DREAM ACT individuals must fulfill the following eligibility requirement:

< Have arrived in the United States at the age of 15 or under;

< Have lived in the U.S. for at least 5 years;

< Graduate from high school;

< Serve in the military or attend college for at least two years; and

< Have good moral character

These legitimate conditions create opportunities for the U.S. Defense force and the American job market to recruit the “cream of the crop” among applicants as presented by Senator Richard Durbin during the passionate plea to the Senate.

U.S. military is not only outstretched due to casualties suffered from ongoing wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan…but also facing increasing challenge to attract volunteers with solid background placing an enormous burden on the institution to accept less qualified enrollees requiring more spending for proper training and preparedness to serve in the sophisticated United States military.

Such demand is often reflected in the disproportionate defense budget contributing to national deficit – arguably the mutual concern for members in both political parties and the American public.

Considering Republican members’ stance on national security and corporate welfare – the DREAM ACT fits the bill per se by providing high caliber candidates producing beyond expectation results.

The reason behind the DREAM ACT inevitable success is based on the carefully designed program targeting the high achievers with exemplary academic record admirably earned under extraordinary circumstances.

These young Americans having proved their resolve in overcoming obstacles without a shadow of doubt display genuine desire to serve the only nation they call ‘home’ in various capacity.

Again as elaborated above the net gain in legalizing American minors’ presence far outweighs the hypothetical negative evaluation that led to the votes shortfall in the DREAM ACT legislation.

United States being the land of immigrants proudly attributes the phenomenal progress thus far to cosmopolitan aptitude prevalent in prudent immigration laws.

The DREAM ACT constitutes the urgency to secure borders along with promoting policy guaranteed to enhance United States economic and defense position.

Moreover the DREAM ACT has been previously brought to the Senate floor on numerous occasions going back to the Republican administration under the former President George W. Bush.

Most recently it was submitted to 109, 110 and now 111th Congress subsequent to the House approval only to be rejected by the Republican Senate minority.

Therefore the selective Republican members’ claiming that DREAM ACT is being rushed for final vote does not bode well given the facts on the time frame for passing this crucial legislation.

Unfortunately, the decision to block the DREAM ACT is political without any consideration for national interest. The pattern in Washington gridlock is detrimental to domestic growth and prosperity not to mention the political backlash in the 2012 election.

The revival of DREAM ACT before the end of 111th Congress is respectfully requested with a direct plea to the moderate Republican members who honorably cooperated in repealing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell legislation to once again come forward and extend their bipartisan support to the bipartisan bill that is evidently beneficial to the United States Defense, the economy and most importantly enabling the young Americans in realizing the American dream.

United States distinguished Senate members have the power to acknowledge the DREAM ACT prospects with their final votes in recognition of national priority.

Above all coherence in holiday spirit would demonstrate the individual caring for greater good.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant


Acknowledgment on the United States Congress Repeal of DADT

December 18, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Congratulations! To Gay and Lesbian Armed personnel serving in the United States Defense force on the historic legislation passed to end Don’t Ask Don’t Tell discriminatory policy.

The honorable Congress members in the House and the Senate, the military high command and the activists’ passionate plea led to the landmark achievement allowing gay service men and women to openly serve in the United States military.

The legislation repealing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy is acknowledged with profound gratitude.

The distinguished Congress members, President Barack Obama and the United States Defense Force – Thank you for enacting the commendable act.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Repeal – Senate Approval

By Padmini Arhant

The legislation allowing the gay service members to openly serve in the military is at the last segment of the process – Senate approval of the law.

Many discussions have been held by the honorable Congress members, military high command, activists and gay armed personnel passionately urging the lawmakers to end the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy in the military.

As elaborated in the earlier post – Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – Repeal December 5, 2010 under Humanitarian Issues on this website,

The gay men and women in uniform have demonstrated exemplary commitment in their service to this great nation and not faltered in DADT compliance even though the practice unfairly promotes segregation and denies these patriots the integrity to retain their identity.

While the rest of the military admirably are at liberty to disclose their faith, race and socio-economic background, the same freedom is not extended to the gay armed forces thereby confirming the violation of basic human right and the constitution governing the defense department under federal government.

Reiterating the fact that the gay armed personnel in the U.S. defense have strengthened the representation in statistics and now with DADT removal the equality status will be established enabling the U.S. military to claim further acknowledgment as a distinguished institution pledged to safeguard individual rights besides national security.

In civil society the citizens are protected against prejudice with the statutory law prohibiting employers from targeted social reservations about a person or groups through the fair and equal opportunity act.

Similar legislation in the defense force is long overdue and the present moment provides the U.S. Congress to exercise the power granted by the gay community as part of the society in DADT termination.

U.S. Congress as the duly elected representatives in a democratic society bears legislative and moral responsibility to ensure that every member regardless of personal characteristics is treated with respect and dignity in any discipline.

Unfortunately the prevalent DADT deprives gay service men and women from such experience due to hypothetical concerns among the minority in the military establishment.

However the majority including the highest ranking officials of the U.S military have come forward and articulated the requirement to end DADT conforming to the existing laws in the American society.

According to the latest reports the sixty Senate votes were available with the agreement from moderate Republican members viz. Senator Olympia Snowe and Senator Susan Collins of Maine, Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts.

These lawmakers’ bipartisan support towards the historic legislation is praiseworthy and will be remembered for their cooperation in preserving the constitution guaranteed equal rights.

It’s a defining period for the United States Congress members and military institution to restore the American democratic values cherished by many and made possible by the valiant armed forces comprising the gay and lesbian members as well.

In conclusion the esteemed United States Senate is respectfully requested to uphold the constitutional law and repeal the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell discriminatory policy granting the United States defense a landmark achievement with a new chapter on gay service members’ right to voluntary disclosure during military recruitment and duty.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – Repeal

December 5, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

The U.S. armed forces are served by brave hearts demonstrating loyalty and patriotism for the nation they defend at different frontiers.

Gay service men and women are equally dedicated in serving the nation alongside their heterosexual counterparts.

Yet, the ‘don’t ask don’t tell’ policy aimed at the Gay members is not only discriminatory but also contradictory to the military code of conduct that prohibits intolerance towards race, religion, gender and other identifications.

The U.S. defense is well known for disciplinary code during and after the training, preparing the personnel to deal with civil and combat situation.

The lifestyle orientation is not alienated from the general human characteristics and the rejection of one against another confirms the individual attitude rather than the institutional rule.

Recently, the U.S. military adopted rigorous steps to promote unity among the troops representing the diverse American society.

Further, the U.S. high command has appropriately been sensitive to the defense force’ ethnic and religious backgrounds lately to maintain harmony in the entire military while not being unanimously forthcoming in the long overdue DADT repeal.

In the political context, the ideology driven opposition to DADT ban is unconstitutional considering the defense department under federal government is governed by the constitution that guarantees equal rights to all citizens.

Accordingly the decision lies with the Congressional lawmakers elected to honor the constitution and uphold individual rights regardless of personal reservations in this matter.

Besides the disproportionate defense budget is taxpayer funded and not provided by private sector.

Allowing a federal run organization implement prejudicial policy towards specific groups foments isolation which could affect the victims’ performance due to the social stigma induced emotional stress.

When no gay member has been involved in incidents jeopardizing defense image or functionality, the procrastination in eliminating gay troops seclusion is counterproductive and cultivates preferential treatment in national security force serving together to ensure freedom and equality for all.

Although reports on abusive behavior against women and certain minorities at the training institutes and overseas stations surface,

The military has transformed since last century when African American personnel had similar experience with segregation and endured apathy to their social plight.

Likewise there is an urgent requirement to make inroads on DADT issue in tandem with the new millennium progress.

Human knowledge in science exploration and entrepreneurial expertise has revolutionized life.

However, socially the contemporary society is still struggling to reconcile terms with reality in acknowledging the fact that;

All are created equal and deserve mutual respect along with acceptance.

The Senate hearing on December 3, 2010 shed light on the perceptions regarding DADT. The Army Chief of Staff George Casey and U.S. Marine Corps Commandant James Amos reportedly shared apprehensions about repealing DADT claiming that delaying action might be beneficial right now and upon Congress approval they recommended gradual repeal over a time period.

Poignantly, the Army Chief and U.S. Marine Corps Commandant concerns are hypothetical and not factual for there has been no evidence to the concept on DADT removal having negative influence over the remaining personnel.

Therefore it’s imperative for Congress to address the DADT continuation from the constitutional standpoint that unequivocally invalidates injustice against anyone with a stark reminder about the core principle upon which the United States of America is founded – liberty and justice for all.

Pursuing a pragmatic course to end the inhumane and un-American rule would aptly satisfy the Congressional obligation to abide by the constitution thereby strengthening the role of democracy.

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell strategy is unethical and divisive with a superficial reasoning used by the minority within the national defense.

It’s time for the U.S. military to conform to the twenty first century social achievements in deep appreciation of the gay troops’ exemplary sacrifice to protect civil rights – ironically being denied to them.

Please repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy once and for all to restore American democratic values.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Happy Thanksgiving!

November 25, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Today is a special day to thank the people for their love, compassion and actions that positively impact the recipient’s life.

In this respect the nation ought to thank the brave men and women in harm’s way for their sacrifices in many different ways most importantly their precious life.

Within the community there are many benevolent individuals dedicating their time and resources for others welfare. They deserve the beneficiaries’ acknowledgment.

Then the family unit – the relationship is strengthened with genuine care, affection and understanding for each other unconditionally reciprocated in a subtle or profound manner.

Politically, the elected officials at the state and national legislature possess the power and responsibility to deliver the campaign promise and improve citizens’ life as an expression of their gratitude to the electorate electing them to office.

Economically, the business leaders are obligatory to the workers and employees who are also the consumers contributing to the business financial success. Their recognition of the peoples’ plight could be addressed through job oriented investments so that they too benefit from the profits.

Personally, I appreciate the opportunity to serve the people at home and around the world through the innovative technology made possible by the genius minds and entrepreneurship in the contemporary world.

I’m thankful to all the visitors to this website for their extensive support and encouraging remarks that help me strive hard to enhance my contribution at various levels. While compliments are incentives to exceed the expectations, constructive criticisms on the other hand are a reminder for self-evaluation besides representing the checks and balances. I respect the different perspectives and accept them accordingly.

Finally, the popular tradition nurtures the charitable act of giving and sharing with the less fortunate on this American holiday. Society prospers with better living standards experienced by all and not just the privileged members.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Decisions on Life and Death Matter

November 18, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Whenever there is tragedy in any part of the world, it severely affects the victims and their families. The recent building collapse in Delhi, India claiming an estimated 64 lives is regrettable and usually the poorest among all succumb to the worst natural or human contributed disaster.

The incident like many others is the reason for nations to prioritize capital investment in urban development with subsidized housing for the low income families rather than cluster bombs and life destructive defense deals with tax payer funds expended in warfare.

Warfare conducted for reasons beyond national defense is not subject to checks and balances. The relentless wars are even lacking in the economic concern considering the billions of taxpayer dollars funding approved with the net result being the casualties accepted as the collateral damage.

Public knowledge in ongoing warfare is usually based on media and news organization edited reports.

It is also well known that ‘Truth’ is the first casualty in war. However, the facts surface through courageous sources – whether they are investigative journalists, victims’ family or the war veteran themselves.

A powerful testimony is presented by none other than the honorable Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran Kevin Tillman – Also a brother and friend of yet another patriot and celebrated fallen Hero Pat Tillman.

Both Kevin and Pat Tillman had joined the U.S. Armed Forces in 2002 and served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Subsequent to Pat Tillman’s fatality in Afghanistan in 2004, Kevin Tillman is reported to have been discharged from the defense force in 2005.

The firsthand experience by the war veteran Kevin Tillman is a compelling and thought provoking narrative.

Courtesy: – Thank you.

Per request to share the content, the excerpt is provided below and please visit the URL for the full-length article – Highly recommended as “Must Read” data.

After Pat’s Birthday – Published By Kevin Tillman

“It is Pat’s birthday on November 6, and elections are the day after. It gets me thinking about a conversation I had with Pat before we joined the military.

He spoke about the risks with signing the papers. How once we committed, we were at the mercy of the American leadership and the American people. How we could be thrown in a direction not of our volition. How fighting as a soldier would leave us without a voice… until we got out.

Much has happened since we handed over our voice:”

Consequent to the war veteran Kevin Tillman’s disillusionment, perhaps there could be change of hearts and minds in the decision-making process on life and death matter.

The leadership executes power in the absence of strong democratic voice conspicuously inactive in the communication media with democracy becoming a formality than a reality.

Words cannot heal the wound but time and trust for a better tomorrow could make a difference.

I convey my sincere condolences to the victims’ families in the civilian and combat environment.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Decisions on Life and Death Matter

November 18, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Tragedies: Whenever there is tragedy in any part of the world, it severely affects the victims and their families. The recent building collapse in Delhi, India claiming an estimated 64 lives is regrettable and usually the poorest among all succumb to the worst natural or human contributed disaster.

The incident like many others is the reason for nations to prioritize capital investment in urban development with subsidized housing for the low income families rather than cluster bombs and life destructive defense deals with tax payer funds expended in warfare.

Warfare conducted for reasons beyond national defense is not subject to checks and balances. The relentless wars are even lacking in the economic concern considering the billions of taxpayer dollars funding approved with the net result being the casualties accepted as the collateral damage.

Public knowledge in ongoing warfare is usually based on media and news organization edited reports.

It is also well known that ‘Truth’ is the first casualty in war. However, the facts surface through courageous sources – whether they are investigative journalists, victims’ family or the war veteran themselves.

A powerful testimony is presented by none other than the honorable Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran Kevin Tillman – Also a brother and friend of yet another patriot and celebrated fallen Hero Pat Tillman.

Both Kevin and Pat Tillman had joined the U.S. Armed Forces in 2002 and served in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Subsequent to Pat Tillman’s fatality in Afghanistan in 2004, Kevin Tillman is reported to have been discharged from the defense force in 2005.

The firsthand experience by the war veteran Kevin Tillman is a compelling and thought provoking narrative.

Courtesy: – Thank you.

Per request to share the content, the excerpt is provided below and please visit the URL for the full-length article – Highly recommended as “Must Read” data.

After Pat’s Birthday – Published By Kevin Tillman

“It is Pat’s birthday on November 6, and elections are the day after. It gets me thinking about a conversation I had with Pat before we joined the military.

He spoke about the risks with signing the papers. How once we committed, we were at the mercy of the American leadership and the American people. How we could be thrown in a direction not of our volition. How fighting as a soldier would leave us without a voice… until we got out.

Much has happened since we handed over our voice:”

Consequent to the war veteran Kevin Tillman’s disillusionment, perhaps there could be change of hearts and minds in the decision-making process on life and death matter.

The leadership executes power in the absence of strong democratic voice conspicuously inactive in the communication media with democracy becoming a formality than a reality.

Words cannot heal the wound but time and trust for a better tomorrow could make a difference.

I convey my sincere condolences to the victims’ families in the civilian and combat environment.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Special Olympics

November 11, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Please extend your generous support to the enthusiastic and highly inspirational athletes competing in the international event.

Please visit for your contribution to the noble humanitarian cause.

Your generosity is much appreciated.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Freedom Struggle – People vs. Power in the New World Order

October 14, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

Evidently, the facts in every respect confirm that the nation is heading in the wrong direction.

The NWO chartered by the secret society elite members has grave consequences.

It is exacerbated by their unwillingness to confront the people on the illogic strategies behind relentless warfare, sinking economy, alarming national debt, rising health care costs, cataclysmic energy undertakings and importantly – gross violation of the constitution in every possible civil and human rights issue.

When the incumbent administration launched the Presidential campaign in 2007, the core message was about the country and the world in need of a dramatic Change with tremendous Hope raised on the campaign trail.

The message for most part of the campaign resonated the impending Change and delineated from the opponents as them being –

More of the Same citing the Bush-Cheney administrations’ disastrous course on war, economy, environment and utter disregard for the constitution.

Although the Bush-Cheney record is unique in aimlessly leading the nation and the world on wild adventures causing immeasurable misery all around,

The current administration’s Bush policy continuation and complicity to the crimes committed by the predecessor is a major concern among the electorate that casted their vote for Hope and Change.

Upon reflection, Obama campaign swiftly deviated from the initial pledge after securing the party nomination in 2008 democratic primary election.

From voting for FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) favoring the Patriot Act, surpassing the opponents in receiving corporate donations towards the campaign by rejecting the McCain – Feingold campaign finance reform rules that was acknowledged by the then Senator Barack Obama in 2007,

To joining the rest in the drill baby drill contest at the height of induced gas crisis in 2008 –

There was no ambivalence in the dramatic change even prior to the campaign promise Change coming into fruition.

The stark contrast between the candidate Senator Barack Obama in 2006-2007 and the Democratic Presidential candidate in 2008 subsequently the 44th President of the United States cannot be overlooked for it has evolved into an accelerated Bush-Cheney policy especially on the extensive military operations, corporate deals with finance, energy and health care industries and regrettably the nuclear disarmament issue, the campaign’s hallmark that captivated world attention.

Again upon careful observation, there is no revelation on the warfare, U.S. foreign policy and Wall Street negotiations.

The Ex-Presidents warnings and the former President FDR experience related to corporate coup d’état attempts along with the worldwide events throughout the twentieth and twenty first century exemplify the catastrophic damages inflicted on innocent civilians, brave young men and women in uniform and the planet.

The NWO secret society would not comply with the request to hold meetings in public view and invite the independent press representing democracy.

Like stated earlier, if the powerful entities assemble to resolve the problems that they have successfully created as the ultimate authorities in the respective discipline i.e. politics, economics, finance, energy and military operations…

Then why not share the self-proclaimed noble doctrine with the people for whom the NWO is apparently devised through the secret policies.

Even the iron curtains eventually came down due to public resistance to economic struggles imposed by the hard liners’ inherently flawed governance.

When the authorities evade legitimate public demand for reasons behind warfare leading nowhere and issues directly affecting their lives such as health care, constitutional rights violation…

It arouses doubts in the public mind and generates mistrust against the power.

How do the NWO treat the dissidents raising these questions on the republics’ behalf?

They deny the dissidents the civil rights and completely strip away the privacy by invading their homes with the 24/7 surveillance eavesdropping on family conversations, not even sparing the private moments with nature calls,

Monitoring on-line and off-line regular communications from email, telephone to typing on the personal computers detected via the FCC approved microchips implanted keyboard.

In addition to snooping on every routine normal activity, cripple them financially, disable supporting progressive political candidates, confine to house arrest and keep close tabs on every single breath of their victims.

A bizarre approach to seek support was made when,

The blank birthday card sent with a message – “Praise the President in your own words,” and mail it back by the deadline. It was followed by a reminder when the earlier message was discarded.

Subsequently the birthday message was written to read the following:

“Dear Mr. President,

I hope and pray for all your decisions to be guided by peace, wisdom and truth. Happy Birthday with Best Wishes.”

An appraisal on the economy and the state of affairs at both national and international level was also sought in the same context.

In response, candid evaluation was presented based on the deteriorating situation in economy, health care costs etc.

Simultaneously the uncanny similarities with the previous administration in warfare, foreign policy and civil rights indicated did not bode well with the authorities.

Pushing the envelope, the Presidential aide through selective networks was conveying that;

“When the Commander-in-Chief expects any citizen to do any task, it should be carried out without any hesitation” implying whether the citizens are employed by the administration, federal, state, any branch of the government or not.

These individuals in their faithful demonstration of their duty forget that –

The President is the Commander-in-Chief to the armed forces in uniform serving the nation.

To the civilians – President is the civilian authority in the capacity as the democratically elected leader bound by constitutional rule of law that appropriately sets limits on the executive power over the republic represented by the Congress in a democratic society.

Above all, the constant propaganda is in place through their selective loyalists on payroll as newspaper columnists, television hosts and some introduced as the movie director on foreign soil with the tailor made delusional scripts maligning the dissidents’ image to propagate rumors for non-cooperation.

Yet the interesting factor being them playing the victim as their paid defenders define it as an unfair game given the authority they amass within a short period of their time in power against the constitutional law.

As pointed out by concerned citizens in their comments on this website – it’s all about three R’s.

Rubber stamp on legislations regardless. Refrain from scrutiny as the public watchdog.

Upon refusal, deal with the baseless Rumors spread by the agents operating in the vast dragnet to mislead the inevitable next target – the people at home and the world over.

The excessive authority on the dissidents is an experiment to be applied on the mass once the position is secure to unleash more power.

All happening in the so-called democracy.

What hope do the people in China, Iran, and Myanmar…nations under overt iron-fist regimes have in the supposedly modern civilization run by the elitists focused on safeguarding their personal interests by implementing unconstitutional and undemocratic rules to dictate and dominate the world?

That’s why they have the warrantless wiretapping on American civilians, policing cyberspace and going beyond to legislate shutting down the internet last year.

Conducting the so-called war on terror by ignoring the immense casualties,

Contributing to undesirable political situations in the war zones and the developing nations yearning for peace and,

Declining to substantiate the false pretext for war…cannot be accepted in silence.

Incidentally, the world is still waiting on the authorities to present Osama Bin Laden – the NWO by-product, dead or alive.

Resurrecting the dead virtually is a no brainer for the NWO authorities controlling the cyber space.

However, the mortals immortalizing the mortal would be presumptuously assuming an impossible feat with a guaranteed defeat on the horizon.

The irony with the established demagoguery is the global issues such as the economy, energy, environment and poignantly the incessant warfare are discussed in a clandestine consortium.

Meanwhile the same NWO elitists are in control of the private citizens’ private life in a democracy becoming more a hypocrisy through their over-indulgence in citizen rights.

The Cabal recently made the following declaration:

“If you get ahead of us, we will not follow you.

We are here as one, an exclusive group set in our own agendas and determined to enforce them sooner than you can do anything to prevent it. NWO is real and happening.”

Since peace and diplomacy is a misnomer with the conglomerate espousing the archaic philosophy of concentrated power,

The cabal is entrenched in colonialism, misused capitalism and communism strengthened by cronyism in the empire survival with baron, baroness, multinational corporations, Communist leaderships, certain heads of the state, intelligence agencies, military top brass, media moguls as the privileged members in the organization.

Winding up military operations that are proved to be a fundamental failure from the onset primarily due to false premise, propaganda and rising death toll on all sides is rejected.

Stop preying on innocent civilians in the United States and around the world with the doomed decadent policies that is designed to favor the minority in the NWO against the majority.

Cease offshore drilling and environmentally dangerous energy pursuit on the planet, the only habitat for innumerous life.

Planet earth belongs to all and not just the ostentatious powerful members in the society.

New World Order is oxymoron because there is nothing new, worldly or orderly in principle.

The elitists with the power to control the society are not new rather an old ideology and disturbingly bear semblance to the pre-world war II fascist era at the worst reverting to stone age in the master-slave mentality intended to pervade across the globe.

In this exclusive club, the definitive goal to profit in every frontier at the populace and the planet’s peril is not representative of the world but a narcissist agenda.

Last but not the least;

The entire framework is diabolical especially with reference to the term Order promoting authoritarian rule suggestive of a disorder in the offing.

NWO is a recipe for disaster aimed at the world population by the oligarchy engaged in a kamikaze mission.

Hence, NWO should have never existed and will no longer prevail in the domestic or global decisions severely affecting humanity, the weak and the vulnerable in particular.

Defiance in this respect would precipitate the dismantling with people power.

New Global Era is imminent with power entrusted to people in a democratic setting, restoring individual freedom yet embracing solidarity to achieve equal rights and opportunities for all.

The Real Change with the people governing themselves as the republic through their democratically elected representatives in Congress under constitutional guidance with power assigned to the executive, legislative and judicial branch according to the constitution.

Freedom will be cherished as the inalienable human right.

Those nations invaded and occupied will be free and recognized as a sovereign state.

Repressive regimes will have to exit and pave way for the republic rule.

Big and small nations would receive equal respect and attention on various issues affecting the local or the international community.

Global resources will be shared for greater good and the planet sustenance.

New Global Era would epitomize peace and unity among people from different cultures and traditions coming together as one race – the Human race nurturing life on the planet.

Nuclear disarmament is no longer an option but a necessity with compliance from all nations through forced entry into CTBT, NPT,FMCT, START and PAROS irrespective of stature outlined in the 09/29/10 article –

‘The 65th U.N. General Assembly on Multilateral Disarmament Treaty’ under National and Global Security on this website.

In the latest development, the U.N. General Assembly – 187 out of 191 nations overwhelmingly approved India for a non-permanent Security Council rotating membership after nineteen years.

It is a significant honor for India and the U.N. General Assembly members’ magnanimous gesture is commendable.

Likewise, every other nation deserves representation to signify their individual importance in global affairs.

Permanent Security Council membership expansion is vital to reflect the twenty first century reality and the new members would enormously contribute to resolving complex global crises.

It would be helpful to subject the current permanent memberships for U.N. General Assembly review and make necessary revisions to accommodate the present global requirements.

Nations retaining their sovereignty but working together for global peace, progress and prosperity is the vision in the New Global Era.

Humanity thrives through consolidated efforts for mutual benefits made possible by the unified world.

Peace to all.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

The 65th U.N. General Assembly Focus – Millennium Development Goals and Biodiversity

September 25, 2010

By Padmini Arhant

A warm welcome to the Heads of the State and dignitaries around the world attending –

The 65th U.N. General Assembly in New York, U.S.A.

The 65th U.N. General Assembly key meeting held between September 20 and September 22, 2010 reached an accord on Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and coordinated with the International Year of Biodiversity.

Per the U.N. Accord on MDG, more than $40 billion is pledged towards women and children’s health, hunger, poverty and technology access over a five year period.

According to the U.N. statement – the unanimous agreement from the various groups such as the Heads of the State and the Government, private sector, foundations, international organizations, civil society and research companies expected to expedite the targeted goals.

There is no doubt that an overwhelming world population is battling with starvation, preventable diseases and chronic illnesses due to lack of health professionals and inadequate facilities exacerbated by natural disasters, political and economic crisis.

The U.N. effort is praiseworthy. However, in addition to the international community consistent engagement in rescue operation, the United Nations and the nexus organizations could address the issues causing the human misery.

Otherwise directing focus on prevention and cure.

What is the reason behind global poverty, hunger, disease, social injustice and gender inequality?

The mass opinion in this regard is Politics.

Politics has not entirely committed to alleviate human suffering in their respective domain.

Policies are geared towards political expediency i.e. remaining in power and adhering to decisions benefiting a selective few rather than the general society especially the average citizen.

Further, experimenting the same methods for different results have conspicuously widened the gap between the haves and the havenots.

Divisiveness in the political discourse is polarizing the society on religious, ethnic and gender related concepts.

Understanding and appreciating the cultural differences, religious and human rights would enormously benefit the people in a cosmopolitan global village.

Social challenges are often best dealt with proper knowledge and facts on the issues promoting empathy and unity in the society.

Political situation directly affects the citizens’ life and determines their future. With the prevalent close relationship between politics and economic leaderships, the political system is represented by all interests except the public.

There is a unique prospect for the government-business relationship to work in favor of the people being the electorate, taxpayers, workers, employees and consumers in the society.

Poverty and disease is a universal problem more visible in the poor countries and shielded in the industrialized nations. The desperate human conditions around the world are created by both economic and political warfare declining peace and persistently pursuing the agenda that are counterproductive.

If peace were to be embraced in the same manner it’s rejected, half the battle against the social and economic disparities would be won. For every nation has some natural resources and possess the valuable asset – the human capital that has been deprived the opportunity for progress.

The damages inflicted with ill choices and the declaration of war against the weak and the vulnerable are later attempted for salvation thereby being the cause and the remedy in the ceaseless cycle.

In the developing and some developed regions, election is perceived as a mere democratic formality adding to the public frustration and disappointment.

Politics essentially controls the life existence and sustenance. From economic to environmental issues, the political dynamics play a major role in shaping the human evolution.

Communications Media aid politics in propagating information with truth being the primal casualty.

Even in the so-called democratic settings few media hosts and anchors volunteer as the political surrogates rather than being the voice for democracy transforming the medium into a state owned enterprise.

Meanwhile, in the economic front – globalization has provided incredible means to corporations with options to empower and exploit the local population. Unfortunately, the reality confirms the latter exceeding the former in most economic areas.

The basic survival factors – jobs, health, and energy resource under finance, health and energy sectors respectively revealed the extent of greed in the recent crises pervasively affecting humanity and the planet.

Yet, compromises are made with the health care industry, finance sector rewarded with $19 billion tax exemptions and energy giants allowed unlimited oil explorations, mining and nuclear programs across the globe despite the past and present catastrophic experience.

Waging wars for economic purpose is an acceptable norm in the modern civilization with accountability and transparency becoming a misnomer at the easily dispensable human lives cost not to mention the environmental degradation.

More disturbing aspects emerge from the judicial systems made redundant with the imprudent silence to the escalating death tolls and civilian displacements granting refugee status in their homeland.

Law and order only applicable to the law abiding citizens to display the political strength in the domestic turf.

Once again, the innocents abandoned to fend for themselves in the quest for political and economic freedom.

The synopsis is the synchronization between certain economic, political and religious factions along with a narrow communication media not sparing some internet entrepreneurs enable in disabling advancement across the social demography.

Such coordination could be applied towards talent enrichment among the less privileged communities worldwide seeking a diverse platform for their political, social and economic development integrating with the twenty first century growth.

The MDG or the Millennium Development Goals are commendable but improving the women and children’s life is also dependent upon the political will imperative to nurture the providers’ dreams and ambitions in a peaceful and prosperous atmosphere.

There is tremendous hope and optimism in the noble humanitarian goal.

Contributions at all levels in the MDG framework and agreement deserves recognition and the commitment is honorable.

Best Wishes to the United Nations and all participating members across the political, social and economic spectrum in their noteworthy endeavor.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

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