The Irony of Equal Rights

November 12, 2008

The reason for my involvement in a political campaign of this magnitude — the Presidential race 2008, was to convey the message that United States is a nation of immigrants and democracy is truly represented when individual rights of every citizen is honored and valued in true spirit.

While it is a great moment in history to realize the dream of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,

Whose sacrifice is symbolized with the election of the first African American candidate as the 44th President of the United States in 2008,

It is unequivocally demoralizing to note the outcome of the Vote for Proposition 8 banning “Gay Marriage” and,

The failure of “Touch-Screen machines for disabled voters”  in the California ballot and elsewhere —

(Ref. San Jose Mercury News, Thursday, November 6, 2008 Section 2B, by Karen de Sá ).

Like stated earlier, when individuals exercise authority with the voting power in the denial of civil and human rights as demonstrated in the two most tragic results, it is a sad day for democracy.

Nevertheless, my message to all my dear friends and fellow citizens in the gay community and the disabled voters is…

You never quit a half won battle, even if the opposition appears to be strong and forceful in rhetoric but fragile in essence.

It is noteworthy that, this mandate on Gay marriage was bargained in monetary terms by the religious institutions with highly questionable ethics and conduct especially against young children i.e. girls and boys alike.

Such mandate should be challenged again in the court of law for the constitutional and civil rights of all citizens to prevail in the land of justice, that is the United States of America.

Further, much to the dismay of the opposing religious order — this challenge is being remanded with the blessing of the same “Almighty God” inappropriately referenced in the debate as the shield for their orthodox and hypocritical philosophy.

Any democracy is active when disfranchisement of one by another is discarded for common good of all.

Otherwise, it is not a democracy, it is a hypocrisy.

Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

Vote No to Proposition 8

October 26, 2008

There are many issues on the ballot in California that concerns life in general.

Among them, the contentious issue has been the Proposition 8.

What is Proposition 8? – Thank you.

“Fact: Prop 8 is simple: it eliminates the rights for same-sex couples to marry. Prop 8 would deny equal protections and write discrimination against one group of people—lesbian and gay people—into our state constitution.”

In simple terms, Proposition 8 is a State Constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.

The Separation of Church and State in the Constitution clearly defines the role of State and the jurisdiction within.

Simultaneously, the religious institutions like Church have a specified function as the non-profit organizations with tax-exempt status.

Although, it appears from the news articles… that Church functions beyond its jurisdiction and exercise liberty on moral issues.

By taking advantage of the ambiguity in the IRS code for tax-exempt status, Churches donate money to a ballot initiative like Proposition 8 without endangering status-quo.

However, the IRS restriction applies to any major activities by the Church in the legislation.

Since, the Church is involved in this particular issue, it deems right to highlight the fact that,

“God created all equal.”

Every one of us regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation and socio-economic background are entitled to the same rights, privileges and benefits in a democratic society as well as from the religious standpoint represented by God.

It is presumptuous to perpetrate such inhumane, unethical and undemocratic treatment towards gay and lesbian people, who are also beloved children of God.

The discriminatory practice is a human analogy to enforce one’s own orthodox in the name of religion.

It would be inappropriate to reference God in this equation.

If the reason behind such activities to ban same-sex marriage were from the preconceived notion,

That it would negatively influence young minds then,

All those religious institutions have adequate work to do within their own premise…

As children been the victims of highly immoral conduct by the religious order since the birth of religions.

To quote the article in San Jose Mercury News, October 25, 2008 – Thank you.

The Rev. Rick Mixon, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Palo Alto has eloquently summarized the solution to the vigorously debated issue of Prop 8:

Pastor Mixon said —

“The state should protect civil rights and civil contracts like marriage, while the church should be blessing and supporting all manner of loving relationships and families.

He further added –

“I just said, “Where would Jesus be on this?”

“It’s pretty clear to me where he’d be. He’d be in support of anybody who was trying to create loving, caring, compassionate relationships.”

The Gospel Truth delivered.

Prior to being judgmental, it is important for all human beings to view from the opposite angle for a rational thought, as human tendency is to love thyself before friends and neighbors.

The gay community deserves respect, love and honor.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. The article titled “Separation of Church and State” featured under Spiritualism category in , strictly relates to the theme “references to God in the public square”. The presentation is not for others to misinterpret or distort the message to convey their viewpoint to Vote for Prop 8 or other issues.

Vote No to Proposition 8

October 26, 2008

There are many issues on the ballot in California that concerns life in general.

Among them, the contentious issue has been the Proposition 8.

What is Proposition 8? – Thank you.

“Fact: Prop 8 is simple: it eliminates the rights for same-sex couples to marry. Prop 8 would deny equal protections and write discrimination against one group of people—lesbian and gay people—into our state constitution.”

In simple terms, Proposition 8 is a State Constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.

The Separation of Church and State in the Constitution clearly defines the role of State and the jurisdiction within.

Simultaneously, the religious institutions like Church have a specified function as the non-profit organizations with tax-exempt status.

Although, it appears from the news articles… that Church functions beyond its jurisdiction and exercise liberty on moral issues.

By taking advantage of the ambiguity in the IRS code for tax-exempt status, Churches donate money to a ballot initiative like Proposition 8 without endangering status-quo.

However, the IRS restriction applies to any major activities by the Church in the legislation.

Since, the Church is involved in this particular issue, it deems right to highlight the fact that,

“God created all equal.”

Every one of us regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation and socio-economic background are entitled to the same rights, privileges and benefits in a democratic society as well as from the religious standpoint represented by God.

It is presumptuous to perpetrate such inhumane, unethical and undemocratic treatment towards gay and lesbian people, who are also beloved children of God.

The discriminatory practice is a human analogy to enforce one’s own orthodox in the name of religion.

It would be inappropriate to reference God in this equation.

If the reason behind such activities to ban same-sex marriage were from the preconceived notion,

That it would negatively influence young minds then,

All those religious institutions have adequate work to do within their own premise…

As children been the victims of highly immoral conduct by the religious order since the birth of religions.

To quote the article in San Jose Mercury News, October 25, 2008 – Thank you.

The Rev. Rick Mixon, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Palo Alto has eloquently summarized the solution to the vigorously debated issue of Prop 8:

Pastor Mixon said —

“The state should protect civil rights and civil contracts like marriage, while the church should be blessing and supporting all manner of loving relationships and families.

He further added –

“I just said, “Where would Jesus be on this?”

“It’s pretty clear to me where he’d be. He’d be in support of anybody who was trying to create loving, caring, compassionate relationships.”

The Gospel Truth delivered.

Prior to being judgmental, it is important for all human beings to view from the opposite angle for a rational thought, as human tendency is to love thyself before friends and neighbors.

The gay community deserves respect, love and honor.


Thank you.

Padmini Arhant

P.S. The article titled “Separation of Church and State” featured under Spiritualism category in , strictly relates to the theme “references to God in the public square”. The presentation is not for others to misinterpret or distort the message to convey their viewpoint to Vote for Prop 8 or other issues.

Why is Peace rejected by the World?

September 27, 2008

How does the young mind view the world?

Author – Kanish Arhant-Sudhir

Why Is Peace Rejected By The World?

A. Everyday, when people are asked about contributing to peace or thinking peacefully, they simply
brush it aside and move on.

B. More people should be concerned about peace, and what they can do to advocate it.

C. Hopefully, this paper will explain why peace is a dying matter in this world, and what can be done
to save it.

D. The purpose of this paper is to help guide people away from stress, greed, and laziness, teaching
them about great people such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Dr. Martin Luther King, and
acting for peace and envisioning a better world for all.

First, many people leave advocating peace out of their lives because of too much stress.

1. Business Stress –


2. Home Stress –

When they ‘disagree’

3. Academic Stress –

Next, there are people in the world who think they don’t have time to give thought to
peace, because the second they look away, they might lose a good client or a positive
monetary opportunity.

4. Money

5. Business-oriented
Job contracts
real estate contracts
having a good job
hiring someone ideal

Further, contrasting to stress some people are just too lazy to be concerned about peace, because they simply do not think peace is a burning issue in our world.


Peace is a better alternative to “war” and the world will be a better place if we all could pause and reflect on the “pros” and “cons” of “Peace and War” – Padmini Arhant


August 15, 2008

By Padmini Arhant

Race is a contentious matter. Hence thoughts are presented in this blog – an innovative medium to express views and comments.

Cyberspace is a platform where the voiceless can have a voice or be heard through someone on their behalf on any issue.

It is not necessary to go through the Red Tape or be newsworthy to be a news item in the prominent media and print press. There is no requirement to be part of any influential circle either.

An average citizen with internet access can state an opinion or recount an experience that is relevant to all or none. It has unequivocally revolutionized communication in the new millennium.

Mankind Giant Leap in this regard is poignant.

However, have we made progress in human relations?

Why is it difficult for the most intelligent species in the animal kingdom hierarchy to co-exist in harmony and accept one another as human beings first and then anything next?

We have been gifted with the discriminatory power. Unfortunately, it is being used effectively for negative purpose than otherwise.

It is believed that ‘God created all equal.’

Do we all think like the creator?

Perhaps then the status quo would be delightfully different.

Since evolution several battles and wars have been fought over land, wealth, resources…with the ulterior motive being Power and dominance of one segment over another.

The global dire situation is attributed to human quest for endless needs at other inhabitants’ peril. Human suffering along with several species extinction are caused by environment abuse and largely recognized as greed.

Historically people in general are stigmatized and victimized by fellow human beings.

We are living in an imperfect world – Yet there is a desperate search for perfection among humans.

People come in all shapes and sizes notwithstanding variation in skin pigmentation – the acknowledgment on the unique genetic composition could promote higher tolerance.

Will this world be an exciting place as it is now in the absence of such diversity around us in all aspects?

It is evident in human history that a secular and diverse society achievements are substantial compared to a homogeneous society.

The collective talent available in the heterogeneous society is a formidable challenge for those against the concept.

There could be no better example than the United States having triumphed the trials and tribulations of homogeneous vs. heterogeneous society.

This great nation’s phenomenal success in every field is the result of the cosmopolitan intellectual talent and varied skills maintained since origin.

It is a country that set precedence in modern times for other nations to embrace multiculturalism and secularism as a milestone for humanitarian progress.

Then why is race a sensitive topic to discuss?

Can discriminatory practice towards human beings be ever eliminated in any society?

If that happens, it will be Utopia. Why seek heaven or paradise?

Nonetheless there is hope considering that goodness still exists in the paradoxical universe.

The racial and cultural diversity is complex for it presents prospects and problems in every domain.

The world will be peaceful and prosperous if people could receive one another as the member of the human race.

Importantly rather than detecting flaws in others it would be wise to acknowledge one’s own shortcomings that every individual possess at some level regardless of their identity.

Introspection is self-cleansing and a natural process to develop empathy.

Should the entire race and culture be held responsible and vilified for an individual or a group of individuals’ action or behavior?

Regrettably, human tendency to analyze others based on predisposed views and speculations is not uncommon creating obstacles in relationships.

Then what about nobility demonstrated by human beings of a particular sect that is targeted for any wrong doing?

Should society ignore the positive contributions of these individuals even if they are presumed a minority?

There is no particular race or culture that is spared about anything in the contemporary society.

We can overcome prejudice only if human beings can alienate themselves from the qualities and characteristics that allow conflict over compassion, caring and consideration for others.

It is up to mankind to practice goodness for pervasive happiness.

There could be no better legacy than virtuous deeds that would benefit all.

The truth is – despite tremendous accomplishments in science and technology,

Mortality is certain and no one is assured eternal life on earth.

The other reality being when we all bleed; the color of the blood is the same no matter who we are!

These facts prove the theory that ‘all are created equal.’

Thank you.



August 15, 2008

Vadim said…

I feel the same way about Obama . You neglected to mention his shifting stance towards Israel (perhaps it’s not your issue).  He’s been pro-Israel from the start.

FISA was the last straw for me. I’m going to vote third party unless he revokes his support for the bill:

I’m in Illinois so it likely won’t make a difference but I’m too disillusioned with Obama at this point to do otherwise.

August 14, 2008 1:44 PM

Padmini Arhant said…

Hi Vadim,

Thank you for your comment.

Palestinian issue is a humanitarian issue.

I have raised my concerns recently in public regarding human rights violation and the challenges faced by Palestinian population for more than half a century now.

I see no difference between a Palestinian Mother or any Mother’s grief stricken images in a conflict that could be resolved only when those responsible for the suffering treat victims as human beings first and then anything next.

Giving birth to life is the most arduous and joyous journey for a mother. The aspiration to raise a child in a free and secure world and provide basic to affordable comforts is a common dream of any parents.

The  sources behind violence fail to realize that they too have been gifted with life by a mother who is rewarded with a second chance to live during childbirth despite modern medicine and technology.

Every life is precious and should matter.

When I see a child in West Bank & Gaza, Tibet, Burma, Sri Lankan Tamils or Darfur and indigenous people suffering and yearning for freedom, I see beyond their ethnicity. I see the human pain and agony. The hopelessness in their eyes that darkness will never be expelled and yet forcing a smile for the international press coverage on the carnage and destruction of their lives.

I have mentioned on numerous occasions in my blogs throughout the Democratic Primary Election about the Palestinian plight  and the importance for international support and action to restore human rights and dignity for the Palestinian People and others mentioned above.

The international community must work harder to bring about peace and stability in the Middle East and possible only  upon ending western and regional alliance sponsored terrorism, weapons supply and military intervention.

My website to be uploaded and active from August 19th, 2008 has Humanitarian header dedicated to human rights issues concerning all human beings on earth.

I have sincere and genuine concern for citizens deprived of basic human rights and liberty to think and express as well as those struggling to establish a place they could call home like in the case of Palestinians.

Once again, your thoughts are much appreciated.


Padmini Arhant

August 15, 2008 5:57 PM


The Nation Salutes our Heroes

July 21, 2008

Dear America,

On Memorial Day and every day, it is the duty of every “free” individual to think about the veterans and thank the brave young men and women volunteered to lay their life for the freedom of their fellow citizens at home and around the world.

The families of these veterans deserve not only praise but immediate attention for survival with respect and dignity. It is a tragedy that these veterans are left dependent on charity upon arrival at home especially after their huge sacrifices for the nation and the world population subject to oppression and persecution.

While these noble servicemen and women do their part in serving the nation, it is the duty of the nation in return to honor the “Fallen Heroes” and pay tribute to the wounded and all those brave hearts guarding our borders and challenging the forces in the frontline of the battlefield.

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The hypocrisy of racism: Why is “race” a hot button issue?

June 25, 2008

Cyberspace is a platform where the voiceless can have a voice or be heard through someone on their behalf on issues related to mankind and everything else. It is not necessary to go through the “Red Tape” or be newsworthy to be a “news item” in the prominent media and print press. There is no requirement to be part of any “influential circle” either!
An average citizen with an “internet” access can express an opinion or recount an experience that is relevant to all or none. The “Giant Leap” by mankind in every field is truly admirable.
People across the globe share their thoughts and experience via “blog”, an innovative medium for expression of views and comments that has revolutionized communication in the modern era.
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