Peace and Freedom to Tibet
October 15, 2009
Attention: Mr. Richard Gere
Chairman of the Board of Directors
International Campaign for Tibet
Dear Mr. Richard Gere,
I acknowledge your kind invitation to join you and millions of voices around the world in the Freedom Campaign for Tibet. I admire the passion, determination and zeal exhibited by the supporters towards the noble cause.
I share your concerns and views regarding the human rights abuse, violation and suppression of democracy in Tibet. Having been a resident of New Delhi, India, I’m all too familiar with the plight of the Tibetan population fleeing their homeland from persecution and unspeakable crime against humanity.
In fact, my website dedicated exclusively to bring about the real “Change” comprising peace, liberty and civil rights… long overdue not just in Tibet but the entire world.
Perhaps, a tall order!, I’m genuinely optimistic and committed in Dharma, Truth and Justice prevailing over the contrary. Even though, his holiness Dalai Lama in honor of the peaceful Buddhist religion is conciliatory to autonomy as a concession to liberate his people from the burgeoning tyranny worsening by the hour, my mission is to join forces with campaign such as yours and deliver complete freedom and independence for Tibet.
It doesn’t fall short of ensuring the safe return of his holiness Dalai Lama to his free and liberated homeland in the immediate future, that I believe to be his holiness’ silent prayer.
Rest assured, Peace and Freedom to Tibet is no longer a dream but an inevitable reality.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Darfur Plea for USA from UNHCR
October 15, 2009
Meryl Streep – Hollywood
Washington DC 20077-7282
Dear Meryl Streep,
I appreciate your humanitarian concerns with respect to Darfur crisis.
Unfortunately, the widespread human atrocities not confined to a specific demography despite the world progress in other aspects.
Darfur is the worst humanitarian crime in the twenty first century and soon nearing a decade for the genocide. Yet, the most influential authorities like the United States, the European Union, the emerging economic powers and the United Nations continue to witness the heinous act instead of terminating it once and for all.
Although, the humanitarian relief is commendable, the poignant issue is the reluctance and the lack of action from the United Nations Security Council and the other affluent democracies in Europe and North America.
The irony is, the massive financial aid sought to address the refugee situation and other abuses common during such massacres, when the UN Security Council members are responsible for the onslaught of the innocent civilians with some through abstinence while the others particularly China as the confirmed arsenal supplier to the perpetrators.
It’s rather strange that the private philanthropists are the only hope for the victims with no solid support or specific action from the democratic leaderships to end the nearly decade long human tragedy.
In light of the general viewpoint, the USA for UNHCR should seek the international intervention in terminating the weaponry supply from China and elsewhere and introduce a tough criminal code barring nations prioritizing personal economic needs such as oil or profit over the people in every war zone.
Unless and until the conventional arsenal delivery completely eliminated to these impoverished regions, no amount of fund raising can perpetually care for the civilians fleeing the hostile environment.
I’ll do whatever is humanly possible to create the worldwide movement for the purpose of bringing peace and normalcy in Darfur and other conflict zones. At the same time, it’s equally important to hold the real powerful entities accountable and bring them to justice. Perhaps as citizens, we could make this happen.
Your request for any affordable donation enclosed for the cause.
I admire your talent and significant contribution to the motion pictures industry.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Nobel Prize 2009
October 9, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
Nobel Peace Prize
Dear Mr. President,
Heartfelt Congratulations! On this noble honor to you and our nation.
I hope that the nuclear free, peaceful world is a possibility in the near future.
Best Wishes and Good Luck to you in all your peaceful endeavors.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Nobel Prize on Literature
Congratulations! To the winner in literature – Herta Mueller in recognition of the recipient’s plight in the twentieth century communist era.
Every human being deserves freedom and a dignified life on earth.
Perhaps, the twenty first century has hope for democracy in the nations deprived of basic human rights.
The winner is a proud native of Romania and the citizen of Germany.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Nobel Prize in Physics
The United States honored with the Nobel Prize in Physics awarded for the remarkable progress in information technology through fiber optics and digital photography.
The extraordinary innovation has enhanced the modern life in multitasking, a choice for some while mandatory for others.
Congratulations! to the American scientists with multiple citizenships – Charles K. Kao, a native of China, British and U.S. citizen and the Bell Labs researchers – Willard Boyle a Canadian and a U.S. citizen and George, Smith a U.S. citizen.
Rightfully, the accolades shared by the native countries as well.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Once again, molecular biology is a huge hit this year with the emphasis on the processing of DNA information in the living matter.
Congratulations! to DR. Thomas Steitz, a U.S. citizen, DR. Ada Yonath, a citizen of Israel and DR. Venkataraman Ramakrishnan, a U.S. citizen as well as a native of Tamilnadu, India.
Their excellent work is worthy of recognition and a proven benefit to millions of lives as according to the reports “their research on ribosomes used to develop antibiotics,” a phenomenal contribution.
The joy and pride equally belong to the United States and the recipients’ country of origin.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Events of the Day
October 6, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
Congratulations! to the Nobel Prize winners – UCSF Professor Elizabeth Blackburn, Professor Carol Greider, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore and Jack Szostak, Genetics Professor at Harvard University for their outstanding research in Cell Biology.
United States maintains the pioneer status in the innovative fields of medicine and technology with the coveted prize. It’s yet another glorious honor for the recipients and the nation as the research findings will be enormously beneficial in prolonging life from the leading causes of death i.e. cardiovascular, cancer and other terminal illnesses.
This is a cause for celebration for both the United States and Australia as Professor Elizabeth Blackburn is a proud dual citizen of these two nations.
Great work of this nature must continue to benefit humanity.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
His Holiness Dalai Lama’s Visit to The United States
It’s a great honor and privilege to have His Holiness Dalai Lama visit the United States.
The Holiness visit always brings peace, joy and hope to all.
More on his holiness’ visit presented shortly.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Gandhi Jayanti – October 2nd, Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday
October 2, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
India blessed on the October 2, 1869, with the birth of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, later became ‘The Champion of Peace and the Non-Violence Icon’ for his country and the entire world.
The righteous world leader was a saint rather than a politician. Gandhiji, a reference made in reverence, practiced what he preached to the world – a rare trait and indeed a misnomer in the contemporary politics.
Gandhiji’s presence was timely and poignant in the world that was subject to slavery, holocaust, colonizations and fascism all around. With hopelessness and despair at its peak, the frail yet feisty individual emerged to challenge the odds and beat it on his terms and they were –
War is not in the solution to peace and Violence is not the pathway to justice.
The leader’s ingrained principle and iron-will to lead the world with the unthinkable virtues is the hallmark of the twentieth century politics. The opposing factions regarded Gandhiji’s philosophy as ‘naïve’ and perhaps a far-fetched dream signifying the ignorance riddled environment.
Nevertheless, history is testimony to the leadership’s ingenuity that brought freedom to his beloved country India and paved the path for many other leaders like DR. Martin Luther King Jr., DR. Nelson Mandela…to prevail in the liberty and civil rights mission through his signature policy of ‘peace and non-violence.’
Gandhiji not only won the hearts and minds of his supporters, the leader eventually gained the due respect among his critics and the opposed imperial power as well.
Such magnificent feat by a leader, yet eternally humble and modest enhanced with simplicity as the motto of his life. Gandhiji referred to the people across the globe as ‘God’s children’ and vehemently believed in the power of Universal Love and Peace.
In fact, Ahimsa, which means Non-violence, is a cornerstone of Gandhiji’s freedom movement that led to the ceremonial victory for the nation occupied by the then British Empire for over two hundred years.
The leader dearly loved the world by embracing his fellow citizens as the beautiful flowers from the Eden Garden. Although, Gandhiji expressed grievances against those inflicting immense pain and atrocity, somehow there was never any acrimony towards another human being in his lifetime.
In return, the global community showered genuine praise, love and glorified the leader by honoring him with the unique title of ‘Mahatma Gandhi’, the Superior Soul, which he truly was and remained even after his sad assassination on January 30, 1948. While battling with his life, Gandhiji pleaded with the world to forgive his assassin by referring to the offender as the ‘misguided soul.’
Mahatma Gandhi was also a sworn environmentalist and loved nature as ‘God’s best gift’ to mankind. Gandhiji famously remarked that ‘a nation’s progress should be evaluated on how they treat all living species i.e. plants, animals and humans alike,’ and not on material status.
Mahatma Gandhi legacy is the ideal paradigm for humanity enduring oppression, prejudice and unspeakable crime in the ‘so-called’ modern society.
Mahatma Gandhi is the light of the world, eclipsed in darkness from illusion and ideology.
A great tribute to Mahatma Gandhi essentially the world at large will be the perseverance of peace and non-violence to resolve the present and any future crisis.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Remembering the Victims of the September 11, 2001 Tragedy
September 11, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
Please standby for the tribute to the brave citizens, the victims of the catastrophic event that changed the world economy and international security. Also remembering the fire fighters and humanitarian workers, the real heroes selflessly offered their life during the rescue operations on the mournful date.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Expansion of Jewish Settlements’ Impact on Mid-East Peace Process
September 9, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
Israeli authorities’ determination to expand Jewish Settlements in Palestinian West Bank along the borders and on the private Palestinian land as well as the colonization of East Jerusalem is provocative. Besides, it is reflective of the Likud Party hard line policy to disregard the universally applicable International treaty on territorial issues and the will of the Israeli democracy for a viable two state solution necessary to end the half-a-century old conflict.
Despite call from President Obama to cease settlements and the international condemnation of the illegal occupation of Palestinian land, under the guise of ‘Israeli security,’ the Israeli coalition government continues with the settlements in a business as usual gesture thumbing their strongest ally, the United States and antagonizing the tolerant international community.
Israeli Palestinian issue has had numerous international interventions with the United States in the active and passive role depending on the administrations in the White House, other than the Oslo proposal to resolve the contentious burgeoning crisis that has consumed several thousand innocent Palestinian and Israeli lives under varied leaderships from both sides.
The world has been tirelessly urging the leaderships to halt the belligerent ‘settlement expansion’ on the Israeli part and the incendiary barrage against Israel by the divided Palestinian governments, but to no avail. It is obvious to the rest of the world that neither authority is seriously committed towards emancipating their population and restore the respective lands within the confines of the clearly demarcated boundaries free of turmoil.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has a unique opportunity to demonstrate to the international community with whom Israel must co-exist as a democratic nation that his administration will prioritize peace over eternal battle with the neighbor Palestine. Now is the time for the Prime Minister to transform the pledge into action with a complete and not a partial freeze of Israeli settlements on the Palestinian land.
When the leadership is subject to test on the political front, the leader’s character revealed based on the decision whether or not to compromise national interest for personal survival in the aggressive political environment.
The interim minority might exalt the leadership acquiescing due to political pressure within. However, the long term world view on the missed occasion is noted in the reference to the authority as a ‘sheer politician’ and not a leader, a rare moment in life to deliver for humanitarian cause that ultimately matters in any sense.
All past wrongdoings inadvertently or otherwise easily reversed with one major accomplishment in the common goal for long lasting peace and security to benefit the Israeli and the Palestinian population.
The people on both sides deserve an atmosphere that is conducive for normal existence, only possible with the mutual recognition of similar rights comprising a settlement free and independent Palestine alongside Israel acknowledged as a sovereign state by all governing parties in Palestine.
Israeli leaderships’ credibility relies on the settlement abandonment in compliance of the International law and respect for the fellow human beings, the neighbor – the long-suffering Palestinian women, children and youth, who have waited over five decades for a place, they could call ‘home.’ It cannot happen sometime in the near future because the future is now and any further delay would be an affirmation of the Israeli occupation that would no longer fly under the security threat banner.
The forces behind such illegal occupation and invasion regardless of domicile share the consequences for an outrageous crime against humanity. Justifiably, the patience is wearing out even among the international allies and reliable intermediaries such as Jordan and Egypt in the Middle East.
It is incumbent on the Israeli government to contribute to peace and set precedence in the monumental challenge against global terrorism by voluntarily leaving the Palestinian land and granting the Palestinians their human right to freedom and life without the check posts and tunnels to move around their own state.
As for the Palestinian authorities – it is essential for Gaza and West Bank governments to display solidarity and work together in promoting peace between them and their neighbor Israel. Above all, the ruling factions, the FATAH and HAMAS should relinquish any plotting, verbal assaults and distortions against Israel, as it would unnecessarily jeopardize the peace and settlement evacuation deal.
Israeli settlers must unequivocally vacate the housing complexes built with the Israeli local and federal governments’ approval anywhere near or along the Palestinian private land. Any procrastination or evasion on the repatriation is unacceptable.
The consensus is if it was possible to allow the influx of settlers on foreign soil, the similar strategy should apply in receiving the exodus from the foreign land, as the authorities in Jerusalem should have realized that the rest of the world would no longer remain silent spectators to the oppression and persecution of the Palestinian population. It must end now to expedite the establishment of the two states with East Jerusalem rightfully allocated to Palestine as the state capital.
It is important to understand that in the Israeli settlers’ case, they are neither political nor economic refugees but unfortunately, they are the active and willful participants in the government sponsored housing program directly in violation of the international law.
No law-abiding citizens in any part of the world would agree to a stranger across the territory to encroach on their property line leave alone build an extension or a two story home of the residence they are currently residing in.
Failure to cooperate on the settlement issue will leave the settlers with ‘illegal’ status and deprive them of any citizen rights and legitimately regarded as the occupants with unauthorized entry. Therefore, forging identical immigration laws enforced in Western democracies against inappropriate or forced arrivals, often leading to deportations would be in accordance with the international migration law.
The peace accord should reflect that clause as a deterrence to prevent the status quo in the future.
Israeli settlements have attracted worldwide criticism across the spectrum of the many humanitarian groups including the Americans for Peace Now founded by the esteemed Professor Mark Rosenblum, History Professor and Director of the Jewish Studies Program, Queens College and within Israel – Shalom Achshav, the Israeli counterpart of the along with,
Columnist Ari Shavit wrote in Israeli daily Haaretz echoing similar sentiments –
“Figures provided by Peace Now show that 80 of the 100 outposts in the West Bank were built wholly or partly on private Palestinian land. Sixteen outposts are located entirely on private land, and more than half of the other outposts are on private land. This has to cause outrage.”
Ignoring international plea by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would exacerbate the thinning global support. Also, possibly accelerate the worldwide movement and resolve to free nations under foreign occupation, until the impending United Nations Security Council reconfiguration.
In conclusion, Israel and Palestine have lost a generation in the senseless violence and on-going dispute that could leave the economies without taxpayers to support the system – the baby boomers, soon to be the retirees for Israel and the desolate Palestinian youth population fallen victims to the political quagmire that has seen only despair and hopelessness as their future.
Not anymore, the people of Israel and Palestine must come together and urge their governments to disavow hatred and religious discord to enable the children and the younger generation, the torchbearers of a new peaceful legacy live in harmony alongside each other.
With the commencement of the ‘Holy Ramadan’ for the people of Islamic faith in Palestine and around the world, to be followed by the Jewish New Year for the fellow citizens of Jewish faith in Israel and elsewhere, the dawn of peace is on the horizon bringing joy and prosperity in abundance.
Ramaḍān Karīm رمضان كريم – Arabic for “Blessed Ramadan” and Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה, for the approaching “Jewish New Year.”
Thank you
Padmini Arhant
People’s Republic of China – The Deadly Dragon
August 13, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
Profile – The world’s most populous nation, hailed the emerging economic power presumably in control of the U.S. Treasury and the EU Exchequer, world’s third largest country by total area and the second largest by … ranges forming China’s borders with India and Central Asia.
As the longest thriving Communist power, the totalitarian government embraced Capitalism parallel to its political setting with absolute control on policies directly contradictory to the free market system in the rest of the world.
Politically a Communist and economically a Capitalist nation, China is also a venerable member of the United Nations Security Council for reasons unfitting during the most important U.N. Structural formation post World War II. This has resulted in the excessive use of veto power by the authoritarian rule against all things humane and universally beneficial.
The Communist nation denounced as the fascist government in the new millennium by its enormous population, oppressed, repressed and deprived of basic human rights particularly the freedom of speech and the ominous communication censorship.
Tiananmen Square killings is a stark reminder to the global community that when a nation do not hesitate to murder scores of its unarmed civilians in worldview, it can never be taken for granted in the safe treatment of its neighbors. Case evidenced in the invasion and butchering of innocent Tibetan monks, men, women and children and the interference in neighboring Nepal’s politics by thrusting ‘Communism,’ on the entire ‘Hindu’ population unfamiliar with the concept until China’s arrival.
Just recently, the twentieth anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre observed solemnly and cautiously not on Chinese soil but elsewhere in an effort not to rock the ‘tug boat’ upheld as the Titanic due to the illusionary overcast in the perception among the world operatives.
The world must pay attention and act swiftly on the dragon nation’s role in the geo-political, economic, social, cultural and environmental issues.
In the economic front, the Communist regime gained advantage in the latter part of the twentieth century predominantly because of the pervasive economic boom in the United States and across the world with a sharp escalation in demands on a wide spectrum of consumer goods.
China wasted no time and seized the opportunity to strengthen the supplier status as the world’s largest ‘manufacturing warehouse’ sparing no consumer articles. In addition, China single handedly wiped out the prospects of any viable competition in the global economy with the ‘bargain’ deals as a tool… in attracting big and small manufacturers around the world.
Most businesses neglected their own workforce for the Communist governed rigid market. While others ignored poor and developing nations despite, their flexibility to the free market factors.
The surge in demands during the nineties from the U.S. and global prosperity prompted the secretive and secluded Chinese political system to break away from the economic protectionism and adopt a customized capitalism within the confines of Communism.
It’s essential to note the ironies in the treatment of Communist countries by the Western governments, i.e. the United States and Europe.
The ideal example is the Latin neighbor across the Caribbean, a long time foe of the United States, the ‘Communist’ Cuba that led to the nerve racking Cuban Missile Crisis, shortly halting the world on the possible confrontation between the nuclear Super Powers, the United States and the former Soviet Union.
Cuba has been isolated for decades and now there appears to be a glimpse of hope in the relationship between the United States and the Cuban authority, attributable to President Obama’s diplomacy message. The economic sanctions and travel restrictions (recently eased by President Obama) against Cuba on the charges of human rights violation and non-democratic power only punished the long-suffering Cuban population rather than achieving the intended goal to remove the ‘Communist’ power.
On the Contrary, the Communist China with no respect for international or humanitarian law crowned the world leader and perpetually granted MFN (Most Favored Nation) status along with premium membership in WTO (World Trade Organization)…
Such rewards speak volume about the hypocrisy in the Western foreign policy, not to mention the lack of courage in clipping the wings of the scavenger bird…inadvertently allowing the Communist nation’s dominance in the world economy and political sphere to the detriment of regional and global peace and security.
Why should the global population awaken to the Communist China’s Supremacy?
Apart from history related to foot binding and gleefully dispensing lives to build the landmark -‘Great Wall of China.’ the Chinese regime’s atrocities and recalcitrant conduct in dealing with the free market investors and entrepreneurs deserve scrutiny.
As stated above, China has artfully manipulated their currency to weaken the U.S. dollar and the investment in U.S. Treasury Notes is an insurance to bind the United States financially making it symbolic with the free and democratic USA indebted to a repressive Chinese regime. The scenario enabling the unruly government to relentlessly engage in arms supply to the impoverished regions of the world such as Darfur, Sudan, Congo, Rwanda, Sri Lanka and others.
Chinese aggressive takeover of the mass production of consumer goods has killed NAFTA, CAFTA… and responsible for countries like Mexico embroiled in war against the Drug Cartels emerging from poverty, despair and hopelessness, notwithstanding the other poorest nations unable to compete with China in winning the favorable trading status or luring manufacturing investments in their respective countries. Simply put, the Chinese over-indulgence negated chances for poorer nations in exporting goods to the consumer buoyant U.S. market.
With respect to trade and commerce, China’s latest ban on world-renowned ‘Google’ search engine on the bizarre pretext of protecting its population from pornography is an ill-conceived hogwash with nothing to rest on. Likewise, in the software saga – the mandatory requirement for all PC’s to contain built-in software in compliance with the regime’s prohibition of the free expression in the modern technological age is the direct imposition of Communist rule of law – “My way or High Way.”
Further, China is unique in the intellectual property warfare by leading the amateurs in the piracy, forging the patent right and the copyright of products and services especially with the ones manufactured in the USA.
Again, if it’s rampant in the publishing field, it’s potent in the music industry with the downloading of music and DVDs, endless supply of unauthorized imitations/copies of Hollywood movies prior to the legal distribution in the world market…
China’s monopoly in the cyberspace by preventing free market competition in accessing the expansive market share of the Chinese users aptly qualifies for the ‘big bully’ title.
It’s unwillingness to cooperate with France on the recommendation to hold overseas Corporations accountable for tax evasion through tax havens is a testimony to the regime’s lack of integrity.
International Sports like Beijing Olympics – China’s strategy to stomp USA by any means – hook or crook duly reported in the accidental slip of the Chinese on-line media and the vigilant international press. It has a specific reference to the cruel detainment of young Chinese athletes trained for ‘Gymnastics’ in the extreme and strenuous conditions against the International Olympic guidelines safeguarding the athletes’ interests.
In the scientific arena, the organ extortion for transplants and experiment turned a blind eye by the Communist authority, otherwise a stickler for rules and regulations enforced against normal existence.
Social Protocol – China’s population control measure involving one child policy triggered infanticide and alarming number of orphans especially female children in the appalling orphanages pleading the authorities to care for them.
Weapons of Mass Destruction – Easily delivered through food and various consumer products as experienced in the toxic toothpaste and lead based children’s toys, not excluding the leaking battery cells in laptop computers causing explosion in some incidents – from items manufactured in China.
Environment is oxymoron to the world’s largest polluter investing in gusto on fossil fuel from Australia and refusing to commit to greenhouse gas reduction by limiting carbon emission.
Similarly, an utter disregard for life in general, human trafficking is a normal activity and a huge lucrative trade carried out in a smooth operation with the knowledge of the regime within, along the borders and outside China by the undesirable elements normally serving time in prison in the lawful regions.
China’s footprints are traceable in almost every civil war and ethnic cleansing across the globe, being the voracious supplier of deadly and dangerous weapons. The military industrial complex thrives with the active purveyor like China.
China is guilty of genocide in Darfur, Sri Lankan ethnic cleansing, and most poignantly invasion, occupation and systemic violation of the peaceful and pious Tibetan population and culture.
Chinese Communist regime is the avant- guard and a substantial aid to militant North Korea, Burma, Sudan, Iran to name a few. It doesn’t fall behind in being a staunch ally to Pakistan in instigating and stirring tension with its nuclear neighbor India.
China’s role in the U.N. Security Council thus far is, remaining a vehement opponent of effective action against North Korea, Burma, Iran and dictatorships around the world.
What is the deadly dragon up to now in the region?
China’s insatiable appetite revealed in the most shocking and astonishing developments that would engulf the entire world if not intervened immediately.
The Chinese Communist regime invaded and destroyed the tranquility of the rich Tibetan culture and the peace loving Tibetan Buddhists, followed by the successful influence of ‘Communism’ on the ‘Hindu’ nation, Nepal. All of this happened on the international watch.
At present, the regime is in full preparation to take the world by storm with the aggressive invasion of the world’s largest democracy and the unfortunate closest neighbor, India.
Yes, you heard it right.
China has been active and infiltrating into the north and north eastern borders of India for quite some time and now the emboldened regime with the political and economic clout considers the moment ripe to devour the democratic, secular and nuclear India.
The Communist regime has mobilized the vast army through bullet trains and high speed transportations and solidly planning to surround the Indian borders on all sides. It’s just a matter of time.
Lately, the Chinese Think Tank, China International Institute for Strategic Studies (WWW.CIISS.ORG) masterminded a plan for the authoritarian rule and made the following proposal.
According to the plan, the regime advised to split India into 30 segments as India has 28 states and 7 union territories. Chinese regime asked to approach the vulnerable small and big nations such as Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan in the North and Bangladesh in the North East to assist in disintegrating India like Europe and the former Soviet Union.
The plan is to divide India on ethnic and religious diversity by having each neighbor assigned with a specific task aided by the totalitarian China.
The think tank detailed the devious operation beginning from North India, Kashmir aptly assigned to nuclear Pakistan, West Bengal in the eastern border to Bangladesh because of similar ethnicity, create separatist movement in Tamil Nadu, Southern India and force India to concede to the fragmentation of itself.
China’s behavior doesn’t come as a surprise. China betrayed India soon after the long fought independence from the British Empire. China ambushed India in the most cowardly manner.
The Western-educated and political savvy, First Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru extended India’s friendship hand only to be bitten harshly by the Communist leadership in China, Zhou Enlai also known as Chou En-lai and the prominent Mao Zedong.
What should India do to thwart the aggression from the predator China?
Firstly, India must launch an aggressive campaign educating and addressing the rural and disenchanted mass in the local languages and dialects about China’s dubious plan. The Congress government and party must simultaneously resolve the pressing issues of the local population to build the necessary confidence and trust towards the government and the agencies.
India’s rescue from the monster attack depends on every citizen regardless of background, standing up to unite the nation and promote solidarity by rejecting the Chinese orchestrated propaganda targeting the weak and the gullible populace.
It’s truly a testing time for every Indian to display their patriotism and reach out to those who are confused and disoriented about the great future of the world’s largest democracy.
Remember the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi’s words – No matter what, India is a secular nation and will remain so now and in the future. It is the duty of the brave and smart citizens of India to demonstrate resolve against the foreign infiltration, and keep India unified at all costs.
Remind your fellow Indian citizens that irrespective of race, religion, skin color and socio-economic status, they are children of God. Everyone must come together as a national force and not a regional threat against one another falling into the enemy’s booby trap.
Bollywood could play a significant role through documentary or commercial films on the national unity theme. Don’t fail to include the footage of Tiananmen Square and present the realities of split Europe then and the unified Europe now through European Union. Also, provide the horrible images of the persecution of Tibetans, in the Tibet occupied by China and the plight of the ethnic Muslim population in the Chinese province.
Message for the regional neighbors – Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan:
The message replicated for the governments and the people of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal not to commit the blunder of aiding and abetting with the Communist regime in China that disregarded and disinherited its own people in the past and present. In fact, it would be foolhardy for the neighbors to set fire to the common habitat.
The government and the people of Bangladesh should not believe in the Communist rumors against Indian regional politics and refrain from becoming part of the political quagmire in the region.
Relevantly, Bangladesh will not be a free nation today, if not for the sacrifice of the Indian blood in the 1971 war against Pakistan to liberate the formerly known East Pakistan, that later became Bangladesh.
As for Bhutan and Nepal, heeding to the advice of the brutal Chinese regime to stir tensions or an uprising against India will be a political suicide and sure to backfire sooner than later resembling the fate of oppressed Tibet by China.
Pakistan as a mature nation should well understand that every action has equal and opposite reaction. The Communist China might project India as the vitriolic rival; however, the Chinese authority’s regional ambition should not be underestimated.
Any assistance by Pakistan to China in destabilizing India would be analogous to the naïve adolescent riding on the crocodile/alligator’s back to get across the river banks, only to become the scrumptious feast for the ever hungry marsh land creature.
The people of Indian Kashmir experiencing the freedom, peace, political and economic stability on the Indian side should not fall for misguided tales and lies through agents of the Chinese regime. Kashmiris should take a hard look at the Pakistan riddled with the militants occupation, terrorist camps and eternal chaos of suicide bombings, explosions contributing widespread fear among the Pakistani population about their security and future…
People of Tamil Nadu and West Bengal acknowledged for their sharp intellect should unanimously shun the foreign sources hired to sabotage the Indian national interest and stay committed towards the national defense.
Warning to the mighty and presumptuous People’s Republic of China that has neither represented the people nor demonstrated as the republic:
Based on the adequately available evidence, the Chinese troops mobilization along the north and north eastern borders of India must be withdrawn effective immediately and unconditionally. China has no business lingering around and near the clearly demarcated Indian territories.
The CIISS think tank diabolical strategy to distract the Chinese population drowned in decades of misery as political prisoners and the onset of economic gloom following the short-lived cornucopia do not justify the vicious and treacherous plot against neighboring India doing no harm whatsoever to the Chinese regime or the people of China.
If the Communist regime accepts the so-called think tank proposal and acts upon it to camouflage the domestic problems of different kinds –frustration among pro-democracy youth, unrest, ethnic tension with the Muslim population, uncertain economy, growing unemployment…
It would lead to devastating Galactic response with a great deal of variation. Any nation on planet earth in possession of the vast armed forces and nuclear arsenal is not invincible and therefore such assumption is purely delusional.
China’s despot leadership comprising Premier Wen Jiabao and President Hu Jintao should not underestimate the prophetic call and proceed to the destination of peril with the troop amassment around India.
It is clear to the international community that the Chinese leadership involvement in Darfur genocide, abuse of Tibetan population and suppression of democracy movement in China…unequivocally a humanitarian crime of greater impact in modern times.
Hence, it would justify calling for the worldwide boycott of goods and services from China and withdrawal of investments in hybrid or exclusive Chinese holdings by citizens for global peace and democracy.
The reconfiguration of the U.N. Security Council delivered for a purpose and the United Nations expected to act in accordance with the new world order. Any slight of the information would render the United Nations incapacitated confirming the majority opinion on the U.N. validity.
Finally, China’s activities along the Indian borders is an invitation to a free fall from the economic cliff with serious ramifications and failure to heed to the call would be catastrophic, perhaps in the form of assorted natural disasters.
It’s time for the universe to recognize the devil in disguise behind the masqueraded deadly dragon.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Too Good to be True
August 2, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
Throughout history, human reaction to anything unknown, unfamiliar is to cast a shadow of doubt and skepticism reminiscent of “Jesus archetype.”
Human nature is to probe and draw conclusions based on the personal understanding or the lack thereof regardless of the consequences from such action. In the earlier days, it’s a collective effort usually orchestrated by a prominent individual or a group using affluence to influence the mass conception.
When a Jewish born shepherd descended upon earth to spread the message from the celestial supreme being on the birth of a new religion called Christianity adding diversity to the religious sphere, it created pandemonium across the social and religious helm.
The preacher then misconstrued as an impostor denied access to public discourse by the presumptuous lords on the earth holding themselves to the highest moral decorum later proven otherwise among many.
What’s the change between the ancient and modern times in the treatment of presumed paranormal events?
In the olden days, they crucified them and in the modern days they vilify them.
It’s important to relate to the contemporary moment and put the hysteria to rest.
When an individual contributes to public affairs as a citizen journalist through blog posts on sensitive topics, the content evaluated to suit one’s own belief, experience, ideology and personal discretions.
It applies to most publications with fewer exceptions.
Although, the recent battery of charges, innuendoes and insinuations are nothing new considering the dramatic 2008 Presidential campaign saga prompting behind the scenes scrutiny of the nuisance ‘blogger’ in the national political arena touted as an ‘unqualified’ and ‘illiterate’ foreigner, a possible liaison of undesirable elements…i.e.
Padmini Arhant, an American of Indian (India) origin, a Californian resident, the author, editor and publisher of the website The unquenchable quest for information on the force behind the voice continues until date.
The probable cause related to the absence of Western education particularly the elite institutions, publications (personal or ghost written) CEO of AIG, BEAR STEARNS, WORLD COM, ENRON synonymous… aside from personal characteristics like ethnicity, religion, language, gender and last but not the least detailing to the appearance of shape, size, no glitz or glamor.
Despite releasing the comprehensive personal profile for Universal view on the cyber space, the propaganda and malicious rumors with incendiary comments such as:
‘Why can’t the blogger preparing the political meal with a hot sauce step up and reveal thyself as the masked Zorro rather than a street thug with a truncheon” – The pleasantry from an overarching local beholding himself to the absolute form of transparency in the personal accusation of someone he is clueless about.
“The Corporate Bashing, Anti- Profit Martian and Communist” – Comment from a network specializing in divisive, polarizing demagoguery, otherwise desperate journalism – (Obviously, the compliment resulting from the ‘Corporate mismanagement of health care and economy’ enlightened on the cited website).
Here is a personal tip to the controversy. How about an alien from Mercury – Reference Greek Mythology?
Perhaps might provide a clue to the trivial pursuit.
Besides the flattery from the predictable irate representatives of the ‘so-called’ civil interests, the spotlight craving divas of politico domain with serious credibility issues had similar sentiments in the spirit of camaraderie.
One of them abandoning the electorate and quitting the national scene in breach of ethical laws not to mention the abuse of power berated ‘Hollywood’ with a special reference to a ‘tiny starlet’ implying the subject likely crawling instead of walking upright arousing further suspicion about the alleged alien pretending to be a homosapien.
Likewise, the other proclaimed to be liberal, suffering from distinctive syndrome parading cable and other major networks to promote the re-publishing of ghost written events refreshed with unattributed work from others, remarked about the current ‘ethnic minority’ phase apart from psychoanalyzing the blogger with a possible native accent and therefore not in the public eye. After being disappointed with the false prediction, the diva’s turnaround was the accent is perhaps ‘put on’ improvised, hence not authentic. In all likelihood, not an American.
In addition, the same entity did not fall short of providing the unauthorized blogger’s details on Google map through their official on-line publication political website as a revelation to the national and international community at large. Again linking without prior consent or knowledge. Further, the blogger’s campaign donation to Obama candidacy highlighted as a matter of concern during the election while ignoring the AIG executives’ personal donations to political campaigns listed on the
So much for responsible journalism!
The identity politics attack on new voices by the insecure selective media and certain press corps including the on-line publications as mentioned above, signify emulation arising from acute shortage of integrity and ethics.
In light of the ethno phobia environment, it’s poignant to flashback a historical political event involving the then reigning Colonial power of Great Britain and the previously agricultural India represented by the frail bespectacled, yet resilient individual named M.K.Gandhi
During the colonial occupation of India, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, Mr. Winston Churchill, often remembered by the present Western political figures in a positive frame of mind, constantly addressed the representative of the poor and the impoverished millions not only in the Indian soil but around the world, M.K.Gandhi as –
The “Half Naked Fakir” – the Urdu translation of Fakir is beggar.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was the “half naked beggar’ for the colonialists at that time. Since Gandhiji became the force to reckon with and a menace to the occupiers, he travelled to Britain not by ‘Air Force One’ equivalent, but instead sailed across the treacherous seas for weeks and months at a time. The mocked Indian was exemplary in the interpretation of the Colonial Power rule of law in their native language on their turf.
How did Great Britain receive Gandhiji?
Gandhiji frequently summoned and never seated by the over-lauded Winston Churchill, unabashedly denigrating the native of the occupied land as a ‘Half Naked Beggar.’
What a gargantuan army would not have attained, the iron-willed ‘half naked beggar’ eventually prevailed and achieved a monumental victory against the mighty Imperial power that came crumbling down and forced to quit India with the tail between their legs.
How did he do it?
As the pioneer of Peace and Non-violence, he grieved with the holocaust victims and at the same time bemoaned for the Palestinian rights and homeland. Gandhi as a true humanitarian brought the oppressive apartheid in South Africa to international focus and called for worldwide condemnation amidst Colonial era. He was the first international volunteer to picket against the Dutch Africans regime in South Africa.
Did he discriminate against the people of the Colonial nation, The Great Britain?
On the contrary, Gandhiji was instrumental in improving the conditions in terms of better wages for the ‘all white’ cotton mill workers in Manchester, England by threatening to boycott goods produced at the expense of the poor in England.
Gandhiji went on to become the inspiration and mentor for DR. Martin Luther King, Jr., and DR. Nelson Mandela committed towards freedom, equal rights and opportunities.
Gandhiji did not earn the title Mahatma (the superior soul, also the noble soul) for nothing.
Tragically, today some political figures, corporations, certain journalists, reporters in the press, media and airwaves propagate hatred; provoke thoughts aimed at the President of the United States as well as others selflessly dedicating their entire time towards national progress and humanitarian cause.
The present motto for even few established cable networks is –
Pandering to some by slandering others.
This article would be incomplete without stating the latest bizarre attempt to disparage the office of the Presidency by insisting that President Barack Obama is allegedly a foreigner confirmed through the clairvoyant’s crystal ball per the self-proclaimed prophets in the media posturing to speak nothing but the ‘Gospel’ Truth.
Unfortunately, these agents of divide and diminish policies suffer from selective amnesia as not long ago they were trying to amend the consitution to allow the Austrian born Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger as the Republican Presidential candidate in the foreseeable future. As if, it’s not enough that the State of California’s progress held hostage, they wanted enlarged nationally.
Surely, events change according to the political dynamics for the insular groups shackled within the prism of narrow mind.
Another phenomenal fact pertaining to a foreigner embraced worldwide specifically in the United States is Lord Jesus, born in Bethlehem, a Palestinian City in the central West Bank.
Lord Jesus neither born in the United States of America, nor ever visited the continent.
Nevertheless, millions throng to the holy sons’ place of worship.
I hope that there will not be a time when Jesus’ birth certificate demanded to approve the worship of the savior and the true son of God, here in the United States, since the Lord is the ruler of the kingdom.
Indeed, Too good to be True.
The epitome of discriminatory practices clearly a reflection among the segment unable to distinguish illusion from reality and constantly strive to prove truth as false and falsehood an embodiment of truth.
Too much emphasis on the perishable body and very little concentration on the immortal soul,
only if one can find it within.
Illusion stems from ignorance and ignorance feeds hypocrisy.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
(Author, Editor and Publisher of
Catalog of Past week Events
July 19, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
Honoring the News Media Legend – Walter Cronkite
The demise of America’s veteran newscaster/anchor and honorable Walter Cronkite created more vacuum in the news media as it did in the past year following the premature passing away of notable, honest and outspoken media host Tim Russert.
Indeed, times have changed with the world’s rapid progress in every imaginable field particularly the communications and mass media. Individuals’ performance varies according to their background and persona. Some captivate the listeners and viewers instantaneously with their unique charm and original style of presentation while others adapt to the contemporary environment.
Other characteristics like a sonorous voice as it was in the case of Mr. Cronkite, aids in the effective deliverance of important bulletins and national headlines. Nevertheless, the remarkable legacy entrenched with objectivity, clarity and conviction by the vanguard news media personalities like Walter Cronkite and Tim Russert is a national treasure for the present and the future newsmakers to cherish and follow through.
The national tribute to the contribution by Walter Cronkite is deserving and meaningful.
U.S. Surgeon General Nominee
President Barack Obama’s choice for the important Health Care portfolio and timely nomination of the U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Regina Benjamin is praiseworthy.
Dr. Benjamin’s impressive background in successfully dealing with life challenges is inspirational and commendable. The selfless dedication to community service by Dr. Benjamin is not only a highlight of this nomination but also speaks volume regarding human beings resolve to overcome tragedies and obstacles in life.
There is no ambivalence that Dr. Regina Benjamin is an excellent appointment for the pivotal administrative task amidst the revolutionary health care reform, a monumental milestone for the nation to achieve the targeted economic goals.
Jakarta Bombings – Indonesia
The terror attacks against the U.S. targets – The hotel groups, Marriott and the Ritz Carlton in Jakarta, Indonesia is a reminder for the international community to continue to remain alert and active in the mission to eradicate widespread terrorism around the world.
Terror groups and organizations relatively weakened but not deterred from the on-going plots and violence against the innocent lives. Whenever, terror strikes any domain treading on the path towards progress through peaceful and democratic means, the discomfort by the opponents of peace is forcefully visible.
It’s no coincidence that the terror attack followed the recent Indonesian Presidential election. It signifies the terror groups’ decision to disrupt the working democracy with the re-election of the popular Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono committed in the economic recovery and political stability of the largest Muslim nation in the world.
Indonesia, alas on the path to experiencing real freedom after the prolonged rule spanning over three decades by the authoritarian regime of the former President Suharto, natively known as Soeharto.
While the Suharto government hailed and remembered for the diverse Indonesian society’s economic growth and political stability, the brutal invasion and occupation of the vulnerable East Timor Island with the substantial support from the Western nations especially the United States eroded the hard-earned popularity of the President. Aside from the horrific history in East Timor, the overwhelming corruption charges leveled against the government finally led to the dismantling of the power.
Indonesia is on the right track in reclaiming the peace, progress and prosperity since the devastating natural disasters of 2004 Tsunami and the island’s perpetual exposure to the earth volatility in that part of the region.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant