Tribute to September 11 Victims and Families
September 11, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Nine years after the catastrophic terror attack on American soil, the nation pays tribute to the victims and the families. Since the horrific event, the entire population has been subject to the ordeal in one way or another.
The citizens’ resilience to overcome personal tragedies is seen throughout the decade.
Many still silently suffering from the personal loss are coping with inner and external source of strength.
Life cannot be resurrected but the memories continue to provide the necessary comfort and solace to the survivors. The departed members’ dreams and aspirations sometimes fulfilled by those they leave behind.
The brave rescue workers during 9/11 deserve special remembrance and gratitude for a great number of fire fighters are now dealing with chronic illnesses that is exacerbated with the recent Senate legislation blockade on medical assistance to them.
It’s important to highlight the social setbacks following September 11, 2001.
Although the nation rallied behind the then President George W. Bush, soon after the society had become polarized giving birth to Islamaphobia. The anti-Muslim sentiments emboldened the fragmented terror groups to retaliate against western and other democracies around the world.
As a result, the civilian population with the peaceful Muslim majority among them continue to pay the price and subject to constant denigration including the extreme motives expressed lately.
There are many players responsible for the tensions prevalent within society. As stated earlier certain political factions eager to gain traction in the election year along with religious ethos devoted to divisiveness and selective media partnership enable the persistent discord.
At the same time, there is hope to revive genuine trust, mutual respect and understanding in the secular democracy. Unfortunately, controversies easily win media attention than peaceful activities.
Nonetheless, there is tremendous opportunity for the society to thrive on the individual uniqueness to serve greater good. It’s a matter of choice between harmony and acrimony.
The 9/11 aftermath has been complex and challenging for the people in New York and the international community. Yet the human spirit is not lost and that remains the beauty in the face of reality.
Peace to all New Yorkers and other citizens around the globe in their solemn moment on this day about their loved ones, friends and neighbors they parted with nine years ago.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Emergency Aid to Pakistan Flood Victims
August 18, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Pakistan is experiencing the worst humanitarian crisis due to massive flooding, posing tremendous challenges for the government and the victims.
Although, the United States assistance has been substantial in the relief operation, it’s a global responsibility to help the people of Pakistan.
The onus is not on the United States alone, the international aid from all corners of the world is essential to rescue the estimated twenty million displaced population and the families who have lost their loved ones in the natural disaster.
There is an opportunity for all nations across the globe to come forward and extend their support through financial and other humanitarian resources.
Perhaps, The Kingdom of Brunei, Saudi Arabia, EU, the Middle East and developing nations including private donors from different parts of the world could share the financial burden with the United States and humanitarian organizations.
Pakistanis’ plight cannot be ignored as the internal or national problem. The culmination of natural catastrophe and economic conditions have increased the inevitable health risks apart from the potential threats in social, environmental, political and security fronts for the South Asian country.
In the holy month of Ramadan, the people of Pakistan are dealing with the natural calamity and struggling to overcome the enormous tragedy on their shores.
Please respond to Pakistani citizens’ “SOS,” with an outpouring compassion and generosity that is required more than ever.
People of Pakistan also urgently deserve the world society’s contribution in nation building and economic growth to emerge from the burgeoning status quo.
International Humanitarian Agencies such as International Red Cross, American Red Cross, Oxfam, Doctors without Borders including the United Nations’ Relief Organizations are standing by to accept your donations.
You could visit their websites to make any affordable payments.
Organizing concerts for the worthy cause could also expedite the fund raising possibilities in this regard.
Please reach out to the victims to minimize casualties and save precious lives.
Your kindness is much appreciated.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
California Proposition 8 Victory
August 6, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Heartfelt Congratulations! To the LGBT community and Gay rights advocates on the recent victory.
On August 5, 2010 the California federal court Judge Vaughn R. Walker ruled against Proposition 8 that banned same-sex marriage.
The issue had been long contested by the opponents through various avenues – legal, ballot and legislative measures.
Yesterday’s ruling confirms the unconstitutionality surrounding the voter supported Proposition 8 that deprived society’s specific members the equal rights in all matter.
With this verdict, a significant progress has been made thus far.
The debate has evolved into a much better understanding of the prevalent social injustice prompting legislative actions by the Democratic Congress to protect these citizens from discriminatory practices including,
President Barack Obama’s actions extending equivalent benefits to federal employees and gay rights expansion in every possible dimension, not to mention the initiative to repeal ‘Don’t ask don’t tell,’ policy in the military.
There is still a great deal of efforts required in invoking natural empathy, the inherent human quality latent in the contemporary society,
For the civil union continues to be the political choice over legitimacy to formalizing the marital status.
Nevertheless, the gay rights movement has gained impressive momentum through myriad sources and it will soon be triumphant nationally in this regard.
Incremental winnings provide optimism in the targeted goals and the gay members deserve to prevail at every opportunity.
Any society that believes in – “All are created equal in every respect,”
They would unequivocally favor the simple desire for “same-sex,” marriage among their fellow human beings without subjecting them to individual perceptions.
Best Wishes and Good Luck! To the gay activists for more positive outcome not only in this issue but also the ‘don’t ask don’t tell,’ matter.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Tragic Events in Pakistan
August 1, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Pakistan has been hit with successive tragedies lately resulting in enormous loss of precious lives.
Earlier, there were significant fatalities from the air crash near Islamabad. While the people were grieving over the aviation mishap, the country is swept with massive flooding and more than 1500 people reportedly lost their lives.
The flooding is expected to worsen with thousands displaced and millions facing life disruptions due to power outages and transportation problems.
Pakistani government appears to have deployed its military for rescue operation. It’s challenging to deal with mass mobilization for any emergency crew. The Pakistani forces are apparently doing their best in saving lives.
In addition, the United States logistic support in this regard expedites the relief effort. The major concerns during natural disasters are the spread of diseases and the populace exodus to the safety zones.
Aid workers involved in minimizing casualties have a daunting task in reaching the victims because of the limited access and air lifting survivors often delays the progress.
It’s a horrendous humanitarian endeavor and the people of Pakistan are courageously enduring the aftermath despite the natural constraints in delivering the urgently required services.
United Nations are presumably engaged in providing the appropriate assistance that would not only alleviate the burden on the local governments but also maximize the restoration capabilities.
The people of Pakistan deserve global attention in the economic and social development sharing the status with numerous developing nations around the world.
As such Pakistan has been held hostage by the terror networks prompting ongoing military intervention and continuous violence through frequent suicide bombings render survival impossible for the peaceful majority within the country.
Any other incidents along with natural calamities exacerbate the situation especially for the millions at the demographic bottom experiencing critical economic condition.
The Pakistani government is faced with eliminating terrorism and rebuilding the country amid unpredictable catastrophes on its shores.
Pakistan is long overdue for a new beginning with peaceful existence now and in the future.
It’s imminent and the governing authorities could enable the onset sooner by prioritizing the citizens’ plight through divestments from excess military expenditure to economy, education and social structure.
In terms of the current crisis, consolidating the resources including the United States and UN contributions towards different humanitarian needs in the grim moment could perhaps yield the desirable outcome.
International Red Cross and other U.N. humanitarian programs might greatly impact the deteriorating environment in containing the rising death toll from the severe floods that has seemingly affected many provinces.
Please rush your affordable and generous donations to the International Red Cross and other recognized U.N. humanitarian agencies to help the people of Pakistan.
We offer our sincere condolences to the victims’ families mourning on the unfortunate events in the past week.
More importantly, there is hope for the struggling population braving the harsh realities as they are not forgotten in the commitment to end human suffering.
On that positive note, wishing strength and optimism to the people of Pakistan in overcoming the multitude difficulties at present.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Human Tragedy
July 19, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
Condolences to the families mourning the loss of life from different tragic events.
The recent train crash in West Bengal, India with reportedly 61 people dead in the accident is regrettable.
In other incidents, terrorism taking toll on human life is the norm in certain parts of the world.
The bomb blasts in July 2010 alone has claimed many innocent lives –
Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran…in July 2010 is worthy of condemnation as often the civilians are the victims in the terror related violence.
Freedom along with social and economic opportunities would substantially deter the terror recruitment among the desolate youth population hired for committing horrendous crime against their fellow humans.
Evidently, the citizens in these regions unanimously favor the divestments from prolonged wars towards social and economic development.
Peaceful resolutions focused on economic progress would enormously benefit everyone involved in the global terrorism era.
Terror networks successfully engage the impoverished segment of the population under the pretext of improving their life and the lack of education among the terror recruits is a huge advantage to them.
Accordingly, the militants and the terror organizations regularly attack schools and the educational institutions to deprive the youth from proper education.
Investments in drones, bombs and sophisticated artillery thus far might have eliminated the crucial targets. However, terrorism never dissipates despite the relentless military intervention due to the underlying hindrances in human existence.
Besides participation in the governance through democratic process, the overwhelming majority in these nations seek basic requirements such as clean drinking water, healthy environment to live in modest conditions enabled by agriculture and industrial growth .
Unless these issues are addressed effectively which is not possible by a dysfunctional government, the terror networks will continue to exist as a parallel governing authority holding the people hostage to their violent agenda.
Empowering people with necessary economic and human rights is the best alternative to the military options that are increasingly alienating the local population from the Western interests.
Perhaps, the nations combating terrorism could consolidate their resources and aim to alleviate the suffering through peaceful means.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Southern Poverty Law Center – Promoting Tolerance, Acceptance and Social Equality
July 18, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
My sincere apologies to the following individuals for the delay in responding to their request.
Nobel Laureate and Author Toni Morrison (The First African American to win the Nobel Prize for Literature) – Congratulations! On this phenomenal achievement. In addition, thank you for your kind remarks in the Certificate of Appreciation.
Hon. Senator George McGovern (Former Democratic Presidential Candidate)
Renowned Author John Grisham – and,
Last but not the least – The respectable Harry Sarazin – Special Agent FBI (Ret.) – One of the first FBI agents assigned to the Mississippi Burning case.
It’s to acknowledge your call for support to this organization founded by the eminent Chief Trial Counsel, Morris Dees stating that:
SPLC – Southern Poverty Law Center – Fighting Hate, Teaching Tolerance and Seeking Justice.
“The single most effective organization in fighting hate groups in the courtroom and teaching tolerance and acceptance in the classroom.”
The Chief Trial Counsel, Morris Dees’ accomplishments testify his dedication in promoting tolerance and social justice. It’s highly commendable and deserve the necessary aid.
Despite significant progress in this respect, there is still a great requirement to spread the positive attributes of human nature – mutual understanding, respect and unity.
Humanity benefits by treating one another as human beings first prior to any other denomination.
Tolerance comes from natural empathy. Unfortunately, misconception supersedes better knowledge about a particular race, religion or gender and their lifestyle orientation.
For knowledge demands patience, sincere learning and proper application in life.
Mankind easily identify differences than recognizing commonalities among them with or without the realization on the self-inflicted miseries through wars, hate crimes, and social upheavals.
Education focused on appreciation rather than denunciation about people and culture would help the society to embrace uniqueness in the diverse creation.
All are created equal and have the inalienable right to freedom without being subject to any injustice mainly oppression, persecution and other discriminatory practice.
The civil rights attorney Morris Dees’ long journey has witnessed the anomalies in the struggle for fairness.
Nevertheless, the successful outcomes reflect his resolve as well as the commitment towards social equality.
If you wish to extend your support to this organization, please send your donations to:
Southern Poverty Law Center
400 Washington Avenue
P.O.Box 548
Montgomery, AL 36177-9621
Best Wishes for more SPLC triumphs and the humanitarian goal in bringing people together.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Urgent Medicaid Support Required for People with Disabilities
June 25, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
The organization dedicated to helping children with disabilities made the following plea and requested the U.S. Senators from both sides of the aisle to consider reviving the bill and approve the federal Medicaid funding to the states.
One cannot ignore the urgency on this important measure.
Hopefully the GOP Senators would heed to the call for assistance from the most vulnerable members in the society, the children and pass the legislation on humanitarian grounds, if not as a constitutional responsibility.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Fri, June 25, 2010 12:34:38 PM
URGENT: Tell your Senators to do the right thing
From: “Katy Beh Neas, Easter Seals”
Easter Seals: Creating life-changing solutions so that people with disabilities can live, learn work and play.
Dear Padmini,
Vital health care services for people with disabilities are at stake.
Urge your Senators to do the right thing for people with disabilities by passing the Medicaid funding extension.
Last night, the Senate was just three votes short of passing critical Medicaid support for people with disabilities.
If the Senate does not approve additional federal Medicaid funding to the states, they will be forced to cut benefits and services for people with disabilities and chronic illnesses.
We came so close last night. Every message from Easter Seals supporters like you will make a difference when the Senate takes this up again in the next few days.
Act now! Urge your Senators to protect people with disabilities by voting to extend this enhanced federal Medicaid funding!
Medicaid is a lifeline for children and adults with disabilities. Because of the health care they get through the program, they are able to be successful in school, keep a job and live independent lives.
Thanks to Medicaid, a child with autism can get the speech therapy he needs, a teenager with spina bifida can get the wheelchair she needs to use to get around school, and an older person living with a chronic illness can see his doctor.
Medicaid exists to help people who can’t otherwise afford it, pay for critical services like these.
But state budgets have been squeezed by this recession. With less and less tax revenue coming in, they’re facing the prospect of devastating cutbacks.
They need help filling the gaps and keeping important programs afloat.
They’re counting on support from Washington.
The federal government has always shared the financial responsibility for Medicaid.
With so many people in need and the states so strapped for cash, this is the moment for the Senate to step up with additional funding.
When enough of their constituents weigh in, elected officials listen.
That’s why we can’t let Senators cast their vote again without hearing our voices.
But it has to happen fast.
Write your Senators and let your opinion be heard before it’s too late.
I really appreciate your help on this critically important issue.
Dedicated Easter Seals supporters like you are the difference between winning and losing these legislative battles.
Thanks again,
Katy Beh Neas
Vice President, Government Affairs
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Kyrgyzstan – Ethnic Cleansing
June 18, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
The Central Asian nation, Kyrgyzstan bordering Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and China is home to 5.2 million ethnically diverse population with the Kyrgyz being the majority followed by the Uzbeks and other distinct groups in the society.
Recent ethnic violence where an estimated 400,000 is reportedly displaced having fled their homes with the Uzbek men, women and children targeted primarily between the two communities in the clashes that erupted from a political unrest back in April 2010.
Reflecting on the events then, the economic crisis and the energy prices combined with political corruption contributed to the massive public protest initially centered at the nation’s capital, Bishkek. It seemingly became widespread with casualties rising among the protesters and the riot police.
President Kurmanbek Bakiyev’s crackdown on independent news network, print press and websites information about the former administration’s alleged corruption scandal had angered the people and created more tension.
Subsequently, President Kurmanbek Bakiyev headed for Osh in South Kyrgyzstan and forced to resign by the opposition that had assumed power in the aftermath of the political uprising.
Meanwhile, the fallout between President Bakiyev and Kremlin on the Manas Air Base lease extension to the U.S. and NATO for the Afghan war logistic operation claimed to have expedited his ouster.
Accordingly it’s reported that “Vice-Chairman of the State Duma of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky stated that the United States was involved in events in Kyrgyzstan to gain control of Manas Air Base.”
President Kurmanbek Bakiyev is currently exiled in Belarus and implicated in the ethnic cleansing by the Kyrgyz government.
Juxtaposed, the Uzbeks accused the security forces for instigating the Kyrgyz mobs in the slaughtering, physical abuse, sexual assault of pregnant women and girls as young as 12.
The allegations are denied by the Kyrgyz military in the south contrary to the evidence.
Based on the facts and international eyewitness report, the innocent civilians are paying the price for the political crisis that has exploded into a violent humanitarian disaster.
As usual, neither the deposed nor the interim government is prepared to accept responsibility for the massacre suffered more by the Uzbeks leading to retaliation against the Kyrgyz, setting the nation for a civil war.
It’s imperative for the interim government led by the Kyrgyz leader, Roza Otunbayeva to restore law and order, rein in on the bloodshed and unite the country rather than letting it fall apart.
Any political power is legitimate only when it is capable of providing equal security and protection to all citizens regardless by maintaining the democratic system in governance.
Given the Kyrgyzstan history, the solidarity among various ethnic groups and tribes are quintessential for national stability and economic success. In fact, the Kyrgyzstan flag is symbolic of the unity between forty tribes and the red color embracing the southern region.
The killings and brutality against ethnic Uzbeks is deplorable and must cease at all costs. Similarly, attacks against Kyrgyz are equally reprehensible and the authorities in power not precluding the ousted President Bakiyev are accountable for the deteriorating situation.
Peaceful settlement of the political discord is a priority to save lives. Kyrgyz and Uzbeks are the citizens of Kyrgyzstan. Senseless conflict aimed at particular ethnic group annihilation or that of one another leads nowhere except self-inflicted grief and pain.
Truce between the fighting groups is paramount to avoid further escalation of violence.
Otherwise, there will be none left on either sides due to the political authorities’ quest for power superseding the urgency to promote national harmony.
Kyrgyzstan being strategically important to United States and Russia for their respective goals, the political influence impacts the sovereignty and threatens the ruling government’s viability.
Kyrgyz and Uzbeks reconciliation is dependent upon the political leadership’s resolve and commitment to unify them, besides responding to the desperate economic needs.
There is tremendous hope for peace to prevail upon mutual recognition to respect one another as human beings and Kyrgyzstan nationals.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Worst Industrial Catastrophe – Union Carbide / Dow Chemicals and Bhopal Victims of India
June 12, 2010
By Padmini Arhant
On June 7, 2010, the verdict on the worst industrial gas leak in 1984, Bhopal, India was delivered by the state’s local court.
According to the several reports:
The ruling convicted the seven officials in senior management along with the employees of the former Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL), the then subsidiary of the Union Carbide, USA with CEO Warren Anderson at that time.
Conviction included two years jail sentence and Rupees 100,000($2,100, €1,800) in fine.
Understandably, the judgment aroused sentiments among the victims’ devastated families and the survivors.
The NGO’s and other organizations representing the victims welcomed the much awaited process brought to national and international attention after pursuing the legal course for more than twenty five years.
However, they expressed huge disappointment in the limited sentencing and the exemption to the then Parent Company, Union Carbide CEO Warren Anderson.
India’s request for the CEO’s extradition to face trial was rejected in June 2004 by the United States.
Mr. Warren Anderson was the CEO of Union Carbide U.S.A during the industrial disaster in 1984 and served the corporation until 1986.
Subsequently, Union Carbide in their statement delineated themselves from the gross industrial negligence that claimed scores of lives and continue to affect more, the living and the yet to be born evidenced in the birth defects as well as other illnesses diagnosed thus far.
Union Carbide U.S.A transferred all liabilities pertaining to Bhopal incident over to its then fully owned subsidiary Union Carbide India Limited, while accepting the revenues and profits from the offshore operation. Effectively reflected in the multinational corporation CEO’s income, stock options and bonuses.
Moreover, the facts supporting the systemic operational facility discrimination between the U.S site and the Bhopal plant was disregarded in the entire proceedings.
Source: titled Warren Anderson (Chairman)
“Greenpeace asserts that as the Union Carbide CEO, Anderson knew about a 1982 safety audit of the Bhopal plant, which identified 30 major hazards and that they were not fixed in Bhopal but were fixed at the company’s identical plant in the US.
Union Carbide asserts that the Bhopal plant addressed all of the identified issues well before the December 1984 gas leak and that none of them had anything to do with the disaster.
Greenpeace claims that neglecting these hazards in Bhopal caused the explosion.
Others, such as the former police chief Swaraj Puri, who was injured in the Bhopal disaster, asserts that Mr. Anderson must have known about the danger of the plant because an employee had died there a year before the disaster.”
Statistics on the human tragedy from this major industrial catastrophe are as follows:
Source: Indian Supreme Court, Madhya Pradesh government, Indian Council of Medical Research
Initial deaths – more than 3,000 – official toll
Unofficial initial toll: 7,000-8,000
Total deaths to date: over 15,000
Number affected: Nearly 600,000
Compensation: Union Carbide pays $470m in 1989
Unfortunately, for the survivors and the victims’ families, the issue is not restricted to the selective indictment or the mild sentencing on a monumental management failure;
It’s rather an uphill battle to investigate the matter because of the high profile corporate and political power implicated in the horrific crime, especially with more information presented through visual content in the Indian media that confirms,
The “most wanted” CEO, Warren Anderson escorted in an Indian state government vehicle for safe departure from the Indian shores upon being released on bail after his arrest in December 7, 1984.
Mr. Anderson noted as the “chief defendant” in the trial from the beginning was excluded in the recent hearing outcome.
Later, “the arrest warrant issued on July 31, 2009 by the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Prakash Mohan Tiwari, Bhopal, India rendered ineffective due to the U.S. declining the extradition treaty, citing a lack of evidence.”
It bears resemblance to the 9/11 tragedy when the terror mastermind, Osama Bin Laden’s family were reportedly allowed secure passage from the United States in 2001.
The dangers of politics and prejudice playing dominant role in the judicial system, often deprives the innocent from obtaining justice even in the democratic society.
Such obstruction of justice through political influence and camouflage from the top bottom makes a mockery of the judicial system in a democracy.
It’s increasingly prevalent in the trials that could potentially expose the authorities in bad light.
No political system is an exception to the concept.
Besides, the news corps media being the primary voice for democracy have a journalistic responsibility to decipher the intricacies behind the funds exchange between Union Carbide USA and the Indian government that received the disclosed $470 million compensation with or without any stipulation.
Although, the monetary compensation is not proportionate to the suffering and damages sustained by the victims,
It’s still important to ascertain the amount actually received (if any) by the affected individuals in the prolonged dispute and address the status quo adequately.
Setting the political priorities aside, the dire situation beckons the Indian and the U.S. entities to view the Bhopal victims’ plight as a humanitarian calamity and exemplify requiring transnational corporations to adhere to universal environmental and ethical standards in the globalization era.
Justice denied to the innocent is Justice betrayed. For actions and decisions by all are judged accordingly.
Bhopal victims deserve better considering the long ordeal endured by them.
Providing medical assistance, toxin free living conditions with continuous monitoring to eliminate the persisting health hazards are the minimal needs for survival.
Enforcing strict industrial safety codes and regulations would protect workers from serious occupational injuries.
In addition, imposing liability on the corporations regardless of statehood for human and environmental harm is necessary to prevent negligence and evading financial obligation.
Whether it is Bhopal, India or the Gulf Coast in the United States, the communities pay the price in the deadly chemical release and oil gusher.
Perhaps, the bilateral solution to the problem rests with the Indian and U.S authorities to do right by shifting the burden of proof from the victims to those connected to the horrendous casualty in the Bhopal gas explosion.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
An Invitation to Experience the Dilemma
March 25, 2010
By Padmini Arhant,
Dear America and the Rest of the World,
I stated my desire to be ‘A-Political’ by not being affiliated to any political party and continue to pursue the peace and environmental goals. Subsequently, there has been flurry of attacks and disparaging remarks mounted by those whom I have supported up until now.
I can understand such position from the quarters dedicated to unsubstantiated allegations.
However, the political power and the ‘public funded’ networks using my donations to attack my decision with the former being fully aware of their doing and the latter without any facts beckons scrutiny.
It’s in human nature to jump into conclusions on matters with false information. They usually target individuals challenging the power to prioritize people over personal and special interest.
The victims become a ‘fair game’ for the authorities and sadly the “public funded” networks searching for scapegoats.
Unfortunately, the trend thus far has been – glorify privately but vilify publicly.
Alternatively, use them when it’s convenient and trash them upon finding their position a nuisance to the power and others following the norm.
I had always maintained that my contribution is focused towards humanitarian and environmental issues, in the United States and around the world.
In fact, it was suggested in their nuance. It was published recently in the local newspaper and I present that segment again.
“A potential source of his problems is the conflict presented by Campbell’s two chosen career paths.
He has spent his career advocating for civil liberties and academic freedom as a law professor while also trying to get ahead in the cutthroat arena of politics. But defending the rights of unpopular individuals is turning out to be poor politics.”
At another instance, it was advocated through their newly found hired networks that Church and State should remain separate and I concur with that philosophy, and repeatedly reinforced the message on my life purpose to fulfill obligations towards humanity without hindering or endangering anyone’s political or personal status.
Hence, the authorities ought to explain the inconsistency and indecisiveness on their part going back to the political campaign in 2008.
Further, I expressed my intention to exercise the first amendment right granted to every individual in a ‘free society.’ in the material presentation based on evidence and not a concocted theory.
Again, I’m not interested in the popularity contest, even though it’s been misconstrued in the manner that deemed fit among the faultfinders.
There was an accusation about my attachment to ‘polls’ during the reference to a ‘friendly advice,’ and it would aptly apply to political figures concerned about their term in office and the re-election prospects, not the peace activists.
On the one hand, I’m being characterized as ‘delusional, a pervert, an underground media prankster, egotistical, self-important with contradictory lifestyle, a bitter and angry mobster’… to say the least.
Interestingly, while on the other, the assailants know where to contact me for donations, in spite of the falsely accused ‘underground’ branding.
Yet, they relentlessly insist that I promote their agenda as predicted during the Presidential campaign –
“Empower some and enslave the targeted ones.”
Somehow, one tends to forget that while finger pointing, it’s essential to pay attention to the remaining fingers directed towards them, especially in the presence of suppressed public evidence.
Seeking flaws in others will eventually lead to none other than them upon soul searching.
That why, it’s important to look within and they’ll find themselves.
Besides, as stated earlier negative emotions hurt the ones harboring more than the ones it’s aimed at.
Their targets are not allowed to have principles and must work according to the state’s preference – i.e. embellish or exaggerate policies and records sometimes to the detriment of democratic values.
When I discuss the real life experience, it’s attributed to ‘presumptuousness.’ On the contrary, the similar citation by them and the authorities in power is admired as ‘family values.’
The irony being, the same ‘public funded’ cable networks considering themselves above the fray from the mainstream counterpart have adapted to the malpractice for unexplained reasons and preoccupied in mudslinging literally at my expense rather than engaging the political power by asking the tough questions on the approved and pending legislations.
Notwithstanding, the highlighted hypocrisy in the obsession against their target.
For instance, the health insurance reform was passed with political wrangling and arm twisting tactics. It was well known from the beginning that the Republican opposition would not yield to any concessions.
More poignantly, the last minute appeasement to attract the ‘anti-abortionist’ votes within the Democratic Party was done with the ‘Executive Order’ explicitly denying the federal funding for the women’s health rights.
There was none including the networks claiming to be the ‘voice for democracy’ dare to ask the authorities –
Why couldn’t they use the same ‘executive order,’ granting ‘Universal Medicare for all’ or include a robust ‘Public Option’ to make the reform truly meaningful?
Not surprisingly, upon signing the legislation, the insurance stocks skyrocketed in the absence of neither.
When there has been precedence set before with the former President Lyndon B. Johnson legislating “Medicare” for senior citizens reportedly analogous to ‘as simple as turning on the light switch’ by declaring, “Medicare begins tomorrow,”
Why didn’t the democrats move forward with a bold action, when the event concluded without a single republican vote?
Why is the law completely effective only in 2014, two years after the ‘possible’ second term of the incumbent administration?
Why not in the year 2010 or even 2011? –
To this, The White House responded that it would take four years to implement the massive overhaul.
Then in that case,
Why didn’t the authorities pursue the easier option by mandating the existing and established Medicare for all?
Regardless of the political ideology, contemporary politics revolves around personal political security on legislative and international matter.
From health insurance reform, 9/11 terrorists trials to the Israel-Palestinian conflicts, policies are carefully weighed in terms of electoral consequences and politically ‘safe’ strategy against,
‘Taking the political risk or laying down the reputation by doing what is right for the nation and humanity.’
As for the alleged ‘delusional’ predicament, I was approached and asked to be a volunteer since January 2008, Presidential election and up until now.
Although there were assumptions that, I was on the White House payroll and receiving payments from the Democratic Party, the truth of the matter being it was a ‘full time’ volunteer service all along.
It was truly an honor to be able to participate in the historic election and work alongside millions of volunteers in the political process.
Meanwhile, I also share the common plight of any average citizen trying to raise a family, generate an income to survive and provide for my children’s future, particularly their educational expenses.
The last three days while the incendiary attacks were carried out against me, I was attending to my sick child and busy meeting with family commitments, since I do not have an extended family support.
Therefore, I apologize for not updating on the developments leading to the unnecessary confusion.
I remain committed in my service to the nation and the people struggling to find a voice in the privatized political system without compromising on ethics and personal values.
Finally, I extend an invitation to experience the dilemma prior to passing judgments against anyone sincerely devoted to seeing the world, a better place for all.
Your understanding and cooperation is deeply appreciated.
I sign off with love and peace to all.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant