National Health Care Day of Service
June 26, 2009
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 12:43 PM, First Lady Michelle Obama wrote:
Padmini —
National and community service has been a cornerstone of my life,
as I know it has been for many Americans. And with the daily struggles
now confronting so many families, it’s especially important for us to
reach out to one another and offer a helping hand.
I’ve just launched United We Serve, a national initiative to tackle our
toughest problems by working hand-in-hand in communities across the
country. We aim to make a real difference right now and bring more
and more Americans into a tradition of life-long service to make an
even greater difference down the road.
I’d like to invite you to be a part of it by joining Organizing for America’s
National Health Care Day of Service this weekend. You can join up with
other local OFA supporters to help improve health care services in your
community and make a difference as we work to reform America’s
health care system.
Sign up now to participate in a National Health Care Day of Service event this Saturday, June 27th.
There’s an old Thomas Edison quote I’ve always liked: “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” It’s no secret that our country faces some enormous challenges right now, and meeting them will take a lot of hard work. But in that work lies an equally great opportunity — a chance to serve. And I do believe the chance to serve is a precious gift indeed.
Service has played a transformative role in my life — bringing me tremendous joy and helping me find the path that led to where I am today. As a parent, I believe service is a great way to demonstrate values and to teach our children firsthand what it means to commit to a purpose beyond ourselves.
It should be a part of everyone’s life. From the moment someone can walk to the day they leave this planet, service should be a part of how we give back, how we say thank you, how we express our gratitude for the lives that we’ve been given.
So I’m deeply honored for this chance to support our United We Serve initiative and Organizing for America, and I hope you’ll be able to participate this weekend. Please sign up now to volunteer at a local event:
Thank you,
First Lady Michelle Obama
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 6:17 PM, Padmini Arhant wrote:
Dear Michelle,
National Health Care Day of Service organized through ‘United We Serve’ initiated by the Corporation for National and Community Service is indeed a great occasion for every American to get involved in raising awareness as well as being part of the solutions to the national crisis – the citizens’ health.
The concept – ‘Health is Wealth’ should not even be a debate leave alone a contentious issue on the Hill right now with the weak, fragile and the physically ailing population across the socio-economic strata desperately requiring healing to the prolonged pain and suffering endured by millions every hour.
Several compelling real experiences shared by thousands of affected citizens deserve action since the embattled health care proposal by President Obama brought to national attention for long overdue legislation.
I have no doubt that every caring American generally known for the generosity with their time and resources across the nation and abroad will respond to community service in any aspect regardless of political affiliations.
I wish the “United We Serve” success in the dedication to humanitarian service.
Thank you for the opportunity to be part of the worthy cause.
Best Wishes
Padmini Arhant
National Health Care Day of Service
June 26, 2009
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 12:43 PM, First Lady Michelle Obama wrote:
Padmini —
National and community service has been a cornerstone of my life, as I know it has been for many Americans. And with the daily struggles now confronting so many families, it’s especially important for us to reach out to one another and offer a helping hand.
I’ve just launched United We Serve, a national initiative to tackle our toughest problems by working hand-in-hand in communities across the country. We aim to make a real difference right now and bring more and more Americans into a tradition of life-long service to make an even greater difference down the road.
I’d like to invite you to be a part of it by joining Organizing for America’s National Health Care Day of Service this weekend. You can join up with other local OFA supporters to help improve health care services in your community and make a difference as we work to reform America’s health care system.
Sign up now to participate in a National Health Care Day of Service event this Saturday, June 27th.
There’s an old Thomas Edison quote I’ve always liked: “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” It’s no secret that our country faces some enormous challenges right now, and meeting them will take a lot of hard work. But in that work lies an equally great opportunity — a chance to serve. And I do believe the chance to serve is a precious gift indeed.
Service has played a transformative role in my life — bringing me tremendous joy and helping me find the path that led to where I am today. As a parent, I believe service is a great way to demonstrate values and to teach our children firsthand what it means to commit to a purpose beyond ourselves.
It should be a part of everyone’s life. From the moment someone can walk to the day they leave this planet, service should be a part of how we give back, how we say thank you, how we express our gratitude for the lives that we’ve been given.
So I’m deeply honored for this chance to support our United We Serve initiative and Organizing for America, and I hope you’ll be able to participate this weekend. Please sign up now to volunteer at a local event:
Thank you,
First Lady Michelle Obama
On Fri, Jun 26, 2009 at 6:17 PM, Padmini Arhant wrote:
Dear Michelle,
National Health Care Day of Service organized through ‘United We Serve’ initiated by the Corporation for National and Community Service is indeed a great occasion for every American to get involved in raising awareness as well as being part of the solutions to the national crisis – the citizens’ health.
The concept – ‘Health is Wealth’ should not even be a debate leave alone a contentious issue on the ‘Hill’ right now with the weak, fragile and the physically ailing population across the socio-economic strata desperately requiring healing to the prolonged pain and suffering endured by millions every hour.
Several compelling real experiences shared by thousands of affected citizens deserve action since the embattled health care proposal by President Obama brought to national attention for long overdue legislation.
I have no doubt that every caring American generally known for the generosity with their time and resources across the nation and abroad will respond to community service in any aspect regardless of political affiliations.
I wish the “United We Serve” success in the dedication to humanitarian service.
Thank you for the opportunity to be part of the worthy cause.
Best Wishes
Padmini Arhant
International Event – Education under Attack in Australia
June 4, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
In continuation of the topic on racial attacks against Indian students (from India) in Melbourne, Australia, the incident in the new millennium strikes resemblance to apartheid in South Africa until it became free in 1994.
Australia designated as the industrialized nation, multicultural yet homogenous society…devoid of major ethnic representation in politics, democratic with mandatory voting (the only democratic nation to impose penalty for not voting) and,
A willful participant in all U.S. led major conflicts from Vietnam to Iraq – is a commonwealth nation sworn allegiance to Great Britain’s monarch as the head of the Republic.
The nation from “down under” celebrated bicentennial in 1970 and 1988 to commemorate the permanent white settlement is not a young republic and not new to controversies either.
Source – Wikipedia (The Free encyclopedia) – Thanks
“The bicentenary of Australia was celebrated in 1970 on the 200th anniversary of Captain James Cook landing and claiming the land, and again in 1988 to celebrate 200 years of permanent white settlement.”
Australian history mired with brutal killings of the Aborigines, the original inhabitants of the biggest island on earth and systemic abuse of the indigenous population and culture continues until date.
Sadly, Australia founded as a convict colony by Great Britain that outlawed its own citizens for petty crimes like stealing a straw or a loaf of bread to homicide. Australia essentially served as “Guantanamo Bay” for the then colonial Great Britain well into the early twentieth century. The exhibits tell tales in the notorious Port Arthur prison, a tourist site located at Hobart, Tasmania.
Australia upon becoming republic while maintaining the British Royalty as the head of the state until now embraced White Australia Policy abolished in 1973.
Source – Wikipedia (The Free Encyclopedia) – Thanks
“The White Australia policy stands for the historical policies that intentionally restricted non-white immigration to Australia from 1901 to 1973.”
The xenophobia attributed to – "It is not the bad qualities, but the good qualities of these alien races that make them so dangerous to us. It is their inexhaustible energy, their power of applying themselves to new tasks, their endurance and low standard of living that make them such competitors."
Australia along with its commonwealth partner Canada rejected the trade sanctions against the former Apartheid South Africa and refused to commit to the toughening sanctions proposal by the delegates from Africa, India and Guyana during the Commonwealth Foreign Ministers’ committee on South Africa, in Harare and Canberra in 1989.
Then, the government sponsored Anti-Asian immigration sentiments surfaced (subjecting all nations in the geographical regions of Asia) in mid 1985 – 1989 represented by the former Liberal Prime Minister John Howard as the opposition coalition leader during that time. Mr. Howard wasted no time in pushing Australia to forge alliance with Europe against the viable and pragmatic choice, Asia.
Ironically, in the Australian politics Liberal party represents the conservative view and policy. There are other parties such as labor, democrats, green peace…advocating for social, economic and environmental issues.
On August 31, 2001, the SOS from a Norwegian cargo ship “Tampa” with desperate Afghan refugees comprising mostly children and women aboard rescued from the sinking ferry off the Indonesian shores, rejected by the Australian Prime Minister John Howard with no outcry or uproar from mainstream Australia. Any protests held were predominantly by muslims and other minorities along with the refugees on board seeking relief.
The newly independent and poorest nation, East Timor volunteered to accept refugees and requested the international community to pay for the cause. Again, the offer was declined by Norwegian and Australian government.
Ref: World news –
UN: Australia should take refugees
Australians ignore plea on refugees – The Guardian, Thursday 30 August 2001 08.36 BST
Reflection: – By Padmini Arhant
It’s important for the world community to understand the plight of the Aborigine population with no sign of progress in the twenty first century. The appalling infant mortality combined with the young aborigines dying at alarming rates in police custody from suicides and other controversial treatment is a reality in the remote Australian outback, the permanent settlement allocated for the forbidden indigenous group.
Further, the living conditions for the aborigine is deplorable and conscientiously deprived of basic education, health care and job opportunities. The average life span floats around mid thirties for the fortunate survivors of the harsh existence in the proudly acclaimed land of diversity.
The aborigine status quo prompted the Nobel Peace Laureate, Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa to criticize Australia – “Clean up your own backyard prior to finger pointing at others on human rights” during his visit to the island nation.
Shifting focus on the continuing harassment and violence against student immigrants from India or elsewhere – it is a serious and an embarrassing issue for the country in the forefront to condemn atrocities particularly in the poorest and developing regions of the world.
The media across the board thrives on negative reporting by producing images and events in bad light about the poor and developing nations and cultivates ignorance among the general population.
There is an inherent discriminatory practice against targeted groups within the society and often experienced at work force denying jobs and promotions under the guise of the requirement of “unique Australian expertise” regardless of credentials and experience from advanced nations.
The selective employment process eliminating qualified students and immigrants not barring equal entitlements to anything and everything as taxpayers is suggestive of blatant negligence to care for the segment significantly contributing to the economic growth.
This so-called cultural misunderstanding is a misnomer given the extensive travelling by the average Australians to exotic locations in Asia such as Bali – Indonesia, Phuket – Thailand, Colombo – Sri Lanka and last but not the least destinations in India.
The law enforcement authorities responsible for the protection of citizens and visitors to the country allegedly did not make any arrests in the burgeoning racial attacks in public transport and a particular incident involving the petrol bomb thrown at an Indian student in his residence.
Social behavior of citizens is a collective responsibility and shared by parents, educational system, legal and law enforcement authorities alike with the human life and safety at risk in public areas and privacy of their home. It would be inappropriate for all those crying foul to the call for government intervention given the socialist system in Australia.
The Australian government and educational institutions profiting from the lucrative educational venture have a legal and moral responsibility in ensuring equal humanitarian rights for all in their domain. Australia’s reputation lies in the fair and proper treatment of the temporary and permanent migrants with respect and dignity under humanitarian law.
Australian High Commission in New Delhi, Mumbai and other cities in India has an ethical duty to verify and investigate exploitation and fraudulent claims against their accredited agents hired by them to enroll students in Australian institutions.
In other matter, Australia’s position has been contradictory in more than one respect.
While, proclaiming to be a an environmentalist…Australia is the major exporter of fossil fuel – coal to the leading polluter China and vigorously competing for uranium supply to India and other nations.
Australian landscape is truly a paradise and nature’s best gift to mankind. However, Australian society has failed to meet adequately with the challenges of promoting multiculturalism desperately required for its own survival and sustenance in the competitive global economy.
Nation’s progress rests beyond investment in infrastructure and best reflected in the tolerance of human race.
Hopefully, with the Labor government under the leadership of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
International News and Developments – Education under Attack in Australia
June 3, 2009
By Padmini Arhant
Prelude: The topic will touch base on the human rights violation and much more about the nation from “Down Under” – Australia.
The United States preoccupied in numerous important events unfolding by the hour, international community set their eyes on the much-anticipated speech from the U.S. President Barack Obama in Cairo, Egypt and,
Other industrialized nations engaged in criticizing China on the eve of Tiananmen Square anniversary; similar events involving the brutal racist attacks on Indian students lured to the Australian educational institutions could not compete effectively in the press and media coverage.
As a website committed towards issues generally isolated by the large focus groups in the media and press, a detailed analysis on the appalling incidents concerning Indian students systematically targeted for their ‘skin color’ in the new millennium, twenty first century is attention worthy.
Please stand by for the in-depth coverage on the topic presented shortly.
Meanwhile, please take a moment to review the You-Tube images of the incidents and the victims’ plight in the “socially-advanced” nation in southern hemisphere.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Proposition 8 Results
May 27, 2009
California gone ideological!
The California Supreme Court results upholding Proposition 8 to ban ‘Same Sex Marriage’ received with mixed reaction. Those behind the Prop 8 success were jubilant over the verdict, while the victims of flawed ballot initiative disappointed at the highest judiciary’s ruling against its own decision legalizing “Same Sex Marriage” a year ago.
Society has different forces working for and against various causes. Whenever certain members in the society isolated for reasons considered obviously discriminatory by the fair minds, all avenues explored to gain equality and justice. In this situation, the victims being the gay community relentlessly pursued the legitimate course for their equal rights. The opposition vehemently denied fairness to the segregated members of the society.
The recent developments since the California Supreme Courts’ ruling last year in favor of the issue followed by ballot measures with excessive propaganda particularly by religious institutions yielding marginal victory and subsequent action by the highest court deserve scrutiny.
Even though, the court maintained the earlier decision based on the constitutional law granting equal rights to all citizens regardless of race, religion, gender and sexual orientation, somehow this time, the same court claims the upholding of Proposition 8 initiated with blatant bias and fervent activism against the victims as justification for their backtracking in human rights.
The Proposition 8 mandate on November 4, 2008 was undemocratic and unscrupulous on all accounts. This in itself, demerit the consideration to honor the so-called will of the people by the justices of the California Supreme Court. Therefore, aptly qualifies for an appeal.
Justice is blind but at times ethics and integrity beckons reasoning for sound judgment to protect innocents’ rights. Power accompanied by wisdom and courage demonstrates notable actions.
The decision makers in the judicial system formally trained to follow the rule of law typically set in stones even going back to Stone Age. Unfortunately, such rigidity in the system fails to embrace and acknowledge the transformation via progress in the society. Therefore, creating opportunities for loopholes and pathway leading to an undesirable outcome forcing specific members to remain outcasts in the society as witnessed in the gay community matter.
Clearly, the judicial authorities obligated to the constitution and the will of the people in a democracy effectively shackled in the confines of the law protecting some most of the times, while neglecting the rest during the moment requiring diligence and rationality.
Hence, in the absence of due amendments to the procedures and applicable Bill of Rights, the existing laws do not always conform to the society’s progress. Similarly, the ballot initiatives and special elections misused for political agenda wasting taxpayers’ dollars in a virtually bankrupt economy reflects hypocritical action by those calling for fiscal responsibility and spending cuts hurting the weak and the vulnerable.
They only serve the special interest groups and religious institutions violating the constitution emphasizing the separation of Church and State. Again, one should not ignore the double standards in this context with the entities’ selective demand to the victims to respect the constitution and the rule of law.
Interestingly, the Proposition 8 status quo ruling coincides with President Barack Obama’s announcement of the Supreme Court Nominee for the next Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Judge Sonia Sotomayor. The President’s expectations in his nominee included empathy apart from fidelity to the constitution and the rule of law in reaching decisions affecting human lives. Not surprisingly, the term ‘empathy’ attracted criticisms from those unwilling to think outside the box, in this instance the legal framework.
Today, the Proposition 8 ruling would be honorable upon the judicial system requirement to display empathy where appropriate in addition to the exclusive practice of law. A legal system that strictly adheres to ‘Text Books’ theory is contradictory to a society subscribing to pragmatism as genesis for new era culture.
As for the far right and the ultra conservative nexus celebrating victory over injustice to the targeted group of people, it’s time to rescue them from their own shortcomings with a subtle reminder that nothing is permanent in the eternal cycle of natural changes. Needless to state the once majority rule is down to a bare minority with representation threatened at every level of political system. Possibly, confirming the reality in 2010 gubernatorial election in California.
Ironically, in the President’s choice of the Supreme Court Nominee, Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s personal and professional biography diagnosed and the New Haven, Connecticut firefighters’ matter brought forward as reverse discrimination and condemned by the moralists. Meanwhile, rejoicing the short-lived Prop 8 event inevitably to triumph in the immediate future.
In the case of the New Haven firefighters subject to verification of facts, discriminatory practices against individuals or groups regardless of them being the majority or minority better abandoned in recognition of equal rights for all and promotion based on meritocracy rather than reparation related to history will be in society’s best interest.
The religious segment on their part played a dominant role financing the favorable voting on Proposition 8. These groups under the guise of non-profit organizations violated the IRS code explicitly prohibiting political activities. Their negative propagation against “God’s beloved children” is unconscionable in spiritual and ethical sense. Deeds causing pain and agony to other human beings carried out in the name of religion or the representative are equivalent to sacrilegious in the highest order.
Using religion as a tool to promote inequality and injustice is the present norm and the prevalence attributed to ignorance of the laws of nature and general creation. Perhaps, the following message could be a revelation to all those conspicuously against the children of god, the gay community –
Homosexuality is natural with scientific evidence and not experimental as admitted by some heterosexuals since time immemorial. Homosexuality stigmatized as an epidemic and moral degradation of societal conduct, when religious scandals involving young children continue until date.
The intriguing aspect of the morality issue is the “people in glass houses casting rocks at others.”
Those religious institutions proclaiming ‘Epiphany’ and declaring homosexuality a preference rather than a unique orientation in the wide spectrum of natural diversity, owe explanation towards accepting variation in environmental species with a spectacular range in fauna and flora yet rejecting distinction in human species.
It’s tragic and an assault on human intellect by extreme ideologues to portray all loving and peaceful creator, the authority on malicious intervention in natural course of action.
Furthermore, it is twenty first century and United States, the modern democracy having engaged in democratization of regions with complex cultural heritage and inherent inequalities has a primary responsibility in setting an example of providing unconditional equal rights, privileges and justice to citizens from all lifestyles. Failure in doing so raises credibility issue for the nation regarded as the leader of the free world.
United States’ diversity and social progress truly reflected in the justice system following the constitution based on inclusive not exclusive rights.
Gay community as the children of God is an integral part of the society and “Same Sex Marriage” is their civil and constitutional right and unequivocally proven in the next and final legal battle in California.
Society fair well when all things are equal.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Humanitarian Call
March 3, 2009
In the tough economy, charities and humanitarian groups are worst hit and struggling to raise funds for various causes. Their relentless effort to reach out to millions at home and around the world is admirable despite sharp decline in donations from ordinary people willing to participate but unable to do so in these difficult times.
Each one of us could make a difference with whatever affordable to the less fortunate and those deserving inspiration to meet with challenges in life.
I request all generous citizens to spare time and share limited resources at our disposal to help charities engaged to promote spirit of living against all odds.
There are many charity organizations praiseworthy and I list some of them to raise awareness of their service to humanity.
Your generosity will serve many aspiring athletes, children deprived of any future and adults incapacitated due to debilitating illnesses.
Let us not forget our fellow citizens at home and around the world.
Your time and donations deeply appreciated now and in the future.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Special Olympics – 2009 Annual Fund –
If you decide to make any donations, please mail payments to;
Special Olympics Northern California
3480 Buskirk Avenue, Suite 340
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Accredited by Special Olympics, Inc.
Important: Your gift may be doubled if your employer has a matching gift program. Please see your Human Resources Department today.
2. International Rescue Committee – Mr. Tom Brokaw (Reputable and well respected journalist and NBC Host)
among the Board of Overseers.
Why is it important? In Mr. Brokaw’s words —
"If I seem to be writing about the IRC in very personal terms, there is a reason. You see, the Brokaw family has a long history with this remarkable organization. It dates from my daughter’s work in Europe helping refugees from Soviet oppression to her six months in Pakistan, providing health care to Afghani women during the Soviet occupation.
Jennifer saw this legendary organization from the inside and impressed on the rest of our family the importance of the IRC’s work. So when I was given the opportunity to take on a new role with the IRC, I quickly agreed. Jennifer’s engagement with the IRC has continued as well. A highly-skilled physician, she was a member of the IRC emergency response team dispatched to Louisiana in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
Because it operates in 42 countries around the world, the reach and scope of the IRC’s work is quite dramatic. But, at the end of the day, it all comes down to individual people getting the help they need when it matters most.
Helping the IRC is about reaching out to a child in a crowded refugee camp who, along with her mother, fled Darfur when armed men burned and attacked their village."
For further information: Please visit – International Rescue Committee.
Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Mailing address: International Rescue Committee, P.O.Box 98152, Washington DC 20077-7355.
3. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, P.O.Box 50, Memphis, TN 38101-9929
Many children are living after traumatic and agonizing illnesses like cancer through chemotherapy, radiation and bone marrow transplants at this center.
4. Easter Seals, San Jose/San Mateo Region, P.O.Box 611840, San Jose, CA 95161-1840
Easter Seals is involved in helping all people with severe disabilities to gain independence.
Again, if you wish to make payments, please make check payable to Easter Seals.
5. Feed The Children, P.O.Box 36, Oklahoma City OK 73101-9989, Tel.# (405) 942-0228
Engaged in helping American families receiving pink slips instead of paychecks at this time.
OP-Ed Impact of Military Arsenal on Children
February 19, 2009
From: Kanish
How does the war impact young minds?
A teenager’s viewpoint regarding an article by New York Times and concerns about the real victims of war – Children, the future of the world.
The article that goes along with this picture talks about how the death toll in Afghanistan has risen by over forty percent in 2008.
One specific example reported on a man named Syed Mohammed, who’s entire family was slaughtered by American and Afghan soldiers. He went next door to his son’s house, only to find that the only survivor in his entire son’s family was his four year-old grandson, Zarqawi.
In another case, an American AC-130 gunship, which is a plane armed with several deadly explosive rounds as well as a gatling cannon, attacked a suspected Taliban building, killing more than 90 people. Mohammed Amin Kadimi, age 47, was pushing a wheelbarrow through a city street, looking for work.
A young man approached him carrying a paper bag weighing about ten pounds. He asked him to carry the bag to Pul-e-Khesti, a nearby neighborhood. After some time walking, Mr. Kadimi noticed that the young man was no longer behind him. The bag then exploded, blasting Mr. Kadimi away, mangling his right leg and severing his left one. He now sits on a city street, selling phone cards. He wonders why he was chosen as a target.
Marai, age 7, was blinded in one eye from shrapnel during fighting between the Taliban and NATO troops.
Renew America Together
January 19, 2009
Today is an important day as we commemorate the outstanding contribution of the civil rights leader and icon of peace DR. Martin Luther King Jr.
Dr. King remembered as a trailblazer with his dream to transcend race that has long been an impediment for social, economic and political progress. This year is particularly significant, due to the long awaited promise of America scheduled for delivery upon swearing in of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama to the office of Presidency on January 20, 2009.
Dr. King’s legacy span across the spectrum and focused on unity, equal rights and opportunities for all. Seldom, nations have sons like Dr. King to lay their life in pledge of support for humanity. It is truly an honor to be part of the nation with a hero like Dr. King paving the path for those human beings deprived of civil liberties and daring them to rise to the occasion.
If Dr. King were to be present today though he lives among us in spirit, the remarkable speech about his dream for a United America turning into reality with a bright and promising new President Barack Obama will serve as living testimony that change does not occur unless brought upon collectively.
As a nation, we ought to be proud of the great achievement with the election of the new President Barack Obama. Although, a milestone reached after several decades, there are still enormous tasks ahead in resolving racial prejudice, economic prosperity and social justice for those struggling at the bottom of the demographic data.
Dr. King is the beacon of light to courageously expel darkness in human minds that segregated one another, polarized the society and marginalized selective members of the human race. It is evident from history that freedom and equality for all comes with sacrifices by few and serve as the cornerstone for further developments in the future.
It is imperative now to get involved in activities for the common goal granting identical rights and privileges for all. We all have certain responsibilities as citizens and acknowledging them as the primary objective guaranteed to bear fruits for a better future.
Dr. King eloquently stated,
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”
As much as there are unprecedented challenges and crisis ahead, we have brilliant prospects with the new Presidency of Barack Obama and Vice President Jo e Biden.
Deep in our heart, we believe that we shall overcome the trials and tribulations as a unified force of the human race representing the great United States.
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant
Heal the world with free medicine
December 5, 2008
There are people around the world who face extreme adversity and oppression.
They think only of survival. These people have almost nothing to live for, and yet they live. Their will is their strongest asset.
Their goal is simply to live. One wonders why they have such simple or straightforward goals.
Maybe it is because they cannot dream of anything more.
Despite crippling disease, widespread poverty, and lawlessness, they push themselves to exist.
Some of the privileged people in the world care to help them, but most would simply turn a blind eye.
My goal is to help those people; the ones whom the world castes away like decomposed food.
My ultimate goal is to build a large chain of free hospitals around the world, so that those who are always on the short end of the stick can still get treatment for some of the chronic diseases.
I am quite aware that this chain of hospital will be a heavy financial burden in itself, but the needs of the many should come before the needs of the one.
When I was young, I thought everyone in the world was the same.
I believed that we all had a place we could call home, a mother and a father, a good education.
I thought every child had a warm bed to sleep in and could wake up to a bright new day.
I thought the worst ailment you could possibly endure was a cold, and one sip of Tylenol would make it all better.
Sadly, I now know the world is a much darker place.
There are areas of the world where a ‘doctor’ is a mythical being said to descend upon mortals with a healing light.
These areas are some of the most impoverished places on Earth; places where a young girl must work twenty hours a day to bring her family one loaf of bread;
Where a boy must wake up early every morning to make sure his sister is still there.
In a place like this, the streets speak volumes about the dire situation of its inhabitants.
Here, people with Polio feel like an outcast, afraid to make contact with anyone else.
Having just one free hospital in a place like this would drastically alter the conditions of the area, and the social behavior.
Obviously, I cannot run this hospital alone. I will need an armada of people whose selflessness transcends their narcissism.
Their work will be mostly volunteered; this is why they need to understand my cause, so that they know what they are investing their time in.
The hospitals will be built all around the world, offering any kind of treatment needed.
Any person will be able to walk in and get treated, free of charge.
I can only hope the world is as willing to help itself as I am.
Thank you.
Kanish Arhant-Sudhir
A Mother’s plea for justice
December 3, 2008
It is a fact that Truth is always the casualty in war and election.
The Iraq war is no exception to that reality.
Iraq war is a concoction of truth, lies, deception, betrayal, promise, deceit, turmoil, chaos and catastrophe with a possible glimpse of hope in the horizon.
The prosecutors of war are all safe because they conscientiously carried out their duty in the comfort zone of Washington as legislators and representatives of their constituency by authorizing the illegal invasion of Iraq.
Despite being the signatory to a well masqueraded mission that is partially responsible for our current economic recession…
Some legislators were fortunate enough to aim for the highest office on land in the recent Presidential election.
While, others even managed to secure prime positions in the new administration as a reward for their judgment or the lack thereof in sponsoring the ill-scripted wild adventure with special effects titled “Shock and Awe ” not barring mature content like “Abu Ghraib” -Kodak moments.
How did it affect the foot soldiers often, the scapegoats of such operation authorized and executed by the executive and the legislative branch in Washington?
Let us review the chilling facts presented by a traumatized mother, terrified young bride and an innocent, beautiful baby unbeknownst to the uncertainties ahead in her life.
Given the length and volume of this material, please refer to the following blogpost "The Republic’s Verdict" for detailed analysis and further comments.
Meanwhile, please take a moment and read the letter from the distressed family to help you decide whether you want to make any donations towards the legal crisis, they are currently dealing with.
If you choose to make any donations, please send them to:
Help Marine Sergeant Larry Hutchins Legal Fund
United American Patriots, P.O.Box 96565, Washington D.C. 20090-6565
Thank you.
Padmini Arhant